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TEcnaHistos Class Reference

#include <TEcnaHistos.h>

Inheritance diagram for TEcnaHistos:

Public Member Functions

TVirtualPad * ActivePad (const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * ActivePavTxt (const TString &, const TString &)
TString AsciiFileName ()
void CorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &)
void CovariancesBetweenSamples (const Int_t &)
TCanvas * CreateCanvas (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, UInt_t, UInt_t)
void DeeSCNumbering (const Int_t &)
void DoCanvasClosed ()
void EEDataSectors (const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void EEGridAxis (const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void EvSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void EvSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void FileParameters (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void FileParameters (TEcnaRead *)
void FillHisto (TH1D *, const TVectorD &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void GeneralTitle (const TString &)
TCanvas * GetCurrentCanvas (const TString &, const TString &)
TCanvas * GetCurrentCanvas ()
TString GetCurrentCanvasName ()
Int_t GetDSOffset (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetEtaPhiAxisTitle (const TString &)
Int_t GetHistoNumberOfBins (const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetHistoryRunListParameters (const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t GetHistoSize (const TString &, const TString &)
TVectorD GetHistoValues (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, TEcnaRead *, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, Int_t &)
Axis_t GetHistoXinf (const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Axis_t GetHistoXsup (const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString GetHocoVecoAxisTitle (const TString &)
TString GetIXIYAxisTitle (const TString &)
Int_t GetListFileNumber (const TString &)
TString GetMemoFlag (const TString &)
TString GetMemoFlag (const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t GetNbBinsFromMemo (const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex (const Int_t &)
Int_t GetNotCompleteSCForConsFromIndex (const Int_t &)
Int_t GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex (const Int_t &)
Int_t GetNotConnectedSCForConsFromIndex (const Int_t &)
Bool_t GetOkViewHisto (TEcnaRead *, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Color_t GetSCColor (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t GetSCOffset (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Color_t GetViewHistoColor (const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t GetXCrysInStex (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetXinfValueFromMemo (const TString &)
Double_t GetXinfValueFromMemo ()
Int_t GetXSampInStin (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetXStinInStas (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetXsupValueFromMemo (const TString &)
Double_t GetXsupValueFromMemo ()
TString GetXVarFromMemo (const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t GetYCrysInStex (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue (TGraph *, const Double_t)
Double_t GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue (TH1D *, const Double_t)
Double_t GetYmaxValueFromMemo (const TString &)
Double_t GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue (TGraph *, const Double_t)
Double_t GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue (TH1D *, const Double_t)
Double_t GetYminValueFromMemo (const TString &)
Int_t GetYSampInStin (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetYStinInStas (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetYVarFromMemo (const TString &, const TString &)
void HistimePlot (TGraph *, Axis_t, Axis_t, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void HistoPlot (TH1D *, const Int_t &, const Axis_t &, const Axis_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void Init ()
void InitSpecParBeforeFileReading ()
Int_t ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void NewCanvas (const TString &)
Double_t NotCompleteSCH1DBin (const Int_t &)
Double_t NotConnectedSCH1DBin (const Int_t &)
void NumberOfEvents (const Int_t &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas ()
void PlotDetector (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PlotDetector (const TString &, const TString &)
void PlotHistory (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void PlotHistory (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &)
void PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ReInitCanvas (const TString &, const TString &)
void RunType (const TString &)
void SCCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewHisto (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void SetAllPavesViewHisto (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewMatrix (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewStas ()
void SetAllPavesViewStex (const TString &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewStex (const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewStin (const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues ()
TString SetCanvasName (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetEcalSubDetector (const TString &)
Int_t SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo (TGraph *, const TString &)
void SetGraphPresentation (TGraph *, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetHistoColorPalette (const TString &)
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo (TH1D *, const TString &)
void SetHistoMax (const Double_t &)
void SetHistoMax ()
void SetHistoMin (const Double_t &)
void SetHistoMin ()
void SetHistoPresentation (TH1D *, const TString &)
void SetHistoPresentation (TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetHistoScaleX (const TString &)
void SetHistoScaleY (const TString &)
TString SetHistoXAxisTitle (const TString &)
TString SetHistoYAxisTitle (const TString &)
void SetNbBinsMemo (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void SetParametersCanvas (const TString &, const TString &)
void SetParametersPavTxt (const TString &, const TString &)
void SetRunNumberFromList (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetViewGraphColors (TGraph *, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoColors (TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void SetXinfMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &)
void SetXinfMemoFromValue (const Double_t &)
void SetXsupMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &)
void SetXsupMemoFromValue (const Double_t &)
void SetXVarMemo (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo (const TString &)
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &)
void SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo (const TString &)
void SetYminMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &)
void SetYVarMemo (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void SigmaSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void SigmaSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SMTowerNumbering (const Int_t &)
void SqrtContourLevels (const Int_t &, Double_t *)
void StartStopDate (const TString &, const TString &)
Bool_t StatusDataExist ()
Bool_t StatusFileFound ()
void StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc (const TString &)
TString StexNumberToString (const Int_t &)
void StexStinNumbering (const Int_t &)
void StinCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
 TEcnaHistos ()
 TEcnaHistos (TEcnaObject *, const TString &)
void TopAxisForHistos (TH1D *, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void TowerCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void ViewDeeGrid (const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewDeeSCNumberingPad (const Int_t &)
void ViewEBGrid ()
void ViewEEGrid (const Int_t &)
void ViewHistime (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void ViewHisto (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void ViewMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void ViewSCGrid (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewSMGrid (const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewSMTowerNumberingPad (const Int_t &)
void ViewStas (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewStasGrid (const Int_t &)
void ViewStex (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewStexGrid (const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewStexStinNumberingPad (const Int_t &)
void ViewStin (const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewStinGrid (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void ViewTowerGrid (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void WriteHistoAscii (const TString &, const Int_t &, const TVectorD &)
void WriteMatrixAscii (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TMatrixD &)
void XtalSamplesEv (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void XtalSamplesEv (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void XtalSamplesSigma (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void XtalSamplesSigma (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
virtual ~TEcnaHistos ()

Private Attributes

TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Int_t fAlreadyRead
TString fAsciiFileName
TString fBetweenSamples
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb
Int_t fCanvSameH1SamePlus
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_Date
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_Date
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_Date
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_Date
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_Date
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_Date
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs
Int_t fCdelete
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
TString fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvDs
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvNb
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpDs
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpNb
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpDs
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpNb
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChDs
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChNb
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_Date
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_RuDs
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_Date
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_RuDs
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_Date
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_RuDs
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_Date
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_RuDs
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_Date
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_RuDs
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_Date
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_RuDs
Int_t fCnaCommand
Int_t fCnaError
Int_t fCnew
Int_t fCnewRoot
TString fCodeEB
TString fCodeEE
TString fCorrelationMatrix
TString fCovarianceMatrix
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
TString fCurrentCanvasName
TString fCurrentHistoCode
TString fCurrentOptPlot
TVirtualPad * fCurrentPad
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvDsXinf
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvDsXsup
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmax
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmin
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvNbXinf
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvNbXsup
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmax
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmin
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmin
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmin
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmin
Axis_t fD_MSp_SpDsXinf
Axis_t fD_MSp_SpDsXsup
Double_t fD_MSp_SpDsYmax
Double_t fD_MSp_SpDsYmin
Axis_t fD_MSp_SpNbXinf
Axis_t fD_MSp_SpNbXsup
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmax
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmin
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmin
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmin
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmin
Axis_t fD_SSp_SpDsXinf
Axis_t fD_SSp_SpDsXsup
Double_t fD_SSp_SpDsYmax
Double_t fD_SSp_SpDsYmin
Axis_t fD_SSp_SpNbXinf
Axis_t fD_SSp_SpNbXsup
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmax
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmin
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChDsXinf
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChDsXsup
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmax
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmin
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChNbXinf
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChNbXsup
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmax
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmin
TString fFapAnaType
TString fFapEchaName
TString fFapFileRuns
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Int_t fFapMaxNbOfRuns
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Int_t fFapNbOfRuns
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Int_t fFapRunNumber
TString fFapStexBarrel
TString fFapStexDir
TString fFapStexName
Int_t fFapStexNumber
TString fFapStexType
TString fFapStinName
TString fFapStinQuadType
TString fFapXtalName
std::ifstream fFcin_f
TString fFlagColPal
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
TString fFlagScaleX
TString fFlagScaleY
TString fFlagSubDet
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Int_t fgMaxCar
Axis_t fH1SameOnePlotXinf
Axis_t fH1SameOnePlotXsup
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmax
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmin
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin
Axis_t fH_HFN_DateXinf
Axis_t fH_HFN_DateXsup
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmax
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmin
Axis_t fH_HFN_RuDsXinf
Axis_t fH_HFN_RuDsXsup
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmax
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmin
Axis_t fH_LFN_DateXinf
Axis_t fH_LFN_DateXsup
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmax
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmin
Axis_t fH_LFN_RuDsXinf
Axis_t fH_LFN_RuDsXsup
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmax
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmin
Axis_t fH_MCs_DateXinf
Axis_t fH_MCs_DateXsup
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmax
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmin
Axis_t fH_MCs_RuDsXinf
Axis_t fH_MCs_RuDsXsup
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmax
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmin
Axis_t fH_Ped_DateXinf
Axis_t fH_Ped_DateXsup
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmax
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmin
Axis_t fH_Ped_RuDsXinf
Axis_t fH_Ped_RuDsXsup
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmax
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmin
Axis_t fH_SCs_DateXinf
Axis_t fH_SCs_DateXsup
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmax
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmin
Axis_t fH_SCs_RuDsXinf
Axis_t fH_SCs_RuDsXsup
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmax
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmin
Axis_t fH_TNo_DateXinf
Axis_t fH_TNo_DateXsup
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmax
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmin
Axis_t fH_TNo_RuDsXinf
Axis_t fH_TNo_RuDsXsup
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmax
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmin
TString fHFBetweenChannels
TString fHFBetweenStins
TString fHistoCodeFirst
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpNb
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChDs
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChNb
TCanvasImp * fImpH1SamePlus
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_Date
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_RuDs
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_Date
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_RuDs
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_Date
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_RuDs
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_Date
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_RuDs
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_Date
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_RuDs
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_Date
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_RuDs
TString fLFBetweenChannels
TString fLFBetweenStins
Int_t fMemoAlreadyRead
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_Date
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_Date
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_Date
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_Date
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_Date
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_Date
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs
TString fMyRootFileName
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Int_t fNbBinsProj
Int_t fNbOfExistingRuns
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Int_t fOptScaleLinx
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Int_t fOptScaleLogx
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Int_t fOptVisColz
Int_t fOptVisLego
Int_t fOptVisLine
Int_t fOptVisPolm
Int_t fOptVisSurf1
Int_t fOptVisSurf4
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpNb
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChDs
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChNb
TVirtualPad * fPadH1SamePlus
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_Date
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_RuDs
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_Date
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_RuDs
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_Date
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_RuDs
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_Date
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_RuDs
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_Date
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_RuDs
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_Date
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_RuDs
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
TPaveText * fPavComCxyz
TPaveText * fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna
TPaveText * fPavComEvolRuns
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
TPaveText * fPavComLVRB
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
TPaveText * fPavComSeveralChanging
TPaveText * fPavComStas
TPaveText * fPavComStex
TPaveText * fPavComStin
TPaveText * fPavComXtal
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb
TPaveText * fPavTxtH1SamePlus
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_Date
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_Date
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_Date
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_Date
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_Date
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_Date
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs
Int_t fPlotAllXtalsInStin
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
TMatrixD fReadMatrixDummy
TString fRunType
TString fSameOnePlot
TString fSeveralPlot
TString fStartDate
TString fStartEvolDate
Int_t fStartEvolRun
time_t fStartEvolTime
time_t fStartTime
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Int_t fStinSizeInCrystals
TString fStopDate
TString fStopEvolDate
Int_t fStopEvolRun
time_t fStopEvolTime
time_t fStopTime
TString * fT1DAnaType
TString * fT1DHistoryRunListFilePath
TString * fT1DResultsRootFilePath
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Int_t fTextBorderSize
Int_t fTextPaveAlign
Int_t fTextPaveFont
Float_t fTextPaveSize
Int_t fTobeRead
Int_t fUnev
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Double_t fXinf
Double_t fXinfProj
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb
TString fXMemoH1SamePlus
TString fXMemoH_HFN_Date
TString fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs
TString fXMemoH_LFN_Date
TString fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs
TString fXMemoH_MCs_Date
TString fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs
TString fXMemoH_Ped_Date
TString fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs
TString fXMemoH_SCs_Date
TString fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs
TString fXMemoH_TNo_Date
TString fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Double_t fXsup
Double_t fXsupProj
Double_t fYinf
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb
TString fYMemoH1SamePlus
TString fYMemoH_HFN_Date
TString fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs
TString fYMemoH_LFN_Date
TString fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs
TString fYMemoH_MCs_Date
TString fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs
TString fYMemoH_Ped_Date
TString fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs
TString fYMemoH_SCs_Date
TString fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs
TString fYMemoH_TNo_Date
TString fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Double_t fYsup
Int_t fZerv

Detailed Description

TEcnaHistos.h Update: 05/07/2011 Author: B.Fabbro ( DSM/IRFU/SPP CEA-Saclay Copyright: Those valid for CEA sofware

ECNA web page:


==============> INTRODUCTION

This class provides methods for displaying plots of various types:
1D, 2D and 3D histograms for different quantities (pedestals, noises,
correlations, .etc..). The data are read from files which has been
previously written by using the class TEcnaRun (.root result files).
The reading is performed by appropriate methods of the class TEcnaRead.

  ***   I N S T R U C T I O N S   F O R   U S E   ***

PS: examples of programs using TEcnaHistos are situated in directory test (.cc files)

// (A) –> Object declarations:

TEcnaHistos* MyHistosEB = new TEcnaHistos("EB"); TEcnaHistos* MyHistosEE = new TEcnaHistos("EE");

// (B) –> Specification of the file which has to be read. // This file is a .root result file which has previously been written by means of // the class TEcnaRun (see documentation of this class)

// 1) specify the parameter values of the file name:

TString AnalysisName = "StdPed12"; (AnalysisName -> explanation in TEcnaRun documentation) Int_t NbOfSamples = 10; Int_t RunNumber = 112206; Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber = 100; | (numbering starting from 1) Int_t LastReqEvtNumber = 300; | => treats 150 evts between evt#100 and evt#300 (included) Int_t ReqNbOfEvts = 150; | Int_t SMNumber = 2;

// 2) call method "FileParameters" to say that the file to be read is the file // which name parameters are those specified above:

MyHistosEB->FileParameters(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, SMNumber);

// Now, the class TEcnaHistos knowns that it has to work // with the file StdPed12_S1_10_R112206_1_150_150_SM2.root

// (C) –> E X A M P L E S O F U S E

//–> Plot correlation matrices between samples // for channel 21 (electronic channel number in Tower) // and for the two towers 10 and 33

Int_t SMTow = 14; // (Tower number in SM) Int_t TowEcha = 21; // (Electronic channel number in tower) MyHistosEB->PlotMatrix("Cor", "Mss", SMTow, TowEcha, "SURF1Z"); // correlations between samples

// - - - - - - SYNTAX FOR ARGUMENTS CODES ("Cor", "Mss", ...):

Multi-syntax codes are available, for example:

"Cor", "correl", "correlations", "Correlations"

"Mss", "ss", "samp", "Samp", "BetweenSamples", "Between samples", "between samples", "Samples","samples"

If a wrong code is used a message "code not found" is displayed and information on available codes is given.

// (D) –> O T H E R E X A M P L E S

//–> Plot Pedestals as a function of SC number for Dee 4

TString AnalysisName = "StdPed12"; (AnalysisName -> explanation in TEcnaRun documentation) Int_t NbOfSamples = 10; Int_t RunNumber = 132440; Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber = 1; | Int_t LastReqEvtNumber = 0; | => treats 150 evts from evt#1 until EOF if necessary Int_t ReqNbOfEvts = 150; |

Int_t DeeNumber = 4; MyHistosEE->FileParameters(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, DeeNumber);

MyHistoEE->PlotDetector("Ped", "Dee"); // 2D Histo: Z = pedestal, detector = Dee MyHistoEE->Plot1DHisto("Tow", "TNo", "EE"); // 1D Histo: X = tower#, Y = Total noise, detector = EE

//–> Plot total noise history for channel 12 of tower 38 // (electronic channel number in tower)

MyHistosEB->FileParameters(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, SMNumber); Int_t SMTower = 38; Int_t TowEcha = 12; TString list_of_run_file_name = "HistoryRunList_132440_132665.ascii"; MyHistoEB->PlotHistory("Time", "MeanCorss", list_of_run_file_name, SMTower, TowEcha);

// the .ascii file "HistoryRunList_132440_132665.ascii" must contain a list of // the run numbers according to the following syntax:

//.......... SYNTAX OF THE FILE "HistoryRunList_SM6.ascii" ("runlist history plot" file):

HistoryRunList_132440_132665.ascii <- 1rst line: comment (name of the file, for example)

132440 <- other lines: run numbers 132442 <- (empty lines can be used) 132561 132562 112584



......................................... end of exammples ...........................................

PS: it is also possible to use the methods PlotMatrix, PlotDetector and Plot1DHisto after reading file with TEcnaRead. Then, pointers to the read arrays have to be used as arguments (see examples in directory test)

----------------------------------------— LIST OF METHODS ---------------------------------------—

//================================================================================================== // method to set the result file name parameters (from values in argument) // FileParameters(AnaType, NbOfSamples, Run#, // FirstRequestedEvt#, LastRequestedEvt#, ReqNbOfEvts#, SM# or Dee#) // RunNumber = 0 => history plots, SM or Dee number = 0 => Plots for EB or EE //==================================================================================================

void FileParameters(const TString& Analysis, const Int_t& NbOfSamples, const Int_t& Run#, // RunNumber = 0 => history plots const Int_t& FirstRequestedEvt#, const Int_t& LastRequestedEvt#, const Int_t& ReqNbOfEvts#, const Int_t& SMOrDee#); // SM or Dee number = 0 => Plots for EB or EE

In the following:

TowOrSC# = Tower number in case of EB or SC number FOR CONSTRUCTION in case of EE

//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying the correlations and covariances matrices // PlotOption = ROOT DrawOption ("SAME", "LEGO", "COLZ", etc...) // + option "ASCII": write histo in ASCII file //================================================================================================== //..................... Corcc[for 1 Stex] (big matrix) void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD&, const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); read_matrix_corcc, UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, [PlotOption]

void PlotMatrix (const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, [PlotOption]

//..................... Corcc[for 1 Stin], Corss[for 1 Echa], Covss[for 1 Echa] void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); read_matrix, UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, arg_n1, arg_n2, [PlotOption]

void PlotMatrix (const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, arg_n1, arg_n2, [PlotOption]

//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying the 2D views of the detector // // Detector = SM,Dee,EB,EE // //================================================================================================== void PlotDetector(const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&); read_histo, UserHistoCode, Detector,

void PlotDetector(const TString&, const TString&); UserHistoCode, Detector

//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying 1D histos // // PlotOption: optional argument ("ONLYONE", "SAME","SAME n" or "ASCII") // // "ONLYONE" : display only one histo (default; same as without argument) // "SAME" : Same as Draw Option "SAME" in ROOT: superimpose on previous picture in the same pad // 1D histos of only one quantity // "SAME n" : Same as Draw Option "SAME" in ROOT: superimpose on previous picture in the same pad // 1D histos of possibly several quantities // "ASCII" : write histo contents in ASCII file // //==================================================================================================

void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, Detector, [PlotOption]

void Plot1DHisto (const TString&, const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, Detector, [PlotOption])

void Plot1DHisto
(const TVectorD&, const TString&,   const TString&,   const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]);
 InputHisto,      User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin,   i0StinEcha,   [PlotOption]

void Plot1DHisto (const TString&,   const TString&,   const Int_t&, const Int_t&,  [const TString&]);
                  User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin,   i0StinEcha,    [PlotOption]

void Plot1DHisto
(const TVectorD&, const TString&,   const TString&,   const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]);
 InputHisto,      User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin,   i0StinEcha,   n1Sample,     [PlotOption]

void Plot1DHisto (const TString&,   const TString&,   const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]);
                  User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin,   i0StinEcha,   n1Sample,     [PlotOption]

void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD&, const TString&,   const TString&,   const Int_t&, [const TString&]);
                 InputHisto,      User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin,   [PlotOption]

//================================================================================================== // method for displaying 1D history plots //==================================================================================================

void PlotHistory (const TString&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, list_of_run_file_name, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, [PlotOption]

//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying Tower, SC, crystal numbering //==================================================================================================

void SMTowerNumbering(const Int_t& SM#); void DeeSCNumbering (const Int_t& Dee#);

void TowerCrystalNumbering(const Int_t& SM#, const Int_t& Tow#); void SCCrystalNumbering (const Int_t& Dee#, const Int_t& SC#); // (SC# for construction)

//================================================================================================== // General title //================================================================================================== void GeneralTitle(const TString& Title);

//================================================================================================== // Lin:Log scale (SCALE = "LIN" or "LOG") //================================================================================================== void SetHistoScaleX(const TString& SCALE); void SetHistoScaleY(const TString& SCALE);

//================================================================================================== // ColorPalette (OPTION = "ECNAColor" or "Rainbow") //================================================================================================== void SetHistoColorPalette(const TString& OPTION);

//================================================================================================== // histo ymin, ymax management //==================================================================================================

// These methods must be called before calls to the display methods

//...................... 1D histo (ymin,ymax) forced to (YminValue,YmaxValue) values void SetHistoMin(const Double_t& YminValue); void SetHistoMax(const Double_t& YmaxValue);

//...................... 1D histo (ymin,ymax) calculated from histo values void SetHistoMin(); void SetHistoMax();

if SetHistoMin and SetHistoMax are not called, default values are applied. These default values are in methods GetYminDefaultValue(...) and GetYmaxDefaultValue(...) of class TEcnaParHistos

ECNA web page:

For questions or comments, please send e-mail to:

Definition at line 341 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TEcnaHistos::TEcnaHistos ( )

Definition at line 104 of file

104  {
105 // Constructor without argument. Call to Init()
107  // cout << "[Info Management] CLASS: TEcnaHistos. CREATE OBJECT: this = " << this << endl;
109  Init();
110 }
TEcnaHistos::TEcnaHistos ( TEcnaObject pObjectManager,
const TString &  SubDet 

Definition at line 112 of file

References TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), and TEcnaObject::RegisterPointer().

113 {
114  // cout << "[Info Management] CLASS: TEcnaHistos. CREATE OBJECT: this = " << this << endl;
117  Long_t i_this = (Long_t)this;
118  pObjectManager->RegisterPointer("TEcnaHistos", i_this);
120  Init();
122  //----------------------- Object management
124  //............................ fCnaParCout
125  fCnaParCout = 0;
126  Long_t iCnaParCout = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParCout");
127  if( iCnaParCout == 0 )
128  {fCnaParCout = new TEcnaParCout(pObjectManager); /*fCnew++*/}
129  else
130  {fCnaParCout = (TEcnaParCout*)iCnaParCout;}
132  //............................ fCnaParPaths
133  fCnaParPaths = 0;
134  Long_t iCnaParPaths = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParPaths");
135  if( iCnaParPaths == 0 )
136  {fCnaParPaths = new TEcnaParPaths(pObjectManager); /*fCnew++*/}
137  else
138  {fCnaParPaths = (TEcnaParPaths*)iCnaParPaths;}
143  //............................ fEcal => to be changed in fParEcal
144  fEcal = 0;
145  Long_t iParEcal = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParEcal");
146  if( iParEcal == 0 )
147  {fEcal = new TEcnaParEcal(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/}
148  else
149  {fEcal = (TEcnaParEcal*)iParEcal;}
151  //............................ fEcalNumbering
152  fEcalNumbering = 0;
153  Long_t iEcalNumbering = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaNumbering");
154  if( iEcalNumbering == 0 )
155  {fEcalNumbering = new TEcnaNumbering(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/}
156  else
157  {fEcalNumbering = (TEcnaNumbering*)iEcalNumbering;}
159  //............................ fCnaParHistos
160  fCnaParHistos = 0;
161  Long_t iCnaParHistos = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaParHistos");
162  if( iCnaParHistos == 0 )
163  {fCnaParHistos = new TEcnaParHistos(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/}
164  else
165  {fCnaParHistos = (TEcnaParHistos*)iCnaParHistos;}
167  //............................ fCnaWrite
168  fCnaWrite = 0;
169  Long_t iCnaWrite = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaWrite");
170  if( iCnaWrite == 0 )
171  {fCnaWrite = new TEcnaWrite(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/}
172  else
173  {fCnaWrite = (TEcnaWrite*)iCnaWrite;}
175  //............................ fMyRootFile
176  fMyRootFile = 0;
177  Long_t iMyRootFile = pObjectManager->GetPointerValue("TEcnaRead");
178  if( iMyRootFile == 0 )
179  {fMyRootFile = new TEcnaRead(pObjectManager, SubDet.Data()); /*fCnew++*/}
180  else
181  {fMyRootFile = (TEcnaRead*)iMyRootFile;}
185  //------------------- creation objet TEcnaRead fMyRootFile (a reprendre plus clairement)
186  //fFileHeader = 0;
187  //fMyRootFile = new TEcnaRead(fFlagSubDet.Data(), fCnaParPaths, fCnaParCout,
188  // fFileHeader, fEcalNumbering, fCnaWrite); fCnew++;
189  //fMyRootFile->PrintNoComment();
192  SetEcalSubDetector(SubDet.Data());
193  //......... init ymin,ymax histos -> Default values for Ymin and Ymax
195 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TEcnaWrite * fCnaWrite
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:371
TString HistoryRunListFilePath()
TEcnaParCout * fCnaParCout
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:370
Bool_t RegisterPointer(const TString &, const Long_t &)
void SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues()
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
TString fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:418
void PrintNoComment()
void SetEcalSubDetector(const TString &)
TEcnaParPaths * fCnaParPaths
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:369
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString ResultsRootFilePath()
Long_t GetPointerValue(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TEcnaHistos::~TEcnaHistos ( )

Definition at line 48 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

49 {
50  //destructor
52  if (fT1DRunNumber != 0){delete [] fT1DRunNumber; fCdelete++;}
54  //if (fCnaParHistos != 0){delete fCnaParHistos; fCdelete++;}
55  //if (fCnaParPaths != 0){delete fCnaParPaths; fCdelete++;}
56  //if (fCnaParCout != 0){delete fCnaParCout; fCdelete++;}
57  //if (fCnaWrite != 0){delete fCnaWrite; fCdelete++;}
58  //if (fEcal != 0){delete fEcal; fCdelete++;}
59  //if (fEcalNumbering != 0){delete fEcalNumbering; fCdelete++;}
61  //if (fMyRootFile != 0){delete fMyRootFile; fCdelete++;}
62  //if (fReadHistoDummy != 0){delete fReadHistoDummy; fCdelete++;}
64 //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
66  if ( fCnew != fCdelete )
67  {
68  cout << "*TEcnaHistos> WRONG MANAGEMENT OF ALLOCATIONS: fCnew = "
69  << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << fTTBELL << endl;
70  }
71  else
72  {
73  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos> BRAVO! GOOD MANAGEMENT OF ALLOCATIONS: fCnew = "
74  // << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << endl;
75  }
77 #define MGRA
78 #ifndef MGRA
79  if ( fCnewRoot != fCdeleteRoot )
80  {
81  cout << "*TEcnaHistos> WRONG MANAGEMENT OF ROOT ALLOCATIONS: fCnewRoot = "
82  << fCnewRoot << ", fCdeleteRoot = " << fCdeleteRoot << endl;
83  }
84  else
85  {
87  << " fCnewRoot = " << fCnewRoot <<", fCdeleteRoot = "
88  << fCdeleteRoot << endl;
89  }
90 #endif // MGRA
92  // cout << "TEcnaHistos> Leaving destructor" << endl;
93  // cout << " fCnew = " << fCnew << ", fCdelete = " << fCdelete << endl;
95  // cout << "[Info Management] CLASS: TEcnaHistos. DESTROY OBJECT: this = " << this << endl;
97 }
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:430
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
tuple cout

Member Function Documentation

TVirtualPad * TEcnaHistos::ActivePad ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12819 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

12820 {
12821 // Active Pad for Same plot option
12823  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = 0;
12825  fCurrentHistoCode = HistoCode;
12826  fCurrentOptPlot = opt_plot;
12828  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
12829  {
12830  fCanvH1SamePlus->
12831  Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12832  if( fClosedH1SamePlus == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH1SamePlus;}
12833  }
12835  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12836  {
12837  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){
12838  fCanvD_NOE_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12839  if( fClosedD_NOE_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_NOE_ChNb;}}
12841  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){
12842  fCanvD_NOE_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12843  if( fClosedD_NOE_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_NOE_ChDs;}}
12845  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){
12846  fCanvD_Ped_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12847  if( fClosedD_Ped_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_Ped_ChNb;}}
12849  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){
12850  fCanvD_Ped_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12851  if( fClosedD_Ped_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_Ped_ChDs;}}
12853  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){
12854  fCanvD_TNo_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12855  if( fClosedD_TNo_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_TNo_ChNb;}}
12857  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){
12858  fCanvD_TNo_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12859  if( fClosedD_TNo_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_TNo_ChDs;}}
12861  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){
12862  fCanvD_MCs_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12863  if( fClosedD_MCs_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_MCs_ChNb;}}
12865  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){
12866  fCanvD_MCs_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12867  if( fClosedD_MCs_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_MCs_ChDs;}}
12869  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){
12870  fCanvD_LFN_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12871  if( fClosedD_LFN_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_LFN_ChNb;}}
12873  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){
12874  fCanvD_LFN_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12875  if( fClosedD_LFN_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_LFN_ChDs;}}
12877  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){
12878  fCanvD_HFN_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12879  if( fClosedD_HFN_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_HFN_ChNb;}}
12881  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){
12882  fCanvD_HFN_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12883  if( fClosedD_HFN_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_HFN_ChDs;}}
12885  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){
12886  fCanvD_SCs_ChNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12887  if( fClosedD_SCs_ChNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_SCs_ChNb;}}
12889  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){
12890  fCanvD_SCs_ChDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12891  if( fClosedD_SCs_ChDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_SCs_ChDs;}}
12893  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){
12894  fCanvD_MSp_SpNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12895  if( fClosedD_MSp_SpNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_MSp_SpNb;}}
12897  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){
12898  fCanvD_MSp_SpDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12899  if( fClosedD_MSp_SpDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_MSp_SpDs;}}
12901  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){
12902  fCanvD_SSp_SpNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12903  if( fClosedD_SSp_SpNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_SSp_SpNb;}}
12905  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){
12906  fCanvD_SSp_SpDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12907  if( fClosedD_SSp_SpDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_SSp_SpDs;}}
12909  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){
12910  fCanvD_Adc_EvNb->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12911  if( fClosedD_Adc_EvNb == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_Adc_EvNb;}}
12913  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){
12914  fCanvD_Adc_EvDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12915  if( fClosedD_Adc_EvDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadD_Adc_EvDs;}}
12917  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){
12918  fCanvH_Ped_Date->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12919  if( fClosedH_Ped_Date == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_Ped_Date;}}
12921  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){
12922  fCanvH_TNo_Date->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12923  if( fClosedH_TNo_Date == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_TNo_Date;}}
12925  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){
12926  fCanvH_MCs_Date->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12927  if( fClosedH_MCs_Date == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_MCs_Date;}}
12929  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){
12930  fCanvH_LFN_Date->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12931  if( fClosedH_LFN_Date == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_LFN_Date;}}
12933  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){
12934  fCanvH_HFN_Date->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12935  if( fClosedH_HFN_Date == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_HFN_Date;}}
12937  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){
12938  fCanvH_SCs_Date->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12939  if( fClosedH_SCs_Date == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_SCs_Date;}}
12941  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){
12942  fCanvH_Ped_RuDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12943  if( fClosedH_Ped_RuDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_Ped_RuDs;}}
12945  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){
12946  fCanvH_TNo_RuDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12947  if( fClosedH_TNo_RuDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_TNo_RuDs;}}
12949  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){
12950  fCanvH_MCs_RuDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12951  if( fClosedH_MCs_RuDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_MCs_RuDs;}}
12953  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){
12954  fCanvH_LFN_RuDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12955  if( fClosedH_LFN_RuDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_LFN_RuDs;}}
12957  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){
12958  fCanvH_HFN_RuDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12959  if( fClosedH_HFN_RuDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_HFN_RuDs;}}
12961  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){
12962  fCanvH_SCs_RuDs->Connect("Closed()","TEcnaHistos",this,"DoCanvasClosed()");
12963  if( fClosedH_SCs_RuDs == kFALSE ){main_subpad = fPadH_SCs_RuDs;}}
12964  }
12966  if( main_subpad == 0 )
12967  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ActivePad(...)> main_subpad = "
12968  << main_subpad << ". This canvas has been closed." << endl;}
12970  return main_subpad;
12971 }
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:840
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:851
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:810
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:827
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:813
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:808
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:858
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:777
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:801
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:861
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:870
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:790
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:795
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:855
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:860
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:865
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:866
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:850
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:838
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:805
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:878
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:834
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:872
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:832
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:807
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:825
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:822
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:876
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:829
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:797
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:830
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:811
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:837
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:794
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:835
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:780
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:852
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:817
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:880
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:824
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:857
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:839
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:787
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:796
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:791
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:788
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:803
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:864
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:862
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:831
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:816
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:828
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:823
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:841
TString fCurrentHistoCode
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:844
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:786
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:836
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:879
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:875
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:779
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:812
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:802
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:798
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:778
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:818
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:881
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:863
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:873
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:833
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:820
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:877
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:783
TString fCurrentOptPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:845
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:874
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:859
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:781
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:815
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:782
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:819
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:800
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:842
TVirtualPad * fPadH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:849
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:784
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:868
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:785
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:793
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:799
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:792
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:854
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:814
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:789
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:871
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:856
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:826
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:867
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:821
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:869
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:806
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:853
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:804
TPaveText * TEcnaHistos::ActivePavTxt ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13064 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

13065 {
13066  // Active Pad for Same plot option
13068  TPaveText* main_pavtxt = 0;
13070  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH1SamePlus;}
13072  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13073  {
13074  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb;}
13075  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs;}
13076  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb;}
13077  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs;}
13078  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb;}
13079  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs;}
13080  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb;}
13081  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs;}
13082  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb;}
13083  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs;}
13084  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb;}
13085  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs;}
13086  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb;}
13087  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs;}
13088  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb;}
13089  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs;}
13090  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb;}
13091  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs;}
13092  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb;}
13093  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs;}
13094  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_Ped_Date;}
13095  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_TNo_Date;}
13096  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_MCs_Date;}
13097  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_LFN_Date;}
13098  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_HFN_Date;}
13099  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_SCs_Date;}
13100  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs;}
13101  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs;}
13102  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs;}
13103  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs;}
13104  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs;}
13105  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){main_pavtxt = fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs;}
13106  }
13108  if( main_pavtxt == 0 )
13109  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ActivePavTxt(...)> ERROR: main_pavtxt = " << main_pavtxt << endl;}
13111  return main_pavtxt;
13112 }
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:898
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:911
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:886
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:914
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:906
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:915
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:905
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:910
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:907
TPaveText * fPavTxtH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:883
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:885
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:894
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:913
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:887
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:909
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:903
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:904
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:889
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:895
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:892
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:890
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:896
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:912
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:899
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:901
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:900
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:884
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:891
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:897
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:888
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:908
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:902
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:893
TString TEcnaHistos::AsciiFileName ( )

Definition at line 13968 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB().

13968 {return fAsciiFileName.Data();}
TString fAsciiFileName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:420
void TEcnaHistos::CorrelationsBetweenSamples ( const Int_t &  StinNumber)

Definition at line 2026 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples().

2027 {
2028  TString CorOrCov = fCorrelationMatrix;
2029  ViewStin(StinNumber, CorOrCov);
2030 }
TString fCorrelationMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
void ViewStin(const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::CovariancesBetweenSamples ( const Int_t &  StinNumber)

Definition at line 2032 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

2033 {
2034  TString CorOrCov = fCovarianceMatrix;
2035  ViewStin(StinNumber, CorOrCov);
2036 }
void ViewStin(const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fCovarianceMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
TCanvas * TEcnaHistos::CreateCanvas ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const TString &  canvas_name,
UInt_t  canv_w,
UInt_t  canv_h 

Definition at line 12360 of file

12362 {
12363 // Create canvas according to HistoCode
12365  TCanvas* main_canvas = 0;
12367  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
12368  {
12369  fCanvH1SamePlus = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12370  main_canvas = fCanvH1SamePlus;
12371  }
12372  if( opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot )
12373  {
12374  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){
12375  fCanvD_NOE_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12376  main_canvas = fCanvD_NOE_ChNb;}
12377  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){
12378  fCanvD_NOE_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12379  main_canvas = fCanvD_NOE_ChDs;}
12380  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){
12381  fCanvD_Ped_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12382  main_canvas = fCanvD_Ped_ChNb;}
12383  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){
12384  fCanvD_Ped_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12385  main_canvas = fCanvD_Ped_ChDs;}
12386  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){
12387  fCanvD_TNo_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12388  main_canvas = fCanvD_TNo_ChNb;}
12389  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){
12390  fCanvD_TNo_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12391  main_canvas = fCanvD_TNo_ChDs;}
12392  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){
12393  fCanvD_MCs_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12394  main_canvas = fCanvD_MCs_ChNb;}
12395  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){
12396  fCanvD_MCs_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12397  main_canvas = fCanvD_MCs_ChDs;}
12398  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){
12399  fCanvD_LFN_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12400  main_canvas = fCanvD_LFN_ChNb;}
12401  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){
12402  fCanvD_LFN_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12403  main_canvas = fCanvD_LFN_ChDs;}
12404  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){
12405  fCanvD_HFN_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12406  main_canvas = fCanvD_HFN_ChNb;}
12407  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){
12408  fCanvD_HFN_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12409  main_canvas = fCanvD_HFN_ChDs;}
12410  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){
12411  fCanvD_SCs_ChNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12412  main_canvas = fCanvD_SCs_ChNb;}
12413  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){
12414  fCanvD_SCs_ChDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12415  main_canvas = fCanvD_SCs_ChDs;}
12417  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){
12418  fCanvD_MSp_SpNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12419  main_canvas = fCanvD_MSp_SpNb;}
12420  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){
12421  fCanvD_MSp_SpDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12422  main_canvas = fCanvD_MSp_SpDs;}
12423  if(HistoCode =="D_SSp_SpNb" ){
12424  fCanvD_SSp_SpNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12425  main_canvas = fCanvD_SSp_SpNb;}
12426  if(HistoCode =="D_SSp_SpDs" ){
12427  fCanvD_SSp_SpDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12428  main_canvas = fCanvD_SSp_SpDs;}
12430  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){
12431  fCanvD_Adc_EvNb = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12432  main_canvas = fCanvD_Adc_EvNb;}
12433  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){
12434  fCanvD_Adc_EvDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12435  main_canvas = fCanvD_Adc_EvDs;}
12437  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){
12438  fCanvH_Ped_Date = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12439  main_canvas = fCanvH_Ped_Date;}
12440  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){
12441  fCanvH_TNo_Date = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12442  main_canvas = fCanvH_TNo_Date;}
12443  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){
12444  fCanvH_MCs_Date = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12445  main_canvas = fCanvH_MCs_Date;}
12446  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){
12447  fCanvH_LFN_Date = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12448  main_canvas = fCanvH_LFN_Date;}
12449  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){
12450  fCanvH_HFN_Date = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12451  main_canvas = fCanvH_HFN_Date;}
12452  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){
12453  fCanvH_SCs_Date = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12454  main_canvas = fCanvH_SCs_Date;}
12456  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){
12457  fCanvH_Ped_RuDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12458  main_canvas = fCanvH_Ped_RuDs;}
12459  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){
12460  fCanvH_TNo_RuDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12461  main_canvas = fCanvH_TNo_RuDs;}
12462  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){
12463  fCanvH_MCs_RuDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12464  main_canvas = fCanvH_MCs_RuDs;}
12465  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){
12466  fCanvH_LFN_RuDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12467  main_canvas = fCanvH_LFN_RuDs;}
12468  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){
12469  fCanvH_HFN_RuDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12470  main_canvas = fCanvH_HFN_RuDs;}
12471  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){
12472  fCanvH_SCs_RuDs = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
12473  main_canvas = fCanvH_SCs_RuDs;}
12475  }
12476  return main_canvas;
12477 }
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:808
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:777
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:801
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:790
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:795
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:805
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:807
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:797
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:794
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:780
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:787
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:796
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:791
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:788
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:803
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:786
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:779
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:802
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:798
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:778
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:783
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:781
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:782
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:800
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:784
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:785
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:793
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:799
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:792
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:789
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:806
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:804
void TEcnaHistos::DeeSCNumbering ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber)

Definition at line 4131 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

4132 {
4133  //display the SC numbering of the Dee
4135  if( (DeeNumber > 0) && (DeeNumber <= fEcal->MaxDeeInEE()) )
4136  {
4137  Int_t GeoBidSizeIX = fEcal->MaxSCIXInDee()*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC();
4138  Int_t GeoBidSizeIY = fEcal->MaxSCIYInDee()*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC();
4140  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeIX;
4141  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizeIY;
4142  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
4143  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeIX;
4144  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
4145  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeIY;
4147  TString axis_x_var_name = " IX ";
4148  TString axis_y_var_name = " IY ";
4150  //------------------------------------------------------------------- DeeSCNumbering
4151  //........................................... empty histogram filling
4152  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
4154  sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, " Dee SC numbering ");
4156  // il faut tracer un bidim vide pour pouvoir tracer la grille et les axes
4158  TH2D* h_empty_bid = new TH2D("grid_bidim_IX_IY", f_in_mat_tit,
4159  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
4160  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
4161  h_empty_bid->Reset();
4163  h_empty_bid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
4164  h_empty_bid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
4166  // ------------------------------------------------ P L O T S (DeeSCNumbering)
4168  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
4170  //...................... Taille/format canvas
4172  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("IXIYDee");
4173  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("IXIYDee");
4175  //............................................... options generales
4178  //............................................... paves commentaires (DeeSCNumbering)
4179  SetAllPavesViewStex("Numbering", DeeNumber);
4181  //------------------------------------ Canvas name ----------------- (DeeSCNumbering)
4183  sprintf(f_in, "SC_numbering_for_Dee_Dee%d", DeeNumber);
4184  SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_empty_bid,"Stex2DEENb");
4185  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
4186  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
4188  // cout << "*TEcnaHistosEE::ViewDee(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << f_in << endl;
4190  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
4192  //------------------------ Canvas draw and update ------------ (DeeSCNumbering)
4193  fPavComStex->Draw();
4194  fPavComCxyz->Draw();
4196  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
4197  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
4198  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_left_box") + 0.005;
4199  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_Dee") - 0.005;
4201  Double_t x_margin = x_low;
4202  Double_t y_margin = y_low;
4204  MainCanvas->Divide( 1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
4205  // Divide(nx, ny, x_margin, y_margin, color);
4207  gPad->cd(1);
4208  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = gPad;
4209  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);
4211  h_empty_bid->DrawCopy("COL"); // il faut tracer un bidim vide pour pouvoir tracer la grille et les axes
4212  ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(DeeNumber);
4213  gPad->Update(); // prend beaucoup de temps...
4215  //..................... retour aux options standard
4216  Bool_t b_true = 1;
4217  h_empty_bid->SetStats(b_true);
4219  h_empty_bid->Delete(); h_empty_bid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
4221  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
4223  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
4224  }
4225  else
4226  {
4227  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::DeeSCNumbering(...)> Dee = " << DeeNumber
4228  << ". Out of range ( range = [1," << fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() << "] )" << fTTBELL << endl;
4229  }
4230 }
TString fFapStexType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:406
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t MaxSCIYInDee()
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
TString GetEEDeeType(const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t MaxSCIXInDee()
Int_t MaxCrysIXInSC()
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(const Int_t &)
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxCrysIYInSC()
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComCxyz
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:623
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t MaxDeeInEE()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
tuple cout
Double_t BoxRightX(const TString &)
Double_t BoxBottomY(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::DoCanvasClosed ( )

Definition at line 12974 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

12975 {
12978  {
12979  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fClosedD_NOE_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12980  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fClosedD_NOE_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12981  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fClosedD_Ped_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12982  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fClosedD_Ped_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12983  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fClosedD_TNo_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12984  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fClosedD_TNo_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12985  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fClosedD_MCs_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12986  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fClosedD_MCs_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12987  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fClosedD_LFN_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12988  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fClosedD_LFN_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12989  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fClosedD_HFN_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12990  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fClosedD_HFN_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12991  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fClosedD_SCs_ChNb = kTRUE;}
12992  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fClosedD_SCs_ChDs = kTRUE;}
12993  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fClosedD_MSp_SpNb = kTRUE;}
12994  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fClosedD_MSp_SpDs = kTRUE;}
12995  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fClosedD_SSp_SpNb = kTRUE;}
12996  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fClosedD_SSp_SpDs = kTRUE;}
12997  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fClosedD_Adc_EvNb = kTRUE;}
12998  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fClosedD_Adc_EvDs = kTRUE;}
12999  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fClosedH_Ped_Date = kTRUE;}
13000  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fClosedH_TNo_Date = kTRUE;}
13001  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fClosedH_MCs_Date = kTRUE;}
13002  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fClosedH_LFN_Date = kTRUE;}
13003  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fClosedH_HFN_Date = kTRUE;}
13004  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fClosedH_SCs_Date = kTRUE;}
13005  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fClosedH_Ped_RuDs = kTRUE;}
13006  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fClosedH_TNo_RuDs = kTRUE;}
13007  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fClosedH_MCs_RuDs = kTRUE;}
13008  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fClosedH_LFN_RuDs = kTRUE;}
13009  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fClosedH_HFN_RuDs = kTRUE;}
13010  if(fCurrentHistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fClosedH_SCs_RuDs = kTRUE;}
13011  }
13013  fCurrentOptPlot = "NADA"; // to avoid fClosed... = kTRUE if other canvas than those above Closed (i.e. 2D plots)
13014  fCurrentHistoCode = "NADA";
13016  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::DoCanvasClosed(...)> WARNING: canvas has been closed." << endl;
13017 }
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:840
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:810
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:827
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:813
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:838
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:834
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:832
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:825
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:822
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:829
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:830
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:811
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:837
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:835
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:817
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:824
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:839
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:831
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:816
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:828
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:823
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:841
TString fCurrentHistoCode
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:844
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:836
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:812
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:818
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:833
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:820
TString fCurrentOptPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:845
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:815
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:819
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:842
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:814
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:826
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:821
void TEcnaHistos::EEDataSectors ( const Float_t &  coefcc_x,
const Float_t &  coefcc_y,
const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 5471 of file

References i.

5473 {
5474  //Surlignage des bords du Dee et des Data Sectors. Numeros des secteurs.
5476  // Epaisseur du trait selon option
5477  Int_t LineWidth = 2; // DEFAULT => option "EE"
5478  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){LineWidth = 3;}
5480  Int_t ngmax = 0;
5481  // surlignage du bord interne du Dee (unite de coordonnees: le cristal)
5482  ngmax = 13;
5483  Float_t xg_dee_int_bot[13] = { 0, 5, 5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9,10,10,11,11};
5484  Float_t yg_dee_int_bot[13] = {39,39,40,40,41,41,42,42,43,43,45,45,50};
5485  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5486  xg_dee_int_bot[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_int_bot[i];
5487  yg_dee_int_bot[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_int_bot[i];}
5489  Float_t XgDeeIntBotRight[13]; Float_t YgDeeIntBotRight[13];
5490  Float_t XgDeeIntTopRight[13]; Float_t YgDeeIntTopRight[13];
5492  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5493  {
5494  XgDeeIntBotRight[i] = xg_dee_int_bot[i];
5495  YgDeeIntBotRight[i] = yg_dee_int_bot[i];
5496  XgDeeIntTopRight[i] = XgDeeIntBotRight[i];
5497  YgDeeIntTopRight[i] = coefcc_y*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInDee() - YgDeeIntBotRight[i];
5498  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5499  {
5500  XgDeeIntBotRight[i] = -XgDeeIntBotRight[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5501  XgDeeIntTopRight[i] = -XgDeeIntTopRight[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5502  }
5503  XgDeeIntBotRight[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5504  XgDeeIntTopRight[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5505  }
5507  TGraph *BDeeIntBotRight = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeIntBotRight, YgDeeIntBotRight);
5508  BDeeIntBotRight->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5509  BDeeIntBotRight->Draw();
5511  TGraph *BDeeIntTopRight = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeIntTopRight, YgDeeIntTopRight);
5512  BDeeIntTopRight->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5513  BDeeIntTopRight->Draw();
5515  // surlignage du bord externe du Dee (unite de coordonnees: le cristal)
5516  ngmax = 21;
5517  Float_t xg_dee_ext_bot[21] = {0,10,10,15,15,25,25,30,30,35,35,37,37,42,42,45,45,47,47,50,50};
5518  Float_t yg_dee_ext_bot[21] = {0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 5, 8, 8,13,13,15,15,20,20,25,25,35,35,40,40,50};
5519  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5520  xg_dee_ext_bot[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_ext_bot[i];
5521  yg_dee_ext_bot[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_ext_bot[i];}
5523  Float_t XgDeeExtBotRight[21]; Float_t YgDeeExtBotRight[21];
5524  Float_t XgDeeExtTopRight[21]; Float_t YgDeeExtTopRight[21];
5526  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5527  {
5528  XgDeeExtBotRight[i] = xg_dee_ext_bot[i];
5529  YgDeeExtBotRight[i] = yg_dee_ext_bot[i];
5530  XgDeeExtTopRight[i] = XgDeeExtBotRight[i];
5531  YgDeeExtTopRight[i] = coefcc_y*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInDee() - YgDeeExtBotRight[i];
5532  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5533  {
5534  XgDeeExtBotRight[i] = -XgDeeExtBotRight[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5535  XgDeeExtTopRight[i] = -XgDeeExtTopRight[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5536  }
5537  XgDeeExtBotRight[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5538  XgDeeExtTopRight[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5539  }
5541  TGraph *BDeeExtBotRight = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeExtBotRight, YgDeeExtBotRight);
5542  BDeeExtBotRight->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5543  BDeeExtBotRight->Draw();
5545  TGraph *BDeeExtTopRight = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeExtTopRight, YgDeeExtTopRight);
5546  BDeeExtTopRight->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5547  BDeeExtTopRight->Draw();
5549  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
5551  //............. Surlignage separateurs des secteurs en phi (Data sectors)
5553  //================== S9 -> S1 (EE-) option "EE" seulement
5554  if( opt_plot == "EE" )
5555  {
5556  ngmax = 2;
5557  Float_t xg_dee_data_sec9[2] = { 0, 0};
5558  Float_t yg_dee_data_sec9[2] = {61,100};
5559  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5560  xg_dee_data_sec9[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_data_sec9[i];
5561  yg_dee_data_sec9[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_data_sec9[i];}
5563  Float_t XgDeeDataSec9[11]; Float_t YgDeeDataSec9[11];
5564  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5565  {
5566  XgDeeDataSec9[i] = xg_dee_data_sec9[i]; YgDeeDataSec9[i] = yg_dee_data_sec9[i];
5567  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5568  {
5569  XgDeeDataSec9[i] = -XgDeeDataSec9[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5570  }
5571  XgDeeDataSec9[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5572  }
5573  TGraph *BDeeDataSec9 = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeDataSec9, YgDeeDataSec9);
5574  BDeeDataSec9->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5575  BDeeDataSec9->Draw();
5576  }
5578  //================= S1->S2(EE-)
5579  ngmax = 11;
5580  Float_t xg_dee_data_sec1[11] = { 7,10,10,15,15,20,20,25,25,30,30};
5581  Float_t yg_dee_data_sec1[11] = {60,60,65,65,70,70,75,75,85,85,87};
5582  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5583  xg_dee_data_sec1[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_data_sec1[i];
5584  yg_dee_data_sec1[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_data_sec1[i];}
5586  Float_t XgDeeDataSec1[11]; Float_t YgDeeDataSec1[11];
5587  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5588  {
5589  XgDeeDataSec1[i] = xg_dee_data_sec1[i]; YgDeeDataSec1[i] = yg_dee_data_sec1[i];
5590  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5591  {
5592  XgDeeDataSec1[i] = -XgDeeDataSec1[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5593  }
5594  XgDeeDataSec1[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5595  }
5597  TGraph *BDeeDataSec1 = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeDataSec1, YgDeeDataSec1);
5598  BDeeDataSec1->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5599  BDeeDataSec1->Draw();
5601  //================= S2->S3(EE-)
5602  ngmax = 6;
5603  Float_t xg_dee_data_sec2[6] = {11,15,15,40,40,47};
5604  Float_t yg_dee_data_sec2[6] = {50,50,55,55,60,60};
5605  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5606  xg_dee_data_sec2[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_data_sec2[i];
5607  yg_dee_data_sec2[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_data_sec2[i];}
5609  Float_t XgDeeDataSec2[6]; Float_t YgDeeDataSec2[6];
5610  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5611  {
5612  XgDeeDataSec2[i] = xg_dee_data_sec2[i]; YgDeeDataSec2[i] = yg_dee_data_sec2[i];
5613  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5614  {
5615  XgDeeDataSec2[i] = -XgDeeDataSec2[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5616  }
5617  XgDeeDataSec2[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5618  }
5619  TGraph *BDeeDataSec2 = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeDataSec2, YgDeeDataSec2);
5620  BDeeDataSec2->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5621  BDeeDataSec2->Draw();
5623  //================= S3->S4(EE-)
5624  ngmax = 10;
5625  Float_t xg_dee_data_sec3[10] = {10,15,15,20,20,30,30,40,40,42};
5626  Float_t yg_dee_data_sec3[10] = {45,45,40,40,35,35,30,30,25,25};
5627  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5628  xg_dee_data_sec3[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_data_sec3[i];
5629  yg_dee_data_sec3[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_data_sec3[i];}
5631  Float_t XgDeeDataSec3[10]; Float_t YgDeeDataSec3[10];
5632  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5633  {
5634  XgDeeDataSec3[i] = xg_dee_data_sec3[i]; YgDeeDataSec3[i] = yg_dee_data_sec3[i];
5635  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5636  {
5637  XgDeeDataSec3[i] = -XgDeeDataSec3[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5638  }
5639  XgDeeDataSec3[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5640  }
5641  TGraph *BDeeDataSec3 = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeDataSec3, YgDeeDataSec3);
5642  BDeeDataSec3->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5643  BDeeDataSec3->Draw();
5645  //================= S4->S5(EE-)
5646  ngmax = 6;
5647  Float_t xg_dee_data_sec4[6] = { 5, 5,10,10,15,15};
5648  Float_t yg_dee_data_sec4[6] = {40,30,30,15,15, 5};
5649  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5650  xg_dee_data_sec4[i] = coefcc_x*xg_dee_data_sec4[i];
5651  yg_dee_data_sec4[i] = coefcc_y*yg_dee_data_sec4[i];}
5653  Float_t XgDeeDataSec4[6]; Float_t YgDeeDataSec4[6];
5654  for( Int_t i=0; i<ngmax; i++)
5655  {
5656  XgDeeDataSec4[i] = xg_dee_data_sec4[i]; YgDeeDataSec4[i] = yg_dee_data_sec4[i];
5657  if ( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
5658  {
5659  XgDeeDataSec4[i] = -XgDeeDataSec4[i] + coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee();
5660  }
5661  XgDeeDataSec4[i] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5662  }
5663  TGraph *BDeeDataSec4 = new TGraph(ngmax, XgDeeDataSec4, YgDeeDataSec4);
5664  BDeeDataSec4->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
5665  BDeeDataSec4->Draw();
5668  //..................................... Numeros des secteurs S_i (option "Dee" seulement)
5669  if( opt_plot == "Dee" || opt_plot == "EE" )
5670  {
5671  //............. Coordonnees des numeros de secteurs
5672  ngmax = 5;
5673  Float_t xg_coord_sector[5] = { 16, 41, 45, 33, -2};
5674  Float_t yg_coord_sector[5] = { 96, 83, 30, 5, -8};
5676  //....... Reprise secteurs 3 et 7
5677  if(opt_plot == "Dee" && (DeeNumber == 1) ){xg_coord_sector[2] += 0.5;}
5678  if(opt_plot == "Dee" && (DeeNumber == 2) ){xg_coord_sector[2] -= 1. ;}
5679  if(opt_plot == "Dee" && (DeeNumber == 3) ){xg_coord_sector[2] += 0.7;}
5680  if(opt_plot == "Dee" && (DeeNumber == 4) ){xg_coord_sector[2] -= 1.2;}
5682  if(opt_plot == "EE" && (DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 3) ){xg_coord_sector[2] += 0.55;}
5683  if(opt_plot == "EE" && (DeeNumber == 4 ) ){xg_coord_sector[2] -= 0.2;}
5685  for(Int_t i=0;i<ngmax;i++){
5686  xg_coord_sector[i] = coefcc_x*xg_coord_sector[i];
5687  yg_coord_sector[i] = coefcc_y*yg_coord_sector[i];}
5689  Float_t xg_sector[9];
5690  Float_t yg_sector[9];
5691  Int_t ns1 = 1;
5692  Int_t ns2 = 5;
5693  Float_t xinv_d2d4 = coefcc_x*44;
5695  if( DeeNumber == 1 )
5696  {
5697  ns1 = 1; ns2 = 5;
5698  xg_sector[1-ns1] = xg_coord_sector[1-ns1]; yg_sector[1-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[1-ns1];
5699  xg_sector[2-ns1] = xg_coord_sector[2-ns1]; yg_sector[2-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[2-ns1];
5700  xg_sector[3-ns1] = xg_coord_sector[3-ns1]; yg_sector[3-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[3-ns1];
5701  xg_sector[4-ns1] = xg_coord_sector[4-ns1]; yg_sector[4-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[4-ns1];
5702  xg_sector[5-ns1] = xg_coord_sector[5-ns1]; yg_sector[5-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[5-ns1];
5703  }
5705  if( DeeNumber == 2 )
5706  {
5707  ns1 = 5; ns2 = 9;
5708  xg_sector[ns2-1] = xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[1-1]; yg_sector[ns2-1] = yg_coord_sector[1-1];
5709  xg_sector[ns2-2] = xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[2-1]; yg_sector[ns2-2] = yg_coord_sector[2-1];
5710  xg_sector[ns2-3] = xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[3-1]; yg_sector[ns2-3] = yg_coord_sector[3-1];
5711  xg_sector[ns2-4] = xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[4-1]; yg_sector[ns2-4] = yg_coord_sector[4-1];
5712  xg_sector[ns2-5] = xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[5-1]; yg_sector[ns2-5] = yg_coord_sector[5-1];
5713  }
5714  if( DeeNumber == 3 )
5715  {
5716  ns1 = 5; ns2 = 9;
5717  xg_sector[ns2-1]= xg_coord_sector[1-1]; yg_sector[ns2-1] = yg_coord_sector[1-1];
5718  xg_sector[ns2-2]= xg_coord_sector[2-1]; yg_sector[ns2-2] = yg_coord_sector[2-1];
5719  xg_sector[ns2-3]= xg_coord_sector[3-1]; yg_sector[ns2-3] = yg_coord_sector[3-1];
5720  xg_sector[ns2-4]= xg_coord_sector[4-1]; yg_sector[ns2-4] = yg_coord_sector[4-1];
5721  xg_sector[ns2-5]= xg_coord_sector[5-1]; yg_sector[ns2-5] = yg_coord_sector[5-1];
5722  }
5723  if( DeeNumber == 4 )
5724  {
5725  ns1 = 1; ns2 = 5;
5726  xg_sector[1-ns1]= xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[1-ns1]; yg_sector[1-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[1-ns1];
5727  xg_sector[2-ns1]= xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[2-ns1]; yg_sector[2-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[2-ns1];
5728  xg_sector[3-ns1]= xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[3-ns1]; yg_sector[3-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[3-ns1];
5729  xg_sector[4-ns1]= xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[4-ns1]; yg_sector[4-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[4-ns1];
5730  xg_sector[5-ns1]= xinv_d2d4-xg_coord_sector[5-ns1]; yg_sector[5-ns1] = yg_coord_sector[5-ns1];
5731  }
5733  Color_t coul_textsector = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert37");
5734  for(Int_t ns=ns1; ns<= ns2; ns++)
5735  {
5736  xg_sector[ns-1] += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5737  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 2 ){sprintf( f_in, "+%d", ns);}
5738  if( DeeNumber == 3 || DeeNumber == 4 ){sprintf( f_in, "-%d", ns);}
5739  TText *text_num_module = new TText(xg_sector[ns-1], yg_sector[ns-1], f_in); fCnewRoot++;
5740  if(opt_plot == "Dee"){text_num_module->SetTextSize(0.065);}
5741  if(opt_plot == "EE" ){text_num_module->SetTextSize(0.045);}
5742  text_num_module->SetTextColor(coul_textsector);
5743  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ||
5744  ( opt_plot == "EE" && !( (DeeNumber == 3 && ns == 5) || (DeeNumber == 1 && ns == 5) ) ) )
5745  {text_num_module->Draw();}
5747  // text_num_module->Delete(); text_num_module = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
5748  }
5750  //............................ numeros des dee's
5751  ngmax = 4;
5752  Float_t xg_coord_dee[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0};
5753  Float_t yg_coord_dee[4] = {48, 48, 48, 48};
5755  xg_coord_dee[DeeNumber-1] = coefcc_x*xg_coord_dee[DeeNumber-1];
5756  yg_coord_dee[DeeNumber-1] = coefcc_y*yg_coord_dee[DeeNumber-1];
5758  Float_t xg_dee = xg_coord_dee[DeeNumber-1];
5759  Float_t yg_dee = yg_coord_dee[DeeNumber-1];
5761  Color_t coul_textdee = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
5763  xg_dee += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber)
5764  + fCnaParHistos->DeeNumberOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5766  if( DeeNumber == 1 ){sprintf( f_in, "D1");}
5767  if( DeeNumber == 2 ){sprintf( f_in, "D2");}
5768  if( DeeNumber == 3 ){sprintf( f_in, "D3");}
5769  if( DeeNumber == 4 ){sprintf( f_in, "D4");}
5771  TText *text_num_module = new TText(xg_dee, yg_dee, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
5772  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){text_num_module->SetTextSize(0.045);}
5773  if( opt_plot == "Dee"){text_num_module->SetTextSize(0.085);}
5774  text_num_module->SetTextColor(coul_textdee);
5775  text_num_module->Draw();
5776  }
5778  //..................................... Numeros des Dee et indication EE+- (option "EE" seulement)
5779  if( opt_plot == "EE" )
5780  {
5781  //............................ indication EE+-
5782  ngmax = 4;
5783  Float_t xg_coord_eepm[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0};
5784  Float_t yg_coord_eepm[4] = {95, 95, 95, 95};
5786  xg_coord_eepm[DeeNumber-1] = coefcc_x*xg_coord_eepm[DeeNumber-1];
5787  yg_coord_eepm[DeeNumber-1] = coefcc_y*yg_coord_eepm[DeeNumber-1];
5789  Float_t xg_eepm = xg_coord_eepm[DeeNumber-1];
5790  Float_t yg_eepm = yg_coord_eepm[DeeNumber-1];
5792  Color_t coul_texteepm = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
5794  xg_eepm += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber)
5795  + fCnaParHistos->DeeNameOffsetX(DeeNumber);
5797  if( DeeNumber == 1 ){sprintf( f_in, "EE+F");}
5798  if( DeeNumber == 2 ){sprintf( f_in, "EE+N");}
5799  if( DeeNumber == 3 ){sprintf( f_in, "EE-N");}
5800  if( DeeNumber == 4 ){sprintf( f_in, "EE-F");}
5802  TText *text_num_eepm = new TText(xg_eepm, yg_eepm, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
5803  text_num_eepm->SetTextSize(0.04);
5804  text_num_eepm->SetTextColor(coul_texteepm);
5805  text_num_eepm->Draw();
5806  }
5808  //......................... mention "viewed from IP"
5809  Color_t coul_textfromIP = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge49");
5810  sprintf( f_in, "viewed from IP");
5811  Float_t x_from_ip = 15.;
5812  Float_t y_from_ip = -10.;
5813  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){y_from_ip = -16.;}
5814  x_from_ip = coefcc_x*x_from_ip;
5815  y_from_ip = coefcc_x*y_from_ip;
5816  if( opt_plot == "EE" && DeeNumber == 3 ){x_from_ip += 1.4*fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);}
5817  TText *text_from_ip = new TText(x_from_ip, y_from_ip, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
5818  text_from_ip->SetTextSize(0.045);
5819  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){text_from_ip->SetTextSize(0.035);}
5820  text_from_ip->SetTextColor(coul_textfromIP);
5821  if( opt_plot == "Dee" || (opt_plot == "EE" && DeeNumber == 3) ){text_from_ip->Draw();}
5823  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
5825 } // ------ end of EEDataSectors() ------
int i
Int_t MaxCrysIYInDee()
Float_t DeeNameOffsetX(const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Float_t DeeNumberOffsetX(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxCrysIXInDee()
Float_t DeeOffsetX(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::EEGridAxis ( const Float_t &  coefcc_x,
const Float_t &  coefcc_y,
const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const TString &  c_option 

