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1 # FFTJet clustering tree dumper configuration
3 import os, errno, sys
4 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
8 def mkdir_p(path):
9  try:
10  os.makedirs(path)
11  except OSError as exc:
12  if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
13  pass
14  else: raise
16 # Output directory for the trees
17 clustering_trees_outdir = "./ClusteringTrees"
18 if (sys.argv[0] == "cmsRun"):
19  mkdir_p(clustering_trees_outdir)
21 # Base name for the output files
22 trees_basename = "clustree"
24 # Configure the FFTJet tree dumper module
25 fftjetTreeDumper = cms.EDAnalyzer(
26  "FFTJetTreeDump",
27  #
28  # Label for the input clustering tree (either sparse or dense)
29  treeLabel = cms.InputTag("fftjetpatreco", "FFTJetPatternRecognition"),
30  #
31  # Prefix for the output trees
32  outputPrefix = cms.string(clustering_trees_outdir + '/' + trees_basename),
33  #
34  # Eta limit for the plot
35  etaMax = cms.double(fftjet_standard_eta_range),
36  #
37  # Do we have the complete event at the lowest tree scale?
38  insertCompleteEvent = cms.bool(fftjet_insert_complete_event),
39  completeEventScale = cms.double(fftjet_complete_event_scale),
40  #
41  # The initial set of scales used by the pattern recognition stage.
42  # This is also the final set unless clustering tree construction
43  # is adaptive. Needed here for reading back non-adaptive trees.
44  InitialScales = fftjet_patreco_scales_50,
45  #
46  # Clustering tree distance functor
47  TreeDistanceCalculator = fftjet_fixed_bandwidth_distance,
48  #
49  # Which quantity will be mapped into OpenDX glyph size?
50  GlyphSize = cms.PSet(
51  Class = cms.string("ScaledMagnitude2")
52  ),
53  #
54  # Which quantity will be mapped into OpenDX glyph color?
55  GlyphColor = cms.PSet(
56  Class = cms.string("ScaledHessianDet")
57  )
58 )