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GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO > Class Template Reference

Unlimited (trivial) bounds. More...

#include <BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h>

Inheritance diagram for GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >:
TValidTrackingRecHit SiStripBadStrip RecHit2DLocalPos RecSegment Plane Surface Surface Bounds Bounds Bounds Bounds Bounds Bounds TrackerSingleRecHit TrackerSingleRecHit BaseTrackerRecHit TrackerSingleRecHit TrackerSingleRecHit InvalidTrackingRecHit CaloCellGeometry CaloSubdetectorTopology CaloSubdetectorTopology CaloSubdetectorTopology CaloSubdetectorTopology CaloSubdetectorTopology CaloSubdetectorTopology StripTopology RadialStripTopology StripTopology CaloSubdetectorGeometry CaloSubdetectorGeometry GeomDetType PixelTopology StripTopology PixelTopology GeomDetType MeasurementDet MeasurementDet Plane GeometricSearchDet TECWedge Bounds GeometricSearchDet ForwardDetLayer ForwardDetLayer DetRodOneR TECWedge TBLayer TBLayer GeometricSearchDet RingedForwardLayer GeometricSearchDet DetRod MSLayersKeeper MSLayersKeeper MSLayersKeeper SimpleNavigableLayer SimpleNavigableLayer SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator TrackingRegion HitRZCompatibility HitRZCompatibility HitRZCompatibility TrackingRegion TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder TrackingRecHit TrackingRecHit TrackingRecHit TValidTrackingRecHit BasicVertexState ProxyBase< T, Cloner > ReferenceCounted LinearizedTrackState< 5 > Propagator Propagator HelixPlaneCrossing HelixPlaneCrossing HelixPlaneCrossing HelixLineExtrapolation HelixPlaneCrossing HelixLineExtrapolation cms::Exception Propagator Propagator BasicTrajectoryState GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator TrajectoryFitter TrajectorySmoother Chi2MeasurementEstimator Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase TrajectoryStateUpdator TrajectoryStateUpdator TrajectoryStateUpdator Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase MaterialEffectsUpdator MaterialEffectsUpdator MaterialEffectsUpdator Propagator VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator ClosestApproachOnHelices TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder ClosestApproachOnHelices TrajectoryFitter TrajectoryFitter TrajectoryFitter TrajectoryFitter TrajectorySmoother BasicTrajectoryState NavSurface NavSurface NavSurface NavVolume MagneticFieldProvider< T > Propagator Propagator Propagator RKDerivative< double, 6 > RKDerivative< T, N > RKDerivative< T, N > RKSolver< T, N > RKDistance< double, 6 > RKDistance< T, N > Propagator


struct  BadComponent
class  BadComponentStrictWeakOrdering
struct  Basis
class  HitCollectorForFastMeasurements
class  HitCollectorForRecHits
class  HitCollectorForSimpleHits
class  Polynomial
struct  RingPar
struct  SubRingCrossings
struct  SubTurbineCrossings
struct  WedgePar

Public Types

enum  { k_NumberOfCellsForCorners = EBDetId::kSizeForDenseIndexing }
enum  { k_NumberOfShapes = 17 }
enum  { k_NumberOfParametersPerShape = 11 }
enum  { k_NumberOfCellsForCorners = EBDetId::kSizeForDenseIndexing }
enum  { k_NumberOfShapes = 17 }
enum  { k_NumberOfParametersPerShape = 11 }
typedef edm::RangeMap< int,
std::vector< float > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, 3, N-2,
ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double,
3, N-2 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N-2, N-2,
ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double,
N-2, N-2 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N+1, N+1,
ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double,
N+1 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SVector
< double, N
typedef EcalBarrelGeometryRecord AlignedRecord
typedef EcalEndcapGeometryRecord AlignedRecord
typedef EBAlignmentRcd AlignmentRecord
typedef EEAlignmentRcd AlignmentRecord
typedef BaseTrackerRecHit Base
typedef RKDerivative< double, 6 > Base
typedef RKDerivative< T, NBase
typedef RKDerivative< T, NBase
typedef RKSolver< T, NBase
typedef TrackerSingleRecHit Base
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInZ
< float > 
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi
< float > 
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInZ
< float > 
< Cylinder
ReferenceCountingPointer< Disk
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat
typedef std::vector
< TruncatedPyramid
typedef std::vector
< TruncatedPyramid
typedef std::vector< int > ChannelContainer
typedef edm::Ref
< edmNew::DetSetVector
< SiPixelCluster >
, SiPixelCluster
ReferenceCountingPointer< Cone
typedef std::vector
< SiStripCluster >
< Cylinder
< Disk
ReferenceCountingPointer< Cone
< Cylinder
< Disk
enum  CorrectionFlag { NoCorrection =0, MeanCorrection =1, FullCorrection =2 }
< Cylinder
enum  DestType {
typedef EBDetId DetIdType
typedef EEDetId DetIdType
typedef edmNew::DetSet
< SiStripCluster
typedef Basic3DVector< double > DirectionTypeDouble
typedef Basic3DVector< double > DirectionTypeDouble
ReferenceCountingPointer< Disk
enum  Fancy {
  HEL_AS_F =0, HEL_ALL_F, POL_1_F, POL_2_F,
typedef MagneticFieldProvider
< T >::GlobalPointType 
typedef MagneticFieldProvider
< T >::GlobalVectorType 
typedef IdealGeometryRecord IdealRecord
typedef IdealGeometryRecord IdealRecord
typedef MagneticFieldProvider
< T >::LocalPointType 
typedef MagneticFieldProvider
< T >::LocalVectorType 
TkTrackingRegionsMargin< float > 
TkTrackingRegionsMargin< float > 
TkTrackingRegionsMargin< float > 
enum  MaterialLocation { atSource, atDestination, fromDirection }
enum  Mode { FastMode =0, SlowMode =1 }
typedef detset::const_iterator new_const_iterator
typedef EcalBarrelNumberingScheme NumberingScheme
typedef EcalEndcapNumberingScheme NumberingScheme
typedef EZArrayFL< EBDetIdOrderedListOfEBDetId
typedef EZArrayFL< EEDetIdOrderedListOfEEDetId
enum  Pars { RADIUS_P =0, Z_P = 0, PATHL_P = 0 }
typedef PEcalBarrelRcd PGeometryRecord
typedef PEcalEndcapRcd PGeometryRecord
< Plane
typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector Point
typedef Basic3DVector< double > PositionTypeDouble
typedef Basic3DVector< double > PositionTypeDouble
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D Pt3D
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D Pt3D
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D Pt3D
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec Pt3DVec
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec Pt3DVec
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec Pt3DVec
< LinearizedTrackState< N > > 
< LinearizedTrackState< 5 > > 
< RefittedTrackState< N > > 
typedef T Scalar
typedef Base::Scalar Scalar
typedef Base::Scalar Scalar
typedef Base::Scalar Scalar
typedef double Scalar
typedef Base::Scalar Scalar
enum  SharedInputType {
  all = TrackingRecHit::all, some = TrackingRecHit::some, allWires, someWires,
  allStrips, someStrips
typedef SiStripRecHit2D::ClusterRef SiStripClusterRef
typedef SteppingHelixStateInfo StateInfo
typedef std::pair< const
*, SurfaceOrientation::Side
typedef std::vector
< SurfaceAndSide
typedef PixelTopology TopologyType
typedef StripTopology TopologyType
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Tr3D Tr3D
typedef TrackingRecHit::Type Type
enum  UseMeasurementTracker { UseMeasurementTracker::kNever = -1, UseMeasurementTracker::kForSiStrips = 0, UseMeasurementTracker::kAlways = 1 }
typedef std::vector
< OrderedListOfEBDetId * > 
typedef std::vector
< OrderedListOfEEDetId * > 
typedef RKSmallVector< T, NVector
typedef Base::Vector Vector
typedef Base::Vector Vector
typedef Base::Vector Vector
typedef RKSmallVector< double, 6 > Vector
typedef Base::Vector Vector
typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector Vector
- Public Types inherited from RKDistance< T, N >
typedef T Scalar
typedef RKSmallVector< T, NVector
- Public Types inherited from RKDistance< double, 6 >
typedef double Scalar
typedef RKSmallVector< double, NVector
- Public Types inherited from RKSolver< T, N >
typedef T Scalar
typedef RKSmallVector< T, NVector
- Public Types inherited from RKDerivative< T, N >
typedef T Scalar
typedef RKSmallVector< T, NVector
- Public Types inherited from RKDerivative< double, 6 >
typedef double Scalar
typedef RKSmallVector< double, NVector
- Public Types inherited from MagneticFieldProvider< T >
typedef Point3DBase< T, GlobalTagGlobalPointType
typedef Vector3DBase< T,
typedef Point3DBase< T, LocalTagLocalPointType
typedef Vector3DBase< T, LocalTagLocalVectorType
- Public Types inherited from NavVolume
typedef std::vector
< SurfaceAndBounds
- Public Types inherited from MagVolume
typedef GloballyPositioned< float > Base
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::GlobalPoint 
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::GlobalVector 
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::LocalPoint 
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::LocalVector 
- Public Types inherited from GloballyPositioned< float >
typedef Point3DBase< float,
typedef Vector3DBase< float,
typedef Point3DBase< float,
typedef Vector3DBase< float,
typedef Point3DBase< float,
typedef TkRotation< float > RotationType
typedef float Scalar
- Public Types inherited from NavSurface
typedef Surface::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint
typedef Surface::GlobalVector GlobalVector
typedef Surface::LocalPoint LocalPoint
typedef Surface::LocalVector LocalVector
typedef std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
- Public Types inherited from BasicTrajectoryState
typedef BasicTrajectoryState BTSOS
typedef Proxy::pointer pointer
typedef ProxyBase11< BTSOSProxy
typedef Surface SurfaceType
- Public Types inherited from TrajectorySmoother
typedef std::vector< TrajectoryTrajectoryContainer
- Public Types inherited from TrajectoryFitter
enum  fitType { standard =0, looper =1 }
typedef Trajectory::RecHitContainer RecHitContainer
typedef TrajectoryFitterRecord Record
- Public Types inherited from TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder
typedef FreeTrajectoryState FTS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
- Public Types inherited from MaterialEffectsUpdator
typedef materialEffect::Covariance Covariance
typedef materialEffect::CovIndex CovIndex
typedef materialEffect::Effect Effect
- Public Types inherited from MeasurementEstimator
typedef std::pair< bool, double > HitReturnType
typedef Vector2DBase< float,
typedef bool SurfaceReturnType
- Public Types inherited from GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator
typedef materialEffect::Covariance Covariance
typedef materialEffect::CovIndex CovIndex
typedef materialEffect::Effect Effect
- Public Types inherited from HelixLineExtrapolation
typedef Basic3DVector< float > DirectionType
typedef Basic3DVector< double > DirectionTypeDouble
typedef Basic3DVector< float > PositionType
typedef Basic3DVector< double > PositionTypeDouble
- Public Types inherited from HelixPlaneCrossing
typedef Basic3DVector< float > DirectionType
typedef Basic3DVector< float > PositionType
 the helix is passed to the constructor and does not appear in the interface More...
- Public Types inherited from LinearizedTrackState< 5 >
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N-2,
3, ROOT::Math::MatRepStd
< double, N-2, 3 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N,
3, ROOT::Math::MatRepStd
< double, N, 3 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N, N-2,
ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double,
N, N-2 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N-2, N-2,
ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double,
N-2 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N, N,
ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double,
N > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix
< double, N+1, N+1,
ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double,
N+1 > > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SVector
< double, N-2 > 
typedef ROOT::Math::SVector
< double, N
< RefittedTrackState< N > > 
- Public Types inherited from BasicVertexState
typedef ProxyBase
< BasicVertexState,
< BasicVertexState > > 
< BasicVertexState
- Public Types inherited from TrackingRecHit
typedef std::vector
< ConstRecHitPointer
using ConstRecHitPointer = std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const >
typedef unsigned int id_type
typedef std::vector
< ConstRecHitPointer
using RecHitPointer = std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const >
enum  SharedInputType { all, some }
 definition of equality via shared input More...
enum  Type { valid = 0, missing = 1, inactive = 2, bad = 3 }
- Public Types inherited from TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
- Public Types inherited from TrackingRegion
using ctfHits = ctfseeding::SeedingLayer::Hits
typedef SeedingLayerSetsHits::Hits Hits
typedef PixelRecoRange< float > Range
- Public Types inherited from HitRZCompatibility
enum  Algo { zAlgo =0, rAlgo =1, etaAlgo =2 }
typedef PixelRecoRange< float > Range
- Public Types inherited from SimpleNavigableLayer
typedef std::vector< const
BarrelDetLayer * > 
typedef std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
typedef std::vector< const
ForwardDetLayer * > 
- Public Types inherited from GeometricSearchDet
typedef std::pair< const
*, TrajectoryStateOnSurface
typedef BoundSurface::PositionType PositionType
typedef BoundSurface::RotationType RotationType
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TrajectoryState
- Public Types inherited from DetLayer
- Public Types inherited from DetRodOneR
typedef std::vector
< GeometricSearchDet * > 
- Public Types inherited from Plane
< Plane
< Plane
< Plane
< Plane
- Public Types inherited from Surface
typedef GloballyPositioned< float > Base
typedef SurfaceOrientation::Side Side
- Public Types inherited from MeasurementDet
using SimpleHitContainer = std::vector< BaseTrackerRecHit * >
typedef tracking::TempMeasurements TempMeasurements
- Public Types inherited from GeomDetType
- Public Types inherited from Topology
typedef Point2DBase< double,
typedef Vector2D::MathVector MathVector2D
typedef Basic2DVector< double > Vector2D
- Public Types inherited from CaloSubdetectorGeometry
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat
typedef std::vector
< CaloCellGeometry const * > 
typedef std::set< DetIdDetIdSet
typedef std::vector< CCGFloatDimVec
typedef std::vector< unsigned int > IVec
typedef CaloCellGeometry::ParMgr ParMgr
typedef CaloCellGeometry::ParVec ParVec
typedef CaloCellGeometry::ParVecVec ParVecVec
typedef std::vector< CCGFloatTrVec
- Public Types inherited from CaloCellGeometry
typedef float CCGFloat
typedef EZMgrFL< GlobalPointCornersMgr
enum  CornersSize { k_cornerSize = 8 }
typedef EZArrayFL< GlobalPointCornersVec
typedef EZMgrFL< CCGFloatParMgr
typedef EZArrayFL< CCGFloatParVec
typedef std::vector< ParVecParVecVec
typedef HepGeom::Point3D
< CCGFloat
typedef std::vector< Pt3DPt3DVec
typedef HepGeom::Transform3D Tr3D
- Public Types inherited from InvalidTrackingRecHit
typedef TrackingRecHit::Type Type
- Public Types inherited from TrackerSingleRecHit
typedef BaseTrackerRecHit Base
- Public Types inherited from RecHit2DLocalPos
typedef GloballyPositioned
< float >::LocalPoint 
- Public Types inherited from SiStripBadStrip
typedef std::vector< unsigned int > Container
typedef std::vector< unsigned
int >::const_iterator 
typedef Container InputVector
typedef std::pair
< ContainerIterator,
typedef std::vector< DetRegistryRegistry
typedef Registry::const_iterator RegistryIterator