Definition at line 5829 of file

5831 {
5832  //------------------ trace axes en IX et IY --------------- EEGridAxis
5833  //=============================================================================== Axe IX
5834  Int_t size_IX_dee = fEcal->MaxSCIXInDee();
5836  Double_t IX_min = fEcalNumbering->GetIIXMin(1) - 0.5; // IX_min = 0.5 pour les 4 dee's
5837  Double_t IX_max = fEcalNumbering->GetIIXMax()*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC() + 0.5; // IX_max = 50.5 pour les 4 dee's
5839  Int_t MatSize = 1;
5840  if( opt_plot == "Dee" && c_option == "corcc" )
5841  {
5842  MatSize = fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();
5843  IX_min = fEcalNumbering->GetIIXMin() - 0.5;
5844  IX_max = fEcalNumbering->GetIIXMax() + 0.5;
5845  }
5846  if( opt_plot == "EE" && c_option == "corcc" ){return;} // => a voir...
5848  if( opt_plot == "Dee" && c_option != "corcc" ){MatSize = fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC();}
5849  if( opt_plot == "EE" && c_option != "corcc" ){MatSize = 1;}
5851  TString x_var_name = " ";
5853  Float_t axis_x_inf = 0;
5854  Float_t axis_x_sup = 0;
5855  Float_t axis_y_inf = 0;
5856  Float_t axis_y_sup = 0;
5857  Int_t axis_nb_div = 205; // DEFAULT: option "EE"
5858  Double_t IX_values_min = 0;
5859  Double_t IX_values_max = 0;
5860  Option_t* chopt = "C";
5862  //........................................................................EEGridAxis
5863  if( DeeNumber == 1 ) // xmin -> xmax <=> right->left
5864  {
5865  //.....axis min->max/left->right: first draw axis with -ticksize and no label
5866  axis_x_inf = size_IX_dee*MatSize;
5867  axis_x_sup = 0;
5868  axis_y_inf = 0;
5869  axis_y_sup = 0;
5870  IX_values_min = -IX_max; // -50.5 right
5871  IX_values_max = -IX_min; // - 0.5 left
5872  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){x_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("iIXDee1");}
5873  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){x_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("iIXEE");}
5874  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){axis_nb_div = size_IX_dee;}
5875  chopt = "-CSU";
5876  }
5877  if( DeeNumber == 2 ) // xmin -> xmax <=> right->left
5878  {
5879  //.....axis min->max/left->right: first draw axis with -ticksize and no label
5880  axis_x_inf = size_IX_dee*MatSize;
5881  axis_x_sup = 0;
5882  axis_y_inf = 0;
5883  axis_y_sup = 0;
5884  IX_values_min = IX_min; // + 0.5 right
5885  IX_values_max = IX_max; // +50.5 left
5886  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){x_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("iIXDee2");}
5887  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){x_var_name = " ";}
5888  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){axis_nb_div = size_IX_dee;}
5889  chopt = "-CSU";
5890  }
5891  if( DeeNumber == 3 ) // xmin -> xmax <=> left->right
5892  {
5893  axis_x_inf = 0;
5894  axis_x_sup = size_IX_dee*MatSize;
5895  axis_y_inf = 0;
5896  axis_y_sup = 0;
5897  IX_values_min = IX_min; // + 0.5 left
5898  IX_values_max = IX_max; // +50.5 right
5899  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){x_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("iIXDee3");}
5900  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){x_var_name = " ";}
5901  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){axis_nb_div = size_IX_dee;}
5902  chopt = "CS";
5903  }
5904  if( DeeNumber == 4 ) // xmin -> xmax <=> left->right
5905  {
5906  axis_x_inf = 0;
5907  axis_x_sup = size_IX_dee*MatSize;
5908  axis_y_inf = 0;
5909  axis_y_sup = 0;
5910  IX_values_min = -IX_max; // -50.5 left
5911  IX_values_max = -IX_min; // - 0.5 right
5912  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){x_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("iIXDee4");}
5913  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){x_var_name = " ";}
5914  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){axis_nb_div = size_IX_dee;}
5915  chopt = "CS";
5916  }
5918  //.................................................................... EEGridAxis
5919  axis_x_inf += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5920  axis_x_sup += fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(opt_plot, DeeNumber);
5922  TGaxis* sup_axis_x = 0;
5923  sup_axis_x = new TGaxis(axis_x_inf, axis_y_inf, axis_x_sup, axis_y_sup,
5924  IX_values_min, IX_values_max, axis_nb_div, chopt, 0.); fCnewRoot++;
5926  Float_t tit_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
5927  Float_t lab_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
5929  Float_t tic_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("Deex");
5930  if(opt_plot == "EE"){tic_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("EEx");}
5932  Float_t tit_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("Deex");
5933  if(opt_plot == "EE"){tit_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("EEx");}
5935  Float_t lab_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("Deex");
5936  if(opt_plot == "EE"){lab_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("EEx");}
5938  sup_axis_x->SetTitle(x_var_name);
5939  sup_axis_x->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_x);
5940  sup_axis_x->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_x);
5941  sup_axis_x->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
5942  sup_axis_x->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_x);
5943  sup_axis_x->SetTickSize(tic_siz_x);
5944  sup_axis_x->Draw("SAME");
5946  //.....axis min->max/right->left: redraw axis with ticksize = 0 and with -labelOffset
5947  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 2 )
5948  {
5949  chopt = "CS";
5950  TGaxis* sup_axis_x_bis = 0;
5951  sup_axis_x_bis = new TGaxis(axis_x_inf, axis_y_inf, axis_x_sup, axis_y_sup,
5952  IX_values_min, IX_values_max, axis_nb_div, chopt, 0.); fCnewRoot++;
5953  sup_axis_x_bis->SetTickSize(0.);
5954  lab_siz_x = sup_axis_x->GetLabelSize();
5955  sup_axis_x_bis->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
5956  lab_off_x = sup_axis_x->GetLabelOffset();
5957  sup_axis_x_bis->SetLabelOffset(-lab_off_x);
5958  sup_axis_x_bis->Draw("SAME");
5959  }
5961  //================================================================== Axe IY EEGridAxis
5963  if( opt_plot == "Dee" || (opt_plot == "EE" && DeeNumber == 4) )
5964  {
5965  Int_t size_IY_dee = fEcal->MaxSCIYInDee();
5966  Int_t size_IY_axis = size_IY_dee;
5968  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){axis_nb_div = size_IY_axis;}
5969  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){axis_nb_div = 210;}
5971  Double_t jIY_min = fEcalNumbering->GetJIYMin(DeeNumber, 1) - 0.5;
5972  Double_t jIY_max = fEcalNumbering->GetJIYMax(DeeNumber)*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC() + 0.5;
5974  TString jy_var_name = " ";
5975  TString jy_direction = "x";
5977  Float_t tit_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
5978  Float_t lab_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
5980  Float_t tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("Deey");
5981  if(opt_plot == "EE"){tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("EEy");}
5983  Float_t tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("Deey");
5984  if(opt_plot == "EE"){tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("EEy");}
5986  Float_t lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("Deey");
5987  if(opt_plot == "EE"){lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("EEy");}
5989  TGaxis* axis_jy_plus = 0;
5990  axis_jy_plus = new TGaxis((Float_t)0., (Float_t)0.,
5991  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_IY_axis*MatSize),
5992  jIY_min, jIY_max, axis_nb_div, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
5994  jy_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("jIYDee");
5995  axis_jy_plus->SetTitle(jy_var_name);
5996  axis_jy_plus->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
5997  axis_jy_plus->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
5998  axis_jy_plus->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
5999  axis_jy_plus->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
6000  axis_jy_plus->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
6001  axis_jy_plus->Draw("SAME");
6002  }
6004 //---------------------------------- 2 axes (0,50) et (0,-50)
6005 #define IYAX
6006 #ifndef IYAX
6007  if( opt_plot == "Dee" || (opt_plot == "EE" && DeeNumber == 4) )
6008  {
6009  Int_t size_IY_dee = fEcal->MaxSCIYInDee();
6010  Int_t size_IY_axis = size_IY_dee/2;
6012  if( opt_plot == "Dee" ){axis_nb_div = (Int_t)size_IY_axis;}
6013  if( opt_plot == "EE" ){axis_nb_div = 5;}
6015  Double_t jIY_min = fEcalNumbering->GetJIYMin(DeeNumber, 1) - 0.5;
6016  Double_t jIY_max = (fEcalNumbering->GetJIYMax(DeeNumber)/2)*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC() + 0.5;
6018  TString jy_var_name = " ";
6019  TString jy_direction = "x";
6021  Float_t tit_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
6022  Float_t lab_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
6024  Float_t tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("Deey");
6025  if(opt_plot == "EE"){tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("EEy");}
6027  Float_t tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("Deey");
6028  if(opt_plot == "EE"){tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("EEy");}
6030  Float_t lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("Deey");
6031  if(opt_plot == "EE"){lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("EEy");}
6033  TGaxis* axis_jy_plus = 0;
6034  axis_jy_plus = new TGaxis((Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_IY_dee*MatSize/2),
6035  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(2*size_IY_dee*MatSize/2),
6036  jIY_min, jIY_max, axis_nb_div, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
6038  jy_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("jIYDee");
6039  axis_jy_plus->SetTitle(jy_var_name);
6040  axis_jy_plus->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
6041  axis_jy_plus->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
6042  axis_jy_plus->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
6043  axis_jy_plus->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
6044  axis_jy_plus->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
6045  axis_jy_plus->Draw("SAME");
6047  TGaxis* axis_jy_minus = 0;
6048  axis_jy_minus = new TGaxis((Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_IY_dee*MatSize/2),
6049  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0.,
6050  -jIY_min, -jIY_max, axis_nb_div, "-SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
6052  jy_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("jIYDee");
6053  axis_jy_minus->SetTitle(jy_var_name);
6054  axis_jy_minus->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
6055  axis_jy_minus->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
6056  axis_jy_minus->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
6057  axis_jy_minus->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
6058  axis_jy_minus->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
6059  axis_jy_minus->Draw("SAME");
6060  }
6061 #endif // IYAX
6063 } // ------------- end of EEGridAxis(...) --------------
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t MaxSCIYInDee()
Float_t AxisTitleOffset()
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxSCIXInDee()
Float_t AxisTitleSize()
Double_t GetIIXMin(const Int_t &)
Float_t AxisLabelOffset()
Int_t MaxCrysIXInSC()
Double_t GetJIYMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetIIXMax(const Int_t &)
Float_t DeeOffsetX(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Float_t AxisTickSize()
Double_t GetJIYMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxCrysIYInSC()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
TString GetIXIYAxisTitle(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Float_t AxisLabelSize()
void TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  PlotOption 

Definition at line 6166 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

6169 {
6170  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
6171  {
6172  if( PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot )
6173  {
6174  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6175  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6176  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6178  Bool_t aOKData = kFALSE;
6179  TVectorD read_histo(fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6181  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
6182  {
6189  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
6190  {
6191  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
6192  read_histo = fMyRootFile->ReadSampleMeans(StexStin_A, fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6193  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;}
6194  }
6195  else
6196  {
6197  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
6198  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(...)> Data not available (ROOT file not found)." << endl;
6199  }
6200  if( fStatusFileFound == kTRUE && fStatusDataExist == kTRUE ){aOKData = kTRUE;}
6201  }
6202  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
6203  {
6204  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC(); i++){read_histo[i] = arg_read_histo[i];}
6205  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
6206  aOKData = kTRUE;
6207  }
6208  if( aOKData == kTRUE )
6209  {
6210  TVectorD read_histo_samps(fFapNbOfSamples);
6212  Int_t xAlreadyRead = 1;
6213  for( Int_t i0_stin_echa=0; i0_stin_echa<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0_stin_echa++)
6214  {
6215  if( fFapStexName == "SM" )
6216  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(...)> channel " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa << ": ";}
6217  if( fFapStexName == "Dee" )
6218  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(...)> Xtal " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa+1 << ": ";}
6220  for( Int_t i0_samp=0; i0_samp<fFapNbOfSamples; i0_samp++ )
6221  {
6222  read_histo_samps(i0_samp) = read_histo(i0_stin_echa*fFapNbOfSamples+i0_samp);
6223  cout << setprecision(4) << setw(8) << read_histo_samps(i0_samp) << ", " ;
6224  }
6225  cout << endl;
6226  ViewHisto(read_histo_samps, xAlreadyRead,
6227  StexStin_A, i0_stin_echa, fZerv, "D_MSp_SpDs", fAllXtalsInStinPlot);
6228  xAlreadyRead++;
6229  }
6230  xAlreadyRead = 0;
6231  }
6232  else
6233  {
6234  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(...)> Data not available." << endl;
6235  }
6236  }
6238  if( !(PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot) )
6239  {
6240  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6241  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6242  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6243  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fZerv, "D_MSp_SpDs", PlotOption);
6244  }
6245  }
6246  else
6247  {
6248  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data() << " number = " << fFapStexNumber
6249  << " out of range (range = [1," << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "])" << fTTBELL << endl;
6250  }
6251 } // end of EvSamplesXtals(...)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxSampADC()
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TVectorD ReadSampleMeans(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 6163 of file

6165 {EvSamplesXtals(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, "ONLYONE");}
void EvSamplesXtals(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::FileParameters ( const TString &  xArgAnaType,
const Int_t &  xArgNbOfSamples,
const Int_t &  xArgRunNumber,
const Int_t &  xArgFirstReqEvtNumber,
const Int_t &  xArgLastReqEvtNumber,
const Int_t &  xArgReqNbOfEvts,
const Int_t &  xArgStexNumber 

Definition at line 749 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

753 {
754 // Set parameters for reading the right ECNA results file
756  fFapAnaType = xArgAnaType;
757  fFapNbOfSamples = xArgNbOfSamples;
758  fFapRunNumber = xArgRunNumber;
759  fFapFirstReqEvtNumber = xArgFirstReqEvtNumber;
760  fFapLastReqEvtNumber = xArgLastReqEvtNumber;
761  fFapReqNbOfEvts = xArgReqNbOfEvts;
762  fFapStexNumber = xArgStexNumber;
764  InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(); // SpecPar = Special Parameters (dates, times, run types)
765 }
void InitSpecParBeforeFileReading()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::FileParameters ( TEcnaRead MyRootFile)

Definition at line 767 of file

References TEcnaRead::GetAnalysisName(), TEcnaRead::GetFirstReqEvtNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetLastReqEvtNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetNbOfSamples(), TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetReqNbOfEvts(), TEcnaRead::GetRunNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStexNumber(), and TEcnaRead::GetStopDate().

768 {
769 // Set parameters for reading the right ECNA results file
771  InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(); // SpecPar = Special Parameters (dates, times, run types)
773  //............... Filename parameter values
774  fFapAnaType = MyRootFile->GetAnalysisName();
775  fFapNbOfSamples = MyRootFile->GetNbOfSamples();
776  fFapRunNumber = MyRootFile->GetRunNumber();
779  fFapReqNbOfEvts = MyRootFile->GetReqNbOfEvts();
780  fFapStexNumber = MyRootFile->GetStexNumber();
782  //............... parameter values from file contents
783  fStartDate = MyRootFile->GetStartDate();
784  fStopDate = MyRootFile->GetStopDate();
785  fRunType = MyRootFile->GetRunType();
788 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t GetRunNumber()
Int_t GetLastReqEvtNumber()
void InitSpecParBeforeFileReading()
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Int_t GetFirstReqEvtNumber()
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TString GetStopDate()
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t GetNbOfSamples()
TString GetAnalysisName()
Int_t GetReqNbOfEvts()
TString GetRunType()
Int_t GetStexNumber()
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::FillHisto ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const TVectorD &  read_histo,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  HisSize 

Definition at line 11429 of file

References i.

11431 {
11432 // Fill histo
11434  h_his0->Reset();
11436  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSize; i++)
11437  {
11438  Double_t his_val = (Double_t)0;
11439  Double_t xi = (Double_t)0;
11440  //................................................... Basic + Global
11441  if (HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ||
11442  HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ||
11443  HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ||
11444  HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" )
11445  {
11446  xi = (Double_t)i;
11447  his_val = (Double_t)read_histo[i];
11448  h_his0->Fill(xi, his_val);
11449  }
11451  //................................................... D_Adc_EvNb option
11452  if (HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" )
11453  {
11454  xi = (Double_t)i;
11455  his_val = (Double_t)read_histo[i];
11456  h_his0->Fill(xi, his_val);
11457  }
11458  //................................................... Proj
11459  if (HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ||
11460  HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ||
11461  HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ||
11462  HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ||
11463  HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ||
11464  HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" )
11465  {
11466  his_val = (Double_t)read_histo[i];
11467  Double_t increment = (Double_t)1;
11468  h_his0->Fill(his_val, increment);
11469  }
11471  //................................................... EvolProj
11472  //
11473  // *=======> direct Fill in ViewHistime(...)
11474  //
11475  }
11476 }
int i
void TEcnaHistos::GeneralTitle ( const TString &  title)

Definition at line 798 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexStinNumbering(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCrystalNumbering().

799 {
800  fFlagGeneralTitle = title.Data();
801 }
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
TCanvas * TEcnaHistos::GetCurrentCanvas ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12748 of file

12749 {
12750  TCanvas* main_canvas = 0;
12752  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){main_canvas = fCanvH1SamePlus;}
12754  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
12755  {
12756  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_NOE_ChNb;}
12757  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_NOE_ChDs;}
12758  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_Ped_ChNb;}
12759  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_Ped_ChDs;}
12760  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_TNo_ChNb;}
12761  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_TNo_ChDs;}
12762  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_MCs_ChNb;}
12763  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_MCs_ChDs;}
12764  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_LFN_ChNb;}
12765  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_LFN_ChDs;}
12766  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_HFN_ChNb;}
12767  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_HFN_ChDs;}
12768  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_SCs_ChNb;}
12769  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_SCs_ChDs;}
12770  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_MSp_SpNb;}
12771  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_MSp_SpDs;}
12772  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_SSp_SpNb;}
12773  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_SSp_SpDs;}
12774  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){main_canvas = fCanvD_Adc_EvNb;}
12775  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){main_canvas = fCanvD_Adc_EvDs;}
12776  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){main_canvas = fCanvH_Ped_Date;}
12777  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){main_canvas = fCanvH_TNo_Date;}
12778  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){main_canvas = fCanvH_MCs_Date;}
12779  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){main_canvas = fCanvH_LFN_Date;}
12780  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){main_canvas = fCanvH_HFN_Date;}
12781  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){main_canvas = fCanvH_SCs_Date;}
12782  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){main_canvas = fCanvH_Ped_RuDs;}
12783  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){main_canvas = fCanvH_TNo_RuDs;}
12784  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){main_canvas = fCanvH_MCs_RuDs;}
12785  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){main_canvas = fCanvH_LFN_RuDs;}
12786  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){main_canvas = fCanvH_HFN_RuDs;}
12787  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){main_canvas = fCanvH_SCs_RuDs;}
12788  }
12789  return main_canvas;
12790 }
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:808
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:777
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:801
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:790
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:795
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:805
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:807
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:797
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:794
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:780
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:787
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:796
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:791
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:788
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:803
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:786
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:779
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:802
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:798
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:778
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:783
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:781
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:782
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:800
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:784
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:785
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:793
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:799
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:792
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:789
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:806
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:804
TCanvas * TEcnaHistos::GetCurrentCanvas ( )

Definition at line 12793 of file

12793 {return fCurrentCanvas;}
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
TString TEcnaHistos::GetCurrentCanvasName ( )

Definition at line 12794 of file

12794 {return fCurrentCanvasName;}
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetDSOffset ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const Int_t &  DataSector 

Definition at line 7469 of file

7470 {
7471  // gives the DataSector Offset on 1D histos for option "Global"
7473  Int_t DSOffset = 0;
7475  if( DeeNumber == 4 )
7476  {
7477  if( DataSector >= 1 ){}
7478  if( DataSector >= 2 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7479  if( DataSector >= 3 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(2)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7480  if( DataSector >= 4 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(3)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7481  if( DataSector >= 5 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(4)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7482  }
7483  if( DeeNumber == 3 )
7484  {
7485  if( DataSector >= 5 ){}
7486  if( DataSector >= 6 ){DSOffset += (fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(5)/2)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7487  if( DataSector >= 7 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(6)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7488  if( DataSector >= 8 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(7)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7489  if( DataSector >= 9 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(8)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7490  }
7491  if( DeeNumber == 2 )
7492  {
7493  if( DataSector <= 9 ){}
7494  if( DataSector <= 8 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(9)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7495  if( DataSector <= 7 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(8)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7496  if( DataSector <= 6 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(7)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7497  if( DataSector <= 5 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(6)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7498  }
7499  if( DeeNumber == 1 )
7500  {
7501  if( DataSector <= 5 ){}
7502  if( DataSector <= 4 ){DSOffset += (fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(5)/2)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7503  if( DataSector <= 3 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(4)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7504  if( DataSector <= 2 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(3)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7505  if( DataSector <= 1 ){DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(2)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7506  }
7507  return DSOffset;
7508 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t GetMaxSCInDS(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
TString TEcnaHistos::GetEtaPhiAxisTitle ( const TString &  chcode)

Definition at line 4769 of file

4770 {
4771  TString xname = " ";
4773  if ( chcode == "ietaEB" ){xname = "i#eta Xtal ";}
4774  if ( chcode == "ietaSM" ){xname = "i#eta Xtal ";}
4775  if ( chcode == "ietaTow"){xname = "i#eta Xtal ";}
4777  if ( chcode == "iphiEB" ){xname = " i#varphi Xtal";}
4778  if ( chcode == "jphiEB+" ){xname = " i#varphi Xtal";}
4779  if ( chcode == "jphiEB-" ){xname = " i#varphi Xtal";}
4780  if ( chcode == "jphiSMB+" ){xname = " i#varphi Xtal";}
4781  if ( chcode == "jphiSMB-" ){xname = "i#varphi Xtal ";}
4782  if ( chcode == "jphiTow" ){xname = "i#varphi Xtal in SM ";}
4783  if ( chcode == "phi" ){xname = "i#varphi Xtal in EB ";}
4785  return xname;
4786 }
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoNumberOfBins ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  HisSize 

Definition at line 11416 of file

11417 {
11418 // Set histo number of bins
11420  Int_t nb_binx = HisSize;
11421  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode.Data());
11422  if ( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" ||
11423  HistoType == "EvolProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" )
11424  {nb_binx = fNbBinsProj;}
11426  return nb_binx;
11427 }
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fNbBinsProj
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:669
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoryRunListParameters ( const TString &  list_of_run_file_name,
const TString &  HistoCode 

Definition at line 8561 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

8562 {
8563  // Build the array of run numbers from the list-of-runs .ascii file.
8564  // Return the list size
8565  // *=====> list_of_run_file_name is the name of the ASCII file containing the list of the runs
8566  //
8568  //
8569  // HistoryRunList_EB_SM6_Analysis_1.ascii <- 1rst line: comment (file name for example)
8570  // 73677 <- 2nd line and others: run numbers (empty lines accepted)
8571  // 73688
8572  // 73689
8573  //
8574  // 73690
8575  // 73692
8576  //
8577  // In option SAME (of TEcnaHistos), several lists of runs can be called and these lists can have
8578  // DIFFERENT sizes (here the "size" is the number of runs of the list). In addition,
8579  // some runs in some lists may not exist in reality. So, we must adopt a convention which is
8580  // the following: the number of runs corresponds to the number of EXISTING runs
8581  // of the FIRST read list. Let be N1 this number.
8582  // If another list has more runs than N1 runs, we read only the first N1 runs.
8583  // If another list has less runs than N1 runs, we read all the runs of this list.
8584  //
8585  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8587  Int_t nb_of_runs_in_list = 0;
8589  //========= immediate return if file name is an empty string
8590  if( list_of_run_file_name.Data() == '\0' )
8591  {
8592  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetHistoryRunListParameters(...)> *** ERROR *** =====> "
8593  << " EMPTY STRING for list of run file name." << fTTBELL << endl;
8594  }
8595  else
8596  {
8597  // ===> increase the HistoryRunList file number
8598  if ( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date++;}
8599  if ( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date++;}
8600  if ( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date++;}
8601  if ( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date++;}
8602  if ( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date++;}
8603  if ( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date++;}
8605  if ( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs++;}
8606  if ( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs++;}
8607  if ( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs++;}
8608  if ( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs++;}
8609  if ( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs++;}
8610  if ( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs++;}
8612  fFapFileRuns = list_of_run_file_name.Data(); // (short name)
8614  //........... Add the path to the file name ( GetHistoryRunListParameters )
8615  TString xFileNameRunList = list_of_run_file_name.Data();
8616  const Text_t *t_file_name = (const Text_t *)xFileNameRunList.Data();
8618  //.............. replace the string "$HOME" by the true $HOME path
8619  if(fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath.BeginsWith("$HOME"))
8620  {
8621  fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath.Remove(0,5);
8622  const Text_t *t_file_nohome = (const Text_t *)fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath.Data(); // /scratch0/cna/...
8624  TString home_path = gSystem->Getenv("HOME");
8625  fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath = home_path; // /afs/
8626  fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath.Append(t_file_nohome); // /afs/
8627  }
8629  xFileNameRunList = fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath.Data();
8631  xFileNameRunList.Append('/');
8632  xFileNameRunList.Append(t_file_name);
8636  //....................................... ( GetHistoryRunListParameters )
8637  if( == kFALSE )
8638  {
8639  //...................................... first reading to get the number of runs in the list
8640  fFcin_f.clear();
8641  string xHeadComment;
8642  fFcin_f >> xHeadComment;
8643  Int_t cRunNumber;
8644  Int_t list_size_read = 0;
8646  while( !fFcin_f.eof() ){fFcin_f >> cRunNumber; list_size_read++;}
8647  fFapNbOfRuns = list_size_read - 1;
8649  //...................................... second reading to get the run numbers
8651  //====== Return to the beginning of the file =====
8652  fFcin_f.clear();
8653  fFcin_f.seekg(0, ios::beg);
8654  //================================================
8656  string yHeadComment;
8657  fFcin_f >> yHeadComment;
8659  //....................... Set fFapMaxNbOfRuns to -1 at first call (first read file)
8660  //
8661  // fNbOfListFileEvolXXX is initialized to 0 in Init()
8662  // It is incremented once here above
8663  // So, at first call fNbOfListFileEvolXXX = 1
8664  // then fFapMaxNbOfRuns = -1
8665  //.......................................................................... (GetHistoryRunListParameters)
8666  if( (HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" && fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date == 1) ||
8667  (HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" && fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date == 1) ||
8668  (HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" && fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date == 1) ||
8669  (HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" && fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date == 1) ||
8670  (HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" && fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date == 1) ||
8671  (HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" && fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date == 1) ||
8672  (HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" && fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs == 1) ||
8673  (HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" && fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs == 1) ||
8674  (HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" && fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs == 1) ||
8675  (HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" && fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs == 1) ||
8676  (HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" && fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs == 1) ||
8677  (HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" && fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs == 1)){fFapMaxNbOfRuns = -1;}
8679  // first call: fFapMaxNbOfRuns = fFapNbOfRuns = nb of run from the first reading
8681  // next calls: fFapNbOfRuns must not be greater than fFapMaxNbOfRuns found at first time
8684  // Allocation and initialization of the array fT1DRunNumber[].
8685  //................. check maximum value for allocation
8687  {
8688  cout << "TEcnaHistos::GetHistoryRunListParameters(...)> Max number of runs in HistoryRunList = "
8689  << fFapMaxNbOfRuns
8690  << " too large, forced to parameter TEcnaParHistos->fMaxNbOfRunsInLists value (= "
8692  << "). Please, set this parameter to a larger value than " << fFapMaxNbOfRuns
8693  << fTTBELL << endl;
8695  }
8696  //................................. Alloc of the array and init
8697  if( fT1DRunNumber == 0 )
8698  {
8699  if( fFapMaxNbOfRuns > 0 )
8700  {
8701  fT1DRunNumber = new Int_t[fFapMaxNbOfRuns]; fCnew++;
8702  }
8703  else
8704  {
8705  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetHistoryRunListParameters(...)> *** ERROR *** =====> fFapMaxNbOfRuns = "
8706  << fFapMaxNbOfRuns << ". Forced to 1." << fTTBELL << endl;
8707  fFapMaxNbOfRuns = 1;
8708  fT1DRunNumber = new Int_t[fFapMaxNbOfRuns]; fCnew++;
8709  }
8710  }
8713  //.................................... Init the list of runs
8714  for ( Int_t i_run = 0; i_run < fFapMaxNbOfRuns; i_run++ ){fT1DRunNumber[i_run] = -1;}
8715  //.................................... read the list of runs
8716  for (Int_t i_list = 0; i_list < fFapNbOfRuns; i_list++)
8717  {
8718  fFcin_f >> cRunNumber;
8719  fT1DRunNumber[i_list] = cRunNumber;
8720  }
8721  //........................................ ( GetHistoryRunListParameters )
8722  nb_of_runs_in_list = fFapNbOfRuns;
8723  fFcin_f.close();
8724  }
8725  else
8726  {
8727  fFcin_f.clear();
8728  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetHistoryRunListParameters(...)> *** ERROR *** =====> "
8729  << xFileNameRunList.Data() << " : file not found." << fTTBELL << endl;
8730  nb_of_runs_in_list = -1;
8731  }
8732  }
8733  return nb_of_runs_in_list;
8734 }
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:430
Int_t fFapMaxNbOfRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:395
Int_t fFapNbOfRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:396
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
TString fFapFileRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:397
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t MaxNbOfRunsInLists()
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TString fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:418
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
tuple cout
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
std::ifstream fFcin_f
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:383
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoSize ( const TString &  chqcode,
const TString &  opt_plot_read 

Definition at line 11042 of file

11043 {
11044 // Histo size as a function of the quantity code
11046 // VERY IMPORTANT: in some cases the number of bins must be strictly related to the parameters values
11047 // (number of crystals, number of samples, etc...). See below comments "===> ONE BIN BY..."
11049  Int_t HisSize = fNbBinsProj; // default value
11051  //............ histo with sample number as x coordinate => HisSize depends on option "plot" or "read"
11052  // because of nb of samples in file: size for plot = 10 even if nb of samples in file < 10
11053  if( chqcode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || chqcode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ||
11054  chqcode == "D_MSp_SpDs" || chqcode == "D_SSp_SpDs" )
11055  {
11056  if( opt_plot_read == "read" ){HisSize = fFapNbOfSamples;}
11057  if( opt_plot_read == "plot" ){HisSize = fEcal->MaxSampADC();}
11058  } // ===> ONE BIN BY SAMPLE
11060  //............ histo with event number as x coordinate. (==> "D_Adc_EvDs" option: obsolete, to be confirmed)
11061  if(chqcode == "D_Adc_EvNb" || chqcode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){HisSize = fFapReqNbOfEvts;} // ===> ONE BIN BY EVENT
11063  //............
11064  if(chqcode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ||
11065  chqcode == "D_Ped_ChNb" || chqcode == "D_TNo_ChNb" || chqcode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ||
11066  chqcode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || chqcode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || chqcode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ||
11067  chqcode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ||
11068  chqcode == "D_Ped_ChDs" || chqcode == "D_TNo_ChDs" || chqcode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ||
11069  chqcode == "D_LFN_ChDs" || chqcode == "D_HFN_ChDs" || chqcode == "D_SCs_ChDs" )
11070  {
11071  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
11072  {
11073  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 ){HisSize = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex();} // ===> ONE BIN BY Xtal
11074  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 ){HisSize = fEcal->MaxSMInEB()*fEcal->MaxTowInSM();} // ===> ONE BIN BY Tower
11075  }
11076  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
11077  {
11078  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
11079  {
11080  if( opt_plot_read == "read" ){HisSize = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInDee();}
11081  if( opt_plot_read == "plot" ){HisSize = fEcal->MaxCrysForConsInDee();}
11082  } // ===> ONE BIN BY Xtal
11083  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
11084  {HisSize = fEcal->MaxDeeInEE()*fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();} // ===> ONE BIN BY SC
11085  }
11086  }
11088  if( chqcode == "H_Ped_RuDs" || chqcode == "H_TNo_RuDs" || chqcode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ||
11089  chqcode == "H_LFN_RuDs" || chqcode == "H_HFN_RuDs" || chqcode == "H_SCs_RuDs" )
11090  {
11091  HisSize = fNbBinsProj;
11092  }
11094  return HisSize;
11095 }
Int_t MaxCrysEcnaInDee()
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxSCForConsInDee()
Int_t MaxCrysEcnaInStex()
Int_t MaxSampADC()
Int_t MaxDeeInEE()
Int_t MaxSMInEB()
Int_t fNbBinsProj
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:669
Int_t MaxCrysForConsInDee()
Int_t MaxTowInSM()
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
TVectorD TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
TEcnaRead aMyRootFile,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  HisSizePlot,
const Int_t &  HisSizeRead,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
Int_t &  i_data_exist 

Definition at line 11097 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), i, TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(), TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise().

11102 {
11103  // Histo values in a TVectorD. i_data_exist entry value = 0. Incremented in this method.
11105  TVectorD plot_histo(HisSizePlot); for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizePlot; i++){plot_histo(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
11107  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
11109  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
11110  {
11111  //cout << "*TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(...)> arg_AlreadyRead = " << arg_AlreadyRead << endl;
11112  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeRead; i++){plot_histo(i)=arg_read_histo(i);}
11113  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;
11114  }
11116  if( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 )
11117  {
11118  //cout << "*TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(...)> arg_AlreadyRead = " << arg_AlreadyRead << endl;
11119  TVectorD read_histo(HisSizeRead); for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeRead; i++){read_histo(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
11121  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ||
11122  HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" )
11123  {
11124  //====> For plots as a function of Sample# (read10->plot10, read3->plot10)
11125  if( HisSizeRead <= HisSizePlot )
11126  {
11127  if (HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" )
11128  {
11129  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadSampleMeans(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, HisSizeRead);
11130  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11131  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeRead; i++){plot_histo(i)=read_histo(i);}
11132  }
11134  if (HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" )
11135  {
11136  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadSampleSigmas(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, HisSizeRead);
11137  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11138  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeRead; i++){plot_histo(i)=read_histo(i);}
11139  }
11140  }
11141  else
11142  {
11143  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(...)> *** ERROR *** > HisSizeRead greater than HisSizePlot"
11144  << " for plot as a function of sample#. HisSizeRead = " << HisSizeRead
11145  << ", HisSizePlot = " << HisSizePlot << fTTBELL << endl;
11146  }
11147  } // end of if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" " ||
11148  // HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" )
11150  if( !(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ||
11151  HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ) ) // = else of previous if
11152  {
11153  //====> For other plots
11154  if( HisSizeRead == HisSizePlot )
11155  {
11156  //========> for EE, HisSizeRead > HisSizePlot but readEcna#->plotForCons# will be build in the calling method
11157  // HisSizeRead = fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex() (GetHistoValues)
11159  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" || HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" )
11160  {
11161  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadSampleAdcValues(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, HisSizeRead);
11162  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11163  }
11165  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" )
11166  {
11167  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadNumberOfEvents(HisSizeRead);
11168  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11169  }
11171  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" )
11172  {
11173  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadPedestals(HisSizeRead);
11174  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11175  }
11177  //...................................................... (GetHistoValues)
11178  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs")
11179  {
11180  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadTotalNoise(HisSizeRead);
11181  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11182  }
11184  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" )
11185  {
11186  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadLowFrequencyNoise(HisSizeRead);
11187  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11189  }
11191  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" )
11192  {
11193  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadHighFrequencyNoise(HisSizeRead);
11194  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11196  }
11198  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" )
11199  {
11200  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(HisSizeRead);
11201  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11202  }
11204  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" )
11205  {
11206  read_histo = aMyRootFile->ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(HisSizeRead);
11207  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE; i_data_exist++;}
11208  }
11210  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeRead; i++){plot_histo(i)=read_histo(i);}
11212  }
11213  else
11214  {
11215  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(...)> *** ERROR *** > HisSizeRead not equal to HisSizePlot."
11216  << " HisSizeRead = " << HisSizeRead
11217  << ", HisSizePlot = " << HisSizePlot << fTTBELL << endl;
11218  }
11219  } // end of if( !(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb") )
11220  } // end of if( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 )
11222  if( i_data_exist == 0 )
11223  {
11224  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues(...)> Histo not found." << fTTBELL << endl;
11225  }
11227  return plot_histo;
11228 }
int i
TVectorD ReadLowFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
TVectorD ReadSampleAdcValues(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TVectorD ReadSampleSigmas(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadTotalNoise(const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadPedestals(const Int_t &)
Bool_t DataExist()
TVectorD ReadHighFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
tuple cout
TVectorD ReadSampleMeans(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &)
Axis_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoXinf ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  HisSize,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 11326 of file

11327 {
11328 // Set histo Xinf
11330  Axis_t xinf_his = (Axis_t)0;
11332  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11333  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11334  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11335  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11336  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11337  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11338  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11339  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11340  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11341  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11343  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_NOE_ChNbYmin;} // D_XXX_YYDs = projection of D_XXX_YYNb
11344  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_Ped_ChNbYmin;}
11345  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_TNo_ChNbYmin;}
11346  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_MCs_ChNbYmin;}
11347  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_LFN_ChNbYmin;}
11348  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_HFN_ChNbYmin;}
11349  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_SCs_ChNbYmin;}
11350  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_MSp_SpNbYmin;}
11351  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_SSp_SpNbYmin;}
11352  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fD_Adc_EvNbYmin;}
11354  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11355  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11356  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11357  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11358  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11359  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11361  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fH_Ped_RuDsYmin;}
11362  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fH_TNo_RuDsYmin;}
11363  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fH_MCs_RuDsYmin;}
11364  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fH_LFN_RuDsYmin;}
11365  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fH_HFN_RuDsYmin;}
11366  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){xinf_his = (Axis_t)fH_SCs_RuDsYmin;}
11368  return xinf_his;
11369 }
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:599
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:563
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:543
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:547
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:559
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:578
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:568
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:595
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:551
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:593
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:601
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:555
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:597
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:572
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:539
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:603
Axis_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoXsup ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  HisSize,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 11371 of file

11372 {
11373 // Set histo Xsup
11375  Axis_t xsup_his = (Axis_t)0;
11377  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11378  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11379  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11380  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11381  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11382  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11383  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11384  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11385  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)HisSize;}
11386  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)(fFapReqNbOfEvts);}
11388  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_NOE_ChNbYmax;}
11389  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_Ped_ChNbYmax;}
11390  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_TNo_ChNbYmax;}
11391  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_MCs_ChNbYmax;}
11392  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_LFN_ChNbYmax;}
11393  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_HFN_ChNbYmax;}
11394  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_SCs_ChNbYmax;}
11395  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_MSp_SpNbYmax;}
11396  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_SSp_SpNbYmax;}
11397  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fD_Adc_EvNbYmax;}
11399  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11400  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11401  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11402  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11403  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11404  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)0.;}
11406  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fH_Ped_RuDsYmax;}
11407  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fH_TNo_RuDsYmax;}
11408  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fH_MCs_RuDsYmax;}
11409  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fH_LFN_RuDsYmax;}
11410  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fH_HFN_RuDsYmax;}
11411  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){xsup_his = (Axis_t)fH_SCs_RuDsYmax;}
11413  return xsup_his;
11414 }
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:594
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:556
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:569
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:548
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:564
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:560
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:573
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:602
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:544
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:598
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:540
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:596
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:600
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:579
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:604
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:552
TString TEcnaHistos::GetHocoVecoAxisTitle ( const TString &  chcode)

Definition at line 4759 of file

4760 {
4761  TString xname = " ";
4763  if ( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){xname = GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(chcode);}
4764  if ( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){xname = GetIXIYAxisTitle(chcode);}
4766  return xname;
4767 }
TString GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(const TString &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString GetIXIYAxisTitle(const TString &)
TString TEcnaHistos::GetIXIYAxisTitle ( const TString &  chcode)

Definition at line 4788 of file

4789 {
4790  TString xname = " ";
4792  if ( chcode == "iIXDee" ){xname = "IX(SC)";}
4794  if ( chcode == "iIXDee1" ){xname = " -IX Xtal";}
4795  if ( chcode == "iIXDee2" ){xname = " IX Xtal ";}
4796  if ( chcode == "iIXDee3" ){xname = " IX Xtal";}
4797  if ( chcode == "iIXDee4" ){xname = "-IX Xtal ";}
4799  if ( chcode == "iIXEE" ){xname = " IX Xtal";}
4801  if ( chcode == "iIXSC" ){xname = "IX Xtal";}
4803  if ( chcode == "jIYDee" ){xname = "IY Xtal";}
4804  if ( chcode == "jIYSC" ){xname = "IY Xtal";}
4805  if ( chcode == "IY" ){xname = "IY";}
4807  return xname;
4808 }
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetListFileNumber ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 8739 of file

8740 {
8741 // Get the number of the read list file
8743  Int_t number = 0;
8745  if ( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){number = fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date;}
8746  if ( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){number = fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date;}
8747  if ( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){number = fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date;}
8748  if ( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){number = fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date;}
8749  if ( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){number = fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date;}
8750  if ( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){number = fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date;}
8751  if ( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){number = fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs;}
8752  if ( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){number = fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs;}
8753  if ( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){number = fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs;}
8754  if ( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){number = fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs;}
8755  if ( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){number = fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs;}
8756  if ( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){number = fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs;}
8757  return number;
8758 }
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TString TEcnaHistos::GetMemoFlag ( const TString &  opt_plot)

Definition at line 12282 of file

12283 {
12284  TString memo_flag;
12285  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
12286  memo_flag.Resize(MaxCar);
12287  memo_flag = "(no memo_flag info)";
12289  Int_t memo_flag_number = -1;
12291  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH1SamePlus;}
12293  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12294  {
12295  memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs+fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
12297  }
12299  if(memo_flag_number == 0){memo_flag = "Free";}
12300  if(memo_flag_number >= 1){memo_flag = "Busy";}
12302  return memo_flag;
12303 }
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:633
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TString TEcnaHistos::GetMemoFlag ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12305 of file

12306 {
12307 // Get Memo Flag
12309  TString memo_flag;
12310  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
12311  memo_flag.Resize(MaxCar);
12312  memo_flag = "(no memo_flag info)";
12314  Int_t memo_flag_number = -1;
12316  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH1SamePlus;}
12318  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12319  {
12320  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb;}
12321  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs;}
12322  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb;}
12323  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs;}
12324  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb;}
12325  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs;}
12326  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb;}
12327  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs;}
12328  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb;}
12329  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs;}
12330  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb;}
12331  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs;}
12332  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb;}
12333  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs;}
12334  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb;}
12335  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs;}
12336  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb;}
12337  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs;}
12338  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb;}
12339  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs;}
12340  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date;}
12341  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date;}
12342  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date;}
12343  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date;}
12344  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date;}
12345  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date;}
12346  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs;}
12347  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs;}
12348  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs;}
12349  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs;}
12350  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs;}
12351  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){memo_flag_number = fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs;}
12352  }
12354  if(memo_flag_number == 0){memo_flag = "Free";}
12355  if(memo_flag_number == 1){memo_flag = "Busy";}
12357  return memo_flag;
12358 }
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:633
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNbBinsFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12238 of file

12239 {
12240  Int_t nb_bins = 0;
12242  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus;}
12244  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12245  {
12246  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb;}
12247  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs;}
12248  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb;}
12249  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs;}
12250  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb;}
12251  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs;}
12252  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb;}
12253  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs;}
12254  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb;}
12255  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs;}
12256  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb;}
12257  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs;}
12258  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb;}
12259  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs;}
12260  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb;}
12261  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs;}
12262  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb;}
12263  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs;}
12264  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb;}
12265  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs;}
12266  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date;}
12267  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date;}
12268  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date;}
12269  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date;}
12270  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date;}
12271  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date;}
12272  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs;}
12273  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs;}
12274  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs;}
12275  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs;}
12276  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs;}
12277  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){nb_bins = fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs;}
12278  }
12279  return nb_bins;
12280 }// end of GetNbBinsFromMemo(...)
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:763
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:762
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:750
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:756
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:744
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:767
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:766
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:749
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:771
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:770
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:745
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:758
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:759
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:739
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:757
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:755
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:752
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:754
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:765
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:747
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:761
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:769
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:751
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:764
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:760
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:746
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:753
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:743
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:742
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:741
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:748
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:768
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:740
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex ( const Int_t &  index)

Definition at line 10019 of file

10020 {
10022  Int_t DSSC = 0;
10023  if( index == 1 ){DSSC = 12;} // (D1,S1) (D3,S9)
10024  if( index == 2 ){DSSC = 12;} // (D2,S9) (D4,S1)
10026  if( index == 3 ){DSSC = 32;} // (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
10027  if( index == 4 ){DSSC = 32;} // (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
10029  if( index == 5 ){DSSC = 10;} // (D1,S3) (D3,S7)
10030  if( index == 6 ){DSSC = 10;} // (D2,S7) (D4,S3)
10032  if( index == 7 ){DSSC = 23;} // (D1,S5) (D3,S5)
10033  if( index == 8 ){DSSC = 6;} // (D2,S5) (D4,S5)
10034  return DSSC;
10035 }
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotCompleteSCForConsFromIndex ( const Int_t &  index)

Definition at line 10001 of file

10002 {
10004  Int_t DSSC = 0;
10005  if( index == 1 ){DSSC = 161;} // (D1,S1) (D3,S9)
10006  if( index == 2 ){DSSC = 12;} // (D2,S9) (D4,S1)
10008  if( index == 3 ){DSSC = 216;} // (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
10009  if( index == 4 ){DSSC = 67;} // (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
10011  if( index == 5 ){DSSC = 224;} // (D1,S3) (D3,S7)
10012  if( index == 6 ){DSSC = 75;} // (D2,S7) (D4,S3)
10014  if( index == 7 ){DSSC = 286;} // (D1,S5) (D3,S5)
10015  if( index == 8 ){DSSC = 137;} // (D2,S5) (D4,S5)
10016  return DSSC;
10017 }
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex ( const Int_t &  index)

Definition at line 9975 of file

9976 {
9978  Int_t DSSC = 0;
9979  if( index == 1 ){DSSC = 30;} // (D1,S1) (D3,S9)
9980  if( index == 2 ){DSSC = 30;} // (D2,S9) (D4,S1)
9982  if( index == 3 ){DSSC = 3;} // (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9983  if( index == 4 ){DSSC = 3;} // (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9984  if( index == 5 ){DSSC = 25;} // (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9985  if( index == 6 ){DSSC = 25;} // (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9987  if( index == 7 ){DSSC = 34;} // (D1,S3) (D3,S7)
9988  if( index == 8 ){DSSC = 34;} // (D2,S7) (D4,S3)
9990  if( index == 9 ){DSSC = 14;} // (D1,S4) (D3,S6)
9991  if( index == 10 ){DSSC = 14;} // (D2,S6) (D4,S4)
9992  if( index == 11 ){DSSC = 21;} // (D1,S4) (D3,S6)
9993  if( index == 12 ){DSSC = 21;} // (D2,S6) (D4,S4)
9995  if( index == 13 ){DSSC = 20;} // (D1,S5) (D3,S5)
9996  if( index == 14 ){DSSC = 3;} // (D2,S5) (D4,S5)
9997  return DSSC;
9998 }
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotConnectedSCForConsFromIndex ( const Int_t &  index)

Definition at line 9950 of file

9951 {
9953  Int_t SCForCons = 0;
9954  if( index == 1 ){SCForCons = 182;} // (D1,S1) (D3,S9)
9955  if( index == 2 ){SCForCons = 33;} // (D2,S9) (D4,S1)
9957  if( index == 3 ){SCForCons = 178;} // (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9958  if( index == 4 ){SCForCons = 29;} // (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9959  if( index == 5 ){SCForCons = 207;} // (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9960  if( index == 6 ){SCForCons = 58;} // (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9962  if( index == 7 ){SCForCons = 298;} // (D1,S3) (D3,S7)
9963  if( index == 8 ){SCForCons = 149;} // (D2,S7) (D4,S3)
9965  if( index == 9 ){SCForCons = 261;} // (D1,S4) (D3,S6)
9966  if( index == 10 ){SCForCons = 112;} // (D2,S6) (D4,S4)
9967  if( index == 11 ){SCForCons = 268;} // (D1,S4) (D3,S6)
9968  if( index == 12 ){SCForCons = 119;} // (D2,S6) (D4,S4)
9970  if( index == 13 ){SCForCons = 281;} // (D1,S5) (D3,S5)
9971  if( index == 14 ){SCForCons = 132;} // (D2,S5) (D4,S5)
9972  return SCForCons;
9973 }
Bool_t TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto ( TEcnaRead aMyRootFile,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
const TString &  HistoCode 

Definition at line 8806 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), i, and TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers().

