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prunedGenParticles_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple prunedGenParticles

Variable Documentation

tuple prunedGenParticles_cfi.prunedGenParticles
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("GenParticlePruner",
2  src = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
3  select = cms.vstring(
4  "drop *", # this is the default
5  "keep status == 3 || status == 22 || status == 23", #keep event summary status3 (for pythia), 22,23 (pythia8)
6  "++keep abs(pdgId) == 11 || abs(pdgId) == 13 || abs(pdgId) == 15", # keep leptons, with history
7  "keep abs(pdgId) == 12 || abs(pdgId) == 14 || abs(pdgId) == 16", # keep neutrinos
8  "+keep pdgId == 22 && status == 1 && pt > 10", # keep gamma above 10 GeV
9  "drop status == 2", # drop the shower part of the history
10  "keep++ abs(pdgId) == 15", # but keep keep taus with decays
11  "drop status > 30 && status < 70 ", #remove pythia8 garbage
12  "drop pdgId == 21 && pt < 5", #remove pythia8 garbage
13  "drop status == 2 && abs(pdgId) == 21", # but remove again gluons in the inheritance chain
14  "keep abs(pdgId) == 23 || abs(pdgId) == 24 || abs(pdgId) == 25 || abs(pdgId) == 6 || abs(pdgId) == 37 ", # keep VIP(articles)s
15  "keep abs(pdgId) == 310 && abs(eta) < 2.5 && pt > 1 ", # keep K0
16 # keep heavy flavour quarks for parton-based jet flavour
17  "keep (4 <= abs(pdgId) = 5) & (status = 2 || status = 11 || status = 71 || status = 72)",
18 # keep light-flavour quarks and gluons for parton-based jet flavour
19  "keep (1 <= abs(pdgId) <= 3 || pdgId = 21) & (status = 2 || status = 11 || status = 71 || status = 72) && pt>5",
20 # keep b and c hadrons for hadron-based jet flavour
21  "keep (400 < abs(pdgId) < 600) || (4000 < abs(pdgId) < 6000)",
22 # additional c hadrons for jet fragmentation studies
23  "keep abs(pdgId) = 10411 || abs(pdgId) = 10421 || abs(pdgId) = 10413 || abs(pdgId) = 10423 || abs(pdgId) = 20413 || abs(pdgId) = 20423 || abs(pdgId) = 10431 || abs(pdgId) = 10433 || abs(pdgId) = 20433",
24 # additional b hadrons for jet fragmentation studies
25  "keep abs(pdgId) = 10511 || abs(pdgId) = 10521 || abs(pdgId) = 10513 || abs(pdgId) = 10523 || abs(pdgId) = 20513 || abs(pdgId) = 20523 || abs(pdgId) = 10531 || abs(pdgId) = 10533 || abs(pdgId) = 20533 || abs(pdgId) = 10541 || abs(pdgId) = 10543 || abs(pdgId) = 20543",
27  )
28 )

Definition at line 3 of file