Public Member Functions

bool accept (SiStripClusterRef const &r, const std::vector< bool > &skipClusters) const
float adcs (unsigned int strip, unsigned int timebin) const
 Map of strip ADCs for strips comprising the rechit. More...
void add (const uint32_t &, const SiStripBadStrip::Range &)
void add (const SiStripBadStrip *)
void add (const SiStripDetCabling *)
void add (const SiStripDetVOff *)
void add (const RunInfo *)
void addInvalidConnectionFromCabling ()
void addNotConnectedConnectionFromCabling ()
virtual void addVolume (const NavVolume *vol, const Bounds *bounds, SurfaceOrientation::Side side)
 NavVolumes are supposed to call this method to "register" with the NavSurface. More...
virtual void addVolume (const NavVolume *vol, const Bounds *bounds, SurfaceOrientation::Side side)
 NavVolumes are supposed to call this method to "register" with the NavSurface. More...
virtual void addVolume (const NavVolume *vol, const Bounds *bounds, SurfaceOrientation::Side side)
 NavVolumes are supposed to call this method to "register" with the NavSurface. More...
void advance (TkStripRecHitIter &hi) const
const PropagatoralongPropagator () const
 AnalyticalPropagator (const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, float maxDPhi=1.6, bool isOld=true)
float angularWidth () const
void applyRadX0Correction (bool applyRadX0Correction)
CCGFloat avgAbsZFrontFaceCenter () const
CCGFloat avgRadiusXYFrontFaceCenter () const
const GlobalVectoraxis () const
short int badStrip () const
 flags for involvement of 'bad' channels More...
std::vector< BadStripBlock >
const & 
badStripBlocks () const
short int badWireGroup () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
virtual const std::vector
< const GeomDet * > & 
basicComponents () const
 BasicMultiTrajectoryState (const std::vector< TSOS > &tsvec)
 BasicMultiTrajectoryState ()
 BasicSingleTrajectoryState ()
template<typename... Args>
 BasicSingleTrajectoryState (Args &&...args)
 BasicSingleVertexState ()
 BasicSingleVertexState (const GlobalPoint &pos, const GlobalError &posErr, const double &weightInMix=1.0)
 BasicSingleVertexState (const GlobalPoint &pos, const GlobalWeight &posWeight, const double &weightInMix=1.0)
 BasicSingleVertexState (const AlgebraicVector3 &weightTimesPosition, const GlobalWeight &posWeight, const double &weightInMix=1.0)
 BeamHaloPropagator (const Propagator *aEndCapTkProp, const Propagator *aCrossTkProp, const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
 Defines which propagator is used inside endcap and in barrel. More...
 BeamHaloPropagator (const Propagator &aEndCapTkProp, const Propagator &aCrossTkProp, const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
 Defines which propagator is used inside endcap and in barrel. More...
 BeamHaloPropagator (const BeamHaloPropagator &)
 Copy constructor. More...
 BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit (const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot, const BeamSpotGeomDet *geom, double phi)
 BoundDiskSector (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, Bounds *bounds)
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds () const
virtual const Boundsbounds (const NavVolume *vol)
 Bounds corresponding to a NavVolume if present. More...
virtual const Boundsbounds (const NavVolume *vol)
 Bounds corresponding to a NavVolume if present. More...
virtual const Boundsbounds (const NavVolume *vol)
 Bounds corresponding to a NavVolume if present. More...
TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer build (const TrackingRecHit *p) const
 build a tracking rechit from an existing rechit More...
template<class ClusterRefT >
TrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer buildRecHit (const ClusterRefT &cluster, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ltp) const
template<class ClusterRefT >
void buildRecHits (const ClusterRefT &cluster, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ltp, const RecHitContainer &_res) const
SiStripDetCabling const * cabling () const
virtual bool calculate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &sta, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stb)
virtual bool calculate (const FreeTrajectoryState &sta, const FreeTrajectoryState &stb)
virtual bool calculate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &sta, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stb)
virtual bool calculate (const FreeTrajectoryState &sta, const FreeTrajectoryState &stb)
virtual bool calculate (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &sta, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &stb)
 CaloNavigator (const T &home, const TOPO *topology)
 CaloTowerTopology ()
 standard constructor More...
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const override
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const
virtual bool canImproveWithTrack () const
virtual bool canUpdateLocalParameters () const
 CartesianLorentzForce (const RKLocalFieldProvider &field, double ch)
float centreToIntersection () const
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &lp) const
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &lp) const
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual int channel (const LocalPoint &lp) const
int channel (const LocalPoint &) const
int channels (unsigned int i) const
 Extracting strip channel numbers comprising the rechit - low. More...
int channelsl1a (unsigned int i) const
 Extract the L1A phase bits from the StripChannelContainer - high. More...
virtual int charge () const
int charge () const
TrackCharge charge () const
virtual void checkParameters (AlgebraicVector5 &parameters) const
virtual HitRZCompatibilitycheckRZ (const DetLayer *layer, const Hit &outerHit, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const DetLayer *outerlayer=0, float lr=0, float gz=0, float dr=0, float dz=0) const
virtual HitRZCompatibilitycheckRZ (const DetLayer *layer, const Hit &outerHit, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const DetLayer *outerlayer=0, float lr=0, float gz=0, float dr=0, float dz=0) const
double chi2 () const
 Chi2 of the segment fit. More...
 Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator (double maxChi2, double nSigma, bool cutOnPixelCharge, bool cutOnStripCharge, double minGoodPixelCharge, double minGoodStripCharge, float pTChargeCutThreshold=100000.)
 Chi2Strip1DEstimator (double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
 Chi2Switching1DEstimator (double aMaxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
bool cleanUp (bool force=false)
void clear ()
clone () const
pointer clone () const
clone () const
clone () const
clone () const
virtual EnergyLossUpdatorclone () const
virtual Chi2Strip1DEstimatorclone () const
virtual Propagatorclone () const
virtual Propagatorclone () const
virtual HitRCheckclone () const
virtual HitZCheckclone () const
virtual KFStrip1DUpdatorclone () const
virtual Boundsclone () const
virtual Chi2Switching1DEstimatorclone () const
virtual VolumeEnergyLossEstimatorclone () const
virtual BasicSingleVertexStateclone () const
clone () const
virtual SiStripRecHit1Dclone () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual SiStripRecHit2Dclone () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
EtaPhiMeasurementEstimatorclone () const
virtual Boundsclone () const
virtual KFSwitching1DUpdatorclone () const
std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitterclone () const override
CSCSegmentclone () const
virtual Boundsclone () const
pointer clone () const override
virtual std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryFitter
clone () const override
virtual HitEtaCheckclone () const
virtual Boundsclone () const
virtual Boundsclone () const
virtual StraightLinePropagatorclone () const override
clone () const
virtual SiPixelRecHitclone () const
virtual SiStripMatchedRecHit2Dclone () const
virtual ProjectedSiStripRecHit2Dclone () const
virtual BeamHaloPropagatorclone () const
 Virtual constructor (using copy c'tor) More...
virtual KFUpdatorclone () const
virtual Propagatorclone () const
virtual GsfTrajectorySmootherclone () const override
virtual GlobalTrackingRegionclone () const
CSCRecHit2Dclone () const
 RecHit2DLocalPos base class interface. More...
virtual ClosestApproachInRPhiclone () const
virtual RecHitPointer clone (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts) const
virtual RecHitPointer clone (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts) const
std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitterclone () const override
virtual std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryFitter
clone () const override
clone () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual TwoTrackMinimumDistanceclone () const
virtual SmartPropagatorclone () const
 Virtual constructor (using copy c'tor) More...
virtual Boundsclone () const
clone (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos) const
virtual GsfBetheHeitlerUpdatorclone () const
virtual RecHitPointer clone (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts) const
virtual AnalyticalPropagatorclone () const
virtual Boundsclone () const
virtual SteppingHelixPropagatorclone () const override
virtual KFTrajectorySmootherclone () const override
virtual std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryFitter
clone () const override
virtual PropagatorWithMaterialclone () const
clone () const
virtual TrackingRecHitcloneHit () const
virtual TrackingRecHitcloneHit () const
virtual TrackingRecHitcloneHit () const
virtual TrackingRecHitcloneHit () const
TkClonerImpl cloner () const
 ClosestApproachInRPhi ()
ClusterRef cluster () const
ClusterRef cluster () const
ClusterRef cluster () const
ClusterRef cluster () const
float clusterProbability (unsigned int flags=0) const
virtual int colsperroc () const
virtual int colsperroc () const
 CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator (double mass, double ptMin=-1.)
void compact (unsigned int &, std::vector< unsigned int > &)
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const __attribute__((cold))
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const __attribute__((cold))
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const
std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const __attribute__((cold))
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const __attribute__((cold))
virtual std::pair< bool,
compatible (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &) const __attribute__((cold))
virtual void compatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetWithState > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
compatibleLayers (NavigationDirection direction) const override
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
compatibleLayers (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir) const override
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
compatibleLayers (NavigationDirection direction) const override
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
compatibleLayers (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir) const override
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface
components () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual const std::vector
< const GeometricSearchDet * > & 
components () const __attribute__((cold))
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
virtual std::vector
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface
components () const
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
std::vector< VertexStatecomponents () const
virtual std::vector
< ReferenceCountingPointer
< LinearizedTrackState< 5 > > > 
components () const
 Returns basic components, if any. More...
 CompositeTECPetal (std::vector< const TECWedge * > &innerWedges, std::vector< const TECWedge * > &outerWedges) __attribute__((cold))
 CompositeTECWedge (std::vector< const GeomDet * > &innerDets, std::vector< const GeomDet * > &outerDets) __attribute__((cold))
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect[]) const
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect[]) const
 Computation: generates vectors of weights, means and standard deviations. More...
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect[]) const
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect &effect) const
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect &effect) const
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect &effect) const
template<typename... Args>
 Cone (const PositionType &vert, Geom::Theta< Scalar > angle, Args &&...args)
 Cone (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, const PositionType &vert, Geom::Theta< Scalar > angle)
const AlgebraicVector5constantTerm () const
virtual bool containsBigPixelInX (int ixmin, int ixmax) const
bool containsBigPixelInX (int ixmin, int ixmax) const
virtual bool containsBigPixelInY (int iymin, int iymax) const
bool containsBigPixelInY (int iymin, int iymax) const
virtual float coveredStrips (const LocalPoint &lp1, const LocalPoint &lp2) const
virtual float coveredStrips (const LocalPoint &lp1, const LocalPoint &lp2) const
float coveredStrips (const LocalPoint &lp1, const LocalPoint &lp2) const
createRefittedTrackState (const GlobalPoint &vertexPosition, const AlgebraicVector3 &vectorParameters, const AlgebraicSymMatrix66 &covarianceMatrix) const
virtual GlobalPoint crossingPoint () const
virtual GlobalPoint crossingPoint () const
virtual VolumeCrossReturnType crossToNextVolume (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &currentState, const Propagator &prop) const
 Cross this volume and point at the next. More...
CSCDetId cscDetId () const
CSCDetId cscDetId () const
 CSCRecHit2D ()
 CSCRecHit2D (const CSCDetId &id, const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, const ChannelContainer &channels, const ADCContainer &adcs, const ChannelContainer &wgroups, float tpeak, float posInStrip, float errInStrip, int quality, short int badStrip=0, short int badWireGroup=0, int scaledWireTime=0, float energyDeposit=-995.)
 CSCSegment ()
 Default constructor. More...
 CSCSegment (const std::vector< const CSCRecHit2D * > &proto_segment, LocalPoint origin, LocalVector direction, const AlgebraicSymMatrix &errors, double chi2)
 Constructor. More...
 CurvilinearLorentzForce (const RKLocalFieldProvider &field)
template<typename... Args>
 Cylinder (Scalar radius, Args &&...args)
 Cylinder (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, SimpleCylinderBounds const &bounds)
 CylindricalLorentzForce (const RKLocalFieldProvider &field)
virtual int degreesOfFreedom () const
 Degrees of freedom of the segment fit. More...
virtual const GeomDetdet () const
float detHeight () const
virtual const DetLayerdetLayer () const override
virtual const DetLayerdetLayer () const override
const detsetdetSet (const StMeasurementDetSet &theDets) const
virtual const GeomDetUnitdetUnit () const
virtual const GeomDetUnitdetUnit () const override
virtual const GeomDetUnitdetUnit () const
virtual const GeomDetUnitdetUnit () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual int dimension () const
virtual DirectionType direction (double s) const
virtual DirectionType direction (double s) const
virtual DirectionType direction (double s) const
virtual DirectionType direction (double s) const
virtual DirectionType direction (double s) const
virtual DirectionType direction (double s) const
 Direction at pathlength s from the starting point. More...
DirectionTypeDouble directionInDouble (double s) const
DirectionTypeDouble directionInDouble (double s) const
DirectionTypeDouble directionInDouble (double s) const
 Direction at pathlength s from the starting point in double precision. More...
DirectionTypeDouble directionInDouble (double s) const
 Disk (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, SimpleDiskBounds *bounds)
 Disk (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, SimpleDiskBounds const &bounds)
 DiskSectorBounds (float rmin, float rmax, float zmin, float zmax, float phiExt)
virtual float distance () const
virtual float distance () const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > distanceAlongLine (const NavSurface::GlobalPoint &pos, const NavSurface::GlobalVector &dir) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > distanceAlongLine (const NavSurface::GlobalPoint &pos, const NavSurface::GlobalVector &dir) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > distanceAlongLine (const NavSurface::GlobalPoint &pos, const NavSurface::GlobalVector &dir) const
virtual std::vector< DetIddown (const DetId &id) const
T down () const
 move the navigator west More...
virtual std::vector< DetIddown (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIddown (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIddown (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIddown (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIddown (const DetId &id) const
const std::vector< CSCSegment > & duplicateSegments () const
virtual std::vector< DetIdeast (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdeast (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdeast (const DetId &id) const
T east () const
 move the navigator east More...
virtual std::vector< DetIdeast (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdeast (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdeast (const DetId &id) const
 EcalBarrelGeometry ()
 EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology ()
 create a new Topology More...
 EcalBarrelTopology ()
 create a new Topology More...
 EcalBarrelTopology (edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom)
 create a new Topology from geometry More...
 EcalEndcapGeometry ()
 EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology ()
 create a new Topology More...
 EcalEndcapTopology ()
 create a new Topology More...
 EcalEndcapTopology (edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom)
 create a new Topology from geometry More...
 EcalPreshowerTopology ()
 create a new Topology More...
 EcalPreshowerTopology (edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom)
 create a new Topology from geometry More...
bool empty (const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
float energyDepositedInLayer () const
 EnergyLossUpdator (double mass)
double err () const
GlobalError error () const
GlobalError error () const
virtual float errorGlobalR () const
virtual float errorGlobalR () const
virtual float errorGlobalR () const
virtual float errorGlobalRPhi () const
virtual float errorGlobalRPhi () const
virtual float errorGlobalRPhi () const
virtual float errorGlobalZ () const
virtual float errorGlobalZ () const
virtual float errorGlobalZ () const
float errorWithinStrip () const
 The uncertainty of the estimated position within the strip. More...
virtual std::pair< bool, double > estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const
std::pair< bool, double > estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const
estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface refTSOS, double pathLength, const VolumeMediumProperties &medium) const
 Creates an estimate. More...
virtual std::pair< bool, double > estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &aTsos, const TrackingRecHit &aHit) const
 implementation of MeasurementEstimator::estimate More...
estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface refTSOS, double pathLength, const VolumeMediumProperties &medium) const
 Creates an estimate. More...
virtual bool estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Plane &plane) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > estimate (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const
const MeasurementEstimatorestimator () const
const MeasurementEstimatorestimator () const
const MeasurementEstimatorestimator () const
const MeasurementEstimatorestimator () const
 EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator (double dEta, double dPhi)
const RangeetaRange () const
 allowed eta range [eta_min, eta_max] interval More...
virtual const std::vector
< VolumeSide > & 
faces () const
 Access to volume faces. More...
Plane fastTangent (const GlobalPoint &aPoint) const
 tangent plane to surface from global point More...
Plane fastTangent (const LocalPoint &aPoint) const
 tangent plane to surface from local point More...
void fillBadComponents ()
template<class ClusterRefT >
bool filteredRecHits (const ClusterRefT &cluster, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ltp, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const std::vector< bool > &skipClusters, RecHitContainer &result, std::vector< float > &diffs) const
template<class ClusterRefT >
bool filteredRecHits (const ClusterRefT &cluster, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ltp, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const std::vector< bool > &skipClusters, std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &result) const
double firstAngle () const
virtual OmniClusterRef const & firstClusterRef () const
Trajectory fitOne (const Trajectory &t, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &firstPredTsos, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const Trajectory &t, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &firstPredTsos, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const Trajectory &t, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &firstPredTsos, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const Trajectory &aTraj, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, const TSOS &firstPredTsos, fitType type) const
Trajectory fitOne (const Trajectory &aTraj, fitType) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, fitType) const
Trajectory fitOne (const TrajectorySeed &aSeed, const RecHitContainer &hits, const TSOS &firstPredTsos, fitType) const
const TrajectoryFitterfitter () const
 FlexibleKFFittingSmoother (const TrajectoryFitter &standardFitter, const TrajectoryFitter &looperFitter)
 constructor with predefined fitter and smoother and propagator More...
AlgebraicSymMatrixOO fullCovariance () const
bool fullCovarianceAvailable () const
 GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds (const Surface *surf, const std::vector< SurfaceAndSide > &limits)
virtual DetId geographicalId () const
const PropagatorgeometricalPropagator () const
 Access to the geometrical propagator. More...
const TrackingGeometrygeometry () const
float getAnnealingFactor () const
short getBadApvs (const uint32_t &detid) const
const std::vector< BadComponent > & getBadComponentList () const
short getBadFibers (const uint32_t &detid) const
std::vector< BadStripBlock > & getBadStripBlocks ()
int getBasketSizeInPhi () const
getCells (const GlobalPoint &r, double dR) const
getCells (const GlobalPoint &r, double dR) const
const OrderedListOfEBDetIdgetClosestBarrelCells (EEDetId id) const
virtual DetId getClosestCell (const GlobalPoint &r) const
virtual DetId getClosestCell (const GlobalPoint &r) const
const OrderedListOfEEDetIdgetClosestEndcapCells (EBDetId id) const
const std::vector< int > & getEtaBaskets () const
edm::FileInPath getFileInPath () const
const PropagatorgetGenPropagator () const
 return the propagator used outside tracker More...
virtual void getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
virtual void getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual void getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual void getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
virtual void getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
virtual void getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
int getNumberOfCrystalPerModule () const
int getNumberOfModules () const
int getNumXtalsEtaDirection () const
int getNumXtalsPhiDirection () const
CCGFloat getPhiAxis () const
const GlobalPoint getPosition (CCGFloat depth) const
CCGFloat getThetaAxis () const
const PropagatorgetTkPropagator () const
 return the propagator used inside tracker More...
const TOPO * getTopology () const
 set the starting position More...
virtual void getTransform (Tr3D &tr, Pt3DVec *lptr) const
 --------— only needed by specific utility; overloaded when needed -— More...
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition () const
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition () const
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition () const
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError () const
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError () const
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError () const
 GlobalTrackingRegion (float ptMin, const GlobalPoint &origin, float originRadius, float originHalfLength, bool precise=false)
 GlobalTrackingRegion (float ptMin=1., float originRadius=0.2, float originHalfLength=22.7, float originZPos=0., bool precise=false)
virtual DetId goDown (const DetId &id) const
virtual DetId goEast (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology east (positive ix) More...
virtual DetId goEast (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology east (negative ieta) More...
virtual DetId goEast (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology east (positive ix) More...
virtual DetId goEast (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology east (negative ieta) More...
virtual DetId goEast (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology east (positive ix) More...
virtual DetId goNorth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology north (increment iphi) More...
virtual DetId goNorth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology north (increment iy) More...
virtual DetId goNorth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology north (increment iy) More...
virtual DetId goNorth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology north (increment iphi) More...
virtual DetId goNorth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology north (increment iy) More...
virtual DetId goSouth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology south (decrement iy) More...
virtual DetId goSouth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology south (decrement iphi) More...
virtual DetId goSouth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology south (decrement iy) More...
virtual DetId goSouth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology south (decrement iphi) More...
virtual DetId goSouth (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology south (decrement iy) More...
virtual DetId goUp (const DetId &id) const
virtual DetId goWest (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology west (positive ieta) More...
virtual DetId goWest (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology west (negative ix) More...
virtual DetId goWest (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology west (negative ix) More...
virtual DetId goWest (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology west (positive ieta) More...
virtual DetId goWest (const DetId &id) const
 move the Topology west (negative ix) More...
void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &, std::vector< DetGroup > &) const
virtual void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual void groupedCompatibleDetsV (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
 GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator (const std::string fileName, const int correctionFlag)
 constructor with explicit filename and correction flag More...
 GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator (GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator &msUpdator, GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator &elUpdator)
 Constructor from multiple scattering and energy loss updator. More...
 GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter (const MaterialEffectsUpdator &aMEUpdator)
 GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator (float mass)
 constructor with explicit mass More...
 GsfTrajectoryFitter (const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger &aMerger, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0)
 GsfTrajectorySmoother (const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger &merger, float errorRescaling, const bool materialBeforeUpdate=true, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0)
bool hasAllGoodChannels () const
 does this module have at least one bad strip, APV or channel? More...
bool hasBadComponents (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
 return TRUE if at least one of the mono and stereo components has badChannels More...
bool hasBadComponents (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
bool hasBadPixels () const
bool hasError () const
bool hasFilledProb () const
 HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing (const PositionType &point, const DirectionType &direction, const float curvature, const PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order (const PositionType &point, const DirectionType &direction, const float curvature, const PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order (const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &z0, const double &cosPhi0, const double &sinPhi0, const double &cosTheta, const double &sinTheta, const double &rho, const PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle (const PositionType &pos, const DirectionType &dir, double rho, PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle (const GlobalPoint &pos, const GlobalVector &dir, double rho, PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order (const PositionType &point, const DirectionType &direction, const float curvature, const PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 Constructor using point, direction and (transverse!) curvature. More...
 HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order (const double &x0, const double &y0, const double &z0, const double &cosPhi0, const double &sinPhi0, const double &cosTheta, const double &sinTheta, const double &rho, const PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
 Fast constructor (for use by IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine). More...
 HelixForwardPlaneCrossing (const PositionType &point, const DirectionType &direction, const float curvature, const PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum)
virtual const TrackingRecHithit () const
virtual const TrackingRecHithit () const
virtual const TrackingRecHithit () const override
virtual const TrackingRecHithit () const
virtual const TrackingRecHithit () const
SiStripRecHit2D hit (TkStripRecHitIter const &hi) const
 HitEtaCheck (bool inbarrel, const HitRZConstraint::Point &point, float cotLeftLine, float cotRightLine)
std::tuple< TkStripRecHitIter,
hitRange (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
 HitRCheck ()
TrackingRegion::Hits hits (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &es, const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer &layer) const override
 get hits from layer compatible with region constraints More...
virtual TrackingRegion::Hits hits (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &es, const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer &layer) const override
 get hits from layer compatible with region constraints More...
short int hitWire () const
 L1A. More...
 HitZCheck ()
void home () const
 move the navigator back to the starting point More...
int index () const
virtual void init (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
virtual void init (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void init (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void init (const MeasurementDet *monoDet, const MeasurementDet *stereoDet)
virtual void initializeParms ()
float innerRadius () const
float innerRadius () const
 Extension of the Bounds interface. More...
float innerRadius () const
float innerRadius () const
 The inner radius of the disk. More...
std::pair< bool, bool > inout (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale=1.f) const
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale) const
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err) const
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err) const
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p) const
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &lp) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &, const LocalError &, float scale=1.f) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err) const
bool inside (const GlobalPoint &gp, double tolerance) const
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, float tollerance) const
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 Determine if the point is inside the bounds. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale=1.f) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale=1.f) const
virtual bool inside (const Local3DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err) const
bool insideTkVol (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts) const
 true if a fts is inside tracker volume More...
bool insideTkVol (const Surface &surface) const
 true if a surface is inside tracker volume More...
bool insideTkVol (const Cylinder &cylin) const
 true if a cylinder is inside tracker volume More...
bool insideTkVol (const Plane &plane) const
 true if a plane is inside tracker volume More...
 InvalidTrackingRecHitNoDet ()
 InvalidTrackingRecHitNoDet (Surface const &surface, Type type)
bool isActive (const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
 return TRUE if both mono and stereo components are active More...
bool isActive (const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
 Is this module active in reconstruction? It must be both 'setActiveThisEvent' and 'setActive'. More...
bool IsApvBad (const uint32_t &detid, const short &apvNb) const
bool isEmpty (const StMeasurementDetSet &theDets) const
bool IsFiberBad (const uint32_t &detid, const short &fiberNb) const
bool isIron () const
 Access to Iron/Air information: More...
virtual bool isItBigPixelInX (const int ixbin) const
virtual bool isItBigPixelInX (const int ixbin) const
virtual bool isItBigPixelInY (const int iybin) const
virtual bool isItBigPixelInY (const int iybin) const
virtual bool isItEdgePixel (int ixbin, int iybin) const
bool isItEdgePixel (int ixbin, int iybin) const
virtual bool isItEdgePixelInX (int ixbin) const
bool isItEdgePixelInX (int ixbin) const
virtual bool isItEdgePixelInY (int iybin) const
bool isItEdgePixelInY (int iybin) const
bool isME11a_duplicate () const
bool IsModuleBad (const uint32_t &detid) const
bool IsModuleUsable (const uint32_t &detid) const
bool isOnEdge () const
virtual bool isPixel () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
bool isPrecise () const
 is precise error calculation switched on More...
bool isStereo () const
bool IsStripBad (const uint32_t &detid, const short &strip) const
bool IsStripBad (const Range &range, const short &strip) const
virtual bool isValid () const
bool isValid () const
bool isValid () const
 Make the ReferenceCountingProxy method to check validity public. More...
virtual bool isValid () const
 IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine (const PositionType &point, const DirectionType &direction, const float curvature, const PropagationDirection propDir=anyDirection)
 KFFittingSmoother (const TrajectoryFitter &aFitter, const TrajectorySmoother &aSmoother, double estimateCut=-1, double logPixelProbabilityCut=-16.0, int minNumberOfHits=5, bool rejectTracks=false, bool BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing=false, bool NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd=false)
 constructor with predefined fitter and smoother and propagator More...
 KFSplittingFitter (const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator)
 KFSplittingFitter (const Propagator *aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator *aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator *aEstimator)
 KFStrip1DUpdator ()
 KFSwitching1DUpdator (const edm::ParameterSet *pset=0)
 KFTrajectoryFitter (const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, int minHits=3, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0, TkCloner const *hc=nullptr)
 KFTrajectoryFitter (const Propagator *aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator *aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator *aEstimator, int minHits=3, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0, TkCloner const *hc=nullptr)
 KFTrajectorySmoother (const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, float errorRescaling=100.f, int minHits=3)
 KFTrajectorySmoother (const Propagator *aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator *aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator *aEstimator, float errorRescaling=100.f, int minHits=3, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=nullptr, TkCloner const *hc=nullptr)
 KFUpdator ()
virtual MSLayer layer (const DetLayer *layer) const
virtual MSLayer layer (const DetLayer *layer) const
virtual const MSLayersAtAnglelayers (float cotTheta) const
const MSLayersAtAnglelayers (float cotTheta) const
virtual const MSLayersAtAnglelayers (float cotTheta) const
virtual float length () const
virtual float length () const
virtual float length () const
 Lenght along local Y. More...
virtual float length () const
virtual float length () const
 Lenght of the cylinder. More...
virtual float length () const
virtual float length () const
 Length along Z. More...
const GlobalPointlinearizationPoint () const
RefCountedLinearizedTrackState linearizedTrack () const
LocalVector localDirection () const
 Local direction. More...
LocalError localDirectionError () const
 Error on the local direction. More...
virtual LocalError localError (float strip, float stripErr2) const
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const
virtual LocalError localError (float strip, float stripErr2) const
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &mp, const MeasurementError &me, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
 conversion taking also the predicted track state More...
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const
virtual LocalError localError (float strip, float stripErr2) const
virtual LocalError localError (float strip, float stripErr2, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
 conversion taking also the predicted track state More...
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &mp, const MeasurementError &me) const
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &mp, const MeasurementError &me, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
 conversion taking also the predicted track state More...
LocalError localError (float strip, float stripErr2) const
LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const
virtual LocalError localError (const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const
virtual float localPitch (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float localPitch (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float localPitch (const LocalPoint &lp) const
virtual float localPitch (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state (LocalTrajectoryParameters) More...
float localPitch (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (float strip) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition () const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition () const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition () const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (float strip) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &mp, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
 conversion taking also the predicted track state More...
LocalPoint localPosition () const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &mp) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition () const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &mp, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
 conversion taking also the predicted track state More...
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (float strip) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition () const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (float strip, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
 conversion taking also the predicted track state More...
LocalPoint localPosition () const
LocalPoint localPosition (float strip) const
LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const MeasurementPoint &mp) const
virtual LocalError localPositionError () const
virtual LocalError localPositionError () const
virtual LocalError localPositionError () const
LocalError localPositionError () const
virtual LocalError localPositionError () const
virtual LocalError localPositionError () const
LocalError localPositionError () const
virtual float localStripLength (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float localStripLength (const LocalPoint &aLP) const
virtual float localStripLength (const LocalPoint &lp) const
virtual float localStripLength (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state (LocalTrajectoryParameters) More...
float localStripLength (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float localX (const float mpX) const
virtual float localX (const float mpX, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
virtual float localX (const float mpX) const
virtual float localY (const float mpY) const
virtual float localY (const float mpY, const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trkPred) const
virtual float localY (const float mpY) const
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const override
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const override
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
 return the magneticField More...
bool maskBad128StripBlocks () const
const MaterialEffectsUpdatormaterialEffectsUpdator () const
 Access to the MaterialEffectsUpdator. More...
virtual Local2DVector maximalLocalDisplacement (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Plane &plane) const
float maxZ () const
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &, const LocalError &) const
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &lp, const LocalError &le) const
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &lp, const LocalError &le, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &, const LocalError &) const
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &lp, const LocalError &le) const
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &lp, const LocalError &le, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &, const LocalError &) const
MeasurementError measurementError (const LocalPoint &, const LocalError &) const
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &lp) const
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &lp) const
MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual bool measurements (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, TempMeasurements &result) const
virtual bool measurements (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, TempMeasurements &result) const
const MultiTrajectoryStateMergermerger () const
float minZ () const
double mom () const
const AlgebraicMatrix53momentumJacobian () const
SiStripCluster const & monoCluster () const
OmniClusterRef const & monoClusterRef () const
OmniClusterRefmonoClusterRef ()
const TkStripMeasurementDetmonoDet () const
SiStripRecHit2D monoHit () const
unsigned int monoId () const
 MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator (double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
 MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta ()
 MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged ()
 MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer ()
 MultipleScatteringUpdator (double mass, double ptMin=-1.)
TrajectoryStateOnSurface myPropagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const
TrajectoryStateOnSurface myPropagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const
TrajectoryStateOnSurface myPropagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const
TrajectoryStateOnSurface myPropagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const
virtual std::string name () const
virtual std::string name () const
 NavCone (const Cone *cone)
 NavCylinder (const Cylinder *cylinder)
 NavPlane (PlanePointer plane)
 NavVolume6Faces (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &faces, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp)
 NavVolume6Faces (const MagVolume &magvol, const bool isIron=false)
 A NavVolume6Faces that corresponds exactly to a MagVolume. More...
int nBadStripsOnTheLeft (const Range &range, const short &strip) const
int nBadStripsOnTheRight (const Range &range, const short &strip) const
virtual int ncolumns () const
virtual int ncolumns () const
int nearestStrip (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual void newCell (const GlobalPoint &f1, const GlobalPoint &f2, const GlobalPoint &f3, const CCGFloat *parm, const DetId &detId)
virtual void newCell (const GlobalPoint &f1, const GlobalPoint &f2, const GlobalPoint &f3, const CCGFloat *parm, const DetId &detId)
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
nextLayers (NavigationDirection direction) const override
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
nextLayers (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection timeDirection) const override
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
nextLayers (NavigationDirection direction) const override
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
nextLayers (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection timeDirection) const override
virtual Container nextSurface (const NavVolume::LocalPoint &pos, const NavVolume::LocalVector &mom, double charge, PropagationDirection propDir=alongMomentum) const
 Give a sorted list of possible surfaces to propagate to. More...
virtual Container nextSurface (const NavVolume::LocalPoint &pos, const NavVolume::LocalVector &mom, double charge, PropagationDirection propDir, ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Surface > NotThisSurfaceP) const
 Same, giving lowest priority to the surface we are on now (=NotThisSurface) More...
virtual const NavVolumenextVolume (const NavSurface::LocalPoint &point, SurfaceOrientation::Side side) const
virtual const NavVolumenextVolume (const NavSurface::LocalPoint &point, SurfaceOrientation::Side side) const
virtual const NavVolumenextVolume (const NavSurface::LocalPoint &point, SurfaceOrientation::Side side) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdnorth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdnorth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdnorth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdnorth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdnorth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdnorth (const DetId &id) const
T north () const
 move the navigator north More...
int nRecHits () const
virtual int nrows () const
virtual int nrows () const
virtual int nstrips () const
unsigned int nStrips () const
virtual int nstrips () const
virtual int nstrips () const
int nstrips () const
unsigned int nTimeBins () const
virtual unsigned int numberOfParametersPerShape () const
virtual unsigned int numberOfParametersPerShape () const
virtual unsigned int numberOfShapes () const
virtual unsigned int numberOfShapes () const
unsigned int nWireGroups () const
T offsetBy (int deltaX, int deltaY) const
 Free movement of arbitray steps. More...
Geom::Theta< float > openingAngle () const
 Angle of the cone. More...
Geom::Theta< float > openingAngle () const
bool operator!= (const SiStripQuality &) const
virtual Scalar operator() (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Scalar &rho) const
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar z, const Vector &state) const
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar r, const Vector &state) const
virtual bool operator() (const float &r, const float &z) const
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar z, const Vector &state) const
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar startPar, const Vector &startState, Scalar step, const RKDerivative< T, N > &deriv, const RKDistance< T, N > &dist, float eps)
virtual bool operator() (const float &r, const float &z) const
virtual Scalar operator() (const Vector &rka, const Vector &rkb, const Scalar &s) const
operator() (const FTS &originalFTS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const
operator() (const TSOS &originalTSOS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const
virtual bool operator() (const float &r, const float &z) const
T operator* () const
 get the current position More...
SiStripQualityoperator+= (const SiStripQuality &)
const SiStripQuality operator- (const SiStripQuality &) const
SiStripQualityoperator-= (const SiStripQuality &)
VertexStateoperator= (const VertexState &)=default
VertexStateoperator= (VertexState &&)=default
TruncatedPyramidoperator= (const TruncatedPyramid &tr)
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegionoperator= (RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &)=delete
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegionoperator= (RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion &&)=default
bool operator== (const SiStripQuality &) const
bool operator== (const VertexTrack< N > &data) const
bool operator== (LinearizedTrackState< 5 > &other) const
bool operator== (ReferenceCountingPointer< LinearizedTrackState< 5 > > &other) const
const PropagatoroppositePropagator () const
const GeomDetUnitoriginalDet () const
SiStripRecHit2D originalHit () const
unsigned int originalId () const
float originToIntersection () const
float outerRadius () const
float outerRadius () const
float outerRadius () const
float outerRadius () const
 The outer radius of the disk. More...
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters () const
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters () const
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters () const
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters () const
AlgebraicVector parameters () const
 Parameters of the segment, for the track fit in the order (dx/dz, dy/dz, x, y ) More...
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters () const
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError () const
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError () const
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError () const
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError () const
AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError () const
 Covariance matrix of parameters() More...
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix parametersError () const
const AlgebraicVector5parametersFromExpansion () const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const Plane &plane)
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const Plane &)
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const Plane &plane)
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const GlobalPoint &point) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const Line &line) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const GlobalPoint &point) const
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const Plane &)
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const Line &line) const
std::pair< double, double > pathLength () const
float phiHalfExtension () const
float phiHalfExtension () const
const MarginphiMargin () const
float phiOfOneEdge () const
float phiPitch (void) const
virtual float pitch () const
virtual float pitch () const
virtual std::pair< float, float > pitch () const
virtual float pitch () const
virtual std::pair< float, float > pitch () const
virtual std::pair< float, float > pixel (const LocalPoint &p) const
virtual std::pair< float, float > pixel (const LocalPoint &p, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &ltp) const
 conversion taking also the angle from the track state More...
virtual std::pair< float, float > pixel (const LocalPoint &p) const
 PixelBlade (std::vector< const GeomDet * > &frontDets, std::vector< const GeomDet * > &backDets) __attribute__((cold))
pixelClusterParameterEstimator () const
 PixelForwardLayer (std::vector< const PixelBlade * > &blades)
 PixelForwardLayerPhase1 (std::vector< const PixelBlade * > &blades)
 PixelGeomDetType (TopologyType *t, std::string const &name, SubDetector &det)
 PixelRod (std::vector< const GeomDet * > &theDets)
virtual std::pair< GlobalPoint,
points () const
virtual std::pair< GlobalPoint,
points () const
T pos () const
 get the current position More...
virtual PositionType position (double s) const
virtual PositionType position (double s) const
GlobalPoint position () const
virtual PositionType position (double s) const
virtual PositionType position (double s) const
virtual PositionType position (double s) const
virtual PositionType position (double s) const
 Position at pathlength s from the starting point. More...
GlobalPoint position () const
PositionTypeDouble positionInDouble (double s) const
PositionTypeDouble positionInDouble (double s) const
PositionTypeDouble positionInDouble (double s) const
 Position at pathlength s from the starting point in double precision. More...
PositionTypeDouble positionInDouble (double s) const
const AlgebraicMatrix53positionJacobian () const
float positionWithinStrip () const
 The estimated position within the strip. More...
predictedState () const
AlgebraicSymMatrix55 predictedStateError () const
AlgebraicSymMatrix33 predictedStateMomentumError () const
virtual AlgebraicVector3 predictedStateMomentumParameters () const
AlgebraicVector5 predictedStateParameters () const
AlgebraicSymMatrix55 predictedStateWeight (int &error) const
virtual std::string print () const
void print () const
void print () const
 Print the content of the RecHit2D including L1A (for debugging) More...
virtual std::string print () const
float probabilityQ () const
float probabilityX () const
float probabilityXY () const
float probabilityY () const
 ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D ()
 ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, GeomDet const &idet, SiStripRecHit2D const &originalHit)
template<typename CluRef >
 ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, GeomDet const &idet, GeomDet const &originalDet, CluRef const &clus)
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix () const
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix () const
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix () const
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix () const
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix () const
 The projection matrix relates the trajectory state parameters to the segment parameters(). More...
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix () const
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const Propagator &prop, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState) const
 hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface. More...
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const Propagator &prop, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState) const
 hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface. More...
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (const Propagator &prop, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState) const
 hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface. More...
void propagate (const SteppingHelixStateInfo &ftsStart, const Surface &sDest, SteppingHelixStateInfo &out) const
 Propagate to Plane given a starting point. More...
void propagate (const SteppingHelixStateInfo &ftsStart, const Plane &pDest, SteppingHelixStateInfo &out) const
void propagate (const SteppingHelixStateInfo &ftsStart, const Cylinder &cDest, SteppingHelixStateInfo &out) const
 Propagate to Cylinder given a starting point (a Cylinder is assumed to be positioned at 0,0,0) More...
void propagate (const SteppingHelixStateInfo &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest, SteppingHelixStateInfo &out) const
 Propagate to PCA to point given a starting point. More...
void propagate (const SteppingHelixStateInfo &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest1, const GlobalPoint &pDest2, SteppingHelixStateInfo &out) const
 Propagate to PCA to a line (given by 2 points) given a starting point. More...
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const
virtual NavSurface::TSOSwithPath propagateWithPath (const Propagator &prop, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState) const
 hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface. More...
virtual NavSurface::TSOSwithPath propagateWithPath (const Propagator &prop, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState) const
 hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface. More...
std::pair< TSOS, double > propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &surface) const override
virtual NavSurface::TSOSwithPath propagateWithPath (const Propagator &prop, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState) const
 hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface. More...
std::pair< TSOS, double > propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &surface) const override
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const Plane &pDest) const override
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const Cylinder &cDest) const override
virtual std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest) const override
 Propagate to PCA to point given a starting point. More...
virtual std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest1, const GlobalPoint &pDest2) const override
 Propagate to PCA to a line (given by 2 points) given a starting point. More...
virtual std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot) const override
 Propagate to PCA to a line (given by beamSpot position and slope) given a starting point. More...
 PropagationException (const std::string &message) throw ()
const Propagatorpropagator () const
const Propagatorpropagator () const
 PropagatorWithMaterial (PropagationDirection dir, const float mass, const MagneticField *mf=0, const float maxDPhi=1.6, bool useRungeKutta=false, float ptMin=-1., bool useOldGeoPropLogic=true)
 ProxyPixelTopology (PixelGeomDetType const *type, Plane *bp)
 ProxyStripTopology (StripGeomDetType const *type, Plane *bp)
int qBin () const
int quality () const
 quality flag of the reconstruction More...
Scalar radius () const
 Radius of the cylinder. More...
float radius () const
Range range (const float &z) const
Range range (const float &radius) const
virtual Range range (const float &rORz) const
unsigned int rawId () const
SiPixelRecHitQuality::QualWordType rawQualityWord () const
virtual RecHitContainer recHits (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
virtual bool recHits (SimpleHitContainer &result, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const MeasurementEstimator &, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits () const
 Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > 
recHits ()
 Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual RecHitContainer recHits (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
virtual bool recHits (SimpleHitContainer &result, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const MeasurementEstimator &, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
virtual bool recHits (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, RecHitContainer &result, std::vector< float > &diffs) const
 RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion (RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &rh)
 RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion (RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion &&)=default
 RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion (const GlobalVector &dir, const GlobalPoint &vertexPos, float ptMin, float rVertex, float zVertex, float deltaEta, float deltaPhi, UseMeasurementTracker whereToUseMeasurementTracker=UseMeasurementTracker::kNever, bool precise=true, const MeasurementTrackerEvent *measurementTracker=nullptr, bool etaPhiRegion=false)
 RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion (const GlobalVector &dir, const GlobalPoint &vertexPos, float ptMin, float rVertex, float zVertex, Margin etaMargin, Margin phiMargin, UseMeasurementTracker whereToUseMeasurementTracker=UseMeasurementTracker::kNever, bool precise=true, const MeasurementTrackerEvent *measurementTracker=nullptr, bool etaPhiRegion=false)
 RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion (const GlobalVector &dir, const GlobalPoint &vertexPos, Range invPtRange, float rVertex, float zVertex, Margin etaMargin, Margin phiMargin, UseMeasurementTracker whereToUseMeasurementTracker=UseMeasurementTracker::kNever, bool precise=true, const MeasurementTrackerEvent *measurementTracker=nullptr, bool etaPhiRegion=false)
 RectangularPixelTopology (int nrows, int ncols, float pitchx, float pitchy, bool upgradeGeometry, int ROWS_PER_ROC, int COLS_PER_ROC, int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X, int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y, int ROCS_X, int ROCS_Y)
 RectangularPlaneBounds (float w, float h, float t)
 RectangularStripTopology (int nstrips, float pitch, float detlength)
void ReduceGranularity (double)
AlgebraicVectorN refittedParamFromEquation () const
virtual AlgebraicVector5 refittedParamFromEquation (const RefCountedRefittedTrackState &theRefittedState) const
RefCountedRefittedTrackState refittedState () const
bool refittedStateAvailable () const
void rescaleError (double factor)
 RKPropagatorInR (const MagVolume &vol, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
 RKPropagatorInS (const MagVolume &vol, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, double tolerance=5.e-5)
 RKPropagatorInZ (const MagVolume &vol, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
virtual int rocsX () const
virtual int rocsX () const
virtual int rocsY () const
virtual int rocsY () const
virtual int rowsperroc () const
virtual int rowsperroc () const
double secondAngle () const
 SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
 SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
void set128StripStatus (bool good, int idx=-1)
 Sets the status of a block of 128 strips (or all blocks if idx=-1) More...
void setActiveThisEvent (StMeasurementDetSet &theDets, bool active) const
 Turn on/off the module for reconstruction for one events. This per-event flag is cleared by any call to 'update' or 'setEmpty'. More...
void setActiveThisPeriod (StMeasurementDetSet &theDets, bool active)
 Turn on/off the module for reconstruction, for the full run or lumi (using info from DB, usually). More...
virtual void setAdditionalLink (const DetLayer *, NavigationDirection direction=insideOut) override
virtual void setAdditionalLink (const DetLayer *, NavigationDirection direction=insideOut) override
void setAnnealingFactor (float annealing)
void setBasketSizeInPhi (const int &PhiBaskets)
void setClusterRef (ClusterRef const &ref)
void setClusterRef (ClusterRef const &ref)
void setClusterRef (ClusterRef const &ref)
void setDebug (bool debug)
 Switch debug printouts (to cout) .. very verbose. More...
virtual void setDetLayer (const DetLayer *dl) override
virtual void setDetLayer (const DetLayer *dl) override
void setDuplicateSegments (std::vector< CSCSegment * > &duplicates)
void setEmpty (StMeasurementDetSet &theDets) const
void setEndcapShiftsInZPosNeg (double valPos, double valNeg)
 set shifts in Z for endcap pieces (includes EE, HE, ME, YE) More...
void setEtaBaskets (const std::vector< int > &EtaBaskets)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
virtual void setHitCloner (TkCloner const *hc)
void setHome (const T &startingPoint)
 set the starting position More...
void setIndex (int i)
virtual void setInwardLinks (const BDLC &, const FDLC &, TkLayerLess sorter=TkLayerLess(outsideIn)) override
virtual void setInwardLinks (const BDLC &theBarrelv, const FDLC &theForwardv, TkLayerLess sorter=TkLayerLess(outsideIn)) override
void setMaterialLocation (const MaterialLocation location)
void setMaterialMode (bool noMaterial)
 Switch for material effects mode: no material effects if true. More...
virtual bool setMaxDirectionChange (float phiMax)
virtual bool setMaxDirectionChange (float phiMax)
 Limit on change in azimuthal angle. More...
void setMaxRelativeChangeInBz (const float maxDBz)
void setNoErrorPropagation (bool noErrorPropagation)
 Force no error propagation. More...
void setNumberOfCrystalPerModule (const int nncrys)
void setNumberOfModules (const int nnmods)
void setNumXtalsEtaDirection (const int &nnxtalEta)
void setNumXtalsPhiDirection (const int &nnxtalPhi)
void setPrintDebugOutput (const bool printDebug)
void setPropagationDirection (PropagationDirection dir) override
void setPropagationDirection (PropagationDirection dir) override
 setting the direction fo both components More...
virtual void setPropagationDirection (PropagationDirection dir) override
 Propagation direction. More...
void setReturnTangentPlane (bool val)
 flag to return tangent plane for non-plane input More...
void setSendLogWarning (bool val)
 flag to send LogWarning on failures More...
virtual void setSurfaceDeformation (const SurfaceDeformation *deformation)
virtual void setSurfaceDeformation (const SurfaceDeformation *deformation)
void setTolerance (const Margin &tolerance)
void setTolerance (const Margin &tolerance)
void setTopology (const TOPO *)
 set the starting position More...
void setTopology (TopologyType *topol)
void setUseEmptyRunInfo (const bool useEmptyRunInfo)
void setUseInTeslaFromMagField (bool val)
 force getting field value from MagneticField, not the geometric one More...
void setUseIsYokeFlag (bool val)
void setUseMagVolumes (bool val)
 Switch to using MagneticField Volumes .. as in VolumeBasedMagneticField. More...
void setUseMatVolumes (bool val)
 Switch to using Material Volumes .. internally defined for now. More...
void setUseTuningForL2Speed (bool val)
void setVBFPointer (const VolumeBasedMagneticField *val)
virtual bool sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *, SharedInputType) const
virtual bool sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *, SharedInputType) const
virtual bool sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *, SharedInputType) const
virtual bool sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *other, SharedInputType what) const
bool sharesInput (TrackerSingleRecHit const &other) const
virtual bool sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *other, TrackingRecHit::SharedInputType what) const
 Returns true if the two TrackingRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise. In this case, looks at the geographical ID and channel numbers for strips and wires. More...
bool sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *other, CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType what) const
 Returns true if the two TrackingRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise. In this case, looks at the geographical ID and channel numbers for strips and wires. More...
bool sharesInput (const CSCRecHit2D *otherRecHit, CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType what) const
 Returns true if the two CSCRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise. In this case, looks at the geographical ID and channel numbers for strips and wires. More...
bool sharesRecHits (const CSCSegment &anotherSegment, CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType sharesInput) const
bool sharesRecHits (const CSCSegment &anotherSegment) const
 ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider (const MagVolume &magvol, const MagVolume::PositionType &pos, const MagVolume::RotationType &rot)
virtual Side side (const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
virtual Side side (const GlobalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
virtual Side side (const LocalPoint &p, Scalar toler) const
 SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer (BarrelDetLayer const *detLayer, const BDLC &outerBLC, const FDLC &outerLeftFL, const FDLC &outerRightFL, const MagneticField *field, float epsilon, bool checkCrossingSide=true)
 SimpleConeBounds (float zmin, float rmin_zmin, float rmax_zmin, float zmax, float rmin_zmax, float rmax_zmax)
 Construct from inner/outer radius on the two Z faces. More...
 SimpleCylinderBounds (float rmin, float rmax, float zmin, float zmax)
 SimpleDiskBounds (float rmin, float rmax, float zmin, float zmax)
 Construct the bounds from min and max R and Z in LOCAL coordinates. More...
 SimpleForwardNavigableLayer (const ForwardDetLayer *detLayer, const BDLC &outerBL, const FDLC &outerFL, const MagneticField *field, float epsilon, bool checkCrossingSide=true)
void simpleRecHits (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &result) const
bool simpleRecHits (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &result) const
 SimpleTECWedge (const GeomDet *theDet) __attribute__((cold))
 SiPixelRecHit ()
 SiPixelRecHit (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, SiPixelRecHitQuality::QualWordType qual, GeomDet const &idet, ClusterRef const &clus)
 SiStripMatchedRecHit2D ()
 SiStripMatchedRecHit2D (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, GeomDet const &idet, const SiStripRecHit2D *rMono, const SiStripRecHit2D *rStereo)
 SiStripQuality ()
 SiStripQuality (edm::FileInPath &)
 SiStripQuality (const SiStripQuality &)
 SiStripRecHit1D ()
template<typename CluRef >
 SiStripRecHit1D (const LocalPoint &p, const LocalError &e, GeomDet const &idet, CluRef const &clus)
 SiStripRecHit2D ()
 SiStripRecHit2D (const DetId &id, OmniClusterRef const &clus)
template<typename CluRef >
 SiStripRecHit2D (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, GeomDet const &idet, CluRef const &clus)
const SiStripRecHitMatchersiStripRecHitMatcher () const
virtual size_t size () const
double smallestPathLength (const double firstPathLength, const double secondPathLength) const
 SmartPropagator (const Propagator *aTkProp, const Propagator *aGenProp, const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, float epsilon=5)
 Defines which propagator is used inside Tk and which outside. More...
 SmartPropagator (const Propagator &aTkProp, const Propagator &aGenProp, const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, float epsilon=5)
 Defines which propagator is used inside Tk and which outside. More...
 SmartPropagator (const SmartPropagator &)
 Copy constructor. More...
float smoothedChi2 () const
const TrajectorySmoothersmoother () const
virtual std::vector< DetIdsouth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdsouth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdsouth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdsouth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdsouth (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdsouth (const DetId &id) const
T south () const
 move the navigator south More...
bool spansTwoROCs () const
const GluedGeomDetspecificGeomDet () const
const StripGeomDetUnitspecificGeomDet () const
const SiTrackerMultiRecHitspecificHit () const
const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > & specificRecHits () const
virtual const BoundDiskSectorspecificSurface () const final
virtual const BoundDiskspecificSurface () const
virtual const BoundDiskSectorspecificSurface () const
virtual const BoundCylinderspecificSurface () const
 Return the ring surface as a. More...
virtual const TopologyTypespecificTopology () const
virtual const TopologyTypespecificTopology () const
virtual const StripTopologyspecificTopology () const
virtual const PixelTopologyspecificTopology () const
virtual StripGeomDetType const & specificType () const
virtual PixelGeomDetType const & specificType () const
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface state () const
stateWithNewLinearizationPoint (const GlobalPoint &newLP) const
virtual bool status () const
virtual bool status () const
 SteppingHelixPropagator ()
 Constructors. More...
 SteppingHelixPropagator (const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
SiStripCluster const & stereoCluster () const
OmniClusterRef const & stereoClusterRef () const
OmniClusterRefstereoClusterRef ()
const TkStripMeasurementDetstereoDet () const
SiStripRecHit2D stereoHit () const
unsigned int stereoId () const
 StraightLinePropagator (const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection aDir=alongMomentum)
virtual float strip (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float strip (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float strip (const LocalPoint &lp) const
virtual float strip (const LocalPoint &lp, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
 conversion taking also the track state (LocalTrajectoryParameters) More...
float strip (const LocalPoint &) const
virtual float stripAngle (float strip) const
virtual float stripAngle (float strip) const
virtual float stripAngle (float strip) const
float stripAngle (float strip) const
stripClusterParameterEstimator () const
 StripGeomDetType (TopologyType *t, std::string const &name, SubDetector &det, bool stereo)
virtual float stripLength () const
virtual float stripLength () const
 det heigth (strip length in the middle) More...
virtual float stripLength () const
float stripLength () const
virtual SubDetector subDetector () const
 The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap) More...
virtual SubDetector subDetector () const
 The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap) More...
virtual SubDetector subDetector () const
 The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap) More...
unsigned char subId () const
virtual const BoundSurfacesurface () const
virtual const BoundSurfacesurface () const
virtual const Surfacesurface () const
virtual const Surfacesurface () const
virtual const BoundSurfacesurface () const
virtual const Surfacesurface () const
virtual const BoundSurfacesurface () const final
virtual const Surfacesurface () const
const Surfacesurface () const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual const Surfacesurface () const
virtual const Surfacesurface () const override
const SurfaceDeformationsurfaceDeformation () const
const SurfaceDeformationsurfaceDeformation () const
< TangentPlane
tangentPlane (const GlobalPoint &) const
< TangentPlane
tangentPlane (const LocalPoint &) const
 tangent plane to surface from local point More...
< TangentPlane
tangentPlane (const GlobalPoint &) const
 tangent plane to surface from global point More...
< TangentPlane
tangentPlane (const LocalPoint &) const
 tangent plane to surface from local point More...
 TBPLayer (std::vector< const PixelRod * > &inner, std::vector< const PixelRod * > &outer) __attribute__((cold))
 TBPLayer (std::vector< const TOBRod * > &inner, std::vector< const TOBRod * > &outer) __attribute__((cold))
bool testSharesAllInSpecificRecHits (const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > &specificRecHits_1, const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > &specificRecHits_2, CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType) const
bool testStrips (float utraj, float uerr) const
 return true if there are 'enough' good strips in the utraj +/- 3 uerr range. More...
 theRZ (rz)
 theRZ (rz)
const detsettheSet (const StMeasurementDetSet &theDets) const
 theTolerance (margin)
 theTolerance (margin)
virtual float thickness () const
virtual float thickness () const
virtual float thickness () const
virtual float thickness () const
 Thickness of the volume in local Z. More...
virtual float thickness () const
virtual float thickness () const
 Thikness of the "pipe", i.e. difference between outer and inner radius. More...
virtual float thickness () const
 TIBLayer (std::vector< const TIBRing * > &innerRings, std::vector< const TIBRing * > &outerRings) __attribute__((cold))
 TIBRing (std::vector< const GeomDet * > &theGeomDets) __attribute__((cold))
 TIDLayer (std::vector< const TIDRing * > &rings) __attribute__((cold))
 TIDRing (std::vector< const GeomDet * > &innerDets, std::vector< const GeomDet * > &outerDets)
float time () const
 TkGluedMeasurementDet (const GluedGeomDet *gdet, const SiStripRecHitMatcher *matcher, const StripClusterParameterEstimator *cpe)
 TkRadialStripTopology (int ns, float aw, float dh, float r, int yAx=1, float yMid=0.)
 TkStripMeasurementDet (const GeomDet *gdet, StMeasurementConditionSet &conditionSet)
bool tkToVertexCovarianceAvailable () const
 TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder (const TrackingGeometry *trackingGeometry, const PixelClusterParameterEstimator *, const StripClusterParameterEstimator *, const SiStripRecHitMatcher *, bool computeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk)
 TOBRod (std::vector< const GeomDet * > &innerDets, std::vector< const GeomDet * > &outerDets) __attribute__((cold))
virtual const Topologytopology () const
virtual const Topologytopology () const
float tpeak () const
 Fitted peaking time. More...
virtual reco::TransientTrack track () const
virtual Trajectory trajectory (const Trajectory &aTraj) const override
virtual Trajectory trajectory (const Trajectory &aTraj) const override
< GlobalTrajectoryParameters,
trajectoryParameters () const
virtual ConstRecHitContainer transientHits () const
 TrapezoidalStripTopology (int nstrip, float pitch, float detheight, float r0)
 TrapezoidalStripTopology (int nstrip, float pitch, float detheight, float r0, int yAx)
 TruncatedPyramid (void)
 TruncatedPyramid (const TruncatedPyramid &tr)
 TruncatedPyramid (CornersMgr *cMgr, const GlobalPoint &fCtr, const GlobalPoint &bCtr, const GlobalPoint &cor1, const CCGFloat *parV)
 TruncatedPyramid (const CornersVec &corn, const CCGFloat *par)
 TwoTrackMinimumDistance (const Mode m=FastMode)
virtual const GeomDetTypetype () const
virtual const GeomDetTypetype () const
virtual std::vector< DetIdup (const DetId &id) const
T up () const
 move the navigator west More...
virtual std::vector< DetIdup (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdup (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdup (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdup (const DetId &) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdup (const DetId &id) const
virtual TSOS update (const TSOS &aTsos, const TrackingRecHit &aHit) const
virtual TSOS update (const TSOS &aTsos, const TrackingRecHit &aHit) const
 update with a hit More...
TrajectoryStateOnSurface update (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const
template<unsigned int D>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface update (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const
virtual void update (const LocalTrajectoryParameters &p, const Surface &aSurface, const MagneticField *field, const SurfaceSide side) override
virtual void update (double weight, const LocalTrajectoryParameters &p, const LocalTrajectoryError &err, const Surface &aSurface, const MagneticField *field, const SurfaceSide side) override
const TrajectoryStateUpdatorupdator () const
const TrajectoryStateUpdatorupdator () const
const TrajectoryStateUpdatorupdator () const
const TrajectoryStateUpdatorupdator () const
virtual bool valid (const DetId &id) const
 is this detid present in the Topology? More...
virtual LocalVectorType valueInTesla (const LocalPointType &p) const
GlobalPoint vertex () const
 Global position of the cone vertex. More...
GlobalPoint vertex () const
 VertexState ()
 VertexState (VertexState const &)=default
 VertexState (VertexState &&)=default
 VertexState (BasicVertexState *p)
 VertexState (const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot)
 VertexState (const GlobalPoint &pos, const GlobalError &posErr, const double &weightInMix=1.0)
 VertexState (const GlobalPoint &pos, const GlobalWeight &posWeight, const double &weightInMix=1.0)
 VertexState (const AlgebraicVector3 &weightTimesPosition, const GlobalWeight &posWeight, const double &weightInMix=1.0)
VertexState vertexState () const
 VertexTrack (RefCountedLinearizedTrackState lt, VertexState v, float weight)
 VertexTrack (RefCountedLinearizedTrackState lt, VertexState v, float weight, const RefCountedRefittedTrackState &refittedState, float smoothedChi2)
 VertexTrack (RefCountedLinearizedTrackState lt, VertexState v, float weight, const RefCountedRefittedTrackState &refittedState, float smoothedChi2, const AlgebraicSymMatrixOO &fullCov)
virtual void vocalCorners (Pt3DVec &vec, const CCGFloat *pv, Pt3D &ref) const
 VolumeEnergyLossEstimator (float mass)
 Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis. More...
 VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator (float mass)
 Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis. More...
GlobalWeight weight () const
float weight () const
float weight (unsigned int i) const
float & weight (unsigned int i)
GlobalWeight weight () const
double weightInMixture () const
double weightInMixture () const
virtual double weightInMixture () const
std::vector< float > const & weights () const
std::vector< float > & weights ()
AlgebraicVector3 weightTimesPosition () const
AlgebraicVector3 weightTimesPosition () const
virtual std::vector< DetIdwest (const DetId &id) const
T west () const
 move the navigator west More...
virtual std::vector< DetIdwest (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdwest (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdwest (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdwest (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdwest (const DetId &id) const
short int wgroupsBX () const
virtual float width () const
virtual float width () const
virtual float width () const
 Width along local X. More...
virtual float width () const
virtual float width () const
virtual float width () const
 Outer diameter of the cylinder. More...
virtual float width () const
 Maximum diameter. More...
float wireTime () const
float xOfStrip (int strip, float y) const
float yAxisOrientation () const
float yCentreOfStripPlane () const
float yDistanceToIntersection (float y) const
float yExtentOfStripPlane () const
 ~AnalyticalPropagator ()
virtual ~BeamHaloPropagator ()
virtual ~BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit ()
virtual ~BoundDiskSector ()
virtual ~CaloTowerTopology ()
 virtual destructor More...
 ~ClosestApproachInRPhi ()
 ~CompositeTECPetal () __attribute__((cold))
 ~CompositeTECWedge () __attribute__((cold))
 ~CSCRecHit2D ()
virtual ~CSCSegment ()
 Destructor. More...
 ~Cylinder ()
virtual ~Disk ()
virtual ~EcalBarrelGeometry ()
virtual ~EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology ()
virtual ~EcalBarrelTopology ()
 virtual destructor More...
virtual ~EcalEndcapGeometry ()
virtual ~EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology ()
virtual ~EcalEndcapTopology ()
 virtual destructor More...
virtual ~EcalPreshowerTopology ()
 virtual destructor More...
 ~EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator ()
virtual ~FlexibleKFFittingSmoother ()
 ~GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter ()
virtual ~GsfTrajectoryFitter ()
virtual ~GsfTrajectorySmoother ()
virtual ~HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing ()
virtual ~HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order ()
virtual ~HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order ()
virtual ~HelixForwardPlaneCrossing ()
virtual ~IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine ()
virtual ~KFFittingSmoother ()
 ~KFStrip1DUpdator ()
 ~KFSwitching1DUpdator ()
 ~KFTrajectoryFitter ()
virtual ~KFTrajectorySmoother ()
 ~MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta ()
virtual ~MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged ()
virtual ~MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer ()
 ~MultipleScatteringUpdator ()
 destructor More...
 ~PixelBlade () __attribute__((cold))
 ~PixelForwardLayer ()
 ~PixelForwardLayerPhase1 ()
virtual ~PixelGeomDetType ()
 ~PixelRod ()
virtual ~PropagationException () throw ()
virtual ~PropagatorWithMaterial ()
 ~RectangularPlaneBounds ()
virtual ~RKCartesianDistance ()
virtual ~RKCylindricalDistance ()
 ~RKPropagatorInS ()
virtual ~SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator ()
virtual ~SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator ()
 ~SimpleTECWedge () __attribute__((cold))
 ~SiPixelRecHit ()
 ~SiStripMatchedRecHit2D ()
 ~SiStripQuality ()
 ~SiStripRecHit2D ()
virtual ~SmartPropagator ()
virtual ~SteppingHelixPropagator ()
 Destructor. More...
 ~StraightLinePropagator ()
virtual ~StripGeomDetType ()
 ~TBPLayer () __attribute__((cold))
 ~TIBLayer () __attribute__((cold))
 ~TIBRing () __attribute__((cold))
 ~TIDLayer () __attribute__((cold))
 ~TIDRing ()
 ~TkRadialStripTopology ()
virtual ~TkStripMeasurementDet ()
 ~TOBRod () __attribute__((cold))
virtual ~TRecHit1DMomConstraint ()
virtual ~TRecHit2DPosConstraint ()
virtual ~TRecHit5DParamConstraint ()
virtual ~TruncatedPyramid ()
virtual ~TSCPBuilderNoMaterial ()
virtual ~TSiTrackerMultiRecHit ()
 ~TwoTrackMinimumDistance ()
virtual ~VolumeEnergyLossEstimator ()
virtual ~VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Propagator
template<typename STA , typename SUR >
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate (STA const &state, SUR const &surface) const
virtual FreeTrajectoryState propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest) const final
virtual FreeTrajectoryState propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest1, const GlobalPoint &pDest2) const final
virtual FreeTrajectoryState propagate (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot) const final
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Surface &) const final
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Surface &sur) const final
virtual std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest) const
virtual std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &ftsStart, const GlobalPoint &pDest1, const GlobalPoint &pDest2) const
 Propagate to PCA to a line (given by 2 points) given a starting point. More...
virtual PropagationDirection propagationDirection () const GCC11_FINAL
 Propagator (PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
virtual ~Propagator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RKDistance< T, N >
virtual Scalar operator() (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Scalar &s) const =0
virtual ~RKDistance ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RKDistance< double, 6 >
virtual Scalar operator() (const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Scalar &s) const =0
virtual ~RKDistance ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RKSolver< T, N >
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar startPar, const Vector &startState, Scalar step, const RKDerivative< T, N > &deriv, const RKDistance< T, N > &dist, float eps)=0
virtual ~RKSolver ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RKDerivative< T, N >
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar startPar, const Vector &startState) const =0
virtual ~RKDerivative ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RKDerivative< double, 6 >
virtual Vector operator() (Scalar startPar, const Vector &startState) const =0
virtual ~RKDerivative ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MagneticFieldProvider< T >
virtual LocalVectorType derivativeInTeslaPerMeter (const LocalPointType &p, int N) const
virtual int hasDerivatives () const
virtual ~MagneticFieldProvider ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NavVolume
 NavVolume (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp)
virtual ~NavVolume ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MagVolume
LocalVector fieldInTesla (const LocalPoint &lp) const
GlobalVector fieldInTesla (const GlobalPoint &lp) const
virtual bool inside (const LocalPoint &lp, double tolerance=0.) const
virtual ::GlobalVector inTesla (const ::GlobalPoint &gp) const
bool isIron () const
 Temporary hack to pass information on material. Will eventually be replaced! More...
 MagVolume (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, DDSolidShape shape, const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *mfp, double sf=1.)
void ownsFieldProvider (bool o)
const MagneticFieldProvider
< float > * 
provider () const
void setIsIron (bool iron)
DDSolidShape shapeType () const
virtual ~MagVolume ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GloballyPositioned< float >
float eta () const
 GloballyPositioned ()
 GloballyPositioned (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot)
void move (const GlobalVector &displacement)
float phi () const
const PositionTypeposition () const
void rotate (const RotationType &rotation)
const RotationTyperotation () const
GlobalPoint toGlobal (const LocalPoint &lp) const
Point3DBase< U, GlobalTagtoGlobal (const Point3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lp) const
GlobalVector toGlobal (const LocalVector &lv) const
Vector3DBase< U, GlobalTagtoGlobal (const Vector3DBase< U, LocalTag > &lv) const
LocalPoint toLocal (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Point3DBase< U, LocalTagtoLocal (const Point3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gp) const
LocalVector toLocal (const GlobalVector &gv) const
Vector3DBase< U, LocalTagtoLocal (const Vector3DBase< U, GlobalTag > &gv) const
virtual ~GloballyPositioned ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MagneticField
GlobalVector inInverseGeV (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
 Field value ad specified global point, in 1/Gev. More...
GlobalVector inKGauss (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
 Field value ad specified global point, in KGauss. More...
virtual GlobalVector inTesla (const GlobalPoint &gp) const =0
 Field value ad specified global point, in Tesla. More...
virtual GlobalVector inTeslaUnchecked (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
virtual bool isDefined (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
 True if the point is within the region where the concrete field. More...
 MagneticField ()
 MagneticField (const MagneticField &orig)
int nominalValue () const
 The nominal field value for this map in kGauss. More...
virtual ~MagneticField ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NavSurface
GlobalPoint toGlobal (const LocalPoint &p) const
GlobalVector toGlobal (const LocalVector &p) const
LocalPoint toLocal (const GlobalPoint &p) const
 Forwarding of part of surface interface for convenience. More...
LocalVector toLocal (const GlobalVector &p) const
virtual ~NavSurface ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BasicReferenceCounted
void addReference () const
 BasicReferenceCounted ()
 BasicReferenceCounted (const BasicReferenceCounted &iRHS)
const BasicReferenceCountedoperator= (const BasicReferenceCounted &)
unsigned int references () const
void removeReference () const
virtual ~BasicReferenceCounted ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BasicTrajectoryState
 BasicTrajectoryState ()
 BasicTrajectoryState (const SurfaceType &aSurface)
 construct invalid trajectory state (without parameters) More...
 BasicTrajectoryState (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const SurfaceType &aSurface, const SurfaceSide side=SurfaceSideDefinition::atCenterOfSurface)
 BasicTrajectoryState (const LocalTrajectoryParameters &par, const LocalTrajectoryError &err, const SurfaceType &aSurface, const MagneticField *field, const SurfaceSide side=SurfaceSideDefinition::atCenterOfSurface)
 BasicTrajectoryState (const LocalTrajectoryParameters &par, const SurfaceType &aSurface, const MagneticField *field, const SurfaceSide side=SurfaceSideDefinition::atCenterOfSurface)
 BasicTrajectoryState (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &par, const CartesianTrajectoryError &err, const SurfaceType &aSurface, const SurfaceSide side=SurfaceSideDefinition::atCenterOfSurface)
 BasicTrajectoryState (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &par, const CurvilinearTrajectoryError &err, const SurfaceType &aSurface, const SurfaceSide side=SurfaceSideDefinition::atCenterOfSurface)
 BasicTrajectoryState (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &par, const SurfaceType &aSurface, const SurfaceSide side=SurfaceSideDefinition::atCenterOfSurface)
template<typename... Args>
 BasicTrajectoryState (double iweight, Args &&...args)
const CartesianTrajectoryError cartesianError () const
TrackCharge charge () const
const CurvilinearTrajectoryErrorcurvilinearError () const
FreeTrajectoryState const * freeTrajectoryState (bool withErrors=true) const
GlobalVector globalDirection () const
GlobalVector globalMomentum () const
const GlobalTrajectoryParametersglobalParameters () const
GlobalPoint globalPosition () const
bool hasError () const
bool isValid () const
LocalVector localDirection () const
const LocalTrajectoryErrorlocalError () const
LocalVector localMomentum () const
const LocalTrajectoryParameterslocalParameters () const
LocalPoint localPosition () const
const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
void rescaleError (double factor)
CurvilinearTrajectoryErrorsetCurvilinearError ()
double signedInverseMomentum () const
const SurfaceTypesurface () const
SurfaceSide surfaceSide () const
 Position relative to material, defined relative to momentum vector. More...
double transverseCurvature () const
virtual void update (const LocalTrajectoryParameters &p, const SurfaceSide side) GCC11_FINAL
virtual void update (const LocalTrajectoryParameters &p, const LocalTrajectoryError &err, const SurfaceSide side) GCC11_FINAL
double weight () const
virtual ~BasicTrajectoryState ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrajectorySmoother
virtual TrajectoryContainer trajectories (const Trajectory &traj) const
virtual ~TrajectorySmoother ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrajectoryFitter
std::vector< Trajectoryfit (const Trajectory &traj, fitType type=standard) const
std::vector< Trajectoryfit (const TrajectorySeed &seed, const RecHitContainer &hits, fitType type=standard) const
std::vector< Trajectoryfit (const TrajectorySeed &seed, const RecHitContainer &hits, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, fitType type=standard) const
virtual ~TrajectoryFitter ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ClosestApproachOnHelices
 ClosestApproachOnHelices ()
virtual ~ClosestApproachOnHelices ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder
operator() (const FTS &originalFTS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const =0
operator() (const TSOS &originalTSOS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const =0
virtual ~TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator
virtual float mass () const
 Particle mass assigned at construction. More...
 VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator (float mass)
 Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis. More...
virtual ~VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MaterialEffectsUpdator
double mass () const
 MaterialEffectsUpdator (double mass)
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface updateState (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &TSoS, const PropagationDirection propDir) const
virtual bool updateStateInPlace (TrajectoryStateOnSurface &TSoS, const PropagationDirection propDir) const
virtual ~MaterialEffectsUpdator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase
 Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase (double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
double chiSquaredCut () const
double nSigmaCut () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MeasurementEstimator
virtual ~MeasurementEstimator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrajectoryStateUpdator
 TrajectoryStateUpdator ()
virtual ~TrajectoryStateUpdator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Chi2MeasurementEstimator
 Chi2MeasurementEstimator (double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator
 GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator (float mass, uint32_t is)
float mass () const
size_t size () const
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface updateState (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &TSoS, const PropagationDirection propDir) const
virtual ~GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cms::Exception
void addAdditionalInfo (std::string const &info)
void addAdditionalInfo (char const *info)
void addContext (std::string const &context)
void addContext (char const *context)
std::list< std::string > const & additionalInfo () const
bool alreadyPrinted () const
void append (Exception const &another)
void append (std::string const &more_information)
void append (char const *more_information)
std::string const & category () const
void clearAdditionalInfo ()
void clearContext ()
void clearMessage ()
std::list< std::string > const & context () const
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory)
 Exception (char const *aCategory)
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory, std::string const &message)
 Exception (char const *aCategory, std::string const &message)
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory, char const *message)
 Exception (char const *aCategory, char const *message)
 Exception (std::string const &aCategory, std::string const &message, Exception const &another)
 Exception (Exception const &other)
virtual std::string explainSelf () const
std::list< std::string > history () const
std::string message () const
Exceptionoperator= (Exception const &other)
void raise ()
int returnCode () const
void setAdditionalInfo (std::list< std::string > const &info)
void setAlreadyPrinted (bool value)
void setContext (std::list< std::string > const &context)
void swap (Exception &other)
virtual char const * what () const throw ()
virtual ~Exception () throw ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from HelixLineExtrapolation
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLength (const GlobalPoint &point) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from LinearizedTrackState< 5 >
virtual void checkParameters (AlgebraicVectorN &parameters) const
createRefittedTrackState (const GlobalPoint &vertexPosition, const AlgebraicVectorM &vectorParameters, const AlgebraicSymMatrixOO &covarianceMatrix) const =0
virtual bool operator== (LinearizedTrackState< N > &other) const =0
< LinearizedTrackState< N > > 
stateWithNewLinearizationPoint (const GlobalPoint &newLP) const =0
virtual ~LinearizedTrackState ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BasicVertexState
virtual ~BasicVertexState ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TValidTrackingRecHit
TrackingRecHitcloneHit () const
virtual float clusterProbability () const
 cluster probability, overloaded by pixel rechits. More...
float errorGlobalR () const GCC11_FINAL
float errorGlobalRPhi () const GCC11_FINAL
float errorGlobalZ () const GCC11_FINAL
GlobalError globalPositionError () const GCC11_FINAL
TrackingRecHitGlobalState globalState () const
 TValidTrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &geom)
template<typename... Args>
 TValidTrackingRecHit (Args &&...args)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrackingRecHit
RecHitPointer cloneForFit (const GeomDet &idet) const
virtual RecHitPointer cloneSH () const
const GeomDetdet () const
DetId geographicalId () const
unsigned int getRTTI () const
Type getType () const
bool isValid () const
id_type rawId () const
virtual void recHitsV (std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > &) const
virtual void recHitsV (std::vector< TrackingRecHit * > &)
void setDet (const GeomDet &idet)
 TrackingRecHit (DetId id, Type type=valid)
 TrackingRecHit (id_type id=0, Type type=valid)
 TrackingRecHit (DetId id, unsigned int rt, Type type=valid)
 TrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &idet, Type type=valid)
 TrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &idet, unsigned int rt, Type type=valid)
 TrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &idet, TrackingRecHit const &rh)
Type type () const
virtual ~TrackingRecHit ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
virtual RecHitPointer build (const TrackingRecHit *p, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &state) const
 build a tracking rechit refiting the rechit position and error according to the state estimate More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrackingRegion
GlobalVector const & direction () const
 the direction around which region is constructed More...
Range invPtRange () const
 inverse pt range More...
GlobalPoint const & origin () const
float originRBound () const
 bounds the particle vertex in the transverse plane More...
float originZBound () const
 bounds the particle vertex in the longitudinal plane More...
float phiDirection () const
float ptMin () const
 minimal pt of interest More...
TrackingRegionrestrictedRegion (const GlobalPoint &originPos, const float &originRBound, const float &originZBound) const
 clone region with new vertex position More...
 TrackingRegion (const GlobalVector &direction, const GlobalPoint &originPos, const Range &invPtRange, const float &originRBound, const float &originZBound)
GlobalVector const & unitDirection () const
virtual ~TrackingRegion ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from HitRZCompatibility
Algo algo () const
 HitRZCompatibility (Algo a)
virtual ~HitRZCompatibility ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator
virtual void init (const TrackingRegion &region, const edm::EventSetup &es, const SeedComparitor *filter) GCC11_FINAL
virtual void makeSeed (TrajectorySeedCollection &seedCollection, const SeedingHitSet &hits) GCC11_FINAL
 SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
 SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator (const std::string &propagator="PropagatorWithMaterial", double seedMomentumForBOFF=-5.0, double aOriginTransverseErrorMultiplier=1.0, double aMinOneOverPtError=1.0, const std::string &bname="WithTrackAngle")
virtual ~SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SeedCreator
virtual ~SeedCreator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SimpleNavigableLayer
virtual std::vector< const
DetLayer * > 
compatibleLayers (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection timeDirection, int &counter) const GCC11_FINAL
void setCheckCrossingSide (bool docheck)
 SimpleNavigableLayer (const MagneticField *field, float eps, bool checkCrossingSide=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from NavigableLayer
void setSchool (NavigationSchool const *sh)
virtual ~NavigableLayer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MSLayersKeeper
virtual ~MSLayersKeeper ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DetRod
virtual ~DetRod ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeometricSearchDet
virtual std::vector< DetWithStatecompatibleDets (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
 GeometricSearchDet (bool doHaveGroups)
virtual std::vector< DetGroupgroupedCompatibleDets (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
bool hasGroups () const
virtual ~GeometricSearchDet ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TBLayer
template<typename TDET >
 TBLayer (std::vector< const TDET * > &inner, std::vector< const TDET * > &outer, GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector ime)
 ~TBLayer () __attribute__((cold))
- Public Member Functions inherited from BarrelDetLayer
 BarrelDetLayer (bool doHaveGroup)
bool contains (const Local3DPoint &p) const
virtual Location location () const GCC11_FINAL
 DetLayer interface. More...
virtual ~BarrelDetLayer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DetLayer
 DetLayer (bool doHaveGroup, bool ibar)
bool isBarrel () const
bool isForward () const
int seqNum () const
void setSeqNum (int sq)
virtual ~DetLayer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TECWedge
 TECWedge ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DetRodOneR
 DetRodOneR (std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator first, std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator last)
 Construct from iterators on GeomDet*. More...
 DetRodOneR (const std::vector< const GeomDet * > &dets)
 Construct from a std::vector of GeomDet*. More...
virtual ~DetRodOneR ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ForwardDetLayer
bool contains (const Local3DPoint &p) const
 ForwardDetLayer (bool doHaveGroups)
virtual Location location () const GCC11_FINAL
 Which part of the detector (barrel, endcap) More...
virtual ~ForwardDetLayer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bounds
void computeSpan (Surface const &plane)
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p) const
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, float tollerance) const
 Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking a tollerance into account. More...
virtual bool inside (const Local2DPoint &p, const LocalError &err, float scale=1.f) const
 Determine if a 2D point is inside the bounds, taking error into account. More...
std::pair< float, float > const & phiSpan () const
std::pair< float, float > const & rSpan () const
virtual float widthAtHalfLength () const
 Width at half length. Useful for e.g. pitch definition. More...
std::pair< float, float > const & zSpan () const
virtual ~Bounds ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Plane
void computeSpan ()
float localZ (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
float localZ (const GlobalVector &gv) const
 Fast access to component perpendicular to plane for a vector. More...
float localZclamped (const GlobalPoint &gp) const
GlobalVector normalVector () const
template<typename... Args>
 Plane (Args &&...args)
float posPrec () const
virtual SurfaceOrientation::Side side (const GlobalPoint &p, Scalar toler) const GCC11_FINAL
< TangentPlane
tangentPlane (const GlobalPoint &) const GCC11_FINAL
 tangent plane to surface from global point More...
 ~Plane ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Surface
const Boundsbounds () const
const MediumPropertiesmediumProperties () const
std::pair< float, float > const & phiSpan () const
std::pair< float, float > const & rSpan () const
void setMediumProperties (const MediumProperties &mp)
GlobalPoint toGlobal (const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
std::pair< float, float > const & zSpan () const
virtual ~Surface ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MeasurementDet
const GeomDetfastGeomDet () const
< TrajectoryMeasurement
fastMeasurements (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const Propagator &, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
virtual const GeomDetgeomDet () const
 MeasurementDet (const GeomDet *gdet)
const Surface::PositionTypeposition () const
const Surfacesurface () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeomDetType
 GeomDetType (const std::string &name, SubDetector subdet)
bool isBarrel () const
bool isCSC () const
bool isDT () const
bool isEndcap () const
bool isGEM () const
bool isMuon () const
bool isRPC () const
bool isTracker () const
bool isTrackerPixel () const
bool isTrackerStrip () const
const std::string & name () const
SubDetector subDetector () const
virtual ~GeomDetType ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PixelTopology
virtual ~PixelTopology ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Topology
virtual ~Topology ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from StripTopology
virtual ~StripTopology ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CaloSubdetectorGeometry
void allocateCorners (CaloCellGeometry::CornersVec::size_type n)
void allocatePar (ParVec::size_type n, unsigned int m)
 CaloSubdetectorGeometry ()
CaloCellGeometry::CornersMgrcornersMgr ()
CCGFloat deltaEta (const DetId &detId) const
CCGFloat deltaPhi (const DetId &detId) const
virtual void fillDefaultNamedParameters () const
virtual DetIdSet getCells (const GlobalPoint &r, double dR) const
 Get a list of all cells within a dR of the given cell. More...
virtual CellSet getCellSet (const GlobalPoint &r, double dR) const
virtual DetId getClosestCell (const GlobalPoint &r) const
virtual const CaloCellGeometrygetGeometry (const DetId &id) const
 Get the cell geometry of a given detector id. Should return false if not found. More...
virtual void getSummary (TrVec &trVector, IVec &iVector, DimVec &dimVector, IVec &dinsVector) const
virtual const std::vector
< DetId > & 
getValidDetIds (DetId::Detector det=DetId::Detector(0), int subdet=0) const
 Get a list of valid detector ids (for the given subdetector) More...
virtual void newCell (const GlobalPoint &f1, const GlobalPoint &f2, const GlobalPoint &f3, const CCGFloat *parm, const DetId &detId)=0
virtual unsigned int numberOfTransformParms () const
ParMgrparMgr ()
const ParMgrparMgrConst () const
ParVecVecparVecVec ()
const ParVecVecparVecVec () const
virtual bool present (const DetId &id) const
 is this detid present in the geometry? More...
virtual ~CaloSubdetectorGeometry ()
 The base class DOES assume that it owns the CaloCellGeometry objects. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RadialStripTopology
virtual ~RadialStripTopology ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CaloSubdetectorTopology
 CaloSubdetectorTopology ()
 standard constructor More...
virtual DetId denseId2detId (unsigned int) const
 return a linear packed id More...
virtual bool denseIdConsistent (int topoVer) const
 return whether this topology is consistent with the numbering in the given topology More...
virtual unsigned int detId2denseId (const DetId &) const
 return a linear packed id More...
virtual std::vector< DetIdgetAllNeighbours (const DetId &id) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdgetNeighbours (const DetId &id, const CaloDirection &dir) const
virtual std::vector< DetIdgetWindow (const DetId &id, const int &northSouthSize, const int &eastWestSize) const
virtual unsigned int ncells () const
 return a count of valid cells (for dense indexing use) More...
virtual int topoVersion () const
 return a version which identifies the given topology More...
virtual ~CaloSubdetectorTopology ()
 virtual destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CaloCellGeometry
bool emptyCorners () const
float etaPos () const
float etaSpan () const
const GlobalPointgetBackPoint () const
const CornersVecgetCorners () const
 Returns the corner points of this cell's volume. More...
const GlobalPointgetPosition () const
 Returns the position of reference for this cell. More...
bool inside (const GlobalPoint &point) const
 Returns true if the specified point is inside this cell. More...
const CCGFloatparam () const
float phiPos () const
float phiSpan () const
virtual ~CaloCellGeometry ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from InvalidTrackingRecHit
 InvalidTrackingRecHit (GeomDet const &idet, Type type)
 InvalidTrackingRecHit (Type type)
 InvalidTrackingRecHit ()
virtual ~InvalidTrackingRecHit ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrackerSingleRecHit
ClusterPixelRef cluster_pixel () const
ClusterStripRef cluster_strip () const
OmniClusterRef const & omniCluster () const
OmniClusterRefomniCluster ()
OmniClusterRef const & omniClusterRef () const
OmniClusterRefomniClusterRef ()
SiPixelCluster const & pixelCluster () const
bool sameCluster (OmniClusterRef const &oh) const
void setClusterPixelRef (ClusterPixelRef const &ref)
void setClusterStripRef (ClusterStripRef const &ref)
bool sharesInput (TrackerSingleRecHit const &other) const
SiStripCluster const & stripCluster () const
 TrackerSingleRecHit ()
 TrackerSingleRecHit (DetId id, OmniClusterRef const &clus)
template<typename CluRef >
 TrackerSingleRecHit (const LocalPoint &p, const LocalError &e, GeomDet const &idet, CluRef const &clus)
template<typename CluRef >
 TrackerSingleRecHit (const LocalPoint &p, const LocalError &e, GeomDet const &idet, trackerHitRTTI::RTTI rt, CluRef const &clus)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseTrackerRecHit
 BaseTrackerRecHit ()
 BaseTrackerRecHit (DetId id, trackerHitRTTI::RTTI rt)
 BaseTrackerRecHit (const LocalPoint &p, const LocalError &e, GeomDet const &idet, trackerHitRTTI::RTTI rt)
virtual float clusterProbability () const
 cluster probability, overloaded by pixel rechits. More...
void getKfComponents1D (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
void getKfComponents2D (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
TrackingRecHitGlobalState globalState () const
bool hasPositionAndError () const GCC11_FINAL
 to be redefined by daughter class More...
bool isMatched () const
bool isMulti () const
bool isProjected () const
bool isProjMono () const
bool isProjSterep () const
bool isSingle () const
const LocalErrorlocalPositionErrorFast () const
const LocalPointlocalPositionFast () const
trackerHitRTTI::RTTI rtti () const
bool sameDetModule (TrackingRecHit const &hit) const
virtual ~BaseTrackerRecHit ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RecSegment
 RecSegment (DetId id)
 RecSegment (TrackingRecHit::id_type id=0)
virtual ~RecSegment ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RecHit2DLocalPos
 RecHit2DLocalPos (DetId id)
 RecHit2DLocalPos (TrackingRecHit::id_type id=0)
virtual ~RecHit2DLocalPos ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SiStripBadStrip
data decode (const unsigned int &value) const
unsigned int encode (const unsigned short &first, const unsigned short &NconsecutiveBadStrips, const unsigned short &flag=0)
ContainerIterator getDataVectorBegin () const
ContainerIterator getDataVectorEnd () const
void getDetIds (std::vector< uint32_t > &DetIds_) const
const Range getRange (const uint32_t detID) const
Range getRangeByPos (unsigned short pos) const
RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorBegin () const
RegistryIterator getRegistryVectorEnd () const
void printDebug (std::stringstream &ss) const
void printSummary (std::stringstream &ss) const
bool put (const uint32_t &detID, const InputVector &vect)
bool put (const uint32_t &detID, Range input)
 SiStripBadStrip ()
 SiStripBadStrip (const SiStripBadStrip &orig)
virtual ~SiStripBadStrip ()