8809 {
8810 // Check possibility to plot the histo
8812  Bool_t ok_view_histo = kFALSE;
8814  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode);
8816  TString root_file_name = aMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
8818  TVectorD vStin(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
8819  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() ; i++){vStin(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
8820  vStin = aMyRootFile->ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
8822  if( aMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
8823  {
8824  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
8826  Int_t Stin_ok = 0;
8827  for (Int_t index_Stin = 0; index_Stin < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin++)
8828  {
8829  if ( vStin(index_Stin) == StexStin_A ){Stin_ok++;};
8830  }
8832  //.............................................. ok_view
8833  Int_t ok_view = 1;
8835  if( !( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ) )
8836  {
8837  if( Stin_ok != 1)
8838  {
8839  Int_t StinNumber = StexStin_A;
8840  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
8841  {StinNumber = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, StexStin_A);}
8842  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(...)> *ERROR* =====> " << "File: " << root_file_name
8843  << ", " << fFapStinName.Data() << " "
8844  << StinNumber
8845  << " not found. Available numbers = ";
8846  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
8847  {
8848  if( vStin(i) > 0 )
8849  {
8850  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){cout << vStin(i) << ", ";}
8851  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
8852  {cout << fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, (Int_t)vStin(i)) << ", ";}
8853  }
8854  }
8855  cout << fTTBELL << endl;
8856  ok_view = -1;
8857  }
8858  else
8859  {
8860  ok_view = 1;
8861  }
8862  }
8864  //.............................................. ok_max_elt ( GetOkViewHisto(...) )
8865  Int_t ok_max_elt = 1;
8867  if( ( ( (HistoType == "H1Basic") || (HistoType == "Evol") || (HistoType == "EvolProj") )
8868  && (i0StinEcha >= 0) && (i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin())
8869  && (i0Sample >= 0) && (i0Sample <fFapNbOfSamples ) ) ||
8870  !( (HistoType == "H1Basic") || (HistoType == "Evol") || (HistoType == "EvolProj") ))
8871  {ok_max_elt = 1;}
8872  else
8873  {
8874  Int_t Choffset = 0;
8875  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){Choffset = 1;}
8876  if( ( (HistoType == "H1Basic") || (HistoType == "Evol") || (HistoType == "EvolProj") )
8877  && !( (i0StinEcha >= 0) && (i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()) ) )
8878  {cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(...)> *ERROR* =====> " << "File: " << root_file_name
8879  << ". Wrong channel number. Value = " << i0StinEcha << " (required range: [" << Choffset << ", "
8880  << fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()-1+Choffset << "] )"
8881  << fTTBELL << endl;}
8882  if( (HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" || HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb") &&
8883  !((i0Sample >= 0) && (i0Sample <fFapNbOfSamples)) )
8884  {cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(...)> *ERROR* =====> " << "File: " << root_file_name
8885  << ". Wrong sample index. Value = " << i0Sample << " (required range: [0, "
8886  << fFapNbOfSamples-1 << "] )"
8887  << fTTBELL << endl;}
8888  ok_max_elt = -1;
8889  }
8891  if( (ok_view == 1) && (ok_max_elt == 1) )
8892  {
8893  ok_view_histo = kTRUE;
8894  }
8895  else
8896  {
8897  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(...)> At least one ERROR has been detected. ok_view = " << ok_view
8898  << ", ok_max_elt = " << ok_max_elt << fTTBELL << endl;
8899  }
8900  }
8901  else
8902  {
8903  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
8905  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto(...)> No data in ROOT file "
8906  << ", aMyRootFile->DataExist() = " << aMyRootFile->DataExist() << fTTBELL << endl;
8907  }
8908  return ok_view_histo;
8909 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TVectorD ReadStinNumbers(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
tuple cout
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Color_t TEcnaHistos::GetSCColor ( const TString &  DeeEndcap,
const TString &  DeeDir,
const TString &  QuadType 

Definition at line 13572 of file

13573 {
13574  //gives the SC color for the numbering plots
13575  TColor* my_color = new TColor();
13576  Color_t couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"); // default = "noir"
13578  if( DeeEndcap == "EE+" )
13579  {
13580  if ( DeeDir == "right" && QuadType == "top" ){couleur=fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge");}
13581  if ( DeeDir == "right" && QuadType == "bottom" ){couleur=fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu_fonce");}
13582  if ( DeeDir == "left" && QuadType == "top" ){couleur=(Color_t)my_color->GetColor("#006600");}
13583  if ( DeeDir == "left" && QuadType == "bottom" ){couleur=(Color_t)my_color->GetColor("#CC3300");}
13584  }
13585  if( DeeEndcap == "EE-" )
13586  {
13587  if ( DeeDir == "right" && QuadType == "top" ){couleur=(Color_t)my_color->GetColor("#008800");}
13588  if ( DeeDir == "right" && QuadType == "bottom" ){couleur=(Color_t)my_color->GetColor("#EE5500");}
13589  if ( DeeDir == "left" && QuadType == "top" ){couleur=fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge");}
13590  if ( DeeDir == "left" && QuadType == "bottom" ){couleur=fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu_fonce");}
13591  }
13593  return couleur;
13594 }
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetSCOffset ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const Int_t &  DataSector,
const Int_t &  SC_in_DS 

Definition at line 7510 of file

7511 {
7512  // gives the SC (Super-Crystal) Offset on 1D histos for option "Global"
7514  Int_t SCOffset = 0;
7516  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 3 )
7517  {
7518  if( DataSector == 5 ){SCOffset += ((SC_in_DS-17)-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7519  if( DataSector != 5 ){SCOffset += (SC_in_DS-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7520  }
7522  if( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 ){SCOffset += (SC_in_DS-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
7524  return SCOffset;
7525 }
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
Color_t TEcnaHistos::GetViewHistoColor ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13527 of file

13528 {
13529  Color_t couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"); // a priori = "noir"
13531  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH1SamePlus);}
13533  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13534  {
13535  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb);}
13536  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs);}
13537  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb);}
13538  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs);}
13539  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb);}
13540  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs);}
13541  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb);}
13542  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs);}
13543  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb);}
13544  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs);}
13545  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb);}
13546  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs);}
13547  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb);}
13548  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs);}
13549  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb);}
13550  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs);}
13551  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb);}
13552  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs);}
13553  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb);}
13554  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs);}
13555  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_Ped_Date);}
13556  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_TNo_Date);}
13557  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_MCs_Date);}
13558  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_LFN_Date);}
13559  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_HFN_Date);}
13560  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_SCs_Date);}
13561  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs);}
13562  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs);}
13563  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs);}
13564  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs);}
13565  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs);}
13566  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){couleur = fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs);}
13567  }
13568  return couleur;
13569 }
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Color_t ColorTab(const Int_t &)
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetXCrysInStex ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 3591 of file

3593 {
3594 //Gives the X crystal coordinate in the geographic view of one Stex
3595 // (X = 0 to MaxStinHocoInStex*NbCrysHocoInStin - 1)
3597  Int_t ix_geo = 0;
3599  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
3600  {TString ctype = fEcalNumbering->GetStexHalfStas(StexNumber);
3601  Int_t n1StexCrys = fEcalNumbering->Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StexNumber);
3602  ix_geo = (n1StexCrys-1)/fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStex(); // ix_geo for EB+
3603  if( ctype == "EB-"){ix_geo = fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStex() - ix_geo - 1;}}
3605  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
3606  {TString DeeDir = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(StexNumber);
3607  ix_geo = 0;
3608  if( DeeDir == "right" )
3609  {ix_geo = fEcalNumbering->GetIXCrysInDee(StexNumber, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha) - 1;}
3610  if( DeeDir == "left" )
3611  {ix_geo = fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee() - fEcalNumbering->GetIXCrysInDee(StexNumber, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha);}}
3613  return ix_geo;
3614 }
Int_t MaxCrysHocoInStex()
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxCrysIXInDee()
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysVecoInStex()
Int_t GetIXCrysInDee(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
Int_t Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXinfValueFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11562 of file

11563 {
11564  Double_t val_inf = (Double_t)0.;
11566  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_NOE_ChNbXinf;}
11567  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_NOE_ChDsXinf;}
11568  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_Ped_ChNbXinf;}
11569  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_Ped_ChDsXinf;}
11570  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_TNo_ChNbXinf;}
11571  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_TNo_ChDsXinf;}
11572  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_MCs_ChNbXinf;}
11573  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_MCs_ChDsXinf;}
11574  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_LFN_ChNbXinf;}
11575  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_LFN_ChDsXinf;}
11576  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_HFN_ChNbXinf;}
11577  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_HFN_ChDsXinf;}
11578  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){val_inf = fD_SCs_ChNbXinf;}
11579  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){val_inf = fD_SCs_ChDsXinf;}
11580  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){val_inf = fD_Ped_ChNbXinf;}
11581  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){val_inf = fD_Ped_ChDsXinf;}
11582  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){val_inf = fD_TNo_ChNbXinf;}
11583  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){val_inf = fD_TNo_ChDsXinf;}
11584  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){val_inf = fD_Adc_EvNbXinf;}
11585  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){val_inf = fD_Adc_EvDsXinf;}
11586  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){val_inf = fH_Ped_DateXinf;}
11587  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){val_inf = fH_TNo_DateXinf;}
11588  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){val_inf = fH_MCs_DateXinf;}
11589  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){val_inf = fH_LFN_DateXinf;}
11590  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){val_inf = fH_HFN_DateXinf;}
11591  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){val_inf = fH_SCs_DateXinf;}
11592  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){val_inf = fH_Ped_RuDsXinf;}
11593  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){val_inf = fH_TNo_RuDsXinf;}
11594  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){val_inf = fH_MCs_RuDsXinf;}
11595  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){val_inf = fH_LFN_RuDsXinf;}
11596  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){val_inf = fH_HFN_RuDsXinf;}
11597  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){val_inf = fH_SCs_RuDsXinf;}
11598  return val_inf;
11599 }// end of GetXinfValueFromMemo(...)
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:479
Axis_t fH_Ped_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:523
Axis_t fH_TNo_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:525
Axis_t fH_TNo_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:512
Axis_t fH_LFN_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:516
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:475
Axis_t fH_SCs_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:533
Axis_t fH_HFN_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:518
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:477
Axis_t fH_MCs_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:527
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:495
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:506
Axis_t fH_SCs_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:520
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:473
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:493
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:489
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:508
Axis_t fH_LFN_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:529
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:481
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:487
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:485
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:483
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:469
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:491
Axis_t fH_HFN_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:531
Axis_t fH_MCs_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:514
Axis_t fH_Ped_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:510
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:471
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXinfValueFromMemo ( )

Definition at line 11601 of file

11602 {return fH1SameOnePlotXinf;}
Axis_t fH1SameOnePlotXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:466
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetXSampInStin ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i_samp 

Definition at line 2679 of file

2681 {
2682 //Gives the X coordinate in the geographic view of one Stin
2684  Int_t ix_geo = -1;
2686  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
2687  {TString ctype = fEcalNumbering->GetStinLvrbType(StexStin);
2688  TString btype = fEcalNumbering->GetStexHalfStas(StexNumber);
2689  if( (btype == "EB+" && ctype == "bottom") || (btype == "EB-" && ctype == "top") )
2690  {ix_geo = ( (fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin()-1)-(i0StinEcha/fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin()) )
2691  *fEcal->MaxSampADC() + i_samp;}
2692  if( (btype == "EB+" && ctype == "top") || (btype == "EB-" && ctype == "bottom") )
2693  {ix_geo = ( i0StinEcha/fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin() )*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + i_samp;}}
2695  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
2696  { TString DeeDir = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(StexNumber);
2697  if( DeeDir == "right" )
2698  {ix_geo = (fEcalNumbering->GetIXCrysInSC(StexNumber, StexStin, i0StinEcha)-1)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + i_samp;}
2699  if( DeeDir == "left" )
2700  {ix_geo = (fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin() - fEcalNumbering->GetIXCrysInSC(StexNumber, StexStin, i0StinEcha))*
2701  fEcal->MaxSampADC() + i_samp;}}
2703  return ix_geo;
2704 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
TString GetStinLvrbType(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
Int_t GetIXCrysInSC(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysHocoInStin()
Int_t MaxSampADC()
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetXStinInStas ( const Int_t &  iStasStex,
const Int_t &  StexStinEcna,
const Int_t &  vertic_empty_strip_1 

Definition at line 5189 of file

5191 {
5192 //Gives the X Stin coordinate in the geographic view of the Stas
5193 // (X = 0 to MaxStexHocoInStas*MaxStinHocoInStex - 1 + vertic_empty_strips(EE only))
5195  Int_t ix_geo = 0;
5196  Int_t n1StasStex = iStasStex+1;
5197  TString ctype = fEcalNumbering->GetStexHalfStas(n1StasStex);
5199  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
5200  {
5201  if( ctype == "EB-")
5202  {
5203  ix_geo = (iStasStex - fEcal->MaxStexInStasMinus())*fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex()
5204  + StexStinEcna%fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex();
5205  }
5206  if( ctype == "EB+")
5207  {
5208  ix_geo = iStasStex*fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex()
5209  + fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex()- 1 - StexStinEcna%fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex();
5210  }
5211  }
5213  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
5214  {
5215  TString LeftRightFromIP = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(n1StasStex);
5217  if( ctype == "EE-" && LeftRightFromIP == "left" )
5218  {
5219  ix_geo = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex() - StexStinEcna/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex() - 1 + vertic_empty_strip_1;
5220  }
5221  if( ctype == "EE-" && LeftRightFromIP == "right" )
5222  {
5223  ix_geo = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex() + StexStinEcna/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex() + vertic_empty_strip_1;
5224  }
5225  if( ctype == "EE+" && LeftRightFromIP == "left" )
5226  {
5227  ix_geo = (Int_t)fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(fFlagSubDet, n1StasStex)
5228  + fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex() - StexStinEcna/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex() - 1;
5229  }
5230  if( ctype == "EE+" && LeftRightFromIP == "right" )
5231  {
5232  ix_geo = (Int_t)fCnaParHistos->DeeOffsetX(fFlagSubDet, n1StasStex)
5233  + StexStinEcna/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex();
5234  }
5235  }
5236  return ix_geo;
5237 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t MaxStinVecoInStex()
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
Float_t DeeOffsetX(const TString &, const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
Int_t MaxStexInStasMinus()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxStinHocoInStex()
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXsupValueFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11604 of file

11605 {
11606  Double_t val_sup = (Double_t)0.;
11608  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_NOE_ChNbXsup;}
11609  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_NOE_ChDsXsup;}
11610  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_Ped_ChNbXsup;}
11611  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_Ped_ChDsXsup;}
11612  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_TNo_ChNbXsup;}
11613  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_TNo_ChDsXsup;}
11614  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_MCs_ChNbXsup;}
11615  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_MCs_ChDsXsup;}
11616  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_LFN_ChNbXsup;}
11617  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_LFN_ChDsXsup;}
11618  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_HFN_ChNbXsup;}
11619  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_HFN_ChDsXsup;}
11620  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){val_sup = fD_SCs_ChNbXsup;}
11621  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){val_sup = fD_SCs_ChDsXsup;}
11622  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){val_sup = fD_Ped_ChNbXsup;}
11623  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){val_sup = fD_Ped_ChDsXsup;}
11624  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){val_sup = fD_TNo_ChNbXsup;}
11625  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){val_sup = fD_TNo_ChDsXsup;}
11626  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){val_sup = fD_Adc_EvNbXsup;}
11627  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){val_sup = fD_Adc_EvDsXsup;}
11628  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){val_sup = fH_Ped_DateXsup;}
11629  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){val_sup = fH_TNo_DateXsup;}
11630  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){val_sup = fH_MCs_DateXsup;}
11631  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){val_sup = fH_LFN_DateXsup;}
11632  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){val_sup = fH_HFN_DateXsup;}
11633  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){val_sup = fH_SCs_DateXsup;}
11634  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){val_sup = fH_Ped_RuDsXsup;}
11635  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){val_sup = fH_TNo_RuDsXsup;}
11636  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){val_sup = fH_MCs_RuDsXsup;}
11637  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){val_sup = fH_LFN_RuDsXsup;}
11638  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){val_sup = fH_HFN_RuDsXsup;}
11639  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){val_sup = fH_SCs_RuDsXsup;}
11640  return val_sup;
11641 }// end of GetXsupValueFromMemo(...)
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:507
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:476
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:509
Axis_t fH_HFN_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:532
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:494
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:486
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:490
Axis_t fH_TNo_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:526
Axis_t fH_MCs_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:515
Axis_t fH_SCs_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:534
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:472
Axis_t fH_MCs_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:528
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:470
Axis_t fH_HFN_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:519
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:474
Axis_t fH_Ped_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:511
Axis_t fH_Ped_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:524
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:492
Axis_t fH_LFN_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:530
Axis_t fH_SCs_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:521
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:484
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:478
Axis_t fH_TNo_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:513
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:480
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:488
Axis_t fH_LFN_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:517
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:496
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:482
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXsupValueFromMemo ( )

Definition at line 11643 of file

11644 {return fH1SameOnePlotXsup;}
Axis_t fH1SameOnePlotXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:467
TString TEcnaHistos::GetXVarFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12066 of file

12067 {
12068  TString xvar = "(xvar not found)";
12070  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){xvar = fXMemoH1SamePlus;}
12072  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12073  {
12074  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb;}
12075  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs;}
12076  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb;}
12077  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs;}
12078  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb;}
12079  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs;}
12080  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb;}
12081  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs;}
12082  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb;}
12083  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs;}
12084  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb;}
12085  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs;}
12086  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb;}
12087  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs;}
12088  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb;}
12089  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs;}
12090  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb;}
12091  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs;}
12092  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){xvar = fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb;}
12093  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){xvar = fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs;}
12094  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){xvar = fXMemoH_Ped_Date;}
12095  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){xvar = fXMemoH_TNo_Date;}
12096  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){xvar = fXMemoH_MCs_Date;}
12097  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){xvar = fXMemoH_LFN_Date;}
12098  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){xvar = fXMemoH_HFN_Date;}
12099  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){xvar = fXMemoH_SCs_Date;}
12100  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){xvar = fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs;}
12101  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){xvar = fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs;}
12102  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){xvar = fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs;}
12103  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){xvar = fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs;}
12104  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){xvar = fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs;}
12105  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){xvar = fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs;}
12106  }
12107  return xvar;
12108 }// end of GetXVarFromMemo(...)
TString fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:699
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:678
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:679
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:672
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:684
TString fXMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:697
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:673
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:675
TString fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:703
TString fXMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:693
TString fXMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:692
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:691
TString fXMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:694
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TString fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:702
TString fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:698
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:688
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:677
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:689
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:683
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:676
TString fXMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:696
TString fXMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:695
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:686
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:680
TString fXMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:671
TString fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:700
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:687
TString fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:701
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:682
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:674
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:681
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:685
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:690
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetYCrysInStex ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  j0StinEcha 

Definition at line 3616 of file

3618 {
3619 //Gives the Y crystal coordinate in the geographic view of one Stex
3620 // (Y = 0 to MaxStinVecoInStex*NbCrysVecoInStin - 1)
3622  Int_t iy_geo = 0;
3624  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
3625  {TString ctype = fEcalNumbering->GetStexHalfStas(StexNumber);
3626  Int_t n1StexCrys = fEcalNumbering->Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(n1StexStin, j0StinEcha, StexNumber);
3627  Int_t ix_geo = (n1StexCrys-1)/fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStex(); // ix_geo for EB+
3628  iy_geo = n1StexCrys - 1 - ix_geo*fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStex(); // iy_geo for EB+
3629  if( ctype == "EB-"){iy_geo = fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStex() - iy_geo - 1;}}
3631  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
3632  {iy_geo = fEcalNumbering->GetJYCrysInDee(StexNumber, n1StexStin, j0StinEcha) - 1;}
3634  return iy_geo;
3635 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t GetJYCrysInDee(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysVecoInStex()
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
Int_t Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue ( TGraph *  g_graph0,
const Double_t  margin_factor 

Definition at line 9109 of file

References i.

9110 {
9111 //Calculation for automatic maximum with margin
9112  Double_t graph_ymin = g_graph0->GetY()[0];
9113  for(Int_t i=1; i<g_graph0->GetN(); i++)
9114  {if( g_graph0->GetY()[i] < graph_ymin ){graph_ymin = g_graph0->GetY()[i];}}
9116  Double_t graph_ymax = g_graph0->GetY()[0];
9117  for(Int_t i=1; i<g_graph0->GetN(); i++)
9118  {if( g_graph0->GetY()[i] > graph_ymax ){graph_ymax = g_graph0->GetY()[i];}}
9120  graph_ymax = graph_ymax + (graph_ymax-graph_ymin)*margin_factor;
9121  return graph_ymax;
9122 }
int i
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const Double_t  margin_factor 

Definition at line 9086 of file

9087 {
9088 //Calculation for automatic maximum with margin
9089  Double_t minproj = h_his0->GetMinimum();
9090  Double_t maxproj = h_his0->GetMaximum();
9091  maxproj = maxproj + (maxproj-minproj)*margin_factor;
9092  return maxproj;
9093 }
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYmaxValueFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11898 of file

11899 {
11900  Double_t val_max = (Double_t)0.;
11901  Double_t val_max_proj = (Double_t)2000.;
11903  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_NOE_ChNbYmax;}
11904  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11905  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_Ped_ChNbYmax;}
11906  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11907  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_TNo_ChNbYmax;}
11908  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11909  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_MCs_ChNbYmax;}
11910  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11911  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_LFN_ChNbYmax;}
11912  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11913  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_HFN_ChNbYmax;}
11914  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11915  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){val_max = fD_SCs_ChNbYmax;}
11916  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11917  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){val_max = fD_Ped_ChNbYmax;}
11918  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11919  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ){val_max = fD_TNo_ChNbYmax;}
11920  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11921  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ){val_max = fD_Ped_ChNbYmax;}
11922  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){val_max = val_max_proj;}
11923  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){val_max = fH_Ped_DateYmax;}
11924  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){val_max = fH_TNo_DateYmax;}
11925  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){val_max = fH_MCs_DateYmax;}
11926  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){val_max = fH_LFN_DateYmax;}
11927  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){val_max = fH_HFN_DateYmax;}
11928  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){val_max = fH_SCs_DateYmax;}
11929  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){val_max = fH_Ped_RuDsYmax;}
11930  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){val_max = fH_TNo_RuDsYmax;}
11931  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){val_max = fH_MCs_RuDsYmax;}
11932  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){val_max = fH_LFN_RuDsYmax;}
11933  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){val_max = fH_HFN_RuDsYmax;}
11934  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){val_max = fH_SCs_RuDsYmax;}
11935  if( HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix" ){val_max = fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax;}
11936  if( HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix" ){val_max = fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax;}
11937  if( HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins" ){val_max = fH2CorccInStinsYmax;}
11938  return val_max;
11939 }// end of GetYmaxValueFromMemo(...)
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:583
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:594
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:556
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:585
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:548
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:581
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:609
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:564
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:607
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:560
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:611
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:602
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:544
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:591
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:589
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:587
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:598
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:540
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:596
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:600
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:604
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:552
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue ( TGraph *  g_graph0,
const Double_t  margin_factor 

Definition at line 9095 of file

References i.

9096 {
9097 //Calculation for automatic minimum with margin
9098  Double_t graph_ymin = g_graph0->GetY()[0];
9099  for(Int_t i=1; i<g_graph0->GetN(); i++)
9100  {if( g_graph0->GetY()[i] < graph_ymin ){graph_ymin = g_graph0->GetY()[i];}}
9102  Double_t graph_ymax = g_graph0->GetY()[0];
9103  for(Int_t i=1; i<g_graph0->GetN(); i++)
9104  {if( g_graph0->GetY()[i] > graph_ymax ){graph_ymax = g_graph0->GetY()[i];}}
9106  graph_ymin = graph_ymin - (graph_ymax-graph_ymin)*margin_factor;
9107  return graph_ymin;
9108 }
int i
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const Double_t  margin_factor 

Definition at line 9077 of file

9078 {
9079 //Calculation for automatic minimum with margin
9080  Double_t minproj = h_his0->GetMinimum();
9081  Double_t maxproj = h_his0->GetMaximum();
9082  minproj = minproj - (maxproj-minproj)*margin_factor;
9083  return minproj;
9084 }
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYminValueFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11855 of file

11856 {
11857  Double_t val_min = (Double_t)0.;
11858  Double_t val_min_proj = (Double_t)0.1;
11860  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_NOE_ChNbYmin;}
11861  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11862  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_Ped_ChNbYmin;}
11863  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11864  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_TNo_ChNbYmin;}
11865  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11866  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_MCs_ChNbYmin;}
11867  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11868  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_LFN_ChNbYmin;}
11869  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11870  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_HFN_ChNbYmin;}
11871  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11872  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){val_min = fD_SCs_ChNbYmin;}
11873  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11874  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){val_min = fD_Ped_ChNbYmin;}
11875  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11876  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ){val_min = fD_TNo_ChNbYmin;}
11877  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11878  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ){val_min = fD_Ped_ChNbYmin;}
11879  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){val_min = val_min_proj;}
11880  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){val_min = fH_Ped_DateYmin;}
11881  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){val_min = fH_TNo_DateYmin;}
11882  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){val_min = fH_MCs_DateYmin;}
11883  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){val_min = fH_LFN_DateYmin;}
11884  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){val_min = fH_HFN_DateYmin;}
11885  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){val_min = fH_SCs_DateYmin;}
11886  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){val_min = fH_Ped_RuDsYmin;}
11887  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){val_min = fH_TNo_RuDsYmin;}
11888  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){val_min = fH_MCs_RuDsYmin;}
11889  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){val_min = fH_LFN_RuDsYmin;}
11890  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){val_min = fH_HFN_RuDsYmin;}
11891  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){val_min = fH_SCs_RuDsYmin;}
11892  if( HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix" ){val_min = fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin;}
11893  if( HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix" ){val_min = fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin;}
11894  if( HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins" ){val_min = fH2CorccInStinsYmin;}
11895  return val_min;
11896 }// end of GetYminValueFromMemo(...)
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:599
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:563
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:586
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:582
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:543
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:547
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:559
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:588
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:595
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:610
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:584
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:590
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:606
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:551
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:593
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:601
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:555
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:597
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:608
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:580
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:539
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:603
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetYSampInStin ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  j_samp 

Definition at line 2706 of file

2708 {
2709 //Gives the Y coordinate in the geographic view of one Stin
2711  Int_t jy_geo = -1;
2713  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
2714  {
2715  TString ctype = fEcalNumbering->GetStinLvrbType(StexStin);
2716  TString btype = fEcalNumbering->GetStexHalfStas(StexNumber);
2718  //.......................... jy_geo for the EB+ (and beginning for the EB-)
2720  if( (btype == "EB+" && ctype == "top") || (btype == "EB-" && ctype == "bottom") )
2721  {
2722  if( i0StinEcha >= 0 && i0StinEcha <= 4 ) {jy_geo = (i0StinEcha - 0)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2723  if( i0StinEcha >= 5 && i0StinEcha <= 9 ) {jy_geo = -(i0StinEcha - 9)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2724  if( i0StinEcha >= 10 && i0StinEcha <= 14 ) {jy_geo = (i0StinEcha - 10)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2725  if( i0StinEcha >= 15 && i0StinEcha <= 19 ) {jy_geo = -(i0StinEcha - 19)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2726  if( i0StinEcha >= 20 && i0StinEcha <= 24 ) {jy_geo = (i0StinEcha - 20)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2727  }
2729  if( (btype == "EB+" && ctype == "bottom") || (btype == "EB-" && ctype == "top") )
2730  {
2731  if( i0StinEcha >= 0 && i0StinEcha <= 4 )
2732  {jy_geo = ( (fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin()-1) - (i0StinEcha- 0))*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2733  if( i0StinEcha >= 5 && i0StinEcha <= 9 )
2734  {jy_geo = ( (fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin()-1) + (i0StinEcha- 9))*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2735  if( i0StinEcha >= 10 && i0StinEcha <= 14 )
2736  {jy_geo = ( (fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin()-1) - (i0StinEcha-10))*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2737  if( i0StinEcha >= 15 && i0StinEcha <= 19 )
2738  {jy_geo = ( (fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin()-1) + (i0StinEcha-19))*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2739  if( i0StinEcha >= 20 && i0StinEcha <= 24 )
2740  {jy_geo = ( (fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin()-1) - (i0StinEcha-20))*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2741  }
2742  }
2744  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
2745  {jy_geo =
2746  (fEcalNumbering->GetJYCrysInSC(StexNumber, StexStin, i0StinEcha) - 1)*fEcal->MaxSampADC() + j_samp;}
2748  return jy_geo;
2749 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t MaxCrysVecoInStin()
TString GetStinLvrbType(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t GetJYCrysInSC(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxSampADC()
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetYStinInStas ( const Int_t &  iStasStex,
const Int_t &  StexStinEcna 

Definition at line 5239 of file

5240 {
5241 //Gives the Y crystal coordinate in the geographic view of one Stex
5242 // (Y = 0 to MaxStexVecoInStas*MaxStinVecoInStex - 1)
5244  Int_t iy_geo = 0;
5246  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
5247  {
5248  Int_t n1StasStex = iStasStex+1;
5249  TString ctype = fEcalNumbering->GetStexHalfStas(n1StasStex);
5250  if( ctype == "EB+")
5251  {iy_geo = StexStinEcna/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex() + fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex(); }
5252  if( ctype == "EB-")
5253  {iy_geo = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex() - 1 - StexStinEcna/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex();}
5254  }
5256  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
5257  {iy_geo = StexStinEcna%fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex();}
5258  return iy_geo;
5259 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t MaxStinVecoInStex()
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxStinHocoInStex()
TString TEcnaHistos::GetYVarFromMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12152 of file

12153 {
12154  TString yvar = "(yvar not found)";
12156  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){yvar = fYMemoH1SamePlus;}
12158  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12159  {
12160  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb;}
12161  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs;}
12162  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb;}
12163  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs;}
12164  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb;}
12165  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs;}
12166  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb;}
12167  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs;}
12168  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb;}
12169  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs;}
12170  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb;}
12171  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs;}
12172  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb;}
12173  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs;}
12174  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb;}
12175  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs;}
12176  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb;}
12177  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs;}
12178  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){yvar = fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb;}
12179  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){yvar = fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs;}
12180  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){yvar = fYMemoH_Ped_Date;}
12181  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){yvar = fYMemoH_TNo_Date;}
12182  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){yvar = fYMemoH_MCs_Date;}
12183  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){yvar = fYMemoH_LFN_Date;}
12184  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){yvar = fYMemoH_HFN_Date;}
12185  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){yvar = fYMemoH_SCs_Date;}
12186  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){yvar = fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs;}
12187  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){yvar = fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs;}
12188  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){yvar = fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs;}
12189  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){yvar = fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs;}
12190  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){yvar = fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs;}
12191  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){yvar = fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs;}
12192  }
12193  return yvar;
12194 }// end of GetYVarFromMemo(...)
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:735
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:717
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:708
TString fYMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:728
TString fYMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:727
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:713
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:724
TString fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:736
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:719
TString fYMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:730
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:722
TString fYMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:726
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:721
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:711
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TString fYMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:705
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:712
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:715
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:709
TString fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:732
TString fYMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:729
TString fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:734
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:723
TString fYMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:731
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:718
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:720
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:706
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:725
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:714
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:716
TString fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:737
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:710
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:707
TString fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:733
void TEcnaHistos::HistimePlot ( TGraph *  g_graph0,
Axis_t  xinf,
Axis_t  xsup,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  HistoType,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
const Int_t &  opt_scale_x,
const Int_t &  opt_scale_y,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  xFlagAutoYsupMargin 

Definition at line 10037 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and groupFilesInBlocks::tt.

10043 {
10044  // Plot 1D histogram for evolution in time
10046  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->SetCanvasWidth(HistoCode, opt_plot);
10047  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->SetCanvasHeight(HistoCode, opt_plot);
10049  SetGraphPresentation(g_graph0, HistoType.Data(), opt_plot.Data()); // (gStyle parameters)}
10051  //...................................................... paves commentaires (HistimePlot)
10052  SetAllPavesViewHisto(HistoCode, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, opt_plot);
10054  //..................................................... Canvas name (HistimePlot)
10055  Int_t arg_AlreadyRead = 0;
10056  TString canvas_name = SetCanvasName(HistoCode.Data(), opt_scale_x, opt_scale_y, opt_plot, arg_AlreadyRead,
10057  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample);
10059  //------------------------------------------------ Canvas allocation (HistimePlot)
10060  //......................................... declarations canvas et pad
10061  TCanvas* MainCanvas = 0;
10063  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot )
10064  {MainCanvas = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w , canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
10065  fCurrentPad = gPad; fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = canvas_name.Data();}
10067  if( opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
10068  {
10069  if(GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free")
10070  {
10071  MainCanvas = CreateCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot, canvas_name, canv_w, canv_h);
10072  fCurrentPad = gPad; fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = canvas_name.Data();
10073  }
10074  }
10076  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
10077  {
10078  if(GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free")
10079  {
10080  MainCanvas = CreateCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot, canvas_name, canv_w, canv_h);
10081  fCurrentPad = gPad; fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = canvas_name.Data();
10082  }
10083  }
10085  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::HistimePlot(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << canvas_name.Data() << endl;
10087  //--------------- EE => SC for construction, EB => Xtal in SM (default: Stin ECNA number, i0StinEcha)
10088  Int_t Stex_StinCons = StexStin_A; // Stex_StinCons = Tower for EB, SC for construction for EE
10089  Int_t n1StexCrys = i0StinEcha+1; // n1StexCrys = Crys in SM for EB
10091  if( StexStin_A >= 1 && StexStin_A <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() )
10092  {
10093  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
10094  {n1StexCrys = fEcalNumbering->Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fFapStexNumber);}
10095  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
10096  {Stex_StinCons = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, StexStin_A);}
10097  }
10099  //------ String for StexNumber ( to display "EB" or "EE" if Stex = 0 )
10100  TString sFapStexNumber = StexNumberToString(fFapStexNumber);
10102  //============================================================================= (HistimePlot)
10103  //
10104  // 1st OPERATIONS: Pave texts preparation and first Draw.
10105  // SetParametersCanvas
10106  // Set Memo Flags.
10107  // Set main_subpad and main_pavtxt
10108  //
10109  //=============================================================================
10110  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = 0; // main_subpad: Pad for the histo
10111  TPaveText* main_pavtxt = 0; // main_pavtxt: pave for changing parameters
10113  Int_t xMemoPlotSame = 1; // a priori ==> SAME plot
10115  TString QuantityName = fCnaParHistos->GetQuantityName(HistoCode.Data());
10117  //========================================= Option ONLYONE (HistimePlot)
10118  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot )
10119  {
10120  //................................. Draw titles and paves (pad = main canvas)
10121  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
10122  fPavComStex->Draw();
10124  if( !( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ) )
10125  {
10126  fPavComStin->Draw();
10127  fPavComXtal->Draw();
10128  }
10129  fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna->Draw();
10130  fPavComEvolRuns->Draw();
10132  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
10133  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
10134  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
10135  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_EB") - 0.005;
10137  Double_t x_margin = x_low;
10138  Double_t y_margin = y_low;
10140  Color_t fond_pad = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("gris18");
10142  MainCanvas->Divide( 1, 1, x_margin, y_margin, fond_pad);
10143  // Divide(nx, ny, x_margin, y_margin, color);
10145  gPad->cd(1);
10146  main_subpad = gPad;
10147  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);
10149  xMemoPlotSame = 0;
10150  }
10151  //========================================= Options SAME and SAME n (HistimePlot)
10152  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
10153  {
10154  if(GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free")
10155  {
10156  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
10157  fPavComSeveralChanging->Draw();
10159  fPavComEvolRuns->Draw();
10161  if( !( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ||
10162  HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
10163  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date") )
10164  {
10165  fPavComStin->Draw();
10166  fPavComXtal->Draw();
10167  }
10169  if( !( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
10170  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ) )
10171  {
10172  fPavComXtal->Draw();
10173  }
10174  //Call to SetParametersPavTxt
10175  //fPavTxt<HISTOCODE> = fPavComSeveralChanging; => come from SetAllPavesViewHisto
10176  SetParametersPavTxt(HistoCode, opt_plot);
10178  //---------------- Call to ActivePavTxt
10179  // main_pavtxt = fPavTxt<HISTOCODE>;} (return main_pavtxt)
10180  main_pavtxt = ActivePavTxt(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
10182  //-------------------- Set texts for pave "several changing", options SAME and SAME n (HistimePlot)
10183  main_pavtxt->SetTextAlign(fTextPaveAlign);
10184  main_pavtxt->SetTextFont(fTextPaveFont);
10185  main_pavtxt->SetTextSize(fTextPaveSize);
10186  main_pavtxt->SetBorderSize(fTextBorderSize);
10188  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
10190  TString DecalStexName = "";
10191  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){DecalStexName = " ";}
10192  TString DecalStinName = "";
10193  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){DecalStinName = " ";}
10195  TString sStexOrStasName = "";
10196  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 ){sStexOrStasName = " ";}
10197  if( fFapStexNumber != 0 ){sStexOrStasName = fFapStexName;}
10200  //-----------------------------> HistoType = "EvolProj" => treated in HistoPlot, not here.
10201  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
10202  {
10203  sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp Evts range Nb Evts %s%s %s%s %s %s",
10204  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data(),
10205  DecalStinName.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(), fFapXtalName.Data(), fFapEchaName.Data());
10206  }
10207  if(opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
10208  {
10209  sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp Evts range Nb Evts %s%s %s%s %s %s",
10210  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data(),
10211  DecalStinName.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(), fFapXtalName.Data(), fFapEchaName.Data());
10212  }
10214  //................................................................... (HistimePlot)
10215  TText* ttit = main_pavtxt->AddText(f_in);
10216  ttit->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
10218  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
10219  {
10220  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %5s%6d%7d%6d",
10221  fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples,
10223  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha);
10224  }
10225  if(opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
10226  {
10227  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %5s%6d%7d%6d %-25s",
10228  fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples,
10230  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, QuantityName.Data());
10231  }
10233  TText* tt = main_pavtxt->AddText(f_in);
10234  tt->SetTextColor(GetViewHistoColor(HistoCode, opt_plot));
10236  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
10238  //---------- Draw the "several changing" pave with its text in the Canvas (FIRST TIME) (HistimePlot)
10239  main_pavtxt->Draw();
10241  //---------------- Call to SetParametersCanvas
10242  //fImp<HISTOCODE> = (TCanvasImp*)fCanv<HISTOCODE>->GetCanvasImp();
10243  //fCanv<HISTOCODE>->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
10244  //fPad<HISTOCODE> = gPad;
10245  //fMemoPlot<HISTOCODE> = 1; =======> set MemoFlag to "Buzy"
10246  //fMemoColor<HISTOCODE> = 0;
10247  SetParametersCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot);
10249  //---------------- Set xMemoPlotSame to 0
10250  xMemoPlotSame = 0;
10251  }
10253  //............................ cases fMemoPlotxxx = 1 (HistimePlot)
10254  if(GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy")
10255  {
10256  //---------------- Call to ActivePavTxt
10257  // main_pavtxt = fPavTxt<HISTOCODE>;} (return main_pavtxt)
10258  main_pavtxt = ActivePavTxt(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
10260  //---------------- Call to ActivePad
10261  main_subpad = ActivePad(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data()); // => return 0 if canvas has been closed
10263  //---------------- Recover pointer to the current canvas
10264  MainCanvas = GetCurrentCanvas(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
10265  }
10266  }
10268  //============================================================================= (HistimePlot)
10269  //
10270  // 2nd OPERATIONS: Write and Draw the parameter values in the
10271  // "several changing" pave (options SAME and SAME n)
10272  // Draw Histo
10273  //=============================================================================
10274  if(main_subpad != 0)
10275  {
10276  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
10277  {
10278  if(xMemoPlotSame != 0)
10279  {
10280  main_pavtxt->SetTextAlign(fTextPaveAlign);
10281  main_pavtxt->SetTextFont(fTextPaveFont);
10282  main_pavtxt->SetTextSize(fTextPaveSize);
10283  main_pavtxt->SetBorderSize(fTextBorderSize);
10285  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
10287  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
10288  {sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %5s%6d%7d%6d",
10290  sFapStexNumber.Data(), Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha);}
10291  if(opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
10292  {sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %5s%6d%7d%6d %-25s",
10294  sFapStexNumber.Data(), Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, QuantityName.Data());}
10296  TText *tt = main_pavtxt->AddText(f_in);
10297  tt->SetTextColor(GetViewHistoColor(HistoCode, opt_plot));
10298  MainCanvas->cd(); gStyle->SetOptDate(0);
10299  main_pavtxt->Draw();
10301  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
10302  }
10303  main_subpad->cd();
10304  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
10305  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
10306  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("several_evol_box") + 0.005;
10307  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("general_comment") - 0.005;
10308  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_EB") - 0.005;}
10309  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);
10310  }
10312  //............................................ Style (HistimePlot)
10313  SetViewGraphColors(g_graph0, HistoCode, opt_plot);
10315  //................................. Set axis titles
10316  TString axis_x_var_name = SetHistoXAxisTitle(HistoCode);
10317  TString axis_y_var_name = SetHistoYAxisTitle(HistoCode);
10318  g_graph0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
10319  g_graph0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
10321  //................................. Xaxis is a time axis
10322  g_graph0->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
10323  g_graph0->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d %b-%Hh");
10325  g_graph0->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(xinf);
10327  Int_t nb_displayed = fCnaParHistos->GetNbOfRunsDisplayed(); // max nb of run numbers displayed
10329  //........................................................................... (HistimePlot)
10330  Int_t liny = 0;
10331  Int_t logy = 1;
10333  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot)
10334  {
10335  fXinf = (Double_t)xinf;
10336  fXsup = (Double_t)xsup;
10337  fYinf = (Double_t)GetYminValueFromMemo(HistoCode);
10338  fYsup = (Double_t)GetYmaxValueFromMemo(HistoCode);
10340  gPad->RangeAxis(fXinf, fYinf, fXsup, fYsup);
10342  //if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLiny){gPad->SetLogy(liny);}
10343  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLogy){gPad->SetLogy(logy); g_graph0->Draw("ALP");}
10345  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLiny)
10346  {
10347  gPad->SetLogy(liny);
10348  g_graph0->Draw("ALP");
10349  Int_t nb_pts = g_graph0->GetN();
10350  Double_t* coord_x = g_graph0->GetX();
10351  Double_t* coord_y = g_graph0->GetY();
10353  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
10355  //................. display of the run numbers (HistimePlot)
10356  Double_t interv_displayed = (coord_x[nb_pts-1] - coord_x[0])/(Double_t)nb_displayed;
10357  Double_t last_drawn_coordx = coord_x[0] - 1.5*interv_displayed;
10359  for(Int_t i_run=0; i_run<nb_pts; i_run++)
10360  {
10361  if ( (coord_x[i_run] - last_drawn_coordx) > interv_displayed )
10362  {
10363  Double_t joinYinf = fYinf;
10364  Double_t joinYsup = fYsup;
10365  if( joinYsup <= joinYinf )
10366  {
10367  joinYinf =
10369  joinYsup =
10371  joinYsup = joinYsup + (joinYsup-joinYinf)/20.;
10372  }
10374  sprintf( f_in, "R%d", fT1DRunNumber[i_run]);
10375  TText *text_run_num = new TText(coord_x[i_run], joinYsup, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
10376  text_run_num->SetTextAngle((Double_t)45.);
10377  text_run_num->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.035);
10378  text_run_num->Draw("SAME");
10379  // delete text_StexStin_num; fCdeleteRoot++;
10381  TLine *jointlign;
10382  jointlign = new TLine(coord_x[i_run], joinYsup, coord_x[i_run], coord_y[i_run]); fCnewRoot++;
10383  jointlign->SetLineWidth(1);
10384  jointlign->SetLineStyle(2);
10385  jointlign->Draw("SAME");
10386  // delete jointlign; fCdeleteRoot++;
10388  last_drawn_coordx = coord_x[i_run]; // (HistimePlot)
10389  }
10390  }
10392  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
10394  }
10395  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLogy)
10396  {
10397  gPad->SetLogy(logy);
10398  g_graph0->Draw("ALP");
10399  }
10400  }
10402  //...................................................................... (HistimePlot)
10403  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
10404  {
10405  if(xMemoPlotSame == 0)
10406  {
10407  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLiny){gPad->SetLogy(liny);}
10408  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLogy){gPad->SetLogy(logy);
10409 }
10410  g_graph0->Draw("ALP");
10412  fXinf = (Double_t)xinf;
10413  fXsup = (Double_t)xsup;
10414  fYinf = (Double_t)GetYminValueFromMemo(HistoCode);
10415  fYsup = (Double_t)GetYmaxValueFromMemo(HistoCode);
10417  gPad->RangeAxis(fXinf, fYinf, fXsup, fYsup);
10418  }
10420  if(xMemoPlotSame != 0) // (HistimePlot)
10421  {
10422  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLiny){gPad->SetLogy(liny);}
10423  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLogy){gPad->SetLogy(logy);}
10425  g_graph0->Draw("LP");
10426  }
10427  }
10428  gPad->Update();
10429  }
10430  else // else du if(main_subpad !=0)
10431  {
10432  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::HistimePlot(...)> Canvas not found. Previously closed in option SAME."
10433  << fTTBELL << endl;
10435  ReInitCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot);
10436  xMemoPlotSame = 0;
10437  }
10439  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
10441 } // end of HistimePlot
TCanvas * CreateCanvas(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, UInt_t, UInt_t)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString SetHistoXAxisTitle(const TString &)
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:430
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString GetMemoFlag(const TString &)
Int_t fTextPaveAlign
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:456
TVirtualPad * ActivePad(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
Double_t fYsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:461
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Double_t GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(TGraph *, const Double_t)
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Double_t fXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:461
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
void ReInitCanvas(const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
Int_t fTextBorderSize
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:459
UInt_t SetCanvasWidth(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetParametersPavTxt(const TString &, const TString &)
TString StexNumberToString(const Int_t &)
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Double_t GetYminValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Color_t GetViewHistoColor(const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * ActivePavTxt(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Float_t fTextPaveSize
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:458
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TPaveText * fPavComXtal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:618
Double_t fXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:461
UInt_t SetCanvasHeight(const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetQuantityName(const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
void SetAllPavesViewHisto(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:625
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void SetParametersCanvas(const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComEvolRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:624
Int_t GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fFapXtalName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:412
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
void SetViewGraphColors(TGraph *, const TString &, const TString &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComSeveralChanging
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:621
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t GetNbOfRunsDisplayed()
void SetGraphPresentation(TGraph *, const TString &, const TString &)
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
TString fFapEchaName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:413
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TCanvas * GetCurrentCanvas()
TVirtualPad * fCurrentPad
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:847
Int_t fTextPaveFont
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:457
Double_t GetMarginAutoMinMax()
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
TString SetHistoYAxisTitle(const TString &)
Double_t fYinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:461
Double_t GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(TGraph *, const Double_t)
Double_t BoxRightX(const TString &)
Double_t BoxBottomY(const TString &)
Int_t Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString SetCanvasName(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::HistoPlot ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const Int_t &  HisSize,
const Axis_t &  xinf_his,
const Axis_t &  xsup_his,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  HistoType,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
const Int_t &  opt_scale_x,
const Int_t &  opt_scale_y,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  xFlagAutoYsupMargin 

Definition at line 9125 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, getHLTprescales::index, and groupFilesInBlocks::tt.

