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muonCustomsPreMixing Namespace Reference


def csc_PathVsModule_SanityCheck
def customise_csc_cond_ungangedME11A_mc
def customise_csc_Digitizer
def customise_csc_DQM
def customise_csc_Geometry
def customise_csc_hlt
def customise_csc_Indexing
def customise_csc_L1Emulator
def customise_csc_L1Extra_allsim
def customise_csc_L1Stubs
def customise_csc_L1TrackFinder
def customise_csc_LocalReco
def customise_csc_Packer
def customise_csc_PostLS1
def customise_csc_Unpacker
def customise_csc_Validation
def digitizer_timing_pre3_median
def remove_from_all_paths
def unganged_me1a_geometry

Function Documentation

def muonCustomsPreMixing.csc_PathVsModule_SanityCheck (   process)
A sanity check to make sure that standard cmsDriver paths 
have modules with expected names. If some paths would not have
expected modules, the procedure would only print WARNINGs.

Definition at line 86 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

87 def csc_PathVsModule_SanityCheck(process):
88  """A sanity check to make sure that standard cmsDriver paths
89  have modules with expected names. If some paths would not have
90  expected modules, the procedure would only print WARNINGs.
91  """
92  # list of (pathName, expected moduleName) tuples:
93  paths_modules = [
94  ('digitisation_step', 'simMuonCSCDigis'),
95  ('L1simulation_step', 'simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis'),
96  ('L1simulation_step', 'simCsctfTrackDigis'),
97  ('raw2digi_step', 'muonCSCDigis'),
98  ('raw2digi_step', 'csctfDigis'),
99  ('digi2raw_step', 'cscpacker'),
100  ('digi2raw_step', 'csctfpacker'),
101  ('reconstruction', 'csc2DRecHits'),
102  ('dqmoffline_step', 'muonAnalyzer'),
103  #('dqmHarvesting', ''),
104  ('validation_step', 'relvalMuonBits')
105  ]
106  # verify:
107  for path_name, module_name in paths_modules:
108  if hasattr(process, path_name) and not hasattr(process, module_name):
109  print "WARNING: module %s is not in %s path!!!" % (module_name, path_name)
110  print " This path has the following modules:"
111  print " ", getattr(process, path_name).moduleNames(),"\n"
114 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_cond_ungangedME11A_mc (   process)
Pick up upgrade condions data directly from DB tags using ESPrefer's.
Might be useful when dealing with a global tag that doesn't include 
'unganged' CSC conditions.

Definition at line 33 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

35  """ Pick up upgrade condions data directly from DB tags using ESPrefer's.
36  Might be useful when dealing with a global tag that doesn't include
37  'unganged' CSC conditions.
38  """
39  myconds = [
40  ('CSCDBGainsRcd', 'CSCDBGains_ungangedME11A_mc'),
41  ('CSCDBNoiseMatrixRcd', 'CSCDBNoiseMatrix_ungangedME11A_mc'),
42  ('CSCDBCrosstalkRcd', 'CSCDBCrosstalk_ungangedME11A_mc'),
43  ('CSCDBPedestalsRcd', 'CSCDBPedestals_ungangedME11A_mc'),
44  ('CSCDBGasGainCorrectionRcd', 'CSCDBGasGainCorrection_ungangedME11A_mc'),
45  ('CSCDBChipSpeedCorrectionRcd', 'CSCDBChipSpeedCorrection_ungangedME11A_mc')
46  ]
49  for (classname, tag) in myconds:
50  print classname, tag
51  sourcename = 'unganged_' + classname
52  process.__setattr__(sourcename, cscConditions.clone())
53  process.__getattribute__(sourcename).toGet = cms.VPSet( cms.PSet( record = cms.string(classname), tag = cms.string(tag)) )
54  process.__getattribute__(sourcename).connect = cms.string('frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_CSC_000')
55  process.__setattr__('esp_' + classname, cms.ESPrefer("PoolDBESSource", sourcename) )
57  del cscConditions
59  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_Digitizer (   process)
Customise CSC digitization to use unganged ME1/a channels

Definition at line 122 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References customise_csc_Indexing(), and digitizer_timing_pre3_median().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

123 def customise_csc_Digitizer(process):
124  """Customise CSC digitization to use unganged ME1/a channels
125  """
126  process = customise_csc_Indexing(process)
127  process = digitizer_timing_pre3_median(process)
128  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_DQM (   process)
At this point: get rid of process.muonAnalyzer, adjust cscMonitor's input