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexGlobal (const DetId &id)
static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexGlobal (const DetId &id)
static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexLocal (const DetId &id)
static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexLocal (const DetId &id)
static ConePointer build (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, const PositionType &vert, Geom::Theta< Scalar > angle)
template<typename... Args>
static DiskPointer build (Args &&...args)
static CylinderPointer build (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, Scalar radius, Bounds *bounds=0)
static CylinderPointer build (Scalar radius, const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, Bounds *bounds=0)
static RecHitPointer build (const int charge, const double mom, const double err, const Surface *surface)
static RecHitPointer build (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, const Surface *surface)
build (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
static RecHitPointer build (const GeomDet *geom, const SiTrackerMultiRecHit *rh, const ConstRecHitContainer &components, float annealing=1.)
static float computeRadius (Bounds const &bounds)
static void createCorners (const std::vector< CCGFloat > &pv, const Tr3D &tr, std::vector< GlobalPoint > &co)
static std::string dbString ()
static std::string dbString ()
static DetId detIdFromLocalAlignmentIndex (unsigned int iLoc)
static DetId detIdFromLocalAlignmentIndex (unsigned int iLoc)
static UseMeasurementTracker doubleToUseMeasurementTracker (double value)
static std::string hitString ()
static std::string hitString ()
static UseMeasurementTracker intToUseMeasurementTracker (int value)
static bool isMono (GeomDet const &gdet, GeomDet const &sdet)
static void localCorners (Pt3DVec &vec, const CCGFloat *pv, Pt3D &ref)
static void localCorners (Pt3DVec &lc, const CCGFloat *pv, unsigned int i, Pt3D &ref)
static void localCorners (Pt3DVec &lc, const CCGFloat *pv, unsigned int i, Pt3D &ref)
static void localCornersReflection (Pt3DVec &vec, const CCGFloat *pv, Pt3D &ref)
static void localCornersSwap (Pt3DVec &vec, const CCGFloat *pv, Pt3D &ref)
static unsigned int numberOfAlignments ()
static unsigned int numberOfAlignments ()
static std::string producerTag ()
static std::string producerTag ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GloballyPositioned< float >
static float iniEta ()
static float iniPhi ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BasicTrajectoryState
template<typename T , typename... Args>
static std::shared_ptr< BTSOSbuild (Args &&...args)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
static std::shared_ptr< BTSOSchurn (Args &&...args)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder
static bool positionEqual (const GlobalPoint &ptB, const GlobalPoint &ptA)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Plane
template<typename... Args>
static PlanePointer build (Args &&...args)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CaloCellGeometry
static const CCGFloatcheckParmPtr (const std::vector< CCGFloat > &vd, ParVecVec &pvv)
static const CCGFloatgetParmPtr (const std::vector< CCGFloat > &vd, ParMgr *mgr, ParVecVec &pvv)

Public Attributes

 __pad0__: HitRZCompatibility(me)
- Public Attributes inherited from HitRZCompatibility
Algo m_algo
- Public Attributes inherited from SimpleNavigableLayer
bool theSelfSearch

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int MAXSTRIPS =3
static const unsigned int MAXTIMEBINS =4
static constexpr Algo me = etaAlgo
static const unsigned int N_ADC =MAXSTRIPS*MAXTIMEBINS
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TrackingRecHit
static const int rttiShift = 24
static const int typeMask = 0xf
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CaloCellGeometry
static const CCGFloat k_ScaleFromDDDtoGeant

Protected Types

typedef StateInfo StateArray [MAX_POINTS+1]
- Protected Types inherited from SimpleNavigableLayer
typedef BDLC::iterator BDLI
typedef BDLC::const_iterator ConstBDLI
typedef FDLC::const_iterator ConstFDLI
typedef FDLC::iterator FDLI
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
- Protected Types inherited from MSLayersKeeper
typedef MSLayer::DataX0 DataX0
- Protected Types inherited from CaloSubdetectorTopology
typedef std::pair< int, int > Coordinate

Protected Member Functions

virtual const CaloCellGeometrycellGeomPtr (uint32_t index) const
virtual const CaloCellGeometrycellGeomPtr (uint32_t index) const
int cIndex_ (int ind) const
 (Internals) circular index for array of transients More...
double getDeDx (const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &sv, double &dEdXPrime, double &radX0, MatBounds &rzLims) const
 estimate average (in fact smth. close to MPV and median) energy loss per unit path length More...
void getNextState (const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &svPrevious, SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &svNext, double dP, const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector &tau, const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector &drVec, double dS, double dX0, const AlgebraicMatrix55 &dCovCurv) const
void initStateArraySHPSpecific (StateArray &svBuf, bool flagsOnly) const
 (Internals) set defaults needed for states used inside propagate methods More...
bool isYokeVolume (const MagVolume *vol) const
 check if it's a yoke/iron based on this MagVol internals More...
void loadState (SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &svCurrent, const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector &p3, const SteppingHelixPropagator::Point &r3, int charge, PropagationDirection dir, const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 &covCurv) const
bool makeAtomStep (SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &svCurrent, SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &svNext, double dS, PropagationDirection dir, SteppingHelixPropagator::Fancy fancy) const
 main stepping function: compute next state vector after a step of length dS More...
Result propagate (StateArray &svBuff, int &nPoints, SteppingHelixPropagator::DestType type, const double pars[6], double epsilon=1e-3) const
Result refToDest (DestType dest, const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &sv, const double pars[6], double &dist, double &tanDist, PropagationDirection &refDirection, double fastSkipDist=1e12) const
 (Internals) determine distance and direction from the current position to the plane More...
Result refToMagVolume (const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &sv, PropagationDirection dir, double &dist, double &tanDist, double fastSkipDist=1e12, bool expectNewMagVolume=false, double maxStep=1e12) const
Result refToMatVolume (const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &sv, PropagationDirection dir, double &dist, double &tanDist, double fastSkipDist=1e12) const
void setIState (const SteppingHelixStateInfo &sStart, StateArray &svBuff, int &nPoints) const
 (Internals) Init starting point More...
void setRep (SteppingHelixPropagator::Basis &rep, const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector &tau) const
 Set/compute basis vectors for local coordinates at current step (called by incrementState) More...
virtual float shiftOffset (float pitch_fraction)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase
std::pair< bool, double > returnIt (double est) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator
void resize (size_t is)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TrackingRecHit
void setId (id_type iid)
void setRTTI (unsigned int rt)
void setType (Type ttype)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SimpleNavigableLayer
TSOS crossingState (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir) const dso_internal
AnalyticalPropagator propagator (PropagationDirection dir) const
bool wellInside (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir, const BarrelDetLayer *bl, DLC &result) const dso_internal
bool wellInside (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir, const ForwardDetLayer *bl, DLC &result) const dso_internal
bool wellInside (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir, ConstBDLI begin, ConstBDLI end, DLC &result) const dso_internal
bool wellInside (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir, const DLC &layers, DLC &result) const dso_internal
bool wellInside (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection dir, ConstFDLI begin, ConstFDLI end, DLC &result) const dso_internal
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DetRod
void setPlane (Plane *plane)
 Set the rod's plane. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TBLayer
bool addClosest (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
SubLayerCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual std::tuple< bool, int,
int > 
computeIndexes (GlobalPoint gInnerPoint, GlobalPoint gOuterPoint) const =0
bool isPixel () const
bool isTIB () const
bool isTOB () const
const std::vector< const
GeometricSearchDet * > & 
subLayer (int ind) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BarrelDetLayer
SimpleCylinderBounds const & bounds () const
virtual BoundCylindercomputeSurface ()
virtual void initialize ()
void setSurface (BoundCylinder *cp)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DetRodOneR
bool add (int idet, std::vector< DetWithState > &result, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
 Query detector idet for compatible and add the output to result. More...
void initialize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ForwardDetLayer
SimpleDiskBounds const & bounds () const
virtual BoundDiskcomputeSurface ()
virtual void initialize ()
float rmax () const
float rmin () const
void setSurface (BoundDisk *cp)
float zmax () const
float zmin () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Surface
 Surface ()
 Surface (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot)
 Surface (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, Bounds *bounds)
 Surface (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, MediumProperties mp)
 Surface (const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, MediumProperties mp, Bounds *bounds)
 Surface (const Surface &iSurface)
 Surface (Surface &&iSurface)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CaloSubdetectorGeometry
void addValidID (const DetId &id)
virtual unsigned int indexFor (const DetId &id) const
virtual unsigned int sizeForDenseIndex (const DetId &id) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CaloSubdetectorTopology
Coordinate getNeighbourIndex (const Coordinate &coord, const CaloDirection &dir) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CaloCellGeometry
 CaloCellGeometry (CornersVec::const_reference gp, CornersMgr *mgr, const CCGFloat *par)
 CaloCellGeometry (const CornersVec &cv, const CCGFloat *par)
 CaloCellGeometry (void)
void initSpan ()

Protected Attributes

T currentPoint_
LocalError localError_
LocalPoint localPosition_
const TOPO * myTopology_
T startingPoint_
- Protected Attributes inherited from SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator
edm::ESHandle< MagneticFieldbfield
TkClonerImpl cloner
const SeedComparitorfilter = nullptr
bool isBOFF = false
std::string mfName_
float nomField
edm::ESHandle< PropagatorpropagatorHandle
const TrackingRegionregion = nullptr
double theBOFFMomentum
double theMinOneOverPtError
double theOriginTransverseErrorMultiplier
std::string thePropagatorLabel
edm::ESHandle< TrackerGeometrytracker
std::string TTRHBuilder
bool useSimpleMF_
- Protected Attributes inherited from SimpleNavigableLayer
bool theCheckCrossingSide
float theEpsilon
const MagneticFieldtheField
- Protected Attributes inherited from NavigableLayer
NavigationSchool const * school =nullptr
- Protected Attributes inherited from GeometricSearchDet
bool haveGroups
GeomDetCompatibilityChecker theCompatibilityChecker
- Protected Attributes inherited from TBLayer
GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector me
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBasicComps
std::vector< const
GeometricSearchDet * > 
std::vector< const
GeometricSearchDet * > 
< BoundCylinder
std::vector< const
GeometricSearchDet * > 
< BoundCylinder
- Protected Attributes inherited from TECWedge
< BoundDiskSector > 
- Protected Attributes inherited from DetRodOneR
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
- Protected Attributes inherited from Surface
extstd::clone_ptr< BoundstheBounds
MediumProperties theMediumProperties
- Protected Attributes inherited from MeasurementDet
TrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer theInactiveHit
TrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer theMissingHit
- Protected Attributes inherited from CaloSubdetectorGeometry
ParVecVec m_parVecVec
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseTrackerRecHit
unsigned int qualWord_
- Protected Attributes inherited from SiStripBadStrip
Registry indexes
Container v_badstrips

Static Protected Attributes

static const int MAX_POINTS = 7

Private Types

using Base = BasicVertexState::Proxy
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi
< float > 
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi
< double > 
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi
< float > 
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi
< float > 
using BSVS = BasicSingleVertexState
using cacheHitPointer = mayown_ptr< BaseTrackerRecHit >
using cacheHits = std::vector< cacheHitPointer >
enum  Charge { hh, hl, ll }
typedef Basic3DVector< double > DirectionTypeDouble
enum  FrameRelation { sameFrame, sameOrientation, differentFrames }
typedef FreeTrajectoryState FTS
typedef FreeTrajectoryState FTS
typedef FreeTrajectoryState FTS
typedef FreeTrajectoryState FTS
typedef std::pair
< FreeTrajectoryState, double > 
typedef Point3DBase< double,
typedef Vector3DBase< double,
typedef Triplet< float, float,
float > 
typedef LocalTrajectoryError LTE
typedef LocalTrajectoryParameters LTP
typedef std::pair< bool,
typedef Basic3DVector< double > PositionTypeDouble
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement TM
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement TM
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement TM
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement TM
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement TM
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface TSOS
typedef std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
typedef std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
typedef std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
typedef std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
typedef Basic2DVector< double > Vector2D

Private Member Functions

bool addClosest (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
bool addClosest (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
bool addClosest (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
bool addClosest (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
bool addClosest (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot)) dso_internal
const GlobalPoint backCtr (void) const
BadStripCuts const & badStripCuts () const
template<class ClusterRefT >
void buildSimpleRecHit (const ClusterRefT &cluster, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ltp, std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &res) const
bool checkCharge (const TrackingRecHit &aRecHit, int subdet, float chargeCut) const
bool checkClusterCharge (const OmniClusterRef::ClusterStripRef cluster, float chargeCut) const
bool checkForNans (const Trajectory &theTraj) const
 Method to check that the trajectory has no NaN in the states and chi2. More...
void checkHitProjection (const TrackingRecHit &hit, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const GeomDet &det) const dso_internal
void checkPeriodicity (std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator first, std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator last) __attribute__((cold))
void checkProjection (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const RecHitContainer &monoHits, const RecHitContainer &stereoHits) const
void checkRadius (std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator first, std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator last) __attribute__((cold))
HitRZCompatibilitycheckRZOld (const DetLayer *layer, const TrackingRecHit *outerHit, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const
bool chooseSolution (const Vector2D &d1, const Vector2D &d2)
virtual GsfMaterialEffectsAdapterclone () const
virtual dso_export
clone () const
virtual SiStripRecHit2Dclone (TkCloner const &cloner, TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &tsos) const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual SiStripRecHit1Dclone (TkCloner const &cloner, TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &tsos) const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual SiPixelRecHitclone (TkCloner const &cloner, TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &tsos) const
virtual SiStripMatchedRecHit2Dclone (TkCloner const &cloner, TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &tsos) const
virtual ProjectedSiStripRecHit2Dclone (TkCloner const &cloner, TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &tsos) const
virtual TRecHit5DParamConstraintclone () const
clone () const
virtual TRecHit2DPosConstraintclone () const
virtual TRecHit1DMomConstraintclone () const
virtual TSiTrackerMultiRecHitclone () const
template<typename Collector >
void collectRecHits (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, Collector &coll) const dso_internal
void combine () dso_internal
void compact (std::vector< unsigned int > &, std::vector< unsigned int > &, unsigned short &)
bool compute (const TrackCharge &chargeA, const GlobalVector &momentumA, const GlobalPoint &positionA, const TrackCharge &chargeB, const GlobalVector &momentumB, const GlobalPoint &positionB) dso_internal
virtual void compute (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const PropagationDirection, Effect[]) const
 Computation: generates vectors of weights, means and standard deviations. More...
void compute3DImpactPoint () const
void computeBetheBloch (const LocalVector &localP, double pathLength, const VolumeMediumProperties &medium, double &deltaP, double &deltaCov00) const dso_internal
void computeBetheBloch (const LocalVector &, const MediumProperties &, Effect &effect) const dso_internal
void computeBounds (const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &faces)
BoundscomputeBounds (int index, const std::vector< const Plane * > &bpc)
BoundscomputeBounds (int index, const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &faces)
void computeChargedJacobians () const
SubLayerCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
SubLayerCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
SubLayerCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
SubLayerCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
SubLayerCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot)) dso_internal
SubTurbineCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
SubTurbineCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, PropagationDirection propDir, bool innerDisk) const
SubRingCrossings computeCrossings (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, PropagationDirection propDir) const __attribute__((hot))
BoundDiskcomputeDisk (const std::vector< const TIDRing * > &rings) const __attribute__((cold))
void computeElectrons (const LocalVector &localP, double pathLength, const VolumeMediumProperties &medium, double &deltaP, double &deltaCov00) const dso_internal
void computeElectrons (const LocalVector &, const MediumProperties &, const PropagationDirection, Effect &effect) const dso_internal
void computeError () const
int computeHelicity (const GeometricSearchDet *firstBlade, const GeometricSearchDet *secondBlade) const
void computeHelicity () __attribute__((cold))
std::tuple< bool, int, int > computeIndexes (GlobalPoint gInnerPoint, GlobalPoint gOuterPoint) const __attribute__((hot))
std::tuple< bool, int, int > computeIndexes (GlobalPoint gInnerPoint, GlobalPoint gOuterPoint) const __attribute__((hot))
void computeJacobians () const
void computeNeutralJacobians () const
void computePosition () const
void computeWeight () const
void computeWeightTimesPos () const
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const __attribute__((hot))
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const __attribute__((hot))
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const __attribute__((hot))
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const __attribute__((hot))
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const __attribute__((hot))
StMeasurementConditionSetconditionSet ()
const StMeasurementConditionSetconditionSet () const
void construct () __attribute__((cold))
float correctedFirstMean (const float, const GSContainer[]) const
 Correction for mean of component 1. More...
float correctedFirstVar (const float, const GSContainer[]) const
 Correction for variance of component 1. More...
void correctWeights (GSContainer[]) const
 Correction for weight of component 1. More...
cpe () const
PairBoolFTS createFTSatTransverseImpactPoint (const FTS &originalFTS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const dso_internal
PairBoolFTS createFTSatTransverseImpactPointCharged (const FTS &originalFTS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const dso_internal
PairBoolFTS createFTSatTransverseImpactPointNeutral (const FTS &originalFTS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint) const dso_internal
bool crossingTk (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane) const
 true if the plane and the fts z position have different sign More...
BoundCylindercylinder (const std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > &rings) __attribute__((cold))
BoundCylindercylinder (const std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > &rods) const __attribute__((cold))
EBDetId decrementIeta (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to smaller ieta (more negative z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) More...
EBDetId decrementIeta (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to smaller ieta (more negative z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) More...
EBDetId decrementIphi (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to smaller iphi (wraps around the barrel) More...
EBDetId decrementIphi (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to smaller iphi (wraps around the barrel) More...
EEDetId decrementIx (const EEDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to smaller ix More...
EEDetId decrementIx (const EEDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to smaller ix More...
ESDetId decrementIx (const ESDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to smaller ix More...
EEDetId decrementIy (const EEDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to smaller iy More...
EEDetId decrementIy (const EEDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to smaller iy More...
ESDetId decrementIy (const ESDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to smaller iy More...
ESDetId decrementIz (const ESDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to smaller iz More...
void directionCheck (PropagationDirection dir)
template<typename Collector >
void doubleMatch (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data, Collector &collector) const dso_internal
OuterEstimatorestimator (const BarrelDetLayer *layer, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const dso_internal
OuterEstimatorestimator (const ForwardDetLayer *layer, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const dso_internal
float eta (int idxBin) const
RKLocalFieldProvider fieldProvider () const
RKLocalFieldProvider fieldProvider (const Cylinder &cyl) const dso_internal
void fillRingPars (int i) __attribute__((cold))
int findBin (float R, int layer) const
int findBin (float R, int layer) const dso_internal
int findClosest (const GlobalPoint[3]) const __attribute__((hot))
int findClosestDet (const GlobalPoint &startPos, int sectorId) const
int findNextIndex (const GlobalPoint[3], int) const __attribute__((hot))
WedgePar const & findPar (int index, int diskSectorType) const dso_internal
GlobalPoint findPosition (int index, int diskSectorIndex) const
const TrajectoryFitterfitter (fitType type) const
template<class T >
std::pair< bool, double > genericPathLength (const T &object) const dso_internal
 common functionality for extrapolation to line or point More...
const PropagatorgetCrossTkPropagator () const
 return the propagator used to cross the tracker More...
const PropagatorgetEndCapTkPropagator () const
 return the propagator used in endcaps More...
void getMixtureParameters (const float, GSContainer[]) const
 Filling of mixture (in terms of z=E/E0) More...
EEDetId gId (float x, float y, float z) const
GlobalVector globalMomentum (const Basic3DVector< double > &mom) const dso_internal
GlobalPoint globalPosition (const Basic3DVector< double > &pos) const dso_internal
GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtpFromLocal (const Basic3DVector< double > &lpos, const Basic3DVector< double > &lmom, TrackCharge ch, const Surface &surf) const dso_internal
GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtpFromVolumeLocal (const CartesianStateAdaptor &state, TrackCharge charge) const dso_internal
bool hasAny128StripBad () const
int idxBin (float eta) const
EBDetId incrementIeta (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to larger ieta (more positive z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) More...
EBDetId incrementIeta (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to larger ieta (more positive z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) More...
EBDetId incrementIphi (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to larger iphi (wraps around the barrel) More...
EBDetId incrementIphi (const EBDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to larger iphi (wraps around the barrel) More...
EEDetId incrementIx (const EEDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to larger ix More...
EEDetId incrementIx (const EEDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to larger ix More...
ESDetId incrementIx (const ESDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to larger ix More...
EEDetId incrementIy (const EEDetId &) const
 move the nagivator to larger iy More...
EEDetId incrementIy (const EEDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to larger iy More...
ESDetId incrementIy (const ESDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to larger iy More...
ESDetId incrementIz (const ESDetId &id) const
 move the nagivator to larger iz More...
void init ()
virtual void initCorners (CornersVec &) override
void initEtaRange (const GlobalVector &dir, const Margin &margin)
virtual bool initialKinematic (GlobalTrajectoryParameters &kine, const SeedingHitSet &hits) const
virtual bool initialKinematic (GlobalTrajectoryParameters &kine, const SeedingHitSet &hits) const
void initTkVolume (float epsilon)
 build the tracker volume More...
PropagationDirection invertDirection (PropagationDirection dir) const dso_internal
bool isMasked (const SiStripCluster &cluster) const
AlgebraicMatrix55 jacobian (double &s) const
 KFTrajectoryFitter (KFTrajectoryFitter const &)
const Chi2MeasurementEstimatorlocalEstimator () const
 estimator for 2D hits (matched or pixel) More...
const KFUpdatorlocalUpdator () const
 updator for 2D hits (matched or pixel) More...
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
 return the magneticField More...
virtual const MagneticFieldmagneticField () const
GlobalVector makeAxis (void)
bool materialAtSource () const dso_internal
 Inclusion of material at the source? More...
double minGoodCharge (int subdet) const
bool myInside (const Local3DPoint &lp, float tolerance) const
bool notAtSurface (const Plane &, const PositionTypeDouble &, const float) const dso_internal
PixelGeomDetTypeoperator= (const PixelGeomDetType &other)
BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHitoperator= (const BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit &t)
bool overlap (const GlobalPoint &gpos, const GeomDet &det, float phiWin) const
bool overlapInR (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, int i, double ymax) const __attribute__((hot))
virtual std::pair< bool, double > pathLengthFromCoefficients (const double ceq[4]) const dso_internal
 common part for propagation to point and line More...
 PerigeeLinearizedTrackState (const GlobalPoint &linP, const reco::TransientTrack &track, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
OuterHitPhiPrediction phiWindow (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const dso_internal
 PixelGeomDetType (const PixelGeomDetType &other)
bool pointsHelixHelix (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &sta, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &stb) dso_internal
bool pointsHelixLine (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &sta, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &stb) dso_internal
bool pointsLineLine (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &sta, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &stb) dso_internal
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector positionCorrection (const LocalPoint &pos, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector positionCorrection (const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trk) const
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector positionCorrection (const LocalPoint &pos, const Topology::LocalTrackAngles &dir) const
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector positionCorrection (const Topology::LocalTrackPred &trk) const
void printActiveFedsInfo (const std::vector< uint16_t > &activeFedsFromCabling, const std::vector< int > &activeFedsFromRunInfo, const std::vector< int > &differentFeds, const bool printDebug)
 Prints debug output for the active feds comparing the list in RunInfo and FedCabling. More...
void printDetInfo (const uint32_t &detId, const uint32_t &apvPairNumber, std::stringstream &ss)
 Prints debug output for a given detId. More...
RecHitContainer projectOnGluedDet (const std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &hits, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts) const dso_internal
template<typename HitCollector >
void projectOnGluedDet (HitCollector &collector, const std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &hits, const GlobalVector &gdir) const dso_internal
RecHitContainer projectOnGluedDet (const RecHitContainer &hits, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts) const dso_internal
template<typename HitCollector >
void projectOnGluedDet (HitCollector &collector, const RecHitContainer &hits, const GlobalVector &gdir) const dso_internal
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagatedState (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Surface &surface, const AlgebraicMatrix55 &jacobian, const GlobalPoint &x, const GlobalVector &p) const
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagatedState (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Surface &surface, const AlgebraicMatrix55 &jacobian, const LocalPoint &x, const LocalVector &p) const
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagatedStateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Surface &surface, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &gtp, const double &s) const dso_internal
 propagation of errors (if needed) and generation of a new TSOS More...
bool propagateParametersOnCylinder (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &cylinder, GlobalPoint &x, GlobalVector &p, double &s) const
GlobalParametersWithPath propagateParametersOnCylinder (const FreeTrajectoryState &ts, const Cylinder &cyl) const dso_internal
bool propagateParametersOnCylinder (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &cylinder, GlobalPoint &x, GlobalVector &p, double &s) const dso_internal
 parameter propagation to cylinder (returns position, momentum and path length) More...
GlobalParametersWithPath propagateParametersOnPlane (const FreeTrajectoryState &ts, const Plane &plane) const dso_internal
bool propagateParametersOnPlane (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane, LocalPoint &x, LocalVector &p, double &s) const
bool propagateParametersOnPlane (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane, GlobalPoint &x, GlobalVector &p, double &s) const dso_internal
 parameter propagation to plane (returns position, momentum and path length) More...
bool propagateWithHelixCrossing (HelixPlaneCrossing &, const Plane &, const float, GlobalPoint &, GlobalVector &, double &s) const dso_internal
 helix parameter propagation to a plane using HelixPlaneCrossing More...
bool propagateWithLineCrossing (const GlobalPoint &, const GlobalVector &, const Plane &, GlobalPoint &, double &) const dso_internal
 straight line parameter propagation to a plane More...
bool propagateWithLineCrossing (const GlobalPoint &, const GlobalVector &, const Cylinder &, GlobalPoint &, double &) const dso_internal
 straight line parameter propagation to a cylinder More...
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Cylinder &) const
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane) const override
 propagation to plane with path length More...
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Plane &plane) const override
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane) const override
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Cylinder &cylinder) const override
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &cylinder) const override
 propagation to cylinder with path length More...
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &cylinder) const override
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane) const
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &cylinder) const
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Plane &plane) const override
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, const Cylinder &cylinder) const override
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Plane &sur) const override
virtual std::pair
< TrajectoryStateOnSurface,
double > 
propagateWithPath (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Cylinder &sur) const override
bool put_replace (const uint32_t &DetId, Range input)
void readParameters (const std::string)
 Read parametrization from file. More...
Polynomial readPolynomial (std::ifstream &, const int)
 Read coefficients of one polynomial from file. More...
std::array< int, 3 > ringIndicesByCrossingProximity (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop) const
Basic3DVector< double > rkMomentum (const GlobalVector &mom) const dso_internal
Basic3DVector< double > rkPosition (const GlobalPoint &pos) const dso_internal
HitRZConstraint rzConstraint () const dso_internal
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubTurbineCrossings &crossings, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubTurbineCrossings &crossings, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool innerDisk) const
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubRingCrossings &crossings, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result) const __attribute__((hot))
void searchNeighbors (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, const SubLayerCrossing &crossing, float window, std::vector< DetGroup > &result, bool checkClosest) const __attribute__((hot)) dso_internal
float sensorThickness (const DetId &detid) const
Trajectory smoothingStep (Trajectory const &fitted) const
std::pair< bool, double > solutionByDirection (const double dS1, const double dS2) const dso_internal
int solve2ndOrder (const double ceq[], double sol[]) const dso_internal
 Solutions of 2nd order equation. More...
int solve3rdOrder (const double ceq[], double sol[]) const dso_internal
 Solutions of 3rd order equation. More...
void sorter (const RecHitContainer &hits, PropagationDirection dir, RecHitContainer &result) const
const Chi2Strip1DEstimatorstripEstimator () const
 estimator for 1D hits (non-matched strips) More...
const KFStrip1DUpdatorstripUpdator () const
 updator for non-matched strip hits More...
const std::vector< const
GeomDet * > & 
subBlade (int ind) const
const std::vector< const
GeomDet * > & 
subLayer (int ind) const
const std::vector< const
TECWedge * > & 
subLayer (int ind) const dso_internal
const std::vector< const
GeomDet * > & 
subRod (int ind) const
void subtract (std::vector< unsigned int > &, const std::vector< unsigned int > &)
void subtraction (std::vector< unsigned int > &, const unsigned int &)
const std::vector< const
GeomDet * > & 
subWedge (int ind) const
bool testStrips (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const BoundPlane &gluedPlane, const TkStripMeasurementDet &mdet) const dso_internal
 Test the strips on one of the two dets with projection. More...
bool thickSensors (const SiStripDetId &detid) const
int totalStrips () const
const TrajectoryStateOnSurfacetrajectoryState () const
 TRecHit1DMomConstraint (const int charge, const double mom, const double err, const Surface *surface)
 Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning. More...
 TRecHit1DMomConstraint (const TRecHit1DMomConstraint &other)
 TRecHit2DPosConstraint (const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, const Surface *surface)
 Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning. More...
 TRecHit2DPosConstraint (const TRecHit2DPosConstraint &other)
 TRecHit5DParamConstraint (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
 TRecHit5DParamConstraint (const TRecHit5DParamConstraint &other)
 TSiTrackerMultiRecHit (const GeomDet *geom, const SiTrackerMultiRecHit *rh, const ConstRecHitContainer &components, float annealing)
void turnOffFeds (const std::vector< int > &fedsList, const bool turnOffStrips, const bool printDebug)
unsigned int xindex (CCGFloat x, CCGFloat z) const
unsigned int yindex (CCGFloat y, CCGFloat z) const
- Private Member Functions inherited from ProxyBase< T, Cloner >
void check () const
const Tdata () const
void destroy () noexcept
bool isValid () const
ProxyBaseoperator= (const ProxyBase &other) noexcept
 ProxyBase () noexcept
 ProxyBase (T *p) noexcept
 ProxyBase (const ProxyBase &other) noexcept
int references () const
TsharedData ()
void swap (ProxyBase &other) noexcept
TunsharedData ()
 ~ProxyBase () noexcept

Static Private Member Functions

static float calculatePhiWindow (float Xmax, const GeomDet &det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &state) __attribute__((hot))
static void circleParameters (const TrackCharge &charge, const GlobalVector &momemtum, const GlobalPoint &position, double &xc, double &yc, double &r, double bz) dso_internal
static int computeHelicity (const GeometricSearchDet *firstBlade, const GeometricSearchDet *secondBlade)
static float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est)
static float computeWindowSize (const GeomDet *det, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementEstimator &est) __attribute__((hot)) dso_internal
static int myPhi (int i)
static GlobalTrajectoryParameters newTrajectory (const GlobalPoint &newpt, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &oldpar, double bz) dso_internal
static bool overlap (const GlobalPoint &gpos, const GeometricSearchDet &ring, float window) __attribute__((hot))
static void setX0 (std::vector< MSLayer > &, float eta, const SumX0AtEtaDataProvider &)
static int transverseCoord (double cxa, double cya, double ra, double cxb, double cyb, double rb, double &xg1, double &yg1, double &xg2, double &yg2) dso_internal
static double zCoord (const GlobalVector &mom, const GlobalPoint &pos, double r, double xc, double yc, double xg, double yg) dso_internal

Private Attributes

std::vector< int > _EtaBaskets
int _nncrys
 number of crystals per module More...
int _nnmods
 number of modules More...
int _nnxtalEta
int _nnxtalPhi
unsigned int _num_innerpanels
unsigned int _num_outerpanels
int _PhiBaskets
bool aME11a_duplicate
float annealing_
bool applyRadX0Correction_
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double,
6, 6, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym
< double, 6 > > 
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double,
7, 7, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym
< double, 7 > > 
std::vector< BadComponentBadComponentVect
bool breakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing
TSCPBuilderNoMaterial builder
double bz
cacheHits cache
const int charge_
OmniClusterRef clusterMono_
OmniClusterRef clusterStereo_
bool covAvailable
bool cutOnPixelCharge_
bool cutOnStripCharge_
bool debug_
double defaultStep_
const DetLayerGeometry dummyGeometry
double ecShiftNeg_
double ecShiftPos_
const LocalError err_
const double err_
const MagneticFieldfield
const MagneticFieldfield_
edm::FileInPath FileInPath_
KFTrajectoryFitter fitter
AlgebraicSymMatrixOO fullCovariance_
float halfLength
float halfThickness
float halfWidth
short int hitWire_
int index_
StateInfo invalidState_
bool isBarrel
bool isInitialised
bool isOldPropagationType
bool isThisIron
bool jacobiansAvailable
CCGFloat m_avgZ
GlobalVector m_axis
std::atomic< EZMgrFL< EEDetId > * > m_borderMgr
std::atomic< EZMgrFL< EBDetId > * > m_borderMgr
< VecOrdListEEDetIdPtr * > 
< VecOrdListEBDetIdPtr * > 
CellVec m_cellVec
std::atomic< bool > m_check
Pt3D m_corOne
CCGFloat m_del
int m_ncols
unsigned int m_nref
int m_nrows
float m_pitchx
float m_pitchy
CCGFloat m_radius
int m_ROCS_X
int m_ROCS_Y
Surface const * m_surface
bool m_upgradeGeometry
CCGFloat m_wref
CCGFloat m_xhi [2]
CCGFloat m_xlo [2]
CCGFloat m_xoff [2]
float m_xoffset
CCGFloat m_yhi [2]
CCGFloat m_ylo [2]
CCGFloat m_yoff [2]
float m_yoffset
double minGoodPixelCharge_
double minGoodStripCharge_
int minHits_
const double mom_
bool noErrorPropagation_
bool noInvalidHitsBeginEnd
bool noMaterialMode_
unsigned char nStrips_
unsigned char nTimeBins_
unsigned char nWireGroups_
bool owner
GlobalTrajectoryParameters paramA
GlobalTrajectoryParameters paramB
std::pair< GlobalPoint,
const LocalPoint pos_
GlobalPoint posA
GlobalPoint posB
bool printDebug_
float pTChargeCutThreshold_
bool rejectTracksFlag
bool returnTangentPlane_
RingPar ringPars [3]
defaultRKPropagator::Product rkProduct
bool sendLogWarning_
const SiStripDetCablingSiStripDetCabling_
float smoothedChi2_
bool status_
bool stAvailable
< Surface
const Surfacesurface_
const TrackingGeometrytGeometry_
double theActualDir
float theADCs_ [N_ADC]
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterialtheAlongPropagator
const PropagatortheAlongPropagator
Geom::Theta< ScalartheAngle
float theAngularWidth
float theAWidthInverse
BinFinderType theBackBinFinder
std::vector< float > theBackBoundaries
std::vector< const TECWedge * > theBackComps
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBackDets
< BoundDisk
< BoundDiskSector
std::vector< WedgePartheBackPars
< BoundDiskSector
short int theBadStrip
short int theBadWireGroup
std::vector< GeomDet const * > theBasicComps
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBasicComps
BinFinderType theBinFinder
BinFinderType theBinFinder_inner
BinFinderType theBinFinder_outer
double theCachedCDPhi
double theCachedDPhi
double theCachedS
double theCachedSDPhi
float theCentreToIntersection
double theCharge
Charge theCharge
TrackCharge theCharge
double theChi2
ConstRecHitContainer theComponents
const TIDRingtheComps [3]
std::vector< const
GeometricSearchDet * > 
bool theComputeCoarseLocalPosition
AlgebraicVector5 theConstantTerm
const FullConvolutionWithMaterialtheConvolutor
int theCorrectionFlag
 values to be transformed by logistic / exp. function? More...
double theCosPhi0
double theCosTheta
AlgebraicSymMatrix theCovMatrix
std::vector< CSCRecHit2DtheCSCRecHits
< BoundCylinder
Vector2D theD
float theDeltaEta
const GeomDettheDet
double thedEta
float theDetHeight
const ForwardDetLayertheDetLayer
const BarrelDetLayertheDetLayer
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
DirectionTypeDouble theDirection
< BoundDisk
< BoundDiskSector
float theDistToBeam
double theDmag
bool theDoEndCap
double thedPhi
std::vector< CSCSegmenttheDuplicateSegments
< GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator
EnergyLossUpdator theELUpdator
float theEnergyDeposit
GlobalError theErr
bool theErrAvailable
float theErrorRescaling
float theErrorWithinStrip
double theEstimateCut
const MeasurementEstimatortheEstimator
Range theEtaRange
AlgebraicVector5 theExpandedParams
std::vector< VolumeSidetheFaces
const RKLocalFieldProvidertheField
const MagneticFieldtheField
const std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryFitter
GloballyPositioned< TtheFrame
FrameRelation theFrameRelation
BinFinderType theFrontBinFinder
std::vector< float > theFrontBoundaries
std::vector< const TECWedge * > theFrontComps
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theFrontDets
< BoundDisk
< BoundDiskSector
std::vector< WedgePartheFrontPars
< BoundDiskSector
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometrytheGeom_
< Propagator
const DetLayerGeometrytheGeometry
const GsfPropagatorAdaptertheGeomPropagator
int theHalfNBins
int theHelicity
TkCloner const * theHitCloner =nullptr
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
ClosestApproachInRPhi theIniAlgo
BDLC theInnerBarrelLayers
< float > 
BinFinderType theInnerBinFinder
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theInnerDets
FDLC theInnerForwardLayers
DLC theInnerLayers
FDLC theInnerLeftForwardLayers
ReferenceCountingPointer< PlanetheInnerPlane
FDLC theInnerRightForwardLayers
unsigned char theL1APhaseBits_ [MAXSTRIPS]
Range theLambdaRange
MSLayersAtAngle theLayersData
std::vector< MSLayersAtAngletheLayersData
float theLength
SurfaceContainer theLimits
GlobalPoint theLinPoint
RefCountedLinearizedTrackState theLinTrack
LocalVector theLocalDirection
LocalError theLocalError
const Chi2MeasurementEstimator theLocalEstimator
LocalPoint theLocalPosition
const KFUpdator theLocalUpdator
double theLogPixelProbabilityCut
const std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryFitter
const MagVolumetheMagVolume
bool theMatBeforeUpdate
const SiStripRecHitMatchertheMatcher
MaterialLocation theMaterialLocation
float theMaxDBzRatio
float theMaxDPhi2
float theMeanLambda
const MeasurementTrackerEventtheMeasurementTracker
const UseMeasurementTracker theMeasurementTrackerUsage
const MultiTrajectoryStateMergertheMerger
< MaterialEffectsUpdator
int theMinNumberOfHits
Mode theModus
AlgebraicMatrix53 theMomentumJacobian
const TkStripMeasurementDettheMonoDet
< GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator
MultipleScatteringUpdator theMSUpdator
Container theNavSurfaces
DLC theNegInnerLayers
DLC theNegOuterLayers
int theNrComponents
int theNumberOfStrips
float theOffset
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterialtheOppositePropagator
const PropagatortheOppositePropagator
LocalPoint theOrigin
const GeomDettheOriginalDet
BDLC theOuterBarrelLayers
< float > 
BinFinderType theOuterBinFinder
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theOuterDets
FDLC theOuterForwardLayers
DLC theOuterLayers
FDLC theOuterLeftForwardLayers
ReferenceCountingPointer< PlanetheOuterPlane
FDLC theOuterRightForwardLayers
float thePhiExtH
Margin thePhiMargin
float thePhiOfOneEdge
float thePitch
Polynomial thePolyMeans [MaxSize]
 parametrisation of weight for each component More...
Polynomial thePolyVars [MaxSize]
 parametrisation of mean for each componentP More...
Polynomial thePolyWeights [MaxSize]
 correction of 1st or 1st&2nd moments More...
GlobalPoint thePos
bool thePosAvailable
DLC thePosInnerLayers
const PositionTypeDouble thePosition
AlgebraicMatrix53 thePositionJacobian
float thePositionWithinStrip
DLC thePosOuterLayers
bool thePrecise
TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint thePredState
const PropagatorthePropagator
PropagationDirection thePropDir
const PropagationDirection thePropDir
double thePtMin
HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order theQuadraticCrossingFromStart
HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order theQuadraticSolutionFromStart
int theQuality
double theRadialSigma
Scalar theRadius
RefCountedRefittedTrackState theRefittedState
double theRho
const double theRho
float theRmax
float theRmaxZmax
float theRmaxZmin
float theRmin
float theRminZmax
float theRminZmin
HitRZConstraint theRZ
double theS
int theScaledWireTime
Basic3DVector< TtheShift
double theSinPhi0
double theSinTheta
double theSinThetaI
const std::unique_ptr
< TrajectorySmoother
const std::unique_ptr
< TrajectoryFitter
DirectionType theStartingDir
PositionType theStartingPos
std::vector< TSOStheStates
const TkStripMeasurementDettheStereoDet
bool theStereoFlag
const Chi2Strip1DEstimator theStripEstimator
float theStripLength
unsigned char theStrips_ [MAXSTRIPS]
const KFStrip1DUpdator theStripUpdator
const SurfacetheSurface
DeepCopyPointerByClone< const
< Cylinder
< Cone
PlanePointer theSurfaceP
float theTanAW
float theTanOfOneEdge
bool theTiming
< Cylinder
Margin theTolerance
double theTolerance
float theTpeak
reco::TransientTrack theTrack
int theTransformationCode
 number of components used for parameterisation More...
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface theTSOS
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixHelix theTTMDhh
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixLine theTTMDhl
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceLineLine theTTMDll
StripGeomDetType const * theType
PixelGeomDetType const * theType
const TrajectoryStateUpdatortheUpdator
bool theUseEtaPhi
GlobalPoint theVertex
VertexState theVertexState
const MagVolumetheVolume
GlobalWeight theWeight
float theWeight
bool theWeightAvailable
double theWeightInMix
AlgebraicVector3 theWeightTimesPos
bool theWeightTimesPosAvailable
short int theWGroupsBX_
float theWidth
const double theX0
double theXCenter
const double theY0
float theYAxisOrientation
int theYAxOr
double theYCenter
const double theZ0
float theZmax
float theZmin
bool toCleanUp
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
TrajectoryStateWithArbitraryError tsosWithError
const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 unit55_
bool useEmptyRunInfo_
bool useInTeslaFromMagField_
bool useIsYokeFlag_
bool useMagVolumes_
bool useMatVolumes_
bool useRungeKutta_
bool useStraightLine
bool useTuningForL2Speed_
bool valid
const VolumeBasedMagneticFieldvbField_
float yCentre
CCGFloat zeN
CCGFloat zeP

Static Private Attributes

static const DetLayerGeometry dummyGeometry
static const int MAX_STEPS = 10000
static constexpr int MaxOrder =6
static constexpr int MaxSize =6
static const float theMaxDistToPlane
static const float theNumericalPrecision
static const AlgebraicMatrix theProjectionMatrix


class LinearizedTrackStateFactory
class MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder
constructTSCP (const FTS &originalFTS, const GlobalPoint &referencePoint)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MSLayersKeeper
static const DataX0getDataX0 (const MSLayer &l)
static void setDataX0 (MSLayer &l, const DataX0 &x0Data)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CaloSubdetectorGeometry
static CCGFloat deltaR (const GlobalPoint &p1, const GlobalPoint &p2)

Detailed Description

template<class T, class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
class GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >

Unlimited (trivial) bounds.

Estimator of the distance between two state vectors, e.g. for convergence test.

Derivative calculation for the 6D cartesian case.

Common base class.

Our base class.

Bounds for a surface of any type, delimited by N other surfaces of any type. A point is "inside" if it is on the correct side of all delimiting surfaces. This way of computing "inside" is relatively expensive, and should only be applied to situations where there is no specialized implementation for the concrete surface types.

Quality word packing

Specialised strip topology for rectangular barrel detectors. The strips are parallel to the local Y axis, so X is the precisely measured coordinate.

Specialised strip topology for rectangular barrel detectors. The strips are parallel to the local Y axis, so X is the precisely measured coordinate.Specialization of StripTopology for detectors of symmetric trapezoidal shape. The local Y coordinate is parallel to the central strip, and prpendicular to the paralle sides of the trapezoid. The first and last strips are parallel to the corresponding sides of the trapezoid. The pitch is constant at constant y. This topology makes a non-linear transformation: the pitch is not constant along the strips.

Generic DetType for the Pixels. Specialized in SiPixelGeomDetType.

StripGeomDetType is the abstract class for SiStripGeomDetType.

A concrete implementation for TEC petals

A concrete implementation for TEC layer built out of TECPetals

A concrete implementation for PixelBlade

A concrete implementation for PixelForward layer built out of ForwardPixelBlade

A concrete implementation for PixelRod

A concrete implementation for TEC wedge built out of only one det

A concrete implementation for TOB layer or PixelBarrel layer

A concrete implementation for TIB layer built out of TIBRings

A concrete implementation for TIB rings

A concrete implementation for TID layer built out of TIDRings

A concrete implementation for TID rings

A concrete implementation for TOB Rod

A concrete NavigableLayer for the barrel

A concrete NavigableLayer for the forward

Fast Implementation of HitRZCompatibility. The RZConstraint is defined by two lines and their crossing point. The r-z compatibility is tested by comparistion of cotangent given by r-z and lines crossing point with cotangents of two lines.

provides allowed range of radius R from HitRZConstraint at a given Z coordinate

provides allowed range of Z coordinate from HitRZConstraint at a given radius R

Single state measurement of a vertex. Some data is calculated on demand to improve performance.

Class containing a measurement of a vertex. Some data is calculated on demand to improve performance.

Track information relative to a track-to-vertex association. The track weight corresponds to the distance of the track to the seed position.

Calculates and stores the ImpactPointMeasurement of the impact point (point of closest approach in 3D) to the given linearization point. (see V.Karimaki, HIP-1997-77 / EXP)

Computes the parameters of the trajectory state at the transverse point of closest approach (in the global transverse plane) to the linearization point, and the jacobiam matrices. (see R.Fruehwirth et al. Data Analysis Techniques in HEP Experiments Second Edition, Cambridge University Press 2000, or R.Fruehwirth et al. Vertex reconstruction and track bundling at the LEP collider using robust algorithms. Computer Physics Communications 96 (1996) 189-208).

Both are done `on-demand' to improve CPU performance.

This particular implementation works with "perigee" helix parametrization: see Billoir et al. NIM in PR A311(1992) 139-150

(Mostly) analytical helix propagation to cylindrical or planar surfaces. Based on GtfGeometricalPropagator with successive replacement of components (currently: propagation to arbitrary plane).

Calculates intersections of a helix with planes of any orientation.

Calculates intersections of a helix with planes of any orientation using a parabolic approximation.

Computes the crossing of a helix with a barrel plane. Exact if the magnetic field is parallel to the plane.

Calculates intersections of a helix with planes perpendicular to the z-axis.

Calculates closest approach of a helix to a line or a point by iterative use of a 2nd order expansion of the helix.

Exceptions thrown from TrajectoryParametrization and dependent subsystems.

As the name indicates, propagates track parameters according to a straight line model. Intended for test beams without magnetic field and similar cases.

The errors are NOT propagated.

Class which combines a set of components of a Gaussian mixture into a single component. Given all the components of a mixture, it calculates the mean and covariance matrix of the entire mixture. This combiner class can also be used in the process of transforming a Gaussian mixture into another Gaussian mixture with a smaller number of components. The relevant formulas can be found in R. Fruhwirth, Computer Physics Communications 100 (1997), 1.

Combines two GsfMaterialEffectsUpdators (for multiple scattering and energy loss).

Make standard (single state) MaterialEffectsUpdator usable in the context of GSF.

A GSF fitter, similar to KFTrajectoryFitter.

A GSF smoother, similar to KFTrajectorySmoother, but (for testing purposes) without combination with the forward fit.

Given two trajectory states, computes the two points of closest approach in the transverse plane for the helices extrapolated from these states. 1) computes the intersections of the circles in transverse plane. Two cases: - circles have one or two intersection points;

This class builds a TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint given an original TrajectoryStateOnSurface or FreeTrajectoryState. This new state is then defined at the point of closest approach to the reference point. In case the propagation was not successful, this state can be invalid.

General interface to calculate the PCA of two tracks. According to the charge of the tracks, the correct algorithm is used:

Concrete implementation for the state of one trajectory on a surface.