9132 {
9133  // Plot 1D histogram
9135  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->SetCanvasWidth(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot);
9136  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->SetCanvasHeight(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot);
9138  TString QuantityName = " ";
9139  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
9140  QuantityName.Resize(MaxCar);
9141  QuantityName = fCnaParHistos->GetQuantityName(HistoCode.Data());
9144  if( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 || arg_AlreadyRead == 1 )
9145  {
9146  SetHistoPresentation(h_his0, HistoType.Data(), opt_plot); // (gStyle parameters)
9147  //.................................................. prepa paves commentaires (HistoPlot)
9148  SetAllPavesViewHisto(HistoCode.Data(), StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, opt_plot.Data(), arg_AlreadyRead);
9149  }
9151  //..................................................... Canvas name (HistoPlot)
9152  TString canvas_name = SetCanvasName(HistoCode.Data(), opt_scale_x, opt_scale_y,
9153  opt_plot.Data(), arg_AlreadyRead,
9154  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample);
9155  //..................................................... Canvas allocations (HistoPlot)
9156  TCanvas* MainCanvas = 0;
9158  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && (arg_AlreadyRead == 0 || arg_AlreadyRead == 1 ) )
9159  {
9160  MainCanvas = new TCanvas(canvas_name.Data(), canvas_name.Data(), canv_w , canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
9161  fCurrentPad = gPad; fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = canvas_name.Data();
9162  }
9164  if( opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
9165  {if(GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free")
9166  {MainCanvas = CreateCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot, canvas_name, canv_w, canv_h);
9167  fCurrentPad = gPad; fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = canvas_name.Data();}}
9169  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::HistoPlot(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << canvas_name.Data() << endl;
9171  //--------------- EE => SC for construction, EB => Xtal in SM (default: Stin ECNA number, i0StinEcha)
9172  Int_t Stex_StinCons = StexStin_A; // Stex_StinCons = Tower for EB, SC for construction for EE
9173  Int_t n1StexCrys = i0StinEcha+1; // n1StexCrys = Crys in SM for EB, ECNA
9175  if( StexStin_A >= 1 && StexStin_A <= fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() )
9176  {
9177  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
9178  {n1StexCrys = fEcalNumbering->Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fFapStexNumber);}
9179  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
9180  {Stex_StinCons = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, StexStin_A);}
9181  }
9183  //------ String for StexNumber ( to display "EB" or "EE" if Stex = 0 )
9184  TString sFapStexNumber = StexNumberToString(fFapStexNumber);
9186  //============================================================================= (HistoPlot)
9187  //
9188  // 1st OPERATIONS: Pave texts preparation and first Draw.
9189  // SetParametersCanvas
9190  // Set Memo Flags.
9191  // Set main_subpad and main_pavtxt
9192  //
9193  //=============================================================================
9194  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = 0; // main_subpad: Pad for the histo
9195  TPaveText* main_pavtxt = 0; // Pave for the "Several Changing" parameters (options SAME and SAME n)
9197  Int_t xMemoPlotSame = 1; // a priori ==> SAME plot
9199  //========================================= Option ONLYONE (HistoPlot)
9200  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot )
9201  {
9202  if( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 || arg_AlreadyRead == 1 )
9203  {
9204  //.................................... Draw titles and paves (pad = main canvas)
9205  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
9206  fPavComStex->Draw();
9207  if( !( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ) ){fPavComStin->Draw(); fPavComXtal->Draw();}
9209  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9210  {
9211  fPavComEvolRuns->Draw();
9212  fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna->Draw();
9213  }
9214  else
9215  {
9216  fPavComAnaRun->Draw();
9217  fPavComNbOfEvts->Draw();
9218  }
9220  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
9221  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
9222  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
9223  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_right_box_EB") - 0.005;
9224  Color_t fond_pad = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("blanc");
9226  Double_t x_margin = x_low;
9227  Double_t y_margin = y_low;
9228  MainCanvas->Divide( 1, 1, x_margin, y_margin, fond_pad);
9229  // Divide(nx, ny, x_margin, y_margin, color);
9231  gPad->cd(1);
9232  main_subpad = gPad;
9233  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);
9235  xMemoPlotSame = 0;
9236  }
9237  if (arg_AlreadyRead > 1 )
9238  {main_subpad = fCurrentPad;}
9240  } // end of if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && (arg_AlreadyRead == 0 || arg_AlreadyRead == 1 ) )
9242  //========================================= Options SAME and SAME n (HistoPlot)
9243  if( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) || (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) )
9244  {
9245  //..................... First call in options SAME and SAME n
9246  if( GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
9247  {
9248  //Call to SetParametersPavTxt
9249  //fPavTxt<HISTOCODE> = fPavComSeveralChanging; => come from SetAllPavesViewHisto
9250  SetParametersPavTxt(HistoCode, opt_plot);
9252  //---------------- Call to ActivePavTxt
9253  // main_pavtxt = fPavTxt<HISTOCODE>;} (return main_pavtxt)
9254  main_pavtxt = ActivePavTxt(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
9256  //---------------------------- Set texts for pave "several changing", options SAME and SAME n
9257  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
9259  main_pavtxt->SetTextAlign(fTextPaveAlign);
9260  main_pavtxt->SetTextFont(fTextPaveFont);
9261  main_pavtxt->SetBorderSize(fTextBorderSize);
9262  Float_t cTextPaveSize = 0.025;
9263  if( HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" ||
9264  HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9265  {cTextPaveSize = 0.025;}
9266  main_pavtxt->SetTextSize(cTextPaveSize);
9268  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
9270  //------------------------------------------------------------ titles pave "several" (HistoPlot)
9271  TString DecalStexName = "";
9272  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){DecalStexName = " ";}
9273  TString DecalStinName = "";
9274  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){DecalStinName = " ";}
9276  TString sStexOrStasName = "";
9277  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 ){sStexOrStasName = " ";}
9278  if( fFapStexNumber != 0 ){sStexOrStasName = fFapStexName;}
9280  if( opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
9281  {
9282  if( HistoType == "SampGlobal" )
9283  {sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp RUN# (run type ) Evts range Nb Evts %s%s %s%s %s %s Sample",
9284  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data(),
9285  DecalStinName.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(), fFapXtalName.Data(), fFapEchaName.Data());}
9286  if( HistoType == "SampProj" )
9287  {sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp RUN# (run type ) Evts range Nb Evts %s%s %s%s %s %s Sample",
9288  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data(),
9289  DecalStinName.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(), fFapXtalName.Data(), fFapEchaName.Data());}
9290  if( HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" )
9291  {sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp RUN# (run type ) Evts range Nb Evts %s%s %s%s %s %s",
9292  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data(),
9293  DecalStinName.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(), fFapXtalName.Data(), fFapEchaName.Data());}
9294  if((HistoType == "Global") || (HistoType == "Proj") )
9295  {sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp RUN# (run type ) Evts range Nb Evts %s%s",
9296  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data());}
9298  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9299  {sprintf(f_in, "Analysis Samp Evts range Nb Evts %s%s %s%s %s %s",
9300  DecalStexName.Data(), sStexOrStasName.Data(),
9301  DecalStinName.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(), fFapXtalName.Data(), fFapEchaName.Data());}
9302  }
9304  TText* ttit = main_pavtxt->AddText(f_in);
9305  ttit->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
9307  //------------------------------------------------------------ values pave "several" (HistoPlot)
9309  //.................................... option SAME n only (HistoPlot)
9310  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
9311  {
9312  if( (HistoType == "Global") || (HistoType == "Proj") || (HistoType == "H1BasicProj") )
9313  {
9314  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s %-25s",
9317  sFapStexNumber.Data(), QuantityName.Data());
9318  }
9320  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9321  {
9322  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %5s%6d%7d%7d %-25s",
9324  sFapStexNumber.Data(), Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, QuantityName.Data());
9325  }
9327  } // end of if for option SAME n only
9329  //..................................... option SAME (HistoPlot)
9330  if( opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
9331  {
9332  Int_t kSample = i0Sample+1; // Sample number range = [1,n<=10]
9334  if( HistoType == "SampGlobal" )
9335  {
9336  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s%6d%5d%5d%6d",
9339  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, kSample);
9340  }
9341  if( HistoType == "SampProj" )
9342  {
9343  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s%6d%5d%5d%6d",
9346  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, kSample);
9347  }
9348  if( HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" )
9349  {
9350  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s%6d%5d%5d",
9353  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha);
9354  }
9355  if( (HistoType == "Global") || (HistoType == "Proj") )
9356  {
9357  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s",
9360  }
9362  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9363  {
9364  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %4s%7d%5d%5d",
9365  fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples,
9367  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha);
9368  }
9369  }
9371  TText* tt = main_pavtxt->AddText(f_in);
9372  tt->SetTextColor(GetViewHistoColor(HistoCode, opt_plot));
9374  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
9376  //---------------- Draw the "several changing" pave with its text in the Canvas (AT FIRST TIME)
9377  main_pavtxt->Draw();
9378  //---------------- Draw evol run pave if "EvolProj" (AT FIRST TIME)
9379  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" ){fPavComEvolRuns->Draw();}
9381  //---------------- Call to SetParametersCanvas
9382  //fImp<HISTOCODE> = (TCanvasImp*)fCanv<HISTOCODE>->GetCanvasImp();
9383  //fCanv<HISTOCODE>->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
9384  //fPad<HISTOCODE> = gPad;
9385  //fMemoPlot<HISTOCODE> = 1; =======> set MemoFlag to "Buzy"
9386  //fMemoColor<HISTOCODE> = 0;
9387  SetParametersCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot);
9389  //---------------- Set xMemoPlotSame to 0
9390  xMemoPlotSame = 0;
9391  } // end of if( GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" ) (HistoPlot)
9393  //.......... First and further calls in options SAME and SAME n (fMemoPlot<HISTOCODE> = 1)
9394  if(GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy")
9395  {
9396  //---------------- Call to ActivePavTxt
9397  // main_pavtxt = fPavTxt<HISTOCODE>;} (return main_pavtxt)
9398  main_pavtxt = ActivePavTxt(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
9400  //---------------- Call to ActivePad
9401  main_subpad = ActivePad(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data()); // => return 0 if canvas has been closed
9403  //---------------- Recover pointer to the current canvas
9404  MainCanvas = GetCurrentCanvas(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
9405  }
9406  } // end of if( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) || (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) )
9409  //============================================================================= (HistoPlot)
9410  //
9411  // 2nd OPERATIONS: Write and Draw the parameter values in the
9412  // "several changing" pave (options SAME and SAME n)
9413  // and Draw Histo
9414  //=============================================================================
9415  if(main_subpad != 0)
9416  {
9417  if( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) || (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) )
9418  {
9419  //------------------------------------------------------------ values
9420  if(xMemoPlotSame != 0)
9421  {
9422  // main_pavtxt = fPavComSeveralChanging = fPavTxt<HISTOCODE>
9423  main_pavtxt->SetTextAlign(fTextPaveAlign);
9424  main_pavtxt->SetTextFont(fTextPaveFont);
9425  main_pavtxt->SetBorderSize(fTextBorderSize);
9426  Float_t cTextPaveSize = 0.025;
9427  if( HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "SampProj"
9428  || HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "EvolProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" )
9429  {cTextPaveSize = 0.025;}
9430  main_pavtxt->SetTextSize(cTextPaveSize);
9432  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
9434  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
9435  {
9436  if( (HistoType == "Global") || (HistoType == "Proj") )
9437  {
9438  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s %-25s",
9441  sFapStexNumber.Data(), QuantityName.Data());
9442  }
9444  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9445  {
9446  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %5s%6d%7d%7d %-25s",
9447  fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples,
9449  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, QuantityName.Data());
9450  }
9451  }
9453  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
9454  {
9455  Int_t kSample = i0Sample+1; // Sample number range = [1,n<=10] (HistoPlot)
9457  if(HistoType == "SampGlobal" )
9458  {
9459  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s%6d%5d%5d%6d",
9462  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, kSample);
9463  }
9464  if( HistoType == "SampProj" )
9465  {
9466  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s%6d%5d%5d%6d",
9469  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha, kSample);
9470  }
9471  if( HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj")
9472  {
9473  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s%6d%5d%5d",
9476  Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha);
9477  }
9478  if( (HistoType == "Global") || (HistoType == "Proj") )
9479  {
9480  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d%7d (%-20s) %5d-%5d %7d %4s",
9483  }
9485  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9486  {
9487  sprintf(f_in, "%-10s 1-%2d %5d-%5d %7d %4s%7d%5d%5d",
9488  fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples,
9490  sFapStexNumber.Data(), Stex_StinCons, n1StexCrys, i0StinEcha);
9491  }
9492  }
9494  TText *tt = main_pavtxt->AddText(f_in);
9495  tt->SetTextColor(GetViewHistoColor(HistoCode, opt_plot));
9496  MainCanvas->cd(); gStyle->SetOptDate(0);
9497  main_pavtxt->Draw();
9499  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
9500  }
9502  main_subpad->cd();
9503  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
9504  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
9505  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("several_plots_box") + 0.005;
9506  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("general_comment") - 0.005;
9507  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && HistoType == "EvolProj" )
9508  {y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_EB") - 0.005;}
9509  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);
9510  } // end of if( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) || (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) )
9512  //............................................ Style (HistoPlot)
9513  SetViewHistoColors(h_his0, HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot, arg_AlreadyRead);
9515  //................................. Set axis titles
9516  TString axis_x_var_name = SetHistoXAxisTitle(HistoCode);
9517  TString axis_y_var_name = SetHistoYAxisTitle(HistoCode);
9518  h_his0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
9519  h_his0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
9521  Int_t lin_scale = 0;
9522  Int_t log_scale = 1;
9524  if(opt_scale_x == fOptScaleLinx){gPad->SetLogx(lin_scale);}
9525  if(opt_scale_x == fOptScaleLogx){gPad->SetLogx(log_scale);}
9526  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLiny){gPad->SetLogy(lin_scale);}
9527  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLogy){gPad->SetLogy(log_scale);}
9529  //---------------------------------------------------------------- Draw histo (HistoPlot)
9530  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 0 ){h_his0->DrawCopy();}
9531  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 1 ){h_his0->DrawCopy();}
9532  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead > 1 ){h_his0->DrawCopy("AHSAME");}
9534  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
9535  {
9536  if(xMemoPlotSame == 0){h_his0->DrawCopy();}
9537  if(xMemoPlotSame != 0){h_his0->DrawCopy("SAME");}
9538  }
9539  //----------------------------------------------------------------
9541  //.................... Horizontal line at y=0 (HistoPlot)
9542  if( !( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" || HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ||
9543  HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" ||
9544  HistoType == "EvolProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" ) &&
9545  !( HistoType == "H1Basic" && arg_AlreadyRead == 0 ) )
9546  {
9547  Double_t yinf = h_his0->GetMinimum();
9548  Double_t ysup = h_his0->GetMaximum();
9549  if( yinf <= (Double_t)0. && ysup >= (Double_t)0. )
9550  {TLine* lin = new TLine(0.,0.,(Double_t)HisSize, 0.); fCnewRoot++;
9551  lin->Draw();}
9552  }
9554  if( ( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot )
9555  || ( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) && xMemoPlotSame == 0 ) )
9556  {
9557  Double_t yinf = (Double_t)h_his0->GetMinimum();
9558  Double_t ysup = (Double_t)h_his0->GetMaximum();
9560  if(xFlagAutoYsupMargin == 1)
9561  {
9562  if( yinf >= ysup ){yinf = (Double_t)0.; ysup += ysup;} // ROOT default if ymin >= ymax
9563  Double_t MaxMarginFactor = (Double_t)0.05; // frame top line = 5% above the maximum
9564  ysup += (ysup-yinf)*MaxMarginFactor; // ROOT default if ymin < ymax
9565  }
9567  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
9569  //.................... Vertical lines for Data sectors (EE Global plot only)
9570  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" && fFapStexNumber == 0 )
9571  {
9572  //............................................................. Data Sectors (HistoPlot)
9573  Color_t coul_DS = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
9574  Int_t DeeOffset = 0;
9575  for(Int_t n1Dee=1; n1Dee<=4; n1Dee++)
9576  {
9577  if( n1Dee == 4 ){DeeOffset = 0;}
9578  if( n1Dee == 3 ){DeeOffset = fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();} // 149
9579  if( n1Dee == 2 ){DeeOffset = 2*fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();} // 446
9580  if( n1Dee == 1 ){DeeOffset = 3*fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();} // 595
9582  Double_t ydee = ysup + (ysup-yinf)/(Double_t)15.;
9583  Double_t xBinDee = DeeOffset + fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()/(Double_t)2.;
9584  sprintf( f_in, "D%d", n1Dee );
9585  TText *text_Dee = new TText(xBinDee, ydee, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9586  text_Dee->SetTextColor(coul_DS);
9587  text_Dee->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.04);
9588  text_Dee->Draw("SAME");
9590  Double_t DSLabelOffset = (Double_t)12;
9592  for(Int_t i=1; i<5; i++)
9593  {
9594  Int_t iDS = 0;
9595  if( n1Dee == 1 ){iDS = i;}
9596  if( n1Dee == 2 ){iDS = i+4;}
9597  if( n1Dee == 3 ){iDS = i+5;}
9598  if( n1Dee == 4 ){iDS = i+1;}
9600  Double_t xBinDS = DeeOffset + (Double_t)GetDSOffset(n1Dee, iDS)/fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();
9601  TLine* lin_DS = new TLine(xBinDS, yinf, xBinDS, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9602  lin_DS->SetLineColor(coul_DS);
9603  lin_DS->SetLineWidth(1);
9604  lin_DS->SetLineStyle(2);
9605  lin_DS->Draw();
9607  if( n1Dee == 2 && i == 4 )
9608  {
9609  TLine* lin_DSp = new TLine(DeeOffset, yinf, DeeOffset, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9610  lin_DSp->SetLineColor(coul_DS);
9611  lin_DSp->SetLineWidth(1);
9612  lin_DSp->SetLineStyle(2);
9613  lin_DSp->Draw();
9614  }
9616  Double_t yds = ysup + (ysup-yinf)/(Double_t)50.;
9617  Double_t xBinDSp = xBinDS + DSLabelOffset;
9618  Int_t nDS = iDS;
9620  sprintf( f_in, "S%d", nDS );
9621  TText *text_DS = new TText(xBinDSp, yds, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9622  text_DS->SetTextColor(coul_DS);
9623  text_DS->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
9624  text_DS->Draw("SAME");
9625  if( (n1Dee == 4 && i == 1) || (n1Dee == 2 && i == 4) )
9626  {
9627  if(n1Dee == 4){nDS = iDS-1;}
9628  if(n1Dee == 2){nDS = iDS+1;}
9629  sprintf( f_in, "S%d", nDS );
9630  TText *text_DS = new TText(xBinDS-1.75*DSLabelOffset, yds, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9631  text_DS->SetTextColor(coul_DS);
9632  text_DS->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
9633  text_DS->Draw("SAME");
9634  }
9635  }
9636  }
9637  }
9639  //........... Vertical lines for Data sectors and special SC's (EE only, Dee's Global plots) (HistoPlot)
9640  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" && fFapStexNumber > 0 )
9641  {
9642  if( HistoType == "Global" )
9643  {
9644  Double_t ytext = yinf - (ysup-yinf)/8.5;
9645  //............................................................. Data Sectors
9646  Color_t coul_DS = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
9647  for(Int_t i=1; i<5; i++)
9648  {
9649  Int_t iDS = 0;
9650  if( fFapStexNumber == 1 ){iDS = i;}
9651  if( fFapStexNumber == 2 ){iDS = i+4;}
9652  if( fFapStexNumber == 3 ){iDS = i+5;}
9653  if( fFapStexNumber == 4 ){iDS = i+1;}
9655  Double_t xBinDS = (Double_t)GetDSOffset(fFapStexNumber, iDS);
9656  TLine* lin_DS = new TLine(xBinDS, yinf, xBinDS, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9657  lin_DS->SetLineColor(coul_DS);
9658  lin_DS->SetLineWidth(2);
9659  lin_DS->SetLineStyle(2);
9660  lin_DS->Draw();
9661  Double_t ytextds = ysup + (ysup-yinf)/30.;
9662  Double_t xBinDSNumber =
9663  xBinDS + fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(iDS)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC()/(Double_t)2.25;
9664  sprintf( f_in, "S%d", iDS );
9665  TText *text_DS = new TText(xBinDSNumber, ytextds, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9666  text_DS->SetTextColor(coul_DS);
9667  text_DS->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.04);
9668  text_DS->Draw("SAME");
9669  if( ( (fFapStexNumber == 1 || fFapStexNumber == 2 ) && i == 4 ) ||
9670  ( (fFapStexNumber == 3 || fFapStexNumber == 4 ) && i == 1 ) )
9671  {
9672  Int_t iDSp = iDS;
9673  if( i == 4 ){iDSp = iDS+1;}
9674  if( i == 1 ){iDSp = iDS-1;}
9675  sprintf( f_in, "S%d", iDSp);
9676  Double_t xBinpDSNumber =
9677  xBinDSNumber - fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(iDS)*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();
9678  TText *text_DSp = new TText(xBinpDSNumber, ytextds, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9679  text_DSp->SetTextColor(coul_DS);
9680  text_DSp->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.04);
9681  text_DSp->Draw("SAME");
9682  }
9683  }
9684  //.............................................................. Vertical lines for SC's
9685  // Trop serre. A garder en reserve.
9686  //for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee(); i++)
9687  // {
9688  // Double_t xBinSC =(Double_t)(fEcal->MaxCrysInSC()*i);
9689  // TLine* lin_SC = new TLine(xBinSC, yinf, xBinSC, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9690  // lin_SC->SetLineColor(coul_DS);
9691  // lin_SC->SetLineStyle(3);
9692  // lin_SC->Draw();
9693  // }
9694  //............................................................... Not connected SC's
9695  Color_t coul_notconnected = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu_fonce");
9696  for(Int_t i=1; i<=fEcal->NumberOfNotConnectedSCs(); i++)
9697  {
9698  Int_t index = 0;
9699  if( fFapStexNumber == 1 || fFapStexNumber == 3 ){index = 2*i - 1;}
9700  if( fFapStexNumber == 2 || fFapStexNumber == 4 ){index = 2*i;}
9701  //................. display of the not connected SC's numbers (+ vertical line)
9702  Double_t xBinNotConnectedSC = NotConnectedSCH1DBin(index);
9703  TLine* lin_notconnected =
9704  new TLine(xBinNotConnectedSC, yinf, xBinNotConnectedSC, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9705  lin_notconnected->SetLineColor(coul_notconnected);
9706  lin_notconnected->SetLineStyle(3);
9707  lin_notconnected->Draw();
9709  Double_t xBinNotConnectedSCEnd = NotConnectedSCH1DBin(index)+fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();
9710  TLine* lin_notconnected_end =
9711  new TLine(xBinNotConnectedSCEnd, yinf, xBinNotConnectedSCEnd, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9712  lin_notconnected_end->SetLineColor(coul_notconnected);
9713  lin_notconnected_end->SetLineStyle(3);
9714  lin_notconnected_end->Draw();
9716  //sprintf( f_in, "%d", GetNotConnectedSCForConsFromIndex(index) );
9717  sprintf( f_in, "%d", GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex(index) );
9718  TText *text_SC_NotConnected = new TText(xBinNotConnectedSC, ytext, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9719  text_SC_NotConnected->SetTextAngle((Double_t)45.);
9720  text_SC_NotConnected->SetTextColor(coul_notconnected);
9721  text_SC_NotConnected->SetTextFont(42);
9722  text_SC_NotConnected->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
9723  text_SC_NotConnected->Draw("SAME");
9724  }
9725  //Double_t xtext = xinf_his - (xsup_his-xinf_his)/8.;
9726  //Double_t ytextp = yinf - (ysup-yinf)/6.;
9727  //sprintf( f_in, "Special SC => ");
9728  //TText *text_legend_NotConnected = new TText(xtext, ytext, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9729  //text_legend_NotConnected->SetTextColor(coul_notconnected);
9730  //text_legend_NotConnected->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
9731  //text_legend_NotConnected->Draw("SAME");
9733  //............................................................... Not complete SC's
9734  Color_t coul_notcomplete = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge40");
9735  for(Int_t i=1; i<=fEcal->NumberOfNotCompleteSCs(); i++)
9736  {
9737  Int_t index = 0;
9738  if( fFapStexNumber == 1 || fFapStexNumber == 3 ){index = 2*i - 1;}
9739  if( fFapStexNumber == 2 || fFapStexNumber == 4 ){index = 2*i;}
9740  //................. display of the not complete SC's numbers (+ vertical line)
9741  Double_t xBinNotCompleteSC = NotCompleteSCH1DBin(index);
9742  TLine* lin_notcomplete =
9743  new TLine(xBinNotCompleteSC, yinf, xBinNotCompleteSC, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9744  lin_notcomplete->SetLineColor(coul_notcomplete);
9745  lin_notcomplete->SetLineStyle(3);
9746  lin_notcomplete->Draw();
9748  Double_t xBinNotCompleteSCEnd = NotCompleteSCH1DBin(index)+fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();;
9749  TLine* lin_notcomplete_end =
9750  new TLine(xBinNotCompleteSCEnd, yinf, xBinNotCompleteSCEnd, ysup); fCnewRoot++;
9751  lin_notcomplete_end->SetLineColor(coul_notcomplete);
9752  lin_notcomplete_end->SetLineStyle(3);
9753  lin_notcomplete_end->Draw();
9755  sprintf( f_in, "%d", GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex(index) );
9756  // sprintf( f_in, "%d", GetNotCompleteSCForConsFromIndex(index) );
9757  TText *text_SC_NotComplete = new TText(xBinNotCompleteSC, ytext, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9758  text_SC_NotComplete->SetTextAngle((Double_t)45.);
9759  text_SC_NotComplete->SetTextColor(coul_notcomplete);
9760  text_SC_NotComplete->SetTextFont(42);
9761  text_SC_NotComplete->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
9762  text_SC_NotComplete->Draw("SAME");
9763  }
9764  //Double_t xtextp = xinf_his + (xsup_his-xinf_his)/15.;
9765  //sprintf( f_in, "Not complete SC");
9766  //TText *text_legend_NotComplete = new TText(xtextp, ytextp, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
9767  //text_legend_NotComplete->SetTextColor(coul_notcomplete);
9768  //text_legend_NotComplete->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
9769  //text_legend_NotComplete->Draw("SAME");
9770  }
9771  }
9772  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
9773  } // end of if( ( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot )
9774  // || ( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) && xMemoPlotSame == 0 ) )
9776  //..............................................Top Axis (HistoPlot)
9777  Int_t min_value = 0;
9778  Int_t max_value = 0;
9779  if(HistoType == "Global")
9780  {
9781  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
9782  {
9783  //.......................... Axis for the Stin numbers and Data sectors (EE) numbers
9784  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
9785  {
9786  min_value = 0;
9787  max_value = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() - 1;
9788  }
9789  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
9790  {
9791  if( fFapStexNumber == 1 ){min_value = 1; max_value = 5;}
9792  if( fFapStexNumber == 2 ){min_value = 5; max_value = 9;}
9793  if( fFapStexNumber == 3 ){min_value = 5; max_value = 9;}
9794  if( fFapStexNumber == 4 ){min_value = 1; max_value = 5;}
9795  }
9796  }
9797  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
9798  {
9799  //.......................... Axis for the SM (EB) and Dee numbers (EE)
9800  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
9801  {
9802  min_value = 0;
9803  max_value = fEcal->MaxStexInStas() - 1;
9804  }
9805  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
9806  {
9807  min_value = 1;
9808  max_value = fEcal->MaxStexInStas();
9809  }
9810  }
9811  TopAxisForHistos(h_his0, opt_plot, xMemoPlotSame, min_value, max_value,
9812  xFlagAutoYsupMargin, HisSize);
9813  } // end of if (HistoType == "Global")
9815  if( !( (HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj")
9816  && ( arg_AlreadyRead > 1 && arg_AlreadyRead < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() ) ) )
9817  {
9818  gPad->Update();
9819  }
9820  }
9821  else // else du if(main_subpad !=0)
9822  {
9823  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::HistoPlot(...)> Canvas not found. Previously closed in option SAME."
9824  << fTTBELL << endl;
9826  ReInitCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot);
9827  xMemoPlotSame = 0;
9828  }
9830  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
9832 } // end of HistoPlot
TCanvas * CreateCanvas(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, UInt_t, UInt_t)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString SetHistoXAxisTitle(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
Int_t GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString GetMemoFlag(const TString &)
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t fTextPaveAlign
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:456
Int_t GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex(const Int_t &)
TVirtualPad * ActivePad(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
void ReInitCanvas(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLogx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
void SetViewHistoColors(TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
Int_t fTextBorderSize
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:459
UInt_t SetCanvasWidth(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetParametersPavTxt(const TString &, const TString &)
TString StexNumberToString(const Int_t &)
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Int_t fOptScaleLinx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Color_t GetViewHistoColor(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
TPaveText * ActivePavTxt(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TPaveText * fPavComXtal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:618
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
UInt_t SetCanvasHeight(const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetQuantityName(const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
void SetAllPavesViewHisto(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:625
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void SetParametersCanvas(const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComEvolRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:624
Int_t GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fFapXtalName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:412
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Int_t NumberOfNotConnectedSCs()
Int_t GetMaxSCInDS(const Int_t &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxSCForConsInDee()
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
void TopAxisForHistos(TH1D *, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
TString fFapEchaName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:413
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t GetDSOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TCanvas * GetCurrentCanvas()
TVirtualPad * fCurrentPad
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:847
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
Int_t fTextPaveFont
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:457
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
Double_t NotConnectedSCH1DBin(const Int_t &)
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
TString SetHistoYAxisTitle(const TString &)
Double_t BoxRightX(const TString &)
Int_t NumberOfNotCompleteSCs()
Double_t BoxBottomY(const TString &)
Int_t Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t NotCompleteSCH1DBin(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString SetCanvasName(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::Init ( void  )

Definition at line 198 of file

199 {
200 //========================= GENERAL INITIALISATION
201  fCnew = 0;
202  fCdelete = 0;
203  fCnewRoot = 0;
204  fCdeleteRoot = 0;
206  fCnaCommand = 0;
207  fCnaError = 0;
209  fgMaxCar = 512;
210  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
212  //------------------------------ initialisations ----------------------
213  fTTBELL = '\007';
215  fT1DRunNumber = 0;
217  //.......... init flags Same plot
235  //.......... init flags colors (Init)
254  //.......... init counter Same canvas
272  //................. Flag Scale X anf Y set to "LIN" and flag color palete set to "Black/Red/Blue"
274  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
275  fFlagScaleX.Resize(MaxCar);
276  fFlagScaleX = "LIN";
278  MaxCar = fgMaxCar; // (Init)
279  fFlagScaleY.Resize(MaxCar);
280  fFlagScaleY = "LIN";
282  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
283  fFlagColPal.Resize(MaxCar);
284  fFlagColPal = "Black/Red/Blue";
286  //................. Flag General Title set to empty string
287  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
288  fFlagGeneralTitle.Resize(MaxCar);
289  fFlagGeneralTitle = "";
291  //................. Init codes Options
292  fOptScaleLinx = 31400;
293  fOptScaleLogx = 31401;
294  fOptScaleLiny = 31402;
295  fOptScaleLogy = 31403;
297  fOptVisLine = 1101;
298  fOptVisPolm = 1102;
300  //............................ (Init)
301  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
302  fCovarianceMatrix.Resize(MaxCar);
303  fCovarianceMatrix = "Cov";
304  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
305  fCorrelationMatrix.Resize(MaxCar);
306  fCorrelationMatrix = "Cor";
308  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
309  fLFBetweenStins.Resize(MaxCar);
310  fLFBetweenStins = "MttLF";
311  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
312  fHFBetweenStins.Resize(MaxCar);
313  fHFBetweenStins = "MttHF";
315  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
316  fLFBetweenChannels.Resize(MaxCar);
317  fLFBetweenChannels = "MccLF";
318  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
319  fHFBetweenChannels.Resize(MaxCar);
320  fHFBetweenChannels = "MccHF";
322  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
323  fBetweenSamples.Resize(MaxCar);
324  fBetweenSamples = "Mss";
326  //.................................. text pave alignement for pave "SeveralChanging" (HistimePlot)
327  fTextPaveAlign = 12; // 1 = left adjusted, 2 = vertically centered
328  fTextPaveFont = 100; // 10*10 = 10*(ID10 = Courier New)
329  fTextPaveSize = (Float_t)0.025; // 0.0xxx = xxx% of the pave size
330  fTextBorderSize = 1; // Pave Border (=>Shadow)
332  //................................. Init Xvar, Yvar, NbBins management for options SAME and SAME n
333  fXMemoH1SamePlus = "";
334  fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb = "";
335  fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs = "";
336  fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb = "";
337  fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs = "";
338  fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb = "";
339  fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs = "";
340  fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb = "";
341  fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs = "";
342  fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb = "";
343  fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs = "";
344  fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb = "";
345  fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs = "";
346  fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb = "";
347  fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs = "";
348  fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb = "";
349  fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs = "";
350  fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb = "";
351  fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs = "";
352  fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs = "";
353  fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb = "";
354  fXMemoH_Ped_Date = "";
355  fXMemoH_TNo_Date = "";
356  fXMemoH_MCs_Date = "";
357  fXMemoH_LFN_Date = "";
358  fXMemoH_HFN_Date = "";
359  fXMemoH_SCs_Date = "";
360  fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs = "";
361  fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs = "";
362  fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs = "";
363  fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs = "";
364  fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs = "";
365  fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs = "";
367  fYMemoH1SamePlus = "";
368  fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb = "";
369  fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs = "";
370  fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb = "";
371  fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs = "";
372  fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb = "";
373  fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs = "";
374  fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb = "";
375  fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs = "";
376  fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb = "";
377  fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs = "";
378  fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb = "";
379  fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs = "";
380  fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb = "";
381  fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs = "";
382  fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb = "";
383  fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs = "";
384  fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb = "";
385  fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs = "";
386  fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs = "";
387  fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb = "";
388  fYMemoH_Ped_Date = "";
389  fYMemoH_TNo_Date = "";
390  fYMemoH_MCs_Date = "";
391  fYMemoH_LFN_Date = "";
392  fYMemoH_HFN_Date = "";
393  fYMemoH_SCs_Date = "";
394  fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs = "";
395  fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs = "";
396  fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs = "";
397  fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs = "";
398  fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs = "";
399  fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs = "";
435  //.................................. Init canvas/pad pointers (Init)
436  fCurrentCanvas = 0;
438  fCurrentCanvasName = "?";
440  fCanvH1SamePlus = 0;
441  fCanvD_NOE_ChNb = 0;
442  fCanvD_NOE_ChDs = 0;
443  fCanvD_Ped_ChNb = 0;
444  fCanvD_Ped_ChDs = 0;
445  fCanvD_TNo_ChNb = 0;
446  fCanvD_TNo_ChDs = 0;
447  fCanvD_MCs_ChNb = 0;
448  fCanvD_MCs_ChDs = 0;
449  fCanvD_LFN_ChNb = 0;
450  fCanvD_LFN_ChDs = 0;
451  fCanvD_HFN_ChNb = 0;
452  fCanvD_HFN_ChDs = 0;
453  fCanvD_SCs_ChNb = 0;
454  fCanvD_SCs_ChDs = 0;
455  fCanvD_MSp_SpNb = 0;
456  fCanvD_MSp_SpDs = 0;
457  fCanvD_SSp_SpNb = 0;
458  fCanvD_SSp_SpDs = 0;
459  fCanvD_Adc_EvDs = 0;
460  fCanvD_Adc_EvNb = 0;
461  fCanvH_Ped_Date = 0;
462  fCanvH_TNo_Date = 0;
463  fCanvH_MCs_Date = 0;
464  fCanvH_LFN_Date = 0;
465  fCanvH_HFN_Date = 0;
466  fCanvH_SCs_Date = 0;
467  fCanvH_Ped_RuDs = 0;
468  fCanvH_TNo_RuDs = 0;
469  fCanvH_MCs_RuDs = 0;
470  fCanvH_LFN_RuDs = 0;
471  fCanvH_HFN_RuDs = 0;
472  fCanvH_SCs_RuDs = 0;
475  fClosedH1SamePlus = kFALSE; // (Canvas Closed SIGNAL)
476  fClosedD_NOE_ChNb = kFALSE;
477  fClosedD_NOE_ChDs = kFALSE;
478  fClosedD_Ped_ChNb = kFALSE;
479  fClosedD_Ped_ChDs = kFALSE;
480  fClosedD_TNo_ChNb = kFALSE;
481  fClosedD_TNo_ChDs = kFALSE;
482  fClosedD_MCs_ChNb = kFALSE;
483  fClosedD_MCs_ChDs = kFALSE;
484  fClosedD_LFN_ChNb = kFALSE;
485  fClosedD_LFN_ChDs = kFALSE;
486  fClosedD_HFN_ChNb = kFALSE;
487  fClosedD_HFN_ChDs = kFALSE;
488  fClosedD_SCs_ChNb = kFALSE;
489  fClosedD_SCs_ChDs = kFALSE;
490  fClosedD_MSp_SpNb = kFALSE;
491  fClosedD_MSp_SpDs = kFALSE;
492  fClosedD_SSp_SpNb = kFALSE;
493  fClosedD_SSp_SpDs = kFALSE;
494  fClosedD_Adc_EvDs = kFALSE;
495  fClosedD_Adc_EvNb = kFALSE;
496  fClosedH_Ped_Date = kFALSE;
497  fClosedH_TNo_Date = kFALSE;
498  fClosedH_MCs_Date = kFALSE;
499  fClosedH_LFN_Date = kFALSE;
500  fClosedH_HFN_Date = kFALSE;
501  fClosedH_SCs_Date = kFALSE;
502  fClosedH_Ped_RuDs = kFALSE;
503  fClosedH_TNo_RuDs = kFALSE;
504  fClosedH_MCs_RuDs = kFALSE;
505  fClosedH_LFN_RuDs = kFALSE;
506  fClosedH_HFN_RuDs = kFALSE;
507  fClosedH_SCs_RuDs = kFALSE;
509  fCurrentPad = 0; // (Init)
511  fPadH1SamePlus = 0;
512  fPadD_NOE_ChNb = 0;
513  fPadD_NOE_ChDs = 0;
514  fPadD_Ped_ChNb = 0;
515  fPadD_Ped_ChDs = 0;
516  fPadD_TNo_ChNb = 0;
517  fPadD_TNo_ChDs = 0;
518  fPadD_MCs_ChNb = 0;
519  fPadD_MCs_ChDs = 0;
520  fPadD_LFN_ChNb = 0;
521  fPadD_LFN_ChDs = 0;
522  fPadD_HFN_ChNb = 0;
523  fPadD_HFN_ChDs = 0;
524  fPadD_SCs_ChNb = 0;
525  fPadD_SCs_ChDs = 0;
526  fPadD_MSp_SpNb = 0;
527  fPadD_MSp_SpDs = 0;
528  fPadD_SSp_SpNb = 0;
529  fPadD_SSp_SpDs = 0;
530  fPadD_Adc_EvDs = 0;
531  fPadD_Adc_EvNb = 0;
532  fPadH_Ped_Date = 0;
533  fPadH_TNo_Date = 0;
534  fPadH_MCs_Date = 0;
535  fPadH_LFN_Date = 0;
536  fPadH_HFN_Date = 0;
537  fPadH_SCs_Date = 0;
538  fPadH_Ped_RuDs = 0;
539  fPadH_TNo_RuDs = 0;
540  fPadH_MCs_RuDs = 0;
541  fPadH_LFN_RuDs = 0;
542  fPadH_HFN_RuDs = 0;
543  fPadH_SCs_RuDs = 0;
545  fPavTxtH1SamePlus = 0; // (Init)
546  fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb = 0;
547  fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs = 0;
548  fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb = 0;
549  fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs = 0;
550  fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb = 0;
551  fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs = 0;
552  fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb = 0;
553  fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs = 0;
554  fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb = 0;
555  fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs = 0;
556  fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb = 0;
557  fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs = 0;
558  fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb = 0;
559  fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs = 0;
560  fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb = 0;
561  fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs = 0;
562  fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb = 0;
563  fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs = 0;
564  fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs = 0;
565  fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb = 0;
566  fPavTxtH_Ped_Date = 0;
567  fPavTxtH_TNo_Date = 0;
568  fPavTxtH_MCs_Date = 0;
569  fPavTxtH_LFN_Date = 0;
570  fPavTxtH_HFN_Date = 0;
571  fPavTxtH_SCs_Date = 0;
572  fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs = 0;
573  fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs = 0;
574  fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs = 0;
575  fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs = 0;
576  fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs = 0;
577  fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs = 0;
579  fImpH1SamePlus = 0; // (Init)
580  fImpD_NOE_ChNb = 0;
581  fImpD_NOE_ChDs = 0;
582  fImpD_Ped_ChNb = 0;
583  fImpD_Ped_ChDs = 0;
584  fImpD_TNo_ChNb = 0;
585  fImpD_TNo_ChDs = 0;
586  fImpD_MCs_ChNb = 0;
587  fImpD_MCs_ChDs = 0;
588  fImpD_LFN_ChNb = 0;
589  fImpD_LFN_ChDs = 0;
590  fImpD_HFN_ChNb = 0;
591  fImpD_HFN_ChDs = 0;
592  fImpD_SCs_ChNb = 0;
593  fImpD_SCs_ChDs = 0;
594  fImpD_MSp_SpNb = 0;
595  fImpD_MSp_SpDs = 0;
596  fImpD_SSp_SpNb = 0;
597  fImpD_SSp_SpDs = 0;
598  fImpD_Adc_EvDs = 0;
599  fImpD_Adc_EvNb = 0;
600  fImpH_Ped_Date = 0;
601  fImpH_TNo_Date = 0;
602  fImpH_MCs_Date = 0;
603  fImpH_LFN_Date = 0;
604  fImpH_HFN_Date = 0;
605  fImpH_SCs_Date = 0;
606  fImpH_Ped_RuDs = 0;
607  fImpH_TNo_RuDs = 0;
608  fImpH_MCs_RuDs = 0;
609  fImpH_LFN_RuDs = 0;
610  fImpH_HFN_RuDs = 0;
611  fImpH_SCs_RuDs = 0;
613  fNbBinsProj = 100; // number of bins for histos in option Projection
615  //.................................... Miscellaneous parameters (Init)
631  fNbOfExistingRuns = 0;
633  fFapNbOfRuns = -1; // INIT NUMBER OF RUNS: set to -1
634  fFapMaxNbOfRuns = -1; // INIT MAXIMUM NUMBER OF RUNS: set to -1
636  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
637  fFapFileRuns.Resize(MaxCar);
638  fFapFileRuns = "(file with list of runs parameters: no info)";
640  fStartEvolTime = 0;
641  fStopEvolTime = 0;
642  fStartEvolDate = "Start date: not known";
643  fStopEvolDate = "Stop date: not known";
645  fStartEvolRun = 0;
646  fStopEvolRun = 0;
648  fRunType = "Run type: not known";
650  fFapNbOfEvts = 0;
652  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
653  fMyRootFileName.Resize(MaxCar);
654  fMyRootFileName = "No ROOT file name available (fMyRootFileName).";
656  fFapAnaType = "Analysis name: not known"; // Init Type of analysis
657  fFapNbOfSamples = 0; // Init Nb of required samples
658  fFapRunNumber = 0; // Init Run number
659  fFapFirstReqEvtNumber = 0; // Init First requested event number
660  fFapLastReqEvtNumber = 0; // Init Last requested event number
661  fFapReqNbOfEvts = 0; // Init Requested number of events
662  fFapStexNumber = 0; // Init Stex number
664  //------------------ Init read file flags
665  fAlreadyRead = 1;
666  fMemoAlreadyRead = 0;
667  fTobeRead = 0;
668  fZerv = 0;
669  fUnev = 1;
670  TVectorD fReadHistoDummy(fUnev);
671  TMatrixD fReadMatrixDummy(fUnev, fUnev);
673  //------------------ Init fAsciiFileName
674  fAsciiFileName = "?";
676 } // end of Init()
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:939
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:840
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:851
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:898
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:810
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:827
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
TString fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:699
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:813
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:911
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:886
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:955
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:808
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:914
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:763
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:921
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:762
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:858
TString fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:735
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:678
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:750
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:430
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fOptVisPolm
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:446
TString fCorrelationMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:756
Int_t fFapMaxNbOfRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:395
TString fFlagScaleX
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:437
TString fStartEvolDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:403
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:679
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:940
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:717
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:906
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:708
TString fYMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:728
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:915
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:933
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:777
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:744
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:801
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:861
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:870
Int_t fTextPaveAlign
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:456
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:790
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:767
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:960
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:795
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:672
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:958
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:766
TString fStopEvolDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:403
Int_t fOptVisLine
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:446
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:966
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:749
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:905
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:684
TString fYMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:727
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:855
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:860
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:910
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:865
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:713
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:724
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:963
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:866
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:927
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:771
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:770
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:850
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:838
Int_t fFapNbOfRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:396
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:965
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:805
Int_t fStopEvolRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:399
TString fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:736
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:907
Int_t fOptScaleLogx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TCanvasImp * fImpH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:917
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:956
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:926
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:719
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:952
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:878
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:964
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:944
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:966
TString fXMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:697
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:834
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fCovarianceMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:673
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:956
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:745
TPaveText * fPavTxtH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:883
Int_t fTextBorderSize
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:459
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:936
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:949
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
time_t fStopEvolTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:402
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:872
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:919
TString fYMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:730
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:832
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:722
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:885
TString fBetweenSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:452
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:807
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:675
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
TString fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:703
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:825
TMatrixD fReadMatrixDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:381
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:822
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:876
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
TString fYMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:726
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:894
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:758
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:937
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:913
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:934
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:829
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:797
Int_t fCnaCommand
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:356
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:952
TString fXMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:693
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:830
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:811
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:837
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:794
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:835
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
TString fFlagColPal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:439
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:721
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:957
TString fXMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:692
Int_t fOptScaleLinx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:887
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:711
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:691
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:909
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:759
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:963
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
TString fXMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:694
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:903
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:780
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TString fFapFileRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:397
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:852
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:948
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:817
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:739
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:961
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:880
Float_t fTextPaveSize
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:458
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:757
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:824
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:857
TString fYMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:705
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:755
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:839
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:954
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
TString fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:702
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:787
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:904
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:796
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:712
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:752
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:965
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:791
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:788
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:803
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:930
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:754
TString fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:698
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:765
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:747
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:864
TString fHFBetweenStins
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:454
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:862
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:715
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:761
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:831
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:709
Int_t fCnaError
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:356
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:816
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:769
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:958
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:918
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:889
TString fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:732
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:828
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:935
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:751
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:823
TString fYMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:729
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:841
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:764
TString fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:734
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:688
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:786
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:836
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:879
Int_t fNbOfExistingRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:400
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:723
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:895
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:938
TString fYMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:731
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:920
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:677
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:875
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:689
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:962
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:683
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:676
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:760
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:718
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:892
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:746
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:890
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:955
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:779
TString fFlagScaleY
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:438
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:812
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:946
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:802
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:960
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
TString fXMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:696
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:753
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:798
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:932
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:778
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:818
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:881
TString fXMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:695
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:928
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:863
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:873
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:833
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:896
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fCanvSameH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:951
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:686
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:820
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:912
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:922
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:877
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:720
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:680
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:783
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:923
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:706
TString fXMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:671
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:874
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:945
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:859
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:781
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:899
TString fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:700
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:901
TString fLFBetweenChannels
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:453
time_t fStartEvolTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:402
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:954
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:929
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:900
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:967
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:743
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:725
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:957
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:943
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:962
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:815
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:884
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:742
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:961
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:687
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:782
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:714
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:819
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:800
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:842
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:959
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:925
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:891
TVirtualPad * fPadH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:849
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
TVirtualPad * fCurrentPad
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:847
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:784
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:953
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:868
TString fHFBetweenChannels
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:453
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:785
Int_t fStartEvolRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:399
Int_t fTextPaveFont
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:457
TString fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:701
TString fLFBetweenStins
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:454
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:716
Int_t fMemoAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:378
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:964
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:897
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:793
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
TString fAsciiFileName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:420
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:633
TString fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:737
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:888
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:799
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:908
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:682
TString fMyRootFileName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:415
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:741
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:902
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:792
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:854
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:967
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:748
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:942
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:814
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:768
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:789
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:871
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:710
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:947
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:856
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:931
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:893
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:826
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:941
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:924
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:674
Int_t fNbBinsProj
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:669
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:681
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:867
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:685
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:740
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:821
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:690
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:869
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:806
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:707
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:853
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:959
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:804
TString fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:733
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:953
void TEcnaHistos::InitSpecParBeforeFileReading ( )

Definition at line 8780 of file

8781 {
8782  // Init parameters that will be set by reading the info which are in the results ROOT file
8783  // SpecPar = Special Parameters (dates, times, run types)
8785  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
8786  fStartDate.Resize(MaxCar);
8787  fStartDate = "(date not found)";
8789  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
8790  fStopDate.Resize(MaxCar);
8791  fStopDate = "(date not found)";
8793  fStartTime = (time_t)0;
8794  fStopTime = (time_t)0;
8796  fRunType = "(run type not found)";
8798 } // ------------- ( end of InitSpecParBeforeFileReading() ) -------------
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
time_t fStopTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
time_t fStartTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Int_t TEcnaHistos::ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs ( const Int_t &  n1DeeNumber,
const Int_t &  nSCCons,
const Int_t &  SC_in_DS,
const Int_t &  n1DeeSCEcna,
const Int_t &  n1SCEcha 

Definition at line 7527 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

7530 {
7531  //------------------------ Modification of n1SCEcha number for not connected SC's
7533  Int_t ModifiedSCEcha = -1;
7534  TString SCQuad = fEcalNumbering->GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(n1DeeSCEcna); // SCQuad = top OR bottom
7535  TString DeeDir = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(n1DeeNumber); // DeeDir = left OR right
7537  TString TypQuad = "?";
7538  if( SCQuad == "top" && DeeDir == "right" ){TypQuad = "TR";}
7539  if( SCQuad == "top" && DeeDir == "left" ){TypQuad = "TL";}
7540  if( SCQuad == "bottom" && DeeDir == "left" ){TypQuad = "BL";}
7541  if( SCQuad == "bottom" && DeeDir == "right" ){TypQuad = "BR";}
7543  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- top
7545  //..... (D1,S1), (D3,S9) SC_in_DS = 30, n1DeeSCEcna = 60 -> 182a for construction top/right
7546  //..... (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 138 -> 178a for construction top/right
7547  if( (SC_in_DS == 30 && n1DeeSCEcna == 60 && TypQuad == "TR") ||
7548  (SC_in_DS == 3 && n1DeeSCEcna == 138 && TypQuad == "TR") ){if(n1SCEcha > 15){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha - 15;}}
7550  //..... (D4,S1), (D2,S9) SC_in_DS = 30, n1DeeSCEcna = 60 -> 33a for construction top/left
7551  //..... (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 138 -> 29a for construction top/left
7552  if( (SC_in_DS == 30 && n1DeeSCEcna == 60 && TypQuad == "TL") ||
7553  (SC_in_DS == 3 && n1DeeSCEcna == 138 && TypQuad == "TL") )
7554  {
7555  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 1;}
7556  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 2;}
7557  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 3;}
7558  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 4;}
7559  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 5;}
7560  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 6;}
7561  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 7;}
7562  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 8;}
7563  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 9;}
7564  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 10;}
7565  }
7567  //..... (D1,S1), (D3,S9) SC_in_DS = 30, n1DeeSCEcna = 119 -> 182b for construction top/right
7568  if( SC_in_DS == 30 && n1DeeSCEcna == 119 && TypQuad == "TR" ){if(n1SCEcha > 5){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha - 5;}}
7570  //..... (D4,S1), (D2,S9) SC_in_DS = 30, n1DeeSCEcna = 119 -> 33b for construction top/left
7571  if( SC_in_DS == 30 && n1DeeSCEcna == 119 && TypQuad == "TL" )
7572  {
7573  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 11;}
7574  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 12;}
7575  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 13;}
7576  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 14;}
7577  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 15;}
7578  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 16;}
7579  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 17;}
7580  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 18;}
7581  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 19;}
7582  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 20;}
7583  }
7585  //..... (D1,S1), (D3,S9) SC_in_DS = 12, n1DeeSCEcna = 13 -> 161 for construction top/right
7586  //..... (D4,S1), (D2,S9) SC_in_DS = 12, n1DeeSCEcna = 13 -> 12 for construction top/left
7587  if( SC_in_DS == 12 && n1DeeSCEcna == 13 && TypQuad == "TR" )
7588  {
7589  ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;
7590  }
7591  if( SC_in_DS == 12 && n1DeeSCEcna == 13 && TypQuad == "TL" )
7592  {
7593  if( n1SCEcha >= 1 && n1SCEcha <= 4 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;}
7594  if( n1SCEcha >= 6 && n1SCEcha <= 9 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-1;}
7595  if( n1SCEcha >= 11 && n1SCEcha <= 14 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-2;}
7596  if( n1SCEcha >= 16 && n1SCEcha <= 19 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-3;}
7597  if( n1SCEcha >= 21 && n1SCEcha <= 24 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-4;}
7598  }
7600  //..... (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 25, n1DeeSCEcna = 176 -> 207a for construction top/right
7601  if( SC_in_DS == 25 && n1DeeSCEcna == 176 && TypQuad == "TR" )
7602  {
7603  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 1;}
7604  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 2;}
7605  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 3;}
7606  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 4;}
7607  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 5;}
7608  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 6;}
7609  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 7;}
7610  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 8;}
7611  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 9;}
7612  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 10;}
7613  }
7615  //..... (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 25, n1DeeSCEcna = 176 -> 58a for construction top/left
7616  if( SC_in_DS == 25 && n1DeeSCEcna == 176 && TypQuad == "TL" )
7617  {
7618  if(n1SCEcha == 16){ModifiedSCEcha = 1;}
7619  if(n1SCEcha == 21){ModifiedSCEcha = 2;}
7620  if(n1SCEcha == 17){ModifiedSCEcha = 3;}
7621  if(n1SCEcha == 22){ModifiedSCEcha = 4;}
7622  if(n1SCEcha == 18){ModifiedSCEcha = 5;}
7623  if(n1SCEcha == 23){ModifiedSCEcha = 6;}
7624  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 7;}
7625  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 8;}
7626  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 9;}
7627  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 10;}
7628  }
7630  //..... (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 157 -> 178b for construction top/right
7631  //..... (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 25, n1DeeSCEcna = 193 -> 207b for construction top/right
7632  if( (SC_in_DS == 3 && n1DeeSCEcna == 157 && TypQuad == "TR") ||
7633  (SC_in_DS == 25 && n1DeeSCEcna == 193 && TypQuad == "TR") )
7634  {
7635  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 11;}
7636  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 12;}
7637  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 13;}
7638  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 14;}
7639  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 15;}
7640  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 16;}
7641  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 17;}
7642  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 18;}
7643  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 19;}
7644  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 20;}
7645  }
7647  //..... (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 157 -> 29b for construction top/left
7648  //..... (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 25, n1DeeSCEcna = 193 -> 58b for construction top/left
7649  if( (SC_in_DS == 3 && n1DeeSCEcna == 157 && TypQuad == "TL") ||
7650  (SC_in_DS == 25 && n1DeeSCEcna == 193 && TypQuad == "TL") )
7651  {
7652  if(n1SCEcha == 16){ModifiedSCEcha = 11;}
7653  if(n1SCEcha == 21){ModifiedSCEcha = 12;}
7654  if(n1SCEcha == 17){ModifiedSCEcha = 13;}
7655  if(n1SCEcha == 22){ModifiedSCEcha = 14;}
7656  if(n1SCEcha == 18){ModifiedSCEcha = 15;}
7657  if(n1SCEcha == 23){ModifiedSCEcha = 16;}
7658  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 17;}
7659  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 18;}
7660  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 19;}
7661  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 20;}
7662  }
7664  //..... (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 32, n1DeeSCEcna = 51 -> 216 for construction top/right
7665  if( SC_in_DS == 32 && n1DeeSCEcna == 51 && TypQuad == "TR" )
7666  {
7667  if( n1SCEcha >= 1 && n1SCEcha <= 4 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;}
7668  if( n1SCEcha >= 6 && n1SCEcha <= 9 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-1;}
7669  if( n1SCEcha >= 11 && n1SCEcha <= 14 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-2;}
7670  if( n1SCEcha >= 16 && n1SCEcha <= 19 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-3;}
7671  if( n1SCEcha >= 21 && n1SCEcha <= 24 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-4;}
7672  }
7674  //..... (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 32, n1DeeSCEcna = 51 -> 67 for construction top/left
7675  if( SC_in_DS == 32 && n1DeeSCEcna == 51 && TypQuad == "TL" )
7676  {
7677  ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;
7678  }
7680  // **************************** Special case: TWO SC's IN THE SAME SC-Ecna place *************************
7681  //========================================================================================== D1,D3 ======
7682  // (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 32 -> 178c for construction top/right
7683  // (D1,S2), (D3,S8) SC_in_DS = 25, n1DeeSCEcna = 32 -> 207c for construction top/right
7684  // For n1DeeSCEcna = 32: ONLY "25" IN ARRAY fT2d_DSSC[][] (see
7685  // fT2d_DSSC[dee-1][32-1] = 25; // also 3; // ( (207c, 58c) also (178c, 29c) for construction)
7686  // is recovered from number for construction
7687  //=======================================================================================================
7688  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 32 && TypQuad == "TR" )
7689  {
7690  if( nSCCons == 207 )
7691  {
7692  if(n1SCEcha == 1){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7693  if(n1SCEcha == 2){ModifiedSCEcha = 22;}
7694  if(n1SCEcha == 3){ModifiedSCEcha = 23;}
7695  if(n1SCEcha == 6){ModifiedSCEcha = 24;}
7696  if(n1SCEcha == 7){ModifiedSCEcha = 25;}
7697  }
7698  if( nSCCons == 178 )
7699  {
7700  if(n1SCEcha == 11){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7701  }
7702  }
7704  //========================================================================================== D2,D4 ======
7705  // (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 32 -> 29c for construction top/left
7706  // (D4,S2), (D2,S8) SC_in_DS = 25, n1DeeSCEcna = 32 -> 58c for construction top/left
7707  // For n1DeeSCEcna = 32: ONLY "25" IN ARRAY fT2d_DSSC[][] (see
7708  // fT2d_DSSC[dee-1][32-1] = 25; // also 3; // ( (207c, 58c) also (178c, 29c) for construction)
7709  // is recovered from number for construction
7710  //=======================================================================================================
7711  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 32 && TypQuad == "TL" )
7712  {
7713  if( nSCCons == 58 )
7714  {
7715  if(n1SCEcha == 1){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7716  if(n1SCEcha == 2){ModifiedSCEcha = 22;}
7717  if(n1SCEcha == 3){ModifiedSCEcha = 23;}
7718  if(n1SCEcha == 6){ModifiedSCEcha = 24;}
7719  if(n1SCEcha == 7){ModifiedSCEcha = 25;}
7720  }
7721  if( nSCCons == 29 )
7722  {
7723  if(n1SCEcha == 11){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7724  }
7725  }
7726  //****************************************************************************************************
7728  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bottom
7730  // **************************** Special case: TWO SC's IN THE SAME SC-Ecna place *************************
7731  //========================================================================================== D1,D3 ======
7732  // (D1,S4), (D3,S6) SC_in_DS = 14, n1DeeSCEcna = 29 -> 261a for construction bottom/right
7733  // (D1,S4), (D3,S6) SC_in_DS = 21, n1DeeSCEcna = 29 -> 268a for construction bottom/right
7734  // For n1DeeSCEcna = 29: ONLY "14" IN ARRAY fT2d_DSSC[][] (see
7735  // fT2d_DSSC[dee-1][29-1] = 14; // also 21; // ( (261a, 112a) also (268a, 119a) for construction)
7736  // is recovered from number for construction
7737  //=======================================================================================================
7738  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 29 && TypQuad == "BR" )
7739  {
7740  if( nSCCons == 261 )
7741  {
7742  if(n1SCEcha == 1){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7743  if(n1SCEcha == 2){ModifiedSCEcha = 22;}
7744  if(n1SCEcha == 3){ModifiedSCEcha = 23;}
7745  if(n1SCEcha == 6){ModifiedSCEcha = 24;}
7746  if(n1SCEcha == 7){ModifiedSCEcha = 25;}
7747  }
7748  if( nSCCons == 268 )
7749  {
7750  if(n1SCEcha == 11){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7751  }
7752  }
7754  //========================================================================================== D2,D4 ======
7755  // (D4,S4), (D2,S6) SC_in_DS = 14, n1DeeSCEcna = 29 -> 112a for construction bottom/left
7756  // (D4,S4), (D2,S6) SC_in_DS = 21, n1DeeSCEcna = 29 -> 119a for construction bottom/left
7757  // For n1DeeSCEcna = 29: ONLY "14" IN ARRAY fT2d_DSSC[][] (see
7758  // fT2d_DSSC[dee-1][29-1] = 14; // also 21; // ( (261a, 112a) also (268a, 119a) for construction)
7759  // is recovered from number for construction
7760  //=======================================================================================================
7761  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 29 && TypQuad == "BL" )
7762  {
7763  if( nSCCons == 119 )
7764  {
7765  if(n1SCEcha == 11){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7766  }
7767  if( nSCCons == 112 )
7768  {
7769  if(n1SCEcha == 1){ModifiedSCEcha = 21;}
7770  if(n1SCEcha == 2){ModifiedSCEcha = 22;}
7771  if(n1SCEcha == 3){ModifiedSCEcha = 23;}
7772  if(n1SCEcha == 6){ModifiedSCEcha = 24;}
7773  if(n1SCEcha == 7){ModifiedSCEcha = 25;}
7774  }
7775  }
7777  // ****************************************************************************************************
7779  //..... (D1,S3), (D3,S7) SC_in_DS = 34, n1DeeSCEcna = 188 -> 298a for construction bottom/right
7780  //..... (D1,S4), (D3,S6) SC_in_DS = 14, n1DeeSCEcna = 165 -> 261b for construction bottom/right
7781  if( (SC_in_DS == 34 && n1DeeSCEcna == 188 && TypQuad == "BR") ||
7782  (SC_in_DS == 14 && n1DeeSCEcna == 165 && TypQuad == "BR") ){if(n1SCEcha > 15){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha - 15;}}
7784  //..... (D4,S3), (D2,S7) SC_in_DS = 34, n1DeeSCEcna = 188 -> 149a for construction bottom/left
7785  //..... (D4,S4), (D2,S6) SC_in_DS = 14, n1DeeSCEcna = 165 -> 112b for construction bottom/left
7786  if( (SC_in_DS == 34 && n1DeeSCEcna == 188 && TypQuad == "BL") ||
7787  (SC_in_DS == 14 && n1DeeSCEcna == 165 && TypQuad == "BL") )
7788  {
7789  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 1;}
7790  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 2;}
7791  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 3;}
7792  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 4;}
7793  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 5;}
7794  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 6;}
7795  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 7;}
7796  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 8;}
7797  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 9;}
7798  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 10;}
7799  }
7801  //..... (D1,S3), (D3,S7) SC_in_DS = 10, n1DeeSCEcna = 50 -> 224 for construction bottom/right
7802  if( SC_in_DS == 10 && n1DeeSCEcna == 50 && TypQuad == "BR" )
7803  {
7804  ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;
7805  }
7807  //..... (D4,S3), (D2,S7) SC_in_DS = 10, n1DeeSCEcna = 50 -> 75 for construction bottom/left
7808  if( SC_in_DS == 10 && n1DeeSCEcna == 50 && TypQuad == "BL")
7809  {
7810  if( n1SCEcha >= 1 && n1SCEcha <= 4 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;}
7811  if( n1SCEcha >= 6 && n1SCEcha <= 9 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-1;}
7812  if( n1SCEcha >= 11 && n1SCEcha <= 14 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-2;}
7813  if( n1SCEcha >= 16 && n1SCEcha <= 19 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-3;}
7814  if( n1SCEcha >= 21 && n1SCEcha <= 24 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-4;}
7815  }
7817  //..... (D1,S4), (D3,S6) SC_in_DS = 14, n1DeeSCEcna = 144 -> 261c for construction bottom/right
7818  if( SC_in_DS == 14 && n1DeeSCEcna == 144 && TypQuad == "BR" ){if(n1SCEcha > 5){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha - 5;}}
7820  //..... (D4,S4), (D2,S6) SC_in_DS = 14, n1DeeSCEcna = 144 -> 112c for construction bottom/left
7821  if( SC_in_DS == 14 && n1DeeSCEcna == 144 && TypQuad == "BL" )
7822  {
7823  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 11;}
7824  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 12;}
7825  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 13;}
7826  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 14;}
7827  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 15;}
7828  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 16;}
7829  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 17;}
7830  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 18;}
7831  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 19;}
7832  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 20;}
7833  }
7835  //..... (D1,S4), (D3,S6) SC_in_DS = 21, n1DeeSCEcna = 123 -> 268b for construction bottom/right
7836  //..... (D1,S5), (D3,S5) SC_in_DS = 20, n1DeeSCEcna = 21 -> 281a for construction bottom/right
7837  if( (SC_in_DS == 21 && n1DeeSCEcna == 123 && TypQuad == "BR") ||
7838  (SC_in_DS == 20 && n1DeeSCEcna == 41 && TypQuad == "BR") )
7839  {
7840  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 1;}
7841  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 2;}
7842  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 3;}
7843  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 4;}
7844  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 5;}
7845  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 6;}
7846  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 7;}
7847  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 8;}
7848  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 9;}
7849  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 10;}
7850  }
7852  //..... (D4,S4), (D2,S6) SC_in_DS = 21, n1DeeSCEcna = 123 -> 119b for construction bottom/left
7853  //..... (D4,S5), (D2,S5) SC_in_DS = 3, n1DeeSCEcna = 41 -> 132a for construction bottom/left
7854  if( (SC_in_DS == 21 && n1DeeSCEcna == 123 && TypQuad == "BL") ||
7855  (SC_in_DS == 3 && n1DeeSCEcna == 41 && TypQuad == "BL") ){if(n1SCEcha > 15){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha - 15;}}
7858  //..... (D1,S4), (D3,S6) SC_in_DS = 21, n1DeeSCEcna = 102 -> 268c for construction bottom/right
7859  if( SC_in_DS == 21 && n1DeeSCEcna == 102 && TypQuad == "BR" )
7860  {
7861  if(n1SCEcha == 4){ModifiedSCEcha = 11;}
7862  if(n1SCEcha == 5){ModifiedSCEcha = 12;}
7863  if(n1SCEcha == 9){ModifiedSCEcha = 13;}
7864  if(n1SCEcha == 10){ModifiedSCEcha = 14;}
7865  if(n1SCEcha == 14){ModifiedSCEcha = 15;}
7866  if(n1SCEcha == 15){ModifiedSCEcha = 16;}
7867  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 17;}
7868  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 18;}
7869  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 19;}
7870  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 20;}
7871  }
7873  //..... (D4,S4), (D2,S6) SC_in_DS = 21, n1DeeSCEcna = 102 -> 119c for construction bottom/left
7874  if( SC_in_DS == 21 && n1DeeSCEcna == 102 && TypQuad == "BL" )
7875  {
7876  if(n1SCEcha == 16){ModifiedSCEcha = 11;}
7877  if(n1SCEcha == 21){ModifiedSCEcha = 12;}
7878  if(n1SCEcha == 17){ModifiedSCEcha = 13;}
7879  if(n1SCEcha == 22){ModifiedSCEcha = 14;}
7880  if(n1SCEcha == 18){ModifiedSCEcha = 15;}
7881  if(n1SCEcha == 23){ModifiedSCEcha = 16;}
7882  if(n1SCEcha == 19){ModifiedSCEcha = 17;}
7883  if(n1SCEcha == 24){ModifiedSCEcha = 18;}
7884  if(n1SCEcha == 20){ModifiedSCEcha = 19;}
7885  if(n1SCEcha == 25){ModifiedSCEcha = 20;}
7886  }
7888  //..... (D1,S5), (D3,S5) SC_in_DS = 23, n1DeeSCEcna = 8 -> 286 for construction bottom/right
7889  if( SC_in_DS == 23 && n1DeeSCEcna == 8 && TypQuad == "BR" )
7890  {
7891  if( n1SCEcha >= 1 && n1SCEcha <= 4 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;}
7892  if( n1SCEcha >= 6 && n1SCEcha <= 9 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-1;}
7893  if( n1SCEcha >= 11 && n1SCEcha <= 14 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-2;}
7894  if( n1SCEcha >= 16 && n1SCEcha <= 19 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-3;}
7895  if( n1SCEcha >= 21 && n1SCEcha <= 24 ){ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha-4;}
7896  }
7898  //..... (D4,S5), (D2,S5) SC_in_DS = 6, n1DeeSCEcna = 8 -> 137 for construction bottom/left
7899  if( SC_in_DS == 6 && n1DeeSCEcna == 8 && TypQuad == "BL" )
7900  {
7901  ModifiedSCEcha = n1SCEcha;
7902  }
7904  //======================= ERROR message if ModifiedSCEcha is not correct
7905  if( ModifiedSCEcha < 1 || ModifiedSCEcha > fEcal->MaxCrysInSC() )
7906  {
7907  cout << "! *** ERROR *** > ModifiedSCEcha = " << ModifiedSCEcha
7908  << ", SC_in_DS = " << SC_in_DS
7909  << ", nSCCons = " << nSCCons
7910  << ", n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
7911  << ", n1SCEcha = " << n1SCEcha
7912  << ", ModifiedSCEcha = " << ModifiedSCEcha
7913  << ", TypQuad = " << TypQuad
7914  << fTTBELL << endl;
7915  }
7918  return ModifiedSCEcha;
7919 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &)
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
tuple cout
void TEcnaHistos::NewCanvas ( const TString &  opt_plot)