Definition at line 223 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References remove_from_all_paths().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

224 def customise_csc_DQM(process):
225  """At this point: get rid of process.muonAnalyzer, adjust cscMonitor's input
226  """
227  process = remove_from_all_paths(process, 'muonAnalyzer')
229  process.cscMonitor.clctDigiTag = cms.InputTag("simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis")
230  process.cscMonitor.stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("mixData", "MuonCSCStripDigisDM")
231  process.cscMonitor.wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("mixData", "MuonCSCWireDigisDM")
232  process.cscMonitor.alctDigiTag = cms.InputTag("simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis")
234  process.l1tCsctf.statusProducer=cms.InputTag("null")
235  process.l1tCsctf.lctProducer=cms.InputTag("null")
236  process.l1tCsctf.trackProducer=cms.InputTag("null")
237  process.l1tCsctf.mbProducer=cms.InputTag("null")
239  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_Geometry (   process)
Customise digi/reco geometry to use unganged ME1/a channels

Definition at line 115 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References unganged_me1a_geometry().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

116 def customise_csc_Geometry(process):
117  """Customise digi/reco geometry to use unganged ME1/a channels
118  """
119  process = unganged_me1a_geometry(process)
120  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_hlt (   process)

Definition at line 295 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

296 def customise_csc_hlt(process):
298  process.CSCGeometryESModule.useGangedStripsInME1a = False
300  process.hltCsc2DRecHits.readBadChannels = cms.bool(False)
301  process.hltCsc2DRecHits.CSCUseGasGainCorrection = cms.bool(False)
303  # Switch input for CSCRecHitD to s i m u l a t e d (and Mixed!) digis
305  process.hltCsc2DRecHits.wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("mixData","MuonCSCWireDigisDM")
306  process.hltCsc2DRecHits.stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("mixData","MuonCSCStripDigisDM")
308  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_Indexing (   process)
Settings for the upgrade raw vs offline condition channel translation

Definition at line 61 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

Referenced by customise_csc_Digitizer(), customise_csc_L1Stubs(), and customise_csc_LocalReco().

62 def customise_csc_Indexing(process):
63  """Settings for the upgrade raw vs offline condition channel translation
64  """
65  process.CSCIndexerESProducer.AlgoName=cms.string("CSCIndexerPostls1")
66  process.CSCChannelMapperESProducer.AlgoName=cms.string("CSCChannelMapperPostls1")
67  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_L1Emulator (   process)
Customise both stubs and TF emulators

Definition at line 157 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References customise_csc_L1Stubs(), and customise_csc_L1TrackFinder().

158 def customise_csc_L1Emulator(process):
159  """Customise both stubs and TF emulators
160  """
161  process = customise_csc_L1Stubs(process)
162  process = customise_csc_L1TrackFinder(process)
163  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_L1Extra_allsim (   process)
Adjust L1Extra producer's input tags for the use case
when we want to run L1Extra without packing-unpacking first

Definition at line 181 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

182 def customise_csc_L1Extra_allsim(process):
183  """Adjust L1Extra producer's input tags for the use case
184  when we want to run L1Extra without packing-unpacking first
185  """
186  l1ep = process.l1extraParticles
187  #l1ep.centralBxOnly = cms.bool(True)
188  #l1ep.produceMuonParticles = cms.bool(True)
189  #l1ep.produceCaloParticles = cms.bool(False)
190  #l1ep.ignoreHtMiss = cms.bool(False)
191  l1ep.muonSource = cms.InputTag('simGmtDigis')
192  l1ep.etTotalSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis')
193  l1ep.nonIsolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis', 'nonIsoEm')
194  l1ep.etMissSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis')
195  l1ep.forwardJetSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis', 'forJets')
196  l1ep.centralJetSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis', 'cenJets')
197  l1ep.tauJetSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis', 'tauJets')
198  l1ep.isolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis', 'isoEm')
199  l1ep.etHadSource = cms.InputTag('simGctDigis')
200  l1ep.htMissSource = cms.InputTag("simGctDigis")
201  l1ep.hfRingEtSumsSource = cms.InputTag("simGctDigis")
202  l1ep.hfRingBitCountsSource = cms.InputTag("simGctDigis")
203  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_L1Stubs (   process)
Configure the local CSC trigger stubs emulator with the upgrade 
algorithm version that efficiently uses unganged ME1a

Definition at line 130 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References customise_csc_Indexing().