Definition at line 27 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef edm::RangeMap<int, std::vector<float> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ADCContainer

Definition at line 23 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,3,N-2,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,3,N-2> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlgebraicMatrix3M

Definition at line 25 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,N-2,N-2,ROOT::Math::MatRepStd<double,N-2,N-2> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlgebraicMatrixMM

Definition at line 24 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,N+1,N+1,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,N+1> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlgebraicSymMatrixOO

Definition at line 26 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ROOT::Math::SVector<double,N> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlgebraicVectorN

Definition at line 23 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EcalBarrelGeometryRecord GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlignedRecord

Definition at line 29 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EcalEndcapGeometryRecord GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlignedRecord

Definition at line 30 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EBAlignmentRcd GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlignmentRecord

Definition at line 30 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EEAlignmentRcd GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AlignmentRecord

Definition at line 31 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef StMeasurementConditionSet::BadStripBlock GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BadStripBlock

Definition at line 237 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef StMeasurementConditionSet::BadStripCuts GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BadStripCuts

Definition at line 232 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef BaseTrackerRecHit GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base

Definition at line 10 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RKDerivative< double,6> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base

Definition at line 13 of file CartesianLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RKDerivative<T,N> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base

Definition at line 13 of file CurvilinearLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RKDerivative<T,N> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base

Definition at line 13 of file CylindricalLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
using GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base = BasicVertexState::Proxy

Definition at line 15 of file VertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrackerSingleRecHit GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base

Definition at line 16 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RKSolver<T,N> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Base

Definition at line 16 of file RKAdaptiveSolver.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInZ<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 14 of file PixelRod.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInZ<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 18 of file TOBRod.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 18 of file TBPLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 66 of file PixelForwardLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 73 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 75 of file TIDRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PeriodicBinFinderInPhi<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BinFinderType

Definition at line 86 of file TIBRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<Cylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BoundCylinderPointer

Definition at line 37 of file Cylinder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<Disk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BoundDiskPointer

Definition at line 36 of file BoundDisk.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
using GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BSVS = BasicSingleVertexState

Definition at line 16 of file VertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
using GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cacheHitPointer = mayown_ptr<BaseTrackerRecHit>

Definition at line 203 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
using GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cacheHits = std::vector<cacheHitPointer>

Definition at line 204 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CCGFloat

Definition at line 22 of file TruncatedPyramid.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CCGFloat

Definition at line 24 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CCGFloat

Definition at line 25 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<TruncatedPyramid> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CellVec

Definition at line 22 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<TruncatedPyramid> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CellVec

Definition at line 23 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<int> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ChannelContainer

Definition at line 22 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef OmniClusterRef::ClusterStripRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ClusterRef

Definition at line 15 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef OmniClusterRef::ClusterStripRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ClusterRef

Definition at line 20 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef edm::Ref<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster>, SiPixelCluster > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ClusterRef

Definition at line 27 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef OmniClusterRef::ClusterStripRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ClusterRef

Definition at line 51 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<Cone> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ConePointer

Definition at line 27 of file Cone.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::const_iterator

Definition at line 95 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Cylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ConstBoundCylinderPointer

Definition at line 38 of file Cylinder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Disk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ConstBoundDiskPointer

Definition at line 37 of file BoundDisk.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<Cone> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ConstConePointer

Definition at line 28 of file Cone.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Cylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ConstCylinderPointer

Definition at line 36 of file Cylinder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Disk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ConstDiskPointer

Definition at line 35 of file BoundDisk.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<Cylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CylinderPointer

Definition at line 35 of file Cylinder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DetIdType

Definition at line 39 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DetIdType

Definition at line 40 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detset

Definition at line 92 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DirectionTypeDouble

Definition at line 38 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DirectionTypeDouble

Definition at line 53 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DirectionTypeDouble

Definition at line 55 of file HelixForwardPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<Disk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DiskPointer

Definition at line 34 of file BoundDisk.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef FreeTrajectoryState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FTS

Definition at line 21 of file StraightLinePropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef FreeTrajectoryState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FTS

Definition at line 21 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef FreeTrajectoryState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FTS

Definition at line 25 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef FreeTrajectoryState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FTS

Definition at line 27 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<FreeTrajectoryState, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FtsPP

Definition at line 260 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Point3DBase< double, GlobalTag> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GlobalPointDouble

Definition at line 31 of file TSCPBuilderNoMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef MagneticFieldProvider<T>::GlobalPointType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GlobalPointType

Definition at line 16 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Vector3DBase< double, GlobalTag> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GlobalVectorDouble

Definition at line 32 of file TSCPBuilderNoMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef MagneticFieldProvider<T>::GlobalVectorType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GlobalVectorType

Definition at line 17 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Triplet<float,float,float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GSContainer

Definition at line 72 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef IdealGeometryRecord GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IdealRecord

Definition at line 28 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef IdealGeometryRecord GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IdealRecord

Definition at line 29 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef MagneticFieldProvider<T>::LocalPointType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::LocalPointType

Definition at line 14 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef StripClusterParameterEstimator::LocalValues GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::LocalValues

Definition at line 87 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef MagneticFieldProvider<T>::LocalVectorType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::LocalVectorType

Definition at line 15 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef LocalTrajectoryError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::LTE

Definition at line 19 of file KFStrip1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef LocalTrajectoryParameters GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::LTP

Definition at line 18 of file KFStrip1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TkTrackingRegionsMargin<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Margin

Definition at line 14 of file HitRCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TkTrackingRegionsMargin<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Margin

Definition at line 15 of file HitZCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TkTrackingRegionsMargin<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Margin

Definition at line 64 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef SteppingHelixStateInfo::VolumeBounds GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MatBounds

Definition at line 185 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef detset::const_iterator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::new_const_iterator

Definition at line 93 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EcalBarrelNumberingScheme GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NumberingScheme

Definition at line 37 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EcalEndcapNumberingScheme GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NumberingScheme

Definition at line 38 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EZArrayFL<EBDetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::OrderedListOfEBDetId

Definition at line 34 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef EZArrayFL<EEDetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::OrderedListOfEEDetId

Definition at line 33 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<bool, FreeTrajectoryState> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PairBoolFTS

Definition at line 33 of file TSCPBuilderNoMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PEcalBarrelRcd GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PGeometryRecord

Definition at line 31 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PEcalEndcapRcd GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PGeometryRecord

Definition at line 32 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Plane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PlanePointer

Definition at line 18 of file NavPlane.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Point

Definition at line 44 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PositionTypeDouble

Definition at line 37 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PositionTypeDouble

Definition at line 52 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PositionTypeDouble

Definition at line 54 of file HelixForwardPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Pt3D

Definition at line 23 of file TruncatedPyramid.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Pt3D

Definition at line 25 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Pt3D

Definition at line 26 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Pt3DVec

Definition at line 24 of file TruncatedPyramid.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Pt3DVec

Definition at line 26 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Pt3DVec

Definition at line 27 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RecHitSplitter::RecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RecHitContainer

Definition at line 18 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<LinearizedTrackState<N> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RefCountedLinearizedTrackState

Definition at line 29 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<LinearizedTrackState<5> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RefCountedLinearizedTrackState

Definition at line 44 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<RefittedTrackState<N> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RefCountedRefittedTrackState

Definition at line 30 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef SteppingHelixStateInfo::Result GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Result

Definition at line 47 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Scalar

Definition at line 12 of file RKCylindricalDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Scalar

Definition at line 14 of file CylindricalLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Scalar

Definition at line 14 of file CartesianLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Scalar

Definition at line 14 of file CurvilinearLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Scalar

Definition at line 16 of file RKCartesianDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Scalar

Definition at line 17 of file RKAdaptiveSolver.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef SiStripRecHit2D::ClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripClusterRef

Definition at line 90 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef StateInfo GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::StateArray[MAX_POINTS+1]

Definition at line 187 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef SteppingHelixStateInfo GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::StateInfo

Definition at line 46 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<const Surface*, SurfaceOrientation::Side> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SurfaceAndSide

Definition at line 19 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<SurfaceAndSide> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SurfaceContainer

Definition at line 20 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TM

Definition at line 22 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TM

Definition at line 24 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TM

Definition at line 26 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TM

Definition at line 26 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryMeasurement GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TM

Definition at line 28 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef PixelTopology GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TopologyType

Definition at line 15 of file PixelGeomDetType.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef StripTopology GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TopologyType

Definition at line 16 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CaloCellGeometry::Tr3D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Tr3D

Definition at line 25 of file TruncatedPyramid.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 17 of file KFStrip1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 19 of file BasicMultiTrajectoryState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 20 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 21 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 22 of file StraightLinePropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 23 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 24 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 25 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSOS

Definition at line 26 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TsosPP

Definition at line 259 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TsosWP

Definition at line 52 of file RKPropagatorInS.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TsosWP

Definition at line 113 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TsosWP

Definition at line 119 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef TrackingRecHit::Type GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Type

Definition at line 30 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<OrderedListOfEBDetId*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VecOrdListEBDetIdPtr

Definition at line 36 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef std::vector<OrderedListOfEEDetId*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VecOrdListEEDetIdPtr

Definition at line 35 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RKSmallVector<T,N> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 13 of file RKCylindricalDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 15 of file CartesianLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 15 of file CylindricalLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 15 of file CurvilinearLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef RKSmallVector<double,6> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 17 of file RKCartesianDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Base::Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 18 of file RKAdaptiveSolver.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector

Definition at line 43 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef Basic2DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Vector2D

Definition at line 34 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
typedef StripClusterParameterEstimator::VLocalValues GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VLocalValues

Definition at line 88 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
anonymous enum
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 43 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 45 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
anonymous enum
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 44 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 46 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::Charge

Definition at line 64 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::CorrectionFlag
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::DestType
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::Fancy

Definition at line 73 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

73  {
74  HEL_AS_F=0, //simple analytical helix, eloss at end of step
75  HEL_ALL_F, //analytical helix with linear eloss
76  POL_1_F, //1st order approximation, straight line
77  POL_2_F,//2nd order
78  POL_M_F //highest available
79  };
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::FrameRelation
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::MaterialLocation
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::Mode

Definition at line 23 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::Pars

Definition at line 55 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::SharedInputType
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
enum GCC11_FINAL::UseMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 31 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

31  {
32  kNever = -1,
33  kForSiStrips = 0,
34  kAlways = 1
35  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit ( )

Definition at line 43 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

43 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SiStripQuality ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~CSCRecHit2D ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~CSCSegment ( )


template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~Disk ( )

Definition at line 45 of file BoundDisk.h.

45 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~Cylinder ( )

Definition at line 61 of file Cylinder.h.

61 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~RectangularPlaneBounds ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SiPixelRecHit ( )

Definition at line 31 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

31 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SiStripMatchedRecHit2D ( )

Definition at line 13 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

13 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SiStripRecHit2D ( )

Definition at line 13 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

13 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TruncatedPyramid ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~CaloTowerTopology ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 15 of file CaloTowerTopology.h.

15 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology ( )

Definition at line 16 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

16 {};
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalBarrelTopology ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 19 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

19 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology ( )

Definition at line 16 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

16 {};
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalEndcapTopology ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 18 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

18 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalPreshowerTopology ( )

virtual destructor

Definition at line 18 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

18 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TkRadialStripTopology ( )


Definition at line 50 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

50 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalBarrelGeometry ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EcalEndcapGeometry ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PixelGeomDetType ( )

Definition at line 21 of file PixelGeomDetType.h.

21  {
22  delete theTopology;
23  }
TopologyType * theTopology
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~StripGeomDetType ( )

Definition at line 21 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

21  {
22  delete theTopology;
23  }
TopologyType * theTopology
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TkStripMeasurementDet ( )

Definition at line 97 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

97 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~BoundDiskSector ( )

Definition at line 12 of file BoundDiskSector.h.

12 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~CompositeTECPetal ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~CompositeTECWedge ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PixelBlade ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PixelForwardLayer ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PixelForwardLayerPhase1 ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PixelRod ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SimpleTECWedge ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TBPLayer ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TIBLayer ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TIBRing ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TIDLayer ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TIDRing ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TOBRod ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta ( )

Definition at line 12 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

12 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged ( )

Definition at line 9 of file MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged.h.

9 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer ( )

Definition at line 10 of file MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer.h.

10 { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator ( )

Definition at line 14 of file SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator.h.

14 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator ( )

Definition at line 12 of file SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator.h.

12 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TRecHit1DMomConstraint ( )

Definition at line 12 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

12 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TRecHit2DPosConstraint ( )

Definition at line 12 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

12 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TRecHit5DParamConstraint ( )

Definition at line 20 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

20 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TSiTrackerMultiRecHit ( )

Definition at line 16 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

16 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~AnalyticalPropagator ( )

Definition at line 36 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

36 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~BeamHaloPropagator ( )

virtual destructor

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing ( )

Definition at line 19 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

19 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order ( )

Definition at line 34 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.h.

34 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order ( )

Definition at line 32 of file HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order.h.

32 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~HelixForwardPlaneCrossing ( )

Definition at line 21 of file HelixForwardPlaneCrossing.h.

21 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine ( )

Definition at line 22 of file IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine.h.

22 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PropagationException ( )
throw (

Definition at line 18 of file PropagationExceptions.h.

18 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SmartPropagator ( )

virtual destructor

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~StraightLinePropagator ( )

Definition at line 30 of file StraightLinePropagator.h.

30 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter ( )

Definition at line 25 of file GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter.h.

25 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~GsfTrajectoryFitter ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~GsfTrajectorySmoother ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator ( )

Definition at line 23 of file EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator.h.

23 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~KFStrip1DUpdator ( )

Definition at line 25 of file KFStrip1DUpdator.h.

25 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~KFSwitching1DUpdator ( )

Definition at line 30 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

30 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~MultipleScatteringUpdator ( )


Definition at line 30 of file MultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

30 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~PropagatorWithMaterial ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~VolumeEnergyLossEstimator ( )

Definition at line 23 of file VolumeEnergyLossEstimator.h.

23 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator ( )

Definition at line 24 of file VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator.h.

24 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~ClosestApproachInRPhi ( )

Definition at line 23 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

23 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TSCPBuilderNoMaterial ( )

Definition at line 21 of file TSCPBuilderNoMaterial.h.

21 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~TwoTrackMinimumDistance ( )

Definition at line 26 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

26 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~FlexibleKFFittingSmoother ( )

Definition at line 21 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

21 {};
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~KFFittingSmoother ( )

Definition at line 41 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

41 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~KFTrajectoryFitter ( )

Definition at line 69 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

69  {
70  if (owner) {
71  delete thePropagator;
72  delete theUpdator;
73  delete theEstimator;
74  }
75  }
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const Propagator * thePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~KFTrajectorySmoother ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~RKPropagatorInS ( )

Definition at line 31 of file RKPropagatorInS.h.

31 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~RKCartesianDistance ( )

Definition at line 19 of file RKCartesianDistance.h.

19 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~RKCylindricalDistance ( )

Definition at line 15 of file RKCylindricalDistance.h.

15 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::~SteppingHelixPropagator ( )


Member Function Documentation

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::accept ( SiStripClusterRef const &  r,
const std::vector< bool > &  skipClusters 
) const

Definition at line 282 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References LogDebug.

Referenced by Vispa.Gui.BoxContentDialog.BoxContentDialog::apply(), and Vispa.Plugins.ConfigEditor.ToolDialog.ToolDialog::apply().

282  {
283  if(skipClusters.empty()) return true;
284  if (r.key()>=skipClusters.size()){
285  LogDebug("TkStripMeasurementDet")<<r.key()<<" is larger than: "<<skipClusters.size()
286  <<"\n This must be a new cluster, and therefore should not be skiped most likely.";
287  // edm::LogError("WrongStripMasking")<<r.key()<<" is larger than: "<<skipClusters.size()<<" no skipping done"; // protect for on demand???
288  return true;
289  }
290  return (not (skipClusters[r.key()]));
291  }
#define LogDebug(id)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::adcs ( unsigned int  strip,
unsigned int  timebin 
) const

Map of strip ADCs for strips comprising the rechit.

Definition at line 68 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

68 { return theADCs_[strip*MAXTIMEBINS+timebin]; }
float theADCs_[N_ADC]
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:131
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const
static const unsigned int MAXTIMEBINS
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:28
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::add ( const uint32_t &  ,
const SiStripBadStrip::Range  
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::add ( const SiStripBadStrip )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::add ( const SiStripDetCabling )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::add ( const SiStripDetVOff )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::add ( const RunInfo )

Used to get the cabling from RunInfo.
It compares the feds from cabling with those from runInfo and it turns off all the strips associated to feds that are off for the RunInfo but not for FedCabling.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addClosest ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addClosest ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addClosest ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addClosest ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addClosest ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addInvalidConnectionFromCabling ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addNotConnectedConnectionFromCabling ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addVolume ( const NavVolume vol,
const Bounds bounds,
SurfaceOrientation::Side  side 

NavVolumes are supposed to call this method to "register" with the NavSurface.

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 37 of file NavCylinder.h.

38  {
39  theImpl.addVolume( vol, bounds, side);
40  }
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
void addVolume(const NavVolume *vol, const Bounds *bounds, SurfaceOrientation::Side side)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addVolume ( const NavVolume vol,
const Bounds bounds,
SurfaceOrientation::Side  side 

NavVolumes are supposed to call this method to "register" with the NavSurface.

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 38 of file NavCone.h.

39  {
40  theImpl.addVolume( vol, bounds, side);
41  }
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
void addVolume(const NavVolume *vol, const Bounds *bounds, SurfaceOrientation::Side side)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::addVolume ( const NavVolume vol,
const Bounds bounds,
SurfaceOrientation::Side  side 

NavVolumes are supposed to call this method to "register" with the NavSurface.

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 42 of file NavPlane.h.

43  {
44  theImpl.addVolume( vol, bounds, side);
45  }
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
void addVolume(const NavVolume *vol, const Bounds *bounds, SurfaceOrientation::Side side)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::advance ( TkStripRecHitIter hi) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::alignmentTransformIndexGlobal ( const DetId id)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::alignmentTransformIndexGlobal ( const DetId id)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::alignmentTransformIndexLocal ( const DetId id)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::alignmentTransformIndexLocal ( const DetId id)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::alongPropagator ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

80 { return theAlongPropagator;}
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theAlongPropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::AnalyticalPropagator ( const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum,
float  maxDPhi = 1.6,
bool  isOld = true 

Definition at line 27 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

29  :
30  Propagator(dir),
31  theMaxDPhi2(maxDPhi*maxDPhi),
32  theMaxDBzRatio(0.5),
33  theField(field),
34  isOldPropagationType(isOld) {}
Propagator(PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
Definition: Propagator.h:48
const MagneticField * theField
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::angularWidth ( ) const

Angular width of a each strip

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 167 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

167 { return theAngularWidth;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::applyRadX0Correction ( bool  applyRadX0Correction)

Apply radLength correction (1+0.036*ln(radX0+1)) to covariance matrix +1 is added for IR-safety Should be done with care: it's easy to make the end-point result dependent on the intermediate stop points

Definition at line 149 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

References GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::applyRadX0Correction().

Referenced by GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::applyRadX0Correction().

void applyRadX0Correction(bool applyRadX0Correction)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::avgAbsZFrontFaceCenter ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::avgRadiusXYFrontFaceCenter ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GlobalVector& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::axis ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::backCtr ( void  ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::badStrip ( ) const

flags for involvement of 'bad' channels

Definition at line 85 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

85 { return theBadStrip; }
short int theBadStrip
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:124
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<BadStripBlock> const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::badStripBlocks ( ) const

Definition at line 240 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

240 { return conditionSet().badStripBlocks(index()); }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
std::vector< BadStripBlock > const & badStripBlocks(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BadStripCuts const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::badStripCuts ( ) const

Definition at line 254 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

254 { return conditionSet().badStripCuts(index());}
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
const BadStripCuts & badStripCuts(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::badWireGroup ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

86 { return theBadWireGroup; }
short int theBadWireGroup
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:125
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 20 of file SimpleTECWedge.h.

20 {return theDets;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 21 of file TIBRing.h.

21 {return theDets;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 22 of file CompositeTECWedge.h.

22 {return theDets;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 22 of file PixelForwardLayer.h.

22 {return theBasicComps;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBasicComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 22 of file TIDLayer.h.

22 {return theBasicComps;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBasicComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 23 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

23 {return theBasicComps;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBasicComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 23 of file TIDRing.h.

23 {return theDets;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 26 of file PixelBlade.h.

26 {return theDets;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 26 of file TOBRod.h.

26 {return theDets;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::basicComponents ( ) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 37 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

37 {return theBasicComps;}
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBasicComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicMultiTrajectoryState ( const std::vector< TSOS > &  tsvec)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicMultiTrajectoryState ( )

Definition at line 25 of file BasicMultiTrajectoryState.h.

25 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicSingleTrajectoryState ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename... Args>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicSingleTrajectoryState ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 16 of file BasicSingleTrajectoryState.h.

16 : BasicTrajectoryState(std::forward<Args>(args)...){/* assert(weight()>0);*/}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicSingleVertexState ( )


template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicSingleVertexState ( const GlobalPoint pos,
const GlobalError posErr,
const double &  weightInMix = 1.0 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicSingleVertexState ( const GlobalPoint pos,
const GlobalWeight posWeight,
const double &  weightInMix = 1.0 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BasicSingleVertexState ( const AlgebraicVector3 weightTimesPosition,
const GlobalWeight posWeight,
const double &  weightInMix = 1.0 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BeamHaloPropagator ( const Propagator aEndCapTkProp,
const Propagator aCrossTkProp,
const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum 

Defines which propagator is used inside endcap and in barrel.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BeamHaloPropagator ( const Propagator aEndCapTkProp,
const Propagator aCrossTkProp,
const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum 

Defines which propagator is used inside endcap and in barrel.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BeamHaloPropagator ( const BeamHaloPropagator )

Copy constructor.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit ( const reco::BeamSpot beamSpot,
const BeamSpotGeomDet geom,
double  phi 

Definition at line 32 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

References reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthX(), reco::BeamSpot::BeamWidthY(), funct::cos(), funct::pow(), reco::BeamSpot::sigmaZ(), funct::sin(), reco::BeamSpot::x0(), reco::BeamSpot::y0(), and reco::BeamSpot::z0().

35  : TValidTrackingRecHit(*geom) {
37  localPosition_ = det()->toLocal(GlobalPoint(beamSpot.x0(), beamSpot.y0(), beamSpot.z0()));
38  localError_ = LocalError(std::pow(beamSpot.BeamWidthX()*cos(phi), 2) +
39  std::pow(beamSpot.BeamWidthY()*sin(phi), 2),
40  0.0, std::pow(beamSpot.sigmaZ(), 2));
41  }
double z0() const
z coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:68
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
virtual const GeomDet * det() const
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Conversion to the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:62
TValidTrackingRecHit(const GeomDet &geom)
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
double BeamWidthX() const
beam width X
Definition: BeamSpot.h:86
double sigmaZ() const
sigma z
Definition: BeamSpot.h:80
double BeamWidthY() const
beam width Y
Definition: BeamSpot.h:88
Surface::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: NavSurface.h:24
double y0() const
y coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:66
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
double x0() const
x coordinate
Definition: BeamSpot.h:64
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BoundDiskSector ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
Bounds bounds 

Definition at line 14 of file BoundDiskSector.h.

16  :
17  Plane( pos, rot, bounds) {}
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
Plane(Args &&...args)
Definition: Plane.h:21
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DiskSectorBounds const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::bounds ( ) const

Definition at line 25 of file BoundDiskSector.h.

References Surface::bounds().

25  {
26  return static_cast<DiskSectorBounds const &>(Plane::bounds());
27  }
const Bounds & bounds() const
Definition: Surface.h:128
DiskSectorBounds(float rmin, float rmax, float zmin, float zmax, float phiExt)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::bounds ( const NavVolume vol)

Bounds corresponding to a NavVolume if present.

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 35 of file NavCylinder.h.

35 { return theImpl.bounds(vol);}
const Bounds * bounds(const NavVolume *vol)
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::bounds ( const NavVolume vol)

Bounds corresponding to a NavVolume if present.

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 36 of file NavCone.h.

36 { return theImpl.bounds(vol);}
const Bounds * bounds(const NavVolume *vol)
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::bounds ( const NavVolume vol)

Bounds corresponding to a NavVolume if present.

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 40 of file NavPlane.h.

40 { return theImpl.bounds(vol);}
const Bounds * bounds(const NavVolume *vol)
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const TrackingRecHit p) const

build a tracking rechit from an existing rechit

Implements TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static ConePointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
const PositionType vert,
Geom::Theta< Scalar angle 

Construct a cone with the specified vertex and opening angle. The reference frame is defined by pos and rot; the cone axis is parallel to the local Z axis.

Definition at line 34 of file Cone.h.

Referenced by psClasses.BuildThread::run().

37  {
38  return ConePointer(new Cone(vert, angle, pos, rot));
39  }
ReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > ConePointer
Definition: Cone.h:27
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
Cone(const PositionType &vert, Geom::Theta< Scalar > angle, Args &&...args)
Definition: Cone.h:21
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename... Args>
static DiskPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( Args &&...  args)

Definition at line 40 of file BoundDisk.h.

References ExtractAppInfoFromXML::args.

Referenced by psClasses.BuildThread::run().

40  {
41  return DiskPointer(new Disk(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
42  }
ReferenceCountingPointer< Disk > DiskPointer
Definition: BoundDisk.h:34
Disk(const PositionType &pos, const RotationType &rot, SimpleDiskBounds *bounds)
Definition: BoundDisk.h:28
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static CylinderPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
Scalar  radius,
Bounds bounds = 0 

Construct a cylinder with the specified radius. The reference frame is defined by pos and rot; the cylinder axis is parallel to the local Z axis.

Definition at line 51 of file Cylinder.h.

Referenced by psClasses.BuildThread::run().

52  {
53  return CylinderPointer(new Cylinder(radius,pos,rot,bounds));
54  }
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
ReferenceCountingPointer< Cylinder > CylinderPointer
Definition: Cylinder.h:35
Scalar radius() const
Radius of the cylinder.
Definition: Cylinder.h:67
Cylinder(Scalar radius, Args &&...args)
Definition: Cylinder.h:23
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const int  charge,
const double  mom,
const double  err,
const Surface surface 

Definition at line 56 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

59  {
60  return RecHitPointer( new TRecHit1DMomConstraint( charge, mom, err, surface));
61  }
double err() const
int charge() const
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
double mom() const
TRecHit1DMomConstraint(const int charge, const double mom, const double err, const Surface *surface)
Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
const Surface surface 

Definition at line 56 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

57  {
58  return RecHitPointer( new TRecHit2DPosConstraint( pos, err, surface));
59  }
TRecHit2DPosConstraint(const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, const Surface *surface)
Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning.
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static CylinderPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( Scalar  radius,
const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
Bounds bounds = 0 

Definition at line 56 of file Cylinder.h.

Referenced by psClasses.BuildThread::run().

57  {
58  return CylinderPointer(new Cylinder(radius,pos,rot,bounds));
59  }
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
ReferenceCountingPointer< Cylinder > CylinderPointer
Definition: Cylinder.h:35
Scalar radius() const
Radius of the cylinder.
Definition: Cylinder.h:67
Cylinder(Scalar radius, Args &&...args)
Definition: Cylinder.h:23
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos)

Definition at line 67 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

67  {
68  return RecHitPointer( new TRecHit5DParamConstraint( tsos ) );
69  }
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
TRecHit5DParamConstraint(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::build ( const GeomDet geom,
const SiTrackerMultiRecHit rh,
const ConstRecHitContainer components,
float  annealing = 1. 

Definition at line 70 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

71  {
72  return RecHitPointer(new TSiTrackerMultiRecHit( geom, rh, components, annealing));
73  }
TSiTrackerMultiRecHit(const GeomDet *geom, const SiTrackerMultiRecHit *rh, const ConstRecHitContainer &components, float annealing)
virtual const std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > & components() const __attribute__((cold))
Returns basic components, if any.
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<class ClusterRefT >
TrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::buildRecHit ( const ClusterRefT &  cluster,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ltp 
) const

Definition at line 154 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References MeasurementDet::fastGeomDet().

154  {
155  const GeomDetUnit& gdu( specificGeomDet());
156  LocalValues lv = cpe()->localParameters( *cluster, gdu, ltp);
157  return std::make_shared<SiStripRecHit2D>( lv.first, lv.second, fastGeomDet(), cluster);
158  }
virtual LocalValues localParameters(const SiStripCluster &, const GeomDetUnit &) const
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * cpe() const
const GeomDet & fastGeomDet() const
const GluedGeomDet & specificGeomDet() const
ClusterRef cluster() const
StripClusterParameterEstimator::LocalValues LocalValues
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<class ClusterRefT >
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::buildRecHits ( const ClusterRefT &  cluster,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ltp,
const RecHitContainer _res 
) const

Definition at line 163 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

163  {
164  RecHitContainer res = _res;
165  const GeomDetUnit& gdu( specificGeomDet());
166  VLocalValues vlv = cpe()->localParametersV( *cluster, gdu, ltp);
167  for(VLocalValues::const_iterator it=vlv.begin();it!=vlv.end();++it)
168  res.push_back(std::make_shared<SiStripRecHit2D>( it->first, it->second, fastGeomDet(), cluster));
169  }
RecHitSplitter::RecHitContainer RecHitContainer
virtual VLocalValues localParametersV(const SiStripCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd) const
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * cpe() const
const GeomDet & fastGeomDet() const
const GluedGeomDet & specificGeomDet() const
ClusterRef cluster() const
StripClusterParameterEstimator::VLocalValues VLocalValues
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<class ClusterRefT >
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::buildSimpleRecHit ( const ClusterRefT &  cluster,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ltp,
std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &  res 
) const

Definition at line 265 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

267  {
268  const GeomDetUnit& gdu( specificGeomDet());
269  VLocalValues const & vlv = cpe()->localParametersV( *cluster, gdu, ltp);
270  for(VLocalValues::const_iterator it=vlv.begin();it!=vlv.end();++it){
271  res.push_back(SiStripRecHit2D( it->first, it->second, gdu, cluster));
272  }
273  }
virtual VLocalValues localParametersV(const SiStripCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd) const
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * cpe() const
const GluedGeomDet & specificGeomDet() const
ClusterRef cluster() const
StripClusterParameterEstimator::VLocalValues VLocalValues
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripDetCabling const* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cabling ( ) const

Definition at line 127 of file SiStripQuality.h.

127 { return SiStripDetCabling_;}
const SiStripDetCabling * SiStripDetCabling_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::calculate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface sta,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::calculate ( const FreeTrajectoryState sta,
const FreeTrajectoryState stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::calculate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface sta,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::calculate ( const FreeTrajectoryState sta,
const FreeTrajectoryState stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::calculate ( const GlobalTrajectoryParameters sta,
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::calculatePhiWindow ( float  Xmax,
const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface state 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CaloNavigator ( const T home,
const TOPO *  topology 

Definition at line 11 of file CaloNavigator.h.

12  {
13  setHome(home);
14  }
void home() const
move the navigator back to the starting point
const TOPO * myTopology_
virtual const Topology & topology() const
void setHome(const T &startingPoint)
set the starting position
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CaloTowerTopology ( )

standard constructor

Definition at line 13 of file CaloTowerTopology.h.

13 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 39 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

39 { return false; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 40 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

40 {return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 41 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

41 {return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 43 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

43 {return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 50 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

50 {return false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 50 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

50 {return false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 57 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

57 {return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 63 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

63 {return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canImproveWithTrack ( ) const

Returns true if the clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&) method returns an improved hit, false if it returns an identical copy. In order to avoid redundent copies one should call canImproveWithTrack() before calling clone( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface&). this will be done inside the TkCloner itself

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 64 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

64 {return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::canUpdateLocalParameters ( ) const

Reimplemented from BasicTrajectoryState.

Definition at line 45 of file BasicMultiTrajectoryState.h.

45 { return false; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CartesianLorentzForce ( const RKLocalFieldProvider field,
double  ch 

Definition at line 17 of file CartesianLorentzForce.h.

17  :
18  theField(field), theCharge(ch) {}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const CaloCellGeometry* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cellGeomPtr ( uint32_t  index) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const CaloCellGeometry* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cellGeomPtr ( uint32_t  index) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::centreToIntersection ( ) const

Distance from the intersection of the projections of the extreme edges of the two extreme strips to the symmetry centre of the plane of strips.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 189 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

189 { return theCentreToIntersection; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint ) const

Channel number corresponding to a given LocalPoint.
This is effectively an integer version of strip(), with range 0 to nstrips-1.
LocalPoints outside the detector strip plane will be considered as contributing to the edge channels 0 or nstrips-1.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 37 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

References bookConverter::min, and StripTopology::strip().

37 { return std::min(int(strip(lp)),theNumberOfStrips-1); }
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint ) const

Channel number corresponding to a given LocalPoint.
This is effectively an integer version of strip(), with range 0 to nstrips-1.
LocalPoints outside the detector strip plane will be considered as contributing to the edge channels 0 or nstrips-1.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint ) const

Channel number corresponding to a given LocalPoint.
This is effectively an integer version of strip(), with range 0 to nstrips-1.
LocalPoints outside the detector strip plane will be considered as contributing to the edge channels 0 or nstrips-1.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint ) const

Channel number corresponding to a given LocalPoint.
This is effectively an integer version of strip(), with range 0 to nstrips-1.
LocalPoints outside the detector strip plane will be considered as contributing to the edge channels 0 or nstrips-1.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 67 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

67 {return specificTopology().channel(lp);}
virtual int channel(const LocalPoint &p) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint ) const

Channel number corresponding to a given LocalPoint.
This is effectively an integer version of strip(), with range 0 to nstrips-1.
LocalPoints outside the detector strip plane will be considered as contributing to the edge channels 0 or nstrips-1.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 109 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, PixelTopology::pixel(), and PixelChannelIdentifier::pixelToChannel().

109  {
110  std::pair<float,float> p = pixel( lp );
111  return PixelChannelIdentifier::pixelToChannel( int( p.first ),
112  int( p.second ));
113  }
virtual std::pair< float, float > pixel(const LocalPoint &p) const
static int pixelToChannel(int row, int col)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channel ( const LocalPoint ) const

Channel number corresponding to a given LocalPoint.
This is effectively an integer version of strip(), with range 0 to nstrips-1.
LocalPoints outside the detector strip plane will be considered as contributing to the edge channels 0 or nstrips-1.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channels ( unsigned int  i) const

Extracting strip channel numbers comprising the rechit - low.

Definition at line 55 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

References i.

55 { return theStrips_[i]; }
int i
unsigned char theStrips_[MAXSTRIPS]
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:130
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::channelsl1a ( unsigned int  i) const

Extract the L1A phase bits from the StripChannelContainer - high.

Definition at line 59 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

References i.

59 { return theL1APhaseBits_[i]; }
int i
unsigned char theL1APhaseBits_[MAXSTRIPS]
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:129
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::charge ( void  ) const

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

Definition at line 37 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

37 { return tsos_.charge(); }
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::charge ( void  ) const

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

Definition at line 40 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

40 {return charge_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrackCharge GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::charge ( void  ) const

Method returning the impact point measurement

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

Definition at line 118 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

118 {return theCharge;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkCharge ( const TrackingRecHit aRecHit,
int  subdet,
float  chargeCut 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkClusterCharge ( const OmniClusterRef::ClusterStripRef  cluster,
float  chargeCut 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkForNans ( const Trajectory theTraj) const

Method to check that the trajectory has no NaN in the states and chi2.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkHitProjection ( const TrackingRecHit hit,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const GeomDet det 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkParameters ( AlgebraicVector5 parameters) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkPeriodicity ( std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator  first,
std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator  last 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkProjection ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const RecHitContainer monoHits,
const RecHitContainer stereoHits 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkRadius ( std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator  first,
std::vector< const GeomDet * >::const_iterator  last 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual HitRZCompatibility* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkRZ ( const DetLayer layer,
const Hit outerHit,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const DetLayer outerlayer = 0,
float  lr = 0,
float  gz = 0,
float  dr = 0,
float  dz = 0 
) const

utility to check eta/theta hit compatibility with region constraints and outer hit constraint

Implements TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual HitRZCompatibility* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkRZ ( const DetLayer layer,
const Hit outerHit,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const DetLayer outerlayer = 0,
float  lr = 0,
float  gz = 0,
float  dr = 0,
float  dz = 0 
) const

utility to check eta/theta hit compatibility with region constraints and outer hit constraint

Implements TrackingRegion.

Definition at line 162 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

167  { return checkRZOld(layer,outerHit->hit(),iSetup); }
HitRZCompatibility * checkRZOld(const DetLayer *layer, const TrackingRecHit *outerHit, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
HitRZCompatibility* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::checkRZOld ( const DetLayer layer,
const TrackingRecHit outerHit,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::chi2 ( ) const

Chi2 of the segment fit.

Implements RecSegment.

Definition at line 57 of file CSCSegment.h.

57 { return theChi2; };
double theChi2
Definition: CSCSegment.h:97
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator ( double  maxChi2,
double  nSigma,
bool  cutOnPixelCharge,
bool  cutOnStripCharge,
double  minGoodPixelCharge,
double  minGoodStripCharge,
float  pTChargeCutThreshold = 100000. 

Construct with cuts on chi2 and nSigma. The cut on Chi2 is used to define the acceptance of RecHits. The errors of the trajectory state are multiplied by nSigma to define acceptance of Plane and maximalLocalDisplacement.

Definition at line 28 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

30  :
31  Chi2MeasurementEstimator( maxChi2, nSigma), cutOnPixelCharge_(cutOnPixelCharge),
32  cutOnStripCharge_(cutOnStripCharge), minGoodPixelCharge_(minGoodPixelCharge),
33  minGoodStripCharge_(minGoodStripCharge) {
34  if (pTChargeCutThreshold>=0.) pTChargeCutThreshold_=pTChargeCutThreshold;
35  else pTChargeCutThreshold_=100000;
36  }
Chi2MeasurementEstimator(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Chi2Strip1DEstimator ( double  maxChi2,
double  nSigma = 3. 

Definition at line 18 of file Chi2Strip1DEstimator.h.

18  :
19  Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase( maxChi2, nSigma) {}
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Chi2Switching1DEstimator ( double  aMaxChi2,
double  nSigma = 3. 

Definition at line 21 of file Chi2Switching1DEstimator.h.

21  :
22  Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase(aMaxChi2,nSigma),
23  theLocalEstimator(aMaxChi2,nSigma),
24  theStripEstimator(aMaxChi2,nSigma) {}
const Chi2Strip1DEstimator theStripEstimator
const Chi2MeasurementEstimator theLocalEstimator
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::chooseSolution ( const Vector2D d1,
const Vector2D d2 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cIndex_ ( int  ind) const

(Internals) circular index for array of transients

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::circleParameters ( const TrackCharge charge,
const GlobalVector momemtum,
const GlobalPoint position,
double &  xc,
double &  yc,
double &  r,
double  bz 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cleanUp ( bool  force = false)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clear ( void  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 13 of file GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

14  {
15  return new GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator(*this);
16  }
GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator(GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator &msUpdator, GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator &elUpdator)
Constructor from multiple scattering and energy loss updator.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 13 of file GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter.h.

14  {
15  return new GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter(*this);
16  }
GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter(const MaterialEffectsUpdator &aMEUpdator)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual dso_export MultipleScatteringUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 17 of file MultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

17  {
18  return new MultipleScatteringUpdator(*this);
19  }
MultipleScatteringUpdator(double mass, double ptMin=-1.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
pointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 18 of file BasicSingleTrajectoryState.h.

18  {
19  return build<BasicSingleTrajectoryState>(*this);
20  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 21 of file CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

21  {
22  return new CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator(*this);
23  }
CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator(double mass, double ptMin=-1.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 22 of file GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

23  {
24  return new GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator(*this);
25  }
GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator(float mass)
constructor with explicit mass
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 23 of file MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator.h.

References MRHChi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer_cfi::MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator.

23  {
24  return new MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator(*this);
25  }
MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual EnergyLossUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 23 of file EnergyLossUpdator.h.

23  {
24  return new EnergyLossUpdator(*this);
25  }
EnergyLossUpdator(double mass)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Chi2Strip1DEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 24 of file Chi2Strip1DEstimator.h.

24  {
25  return new Chi2Strip1DEstimator(*this);
26  }
Chi2Strip1DEstimator(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual HitRCheck* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 25 of file HitRCheck.h.

25 { return new HitRCheck(*this); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual HitZCheck* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 26 of file HitZCheck.h.

26 { return new HitZCheck(*this); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 29 of file OpenBounds.h.

29 { return new OpenBounds();}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual KFStrip1DUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 29 of file KFStrip1DUpdator.h.

30  {
31  return new KFStrip1DUpdator(*this);
32  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Chi2Switching1DEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 30 of file Chi2Switching1DEstimator.h.

31  {
32  return new Chi2Switching1DEstimator(*this);
33  }
Chi2Switching1DEstimator(double aMaxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual VolumeEnergyLossEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual BasicSingleVertexState* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Access methods

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 30 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

31  {
32  return new BasicSingleVertexState(*this);
33  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiStripRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 32 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

32 {return new SiStripRecHit2D( * this); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiStripRecHit1D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 32 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

32 {return new SiStripRecHit1D( * this); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 34 of file EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator.h.

34  {
35  return new EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator(*this);
36  }
EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator(double dEta, double dPhi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual KFSwitching1DUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 35 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

36  {
37  return new KFSwitching1DUpdator(*this);
38  }
KFSwitching1DUpdator(const edm::ParameterSet *pset=0)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 35 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

References FlexibleKFFittingSmoother_cfi::FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.

35  {
36  return std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter>(
38  }
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theLooperFitter
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theStandardFitter
FlexibleKFFittingSmoother(const TrajectoryFitter &standardFitter, const TrajectoryFitter &looperFitter)
constructor with predefined fitter and smoother and propagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
pointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 36 of file BasicMultiTrajectoryState.h.

36  {
37  return build<BasicMultiTrajectoryState>(*this);
38  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CSCSegment* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 36 of file CSCSegment.h.

36 { return new CSCSegment(*this); }
Default constructor.
Definition: CSCSegment.h:26
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 36 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

36  {
37  return new DiskSectorBounds(*this);
38  }
DiskSectorBounds(float rmin, float rmax, float zmin, float zmax, float phiExt)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 37 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

37  {
38  return std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter>(
39  new KFSplittingFitter(fitter.propagator(),
40  fitter.updator(),
41  fitter.estimator()));
42  }
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
KFSplittingFitter(const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual HitEtaCheck* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 38 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

38 { return new HitEtaCheck(*this); }
HitEtaCheck(bool inbarrel, const HitRZConstraint::Point &point, float cotLeftLine, float cotRightLine)
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:20
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 39 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

39 {return new GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds(*this);}
GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds(const Surface *surf, const std::vector< SurfaceAndSide > &limits)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual StraightLinePropagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 42 of file StraightLinePropagator.h.

References StraightLinePropagator_cfi::StraightLinePropagator.

42  {
43  return new StraightLinePropagator(*this);
44  }
StraightLinePropagator(const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection aDir=alongMomentum)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiStripRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( TkCloner const &  cloner,
TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &  tsos 
) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 43 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

43  {
44  return cloner(*this,tsos);
45  }
TkClonerImpl cloner() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 43 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

References Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimatorESProducer_cfi::Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.

43  {
44  return new Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator(*this);
45  }
Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator(double maxChi2, double nSigma, bool cutOnPixelCharge, bool cutOnStripCharge, double minGoodPixelCharge, double minGoodStripCharge, float pTChargeCutThreshold=100000.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiPixelRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 43 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

43 {return new SiPixelRecHit( * this); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiStripMatchedRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 44 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

44 {return new SiStripMatchedRecHit2D( * this);}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiStripRecHit1D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( TkCloner const &  cloner,
TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &  tsos 
) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 44 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

44  {
45  return cloner(*this,tsos);
46  }
TkClonerImpl cloner() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual BeamHaloPropagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Virtual constructor (using copy c'tor)

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 45 of file BeamHaloPropagator.h.

45  {
47  }
BeamHaloPropagator(const Propagator *aEndCapTkProp, const Propagator *aCrossTkProp, const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
Defines which propagator is used inside endcap and in barrel.
virtual PropagationDirection propagationDirection() const GCC11_FINAL
Definition: Propagator.h:155
const Propagator * getCrossTkPropagator() const
return the propagator used to cross the tracker
virtual const MagneticField * magneticField() const
const Propagator * getEndCapTkPropagator() const
return the propagator used in endcaps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 45 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

45 {return new ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D( *this); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual KFUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 46 of file KFUpdator.h.

46  {
47  return new KFUpdator(*this);
48  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GsfTrajectorySmoother* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 48 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

References GsfElectronTrajectorySmoother_cfi::GsfTrajectorySmoother.

49  {
52  }
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theAlongPropagator
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
GsfTrajectorySmoother(const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger &merger, float errorRescaling, const bool materialBeforeUpdate=true, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0)
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger * theMerger
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalTrackingRegion* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 48 of file GlobalTrackingRegion.h.

48  {
49  return new GlobalTrackingRegion(*this);
50  }
GlobalTrackingRegion(float ptMin, const GlobalPoint &origin, float originRadius, float originHalfLength, bool precise=false)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CSCRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

RecHit2DLocalPos base class interface.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 49 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

49 { return new CSCRecHit2D( *this ); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ClosestApproachInRPhi* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Clone method

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 52 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

52  {
53  return new ClosestApproachInRPhi(* this);
54  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts) const

Definition at line 52 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

References GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone().

Referenced by GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone().

52 {return RecHitPointer(clone());}
virtual BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit * clone() const
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts) const

Definition at line 52 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone().

Referenced by GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone().

52 {return RecHitPointer(clone());}
virtual BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit * clone() const
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 53 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

References KFFittingSmootherESProducer_cfi::KFFittingSmoother.

53  {
54  return std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter>(
56  *theSmoother,
60  }
bool breakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing
KFFittingSmoother(const TrajectoryFitter &aFitter, const TrajectorySmoother &aSmoother, double estimateCut=-1, double logPixelProbabilityCut=-16.0, int minNumberOfHits=5, bool rejectTracks=false, bool BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing=false, bool NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd=false)
constructor with predefined fitter and smoother and propagator
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theFitter
bool noInvalidHitsBeginEnd
double theEstimateCut
double theLogPixelProbabilityCut
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectorySmoother > theSmoother
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 54 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

References GsfElectronTrajectoryFitter_cfi::GsfTrajectoryFitter.

55  {
56  return std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter>(
58  *theUpdator,
59  *theEstimator,
60  *theMerger,
61  theGeometry));
62  }
GsfTrajectoryFitter(const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger &aMerger, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0)
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger * theMerger
const Propagator * thePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual InvalidTrackingRecHitNoDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 55 of file InvalidTrackingRecHit.h.

55 {return new InvalidTrackingRecHitNoDet(*this);}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SmartPropagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Virtual constructor (using copy c'tor)

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 55 of file SmartPropagator.h.

References SmartPropagator_cfi::SmartPropagator.

55  {
57  }
const Propagator * getTkPropagator() const
return the propagator used inside tracker
virtual const MagneticField * magneticField() const
SmartPropagator(const Propagator *aTkProp, const Propagator *aGenProp, const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, float epsilon=5)
Defines which propagator is used inside Tk and which outside.
const Propagator * getGenPropagator() const
return the propagator used outside tracker
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TwoTrackMinimumDistance* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Clone method

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 55 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

55  {
56  return new TwoTrackMinimumDistance(* this);
57  }
TwoTrackMinimumDistance(const Mode m=FastMode)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiPixelRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( TkCloner const &  cloner,
TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &  tsos 
) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 60 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

60  {
61  return cloner(*this,tsos);
62  }
TkClonerImpl cloner() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 62 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

63  {
64  return new GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator(*this);
65  }
GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator(const std::string fileName, const int correctionFlag)
constructor with explicit filename and correction flag
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( ) const

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos) const

Definition at line 62 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

62  {
63  //return new TRecHit5DParamConstraint( this->trajectoryState() );
64  return RecHitPointer(new TRecHit5DParamConstraint( tsos ));
65  }
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
TRecHit5DParamConstraint(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SiStripMatchedRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( TkCloner const &  cloner,
TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &  tsos 
) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 66 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

66  {
67  return cloner(*this,tsos);
68  }
TkClonerImpl cloner() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RecHitPointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AnalyticalPropagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 70 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

References AnalyticalPropagator_cfi::AnalyticalPropagator.

71  {
72  return new AnalyticalPropagator(*this);
73  }
AnalyticalPropagator(const MagneticField *field, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, float maxDPhi=1.6, bool isOld=true)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 72 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

72  {
73  return new SimpleConeBounds(*this);
74  }
SimpleConeBounds(float zmin, float rmin_zmin, float rmax_zmin, float zmax, float rmin_zmax, float rmax_zmax)
Construct from inner/outer radius on the two Z faces.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( TkCloner const &  cloner,
TrajectoryStateOnSurface const &  tsos 
) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 74 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

74  {
75  return cloner(*this,tsos);
76  }
TkClonerImpl cloner() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TRecHit5DParamConstraint* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 75 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

75  {
76  return new TRecHit5DParamConstraint( this->trajectoryState() );
77  }
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface & trajectoryState() const
TRecHit5DParamConstraint(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 81 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

81  {
82  return new BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit(*this);
83  }
BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit(const reco::BeamSpot &beamSpot, const BeamSpotGeomDet *geom, double phi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TRecHit2DPosConstraint* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 83 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

83  {
84  return new TRecHit2DPosConstraint(*this);
85  }
TRecHit2DPosConstraint(const LocalPoint &pos, const LocalError &err, const Surface *surface)
Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SteppingHelixPropagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 85 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

References SteppingHelixPropagator_cfi::SteppingHelixPropagator.

85 {return new SteppingHelixPropagator(*this);}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual KFTrajectorySmoother* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 86 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

References KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer_cfi::KFTrajectorySmoother.

86  {
88  }
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theAlongPropagator
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
KFTrajectorySmoother(const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, float errorRescaling=100.f, int minHits=3)
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TRecHit1DMomConstraint* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 87 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

87  {
88  return new TRecHit1DMomConstraint(*this);
89  }
TRecHit1DMomConstraint(const int charge, const double mom, const double err, const Surface *surface)
Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TSiTrackerMultiRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 87 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

87  {
88  return new TSiTrackerMultiRecHit(*this);
89  }
TSiTrackerMultiRecHit(const GeomDet *geom, const SiTrackerMultiRecHit *rh, const ConstRecHitContainer &components, float annealing)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 89 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

References KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer_cfi::KFTrajectoryFitter.

90  {
91  return owner ?
92  std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter>(new KFTrajectoryFitter(*thePropagator,
93  *theUpdator,
94  *theEstimator,
96  std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter>(new KFTrajectoryFitter(thePropagator,
97  theUpdator,
99  minHits_,
101  }
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
KFTrajectoryFitter(const Propagator &aPropagator, const TrajectoryStateUpdator &aUpdator, const MeasurementEstimator &aEstimator, int minHits=3, const DetLayerGeometry *detLayerGeometry=0, TkCloner const *hc=nullptr)
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const Propagator * thePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PropagatorWithMaterial* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 95 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

96  {
97  return new PropagatorWithMaterial(*this);
98  }
PropagatorWithMaterial(PropagationDirection dir, const float mass, const MagneticField *mf=0, const float maxDPhi=1.6, bool useRungeKutta=false, float ptMin=-1., bool useOldGeoPropLogic=true)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clone ( void  ) const

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 169 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

169  {
170  return new RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion(*this);
171  }
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion(RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &rh)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cloneHit ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 42 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

42 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cloneHit ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 44 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

44 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cloneHit ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 44 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

44 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cloneHit ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 53 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

53 { return nullptr;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TkClonerImpl GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cloner ( ) const

Definition at line 33 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

const SiStripRecHitMatcher * theMatcher
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * stripCPE
const PixelClusterParameterEstimator * pixelCPE
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ClosestApproachInRPhi ( )

Definition at line 22 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

22 {status_ = false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cluster ( ) const

Definition at line 28 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

References TrackerSingleRecHit::cluster_strip().

28 { return cluster_strip() ; }
ClusterStripRef cluster_strip() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cluster ( ) const

Definition at line 29 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

References TrackerSingleRecHit::cluster_strip().

29 { return cluster_strip() ; }
ClusterStripRef cluster_strip() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cluster ( ) const

Definition at line 49 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

49 { return cluster_pixel(); }
ClusterPixelRef cluster_pixel() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cluster ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References TrackerSingleRecHit::cluster_strip().

52 { return cluster_strip() ; }
ClusterStripRef cluster_strip() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clusterProbability ( unsigned int  flags = 0) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename Collector >
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::collectRecHits ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
Collector &  coll 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::colsperroc ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 69 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

69 { return specificTopology().colsperroc(); }
virtual int colsperroc() const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::colsperroc ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 190 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

190  {
191  return m_COLS_PER_ROC;
192  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::combine ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator ( double  mass,
double  ptMin = -1. 

Specify assumed mass of particle for material effects. If ptMin > 0, then the rms muliple scattering angle will be calculated taking into account the uncertainty in the reconstructed track momentum. (By default, it is neglected). However, a lower limit on the possible value of the track Pt will be applied at ptMin, to avoid the rms multiple scattering becoming too big.

Definition at line 30 of file CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

30  :
33  theELUpdator(mass) {}
DeepCopyPointerByClone< GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator > theMSUpdator
float ptMin() const
minimal pt of interest
DeepCopyPointerByClone< GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator > theELUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compact ( unsigned int &  ,
std::vector< unsigned int > &   
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compact ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  ,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  ,
unsigned short &   
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatible ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator  
) const

tests the geometrical compatibility of the Det with the predicted state. The FreeTrajectoryState argument is propagated to the Det surface using the Propagator argument. The resulting TrajectoryStateOnSurface is tested for compatibility with the surface bounds. If compatible, a std::pair< true, propagatedState> is returned. If the propagation fails, or if the state is not compatible, a std::pair< false, propagatedState> is returned.

Reimplemented from ForwardDetLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetWithState > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatibleLayers ( NavigationDirection  direction) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatibleLayers ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
PropagationDirection  dir 
) const

Reimplemented from NavigableLayer.

Definition at line 32 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

References SimpleNavigableLayer::compatibleLayers(), and counter.

33  {
34  int counter=0;
35  return SimpleNavigableLayer::compatibleLayers(fts,dir,counter);
36  }
virtual std::vector< const DetLayer * > compatibleLayers(const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection timeDirection, int &counter) const GCC11_FINAL
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatibleLayers ( NavigationDirection  direction) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compatibleLayers ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
PropagationDirection  dir 
) const

Reimplemented from NavigableLayer.

Definition at line 37 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

References SimpleNavigableLayer::compatibleLayers(), and counter.

38  {
39  int counter=0;
40  return SimpleNavigableLayer::compatibleLayers(fts,dir,counter);
41  }
virtual std::vector< const DetLayer * > compatibleLayers(const FreeTrajectoryState &fts, PropagationDirection timeDirection, int &counter) const GCC11_FINAL
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 24 of file PixelForwardLayer.h.

24 {return theComps;}
std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > theComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 25 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

25 {return theComps;}
std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > theComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<const GeometricSearchDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 39 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

39 {return theComps;}
std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > theComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 40 of file BasicMultiTrajectoryState.h.

40  {
41  return theStates;
42  }
std::vector< TSOS > theStates
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<VertexState> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

conversion to VertexSeed

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 82 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

83  {
84  return data().components();
85  }
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<ReferenceCountingPointer<LinearizedTrackState<5> > > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::components ( ) const

Returns basic components, if any.

Returns direct components, if any

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CompositeTECPetal ( std::vector< const TECWedge * > &  innerWedges,
std::vector< const TECWedge * > &  outerWedges 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CompositeTECWedge ( std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  innerDets,
std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  outerDets 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect  [] 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect  [] 
) const

Computation: generates vectors of weights, means and standard deviations.

Implements GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect  [] 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect effect 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect effect 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect effect 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrackCharge chargeA,
const GlobalVector momentumA,
const GlobalPoint positionA,
const TrackCharge chargeB,
const GlobalVector momentumB,
const GlobalPoint positionB 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect  [] 
) const

Computation: generates vectors of weights, means and standard deviations.

