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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
3 import re
4 import collections
5 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
8 class unscheduled:
9  def __init__(self,cfgFile,html,quiet,helperDir,fullDir):
10  self._html = html
11  #self._serverName = os.path.join(os.path.split(html)[0],"EditingServer.py")
12  self._quiet = quiet
13  self._theDir= fullDir
14  self._helperDir = helperDir
15  self._mother,self._daughter ={},{}
16  self._reg = re.compile("['>]")
17  self._data,self._types,self._genericTypes={},{},{}
18  self._dictP ="DictParent"
19  self._modSeqP = "ModuleSeqParent"
20  self._prodConsP= "ProdConsumParent"
21  self._parents = {
22  "DictParent":{"creator":"dictCreate","simple": True},
23  "ModuleSeqParent":{"creator":"modSeqCreate","simple": False},
24  "ProdConsumParent":{"creator":"prodConCreate","simple": False}
25  }
26  for name,x in self._parents.iteritems():
27  x["pfile"] = self._filenames(name)
28  x["cfile"] = self._filenames(x["creator"])
29  self._type = "%stypes.js"%(fullDir)
30  self._allJSFiles =["types.js"]
31  self._config = ConfigDataAccessor.ConfigDataAccessor()
32  self._config.open(cfgFile)
33  self._computed = self._proceed(cfgFile)
35  def _proceed(self, fileName):
36  #self._filename= ""
37  topObjs = self._config.topLevelObjects()
38  if(len(topObjs)):
39  self._getData(topObjs)
40  ty = "genericTypes"
41  with open(self._type, 'w') as f:
42  f.write("var %s=%s"%(ty,genericTypes))
43  self._createObjects()
44  self._writeDictParent(ty)
45  self._writeModSeqParent()
46  self._writeProdConsum()
47  fN = fileName.split("./")[-1].split(".")[0]
48  JS = ["%s%s"%(self._helperDir,x)for x in self._allJSFiles]
49  html(self._html,JS,self._data, self._theDir, self._helperDir,
50  self._config.process().name_(), fN)
52  return True
53  else:
54  print "---Nothing found for file %s."\
55  " No computation done.---"%(fileName)
56  return False
58  def _getData(self,objs):
59  # i will loop around objs and keep adding things which are configFolders
60  calc =[]
61  for each in objs:
62  name = self._config.label(each)
63  kids = self._config.children(each)
64  if(not kids):
65  if(not self._quiet):print name, "is empty."
66  continue
67  # Taking liberty of assuming all are of same type.
68  ty = type(kids[0])
69  if(ty is ConfigDataAccessor.ConfigFolder):
70  objs.extend(kids)
71  else:
72  if(not self._quiet):print "computing %s.."%(name)
73  if(isinstance(kids[0], seq._ModuleSequenceType)):
74  # e.g.it's a path, sequence or endpath
75  self._doSequenceTypes(kids,name)
76  else:
77  # e.g. it's a pset etc.
78  self._doNonSequenceType(kids,name)
79  calc.append(name)
80  # now i will print out producers/consumers.
81  if(self._quiet):print "calculated: %s."%(", ".join(calc))
82  self._producersConsumers()
84  # Get the data for items which are SequenceTypes
85  def _doSequenceTypes(self,paths,namep):
86  theDataFile,fullDataFile = self._calcFilenames(namep)
87  topLevel,fullTopLevel = self._calcFilenames("top-"+namep)
88  json = [topLevel,theDataFile]
89  cap = namep.capitalize()
90  bl={}
91  types = False
92  with open(fullDataFile,'w') as data:
93  data.write("{")
94  v = visitor(data, self._config)
95  for item in paths:
96  if(not types):
97  spec = self._checkType(item)
98  self._saveData(spec,self._parents[self._modSeqP]["creator"],json)
99  types = True
100  name = self._config.label(item)
101  # Dont think we need to check for this here.
102  self._mothersDaughters(name,item)
103  key = self._config.label(item)
104  item.visit(v)
105  bl[key]= getParamSeqDict(v._finalExit(),
106  self._config.fullFilename(item), self._config.type(item), "")
107  data.write("}")
108  with open(fullTopLevel, 'w') as other:
109  other.write(JSONFormat(bl))
111  # Check type of item and return the specofic type
112  def _checkType(self,item):
113  gen, spec = re.sub(self._reg, "",
114  str(item.__class__)).split(".")[-2:]
115  doTypes(spec,gen)
116  return spec
118  # find the mothers and daughters, storing them
119  def _mothersDaughters(self,name, item):
120  mo =self._config.motherRelations(item)
121  dau = self._config.daughterRelations(item)
122  if(mo):
123  self._mother[name] = [self._config.label(i) for i in mo]
124  if(dau):
125  self._daughter[name] = [self._config.label(i) for i in dau]
127  # Find data for objs which are not SequenceTypes
128  def _doNonSequenceType(self,objs, globalType):
129  everything={}
130  always= types = False
131  theDataFile, fullDataFile = self._calcFilenames(globalType)
132  # For modules types can be diff
133  # so we always want to call the doTypes method
134  if(globalType =="modules"):
135  self._saveData(globalType.capitalize(),
136  self._parents[self._dictP]["creator"],
137  [theDataFile])
138  always = types = True
139  for item in objs:
140  if(always or not types):
141  spec = self._checkType(item)
142  if(not types):
143  self._saveData(spec,self._parents[self._dictP]["creator"],
144  [theDataFile])
145  types = True
146  name = self._config.label(item)
147  self._mothersDaughters(name, item)
148  if(isinstance(item,cms._Parameterizable)):
149  out = getParameters(item.parameters_())
150  elif(isinstance(item,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
151  out = listBase(item)
152  if(isinstance(item,cms._TypedParameterizable)):
153  oType = item.type_()
154  else:
155  oType =""
156  everything[name] = getParamSeqDict(out,
157  self._config.fullFilename(item),
158  self._config.type(item), oType)
159  with open(fullDataFile,'w') as dataFile:
160  dataFile.write(JSONFormat(everything))
162  # Return json data file names
163  def _calcFilenames(self,name):
164  return self._filenames(name,"data-%s.json")
166  # Return filenames
167  def _filenames(self,name,option=""):
168  if(option): basicName = option%(name)
169  else: basicName = "%s.js"%(name)
170  return (basicName, "%s%s"%(self._theDir,basicName))
172  # write out mothers and daughters (producers/consumers).
174  if(not self._mother and not self._daughter):
175  return
176  for name,theDict in {"producer":self._mother,
177  "consumer":self._daughter}.iteritems():
178  thedataFile , fulldataFile = self._calcFilenames(name)
179  self._saveData(name.capitalize(),
180  self._parents[self._prodConsP]["creator"],
181  [thedataFile,self._calcFilenames("modules")[0]])
182  with open(fulldataFile,'w') as moth:
183  moth.write(JSONFormat(theDict))
184  def _saveData(self,name,base,jsonfiles):
185  jsonfiles = " ".join(["%s%s"%(self._helperDir,x)for x in jsonfiles])
186  temp={}
187  temp["data-base"] = base
188  temp["data-files"] = jsonfiles
189  self._data[name] = temp
191  # Create objs and print out .js files for
192  # each type of items we have.
193  def _createObjects(self):
194  base = "obj= Object.create(new %s(%s));"
195  format="""
196  function %s(%s){
197  var obj;
198  %s
199  return obj;
200  }
201  """
202  name = "data"
203  for pname,x in self._parents.iteritems():
204  simple = base%(pname,name)
205  filename,fullfilename= x["cfile"]
206  self._allJSFiles.append(filename)
207  if(x["simple"]):
208  paramName="modules"
209  with open(fullfilename, 'w') as setUp:
210  setUp.write(format%(x["creator"],paramName,self._load(
211  name,paramName,simple)))
212  continue
213  secName = "topL"
214  paramName=["modules","topLevel"]
215  complexOne = base%(pname,"%s,%s"%(name, secName))
216  with open(fullfilename, 'w') as setUp:
217  setUp.write(format%(x["creator"],", ".join(paramName),
218  self._load(name,paramName[0],
219  self._load(secName, paramName[1],complexOne))))
221  # return the .js code for loading json files in a string
222  def _load(self,name,param,inner):
223  return"""
224  loadJSON(%s).done(function(%s){\n%s\n});
225  """%(param,name,inner)
227  # The parent class for non SequenceTypes
228  def _writeDictParent(self, typeName):
229  exVar ='this.%(key)sKey= "%(key)s";'
230  exFunc ="""
231 /**
232  * Gives the %(key)s
233  * @param {String} the key to the dictionary.
234  * @returns {String || Integer} result from dictionary if found else 0.
235  */
236 %(name)s.prototype.get%(key)s = function(key){
237  return this.getFeature(key,this.%(key)sKey);
238 }
239  """
240  search = """%(name)s.prototype.search%(key)s = function(reg,term,replce){
241  return this.generalSearch(reg,term,replce,this.%(key)sKey);
242 } """
243  extra= """
244  /**
245  /**
246 * Uses the list of parents names to go further into
247 * the lists in the dictionry, and give the last parents children.
248 * @param {Array} the names of parents to look through.
249 * First parent should be a key to the dictionary.
250 * @param {Integer} the index where the elusive parameter is. Needed incase
251 * we have a list with muultiple parameters of the same name.
252 *
253 * @returns {Array} the resulting children from the last parent.