Referenced by customise_csc_L1Emulator(), and customise_csc_PostLS1().

131 def customise_csc_L1Stubs(process):
132  """Configure the local CSC trigger stubs emulator with the upgrade
133  algorithm version that efficiently uses unganged ME1a
134  """
136  process = customise_csc_Indexing(process)
138  from L1Trigger.CSCTriggerPrimitives.cscTriggerPrimitiveDigisPostLS1_cfi import cscTriggerPrimitiveDigisPostLS1
139  process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis = cscTriggerPrimitiveDigisPostLS1
140  process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCComparatorDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'mixData', 'MuonCSCComparatorDigisDM')
141  process.simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis.CSCWireDigiProducer = cms.InputTag( 'mixData', 'MuonCSCWireDigisDM')
143  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_L1TrackFinder (   process)
Regular CSCTF configuration adapted to deal with unganged ME1a

Definition at line 145 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

Referenced by customise_csc_L1Emulator(), and customise_csc_PostLS1().

146 def customise_csc_L1TrackFinder(process):
147  """Regular CSCTF configuration adapted to deal with unganged ME1a
148  """
150  from L1Trigger.CSCTrackFinder.csctfTrackDigisUngangedME1a_cfi import csctfTrackDigisUngangedME1a
151  process.simCsctfTrackDigis = csctfTrackDigisUngangedME1a
152  process.simCsctfTrackDigis.DTproducer = cms.untracked.InputTag("simDtTriggerPrimitiveDigis")
153  process.simCsctfTrackDigis.SectorReceiverInput = cms.untracked.InputTag("simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis", "MPCSORTED")
155  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_LocalReco (   process)
Configure the CSC rechit producer 
to handle unganged ME1a for upgrade studies

Definition at line 205 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References customise_csc_Indexing().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

206 def customise_csc_LocalReco(process):
207  """Configure the CSC rechit producer
208  to handle unganged ME1a for upgrade studies
209  """
210  #
211  process = customise_csc_Indexing(process)
213  # Turn off some flags for CSCRecHitD that are turned ON in default config
214  process.csc2DRecHits.readBadChannels = cms.bool(False)
215  process.csc2DRecHits.CSCUseGasGainCorrection = cms.bool(False)
217  # Switch input for CSCRecHitD to s i m u l a t e d (and Mixed!) digis
218  process.csc2DRecHits.wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("mixData", "MuonCSCWireDigisDM")
219  process.csc2DRecHits.stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("mixData", "MuonCSCStripDigisDM")
221  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_Packer (   process)
Get rid of process.cscpacker and process.csctfpacker in all the paths

Definition at line 165 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References remove_from_all_paths().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

166 def customise_csc_Packer(process):
167  """Get rid of process.cscpacker and process.csctfpacker in all the paths
168  """
169  process = remove_from_all_paths(process, 'cscpacker')
170  process = remove_from_all_paths(process, 'csctfpacker')
171  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_PostLS1 (   process)
Full set of the CSC PostLS1 related customizations.
It's tied to specific expected module names.
Therefore, a sanity check is done first to make sure that 
standard cmsDriver paths have modules with such expected names.

Definition at line 248 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References csc_PathVsModule_SanityCheck(), customise_csc_Digitizer(), customise_csc_DQM(), customise_csc_Geometry(), customise_csc_L1Stubs(), customise_csc_L1TrackFinder(), customise_csc_LocalReco(), customise_csc_Packer(), customise_csc_Unpacker(), and customise_csc_Validation().