Implements GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::compute3DImpactPoint ( ) const

Method calculating the 3D impact point measurement

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeBetheBloch ( const LocalVector localP,
double  pathLength,
const VolumeMediumProperties medium,
double &  deltaP,
double &  deltaCov00 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeBetheBloch ( const LocalVector ,
const MediumProperties ,
Effect effect 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeBounds ( const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &  faces)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeBounds ( int  index,
const std::vector< const Plane * > &  bpc 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Bounds* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeBounds ( int  index,
const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &  faces 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeChargedJacobians ( ) const

Method calculating the track parameters and the Jacobians for charged particles.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubLayerCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubLayerCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubLayerCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubLayerCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubLayerCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubTurbineCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubTurbineCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
PropagationDirection  propDir,
bool  innerDisk 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SubRingCrossings GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeCrossings ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
PropagationDirection  propDir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BoundDisk* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeDisk ( const std::vector< const TIDRing * > &  rings) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeElectrons ( const LocalVector localP,
double  pathLength,
const VolumeMediumProperties medium,
double &  deltaP,
double &  deltaCov00 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeElectrons ( const LocalVector ,
const MediumProperties ,
const PropagationDirection  ,
Effect effect 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeError ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeHelicity ( const GeometricSearchDet firstBlade,
const GeometricSearchDet secondBlade 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeHelicity ( const GeometricSearchDet firstBlade,
const GeometricSearchDet secondBlade 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeHelicity ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::tuple<bool,int,int> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeIndexes ( GlobalPoint  gInnerPoint,
GlobalPoint  gOuterPoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::tuple<bool,int,int> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeIndexes ( GlobalPoint  gInnerPoint,
GlobalPoint  gOuterPoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeJacobians ( ) const

Method calculating the track parameters and the Jacobians.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeNeutralJacobians ( ) const

Method calculating the track parameters and the Jacobians for neutral particles.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computePosition ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeRadius ( Bounds const &  bounds)

Definition at line 30 of file Cylinder.h.

References Bounds::thickness(), and Bounds::width().

30  {
31  return 0.5f*(bounds.width() - bounds.thickness());
32  }
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWeight ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWeightTimesPos ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::computeWindowSize ( const GeomDet det,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementEstimator est 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
StMeasurementConditionSet& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::conditionSet ( )

Definition at line 247 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

247 { return *theDetConditions; }
StMeasurementConditionSet * theDetConditions
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const StMeasurementConditionSet& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::conditionSet ( ) const

Definition at line 248 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

248 { return *theDetConditions; }
StMeasurementConditionSet * theDetConditions
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename... Args>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Cone ( const PositionType vert,
Geom::Theta< Scalar angle,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 21 of file Cone.h.

23  :
24  Surface(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
25  theVertex(vert), theAngle(angle) {}
Geom::Theta< Scalar > theAngle
Definition: Cone.h:75
Definition: Surface.h:59
GlobalPoint theVertex
Definition: Cone.h:74
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Cone ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
const PositionType vert,
Geom::Theta< Scalar angle 

Do not use this constructor directly; use the static build method, which returns a ReferenceCountingPointer. This constructor will soon become private

Definition at line 47 of file Cone.h.

48  :
49  Surface( pos, rot), theVertex(vert), theAngle(angle) {}
Geom::Theta< Scalar > theAngle
Definition: Cone.h:75
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
Definition: Surface.h:59
GlobalPoint theVertex
Definition: Cone.h:74
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const AlgebraicVector5& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::constantTerm ( ) const

Method returning the constant term of the Taylor expansion of the measurement equation

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::construct ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::containsBigPixelInX ( int  ixmin,
int  ixmax 
) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 81 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

81  {
82  return specificTopology().containsBigPixelInX(ixmin, ixmax);
83  }
virtual bool containsBigPixelInX(int ixmin, int ixmax) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::containsBigPixelInX ( int  ixmin,
int  ixmax 
) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 141 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

141  {
142  return m_upgradeGeometry ? false :( (ixmin<=80) & (ixmax>=79) );
143  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::containsBigPixelInY ( int  iymin,
int  iymax 
) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 84 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

84  {
85  return specificTopology().containsBigPixelInY(iymin, iymax);
86  }
virtual bool containsBigPixelInY(int iymin, int iymax) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::containsBigPixelInY ( int  iymin,
int  iymax 
) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 144 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

References PixelTopology::isItBigPixelInY().

144  {
145  return m_upgradeGeometry ? false :
146  ( isItBigPixelInY( iymin ) || isItBigPixelInY( iymax ) || (iymin/52) != (iymax/52) )
147  ;
148  }
virtual bool isItBigPixelInY(const int iybin) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::correctedFirstMean ( const float  ,
const GSContainer  [] 
) const

Correction for mean of component 1.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::correctedFirstVar ( const float  ,
const GSContainer  [] 
) const

Correction for variance of component 1.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::correctWeights ( GSContainer  []) const

Correction for weight of component 1.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::coveredStrips ( const LocalPoint lp1,
const LocalPoint lp2 
) const

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::coveredStrips ( const LocalPoint lp1,
const LocalPoint lp2 
) const

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

Definition at line 74 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

74  {
75  return specificTopology().coveredStrips(lp1,lp2);
76  }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::coveredStrips ( const LocalPoint lp1,
const LocalPoint lp2 
) const

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const StripClusterParameterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cpe ( ) const

Definition at line 250 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

250 { return conditionSet().stripCPE(); }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * stripCPE() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::createCorners ( const std::vector< CCGFloat > &  pv,
const Tr3D tr,
std::vector< GlobalPoint > &  co 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PairBoolFTS GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::createFTSatTransverseImpactPoint ( const FTS originalFTS,
const GlobalPoint referencePoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PairBoolFTS GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::createFTSatTransverseImpactPointCharged ( const FTS originalFTS,
const GlobalPoint referencePoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PairBoolFTS GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::createFTSatTransverseImpactPointNeutral ( const FTS originalFTS,
const GlobalPoint referencePoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RefCountedRefittedTrackState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::createRefittedTrackState ( const GlobalPoint vertexPosition,
const AlgebraicVector3 vectorParameters,
const AlgebraicSymMatrix66 covarianceMatrix 
) const

Creates the correct refitted state according to the results of the track refit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::crossingPoint ( ) const

arithmetic mean of the two points of closest approach

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::crossingPoint ( ) const

arithmetic mean of the two points of closest approach

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::crossingTk ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane 
) const

true if the plane and the fts z position have different sign

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual VolumeCrossReturnType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::crossToNextVolume ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface currentState,
const Propagator prop 
) const

Cross this volume and point at the next.

Implements NavVolume.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CSCDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cscDetId ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

52 { return geographicalId(); }
virtual DetId geographicalId() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CSCDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cscDetId ( ) const

Definition at line 69 of file CSCSegment.h.

69 { return geographicalId(); }
virtual DetId geographicalId() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CSCRecHit2D ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CSCRecHit2D ( const CSCDetId id,
const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
const ChannelContainer channels,
const ADCContainer adcs,
const ChannelContainer wgroups,
float  tpeak,
float  posInStrip,
float  errInStrip,
int  quality,
short int  badStrip = 0,
short int  badWireGroup = 0,
int  scaledWireTime = 0,
float  energyDeposit = -995. 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CSCSegment ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 26 of file CSCSegment.h.

26 : theChi2(0.), aME11a_duplicate(false) {}
double theChi2
Definition: CSCSegment.h:97
bool aME11a_duplicate
Definition: CSCSegment.h:98
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CSCSegment ( const std::vector< const CSCRecHit2D * > &  proto_segment,
LocalPoint  origin,
LocalVector  direction,
const AlgebraicSymMatrix errors,
double  chi2 


template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CurvilinearLorentzForce ( const RKLocalFieldProvider field)

Definition at line 17 of file CurvilinearLorentzForce.h.

17 : theField(field) {}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename... Args>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Cylinder ( Scalar  radius,
Args &&...  args 

Definition at line 23 of file Cylinder.h.

23  :
24  Surface(std::forward<Args>(args)...), theRadius(radius){}
Scalar radius() const
Radius of the cylinder.
Definition: Cylinder.h:67
Definition: Surface.h:59
Scalar theRadius
Definition: Cylinder.h:93
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Cylinder ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
SimpleCylinderBounds const &  bounds 

Definition at line 26 of file Cylinder.h.

26  :
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
static float computeRadius(Bounds const &bounds)
Definition: Cylinder.h:30
Definition: Surface.h:59
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
Scalar theRadius
Definition: Cylinder.h:93
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BoundCylinder* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cylinder ( const std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > &  rings)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BoundCylinder* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cylinder ( const std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > &  rods) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::CylindricalLorentzForce ( const RKLocalFieldProvider field)

Definition at line 17 of file CylindricalLorentzForce.h.

17 : theField(field) {}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dbString ( )

Definition at line 47 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

47 { return "PEcalBarrelRcd" ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dbString ( )

Definition at line 49 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

49 { return "PEcalEndcapRcd" ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIeta ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to smaller ieta (more negative z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIeta ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to smaller ieta (more negative z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIphi ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to smaller iphi (wraps around the barrel)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIphi ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to smaller iphi (wraps around the barrel)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIx ( const EEDetId ) const

move the nagivator to smaller ix

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIx ( const EEDetId id) const

move the nagivator to smaller ix

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ESDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIx ( const ESDetId id) const

move the nagivator to smaller ix

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIy ( const EEDetId ) const

move the nagivator to smaller iy

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIy ( const EEDetId id) const

move the nagivator to smaller iy

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ESDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIy ( const ESDetId id) const

move the nagivator to smaller iy

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ESDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::decrementIz ( const ESDetId id) const

move the nagivator to smaller iz

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::degreesOfFreedom ( ) const

Degrees of freedom of the segment fit.

Implements RecSegment.

Definition at line 61 of file CSCSegment.h.

61 { return 2*nRecHits() - 4;}
int nRecHits() const
Definition: CSCSegment.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::det ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

51 { return 0; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detHeight ( ) const

Length of long symmetry axis of plane of strips

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 177 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

177 { return theDetHeight;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detIdFromLocalAlignmentIndex ( unsigned int  iLoc)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detIdFromLocalAlignmentIndex ( unsigned int  iLoc)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const DetLayer* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detLayer ( ) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

Definition at line 40 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

40 { return theDetLayer;}
const BarrelDetLayer * theDetLayer
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const DetLayer* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detLayer ( ) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

Definition at line 45 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

45 { return theDetLayer;}
const BarrelDetLayer * theDetLayer
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const detset& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detSet ( const StMeasurementDetSet theDets) const

Definition at line 114 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References StMeasurementDetSet::detSet(), and cmsHarvester::index.

114 {return theDets.detSet(index());}
const StripDetset & detSet(int i) const
int index() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDetUnit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detUnit ( ) const

CAUTION: the GeomDetUnit* is zero for composite hits (matched hits in the tracker, segments in the muon). Always check this pointer before using it!

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 49 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

49 { return 0; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDetUnit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detUnit ( ) const

CAUTION: the GeomDetUnit* is zero for composite hits (matched hits in the tracker, segments in the muon). Always check this pointer before using it!

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 54 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

54 {return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDetUnit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detUnit ( ) const

CAUTION: the GeomDetUnit* is zero for composite hits (matched hits in the tracker, segments in the muon). Always check this pointer before using it!

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 54 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

54 {return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDetUnit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::detUnit ( ) const

CAUTION: the GeomDetUnit* is zero for composite hits (matched hits in the tracker, segments in the muon). Always check this pointer before using it!

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 22 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

22 { return 5; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 29 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

29 {return theHitData.dimension();}
virtual int dimension() const
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 33 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

33 {return 1;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 37 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

37 {return 2;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 38 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

38 {return 2;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 38 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

38 {return 1;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 48 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

48 {return 2;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 50 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

50 { return 1; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 50 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

50 {return 2;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 53 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

53 {return 2;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dimension ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 59 of file CSCSegment.h.

59 { return 4; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::direction ( double  s) const

Returns the direction along the helix that corresponds to path length "s" from the starting point. As for position, the direction at the closest approach (if it exists!) is given by direction( pathLength(line) ).

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::direction ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::direction ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::direction ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::direction ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::direction ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::directionCheck ( PropagationDirection  dir)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DirectionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::directionInDouble ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DirectionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::directionInDouble ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DirectionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::directionInDouble ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point in double precision.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DirectionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::directionInDouble ( double  s) const

Direction at pathlength s from the starting point in double precision.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Disk ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
SimpleDiskBounds bounds 

Definition at line 28 of file BoundDisk.h.

28  :
29  Plane(pos,rot, bounds){}
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
Plane(Args &&...args)
Definition: Plane.h:21
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::Disk ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
SimpleDiskBounds const &  bounds 

Definition at line 31 of file BoundDisk.h.

31  :
32  Plane(pos,rot, bounds.clone()){}
T pos() const
get the current position
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:32
Plane(Args &&...args)
Definition: Plane.h:21
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::DiskSectorBounds ( float  rmin,
float  rmax,
float  zmin,
float  zmax,
float  phiExt 

Definition at line 16 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

References std::swap().

16  :
18  assert(thePhiExtH>0);
21  theOffset = theRmin + 0.5f*(theRmax-theRmin);
22  }
float rmin() const
float zmin() const
void swap(edm::DataFrameContainer &lhs, edm::DataFrameContainer &rhs)
double f[11][100]
float zmax() const
float rmax() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::distance ( ) const

distance between the two points of closest approach in 3D

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::distance ( ) const

distance between the two points of closest approach in 3D

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::distanceAlongLine ( const NavSurface::GlobalPoint pos,
const NavSurface::GlobalVector dir 
) const

Distance to surface from point pos along line dir. If the half-line does not cross the surface the returned value is (false,undefined), otherwise the returned value is (true,distance)

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::distanceAlongLine ( const NavSurface::GlobalPoint pos,
const NavSurface::GlobalVector dir 
) const

Distance to surface from point pos along line dir. If the half-line does not cross the surface the returned value is (false,undefined), otherwise the returned value is (true,distance)

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::distanceAlongLine ( const NavSurface::GlobalPoint pos,
const NavSurface::GlobalVector dir 
) const

Distance to surface from point pos along line dir. If the half-line does not cross the surface the returned value is (false,undefined), otherwise the returned value is (true,distance)

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename Collector >
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::doubleMatch ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
Collector &  collector 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static UseMeasurementTracker GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::doubleToUseMeasurementTracker ( double  value)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in down direction (inward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( ) const

move the navigator west

Definition at line 73 of file CaloNavigator.h.

74  {
76  return currentPoint_;
77  } ;
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in down direction (inward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 77 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

78  {
79  std::cout << "EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology::down() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
80  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
81  return vNeighborsDetId;
82  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in down direction (inward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 77 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

78  {
79  std::cout << "EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology::down() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
80  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
81  return vNeighborsDetId;
82  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in down direction (inward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 84 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

85  {
86  std::cout << "EcalBarrelTopology::down() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
87  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
88  return vNeighborsDetId;
89  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in down direction (inward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 86 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

87  {
88  std::cout << "EcalBarrelTopology::down() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
89  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
90  return vNeighborsDetId;
91  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::down ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in down direction (inward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 93 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goDown(), and DetId::rawId().

94  {
95  ESDetId nextId=goDown(id);
96  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
97  if (! (nextId==ESDetId(0)))
98  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
99  return vNeighborsDetId;
100  }
virtual DetId goDown(const DetId &id) const
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector< CSCSegment>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::duplicateSegments ( ) const

Definition at line 75 of file CSCSegment.h.

75 { return theDuplicateSegments; }
std::vector< CSCSegment > theDuplicateSegments
Definition: CSCSegment.h:99
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in east direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in east direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 48 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goEast(), and DetId::rawId().

49  {
50  EBDetId nextId=goEast(id);
51  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
52  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
53  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
54  return vNeighborsDetId;
55  }
virtual DetId goEast(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology east (negative ieta)
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in east direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 48 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goEast(), and DetId::rawId().

49  {
50  EEDetId nextId=goEast(id);
51  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
52  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
53  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
54  return vNeighborsDetId;
55  }
virtual DetId goEast(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology east (negative ieta)
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( ) const

move the navigator east

Definition at line 52 of file CaloNavigator.h.

53  {
55  return currentPoint_;
56  } ;
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in east direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 55 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goEast(), and DetId::rawId().

56  {
57  EEDetId nextId=goEast(id);
58  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
59  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
60  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
61  return vNeighborsDetId;
62  }
virtual DetId goEast(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology east (negative ieta)
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in east direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 56 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goEast(), and DetId::rawId().

57  {
58  EBDetId nextId=goEast(id);
59  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
60  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
61  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
62  return vNeighborsDetId;
63  }
virtual DetId goEast(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology east (negative ieta)
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::east ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in east direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 56 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goEast(), and DetId::rawId().

57  {
58  ESDetId nextId=goEast(id);
59  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
60  if (! (nextId==ESDetId(0)))
61  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
62  return vNeighborsDetId;
63  }
virtual DetId goEast(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology east (negative ieta)
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalBarrelGeometry ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology ( )

create a new Topology

Definition at line 14 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

14 {};
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalBarrelTopology ( )

create a new Topology

Definition at line 16 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

16 : theGeom_(0) {};
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalBarrelTopology ( edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry theGeom)

create a new Topology from geometry

Definition at line 22 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

22  : theGeom_(theGeom)
23  {
24  }
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalEndcapGeometry ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology ( )

create a new Topology

Definition at line 14 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

14 {};
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalEndcapTopology ( )

create a new Topology

Definition at line 15 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

15 : theGeom_(0) {};
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalEndcapTopology ( edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry theGeom)

create a new Topology from geometry

Definition at line 21 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

21  : theGeom_(theGeom)
22  {
23  }
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalPreshowerTopology ( )

create a new Topology

Definition at line 15 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

15 : theGeom_(0) {};
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EcalPreshowerTopology ( edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry theGeom)

create a new Topology from geometry

Definition at line 21 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

21  : theGeom_(theGeom)
22  {
23  }
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > theGeom_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::empty ( const MeasurementTrackerEvent data) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::energyDepositedInLayer ( ) const

Energy deposited in the layer. Note: this value is dE. In order to get the dE/dX, you will need to divide by the path length. Specific failure values... If the user has chosen not to use the gas gain correction —> -998. If the gas gain correction from the database is a bad value -> -997. If it is an edge strip -----------------------------------—> -996. If gas-gain is OK, but the ADC vector is the wrong size -—> -999. If the user has created the Rechit without the energy deposit> -995. If the user has created the Rechit with no arguments -----—> -994.

Definition at line 100 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

100 { return theEnergyDeposit; }
float theEnergyDeposit
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:119
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EnergyLossUpdator ( double  mass)

Definition at line 28 of file EnergyLossUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::err ( ) const

Definition at line 39 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

39 {return err_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::error ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::error ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 55 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

56  {
57  return data().error();
58  }
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalR ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 57 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::globalPosition(), TrackingRecHit::globalPositionError(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

57 { return std::sqrt(globalPositionError().rerr(globalPosition()));}
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalR ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 65 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::globalPosition(), TrackingRecHit::globalPositionError(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

65 { return std::sqrt(globalPositionError().rerr(globalPosition()));}
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalR ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 67 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

67 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalRPhi ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 59 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::globalPosition(), TrackingRecHit::globalPositionError(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

59 { return globalPosition().perp()*sqrt(globalPositionError().phierr(globalPosition())); }
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalRPhi ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 67 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::globalPosition(), TrackingRecHit::globalPositionError(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

67 { return globalPosition().perp()*sqrt(globalPositionError().phierr(globalPosition())); }
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
virtual GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalRPhi ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 69 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

69 { return 0; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalZ ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 58 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::globalPositionError(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

58 { return std::sqrt(globalPositionError().czz()); }
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalZ ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 66 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::globalPositionError(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

66 { return std::sqrt(globalPositionError().czz()); }
virtual GlobalError globalPositionError() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorGlobalZ ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 68 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

68 { return 0; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::errorWithinStrip ( ) const

The uncertainty of the estimated position within the strip.

Definition at line 79 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

79 { return theErrorWithinStrip;} ;
float theErrorWithinStrip
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:118
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const TrackingRecHit hit 
) const

Returns pair( true, value) if the TrajectoryStateOnSurface is compatible with the RecHit, and pair( false, value) if it is not compatible. The TrajectoryStateOnSurface must be on the same Surface as the RecHit. For an estimator where there is no value computed, e.g. fixed window estimator, only the first(bool) part is of interest.

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const TrackingRecHit hit 
) const

Returns pair( true, value) if the TrajectoryStateOnSurface is compatible with the RecHit, and pair( false, value) if it is not compatible. The TrajectoryStateOnSurface must be on the same Surface as the RecHit. For an estimator where there is no value computed, e.g. fixed window estimator, only the first(bool) part is of interest.

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const TrackingRecHit hit 
) const

Returns pair( true, value) if the TrajectoryStateOnSurface is compatible with the RecHit, and pair( false, value) if it is not compatible. The TrajectoryStateOnSurface must be on the same Surface as the RecHit. For an estimator where there is no value computed, e.g. fixed window estimator, only the first(bool) part is of interest.

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimate GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface  refTSOS,
double  pathLength,
const VolumeMediumProperties medium 
) const

Creates an estimate.

Implements VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface aTsos,
const TrackingRecHit aHit 
) const

implementation of MeasurementEstimator::estimate

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimate GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface  refTSOS,
double  pathLength,
const VolumeMediumProperties medium 
) const

Creates an estimate.

Implements VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Plane plane 
) const

Returns true if the TrajectoryStateOnSurface is compatible with the Plane, false otherwise. The TrajectoryStateOnSurface must be on the plane.

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimate ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const TrackingRecHit hit 
) const

Returns pair( true, value) if the TrajectoryStateOnSurface is compatible with the RecHit, and pair( false, value) if it is not compatible. The TrajectoryStateOnSurface must be on the same Surface as the RecHit. For an estimator where there is no value computed, e.g. fixed window estimator, only the first(bool) part is of interest.

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimator ( void  ) const

Definition at line 46 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

46 {return theEstimator;}
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimator ( void  ) const

Definition at line 51 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

51 {return theEstimator;}
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimator ( void  ) const

Definition at line 84 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

84 {return theEstimator;}
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MeasurementEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimator ( void  ) const

Definition at line 87 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

87 {return theEstimator;}
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OuterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimator ( const BarrelDetLayer layer,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OuterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::estimator ( const ForwardDetLayer layer,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::eta ( int  idxBin) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator ( double  dEta,
double  dPhi 

Definition at line 18 of file EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator.h.

18  :
20  thedEta(dEta),
21  thedPhi(dPhi)
22  {}
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
double dPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: JetUtil.h:30
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Range& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::etaRange ( ) const

allowed eta range [eta_min, eta_max] interval

Definition at line 148 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

148 { return theEtaRange; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const std::vector<VolumeSide>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::faces ( ) const

Access to volume faces.

Implements MagVolume.

Definition at line 39 of file NavVolume6Faces.h.

39 { return theFaces; }
std::vector< VolumeSide > theFaces
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Plane GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fastTangent ( const GlobalPoint aPoint) const

tangent plane to surface from global point

Definition at line 80 of file Cylinder.h.

References position, idealTransformation::rotation, and detailsBasic3DVector::z.

80  {
81  GlobalVector yPlane(rotation().z());
82  GlobalVector xPlane(yPlane.cross(aPoint-position()));
83  return Plane(aPoint,RotationType(xPlane, yPlane));
84  }
BoundSurface::RotationType RotationType
float float float z
Plane(Args &&...args)
Definition: Plane.h:21
const RotationType & rotation() const
GlobalPoint position() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Plane GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fastTangent ( const LocalPoint aPoint) const

tangent plane to surface from local point

Definition at line 87 of file Cylinder.h.

87  {
88  return fastTangent(toGlobal(aPoint));
89  }
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:114
Plane fastTangent(const GlobalPoint &aPoint) const
tangent plane to surface from global point
Definition: Cylinder.h:80
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RKLocalFieldProvider GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fieldProvider ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RKLocalFieldProvider GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fieldProvider ( const Cylinder cyl) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fillBadComponents ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fillRingPars ( int  i)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<class ClusterRefT >
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::filteredRecHits ( const ClusterRefT &  cluster,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ltp,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const std::vector< bool > &  skipClusters,
RecHitContainer result,
std::vector< float > &  diffs 
) const

Definition at line 173 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References accept(), MeasurementEstimator::estimate(), and LogDebug.

174  {
175  if (isMasked(*cluster)) return true;
176  const GeomDetUnit& gdu( specificGeomDet());
177  if (!accept(cluster, skipClusters)) return true;
178  VLocalValues const & vlv = cpe()->localParametersV( *cluster, gdu, ltp);
179  bool isCompatible(false);
180  for(auto vl : vlv) {
181  SiStripRecHit2D recHit(vl.first, vl.second, fastGeomDet(), cluster);
182  std::pair<bool,double> diffEst = est.estimate(ltp, recHit);
183  LogDebug("TkStripMeasurementDet")<<" chi2=" << diffEst.second;
184  if ( diffEst.first ) {
185  result.push_back(std::move(std::make_shared<SiStripRecHit2D>(recHit)));
186  diffs.push_back(diffEst.second);
187  isCompatible = true;
188  }
189  }
190  return isCompatible;
191  }
#define LogDebug(id)
virtual VLocalValues localParametersV(const SiStripCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd) const
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * cpe() const
const GeomDet & fastGeomDet() const
tuple result
virtual HitReturnType estimate(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const TrackingRecHit &hit) const =0
const GluedGeomDet & specificGeomDet() const
ClusterRef cluster() const
StripClusterParameterEstimator::VLocalValues VLocalValues
bool accept(SiStripClusterRef const &r, const std::vector< bool > &skipClusters) const
bool isMasked(const SiStripCluster &cluster) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<class ClusterRefT >
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::filteredRecHits ( const ClusterRefT &  cluster,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ltp,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const std::vector< bool > &  skipClusters,
std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &  result 
) const

Definition at line 195 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References accept(), MeasurementEstimator::estimate(), and LogDebug.

196  {
197  if (isMasked(*cluster)) return true;
198  const GeomDetUnit& gdu( specificGeomDet());
199  if (!accept(cluster, skipClusters)) return true;
200  VLocalValues const & vlv = cpe()->localParametersV( *cluster, gdu, ltp);
201  bool isCompatible(false);
202  for(auto vl : vlv) {
203  auto && recHit = SiStripRecHit2D( vl.first, vl.second, gdu, cluster);
204  std::pair<bool,double> diffEst = est.estimate(ltp, recHit);
205  LogDebug("TkStripMeasurementDet")<<" chi2=" << diffEst.second;
206  if ( diffEst.first ) {
207  result.push_back(std::move(recHit));
208  isCompatible = true;
209  }
210  }
211  return isCompatible;
212  }
#define LogDebug(id)
virtual VLocalValues localParametersV(const SiStripCluster &cluster, const GeomDetUnit &gd) const
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * cpe() const
tuple result
virtual HitReturnType estimate(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, const TrackingRecHit &hit) const =0
const GluedGeomDet & specificGeomDet() const
ClusterRef cluster() const
StripClusterParameterEstimator::VLocalValues VLocalValues
bool accept(SiStripClusterRef const &r, const std::vector< bool > &skipClusters) const
bool isMasked(const SiStripCluster &cluster) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findBin ( float  R,
int  layer 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findBin ( float  R,
int  layer 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findClosest ( const GlobalPoint  [3]) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findClosestDet ( const GlobalPoint startPos,
int  sectorId 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findNextIndex ( const GlobalPoint  [3],
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
WedgePar const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findPar ( int  index,
int  diskSectorType 
) const

Definition at line 85 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

85  {
86  return (diskSectorType == 0) ? theFrontPars[index] : theBackPars[index];
87  }
int index() const
std::vector< WedgePar > theBackPars
std::vector< WedgePar > theFrontPars
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::findPosition ( int  index,
int  diskSectorIndex 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::firstAngle ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual OmniClusterRef const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::firstClusterRef ( ) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 27 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

27 { return monoClusterRef();}
OmniClusterRef const & monoClusterRef() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const Trajectory t,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

Definition at line 23 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

23 { return fitter(type)->fitOne(t,type);}
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
virtual Trajectory fitOne(const Trajectory &traj, fitType type=standard) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface firstPredTsos,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

Definition at line 26 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

29  {return fitter(type)->fitOne(aSeed,hits,firstPredTsos,type); }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
TrackingRegion::Hits hits(const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &es, const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer &layer) const override
get hits from layer compatible with region constraints
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
virtual Trajectory fitOne(const Trajectory &traj, fitType type=standard) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

Definition at line 31 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

33  { return fitter(type)->fitOne(aSeed,hits,type); }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
TrackingRegion::Hits hits(const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &es, const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer &layer) const override
get hits from layer compatible with region constraints
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
virtual Trajectory fitOne(const Trajectory &traj, fitType type=standard) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const Trajectory t,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface firstPredTsos,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const Trajectory t,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface firstPredTsos,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const Trajectory aTraj,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
const TSOS firstPredTsos,
fitType  type 
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const Trajectory aTraj,
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitOne ( const TrajectorySeed aSeed,
const RecHitContainer hits,
const TSOS firstPredTsos,
) const

Implements TrajectoryFitter.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryFitter* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitter ( fitType  type) const

Definition at line 48 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

48  {
49  return (type==standard) ? theStandardFitter.get() : theLooperFitter.get();
50  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theLooperFitter
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theStandardFitter
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryFitter* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitter ( void  ) const

Definition at line 50 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

50 {return theFitter.get();}
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theFitter
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FlexibleKFFittingSmoother ( const TrajectoryFitter standardFitter,
const TrajectoryFitter looperFitter 

constructor with predefined fitter and smoother and propagator

Definition at line 16 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

17  :
18  theStandardFitter(standardFitter.clone()),
19  theLooperFitter(looperFitter.clone()) {}
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theLooperFitter
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theStandardFitter
virtual std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > clone() const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrixOO GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fullCovariance ( ) const

Track to vertex covariance Track to vertex covariance

Definition at line 87 of file VertexTrack.h.

87  {
89  throw VertexException("VertexTrack::track to vertex covariance not available");
90  }
91  return fullCovariance_;
92  }
Common base class.
bool tkToVertexCovarianceAvailable() const
Definition: VertexTrack.h:60
AlgebraicSymMatrixOO fullCovariance_
Definition: VertexTrack.h:115
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fullCovarianceAvailable ( ) const

Definition at line 61 of file VertexTrack.h.

61 { return covAvailable; }
bool covAvailable
Definition: VertexTrack.h:113
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds ( const Surface surf,
const std::vector< SurfaceAndSide > &  limits 

Definition at line 22 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

23  :
24  theLimits( limits), theSurface(surf) {}
SurfaceContainer theLimits
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<class T >
std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::genericPathLength ( const T object) const

common functionality for extrapolation to line or point

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::geographicalId ( ) const

Definition at line 27 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

27 {return theHitData.geographicalId();}
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
DetId geographicalId() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::geometricalPropagator ( ) const

Access to the geometrical propagator.

Definition at line 84 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

84  {
86  }
DeepCopyPointerByClone< Propagator > theGeometricalPropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrackingGeometry* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::geometry ( ) const

Definition at line 30 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

Referenced by Vispa.Gui.ConnectableWidget.ConnectableWidget::leaveEvent().

30 { return tGeometry_;}
const TrackingGeometry * tGeometry_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getAnnealingFactor ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

50 {return annealing_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getBadApvs ( const uint32_t &  detid) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<BadComponent>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getBadComponentList ( ) const

Definition at line 119 of file SiStripQuality.h.

119 { return BadComponentVect; }
std::vector< BadComponent > BadComponentVect
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getBadFibers ( const uint32_t &  detid) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<BadStripBlock>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getBadStripBlocks ( )

Definition at line 239 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

239 { return conditionSet().getBadStripBlocks(index()); }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
std::vector< BadStripBlock > & getBadStripBlocks(int i)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getBasketSizeInPhi ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

62 { return _PhiBaskets ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual CaloSubdetectorGeometry::DetIdSet GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getCells ( const GlobalPoint r,
double  dR 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual CaloSubdetectorGeometry::DetIdSet GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getCells ( const GlobalPoint r,
double  dR 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const OrderedListOfEBDetId* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getClosestBarrelCells ( EEDetId  id) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getClosestCell ( const GlobalPoint r) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getClosestCell ( const GlobalPoint r) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const OrderedListOfEEDetId* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getClosestEndcapCells ( EBDetId  id) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getCrossTkPropagator ( ) const

return the propagator used to cross the tracker

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getDeDx ( const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  sv,
double &  dEdXPrime,
double &  radX0,
MatBounds rzLims 
) const

estimate average (in fact smth. close to MPV and median) energy loss per unit path length

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getEndCapTkPropagator ( ) const

return the propagator used in endcaps

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<int>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getEtaBaskets ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

60 { return _EtaBaskets ; }
std::vector< int > _EtaBaskets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
edm::FileInPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getFileInPath ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file SiStripQuality.h.

89 {return FileInPath_;}
edm::FileInPath FileInPath_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getGenPropagator ( ) const

return the propagator used outside tracker

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getKfComponents ( KfComponentsHolder holder) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 24 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

References TrackingRecHit::det(), and HelpertRecHit2DLocalPos::getKfComponents().

24  {
26  }
virtual const GeomDet * det() const
static void getKfComponents(KfComponentsHolder &holder, const TrackingRecHit &hit2dLocalPos, const GeomDet &det)
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getKfComponents ( KfComponentsHolder holder) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 38 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

References BaseTrackerRecHit::getKfComponents2D().

38 { getKfComponents2D(holder); }
void getKfComponents2D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getKfComponents ( KfComponentsHolder holder) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 39 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

References BaseTrackerRecHit::getKfComponents1D().

39 {getKfComponents1D(holder);}
void getKfComponents1D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getKfComponents ( KfComponentsHolder holder) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 49 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References BaseTrackerRecHit::getKfComponents2D().

49 { getKfComponents2D(holder); }
void getKfComponents2D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getKfComponents ( KfComponentsHolder holder) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 51 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

References BaseTrackerRecHit::getKfComponents2D().

51 { getKfComponents2D(holder); }
void getKfComponents2D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getKfComponents ( KfComponentsHolder holder) const

Implements BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 54 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

54 { getKfComponents2D(holder); }
void getKfComponents2D(KfComponentsHolder &holder) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getMixtureParameters ( const float  ,
GSContainer  [] 
) const

Filling of mixture (in terms of z=E/E0)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getNextState ( const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  svPrevious,
SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  svNext,
double  dP,
const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector tau,
const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector drVec,
double  dS,
double  dX0,
const AlgebraicMatrix55 dCovCurv 
) const

(Internals) compute transients for current point (increments step counter). Called by makeAtomStep

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getNumberOfCrystalPerModule ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

60 { return _nncrys ; }
int _nncrys
number of crystals per module
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getNumberOfModules ( ) const

Definition at line 58 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

58 { return _nnmods ; }
int _nnmods
number of modules
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getNumXtalsEtaDirection ( ) const

Definition at line 58 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

58 { return _nnxtalEta ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getNumXtalsPhiDirection ( ) const

Definition at line 56 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

56 { return _nnxtalPhi ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getPhiAxis ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getPosition ( CCGFloat  depth) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getThetaAxis ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getTkPropagator ( ) const

return the propagator used inside tracker

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TOPO* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getTopology ( ) const

set the starting position

Definition at line 23 of file CaloNavigator.h.

24  {
25  return myTopology_;
26  }
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::getTransform ( Tr3D tr,
Pt3DVec lptr 
) const

--------— only needed by specific utility; overloaded when needed -—

Reimplemented from CaloCellGeometry.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::gId ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalMomentum ( const Basic3DVector< double > &  mom) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 55 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::localPosition(), TrackingRecHit::surface(), and Surface::toGlobal().

55 { return surface()->toGlobal(localPosition());}
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:114
const Surface * surface() const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 63 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::localPosition(), TrackingRecHit::surface(), and Surface::toGlobal().

63 { return surface()->toGlobal(localPosition());}
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:114
const Surface * surface() const GCC11_OVERRIDE
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 65 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

65 { return GlobalPoint(); }
Surface::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: NavSurface.h:24
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPosition ( const Basic3DVector< double > &  pos) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 56 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::localPositionError(), TrackingRecHit::surface(), and ErrorFrameTransformer::transform().

virtual LocalError localPositionError() const
static GlobalError transform(const LocalError &le, const Surface &surf)
const Surface * surface() const GCC11_OVERRIDE
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 64 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::localPositionError(), TrackingRecHit::surface(), and ErrorFrameTransformer::transform().

virtual LocalError localPositionError() const
static GlobalError transform(const LocalError &le, const Surface &surf)
const Surface * surface() const GCC11_OVERRIDE
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual GlobalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::globalPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 66 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

66 { return GlobalError();}
GlobalErrorBase< double, ErrorMatrixTag > GlobalError
Definition: GlobalError.h:11
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GlobalTrackingRegion ( float  ptMin,
const GlobalPoint origin,
float  originRadius,
float  originHalfLength,
bool  precise = false 

Construct from minimal track P_t, and origin size and position. The origin region is a cylinder of radius originRadius, half length originHalfLength, positioned at "origin". This class DOES provide the possibility to displace the origin in the transverse plane.

Definition at line 22 of file GlobalTrackingRegion.h.

24  : TrackingRegionBase(GlobalVector( 0, 0, 0), origin,
26  thePrecise(precise) { }
Surface::GlobalVector GlobalVector
Definition: NavSurface.h:25
float ptMin() const
minimal pt of interest
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
TrackingRegion TrackingRegionBase
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GlobalTrackingRegion ( float  ptMin = 1.,
float  originRadius = 0.2,
float  originHalfLength = 22.7,
float  originZPos = 0.,
bool  precise = false 

Definition at line 29 of file GlobalTrackingRegion.h.

32  : TrackingRegionBase(GlobalVector( 0, 0, 0), GlobalPoint( 0, 0, originZPos),
34  thePrecise(precise) { }
Surface::GlobalVector GlobalVector
Definition: NavSurface.h:25
float ptMin() const
minimal pt of interest
Surface::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: NavSurface.h:24
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
TrackingRegion TrackingRegionBase
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goDown ( const DetId id) const

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 90 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

90  {
91  return decrementIz(ESDetId(id));
92  }
ESDetId decrementIz(const ESDetId &id) const
move the nagivator to smaller iz
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goEast ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology east (negative ieta)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 45 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

45  {
46  return decrementIeta(EBDetId(id));
47  }
EBDetId decrementIeta(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller ieta (more negative z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) ...
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goEast ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology east (positive ix)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 45 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

45  {
46  return incrementIx(EEDetId(id));
47  }
EEDetId incrementIx(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger ix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goEast ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology east (positive ix)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 52 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

52  {
53  return incrementIx(EEDetId(id));
54  }
EEDetId incrementIx(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger ix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goEast ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology east (negative ieta)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 53 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

53  {
54  return decrementIeta(EBDetId(id));
55  }
EBDetId decrementIeta(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller ieta (more negative z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) ...
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goEast ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology east (positive ix)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 53 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

53  {
54  return incrementIx(ESDetId(id));
55  }
EEDetId incrementIx(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger ix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goNorth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology north (increment iphi)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 19 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

19  {
20  return incrementIphi(EBDetId(id));
21  }
EBDetId incrementIphi(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger iphi (wraps around the barrel)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goNorth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology north (increment iy)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 19 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

19  {
20  return incrementIy(EEDetId(id));
21  }
EEDetId incrementIy(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger iy
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goNorth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology north (increment iy)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 26 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

26  {
27  return incrementIy(EEDetId(id));
28  }
EEDetId incrementIy(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger iy
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goNorth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology north (increment iphi)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 27 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

27  {
28  return incrementIphi(EBDetId(id));
29  }
EBDetId incrementIphi(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger iphi (wraps around the barrel)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goNorth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology north (increment iy)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 27 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

27  {
28  return incrementIy(ESDetId(id));
29  }
EEDetId incrementIy(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger iy
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goSouth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology south (decrement iphi)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 32 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

32  {
33  return decrementIphi(EBDetId(id));
34  }
EBDetId decrementIphi(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller iphi (wraps around the barrel)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goSouth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology south (decrement iy)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 32 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

32  {
33  return decrementIy(EEDetId(id));
34  }
EEDetId decrementIy(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller iy
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goSouth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology south (decrement iy)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 39 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

39  {
40  return decrementIy(EEDetId(id));
41  }
EEDetId decrementIy(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller iy
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goSouth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology south (decrement iphi)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 40 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

40  {
41  return decrementIphi(EBDetId(id));
42  }
EBDetId decrementIphi(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller iphi (wraps around the barrel)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goSouth ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology south (decrement iy)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 40 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

40  {
41  return decrementIy(ESDetId(id));
42  }
EEDetId decrementIy(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller iy
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goUp ( const DetId id) const

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 78 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

78  {
79  return incrementIz(ESDetId(id));
80  }
ESDetId incrementIz(const ESDetId &id) const
move the nagivator to larger iz
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goWest ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology west (positive ieta)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 58 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

58  {
59  return incrementIeta(EBDetId(id));
60  }
EBDetId incrementIeta(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger ieta (more positive z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) ...
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goWest ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology west (negative ix)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 58 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

58  {
59  return decrementIx(EEDetId(id));
60  }
EEDetId decrementIx(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller ix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goWest ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology west (negative ix)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 65 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

65  {
66  return decrementIx(EEDetId(id));
67  }
EEDetId decrementIx(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller ix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goWest ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology west (positive ieta)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 66 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

66  {
67  return incrementIeta(EBDetId(id));
68  }
EBDetId incrementIeta(const EBDetId &) const
move the nagivator to larger ieta (more positive z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null) ...
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual DetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::goWest ( const DetId id) const

move the Topology west (negative ix)

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 66 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

66  {
67  return decrementIx(ESDetId(id));
68  }
EEDetId decrementIx(const EEDetId &) const
move the nagivator to smaller ix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const Propagator ,
const MeasurementEstimator ,
std::vector< DetGroup > &   
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::groupedCompatibleDetsV ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const

Reimplemented from GeometricSearchDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator ( const std::string  fileName,
const int  correctionFlag 

constructor with explicit filename and correction flag

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator ( GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator msUpdator,
GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator elUpdator 

Constructor from multiple scattering and energy loss updator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter ( const MaterialEffectsUpdator aMEUpdator)

Definition at line 21 of file GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter.h.

21  :
22  GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator(aMEUpdator.mass(),1),
23  theMEUpdator(aMEUpdator.clone()) {}
DeepCopyPointerByClone< MaterialEffectsUpdator > theMEUpdator
GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator(float mass, uint32_t is)
virtual MaterialEffectsUpdator * clone() const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator ( float  mass)

constructor with explicit mass

Definition at line 19 of file GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

19  :
GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator(float mass, uint32_t is)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GsfTrajectoryFitter ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator,
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger aMerger,
const DetLayerGeometry detLayerGeometry = 0 

Constructor with explicit components for propagation, update, chi2 calculation, merging and flag for merging before / after the update (i.e. fully configured)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::GsfTrajectorySmoother ( const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator,
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger merger,
float  errorRescaling,
const bool  materialBeforeUpdate = true,
const DetLayerGeometry detLayerGeometry = 0 

Constructor with explicit components for propagation, update, chi2 calculation, merging and flag for merging before / after the update (i.e. fully configured). It clones the algorithms.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalTrajectoryParameters GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::gtpFromLocal ( const Basic3DVector< double > &  lpos,
const Basic3DVector< double > &  lmom,
TrackCharge  ch,
const Surface surf 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalTrajectoryParameters GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::gtpFromVolumeLocal ( const CartesianStateAdaptor state,
TrackCharge  charge 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasAllGoodChannels ( ) const

does this module have at least one bad strip, APV or channel?

Definition at line 225 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

225 { return (!hasAny128StripBad()) && badStripBlocks().empty(); }
bool hasAny128StripBad() const
std::vector< BadStripBlock > const & badStripBlocks() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasAny128StripBad ( ) const

Definition at line 256 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

256 { return conditionSet().hasAny128StripBad(index()); }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
bool hasAny128StripBad(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasBadComponents ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const

return TRUE if at least one of the mono and stereo components has badChannels

Implements MeasurementDet.

Definition at line 47 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

References MeasurementDet::hasBadComponents().

47  {
48  return (monoDet()->hasBadComponents(tsos,data) || stereoDet()->hasBadComponents(tsos,data));}
bool hasBadComponents(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &data) const
return TRUE if at least one of the mono and stereo components has badChannels
const TkStripMeasurementDet * stereoDet() const
const TkStripMeasurementDet * monoDet() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasBadComponents ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const

Implements MeasurementDet.

Definition at line 121 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

121 {return false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasBadPixels ( ) const

Definition at line 116 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::hasBadPixels(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

116  {
118  }
static const Packing thePacking
bool hasBadPixels(QualWordType qualWord) const
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasError ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hasFilledProb ( ) const

Definition at line 125 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::hasFilledProb(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

125  {
127  }
static const Packing thePacking
unsigned int qualWord_
bool hasFilledProb(QualWordType qualWord) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing ( const PositionType point,
const DirectionType direction,
const float  curvature,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 

Constructor using point, direction and (transverse!) curvature.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order ( const PositionType point,
const DirectionType direction,
const float  curvature,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 

Constructor using point, direction and (transverse!) curvature.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order ( const double &  x0,
const double &  y0,
const double &  z0,
const double &  cosPhi0,
const double &  sinPhi0,
const double &  cosTheta,
const double &  sinTheta,
const double &  rho,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 

Fast constructor (for use by HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing).

Definition at line 22 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.h.

26  :
27  theX0(x0), theY0(y0), theZ0(z0),
28  theCosPhi0(cosPhi0), theSinPhi0(sinPhi0),
29  theCosTheta(cosTheta), theSinThetaI(1./sinTheta),
30  theRho(rho),
31  thePropDir(propDir) {}
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
const PropagationDirection thePropDir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle ( const PositionType pos,
const DirectionType dir,
double  rho,
PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle ( const GlobalPoint pos,
const GlobalVector dir,
double  rho,
PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order ( const PositionType point,
const DirectionType direction,
const float  curvature,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 

Constructor using point, direction and (transverse!) curvature.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order ( const double &  x0,
const double &  y0,
const double &  z0,
const double &  cosPhi0,
const double &  sinPhi0,
const double &  cosTheta,
const double &  sinTheta,
const double &  rho,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 

Fast constructor (for use by IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine).

Definition at line 20 of file HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order.h.

24  :
25  thePosition(x0,y0,z0),
26  theDirection(cosPhi0,sinPhi0,cosTheta/sinTheta),
27  theSinTheta(sinTheta),
28  theRho(rho),
29  thePropDir(propDir) {}
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
const PositionTypeDouble thePosition
const PropagationDirection thePropDir
DirectionTypeDouble theDirection
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HelixForwardPlaneCrossing ( const PositionType point,
const DirectionType direction,
const float  curvature,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 

Constructor using point, direction and (transverse!) curvature.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hit ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 34 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

34 {return &theHitData;};
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hit ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 41 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

41 { return 0; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hit ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 43 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

43 {return 0;}//fixme return invalid
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hit ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 43 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

43 {return 0;}//fixme return invalid
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TrackingRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hit ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 52 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

52 { return nullptr; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripRecHit2D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hit ( TkStripRecHitIter const &  hi) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HitEtaCheck ( bool  inbarrel,
const HitRZConstraint::Point point,
float  cotLeftLine,
float  cotRightLine 

Definition at line 20 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

24  isBarrel(inbarrel),
25  theRZ(HitRZConstraint(point, cotLeftLine, point, cotRightLine)) { }
bool isBarrel() const
HitRZConstraint theRZ
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:41
static constexpr Algo me
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::tuple<TkStripRecHitIter,TkStripRecHitIter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hitRange ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HitRCheck ( )

Definition at line 16 of file HitRCheck.h.

static constexpr Algo me
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrackingRegion::Hits GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hits ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup es,
const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer layer 
) const

get hits from layer compatible with region constraints

Implements TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrackingRegion::Hits GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hits ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup es,
const SeedingLayerSetsHits::SeedingLayer layer 
) const

get hits from layer compatible with region constraints

Implements TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hitString ( )

Definition at line 77 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

77 { return "EcalHitsEE" ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hitString ( )

Definition at line 82 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

82 { return "EcalHitsEB" ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hitWire ( ) const


Container of wire groups comprising the rechit

Definition at line 62 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

62 { return hitWire_;}
short int hitWire_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:122
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::HitZCheck ( )

Definition at line 17 of file HitZCheck.h.

static constexpr Algo me
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::home ( ) const

move the navigator back to the starting point

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::idxBin ( float  eta) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIeta ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to larger ieta (more positive z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIeta ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to larger ieta (more positive z) (stops at end of barrel and returns null)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIphi ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to larger iphi (wraps around the barrel)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EBDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIphi ( const EBDetId ) const

move the nagivator to larger iphi (wraps around the barrel)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIx ( const EEDetId ) const

move the nagivator to larger ix

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIx ( const EEDetId id) const

move the nagivator to larger ix

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ESDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIx ( const ESDetId id) const

move the nagivator to larger ix

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIy ( const EEDetId ) const

move the nagivator to larger iy

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EEDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIy ( const EEDetId id) const

move the nagivator to larger iy

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ESDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIy ( const ESDetId id) const

move the nagivator to larger iy

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ESDetId GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::incrementIz ( const ESDetId id) const

move the nagivator to larger iz

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::index ( ) const

Definition at line 107 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

Referenced by BeautifulSoup.PageElement::_invert().

107 { return index_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::init ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup)

Reimplemented from MSLayersKeeper.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::init ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup)

Reimplemented from MSLayersKeeper.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::init ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup)

Reimplemented from MSLayersKeeper.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::init ( const MeasurementDet monoDet,
const MeasurementDet stereoDet 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::init ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initCorners ( CornersVec )

Implements CaloCellGeometry.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initEtaRange ( const GlobalVector dir,
const Margin margin 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initializeParms ( )

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorGeometry.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initialKinematic ( GlobalTrajectoryParameters kine,
const SeedingHitSet hits 
) const

Reimplemented from SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initialKinematic ( GlobalTrajectoryParameters kine,
const SeedingHitSet hits 
) const

Reimplemented from SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initStateArraySHPSpecific ( StateArray svBuf,
bool  flagsOnly 
) const

(Internals) set defaults needed for states used inside propagate methods

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::initTkVolume ( float  epsilon)

build the tracker volume

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::innerRadius ( void  ) const

Definition at line 20 of file BoundDiskSector.h.

References Surface::bounds().

20 { return bounds().innerRadius();}
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::innerRadius ( ) const

Extension of the Bounds interface.

Definition at line 37 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

37 {return theRmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::innerRadius ( void  ) const

Definition at line 40 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

40 {return theRmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::innerRadius ( ) const

The inner radius of the disk.

Definition at line 55 of file BoundDisk.h.

References Surface::bounds(), and GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::innerRadius().

Referenced by GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::innerRadius().

55 { return static_cast<const SimpleDiskBounds&>(bounds()).innerRadius();}
float innerRadius() const
The inner radius of the disk.
Definition: BoundDisk.h:55
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<bool,bool> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inout ( const Local3DPoint p,
const LocalError err,
float  scale = 1.f 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 21 of file OpenBounds.h.

21 { return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 23 of file OpenBounds.h.

24  { return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 23 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

References PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp2(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

23  {
24  return ((p.z() > theZmin) & (p.z() < theZmax)) &&
25  ( (p.perp2() > theRmin*theRmin) & (p.perp2() < theRmax*theRmax) );
26  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
const LocalError err,
float  scale 
) const

Definition at line 26 of file OpenBounds.h.

27  { return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p) const

Definition at line 32 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

References funct::abs(), PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), and PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y().

32  {
33  return
34  (std::abs(p.x()) < halfWidth) &
35  (std::abs(p.y()) < halfLength);
36  }
T y() const
Definition: PV2DBase.h:46
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
T x() const
Definition: PV2DBase.h:45
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
const LocalError err 
) const

Definition at line 32 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

References Bounds::inside().

32  {
33  return Bounds::inside(p,err);
34  }
virtual bool inside(const Local3DPoint &) const =0
Determine if the point is inside the bounds.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
const LocalError err 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 33 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

33  {
34  return myInside(lp,0);
35  }
bool myInside(const Local3DPoint &lp, float tolerance) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale = 1.f 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 38 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

References funct::abs(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

38  {
39  return
40  (std::abs(p.x()) < halfWidth) &
41  (std::abs(p.y()) < halfLength) &
42  (std::abs(p.z()) < halfThickness);
43  }
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
const LocalError err 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const GlobalPoint gp,
double  tolerance 
) const

Implements MagVolume.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
float  tollerance 
) const

Definition at line 47 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

References funct::abs(), PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), and PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y().