254 */
255 DictParent.prototype.getInnerParams = function(parents, index){
256  var currentList = this.data[parents[0]][this.%(key)sKey];
257  var targetList=[]
258  var siblingsOfTarget=[]
259  for(var i=1; i < parents.length;i++){
260  for(var p=0; p < currentList.length;p++){
261  if(currentList[p][0]==parents[i]){
262  targetList = currentList[p]
263  siblingsOfTarget=currentList
264  var found = targetList[1];
265  break;
266  }
267  }
268  currentList = found;
269  }
270  if(p != index)targetList=siblingsOfTarget[index]
271  return targetList;
272 }
273  """
274  functs=""
275  variables =""
276  name = self._dictP
277  data = self._parents[name]
278  fileName, fullfileName= data["pfile"]
279  for feature in dictFeatures:
280  d = {"key": feature, "name": name}
281  variables +=exVar%d
282  functs +=exFunc%d
283  if(feature == "Parameters"):
284  functs +=extra%d
285  else:
286  functs += search%d
287  self._allJSFiles.append(fileName)
288  with open(fullfileName, 'w') as parent:
289  parent.write("""
290 /*
291  Base Object for dictionaries.
292  To use, create a dictParent obj,
293  then use Object.create to create a new obj
294  then you can change some variables/add functions
295  and have the inherited functions.
296 */
297 function %(name)s(data){
298  this.data=data;
299  %(theVars)s
300 }
301 /**
302  * Finds the desired feature from a dictionary.
303 * @param {String} the key to the dictionary.
304 * @param {String} the feature we want from the dictionary.
305 * @returns {String || Integer} result from dictionary if found else 0.
306 */
307 %(name)s.prototype.getFeature = function(key, feature){
308  var temp = this.data[key];
309  if(temp) return temp[feature];
310  else return 0;
311 }
312 DictParent.prototype.getData = function(){
313  return [this.data];
314 }
315 %(getterFunctions)s
317 /**
318  * Gives the keys from desired dictionary.
319 * @returns {Array} all keys from the dictionary.
320 */
321 %(name)s.prototype.getKeys = function(){
322  return Object.keys(this.data);
323 }
324 %(name)s.prototype.generalSearch = function(reg,term,repl,feature, d){
325  d = d || this.data;
326  var matches ={}
327  for (var key in d){
328  var x= d[key][feature]
329  if(x.indexOf(term)>-1){
330  matches[key] = x.replace(reg,repl)
331  }
332  }
333  return matches;
334 }
336 /**
337  * Gives the generic type for a given type.
338  * @param {String} type
339  * @returns {String} the generic type
340  */
341 function getGenericType(type){
342  return %(gen)s[type];
343 }
344  """%{"theVars":variables,"getterFunctions":functs,
345  "gen": typeName, "name":name})
347  # Write out the class for SequenceTypes
349  f = """
350 /**
351  * Gives the direct children
352  * @param {String} a path name
353  * @returns {Array} list of names of the the children.
354  */
355 %(name)s.prototype.getModules = function(name){
356  return this.topLevelData[name][this.ParametersKey];
357 }
358 %(name)s.prototype.getTopFile = function(key){
359  return this.topLevelData[key][this.FileKey];
360 }
361 %(name)s.prototype.getData = function(){
362  return [this.topLevelData, this.data];
363 }
364 %(name)s.prototype.searchType = function(reg,term,replce){
365  return this.generalSearch(reg,term,replce,this.TypeKey, this.topLevelData);
366 }
367 %(name)s.prototype.searchFile = function(reg,term,replce){
368  return this.generalSearch(reg,term,replce,this.FileKey, this.topLevelData);
369 }
370 """
371  self._complexBase(self._modSeqP, f)
373  # Write out the class for producers and consumers.
374  def _writeProdConsum(self):
375  f= """
376 /**
377  * Gives the direct children
378  * @param {String} a path name
379  * @returns {Array} list of names of the the children.
380  */
381 %(name)s.prototype.getModules = function(name){
382  return this.topLevelData[name];
383 }
384 %(name)s.prototype.getTopFile = function(key){
385  return this.getFile(key);
386 }
387 %(name)s.prototype.getData = function(){
388  return [this.topLevelData, this.data];
389 }
390 // Producer and consumer have different structure to rest.
391 // Dont have file and type with them..
392 // to get file and type we need to take each name,
393 //look up the moduledata and find matches.
394 %(name)s.prototype.generalSearch = function(reg,term,repl, feature){
395  var matches ={}
396  for (var key in this.topLevelData){
397  var x = this.data[key][feature]
398  if(x.indexOf(term)>-1){
399  matches[key] = x.replace(reg,repl)
400  }
401  }
402  return matches;
403 }
404 %(name)s.prototype.typeSearch = function(reg,term,replce){
405  return this.generalSearch(reg,term,replce,this.TypeKey);
406 }
407 %(name)s.prototype.fileSearch = function(reg,term,replce){
408  return this.generalSearch(reg,term,replce,this.FileKey);
409 }
410  """
411  self._complexBase(self._prodConsP, f)
413  def _complexBase(self,parentName, extra):
414  name = parentName
415  data = self._parents[name]
416  fileName, fullfilename= data["pfile"]
417  self._allJSFiles.append(fileName)
418  all = """
419 /*
420  Base object for thing of the type:
421  It also inherits from DictParent.
422 */
423 function %(name)s(data,topLevel, nameList,indexList){
424  this.data = data;
425  this.topLevelData=topLevel;// e.g. pathNames to module names
426  this.fixedNameList = nameList; // e.g.names of paths
427 }
428 %(name)s.prototype = new %(dict)s(this.data);
430 %(name)s.prototype.getKeys = function(){
431  return Object.keys(this.topLevelData)
432 }
433  """+ extra
434  with open(fullfilename, 'w') as parent:
435  parent.write(all%{"name": name, "dict": self._dictP})
437 # Helper function which gets parameter details.
438 def getParameters(parameters):
439  all =[]
440  if(not parameters):
441  return []
442  for (name,valType) in parameters.iteritems():
443  theT= (valType.configTypeName() if(
444  hasattr(valType,"configTypeName")) else "").split(" ",1)[-1]
445  temp = re.sub("<|>|'", "", str(type(valType)))
446  generic, spec = temp.split(".")[-2:]
447  doTypes(spec,generic)
448  theList=[name]
449  if(isinstance(valType,cms._Parameterizable)):
450  theList.append(getParameters(valType.parameters_()))
451  elif(isinstance(valType,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
452  theList.append(listBase(valType))
453  else:
454  if(isinstance(valType,cms._SimpleParameterTypeBase)):
455  value = valType.configValue()
456  else:
457  try:
458  value = valType.pythonValue()
459  except:
460  value = valType
461  theList.append(value)
462  if(theT != "double" and theT !="int" and type(valType)!= str):
463  if(not valType.isTracked()):
464  theList.append("untracked")
465  theList.append(theT)
466  all.append(theList)
467  return all
469 def listBase(VList):
470  # we have a list of things..
471  #loop around the list get parameters of inners.
472  #Since ValidatingListBases "*usually* have the same types
473  #throughout, just test first --is this a rule?
474  # Find out and if needed move these ifs to the loop.
475  if(not VList):return ""
476  first = VList[0]
477  if(isinstance(first,cms._Parameterizable)or
478  isinstance(first,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
479  anotherVList=False
480  if(isinstance(first,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
481  anotherVList=True
482  outerList=[]
483  for member in VList:
484  if(member.hasLabel_()):
485  name = member.label()
486  else:
487  name = member.configTypeName()
488  innerList=[name]
489  if(not anotherVList):
490  innerList.append(getParameters(member.parameters_()))
491  else:
492  innerList.append(listBase(member))
493  temp = re.sub("<|>|'", "", str(type(member)))
494  generic, spec = temp.split(".")[-2:]
495  doTypes(spec,generic)
496  innerList.append(spec)
497  outerList.append(innerList)
498  return outerList
499  elif(isinstance(first,cms._SimpleParameterTypeBase)):
500  return ",".join(i.configValue() for i in VList)
501  elif(isinstance(first,cms._ParameterTypeBase)):
502  return ",".join(i.pythonValue() for i in VList)
503  else:
504  #Most things should at least be _ParameterTypeBase, adding this jic
505  try:
506  outcome = ",".join(str(i) for i in VList)
507  return outcome
508  except:
509  return "Unknown types"
512 dictFeatures=["Parameters", "Type", "File", "oType"]
513 # Used to enforce dictionary in datafiles.
514 def getParamSeqDict(params, fil, typ, oType):
515  d={}
516  d[dictFeatures[0]] = params
517  d[dictFeatures[1]] = typ
518  d[dictFeatures[2]] = fil
519  d[dictFeatures[3]] = oType
520  return d
522 class visitor:
523  def __init__(self, df, cfg):
524  self._df = df
525  self._underPath = [] # direct children of paths
526  #(includes children of modules)
527  self._modulesToPaths={} # map from modules to index of path -
528  self._seq = 0
529  self._pathLength=0
530  self._currentName =""
531  self._oldNames =[]
532  self._done =[]
533  self._seqs={}
534  self._typeNumbers = {}
535  self._innerSeq = False
536  self._reg= re.compile("<|>|'")
537  self.config = cfg
539  def _finalExit(self):
540  self._pathLength+=1
541  temp = self._underPath
542  self._underPath =[]
543  return temp
545  # Only keep in if we manage to move doModules into this class
546  def _getType(self,val):
547  return re.sub(self._reg, "", str(type(val))).split(".")[-2:]
549  """
550  Do Module Objects e.g. producers etc
551  """
552  def _doModules(self,modObj, dataFile, seq, seqs, currentName, innerSeq):
553  #name = modObj.label_()
554  name = self.config.label(modObj)
555  # If this is not an inner sequence then we add so it can go to paths
556  if(seq==0):
557  self._underPath.append(name)
558  else:
559  seqs[currentName].append([name])
560  # If we've seen this name before, no need to compute values again.