249 def customise_csc_PostLS1(process):
250  """Full set of the CSC PostLS1 related customizations.
251  It's tied to specific expected module names.
252  Therefore, a sanity check is done first to make sure that
253  standard cmsDriver paths have modules with such expected names.
254  """
256  # a simple sanity check first
259  # use unganged geometry
260  process = customise_csc_Geometry(process)
262  # digitizer
263  if hasattr(process, 'simMuonCSCDigis'):
264  process = customise_csc_Digitizer(process)
266  # L1 stub emulator upgrade algorithm
267  if hasattr(process, 'simCscTriggerPrimitiveDigis'):
268  process = customise_csc_L1Stubs(process)
270  # CSCTF that can deal with unganged ME1a
271  if hasattr(process, 'simCsctfTrackDigis'):
272  process = customise_csc_L1TrackFinder(process)
274  # packer - simply get rid of it
275  if hasattr(process, 'cscpacker') or hasattr(process, 'csctfpacker'):
276  process = customise_csc_Packer(process)
278  # unpacker - simply get rid of it
279  if hasattr(process, 'muonCSCDigis') or hasattr(process, 'csctfDigis'):
280  process = customise_csc_Unpacker(process)
282  # CSC RecHiti producer adjustments
283  if hasattr(process, 'csc2DRecHits'):
284  process = customise_csc_LocalReco(process)
286  # DQM
287  if hasattr(process, 'cscMonitor'):
288  process = customise_csc_DQM(process)
290  # Validation
291  if hasattr(process, 'relvalMuonBits'):
292  process = customise_csc_Validation(process)
294  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_Unpacker (   process)
Get rid of process.muonCSCDigis and process.csctfDigis in all the paths

Definition at line 173 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References remove_from_all_paths().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

174 def customise_csc_Unpacker(process):
175  """Get rid of process.muonCSCDigis and process.csctfDigis in all the paths
176  """
177  process = remove_from_all_paths(process, 'muonCSCDigis')
178  process = remove_from_all_paths(process, 'csctfDigis')
179  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.customise_csc_Validation (   process)
At this point, just get rid of process.relvalMuonBits

Definition at line 241 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

References remove_from_all_paths().

Referenced by customise_csc_PostLS1().

242 def customise_csc_Validation(process):
243  """At this point, just get rid of process.relvalMuonBits
244  """
245  process = remove_from_all_paths(process, 'relvalMuonBits')
246  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.digitizer_timing_pre3_median (   process)
CSC digitizer customization 
with bunchTimingOffsets tuned to center trigger stubs at bx6
when pretrigger with 3 layers and median stub timing are used

Definition at line 12 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

Referenced by customise_csc_Digitizer().

13 def digitizer_timing_pre3_median(process):
14  """CSC digitizer customization
15  with bunchTimingOffsets tuned to center trigger stubs at bx6
16  when pretrigger with 3 layers and median stub timing are used
17  """
18  ## Make sure there's no bad chambers/channels
19  #process.simMuonCSCDigis.strips.readBadChambers = True
20  #process.simMuonCSCDigis.wires.readBadChannels = True
21  #process.simMuonCSCDigis.digitizeBadChambers = True
23  ## Customised timing offsets so that ALCTs and CLCTs times are centered in signal BX.
24  ## These offsets below were tuned for the case of 3 layer pretriggering
25  ## and median stub timing algorithm.
26  process.simMuonCSCDigis.strips.bunchTimingOffsets = cms.vdouble(0.0,
27  37.53, 37.66, 55.4, 48.2, 54.45, 53.78, 53.38, 54.12, 51.98, 51.28)
28  process.simMuonCSCDigis.wires.bunchTimingOffsets = cms.vdouble(0.0,
29  22.88, 22.55, 29.28, 30.0, 30.0, 30.5, 31.0, 29.5, 29.1, 29.88)
31  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.remove_from_all_paths (   process,
Remove process.module_name from all the paths in process:

Definition at line 69 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

Referenced by customise_csc_DQM(), customise_csc_Packer(), customise_csc_Unpacker(), and customise_csc_Validation().

70 def remove_from_all_paths(process, module_name):
71  """Remove process.module_name from all the paths in process:
72  """
74  # trivial case first:
75  if not hasattr(process, module_name):
76  return process
78  # walk over all the paths:
79  for path_name in process._Process__paths.keys():
80  the_path = getattr(process, path_name)
81  module_names = the_path.moduleNames()
82  if module_name in module_names:
83  the_path.remove(getattr(process, module_name))
84  return process
def muonCustomsPreMixing.unganged_me1a_geometry (   process)
Customise digi/reco geometry to use unganged ME1/a channels

Definition at line 4 of file muonCustomsPreMixing.py.

Referenced by customise_csc_Geometry().

5 def unganged_me1a_geometry(process):
6  """Customise digi/reco geometry to use unganged ME1/a channels
7  """
8  process.CSCGeometryESModule.useGangedStripsInME1a = False
9  process.idealForDigiCSCGeometry.useGangedStripsInME1a = False
10  return process