47  {
48  return (std::abs(p.x()) < (halfWidth + tollerance) ) &
49  (std::abs(p.y()) < (halfLength + tollerance) );
50  }
T y() const
Definition: PV2DBase.h:46
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
T x() const
Definition: PV2DBase.h:45
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ) const

Determine if the point is inside the bounds.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 51 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

References PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

51  {
52  float lrmin = (p.z()-theZmin)*(theRminZmax-theRminZmin)/(theZmax-theZmin);
53  float lrmax = (p.z()-theZmin)*(theRmaxZmax-theRmaxZmin)/(theZmax-theZmin);
54  return p.z() > theZmin && p.z() < theZmax &&
55  p.perp() > lrmin && p.perp() < lrmax;
56  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale = 1.f 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
const LocalError err,
float  scale = 1.f 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local3DPoint ,
const LocalError ,
float  scale 
) const

Determine if a point is inside the bounds, taking error into account.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 58 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

References mathSSE::sqrt(), tmp, and LocalError::yy().

58  {
59  // std::cout << "WARNING: SimpleConeBounds::inside(const Local3DPoint&, const LocalError not fully implemented"
60  // << std::endl; // FIXME! does not check R.
63  theZmax+ sqrt(err.yy())*scale,
65  return tmp.inside(p);
66  }
double err() const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:48
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::inside ( const Local2DPoint p,
const LocalError err 
) const

Definition at line 68 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

References Bounds::inside().

68  {
69  return Bounds::inside(p,err);
70  }
virtual bool inside(const Local3DPoint &) const =0
Determine if the point is inside the bounds.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::insideTkVol ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts) const

true if a fts is inside tracker volume

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::insideTkVol ( const Surface surface) const

true if a surface is inside tracker volume

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::insideTkVol ( const Cylinder cylin) const

true if a cylinder is inside tracker volume

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::insideTkVol ( const Plane plane) const

true if a plane is inside tracker volume

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static UseMeasurementTracker GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::intToUseMeasurementTracker ( int  value)

Definition at line 37 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

References relativeConstraints::value.

37  {
38  assert(value >= -1 && value <= 1);
39  return static_cast<UseMeasurementTracker>(value);
40  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::InvalidTrackingRecHitNoDet ( )

Definition at line 52 of file InvalidTrackingRecHit.h.

52 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::InvalidTrackingRecHitNoDet ( Surface const &  surface,
Type  type 

Definition at line 53 of file InvalidTrackingRecHit.h.

Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
Surface const * m_surface
const Surface * surface() const GCC11_OVERRIDE
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PropagationDirection GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::invertDirection ( PropagationDirection  dir) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isActive ( const MeasurementTrackerEvent data) const

return TRUE if both mono and stereo components are active

Implements MeasurementDet.

Definition at line 44 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

44 {return monoDet()->isActive(data) && stereoDet()->isActive(data); }
const TkStripMeasurementDet * stereoDet() const
const TkStripMeasurementDet * monoDet() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isActive ( const MeasurementTrackerEvent data) const

Is this module active in reconstruction? It must be both 'setActiveThisEvent' and 'setActive'.

Implements MeasurementDet.

Definition at line 118 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index, StMeasurementDetSet::isActive(), and MeasurementTrackerEvent::stripData().

118 { return data.stripData().isActive(index()); }
const StMeasurementDetSet & stripData() const
int index() const
bool isActive(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IsApvBad ( const uint32_t &  detid,
const short &  apvNb 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isEmpty ( const StMeasurementDetSet theDets) const

Definition at line 105 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References StMeasurementDetSet::empty(), and cmsHarvester::index.

105 {return theDets.empty(index());}
int index() const
bool empty(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IsFiberBad ( const uint32_t &  detid,
const short &  fiberNb 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isIron ( ) const

Access to Iron/Air information:

Implements NavVolume.

Definition at line 42 of file NavVolume6Faces.h.

42 { return isThisIron; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItBigPixelInX ( const int  ixbin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 75 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

75  {
76  return specificTopology().isItBigPixelInX(ixbin);
77  }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual bool isItBigPixelInX(const int ixbin) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItBigPixelInX ( const int  ixbin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 124 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

124  {
125  return (( m_upgradeGeometry )?(false):(( ixbin == 79 ) | ( ixbin == 80 )));
126  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItBigPixelInY ( const int  iybin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 78 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

78  {
79  return specificTopology().isItBigPixelInY(iybin);
80  }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual bool isItBigPixelInY(const int iybin) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItBigPixelInY ( const int  iybin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 128 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

References unlikely.

128  {
130  else {
131  int iybin0 = iybin%52;
132  return(( iybin0 == 0 ) | ( iybin0 == 51 ));
133  // constexpr int bigYIndeces[]{0,51,52,103,104,155,156,207,208,259,260,311,312,363,364,415,416,511};
134  // return *std::lower_bound(std::begin(bigYIndeces),std::end(bigYIndeces),iybin) == iybin;
135  }
136  }
#define unlikely(x)
Definition: Likely.h:21
return(e1-e2)*(e1-e2)+dp *dp
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItEdgePixel ( int  ixbin,
int  iybin 
) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 94 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

94  {
95  return specificTopology().isItEdgePixel(ixbin, iybin);
96  }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual bool isItEdgePixel(int ixbin, int iybin) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItEdgePixel ( int  ixbin,
int  iybin 
) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 160 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

References PixelTopology::isItEdgePixelInX(), and PixelTopology::isItEdgePixelInY().

160  {
161  return ( isItEdgePixelInX( ixbin ) | isItEdgePixelInY( iybin ) );
162  }
virtual bool isItEdgePixelInX(int ixbin) const
virtual bool isItEdgePixelInY(int iybin) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItEdgePixelInX ( int  ixbin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 88 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

88  {
89  return specificTopology().isItEdgePixelInX(ixbin);
90  }
virtual bool isItEdgePixelInX(int ixbin) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItEdgePixelInX ( int  ixbin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 154 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

154  {
155  return ( (ixbin == 0) | (ixbin == (m_nrows-1)) );
156  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItEdgePixelInY ( int  iybin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 91 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

91  {
92  return specificTopology().isItEdgePixelInY(iybin);
93  }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual bool isItEdgePixelInY(int iybin) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isItEdgePixelInY ( int  iybin) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 157 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

157  {
158  return ( (iybin == 0) | (iybin == (m_ncols-1)) );
159  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isMasked ( const SiStripCluster cluster) const

Definition at line 259 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

259  {
260  return conditionSet().isMasked(index(), cluster);
261  }
bool isMasked(int i, const SiStripCluster &cluster) const
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isME11a_duplicate ( ) const

Definition at line 73 of file CSCSegment.h.

73 { return (theDuplicateSegments.size() > 0 ? true : false); }
std::vector< CSCSegment > theDuplicateSegments
Definition: CSCSegment.h:99
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IsModuleBad ( const uint32_t &  detid) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IsModuleUsable ( const uint32_t &  detid) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isMono ( GeomDet const &  gdet,
GeomDet const &  sdet 

Definition at line 11 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References GeomDet::geographicalId().

11  {
12  return (sdet.geographicalId()-gdet.geographicalId())==2;
13  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isOnEdge ( ) const

Definition at line 112 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::isOnEdge(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

112  {
114  }
static const Packing thePacking
bool isOnEdge(QualWordType qualWord) const
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isPixel ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 40 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

40 { return true;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isPrecise ( ) const

is precise error calculation switched on

Definition at line 155 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

155 { return thePrecise; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isStereo ( ) const

Definition at line 32 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

32 {return theStereoFlag;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IsStripBad ( const uint32_t &  detid,
const short &  strip 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IsStripBad ( const Range range,
const short &  strip 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isValid ( void  ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 37 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

37 {return theHitData.isValid();}
bool isValid() const
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isValid ( void  ) const

The validity of the vertex

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 44 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

References TrackValidation_HighPurity_cff::valid.

44 {return valid;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isValid ( void  ) const

Make the ReferenceCountingProxy method to check validity public.

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 88 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

88 {return Base::isValid() && data().isValid();}
bool isValid() const
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isValid ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isYokeVolume ( const MagVolume vol) const

check if it's a yoke/iron based on this MagVol internals

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine ( const PositionType point,
const DirectionType direction,
const float  curvature,
const PropagationDirection  propDir = anyDirection 

Constructor using point, direction and (transverse!) curvature.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicMatrix55 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::jacobian ( double &  s) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFFittingSmoother ( const TrajectoryFitter aFitter,
const TrajectorySmoother aSmoother,
double  estimateCut = -1,
double  logPixelProbabilityCut = -16.0,
int  minNumberOfHits = 5,
bool  rejectTracks = false,
bool  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = false,
bool  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = false 

constructor with predefined fitter and smoother and propagator

Definition at line 21 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

28  :
29  theFitter(aFitter.clone()),
30  theSmoother(aSmoother.clone()),
31  theEstimateCut(estimateCut),
33  //
34  theLogPixelProbabilityCut( logPixelProbabilityCut ),
36  theMinNumberOfHits(minNumberOfHits),
37  rejectTracksFlag(rejectTracks),
38  breakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing(BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing),
39  noInvalidHitsBeginEnd(NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd) {}
bool breakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theFitter
bool noInvalidHitsBeginEnd
double theEstimateCut
virtual TrajectorySmoother * clone() const =0
double theLogPixelProbabilityCut
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectorySmoother > theSmoother
virtual std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > clone() const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFSplittingFitter ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator 

Definition at line 26 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

28  :
29  fitter(aPropagator, aUpdator, aEstimator) {}
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFSplittingFitter ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator 

Definition at line 32 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

34  :
35  fitter(aPropagator, aUpdator, aEstimator) {}
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFStrip1DUpdator ( )

Definition at line 23 of file KFStrip1DUpdator.h.

23 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFSwitching1DUpdator ( const edm::ParameterSet pset = 0)

Definition at line 25 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

25  : theDoEndCap(false) {
26  if (pset){
27  theDoEndCap=pset->getParameter<bool>("doEndCap");
28  }
29  }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFTrajectoryFitter ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator,
int  minHits = 3,
const DetLayerGeometry detLayerGeometry = 0,
TkCloner const *  hc = nullptr 

Definition at line 34 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

39  :
40  thePropagator(aPropagator.clone()),
41  theUpdator(aUpdator.clone()),
42  theEstimator(aEstimator.clone()),
44  theGeometry(detLayerGeometry),
46  owner(true){
48  // FIXME. Why this first constructor is needed? who is using it? Can it be removed?
49  // it is uses in many many places
50  }
virtual TrajectoryStateUpdator * clone() const =0
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
const DetLayerGeometry dummyGeometry
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
virtual Propagator * clone() const =0
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
virtual MeasurementEstimator * clone() const =0
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const Propagator * thePropagator
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFTrajectoryFitter ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator,
int  minHits = 3,
const DetLayerGeometry detLayerGeometry = 0,
TkCloner const *  hc = nullptr 

Definition at line 53 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

58  :
59  thePropagator(aPropagator),
60  theUpdator(aUpdator),
61  theEstimator(aEstimator),
63  theGeometry(detLayerGeometry),
65  owner(false){
67  }
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
const DetLayerGeometry dummyGeometry
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const Propagator * thePropagator
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFTrajectoryFitter ( KFTrajectoryFitter const &  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFTrajectorySmoother ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator,
float  errorRescaling = 100.f,
int  minHits = 3 

Definition at line 30 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

References alongMomentum, Propagator::clone(), oppositeToMomentum, and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

34  :
35  theAlongPropagator(nullptr),
36  theOppositePropagator(nullptr),
37  theUpdator(aUpdator.clone()),
38  theEstimator(aEstimator.clone()),
39  theErrorRescaling(errorRescaling),
41  theGeometry(nullptr){ // to be fixed. Why this first constructor is needed? who is using it? Can it be removed?
43  auto p = aPropagator.clone();
44  p->setPropagationDirection(alongMomentum);
46  p = aPropagator.clone();
47  p->setPropagationDirection(oppositeToMomentum);
49  }
virtual TrajectoryStateUpdator * clone() const =0
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theAlongPropagator
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
const DetLayerGeometry dummyGeometry
virtual Propagator * clone() const =0
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
virtual MeasurementEstimator * clone() const =0
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theOppositePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFTrajectorySmoother ( const Propagator aPropagator,
const TrajectoryStateUpdator aUpdator,
const MeasurementEstimator aEstimator,
float  errorRescaling = 100.f,
int  minHits = 3,
const DetLayerGeometry detLayerGeometry = nullptr,
TkCloner const *  hc = nullptr 

Definition at line 52 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

References alongMomentum, Propagator::clone(), oppositeToMomentum, and AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p.

58  :
59  theAlongPropagator(nullptr),
60  theOppositePropagator(nullptr),
61  theUpdator(aUpdator->clone()),
62  theEstimator(aEstimator->clone()),
64  theErrorRescaling(errorRescaling),
66  theGeometry(detLayerGeometry){
68  auto p = aPropagator->clone();
69  p->setPropagationDirection(alongMomentum);
71  p = aPropagator->clone();
72  p->setPropagationDirection(oppositeToMomentum);
74  }
virtual TrajectoryStateUpdator * clone() const =0
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theAlongPropagator
const DetLayerGeometry * theGeometry
const DetLayerGeometry dummyGeometry
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
virtual Propagator * clone() const =0
const MeasurementEstimator * theEstimator
virtual MeasurementEstimator * clone() const =0
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theOppositePropagator
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::KFUpdator ( )

Definition at line 38 of file KFUpdator.h.

38 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MSLayer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::layer ( const DetLayer layer) const

Reimplemented from MSLayersKeeper.

Definition at line 11 of file MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged.h.

Referenced by geometryXMLparser.DTAlignable::index(), and geometryXMLparser.CSCAlignable::index().

12  {return *theLayersData.findLayer(MSLayer(layer)); }
std::vector< MSLayersAtAngle > theLayersData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MSLayer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::layer ( const DetLayer layer) const

Reimplemented from MSLayersKeeper.

Definition at line 12 of file MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer.h.

Referenced by geometryXMLparser.DTAlignable::index(), and geometryXMLparser.CSCAlignable::index().

13  {return *theLayersData.findLayer(MSLayer(layer)); }
std::vector< MSLayersAtAngle > theLayersData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MSLayersAtAngle& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::layers ( float  cotTheta) const

Implements MSLayersKeeper.

Definition at line 13 of file MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged.h.

14  {return theLayersData;}
std::vector< MSLayersAtAngle > theLayersData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MSLayersAtAngle& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::layers ( float  cotTheta) const

Implements MSLayersKeeper.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MSLayersAtAngle& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::layers ( float  cotTheta) const

Implements MSLayersKeeper.

Definition at line 14 of file MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer.h.

15  {return theLayersData;}
std::vector< MSLayersAtAngle > theLayersData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const

"Lenght" of the bounded volume; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 13 of file OpenBounds.h.

Referenced by Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::arrowBoundingRect(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::labelBoundingRect(), and Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::paint().

13 { return 1000000.; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const

"Lenght" of the bounded volume; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 19 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

Referenced by Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::arrowBoundingRect(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::labelBoundingRect(), and Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::paint().

19 { return theZmax - theZmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const

"Lenght" of the bounded volume; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 24 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

References funct::cos().

Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const

"Lenght" of the bounded volume; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 26 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

Referenced by Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::arrowBoundingRect(), Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::labelBoundingRect(), and Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayLine::paint().

26 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::length ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GlobalPoint& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::linearizationPoint ( ) const

The point at which the track state has been linearized

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

Definition at line 57 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

57 { return theLinPoint; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RefCountedLinearizedTrackState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::linearizedTrack ( ) const

Access methods

Definition at line 56 of file VertexTrack.h.

56 { return theLinTrack; }
RefCountedLinearizedTrackState theLinTrack
Definition: VertexTrack.h:109
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::loadState ( SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  svCurrent,
const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector p3,
const SteppingHelixPropagator::Point r3,
int  charge,
PropagationDirection  dir,
const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 covCurv 
) const

(Internals) compute transient values for initial point (resets step counter). Called by setIState

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localCorners ( Pt3DVec vec,
const CCGFloat pv,
Pt3D ref 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localCorners ( Pt3DVec lc,
const CCGFloat pv,
unsigned int  i,
Pt3D ref 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localCorners ( Pt3DVec lc,
const CCGFloat pv,
unsigned int  i,
Pt3D ref 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localCornersReflection ( Pt3DVec vec,
const CCGFloat pv,
Pt3D ref 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localCornersSwap ( Pt3DVec vec,
const CCGFloat pv,
Pt3D ref 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localDirection ( ) const

Local direction.

Implements RecSegment.

Definition at line 41 of file CSCSegment.h.

41 { return theLocalDirection; }
LocalVector theLocalDirection
Definition: CSCSegment.h:95
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localDirectionError ( ) const

Error on the local direction.

Implements RecSegment.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( float  strip,
float  stripErr2 
) const

LocalError for a pure strip measurement, where 'strip' is the (float) position (a 'phi' angle wrt y axis) and stripErr2 is the sigma-squared. Both quantities are expressed in units of theAngularWidth of a strip.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint ,
const MeasurementError  
) const

LocalError for a given MeasurementPoint with known MeasurementError. This may be used in Kalman filtering and hence must allow possible correlations between the components.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint ,
const MeasurementError  
) const

LocalError for a given MeasurementPoint with known MeasurementError. This may be used in Kalman filtering and hence must allow possible correlations between the components.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( float  strip,
float  stripErr2 
) const

LocalError for a pure strip measurement, where 'strip' is the (float) position (a 'phi' angle wrt y axis) and stripErr2 is the sigma-squared. Both quantities are expressed in units of theAngularWidth of a strip.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint mp,
const MeasurementError me,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

conversion taking also the predicted track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint ,
const MeasurementError  
) const

LocalError for a given MeasurementPoint with known MeasurementError. This may be used in Kalman filtering and hence must allow possible correlations between the components.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( float  strip,
float  stripErr2 
) const

LocalError for a pure strip measurement, where 'strip' is the (float) position (a 'phi' angle wrt y axis) and stripErr2 is the sigma-squared. Both quantities are expressed in units of theAngularWidth of a strip.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 47 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

47 {return specificTopology().localError(strip, stripErr2);}
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual LocalError localError(const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( float  strip,
float  stripErr2,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

conversion taking also the predicted track state

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint ,
const MeasurementError  
) const

LocalError for a given MeasurementPoint with known MeasurementError. This may be used in Kalman filtering and hence must allow possible correlations between the components.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 51 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

52  { return specificTopology().localError(mp, me);}
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual LocalError localError(const MeasurementPoint &, const MeasurementError &) const =0
static constexpr Algo me
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint mp,
const MeasurementError me,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

conversion taking also the predicted track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( float  strip,
float  stripErr2 
) const

LocalError for a pure strip measurement, where 'strip' is the (float) position (a 'phi' angle wrt y axis) and stripErr2 is the sigma-squared. Both quantities are expressed in units of theAngularWidth of a strip.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint ,
const MeasurementError  
) const

LocalError for a given MeasurementPoint with known MeasurementError. This may be used in Kalman filtering and hence must allow possible correlations between the components.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError ( const MeasurementPoint ,
const MeasurementError  
) const

LocalError for a given MeasurementPoint with known MeasurementError. This may be used in Kalman filtering and hence must allow possible correlations between the components.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Chi2MeasurementEstimator& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localEstimator ( ) const

estimator for 2D hits (matched or pixel)

Definition at line 37 of file Chi2Switching1DEstimator.h.

37  {
38  return theLocalEstimator;
39  }
const Chi2MeasurementEstimator theLocalEstimator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPitch ( const LocalPoint ) const

Pitch (strip width) at a given LocalPoint.
BEWARE: are you sure you really want to call this for a RadialStripTopology?

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 41 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

41 { return thePitch;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPitch ( const LocalPoint ) const

Pitch (strip width) at a given LocalPoint.
BEWARE: are you sure you really want to call this for a RadialStripTopology?

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPitch ( const LocalPoint ) const

Pitch (strip width) at a given LocalPoint.
BEWARE: are you sure you really want to call this for a RadialStripTopology?

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 79 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

79 { return specificTopology().localPitch(lp);}
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPitch ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles dir 
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state (LocalTrajectoryParameters)

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPitch ( const LocalPoint ) const

Pitch (strip width) at a given LocalPoint.
BEWARE: are you sure you really want to call this for a RadialStripTopology?

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( float  strip) const

LocalPoint on x axis for given 'strip' 'strip' is a float in units of the strip (angular) width

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint ) const

LocalPoint for a given MeasurementPoint
What's a MeasurementPoint?
In analogy with that used with TrapezoidalStripTopology objects, a MeasurementPoint is a 2-dim object.
The first dimension measures the angular position wrt central line of symmetry of detector, in units of strip (angular) widths (range 0 to total angle subtended by a detector).
The second dimension measures the fractional position along the strip (range -0.5 to +0.5).
BEWARE! The components are not Cartesian.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 31 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

31 {return theHitData.localPosition();}
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const GCC11_FINAL
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 33 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

33 { return tsos_.localPosition(); }
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 35 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

35 {return LocalPoint(0,0,0);}
GloballyPositioned< float >::LocalPoint LocalPoint
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint ) const

LocalPoint for a given MeasurementPoint
What's a MeasurementPoint?
In analogy with that used with TrapezoidalStripTopology objects, a MeasurementPoint is a 2-dim object.
The first dimension measures the angular position wrt central line of symmetry of detector, in units of strip (angular) widths (range 0 to total angle subtended by a detector).
The second dimension measures the fractional position along the strip (range -0.5 to +0.5).
BEWARE! The components are not Cartesian.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( float  strip) const

LocalPoint on x axis for given 'strip' 'strip' is a float in units of the strip (angular) width

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint mp,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

conversion taking also the predicted track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 38 of file CSCSegment.h.

38 { return theOrigin; }
LocalPoint theOrigin
Definition: CSCSegment.h:94
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint ) const

LocalPoint for a given MeasurementPoint
What's a MeasurementPoint?
In analogy with that used with TrapezoidalStripTopology objects, a MeasurementPoint is a 2-dim object.
The first dimension measures the angular position wrt central line of symmetry of detector, in units of strip (angular) widths (range 0 to total angle subtended by a detector).
The second dimension measures the fractional position along the strip (range -0.5 to +0.5).
BEWARE! The components are not Cartesian.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint ) const

LocalPoint for a given MeasurementPoint
What's a MeasurementPoint?
In analogy with that used with TrapezoidalStripTopology objects, a MeasurementPoint is a 2-dim object.
The first dimension measures the angular position wrt central line of symmetry of detector, in units of strip (angular) widths (range 0 to total angle subtended by a detector).
The second dimension measures the fractional position along the strip (range -0.5 to +0.5).
BEWARE! The components are not Cartesian.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 39 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

39 { return specificTopology().localPosition(mp);}
virtual LocalPoint localPosition(const MeasurementPoint &) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 40 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

40 {return pos_;}
const LocalPoint pos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint mp,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

conversion taking also the predicted track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( float  strip) const

LocalPoint on x axis for given 'strip' 'strip' is a float in units of the strip (angular) width

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 43 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

virtual LocalPoint localPosition(const MeasurementPoint &) const =0
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( float  strip,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

conversion taking also the predicted track state

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 45 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

45 { return localPosition_; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 50 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

50 { return theLocalPosition; }
LocalPoint theLocalPosition
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:133
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( float  strip) const

LocalPoint on x axis for given 'strip' 'strip' is a float in units of the strip (angular) width

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint ) const

LocalPoint for a given MeasurementPoint
What's a MeasurementPoint?
In analogy with that used with TrapezoidalStripTopology objects, a MeasurementPoint is a 2-dim object.
The first dimension measures the angular position wrt central line of symmetry of detector, in units of strip (angular) widths (range 0 to total angle subtended by a detector).
The second dimension measures the fractional position along the strip (range -0.5 to +0.5).
BEWARE! The components are not Cartesian.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition ( const MeasurementPoint ) const

LocalPoint for a given MeasurementPoint
What's a MeasurementPoint?
In analogy with that used with TrapezoidalStripTopology objects, a MeasurementPoint is a 2-dim object.
The first dimension measures the angular position wrt central line of symmetry of detector, in units of strip (angular) widths (range 0 to total angle subtended by a detector).
The second dimension measures the fractional position along the strip (range -0.5 to +0.5).
BEWARE! The components are not Cartesian.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 32 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

virtual LocalError localPositionError() const GCC11_FINAL
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 35 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

35 { return tsos_.localError().positionError(); }
LocalError positionError() const
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
const LocalTrajectoryError & localError() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 36 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

36 {return LocalError(0,0,0);}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 41 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

41 {return err_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 46 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

46 { return localError_; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPositionError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 51 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

51 { return theLocalError; }
LocalError theLocalError
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:134
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localStripLength ( const LocalPoint ) const

Length of a strip passing through a given LocalPpoint

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 49 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

References StripTopology::stripLength().

49  {
50  return stripLength();
51  }
virtual float stripLength() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localStripLength ( const LocalPoint ) const

Length of a strip passing through a given LocalPpoint

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localStripLength ( const LocalPoint ) const

Length of a strip passing through a given LocalPpoint

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 88 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

88 { return specificTopology().localStripLength(lp);}
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localStripLength ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state (LocalTrajectoryParameters)

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localStripLength ( const LocalPoint ) const

Length of a strip passing through a given LocalPpoint

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const KFUpdator& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localUpdator ( ) const

updator for 2D hits (matched or pixel)

Definition at line 42 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

42 {return theLocalUpdator;}
const KFUpdator theLocalUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localX ( const float  mpX) const

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localX ( const float  mpX,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

Reimplemented from PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localX ( const float  mpX) const

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localY ( const float  mpY) const

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localY ( const float  mpY,
const Topology::LocalTrackPred trkPred 
) const

Reimplemented from PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localY ( const float  mpY) const

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 27 of file RKPropagatorInR.h.

27 {return theVolume;}
const MagVolume * theVolume
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 27 of file RKPropagatorInZ.h.

27 {return theVolume;}
const MagVolume * theVolume
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 47 of file StraightLinePropagator.h.

47 {return theField;}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 48 of file RKPropagatorInS.h.

48 {return theVolume;}
const MagVolume * theVolume
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

return the magneticField

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 80 of file BeamHaloPropagator.h.

80 {return theField;}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 90 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

90 { return field_;}
const MagneticField * field_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 92 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

92 {return field;}
const MagneticField * field
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

return the magneticField

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 105 of file SmartPropagator.h.

105 {return theField;}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::magneticField ( ) const

Implements Propagator.

Definition at line 116 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

116 {return theField;}
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::makeAtomStep ( SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  svCurrent,
SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  svNext,
double  dS,
PropagationDirection  dir,
SteppingHelixPropagator::Fancy  fancy 
) const

main stepping function: compute next state vector after a step of length dS

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::makeAxis ( void  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::maskBad128StripBlocks ( ) const

Definition at line 242 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

242 { return conditionSet().maskBad128StripBlocks();}
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::materialAtSource ( ) const

Inclusion of material at the source?

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MaterialEffectsUpdator& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::materialEffectsUpdator ( ) const

Access to the MaterialEffectsUpdator.

Definition at line 88 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

88  {
89  return *theMEUpdator;
90  }
DeepCopyPointerByClone< MaterialEffectsUpdator > theMEUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Local2DVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::maximalLocalDisplacement ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const Plane plane 
) const

Returns the size of the compatibility region around the local position of the TrajectoryStateOnSurface along the directions of local x and y axis. The TrajectoryStateOnSurface must be on the plane. This method allows to limit the search for compatible detectors or RecHits. The MeasurementEstimator should not return "true" for any RecHit or Plane which is entirely outside of the compatibility region defined by maximalLocalDisplacement().

Reimplemented from Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::maxZ ( ) const

Definition at line 41 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

41 { return theZmax;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint ,
const LocalError  
) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint lp,
const LocalError le 
) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint lp,
const LocalError le,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint ,
const LocalError  
) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint lp,
const LocalError le 
) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 62 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

63  { return specificTopology().measurementError(lp, le); }
virtual MeasurementError measurementError(const LocalPoint &, const LocalError &) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint lp,
const LocalError le,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint ,
const LocalError  
) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
MeasurementError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementError ( const LocalPoint ,
const LocalError  
) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint ) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint ) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint ) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint lp) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 58 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

virtual MeasurementPoint measurementPosition(const LocalPoint &) const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles  
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from Topology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint lp) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 88 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, and PixelTopology::pixel().

89  {
90  std::pair<float,float> p = pixel( lp );
91  return MeasurementPoint( p.first, p.second );
92  }
virtual std::pair< float, float > pixel(const LocalPoint &p) const
Measurement2DPoint MeasurementPoint
Measurement points are two-dimensional by default.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
MeasurementPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurementPosition ( const LocalPoint ) const

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurements ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stateOnThisDet,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
TempMeasurements result 
) const

Implements MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::measurements ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stateOnThisDet,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
TempMeasurements result 
) const

Implements MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::merger ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

52 {return theMerger;}
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger * theMerger
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::minGoodCharge ( int  subdet) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::minZ ( ) const

Definition at line 40 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

40 { return theZmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::mom ( ) const

Definition at line 38 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

38 {return mom_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const AlgebraicMatrix53& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::momentumJacobian ( ) const

Method returning the Momentum Jacobian from the Taylor expansion (Matrix B)

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripCluster const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::monoCluster ( ) const

Definition at line 39 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

39  {
40  return monoClusterRef().stripCluster();
41  }
SiStripCluster const & stripCluster() const
OmniClusterRef const & monoClusterRef() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OmniClusterRef const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::monoClusterRef ( ) const

Definition at line 31 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

31 { return clusterMono_;}
OmniClusterRef clusterMono_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OmniClusterRef& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::monoClusterRef ( )

Definition at line 34 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

34 { return clusterMono_;}
OmniClusterRef clusterMono_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TkStripMeasurementDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::monoDet ( ) const

Definition at line 40 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

40 { return theMonoDet;}
const TkStripMeasurementDet * theMonoDet
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripRecHit2D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::monoHit ( ) const

Definition at line 21 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

OmniClusterRef const & monoClusterRef() const
unsigned int monoId() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::monoId ( ) const

Definition at line 24 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

References TrackingRecHit::rawId().

24 { return rawId()+2;}
unsigned int rawId() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator ( double  maxChi2,
double  nSigma = 3. 

Construct with cuts on chi2 and nSigma. The cut on Chi2 is used to define the acceptance of RecHits. The errors of the trajectory state are multiplied by nSigma to define acceptance of Plane and maximalLocalDisplacement.

Definition at line 17 of file MRHChi2MeasurementEstimator.h.

17  :
18  Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase( maxChi2, nSigma) {}
Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase(double maxChi2, double nSigma=3.)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta ( )

Definition at line 11 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

11 : isInitialised(false) { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged ( )

Definition at line 8 of file MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged.h.

8 : isInitialised(false) { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer ( )

Definition at line 9 of file MSLayersKeeperX0DetLayer.h.

9 : isInitialised(false) { }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MultipleScatteringUpdator ( double  mass,
double  ptMin = -1. 

Specify assumed mass of particle for material effects. If ptMin > 0, then the rms muliple scattering angle will be calculated taking into account the uncertainty in the reconstructed track momentum. (By default, it is neglected). However, a lower limit on the possible value of the track Pt will be applied at ptMin, to avoid the rms multiple scattering becoming too big.

Definition at line 26 of file MultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

26  :
28  thePtMin(ptMin) {}
float ptMin() const
minimal pt of interest
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myInside ( const Local3DPoint lp,
float  tolerance 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myPhi ( int  i)

Definition at line 106 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

106 { i+=720; return ( 1 + (i-1)%360 ) ; }
int i
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myPropagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myPropagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myPropagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myPropagate ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::name ( void  ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::name ( void  ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NavCone ( const Cone cone)

Definition at line 19 of file NavCone.h.

19 : theSurfaceP(cone) {}
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > theSurfaceP
Definition: NavCone.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NavCylinder ( const Cylinder cylinder)

Definition at line 18 of file NavCylinder.h.

18 : theSurfaceP(cylinder) {}
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > theSurfaceP
Definition: NavCone.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NavPlane ( PlanePointer  plane)

Definition at line 22 of file NavPlane.h.

22 : theSurfaceP(plane) {}
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > theSurfaceP
Definition: NavCone.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NavVolume6Faces ( const PositionType pos,
const RotationType rot,
DDSolidShape  shape,
const std::vector< NavVolumeSide > &  faces,
const MagneticFieldProvider< float > *  mfp 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::NavVolume6Faces ( const MagVolume magvol,
const bool  isIron = false 

A NavVolume6Faces that corresponds exactly to a MagVolume.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nBadStripsOnTheLeft ( const Range range,
const short &  strip 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nBadStripsOnTheRight ( const Range range,
const short &  strip 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ncolumns ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 65 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

65 { return specificTopology().ncolumns(); }
virtual int ncolumns() const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ncolumns ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 174 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

174  {
175  return ( m_ncols );
176  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nearestStrip ( const LocalPoint ) const

Nearest strip to given LocalPoint

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::newCell ( const GlobalPoint f1,
const GlobalPoint f2,
const GlobalPoint f3,
const CCGFloat parm,
const DetId detId 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::newCell ( const GlobalPoint f1,
const GlobalPoint f2,
const GlobalPoint f3,
const CCGFloat parm,
const DetId detId 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static GlobalTrajectoryParameters GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::newTrajectory ( const GlobalPoint newpt,
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters oldpar,
double  bz 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextLayers ( NavigationDirection  direction) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextLayers ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
PropagationDirection  timeDirection 
) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextLayers ( NavigationDirection  direction) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const DetLayer*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextLayers ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
PropagationDirection  timeDirection 
) const

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Container GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextSurface ( const NavVolume::LocalPoint pos,
const NavVolume::LocalVector mom,
double  charge,
PropagationDirection  propDir = alongMomentum 
) const

Give a sorted list of possible surfaces to propagate to.

Implements NavVolume.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Container GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextSurface ( const NavVolume::LocalPoint pos,
const NavVolume::LocalVector mom,
double  charge,
PropagationDirection  propDir,
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Surface NotThisSurfaceP 
) const

Same, giving lowest priority to the surface we are on now (=NotThisSurface)

Implements NavVolume.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const NavVolume* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextVolume ( const NavSurface::LocalPoint point,
SurfaceOrientation::Side  side 
) const

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 24 of file NavCylinder.h.

25  {
26  return theImpl.nextVolume( point,side);
27  }
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
const NavVolume * nextVolume(const NavSurface::LocalPoint &point, SurfaceOrientation::Side side) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const NavVolume* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextVolume ( const NavSurface::LocalPoint point,
SurfaceOrientation::Side  side 
) const

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 25 of file NavCone.h.

26  {
27  return theImpl.nextVolume( point,side);
28  }
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
const NavVolume * nextVolume(const NavSurface::LocalPoint &point, SurfaceOrientation::Side side) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const NavVolume* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nextVolume ( const NavSurface::LocalPoint point,
SurfaceOrientation::Side  side 
) const

Implements NavSurface.

Definition at line 28 of file NavPlane.h.

29  {
30  return theImpl.nextVolume( point,side);
32  }
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl theImpl
Definition: NavCone.h:49
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
const NavVolume * nextVolume(const NavSurface::LocalPoint &point, SurfaceOrientation::Side side) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in north direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 22 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goNorth(), and DetId::rawId().

23  {
24  EBDetId nextId=goNorth(id);
25  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
26  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
27  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
28  return vNeighborsDetId;
29  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goNorth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology north (increment iphi)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in north direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 22 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goNorth(), and DetId::rawId().

23  {
24  EEDetId nextId= goNorth(id);
25  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
26  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
27  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
28  return vNeighborsDetId;
29  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goNorth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology north (increment iphi)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in north direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in north direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 29 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goNorth(), and DetId::rawId().

30  {
31  EEDetId nextId= goNorth(id);
32  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
33  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
34  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
35  return vNeighborsDetId;
36  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goNorth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology north (increment iphi)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in north direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 30 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goNorth(), and DetId::rawId().

31  {
32  EBDetId nextId=goNorth(id);
33  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
34  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
35  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
36  return vNeighborsDetId;
37  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goNorth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology north (increment iphi)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in north direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 30 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goNorth(), and DetId::rawId().

31  {
32  ESDetId nextId= goNorth(id);
33  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
34  if (! (nextId==ESDetId(0)))
35  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
36  return vNeighborsDetId;
37  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goNorth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology north (increment iphi)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::north ( ) const

move the navigator north

Definition at line 38 of file CaloNavigator.h.

39  {
41  return currentPoint_;
42  } ;
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::notAtSurface ( const Plane ,
const PositionTypeDouble ,
const float   
) const

Iteration control: check for significant distance to plane.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nRecHits ( ) const

Definition at line 67 of file CSCSegment.h.

67 { return theCSCRecHits.size(); }
std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > theCSCRecHits
Definition: CSCSegment.h:93
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nrows ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 64 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

64 { return specificTopology().nrows(); }
virtual int nrows() const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nrows ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 170 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

170  {
171  return ( m_nrows );
172  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nstrips ( ) const

Total number of strips

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 45 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

45 { return theNumberOfStrips;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nStrips ( ) const

Definition at line 56 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

56 {return nStrips_;}
unsigned char nStrips_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:127
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nstrips ( ) const

Total number of strips

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nstrips ( ) const

Total number of strips

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 85 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

85 {return specificTopology().nstrips();}
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nstrips ( ) const

Total number of strips

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 128 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

128 { return theNumberOfStrips; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nTimeBins ( ) const

Definition at line 70 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

70 {return nTimeBins_;}
unsigned char nTimeBins_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:127
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::numberOfAlignments ( )

Definition at line 81 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

81 { return 4 ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::numberOfAlignments ( )

Definition at line 86 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

86 { return 36 ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::numberOfParametersPerShape ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::numberOfParametersPerShape ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::numberOfShapes ( ) const

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorGeometry.

Definition at line 49 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::numberOfShapes ( ) const

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorGeometry.

Definition at line 51 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nWireGroups ( ) const

Definition at line 65 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

65 {return nWireGroups_;}
unsigned char nWireGroups_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:127
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::offsetBy ( int  deltaX,
int  deltaY 
) const

Free movement of arbitray steps.

Definition at line 80 of file CaloNavigator.h.

References funct::abs(), east, north, south, west, x, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

81  {
82  for(int x=0; x < abs(deltaX) && currentPoint_ != T(0); x++)
83  {
84  if(deltaX > 0) east();
85  else west();
86  }
88  for(int y=0; y < abs(deltaY) && currentPoint_ != T(0); y++)
89  {
90  if(deltaY > 0) north();
91  else south();
92  }
94  return currentPoint_;
96  }
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
T east() const
move the navigator east
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:52
T west() const
move the navigator west
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:59
T north() const
move the navigator north
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:38
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
long double T
T south() const
move the navigator south
Definition: CaloNavigator.h:45
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Geom::Theta<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::openingAngle ( ) const

Angle of the cone.

Definition at line 58 of file Cone.h.

58 {return theAngle;}
Geom::Theta< Scalar > theAngle
Definition: Cone.h:75
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Geom::Theta<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::openingAngle ( ) const

Definition at line 77 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

References Geom::pi(), and theta().

77  {
78  float theta = atan(((theRmaxZmax+theRminZmax)/2.-
80  return Geom::Theta<float>(theta < 0 ? theta+Geom::pi() : theta);
81  }
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
virtual float length() const
double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator!= ( const SiStripQuality ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const Vector a,
const Vector b,
const Scalar rho 
) const

Definition at line 17 of file RKCylindricalDistance.h.

References PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), mag(), CylindricalState::momentum(), and CylindricalState::position().

17  {
18  CylindricalState astate(rho,a,1.);
19  CylindricalState bstate(rho,b,1.);
20  return (astate.position()-bstate.position()).mag() +
21  (astate.momentum()-bstate.momentum()).mag() / bstate.momentum().mag();
22  }
T mag() const
The vector magnitude. Equivalent to sqrt(vec.mag2())
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( Scalar  z,
const Vector state 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( Scalar  r,
const Vector state 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const float &  r,
const float &  z 
) const

Implements HitRZCompatibility.

Definition at line 20 of file HitRCheck.h.

References PixelRecoRange< T >::inside(), and HitRZCompatibility::range().

21  { return range(z).inside(r); }
virtual Range range(const float &rORz) const
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:34
float float float z
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( Scalar  startPar,
const Vector startState,
Scalar  step,
const RKDerivative< T, N > &  deriv,
const RKDistance< T, N > &  dist,
float  eps 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Vector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( Scalar  z,
const Vector state 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const Vector rka,
const Vector rkb,
const Scalar s 
) const

Definition at line 21 of file RKCartesianDistance.h.

References a, b, Basic3DVector< T >::mag(), mag(), CartesianStateAdaptor::momentum(), and CartesianStateAdaptor::position().

21  {
22  CartesianStateAdaptor a(rka), b(rkb);
24  return (a.position()-b.position()).mag() +
25  (a.momentum() - b.momentum()).mag() / b.momentum().mag();
26  }
T mag() const
The vector magnitude. Equivalent to sqrt(vec.mag2())
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const float &  r,
const float &  z 
) const

Implements HitRZCompatibility.

Definition at line 21 of file HitZCheck.h.

References PixelRecoRange< T >::inside(), and HitRZCompatibility::range().

22  { return range(r).inside(z); }
virtual Range range(const float &rORz) const
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:34
float float float z
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const FTS originalFTS,
const GlobalPoint referencePoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const TSOS originalTSOS,
const GlobalPoint referencePoint 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator() ( const float &  r,
const float &  z 
) const

Implements HitRZCompatibility.

Definition at line 27 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

References alignCSCRings::r, and detailsBasic3DVector::z.

27  {
28  const auto & lineLeft = theRZ.lineLeft();
29  const auto & lineRight = theRZ.lineRight();
30  float cotHit = (lineLeft.origin().z()-z)/(lineLeft.origin().r()-r);
31  return lineRight.cotLine() < cotHit && cotHit < lineLeft.cotLine();
32  }
float cotLine() const
const Line & lineRight() const
float float float z
HitRZConstraint theRZ
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:41
const Line & lineLeft() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator* ( void  ) const

get the current position

Definition at line 35 of file CaloNavigator.h.

35 { return currentPoint_; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripQuality& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator+= ( const SiStripQuality )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SiStripQuality GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator- ( const SiStripQuality ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripQuality& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator-= ( const SiStripQuality )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
VertexState& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( const VertexState )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
VertexState& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( VertexState &&  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TruncatedPyramid& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( const TruncatedPyramid tr)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PixelGeomDetType& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( const PixelGeomDetType other)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion &&  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator= ( const BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit t)

Definition at line 75 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

75  {
76  return *(this);
77  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator== ( const SiStripQuality ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator== ( const VertexTrack< N > &  data) const

Equality for finding a VertexTrack in a container Compares the RecTrack addresses

Definition at line 97 of file VertexTrack.h.

98  {
99  return ((*data.linearizedTrack()) == (*linearizedTrack()));
100  }
RefCountedLinearizedTrackState linearizedTrack() const
Definition: VertexTrack.h:56
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator== ( LinearizedTrackState< 5 > &  other) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::operator== ( ReferenceCountingPointer< LinearizedTrackState< 5 > > &  other) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::oppositePropagator ( ) const

Definition at line 81 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

81 {return theOppositePropagator;}
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial * theOppositePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GeomDetUnit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::originalDet ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

53  {
54  return static_cast<const GeomDetUnit*>(theOriginalDet);
55  }
const GeomDet * theOriginalDet
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripRecHit2D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::originalHit ( ) const

Definition at line 59 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References TrackerSingleRecHit::omniClusterRef().

unsigned int originalId() const
OmniClusterRef const & omniClusterRef() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::originalId ( ) const

Definition at line 56 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References trackerHitRTTI::projId().

56 { return trackerHitRTTI::projId(*this);}
unsigned int projId(TrackingRecHit const &hit)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::originToIntersection ( ) const

(y) distance from intersection of the projections of the strips to the local coordinate origin. Same as centreToIntersection() if symmetry centre of strip plane coincides with local origin.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 196 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::outerRadius ( void  ) const

Definition at line 21 of file BoundDiskSector.h.

References Surface::bounds().

21 { return bounds().outerRadius();}
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::outerRadius ( ) const

Definition at line 38 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

38 {return theRmax;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::outerRadius ( void  ) const

Definition at line 41 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

41 {return theRmax;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::outerRadius ( ) const

The outer radius of the disk.

Definition at line 58 of file BoundDisk.h.

References Surface::bounds(), and GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::outerRadius().

Referenced by GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::outerRadius().

58 { return static_cast<const SimpleDiskBounds&>(bounds()).outerRadius();}
float outerRadius() const
The outer radius of the disk.
Definition: BoundDisk.h:58
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::overlap ( const GlobalPoint gpos,
const GeometricSearchDet ring,
float  window 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::overlap ( const GlobalPoint gpos,
const GeomDet det,
float  phiWin 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::overlapInR ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
int  i,
double  ymax 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parameters ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 14 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::localPosition(), query::result, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y().

14  {
17  result[0] = lp.x();
18  result[1] = lp.y();
19  return result;
20  }
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
tuple result
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
CLHEP::HepVector AlgebraicVector
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parameters ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 14 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

References query::result.

14  {
16  result[0] = charge_/fabs(mom_);
17  return result;
18  }
tuple result
CLHEP::HepVector AlgebraicVector
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parameters ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 18 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

18 {return theHitData.parameters();}
virtual AlgebraicVector parameters() const
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parameters ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 29 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References asHepVector().

29 { return asHepVector( tsos_.localParameters().vector() ); }
const LocalTrajectoryParameters & localParameters() const
AlgebraicVector5 vector() const
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
CLHEP::HepVector asHepVector(const ROOT::Math::SVector< double, N > &v)
Definition: Migration.h:43
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parameters ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parameters ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 19 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

References TrackingRecHit::det(), and HelpertRecHit2DLocalPos::parError().

19  {
21  //return theHitData.parametersError();
22  }
static AlgebraicSymMatrix parError(const LocalError &le, const GeomDet &det)
virtual const GeomDet * det() const
virtual LocalError localPositionError() const GCC11_FINAL
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 20 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

References m.

20  {
22  m[0][0] = err_/(mom_*mom_);//parametersErrors are squared
23  m[0][0] *= m[0][0];
24  return m;
25  }
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 22 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References asciidump::le, TrackingRecHit::localPositionError(), m, LocalError::xx(), LocalError::xy(), and LocalError::yy().

22  {
25  m[0][0] = le.xx();
26  m[0][1] = le.xy();
27  m[1][1] = le.yy();
28  return m;
29  }
virtual LocalError localPositionError() const
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 31 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References asHepMatrix().

31 { return asHepMatrix( tsos_.localError().matrix() ); }
CLHEP::HepMatrix asHepMatrix(const ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, N1, N2, typename ROOT::Math::MatRepStd< double, N1, N2 > > &rm)
Definition: Migration.h:49
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 & matrix() const
const LocalTrajectoryError & localError() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersError ( ) const

Covariance matrix of parameters()

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 48 of file CSCSegment.h.

48 { return theCovMatrix; }
AlgebraicSymMatrix theCovMatrix
Definition: CSCSegment.h:96
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersError ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const AlgebraicVector5& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::parametersFromExpansion ( ) const

Method returning the parameters of the Taylor expansion

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const Plane plane)

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the plane. The starting point is given in the constructor.

Implements HelixPlaneCrossing.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const Plane )

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the plane. The starting point is given in the constructor.

Implements HelixPlaneCrossing.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const Plane plane)

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the plane.

Implements HelixPlaneCrossing.

Definition at line 26 of file HelixForwardPlaneCrossing.h.

References funct::abs(), alongMomentum, bookConverter::min, oppositeToMomentum, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), unlikely, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

26  {
27  //
28  // Protect against p_z=0 and calculate path length
29  //
30  if unlikely( std::abs(theCosTheta)<std::numeric_limits<float>::min() ) return std::pair<bool,double>(false,0);
32  double dS = (plane.position().z()-theZ0) / theCosTheta;
34  // negative logic to avoid checking for anyDirection...
35  return std::make_pair( ! (
36  ( (thePropDir==alongMomentum) & (dS<0.) ) |
37  ( (thePropDir==oppositeToMomentum) & (dS>0.) )
38  ) , dS);
40  }
float float float z
#define unlikely(x)
Definition: Likely.h:21
const PropagationDirection thePropDir
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
return(e1-e2)*(e1-e2)+dp *dp
GlobalPoint position() const
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const GlobalPoint point) const

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the closest approach. to the point. The starting point is given in the constructor.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const Line line) const

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the closest approach to the line. The starting point is given in the constructor.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const GlobalPoint point) const

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the closest approach to the point. The starting point is given in the constructor.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const Plane )

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the plane. The starting point is given in the constructor.

Implements HelixPlaneCrossing.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( const Line line) const

Propagation status (true if valid) and (signed) path length along the helix from the starting point to the closest approach to the line. The starting point is given in the constructor.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<double, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLength ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pathLengthFromCoefficients ( const double  ceq[4]) const

common part for propagation to point and line

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PerigeeLinearizedTrackState ( const GlobalPoint linP,
const reco::TransientTrack track,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos 

Constructor with the linearization point and the track. Private, can only be used by LinearizedTrackFactory.

Definition at line 151 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

153  : theLinPoint(linP), theTrack(track),
154  theTSOS(tsos), theCharge(theTrack.charge()), jacobiansAvailable(false) {}
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface theTSOS
reco::TransientTrack theTrack
TrackCharge charge() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::phiHalfExtension ( ) const

Definition at line 22 of file BoundDiskSector.h.

References Surface::bounds().

22 { return bounds().phiHalfExtension();}
DiskSectorBounds const & bounds() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::phiHalfExtension ( ) const

Definition at line 42 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

42 {return thePhiExtH;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Margin& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::phiMargin ( ) const

defined phi range around phi0, margin is [phi_left,phi_right]. region is defined in a range: [phi0-phi_left, phi0+phi_right]

Definition at line 152 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

152 { return thePhiMargin; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::phiOfOneEdge ( ) const

Convenience function to access azimuthal angle of extreme edge of first strip measured relative to long symmetry axis of the plane of strips.

WARNING! This angle is measured clockwise from the local y axis which means it is in the conventional azimuthal phi plane, but azimuth is of course measured from local x axis not y. The range of this angle is -(full angle)/2 to +(full angle)/2.
where (full angle) = nstrips() * angularWidth().

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 210 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

210 { return thePhiOfOneEdge; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::phiPitch ( void  ) const

Phi pitch of each strip (= angular width!)

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 172 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

172 { return angularWidth(); }
float angularWidth() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OuterHitPhiPrediction GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::phiWindow ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pitch ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 39 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

39 { return thePitch; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pitch ( ) const

Pitch in the middle of the DetUnit

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<float,float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pitch ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 63 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

63 { return specificTopology().pitch(); }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual std::pair< float, float > pitch() const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pitch ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 78 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

78 { return specificTopology().pitch(); }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual std::pair< float, float > pitch() const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<float,float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pitch ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 166 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

166  {
167  return std::pair<float,float>( float(m_pitchx), float(m_pitchy));
168  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<float,float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pixel ( const LocalPoint p) const

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<float,float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pixel ( const LocalPoint p,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles ltp 
) const

conversion taking also the angle from the track state

Reimplemented from PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<float,float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pixel ( const LocalPoint p) const

Implements PixelTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PixelBlade ( std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  frontDets,
std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  backDets 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const PixelClusterParameterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pixelClusterParameterEstimator ( ) const

Definition at line 27 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

27 {return pixelCPE;}
const PixelClusterParameterEstimator * pixelCPE
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PixelForwardLayer ( std::vector< const PixelBlade * > &  blades)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PixelForwardLayerPhase1 ( std::vector< const PixelBlade * > &  blades)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PixelGeomDetType ( TopologyType t,
std::string const &  name,
SubDetector det 

Definition at line 17 of file PixelGeomDetType.h.