Definition at line 13632 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

13633 {
13634 // ReInit canvas in option SAME n in order to restart a new SAME n plot
13635 // (called by user only for option Same n)
13637  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
13638  {
13642  fPavTxtH1SamePlus = 0; fClosedH1SamePlus = kFALSE;
13643  }
13644  else
13645  {
13646  cout << "TEcnaHistos::NewCanvas(...)> *** ERROR *** " << opt_plot.Data() << ": "
13647  << "unknown option for NewCanvas. Only " << fSameOnePlot << " option is accepted."
13648  << fTTBELL << endl;
13649  }
13650 }
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:810
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TCanvasImp * fImpH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:917
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
TPaveText * fPavTxtH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:883
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
Int_t fCanvSameH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:951
TVirtualPad * fPadH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:849
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:633
tuple cout
Double_t TEcnaHistos::NotCompleteSCH1DBin ( const Int_t &  index)

Definition at line 9929 of file

9930 {
9931  // gives the x coordinate for the i_th NotConnected SC
9933  Double_t xbin = (Double_t)(-1);
9935  if( index == 1 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,1)+GetSCOffset(1,1, 12);} // nb_for_cons == 161 (D1,S1) (D3,S9)
9936  if( index == 2 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,9)+GetSCOffset(2,9, 12);} // nb_for_cons == 12 (D2,S9) (D4,S1)
9938  if( index == 3 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,2)+GetSCOffset(1,2, 32);} // nb_for_cons == 216 (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9939  if( index == 4 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,8)+GetSCOffset(2,8, 32);} // nb_for_cons == 67 (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9941  if( index == 5 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,3)+GetSCOffset(1,3, 10);} // nb_for_cons == 224 (D1,S3) (D3,S7)
9942  if( index == 6 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,7)+GetSCOffset(2,7, 10);} // nb_for_cons == 75 (D2,S7) (D4,S3)
9944  if( index == 7 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,5)+GetSCOffset(1,5, 23);} // nb_for_cons == 286 (D1,S5) (D3,S5)
9945  if( index == 8 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,5)+GetSCOffset(2,5, 6);} // nb_for_cons == 137 (D2,S5) (D4,S5)
9947  return xbin;
9948 }
Int_t GetSCOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetDSOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t TEcnaHistos::NotConnectedSCH1DBin ( const Int_t &  index)

Definition at line 9899 of file

9900 {
9901  // gives the x coordinate for the i_th NotConnected SC
9902  // GetDSOffset(DeeNumber, DataSector) , GetSCOffset(DeeNumber, DataSector, SC_in_DS)
9904  Double_t xbin = (Double_t)(-1);
9906  if( index == 1 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,1)+GetSCOffset(1,1, 30);} // nb_for_cons == 182 (D1,S1) (D3,S9)
9907  if( index == 2 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,9)+GetSCOffset(2,9, 30);} // nb_for_cons == 33 (D2,S9) (D4,S1)
9909  if( index == 3 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,2)+GetSCOffset(1,2, 3);} // nb_for_cons == 178 (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9910  if( index == 4 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,8)+GetSCOffset(2,8, 3);} // nb_for_cons == 29 (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9912  if( index == 5 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,2)+GetSCOffset(1,2, 25);} // nb_for_cons == 207 (D1,S2) (D3,S8)
9913  if( index == 6 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,8)+GetSCOffset(2,8, 25);} // nb_for_cons == 58 (D2,S8) (D4,S2)
9915  if( index == 7 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,3)+GetSCOffset(1,3, 34);} // nb_for_cons == 298 (D1,S3) (D3,S7)
9916  if( index == 8 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,7)+GetSCOffset(2,7, 34);} // nb_for_cons == 149 (D2,S7) (D4,S3)
9918  if( index == 9 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,4)+GetSCOffset(1,4, 14);} // nb_for_cons == 261 (D1,S4) (D3,S6)
9919  if( index == 10 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,6)+GetSCOffset(2,6, 14);} // nb_for_cons == 112 (D2,S6) (D4,S4)
9920  if( index == 11 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,4)+GetSCOffset(1,4, 21);} // nb_for_cons == 268 (D1,S4) (D3,S6)
9921  if( index == 12 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,6)+GetSCOffset(2,6, 21);} // nb_for_cons == 119 (D2,S6) (D4,S4)
9923  if( index == 13 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(1,5)+GetSCOffset(1,5, 20);} // nb_for_cons == 281 (D1,S5) (D3,S5)
9924  if( index == 14 ){xbin = GetDSOffset(2,5)+GetSCOffset(2,5, 3);} // nb_for_cons == 132 (D2,S5) (D4,S5)
9926  return xbin;
9927 }
Int_t GetSCOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetDSOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void TEcnaHistos::NumberOfEvents ( const Int_t &  nb_of_evts)

Definition at line 827 of file

828 {
829  fFapNbOfEvts = nb_of_evts;
830 }
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const TString &  UserDetector 
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const TString &  UserDetector,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1114 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1118 {
1119  TString CallingMethod = "1D";
1121  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1123  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1124  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1126  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1127  {
1128  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1129  if( fAlreadyRead > 1 ){fAlreadyRead = 1;}
1130  TString StandardDetectorCode = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardDetectorCode(UserDetector);
1131  if( StandardDetectorCode != "?" )
1132  {
1133  if( StandardDetectorCode == "EB" || StandardDetectorCode == "EE" ){fFapStexNumber = 0;}
1134  ViewHisto(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, fZerv, fZerv, fZerv, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1135  }
1136  else
1137  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1138  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1139  }
1140  else
1141  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1142  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1143 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString BuildStandardDetectorCode(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const TString &  UserDetector 

Definition at line 1145 of file

1147 {Plot1DHisto(User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, UserDetector, "");}
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const TString &  UserDetector,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1149 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1151 {
1152  TString CallingMethod = "1D";
1154  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1156  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1157  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1159  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1160  {
1161  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1162  TString StandardDetectorCode = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardDetectorCode(UserDetector);
1163  if( StandardDetectorCode != "?" )
1164  {
1165  if( StandardDetectorCode == "EB" || StandardDetectorCode == "EE" ){fFapStexNumber = 0;}
1166  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, fZerv, fZerv, fZerv, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1167  }
1168  else
1169  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1170  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1171  }
1172  else
1173  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1174  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1175 }
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString BuildStandardDetectorCode(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin 

Definition at line 1183 of file

1186 {Plot1DHisto(InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, "");}
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1188 of file

1192 {
1193  TString CallingMethod = "1DX";
1194  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1195  Int_t i0StinEcha = 0;
1196  Plot1DHisto(InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);
1197 }
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 1200 of file

1203 {Plot1DHisto(InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, "");}
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1205 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1209 {
1210  TString CallingMethod = "1D";
1211  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1212  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1213  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1215  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1217  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1218  {
1219  fAlreadyRead = 1;
1220  if( StandardPlotOption != fAllXtalsInStinPlot )
1221  {
1222  ViewHisto(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, fZerv, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1223  }
1225  if( StandardPlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot && fAlreadyRead >= 1 && fAlreadyRead <= fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() )
1226  {
1227  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "Smp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "MSp" )
1228  {XtalSamplesEv(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1229  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "MSp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "NOS" )
1230  {EvSamplesXtals(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1231  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "Smp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "SSp" )
1232  {XtalSamplesSigma(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1233  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "SSp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "NOS" )
1234  {SigmaSamplesXtals(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1235  }
1236  }
1237  else
1238  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1239  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1240 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
void XtalSamplesSigma(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
void XtalSamplesEv(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
void EvSamplesXtals(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SigmaSamplesXtals(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 1242 of file

1244 {Plot1DHisto(User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, "");}
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1246 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1249 {
1250  TString CallingMethod = "1D";
1252  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1254  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1255  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1257  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1258  {
1259  if( StandardPlotOption != fAllXtalsInStinPlot )
1260  {
1261  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1262  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, fZerv, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1263  }
1264  if( StandardPlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot && fAlreadyRead >= 1 && fAlreadyRead <= fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() )
1265  {
1266  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "Smp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "MSp" )
1267  {XtalSamplesEv(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1268  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "MSp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "NOS" )
1269  {EvSamplesXtals(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1270  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "Smp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "SSp" )
1271  {XtalSamplesSigma(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1272  if( Standard_X_Quantity == "SSp" && Standard_Y_Quantity == "NOS" )
1273  {SigmaSamplesXtals(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, StandardPlotOption);}
1274  }
1275  }
1276  else
1277  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1278  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1279 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
void XtalSamplesSigma(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
void XtalSamplesEv(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
void EvSamplesXtals(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SigmaSamplesXtals(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  n1Sample 

Definition at line 1281 of file

1284 {Plot1DHisto(InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, n1Sample, "");}
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TVectorD &  InputHisto,
const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  n1Sample,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1286 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1290 {
1291  TString CallingMethod = "1D";
1293  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1295  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1296  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1298  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1300  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1301  {
1302  Int_t i0Sample = n1Sample-1;
1303  fAlreadyRead = 1;
1304  ViewHisto(InputHisto, fAlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1305  }
1306  else
1307  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1308  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1309 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  n1Sample 

Definition at line 1311 of file

1313 {Plot1DHisto(User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, n1Sample, "");}
void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  n1Sample,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1315 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1318 {
1319  TString CallingMethod = "1D";
1321  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1323  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1324  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1326  Int_t i0Sample = n1Sample-1;
1328  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1329  {
1330  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1331  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1332  }
1333  else
1334  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1335  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1336 }
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas ( )

Definition at line 12796 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

Referenced by TEcnaGui::DoButtonClone().

12797 {
12798  if( fCurrentCanvas != 0)
12799  {
12800  if( (TCanvasImp*)fCurrentCanvas->GetCanvasImp() != 0 )
12801  {
12802  (TCanvas*)fCurrentCanvas->DrawClone();
12803  }
12804  else
12805  {
12806  cout << "TEcnaHistos::PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas()> Last canvas has been removed. No clone can be done."
12807  << endl << " Please, display the canvas again."
12808  << fTTBELL << endl;
12809  }
12810  }
12811  else
12812  {
12813  cout << "TEcnaHistos::PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas()> No canvas has been created. No clone can be done."
12814  << fTTBELL << endl;
12815  }
12816 }
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
tuple cout
void TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector ( const TVectorD &  read_histo,
const TString &  UserHistoCode,
const TString &  UserDetector 

Definition at line 1072 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), and TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise().

1073 {
1074  TString CallingMethod = "2DS";
1076  TString StandardHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, UserHistoCode);
1077  if( StandardHistoCode != "?" )
1078  {
1079  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(StandardHistoCode);
1080  TString StandardDetectorCode = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardDetectorCode(UserDetector);
1081  if( StandardDetectorCode != "?" )
1082  {
1083  fAlreadyRead = 1;
1085  //if( StandardDetectorCode == "SM" || StandardDetectorCode == "EB" )
1086  // {fEcal->SetEcalSubDetector("EB");}
1087  //if( StandardDetectorCode == "Dee" || StandardDetectorCode == "EE" )
1088  // {fEcal->SetEcalSubDetector("EE");}
1090  if( StandardDetectorCode == "SM" || StandardDetectorCode == "Dee" )
1091  {ViewStex(read_histo, fAlreadyRead, TechHistoCode);}
1092  if( StandardDetectorCode == "EB" || StandardDetectorCode == "EE" )
1093  {ViewStas(read_histo, fAlreadyRead, TechHistoCode);}
1094  }
1095  else
1096  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1097  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1098  }
1099  else
1100  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1101  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1102 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
void ViewStex(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
void ViewStas(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardDetectorCode(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector ( const TString &  UserHistoCode,
const TString &  UserDetector 

Definition at line 1042 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1043 {
1044  TString CallingMethod = "2DS";
1046  TString StandardHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, UserHistoCode);
1047  if( StandardHistoCode != "?" )
1048  {
1049  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(StandardHistoCode);
1050  TString StandardDetectorCode = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardDetectorCode(UserDetector);
1051  if( StandardDetectorCode != "?" )
1052  {
1053  //if( StandardDetectorCode == "SM" || StandardDetectorCode == "EB" )
1054  // {fEcal->SetEcalSubDetector("EB");}
1055  //if( StandardDetectorCode == "Dee" || StandardDetectorCode == "EE" )
1056  // {fEcal->SetEcalSubDetector("EE");}
1058  if( StandardDetectorCode == "SM" || StandardDetectorCode == "Dee" )
1059  {ViewStex(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, TechHistoCode);}
1060  if( StandardDetectorCode == "EB" || StandardDetectorCode == "EE" )
1061  {ViewStas(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, TechHistoCode);}
1062  }
1063  else
1064  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1065  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1066  }
1067  else
1068  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1069  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1070 }
void ViewStex(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
void ViewStas(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardDetectorCode(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::PlotHistory ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const TString &  list_of_run_file_name,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 
void TEcnaHistos::PlotHistory ( const TString &  User_X_Quantity,
const TString &  User_Y_Quantity,
const TString &  list_of_run_file_name,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1348 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1352 {
1353  TString CallingMethod = "Time";
1355  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1357  TString Standard_X_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(CallingMethod, User_X_Quantity);
1358  TString Standard_Y_Quantity = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(CallingMethod, User_Y_Quantity);
1360  if( Standard_X_Quantity != "?" && Standard_Y_Quantity != "?" )
1361  {
1362  TString TechHistoCode = fCnaParHistos->GetTechHistoCode(Standard_X_Quantity, Standard_Y_Quantity);
1363  ViewHistime(list_of_run_file_name, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, TechHistoCode, StandardPlotOption);
1364  }
1365  else
1366  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1367  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotHistory(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1368 }
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(const TString &, const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewHistime(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetTechHistoCode(const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TMatrixD &  read_matrix_corcc,
const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat 
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TMatrixD &  read_matrix_corcc,
const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 896 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

899 {
900  TString CallingMethod = "2D";
902  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
904  TString BetweenWhat = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(CallingMethod, UserBetweenWhat);
905  TString CorOrCov = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(CallingMethod, UserCorOrCov);
907  if( BetweenWhat != "?" && CorOrCov != "?" )
908  {
909  if( BetweenWhat == "MttLF" || BetweenWhat == "MttHF" )
910  {
911  fAlreadyRead = 1;
912  ViewMatrix(read_matrix_corcc, fAlreadyRead,
913  fZerv, fZerv, fZerv, CorOrCov, BetweenWhat, StandardPlotOption);
914  }
915  if( BetweenWhat == "MccLF" ){StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc("LF");} // forced to Read file and Plot
916  if( BetweenWhat == "MccHF" ){StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc("HF");} // forced to Read file and Plot
917  }
918  else
919  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
920  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
921 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TString BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(const TString &, const TString &)
void StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void ViewMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat 

Definition at line 923 of file

924 {PlotMatrix(UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, "");}
void PlotMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 926 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

928 {
929  TString CallingMethod = "2D";
931  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
933  TString BetweenWhat = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(CallingMethod, UserBetweenWhat);
934  TString CorOrCov = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(CallingMethod, UserCorOrCov);
936  if( BetweenWhat != "?" && CorOrCov != "?" )
937  {
938  if( BetweenWhat == "MttLF" || BetweenWhat == "MttHF" )
939  {
941  fZerv, fZerv, fZerv, CorOrCov, BetweenWhat, StandardPlotOption);
942  }
943  if( BetweenWhat == "MccLF" ){StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc("LF");} // Plot only
944  if( BetweenWhat == "MccHF" ){StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc("HF");} // Plot only
945  }
946  else
947  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
948  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
949 }
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
TMatrixD fReadMatrixDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:381
TString BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(const TString &, const TString &)
void StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void ViewMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TMatrixD &  read_matrix,
const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat,
const Int_t &  arg_n1,
const Int_t &  arg_n2 

Definition at line 953 of file

956 {PlotMatrix(read_matrix, UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, arg_n1, arg_n2, "");}
void PlotMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TMatrixD &  read_matrix,
const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat,
const Int_t &  arg_n1,
const Int_t &  arg_n2,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 958 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

962 {
963  TString CallingMethod = "2D";
965  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
967  TString BetweenWhat = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(CallingMethod, UserBetweenWhat);
968  TString CorOrCov = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(CallingMethod, UserCorOrCov);
970  if( BetweenWhat != "?" && CorOrCov != "?" )
971  {
972  if( BetweenWhat == "MccLF" || BetweenWhat == "MccHF" )
973  {
974  Int_t cStexStin_A = arg_n1;
975  Int_t cStexStin_B = arg_n2;
976  fAlreadyRead = 1;
977  ViewMatrix(read_matrix, fAlreadyRead,
978  cStexStin_A, cStexStin_B, fZerv, CorOrCov, BetweenWhat, StandardPlotOption);
979  }
981  if( BetweenWhat == "Mss" )
982  {
983  Int_t n1StexStin = arg_n1;
984  Int_t i0StinEcha = arg_n2;
985  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){n1StexStin = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, arg_n1);}
986  fAlreadyRead = 1;
987  ViewMatrix(read_matrix, fAlreadyRead,
988  n1StexStin, fZerv, i0StinEcha, CorOrCov, BetweenWhat, StandardPlotOption);
989  }
990  }
991  else
992  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
993  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
994 }
Int_t fAlreadyRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:377
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(const TString &, const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void ViewMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat,
const Int_t &  arg_n1,
const Int_t &  arg_n2 

Definition at line 996 of file

998 {PlotMatrix(UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, arg_n1, arg_n2, "");}
void PlotMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix ( const TString &  UserCorOrCov,
const TString &  UserBetweenWhat,
const Int_t &  arg_n1,
const Int_t &  arg_n2,
const TString &  UserPlotOption 

Definition at line 1000 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

1003 {
1004  TString CallingMethod = "2D";
1006  TString StandardPlotOption = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardPlotOption(CallingMethod, UserPlotOption);
1008  TString StandardBetweenWhat = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(CallingMethod, UserBetweenWhat);
1009  TString StandardCorOrCov = fCnaParHistos->BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(CallingMethod, UserCorOrCov);
1011  if( StandardBetweenWhat != "?" && StandardCorOrCov != "?" )
1012  {
1013  if( StandardBetweenWhat == "MccLF" || StandardBetweenWhat == "MccHF" )
1014  {
1015  Int_t cStexStin_A = arg_n1;
1016  Int_t cStexStin_B = arg_n2;
1018  cStexStin_A, cStexStin_B, fZerv, StandardCorOrCov, StandardBetweenWhat, StandardPlotOption);
1019  }
1021  if( StandardBetweenWhat == "Mss" )
1022  {
1023  Int_t n1StexStin = arg_n1;
1024  Int_t i0StinEcha = arg_n2;
1025  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){n1StexStin = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, arg_n1);}
1028  n1StexStin, fZerv, i0StinEcha, StandardCorOrCov, StandardBetweenWhat, StandardPlotOption);
1029  }
1030  }
1031  else
1032  {fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
1033  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix(...)> Histo cannot be reached." << fTTBELL << endl;}
1034 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString BuildStandardPlotOption(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TMatrixD fReadMatrixDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:381
TString BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(const TString &, const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void ViewMatrix(const TMatrixD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::ReInitCanvas ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13652 of file

13653 {
13654 // ReInit canvas in option SAME and SAME n
13656  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
13657  {
13661  fPavTxtH1SamePlus = 0; fClosedH1SamePlus = kFALSE;
13662  }
13664  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13665  {
13666  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb")
13667  {
13671  fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_NOE_ChNb = kFALSE;
13672  }
13674  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs")
13675  {
13679  fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs = 0; fClosedD_NOE_ChDs = kFALSE;
13680  }
13682  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb") // (ReInitCanvas)
13683  {
13687  fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_Ped_ChNb = kFALSE;
13688  }
13690  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs")
13691  {
13695  fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs = 0; fClosedD_Ped_ChDs = kFALSE;
13696  }
13698  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb")
13699  {
13703  fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_TNo_ChNb = kFALSE;
13704  }
13706  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs")
13707  {
13711  fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs = 0; fClosedD_TNo_ChDs = kFALSE;
13712  }
13714  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb") // (ReInitCanvas)
13715  {
13719  fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_MCs_ChNb = kFALSE;
13720  }
13722  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs")
13723  {
13727  fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs = 0; fClosedD_MCs_ChDs = kFALSE;
13728  }
13730  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb")
13731  {
13735  fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_LFN_ChNb = kFALSE;
13736  }
13738  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs") // (ReInitCanvas)
13739  {
13743  fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs= 0; fClosedD_LFN_ChDs = kFALSE;
13744  }
13746  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb")
13747  {
13751  fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_HFN_ChNb = kFALSE;
13752  }
13754  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs")
13755  {
13759  fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs = 0; fClosedD_HFN_ChDs = kFALSE;
13760  }
13762  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb")
13763  {
13767  fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb = 0; fClosedD_SCs_ChNb = kFALSE;
13768  }
13770  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs") // (ReInitCanvas)
13771  {
13775  fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs = 0; fClosedD_SCs_ChDs = kFALSE;
13776  }
13778  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb")
13779  {
13783  fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb = 0; fClosedD_MSp_SpNb = kFALSE;
13784  }
13786  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs")
13787  {
13791  fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs = 0; fClosedD_MSp_SpDs = kFALSE;
13792  }
13794  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb")
13795  {
13799  fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb = 0; fClosedD_SSp_SpNb = kFALSE;
13800  }
13802  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs")
13803  {
13807  fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs = 0; fClosedD_SSp_SpDs = kFALSE;
13808  }
13810  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb") // (ReInitCanvas)
13811  {
13815  fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb = 0; fClosedD_Adc_EvNb = kFALSE;
13816  }
13818  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs")
13819  {
13823  fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs = 0; fClosedD_Adc_EvDs = kFALSE;
13824  }
13827  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date")
13828  {
13833  }
13835  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date")
13836  {
13841  }
13843  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date") // (ReInitCanvas)
13844  {
13849  }
13852  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date")
13853  {
13858  }
13860  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date")
13861  {
13866  }
13868  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date")
13869  {
13874  }
13876  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs")
13877  {
13882  }
13884  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs")
13885  {
13890  }
13892  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs") // (ReInitCanvas)
13893  {
13898  }
13901  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs")
13902  {
13907  }
13909  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs")
13910  {
13915  }
13917  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs")
13918  {
13923  }
13924  }
13925 }
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:939
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:840
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:851
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:898
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:810
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:827
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:813
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:886
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:955
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:808
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:921
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:858
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:940
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:933
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:777
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:801
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:861
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:870
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:790
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:960
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:795
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:958
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:966
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:855
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:860
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:865
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:963
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:866
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:927
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:850
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:838
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:965
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:805
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
TCanvasImp * fImpH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:917
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:956
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:926
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:952
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:878
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:964
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:944
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:966
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:834
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:956
TPaveText * fPavTxtH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:883
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:936
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:949
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:872
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:919
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:832
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:885
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:807
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:825
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:822
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:876
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:894
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:937
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:829
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:934
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:797
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:952
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:830
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:811
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:837
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:794
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:835
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:957
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:887
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:963
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:903
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:780
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:852
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:948
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:817
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:961
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:880
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:824
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:857
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:839
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:954
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:787
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:796
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:965
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:791
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:788
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:803
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:930
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:864
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:862
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:831
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:816
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:958
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:918
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:889
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:828
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:935
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:823
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:841
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:786
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:836
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:879
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:895
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:938
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:920
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:875
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:962
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:892
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:890
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:955
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:779
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:812
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:946
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:802
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:960
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:969
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:798
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:932
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:778
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:818
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:881
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:928
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:863
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:873
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:833
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:896
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fCanvSameH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:951
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:820
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:922
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:877
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:783
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:923
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:874
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:945
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:859
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:781
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:899
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:901
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:954
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:929
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:900
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:967
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:957
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:943
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:962
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:815
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:884
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:961
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:782
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:819
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:800
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:842
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:959
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:925
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:891
TVirtualPad * fPadH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:849
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:784
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:953
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:868
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:785
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:964
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:897
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:793
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:633
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:888
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:799
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:902
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:792
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:854
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:967
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:942
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:814
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:789
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:871
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:971
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:947
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:856
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:931
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:893
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:826
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:941
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:972
Int_t fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:970
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:924
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:867
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:821
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:869
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:806
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:853
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:959
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:804
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:953
void TEcnaHistos::RunType ( const TString &  run_type)

Definition at line 823 of file

Referenced by ProducePlots.ProducePlots::convertAndMove(), and ProducePlots.ProducePlots::makePlots().

824 {
825  fRunType = run_type.Data();
826 }
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
void TEcnaHistos::SCCrystalNumbering ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const Int_t &  n1DeeSCCons 

Definition at line 2533 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

2534 {
2535  //display the crystal numbering of one SC
2537  if( (DeeNumber > 0) && (DeeNumber <= fEcal->MaxDeeInEE()) )
2538  {
2539  Int_t n1DeeSCEcna = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCCons);
2543  //Int_t MatSize = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
2544  Int_t size_IX = fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC();
2545  Int_t size_IY = fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC();
2547  //---------------------------------- bidim
2549  Int_t nb_bins = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
2550  Int_t nx_gbins = nb_bins*size_IX;
2551  Int_t ny_gbins = nb_bins*size_IY;
2553  Axis_t xinf_gbid = (Axis_t)0.;
2554  Axis_t xsup_gbid = (Axis_t)fEcal->MaxSampADC()*size_IX;
2555  Axis_t yinf_gbid = (Axis_t)0.;
2556  Axis_t ysup_gbid = (Axis_t)fEcal->MaxSampADC()*size_IY;
2558  TString fg_name = "crystalnbring";
2559  TString fg_tit = "Xtal numbering for construction";
2561  TH2D *h_gbid;
2562  h_gbid = new TH2D(fg_name.Data(), fg_tit.Data(),
2563  nx_gbins, xinf_gbid, xsup_gbid,
2564  ny_gbins, yinf_gbid, ysup_gbid); fCnewRoot++;
2565  h_gbid->Reset();
2567  //----------------- T R A C E D E S P L O T S ------ (SCCrystalNumbering)
2569  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2571  //...................... Taille/format canvas
2573  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
2574  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
2575  //........................................ couleurs
2576  // Color_t couleur_noir = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
2577  Color_t couleur_rouge = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge");
2578  // Color_t couleur_bleu_fonce = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu_fonce");
2580  gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); // Rainbow spectrum
2581  //.................................... options generales
2584  //.................................... paves commentaires (SCCrystalNumbering)
2585  SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna);
2587  //---------------------------------------------- (SCCrystalNumbering)
2588  //..................... Canvas name
2589  sprintf(f_in, "Crystal_Numbering_for_%s_X_%d_%s%d",
2590  fFapStinName.Data(), n1DeeSCEcna, fFapStexName.Data(), DeeNumber);
2592  SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_gbid, "Stin");
2594  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w , canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
2595  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
2597  // cout << "*TEcnaHistosEE::SCCrystalNumbering(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> "
2598  // << f_in << endl;
2600  Double_t x_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
2601  Double_t y_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
2603  MainCanvas->Divide(1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
2605  fPavComStex->Draw();
2606  fPavComStin->Draw();
2607  fPavComCxyz->Draw();
2609  Bool_t b_true = 1;
2610  Bool_t b_false = 0;
2611  gPad->cd(1);
2613  gStyle->SetMarkerColor(couleur_rouge);
2615  Int_t logy = 0;
2616  gPad->SetLogy(logy);
2618  //............................... bidim .......... (SCCrystalNumbering)
2619  h_gbid->SetStats(b_false);
2620  fCnaParHistos->SetViewHistoOffsets((TH1D*)h_gbid, "Stin", " ");
2621  h_gbid->DrawCopy("COLZ");
2623  //..... Ecriture des numeros de channels dans la grille..... (SCCrystalNumbering)
2624  // et des numeros Dee des cristaux
2625  TString SCQuadType = fEcalNumbering->GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(n1DeeSCEcna);
2626  TString DeeDir = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(DeeNumber);
2627  TString DeeEndcap = fEcalNumbering->GetEEDeeEndcap(DeeNumber);
2628  Color_t couleur_SC = GetSCColor(DeeEndcap, DeeDir, SCQuadType);
2629  //............... prepa arguments fixes appels [TText]->DrawText()
2630  char* f_in_elec = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2631  TText *text_elec_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
2632  text_elec_num->SetTextColor(couleur_SC);
2633  text_elec_num->SetTextSize(0.06);
2635  //............... prepa arguments fixes appels GetXGeo(...) et GetYGeo(...)
2636  Int_t i_samp = 0;
2637  Double_t off_set = (Double_t)(fEcal->MaxSampADC()/3);
2639  //------------------ LOOP ON THE CRYSTAL ELECTRONIC CHANNEL NUMBER (SCCrystalNumbering)
2641  for (Int_t i_chan = 0; i_chan < fEcal->MaxCrysInSC(); i_chan++)
2642  {
2643  Int_t i_xgeo = GetXSampInStin(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, i_chan, i_samp);
2644  Int_t i_ygeo = GetYSampInStin(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, i_chan, i_samp);
2646  Double_t xgi = i_xgeo + off_set;
2647  Double_t ygj = i_ygeo + 2*off_set;
2649  //------------------------------------------------------- SCCrystalNumbering
2650  Int_t i_chan_p = i_chan+1;
2651  sprintf(f_in_elec, "%d", i_chan_p); // offset = +1 (Xtal for construction numbering, CMS NOTE 2006/027)
2652  text_elec_num->DrawText(xgi, ygj, f_in_elec);
2653  }
2654  text_elec_num->Delete(); text_elec_num = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2656  ViewStinGrid(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, fEcal->MaxSampADC(), size_IX, size_IY, "CrystalNumbering");
2658  gPad->Update();
2659  h_gbid->SetStats(b_true);
2661  h_gbid->Delete(); h_gbid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2663  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
2664  delete [] f_in_elec; f_in_elec = 0; fCdelete++;
2665  }
2666  else
2667  {
2668  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::SCCrystalNumbering(...)> Dee = " << DeeNumber
2669  << ". Out of range ( range = [1," << fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() << "] )" << fTTBELL << endl;
2670  }
2671 }
TString fFapStexType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:406
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TString GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void ViewStinGrid(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
TString GetEEDeeType(const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
void SetViewHistoOffsets(TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoStyle(const TString &)
void SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxCrysIXInSC()
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t GetXSampInStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxCrysIYInSC()
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
Color_t GetSCColor(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComCxyz
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:623
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t GetYSampInStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
Int_t MaxSampADC()
Int_t MaxDeeInEE()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
tuple cout
TString GetEEDeeEndcap(const Int_t &)
TString fFapStinQuadType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:408
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewHisto ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 10681 of file

10684 {
10685  Int_t arg_AlreadyRead = 0;
10686  SetAllPavesViewHisto(HistoCode, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, opt_plot, arg_AlreadyRead);
10687 }
void SetAllPavesViewHisto(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewHisto ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead 

Definition at line 10689 of file

10692 {
10693 // Put all the paves of a histo view according to HistoCode
10695  gStyle->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
10697  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode.Data());
10701  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot)
10702  {
10703  if( !( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ||
10704  HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ||
10705  HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ||
10706  HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ||
10707  HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ||
10708  HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ||
10709  HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ) )
10710  {
10713  }
10714  else
10715  {
10716  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ||
10717  HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ||
10718  HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ||
10719  HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" )
10721  else
10723  }
10724  //.................................................... (SetAllPavesViewHisto)
10726  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
10727  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ||
10728  HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ||
10729  HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" )
10730  {
10731  Int_t n1StexCrys =
10733  fPavComXtal = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCrystal(n1StexCrys, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha);
10734  }
10736  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ||
10737  HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" )
10738  {
10739  Int_t n1StexCrys =
10741  fPavComXtal =
10742  fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCrystal(n1StexCrys, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, arg_AlreadyRead, fPlotAllXtalsInStin);
10743  }
10745  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" || HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb")
10746  {
10747  Int_t n1StexCrys =
10749  fPavComXtal = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCrystalSample(n1StexCrys, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample);
10750  }
10752  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
10753  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ||
10754  HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ||
10755  HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" )
10756  {
10761  fStopEvolRun, fStopEvolDate, opt_plot, HistoType);
10762  }
10763  else
10764  {
10768  }
10769  }
10771  //.................................................... (SetAllPavesViewHisto)
10773  if( opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
10774  {
10775  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
10776  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ||
10777  HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ||
10778  HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" )
10779  {
10782  fStopEvolRun, fStopEvolDate, opt_plot, HistoType);
10783  }
10784  else
10785  {
10787  }
10788  }
10790  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
10791  {
10794  fStopEvolRun, fStopEvolDate, opt_plot, HistoType);
10795  }
10797 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fStartEvolDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:403
TString GetMemoFlag(const TString &)
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
TString fStopEvolDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:403
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fStopEvolRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:399
TPaveText * SetPaveEvolRuns(const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TPaveText * SetPaveNbOfEvts(const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
TPaveText * SetPaveEvolNbOfEvtsAna(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
TPaveText * SetPaveStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComXtal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:618
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TPaveText * SetPaveGeneralComment(const TString &)
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:625
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
TPaveText * fPavComEvolRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:624
TPaveText * SetPaveCrystal(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TPaveText * SetPaveStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * SetPaveAnalysisRun(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComSeveralChanging
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:621
TPaveText * SetPaveCrystalSample(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fStartEvolRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:399
TPaveText * SetOptionSamePaveBorder(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fPlotAllXtalsInStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:631
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewMatrix ( const TString &  BetweenWhat,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  StexStin_B,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 10581 of file

10584 {
10585 // Put all the paves of a matrix view
10591  if(BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels)
10592  {fPavComStin = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveStinsXY(StexStin_A, StexStin_B);}
10593  if(BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
10594  {
10597  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
10598  {Int_t n1StexCrys = fEcalNumbering->Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fFapStexNumber);
10599  fPavComXtal = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCrystal(n1StexCrys, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha);}
10600  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
10602  Int_t n1StexCrys = fEcalNumbering->Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fFapStexNumber);
10603  fPavComXtal = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCrystal(n1StexCrys, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha);}
10604  }
10609 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TPaveText * SetPaveStinsXY(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fBetweenSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:452
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TPaveText * SetPaveNbOfEvts(const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
TPaveText * SetPaveStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComXtal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:618
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TPaveText * SetPaveGeneralComment(const TString &)
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
TPaveText * SetPaveCrystal(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * SetPaveStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * SetPaveAnalysisRun(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fLFBetweenChannels
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:453
TString fHFBetweenChannels
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:453
Int_t Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStas ( )

Definition at line 10669 of file

10670 {
10671  gStyle->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
10678 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:615
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TPaveText * SetPaveNbOfEvts(const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
TPaveText * SetPaveGeneralComment(const TString &)
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TPaveText * SetPaveAnalysisRun(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TPaveText * SetPaveStas()
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStex ( const TString &  chopt,
const Int_t &  StexNumber 

Definition at line 10638 of file

10639 {
10640  if( chopt == "Numbering" )
10641  {
10642  fCnaParHistos->SetViewHistoStyle("Stex2DEENb");
10643  gStyle->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
10644  fPavComStex = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveStex("standStex", StexNumber);
10645  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){fPavComCxyz = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCxyz(StexNumber);}
10646  }
10647  else
10648  {
10649  SetAllPavesViewStex(StexNumber);
10650  }
10651 }
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
void SetAllPavesViewStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
void SetViewHistoStyle(const TString &)
TPaveText * SetPaveStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * SetPaveCxyz(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComCxyz
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:623
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStex ( const Int_t &  StexNumber)

Definition at line 10654 of file

10655 {
10656  gStyle->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
10658  fPavComStex = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveStex("standStex", StexNumber);
10660  TString opt_pave_nbcol = "OneCol";
10661  if( fFapStexName == "SM"){opt_pave_nbcol = "TwoCol";}
10666 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TPaveText * SetPaveNbOfEvts(const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
TPaveText * SetPaveStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TPaveText * SetPaveGeneralComment(const TString &)
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TPaveText * SetPaveAnalysisRun(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStin ( const Int_t &  StexStin_A)

Definition at line 10611 of file

10612 {
10613 // Put all the paves of a Stin view
10623 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TPaveText * SetPaveNbOfEvts(const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
TPaveText * SetPaveStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TPaveText * SetPaveGeneralComment(const TString &)
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fFlagGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:440
TPaveText * SetPaveStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * SetPaveAnalysisRun(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A 

Definition at line 10625 of file

10626 {
10627 // Put all the paves of a crystal numbering Stin view
10629  fPavComStex = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveStex("standard", StexNumber);
10630  fPavComStin = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveStin(StexStin_A, StexNumber);
10632  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
10633  {fPavComLVRB = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveLVRB(StexNumber, StexStin_A);}
10634  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
10635  {fPavComCxyz = fCnaParHistos->SetPaveCxyz(StexNumber);}
10636 }
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TPaveText * SetPaveLVRB(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * SetPaveStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComLVRB
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:622
TPaveText * SetPaveCxyz(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TPaveText * SetPaveStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComCxyz
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:623
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues ( )

Definition at line 11657 of file

11658 {
11659 //.......... Default values for histo min and max
11661  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_NOE_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_NOE_ChNb"));
11662  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_NOE_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_NOE_ChNb"));
11664  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_NOE_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_NOE_ChDs"));
11665  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_NOE_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_NOE_ChDs"));
11667  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_Ped_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_Ped_ChNb"));
11668  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_Ped_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_Ped_ChNb"));
11670  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_Ped_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_Ped_ChDs"));
11671  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_Ped_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_Ped_ChDs"));
11673  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_TNo_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_TNo_ChNb"));
11674  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_TNo_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_TNo_ChNb"));
11676  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_TNo_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_TNo_ChDs"));
11677  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_TNo_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_TNo_ChDs"));
11679  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_MCs_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_MCs_ChNb"));
11680  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_MCs_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_MCs_ChNb"));
11682  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_MCs_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_MCs_ChDs"));
11683  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_MCs_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_MCs_ChDs"));
11685  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_LFN_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_LFN_ChNb"));
11686  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_LFN_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_LFN_ChNb"));
11688  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_LFN_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_LFN_ChDs"));
11689  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_LFN_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_LFN_ChDs"));
11691  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_HFN_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_HFN_ChNb"));
11692  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_HFN_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_HFN_ChNb"));
11694  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_HFN_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_HFN_ChDs"));
11695  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_HFN_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_HFN_ChDs"));
11697  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_SCs_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_SCs_ChNb"));
11698  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_SCs_ChNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_SCs_ChNb"));
11700  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_SCs_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_SCs_ChDs"));
11701  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_SCs_ChDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_SCs_ChDs"));
11703  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_MSp_SpNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_MSp_SpNb"));
11704  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_MSp_SpNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_MSp_SpNb"));
11706  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_MSp_SpDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_MSp_SpDs"));
11707  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_MSp_SpDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_MSp_SpDs"));
11709  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_SSp_SpNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_SSp_SpNb"));
11710  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_SSp_SpNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_SSp_SpNb"));
11712  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_SSp_SpDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_SSp_SpDs"));
11713  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_SSp_SpDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_SSp_SpDs"));
11715  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_Adc_EvDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_Adc_EvDs"));
11716  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_Adc_EvDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_Adc_EvDs"));
11718  SetYminMemoFromValue("D_Adc_EvNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("D_Adc_EvNb"));
11719  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("D_Adc_EvNb", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("D_Adc_EvNb"));
11721  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_Ped_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_Ped_Date"));
11722  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_Ped_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_Ped_Date"));
11724  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_TNo_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_TNo_Date"));
11725  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_TNo_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_TNo_Date"));
11727  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_LFN_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_LFN_Date"));
11728  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_LFN_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_LFN_Date"));
11730  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_HFN_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_HFN_Date"));
11731  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_HFN_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_HFN_Date"));
11733  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_MCs_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_MCs_Date"));
11734  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_MCs_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_MCs_Date"));
11736  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_SCs_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_SCs_Date"));
11737  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_SCs_Date", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_SCs_Date"));
11739  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_Ped_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_Ped_RuDs"));
11740  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_Ped_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_Ped_RuDs"));
11742  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_TNo_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_TNo_RuDs"));
11743  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_TNo_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_TNo_RuDs"));
11745  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_LFN_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_LFN_RuDs"));
11746  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_LFN_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_LFN_RuDs"));
11748  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_HFN_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_HFN_RuDs"));
11749  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_HFN_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_HFN_RuDs"));
11751  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_MCs_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_MCs_RuDs"));
11752  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_MCs_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_MCs_RuDs"));
11754  SetYminMemoFromValue("H_SCs_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H_SCs_RuDs"));
11755  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H_SCs_RuDs", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H_SCs_RuDs"));
11757  SetYminMemoFromValue("H2LFccMosMatrix", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H2LFccMosMatrix"));
11758  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H2LFccMosMatrix", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H2LFccMosMatrix"));
11760  SetYminMemoFromValue("H2HFccMosMatrix", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H2HFccMosMatrix"));
11761  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H2HFccMosMatrix", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H2HFccMosMatrix"));
11763  SetYminMemoFromValue("H2CorccInStins", fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue("H2CorccInStins"));
11764  SetYmaxMemoFromValue("H2CorccInStins", fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue("H2CorccInStins"));
11766  //........... set user's min and max flags to "OFF" and values to -1 and +1 (just to have fUserHistoMin < fUserHistoMax)
11767  fUserHistoMin = -1.; fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";
11768  fUserHistoMax = 1.; fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
11769 } // end of SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues()
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TString TEcnaHistos::SetCanvasName ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  opt_scale_x,
const Int_t &  opt_scale_y,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample 

Definition at line 10800 of file

10804 {
10805  //......... Set Canvas name *===> FOR 1D HISTO ONLY
10806  // (for 2D histos, see inside ViewMatrix, ViewStex,...)
10808  TString canvas_name;
10809  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10810  canvas_name.Resize(MaxCar);
10811  canvas_name = "?";
10813  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
10815  //......................... name_ opt_plot (Set Canvas name)
10816  TString name_opt_plot;
10817  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10818  name_opt_plot.Resize(MaxCar);
10819  name_opt_plot = "?";
10821  //if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 0){name_opt_plot = "P0";} // Only one plot
10822  //if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 1){name_opt_plot = "P1";} // SAME in Stin plot
10823  //if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 1){name_opt_plot = "Pn";} // SAME in Stin plot
10825  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot ){sprintf(f_in,"P%d", arg_AlreadyRead); name_opt_plot = f_in;}
10827  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
10828  {
10829  name_opt_plot = "SAME_N";
10830  //...................................... name_same (opt_plot = fSeveralPlot)
10831  Int_t name_same = -1;
10833  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb;}
10834  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs;}
10835  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb;}
10836  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs;}
10837  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb;}
10838  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs;}
10839  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb;}
10840  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs;}
10841  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb;}
10842  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs;}
10843  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb;}
10844  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs;}
10845  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb;}
10846  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs;}
10847  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb;}
10848  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs;}
10849  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb;}
10850  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs;}
10851  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){name_same = fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs;}
10852  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){name_same = fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb;}
10853  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){name_same = fCanvSameH_Ped_Date;}
10854  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){name_same = fCanvSameH_TNo_Date;}
10855  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){name_same = fCanvSameH_MCs_Date;}
10856  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){name_same = fCanvSameH_LFN_Date;}
10857  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){name_same = fCanvSameH_HFN_Date;}
10858  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){name_same = fCanvSameH_SCs_Date;}
10859  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){name_same = fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs;}
10860  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){name_same = fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs;}
10861  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){name_same = fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs;}
10862  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){name_same = fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs;}
10863  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){name_same = fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs;}
10864  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){name_same = fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs;}
10866  sprintf(f_in,"%d", name_same);
10867  TString s_name_same = f_in;
10868  const Text_t *t_name_same = (const Text_t *)s_name_same.Data();
10869  name_opt_plot.Append(t_name_same);
10870  }
10871  if(opt_plot == fSameOnePlot)
10872  {
10873  name_opt_plot = "SAME_Plus_N";
10874  //...................................... name_same (opt_plot = fSeveralPlot)
10875  Int_t name_same = fCanvSameH1SamePlus;
10876  sprintf(f_in,"%d", name_same);
10877  TString s_name_same = f_in;
10878  const Text_t *t_name_same = (const Text_t *)s_name_same.Data();
10879  name_opt_plot.Append(t_name_same);
10880  }
10882  //......................... name_visu (Set Canvas name)
10883  TString name_visu;
10884  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10885  name_visu.Resize(MaxCar);
10886  name_visu = "";
10888  TString name_line;
10889  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10890  name_line.Resize(MaxCar);
10891  name_line = "Line_";
10892  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode.Data());
10893  if( HistoType == "Global" && (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) ){name_line = "Polm_";}
10895  // if(opt_visu == fOptVisLine){name_line = "Line_";}
10896  // if(opt_visu == fOptVisPolm){name_line = "Poly_";}
10898  const Text_t *t_line = (const Text_t *)name_line.Data();
10899  name_visu.Append(t_line);
10901  TString name_scale_x;
10902  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10903  name_scale_x.Resize(MaxCar);
10904  name_scale_x = "?";
10905  if(opt_scale_x == fOptScaleLinx){name_scale_x = "LinX_";}
10906  if(opt_scale_x == fOptScaleLogx){name_scale_x = "LogX_";}
10907  const Text_t *t_scale_x = (const Text_t *)name_scale_x.Data();
10908  name_visu.Append(t_scale_x);
10910  TString name_scale_y;
10911  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10912  name_scale_y.Resize(MaxCar);
10913  name_scale_y = "?";
10914  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLiny){name_scale_y = "LinY";}
10915  if(opt_scale_y == fOptScaleLogy){name_scale_y = "LogY";}
10916  const Text_t *t_scale_y = (const Text_t *)name_scale_y.Data();
10917  name_visu.Append(t_scale_y);
10919  //...................................... name quantity (Set Canvas name)
10920  TString name_quantity;
10921  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10922  name_quantity.Resize(MaxCar);
10923  name_quantity = "?";
10925  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){name_quantity = "Nb_of_evts_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10926  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){name_quantity = "Nb_of_evts_Xtal_distrib";}
10927  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){name_quantity = "Pedestals_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10928  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){name_quantity = "Pedestals_Xtal_distrib";}
10929  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){name_quantity = "Total_Noise_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10930  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){name_quantity = "Total_Noise_Xtal_distrib";}
10931  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){name_quantity = "Mean_Corss_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10932  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){name_quantity = "Mean_Corss_Xtal_distrib";}
10933  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){name_quantity = "Low_Fq_Noise_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10934  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){name_quantity = "Low_Fq_Noise_Xtal_distrib";}
10935  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){name_quantity = "High_Fq_Noise_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10936  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){name_quantity = "High_Fq_Noise_Xtal_distrib";}
10937  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){name_quantity = "Sigma_Corss_as_func_of_Xtal";}
10938  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){name_quantity = "Sigma_Corss_Xtal_distrib";}
10939  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){name_quantity = "ExpValue_of_samples";}
10940  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){name_quantity = "ExpValue_of_samples_distrib";}
10941  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){name_quantity = "Sigma_of_samples";}
10942  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){name_quantity = "Sigma_of_samples_distrib";}
10943  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){name_quantity = "hevt";}
10944  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){name_quantity = "ADC_as_func_of_Event";}
10945  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){name_quantity = "Pedestal_history";}
10946  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){name_quantity = "Total_Noise_history";}
10947  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){name_quantity = "Mean_Corss_history";}
10948  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){name_quantity = "Low_Fq_Noise_history";}
10949  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){name_quantity = "High_Fq_Noise_history";}
10950  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){name_quantity = "Sigma_Corss_history";}
10951  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){name_quantity = "Pedestal_run_distribution";}
10952  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){name_quantity = "Total_Noise_run_distribution";}
10953  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){name_quantity = "Mean_Corss_run_distribution";}
10954  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){name_quantity = "Low_Fq_Noise_run_distribution";}
10955  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){name_quantity = "High_Fq_Noise_run_distribution";}
10956  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){name_quantity = "Sigma_Corss_run_distribution";}
10958  Int_t num_crys = -1;
10959  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10960  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10961  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10962  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10963  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10964  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10965  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10966  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10967  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10968  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10969  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10970  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10971  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10972  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10973  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10974  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10975  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10976  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){num_crys = i0StinEcha;}
10978  Int_t num_samp = -1;
10979  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){num_samp = i0Sample;}
10980  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){num_samp = i0Sample;}
10982  //........................................................... (Set Canvas name)
10984  if (HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ||
10985  HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ||
10986  HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ||
10987  HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ||
10988  HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ||
10989  HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ||
10990  HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" )
10991  {
10992  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%s_%s",
10993  name_quantity.Data(), fFapAnaType.Data(),
10995  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber,
10996  name_opt_plot.Data(), name_visu.Data());
10997  }
10999  if (HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ||
11000  HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
11001  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ||
11002  HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" || HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ||
11003  HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ||
11004  HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs")
11005  {
11006  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%s%d_Xtal%d_%s_%s",
11007  name_quantity.Data(), fFapAnaType.Data(),
11009  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName.Data(), StexStin_A, num_crys,
11010  name_opt_plot.Data(), name_visu.Data());
11011  }
11013  if (HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" || HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs")
11014  {
11015  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%s%d_Xtal%d_Samp%d_%s_%s",
11016  name_quantity.Data(), fFapAnaType.Data(),
11018  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName.Data(), StexStin_A, num_crys, num_samp,
11019  name_opt_plot.Data(), name_visu.Data());
11020  }
11022  canvas_name = f_in;
11023  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
11024  return canvas_name.Data();
11026 } // end of CanvasName()
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:955
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:960
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:958
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:966
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:963
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:965
Int_t fOptScaleLogx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:956
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:952
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:964
Int_t fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:966
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
Int_t fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:956
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Int_t fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:952
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:957
Int_t fOptScaleLinx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Int_t fCanvSameH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:963
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:961
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:954
Int_t fCanvSameH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:965
Int_t fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:958
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:962
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:955
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:960
Int_t fCanvSameH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:951
Int_t fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:954
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:967
Int_t fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:957
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:962
Int_t fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:961
Int_t fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:959
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:953
Int_t fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:964
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:967
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
Int_t fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:959
Int_t fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:953
void TEcnaHistos::SetEcalSubDetector ( const TString &  SubDet)

Definition at line 679 of file

680 {
681  // Set Subdetector (EB or EE)
683  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
684  fFlagSubDet.Resize(MaxCar);
685  fFlagSubDet = fEcal->GetEcalSubDetector(); // fFlagSubDet = "EB" or "EE"
687  //.................................. Init specific EB/EE parameters ( SetEcalSubDetector(...) )
688  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
689  fFapStexName.Resize(MaxCar);
690  fFapStexName = "no info for Stex";
691  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
692  fFapStinName.Resize(MaxCar);
693  fFapStinName = "no info for Stin";
694  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
695  fFapXtalName.Resize(MaxCar);
696  fFapXtalName = "no info for Xtal";
697  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
698  fFapEchaName.Resize(MaxCar);
699  fFapEchaName = "no info for Echa";
701  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
702  {
703  fFapStexName = "SM";
704  fFapStinName = "Tower";
705  fFapXtalName = "Xtal";
706  fFapEchaName = "Chan";
708  }
710  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
711  {
712  fFapStexName = "Dee";
713  fFapStinName = "SC";
714  fFapXtalName = "Xtal";
715  fFapEchaName = "Chan";
717  fFapStexDir = "right";
718  fFapStinQuadType = "top";
719  }
721  //........................ init code plot type (SetEcalSubDetector)
722  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
723  fOnlyOnePlot.Resize(MaxCar);
726  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
727  fSeveralPlot.Resize(MaxCar);
730  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
731  fSameOnePlot.Resize(MaxCar);
734  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
735  fAllXtalsInStinPlot.Resize(MaxCar);
740 } // ---------------- end of SetEcalSubDetector(...) ----------------
TString fFapStexType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:406
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fFapStexDir
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:407
Int_t GetCodePlotAllXtalsInStin()
TString GetCodeSameOnePlot()
TString GetSMHalfBarrel(const Int_t &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TString GetEEDeeType(const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TString GetCodeSeveralPlot()
TString GetCodeAllXtalsInStinPlot()
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
TString fFapXtalName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:412
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString fFapEchaName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:413
TString GetCodeOnlyOnePlot()
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TString fFapStexBarrel
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:405
TString fFapStinQuadType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:408
TString GetEcalSubDetector()
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fPlotAllXtalsInStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:631
Int_t TEcnaHistos::SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo ( TGraph *  g_graph0,
const TString &  HistoCode 

Definition at line 9043 of file

9044 {
9045 // Set min and max according to HistoCode
9047  Int_t xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 1; // DEFAULT: 1 = min and max calulated by ROOT, 0 = by this code
9049  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){
9050  if(fH_Ped_DateYmin < fH_Ped_DateYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9051  g_graph0->SetMinimum(fH_Ped_DateYmin); g_graph0->SetMaximum(fH_Ped_DateYmax);}}
9053  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){
9054  if(fH_TNo_DateYmin < fH_TNo_DateYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9055  g_graph0->SetMinimum(fH_TNo_DateYmin); g_graph0->SetMaximum(fH_TNo_DateYmax);}}
9057  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){
9058  if(fH_MCs_DateYmin < fH_MCs_DateYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9059  g_graph0->SetMinimum(fH_MCs_DateYmin); g_graph0->SetMaximum(fH_MCs_DateYmax);}}
9061  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){
9062  if(fH_LFN_DateYmin < fH_LFN_DateYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9063  g_graph0->SetMinimum(fH_LFN_DateYmin); g_graph0->SetMaximum(fH_LFN_DateYmax);}}
9065  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){
9066  if(fH_HFN_DateYmin < fH_HFN_DateYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9067  g_graph0->SetMinimum(fH_HFN_DateYmin); g_graph0->SetMaximum(fH_HFN_DateYmax);}}
9069  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){
9070  if(fH_SCs_DateYmin < fH_SCs_DateYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9071  g_graph0->SetMinimum(fH_SCs_DateYmin); g_graph0->SetMaximum(fH_SCs_DateYmax);}}
9073  return xFlagAutoYsupMargin;
9074 } // end of SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:583
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:586
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:585
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:582
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:581
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:588
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:591
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:589
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:584
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:590
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:587
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:580
void TEcnaHistos::SetGraphPresentation ( TGraph *  graph,
const TString &  HistoType,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13614 of file

13615 {
13616 // Set presentation (axis title offsets, title size, label size, etc...
13619  fCnaParHistos->SetViewHistoPadMargins(HistoType.Data(), opt_plot);
13622  //............................... Graph marker
13623  graph->SetMarkerStyle(1);
13624  if( HistoType == "Evol" ){graph->SetMarkerStyle(20);}
13625 }
void SetViewHistoPadMargins(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoStyle(const TString &)
Definition: adjgraph.h:12
void SetViewGraphOffsets(TGraph *, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette ( const TString &  option_palette)

Definition at line 812 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().