561  # we need to put this mod/seq name under the path name in the dict
562  if(name not in self._modulesToPaths.keys()):
563  self._modulesToPaths[name] =[self._pathLength]
564  filename = modObj._filename.split("/")[-1]
565  generic,specific = self._getType(modObj)
566  doTypes(specific,generic)
567  d = getParamSeqDict(getParameters(modObj.parameters_()),
568  filename, specific, modObj.type_())
569  theS='"%s":%s'
570  if(len(self._modulesToPaths.keys()) > 1): theS=","+theS
571  dataFile.write(theS%(name, JSONFormat(d)))
572  else:
573  #oldMods.append(name)
574  self._modulesToPaths[name].append(self._pathLength)
576  def enter(self, value):
577  if(isinstance(value,cms._Module)):
578  self._doModules(value, self._df, self._seq,
579  self._seqs, self._currentName, self._innerSeq)
580  elif(isinstance(value,cms._Sequenceable)):
581  generic,specific = self._getType(value)
582  doTypes(specific, generic)
583  if(isinstance(value, cms._ModuleSequenceType)):
584  if(len(self._currentName) >0):
585  self._oldNames.insert(0, self._currentName)
586  name = self.config.label(value)
587  #name = value.label_()
588  if(self._seq >0):
589  # this is an inner sequence
590  self._innerSeq = True;
591  self._seqs[self._currentName].append([name])
592  else:
593  self._underPath.append(name)
594  self._seqs[name] = []
595  self._currentName = name
596  self._seq +=1
597  else:
598  # just sequenceable..
599  name = value.__str__()
600  if(self._currentName):
601  self._seqs[self._currentName].append([name, specific])
602  else:
603  self._underPath.append(value.__str__())
604  if(name not in self._done):
605  d = getParamSeqDict([], "", specific, "")
606  self._df.write(',"%s":%s'%(name,JSONFormat(d)))
607  self._done.append(name)
609  def leave(self, value):
610  if(isinstance(value,cms._Module)):
611  return
612  elif(isinstance(value,cms._Sequenceable)):
613  # now need to determine difference between
614  #ones which have lists and ones which dont
615  if(isinstance(value, cms._ModuleSequenceType)):
616  #name = value.label()
617  name = self.config.label(value)
618  if(name in self._oldNames):self._oldNames.remove(name)
619  if(self._currentName == name):
620  if(self._oldNames):
621  self._currentName = self._oldNames.pop(0)
622  else:
623  self._currentName=""
624  if(name not in self._done):
625  generic,specific = self._getType(value)
626  d = getParamSeqDict(self._seqs.pop(name), "", specific, "")
627  self._df.write(',"%s":%s'%(name,JSONFormat(d)))
628  self._done.append(name)
629  self._seq -=1
630  if(self._seq==0): self._innerSeq = False;
632 class html:
633  def __init__(self,name,js,items,theDir, helperDir, pN,pFN):
634  jqName = "%scfgJS.js"%(theDir)
635  jqLocal = "%scfgJS.js"%(helperDir)
636  css = "%sstyle.css"%(theDir)
637  cssL = "%sstyle.css"%(helperDir)
638  js.insert(0,jqLocal)
639  self._jqueryFile(jqName, pN,pFN)
640  self._printHtml(name,self._scripts(js),self._css(css, cssL),
641  self._items(items), self._searchitems(items))
643  def _scripts(self, js):
644  x = """
645 <script type="text/javascript" src="%s"></script>"""
646  return "\n".join([x%(i) for i in js])
648  def _items(self, items):
649  l= """
650 <option value=%(n)s data-base="%(d)s" data-files="%(f)s"> %(n)s</option>"""
651  s= [l%({"n":x,"f":y["data-files"],"d":y["data-base"]})
652  for x,y in items.iteritems()]
653  return " ".join(s)
655  def _searchitems(self,items):
656  b = """<option value="%(name)s" data-base="%(d)s">%(name)s</option> """
657  return "\n ".join([b%({"name": x, "d":y["data-base"]})
658  for x,y in items.iteritems()])
660  def _printHtml(self,name,scrip,css,items, search):
661  with open(name,'w') as htmlFile:
662  htmlFile.write("""<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>
663  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
664  <title>cfg-browser</title>\n <script type="text/javascript"
665  src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js">
666  </script>\n %(s)s\n %(css)s\n </head>\n <body>
667  <div class="topBox topSpec">
668  <input type="submit" value="Edit" id="editMode" autocomplete="off"
669  disabled/>\n <div class="helpLinks">
670  <a href="#" class="nowhere" id="helpMouse" data-help="#help">help
671  </a></br/>
672  <a href="mailto:susie.murphy@cern.ch?Subject=CfgBrowserhelp"
673  target="_top">Contact</a>\n </div>\n <div id="help"> </div>
674  <span id="mode">Normal Mode</span>
675  <div class="topBox hideTopBox">hide</div>\n </div>
676  <a id="topOfPage"></a>\n <br/><br/><br/>\n <div class="outerBox">
677  <div class="boxTitle"> Pick\n <div class="dottedBorder">
678  <form onsubmit="return false;">\n <select id="showType">
679  %(items)s\n </select>\n <br/><br/>
680  <input type="submit" id="docSubmit" value="submit">
681  </form>\n </div>\n </div>
682  <div class="boxTitle"> Pick\n <div class="dottedBorder">
683  <form onsubmit="return false;">
684  <input type="text" id="searchWord"/>
685  <select id="searchType">\n %(search)s
686  </select> \n <span id="addSearch"> </span>
687  <br/><br/>
688  <input type="submit" value="Search" id="search"/>
689  <input type="checkbox" id="rmHilight" value="File"/>
690  <span>Don't show highlights</span>\n </form>
691  </div>\n </div>\n </div> \n <br/>
692  <input type="checkbox" id="ShowFiles" value="File"/>
693  <span>Show file names</span>\n <br/><br/>\n <script>
694  document.getElementById("searchType").selectedIndex = -1;\n </script>
695  <div id="posty"> </div>\n <br/>\n <div id="current"></div>
696  <br/>\n <div id="searchCount"></div>\n <div id="attachParams"></div>
697  <div class="rightScroll">\n <a href="#topOfPage">Back to Top</a>
698  <p>\n <a id="hide" href="javascript:;" >Hide All</a>\n </p>
699  </div>\n </body>\n</html>\n"""%{
700  "s":scrip,"css":css,"items":items, "search":search})
702  def _css(self, css, cssLocal):
703  with open(css, 'w') as cssfile:
704  cssfile.write("""
705 *{\n font-family:"Lucida Grande", Tahoma, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;\n}
706 .topBox{\n opacity:0.9;\n background-color:#dfdfdf;\n}\n.topSpec{
707  position:fixed;\n top:0;\n left:0;\n width:100%;\n height:2.5em;
708  border-radius:.9em;\n}\n.hideTopBox, .showTopBox{\n position:absolute;
709  top:2.5em;\n right:2%;\n width:auto;\n height:auto;\n padding: 0.2em;
710  font-weight:bold;\n cursor:pointer;\n border-radius:.3em;\n}\n.negative{
711  position:absolute;\n right:0;\n text-decoration:none;
712  font-weight:bold;\n color:#565656;\n}\n#mode{\n position:absolute;
713  right:50%; \n color:#808080;\n font-size:12pt;\n}\n#editMode,#normalMode{
714  position:absolute;\n left:.3em;\n top:.5em;\n}\n#save{
715  position:absolute;\n top:.5em;\n}\n.helpLinks{\n position:absolute;
716  right:1.3em;\n width:6.2em;\n text-align:right;\n}
717 /* divs for the Pick and Search boxes.*/\n.outerBox{\n width:100%;
718  overflow:hidden;\n}\n.boxTitle{\n float:left;\n margin-left:.6em;
719  color:#A9A9A9;\n}\n.dottedBorder{\n width:25em;\n height:4em;
720  border:.1em dashed #A9A9A9;\n padding:.6em;\n}\n/* -- */
721 /* Right scroll box. */\n.rightScroll{\n position:fixed;\n bottom:50%;
722  right:0; \n width:6.2em;\n text-align:right;\n border:.1em solid #A9A9A9;
723  opacity:0.4;\n background-color:#F0FFF0;\n}\n#hide{\n cursor:default;
724  opacity:0.2;\n}\nli{\n padding-left:.8em;\n}\nul{\n list-style-type:none;
725  padding-left:.1em;\n}\n/* Icons before list items. */\n.expand:before{
726  content:'›';\n}\n.expanded:before{\n content:'ˇ';\n}
727 .expand:before,.expanded:before{\n float:left;\n margin-right:.6em;\n}
728 .expand,.expanded{\n cursor:pointer;\n}\n/* colours of each. */
729 .Path,.EndPath{\n color:#192B33;\n}\n.Modules{ \n color:#800080;\n}
730 .SequenceTypes{\n color:#0191C8\n}\n.paramInner,.Types{\n color:#4B4B81;\n}
731 .param{\n color:#9999CC;\n margin-left:.8em;\n cursor:default; \n}\n.value{
732  color:#0000FF;\n}\n.type{\n color:#00CCFF;\n}
733 /* Header for what's showing */\n#current{\n color:#808080;\n font-size:12pt;
734  text-decoration:underline; \n}\n/* help settings */\n#help{
735  position:absolute;\n display:none;\n background:#ccc;\n border:.1em solid;
736  width:19em;\n right:15em;\n top:1.2em;\n}\nh5{\n font-style:normal;
737  text-decoration:underline; \n margin:0;\n font-size:9pt;\n}\nh6{
738  margin:0;\n color:#666666;\n}\n#attachParams{\n color:#192B33;\n}\nem{
739  color:#FFA500;\n}\n.cellEdit{\n border:.1em dotted #A9A9A9;\n cursor: text;
740 }\n""")
741  return """<link href="%s" rel="stylesheet" \
742  type="text/css"/>"""%(cssLocal)
744  def _jqueryFile(self,name, pN,pFN):
745  with open(name, 'w')as jq:
746  jq.write("""
747 \n$(document).ready(function(){ \n//Object used to get all details
748 var processName="%s";\nvar processFileName ="%s";
749 var CURRENT_OBJ;\nvar searchShowing= false;\nvar showParams = false
750 var alreadyShowing = false\nvar topClass = "Top"\nvar searching = false
751 var expandDisable = false;\nvar hideVisible=false //nothing is expanded.