17  :
19  theTopology(t){}
virtual const GeomDet * det() const
TopologyType * theTopology
virtual std::string name() const
GeomDetType(const std::string &name, SubDetector subdet)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PixelGeomDetType ( const PixelGeomDetType &  other)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PixelRod ( std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  theDets)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<GlobalPoint, GlobalPoint> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::points ( ) const

Returns the two PCA on the trajectories.

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<GlobalPoint, GlobalPoint> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::points ( ) const

Returns the two PCA on the trajectories.

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pointsHelixHelix ( const GlobalTrajectoryParameters sta,
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pointsHelixLine ( const GlobalTrajectoryParameters sta,
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pointsLineLine ( const GlobalTrajectoryParameters sta,
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters stb 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pos ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( double  s) const

Returns the position along the helix that corresponds to path length "s" from the starting point. If s is obtained from the pathLength method the position is the destination point, i.e. the position at the closest approach (if it exists!) is given by position( pathLength(line) ).

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( ) const

Access methods

Implements BasicVertexState.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

Implements HelixLineExtrapolation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::position ( ) const

Access methods

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 50 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

51  {
52  return data().position();
53  }
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionCorrection ( const LocalPoint pos,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles dir 
) const

Internal method to get correction of the position from SurfaceDeformation, must not be called if 'theSurfaceDeformation' is a null pointer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionCorrection ( const Topology::LocalTrackPred trk) const

Internal method to get correction of the position from SurfaceDeformation, must not be called if 'theSurfaceDeformation' is a null pointer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionCorrection ( const LocalPoint pos,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles dir 
) const

Internal method to get correction of the position from SurfaceDeformation, must not be called if 'theSurfaceDeformation' is a null pointer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionCorrection ( const Topology::LocalTrackPred trk) const

Internal method to get correction of the position from SurfaceDeformation, must not be called if 'theSurfaceDeformation' is a null pointer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PositionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionInDouble ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PositionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionInDouble ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PositionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionInDouble ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point in double precision.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PositionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionInDouble ( double  s) const

Position at pathlength s from the starting point in double precision.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const AlgebraicMatrix53& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionJacobian ( ) const

Method returning the Position Jacobian from the Taylor expansion (Matrix A)

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::positionWithinStrip ( ) const

The estimated position within the strip.

Definition at line 76 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

76 { return thePositionWithinStrip; };
float thePositionWithinStrip
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:117
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::predictedState ( ) const

Method returning the track state at the point of closest approach to the linearization point, in the transverse plane (a.k.a. transverse impact point).

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrix55 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::predictedStateError ( ) const

Method returning the covariance matrix of the track state at the transverse impact point.

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrix33 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::predictedStateMomentumError ( ) const

Method returning the momentum covariance matrix of the track state at the transverse impact point.

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector3 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::predictedStateMomentumParameters ( ) const

Method returning the momentum part of the parameters of the track state at the linearization point.

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector5 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::predictedStateParameters ( ) const

Method returning the parameters of the track state at the transverse impact point.

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrix55 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::predictedStateWeight ( int &  error) const

Method returning the weight matrix of the track state at the transverse impact point. The error variable is 0 in case of success.

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::print ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::print ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::print ( ) const

Print the content of the RecHit2D including L1A (for debugging)

Reimplemented from TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::print ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRegion.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::printActiveFedsInfo ( const std::vector< uint16_t > &  activeFedsFromCabling,
const std::vector< int > &  activeFedsFromRunInfo,
const std::vector< int > &  differentFeds,
const bool  printDebug 

Prints debug output for the active feds comparing the list in RunInfo and FedCabling.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::printDetInfo ( const uint32_t &  detId,
const uint32_t &  apvPairNumber,
std::stringstream &  ss 

Prints debug output for a given detId.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::probabilityQ ( ) const

Definition at line 98 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::probabilityQ(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

98  {
100  }
float probabilityQ(QualWordType qualWord) const
static const Packing thePacking
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::probabilityX ( ) const

Definition at line 87 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::probabilityX(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

87  {
89  }
static const Packing thePacking
float probabilityX(QualWordType qualWord) const
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::probabilityXY ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::probabilityXY(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

95  {
97  }
static const Packing thePacking
float probabilityXY(QualWordType qualWord) const
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::probabilityY ( ) const

Definition at line 90 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::probabilityY(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

90  {
92  }
static const Packing thePacking
float probabilityY(QualWordType qualWord) const
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::producerTag ( )

Definition at line 79 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

79 { return "EcalEndcap" ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static std::string GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::producerTag ( )

Definition at line 84 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

84 { return "EcalBarrel" ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D ( )

Definition at line 18 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

18 : theOriginalDet(nullptr) {}
const GeomDet * theOriginalDet
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
GeomDet const &  idet,
SiStripRecHit2D const &  originalHit 

Definition at line 20 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

22  :
23  TrackerSingleRecHit(pos, err, idet,
25  originalHit.omniCluster()),
27 // std::cout << getRTTI() << ' ' << originalHit.rawId() << ' ' << idet.geographicalId().rawId() << ' ' << originalId() << std::endl;
28  assert(originalId()==originalHit.rawId());
29  }
unsigned int originalId() const
static bool isMono(GeomDet const &gdet, GeomDet const &sdet)
const GeomDet * theOriginalDet
SiStripRecHit2D originalHit() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename CluRef >
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
GeomDet const &  idet,
GeomDet const &  originalDet,
CluRef const &  clus 

Definition at line 32 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References GeomDet::geographicalId().

34  :
35  TrackerSingleRecHit(pos, err, idet,
37  clus),
40  }
unsigned int originalId() const
DetId geographicalId() const
The label of this GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:72
const GeomDetUnit * originalDet() const
static bool isMono(GeomDet const &gdet, GeomDet const &sdet)
const GeomDet * theOriginalDet
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectionMatrix ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 24 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

References TrackingRecHit::projectionMatrix().

24  {
26  return projectionMatrix;
27  }
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix() const
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectionMatrix ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 27 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

References theProjectionMatrix.

27  {
29  theProjectionMatrix = AlgebraicMatrix( 1, 5, 0);
30  theProjectionMatrix[0][0] = 1;
31  return theProjectionMatrix;
32  }
static const AlgebraicMatrix theProjectionMatrix
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectionMatrix ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 28 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

28 {return theHitData.projectionMatrix();}
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
virtual AlgebraicMatrix projectionMatrix() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectionMatrix ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 31 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

References theProjectionMatrix.

31  {
33  theProjectionMatrix = AlgebraicMatrix( 2, 5, 0);
34  theProjectionMatrix[0][3] = 1;
35  theProjectionMatrix[1][4] = 1;
36  return theProjectionMatrix;
37  }
static const AlgebraicMatrix theProjectionMatrix
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectionMatrix ( ) const

The projection matrix relates the trajectory state parameters to the segment parameters().

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectionMatrix ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 63 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

References theProjectionMatrix.

63  {
64  return theProjectionMatrix;
65  }
static const AlgebraicMatrix theProjectionMatrix
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectOnGluedDet ( const std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &  hits,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename HitCollector >
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectOnGluedDet ( HitCollector &  collector,
const std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &  hits,
const GlobalVector gdir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectOnGluedDet ( const RecHitContainer hits,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename HitCollector >
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::projectOnGluedDet ( HitCollector &  collector,
const RecHitContainer hits,
const GlobalVector gdir 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const Propagator prop,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState 
) const

hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface.

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const Propagator prop,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState 
) const

hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface.

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const Propagator prop,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState 
) const

hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface.

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const SteppingHelixStateInfo ftsStart,
const Surface sDest,
SteppingHelixStateInfo out 
) const

Propagate to Plane given a starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const SteppingHelixStateInfo ftsStart,
const Plane pDest,
SteppingHelixStateInfo out 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const SteppingHelixStateInfo ftsStart,
const Cylinder cDest,
SteppingHelixStateInfo out 
) const

Propagate to Cylinder given a starting point (a Cylinder is assumed to be positioned at 0,0,0)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const SteppingHelixStateInfo ftsStart,
const GlobalPoint pDest,
SteppingHelixStateInfo out 
) const

Propagate to PCA to point given a starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( const SteppingHelixStateInfo ftsStart,
const GlobalPoint pDest1,
const GlobalPoint pDest2,
SteppingHelixStateInfo out 
) const

Propagate to PCA to a line (given by 2 points) given a starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Result GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagate ( StateArray svBuff,
int &  nPoints,
SteppingHelixPropagator::DestType  type,
const double  pars[6],
double  epsilon = 1e-3 
) const

propagate: chose stop point by type argument propagate to fixed radius [ r = sqrt(x**2+y**2) ] with precision epsilon propagate to plane by [x0,y0,z0, n_x, n_y, n_z] parameters

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagatedState ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Surface surface,
const AlgebraicMatrix55 jacobian,
const GlobalPoint x,
const GlobalVector p 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagatedState ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Surface surface,
const AlgebraicMatrix55 jacobian,
const LocalPoint x,
const LocalVector p 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagatedStateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Surface surface,
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtp,
const double &  s 
) const

propagation of errors (if needed) and generation of a new TSOS

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateParametersOnCylinder ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder cylinder,
GlobalPoint x,
GlobalVector p,
double &  s 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalParametersWithPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateParametersOnCylinder ( const FreeTrajectoryState ts,
const Cylinder cyl 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateParametersOnCylinder ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder cylinder,
GlobalPoint x,
GlobalVector p,
double &  s 
) const

parameter propagation to cylinder (returns position, momentum and path length)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalParametersWithPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateParametersOnPlane ( const FreeTrajectoryState ts,
const Plane plane 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateParametersOnPlane ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane,
LocalPoint x,
LocalVector p,
double &  s 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateParametersOnPlane ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane,
GlobalPoint x,
GlobalVector p,
double &  s 
) const

parameter propagation to plane (returns position, momentum and path length)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithHelixCrossing ( HelixPlaneCrossing ,
const Plane ,
const float  ,
GlobalPoint ,
GlobalVector ,
double &  s 
) const

helix parameter propagation to a plane using HelixPlaneCrossing

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithLineCrossing ( const GlobalPoint ,
const GlobalVector ,
const Plane ,
GlobalPoint ,
double &   
) const

straight line parameter propagation to a plane

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithLineCrossing ( const GlobalPoint ,
const GlobalVector ,
const Cylinder ,
GlobalPoint ,
double &   
) const

straight line parameter propagation to a cylinder

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual NavSurface::TSOSwithPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const Propagator prop,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState 
) const

hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface.

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual NavSurface::TSOSwithPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const Propagator prop,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState 
) const

hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface.

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TSOS,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane surface 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Plane  
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual NavSurface::TSOSwithPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const Propagator prop,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState 
) const

hook for double dispatch to avoid propagation to generic surface.

Implements NavSurface.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TSOS,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder surface 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ,
const Cylinder  
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane 
) const

propagation to plane with path length

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Plane plane 
) const

Reimplemented from Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder cylinder 
) const

propagation to cylinder with path length

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Cylinder cylinder 
) const

Reimplemented from Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder cylinder 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder cylinder 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Plane plane 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState fts,
const Cylinder cylinder 
) const

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Plane sur 
) const

Reimplemented from Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Cylinder sur 
) const

Reimplemented from Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const Plane pDest 
) const

Propagate to Plane given a starting point: return final TrajectoryState and path length from start to this point

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const Cylinder cDest 
) const

Propagate to Cylinder given a starting point: return final TrajectoryState and path length from start to this point

Implements Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<FreeTrajectoryState, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const GlobalPoint pDest 
) const

Propagate to PCA to point given a starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<FreeTrajectoryState, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const GlobalPoint pDest1,
const GlobalPoint pDest2 
) const

Propagate to PCA to a line (given by 2 points) given a starting point.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::pair<FreeTrajectoryState, double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagateWithPath ( const FreeTrajectoryState ftsStart,
const reco::BeamSpot beamSpot 
) const

Propagate to PCA to a line (given by beamSpot position and slope) given a starting point.

Reimplemented from Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PropagationException ( const std::string &  message)
throw (

Definition at line 17 of file PropagationExceptions.h.

std::string message() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagator ( void  ) const

Definition at line 49 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

49 {return thePropagator;}
const Propagator * thePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::propagator ( void  ) const

Definition at line 85 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

85 {return thePropagator;}
const Propagator * thePropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::PropagatorWithMaterial ( PropagationDirection  dir,
const float  mass,
const MagneticField mf = 0,
const float  maxDPhi = 1.6,
bool  useRungeKutta = false,
float  ptMin = -1.,
bool  useOldGeoPropLogic = true 

Constructor with PropagationDirection and mass hypothesis. Uses AnalyticalPropagator and CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator with explicit mass hypothesis.MaxDPhi is a cut on the max change in phi during state propagation. For propagation of very low pt tracks (e.g. loopers), this cut can be loosened. If ptMin > 0, then multiple scattering calculations will take into account the uncertainty in the reconstructed track momentum, (by default neglected), but assuming that the track Pt will never fall below ptMin.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ProxyPixelTopology ( PixelGeomDetType const *  type,
Plane bp 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ProxyStripTopology ( StripGeomDetType const *  type,
Plane bp 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::put_replace ( const uint32_t &  DetId,
Range  input 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::qBin ( ) const

Definition at line 105 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::qBin(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

105  {
107  }
static const Packing thePacking
int qBin(QualWordType qualWord) const
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::quality ( ) const

quality flag of the reconstruction

Definition at line 82 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

82 { return theQuality;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::radius ( ) const

Radius of the cylinder.

Definition at line 67 of file Cylinder.h.

67 {return theRadius;}
Scalar theRadius
Definition: Cylinder.h:93
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::radius ( void  ) const

radius of circle passing through the middle of the det with center at the crossing of the two sides.

Definition at line 74 of file TrapezoidalStripTopology.h.

74 { return theDistToBeam;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Range GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::range ( const float &  z) const

Implements HitRZCompatibility.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Range GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::range ( const float &  radius) const

Implements HitRZCompatibility.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Range GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::range ( const float &  rORz) const

Implements HitRZCompatibility.

Definition at line 34 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

34  {
35  return (isBarrel) ?
36  HitZCheck(theRZ).range(rORz) : HitRCheck(theRZ).range(rORz);
37  }
bool isBarrel() const
HitRZConstraint theRZ
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:41
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rawId ( ) const

Definition at line 109 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

109 { return conditionSet().id(index()); }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
unsigned int id(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiPixelRecHitQuality::QualWordType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rawQualityWord ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

80  {
81  return qualWord_ ;
82  }
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::readParameters ( const std::string  )

Read parametrization from file.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Polynomial GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::readPolynomial ( std::ifstream &  ,
const int   

Read coefficients of one polynomial from file.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const

Implements MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( SimpleHitContainer result,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stateOnThisDet,
const MeasurementEstimator ,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const

Reimplemented from MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 39 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

39  {
40  return theHitData.recHits();
41  }
virtual std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > recHits() const
Access to component RecHits (if any)
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 42 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

42  {
43  return theHitData.recHits();
44  }
virtual std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > recHits() const
Access to component RecHits (if any)
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 44 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

44 { return std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>(); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 45 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

45 { return std::vector<TrackingRecHit*>(); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 46 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

46 { return std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>(); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 46 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

46 { return std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>(); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 47 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

47 { return std::vector<TrackingRecHit*>(); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 47 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

47 { return std::vector<TrackingRecHit*>(); }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 56 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

56  {
57  return std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*>();
58  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 59 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

59  {
60  return std::vector<TrackingRecHit*>();
61  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( ) const

Access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 62 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References HI_PhotonSkim_cff::rechits.

62  {
63  std::vector<const TrackingRecHit*> rechits;
64  return rechits;
65  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( )

Non-const access to component RecHits (if any)

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

Definition at line 66 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

References HI_PhotonSkim_cff::rechits.

66  {
67  std::vector<TrackingRecHit*> rechits;
68  return rechits;
69  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const

Implements MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( SimpleHitContainer result,
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stateOnThisDet,
const MeasurementEstimator ,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data 
) const

Reimplemented from MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::recHits ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface stateOnThisDet,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
RecHitContainer result,
std::vector< float > &  diffs 
) const

Reimplemented from MeasurementDet.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion ( RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &  rh)

Definition at line 49 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

49  :
50  TrackingRegion(rh),
51  theEtaRange(rh.theEtaRange),
52  theLambdaRange(rh.theLambdaRange),
53  thePhiMargin(rh.thePhiMargin),
54  theMeanLambda(rh.theMeanLambda),
55  theMeasurementTrackerUsage(rh.theMeasurementTrackerUsage),
56  thePrecise(rh.thePrecise),
57  theUseEtaPhi(rh.theUseEtaPhi),
58  theMeasurementTracker(rh.theMeasurementTracker) {}
TrackingRegion(const GlobalVector &direction, const GlobalPoint &originPos, const Range &invPtRange, const float &originRBound, const float &originZBound)
const UseMeasurementTracker theMeasurementTrackerUsage
const MeasurementTrackerEvent * theMeasurementTracker
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion ( RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion &&  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion ( const GlobalVector dir,
const GlobalPoint vertexPos,
float  ptMin,
float  rVertex,
float  zVertex,
float  deltaEta,
float  deltaPhi,
UseMeasurementTracker  whereToUseMeasurementTracker = UseMeasurementTracker::kNever,
bool  precise = true,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent measurementTracker = nullptr,
bool  etaPhiRegion = false 

constructor (symmetric eta and phi margins).
dir - the direction around which region is constructed
the initial direction of the momentum of the particle should be in the range
phi of dir +- deltaPhi
eta of dir +- deltaEta

vertexPos - the position of the vertex (origin) of the of the region.
It is a centre of cylinder constraind with rVertex, zVertex. The track of the particle should cross the cylinder
WARNING: in the current implementaion the vertexPos is supposed to be placed on the beam line, i.e. to be of the form (0,0,float)

ptMin - minimal pt of interest
rVertex - radius of the cylinder around beam line where the tracks of interest should point to.
zVertex - half height of the cylinder around the beam line where the tracks of interest should point to.
deltaEta - allowed deviation of the initial direction of particle in eta in respect to direction of the region
deltaPhi - allowed deviation of the initial direction of particle in phi in respect to direction of the region whereToUseMeasurementTracker: 1=everywhere, 0=outside pixles, -1=nowhere

Definition at line 91 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

99  : RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion(dir, vertexPos, Range( -1/ptMin, 1/ptMin), rVertex, zVertex,
102  whereToUseMeasurementTracker, precise,
103  measurementTracker, etaPhiRegion)
104  {}
CCGFloat deltaPhi(const DetId &detId) const
TkTrackingRegionsMargin< float > Margin
Definition: HitRCheck.h:14
CCGFloat deltaEta(const DetId &detId) const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion(RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &rh)
float ptMin() const
minimal pt of interest
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion ( const GlobalVector dir,
const GlobalPoint vertexPos,
float  ptMin,
float  rVertex,
float  zVertex,
Margin  etaMargin,
Margin  phiMargin,
UseMeasurementTracker  whereToUseMeasurementTracker = UseMeasurementTracker::kNever,
bool  precise = true,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent measurementTracker = nullptr,
bool  etaPhiRegion = false 

constructor (asymmetrinc eta and phi margins).
non equal left-right eta and phi bounds around direction are possible. The ranges are defined using Margin. the meaning of other arguments is the same as in the case of symmetring bounds to direction of the region.

Definition at line 112 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

121  : RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion(dir, vertexPos, Range( -1/ptMin, 1/ptMin), rVertex, zVertex,
122  etaMargin, phiMargin,
123  whereToUseMeasurementTracker, precise,
124  measurementTracker, etaPhiRegion)
125  {}
const Margin & phiMargin() const
RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion(RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion const &rh)
float ptMin() const
minimal pt of interest
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion ( const GlobalVector dir,
const GlobalPoint vertexPos,
Range  invPtRange,
float  rVertex,
float  zVertex,
Margin  etaMargin,
Margin  phiMargin,
UseMeasurementTracker  whereToUseMeasurementTracker = UseMeasurementTracker::kNever,
bool  precise = true,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent measurementTracker = nullptr,
bool  etaPhiRegion = false 

constructor (explicit pt range, asymmetrinc eta and phi margins).
the meaning of other arguments is the same as in the case of symmetring bounds to direction of the region.

Definition at line 131 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

141  : TrackingRegionBase( dir, vertexPos, invPtRange, rVertex, zVertex),
142  thePhiMargin( phiMargin), theMeasurementTrackerUsage(whereToUseMeasurementTracker), thePrecise(precise),theUseEtaPhi(etaPhiRegion),
143  theMeasurementTracker(measurementTracker)
144  { initEtaRange(dir, etaMargin); }
const Margin & phiMargin() const
const UseMeasurementTracker theMeasurementTrackerUsage
const MeasurementTrackerEvent * theMeasurementTracker
Range invPtRange() const
inverse pt range
void initEtaRange(const GlobalVector &dir, const Margin &margin)
TrackingRegion TrackingRegionBase
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularPixelTopology ( int  nrows,
int  ncols,
float  pitchx,
float  pitchy,
bool  upgradeGeometry,
int  ROCS_X,
int  ROCS_Y 

Definition at line 50 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

References fireworks::COLS_PER_ROC, LogDebug, and fireworks::ROWS_PER_ROC.

57  : m_pitchx( pitchx ),
58  m_pitchy( pitchy ),
59  m_nrows( nrows ),
60  m_ncols( ncols ),
61  m_ROWS_PER_ROC( ROWS_PER_ROC ), // Num of Rows per ROC
62  m_COLS_PER_ROC( COLS_PER_ROC ), // Num of Cols per ROC
63  m_ROCS_X( ROCS_X ), // 2 for SLHC
64  m_ROCS_Y( ROCS_Y ), // 8 for SLHC
65  m_upgradeGeometry( upgradeGeometry )
66  {
67  // Calculate the edge of the active sensor with respect to the center,
68  // that is simply the half-size.
69  // Take into account large pixels
71  m_pitchx;
73  m_pitchy;
75  LogDebug("RectangularPixelTopology") << "nrows " << m_nrows << ", ncols " << m_ncols << ", pitchx "
76  << m_pitchx << ", pitchy " << m_pitchy << ", xoffset "
77  << m_xoffset << ", yoffset " << m_yoffset << ", BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X "
79  << ROWS_PER_ROC << ", COLS_PER_ROC " << COLS_PER_ROC << ", ROCS_X " << ROCS_X << ", ROCS_Y " << ROCS_Y
80  << "\nNROWS " << m_ROWS_PER_ROC * m_ROCS_X << ", NCOL " << m_COLS_PER_ROC * m_ROCS_Y;
81  }
#define LogDebug(id)
static const int COLS_PER_ROC
static const int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_Y
static const int ROWS_PER_ROC
virtual int nrows() const
static const int BIG_PIX_PER_ROC_X
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularPlaneBounds ( float  w,
float  h,
float  t 

Construct from half width (extension in local X), half length (Y) and half thickness (Z)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RectangularStripTopology ( int  nstrips,
float  pitch,
float  detlength 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ReduceGranularity ( double  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVectorN GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refittedParamFromEquation ( ) const

Method helping Kalman vertex fit

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual AlgebraicVector5 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refittedParamFromEquation ( const RefCountedRefittedTrackState theRefittedState) const

Method returning the parameters of the Taylor expansion evaluated with the refitted state.

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RefCountedRefittedTrackState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refittedState ( ) const

Track state with vertex constraint

Definition at line 74 of file VertexTrack.h.

74  {
75  if (!refittedStateAvailable()) {
76  throw VertexException("VertexTrack::refitted state not available");
77  }
78  return theRefittedState;
79  }
RefCountedRefittedTrackState theRefittedState
Definition: VertexTrack.h:114
Common base class.
bool refittedStateAvailable() const
Definition: VertexTrack.h:59
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refittedStateAvailable ( ) const

Definition at line 59 of file VertexTrack.h.

59 { return stAvailable; }
bool stAvailable
Definition: VertexTrack.h:112
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Result GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refToDest ( DestType  dest,
const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  sv,
const double  pars[6],
double &  dist,
double &  tanDist,
PropagationDirection refDirection,
double  fastSkipDist = 1e12 
) const

(Internals) determine distance and direction from the current position to the plane

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Result GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refToMagVolume ( const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  sv,
PropagationDirection  dir,
double &  dist,
double &  tanDist,
double  fastSkipDist = 1e12,
bool  expectNewMagVolume = false,
double  maxStep = 1e12 
) const

(Internals) determine distance and direction from the current position to the boundary of current mag volume

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Result GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::refToMatVolume ( const SteppingHelixPropagator::StateInfo &  sv,
PropagationDirection  dir,
double &  dist,
double &  tanDist,
double  fastSkipDist = 1e12 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rescaleError ( double  factor)

Rescaling the error of the mixture with a given factor. Please note that this rescaling is imposed on each of the components of the mixture and does therefore not exactly correspond to rescaling theCombinedState with the same factor.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::array<int,3> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ringIndicesByCrossingProximity ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface startingState,
const Propagator prop 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rkMomentum ( const GlobalVector mom) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Basic3DVector<double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rkPosition ( const GlobalPoint pos) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RKPropagatorInR ( const MagVolume vol,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum 

Definition at line 10 of file RKPropagatorInR.h.

10  :
11  Propagator(dir), theVolume( &vol) {}
Propagator(PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
Definition: Propagator.h:48
const MagVolume * theVolume
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RKPropagatorInS ( const MagVolume vol,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum,
double  tolerance = 5.e-5 

Definition at line 27 of file RKPropagatorInS.h.

28  :
29  Propagator(dir), theVolume( &vol), theTolerance( tolerance) {}
Propagator(PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
Definition: Propagator.h:48
const MagVolume * theVolume
Margin theTolerance
Definition: HitRCheck.h:31
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::RKPropagatorInZ ( const MagVolume vol,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum 

Definition at line 10 of file RKPropagatorInZ.h.

10  :
11  Propagator(dir), theVolume( &vol) {}
Propagator(PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
Definition: Propagator.h:48
const MagVolume * theVolume
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rocsX ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 67 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

67 { return specificTopology().rocsX(); }
virtual int rocsX() const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rocsX ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 182 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

182  {
183  return m_ROCS_X;
184  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rocsY ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 66 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

66 { return specificTopology().rocsY(); }
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
virtual int rocsY() const =0
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rocsY ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 178 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

178  {
179  return m_ROCS_Y;
180  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rowsperroc ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 68 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

68 { return specificTopology().rowsperroc(); }
virtual int rowsperroc() const =0
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rowsperroc ( ) const

Implements PixelTopology.

Definition at line 186 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

186  {
187  return m_ROWS_PER_ROC;
188  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
HitRZConstraint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rzConstraint ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubTurbineCrossings crossings,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubTurbineCrossings crossings,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  innerDisk 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubRingCrossings crossings,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::searchNeighbors ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const Propagator prop,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const SubLayerCrossing crossing,
float  window,
std::vector< DetGroup > &  result,
bool  checkClosest 
) const

Implements TBLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::secondAngle ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Definition at line 11 of file SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator.h.

11  :
SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)

Definition at line 9 of file SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator.h.

9  :
SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sensorThickness ( const DetId detid) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::set128StripStatus ( bool  good,
int  idx = -1 

Sets the status of a block of 128 strips (or all blocks if idx=-1)

Definition at line 228 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References customizeTrackingMonitorSeedNumber::idx, and cmsHarvester::index.

228  {
230  }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
tuple idx
DEBUGGING if hasattr(process,&quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012&quot;): print &quot;trackMonIterativeTracking2012 D...
void set128StripStatus(int i, bool good, int idx=-1)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setActiveThisEvent ( StMeasurementDetSet theDets,
bool  active 
) const

Turn on/off the module for reconstruction for one events. This per-event flag is cleared by any call to 'update' or 'setEmpty'.

Definition at line 222 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index, and StMeasurementDetSet::setActiveThisEvent().

222 { theDets.setActiveThisEvent(index(),active); }
int index() const
void setActiveThisEvent(int i, bool active)
Turn on/off the module for reconstruction for one events. This per-event flag is cleared by any call ...
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setActiveThisPeriod ( StMeasurementDetSet theDets,
bool  active 

Turn on/off the module for reconstruction, for the full run or lumi (using info from DB, usually).

Definition at line 218 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

218 { conditionSet().setActive(index(),active);}
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
void setActive(int i, bool active)
Turn on/off the module for reconstruction, for the full run or lumi (using info from DB...
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setAdditionalLink ( const DetLayer ,
NavigationDirection  direction = insideOut 

Implements SimpleNavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setAdditionalLink ( const DetLayer ,
NavigationDirection  direction = insideOut 

Implements SimpleNavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setAnnealingFactor ( float  annealing)

interface needed to set and read back an annealing value that has been applied to the current hit error matrix when using it as a component for a composite rec hit (useful for the DAF)

Definition at line 49 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

49 {annealing_ = annealing;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setBasketSizeInPhi ( const int &  PhiBaskets)

Definition at line 70 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

70 { _PhiBaskets=PhiBaskets ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setClusterRef ( ClusterRef const &  ref)

Definition at line 29 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

References TrackerSingleRecHit::setClusterStripRef().

29 {setClusterStripRef(ref);}
void setClusterStripRef(ClusterStripRef const &ref)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setClusterRef ( ClusterRef const &  ref)

Definition at line 30 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

References TrackerSingleRecHit::setClusterStripRef().

30 {setClusterStripRef(ref);}
void setClusterStripRef(ClusterStripRef const &ref)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setClusterRef ( ClusterRef const &  ref)

Definition at line 51 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

51 {setClusterPixelRef(ref);}
void setClusterPixelRef(ClusterPixelRef const &ref)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setDebug ( bool  debug)

Switch debug printouts (to cout) .. very verbose.

Definition at line 137 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

References debug.

137 { debug_ = debug;}
#define debug
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setDetLayer ( const DetLayer dl)

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setDetLayer ( const DetLayer dl)

Implements NavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setDuplicateSegments ( std::vector< CSCSegment * > &  duplicates)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setEmpty ( StMeasurementDetSet theDets) const

Definition at line 103 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index, and StMeasurementDetSet::setEmpty().

103 { theDets.setEmpty(index()); }
int index() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setEndcapShiftsInZPosNeg ( double  valPos,
double  valNeg 

set shifts in Z for endcap pieces (includes EE, HE, ME, YE)

Definition at line 180 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

180  {
181  ecShiftPos_ = valPos; ecShiftNeg_ = valNeg;
182  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setEtaBaskets ( const std::vector< int > &  EtaBaskets)

Definition at line 68 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

68 { _EtaBaskets=EtaBaskets ; }
std::vector< int > _EtaBaskets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 41 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

41  {
42  theStandardFitter->setHitCloner(hc);
43  theLooperFitter->setHitCloner(hc);
44  }
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theLooperFitter
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theStandardFitter
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 54 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

54  {
56  }
virtual void setHitCloner(TkCloner const *)=0
const TrajectoryFitter * fitter() const
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 54 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

54  {
55  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 63 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

63  {
64  theFitter->setHitCloner(hc);
65  theSmoother->setHitCloner(hc);
66  }
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectoryFitter > theFitter
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectorySmoother > theSmoother
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 64 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

References AnalysisDataFormats_SUSYBSMObjects::hc.

64  {
65  theHitCloner = hc;
66  }
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 91 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

References AnalysisDataFormats_SUSYBSMObjects::hc.

91 { theHitCloner = hc;}
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHitCloner ( TkCloner const *  hc)

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

Definition at line 104 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

References AnalysisDataFormats_SUSYBSMObjects::hc.

104 { theHitCloner = hc;}
TkCloner const * theHitCloner
susybsm::HSCParticleCollection hc
Definition: classes.h:25
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setHome ( const T startingPoint)

set the starting position

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setIndex ( int  i)

Definition at line 101 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References i.

101 { index_=i;}
int i
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setInwardLinks ( const BDLC ,
const FDLC ,
TkLayerLess  sorter = TkLayerLess(outsideIn) 

Implements SimpleNavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setInwardLinks ( const BDLC theBarrelv,
const FDLC theForwardv,
TkLayerLess  sorter = TkLayerLess(outsideIn) 

Implements SimpleNavigableLayer.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setIState ( const SteppingHelixStateInfo sStart,
StateArray svBuff,
int &  nPoints 
) const

(Internals) Init starting point

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setMaterialLocation ( const MaterialLocation  location)

Choice of location for including material effects: fromDirection is equivalent to atSource for propagation alongMomentum and to atDestination for propagation oppositeToMomentum. Inclusion of material effects at the source (either explicitely or implicitely) is not possible if propagating with anyDirection and will effectively disable material effects when propagating from a FreeTrajectoryState.

Definition at line 80 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

80  {
82  }
MaterialLocation theMaterialLocation
virtual Location location() const GCC11_FINAL
Which part of the detector (barrel, endcap)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setMaterialMode ( bool  noMaterial)

Switch for material effects mode: no material effects if true.

Definition at line 140 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

140 { noMaterialMode_ = noMaterial;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setMaxDirectionChange ( float  phiMax)

limitation of change in transverse direction (to avoid loops).

Reimplemented from Propagator.

Definition at line 65 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

65  {
66  theMaxDPhi2 = phiMax*phiMax;
67  return true;
68  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setMaxDirectionChange ( float  phiMax)

Limit on change in azimuthal angle.

Reimplemented from Propagator.

Definition at line 65 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

65  {
67  }
virtual bool setMaxDirectionChange(float phiMax)
Definition: Propagator.h:169
DeepCopyPointerByClone< Propagator > theGeometricalPropagator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setMaxRelativeChangeInBz ( const float  maxDBz)

Set the maximum relative change in Bz (Bz_at_end-Bz_at_start)/Bz_at_start for a single propagation. The default is no limit. NB: this propagator assumes constant, non-zero magnetic field parallel to the z-axis!

Definition at line 79 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

79  {
80  theMaxDBzRatio = maxDBz;
81  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setNoErrorPropagation ( bool  noErrorPropagation)

Force no error propagation.

Definition at line 143 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

143 { noErrorPropagation_ = noErrorPropagation;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setNumberOfCrystalPerModule ( const int  nncrys)

Definition at line 64 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

64 { _nncrys=nncrys ; }
int _nncrys
number of crystals per module
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setNumberOfModules ( const int  nnmods)

Definition at line 62 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

62 { _nnmods=nnmods ; }
int _nnmods
number of modules
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setNumXtalsEtaDirection ( const int &  nnxtalEta)

Definition at line 66 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

66 { _nnxtalEta=nnxtalEta ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setNumXtalsPhiDirection ( const int &  nnxtalPhi)

Definition at line 64 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

64 { _nnxtalPhi=nnxtalPhi ; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setPrintDebugOutput ( const bool  printDebug)

Definition at line 123 of file SiStripQuality.h.

References SQLiteCheck_cfg::printDebug.

123 { printDebug_ = printDebug; }
void printDebug(std::stringstream &ss) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setPropagationDirection ( PropagationDirection  dir)

The propagation direction can now be set for every propagator. There is no more distinction between unidirectional and bidirectional at class level. The value "anyDiriction" for PropagationDirection provides the functionality of the ex-BidirectionalPropagator. The values "alongMomentum" and "oppositeToMomentum" provide the functionality of the ex-UnidirectionalPropagator.

Reimplemented from Propagator.

Definition at line 50 of file BeamHaloPropagator.h.

References Propagator::setPropagationDirection().

51  {
55  }
virtual void setPropagationDirection(PropagationDirection dir)
Definition: Propagator.h:144
Propagator * theCrossTkProp
Propagator * theEndCapTkProp
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setPropagationDirection ( PropagationDirection  dir)

setting the direction fo both components

Reimplemented from Propagator.

Definition at line 60 of file SmartPropagator.h.

References Propagator::setPropagationDirection().

61  {
65  }
virtual void setPropagationDirection(PropagationDirection dir)
Definition: Propagator.h:144
Propagator * theGenProp
Propagator * theTkProp
dbl *** dir
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setPropagationDirection ( PropagationDirection  dir)

Propagation direction.

Reimplemented from Propagator.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setRep ( SteppingHelixPropagator::Basis &  rep,
const SteppingHelixPropagator::Vector tau 
) const

Set/compute basis vectors for local coordinates at current step (called by incrementState)

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setReturnTangentPlane ( bool  val)

flag to return tangent plane for non-plane input

Definition at line 158 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

158 { returnTangentPlane_ = val;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setSendLogWarning ( bool  val)

flag to send LogWarning on failures

Definition at line 161 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

161 { sendLogWarning_ = val;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setSurfaceDeformation ( const SurfaceDeformation deformation)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setSurfaceDeformation ( const SurfaceDeformation deformation)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setTolerance ( const Margin tolerance)

Definition at line 27 of file HitRCheck.h.

27 { theTolerance = tolerance; }
Margin theTolerance
Definition: HitRCheck.h:31
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setTolerance ( const Margin tolerance)

Definition at line 28 of file HitZCheck.h.

28 { theTolerance = tolerance; }
Margin theTolerance
Definition: HitRCheck.h:31
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setTopology ( const TOPO *  )

set the starting position

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setTopology ( TopologyType topol)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setUseEmptyRunInfo ( const bool  useEmptyRunInfo)

Definition at line 124 of file SiStripQuality.h.

124 { useEmptyRunInfo_ = useEmptyRunInfo; }
bool useEmptyRunInfo_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setUseInTeslaFromMagField ( bool  val)

force getting field value from MagneticField, not the geometric one

Definition at line 177 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setUseIsYokeFlag ( bool  val)

(temporary?) flag to identify if the volume is yoke based on MagVolume internals works if useMatVolumes_ is also true

Definition at line 165 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

165 { useIsYokeFlag_ = val;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setUseMagVolumes ( bool  val)

Switch to using MagneticField Volumes .. as in VolumeBasedMagneticField.

Definition at line 152 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

152 { useMagVolumes_ = val;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setUseMatVolumes ( bool  val)

Switch to using Material Volumes .. internally defined for now.

Definition at line 155 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

155 { useMatVolumes_ = val;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setUseTuningForL2Speed ( bool  val)

will use bigger steps ~tuned for good-enough L2/Standalone reco use this in hope of a speed-up

Definition at line 169 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

169 { useTuningForL2Speed_ = val;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setVBFPointer ( const VolumeBasedMagneticField val)

set VolumBasedField pointer allows to have geometry description in uniformField scenario only important/relevant in the barrel region

Definition at line 174 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

174 { vbField_ = val;}
const VolumeBasedMagneticField * vbField_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::setX0 ( std::vector< MSLayer > &  ,
float  eta,
const SumX0AtEtaDataProvider  
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const TrackingRecHit ,
) const

Definition at line 46 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

46 { return false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const TrackingRecHit ,
) const

Definition at line 48 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

48 { return false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const TrackingRecHit ,
) const

Definition at line 48 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

48 { return false;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const TrackingRecHit other,
SharedInputType  what 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( TrackerSingleRecHit const &  other) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const TrackingRecHit other,
TrackingRecHit::SharedInputType  what 
) const

Returns true if the two TrackingRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise. In this case, looks at the geographical ID and channel numbers for strips and wires.

Reimplemented from TrackerSingleRecHit.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const TrackingRecHit other,
CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType  what 
) const

Returns true if the two TrackingRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise. In this case, looks at the geographical ID and channel numbers for strips and wires.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesInput ( const CSCRecHit2D otherRecHit,
CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType  what 
) const

Returns true if the two CSCRecHits are using the same input information, false otherwise. In this case, looks at the geographical ID and channel numbers for strips and wires.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesRecHits ( const CSCSegment anotherSegment,
CSCRecHit2D::SharedInputType  sharesInput 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sharesRecHits ( const CSCSegment anotherSegment) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider ( const MagVolume magvol,
const MagVolume::PositionType pos,
const MagVolume::RotationType rot 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::shiftOffset ( float  pitch_fraction)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Side GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::side ( const LocalPoint p,
Scalar  tolerance 
) const

Returns the side of the surface on which the point is. Not defined for 1-sided surfaces (Moebius leaf etc.) For normal 2-sided surfaces the meaning of side is surface type dependent.

Reimplemented from Plane.

Definition at line 63 of file Cone.h.

References GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::side().

Referenced by GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::side().

63 {return side( toGlobal(p), tolerance);}
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:114
virtual Side side(const LocalPoint &p, Scalar tolerance) const
Definition: Cone.h:63
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Side GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::side ( const GlobalPoint p,
Scalar  tolerance 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Side GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::side ( const LocalPoint p,
Scalar  tolerance 
) const

Returns the side of the surface on which the point is. Not defined for 1-sided surfaces (Moebius leaf etc.) For normal 2-sided surfaces the meaning of side is surface type dependent.

Reimplemented from Plane.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer ( BarrelDetLayer const *  detLayer,
const BDLC outerBLC,
const FDLC outerLeftFL,
const FDLC outerRightFL,
const MagneticField field,
float  epsilon,
bool  checkCrossingSide = true 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SimpleConeBounds ( float  zmin,
float  rmin_zmin,
float  rmax_zmin,
float  zmax,
float  rmin_zmax,
float  rmax_zmax 

Construct from inner/outer radius on the two Z faces.

Definition at line 28 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

References std::swap().

29  :
30  theZmin(zmin), theRminZmin(rmin_zmin), theRmaxZmin(rmax_zmin),
31  theZmax(zmax), theRminZmax(rmin_zmax), theRmaxZmax(rmax_zmax) {
32  if (theZmin > theZmax) {
35  }
38  }
float zmin() const
void swap(edm::DataFrameContainer &lhs, edm::DataFrameContainer &rhs)
float zmax() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SimpleCylinderBounds ( float  rmin,
float  rmax,
float  zmin,
float  zmax 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SimpleDiskBounds ( float  rmin,
float  rmax,
float  zmin,
float  zmax 

Construct the bounds from min and max R and Z in LOCAL coordinates.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SimpleForwardNavigableLayer ( const ForwardDetLayer detLayer,
const BDLC outerBL,
const FDLC outerFL,
const MagneticField field,
float  epsilon,
bool  checkCrossingSide = true 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::simpleRecHits ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::simpleRecHits ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ts,
const MeasurementEstimator est,
const MeasurementTrackerEvent data,
std::vector< SiStripRecHit2D > &  result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SimpleTECWedge ( const GeomDet theDet)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiPixelRecHit ( )

Definition at line 29 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

29 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiPixelRecHit ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
SiPixelRecHitQuality::QualWordType  qual,
GeomDet const &  idet,
ClusterRef const &  clus 

Definition at line 33 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

36  :
37  TrackerSingleRecHit(pos,err,idet, clus){
38  qualWord_=qual; }
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripMatchedRecHit2D ( )

Definition at line 12 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

12 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripMatchedRecHit2D ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
GeomDet const &  idet,
const SiStripRecHit2D rMono,
const SiStripRecHit2D rStereo 

Definition at line 15 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

16  :
17  BaseTrackerRecHit(pos, err, idet, trackerHitRTTI::match), clusterMono_(rMono->omniClusterRef()), clusterStereo_(rStereo->omniClusterRef()){}
OmniClusterRef clusterMono_
OmniClusterRef clusterStereo_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripQuality ( )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripQuality ( edm::FileInPath )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripQuality ( const SiStripQuality )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripRecHit1D ( )

Definition at line 17 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

17 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename CluRef >
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripRecHit1D ( const LocalPoint p,
const LocalError e,
GeomDet const &  idet,
CluRef const &  clus 

Definition at line 23 of file SiStripRecHit1D.h.

25  : TrackerSingleRecHit(p,e,idet,clus){}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripRecHit2D ( )

Definition at line 11 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

11 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripRecHit2D ( const DetId id,
OmniClusterRef const &  clus 

Definition at line 18 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

19  :
20  TrackerSingleRecHit(id, clus){}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<typename CluRef >
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripRecHit2D ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
GeomDet const &  idet,
CluRef const &  clus 

Definition at line 23 of file SiStripRecHit2D.h.

25  :
26  TrackerSingleRecHit(pos,err, idet, clus) {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SiStripRecHitMatcher* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::siStripRecHitMatcher ( ) const

Definition at line 29 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

29 {return theMatcher;}
const SiStripRecHitMatcher * theMatcher
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual size_t GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::size ( void  ) const

Definition at line 30 of file GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

30 { return 2;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::smallestPathLength ( const double  firstPathLength,
const double  secondPathLength 
) const

Pathlength to closest solution.

Definition at line 65 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.h.

66  {
67  return fabs(firstPathLength)<fabs(secondPathLength) ? firstPathLength : secondPathLength;
68  }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SmartPropagator ( const Propagator aTkProp,
const Propagator aGenProp,
const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum,
float  epsilon = 5 

Defines which propagator is used inside Tk and which outside.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SmartPropagator ( const Propagator aTkProp,
const Propagator aGenProp,
const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum,
float  epsilon = 5 

Defines which propagator is used inside Tk and which outside.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SmartPropagator ( const SmartPropagator )

Copy constructor.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::smoothedChi2 ( ) const

The smoother track-chi2 (can be used to test the track-vertex compatibility). Its value has a meaning only if the smoother has been run after the vertex fit (track-refit) . Otherwise, the value returned is -1.

Definition at line 69 of file VertexTrack.h.

69 { return smoothedChi2_; }
float smoothedChi2_
Definition: VertexTrack.h:118
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectorySmoother* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::smoother ( ) const

Definition at line 51 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

51 {return theSmoother.get();}
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectorySmoother > theSmoother
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::smoothingStep ( Trajectory const &  fitted) const

Definition at line 71 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

71 {return theSmoother->trajectory(fitted);}
const std::unique_ptr< TrajectorySmoother > theSmoother
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<bool,double> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::solutionByDirection ( const double  dS1,
const double  dS2 
) const

Choice of one of two solutions according to the propagation direction.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::solve2ndOrder ( const double  ceq[],
double  sol[] 
) const

Solutions of 2nd order equation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::solve3rdOrder ( const double  ceq[],
double  sol[] 
) const

Solutions of 3rd order equation.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sorter ( const RecHitContainer hits,
PropagationDirection  dir,
RecHitContainer result 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in south direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in south direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 35 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goSouth(), and DetId::rawId().

36  {
37  EBDetId nextId=goSouth(id);
38  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
39  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
40  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
41  return vNeighborsDetId;
42  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
virtual DetId goSouth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology south (decrement iphi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in south direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 35 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goSouth(), and DetId::rawId().

36  {
37  EEDetId nextId= goSouth(id);
38  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
39  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
40  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
41  return vNeighborsDetId;
42  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
virtual DetId goSouth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology south (decrement iphi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in south direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 42 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goSouth(), and DetId::rawId().

43  {
44  EEDetId nextId= goSouth(id);
45  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
46  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
47  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
48  return vNeighborsDetId;
49  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
virtual DetId goSouth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology south (decrement iphi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in south direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 43 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goSouth(), and DetId::rawId().

44  {
45  EBDetId nextId=goSouth(id);
46  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
47  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
48  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
49  return vNeighborsDetId;
50  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
virtual DetId goSouth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology south (decrement iphi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in south direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 43 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goSouth(), and DetId::rawId().

44  {
45  ESDetId nextId= goSouth(id);
46  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
47  if (! (nextId==ESDetId(0)))
48  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
49  return vNeighborsDetId;
50  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
virtual DetId goSouth(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology south (decrement iphi)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::south ( ) const

move the navigator south

Definition at line 45 of file CaloNavigator.h.

46  {
48  return currentPoint_;
49  } ;
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::spansTwoROCs ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file SiPixelRecHit.h.

References SiPixelRecHitQuality::Packing::spansTwoROCs(), and SiPixelRecHitQuality::thePacking.

120  {
122  }
bool spansTwoROCs(QualWordType qualWord) const
static const Packing thePacking
unsigned int qualWord_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GluedGeomDet& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificGeomDet ( ) const

Definition at line 34 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

References compareJSON::const, and MeasurementDet::fastGeomDet().

34 {return static_cast<GluedGeomDet const&>(fastGeomDet());}
const GeomDet & fastGeomDet() const
string const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const StripGeomDetUnit& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificGeomDet ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References MeasurementDet::fastGeomDet().

149 {return static_cast<StripGeomDetUnit const &>(fastGeomDet());}
const GeomDet & fastGeomDet() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SiTrackerMultiRecHit* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificHit ( ) const

Definition at line 35 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

35 {return &theHitData;}
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<CSCRecHit2D>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificRecHits ( ) const

Definition at line 65 of file CSCSegment.h.

65 { return theCSCRecHits; }
std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > theCSCRecHits
Definition: CSCSegment.h:93
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundDiskSector& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificSurface ( ) const

Reimplemented from TECWedge.

Definition at line 32 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

32 {return *theDiskSector;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > theDiskSector
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundDisk& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificSurface ( ) const

Reimplemented from TECWedge.

Definition at line 38 of file TIDRing.h.

38 {return *theDisk;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDisk > theDisk
Definition: TIDRing.h:71
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundDiskSector& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificSurface ( ) const

Reimplemented from TECWedge.

Definition at line 41 of file PixelBlade.h.

41 {return *theDiskSector;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > theDiskSector
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundCylinder& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificSurface ( ) const

Return the ring surface as a.

Reimplemented from TECWedge.

Definition at line 41 of file TIBRing.h.

41 {return *theCylinder;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundCylinder > theCylinder
Definition: TIBRing.h:90
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TopologyType& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificTopology ( ) const

Definition at line 28 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

28 { return *theTopology;}
TopologyType * theTopology
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const TopologyType& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificTopology ( ) const

Definition at line 29 of file PixelGeomDetType.h.

29 { return *theTopology;}
TopologyType * theTopology
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const StripTopology& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificTopology ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

100 {return specificType().specificTopology();}
virtual PixelGeomDetType const & specificType() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const PixelTopology& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificTopology ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

108 { return specificType().specificTopology(); }
virtual PixelGeomDetType const & specificType() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual StripGeomDetType const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificType ( ) const

Definition at line 92 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

92 { return *theType;}
PixelGeomDetType const * theType
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual PixelGeomDetType const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::specificType ( ) const

Definition at line 100 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

100 { return *theType; }
PixelGeomDetType const * theType
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::state ( ) const

Definition at line 61 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

61 { return theTSOS; }
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface theTSOS
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual RefCountedLinearizedTrackState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stateWithNewLinearizationPoint ( const GlobalPoint newLP) const

Returns a new linearized state with respect to a new linearization point. A new object of the same type is returned, without change to the existing one.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::status ( void  ) const

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

Definition at line 31 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

31 {return status_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::status ( void  ) const

Implements ClosestApproachOnHelices.

Definition at line 37 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

37 {return status_;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SteppingHelixPropagator ( )


template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SteppingHelixPropagator ( const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  dir = alongMomentum 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripCluster const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stereoCluster ( ) const

Definition at line 36 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

36  {
37  return stereoClusterRef().stripCluster();
38  }
SiStripCluster const & stripCluster() const
OmniClusterRef const & stereoClusterRef() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OmniClusterRef const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stereoClusterRef ( ) const

Definition at line 30 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

30 { return clusterStereo_;}
OmniClusterRef clusterStereo_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OmniClusterRef& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stereoClusterRef ( )

Definition at line 33 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

33 { return clusterStereo_;}
OmniClusterRef clusterStereo_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TkStripMeasurementDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stereoDet ( ) const

Definition at line 41 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

41 { return theStereoDet;}
const TkStripMeasurementDet * theStereoDet
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripRecHit2D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stereoHit ( ) const

Definition at line 20 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

unsigned int stereoId() const
OmniClusterRef const & stereoClusterRef() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stereoId ( ) const

Definition at line 23 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

References TrackingRecHit::rawId().

23 { return rawId()+1;}
unsigned int rawId() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::StraightLinePropagator ( const MagneticField field,
PropagationDirection  aDir = alongMomentum 

Definition at line 26 of file StraightLinePropagator.h.