813 {
814  fFlagColPal = "Black/Red/Blue";
815  if ( !(option_palette == "Rainbow" || option_palette == "rainbow") ){fFlagColPal = "Black/Red/Blue";}
816  if ( option_palette == "Rainbow" || option_palette == "rainbow" ){fFlagColPal = "Rainbow";}
817 }
TString fFlagColPal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:439
Int_t TEcnaHistos::SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const TString &  HistoCode 

Definition at line 8912 of file

8913 {
8914 // Set min and max according to HistoCode
8916  // if Ymin = Ymax (or Ymin > Ymax): nothing done here
8917  // return xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 1
8918  //
8919  // if Ymin < Ymax: min and max calculated by h_his0->SetMinimum() and h_his0->SetMaximum()
8920  // return xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0
8922  Int_t xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 1; // (SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo)
8924  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){
8925  if(fD_NOE_ChNbYmin < fD_NOE_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8926  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_NOE_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_NOE_ChNbYmax);}}
8928  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){
8929  if(fD_NOE_ChDsYmin < fD_NOE_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8930  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_NOE_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_NOE_ChDsYmax);}}
8932  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){
8933  if(fD_Ped_ChNbYmin < fD_Ped_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8934  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_Ped_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_Ped_ChNbYmax);}}
8936  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){
8937  if(fD_Ped_ChDsYmin < fD_Ped_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8938  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_Ped_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_Ped_ChDsYmax);}}
8940  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){
8941  if(fD_TNo_ChNbYmin < fD_TNo_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8942  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_TNo_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_TNo_ChNbYmax);}}
8944  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){
8945  if(fD_TNo_ChDsYmin < fD_TNo_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8946  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_TNo_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_TNo_ChDsYmax);}}
8948  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){
8949  if(fD_MCs_ChNbYmin < fD_MCs_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8950  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_MCs_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_MCs_ChNbYmax);}}
8952  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){
8953  if(fD_MCs_ChDsYmin < fD_MCs_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8954  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_MCs_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_MCs_ChDsYmax);}}
8956  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){
8957  if(fD_LFN_ChNbYmin < fD_LFN_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8958  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_LFN_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_LFN_ChNbYmax);}}
8960  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){
8961  if(fD_LFN_ChDsYmin < fD_LFN_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8962  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_LFN_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_LFN_ChDsYmax);}}
8964  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){
8965  if(fD_HFN_ChNbYmin < fD_HFN_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8966  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_HFN_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_HFN_ChNbYmax);}}
8968  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){
8969  if(fD_HFN_ChDsYmin < fD_HFN_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8970  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_HFN_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_HFN_ChDsYmax);}}
8972  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){
8973  if(fD_SCs_ChNbYmin < fD_SCs_ChNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8974  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_SCs_ChNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_SCs_ChNbYmax);}}
8976  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){
8977  if(fD_SCs_ChDsYmin < fD_SCs_ChDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8978  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_SCs_ChDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_SCs_ChDsYmax);}}
8980  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){
8981  if(fD_MSp_SpNbYmin < fD_MSp_SpNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8982  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_MSp_SpNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_MSp_SpNbYmax);}}
8984  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){
8985  if(fD_MSp_SpDsYmin < fD_MSp_SpDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8986  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_MSp_SpDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_MSp_SpDsYmax);}}
8988  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){
8989  if(fD_SSp_SpNbYmin < fD_SSp_SpNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8990  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_SSp_SpNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_SSp_SpNbYmax);}}
8992  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){
8993  if(fD_SSp_SpDsYmin < fD_SSp_SpDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8994  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_SSp_SpDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_SSp_SpDsYmax);}}
8996  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){
8997  if(fD_Adc_EvNbYmin < fD_Adc_EvNbYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
8998  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_Adc_EvNbYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_Adc_EvNbYmax);}}
9000  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){
9001  if(fD_Adc_EvDsYmin < fD_Adc_EvDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9002  h_his0->SetMinimum(fD_Adc_EvDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fD_Adc_EvDsYmax);}}
9004  if(HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins"){
9005  if(fH2CorccInStinsYmin < fH2CorccInStinsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9006  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH2CorccInStinsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH2CorccInStinsYmax);}}
9008  if(HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix"){
9009  if(fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin < fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9010  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax);}}
9012  if(HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix"){
9013  if(fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin < fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9014  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax);}}
9016  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){
9017  if(fH_Ped_RuDsYmin < fH_Ped_RuDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9018  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH_Ped_RuDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH_Ped_RuDsYmax);}}
9020  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){
9021  if(fH_TNo_RuDsYmin < fH_TNo_RuDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9022  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH_TNo_RuDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH_TNo_RuDsYmax);}}
9024  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){
9025  if(fH_MCs_RuDsYmin < fH_MCs_RuDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9026  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH_MCs_RuDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH_MCs_RuDsYmax);}}
9028  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){
9029  if(fH_LFN_RuDsYmin < fH_LFN_RuDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9030  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH_LFN_RuDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH_LFN_RuDsYmax);}}
9032  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){
9033  if(fH_HFN_RuDsYmin < fH_HFN_RuDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9034  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH_HFN_RuDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH_HFN_RuDsYmax);}}
9036  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){
9037  if(fH_SCs_RuDsYmin < fH_SCs_RuDsYmax){xFlagAutoYsupMargin = 0;
9038  h_his0->SetMinimum(fH_SCs_RuDsYmin); h_his0->SetMaximum(fH_SCs_RuDsYmax);}}
9040  return xFlagAutoYsupMargin;
9041 } // end of SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:549
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:599
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:563
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:594
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:556
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:569
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:550
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:548
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:543
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:561
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:547
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:609
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:562
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:557
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:564
Double_t fD_MSp_SpDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:571
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:607
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:560
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:559
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:573
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:611
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:578
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:568
Double_t fD_SSp_SpDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:575
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:602
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:595
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:544
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:610
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:565
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:554
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:541
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:576
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:553
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:577
Double_t fD_SSp_SpDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:574
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:558
Double_t fD_MSp_SpDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:570
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:606
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:545
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:551
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:598
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:540
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:593
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:601
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:555
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:542
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:596
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:597
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:600
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:566
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:572
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:579
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:608
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:546
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:604
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:539
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:603
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:552
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax ( const Double_t &  value)

Definition at line 11652 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax ( )

Definition at line 11655 of file

11655 {fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin ( const Double_t &  value)

Definition at line 11651 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().

Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin ( )

Definition at line 11654 of file

11654 {fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO";}
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoPresentation ( TH1D *  histo,
const TString &  HistoType 

Definition at line 13595 of file

13596 {
13597  // Set presentation (axis title offsets, title size, label size, etc...
13603 }
void SetViewHistoStats(TH1D *, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoPadMargins(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoOffsets(TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoStyle(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoPresentation ( TH1D *  histo,
const TString &  HistoType,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13604 of file

13605 {
13606 // Set presentation (axis title offsets, title size, label size, etc...
13609  fCnaParHistos->SetViewHistoPadMargins(HistoType.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
13610  fCnaParHistos->SetViewHistoOffsets(histo, HistoType.Data(), opt_plot.Data());
13612 }
void SetViewHistoStats(TH1D *, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoPadMargins(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoOffsets(TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &)
void SetViewHistoStyle(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX ( const TString &  option_scale)

Definition at line 802 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().

803 {
804  fFlagScaleX = "LIN";
805  if ( option_scale == "LOG" ){fFlagScaleX = "LOG";}
806 }
TString fFlagScaleX
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:437
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY ( const TString &  option_scale)

Definition at line 807 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().

808 {
809  fFlagScaleY = "LIN";
810  if ( option_scale == "LOG" ){fFlagScaleY = "LOG";}
811 }
TString fFlagScaleY
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:438
TString TEcnaHistos::SetHistoXAxisTitle ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11231 of file

11232 {
11233  // Set histo X axis title
11235  TString axis_x_var_name;
11237  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ||
11238  HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ||
11239  HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ||
11240  HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" )
11241  {
11242  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
11243  {
11244  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){axis_x_var_name = "Xtal (electronic channel number)";}
11245  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){axis_x_var_name = "Xtal";}
11246  }
11247  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
11248  {
11249  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){axis_x_var_name = "Tower number";}
11250  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){axis_x_var_name = "SC number";}
11251  }
11252  }
11254  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Number of events";}
11255  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Pedestal";}
11256  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Total noise";}
11257  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Mean cor(s,s')";}
11258  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Low frequency noise";}
11259  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "High frequency noise";}
11260  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Sigmas cor(s,s')";}
11261  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){axis_x_var_name = "Sample";}
11262  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Pedestal";}
11263  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){axis_x_var_name = "Sample";}
11264  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Total noise";}
11265  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){axis_x_var_name = "ADC";}
11266  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){axis_x_var_name = "Event number";}
11267  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ||
11268  HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date")
11269  {axis_x_var_name = "Time";}
11270  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Pedestal";}
11271  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Total noise";}
11272  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Mean cor(s,s')";}
11273  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Low frequency noise";}
11274  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){axis_x_var_name = "High frequency noise";}
11275  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){axis_x_var_name = "Sigmas cor(s,s')";}
11277  return axis_x_var_name;
11278 }
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString TEcnaHistos::SetHistoYAxisTitle ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11280 of file

11281 {
11282 // Set histo Y axis title
11284  TString axis_y_var_name;
11286  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Number of events";}
11287  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Pedestal";}
11288  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Total noise";}
11289  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Mean cor(s,s')";}
11290  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Low frequency noise";}
11291  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "High frequency noise";}
11292  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Sigma of cor(s,s')";}
11294  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ||
11295  HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ||
11296  HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" )
11297  {
11298  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 ){axis_y_var_name = "number of crystals";}
11299  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
11300  {
11301  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){axis_y_var_name = "number of towers";}
11302  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){axis_y_var_name = "number of SC's";}
11303  }
11304  }
11306  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Sample mean";}
11307  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){axis_y_var_name = "Number of samples";}
11308  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Sample sigma";}
11309  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){axis_y_var_name = "Number of samples";}
11310  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){axis_y_var_name = "Sample ADC value";}
11311  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){axis_y_var_name = "Number of events";}
11312  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){axis_y_var_name = "Pedestal";}
11313  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){axis_y_var_name = "Total noise";}
11314  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){axis_y_var_name = "Mean cor(s,s')";}
11315  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){axis_y_var_name = "Low frequency noise";}
11316  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){axis_y_var_name = "High frequency noise";}
11317  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){axis_y_var_name = "Sigma cor(s,s')";}
11319  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ||
11320  HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" )
11321  {axis_y_var_name = "number of runs";}
11323  return axis_y_var_name;
11324 }
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void TEcnaHistos::SetNbBinsMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  nb_bins 

Definition at line 12196 of file

12197 {
12199  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus = nb_bins;}
12201  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12202  {
12203  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12204  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12205  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12206  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12207  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12208  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12209  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12210  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12211  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12212  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12213  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12214  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12215  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb = nb_bins;}
12216  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs = nb_bins;}
12217  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb = nb_bins;}
12218  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs = nb_bins;}
12219  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb = nb_bins;}
12220  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs = nb_bins;}
12221  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb = nb_bins;}
12222  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs = nb_bins;}
12223  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date = nb_bins;}
12224  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date = nb_bins;}
12225  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date = nb_bins;}
12226  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date = nb_bins;}
12227  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date = nb_bins;}
12228  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date = nb_bins;}
12229  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs = nb_bins;}
12230  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs = nb_bins;}
12231  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs = nb_bins;}
12232  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs = nb_bins;}
12233  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs = nb_bins;}
12234  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs = nb_bins;}
12235  }
12236 }// end of SetNbBinsMemo(...)
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:763
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:762
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:750
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:756
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:744
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:767
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:766
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:749
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:771
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:770
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:745
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:758
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:759
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:739
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:757
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:755
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:752
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:754
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:765
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:747
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:761
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:769
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:751
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:764
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:760
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:746
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:753
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:743
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:742
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:741
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:748
Int_t fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:768
Int_t fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:740
void TEcnaHistos::SetParametersCanvas ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 12480 of file

12481 {
12482 // Set parameters canvas according to HistoCode
12484  Double_t x_margin_factor = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
12485  Double_t y_margin_factor = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
12487  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
12488  {
12489  fImpH1SamePlus = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH1SamePlus->GetCanvasImp();
12490  fCanvH1SamePlus->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12491  fPadH1SamePlus = gPad; fClosedH1SamePlus = kFALSE;
12493  }
12495  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
12496  {
12497  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb")
12498  {
12499  fImpD_NOE_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_NOE_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12500  fCanvD_NOE_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12501  fPadD_NOE_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_NOE_ChNb = kFALSE;
12503  }
12505  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12506  {
12507  fImpD_NOE_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_NOE_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12508  fCanvD_NOE_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12509  fPadD_NOE_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_NOE_ChDs = kFALSE;
12511  }
12513  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb")
12514  {
12515  fImpD_Ped_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_Ped_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12516  fCanvD_Ped_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12517  fPadD_Ped_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_Ped_ChNb = kFALSE;
12519  }
12521  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs")
12522  {
12523  fImpD_Ped_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_Ped_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12524  fCanvD_Ped_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12525  fPadD_Ped_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_Ped_ChDs = kFALSE;
12527  }
12529  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb")
12530  {
12531  fImpD_TNo_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_TNo_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12532  fCanvD_TNo_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12533  fPadD_TNo_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_TNo_ChNb = kFALSE;
12535  }
12537  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12538  {
12539  fImpD_TNo_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_TNo_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12540  fCanvD_TNo_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12541  fPadD_TNo_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_TNo_ChDs = kFALSE;
12543  }
12545  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb")
12546  {
12547  fImpD_MCs_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_MCs_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12548  fCanvD_MCs_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12549  fPadD_MCs_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_MCs_ChNb = kFALSE;
12551  }
12553  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs")
12554  {
12555  fImpD_MCs_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_MCs_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12556  fCanvD_MCs_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12557  fPadD_MCs_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_MCs_ChDs = kFALSE;
12559  }
12561  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12562  {
12563  fImpD_LFN_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_LFN_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12564  fCanvD_LFN_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12565  fPadD_LFN_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_LFN_ChNb = kFALSE;
12567  }
12569  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs")
12570  {
12571  fImpD_LFN_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_LFN_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12572  fCanvD_LFN_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12573  fPadD_LFN_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_LFN_ChDs = kFALSE;
12575  }
12577  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb")
12578  {
12579  fImpD_HFN_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_HFN_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12580  fCanvD_HFN_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12581  fPadD_HFN_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_HFN_ChNb = kFALSE;
12583  }
12585  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs")
12586  {
12587  fImpD_HFN_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_HFN_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12588  fCanvD_HFN_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12589  fPadD_HFN_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_HFN_ChDs = kFALSE;
12591  }
12593  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12594  {
12595  fImpD_SCs_ChNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_SCs_ChNb->GetCanvasImp();
12596  fCanvD_SCs_ChNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12597  fPadD_SCs_ChNb = gPad; fClosedD_SCs_ChNb = kFALSE;
12599  }
12601  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs")
12602  {
12603  fImpD_SCs_ChDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_SCs_ChDs->GetCanvasImp();
12604  fCanvD_SCs_ChDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12605  fPadD_SCs_ChDs = gPad; fClosedD_SCs_ChDs = kFALSE;
12607  }
12609  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb")
12610  {
12611  fImpD_MSp_SpNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_MSp_SpNb->GetCanvasImp();
12612  fCanvD_MSp_SpNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12613  fPadD_MSp_SpNb = gPad; fClosedD_MSp_SpNb = kFALSE;
12615  }
12617  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs")
12618  {
12619  fImpD_MSp_SpDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_MSp_SpDs->GetCanvasImp();
12620  fCanvD_MSp_SpDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12621  fPadD_MSp_SpDs = gPad; fClosedD_MSp_SpDs = kFALSE;
12623  }
12625  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12626  {
12627  fImpD_SSp_SpNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_SSp_SpNb->GetCanvasImp();
12628  fCanvD_SSp_SpNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12629  fPadD_SSp_SpNb = gPad; fClosedD_SSp_SpNb = kFALSE;
12631  }
12633  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12634  {
12635  fImpD_SSp_SpDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_SSp_SpDs->GetCanvasImp();
12636  fCanvD_SSp_SpDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12637  fPadD_SSp_SpDs = gPad; fClosedD_SSp_SpDs = kFALSE;
12639  }
12641  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs")
12642  {
12643  fImpD_Adc_EvDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_Adc_EvDs->GetCanvasImp();
12644  fCanvD_Adc_EvDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12645  fPadD_Adc_EvDs = gPad; fClosedD_Adc_EvDs = kFALSE;
12647  }
12649  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb")
12650  {
12651  fImpD_Adc_EvNb = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvD_Adc_EvNb->GetCanvasImp();
12652  fCanvD_Adc_EvNb->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12653  fPadD_Adc_EvNb = gPad; fClosedD_Adc_EvNb = kFALSE;
12655  }
12657  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12658  {
12659  fImpH_Ped_Date = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_Ped_Date->GetCanvasImp();
12660  fCanvH_Ped_Date->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12661  fPadH_Ped_Date = gPad; fClosedH_Ped_Date = kFALSE;
12663  }
12664  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date")
12665  {
12666  fImpH_TNo_Date = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_TNo_Date->GetCanvasImp();
12667  fCanvH_TNo_Date->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12668  fPadH_TNo_Date = gPad; fClosedH_TNo_Date = kFALSE;
12670  }
12671  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date")
12672  {
12673  fImpH_MCs_Date = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_MCs_Date->GetCanvasImp();
12674  fCanvH_MCs_Date->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12675  fPadH_MCs_Date = gPad; fClosedH_MCs_Date = kFALSE;
12677  }
12679  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12680  {
12681  fImpH_LFN_Date = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_LFN_Date->GetCanvasImp();
12682  fCanvH_LFN_Date->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12683  fPadH_LFN_Date = gPad; fClosedH_LFN_Date = kFALSE;
12685  }
12686  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date")
12687  {
12688  fImpH_HFN_Date = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_HFN_Date->GetCanvasImp();
12689  fCanvH_HFN_Date->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12690  fPadH_HFN_Date = gPad; fClosedH_HFN_Date = kFALSE;
12692  }
12693  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date")
12694  {
12695  fImpH_SCs_Date = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_SCs_Date->GetCanvasImp();
12696  fCanvH_SCs_Date->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12697  fPadH_SCs_Date = gPad; fClosedH_SCs_Date = kFALSE;
12699  }
12701  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12702  {
12703  fImpH_Ped_RuDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_Ped_RuDs->GetCanvasImp();
12704  fCanvH_Ped_RuDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12705  fPadH_Ped_RuDs = gPad; fClosedH_Ped_RuDs = kFALSE;
12707  }
12708  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs")
12709  {
12710  fImpH_TNo_RuDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_TNo_RuDs->GetCanvasImp();
12711  fCanvH_TNo_RuDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12712  fPadH_TNo_RuDs = gPad; fClosedH_TNo_RuDs = kFALSE;
12714  }
12715  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs")
12716  {
12717  fImpH_MCs_RuDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_MCs_RuDs->GetCanvasImp();
12718  fCanvH_MCs_RuDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12719  fPadH_MCs_RuDs = gPad; fClosedH_MCs_RuDs = kFALSE;
12721  }
12723  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs") // (SetParametersCanvas)
12724  {
12725  fImpH_LFN_RuDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_LFN_RuDs->GetCanvasImp();
12726  fCanvH_LFN_RuDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12727  fPadH_LFN_RuDs = gPad; fClosedH_LFN_RuDs = kFALSE;
12729  }
12730  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs")
12731  {
12732  fImpH_HFN_RuDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_HFN_RuDs->GetCanvasImp();
12733  fCanvH_HFN_RuDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12734  fPadH_HFN_RuDs = gPad; fClosedH_HFN_RuDs = kFALSE;
12736  }
12737  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs")
12738  {
12739  fImpH_SCs_RuDs = (TCanvasImp*)fCanvH_SCs_RuDs->GetCanvasImp();
12740  fCanvH_SCs_RuDs->Divide(1, 1, x_margin_factor , y_margin_factor); gPad->cd(1);
12741  fPadH_SCs_RuDs = gPad; fClosedH_SCs_RuDs = kFALSE;
12743  }
12744  }
12745 }
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:939
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:840
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:851
Bool_t fClosedH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:810
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:827
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:813
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:808
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:921
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:858
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:940
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:933
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:777
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:801
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:861
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:870
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:790
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:795
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:855
TVirtualPad * fPadD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:860
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:865
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:866
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:927
TVirtualPad * fPadD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:850
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:838
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:805
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
TCanvasImp * fImpH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:917
TCanvasImp * fImpD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:926
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:878
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:944
TCanvas * fCanvH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:776
Bool_t fClosedH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:834
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:936
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:949
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
TVirtualPad * fPadH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:872
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:919
Bool_t fClosedH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:832
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TCanvas * fCanvH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:807
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:825
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:822
TVirtualPad * fPadH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:876
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:937
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:829
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:934
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:797
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Int_t fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:645
Bool_t fClosedD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:830
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:811
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:837
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:794
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:835
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:780
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:852
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:948
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:817
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:880
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:824
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:857
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:839
Int_t fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:646
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:787
TCanvas * fCanvD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:796
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:791
TCanvas * fCanvD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:788
TCanvas * fCanvH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:803
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:930
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:864
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:862
Int_t fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:634
Bool_t fClosedH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:831
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:816
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
TCanvasImp * fImpD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:918
Bool_t fClosedD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:828
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:935
Bool_t fClosedD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:823
Bool_t fClosedH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:841
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:786
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:836
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:879
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
TCanvasImp * fImpH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:938
TCanvasImp * fImpD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:920
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:641
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:875
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:640
Int_t fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:648
TCanvas * fCanvD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:779
Bool_t fClosedD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:812
TCanvasImp * fImpH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:946
TCanvas * fCanvH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:802
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:798
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:932
TCanvas * fCanvD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:778
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Bool_t fClosedD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:818
Int_t fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:637
TVirtualPad * fPadH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:881
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:928
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:863
TVirtualPad * fPadH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:873
Bool_t fClosedH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:833
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:636
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:820
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:922
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:877
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:783
TCanvasImp * fImpD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:923
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TVirtualPad * fPadH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:874
TCanvasImp * fImpH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:945
TVirtualPad * fPadD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:859
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:781
TCanvasImp * fImpD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:929
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
TCanvasImp * fImpH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:943
Int_t fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:638
Bool_t fClosedD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:815
TCanvas * fCanvD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:782
Bool_t fClosedD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:819
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:800
Bool_t fClosedH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:842
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:925
TVirtualPad * fPadH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:849
Int_t fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:644
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:649
TCanvas * fCanvD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:784
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:868
TCanvas * fCanvD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:785
TCanvas * fCanvD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:793
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:635
Int_t fMemoPlotH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:633
TCanvas * fCanvH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:799
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
TCanvas * fCanvD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:792
TVirtualPad * fPadD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:854
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TCanvasImp * fImpH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:942
Bool_t fClosedD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:814
TCanvas * fCanvD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:789
TVirtualPad * fPadH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:871
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:947
TVirtualPad * fPadD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:856
TCanvasImp * fImpD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:931
Bool_t fClosedD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:826
TCanvasImp * fImpH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:941
TCanvasImp * fImpD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:924
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TVirtualPad * fPadD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:867
Int_t fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:642
Bool_t fClosedD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:821
Int_t fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:643
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:869
TCanvas * fCanvH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:806
Int_t fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:639
Int_t fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:647
TVirtualPad * fPadD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:853
TCanvas * fCanvH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:804
void TEcnaHistos::SetParametersPavTxt ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13019 of file

13020 {
13021 // Set parameters pave "sevearl changing" according to HistoCode
13025  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13026  {
13027  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13028  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13029  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13030  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13031  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13032  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13033  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13034  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13035  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13036  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13037  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13038  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13039  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13040  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13041  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13042  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13043  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13044  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13045  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13046  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13047  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fPavTxtH_Ped_Date = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13048  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fPavTxtH_TNo_Date = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13049  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fPavTxtH_MCs_Date = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13050  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fPavTxtH_LFN_Date = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13051  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fPavTxtH_HFN_Date = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13052  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fPavTxtH_SCs_Date = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13053  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13054  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13055  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13056  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13057  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13058  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs = fPavComSeveralChanging;}
13059  }
13060 }
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:898
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:911
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:886
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:914
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:906
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:915
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:905
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:910
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:907
TPaveText * fPavTxtH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:883
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:885
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:894
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:913
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:887
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:909
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:903
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:904
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:889
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:895
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:892
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:890
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:896
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:912
TPaveText * fPavComSeveralChanging
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:621
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:899
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:901
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:900
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:884
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:891
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:897
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:888
TPaveText * fPavTxtH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:908
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:902
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TPaveText * fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:893
void TEcnaHistos::SetRunNumberFromList ( const Int_t &  xArgIndexRun,
const Int_t &  MaxNbOfRuns 

Definition at line 8761 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

8762 {
8763  // Set run number for the xArgIndexRun_th run in the list of runs (evolution plots)
8764  // The array fT1DRunNumber[] have been obtained from a previous call
8765  // to GetHistoryRunListParameters(xFileNameRunList, HistoCode)
8767  if( xArgIndexRun >= 0 && xArgIndexRun < MaxNbOfRuns)
8768  {
8769  fFapRunNumber = fT1DRunNumber[xArgIndexRun];
8770  if( xArgIndexRun == 0 ){InitSpecParBeforeFileReading();} // SpecPar = Special Parameters (dates, times, run types)
8771  }
8772  else
8773  {
8774  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::SetRunNumberFromList(...)> **** ERROR **** Run index out of range in list of runs. xArgIndexRun = "
8775  << xArgIndexRun << " (MaxNbOfRuns = "<< MaxNbOfRuns << ")" << endl;
8776  }
8777 }
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:430
void InitSpecParBeforeFileReading()
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
tuple cout
void TEcnaHistos::SetViewGraphColors ( TGraph *  g_graph0,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot 

Definition at line 13440 of file

13441 {
13442 // Set colors for histo view
13444  Int_t MaxNbOfColors = fCnaParHistos->GetMaxNbOfColors();
13446  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
13447  {
13448  g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH1SamePlus));
13449  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH1SamePlus));
13451  if(fMemoColorH1SamePlus>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH1SamePlus = 0;}
13452  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13453  }
13455  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13456  {
13457  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date")
13458  {
13459  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13460  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13461  {g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_Ped_Date));
13462  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_Ped_Date));
13464  if(fMemoColorH_Ped_Date>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_Ped_Date = 0;}}
13465  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13466  }
13468  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date")
13469  {
13470  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge48"));}
13471  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13472  {g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_TNo_Date));
13473  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_TNo_Date));
13475  if(fMemoColorH_TNo_Date>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_TNo_Date = 0;}}
13476  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13477  }
13479  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date")
13480  {
13481  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert31"));}
13482  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13483  {g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_MCs_Date));
13484  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_MCs_Date));
13486  if(fMemoColorH_MCs_Date>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_MCs_Date = 0;}}
13487  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13488  }
13490  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date")
13491  {
13492  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13493  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13494  {g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_LFN_Date));
13495  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_LFN_Date));
13497  if(fMemoColorH_LFN_Date>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_LFN_Date = 0;}}
13498  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13499  }
13501  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date")
13502  {
13503  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge48"));}
13504  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13505  {g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_HFN_Date));
13506  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_HFN_Date));
13508  if(fMemoColorH_HFN_Date>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_HFN_Date = 0;}}
13509  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13510  }
13512  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date")
13513  {
13514  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert31"));}
13515  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13516  {g_graph0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_SCs_Date));
13517  g_graph0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_SCs_Date));
13519  if(fMemoColorH_SCs_Date>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_SCs_Date = 0;}}
13520  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13521  }
13522  }
13523  //if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot){g_graph0->SetLineWidth(2);}
13524 }
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Color_t ColorTab(const Int_t &)
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t GetMaxNbOfColors()
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SetViewHistoColors ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead 

Definition at line 13135 of file

13137 {
13138 // Set colors, fill, marker, line style for histo view
13140  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode.Data());
13141  if( HistoType == "Global" ){h_his0->SetMarkerStyle(1);}
13143  Int_t MaxNbOfColors = fCnaParHistos->GetMaxNbOfColors();
13145  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
13146  {
13147  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH1SamePlus));
13148  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH1SamePlus));
13150  if(fMemoColorH1SamePlus>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH1SamePlus = 0;}
13151  }
13153  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
13154  {
13155  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb")
13156  {
13157  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rose"));}
13158  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13159  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb));
13160  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb));
13162  if(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb = 0;}}
13163  }
13164  if(HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs")
13165  {
13166  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rose"));}
13167  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13168  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs));
13169  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs));
13171  if(fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs = 0;}}
13172  }
13173  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb")
13174  {
13175  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13176  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13177  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb));
13178  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb));
13180  if(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb = 0;}}
13181  }
13182  if(HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs")
13183  {
13184  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13185  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13186  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs));
13187  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs));
13189  if(fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs = 0;}}
13190  }
13191  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb")
13192  {
13193  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge48"));}
13194  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13195  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb));
13196  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb));
13198  if(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb = 0;}}
13199  }
13200  if(HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs")
13201  {
13202  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge48"));}
13203  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13204  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs));
13205  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs));
13207  if(fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs = 0;}}
13208  }
13210  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb")
13211  {
13212  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert31"));}
13213  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13214  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb));
13215  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb));
13217  if(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb = 0;}}
13218  }
13219  if(HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs")
13220  {
13221  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert31"));}
13222  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13223  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs));
13224  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs));
13226  if(fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs = 0;}}
13227  }
13228  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb")
13229  {
13230  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge44"));}
13231  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13232  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb));
13233  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb));
13235  if(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb = 0;}}
13236  }
13237  if(HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs")
13238  {
13239  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge44"));}
13240  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13241  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs));
13242  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs));
13244  if(fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs = 0;}}
13245  }
13246  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb")
13247  {
13248  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge50"));}
13249  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13250  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb));
13251  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb));
13253  if(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb = 0;}}
13254  }
13255  if(HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs")
13256  {
13257  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge50"));}
13258  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13259  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs));
13260  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs));
13262  if(fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs = 0;}}
13263  }
13265  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb")
13266  {
13267  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("marron23"));}
13268  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13269  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb));
13270  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb));
13272  if(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb = 0;}}
13273  }
13274  if(HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs")
13275  {
13276  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("marron23"));}
13277  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13278  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs));
13279  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs));
13281  if(fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs = 0;}}
13282  }
13284  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb")
13285  {
13286  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 0) ||
13287  (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 0 ) )
13288  {h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13290  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 0 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 1 )
13291  {h_his0->SetFillColor((Color_t)0);}
13293  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13294  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb));
13295  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb));
13297  if(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb = 0;}}
13298  }
13300  if(HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs")
13301  {
13302  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 0) ||
13303  (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 0 ) )
13304  {h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13306  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 0 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 1 )
13307  {h_his0->SetFillColor((Color_t)0);}
13309  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13310  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs));
13311  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs));
13313  if(fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs = 0;}}
13314  }
13316  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb")
13317  {
13318  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 0) ||
13319  (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 0 ) )
13320  {h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge50"));}
13322  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 0 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 1 )
13323  {h_his0->SetFillColor((Color_t)0);}
13325  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13326  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb));
13327  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb));
13329  if(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb = 0;}}
13330  }
13332  if(HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs")
13333  {
13334  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead == 0) ||
13335  (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 0 ) )
13336  {h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge50"));}
13338  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && arg_AlreadyRead >= 0 && fPlotAllXtalsInStin == 1 )
13339  {h_his0->SetFillColor((Color_t)0);}
13341  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13342  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs));
13343  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs));
13345  if(fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs = 0;}}
13346  }
13348  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb")
13349  {
13350  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("orange42"));}
13351  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13352  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb));
13353  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb));
13355  if(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb = 0;}}
13356  gPad->SetGrid(1,0);
13357  }
13359  if(HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs")
13360  {
13361  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("orange42"));}
13362  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13363  {h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs));
13364  h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs));
13366  if(fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs = 0;}}
13367  }
13369  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs")
13370  {
13371  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu38"));}
13372  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13373  {h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs));
13374  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs));
13376  if(fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs = 0;}}
13377  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13378  }
13380  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs")
13381  {
13382  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge48"));}
13383  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13384  {h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs));
13385  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs));
13387  if(fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs = 0;}}
13388  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13389  }
13391  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs")
13392  {
13393  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert31"));}
13394  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13395  {h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs));
13396  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs));
13398  if(fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs = 0;}}
13399  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13400  }
13402  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs")
13403  {
13404  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge44"));}
13405  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13406  {h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs));
13407  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs));
13409  if(fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs = 0;}}
13410  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13411  }
13413  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs")
13414  {
13415  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("rouge50"));}
13416  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13417  {h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs));
13418  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs));
13420  if(fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs = 0;}}
13421  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13422  }
13424  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs")
13425  {
13426  if(opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot){h_his0->SetFillColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("marron23"));}
13427  if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
13428  {h_his0->SetMarkerColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs));
13429  h_his0->SetLineColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorTab(fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs));
13431  if(fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs>MaxNbOfColors){fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs = 0;}}
13432  gPad->SetGrid(1,1);
13433  }
13434  }
13436  // if(opt_plot == fSeveralPlot || opt_plot == fSameOnePlot){h_his0->SetLineWidth(2);}
13437 }
Int_t fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:664
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Int_t fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:665
Int_t fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:666
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
Int_t fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:662
Int_t fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:655
Int_t fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:667
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
Int_t fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:654
Color_t ColorTab(const Int_t &)
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
Int_t fMemoColorH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:651
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
Int_t fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:658
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:657
Int_t fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:652
Int_t fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:661
Int_t fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:660
Int_t fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:663
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
Int_t GetMaxNbOfColors()
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fPlotAllXtalsInStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:631
Int_t fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:659
Int_t fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:653
Int_t fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:656
void TEcnaHistos::SetXinfMemoFromValue ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Double_t &  value 

Definition at line 11484 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

11485 {
11486  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fD_NOE_ChNbXinf = value;}
11487  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fD_NOE_ChDsXinf = value;}
11488  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fD_Ped_ChNbXinf = value;}
11489  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fD_Ped_ChDsXinf = value;}
11490  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fD_TNo_ChNbXinf = value;}
11491  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fD_TNo_ChDsXinf = value;}
11492  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fD_MCs_ChNbXinf = value;}
11493  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fD_MCs_ChDsXinf = value;}
11494  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fD_LFN_ChNbXinf = value;}
11495  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fD_LFN_ChDsXinf = value;}
11496  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fD_HFN_ChNbXinf = value;}
11497  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fD_HFN_ChDsXinf = value;}
11498  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fD_SCs_ChNbXinf = value;}
11499  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fD_SCs_ChDsXinf = value;}
11500  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fD_Ped_ChNbXinf = value;}
11501  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fD_Ped_ChDsXinf = value;}
11502  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fD_TNo_ChNbXinf = value;}
11503  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fD_TNo_ChDsXinf = value;}
11504  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fD_Ped_ChNbXinf = value;}
11505  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fD_Adc_EvDsXinf = value;}
11506  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fH_Ped_DateXinf = value;}
11507  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fH_TNo_DateXinf = value;}
11508  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fH_MCs_DateXinf = value;}
11509  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fH_LFN_DateXinf = value;}
11510  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fH_HFN_DateXinf = value;}
11511  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fH_SCs_DateXinf = value;}
11512  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fH_Ped_RuDsXinf = value;}
11513  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fH_TNo_RuDsXinf = value;}
11514  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fH_MCs_RuDsXinf = value;}
11515  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fH_LFN_RuDsXinf = value;}
11516  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fH_HFN_RuDsXinf = value;}
11517  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fH_SCs_RuDsXinf = value;}
11518 }// end of SetXinfMemoFromValue(...)
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:479
Axis_t fH_Ped_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:523
Axis_t fH_TNo_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:525
Axis_t fH_TNo_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:512
Axis_t fH_LFN_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:516
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:475
Axis_t fH_SCs_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:533
Axis_t fH_HFN_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:518
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:477
Axis_t fH_MCs_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:527
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:495
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:506
Axis_t fH_SCs_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:520
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:473
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:493
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:489
Axis_t fH_LFN_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:529
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:481
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:487
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:485
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:483
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChNbXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:469
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:491
Axis_t fH_HFN_RuDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:531
Axis_t fH_MCs_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:514
Axis_t fH_Ped_DateXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:510
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChDsXinf
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:471
void TEcnaHistos::SetXinfMemoFromValue ( const Double_t &  value)

Definition at line 11520 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

void TEcnaHistos::SetXsupMemoFromValue ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Double_t &  value 

Definition at line 11523 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

11524 {
11525  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fD_NOE_ChNbXsup = value;}
11526  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fD_NOE_ChDsXsup = value;}
11527  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fD_Ped_ChNbXsup = value;}
11528  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fD_Ped_ChDsXsup = value;}
11529  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fD_TNo_ChNbXsup = value;}
11530  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fD_TNo_ChDsXsup = value;}
11531  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fD_MCs_ChNbXsup = value;}
11532  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fD_MCs_ChDsXsup = value;}
11533  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fD_LFN_ChNbXsup = value;}
11534  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fD_LFN_ChDsXsup = value;}
11535  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fD_HFN_ChNbXsup = value;}
11536  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fD_HFN_ChDsXsup = value;}
11537  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fD_SCs_ChNbXsup = value;}
11538  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fD_SCs_ChDsXsup = value;}
11539  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fD_Ped_ChNbXsup = value;}
11540  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fD_Ped_ChDsXsup = value;}
11541  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fD_TNo_ChNbXsup = value;}
11542  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fD_TNo_ChDsXsup = value;}
11543  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fD_Ped_ChNbXsup = value;}
11544  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fD_Adc_EvDsXsup = value;}
11545  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fH_Ped_DateXsup = value;}
11546  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fH_TNo_DateXsup = value;}
11547  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fH_MCs_DateXsup = value;}
11548  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fH_LFN_DateXsup = value;}
11549  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fH_HFN_DateXsup = value;}
11550  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fH_SCs_DateXsup = value;}
11551  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fH_Ped_RuDsXsup = value;}
11552  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fH_TNo_RuDsXsup = value;}
11553  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fH_MCs_RuDsXsup = value;}
11554  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fH_LFN_RuDsXsup = value;}
11555  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fH_HFN_RuDsXsup = value;}
11556  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fH_SCs_RuDsXsup = value;}
11557 }// end of SetXsupMemoFromValue(...)
Axis_t fD_Adc_EvDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:507
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:476
Axis_t fH_HFN_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:532
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:494
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:486
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:490
Axis_t fH_TNo_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:526
Axis_t fH_MCs_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:515
Axis_t fH_SCs_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:534
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:472
Axis_t fH_MCs_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:528
Axis_t fD_NOE_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:470
Axis_t fH_HFN_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:519
Axis_t fD_Ped_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:474
Axis_t fH_Ped_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:511
Axis_t fH_Ped_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:524
Axis_t fD_HFN_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:492
Axis_t fH_LFN_RuDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:530
Axis_t fH_SCs_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:521
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:484
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:478
Axis_t fH_TNo_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:513
Axis_t fD_TNo_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:480
Axis_t fD_LFN_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:488
Axis_t fH_LFN_DateXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:517
Axis_t fD_SCs_ChDsXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:496
Axis_t fD_MCs_ChNbXsup
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:482
void TEcnaHistos::SetXsupMemoFromValue ( const Double_t &  value)

Definition at line 11559 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

void TEcnaHistos::SetXVarMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const TString &  xvar 

Definition at line 12024 of file

12025 {
12027  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){fXMemoH1SamePlus = xvar;}
12029  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12030  {
12031  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb = xvar;}
12032  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs = xvar;}
12033  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb = xvar;}
12034  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs = xvar;}
12035  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb = xvar;}
12036  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs = xvar;}
12037  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb = xvar;}
12038  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs = xvar;}
12039  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb = xvar;}
12040  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs = xvar;}
12041  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb = xvar;}
12042  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs = xvar;}
12043  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb = xvar;}
12044  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs = xvar;}
12045  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb = xvar;}
12046  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs = xvar;}
12047  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb = xvar;}
12048  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs = xvar;}
12049  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb = xvar;}
12050  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs = xvar;}
12051  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fXMemoH_Ped_Date = xvar;}
12052  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fXMemoH_TNo_Date = xvar;}
12053  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fXMemoH_MCs_Date = xvar;}
12054  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fXMemoH_LFN_Date = xvar;}
12055  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fXMemoH_HFN_Date = xvar;}
12056  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fXMemoH_SCs_Date = xvar;}
12057  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs = xvar;}
12058  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs = xvar;}
12059  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs = xvar;}
12060  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs = xvar;}
12061  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs = xvar;}
12062  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs = xvar;}
12063  }
12064 }// end of SetXVarMemo(...)
TString fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:699
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:678
TString fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:679
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:672
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:684
TString fXMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:697
TString fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:673
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:675
TString fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:703
TString fXMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:693
TString fXMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:692
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:691
TString fXMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:694
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TString fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:702
TString fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:698
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:688
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:677
TString fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:689
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:683
TString fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:676
TString fXMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:696
TString fXMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:695
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:686
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:680
TString fXMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:671
TString fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:700
TString fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:687
TString fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:701
TString fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:682
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TString fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:674
TString fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:681
TString fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:685
TString fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:690
void TEcnaHistos::SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11982 of file

11983 {
11984 // InitQuantity Ymax
11986  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){fD_NOE_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_NOE_ChNb");}
11987  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){fD_NOE_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_NOE_ChDs");}
11988  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_Ped_ChNb");}
11989  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_Ped_ChDs");}
11990  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){fD_TNo_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_TNo_ChNb");}
11991  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){fD_TNo_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_TNo_ChDs");}
11992  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){fD_MCs_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_MCs_ChNb");}
11993  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){fD_MCs_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_MCs_ChDs");}
11994  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){fD_LFN_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_LFN_ChNb");}
11995  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){fD_LFN_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_LFN_ChDs");}
11996  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){fD_HFN_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_HFN_ChNb");}
11997  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){fD_HFN_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_HFN_ChDs");}
11998  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){fD_SCs_ChNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_SCs_ChNb");}
11999  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){fD_SCs_ChDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_SCs_ChDs");}
12000  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){fD_MSp_SpNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_MSp_SpNb");}
12001  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){fD_MSp_SpDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_MSp_SpDs");}
12002  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ){fD_SSp_SpNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_SSp_SpNb");}
12003  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){fD_SSp_SpDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_SSp_SpDs");}
12004  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ){fD_Adc_EvNbYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_Adc_EvNb");}
12005  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){fD_Adc_EvDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("D_Adc_EvDs");}
12006  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){fH_Ped_DateYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_Ped_Date");}
12007  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){fH_TNo_DateYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_TNo_Date");}
12008  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){fH_MCs_DateYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_MCs_Date");}
12009  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){fH_LFN_DateYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_LFN_Date");}
12010  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){fH_HFN_DateYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_HFN_Date");}
12011  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){fH_SCs_DateYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_SCs_Date");}
12012  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){fH_Ped_RuDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_Ped_RuDs");}
12013  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){fH_TNo_RuDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_TNo_RuDs");}
12014  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){fH_MCs_RuDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_MCs_RuDs");}
12015  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){fH_LFN_RuDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_LFN_RuDs");}
12016  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){fH_HFN_RuDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_HFN_RuDs");}
12017  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){fH_SCs_RuDsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H_SCs_RuDs");}
12018  if( HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix" ){fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H2LFccMosMatrix");}
12019  if( HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix" ){fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H2HFccMosMatrix");}
12020  if( HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins" ){fH2CorccInStinsYmax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo("H2CorccInStins");}
12021 }// end of SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(...)
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:583
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:594
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:556
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:585
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:569
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:550
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:548
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:581
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:609
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:562
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:564
Double_t fD_MSp_SpDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:571
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:607
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:560
Double_t GetYmaxValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:573
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:611
Double_t fD_SSp_SpDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:575
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:602
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:544
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:591
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:554
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:577
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:589
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:558
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:587
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:598
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:540
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:542
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:596
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:600
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:566
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:579
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:546
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:604
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:552
void TEcnaHistos::SetYmaxMemoFromValue ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Double_t &  value 

Definition at line 11816 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

11817 {
11818  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){fD_NOE_ChNbYmax = value;}
11819  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){fD_NOE_ChDsYmax = value;}
11820  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmax = value;}
11821  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmax = value;}
11822  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){fD_TNo_ChNbYmax = value;}
11823  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){fD_TNo_ChDsYmax = value;}
11824  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){fD_MCs_ChNbYmax = value;}
11825  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){fD_MCs_ChDsYmax = value;}
11826  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){fD_LFN_ChNbYmax = value;}
11827  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){fD_LFN_ChDsYmax = value;}
11828  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){fD_HFN_ChNbYmax = value;}
11829  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){fD_HFN_ChDsYmax = value;}
11830  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){fD_SCs_ChNbYmax = value;}
11831  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){fD_SCs_ChDsYmax = value;}
11832  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmax = value;}
11833  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmax = value;}
11834  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ){fD_TNo_ChNbYmax = value;}
11835  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){fD_TNo_ChDsYmax = value;}
11836  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmax = value;}
11837  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmax = value;}
11838  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){fH_Ped_DateYmax = value;}
11839  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){fH_TNo_DateYmax = value;}
11840  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){fH_MCs_DateYmax = value;}
11841  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){fH_LFN_DateYmax = value;}
11842  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){fH_HFN_DateYmax = value;}
11843  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){fH_SCs_DateYmax = value;}
11844  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){fH_Ped_RuDsYmax = value;}
11845  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){fH_TNo_RuDsYmax = value;}
11846  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){fH_MCs_RuDsYmax = value;}
11847  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){fH_LFN_RuDsYmax = value;}
11848  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){fH_HFN_RuDsYmax = value;}
11849  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){fH_SCs_RuDsYmax = value;}
11850  if( HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix" ){fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax = value;}
11851  if( HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix" ){fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax = value;}
11852  if( HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins" ){fH2CorccInStinsYmax = value;}
11853 }// end of SetYmaxMemoFromValue(...)
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:583
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:594
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:556
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:585
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:550
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:548
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:581
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:609
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:562
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:564
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:607
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:560
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:611
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:602
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:544
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:591
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:554
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:589
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:558
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:587
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:598
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:540
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:542
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:596
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:600
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:566
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:546
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:604
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:552
void TEcnaHistos::SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode)

Definition at line 11941 of file

11942 {
11943 // InitQuantity Ymin
11945  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){fD_NOE_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_NOE_ChNb");}
11946  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){fD_NOE_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_NOE_ChDs");}
11947  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_Ped_ChNb");}
11948  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_Ped_ChDs");}
11949  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){fD_TNo_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_TNo_ChNb");}
11950  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){fD_TNo_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_TNo_ChDs");}
11951  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){fD_MCs_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_MCs_ChNb");}
11952  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){fD_MCs_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_MCs_ChDs");}
11953  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){fD_LFN_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_LFN_ChNb");}
11954  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){fD_LFN_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_LFN_ChDs");}
11955  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){fD_HFN_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_HFN_ChNb");}
11956  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){fD_HFN_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_HFN_ChDs");}
11957  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){fD_SCs_ChNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_SCs_ChNb");}
11958  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){fD_SCs_ChDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_SCs_ChDs");}
11959  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){fD_MSp_SpNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_MSp_SpNb");}
11960  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){fD_MSp_SpDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_MSp_SpDs");}
11961  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ){fD_SSp_SpNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_SSp_SpNb");}
11962  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){fD_SSp_SpDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_SSp_SpDs");}
11963  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ){fD_Adc_EvNbYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_Adc_EvNb");}
11964  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){fD_Adc_EvDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("D_Adc_EvDs");}
11965  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){fH_Ped_DateYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_Ped_Date");}
11966  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){fH_TNo_DateYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_TNo_Date");}
11967  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){fH_MCs_DateYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_MCs_Date");}
11968  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){fH_LFN_DateYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_LFN_Date");}
11969  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){fH_HFN_DateYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_HFN_Date");}
11970  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){fH_SCs_DateYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_SCs_Date");}
11971  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){fH_Ped_RuDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_Ped_RuDs");}
11972  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){fH_TNo_RuDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_TNo_RuDs");}
11973  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){fH_MCs_RuDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_MCs_RuDs");}
11974  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){fH_LFN_RuDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_LFN_RuDs");}
11975  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){fH_HFN_RuDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_HFN_RuDs");}
11976  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){fH_SCs_RuDsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H_SCs_RuDs");}
11977  if( HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix" ){fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H2LFccMosMatrix");}
11978  if( HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix" ){fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H2HFccMosMatrix");}
11979  if( HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins" ){fH2CorccInStinsYmin = GetYminValueFromMemo("H2CorccInStins");}
11980 }// end of SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(...)
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:549
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:599
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:563
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:586
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:582
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:543
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:561
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:547
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:557
Double_t GetYminValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:559
Double_t fD_Adc_EvNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:578
Double_t fD_MSp_SpNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:568
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:588
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:595
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:610
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:565
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:541
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:576
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:553
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:584
Double_t fD_SSp_SpDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:574
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:590
Double_t fD_MSp_SpDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:570
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:606
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:545
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:551
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:593
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:601
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:555
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:597
Double_t fD_SSp_SpNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:572
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:608
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:580
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:539
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:603
void TEcnaHistos::SetYminMemoFromValue ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Double_t &  value 

Definition at line 11777 of file

References relativeConstraints::value.