752 // ---\n/*\n Functions used to abstract away name of function calls
753  on the object (CURRENT_OBJ).
754  (i.e. so function names can easily be changed.)\n*/
755 function baseParams(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getParameters(inputs);\n}
756 function baseInnerParams(inputs, index){
757  return CURRENT_OBJ.getInnerParams(inputs, index);\n}
758 function baseType(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getType(inputs);\n}
759 function baseFile(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getFile(inputs);\n}
760 function baseTopFile(inputs){\n return CURRENT_OBJ.getTopFile(inputs);\n}
761 // --- Show some inital data operations ---\n/*\n Show something new!\n*/
762 $(document).on('click', '#docSubmit', function(e){
763  var $elem = $('#showType :selected')
764  //get the function we want and the lists\n setCURRENT_OBJ($elem)\n
765  addData($elem.attr("value"), CURRENT_OBJ.getKeys());\n searchShowing= false;
766 });\n/*\n Add data to the html.\n*/
767 function addData(docType, data, dataNames){
768  $("#editMode").removeAttr("disabled"); \n var dataNames = dataNames || data;
769  if(alreadyShowing){\n //need to click cancel if its active.
770  goNormal($("#normalMode"));\n if(!searching)$("#searchCount").html("")
771  invisibleHide()\n paramOptions(false)
772  $(document.getElementsByTagName('body')).children('ul').remove();\n }
773  $("#current").html(docType)\n var gen = getGenericType(docType)
774  var ty = docType\n if(gen != undefined){\n var gL = gen.toLowerCase()
775  if(gL=="modules"||gL=="types") var ty= gen;\n }
776  var $LI = $(document.createElement('li')
777  ).addClass("expand").addClass(ty).addClass(topClass);
778  docType= docType.toLowerCase()\n var showTypes = false\n showParams = true
779  switch(docType){\n case "producer":\n case "consumer":
780  showParams = false\n paramOptions(true)
781  $LI.addClass("Modules")\n showTypes = true\n break;
782  case "modules":\n $LI.addClass("Modules")\n showTypes = true
783  //showParams = true\n break;\n }
784  var $UL = addTopData(data,$LI,showTypes,dataNames)\n alreadyShowing = true;
785  $UL.appendTo('#attachParams');\n}\n/*
786  Used to add the top level data to html.\n*/
787 function addTopData(data,$LI,types,dataName){
788  var dataName = dataName || data;
789  var $UL = $(document.createElement('ul'));\n var doNormalFile = false;
790  var files = document.getElementById("ShowFiles").checked\n if(files){
791  try{\n baseTopFile(dataName[0])\n }\n catch(e){
792  doNormalFile = true;\n }\n }\n for(var i=0; i < data.length;i++){
793  var n = dataName[i]\n var t = data[i];
794  if(types)t += " ("+baseType(n)+")"\n if(files){
795  if(doNormalFile)var file = baseFile(n)
796  else var file = baseTopFile(n)\n t += " ("+file+")"}
797  $UL.append($LI.clone().attr("data-name",n).html(t));\n }\n return $UL;\n}
798 // --- end of inital showing data operations ---\n
799 // --- search operations ---\n
800 //$(document).on('click', "[name='searchTerm1']", function(e){
801 //$(document).on('click', "#searchType option", function(e){
802 $(document).on('click', '#searchType', function(e){\n $("#addSearch").empty()
803  var tname= $(this).text().toLowerCase();\n var sel= jQuery('<select/>', {
804  id:"searchType2"\n })
805  var li = (tname =="modules"|| tname == "producer"|| tname == "consumer")?
806  ["Name", "Type", "File"]: ["Name", "File"]\n for(var i in li){
807  var x = li[i]\n jQuery('<option/>',{\n value:x,\n text:x
808  }).appendTo(sel)\n }\n sel.appendTo("#addSearch");\n});\n/*
809  Current search only searches for top level things.\n*/
810 $(document).on('click','#search', function(e){\n searching = true
811  var first = $('#searchType :selected')\n if(first.length ==0){
812  window.alert("Please chose a search type."); \n return;\n }
813  var doc = first.text()\n var searchTerm = $('#searchWord').val()
814  var $elem = $('option[value="'+doc+'"]')\n setCURRENT_OBJ($elem)
815  var reg = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'g')
816  if($('#rmHilight').prop('checked'))\n var fin = searchTerm\n else
817  var fin = "<em>"+searchTerm+"</em>"
818  switch($('#searchType2 :selected').text()){\n case "File":
819  $("#ShowFiles").prop('checked', true);
820  var items = CURRENT_OBJ.searchFile(reg,searchTerm,fin)
821  var matchCount = fileTypeSearch(doc,items,true)\n break;
822  case "Type":\n var items = CURRENT_OBJ.searchType(reg,searchTerm,fin)
823  var matchCount = fileTypeSearch(doc,items,false)\n break
824  case "Name":\n var matchCount = easySearch(searchTerm,reg, doc, fin)
825  }\n $("#searchCount").html(matchCount+ " found.")\n searching = false;
826  searchShowing= true;\n});\n/*\n Used when searching top level elements.
827  i.e. Module names, path names etc.
828  We dont need to delve into any dictionaries, we just use the keys.\n*/
829 function easySearch(term,reg, doc, fin){\n var keys = CURRENT_OBJ.getKeys()
830  var matches = keys.filter(function(e, i, a){return (e.indexOf(term)>-1)})
831  var highlights = matches.map(function(e,i,a){
832  return e.replace(reg, fin)})
833  addData(doc, highlights,matches)\n return matches.length\n}\n/*
834  When searching type or file names of top level elements.\n*/
835 function fileTypeSearch(doc,items,file){
836  var newFunct = function(name){return items[name]}\n if(file){
837  var backup = baseFile\n var backup2 = baseTopFile
838  baseFile = newFunct \n baseTopFile = newFunct\n }\n else {
839  var backup = baseType\n baseType = newFunct\n }
840  var matches = Object.keys(items)\n addData(doc, matches)\n if(file){
841  baseFile = backup\n baseTopFile = backup2\n }\n else baseType = backup
842  return matches.length\n}\n// --- end of search operations ---\n
843 // --- edit operations ---\n// variables needed:
844 // will contain the highest parents, where something *might*
845 // be changed in its children.\nvar $potential=[]
846 // dict, keys are parentNames and values are lists of children changed
847 // under that parent\nvar parChildNames={}\n
848 $(document).on('click', '#editMode', function(e){\n if(searchShowing)
849  var dataType = $('#searchType :selected').attr("data-base")
850  else var dataType = $('#showType :selected').attr("data-base")
851  // Temp restriction of editing SequenceTypes e.g. Paths,EndPaths etc.
852  if(dataType=="modSeqCreate"){
853  window.alert("At the moment editing for SequenceTypes"+
854  " has been disabled.");\n return;\n }
855  else if (dataType == "prodConCreate"){
856  window.alert("Sorry, it is currently not possible to "+
857  "edit producers and consumers.");\n return;\n }
858  if(CURRENT_OBJ == undefined)return;
859  // this is editing mode, turn off expansion\n expandDisable = true;
860  $("#mode")[0].textContent = "Edit Mode"\n $(this).attr("value", "Cancel");
861  var l = ($(this).width()/ parseFloat($("body").css("font-size"))+2.5)+"em"
862  $(this).after(jQuery('<input>', {\n type:"submit",
863  value:"Save",\n id:"save"\n }).css({\n left:l\n}));
864  $(this).attr("id", "normalMode")\n makeEditable(searchShowing);
865  searchShowing = false;\n});\n/*
866  Adds in div elements to make cells editable.\n*/
867 function makeEditable(rmSearch){\n // add editable div to everything showing.
868  var todo = jQuery.makeArray($(".Top"));\n while(todo.length){
869  var e = $(todo.pop())\n if(rmSearch)
870  e.html(e.html().replace(/(<em>|<\/em>)/g, ""))
871  // we have the item.. lets get children
872  var kids = jQuery.makeArray(e.children());
873  // add divs to all children.\n while(kids.length){
874  var k = $(kids.pop())\n var tag = k.prop("tagName")\n
875  if(tag == "SPAN"){\n if(k.prop("class")!="type")
876  k.html('<div class="cellEdit" contenteditable>'+k.html()+'</div>')
877  continue\n }\n if(tag =="LI"){
878  // add the div but dont get children
879  $(k.contents()[0]).wrap('<div class="cellEdit" contenteditable />');
880  }\n // check if have any children
881  var moreKids = jQuery.makeArray(k.children());
882  if(moreKids.length){\n kids = kids.concat(moreKids)\n }
883  }\n // now do current one
884  $(e.contents()[0]).wrap('<div class="cellEdit" contenteditable />');\n }
885 }\n/*\n A cell which is editable has been clicked.\n*/
886 $(document).on('click', '.cellEdit', function(e){
887  // we're in edit so things have a div parent over the text.
