DTChamberId | chamberId () const |
| The id of the chamber on which reside the segment. More...
virtual DTChamberRecSegment2D * | clone () const |
| The clone method needed by the clone policy. More...
| DTChamberRecSegment2D () |
| empty c'tor More...
| DTChamberRecSegment2D (DTChamberId id, const std::vector< DTRecHit1D > &hits) |
| c'tor from hits More...
| DTChamberRecSegment2D (DTChamberId id, LocalPoint &position, LocalVector &direction, AlgebraicSymMatrix &covMatrix, double chi2, std::vector< DTRecHit1D > &hits1D) |
| complete constructor More...
virtual | ~DTChamberRecSegment2D () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual double | chi2 () const |
| the chi2 of the fit More...
AlgebraicSymMatrix | covMatrix () const |
| the Covariance Matrix More...
virtual int | degreesOfFreedom () const |
| return the DOF of the segment More...
virtual int | dimension () const |
| return 2. The dimension of the matrix More...
| DTRecSegment2D () |
| DTRecSegment2D (DetId id, const std::vector< DTRecHit1D > &hits) |
| c'tor from hits More...
| DTRecSegment2D (DetId id, LocalPoint &position, LocalVector &direction, AlgebraicSymMatrix &covMatrix, double chi2, std::vector< DTRecHit1D > &hits1D) |
| complete constructor More...
bool | ist0Valid () const |
virtual LocalVector | localDirection () const |
| the local direction in SL frame More...
virtual LocalError | localDirectionError () const |
| the local direction error (xx,xy,yy) in SL frame: only xx is not 0. More...
virtual LocalPoint | localPosition () const |
| local position in SL frame More...
virtual LocalError | localPositionError () const |
| local position error in SL frame More...
virtual AlgebraicVector | parameters () const |
| the vector of parameters (dx/dz,x) More...
virtual AlgebraicSymMatrix | parametersError () const |
virtual AlgebraicMatrix | projectionMatrix () const |
virtual std::vector< const
TrackingRecHit * > | recHits () const |
| Access to component RecHits (if any) More...
virtual std::vector
< TrackingRecHit * > | recHits () |
| Non-const access to component RecHits (if any) More...
std::vector< DTRecHit1D > | specificRecHits () const |
| Access to specific components. More...
double | t0 () const |
| Get the segment t0 (if recomputed, 0 is returned otherwise) More...
double | vDrift () const |
virtual | ~DTRecSegment2D () |
| Destructor. More...
| RecSegment (DetId id) |
| RecSegment (TrackingRecHit::id_type id=0) |
virtual | ~RecSegment () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | canImproveWithTrack () const |
RecHitPointer | cloneForFit (const GeomDet &idet) const |
virtual TrackingRecHit * | cloneHit () const |
virtual RecHitPointer | cloneSH () const |
const GeomDet * | det () const |
virtual const GeomDetUnit * | detUnit () const |
virtual float | errorGlobalR () const |
virtual float | errorGlobalRPhi () const |
virtual float | errorGlobalZ () const |
DetId | geographicalId () const |
virtual void | getKfComponents (KfComponentsHolder &holder) const |
unsigned int | getRTTI () const |
Type | getType () const |
virtual GlobalPoint | globalPosition () const |
virtual GlobalError | globalPositionError () const |
virtual bool | hasPositionAndError () const |
| to be redefined by daughter class More...
virtual TrackingRecHit const * | hit () const |
bool | isValid () const |
id_type | rawId () const |
virtual void | recHitsV (std::vector< const TrackingRecHit * > &) const |
virtual void | recHitsV (std::vector< TrackingRecHit * > &) |
void | setDet (const GeomDet &idet) |
virtual bool | sharesInput (const TrackingRecHit *other, SharedInputType what) const |
virtual const Surface * | surface () const |
| TrackingRecHit (DetId id, Type type=valid) |
| TrackingRecHit (id_type id=0, Type type=valid) |
| TrackingRecHit (DetId id, unsigned int rt, Type type=valid) |
| TrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &idet, Type type=valid) |
| TrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &idet, unsigned int rt, Type type=valid) |
| TrackingRecHit (const GeomDet &idet, TrackingRecHit const &rh) |
virtual ConstRecHitContainer | transientHits () const |
Type | type () const |
virtual float | weight () const |
virtual | ~TrackingRecHit () |