11778 {
11779  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){fD_NOE_ChNbYmin = value;}
11780  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){fD_NOE_ChDsYmin = value;}
11781  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmin = value;}
11782  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmin = value;}
11783  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){fD_TNo_ChNbYmin = value;}
11784  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){fD_TNo_ChDsYmin = value;}
11785  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){fD_MCs_ChNbYmin = value;}
11786  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){fD_MCs_ChDsYmin = value;}
11787  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){fD_LFN_ChNbYmin = value;}
11788  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){fD_LFN_ChDsYmin = value;}
11789  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){fD_HFN_ChNbYmin = value;}
11790  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){fD_HFN_ChDsYmin = value;}
11791  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){fD_SCs_ChNbYmin = value;}
11792  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){fD_SCs_ChDsYmin = value;}
11793  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmin = value;}
11794  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){fD_Ped_ChDsYmin = value;}
11795  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb" ){fD_TNo_ChNbYmin = value;}
11796  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){fD_TNo_ChDsYmin = value;}
11797  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb" ){fD_Ped_ChNbYmin = value;}
11798  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){fD_Adc_EvDsYmin = value;}
11799  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" ){fH_Ped_DateYmin = value;}
11800  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" ){fH_TNo_DateYmin = value;}
11801  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" ){fH_MCs_DateYmin = value;}
11802  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" ){fH_LFN_DateYmin = value;}
11803  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" ){fH_HFN_DateYmin = value;}
11804  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" ){fH_SCs_DateYmin = value;}
11805  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){fH_Ped_RuDsYmin = value;}
11806  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){fH_TNo_RuDsYmin = value;}
11807  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){fH_MCs_RuDsYmin = value;}
11808  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){fH_LFN_RuDsYmin = value;}
11809  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){fH_HFN_RuDsYmin = value;}
11810  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){fH_SCs_RuDsYmin = value;}
11811  if( HistoCode == "H2LFccMosMatrix" ){fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin = value;}
11812  if( HistoCode == "H2HFccMosMatrix" ){fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin = value;}
11813  if( HistoCode == "H2CorccInStins" ){fH2CorccInStinsYmin = value;}
11814 }// end of SetYminMemoFromValue(...)
Double_t fD_TNo_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:549
Double_t fH_LFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:599
Double_t fD_SCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:563
Double_t fH_LFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:586
Double_t fH_TNo_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:582
Double_t fD_Ped_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:543
Double_t fD_HFN_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:561
Double_t fD_TNo_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:547
Double_t fD_LFN_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:557
Double_t fD_HFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:559
Double_t fH_HFN_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:588
Double_t fH_TNo_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:595
Double_t fH2CorccInStinsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:610
Double_t fD_SCs_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:565
Double_t fD_NOE_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:541
Double_t fD_Adc_EvDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:576
Double_t fD_MCs_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:553
Double_t fH_MCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:584
Double_t fH_SCs_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:590
Double_t fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:606
Double_t fD_Ped_ChDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:545
Double_t fD_MCs_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:551
Double_t fH_Ped_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:593
Double_t fH_HFN_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:601
Double_t fD_LFN_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:555
Double_t fH_MCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:597
Double_t fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:608
Double_t fH_Ped_DateYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:580
Double_t fD_NOE_ChNbYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:539
Double_t fH_SCs_RuDsYmin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:603
void TEcnaHistos::SetYVarMemo ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const TString &  yvar 

Definition at line 12111 of file

12112 {
12113  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){fYMemoH1SamePlus = yvar;}
12115  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
12116  {
12117  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb = yvar;}
12118  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs"){fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs = yvar;}
12119  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb = yvar;}
12120  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs"){fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs = yvar;}
12121  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb = yvar;}
12122  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs"){fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs = yvar;}
12123  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb = yvar;}
12124  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs"){fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs = yvar;}
12125  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb = yvar;}
12126  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs"){fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs = yvar;}
12127  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb = yvar;}
12128  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs"){fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs = yvar;}
12129  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb = yvar;}
12130  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs"){fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs = yvar;}
12131  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpNb"){fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb = yvar;}
12132  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs"){fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs = yvar;}
12133  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpNb"){fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb = yvar;}
12134  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs"){fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs = yvar;}
12135  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs"){fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs = yvar;}
12136  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvNb"){fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb = yvar;}
12137  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date"){fYMemoH_Ped_Date = yvar;}
12138  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date"){fYMemoH_TNo_Date = yvar;}
12139  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date"){fYMemoH_MCs_Date = yvar;}
12140  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date"){fYMemoH_LFN_Date = yvar;}
12141  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date"){fYMemoH_HFN_Date = yvar;}
12142  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date"){fYMemoH_SCs_Date = yvar;}
12143  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs"){fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs = yvar;}
12144  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs"){fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs = yvar;}
12145  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs"){fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs = yvar;}
12146  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs"){fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs = yvar;}
12147  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs"){fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs = yvar;}
12148  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs"){fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs = yvar;}
12149  }
12150 }// end of SetYVarMemo(...)
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:735
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:717
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:708
TString fYMemoH_MCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:728
TString fYMemoH_TNo_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:727
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:713
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:724
TString fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:736
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:719
TString fYMemoH_HFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:730
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:722
TString fYMemoH_Ped_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:726
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:721
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:711
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TString fYMemoH1SamePlus
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:705
TString fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:712
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:715
TString fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:709
TString fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:732
TString fYMemoH_LFN_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:729
TString fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:734
TString fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:723
TString fYMemoH_SCs_Date
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:731
TString fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:718
TString fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:720
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:706
TString fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:725
TString fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:714
TString fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:716
TString fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:737
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
TString fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:710
TString fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:707
TString fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:733
void TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  PlotOption 

Definition at line 6349 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

6352 {
6353  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
6354  {
6355  if( PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot )
6356  {
6357  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6358  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6359  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6361  Bool_t aOKData = kFALSE;
6362  TVectorD read_histo(fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6364  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
6365  {
6371  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
6372  {
6373  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
6374  read_histo = fMyRootFile->ReadSampleSigmas(StexStin_A, fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6375  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;}
6376  }
6377  else
6378  {
6379  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
6380  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(...)> Data not available (ROOT file not found)." << endl;
6381  }
6382  if( fStatusFileFound == kTRUE && fStatusDataExist == kTRUE ){aOKData = kTRUE;}
6383  }
6385  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
6386  {
6387  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC(); i++){read_histo[i] = arg_read_histo[i];}
6388  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
6389  aOKData = kTRUE;
6390  }
6391  if( aOKData == kTRUE )
6392  {
6393  TVectorD read_histo_samps(fFapNbOfSamples);
6395  Int_t xAlreadyRead = 1;
6396  for( Int_t i0_stin_echa=0; i0_stin_echa<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0_stin_echa++)
6397  {
6398  if( fFapStexName == "SM" )
6399  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(...)> channel " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa << ": ";}
6400  if( fFapStexName == "Dee" )
6401  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(...)> Xtal " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa+1 << ": ";}
6403  for( Int_t i0_samp=0; i0_samp<fFapNbOfSamples; i0_samp++ )
6404  {
6405  read_histo_samps(i0_samp) = read_histo(i0_stin_echa*fFapNbOfSamples+i0_samp);
6406  cout << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << read_histo_samps(i0_samp) << ", " ;
6407  }
6408  cout << endl;
6409  ViewHisto(read_histo_samps, xAlreadyRead,
6410  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fZerv, "D_SSp_SpDs", fAllXtalsInStinPlot);
6411  xAlreadyRead++;
6412  }
6413  xAlreadyRead = 0;
6414  }
6415  else
6416  {
6417  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(...)> Data not available." << endl;
6418  }
6419  }
6421  if( !(PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot) )
6422  {
6423  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6424  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6425  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6426  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fZerv, "D_SSp_SpDs", PlotOption);
6427  }
6428  }
6429  else
6430  {
6431  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data() << " number = " << fFapStexNumber
6432  << " out of range (range = [1," << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "])" << fTTBELL << endl;
6433  }
6434 } // end of SigmaSamplesXtals(...)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TVectorD ReadSampleSigmas(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxSampADC()
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 6346 of file

6348 {SigmaSamplesXtals(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, "ONLYONE");}
void SigmaSamplesXtals(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::SMTowerNumbering ( const Int_t &  SMNumber)

Definition at line 3686 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

3687 {
3688  //display the tower numbering of the super-module
3690  if( (SMNumber > 0) && (SMNumber <= fEcal->MaxSMInEB()) )
3691  {
3692  Int_t GeoBidSizeEta = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysEtaInTow();
3693  Int_t GeoBidSizePhi = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow();
3695  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeEta;
3696  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizePhi;
3697  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3698  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeEta;
3699  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3700  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizePhi;
3702  TString axis_x_var_name = " #eta ";
3703  TString axis_y_var_name = " #varphi ";
3705  //------------------------------------------------------------------- SMTowerNumbering
3707  //............. matrices reading and histogram filling
3708  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3710  sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "SM tower numbering");
3712  // il faut tracer un bidim vide pour pouvoir tracer la grille et les axes
3714  TH2D* h_empty_bid = new TH2D("grid_bidim_eta_phi", f_in_mat_tit,
3715  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
3716  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
3717  h_empty_bid->Reset();
3719  h_empty_bid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
3720  h_empty_bid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
3722  // ------------------------------------------------ P L O T S (SMTowerNumbering)
3724  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3726  //...................... Taille/format canvas
3728  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("etaphiSM");
3729  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("etaphiSM");
3731  //............................................... options generales
3735  //............................................... paves commentaires (SMTowerNumbering)
3736  SetAllPavesViewStex("Numbering", SMNumber);
3738  //------------------------------------ Canvas name ----------------- (SMTowerNumbering)
3740  sprintf(f_in, "tower_numbering_for_SuperModule_SM%d", SMNumber);
3742  SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_empty_bid,"Stex2DEB");
3744  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
3745  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
3747  // cout << "*TEcnaHistosEB::ViewSM(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << f_in << endl;
3749  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
3751  //------------------------ Canvas draw and update ------------ (SMTowerNumbering)
3752  fPavComStex->Draw();
3754  Double_t x_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
3755  Double_t y_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
3756  MainCanvas->Divide(1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
3757  gPad->cd(1);
3759  h_empty_bid->DrawCopy("COL"); // il faut tracer un bidim vide pour pouvoir tracer la grille et les axes
3761  ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(SMNumber);
3762  gPad->Update();
3764  //..................... retour aux options standard
3765  Bool_t b_true = 1;
3766  h_empty_bid->SetStats(b_true);
3768  h_empty_bid->Delete(); h_empty_bid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3770  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
3772  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
3773  }
3774  else
3775  {
3776  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::SMTowerNumbering(...)> SM = " << SMNumber
3777  << ". Out of range ( range = [1," << fEcal->MaxSMInEB() << "] )" << fTTBELL << endl;
3778  }
3779 }
Int_t MaxCrysPhiInTow()
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxCrysEtaInTow()
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString GetSMHalfBarrel(const Int_t &)
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
void SetAllPavesViewStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t MaxTowPhiInSM()
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(const Int_t &)
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxTowEtaInSM()
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t MaxSMInEB()
tuple cout
TString fFapStexBarrel
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:405
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::SqrtContourLevels ( const Int_t &  nb_niv,
Double_t *  cont_niv 

Definition at line 4714 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

4715 {
4716 //Calculation of levels in z coordinate for 3D plots. Square root scale
4718  Int_t nb_niv2 = (nb_niv+1)/2;
4720  for (Int_t num_niv = 0; num_niv < nb_niv2; num_niv++)
4721  {
4722  Int_t ind_niv = num_niv + nb_niv2 - 1;
4723  if ( ind_niv < 0 || ind_niv > nb_niv )
4724  {
4725  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ContourLevels(...)> *** ERROR *** "
4726  << "wrong contour levels for correlation matrix"
4727  << fTTBELL << endl;
4728  }
4729  else
4730  {
4731  cont_niv[ind_niv] =
4732  (Double_t)(num_niv*num_niv)/
4733  ((Double_t)((nb_niv2-1)*(nb_niv2-1)));
4734  }
4735  }
4736  for (Int_t num_niv = -1; num_niv > -nb_niv2; num_niv--)
4737  {
4738  Int_t ind_niv = num_niv + nb_niv2 - 1;
4739  if ( ind_niv < 0 || ind_niv > nb_niv )
4740  {
4741  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ContourLevels(...)> *** ERROR *** "
4742  << "wrong contour levels for correlation matrix"
4743  << fTTBELL << endl;
4744  }
4745  else
4746  {
4747  cont_niv[ind_niv] =
4748  -(Double_t)(num_niv*num_niv)/
4749  ((Double_t)((nb_niv2-1)*(nb_niv2-1)));
4750  }
4751  }
4752 }
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
tuple cout
void TEcnaHistos::StartStopDate ( const TString &  start_date,
const TString &  stop_date 

Definition at line 818 of file

819 {
820  fStartDate = start_date.Data();
821  fStopDate = stop_date.Data();
822 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Bool_t TEcnaHistos::StatusDataExist ( )

Definition at line 833 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB().

833 {return fStatusDataExist;}
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Bool_t TEcnaHistos::StatusFileFound ( )

Definition at line 832 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB().

832 {return fStatusFileFound;}
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
void TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc ( const TString &  Freq)

Definition at line 3350 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, and j.

3351 {
3352 // (Hoco, Veco) matrices for all the Stins of a Stex
3360  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) // (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3361  {
3362  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
3365  TString fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
3366  //cout << "*TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
3367  // << fp_name_short << endl;
3373  //......................... matrix title
3374  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3376  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" && Freq == "LF" )
3377  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "LF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') for each tower in SM");}
3378  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" && Freq == "HF" )
3379  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "HF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') for each tower in SM");}
3380  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" && Freq == "LF" )
3381  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "LF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') for each SC in Dee");}
3382  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" && Freq == "HF" )
3383  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "HF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') for each SC in Dee");}
3385  //................................. Axis parameters
3386  Int_t GeoBidSizeHoco = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex()*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin();
3387  Int_t GeoBidSizeVeco = fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex()*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin();
3389  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeHoco;
3390  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizeVeco;
3391  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3392  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeHoco;
3393  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3394  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeVeco;
3396  TString axis_x_var_name = " #Hoco ";
3397  TString axis_y_var_name = " #varVeco ";
3399  //======================================================== (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3400  TVectorD Stin_numbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
3401  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){Stin_numbers(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
3402  Stin_numbers = fMyRootFile->ReadStinNumbers(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
3404  if ( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
3405  {
3406  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
3408  //............. matrices reading and histogram filling
3409  TMatrixD partial_matrix(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());
3410  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); i++)
3411  {for(Int_t j=0; j<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); j++){partial_matrix(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}}
3413  if( Freq == "LF")
3414  {
3416  }
3417  if( Freq == "HF")
3418  {
3420  }
3422  if ( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
3423  {
3424  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
3426  //............................... 2D histo booking
3427  TH2D* h_geo_bid = new TH2D("geobidim_HocoVecoLHFCorcc", f_in_mat_tit,
3428  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
3429  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
3430  h_geo_bid->Reset();
3434  for(Int_t i0StexStinEcna=0; i0StexStinEcna<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0StexStinEcna++)
3435  {
3436  Int_t n1StexStin = (Int_t)Stin_numbers(i0StexStinEcna);
3437  Int_t offset_x = ((n1StexStin-1)/fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex())*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin();
3438  Int_t offset_y = ((n1StexStin-1)%fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex())*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin();
3440  if (n1StexStin != -1)
3441  {
3442  //================================================= (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3443  //------------------ Geographical bidim filling
3444  for(Int_t i0StinEcha=0; i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0StinEcha++)
3445  {
3446  for(Int_t j0StinEcha=0; j0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); j0StinEcha++)
3447  {
3448  Int_t i_xgeo = offset_x + i0StinEcha;
3449  Int_t i_ygeo = offset_y + j0StinEcha;
3451  if(i_xgeo >=0 && i_xgeo < nb_binx && i_ygeo >=0 && i_ygeo < nb_biny)
3452  {
3453  Int_t iEcha = (n1StexStin-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i0StinEcha;
3454  Int_t jEcha = (n1StexStin-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + j0StinEcha;
3456  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)i_ygeo,
3457  (Double_t)partial_matrix(iEcha, jEcha));
3458  }
3459  }
3460  }
3461  }
3462  }
3464  //=============== H I S T O M I N / M A X M A N A G E M E N T ============ (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3466  TString HistoCode = "H2CorccInStins";
3468  //................................ Put histo min max values
3469  //.......... default if flag not set to "ON"
3470  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
3471  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
3473  if( fUserHistoMin == fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
3474  //.......... user's value if flag set to "ON"
3475  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
3476  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
3477  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
3478  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
3479  //................................. automatic min and/or max
3480  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
3481  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), h_geo_bid->GetMinimum()); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
3482  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
3483  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), h_geo_bid->GetMaximum()); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
3484  //...................................... histo set ymin and ymax
3485  SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, HistoCode);
3487  // ----------------------------------- P L O T S (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3489  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3491  //...................... Taille/format canvas
3493  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
3494  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
3496  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
3497  {canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("etaphiSM");
3498  canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("etaphiSM");}
3499  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
3500  {canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("IXIYDee");
3501  canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("IXIYDee");}
3503  //..................................... paves commentaires (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3506  //----------------- Canvas name ------- (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3507  TString name_cov_cor;
3508  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
3509  name_cov_cor.Resize(MaxCar);
3510  if( Freq == "LF" ){name_cov_cor = "StexLFCorcc";}
3511  if( Freq == "HF" ){name_cov_cor = "StexHFCorcc";}
3513  TString name_visu;
3514  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
3515  name_visu.Resize(MaxCar);
3516  name_visu = "colz";
3518  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_Stex%s%d_%s_HocoVeco",
3519  name_cov_cor.Data(), fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber,
3521  name_visu.Data());
3523  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stex2DEB");}
3524  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stex2DEE");}
3526  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
3527  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
3529  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> "
3530  // << f_in << endl;
3532  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
3534  //------------ Canvas draw and update ------ (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3535  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
3536  fPavComStex->Draw();
3537  fPavComAnaRun->Draw();
3538  fPavComNbOfEvts->Draw();
3540  //----------------------------------------------------------- pad margins
3541  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
3542  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_left_box") + 0.005;
3543  Double_t x_margin = x_low;
3544  Double_t y_margin = y_low;
3545  MainCanvas->Divide( 1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
3546  // Divide(nx, ny, x_margin, y_margin, color);
3547  gPad->cd(1);
3548  //........................... specific EE
3549  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
3550  {
3551  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
3552  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_Dee") - 0.005;
3553  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = gPad;
3554  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);
3555  }
3557  h_geo_bid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
3558  h_geo_bid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
3560  h_geo_bid->DrawCopy("COLZ");
3562  // trace de la grille: un rectangle = une tour (StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc)
3563  ViewStexGrid(fFapStexNumber, "corcc");
3564  gPad->Draw();
3565  gPad->Update();
3567  //..................... retour aux options standard
3568  Bool_t b_true = 1;
3569  h_geo_bid->SetStats(b_true);
3570  h_geo_bid->Delete(); h_geo_bid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3572  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
3573  }
3574  }
3575  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
3576  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
3577  else
3578  {
3579  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
3581  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
3582  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
3583  }
3584 } // end of StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t MaxStinVecoInStex()
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
void ViewStexGrid(const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TVectorD ReadStinNumbers(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
int j
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TString GetStopDate()
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Bool_t DataExist()
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t MaxCrysEcnaInStex()
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TString GetRunType()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
TString GetStexHalfStas(const Int_t &)
tuple cout
TString fFapStexBarrel
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:405
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
Double_t BoxRightX(const TString &)
Int_t MaxStinHocoInStex()
Double_t BoxBottomY(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
TString TEcnaHistos::StexNumberToString ( const Int_t &  StexNumber)

Definition at line 9835 of file

9836 {
9837  // Convert Int_t StexNumber into TString: "StexNumber" if StexNumber in [-18,36]
9838  // or into TString: "EB" or "EE" if StexNumber = 0.
9840  TString sFapStexNumber = "?";
9841  if( StexNumber == -1 ){sFapStexNumber = " -1";}
9842  if( StexNumber == -2 ){sFapStexNumber = " -2";}
9843  if( StexNumber == -3 ){sFapStexNumber = " -3";}
9844  if( StexNumber == -4 ){sFapStexNumber = " -4";}
9845  if( StexNumber == -5 ){sFapStexNumber = " -5";}
9846  if( StexNumber == -6 ){sFapStexNumber = " -6";}
9847  if( StexNumber == -7 ){sFapStexNumber = " -7";}
9848  if( StexNumber == -8 ){sFapStexNumber = " -8";}
9849  if( StexNumber == -9 ){sFapStexNumber = " -9";}
9850  if( StexNumber == -10 ){sFapStexNumber = "-10";}
9851  if( StexNumber == -11 ){sFapStexNumber = "-11";}
9852  if( StexNumber == -12 ){sFapStexNumber = "-12";}
9853  if( StexNumber == -13 ){sFapStexNumber = "-13";}
9854  if( StexNumber == -14 ){sFapStexNumber = "-14";}
9855  if( StexNumber == -15 ){sFapStexNumber = "-15";}
9856  if( StexNumber == -16 ){sFapStexNumber = "-16";}
9857  if( StexNumber == -17 ){sFapStexNumber = "-17";}
9858  if( StexNumber == -18 ){sFapStexNumber = "-18";}
9859  if( StexNumber == 0 ){sFapStexNumber = fFlagSubDet;}
9860  if( StexNumber == 1 ){sFapStexNumber = " 1";}
9861  if( StexNumber == 2 ){sFapStexNumber = " 2";}
9862  if( StexNumber == 3 ){sFapStexNumber = " 3";}
9863  if( StexNumber == 4 ){sFapStexNumber = " 4";}
9864  if( StexNumber == 5 ){sFapStexNumber = " 5";}
9865  if( StexNumber == 6 ){sFapStexNumber = " 6";}
9866  if( StexNumber == 7 ){sFapStexNumber = " 7";}
9867  if( StexNumber == 8 ){sFapStexNumber = " 8";}
9868  if( StexNumber == 9 ){sFapStexNumber = " 9";}
9869  if( StexNumber == 10 ){sFapStexNumber = " 10";}
9870  if( StexNumber == 11 ){sFapStexNumber = " 11";}
9871  if( StexNumber == 12 ){sFapStexNumber = " 12";}
9872  if( StexNumber == 13 ){sFapStexNumber = " 13";}
9873  if( StexNumber == 14 ){sFapStexNumber = " 14";}
9874  if( StexNumber == 15 ){sFapStexNumber = " 15";}
9875  if( StexNumber == 16 ){sFapStexNumber = " 16";}
9876  if( StexNumber == 17 ){sFapStexNumber = " 17";}
9877  if( StexNumber == 18 ){sFapStexNumber = " 18";}
9878  if( StexNumber == 19 ){sFapStexNumber = " -1";}
9879  if( StexNumber == 20 ){sFapStexNumber = " -2";}
9880  if( StexNumber == 21 ){sFapStexNumber = " -3";}
9881  if( StexNumber == 22 ){sFapStexNumber = " -4";}
9882  if( StexNumber == 23 ){sFapStexNumber = " -5";}
9883  if( StexNumber == 24 ){sFapStexNumber = " -6";}
9884  if( StexNumber == 25 ){sFapStexNumber = " -7";}
9885  if( StexNumber == 26 ){sFapStexNumber = " -8";}
9886  if( StexNumber == 27 ){sFapStexNumber = " -9";}
9887  if( StexNumber == 28 ){sFapStexNumber = "-10";}
9888  if( StexNumber == 29 ){sFapStexNumber = "-11";}
9889  if( StexNumber == 30 ){sFapStexNumber = "-12";}
9890  if( StexNumber == 31 ){sFapStexNumber = "-13";}
9891  if( StexNumber == 32 ){sFapStexNumber = "-14";}
9892  if( StexNumber == 33 ){sFapStexNumber = "-15";}
9893  if( StexNumber == 34 ){sFapStexNumber = "-16";}
9894  if( StexNumber == 35 ){sFapStexNumber = "-17";}
9895  if( StexNumber == 36 ){sFapStexNumber = "-18";}
9896  return sFapStexNumber;
9897 }
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void TEcnaHistos::StexStinNumbering ( const Int_t &  StexNumber)

Definition at line 3644 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStexStinNumbering().

3645 {
3646 //display the Stin numbering of the Stex
3648  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){SMTowerNumbering(StexNumber);}
3649  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){DeeSCNumbering(StexNumber);}
3650 }
void DeeSCNumbering(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void SMTowerNumbering(const Int_t &)
void TEcnaHistos::StinCrystalNumbering ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  cStexStin 

Definition at line 2321 of file

Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStinCrystalNumbering().

2322 {
2323 //display the crystal numbering of one Stin
2324 // cStexStin = Tower number in case of EB or SC number for construction in case of EE
2326  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){TowerCrystalNumbering(StexNumber, cStexStin);}
2327  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){SCCrystalNumbering(StexNumber, cStexStin);}
2328 }
void SCCrystalNumbering(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void TowerCrystalNumbering(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void TEcnaHistos::TopAxisForHistos ( TH1D *  h_his0,
const TString &  opt_plot,
const Int_t &  xMemoPlotSame,
const Int_t &  min_value,
const Int_t &  max_value,
const Int_t &  xFlagAutoYsupMargin,
const Int_t &  HisSize 

Definition at line 10444 of file

References prof2calltree::ticks.

10447 {
10448 // Axis on top of the plot to indicate the Stin numbers
10450  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot ||
10451  ( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) && (xMemoPlotSame == 0) ) ||
10452  ( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot) && (xMemoPlotSame == 0) ) )
10453  {
10454  Double_t Maxih = (Double_t)h_his0->GetMaximum();
10455  Double_t Minih = (Double_t)h_his0->GetMinimum();
10457  if(xFlagAutoYsupMargin == 1)
10458  {
10459  if( Minih >= Maxih ){Minih = (Double_t)0.; Maxih += Maxih;} // ROOT default if ymin >= ymax
10460  Double_t MaxMarginFactor = (Double_t)0.05; // frame top line = 5% above the maximum
10461  Maxih += (Maxih-Minih)*MaxMarginFactor; // ROOT default if ymin < ymax
10462  }
10464  Double_t v_min = min_value;
10465  Double_t v_max = max_value+(Double_t)1.;
10466  Double_t v_min_p = v_min+(Double_t)1.;
10467  Double_t v_max_p = v_max+(Double_t)1.;
10469  Int_t ndiv = 50207;
10470  TString opt = "B-";
10471  Double_t Xbegin = 0.;
10472  Double_t Xend = (Double_t)HisSize;
10473  Double_t ticks = 0.05;
10475  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 && fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
10476  {
10477  v_min = 0;
10478  v_max = max_value;
10479  ndiv = 4;
10480  opt = "CSU"; // first draw axis with ticksize and no label
10481  Xbegin = (Double_t)HisSize;
10482  Xend = 0.;
10483  }
10485  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 && fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
10486  {
10487  ticks = 0;
10488  if( fFapStexNumber == 1 )
10489  {
10490  v_min = min_value;
10491  v_max = max_value+0.5;
10492  Xbegin = (Double_t)HisSize;
10493  Xend = 0.;
10494  opt = "CSU"; // first draw axis with no ticksize and no label
10495  }
10496  if( fFapStexNumber == 2 )
10497  {
10498  v_min = min_value+0.5;
10499  v_max = max_value+1.;
10500  Xbegin = (Double_t)HisSize;
10501  Xend = 0.;
10502  opt = "CSU"; // first draw axis with no ticksize and no label
10503  }
10504  if( fFapStexNumber == 3 )
10505  {
10506  v_min = min_value+0.5;
10507  v_max = max_value+1.;
10508  Xbegin = 0.;
10509  Xend = (Double_t)HisSize;
10510  opt = "-CSU"; // first draw axis with no ticksize and no label
10511  }
10512  if( fFapStexNumber == 4 )
10513  {
10514  v_min = min_value;
10515  v_max = max_value+0.5;
10516  Xbegin = 0.;
10517  Xend = (Double_t)HisSize;
10518  opt = "-CSU"; // first draw axis with no ticksize and no label
10519  }
10520  v_min -= 1;
10521  v_max -= 1;
10522  ndiv = 5;
10523  }
10525  TGaxis* top_axis_x = 0;
10527  top_axis_x = new TGaxis(Xbegin, Maxih, Xend, Maxih,
10528  v_min, v_max, ndiv, opt, 0.); fCnewRoot++;
10530  top_axis_x->SetTickSize(ticks);
10531  top_axis_x->SetTitleOffset((Float_t)(1.2));
10532  top_axis_x->SetLabelOffset((Float_t)(0.005));
10534  TString x_var_name = "?";
10535  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
10536  x_var_name.Resize(MaxCar);
10537  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
10538  {
10539  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB"){x_var_name = "Tower number";}
10540  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
10541  {
10542  x_var_name = " ";
10543  // x_var_name = " Data sector"; // don't remove the space characters !
10544  }
10545  }
10546  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
10547  {
10548  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB"){x_var_name = "SM number";}
10549  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE"){x_var_name = " ";}
10550  }
10551  top_axis_x->SetTitle(x_var_name);
10552  top_axis_x->Draw("SAME");
10554  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
10555  {
10556  // redraw axis with ticksize = 0, with labelOffset<0 or >0 and div centered in middle division
10557  opt = "-MS";
10558  if(fFapStexNumber == 1 || fFapStexNumber == 2 ){opt = "-MS";}
10559  if(fFapStexNumber == 3 || fFapStexNumber == 4 ){opt = "MS";}
10560  ndiv = 4;
10561  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 ){ndiv = 5;}
10562  TGaxis* top_axis_x_bis = 0;
10563  top_axis_x_bis = new TGaxis(Xbegin, Maxih, Xend, Maxih,
10564  v_min_p, v_max_p, ndiv, opt, 0.); fCnewRoot++;
10565  top_axis_x_bis->SetTickSize(0.);
10566  Float_t lab_siz_x = top_axis_x->GetLabelSize();
10567  top_axis_x_bis->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
10568  top_axis_x_bis->SetLabelOffset(-0.1);
10570  top_axis_x_bis->SetLabelOffset((Float_t)(9999.));
10571  // if(fFapStexNumber == 1 || fFapStexNumber == 2 ){top_axis_x_bis->SetLabelOffset(-0.07);}
10572  // if(fFapStexNumber == 3 || fFapStexNumber == 4 ){top_axis_x_bis->SetLabelOffset(-0.05);}
10573  // if(fFapStexNumber == 0 )
10574  // {top_axis_x_bis->SetLabelOffset((Float_t)(9999.));} // keep the tick and remove the value
10575  top_axis_x_bis->Draw("SAME");
10576  }
10577  }
10578 } // end of TopAxisForHistos
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
void TEcnaHistos::TowerCrystalNumbering ( const Int_t &  SMNumber,
const Int_t &  n1SMTow 

Definition at line 2337 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, reco::tau::disc::Eta(), and colinearityKinematic::Phi.

2338 {
2339  //display the crystal numbering of one tower
2341  if( (SMNumber > 0) && (SMNumber <= fEcal->MaxSMInEB()) )
2342  {
2345  Int_t MatSize = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
2346  Int_t size_eta = fEcal->MaxCrysEtaInTow();
2347  Int_t size_phi = fEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow();
2349  //---------------------------------- bidim
2351  Int_t nb_bins = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
2352  Int_t nx_gbins = nb_bins*size_eta;
2353  Int_t ny_gbins = nb_bins*size_phi;
2355  Axis_t xinf_gbid = (Axis_t)0.;
2356  Axis_t xsup_gbid = (Axis_t)fEcal->MaxSampADC()*size_eta;
2357  Axis_t yinf_gbid = (Axis_t)0.;
2358  Axis_t ysup_gbid = (Axis_t)fEcal->MaxSampADC()*size_phi;
2360  TString fg_name = "M0' crystals";
2361  TString fg_tit = "Xtal numbering (chan. in tow, chan. in SM, Xtal in SM, hashed)";
2363  //----------------------- empty 2D histo for pave coordinates registration
2364  TH2D *h_gbid;
2365  h_gbid = new TH2D(fg_name.Data(), fg_tit.Data(),
2366  nx_gbins, xinf_gbid, xsup_gbid,
2367  ny_gbins, yinf_gbid, ysup_gbid); fCnewRoot++;
2368  h_gbid->Reset();
2370  //----------------- T R A C E D E S P L O T S ------ (TowerCrystalNumbering)
2372  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2374  //...................... Taille/format canvas
2376  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
2377  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
2379  //........................................ couleurs
2380  Color_t couleur_noir = fCnaParHistos->SetColorsForNumbers("crystal");
2381  Color_t couleur_rouge = fCnaParHistos->SetColorsForNumbers("lvrb_top");
2382  Color_t couleur_bleu_fonce = fCnaParHistos->SetColorsForNumbers("lvrb_bottom");
2384  gStyle->SetPalette(1,0); // Rainbow spectrum
2386  //.................................... options generales
2389  //.................................... paves commentaires (TowerCrystalNumbering)
2391  SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2393  //---------------------------------------------- (TowerCrystalNumbering)
2395  //..................... Canvas name
2396  sprintf(f_in, "Crystal_Numbering_for_%s_X_%d_%s%d",
2397  fFapStinName.Data(), n1SMTow, fFapStexName.Data(), SMNumber);
2399  SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_gbid, "Stin");
2401  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w , canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
2402  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
2404  // cout << "*TEcnaHistosEB::TowerCrystalNumbering(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> "
2405  // << f_in << endl;
2407  Double_t x_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
2408  Double_t y_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
2409  MainCanvas->Divide(1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
2411  fPavComStex->Draw();
2412  fPavComStin->Draw();
2413  fPavComLVRB->Draw();
2415  Bool_t b_true = 1;
2416  Bool_t b_false = 0;
2417  gPad->cd(1);
2419  gStyle->SetMarkerColor(couleur_rouge);
2421  Int_t logy = 0;
2422  gPad->SetLogy(logy);
2424  //............................... bidim .......... (TowerCrystalNumbering)
2426  h_gbid->SetStats(b_false);
2427  h_gbid->DrawCopy("COLZ");
2429  //..... Ecriture des numeros de channels dans la grille..... (TowerCrystalNumbering)
2430  // et des numeros SM des cristaux
2432  //............... prepa arguments fixes appels [TText]->DrawText()
2433  char* f_in_elec = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2434  TString TowerLvrbType = fEcalNumbering->GetTowerLvrbType(n1SMTow) ;
2435  TText *text_elec_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
2436  if ( TowerLvrbType == "top" ){text_elec_num->SetTextColor(couleur_rouge);}
2437  if ( TowerLvrbType == "bottom" ){text_elec_num->SetTextColor(couleur_bleu_fonce);}
2438  text_elec_num->SetTextSize(0.04);
2440  char* f_in_sme = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2441  TText *text_sme_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
2442  if ( TowerLvrbType == "top" ){text_sme_num->SetTextColor(couleur_rouge);}
2443  if ( TowerLvrbType == "bottom" ){text_sme_num->SetTextColor(couleur_bleu_fonce);}
2444  text_sme_num->SetTextSize(0.03);
2446  char* f_in_sm = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2447  TText *text_sm_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
2448  text_sm_num->SetTextColor(couleur_noir);
2449  text_sm_num->SetTextSize(0.03);
2451  char* f_in_hsd = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2452  TText *text_hsd_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
2453  text_hsd_num->SetTextColor(couleur_noir);
2454  text_hsd_num->SetTextSize(0.03);
2456  //............... prepa arguments fixes appels GetXGeo(...) et GetYGeo(...)
2457  Int_t i_samp = 0;
2458  //Double_t off_set = (Double_t)(fEcal->MaxSampADC()/4);
2459  Double_t off_set = (Double_t)1.;
2461  //------------------ LOOP ON THE CRYSTAL ELECTRONIC CHANNEL NUMBER (TowerCrystalNumbering)
2463  for (Int_t i_chan = 0; i_chan < fEcal->MaxCrysInTow(); i_chan++)
2464  {
2465  Int_t i_xgeo = GetXSampInStin(SMNumber, n1SMTow, i_chan, i_samp);
2466  Int_t i_ygeo = GetYSampInStin(SMNumber, n1SMTow, i_chan, i_samp);
2468  Double_t xgi = i_xgeo + 3.*off_set;
2469  Double_t ygj = i_ygeo + 7.*off_set;
2471  Double_t xgi_sme = i_xgeo + 3.*off_set;
2472  Double_t ygj_sme = i_ygeo + 5.*off_set;
2474  Double_t xgi_sm = i_xgeo + 3.*off_set;
2475  Double_t ygj_sm = i_ygeo + 3.*off_set;
2477  Double_t xgi_hsd = i_xgeo + 3.*off_set;
2478  Double_t ygj_hsd = i_ygeo + 1.*off_set;
2480  Int_t i_crys_sme = fEcalNumbering->Get0SMEchaFrom1SMTowAnd0TowEcha(n1SMTow, i_chan);
2481  Int_t i_crys_sm = fEcalNumbering->Get1SMCrysFrom1SMTowAnd0TowEcha(n1SMTow, i_chan);
2483  Double_t Eta = fEcalNumbering->GetEta(SMNumber, n1SMTow, i_chan);
2484  Double_t Phi = fEcalNumbering->GetPhi(SMNumber, n1SMTow, i_chan);
2486  Int_t i_crys_hsd = fEcalNumbering->GetHashedNumberFromIEtaAndIPhi((Int_t)Eta, (Int_t)Phi);
2488  //------------------------------------------------------- TowerCrystalNumbering
2490  sprintf(f_in_elec, "%d", i_chan);
2491  text_elec_num->DrawText(xgi, ygj, f_in_elec);
2493  sprintf(f_in_sme, "%d", i_crys_sme);
2494  text_sme_num->DrawText(xgi_sme, ygj_sme, f_in_sme);
2496  sprintf(f_in_sm, "%d", i_crys_sm);
2497  text_sm_num->DrawText(xgi_sm, ygj_sm, f_in_sm);
2499  sprintf(f_in_hsd, "%d", i_crys_hsd);
2500  text_sm_num->DrawText(xgi_hsd, ygj_hsd, f_in_hsd);
2501  }
2502  text_sm_num->Delete(); text_sm_num = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2503  text_sme_num->Delete(); text_sme_num = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2504  text_elec_num->Delete(); text_elec_num = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2505  text_hsd_num->Delete(); text_hsd_num = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2507  ViewStinGrid(SMNumber, n1SMTow, MatSize, size_eta, size_phi, "CrystalNumbering");
2509  gPad->Update();
2510  h_gbid->SetStats(b_true);
2512  h_gbid->Delete(); h_gbid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2514  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
2515  delete [] f_in_sm; f_in_sm = 0; fCdelete++;
2516  delete [] f_in_sme; f_in_sme = 0; fCdelete++;
2517  delete [] f_in_elec; f_in_elec = 0; fCdelete++;
2518  }
2519  else
2520  {
2521  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::TowerCrystalNumbering(...)> SM = " << SMNumber
2522  << ". Out of range ( range = [1," << fEcal->MaxSMInEB() << "] )" << fTTBELL << endl;
2523  }
2524 }
Int_t MaxCrysPhiInTow()
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxCrysEtaInTow()
Color_t SetColorsForNumbers(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
Int_t Get0SMEchaFrom1SMTowAnd0TowEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void ViewStinGrid(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString GetSMHalfBarrel(const Int_t &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
void SetViewHistoStyle(const TString &)
void SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetHashedNumberFromIEtaAndIPhi(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetTowerLvrbType(const Int_t &)
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TPaveText * fPavComLVRB
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:622
Int_t GetXSampInStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Double_t GetEta(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t Get1SMCrysFrom1SMTowAnd0TowEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxCrysInTow()
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t GetYSampInStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetPhi(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t MaxSampADC()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t MaxSMInEB()
tuple cout
TString fFapStexBarrel
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:405
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::ViewDeeGrid ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const TString &  c_option 

Definition at line 4559 of file

References i, and j.

4560 {
4561  //Grid of one Dee with axis IX and IY
4563  Int_t GeoBidSizeIX = fEcal->MaxSCIXInDee()*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC();
4564  Int_t GeoBidSizeIY = fEcal->MaxSCIYInDee()*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC();
4566  if ( c_option == "corcc")
4567  {
4568  GeoBidSizeIX = fEcal->MaxSCIXInDee()*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();
4569  GeoBidSizeIY = fEcal->MaxSCIYInDee()*fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();
4570  }
4572  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeIX;
4573  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizeIY;
4574  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
4575  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeIX;
4577  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
4578  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeIY;
4579  Double_t ymid_bid = (Double_t)(ysup_bid-yinf_bid)/2.;
4581  //---------------- trace de la grille: un rectangle = un super-cristal
4583  Int_t size_IX = fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC();
4584  Int_t size_IY = fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC();
4586  if ( c_option == "corcc"){size_IX = fEcal->MaxCrysInSC(); size_IY = fEcal->MaxCrysInSC();}
4588  Int_t max_x = nb_binx/size_IX;
4589  Int_t max_y = nb_biny/size_IY;
4590  Int_t max_yd = max_y/2;
4592  //= SURLIGNAGES (unite de coordonnees: le cristal ou 5 fois le cristal si option corcc)
4593  //........................... multplicative coefficient for corcc option
4594  Int_t coefcc_x = 1;
4595  Int_t coefcc_y = 1;
4596  if ( c_option == "corcc"){coefcc_x = fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC(); coefcc_y = fEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC();}
4598  //............................. lignes horizontales
4599  Double_t yline = (Double_t)yinf_bid - (Double_t)size_IY;
4601  Double_t xline_beg = (Double_t)xinf_bid;
4602  Double_t xline_end = (Double_t)xsup_bid;
4604  // k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10
4605  Int_t x_min[11] = {11,11, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
4606  Int_t x_max[11] = {50,50,47,45,45,42,37,35,30,15,50};
4607  for(Int_t i=0;i<11;i++){x_min[i] = coefcc_x*x_min[i]; x_max[i] = coefcc_x*x_max[i];}
4609  for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < max_y ; j++)
4610  {
4611  if( j < max_yd ) // j = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
4612  {
4613  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 3 )
4614  {
4615  xline_beg = xinf_bid + (Double_t)x_min[10-j];
4616  xline_end = xinf_bid + (Double_t)x_max[10-j];
4617  }
4618  if( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
4619  {
4620  xline_beg = xsup_bid - (Double_t)x_max[10-j];
4621  xline_end = xsup_bid - (Double_t)x_min[10-j];
4622  }
4623  }
4625  if( j == max_yd ) // j = 10
4626  {
4627  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 3 )
4628  {
4629  xline_beg = xinf_bid + (Double_t)x_min[0];
4630  xline_end = xinf_bid + (Double_t)x_max[0];
4631  }
4632  if( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
4633  {
4634  xline_beg = xsup_bid - (Double_t)x_max[0];
4635  xline_end = xsup_bid - (Double_t)x_min[0];
4636  }
4637  }
4639  if( j > max_yd ) // j = 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
4640  {
4641  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 3 )
4642  {
4643  xline_beg = xinf_bid + (Double_t)x_min[j-10];
4644  xline_end = xinf_bid + (Double_t)x_max[j-10];
4645  }
4646  if( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
4647  {
4648  xline_beg = xsup_bid - (Double_t)x_max[j-10];
4649  xline_end = xsup_bid - (Double_t)x_min[j-10];
4650  }
4651  }
4653  yline = yline + (Double_t)size_IY;
4654  TLine *lin;
4655  lin = new TLine(xline_beg, yline, xline_end, yline); fCnewRoot++;
4656  lin->Draw();
4657  //lin->Delete(); // => si on delete, pas de trace de la ligne
4658  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
4659  }
4661  //.......................... lignes verticales
4662  Double_t xline = (Double_t)xinf_bid - (Double_t)size_IX;
4664  Double_t yline_haut_bot = (Double_t)ymid_bid;
4665  Double_t yline_haut_top = (Double_t)ysup_bid;
4667  Double_t yline_bas_bot = (Double_t)yinf_bid;
4668  Double_t yline_bas_top = (Double_t)ymid_bid;
4670  // coordonnees demi-lignes
4671  // l = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10
4672  Int_t y_min[11] = { 0,11, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
4673  Int_t y_max[11] = {50,50,47,45,45,42,38,35,30,15,10};
4674  for(Int_t i=0;i<11;i++){y_min[i] = coefcc_y*y_min[i]; y_max[i] = coefcc_y*y_max[i];}
4676  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.075); // ===> pourquoi pas avant?
4678  for( Int_t i = 0 ; i <= max_x ; i++)
4679  {
4680  if( DeeNumber == 1 || DeeNumber == 3 )
4681  {
4682  yline_haut_bot = ymid_bid + (Double_t)y_min[i];
4683  yline_haut_top = ymid_bid + (Double_t)y_max[i];
4684  }
4685  if( DeeNumber == 2 || DeeNumber == 4 )
4686  {
4687  yline_haut_bot = ymid_bid + (Double_t)y_min[10-i];
4688  yline_haut_top = ymid_bid + (Double_t)y_max[10-i];
4689  }
4690  yline_bas_bot = ysup_bid - yline_haut_top;
4691  yline_bas_top = ysup_bid - yline_haut_bot;
4693  xline = xline + (Double_t)size_IX;
4694  TLine *lin_haut;
4695  lin_haut = new TLine(xline, yline_haut_bot, xline, yline_haut_top); fCnewRoot++;
4696  lin_haut->Draw();
4697  // delete lin_haut; fCdeleteRoot++;
4698  TLine *lin_bas;
4699  lin_bas = new TLine(xline, yline_bas_bot, xline, yline_bas_top); fCnewRoot++;
4700  lin_bas->Draw();
4701  // delete lin_bas; fCdeleteRoot++;
4702  }
4704  EEDataSectors(coefcc_x, coefcc_y, DeeNumber, "Dee");
4705  EEGridAxis(coefcc_x, coefcc_y, DeeNumber, "Dee", c_option);
4707 } // end of ViewDeeGrid
int i
Int_t MaxSCIYInDee()
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxSCIXInDee()
Int_t MaxCrysIXInSC()
void EEGridAxis(const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
int j
Int_t MaxCrysIYInSC()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
void EEDataSectors(const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::ViewDeeSCNumberingPad ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber)

Definition at line 4233 of file

4234 {
4235 //display the SC numbering of the Dee in a Pad
4237  gStyle->SetTitleW(0.4); // taille titre histos
4238  gStyle->SetTitleH(0.08);
4240  ViewDeeGrid(DeeNumber, " ");
4242  //..... SC numbers writing in the grid .... (ViewDeeSCNumberingPad)
4244  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
4245  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.0325);
4247  //------------------ LOOP ON THE Dee_SC NUMBER (ViewDeeSCNumberingPad)
4248  Int_t x_channel = 0; // => defined here after according to DeeDir and SCQuadType
4249  TText *text_DSSC_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
4250  TText *text_DeeSCCons_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
4252  for (Int_t n1DeeSCEcna = 1; n1DeeSCEcna <= fEcal->MaxSCEcnaInDee(); n1DeeSCEcna++)
4253  {
4254  TString DeeDir = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(DeeNumber);
4255  TString SCQuadType = fEcalNumbering->GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(n1DeeSCEcna);
4256  if( SCQuadType == "top" && DeeDir == "right"){x_channel = 13;}
4257  if( SCQuadType == "top" && DeeDir == "left" ){x_channel = 7;}
4258  if( SCQuadType == "bottom" && DeeDir == "left" ){x_channel = 11;}
4259  if( SCQuadType == "bottom" && DeeDir == "right"){x_channel = 17;}
4260  Int_t i_SCEcha = (Int_t)x_channel;
4262  Double_t x_from_IX = (Double_t)GetXCrysInStex(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, i_SCEcha);
4263  Double_t y_from_IY = (Double_t)GetYCrysInStex(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, i_SCEcha);
4264  Double_t y_from_IYp = y_from_IY + (Double_t)1.;
4265  Double_t y_from_IYm = y_from_IY - (Double_t)1.;
4267  TString DeeEndcap = fEcalNumbering->GetEEDeeEndcap(DeeNumber);
4268  Color_t couleur_SC = GetSCColor(DeeEndcap, DeeDir, SCQuadType);
4269  text_DSSC_num->SetTextColor(couleur_SC);
4270  text_DeeSCCons_num->SetTextColor((Color_t)1);
4272  Int_t i_DSSC = fEcalNumbering->GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna);
4273  Int_t i_DeeSCCons = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna);
4274  if( i_DSSC > 0 )
4275  {
4276  if(
4277  //.................................................... (D2,S9) , (D4,S1)
4278  !(i_DeeSCCons == 33 && n1DeeSCEcna == 60) &&
4279  !(i_DeeSCCons == 33 && n1DeeSCEcna == 119) &&
4280  //................................................... (D2,S8) , (D4,S2)
4281  !(i_DeeSCCons == 29 && n1DeeSCEcna == 32) && // !(29c and 58c)
4282  !(i_DeeSCCons == 29 && n1DeeSCEcna == 138) &&
4283  !(i_DeeSCCons == 29 && n1DeeSCEcna == 157) &&
4284  !(i_DeeSCCons == 58 && n1DeeSCEcna == 176) &&
4285  !(i_DeeSCCons == 58 && n1DeeSCEcna == 193) &&
4286  //.................................................... (D2,S7) , (D4,S3)
4287  !(i_DeeSCCons == 149 && n1DeeSCEcna == 188) &&
4288  //.................................................... (D2,S6) , (D4,S4)
4289  !(i_DeeSCCons == 112 && n1DeeSCEcna == 29) &&
4290  !(i_DeeSCCons == 112 && n1DeeSCEcna == 144) &&
4291  !(i_DeeSCCons == 112 && n1DeeSCEcna == 165) &&
4292  !(i_DeeSCCons == 119 && n1DeeSCEcna == 102) &&
4293  !(i_DeeSCCons == 119 && n1DeeSCEcna == 123) &&
4294  //.................................................... (D2,S5) , (D4,S5)
4295  !(i_DeeSCCons == 132 && n1DeeSCEcna == 41) &&
4296  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
4297  //.................................................... (D1,S1) , (D3,S9)
4298  !(i_DeeSCCons == 182 && n1DeeSCEcna == 60) &&
4299  !(i_DeeSCCons == 182 && n1DeeSCEcna == 119) &&
4300  //.................................................... (D1,S2) , (D3,S8)
4301  !(i_DeeSCCons == 178 && n1DeeSCEcna == 32) && // !(178c and 207c)
4302  !(i_DeeSCCons == 178 && n1DeeSCEcna == 138) &&
4303  !(i_DeeSCCons == 178 && n1DeeSCEcna == 157) &&
4304  !(i_DeeSCCons == 207 && n1DeeSCEcna == 176) &&
4305  !(i_DeeSCCons == 207 && n1DeeSCEcna == 193) &&
4306  //.................................................... (D1,S3) , (D3,S7)
4307  !(i_DeeSCCons == 298 && n1DeeSCEcna == 188) &&
4308  //.................................................... (D1,S4) , (D3,S6)
4309  !(i_DeeSCCons == 261 && n1DeeSCEcna == 29) && // !(261a and 268a)
4310  !(i_DeeSCCons == 261 && n1DeeSCEcna == 144) &&
4311  !(i_DeeSCCons == 261 && n1DeeSCEcna == 165) &&
4312  !(i_DeeSCCons == 268 && n1DeeSCEcna == 102) &&
4313  !(i_DeeSCCons == 268 && n1DeeSCEcna == 123) &&
4314  //.................................................... (D1,S5) , (D3,S5)
4315  !(i_DeeSCCons == 281 && n1DeeSCEcna == 41)
4316  )
4317  {
4318  sprintf(f_in, "%d", i_DSSC);
4319  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in); // <=== DrawText: prend du temps
4320  sprintf(f_in, "%d", i_DeeSCCons);
4321  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in); // <=== DrawText: prend du temps
4322  }
4324  //.................................................... (D2,S9) , (D4,S1)
4326  if( i_DeeSCCons == 33 && n1DeeSCEcna == 60 )
4327  {
4328  sprintf(f_in, "30a");
4329  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4330  sprintf(f_in, "33a");
4331  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4332  }
4333  if( i_DeeSCCons == 33 && n1DeeSCEcna == 119 )
4334  {
4335  sprintf(f_in, "30b");
4336  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4337  sprintf(f_in, "33b");
4338  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4339  }
4340  //.................................................... (D2,S8) , (D4,S2)
4341  if( i_DeeSCCons == 29 && n1DeeSCEcna == 32 )
4342  {
4343  sprintf(f_in, " 3c-25c");
4344  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4345  sprintf(f_in, "29c-58c");
4346  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4347  }
4348  if( i_DeeSCCons == 29 && n1DeeSCEcna == 138 )
4349  {
4350  sprintf(f_in, "3a");
4351  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4352  sprintf(f_in, "29a");
4353  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4354  }
4355  if( i_DeeSCCons == 29 && n1DeeSCEcna == 157 )
4356  {
4357  sprintf(f_in, "3b");
4358  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4359  sprintf(f_in, "29b");
4360  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4361  }
4363  if( i_DeeSCCons == 58 && n1DeeSCEcna == 176 )
4364  {
4365  sprintf(f_in, "25a");
4366  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4367  sprintf(f_in, "58a");
4368  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4369  }
4370  if( i_DeeSCCons == 58 && n1DeeSCEcna == 193 )
4371  {
4372  sprintf(f_in, "25b");
4373  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4374  sprintf(f_in, "58b");
4375  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4376  }
4377  //.................................................... (D2,S7) , (D4,S3)
4378  if( i_DeeSCCons == 149 && n1DeeSCEcna == 188 )
4379  {
4380  sprintf(f_in, "34a");
4381  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4382  sprintf(f_in, "149a");
4383  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4384  }
4385  //.................................................... (D2,S6) , (D4,S4)
4386  if( i_DeeSCCons == 112 && n1DeeSCEcna == 29 )
4387  {
4388  sprintf(f_in, " 14a-21a");
4389  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4390  sprintf(f_in, "112a-119a");
4391  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4392  }
4393  if( i_DeeSCCons == 112 && n1DeeSCEcna == 144 )
4394  {
4395  sprintf(f_in, "14c");
4396  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4397  sprintf(f_in, "112c");
4398  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4399  }
4400  if( i_DeeSCCons == 112 && n1DeeSCEcna == 165 )
4401  {
4402  sprintf(f_in, "14b");
4403  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4404  sprintf(f_in, "112b");
4405  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4406  }
4408  if( i_DeeSCCons == 119 && n1DeeSCEcna == 102 )
4409  {
4410  sprintf(f_in, "21c");
4411  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4412  sprintf(f_in, "119c");
4413  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4414  }
4415  if( i_DeeSCCons == 119 && n1DeeSCEcna == 123 )
4416  {
4417  sprintf(f_in, "21b");
4418  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4419  sprintf(f_in, "119b");
4420  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4421  }
4422  //.................................................... (D2,S5) , (D4,S5)
4423  if( i_DeeSCCons == 132 && n1DeeSCEcna == 41 )
4424  {
4425  sprintf(f_in, "3a");
4426  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4427  sprintf(f_in, "132a");
4428  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4429  }
4431  //.................................................... (D1,S1) , (D3,S9)
4432  if( i_DeeSCCons == 182 && n1DeeSCEcna == 60 )
4433  {
4434  sprintf(f_in, "30a");
4435  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4436  sprintf(f_in, "182a");
4437  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4438  }
4439  if( i_DeeSCCons == 182 && n1DeeSCEcna == 119 )
4440  {
4441  sprintf(f_in, "30b");
4442  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4443  sprintf(f_in, "182b");
4444  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4445  }
4446  //.................................................... (D1,S2) , (D3,S8)
4447  if( i_DeeSCCons == 178 && n1DeeSCEcna == 32 )
4448  {
4449  sprintf(f_in, " 3c-25c");
4450  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX-6, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4451  sprintf(f_in, "178c-207c");
4452  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX-6, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4453  }
4454  if( i_DeeSCCons == 178 && n1DeeSCEcna == 138 )
4455  {
4456  sprintf(f_in, "3a");
4457  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4458  sprintf(f_in, "178a");
4459  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4460  }
4461  if( i_DeeSCCons == 178 && n1DeeSCEcna == 157 )
4462  {
4463  sprintf(f_in, "3b");
4464  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4465  sprintf(f_in, "178b");
4466  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4467  }
4469  if( i_DeeSCCons == 207 && n1DeeSCEcna == 176 )
4470  {
4471  sprintf(f_in, "25a");
4472  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4473  sprintf(f_in, "207a");
4474  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4475  }
4476  if( i_DeeSCCons == 207 && n1DeeSCEcna == 193 )
4477  {
4478  sprintf(f_in, "25b");
4479  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4480  sprintf(f_in, "207b");
4481  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4482  }
4483  //.................................................... (D1,S3) , (D3,S7)
4484  if( i_DeeSCCons == 298 && n1DeeSCEcna == 188 )
4485  {
4486  sprintf(f_in, "34a");
4487  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4488  sprintf(f_in, "298a");
4489  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4490  }
4491  //.................................................... (D1,S4) , (D3,S6)
4492  if( i_DeeSCCons == 261 && n1DeeSCEcna == 29 )
4493  {
4494  sprintf(f_in, " 14a-21a");
4495  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX-6, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4496  sprintf(f_in, "261a-268a");
4497  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX-6, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4498  }
4499  if( i_DeeSCCons == 261 && n1DeeSCEcna == 144 )
4500  {
4501  sprintf(f_in, "14c");
4502  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4503  sprintf(f_in, "261c");
4504  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4505  }
4506  if( i_DeeSCCons == 261 && n1DeeSCEcna == 165 )
4507  {
4508  sprintf(f_in, "14b");
4509  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4510  sprintf(f_in, "261b");
4511  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4512  }
4514  if( i_DeeSCCons == 268 && n1DeeSCEcna == 102 )
4515  {
4516  sprintf(f_in, "21c");
4517  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4518  sprintf(f_in, "268c");
4519  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4520  }
4521  if( i_DeeSCCons == 268 && n1DeeSCEcna == 123 )
4522  {
4523  sprintf(f_in, "21b");
4524  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4525  sprintf(f_in, "268b");
4526  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4527  }
4528  //.................................................... (D1,S5) , (D3,S5)
4529  if( i_DeeSCCons == 281 && n1DeeSCEcna == 41 )
4530  {
4531  sprintf(f_in, "20a");
4532  text_DSSC_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYp, f_in);
4533  sprintf(f_in, "281a");
4534  text_DeeSCCons_num->DrawText(x_from_IX, y_from_IYm, f_in);
4535  }
4536  }
4537  }
4539  // delete text_DSSC_num; fCdeleteRoot++;
4541  //......................... mention "color, black"
4542  Color_t coul_textcolors = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
4543  sprintf( f_in, "color: nb in Data Sector, black: nb for construction");
4544  Int_t x_colors = 3;
4545  Int_t y_colors = -14;
4547  TText *text_colors = new TText(x_colors, y_colors, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
4548  text_colors->SetTextSize(0.03);
4549  text_colors->SetTextColor(coul_textcolors);
4550  text_colors->Draw();
4552  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
4554  Color_t couleur_noir = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
4555  gStyle->SetTextColor(couleur_noir);
4556 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
TString GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &)
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxSCEcnaInDee()
Int_t GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetXCrysInStex(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Int_t GetYCrysInStex(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Color_t GetSCColor(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
void ViewDeeGrid(const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString GetEEDeeEndcap(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
void TEcnaHistos::ViewEBGrid ( )

Definition at line 5276 of file

References i, and j.