888  // so get parent to get the thing we want.
889  var $itemChanged = $(this).parent()
890  // now go up until we find greatest parent(item with class==topClass)
891  var classes = $itemChanged.attr("class")\n var $parent = $itemChanged
892  while(classes.indexOf(topClass)==-1){\n $parent = $parent.parent();
893  classes = $parent.attr("class") || "";\n }
894  var parentName = $parent.attr("data-name");
895  // doesnt matter if parent and child are the same.
896  var parents = Object.keys(parChildNames)
897  if(parents.indexOf(parentName)>-1){\n // already been edited.
898  var kids = parChildNames[parentName]
899  if(kids.indexOf($itemChanged.attr("data-name"))==-1){
900  kids.push($itemChanged)\n }\n }\n else{
901  parChildNames[parentName]=[$itemChanged]\n }\n $potential.push($parent)
902 });\n//--- end of edit operations ---\n// --- start of save operations ---\n/*
903  Save any changes.\n*/\n$(document).on('click', '#save', function(e){
904  var allData = CURRENT_OBJ.getData();\n var oldData = allData[0]
905  goNormal($("#normalMode"));\n if(allData.length >1){
906  var top = allData[0];\n var rest = allData[1];
907  var changed = save(deepCopy(top),deepCopy(rest))\n }\n else{
908  var changed = save(deepCopy(allData[0]));\n }
909  if(Object.keys(changed).length ==0){
910  window.alert("Nothing was changed.");\n $potential=[]
911  parChildNames={}\n return \n }
912  //$('#svg_export_form > input[name=svg]').val("jhgjhg");
913  changed["processName"]= processName
914  changed["processFileName"]= processFileName\n $("#posty").empty()
915  var form = jQuery('<form/>', {\n id:"edited_write",\n method:"POST",
916  async: "false",\n enctype: "multipart/form-data",
917  style:"display:none;visibility:hidden",\n })\n jQuery('<input/>', {
918  type:"hidden",\n name:"changed",\n value:JSON.stringify(changed),
919  }).appendTo(form)\n form.appendTo("#posty")\n $('#edited_write').submit();
920  $potential=[]\n parChildNames={}\n});\n/*
921  Go to normal viewing mode. Discard any changes.\n*/
922 $(document).on('click', '#normalMode', function(e){
923  //remove all cell edit Divs\n goNormal($(this));\n //$potential =[]
924  //parChildNames={}\n});\n/*\n Couldn't find built-in deep clone or copy.\n*/
925 function deepCopy(obj){\n if(obj instanceof Array){\n var copy=[]
926  obj.forEach(function(x,i,a){copy[i]= deepCopy(x)})\n return copy\n }
927  else if(obj instanceof Object){\n var copy ={}\n for (key in obj){
928  copy[key] = deepCopy(obj[key])\n }\n return copy\n }\n return obj
929 }\n\n/*\n Returns a dict of everything that has changed.\n*/
930 function save(data, restData){\n var allChanged={}\n var done=[]
931  for(var i in $potential){\n var parent = $potential[i];
932  // we have the parent.
933  var oldParentName = $(parent).attr("data-name");
934  //bit iffy, can have same parent name multiple times? todo
935  if(done.indexOf(oldParentName)>-1) continue\n done.push(oldParentName)
936  if(typeof restData =='undefined'){
937  var allDict = deepCopy(data[oldParentName])
938  var allOldData = allDict["Parameters"]
939  var childChanged = parChildNames[oldParentName]
940  var oldToNew= chil(childChanged,parent, true)
941  if(oldToNew.length ==0) continue
942  var newpar = blah(oldToNew, oldParentName, allOldData, parent, false)
943  tempDict = allDict\n tempDict["Parameters"] = allOldData
944  allChanged[newpar] = tempDict\n if(oldToNew.length>0){
945  window.alert("Something went wrong, I did not find all changes.");
946  }\n }\n else{
947  // we have one data for the parents and one for rest
948  var allDict = deepCopy(data[oldParentName])
949  var allKids = allDict["Parameters"]\n var tem ={}
950  var childChanged = parChildNames[oldParentName];
951  var oldToNew = chil(childChanged,parent, false);
952  //if(Object.keys(oldToNew).length ==0) continue
953  if(oldToNew.length ==0) continue\n for (var y in allKids){
954  var n = allKids[y]\n var allOld2 = deepCopy(restData[n])
955  var allOldData = allOld2["Parameters"]
956  // blah chanhes allOldData
957  var newpar = blah(oldToNew, n, allOldData, parent, true)
958  allOld2["Parameters"]= allOldData\n tem[newpar] = allOld2
959  }\n var newParentName = $(parent).contents()[0].nodeValue
960  //allChanged[newParentName]= tem\n tempDict = allDict
961  tempDict["Parameters"] = tem\n allChanged[newParentName] = tempDict
962  continue\n }\n }\n return allChanged\n}\n/*
963  These three functions are used for getting data from
964  a structure such as [{},{},{}]\n*/\nfunction getValue(list, key){\n var re=[]
965  for(x in list){\n di = list[x]\n k = Object.keys(di)[0]
966  if(k==key)re.push(di[k])\n }\n return re\n}\nfunction getKeys(list){
967  var keys = []\n for (x in list)\n keys.push(Object.keys(list[x])[0])
968  return keys\n}\nfunction deleteValue(list, k,d){\n var inde =-1
969  var found = false\n for(var x in list){\n var di = list[x]
970  var key = Object.keys(di)[0]\n if(key==k && di[key]==d){
971  found = true\n inde = x\n break\n }\n }
972  if(found)list.splice(inde,1)\n}\n/*
973  allOldData will be changed with the new data.\n*/
974 function blah(oldToNew, oldParentName, allOldData, parent){
975  var newpar = oldParentName\n var keys = getKeys(oldToNew)
976  if(keys.indexOf(oldParentName)>-1){\n // parent is in
977  var tDatas = getValue(oldToNew,oldParentName);
978  for (var x in tDatas){\n var tData = tDatas[x]
979  if(tData["i"]==0 && tData["p"].length ==0){
980  var newpar = tData["new"];\n // this isnt finding tData
981  deleteValue(oldToNew, oldParentName,tData);\n }\n }\n }
982  // okay so here we have everything for this parent.
983  // now need to loop through the old data and changed for new.
984  if(oldToNew.length >0){
985  loopData(allOldData,oldToNew,[oldParentName], [0]);\n }
986  return newpar\n}\n//need to remember that current format is
987 //[name, parameters,type,optionalType]\n/*\n Loop around the data, \n*/
988 function loopData(thelist, items, parents, pIndex){\n for(var x in thelist){
989  var y = thelist[x]\n if(y instanceof Array){
990  // okay if array, we have full line
991  if(typeof y[0] == "string" && y[1] instanceof Array){
992  // this is what we want.\n var theName = y[0]
993  var rest = y[1]\n var types = [y[2]]\n if(y.length == 4)
994  types.push(y[3])\n // okay, name of this is theName == parent
995  // the index of this is x\n parents.unshift(theName)
996  pIndex.unshift(x)\n loopData(rest, items, parents, pIndex);
997  parents.shift()\n pIndex.shift()
998  rightOne(thelist,x,theName,items,parents,pIndex)
999  for(var index in types){\n var item = types[index]
1000  rightOne(thelist,x,item,items,parents,pIndex)\n }
1001  continue\n }
1002  if(y[0] instanceof Array && y[1] instanceof Array){
1003  // y1 is a parameter\n // y2 is a parameter
1004  for(var e in y){\n loopData(y[e],items,parents,pIndex);
1005  }\n continue;\n }\n // we are here,
1006  //so we have something that does not have parameters in a list
1007  var theName = y[0]\n for(var index in y){\n if(index >0){
1008  parents.unshift(theName) \n pIndex.unshift(x)\n }
1009  var item = y[index]
1010  rightOne(thelist,x,item,items,parents,pIndex)\n if(index >0){
1011  parents.shift()\n pIndex.shift()\n }\n }
1012  continue;\n }\n else {
1013  rightOne(thelist,x,y,items,parents,pIndex)\n }\n }\n}\n/*
1014  Helper function. We have a match, now change old values for new values.\n*/
1015 function rightOne(thelist,x,y,items,parents,pIndex){
1016  if(getKeys(items).indexOf(y)>-1){
1017  // we know that we have a match, but are indexes the same?
1018  // index will be in the same list so we can use x
1019  var dis = getValue(items, y)\n for (inde in dis){
1020  var di= dis[inde]\n if(x == di["i"]){
1021  if(arrayCompare(parents, pIndex,di["p"],di["pIndex"] )){
1022  //okay we can be sure we are changing the right thing.
