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particleFlowClusterHO_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple _localMaxSeeds_HO
 PF CLUSTER HO ####. More...
tuple _pfClusterizer_HO
tuple _positionCalcHO_all_nodepth
tuple _positionCalcHO_cross_nodepth
tuple _topoClusterizer_HO
tuple particleFlowClusterHO

Variable Documentation

tuple particleFlowClusterHO_cfi._localMaxSeeds_HO
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  algoName = cms.string("LocalMaximumSeedFinder"),
3  thresholdsByDetector = cms.VPSet(
4  cms.PSet( detector = cms.string("HCAL_BARREL2_RING0"),
5  seedingThreshold = cms.double(1.0),
6  seedingThresholdPt = cms.double(0.0)
7  ),
8  cms.PSet( detector = cms.string("HCAL_BARREL2_RING1"),
9  seedingThreshold = cms.double(3.1),
10  seedingThresholdPt = cms.double(0.0)
11  )
12  ),
13  nNeighbours = cms.int32(4)
14 )


Definition at line 8 of file particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.py.

tuple particleFlowClusterHO_cfi._pfClusterizer_HO
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  algoName = cms.string("Basic2DGenericPFlowClusterizer"),
3  #pf clustering parameters
4  minFractionToKeep = cms.double(1e-7),
5  positionCalc = _positionCalcHO_cross_nodepth,
6  allCellsPositionCalc = _positionCalcHO_all_nodepth,
7  showerSigma = cms.double(10.0),
8  stoppingTolerance = cms.double(1e-8),
9  maxIterations = cms.uint32(50),
10  excludeOtherSeeds = cms.bool(True),
11  minFracTot = cms.double(1e-20), ## numerical stabilization
12  recHitEnergyNorms = cms.VPSet(
13  cms.PSet( detector = cms.string("HCAL_BARREL2_RING0"),
14  recHitEnergyNorm = cms.double(0.5)
15  ),
16  cms.PSet( detector = cms.string("HCAL_BARREL2_RING1"),
17  recHitEnergyNorm = cms.double(1.0)
18  )
19  )
20 )

Definition at line 54 of file particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.py.

tuple particleFlowClusterHO_cfi._positionCalcHO_all_nodepth
Initial value:
1 = _positionCalcHO_cross_nodepth.clone(
2  posCalcNCrystals = cms.int32(-1)
3 )

Definition at line 49 of file particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.py.

tuple particleFlowClusterHO_cfi._positionCalcHO_cross_nodepth
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  algoName = cms.string("Basic2DGenericPFlowPositionCalc"),
3  ##
4  minFractionInCalc = cms.double(1e-9),
5  posCalcNCrystals = cms.int32(5),
6  logWeightDenominator = cms.double(0.5), # same as gathering threshold
7  minAllowedNormalization = cms.double(1e-9)
8 )

Definition at line 40 of file particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.py.

tuple particleFlowClusterHO_cfi._topoClusterizer_HO
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  algoName = cms.string("Basic2DGenericTopoClusterizer"),
3  thresholdsByDetector = cms.VPSet(
4  cms.PSet( detector = cms.string("HCAL_BARREL2_RING0"),
5  gatheringThreshold = cms.double(0.5),
6  gatheringThresholdPt = cms.double(0.0)
7  ),
8  cms.PSet( detector = cms.string("HCAL_BARREL2_RING1"),
9  gatheringThreshold = cms.double(1.0),
10  gatheringThresholdPt = cms.double(0.0)
11  )
12  ),
13  useCornerCells = cms.bool(True)
14 )

Definition at line 24 of file particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.py.

tuple particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.particleFlowClusterHO
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer(
2  "PFClusterProducer",
3  recHitsSource = cms.InputTag("particleFlowRecHitHO"),
4  recHitCleaners = cms.VPSet(),
5  seedFinder = _localMaxSeeds_HO,
6  initialClusteringStep = _topoClusterizer_HO,
7  pfClusterBuilder = _pfClusterizer_HO,
8  positionReCalc = cms.PSet(),
9  energyCorrector = cms.PSet()
10 )

Definition at line 75 of file particleFlowClusterHO_cfi.py.