27  :
28  Propagator(aDir), theField(field) {}
Propagator(PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum)
Definition: Propagator.h:48
const MagneticField * theField
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::strip ( const LocalPoint ) const

Strip in which a given LocalPoint lies. This is a float which represents the fractional strip position within the detector.
Returns zero if the LocalPoint falls at the extreme low edge of the detector or BELOW, and float(nstrips) if it falls at the extreme high edge or ABOVE.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::strip ( const LocalPoint ) const

Strip in which a given LocalPoint lies. This is a float which represents the fractional strip position within the detector.
Returns zero if the LocalPoint falls at the extreme low edge of the detector or BELOW, and float(nstrips) if it falls at the extreme high edge or ABOVE.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::strip ( const LocalPoint ) const

Strip in which a given LocalPoint lies. This is a float which represents the fractional strip position within the detector.
Returns zero if the LocalPoint falls at the extreme low edge of the detector or BELOW, and float(nstrips) if it falls at the extreme high edge or ABOVE.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 70 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

70 { return specificTopology().strip(lp);}
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::strip ( const LocalPoint lp,
const Topology::LocalTrackAngles dir 
) const

conversion taking also the track state (LocalTrajectoryParameters)

Reimplemented from StripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::strip ( const LocalPoint ) const

Strip in which a given LocalPoint lies. This is a float which represents the fractional strip position within the detector.
Returns zero if the LocalPoint falls at the extreme low edge of the detector or BELOW, and float(nstrips) if it falls at the extreme high edge or ABOVE.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripAngle ( float  strip) const

Angle between strip and symmetry axis (=local y axis) for given strip.
This is like a phi angle but measured clockwise from y axis rather than counter clockwise from x axis. Note that 'strip' is a float with a continuous range from 0 to float(nstrips) to cover the whole detector, and the centres of strips correspond to half-integer values 0.5, 1.5, ..., nstrips-0.5 whereas values 1, 2, ... nstrips correspond to the upper phi edges of the strips.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 43 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

43 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripAngle ( float  strip) const

angle between strip and symmetry axis

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripAngle ( float  strip) const

Angle between strip and symmetry axis (=local y axis) for given strip.
This is like a phi angle but measured clockwise from y axis rather than counter clockwise from x axis. Note that 'strip' is a float with a continuous range from 0 to float(nstrips) to cover the whole detector, and the centres of strips correspond to half-integer values 0.5, 1.5, ..., nstrips-0.5 whereas values 1, 2, ... nstrips correspond to the upper phi edges of the strips.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 83 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

83 { return specificTopology().stripAngle(strip);}
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripAngle ( float  strip) const

Angle between strip and symmetry axis (=local y axis) for given strip.
This is like a phi angle but measured clockwise from y axis rather than counter clockwise from x axis. Note that 'strip' is a float with a continuous range from 0 to float(nstrips) to cover the whole detector, and the centres of strips correspond to half-integer values 0.5, 1.5, ..., nstrips-0.5 whereas values 1, 2, ... nstrips correspond to the upper phi edges of the strips.

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 122 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

122 { return yAxisOrientation() * (phiOfOneEdge() + strip * angularWidth()) ;}
float yAxisOrientation() const
float phiOfOneEdge() const
virtual float strip(const LocalPoint &) const
float angularWidth() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const StripClusterParameterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripClusterParameterEstimator ( ) const

Definition at line 28 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

28 {return stripCPE;}
const StripClusterParameterEstimator * stripCPE
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Chi2Strip1DEstimator& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripEstimator ( ) const

estimator for 1D hits (non-matched strips)

Definition at line 41 of file Chi2Switching1DEstimator.h.

41  {
42  return theStripEstimator;
43  }
const Chi2Strip1DEstimator theStripEstimator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::StripGeomDetType ( TopologyType t,
std::string const &  name,
SubDetector det,
bool  stereo 

Definition at line 18 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

18  : GeomDetType(name,det),
19  theTopology(t),theStereoFlag(stereo){}
virtual const GeomDet * det() const
TopologyType * theTopology
virtual std::string name() const
GeomDetType(const std::string &name, SubDetector subdet)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripLength ( ) const

Height of detector (= length of long symmetry axis of the plane of strips).

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 47 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

47 {return theStripLength;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripLength ( ) const

det heigth (strip length in the middle)

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 68 of file TrapezoidalStripTopology.h.

68 {return theDetHeight;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripLength ( ) const

Height of detector (= length of long symmetry axis of the plane of strips).

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 87 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

87 {return specificTopology().stripLength();}
virtual const TopologyType & specificTopology() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripLength ( ) const

Height of detector (= length of long symmetry axis of the plane of strips).

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 133 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

133 { return theDetHeight; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const KFStrip1DUpdator& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripUpdator ( ) const

updator for non-matched strip hits

Definition at line 44 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

44 {return theStripUpdator;}
const KFStrip1DUpdator theStripUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subBlade ( int  ind) const

Definition at line 77 of file PixelBlade.h.

77  {
78  return (ind==0 ? theFrontDets : theBackDets);
79  }
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theFrontDets
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBackDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SubDetector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subDetector ( ) const

The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap)

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 32 of file TIDLayer.h.

References GeomDetEnumerators::TID.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SubDetector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subDetector ( ) const

The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap)

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 32 of file PixelForwardLayer.h.

References GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual SubDetector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subDetector ( ) const

The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap)

Reimplemented from TBLayer.

Definition at line 33 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

References GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned char GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subId ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

110 { return conditionSet().subId(index());}
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
unsigned char subId(int i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subLayer ( int  ind) const

Definition at line 61 of file TIDRing.h.

61  {
62  return (ind==0 ? theFrontDets : theBackDets);
63  }
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theFrontDets
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBackDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<const TECWedge*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subLayer ( int  ind) const

Definition at line 89 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

89  {
90  return (ind==0 ? theFrontComps : theBackComps);
91  }
std::vector< const TECWedge * > theBackComps
std::vector< const TECWedge * > theFrontComps
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subRod ( int  ind) const

Definition at line 67 of file TOBRod.h.

67  {
68  return (ind==0 ? theInnerDets : theOuterDets);
69  }
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theInnerDets
Definition: TOBRod.h:74
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theOuterDets
Definition: TOBRod.h:75
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subtract ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  ,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &   
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subtraction ( std::vector< unsigned int > &  ,
const unsigned int &   
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::vector<const GeomDet*>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::subWedge ( int  ind) const

Definition at line 57 of file CompositeTECWedge.h.

57  {
58  return (ind==0 ? theFrontDets : theBackDets);
59  }
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theFrontDets
std::vector< const GeomDet * > theBackDets
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundSurface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 19 of file TIBRing.h.

19 {return *theCylinder;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundCylinder > theCylinder
Definition: TIBRing.h:90
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundSurface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 21 of file TIDRing.h.

21 {return *theDisk;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDisk > theDisk
Definition: TIDRing.h:71
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Surface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 22 of file NavCylinder.h.

22 {return *theSurfaceP;}
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > theSurfaceP
Definition: NavCone.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Surface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 23 of file NavCone.h.

23 {return *theSurfaceP;}
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > theSurfaceP
Definition: NavCone.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundSurface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 24 of file PixelBlade.h.

24 {return *theDiskSector;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > theDiskSector
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Surface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 26 of file NavPlane.h.

26 {return *theSurfaceP;}
ConstReferenceCountingPointer< Cone > theSurfaceP
Definition: NavCone.h:48
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const BoundSurface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 30 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

30 {return *theDiskSector;}
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > theDiskSector
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Surface* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 53 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

53 { return &tsos_.surface(); }
const SurfaceType & surface() const
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Surface* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 57 of file InvalidTrackingRecHit.h.

57 { return m_surface; }
Surface const * m_surface
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Surface* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 61 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

61 {return &(*surface_);}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Surface* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface ( ) const

Reimplemented from BaseTrackerRecHit.

Definition at line 63 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

63 {return surface_;}
const Surface * surface_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SurfaceDeformation* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surfaceDeformation ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

94  {
95  return theSurfaceDeformation.operator->();
96  }
DeepCopyPointerByClone< const SurfaceDeformation > theSurfaceDeformation
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SurfaceDeformation* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surfaceDeformation ( ) const

Definition at line 102 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

102  {
103  return theSurfaceDeformation.operator->();
104  }
DeepCopyPointerByClone< const SurfaceDeformation > theSurfaceDeformation
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tangentPlane ( const GlobalPoint ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tangentPlane ( const LocalPoint ) const

tangent plane to surface from local point

Reimplemented from Plane.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tangentPlane ( const GlobalPoint ) const

tangent plane to surface from global point

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tangentPlane ( const LocalPoint ) const

tangent plane to surface from local point

Reimplemented from Plane.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TBPLayer ( std::vector< const PixelRod * > &  inner,
std::vector< const PixelRod * > &  outer 

Definition at line 21 of file TBPLayer.h.

22  :
void construct() __attribute__((cold))
TBLayer(std::vector< const TDET * > &inner, std::vector< const TDET * > &outer, GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector ime)
Definition: TBLayer.h:17
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TBPLayer ( std::vector< const TOBRod * > &  inner,
std::vector< const TOBRod * > &  outer 

Definition at line 25 of file TBPLayer.h.

26  :
void construct() __attribute__((cold))
TBLayer(std::vector< const TDET * > &inner, std::vector< const TDET * > &outer, GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector ime)
Definition: TBLayer.h:17
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::testSharesAllInSpecificRecHits ( const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > &  specificRecHits_1,
const std::vector< CSCRecHit2D > &  specificRecHits_2,
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::testStrips ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
const BoundPlane gluedPlane,
const TkStripMeasurementDet mdet 
) const

Test the strips on one of the two dets with projection.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::testStrips ( float  utraj,
float  uerr 
) const

return true if there are 'enough' good strips in the utraj +/- 3 uerr range.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRZ ( rz  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRZ ( rz  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const detset& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSet ( const StMeasurementDetSet theDets) const

Definition at line 113 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References StMeasurementDetSet::detSet(), and cmsHarvester::index.

113 {return theDets.detSet(index());}
const StripDetset & detSet(int i) const
int index() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTolerance ( margin  )

Definition at line 18 of file HitRCheck.h.

18 : HitRZCompatibility(me), theRZ(rz), theTolerance(margin) { }
HitRZConstraint theRZ
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:41
static constexpr Algo me
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:18
Margin theTolerance
Definition: HitRCheck.h:31
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTolerance ( margin  )

Definition at line 19 of file HitZCheck.h.

19 : HitRZCompatibility(me), theRZ(rz), theTolerance(margin) { }
HitRZConstraint theRZ
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:41
static constexpr Algo me
Definition: HitEtaCheck.h:18
Margin theTolerance
Definition: HitRCheck.h:31
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

"Thickness" of the bound around the surface; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 15 of file OpenBounds.h.

15 { return 1000000.; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

"Thickness" of the bound around the surface; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 21 of file SimpleDiskBounds.h.

21 { return theZmax-theZmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

"Thickness" of the bound around the surface; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 26 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

26 { return theZmax-theZmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

Thickness of the volume in local Z.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 27 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

27 { return 2*halfThickness;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

"Thickness" of the bound around the surface; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 28 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

28 { return 0;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

Thikness of the "pipe", i.e. difference between outer and inner radius.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 30 of file SimpleCylinderBounds.h.

30 { return theRmax-theRmin;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickness ( ) const

Thickness in the middle (Z center). Maybe it's useless, but it is pure abstract in Bounds...

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 46 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

46  { return ((theRmaxZmin-theRminZmin)+
47  (theRmaxZmax-theRminZmax))/2.;}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thickSensors ( const SiStripDetId detid) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TIBLayer ( std::vector< const TIBRing * > &  innerRings,
std::vector< const TIBRing * > &  outerRings 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TIBRing ( std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  theGeomDets)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TIDLayer ( std::vector< const TIDRing * > &  rings)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TIDRing ( std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  innerDets,
std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  outerDets 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::time ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TkGluedMeasurementDet ( const GluedGeomDet gdet,
const SiStripRecHitMatcher matcher,
const StripClusterParameterEstimator cpe 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TkRadialStripTopology ( int  ns,
float  aw,
float  dh,
float  r,
int  yAx = 1,
float  yMid = 0. 

Constructor from:

nsnumber of strips
awangular width of a strip
dhdetector height (usually 2 x apothem of TrapezoidalPlaneBounds)
rradial distance from symmetry centre of detector to the point at which the outer edges of the two extreme strips (projected) intersect.
yAxorientation of local y axis: 1 means pointing from the smaller side of the module to the larger side (along apothem), and -1 means in the opposite direction, i.e. from the larger side along the apothem to the smaller side. Default value is 1.
yMidlocal y offset if mid-point of detector (strip plane) does not coincide with local origin. This decouples the extent of strip plane from the boundary of the detector in which the RST is embedded.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TkStripMeasurementDet ( const GeomDet gdet,
StMeasurementConditionSet conditionSet 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tkToVertexCovarianceAvailable ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file VertexTrack.h.

60 { return covAvailable; }
bool covAvailable
Definition: VertexTrack.h:113
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder ( const TrackingGeometry trackingGeometry,
const PixelClusterParameterEstimator ,
const StripClusterParameterEstimator ,
const SiStripRecHitMatcher ,
bool  computeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TOBRod ( std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  innerDets,
std::vector< const GeomDet * > &  outerDets 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Topology& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::topology ( ) const

Implements GeomDetType.

Definition at line 26 of file PixelGeomDetType.h.

26 { return *theTopology;}
TopologyType * theTopology
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const Topology& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::topology ( ) const

Implements GeomDetType.

Definition at line 26 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

26 { return *theTopology;}
TopologyType * theTopology
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::totalStrips ( ) const

Definition at line 253 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

References cmsHarvester::index.

253 { return conditionSet().totalStrips(index()); }
StMeasurementConditionSet & conditionSet()
int index() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tpeak ( ) const

Fitted peaking time.

Definition at line 73 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

73 { return theTpeak; }
float theTpeak
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:116
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual reco::TransientTrack GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::track ( void  ) const

Implements LinearizedTrackState< 5 >.

Definition at line 59 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

59 { return theTrack; }
reco::TransientTrack theTrack
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::trajectory ( const Trajectory aTraj) const

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual Trajectory GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::trajectory ( const Trajectory aTraj) const

Implements TrajectorySmoother.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<GlobalTrajectoryParameters, GlobalTrajectoryParameters > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::trajectoryParameters ( ) const

Returns not only the points, but the full GlobalTrajectoryParemeters at the points of closest approach

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::trajectoryState ( ) const

Definition at line 79 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

79 { return tsos_; }
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual ConstRecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::transientHits ( ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 68 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

68 {return theComponents;};
ConstRecHitContainer theComponents
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::transverseCoord ( double  cxa,
double  cya,
double  ra,
double  cxb,
double  cyb,
double  rb,
double &  xg1,
double &  yg1,
double &  xg2,
double &  yg2 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TrapezoidalStripTopology ( int  nstrip,
float  pitch,
float  detheight,
float  r0 

constructed from: number of strips pitch in the middle det heigth (strip length in the middle) radius of circle passing through the middle of the det with center at the crossing of the two sides.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TrapezoidalStripTopology ( int  nstrip,
float  pitch,
float  detheight,
float  r0,
int  yAx 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TRecHit1DMomConstraint ( const int  charge,
const double  mom,
const double  err,
const Surface surface 

Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning.

Definition at line 78 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

81  :
82  charge_(charge),mom_(mom),err_(err),surface_(surface) {}
double err() const
int charge() const
const Surface * surface_
double mom() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TRecHit1DMomConstraint ( const TRecHit1DMomConstraint &  other)

Definition at line 84 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

84  :
85  charge_( other.charge() ), mom_( ),err_( other.err() ), surface_((other.surface())) {}
const Surface * surface_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TRecHit2DPosConstraint ( const LocalPoint pos,
const LocalError err,
const Surface surface 

Creates the TrackingRecHit internally, avoids redundent cloning.

Definition at line 75 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

77  :
78  pos_(pos),err_(err),surface_(surface) {}
const LocalPoint pos_
const Surface * surface_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TRecHit2DPosConstraint ( const TRecHit2DPosConstraint &  other)

Definition at line 80 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

80  :
81  pos_( other.localPosition() ),err_( other.localPositionError() ), surface_((other.surface())) {}
const LocalPoint pos_
const Surface * surface_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TRecHit5DParamConstraint ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos)

Definition at line 14 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

14 : tsos_( tsos ) {}
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TRecHit5DParamConstraint ( const TRecHit5DParamConstraint &  other)

Definition at line 16 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

16 : tsos_( other.trajectoryState() ) {}
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TruncatedPyramid ( void  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TruncatedPyramid ( const TruncatedPyramid tr)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TruncatedPyramid ( CornersMgr cMgr,
const GlobalPoint fCtr,
const GlobalPoint bCtr,
const GlobalPoint cor1,
const CCGFloat parV 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TruncatedPyramid ( const CornersVec corn,
const CCGFloat par 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TSiTrackerMultiRecHit ( const GeomDet geom,
const SiTrackerMultiRecHit rh,
const ConstRecHitContainer components,
float  annealing 

Definition at line 83 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

84  :
virtual const std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > & components() const __attribute__((cold))
Returns basic components, if any.
TValidTrackingRecHit(const GeomDet &geom)
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
ConstRecHitContainer theComponents
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::turnOffFeds ( const std::vector< int > &  fedsList,
const bool  turnOffStrips,
const bool  printDebug 

Loop on all the fedIds, take the fedChannels and then the detId. Depending on the value of a bool turn off or not the strips in the list.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::TwoTrackMinimumDistance ( const Mode  m = FastMode)

Definition at line 25 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

References m.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDetType& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::type ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

Referenced by cuy.ValElement::__init__().

91 { return *theType;}
PixelGeomDetType const * theType
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual const GeomDetType& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::type ( ) const

Definition at line 98 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

Referenced by cuy.ValElement::__init__().

98 { return *theType;}
PixelGeomDetType const * theType
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in up direction (outward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( ) const

move the navigator west

Definition at line 66 of file CaloNavigator.h.

67  {
69  return currentPoint_;
70  } ;
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in up direction (outward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 70 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

71  {
72  std::cout << "EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology::up() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
73  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
74  return vNeighborsDetId;
75  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in up direction (outward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 70 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

71  {
72  std::cout << "EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology::up() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
73  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
74  return vNeighborsDetId;
75  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in up direction (outward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 77 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

78  {
79  std::cout << "EcalBarrelTopology::up() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
80  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
81  return vNeighborsDetId;
82  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in up direction (outward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 79 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

References gather_cfg::cout.

80  {
81  std::cout << "EcalBarrelTopology::up() not yet implemented" << std::endl;
82  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
83  return vNeighborsDetId;
84  }
tuple cout
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::up ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in up direction (outward)

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 81 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goUp(), and DetId::rawId().

82  {
83  ESDetId nextId=goUp(id);
84  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
85  if (! (nextId==ESDetId(0)))
86  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
87  return vNeighborsDetId;
88  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Definition: DetId.h:18
virtual DetId goUp(const DetId &id) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TSOS GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::update ( const TSOS aTsos,
const TrackingRecHit aHit 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual TSOS GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::update ( const TSOS aTsos,
const TrackingRecHit aHit 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::update ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const TrackingRecHit  
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
template<unsigned int D>
TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::update ( const TrajectoryStateOnSurface ,
const TrackingRecHit  
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::update ( const LocalTrajectoryParameters p,
const Surface aSurface,
const MagneticField field,
const SurfaceSide  side 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::update ( double  weight,
const LocalTrajectoryParameters p,
const LocalTrajectoryError err,
const Surface aSurface,
const MagneticField field,
const SurfaceSide  side 
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::updator ( ) const

Definition at line 45 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

45 {return theUpdator;}
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::updator ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

50 {return theUpdator;}
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::updator ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

83 {return theUpdator;}
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateUpdator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::updator ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

86 {return theUpdator;}
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::valid ( const DetId id) const

is this detid present in the Topology?

Reimplemented from CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual LocalVectorType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::valueInTesla ( const LocalPointType p) const

Returns the field vector in the local frame, at local position p

Implements MagneticFieldProvider< T >.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::vertex ( ) const

Global position of the cone vertex.

Definition at line 55 of file Cone.h.

55 {return theVertex;}
GlobalPoint theVertex
Definition: Cone.h:74
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::vertex ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

References funct::abs(), and max().

83  {
84  float rAtZmax = (theRmaxZmax+theRminZmax)/2.;
85  float rAtZmin = (theRmaxZmin+theRminZmin)/2.;
86  float dr = (rAtZmax-rAtZmin);
88  if (std::abs(dr) < 0.0001) { // handle degenerate case (cone->cylinder)
90  } else {
91  return GlobalPoint(0,0,(theZmin*rAtZmax - theZmax*rAtZmin)/dr);
92  }
93  }
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
Surface::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: NavSurface.h:24
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( )

Definition at line 18 of file VertexState.h.

18 {}
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( VertexState const &  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( VertexState &&  )
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( BasicVertexState p)

Definition at line 28 of file VertexState.h.

28  :
29  Base(p) {}
TrackerSingleRecHit Base
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( const reco::BeamSpot beamSpot)

Definition at line 31 of file VertexState.h.

31  :
32  Base ( new BSVS ( GlobalPoint(Basic3DVector<float> (beamSpot.position())),
33  GlobalError(beamSpot.rotatedCovariance3D()), 1.0)) {}
TrackerSingleRecHit Base
GlobalErrorBase< double, ErrorMatrixTag > GlobalError
Definition: GlobalError.h:11
Surface::GlobalPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: NavSurface.h:24
BasicSingleVertexState BSVS
Definition: VertexState.h:16
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:62
Covariance3DMatrix rotatedCovariance3D() const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( const GlobalPoint pos,
const GlobalError posErr,
const double &  weightInMix = 1.0 

Definition at line 36 of file VertexState.h.

37  :
38  Base ( new BSVS (pos, posErr, weightInMix)) {}
TrackerSingleRecHit Base
BasicSingleVertexState BSVS
Definition: VertexState.h:16
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( const GlobalPoint pos,
const GlobalWeight posWeight,
const double &  weightInMix = 1.0 

Definition at line 40 of file VertexState.h.

41  :
42  Base ( new BSVS (pos, posWeight, weightInMix)) {}
TrackerSingleRecHit Base
BasicSingleVertexState BSVS
Definition: VertexState.h:16
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexState ( const AlgebraicVector3 weightTimesPosition,
const GlobalWeight posWeight,
const double &  weightInMix = 1.0 

Definition at line 44 of file VertexState.h.

45  :
46  Base ( new BSVS (weightTimesPosition, posWeight, weightInMix)) {}
TrackerSingleRecHit Base
AlgebraicVector3 weightTimesPosition() const
BasicSingleVertexState BSVS
Definition: VertexState.h:16
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
VertexState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::vertexState ( ) const

Definition at line 57 of file VertexTrack.h.

57 { return theVertexState; }
VertexState theVertexState
Definition: VertexTrack.h:110
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexTrack ( RefCountedLinearizedTrackState  lt,
VertexState  v,
float  weight 

Constructor with the linearized track data, vertex seed and weight

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexTrack ( RefCountedLinearizedTrackState  lt,
VertexState  v,
float  weight,
const RefCountedRefittedTrackState refittedState,
float  smoothedChi2 

Constructor with the linearized track data, vertex seed and weight and state at vertex, constrained by vertex

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VertexTrack ( RefCountedLinearizedTrackState  lt,
VertexState  v,
float  weight,
const RefCountedRefittedTrackState refittedState,
float  smoothedChi2,
const AlgebraicSymMatrixOO fullCov 

Constructor with the linearized track data, vertex seed and weight and state and covariance at vertex, constrained by vertex

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual void GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::vocalCorners ( Pt3DVec vec,
const CCGFloat pv,
Pt3D ref 
) const

Implements CaloCellGeometry.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VolumeEnergyLossEstimator ( float  mass)

Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis.

Definition at line 20 of file VolumeEnergyLossEstimator.h.

20  :
VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator(float mass)
Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator ( float  mass)

Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis.

Definition at line 21 of file VolumeMultipleScatteringEstimator.h.

21  :
VolumeMaterialEffectsEstimator(float mass)
Constructor with explicit mass hypothesis.
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalWeight GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weight ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weight ( void  ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weight ( unsigned int  i) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weight ( unsigned int  i)
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalWeight GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weight ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from TrackingRecHit.

Definition at line 60 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

Referenced by cuy.ValElement::__init__(), cuy.additionElement::__init__(), cuy.superimposeElement::__init__(), and cuy.graphElement::__init__().

61  {
62  return data().weight();
63  }
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weightInMixture ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weightInMixture ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 70 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

71  {
72  return data().weightInMixture();
73  }
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weightInMixture ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 138 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

138 {return theTSOS.weight();}
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface theTSOS
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<float> const& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weights ( ) const

Definition at line 54 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

54 {return theHitData.weights();}
std::vector< float > const & weights() const
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<float>& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weights ( )

Definition at line 55 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

55 {return theHitData.weights();}
std::vector< float > const & weights() const
SiTrackerMultiRecHit theHitData
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector3 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weightTimesPosition ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector3 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::weightTimesPosition ( ) const

Implements BasicVertexState.

Definition at line 65 of file VertexState.h.

References ProxyBase< T, Cloner >::data().

66  {
67  return data().weightTimesPosition();
68  }
const T & data() const
Definition: ProxyBase.h:67
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in west direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( ) const

move the navigator west

Definition at line 59 of file CaloNavigator.h.

60  {
62  return currentPoint_;
63  } ;
const TOPO * myTopology_
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in west direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 61 of file EcalBarrelHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goWest(), and DetId::rawId().

62  {
63  EBDetId nextId=goWest(id);
64  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
65  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
66  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
67  return vNeighborsDetId;
68  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goWest(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology west (positive ieta)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in west direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 61 of file EcalEndcapHardcodedTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goWest(), and DetId::rawId().

62  {
63  EEDetId nextId=goWest(id);
64  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
65  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
66  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
67  return vNeighborsDetId;
68  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goWest(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology west (positive ieta)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in west direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 68 of file EcalEndcapTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goWest(), and DetId::rawId().

69  {
70  EEDetId nextId=goWest(id);
71  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
72  if (! (nextId==EEDetId(0)))
73  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
74  return vNeighborsDetId;
75  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goWest(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology west (positive ieta)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in west direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 69 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goWest(), and DetId::rawId().

70  {
71  EBDetId nextId=goWest(id);
72  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
73  if (! (nextId==EBDetId(0)))
74  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
75  return vNeighborsDetId;
76  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goWest(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology west (positive ieta)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual std::vector<DetId> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::west ( const DetId id) const

Get the neighbors of the given cell in west direction

Implements CaloSubdetectorTopology.

Definition at line 69 of file EcalPreshowerTopology.h.

References CaloSubdetectorTopology::goWest(), and DetId::rawId().

70  {
71  ESDetId nextId=goWest(id);
72  std::vector<DetId> vNeighborsDetId;
73  if (! (nextId==ESDetId(0)))
74  vNeighborsDetId.push_back(DetId(nextId.rawId()));
75  return vNeighborsDetId;
76  }
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
virtual DetId goWest(const DetId &id) const
move the Topology west (positive ieta)
Definition: DetId.h:18
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::wgroupsBX ( ) const

Definition at line 63 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

63 {return theWGroupsBX_;}
short int theWGroupsBX_
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:123
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const

"width" of the bounds; refer to the concrete class documentation for the specific definition.

Implements Bounds.

Definition at line 25 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

References funct::sin().

Referenced by Vispa.Main.MainWindow.MainWindow::_saveIni(), Vispa.Views.PropertyView.PropertyView::resizeEvent(), Vispa.Views.PropertyView.PropertyView::sectionResized(), and Vispa.Main.MainWindow.MainWindow::updateStartupScreenGeometry().

25 { return 2.f*theRmax*std::sin(thePhiExtH);}
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
virtual float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::width ( ) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::wireTime ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

89 { return (float)theScaledWireTime/100.; }
int theScaledWireTime
Definition: CSCRecHit2D.h:121
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::xindex ( CCGFloat  x,
CCGFloat  z 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::xOfStrip ( int  strip,
float  y 
) const

Local x where centre of strip intersects input local y
'strip' should be in range 1 to nstrips()

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::yAxisOrientation ( ) const

y axis orientation, 1 means detector width increases with local y

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 226 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

226 { return theYAxisOrientation; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::yCentreOfStripPlane ( ) const

Offset in local y between midpoint of detector (strip plane) extent and local origin

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 231 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

231 { return yCentre; }
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::yDistanceToIntersection ( float  y) const

Distance in local y from a hit to the point of intersection of projected strips

Implements RadialStripTopology.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::yExtentOfStripPlane ( ) const

y extent of strip plane

Implements RadialStripTopology.

Definition at line 182 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

182 { return theDetHeight; } // same as detHeight()
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::yindex ( CCGFloat  y,
CCGFloat  z 
) const
template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::zCoord ( const GlobalVector mom,
const GlobalPoint pos,
double  r,
double  xc,
double  yc,
double  xg,
double  yg 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
friend class LinearizedTrackStateFactory

Friend class properly dealing with creation of reference-counted pointers to LinearizedTrack objects

Definition at line 43 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
friend class MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged

Definition at line 25 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::__pad0__

Definition at line 18 of file HitRCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<int> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_EtaBaskets
size of the baskets in the eta direction. This is needed

to find out whether two adjacent crystals lie in the same basked ('module') or not (e.g. this can be used for correcting cluster energies etc.)

Definition at line 120 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_nncrys

number of crystals per module

Definition at line 112 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_nnmods

number of modules

Definition at line 109 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_nnxtalEta

number of crystals in eta direction

Definition at line 111 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_nnxtalPhi

number of crystals in phi direction

Definition at line 114 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_num_innerpanels

Definition at line 77 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_num_outerpanels

Definition at line 78 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::_PhiBaskets

size of one basket in phi

Definition at line 123 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::aME11a_duplicate

Definition at line 98 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::annealing_

Definition at line 81 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::applyRadX0Correction_

Definition at line 273 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,6,6,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,6> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::b6

Definition at line 116 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double,7,7,ROOT::Math::MatRepSym<double,7> > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::b7

Definition at line 117 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<BadComponent> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::BadComponentVect

Definition at line 155 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::breakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing

Definition at line 83 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TSCPBuilderNoMaterial GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::builder

Definition at line 178 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::bz

Definition at line 100 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
cacheHits GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cache

Definition at line 212 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::charge_

Definition at line 73 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OmniClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clusterMono_

Definition at line 76 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
OmniClusterRef GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::clusterStereo_

Definition at line 76 of file SiStripMatchedRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::covAvailable

Definition at line 113 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::currentPoint_

Definition at line 101 of file CaloNavigator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cutOnPixelCharge_

Definition at line 47 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::cutOnStripCharge_

Definition at line 48 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::debug_

Definition at line 270 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::defaultStep_

Definition at line 282 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const DetLayerGeometry GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dummyGeometry

Definition at line 75 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const DetLayerGeometry GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::dummyGeometry

Definition at line 111 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ecShiftNeg_

Definition at line 285 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ecShiftPos_

Definition at line 284 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::err_

Definition at line 72 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::err_

Definition at line 75 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::field

Definition at line 116 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::field_

Definition at line 267 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
edm::FileInPath GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::FileInPath_

Definition at line 152 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
KFTrajectoryFitter GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fitter

Definition at line 62 of file KFSplittingFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrixOO GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::fullCovariance_

Definition at line 115 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::halfLength

Definition at line 66 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::halfThickness

Definition at line 67 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::halfWidth

Definition at line 65 of file RectangularPlaneBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::hitWire_

Definition at line 122 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::index_

Definition at line 245 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
StateInfo GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::invalidState_

Definition at line 265 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isBarrel

Definition at line 40 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isInitialised

Definition at line 22 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isOldPropagationType

Definition at line 123 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::isThisIron

Definition at line 51 of file NavVolume6Faces.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::jacobiansAvailable

Definition at line 181 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localError_

Definition at line 70 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::localPosition_

Definition at line 69 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_avgZ

Definition at line 129 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_axis

Definition at line 83 of file TruncatedPyramid.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::atomic<EZMgrFL<EEDetId>*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_borderMgr

Definition at line 125 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::atomic<EZMgrFL<EBDetId>*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_borderMgr

Definition at line 125 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::atomic<VecOrdListEEDetIdPtr*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_borderPtrVec

Definition at line 127 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::atomic<VecOrdListEBDetIdPtr*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_borderPtrVec

Definition at line 127 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CellVec GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_cellVec

Definition at line 132 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::atomic< bool > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_check

Definition at line 130 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>

Definition at line 203 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Pt3D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_corOne

Definition at line 84 of file TruncatedPyramid.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_del

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_ncols

Definition at line 201 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_nref

Definition at line 118 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_nrows

Definition at line 200 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_pitchx

Definition at line 196 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_pitchy

Definition at line 197 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_radius

Definition at line 129 of file EcalBarrelGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_ROCS_X

Definition at line 204 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_ROCS_Y

Definition at line 205 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>

Definition at line 202 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Surface const* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_surface

Definition at line 60 of file InvalidTrackingRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_upgradeGeometry

Definition at line 206 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_wref

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_xhi[2]

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_xlo[2]

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_xoff[2]

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_xoffset

Definition at line 198 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_yhi[2]

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_ylo[2]

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_yoff[2]

Definition at line 116 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::m_yoffset

Definition at line 199 of file RectangularPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MAX_POINTS = 7

Definition at line 186 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MAX_STEPS = 10000

Definition at line 261 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
constexpr int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MaxOrder =6

Definition at line 30 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
constexpr int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MaxSize =6

Definition at line 29 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MAXSTRIPS =3

Definition at line 27 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const unsigned int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::MAXTIMEBINS =4

Definition at line 28 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static constexpr Algo GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::me = etaAlgo

Definition at line 18 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::minGoodPixelCharge_

Definition at line 49 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::minGoodStripCharge_

Definition at line 50 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::minHits_

Definition at line 117 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::mom_

Definition at line 74 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TOPO* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::myTopology_

Definition at line 100 of file CaloNavigator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>

Definition at line 29 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::noErrorPropagation_

Definition at line 272 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::noInvalidHitsBeginEnd

Definition at line 84 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::noMaterialMode_

Definition at line 271 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned char GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nStrips_

Definition at line 127 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned char GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nTimeBins_

Definition at line 127 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned char GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::nWireGroups_

Definition at line 127 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::owner

Definition at line 118 of file KFTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalTrajectoryParameters GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::paramA

Definition at line 99 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalTrajectoryParameters GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::paramB

Definition at line 99 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const PixelClusterParameterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pixelCPE

Definition at line 40 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::pair<GlobalPoint, GlobalPoint> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::points_

Definition at line 72 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pos_

Definition at line 71 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::posA

Definition at line 98 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::posB

Definition at line 98 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::printDebug_

Definition at line 158 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::pTChargeCutThreshold_

Definition at line 51 of file Chi2ChargeMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiStripDetInfoFileReader* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::reader

Definition at line 153 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rejectTracksFlag

Definition at line 82 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::returnTangentPlane_

Definition at line 278 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RingPar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::ringPars[3]

Definition at line 62 of file TIDLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
defaultRKPropagator::Product GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::rkProduct

Definition at line 107 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::sendLogWarning_

Definition at line 279 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SiStripDetCabling* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::SiStripDetCabling_

Definition at line 157 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::smoothedChi2_

Definition at line 118 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
T GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::startingPoint_

Definition at line 101 of file CaloNavigator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::status_

Definition at line 101 of file ClosestApproachInRPhi.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stAvailable

Definition at line 112 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const StripClusterParameterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::stripCPE

Definition at line 41 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Surface> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface_

Definition at line 73 of file TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Surface* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::surface_

Definition at line 76 of file TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrackingGeometry* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tGeometry_

Definition at line 39 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theActualDir

Definition at line 52 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theADCs_[N_ADC]

Definition at line 131 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theAlongPropagator

Definition at line 59 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theAlongPropagator

Definition at line 96 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Geom::Theta<Scalar> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theAngle

Definition at line 75 of file Cone.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theAngularWidth

Definition at line 241 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theAWidthInverse

Definition at line 242 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackBinFinder

Definition at line 78 of file TIDRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackBoundaries

Definition at line 102 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<const TECWedge*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackComps

Definition at line 99 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector< const GeomDet * > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackDets

Definition at line 64 of file CompositeTECWedge.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundDisk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackDisk

Definition at line 73 of file TIDRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundDiskSector> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackDiskSector

Definition at line 90 of file PixelBlade.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<WedgePar> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackPars

Definition at line 104 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBackSector

Definition at line 107 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBadStrip

Definition at line 124 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBadWireGroup

Definition at line 125 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<GeomDet const*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBasicComps

Definition at line 59 of file TIDLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector< const GeomDet * > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBasicComps

Definition at line 95 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBinFinder

Definition at line 67 of file PixelForwardLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBinFinder_inner

Definition at line 75 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theBinFinder_outer

Definition at line 76 of file PixelForwardLayerPhase1.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCachedCDPhi

Definition at line 69 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCachedDPhi

Definition at line 67 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCachedS

Definition at line 66 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCachedSDPhi

Definition at line 68 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCentreToIntersection

Definition at line 245 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCharge

Definition at line 25 of file CartesianLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Charge GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCharge

Definition at line 66 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrackCharge GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCharge

Definition at line 180 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theChi2

Definition at line 97 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ConstRecHitContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theComponents

Definition at line 80 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TIDRing* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theComps[3]

Definition at line 60 of file TIDLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector< const GeometricSearchDet * > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theComps

Definition at line 96 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theComputeCoarseLocalPosition

Definition at line 43 of file TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector5 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theConstantTerm

Definition at line 175 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const FullConvolutionWithMaterial* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theConvolutor

Definition at line 62 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCorrectionFlag

values to be transformed by logistic / exp. function?

Definition at line 98 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCosPhi0

Definition at line 60 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCosTheta

Definition at line 61 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicSymMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCovMatrix

Definition at line 96 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const StripClusterParameterEstimator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCPE

Definition at line 52 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCrossTkProp

Definition at line 86 of file BeamHaloPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<CSCRecHit2D> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCSCRecHits

Definition at line 93 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundCylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theCylinder

Definition at line 90 of file TIBRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Vector2D GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theD

Definition at line 48 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDeltaEta

Definition at line 23 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GeomDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDet

Definition at line 35 of file SimpleTECWedge.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thedEta

Definition at line 38 of file EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
StMeasurementConditionSet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDetConditions

Definition at line 246 of file TkStripMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDetHeight

Definition at line 244 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const ForwardDetLayer* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDetLayer

Definition at line 46 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const BarrelDetLayer* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDetLayer

Definition at line 51 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector< const GeomDet * > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDets

Definition at line 65 of file CompositeTECWedge.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DirectionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDirection

Definition at line 68 of file HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundDisk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDisk

Definition at line 71 of file TIDRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDiskSector

Definition at line 54 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDistToBeam

Definition at line 84 of file TrapezoidalStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDmag

Definition at line 49 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDoEndCap

Definition at line 50 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thedPhi

Definition at line 39 of file EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<CSCSegment> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theDuplicateSegments

Definition at line 99 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DeepCopyPointerByClone<GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theELUpdator

Definition at line 30 of file GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
EnergyLossUpdator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theELUpdator

Definition at line 41 of file CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theEndCapTkProp

Definition at line 85 of file BeamHaloPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theEnergyDeposit

Definition at line 119 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theErr

Definition at line 54 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theErrAvailable

Definition at line 60 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theErrorRescaling

Definition at line 69 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theErrorWithinStrip

Definition at line 118 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theEstimateCut

Definition at line 77 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MeasurementEstimator * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theEstimator

Definition at line 72 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Range GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theEtaRange

Definition at line 192 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector5 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theExpandedParams

Definition at line 176 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<VolumeSide> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFaces

Definition at line 49 of file NavVolume6Faces.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const RKLocalFieldProvider& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theField

Definition at line 24 of file CartesianLorentzForce.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const RKLocalFieldProvider & GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theField

Definition at line 122 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFitter

Definition at line 75 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GloballyPositioned<T> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrame

Definition at line 30 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FrameRelation GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrameRelation

Definition at line 31 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontBinFinder

Definition at line 77 of file TIDRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontBoundaries

Definition at line 101 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<const TECWedge*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontComps

Definition at line 98 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector< const GeomDet * > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontDets

Definition at line 63 of file CompositeTECWedge.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundDisk> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontDisk

Definition at line 72 of file TIDRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<BoundDiskSector> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontDiskSector

Definition at line 89 of file PixelBlade.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<WedgePar> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontPars

Definition at line 103 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundDiskSector > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theFrontSector

Definition at line 106 of file CompositeTECPetal.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theGenProp

Definition at line 112 of file SmartPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
edm::ESHandle< CaloGeometry > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theGeom_

Definition at line 107 of file EcalBarrelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DeepCopyPointerByClone<Propagator> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theGeometricalPropagator

Definition at line 108 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const DetLayerGeometry * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theGeometry

Definition at line 76 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GsfPropagatorAdapter* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theGeomPropagator

Definition at line 61 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theHalfNBins

Definition at line 23 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theHelicity

Definition at line 91 of file TIBRing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TkCloner const * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theHitCloner =nullptr

Definition at line 74 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SiTrackerMultiRecHit GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theHitData

Definition at line 78 of file TSiTrackerMultiRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LinearSearchNavSurfaceImpl GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theImpl

Definition at line 49 of file NavCone.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ClosestApproachInRPhi GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theIniAlgo

Definition at line 67 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerBarrelLayers

Definition at line 53 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GeneralBinFinderInZforGeometricSearchDet<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerBinFinder

Definition at line 42 of file TIBLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerBinFinder

Definition at line 62 of file TBPLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<const GeomDet*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerDets

Definition at line 74 of file TOBRod.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerForwardLayers

Definition at line 51 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerLayers

Definition at line 54 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerLeftForwardLayers

Definition at line 58 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<Plane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerPlane

Definition at line 77 of file TOBRod.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theInnerRightForwardLayers

Definition at line 59 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned char GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theL1APhaseBits_[MAXSTRIPS]

Definition at line 129 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Range GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLambdaRange

Definition at line 193 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
MSLayersAtAngle GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLayersData

Definition at line 18 of file MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
MSLayersAtAngle GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLayersData

Definition at line 24 of file MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLength

Definition at line 122 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
SurfaceContainer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLimits

Definition at line 43 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLinPoint

Definition at line 169 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RefCountedLinearizedTrackState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLinTrack

Definition at line 109 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalVector GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLocalDirection

Definition at line 95 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLocalError

Definition at line 134 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Chi2MeasurementEstimator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLocalEstimator

Definition at line 46 of file Chi2Switching1DEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLocalPosition

Definition at line 133 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const KFUpdator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLocalUpdator

Definition at line 47 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLogPixelProbabilityCut

Definition at line 79 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theLooperFitter

Definition at line 53 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MagVolume& GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMagVolume

Definition at line 32 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMatBeforeUpdate

Definition at line 68 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const SiStripRecHitMatcher * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMatcher

Definition at line 51 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
MaterialLocation GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMaterialLocation

Definition at line 115 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMaxDBzRatio

Definition at line 121 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMaxDistToPlane

Definition at line 72 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMaxDPhi2

Definition at line 120 of file AnalyticalPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMeanLambda

Definition at line 195 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MeasurementTrackerEvent* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 199 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const UseMeasurementTracker GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMeasurementTrackerUsage

Definition at line 196 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MultiTrajectoryStateMerger * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMerger

Definition at line 73 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DeepCopyPointerByClone< MaterialEffectsUpdator > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMEUpdator

Definition at line 33 of file GsfMaterialEffectsAdapter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMinNumberOfHits

Definition at line 81 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Mode GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theModus

Definition at line 65 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicMatrix53 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMomentumJacobian

Definition at line 173 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TkStripMeasurementDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMonoDet

Definition at line 53 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DeepCopyPointerByClone<GsfMaterialEffectsUpdator> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMSUpdator

Definition at line 29 of file GsfCombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
MultipleScatteringUpdator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theMSUpdator

Definition at line 40 of file CombinedMaterialEffectsUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Container GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theNavSurfaces

Definition at line 50 of file NavVolume6Faces.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theNegInnerLayers

Definition at line 63 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theNegOuterLayers

Definition at line 61 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theNrComponents

Definition at line 96 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theNumberOfStrips

Definition at line 55 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
static const float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theNumericalPrecision

Definition at line 71 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOffset

Definition at line 57 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GsfPropagatorWithMaterial* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOppositePropagator

Definition at line 60 of file GsfTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOppositePropagator

Definition at line 97 of file KFTrajectorySmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
LocalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOrigin

Definition at line 94 of file CSCSegment.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const GeomDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOriginalDet

Definition at line 84 of file ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterBarrelLayers

Definition at line 52 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GeneralBinFinderInZforGeometricSearchDet<float> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterBinFinder

Definition at line 43 of file TIBLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
BinFinderType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterBinFinder

Definition at line 63 of file TBPLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<const GeomDet*> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterDets

Definition at line 75 of file TOBRod.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterForwardLayers

Definition at line 50 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterLayers

Definition at line 53 of file SimpleForwardNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterLeftForwardLayers

Definition at line 55 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<Plane> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterPlane

Definition at line 78 of file TOBRod.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
FDLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theOuterRightForwardLayers

Definition at line 56 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePhiExtH

Definition at line 49 of file DiskSectorBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Margin GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePhiMargin

Definition at line 194 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePhiOfOneEdge

Definition at line 246 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePitch

Definition at line 54 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Polynomial GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePolyMeans[MaxSize]

parametrisation of weight for each component

Definition at line 101 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Polynomial GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePolyVars[MaxSize]

parametrisation of mean for each componentP

Definition at line 102 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Polynomial GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePolyWeights[MaxSize]

correction of 1st or 1st&2nd moments

Definition at line 100 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePos

Definition at line 53 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePosAvailable

Definition at line 59 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePosInnerLayers

Definition at line 64 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const PositionTypeDouble GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePosition

Definition at line 67 of file HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicMatrix53 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePositionJacobian

Definition at line 173 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePositionWithinStrip

Definition at line 117 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DLC GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePosOuterLayers

Definition at line 62 of file SimpleBarrelNavigableLayer.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePrecise

Definition at line 56 of file GlobalTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePredState

Definition at line 174 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const AlgebraicMatrix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theProjectionMatrix

Definition at line 85 of file BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Propagator * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePropagator

Definition at line 70 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PropagationDirection GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePropDir

Definition at line 39 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const PropagationDirection GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePropDir

Definition at line 64 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::thePtMin

Definition at line 39 of file MultipleScatteringUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theQuadraticCrossingFromStart

Definition at line 56 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theQuadraticSolutionFromStart

Definition at line 63 of file IterativeHelixExtrapolatorToLine.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theQuality

Definition at line 120 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRadialSigma

Definition at line 250 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Scalar GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRadius

Definition at line 93 of file Cylinder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
RefCountedRefittedTrackState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRefittedState

Definition at line 114 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRho

Definition at line 38 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRho

Definition at line 62 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRmax

Definition at line 45 of file SimpleCylinderBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRmaxZmax

Definition at line 101 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRmaxZmin

Definition at line 98 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRmin

Definition at line 44 of file SimpleCylinderBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRminZmax

Definition at line 100 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRminZmin

Definition at line 97 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
HitRZConstraint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theRZ

Definition at line 41 of file HitEtaCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theS

Definition at line 47 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theScaledWireTime

Definition at line 121 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Basic3DVector<T> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theShift

Definition at line 33 of file ShiftingMagneticFieldProvider.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSinPhi0

Definition at line 60 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSinTheta

Definition at line 61 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSinThetaI

Definition at line 79 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::unique_ptr<TrajectorySmoother> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSmoother

Definition at line 76 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const std::unique_ptr<TrajectoryFitter> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStandardFitter

Definition at line 52 of file FlexibleKFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DirectionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStartingDir

Definition at line 37 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PositionType GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStartingPos

Definition at line 36 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
std::vector<TSOS> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStates

Definition at line 59 of file BasicMultiTrajectoryState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TkStripMeasurementDet* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStereoDet

Definition at line 54 of file TkGluedMeasurementDet.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStereoFlag

Definition at line 37 of file StripGeomDetType.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Chi2Strip1DEstimator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStripEstimator

Definition at line 47 of file Chi2Switching1DEstimator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStripLength

Definition at line 56 of file RectangularStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
unsigned char GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStrips_[MAXSTRIPS]

Definition at line 130 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const KFStrip1DUpdator GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theStripUpdator

Definition at line 48 of file KFSwitching1DUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const Surface* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSurface

Definition at line 44 of file GeneralNSurfaceDelimitedBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
DeepCopyPointerByClone< const SurfaceDeformation > GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSurfaceDeformation

Definition at line 123 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Cylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSurfaceP

Definition at line 47 of file NavCylinder.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ConstReferenceCountingPointer<Cone> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSurfaceP

Definition at line 48 of file NavCone.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PlanePointer GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theSurfaceP

Definition at line 52 of file NavPlane.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTanAW

Definition at line 243 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTanOfOneEdge

Definition at line 247 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTiming

Definition at line 78 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Propagator* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTkProp

Definition at line 111 of file SmartPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
ReferenceCountingPointer<Cylinder> GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTkVolume

Definition at line 114 of file SmartPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
Margin GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTolerance

Definition at line 31 of file HitRCheck.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTolerance

Definition at line 55 of file RKPropagatorInS.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TopologyType * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTopology

Definition at line 35 of file PixelGeomDetType.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTpeak

Definition at line 116 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
reco::TransientTrack GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTrack

Definition at line 170 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTransformationCode

number of components used for parameterisation

Definition at line 97 of file GsfBetheHeitlerUpdator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTSOS

Definition at line 171 of file PerigeeLinearizedTrackState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixHelix GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTTMDhh

Definition at line 68 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixLine GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTTMDhl

Definition at line 70 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TwoTrackMinimumDistanceLineLine GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theTTMDll

Definition at line 69 of file TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
StripGeomDetType const* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theType

Definition at line 113 of file ProxyStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
PixelGeomDetType const* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theType

Definition at line 121 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateUpdator * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theUpdator

Definition at line 71 of file GsfTrajectoryFitter.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theUseEtaPhi

Definition at line 198 of file RectangularEtaPhiTrackingRegion.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalPoint GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theVertex

Definition at line 74 of file Cone.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
VertexState GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theVertexState

Definition at line 110 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const MagVolume * GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theVolume

Definition at line 31 of file RKPropagatorInR.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
GlobalWeight GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWeight

Definition at line 55 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWeight

Definition at line 111 of file VertexTrack.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWeightAvailable

Definition at line 61 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWeightInMix

Definition at line 57 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
AlgebraicVector3 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWeightTimesPos

Definition at line 56 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWeightTimesPosAvailable

Definition at line 62 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
short int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWGroupsBX_

Definition at line 123 of file CSCRecHit2D.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theWidth

Definition at line 122 of file ProxyPixelTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theX0

Definition at line 59 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theXCenter

Definition at line 43 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theY0

Definition at line 59 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theYAxisOrientation

Definition at line 248 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
int GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theYAxOr

Definition at line 86 of file TrapezoidalStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theYCenter

Definition at line 44 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const double GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theZ0

Definition at line 59 of file HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theZmax

Definition at line 99 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::theZmin

Definition at line 96 of file SimpleConeBounds.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::toCleanUp

Definition at line 151 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const TrajectoryStateOnSurface GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tsos_

Definition at line 73 of file TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
TrajectoryStateWithArbitraryError GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::tsosWithError

Definition at line 86 of file KFFittingSmoother.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const AlgebraicSymMatrix55 GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::unit55_

Definition at line 269 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useEmptyRunInfo_

Definition at line 159 of file SiStripQuality.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useInTeslaFromMagField_

Definition at line 277 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useIsYokeFlag_

Definition at line 275 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useMagVolumes_

Definition at line 274 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useMatVolumes_

Definition at line 276 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useRungeKutta_

Definition at line 117 of file PropagatorWithMaterial.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useStraightLine

Definition at line 53 of file HelixBarrelPlaneCrossingByCircle.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::useTuningForL2Speed_

Definition at line 280 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
bool GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::valid

Definition at line 64 of file BasicSingleVertexState.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
const VolumeBasedMagneticField* GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::vbField_

Definition at line 268 of file SteppingHelixPropagator.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
float GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::yCentre

Definition at line 249 of file TkRadialStripTopology.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::zeN

Definition at line 114 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.

template<class T , class TOPO = CaloSubdetectorTopology>
CCGFloat GCC11_FINAL< T, TOPO >::zeP

Definition at line 114 of file EcalEndcapGeometry.h.