1023  if(thelist[x] instanceof Array){
1024  for(var ind in thelist[x]){\n var z = thelist[x][ind]
1025  if(y == z){\n thelist[x][ind] = di["new"]
1026  break;\n } \n }\n }
1027  else{\n thelist[x] = di["new"]\n }
1028  deleteValue(items,y,di)\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/*
1029  Returns true if arrays a1 is identical to a2 and
1030  a1Index is identical to a2Index.\n*/
1031 function arrayCompare(a1, a1Index, a2, a2Index) {
1032  if (a1.length != a2.length)return false;
1033  for (var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) {
1034  if (a1[i] != a2[i] || a1Index[i] != a2Index[i]) {
1035  return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n/*
1036  Take in the children that might have been changed.
1037  If something has been changed, adds to a dictionary
1038  dictionary format is [data-name]={
1039  "new": newvalue, "i":data-index, "p":[parentNames],
1040  "pIndex": [indicies of parents]}
1041  TODO, need a new format, what if children have
1042  the same data-name and both are changed?\n*/
1043 function chil (childChanged, parent, addParent){\n var oldToNew=[]
1044  for (var x in childChanged){\n var child = childChanged[x]
1045  // we need to check if the child has been changed.
1046  var oldval = child.attr("data-name");
1047  var isSpan = child.prop("tagName") == "SPAN"\n var newval = isSpan ?
1048  child.contents().text(): child.contents()[0].nodeValue;
1049  //remove any enclosing brackets
1050  newval = newval.trim().replace(/\(.*\)$/, "");
1051  oldval = oldval.trim().replace(/\(.*\)$/, "");
1052  if(oldval==newval)continue\n else{
1053  //child has been changed.\n //we want to keep 4 pieces of data.
1054  //1. old name, new name\n //2. data-index
1055  //3. list of direct parents.\n //4. indexes of all parents.
1056  var inner ={}\n inner["new"] = newval;
1057  //depends if it was a span or not. Span means we use parents.
1058  inner["i"]= (isSpan? child.parent().attr("data-index"):
1059  child.attr("data-index")) || 0\n var allP = child.parents()
1060  var pNames =[]\n var pIndex =[]
1061  for(var y=0; y < allP.length; y++){\n var p = $(allP[y])
1062  var tag = p.prop("tagName")
1063  if(p.attr("data-name") == parent.attr("data-name")){
1064  if(addParent){\n pNames.push(parent.attr("data-name"))
1065  pIndex.push(parent.attr("data-index") || 0);\n }
1066  break;\n }\n else if(tag == "LI"){
1067  pNames.push(p.attr("data-name"));
1068  pIndex.push(p.attr("data-index") || 0);\n }\n }
1069  inner["p"] = pNames\n inner["pIndex"] = pIndex\n var t={}
1070  t[oldval]= inner\n oldToNew.push(t)\n }
1071  } // end of childchanged loop\n return oldToNew\n}
1072 // --- end of save operations ---
1073 // --- Expand and show more data operations ---\n/*
1074  Used when in edit mode to stop any items being added to the webpage.
1075  More items added after edit mode- they wont be editable, and when you
1076  click to edit something it loads its children.\n*/
1077 $(document).on('click','.expand, .expanded', function(event){
1078  if(expandDisable){\n event.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n});\n/*
1079  Retrieves and expands elements whose objects have multiple lists
1080  (i.e. onese who's data-base !=simpleData)\n*/
1081 $(document).on('click', '.Consumer.expand,.Producer.expand,'
1082 +'.Path.expand,.EndPath.expand ',function(event){
1083  var allModules = CURRENT_OBJ.getModules($(this).attr('data-name'));
1084  var UL = addParams(this,allModules)\n $(this).append(UL);
1085  event.stopPropagation();\n});\n/*\n Adds parameters onto objects.\n*/
1086 $(document).on('click','.Modules.expand,.SequenceTypes,.Types.expand'
1087 , function(event){\n if(showParams){\n addParams(this);\n }
1088  event.stopPropagation();\n});\n/*\n Hides/Shows children from class param.
1089 */ \n$(document).on('click', '.paramInner.expand, .paramInner.expanded',
1090  function(event){\n if($(this).children('ul').length ==0){
1091  // find parents\n var parents = findParents(this)
1092  var result = baseInnerParams(parents,parseInt(
1093  $(this).attr("data-index")) )[1]
1094  addParams(this, result);\n }\n else{
1095  //children already added, so just hide/show.
1096  $(this).children('ul').toggle();\n }\n event.stopPropagation();
1097  });\n/*\n Find the parents of a child.\n*/\nfunction findParents(child){
1098  var parents =[$(child).attr("data-name")]
1099  var theParent = $(child).attr("data-parent")
1100  while(theParent !=undefined){ \n var child = $(child).parent();
1101  if(child.prop("tagName")=="UL") continue;
1102  parents.unshift(child.attr("data-name"));
1103  theParent = child.attr("data-parent");\n }\n return parents\n}\n/*
1104  Helper function: returns filename appended onto val.\n*/
1105 function getFile(theName){\n var f = baseFile(theName)
1106  if(f)return theName+=type(f)\n return theName\n}\n/*
1107  Add params to the object. Object can be of any type
1108  (normally module or param).
1109  Will be used by modules adding parameters, psets adding parameters.\n*/
1110  var $LIBasic = $(document.createElement('li')).attr("class","param");
1111  var $LIExpand = $LIBasic.clone().attr("class","expand");\n
1112 function addParams(obj, params){
1113  var fileChecked = document.getElementById("ShowFiles").checked
1114  var $span = $(document.createElement("span"));
1115  var $typeSpan = $span.clone().addClass("type");
1116  var $valSpan = $span.clone().addClass("value");
1117  var $UL = $(document.createElement("ul"));
1118  var $objName = $(obj).attr('data-name');\n\n if(!params)
1119  params = baseParams($objName)\n for(var i =0; i < params.length; i++){
1120  var all = params[i].slice() // make copy of it
1121  var isList= typeof(all)=="object"
1122  var theName = isList ? all.shift(): all
1123  var typ= !isList || !all.length ? baseType(theName): all.pop()
1124  var gen = getGenericType(typ)
1125  var spt = $typeSpan.clone().attr("data-name",typ).text(type(typ))
1126  if(fileChecked) text = getFile(theName)
1127  if(isList && typeof(all[0]) == "object"){\n // PSets
1128  var cloLI = doLI(false,theName,i,"paramInner",spt)
1129  cloLI.attr("data-parent", $objName)\n }
1130  else if(baseParams(theName)){\n // Modules or sequences
1131  var cloLI = doLI(false,theName,i,gen,spt)\n }\n else{
1132  // Basic type, has no children\n var cloLI= doLI(true,theName,i)
1133  var value =""\n if(all.length)\n var value = all.shift()
1134  // formating so lots of strings look nicer\n var valDataName = value
1135  if(value.indexOf(",")>-1){
1136  value = "<ul><li>"+value.replace(/,/g, ",</li><li>")+"</li></ul>"
1137  }\n var add = type(typ)
1138  cloLI.append($valSpan.clone().attr("data-name",valDataName).html(value))
1139  cloLI.append($typeSpan.clone().attr("data-name",add).text(add))
1140  for(var p=0; p < all.length; p++){\n var n = type(all[p])
1141  cloLI.append($typeSpan.clone().attr("data-name",n).text(n))\n }
1142  } \n $UL.append(cloLI);\n }\n $(obj).append($UL);\n}\n
1143 function type(theName){\n return " ("+theName+")"\n}\n/*
1144  Helper function: Adds data to a LI.\n*/
1145 function doLI(basic,dataN,dataI,classes,html){
1146  if(basic) var $LI = $LIBasic.clone()\n else var $LI = $LIExpand.clone()
1147  $LI.attr("data-name", dataN).attr("data-index", dataI).text(dataN);
1148  if(classes)$LI.addClass(classes)\n if(html)$LI.append(html)\n return $LI
1149 }\n/*\n Box to show params has been clicked.\n*/
1150 $(document).on('click', '#ShowParams', function(e){
1151  if($(this).is (':checked')){\n showParams = true\n }\n else{
1152  $(this).next().hide()\n showParams = false\n }\n});\n/*
1153  Removes children from top level list elements.\n*/
1154 $(document).on('click', '#hide', function(e){
1155  //make sure not called when not needed.
1156  if($(this).css('cursor')!='default'){
1157  var selec = $(".expanded."+topClass).children("ul").hide()
1158  toggleExpand($(".expanded."+topClass ),e)\n invisibleHide()\n }\n});
1159 // --- end of expand and show more data operations ---
1160 // --- general helper operations and functions ---\n\n/*
1161  Return to normal viewing mode.\n*/\nfunction goNormal(it){
1162  expandDisable = false;
1163  $(".cellEdit").replaceWith(function() { return $(this).contents();});
1164  $("#save").remove()\n $("#mode")[0].textContent = "Normal Mode"
1165  it.attr("value", "Edit");\n it.attr("id", "editMode")\n}\n/*
1166  Set what the CURRENT_OBJ is.\n*/\nfunction setCURRENT_OBJ($element){
1167  var thefunction = $element.attr("data-base");
1168  var list = $element.attr("data-files").split(" ");\n if(list.length >1){
1169  CURRENT_OBJ = window[thefunction](list[1], list[0])\n } \n else{
1170  CURRENT_OBJ = window[thefunction](list[0])\n }\n}\n/*
1171  Add option in html to show/hide parameters.\n*/\nfunction paramOptions(bool){
1172  if(!bool){\n $("#attachParams").empty()\n return\n }
1173  var lb= jQuery('<label/>', {\n for:"ShowParams"\n })
1174  jQuery('<input/>', {\n type:"checkbox",\n id:"ShowParams",
1175  name:"ShowParams",\n value:"ShowParams",\n autocomplete:"off"
1176  }).appendTo(lb)\n lb.append("Show Parameters")
1177 lb.appendTo("#attachParams")\n}\n/*\n Small info about each option.\n*/
1178 $('#showType option').mouseover(function(){
1179  var docType = $(this).attr("value").toLowerCase();\n var info;
1180  switch(docType){\n case "producer":
1181  info="What's produced by each module."\n break;
1182  case "consumer":\n info="What's consumed by each module."
1183  break;\n default:\n info ="List of "+ docType+"s."\n }
1184  $(this).attr("title", info);\n});\n/*\n Small info about each option.\n*/
1185 $('span[name="Info"]').mouseover(function(){
1186  var docType = $(this).attr("value").toLowerCase();\n var info;
1187  switch(docType){\n case "producer":
1188  info="What's produced by each module."\n break;
1189  case "consumer":\n info="What's consumed by each module."
1190  break;\n default:\n info ="List of "+ docType+"s."\n }
1191  $(this).attr("title", info);\n});\n/*\n More info about what's shown.\n*/
1192 $("#helpMouse").hover(function(e) {
1193  $($(this).data("help")).stop().show(100);
1194  var title = "<h6>(Read the README file!)</h6><h4>Info:</h4> "
1195  var expl = "<h5>Colour codes:</h5> <h6><ul><li class='Path'>pathName"+
1196  " </li></ul><ul><li class='Modules'>Modules (e.g. "+
1197  "EDProducer, EDFilter etc)</li></ul><ul><li class='Types'>"+
1198  "Types (e.g. PSet)</li></ul><ul><li class='param'>"+
1199  "ParameterName:<span class='value'> value</span><span"+
1200  " class='type'>(type)</span></li></ul></h6>"
1201  var info ="<h5>The data</h5><h6>The headings you can choose from are"+
1202  " what was collected from the config file.<br/><br/> Any "+
1203  "change to the config file means having to run the script "+
1204  "again and then refresh this page (if same output file was "+
1205  "used).</h6><br/>"
1206  var tSearch="<h5>Search</h5><h6>Currently can only search by listing "+
1207  "what items you would like to be searched, and then what part"+
1208  " of each item.<br/><br/> I.e. search the producers for "+
1209  "certain names.</h6><br/>"
1210  var problems = "<h5>HTML/JSON/JS issues</h5><h6>If content isn't "+
1211  "loading,or json files cannot be loaded due to browser"+
1212  " security issues, try runing the local server created"+
1213  " by the script. This will be in the same place as "+
1214  "index.html.<br/><span class='Types'>'python cfgServer.py'"+
1215  " </span></h6><br/>"
1216  var editing = "<h5>Editing</h5><h6>In order to use the edit mode, you "+
1217  "need to run the cfgServer.py file, this will be in the "+
1218  "same directory as the index.html.<br/>Then go to <span"+
1219  " class='Types'> 'http://localhost:8000/index.html.'"+
1220  "</span><br/><strong>Please note that the editing of "+
1221  "SequenceTypes (i.e. Paths, EndPaths etc) and of producers"+
1222  " and consumers has been "
1223  $($(this).data("help")).html(title+expl+info+problems+editing);
1224  "disabled.</strong></h6><br/>"\n}, function() {
1225  $($(this).data("help")).hide();\n});\n/*
1226  These two functions hide/show the top box in browser.\n*/
1227 $(document).on('click', '.hideTopBox', function(e){
1228  $(".topSpec").animate({top: "-2.5em"}, 500);\n $(this).text("show");
1229  $(this).toggleClass("hideTopBox "+"showTopBox");\n});
1230 $(document).on('click', '.showTopBox', function(e){
1231  $(".topSpec").animate({top: "0em"}, 500);\n $(this).text("hide");
1232  $(this).toggleClass("showTopBox "+ "hideTopBox");\n});\n/*
1233  Stop some links from firing.\n*/\n$('a.nowhere').click(function(e)\n{
1234  e.preventDefault();\n});\n\n// Turn off any action for clicking help.
1235 $('a#help').bind('click', function() {\n return false;\n});\n/*
1236  If parameter value is a list, hide/show the list on click.\n*/
1237 $(document).on('click', '.param',function(event){\n if(!expandDisable){
1238  if($(this).find('ul').length >0){\n $(this).find('ul').toggle();\n }}
1239  event.stopPropagation();\n});\n/*
1240  Removes children from expanded paths or modules.\n*/
1241 $(document).on('click', '.expanded',function(event){
1242  var c = $(this).children('ul');\n if(c.length >0){\n $(c).remove();
1243  }\n event.stopPropagation();\n});\nfunction visibleHide(){
1244  $('#hide').css('opacity',1);\n $('#hide').css('cursor','pointer');
1245  hideVisible = true;\n}\nfunction invisibleHide(){
1246  $('#hide').css('opacity','');\n $('#hide').css('cursor','');
1247  hideVisible = false;\n}\n\n// Toggles class names.
1248 $(document).on('click','.expand, .expanded', function(event){
1249  if(!hideVisible && $(this).is('.expand')){\n visibleHide();\n }
1250  toggleExpand(this, event);\n});\n/*\n Helper function toggles class type.
1251 */\nfunction toggleExpand(me,event){\n $(me).toggleClass("expanded expand");
1252  event.stopPropagation();\n}\n});\n// end of jquery\n/*
1253 Function to load the JSON files.\n*/\nfunction loadJSON(theName){
1254  return $.ajax({\n type: "GET",\n url: theName,
1255  beforeSend: function(xhr){\n if (xhr.overrideMimeType)\n {
1256  xhr.overrideMimeType("application/json");\n }\n },
1257  contentType: "application/json",\n async: false,\n dataType: "json"
1258  });\n} \n"""%(pN,pFN))
1259 genericTypes={}
1261 def doTypes(spec, generic):
1262  genericTypes[spec] = generic
1264 def JSONFormat(d):
1265  import json
1266  return json.dumps(d)
1268 class server:
1269  def __init__(self, name):
1270  self.printServer(name)
1272  def printServer(self, name):
1273  with open(name, 'w') as f:
1274  f.write("""
1275 #!/usr/bin/env python\nimport SimpleHTTPServer\nimport SocketServer
1276 import shutil\nimport os\nimport cgi\nimport socket\nimport errno\n
1277 #Right now cannot deal with SequenceTypes\nclass CfgConvert:
1278  def __init__(self, obj):\n self._pName = obj["processName"]
1279  self._pFileN = obj["processFileName"]\n obj.__delitem__("processName")
1280  obj.__delitem__("processFileName")\n self._obj = obj
1281  self._func="cms.%s"
1282  self.header=\"""import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
1283 process = cms.Process('%(n)s')\nfrom %(fileN)s import *\n%(changes)s\n\n\"""
1284  def _doConversion(self):\n return self.header%(
1285  {"changes":self._doWork(self._obj),
1286  "n":self._pName,"fileN":self._pFileN})\n\n def _doWork(self, obj):
1287  result =""\n for key, value in obj.iteritems():
1288  _type = value["Type"]\n _file = value["File"]
1289  _params = value["Parameters"]\n _oType = value["oType"]
1290  if(_oType):\n _oType= "'%s',"%(value["oType"])
1291  #f = eval(func%(_type))\n if(type(_params)== list):
1292  if(len(_params)==0):
1293  result +="process.%s= cms.%s(%s)\\n"%(key,_type,_oType[:-1])
1294  else:\n params = self._convert(_params)
1295  result+="process.%s= cms.%s(%s%s)\\n"%(key,_type,_oType, params)
1296  #elif(type(_params)== dict):
1297  # return "Sorry path and endpaths can not currently be translated."
1298  #params = self._doWork(_params)\n
1299  #obj = f("actualType", *parameters)\n return result\n
1300  def _convert(self,params):
1301  # NOTE: params do not take names inside functions
1302  # It is: name = cms.type(value)\n # okay we have a list like
1303  #[name,params, untracked,type]||[name,params,type]
1304  # 2 format options in the params\n # 1. [["name", "value", "type"]]
1305  # 2. [["PsetName",[[as above or this]], "Pset"]]\n
1306  # At position 0 is name. list[0]==name or list[0]==list
1307  # then that will be all
1308  # At position 1 is value or list. list[1]==value||list.
1309  # At position 2 is type. list[2] == type || untracked.
1310  # If there is a position 3 its type. list[3]== type.
1311  if(all(type(x) == list for x in params)):
1312  return ",".join([self._convert(x) for x in params])
1313  length = len(params)\n if(length==1):
1314  if(type(params[0]) == list):\n # wont have params[1]etc
1315  # do inners\n return self._convert(params[0])
1316  #wrong format\n print "Error 01 %s"%(str(params))\n return ""
1317  if(length !=3 and length !=4):\n #wrong format
1318  print "Error 02 len is %s"%(str(params))\n return ""
1319  # okay get on with it.\n name = params[0]
1320  if(type(params[1])==list):\n # do listy things
1321  value = self._convert(params[1])\n else:\n value=params[1]
1322  ty = params[2]\n if(name==ty):\n name=""\n if(length==4):
1323  ty+="."+params[3]\n if(name== params[3]):\n name=""
1324  if("vstring" in ty):\n # split the value up by commas
1325  value = ",".join(["'%s'"%x for x in value.split(",")])
1326  elif("string" in ty):\n #surround string with quotation marks
1327  value = "%s"%(value)\n # okay now done with everything
1328  call= self._func%(ty)\n if(name):
1329  return"%s=%s(%s)"%(name,call,value)\n return"%s(%s)"%(call,value)\n
1330 class ServerHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):\n
1331  def do_GET(self):\n if(self.path == "/index.html"):
1332  # find out what cfg html folders we have below
1333  # and add each main html page to the index\n li = os.listdir(".")
1334  dEnd = "-cfghtml"
1335  dirs = [x for x in li if os.path.isdir(x) and x.endswith(dEnd)]
1336  name = "main.html"
1337  names = [os.path.join(x,name) for x in dirs if name in os.listdir(x)]
1338  tmpte = '<li><a href ="%(n)s">%(s)s</a></li>'
1339  lis = [tmpte%{"n":x,"s":os.path.split(x)[0].replace(dEnd, "")}
1340  for x in names]\n with open("index.html", 'w') as f:
1341  f.write(\"""\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n <head>
1342  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
1343  <title>cfg-browser</title>\n </head>\n <body>
1344  <h4>Configuration files:</h4>\n <ul>\n %s\n </ul>\n </body>
1345 </html>\n \"""%("".join(lis)))\n
1346  return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)\n
1347  def do_POST(self):
1348  ctype,pdict= cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type'))
1349  bdy = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile,pdict)
1350  ch= " ".join(bdy[bdy.keys()[0]])\n self.conversion(eval(ch))
1351  self.writeFile()\n print "finished writing"\n
1352  def conversion(self, json):\n # Need to convert my json into config
1353  result = CfgConvert(json)._doConversion()
1354  with open("changed_cfg.py", 'w')as f:\n f.write(result)\n
1355  def writeFile(self):\n with open("changed_cfg.py", 'rb') as f:
1356  self.send_response(200)
1357  self.send_header("Content-Type", 'text/html')
1358  self.send_header("Content-Disposition",
1359  'attachment; filename="changed_cfg.py"')
1360  fs = os.fstat(f.fileno())
1361  self.send_header("Content-Length", str(fs.st_size))
1362  self.end_headers()\n shutil.copyfileobj(f, self.wfile)\n
1363 def main(port=8000, reattempts=5):\n if(port <1024):
1364  print \"""This port number may be refused permission.
1365 It is better to use a port number > 1023.\"""\n try:
1366  Handler = ServerHandler
1367  httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", port), Handler)
1368  print "using port", port
1369  print "Open http://localhost:%s/index.html in your browser."%(port)
1370  httpd.serve_forever()\n except socket.error as e:
1371  if(reattempts >0 and e[0] == errno.EACCES):
1372  print "Permission was denied."
1373  elif(reattempts >0 and e[0]== errno.EADDRINUSE):
1374  print "Address %s is in use."%(port)\n else:\n raise
1375  print "Trying again with a new port number."\n if(port < 1024):
1376  port = 1024\n else:\n port = port +1
1377  main(port, reattempts-1)\n\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n import sys
1378  if(len(sys.argv)>1):\n try:\n port = int(sys.argv[1])
1379  main(port)\n sys.exit() \n except ValueError:
1380  print "Integer not valid, using default port number."\n main()
1381 """)
1383 def computeConfigs(args):
1384  pyList=[]
1385  for x in args:
1386  if(os.path.isdir(x)):
1387  # get all .py files.
1388  allItems = os.listdir(x)
1389  py = [os.path.join(x,y) for y in allItems if y.endswith(".py")]
1390  pyList.extend(computeConfigs(py))
1391  if(recurse):
1392  # print "recurse"
1393  # if we want to recurse, we look for everything
1394  dirs = []
1395  for y in os.listdir(x):
1396  path = os.path.join(x,y)
1397  if(os.path.isdir(path)):
1398  pyList.extend(computeConfigs([os.path.join(path,z)
1399  for z in os.listdir(path)]))
1400  elif(x.endswith(".py")):
1401  pyList.append(x)
1402  return pyList
1404 recurse=False
1406 def main(args,helperDir,htmlFile,quiet, noServer):
1407  dirName = "%s-cfghtml"
1408  # new dir format
1409  # cfgViewer.html
1410  # patTuple-html/
1411  # lower.html
1412  # cfgViewerHelper/
1413  # -json files
1414  pyconfigs = computeConfigs(args)
1415  tmpte = '<li><a href ="%(n)s">%(s)s</a></li>'
1416  lis=""
1417  found =0
1418  for x in pyconfigs:
1419  print "-----"
1420  # for every config file
1421  name = os.path.split(x)[1].replace(".py", "")
1422  dirN = dirName%(name)
1423  # we have the dir name now we only need
1424  # now we have thedir for everything to be stored in
1425  #htmlF = opts._htmlfile
1426  #htmldir= os.path.split(htmlFile)[0]
1427  #baseDir = os.path.join(htmldir,dirN)
1428  baseDir = dirN
1429  dirCreated = False
1430  if not os.path.exists(baseDir):
1431  os.makedirs(baseDir)
1432  dirCreated = True
1433  # base Dir under where the htmlFile will be.
1434  lowerHTML = os.path.join(baseDir, htmlFile)
1435  helper = os.path.join(helperDir, "")
1436  helperdir = os.path.join(baseDir, helper, "")
1437  if not os.path.exists(helperdir):
1438  os.makedirs(helperdir)
1439  print "Calculating", x
1440  try:
1441  u = unscheduled(x, lowerHTML, quiet, helper,helperdir)
1442  except Exception as e:
1443  print "File %s is a config file but something went wrong"%(x)
1444  print "%s"%(e)
1445  continue
1446  print "Finished with", x
1447  if(not u._computed and dirCreated):
1448  # remove any directories created
1449  shutil.rmtree(baseDir)
1450  continue
1451  found +=1
1452  lis += tmpte%{"n":os.path.join(dirN,htmlFile),"s":name}
1453  with open("index.html", 'w')as f:
1454  f.write("""
1455 <!DOCTYPE html>
1456 <html>
1457  <head>
1458  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
1459  <title>cfg-browser</title>
1460  </head>
1461  <body>
1462  <h4>Configuration files:</h4>
1463  <ul>
1464  %s
1465  </ul>
1466  </body>
1467 </html>
1468  """%("".join(lis)))
1469  if(found == 0):
1470  print "Sorry, no configuration files were found."
1471  return
1472  print "Finished dealing with configuration files."
1473  server("cfgServer.py")
1474  if(not noServer):
1475  print "-----"
1476  print "Starting the python server.."
1477  import cfgServer
1478  cfgServer.main()
1481 if __name__ == "__main__":
1482  import sys, os, imp, shutil
1483  from optparse import OptionParser
1484  parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog <cfg-file> ")
1485  parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
1486  action="store_true", dest="_quiet", default=False,
1487  help="Print minimal messages to stdout")
1488  #parser.add_option("-o", "--html_file", dest="_htmlfile",
1489  # help="The output html file.", default="cfg-viewer.html")
1490  parser.add_option("-s", "--no_server",
1491  action="store_true", dest="_server", default=False,
1492  help="Disable starting a python server to view "\
1493  "the html after finishing with config files.")
1494  parser.add_option("-r", "--recurse", dest="_recurse",action="store_true",
1495  default=False,
1496  help="Search directories recursively for .py files.")
1497  # store in another dir down
1498  #additonalDir = "first"
1499  helper_dir = "cfgViewerJS"
1500  opts, args = parser.parse_args()
1501  #cfg = args
1502  try:
1503  distBaseDirectory=os.path.abspath(
1504  os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),".."))
1505  if (not os.path.exists(distBaseDirectory) or
1506  not "Vispa" in os.listdir(distBaseDirectory)):
1507  distBaseDirectory=os.path.abspath(
1508  os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"../python"))
1509  if (not os.path.exists(distBaseDirectory) or
1510  not "Vispa" in os.listdir(distBaseDirectory)):
1511  distBaseDirectory=os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(
1512  "$CMSSW_BASE/python/FWCore/GuiBrowsers"))
1513  if (not os.path.exists(distBaseDirectory) or
1514  not "Vispa" in os.listdir(distBaseDirectory)):
1515  distBaseDirectory=os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(
1516  "$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/python/FWCore/GuiBrowsers"))
1517  except Exception:
1518  distBaseDirectory=os.path.abspath(
1519  os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),".."))
1520  sys.path.insert(0,distBaseDirectory)
1521  from Vispa.Main.Directories import *
1522  distBinaryBaseDirectory=os.path.join(baseDirectory,"dist")
1523  sys.path.append(distBinaryBaseDirectory)
1524  from FWCore.GuiBrowsers.Vispa.Plugins.ConfigEditor import ConfigDataAccessor
1525  print "starting.."
1526  recurse = opts._recurse
1527  doesNotExist = [x for x in args if not os.path.exists(x)]
1528  if(len(doesNotExist)):
1529  s =""
1530  for x in doesNotExist:
1531  args.remove(x)
1532  s += "%s does not exist.\n"%(x)
1533  print s
1535  if(len(args)==0 or len(doesNotExist)== len(args)):
1536  print """
1537  Either you provided no arguments, or the arguments provided do not exist.
1538  Please try again.
1539  If you need help finding files, provide arguments "." -r and I will search
1540  recursively through the directories in the current directory.
1541  """
1542  else:
1543  main(args,"cfgViewerJS","main.html",opts._quiet, opts._server)
def getParamSeqDict
Definition: cfg-viewer.py:514
def JSONFormat
Definition: cfg-viewer.py:1264
def getParameters
Definition: cfg-viewer.py:438
static std::string join(char **cmd)
Definition: RemoteFile.cc:18
def listBase
Definition: cfg-viewer.py:469
def computeConfigs
Definition: cfg-viewer.py:1383
Definition: main.py:1
double split
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:139