5277 {
5278  //Grid of EB with axis Hoco and Veco
5280  Int_t GeoBidSizeEta = fEcal->MaxSMEtaInEB()*fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM();
5281  Int_t GeoBidSizePhi = fEcal->MaxSMPhiInEB()*fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM();
5283  Int_t size_y = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM();
5284  Int_t size_x = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM();
5286  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizePhi;
5287  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizeEta;
5288  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
5289  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)nb_binx;
5290  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
5291  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)nb_biny;
5293  //---------------- trace de la grille: un rectangle = un SM
5295  Int_t max_x = nb_binx/size_x; // = fEcal->MaxSMPhiInEB()
5296  Int_t max_y = nb_biny/size_y; // = fEcal->MaxSMEtaInEB()
5298  //............................. lignes horizontales (ViewEBGrid)
5299  Double_t yline = (Double_t)yinf_bid;
5301  Double_t xline_left = (Double_t)xinf_bid;
5302  Double_t xline_right = (Double_t)xsup_bid;
5304  for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < max_y ; j++)
5305  {
5306  yline = yline + (Double_t)size_y;
5307  TLine *lin;
5308  lin = new TLine(xline_left, yline, xline_right, yline); fCnewRoot++;
5309  lin->Draw();
5310  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
5311  }
5313  //-------------------------------- lignes verticales
5314  Double_t xline = (Double_t)xinf_bid - (Double_t)size_x;
5316  Double_t yline_bot = (Double_t)yinf_bid;
5317  Double_t yline_top = (Double_t)ysup_bid;
5319  for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < max_x ; i++)
5320  {
5321  xline = xline + (Double_t)size_x;
5322  TLine *lin;
5323  lin = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
5324  lin->Draw();
5325  }
5327  //-------------------------------- Numeros des SM
5328  Double_t yTextBot = yline_bot - (yline_top - yline_bot)/25.;
5329  Double_t yTextTop = yline_top + (yline_top - yline_bot)/120.;
5330  xline = (Double_t)xinf_bid - (Double_t)size_x;
5332  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
5333  TText *text_SM = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
5334  for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < max_x ; i++)
5335  {
5336  xline = xline + (Double_t)size_x;
5337  text_SM->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("bleu_fonce"));
5338  text_SM->SetTextSize((Double_t)0.03);
5339  sprintf( f_in, " +%d", i+1 );
5340  text_SM->DrawText(xline, yTextTop, f_in);
5341  sprintf( f_in, " %d", -i-1 );
5342  text_SM->DrawText(xline, yTextBot, f_in);
5343  }
5344  delete [] f_in; fCdelete++;
5346  //------------------ trace axes en eta et phi --------------- ViewEBGrid
5348  Int_t SMNumber = 1;
5350  //...................................................... Axe i(phi) (bottom x) ViewEBGrid
5351  Int_t MatSize = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM();
5352  Int_t size_x_eb = fEcal->MaxSMPhiInEB();
5353  Double_t phi_min = 0;
5354  Double_t phi_max = 360;
5356  TString x_var_name = GetHocoVecoAxisTitle("iphiEB");;
5357  TString x_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetXDirectionEB(SMNumber);
5359  new TF1("f1", x_direction.Data(), phi_min, phi_max); fCnewRoot++;
5360  TGaxis* sup_axis_x = 0;
5362  if( x_direction == "-x" ) // NEVER IN THIS CASE: xmin->xmax <=> right->left ("-x") direction
5363  {sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_x_eb*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
5364  "f1", size_x_eb, "SC" , 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
5366  if( x_direction == "x" ) // ALWAYS IN THIS CASE: xmin->xmax <=> left->right ("x") direction
5367  {sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_x_eb*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
5368  "f1", size_x_eb, "SC" , 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
5370  Float_t tit_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
5371  Float_t lab_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize("EBx");
5372  Float_t tic_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("SMx");
5373  Float_t tit_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("EBx");
5374  Float_t lab_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("EBx");
5376  sup_axis_x->SetTitle(x_var_name);
5377  sup_axis_x->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_x);
5378  sup_axis_x->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_x);
5379  sup_axis_x->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
5380  sup_axis_x->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_x);
5381  sup_axis_x->SetTickSize(tic_siz_x);
5382  sup_axis_x->Draw("SAME");
5384  //...................................................... Axe eta (y) ViewEBGrid
5385  MatSize = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM();
5386  Int_t size_y_eb = fEcal->MaxSMEtaInEB();
5388  Double_t eta_min = (Double_t)(-85.);
5389  Double_t eta_max = (Double_t)85.;
5391  TString y_var_name = GetHocoVecoAxisTitle("ietaEB");
5393  TGaxis* sup_axis_y = 0;
5394  sup_axis_y = new TGaxis((Float_t)0., (Float_t)0.,
5395  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_y_eb*MatSize),
5396  eta_min, eta_max, MatSize/2, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
5398  Float_t tit_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
5399  Float_t lab_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize("EBy");
5400  Float_t tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("SMy");
5401  Float_t tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("EBy");
5402  Float_t lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("EBy");
5404  sup_axis_y->SetTitle(y_var_name);
5405  sup_axis_y->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
5406  sup_axis_y->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
5407  sup_axis_y->SetLabelColor(1);
5408  sup_axis_y->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
5409  sup_axis_y->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
5410  sup_axis_y->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
5411  sup_axis_y->Draw("SAME");
5413  //f2 = 0;
5415  gStyle->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
5417 } // end of ViewEBGrid
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Float_t AxisTitleOffset()
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxTowPhiInSM()
Float_t AxisTitleSize()
Int_t MaxSMPhiInEB()
Float_t AxisLabelOffset()
TString GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(const TString &)
int j
Float_t AxisTickSize()
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxTowEtaInSM()
Int_t MaxSMEtaInEB()
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TString GetXDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Float_t AxisLabelSize()
void TEcnaHistos::ViewEEGrid ( const Int_t &  vertic_empty_strips)

Definition at line 5419 of file

5420 {
5421  //Grid of EE with axis Hoco and Veco
5423  Float_t coefcc_x = (Float_t)1./(Float_t)5.;
5424  Float_t coefcc_y = (Float_t)1./(Float_t)5.;
5426  for( Int_t DeeNumber = 1; DeeNumber <= 4; DeeNumber++)
5427  {
5428  EEDataSectors(coefcc_x, coefcc_y, DeeNumber, "EE");
5429  EEGridAxis(coefcc_x, coefcc_y, DeeNumber, "EE", " ");
5430  }
5432  // vertical line between the two endcaps
5433  Double_t xline = coefcc_x*( 2*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee()
5434  + ((Double_t)vertic_empty_strips)/2.*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC() );
5436  Double_t yline_bot = coefcc_y*(Double_t)0.;
5437  Double_t yline_top = coefcc_y*(Double_t)fEcal->MaxCrysIYInDee();
5439  TLine *lin;
5440  lin = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
5441  lin->Draw();
5443  // vertical line in the midles of the two endcaps
5444  // xline = xline + coefcc_x*( fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee()+ 0.5*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC() );
5445  xline = coefcc_x*(3*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee()
5446  + ((Double_t)vertic_empty_strips-1.)*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC() );
5447  TLine *lin12;
5448  lin12 = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
5449  lin12->SetLineStyle(2);
5450  lin12->Draw();
5452  xline = coefcc_x*(fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee()
5453  + ((Double_t)vertic_empty_strips)/3.*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC() );
5454  TLine *lin34;
5455  lin34 = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
5456  lin34->SetLineStyle(2);
5457  lin34->Draw();
5459  // horizontal line at IY = 50
5460  Double_t xline_end = coefcc_x*( 4*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInDee() + vertic_empty_strips*fEcal->MaxCrysIXInSC());
5461  Double_t yline_mid = coefcc_x*fEcal->MaxCrysIYInDee()/2;
5463  TLine *linh;
5464  linh = new TLine( 0., yline_mid, xline_end, yline_mid); fCnewRoot++;
5465  linh->SetLineStyle(2);
5466  linh->Draw();
5468 } // end of ViewEEGrid
Int_t MaxCrysIYInDee()
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxCrysIXInDee()
Int_t MaxCrysIXInSC()
void EEGridAxis(const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void EEDataSectors(const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime ( const TString &  list_of_run_file_name,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot_arg 

Definition at line 7933 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::ymax, and SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::ymin.

7936 {
7937  //Histogram of the quantities as a function of time (several runs)
7939  TString opt_plot = opt_plot_arg;
7940  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode);
7942  if( opt_plot_arg == "ONLYONE" ){opt_plot = fOnlyOnePlot;}
7943  if( opt_plot_arg == "SEVERAL" ){opt_plot = fSeveralPlot;}
7944  if( opt_plot_arg == "SAMEONE" ){opt_plot = fSameOnePlot;}
7946  Int_t OKHisto = 0;
7948  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Canvas already closed in option SAME %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7949  Int_t xCanvasExists = 1; // a priori ==> SAME plot // (ViewHistime)
7950  if( opt_plot != fOnlyOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
7951  {
7952  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = 0;
7953  //---------------- Call to ActivePad
7954  main_subpad = ActivePad(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data()); // => return 0 if canvas has been closed
7955  if( main_subpad == 0 )
7956  {
7957  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> WARNING ===> Canvas has been closed in option SAME or SAME n."
7958  << endl
7959  << " Please, restart with a new canvas."
7960  << fTTBELL << endl;
7962  ReInitCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot);
7963  xCanvasExists = 0;
7964  }
7965  }
7966  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7968  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Change of X variable in option SAME n with no proj %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7969  Int_t SameXVarMemo = 1; // a priori ==> SAME n option: X variable OK (ViewHistime)
7970  if( !( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" || HistoType == "EvolProj" ) )
7971  {
7972  TString XVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetXVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
7973  TString YVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetYVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
7975  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
7976  {
7977  SetXVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, XVarHisto); SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto); SameXVarMemo = 1;
7978  }
7979  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
7980  {
7981  TString XVariableMemo = GetXVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
7982  TString YVariableMemo = GetYVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
7984  if( XVarHisto != XVariableMemo )
7985  {
7986  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> *** ERROR *** ===> X coordinate changed in option SAME n." << endl
7987  << " Present X = " << XVarHisto << endl
7988  << " Present Y = " << YVarHisto << endl
7989  << " Previous X = " << XVariableMemo << endl
7990  << " Previous Y = " << YVariableMemo
7991  << fTTBELL << endl;
7992  SameXVarMemo = 0;
7993  }
7994  else
7995  {SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto);}
7996  }
7997  }
7998  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8000  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Change of Y variable in option SAME n with proj %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8001  Int_t SameYVarMemo = 1; // a priori ==> SAME n option: Y variable OK (ViewHistime)
8002  if( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" || HistoType == "EvolProj" )
8003  {
8004  TString XVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetXVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
8005  TString YVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetYVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
8007  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
8008  {
8009  SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto); SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto); SameYVarMemo = 1;
8010  }
8011  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
8012  {
8013  TString XVariableMemo = GetXVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
8014  TString YVariableMemo = GetYVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
8016  if( YVarHisto != YVariableMemo )
8017  {
8018  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> *** ERROR *** ===> Y coordinate changed in option SAME n." << endl
8019  << " Present X = " << XVarHisto << endl
8020  << " Present Y = " << YVarHisto << endl
8021  << " Previous X = " << XVariableMemo << endl
8022  << " Previous Y = " << YVariableMemo
8023  << fTTBELL << endl;
8024  SameYVarMemo = 0;
8025  }
8026  else
8027  {SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto);}
8028  }
8029  }
8030  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8031  if( xCanvasExists == 1 && SameXVarMemo == 1 && SameYVarMemo == 1 ){OKHisto = 1;}
8033  //======================== Histime accepted
8034  if( OKHisto == 1 )
8035  {
8036  // fMyRootFile->PrintNoComment();
8040  //................................. Init YMin and YMax of histo // (ViewHistime)
8041  if((opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot) ||
8042  (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
8043  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free"))
8046  //........ GetHistoryRunListParameters(...) : performs the allocation of the array fT1DRunNumber[]
8047  // at first call of the present method ViewHistime
8048  // increments the number of read file (fNbOfListFileEvolXXX) for option SAME
8049  // and read the values fT1DRunNumber[0 to max] from the file list_of_run_file_name
8050  // return the number of runs in the list of the file
8051  //............... Get the run parameters
8053  Int_t nb_of_runs_in_list = GetHistoryRunListParameters(list_of_run_file_name.Data(), HistoCode);
8055  if( nb_of_runs_in_list > 0 )
8056  {
8057  //.............................. prepa x axis: time in hours
8058  //Double_t sec_in_day = (Double_t)86400.; //===> (number of seconds in a day)
8059  Double_t margin_frame_xaxis = (Double_t)25.; //===> margin in x coordinates
8061  Double_t thstart_evol = (Double_t)0.;
8062  Double_t thstop_evol = (Double_t)0.;
8064  Int_t* exist_indic = new Int_t[nb_of_runs_in_list]; fCnew++;
8066  //===================================== FIRST LOOP BEGINNING ===================================
8067  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHistime)
8068  //
8069  // FIRST LOOP: read the "HistoryRunList" file. Check the existence of the runs
8070  // and determine the number of existing runs.
8071  //
8072  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8074  fNbOfExistingRuns = (Int_t)0;
8076  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
8077  {
8078  for(Int_t i_run = 0; i_run < nb_of_runs_in_list; i_run++)
8079  {
8080  exist_indic[i_run] = 0;
8081  // ==> set the attribute value relative to the run (fFapRunNumber)
8082  SetRunNumberFromList(i_run, nb_of_runs_in_list);
8090  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) // (ViewHistime, 1rst loop)
8091  {
8092  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
8094  //------ At first HistoryRunList file: set fStartEvol... and fStopEvol... quantities
8095  if( GetListFileNumber(HistoCode) == 1 )
8096  {
8097  if( fNbOfExistingRuns == 0 )
8098  {
8099  // start time of the first existing run of the list
8102  fStartEvolRun = fT1DRunNumber[i_run];
8103  // start time of the last existing run of the list
8104  // (in case of only one existing run in the list)
8107  fStopEvolRun = fT1DRunNumber[i_run];
8108  }
8109  else
8110  {
8111  // start time of the last existing run of the list
8114  fStopEvolRun = fT1DRunNumber[i_run];
8115  }
8116  }
8117  //---- set flag of run existence and increase number of existing runs
8118  // (for the first HistoryRunList file)
8119  exist_indic[i_run] = 1;
8121  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
8122  else
8123  {
8124  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
8126  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
8127  << " ROOT file not found for run " << fT1DRunNumber[i_run]
8128  << fTTBELL << endl << endl;
8129  }
8130  } // end of for(Int_t i_run = 0; i_run < nb_of_runs_in_list; i_run++)
8132  //===================================== FIRST LOOP END =========================== (ViewHistime)
8133  if( fNbOfExistingRuns > 0 )
8134  {
8135  //-------------------- recover the array after removing non existing ROOT files
8136  Int_t i_existing_run = (Int_t)0;
8138  for( Int_t i_run = 0; i_run < nb_of_runs_in_list; i_run++)
8139  {
8140  if( exist_indic[i_run] == 1 )
8141  {
8142  fT1DRunNumber[i_existing_run] = fT1DRunNumber[i_run];
8143  i_existing_run++;
8144  }
8145  }
8147  //---------------------- Get start and stop time values to set the axis limits (ViewHistime)
8149  thstart_evol = (Double_t)fStartEvolTime;
8150  thstop_evol = (Double_t)fStopEvolTime;
8152  Double_t xinf_lim = thstart_evol-(thstop_evol-thstart_evol)/margin_frame_xaxis;
8153  Double_t xsup_lim = thstop_evol +(thstop_evol-thstart_evol)/margin_frame_xaxis;
8155  Axis_t xinf_his = (Axis_t)(xinf_lim);
8156  Axis_t xsup_his = (Axis_t)(xsup_lim);
8158  //............................. i0StexEcha, i0Sample
8159  Int_t i0StexEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha);
8160  Int_t i0Sample = 0;
8162  Double_t* time_coordx = new Double_t[fNbOfExistingRuns]; fCnew++;
8163  Double_t* hval_coordy = new Double_t[fNbOfExistingRuns]; fCnew++;
8165  //........... Set values to -1
8167  for( Int_t i_run = 0; i_run < fNbOfExistingRuns; i_run++)
8168  {
8169  time_coordx[i_run] = (Double_t)(-1);
8170  hval_coordy[i_run] = (Double_t)(-1);
8171  }
8173  //========================== SECOND LOOP BEGINNING =====================================
8174  //----------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHistime)
8175  //
8177  //
8178  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
8179  for (Int_t i_run = 0; i_run < fNbOfExistingRuns; i_run++)
8180  {
8181  // => set the attribute value relative to the run (fFapRunNumber)
8182  SetRunNumberFromList(i_run, fNbOfExistingRuns);
8186  fT1DRunNumber[i_run], fFapFirstReqEvtNumber,
8190  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) // (ViewHistime, 2nd loop)
8191  {
8192  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
8194  Bool_t ok_view_histo = GetOkViewHisto(fMyRootFile, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, HistoCode);
8196  //............... F I L L G R A P H C O O R D I N A T E S (ViewHistime)
8197  if( ok_view_histo == kTRUE )
8198  {
8199  //................................................. x coordinate
8200  time_t xStartTime = fMyRootFile->GetStartTime();
8201  Double_t thstart = (Double_t)xStartTime;
8202  time_coordx[i_run] = (Double_t)(thstart - xinf_lim);
8203  //................................................. y coordinate
8204  TVectorD read_histo(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());
8205  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); i++){read_histo(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
8207  if(HistoCode == "H_Ped_Date" || HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs")
8208  {read_histo = fMyRootFile->ReadPedestals(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());}
8209  if(HistoCode == "H_TNo_Date" || HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs")
8210  {read_histo = fMyRootFile->ReadTotalNoise(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());}
8211  if(HistoCode == "H_MCs_Date" || HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs")
8214  if(HistoCode == "H_LFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs")
8216  if(HistoCode == "H_HFN_Date" || HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs")
8218  if(HistoCode == "H_SCs_Date" || HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs")
8220  hval_coordy[i_run] = (Double_t)read_histo(i0StexEcha);
8221  }
8222  else
8223  {
8224  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> Histo not available. "
8225  << fTTBELL << endl;
8226  }
8227  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
8228  else
8229  {
8230  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
8231  }
8232  }
8233  //========================== END OF SECOND LOOP ===========================================
8235  //.................................................................... SCALE x and y
8236  Int_t opt_scale_x = fOptScaleLinx;
8237  if (fFlagScaleX == "LIN" ){opt_scale_x = fOptScaleLinx;}
8238  if (fFlagScaleX == "LOG" ){opt_scale_x = fOptScaleLogx;}
8240  Int_t opt_scale_y = fOptScaleLiny;
8241  if (fFlagScaleY == "LIN" ){opt_scale_y = fOptScaleLiny;}
8242  if (fFlagScaleY == "LOG" ){opt_scale_y = fOptScaleLogy;}
8244  //------------------------------------------------- G R A P H (ViewHistime)
8245  TGraph* g_graph0 = new TGraph(fNbOfExistingRuns, time_coordx, hval_coordy); fCnewRoot++;
8246  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot)
8247  {g_graph0->SetTitle(fCnaParHistos->GetQuantityName(HistoCode));}
8248  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot )
8249  {g_graph0->SetTitle(";");}
8251  //... Ymin and ymax default values will be taken if fFlagUserHistoMin/Max = "OFF"
8252  // (and if "Free" for "SAME" and "SAME n" options)
8253  if((opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot) ||
8254  (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
8255  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
8256  {
8257  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
8258  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
8259  }
8261  //................................ Put min max values (ViewHistime)
8262  //.......... default if flag not set to "ON"
8263  //SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
8264  //SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
8266  g_graph0->Set(fNbOfExistingRuns);
8267  Double_t graph_ymin =
8269  Double_t graph_ymax =
8272  //---------------------------------- G R A P H P L O T ---------------------------- (ViewHistime)
8273  if( HistoType == "Evol" )
8274  {
8275  //----------------- G R A P H Y M I N / Y M A X M A N A G E M E N T
8276  if((opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot) ||
8277  (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
8278  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
8279  {
8280  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){fHistoCodeFirst = HistoCode;} // registration of first HistoCode
8282  if( fUserHistoMin >= fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
8283  //.......... user's value if flag set to "ON"
8284  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
8285  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
8286  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
8287  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
8288  //................................. automatic min and/or max
8289  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
8290  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), graph_ymin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
8291  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
8292  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), graph_ymax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
8294  //................................. Init Ymin and Ymax for graph
8295  SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(HistoCode);
8296  SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(HistoCode);
8297  }
8298  //--- Set ymin and ymax to the first HistoCode values for option SAME n
8299  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
8300  {
8301  Double_t ymin = GetYminValueFromMemo(fHistoCodeFirst.Data());
8302  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), ymin);
8304  Double_t ymax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(fHistoCodeFirst.Data());
8305  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), ymax);
8306  }
8308  //..... graph set ymin and ymax and consequently margin at top of the plot
8309  Int_t xFlagAutoYsupMargin = SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(g_graph0, HistoCode);
8311  HistimePlot(g_graph0, xinf_his, xsup_his,
8312  HistoCode.Data(), HistoType.Data(),
8313  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample,
8314  opt_scale_x, opt_scale_y, opt_plot, xFlagAutoYsupMargin);
8315  // g_graph0->Delete(); fCdeleteRoot++; // *===> NE PAS DELETER LE GRAPH SINON CA EFFACE TOUT!
8317  //--- Recover ymin and ymax from user's values in option SAME n
8318  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
8319  {
8320  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin);
8321  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax);
8322  }
8323  }
8325  //---------- H I S T O Y P R O J E C T I O N P L O T ---------------------- (ViewHistime)
8327  //====== G R A P H P R O J X I N F / X S U P M A N A G E M E N T ======= (ViewHistime)
8328  //
8329  // must be done before booking because of the x <-> y permutation in case of "Proj"
8330  //
8331  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8332  //
8333  // CASE: HistoType == "Proj" OR HistoType == "SampProj"
8334  //
8335  // Xinf and Xsup must be calculated from ymin and ymax
8336  // of the direct graph
8337  //
8338  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8340  if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
8341  {
8342  Int_t HisSizeEvolProj = fNbBinsProj;
8343  TVectorD histo_for_plot(HisSizeEvolProj);
8344  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeEvolProj; i++){histo_for_plot[i]=(Double_t)0.;}
8346  //graph_ymin = GetYminValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
8347  //graph_ymax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
8349  TString HistoCodi = HistoCode; // HistoCodi = direct histo
8351  if( HistoCode == "H_Ped_RuDs" ){HistoCodi = "H_Ped_Date";}
8352  if( HistoCode == "H_TNo_RuDs" ){HistoCodi = "H_TNo_Date";}
8353  if( HistoCode == "H_LFN_RuDs" ){HistoCodi = "H_LFN_Date";}
8354  if( HistoCode == "H_HFN_RuDs" ){HistoCodi = "H_HFN_Date";}
8355  if( HistoCode == "H_MCs_RuDs" ){HistoCodi = "H_MCs_Date";}
8356  if( HistoCode == "H_SCs_RuDs" ){HistoCodi = "H_SCs_Date";}
8358  if( fUserHistoMin >= fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
8360  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHistime)
8361  //
8362  // fOnlyOnePlot => compute Xinf and Xsup at each time
8363  // fSeveralPlot => compute Xinf and Xsup once when flag = "Free" for each HistoCode
8364  // fSameOnePlot => compute Xinf and Xsup once
8365  //
8366  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8367  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot) ||
8368  ( (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, fSeveralPlot) == "Free" ) ||
8369  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, fSameOnePlot) == "Free" ) ) )
8370  {
8371  Double_t XinfProj =(Double_t)0;
8372  Double_t XsupProj =(Double_t)0;
8374  //...................................................................... (ViewHistime)
8375  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" || fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
8376  {
8377  //... Get direct graph ymin and/or ymax and keep them as xinf and xsup
8378  // in memo for the plotted histo
8379  XinfProj = fUserHistoMin;
8380  XsupProj = fUserHistoMax;
8381  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" ){XinfProj = GetYminValueFromMemo(HistoCodi.Data());}
8382  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" ){XsupProj = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(HistoCodi.Data());}
8383  } // end of if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" || fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
8384  else
8385  {
8386  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "OFF" )
8387  {
8388  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(),
8389  fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
8390  XinfProj = GetYminValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
8391  }
8393  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "OFF" )
8394  {
8395  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(),
8396  fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
8397  XsupProj = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
8398  }
8399  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" ){XinfProj = fUserHistoMin;}
8400  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" ){XsupProj = fUserHistoMax;}
8401  }
8403  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
8404  {
8405  SetXinfMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), XinfProj);
8406  SetXsupMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), XsupProj);
8407  }
8408  else
8409  {
8410  SetXinfMemoFromValue(XinfProj);
8411  SetXsupMemoFromValue(XsupProj);
8412  }
8413  } // end of if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot) ||
8414  // (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
8415  // (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
8417  Double_t cXinf = (Double_t)0.;
8418  Double_t cXsup = (Double_t)0.;
8420  //.......... Set Xinf and Xsup at each time because of simultaneous SAME options (ViewHistime)
8421  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
8422  {
8423  cXinf = GetXinfValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
8424  cXsup = GetXsupValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
8425  }
8426  else
8427  {
8428  cXinf = GetXinfValueFromMemo();
8429  cXsup = GetXsupValueFromMemo();
8430  }
8431  //....... In case of only one run: in order to have cXinf < cXsup for "EvolProj" plot
8432  if( cXinf >= cXsup ){cXinf -= 1.; cXsup +=1.;}
8434  //.............................. histogram booking (ViewHisto)
8435  Axis_t xinf_his = cXinf; // ancillary variables since no const in arguments of TH1D
8436  Axis_t xsup_his = cXsup;
8438  TString TitleHisto = ";";
8439  if( opt_plot != fSameOnePlot )
8440  {TitleHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetQuantityName(HistoCode.Data());}
8442  //........ fill array histo_for_plot from hval_coordy (ViewHistime)
8443  for(Int_t i_run=0; i_run<fNbOfExistingRuns; i_run++)
8444  {
8445  Double_t XFromYGraph = hval_coordy[i_run];
8446  Double_t binXProjY = (Double_t)HisSizeEvolProj*(XFromYGraph - cXinf)/(cXsup - cXinf);
8447  Int_t ibinXProjY = (Int_t)binXProjY;
8448  if( ibinXProjY >= 0 && ibinXProjY<HisSizeEvolProj ){histo_for_plot[ibinXProjY]++;}
8449  }
8451  TH1D* h_his_evol_proj = new TH1D("histevolproj", TitleHisto.Data(),
8452  HisSizeEvolProj, xinf_his, xsup_his); fCnewRoot++;
8454  h_his_evol_proj->Reset();
8456  //.... direct histogram filling (ViewHistime)
8457  for(Int_t i=0; i<HisSizeEvolProj; i++)
8458  {
8459  Double_t yi = (Double_t)i/(Double_t)HisSizeEvolProj*(cXsup-cXinf) + cXinf;
8460  Double_t his_val = (Double_t)histo_for_plot[i];
8461  h_his_evol_proj->Fill(yi, his_val);
8462  }
8464  //------- H I S T O P R O J Y M I N / Y M A X M A N A G E M E N T
8465  if( fUserHistoMin >= fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
8466  //.......... user's value if flag set to "ON"
8467  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
8468  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
8469  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
8470  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
8471  //................................. automatic min and/or max
8472  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
8473  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), graph_ymin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
8474  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
8475  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), graph_ymax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
8477  //................................. Init Ymin and Ymax for graph
8478  SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(HistoCode);
8479  SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(HistoCode);
8481  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8482  //.......... Find maximum in case of Proj (LIN scale only) // PS: EvolProj => in ViewHistime
8483  if( fFlagScaleY == "LIN" )
8484  {
8486  (HistoCode.Data(),
8488  }
8490  //--- Set ymin and ymax to the first HistoCode values for option SAME n
8491  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
8492  {
8493  Double_t ymin = GetYminValueFromMemo(fHistoCodeFirst.Data());
8494  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), ymin);
8496  Double_t ymax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(fHistoCodeFirst.Data());
8497  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), ymax);
8498  }
8499  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
8501  //..... graph set ymin and ymax and consequently margin at top of the plot
8502  Int_t xFlagAutoYsupMargin = SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(g_graph0, HistoCode);
8503  Int_t arg_AlreadyRead = 0;
8505  HistoPlot(h_his_evol_proj, HisSizeEvolProj,
8506  xinf_his, xsup_his,
8507  HistoCode.Data(), HistoType.Data(),
8508  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample,
8509  opt_scale_x, opt_scale_y, opt_plot, arg_AlreadyRead,
8510  xFlagAutoYsupMargin);
8512  h_his_evol_proj->Delete(); h_his_evol_proj = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
8513  //*===> deleter l'histo sinon "Replacing existing histo (potential memory leak)" a l'execution
8515  } // end of if( HistoType == "EvolProj" )
8516  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHistime)
8518  delete [] time_coordx; time_coordx = 0; fCdelete++;
8519  delete [] hval_coordy; hval_coordy = 0; fCdelete++;
8520  }
8521  else
8522  {
8523  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> The list of runs in file: " << list_of_run_file_name
8524  << " has " << nb_of_runs_in_list << " run numbers" << endl
8525  << " but none of them correspond to an existing ROOT file."
8526  << fTTBELL << endl;
8527  }
8528  } // end of if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
8529  else
8530  {
8531  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
8532  << fFapStexName << " number = " << fFapStexNumber << ". "
8533  << fFapStexName << " number must be in range [1," << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "] ";
8534  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){cout << " (or [-18,+18])";}
8535  cout << fTTBELL << endl;
8536  }
8537  delete [] exist_indic; exist_indic = 0; fCdelete++;
8538  } // end of if( nb_of_runs_in_list > 0 )
8539  else
8540  {
8541  if( nb_of_runs_in_list == 0 )
8542  {
8543  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> The list of runs in file: " << list_of_run_file_name
8544  << " is empty !" << fTTBELL << endl;
8545  }
8546  if( nb_of_runs_in_list < 0 )
8547  {
8548  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime(...)> " << list_of_run_file_name
8549  << ": file not found in directory: " << fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath.Data() << fTTBELL << endl;
8550  }
8551  }
8552  } // end of if( OKHisto == 1 )
8553 } // end of ViewHistime
void HistimePlot(TGraph *, Axis_t, Axis_t, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TVectorD ReadLowFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
Int_t * fT1DRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:430
TString fFlagScaleX
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:437
TString fStartEvolDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:403
Int_t GetHistoryRunListParameters(const TString &, const TString &)
TString GetMemoFlag(const TString &)
TString GetXVarFromMemo(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetXsupMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
Double_t GetXinfValueFromMemo()
TString GetYVarFromMemo(const TString &, const TString &)
TString fStopEvolDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:403
Bool_t GetOkViewHisto(TEcnaRead *, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TVirtualPad * ActivePad(const TString &, const TString &)
Double_t GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(TH1D *, const Double_t)
Double_t GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(TGraph *, const Double_t)
TString fHistoCodeFirst
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:538
Double_t GetXsupValueFromMemo()
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fStopEvolRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:399
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
void ReInitCanvas(const TString &, const TString &)
TVectorD ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
Int_t fOptScaleLogx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
void SetRunNumberFromList(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
void SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(const TString &)
time_t fStopEvolTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:402
Int_t SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TGraph *, const TString &)
TString GetXVarHisto(const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
TString fFlagColPal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:439
Double_t GetYmaxValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLinx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Double_t GetYminValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void HistoPlot(TH1D *, const Int_t &, const Axis_t &, const Axis_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
void SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(const TString &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString GetQuantityName(const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
TVectorD ReadTotalNoise(const Int_t &)
void SetXinfMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Int_t fNbOfExistingRuns
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:400
TString fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:418
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
Int_t GetListFileNumber(const TString &)
void PrintNoComment()
TVectorD ReadPedestals(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagScaleY
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:438
TString GetYVarHisto(const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadHighFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
void SetXVarMemo(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
void SetColorPalette(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
time_t fStartEvolTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:402
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t MaxCrysEcnaInStex()
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t fStartEvolRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:399
Int_t Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetMarginAutoMinMax()
TVectorD ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
Double_t GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(TGraph *, const Double_t)
void SetYVarMemo(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t fNbBinsProj
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:669
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
time_t GetStartTime()
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const Int_t &  i0Sample,
const TString &  HistoCode,
const TString &  opt_plot_arg 

Definition at line 6451 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, ecalpyutils::ism(), SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::ymax, and SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::ymin.

6455 {
6456  //Histogram of the quantities (one run)
6458  TString opt_plot = opt_plot_arg;
6459  fPlotAllXtalsInStin = 0;
6461  if( opt_plot_arg == fAllXtalsInStinPlot ){opt_plot = fOnlyOnePlot; fPlotAllXtalsInStin = 1;}
6463  TString HistoType = fCnaParHistos->GetHistoType(HistoCode.Data());
6465  Int_t OKHisto = 0;
6467  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Canvas already closed in option SAME %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6468  Int_t xCanvasExists = 1; // a priori ==> Canvas exists // (ViewHisto)
6469  if( opt_plot != fOnlyOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
6470  {
6471  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = 0;
6472  //---------------- Call to ActivePad
6473  main_subpad = ActivePad(HistoCode.Data(), opt_plot.Data()); // => return 0 if canvas has been closed
6474  if( main_subpad == 0 )
6475  {
6476  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> WARNING ===> Canvas has been closed in option SAME or SAME n."
6477  << endl
6478  << " Please, restart with a new canvas."
6479  << fTTBELL << endl;
6481  ReInitCanvas(HistoCode, opt_plot);
6482  xCanvasExists = 0;
6483  }
6484  }
6485  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6487  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Change of X variable in option SAME n with no proj %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6488  Int_t SameXVarMemo = 1; // a priori ==> SAME n option: X variable OK (ViewHisto)
6489  if( !(HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "EvolProj") &&
6490  !(arg_AlreadyRead >= 1) )
6491  {
6492  TString XVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetXVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
6493  TString YVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetYVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
6494  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
6495  {
6496  SetXVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, XVarHisto); SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto); SameXVarMemo = 1;
6497  }
6498  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
6499  {
6500  TString XVariableMemo = GetXVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
6501  TString YVariableMemo = GetYVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
6503  if( XVarHisto != XVariableMemo )
6504  {
6505  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> *** ERROR *** ===> X coordinate changed in option SAME n." << endl
6506  << " Present X = " << XVarHisto << endl
6507  << " Present Y = " << YVarHisto << endl
6508  << " Previous X = " << XVariableMemo << endl
6509  << " Previous Y = " << YVariableMemo
6510  << fTTBELL << endl;
6511  SameXVarMemo = 0;
6512  }
6513  else
6514  {SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto);}
6515  }
6516  }
6517  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6519  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Change of Y variable in option SAME n %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6520  Int_t SameYVarMemo = 1; // a priori ==> SAME n option: Y variable OK (ViewHisto)
6521  if( (HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "EvolProj") &&
6522  !(arg_AlreadyRead >= 1) )
6523  {
6524  TString XVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetXVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
6525  TString YVarHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetYVarHisto(HistoCode.Data(), fFlagSubDet.Data(), fFapStexNumber);
6526  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
6527  {
6528  SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto); SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto); SameYVarMemo = 1;
6529  }
6530  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
6531  {
6532  TString XVariableMemo = GetXVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
6533  TString YVariableMemo = GetYVarFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
6535  if( YVarHisto != YVariableMemo )
6536  {
6537  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> *** ERROR *** ===> Y coordinate changed in option SAME n." << endl
6538  << " Present X = " << XVarHisto << endl
6539  << " Present Y = " << YVarHisto << endl
6540  << " Previous X = " << XVariableMemo << endl
6541  << " Previous Y = " << YVariableMemo
6542  << fTTBELL << endl;
6543  SameYVarMemo = 0;
6544  }
6545  else
6546  {SetYVarMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, YVarHisto);}
6547  }
6548  }
6549  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6551  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Number of bins change in option SAME or SAME n %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6552  Int_t OkBinsMemoSameOne = 1; // a priori ==> SAME n option: Nb bins OK (ViewHisto)
6554  Int_t SizeForPlot = GetHistoSize(HistoCode.Data(), "plot");
6555  Int_t xNbBins = GetHistoNumberOfBins(HistoCode.Data(), SizeForPlot);
6557  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free" )
6558  {
6559  SetNbBinsMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot, xNbBins); OkBinsMemoSameOne = 1;
6560  }
6562  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot) && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
6563  {
6564  Int_t NbBinsMemo = GetNbBinsFromMemo(HistoCode, opt_plot);
6565  if( xNbBins != NbBinsMemo )
6566  {
6567  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> *** ERROR *** ===> Number of bins changed in option SAME or SAME n."
6568  << " Present number = " << xNbBins << ", requested number = " << NbBinsMemo << fTTBELL << endl;
6569  OkBinsMemoSameOne = 0;
6570  }
6571  }
6573  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
6575  if( xCanvasExists == 1 && SameXVarMemo == 1 && SameYVarMemo == 1 && OkBinsMemoSameOne == 1 ){OKHisto = 1;}
6577  //======================== Histo accepted (ViewHisto)
6578  if( OKHisto == 1 )
6579  {
6580  Int_t opt_scale_x = fOptScaleLinx;
6581  if (fFlagScaleX == "LIN" ){opt_scale_x = fOptScaleLinx;}
6582  if (fFlagScaleX == "LOG" ){opt_scale_x = fOptScaleLogx;}
6584  Int_t opt_scale_y = fOptScaleLiny;
6585  if (fFlagScaleY == "LIN" ){opt_scale_y = fOptScaleLiny;}
6586  if (fFlagScaleY == "LOG" ){opt_scale_y = fOptScaleLogy;}
6589  TString fp_name_short = " ";
6591  //-------------------- read_histo size
6592  Int_t SizeForRead = GetHistoSize(HistoCode.Data(), "read");
6594  //............................................... allocation/init_histo
6595  TVectorD histo_for_plot(SizeForPlot);
6596  for(Int_t i=0; i<SizeForPlot; i++){histo_for_plot[i]=(Double_t)0;}
6598  TVectorD histo_for_plot_memo(SizeForPlot);
6599  for(Int_t i=0; i<SizeForPlot; i++){histo_for_plot_memo[i]=(Double_t)0;}
6601  Int_t i_data_exist = 0;
6602  Int_t OKPlot = 0;
6604  //------------------------------------- histos Global, (Global)Proj, SampGlobal and SampProj
6605  if( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampGlobal" ||
6606  HistoType == "SampProj" )
6607  {
6608  if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
6609  {
6610  Bool_t ok_view_histo = kFALSE;
6612  //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Stas Histo (ViewHisto)
6613  Int_t CounterExistingFile = 0;
6614  Int_t CounterDataExist = 0;
6616  Int_t* xFapNbOfEvts = new Int_t[fEcal->MaxStexInStas()]; fCnew++;
6617  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); i++){xFapNbOfEvts[i]=0;}
6619  //Int_t* NOFE_int = new Int_t[fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()]; fCnew++;
6621  for(Int_t iStasStex=0; iStasStex<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); iStasStex++)
6622  {
6623  Bool_t OKFileExists = kFALSE;
6624  Bool_t ok_data_exists = kFALSE;
6626  TVectorD read_histo(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
6627  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){read_histo(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
6629  if( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 )
6630  {
6631  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- file reading
6633  Int_t n1StasStex = iStasStex+1;
6637  n1StasStex, fCfgResultsRootFilePath.Data());
6639  if( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ){OKFileExists = kTRUE;} // (ViewHisto, Stas)
6640  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE )
6641  {
6642  xFapNbOfEvts[iStasStex] = fMyRootFile->GetNumberOfEvents(fFapReqNbOfEvts, n1StasStex);
6643  fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
6644  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
6645  // << fp_name_short << endl;
6646  //....................... search for first and last dates
6647  if( iStasStex == 0 )
6648  {
6653  }
6655  time_t xStartTime = fMyRootFile->GetStartTime();
6656  time_t xStopTime = fMyRootFile->GetStopTime();
6657  TString xStartDate = fMyRootFile->GetStartDate();
6658  TString xStopDate = fMyRootFile->GetStopDate();
6660  if( xStartTime < fStartTime ){fStartTime = xStartTime; fStartDate = xStartDate;}
6661  if( xStopTime > fStopTime ){fStopTime = xStopTime; fStopDate = xStopDate;}
6664  ok_view_histo =
6665  GetOkViewHisto(fMyRootFile, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, HistoCode.Data());
6667  if( ok_view_histo == kTRUE )
6668  {
6669  //............................................... histo reading (ViewHisto, Stas)
6670  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){
6672  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){
6674  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){
6676  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){
6678  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){
6680  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){
6682  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" || HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){
6684  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){ok_data_exists = kTRUE;}
6685  }
6686  }
6687  }
6689  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
6690  {
6691  ok_data_exists = kTRUE;
6692  for(Int_t i0Stin=0; i0Stin<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0Stin++ )
6693  {read_histo(i0Stin) = arg_read_histo(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()*iStasStex+i0Stin);}
6694  }
6696  if( ok_data_exists == kTRUE )
6697  {
6698  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
6699  CounterExistingFile++;
6702  //...........................................................
6703  if( ok_data_exists == kTRUE )
6704  {
6705  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
6706  CounterDataExist++;
6708  for(Int_t i0StexStinEcna=0; i0StexStinEcna<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0StexStinEcna++)
6709  {
6710  //Int_t n1StexStinEcna = i0StexStinEcna+1;
6711  //-------------------------------------- Stas histo filling (ViewHisto, Stas)
6712  Int_t i_xgeo = -1;
6713  //...................................... EB
6714  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
6715  {
6716  i_xgeo = iStasStex*fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex() + i0StexStinEcna;
6717  if( i_xgeo >= 0 && i_xgeo < SizeForPlot )
6718  {
6719  histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] = read_histo[i0StexStinEcna];
6720  }
6721  else
6722  {
6723  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EB> i_xgeo = " << i_xgeo
6724  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [0,"<< SizeForPlot << "] " << endl;
6725  }
6726  }
6727  //...................................... EE (ViewHisto)
6728  //-------> Dee order: D4, D3, D2, D1
6729  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6730  {
6731  Int_t DeeOffset = 0;
6732  Int_t DSOffset = 0;
6734  Int_t DeeNumber = iStasStex+1;
6735  Int_t n1DeeSCEcna = i0StexStinEcna+1;
6737  //................................................ Dee offset
6738  if( DeeNumber == 3 ){DeeOffset += fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee();} // 149
6739  if( DeeNumber == 2 ){DeeOffset += 3*fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()-1;} // 446
6740  if( DeeNumber == 1 ){DeeOffset += 4*fEcal->MaxSCForConsInDee()-1;} // 595
6742  //................................................ Data Sector offset (ViewHisto, Stas)
6743  Int_t StexDataSector = fEcalNumbering->GetDSFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna);
6744  //.... returns 0 if n1DeeSCEcna corresponds to an empty "ECNA-SC"
6746  //................................................ SC final coordinate (ViewHisto, Stas)
6747  Int_t StexDSStin = fEcalNumbering->GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna);
6748  //--> return StexDSStin = 25 (not 3) for n1DeeSCEcna = 32
6749  //--> return StexDSStin = 14 (not 21) for n1DeeSCEcna = 29
6750  //--> return StexDSStin = -1 for n1DeeSCEcna = 10 and n1DeeSCEcna = 11
6752  if( StexDataSector >= 1 && StexDataSector <= 9 )
6753  {
6754  if( DeeNumber == 4 ) // Sectors 1,2,3,4,5a
6755  {
6756  for(Int_t is=2; is<=5; is++)
6757  { if( StexDataSector >= is )
6758  {Int_t ism = is-1; DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(ism);}}
6759  }
6761  if( DeeNumber == 3 ) // Sectors 5b,6,7,8,9
6762  {
6763  if( StexDataSector >= 6 )
6764  {DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(5)/2;}
6765  for(Int_t is=7; is<=9; is++)
6766  { if( StexDataSector >= is )
6767  {Int_t ism = is-1; DSOffset += fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(ism);}}
6768  }
6770  if( DeeNumber == 2 ) // Sectors 9,8,7,6,5a
6771  {
6772  if( StexDataSector >= 6 )
6773  {DSOffset -= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(5)/2;}
6774  for(Int_t is=7; is<=9; is++)
6775  {if( StexDataSector >= is )
6776  {Int_t ism = is-1; DSOffset -= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(ism);}}
6777  }
6779  if( DeeNumber == 1 ) // Sectors 5b,4,3,2,1
6780  {
6781  for(Int_t is=2; is<=5; is++)
6782  { if( StexDataSector >= is )
6783  {Int_t ism = is-1; DSOffset -= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(ism);}}
6784  }
6786  if( StexDSStin >=1 && StexDSStin <= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector) )
6787  {
6788  if( DeeNumber == 4 ) // Sectors 1,2,3,4,5a
6789  {
6790  if(StexDataSector != 5)
6791  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset + (StexDSStin - 1);}
6792  if( StexDataSector == 5)
6793  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset + (StexDSStin - 1);}
6794  }
6795  if( DeeNumber == 3 ) // Sectors 5b,6,7,8,9
6796  {
6797  if(StexDataSector != 5)
6798  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset + (StexDSStin - 1);}
6799  if( StexDataSector == 5)
6800  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset + (StexDSStin-17) - 1;}
6801  }
6802  if( DeeNumber == 2 ) // Sectors 5a,6,7,8,9
6803  {
6804  if(StexDataSector != 5)
6805  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset
6806  - fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector) + StexDSStin;}
6807  if( StexDataSector == 5)
6808  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset
6809  - fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector)/2 + StexDSStin;}
6810  }
6811  if( DeeNumber == 1 ) // Sectors 1,2,3,4,5b
6812  {
6813  if(StexDataSector != 5)
6814  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset
6815  - fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector) + StexDSStin;}
6816  if( StexDataSector == 5)
6817  {i_xgeo = DeeOffset + DSOffset
6818  - fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector)/2 +(StexDSStin-17);}
6819  }
6821  }// end of if(StexDSStin >=1 && StexDSStin <= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector))
6822  else
6823  {
6824  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> StexDSStin = " << StexDSStin
6825  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [1,"
6826  << fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(StexDataSector)
6827  << "]. DeeNumber = " << DeeNumber
6828  << ", n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
6829  << ", StexDataSector = " << StexDataSector
6830  << ", i_xgeo = " << i_xgeo << endl;
6831  }
6832  }// end of if( StexDataSector >= 1 && StexDataSector <= 9 )
6833  else
6834  {
6835  //cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> StexDataSector = " << StexDataSector
6836  // << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [1,9]. DeeNumber = " << DeeNumber
6837  // << ", n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
6838  // << ", i_xgeo = " << i_xgeo << endl;
6839  }
6840  //......................................... transfert read_histo -> histo_for_plot
6841  if( i_xgeo >= -1 && i_xgeo < SizeForPlot )
6842  {
6843  // special treatement for not connected & mixed SC's
6844  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 29 || n1DeeSCEcna == 32 || // 261a, 207c, 268a, 178c
6845  // [ 14a, 25c, 21a, 3c]
6846  n1DeeSCEcna == 144 || n1DeeSCEcna == 165 || // 261c, 261b [14c, 14b]
6847  n1DeeSCEcna == 176 || n1DeeSCEcna == 193 || // 207a, 207b [25a, 25b]
6848  n1DeeSCEcna == 60 || n1DeeSCEcna == 119 || // 182a, 182b [30a, 30b]
6849  n1DeeSCEcna == 102 || n1DeeSCEcna == 123 || // 268c, 268b [21c, 21b]
6850  n1DeeSCEcna == 138 || n1DeeSCEcna == 157 ) // 178a, 178b [ 3a, 3b]
6851  {
6852  //--------------- DSSC 14
6853  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 29 && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6854  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]/(Double_t)5.;}
6855  if( (n1DeeSCEcna == 144 || n1DeeSCEcna == 165) && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6856  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] +=
6857  read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]*(Double_t)10./(Double_t)25.;}
6859  //--------------- DSSC 25
6860  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 32 && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6861  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]/(Double_t)5.;}
6862  if( (n1DeeSCEcna == 176 || n1DeeSCEcna == 193) && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6863  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] +=
6864  read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]*(Double_t)10./(Double_t)25.;}
6866  //--------------- DSSC 30
6867  if( (n1DeeSCEcna == 60 || n1DeeSCEcna == 119) && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6868  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]/(Double_t)2.;}
6870  //--------------- DSSC 21 (Add SC translated at 10-1 only once, i_xgeo = -1 accepted)
6871  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 102 )
6872  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[9]/(Double_t)21.
6873  + read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]*(Double_t)10./(Double_t)21.;}
6874  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 123 && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6875  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] +=
6876  read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]*(Double_t)10./(Double_t)21.;}
6878  //--------------- DSSC 3 (Add SC translated at 11-1 only once, i_xgeo = -1 accepted)
6879  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 138 )
6880  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[10]/(Double_t)21.
6881  + read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]*(Double_t)10./(Double_t)21.;}
6882  if( n1DeeSCEcna == 157 && i_xgeo >= 0 )
6883  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] +=
6884  read_histo[i0StexStinEcna]*(Double_t)10./(Double_t)21.;}
6885  }
6886  else
6887  {
6888  if( i_xgeo >= 0 )
6889  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[i0StexStinEcna];} // standard treatment
6890  }
6891  } // end of if( i_xgeo >= -1 && i_xgeo < SizeForPlot )
6892  else
6893  {
6894  //cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> i_xgeo = " << i_xgeo
6895  // << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [0,"<< SizeForPlot << "] " << endl;
6896  }
6897  }// end of if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6898  }// end of for(Int_t i0StexStinEcna=0; i0StexStinEcna<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0StexStinEcna++)
6899  }
6900  else
6901  {
6902  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> "
6903  << " Data not available for " << fFapStexName << " " << iStasStex+1
6904  << " (Quantity not present in the ROOT file)" << endl;
6905  }
6906  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) (ViewHisto/Stas)
6907  else
6908  {
6909  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
6911  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> "
6912  << " Data not available for " << fFapStexName << " " << iStasStex+1
6913  << " (ROOT file not found)" << endl;
6914  }
6916  if( fFapNbOfEvts <= xFapNbOfEvts[iStasStex] ){fFapNbOfEvts = xFapNbOfEvts[iStasStex];}
6918  } // end of for(Int_t iStasStex=0; iStasStex<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); iStasStex++)
6920  //delete [] NOFE_int; NOFE_int = 0; fCdelete++;
6921  delete [] xFapNbOfEvts; xFapNbOfEvts = 0; fCdelete++;
6923  if( CounterExistingFile > 0 && CounterDataExist > 0 ){OKPlot = 1;}
6925  } // end of if( fFapStexNumber == 0 )
6927  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHisto [Stex])
6929  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
6930  {
6931  Bool_t OKFileExists = kFALSE ;
6932  Bool_t ok_view_histo = kFALSE;
6934  if( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 )
6935  {
6942  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ){OKFileExists = kTRUE;} // (ViewHisto, Stex)
6944  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE )
6945  {
6947  fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
6948  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
6949  // << fp_name_short << endl;
6955  ok_view_histo =
6956  GetOkViewHisto(fMyRootFile, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, HistoCode.Data());
6957  }
6958  }
6960  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
6961  {
6962  OKFileExists = kTRUE; ok_view_histo = kTRUE;
6963  }
6965  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE )
6966  {
6967  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
6968  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHisto [Stex])
6970  if( ok_view_histo == kTRUE )
6971  {
6972  //------------ EB or EE with SampGlobal or SampProj (histo_for_plot = read_histo)
6973  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ||
6974  ( fFlagSubDet == "EE" && ( HistoType == "SampGlobal" || HistoType == "SampProj" ) ) )
6975  {
6976  histo_for_plot = GetHistoValues(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, fMyRootFile, HistoCode.Data(),
6977  SizeForPlot, SizeForRead,
6978  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, i_data_exist);
6979  if( i_data_exist > 0 ){OKPlot = 1;}
6980  if( OKPlot == 1 && opt_plot == "ASCII" && ( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ) )
6981  {WriteHistoAscii(HistoCode.Data(), SizeForPlot, histo_for_plot);}
6982  }
6984  //------------ EE except for SampGlobal and SampProj) (histo_for_plot # read_histo)
6985  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" && !( HistoType == "SampGlobal" || HistoType == "SampProj" ) )
6986  {
6987  TVectorD read_histo(SizeForRead);
6988  for(Int_t i=0; i<SizeForRead; i++){read_histo(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
6990  read_histo = GetHistoValues(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, fMyRootFile, HistoCode.Data(),
6991  SizeForRead, SizeForRead,
6992  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, i_data_exist);
6993  if( i_data_exist > 0 ){OKPlot = 1;}
6994  if( OKPlot == 1 && opt_plot == "ASCII" )
6995  {
6996  WriteHistoAscii(HistoCode.Data(), fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInDee(), read_histo);
6997  }
6998  if( OKPlot == 1 && opt_plot != "ASCII" )
6999  {
7000  //..................... Build histo_for_plot from read_histo (ViewHisto [Stex])
7001  Int_t DeeNumber = fFapStexNumber;
7002  TString DeeDir = fEcalNumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(DeeNumber);
7004  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOOP ON Echa (Ecna) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (ViewHisto [Stex])
7005  for(Int_t i0DeeEcha=0; i0DeeEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInDee(); i0DeeEcha++)
7006  {
7007  Int_t n1SCEcha = fEcalNumbering->Get1SCEchaFrom0DeeEcha(i0DeeEcha);
7008  Int_t n1DeeSCEcna = i0DeeEcha/fEcal->MaxCrysInSC()+1;
7010  Int_t DataSector = fEcalNumbering->GetDSFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna);
7011  Int_t SC_in_DS = fEcalNumbering->GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, n1SCEcha);
7013  Int_t i_xgeo = -1;
7015  if( n1SCEcha >= 1 && n1SCEcha <= fEcal->MaxCrysInSC() )
7016  {
7017  if( n1DeeSCEcna >= 1 && n1DeeSCEcna <= fEcal->MaxSCEcnaInDee() )
7018  {
7019  if( DataSector >= 1 && DataSector <= 9 )
7020  {
7021  if( SC_in_DS >= 1 && SC_in_DS <= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(DataSector) )
7022  {
7023  if( read_histo[i0DeeEcha] != 0 )
7024  {
7025  //................................... Data Sector offset
7026  Int_t DSOffset = GetDSOffset(DeeNumber, DataSector);
7028  //........................ Super-Crystal (SC) offset (ViewHisto [Stex])
7029  Int_t SCOffset = GetSCOffset(DeeNumber, DataSector, SC_in_DS);
7031  //........................ Xtal final bin
7032  Int_t nSCCons = fEcalNumbering->
7033  GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna, n1SCEcha);
7035  Int_t n1FinalSCEcha = n1SCEcha;
7037  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSCType(nSCCons) == "NotConnected" ||
7038  fEcalNumbering->GetSCType(nSCCons) == "NotComplete" )
7039  { //----- not complete and not connected SC's
7040  // no i_xgeo value if SC = 14 or 25 and channel 11
7041  if( !( (SC_in_DS == 14 || SC_in_DS == 25 ) && n1SCEcha == 11 ) )
7042  {
7043  n1FinalSCEcha =
7044  ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs(DeeNumber, nSCCons, SC_in_DS,
7045  n1DeeSCEcna, n1SCEcha);
7046  i_xgeo = DSOffset + SCOffset + (n1FinalSCEcha-1);
7047  }
7048  // change SC 14 -> 21 and channel 11 -> 21
7049  if( SC_in_DS == 14 && n1SCEcha == 11 )
7050  {
7051  SCOffset = GetSCOffset(DeeNumber, DataSector, 21);
7052  n1FinalSCEcha = 21;
7053  i_xgeo = DSOffset + SCOffset + (n1FinalSCEcha-1);
7054  }
7055  // change SC 25 -> 3 for channel 11 -> 21
7056  if( SC_in_DS == 25 && n1SCEcha == 11 )
7057  {
7058  SCOffset = GetSCOffset(DeeNumber, DataSector, 3);
7059  n1FinalSCEcha = 21;
7060  i_xgeo = DSOffset + SCOffset + (n1FinalSCEcha-1);
7061  }
7062  }
7063  else
7064  { //----------- Complete SCs
7065  i_xgeo = DSOffset + SCOffset + (n1FinalSCEcha-1);
7066  }
7068  histo_for_plot_memo[i_xgeo]++;
7069  if( histo_for_plot_memo[i_xgeo] >= 2 )
7070  {
7071  cout << "! histo_memo[" << i_xgeo
7072  << "] = " << histo_for_plot_memo[i_xgeo]
7073  << ", nSCCons = " << nSCCons
7074  << ", SC_in_DS = " << SC_in_DS
7075  << ", DSOffset = " << DSOffset
7076  << ", SCOffset = " << SCOffset
7077  << ", n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
7078  << ", n1SCEcha = " << n1SCEcha
7079  << ", n1FinalSCEcha = " << n1FinalSCEcha << endl;
7080  }
7081  //.............................. transfert read_histo -> histo_for_plot
7082  if( i_xgeo >= 0 && i_xgeo < SizeForPlot )
7083  {
7084  if( n1FinalSCEcha > 0 )
7085  {histo_for_plot[i_xgeo] += read_histo[i0DeeEcha];}
7086  }
7087  else
7088  {
7089  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> i_xgeo = " << i_xgeo
7090  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [0,"<< SizeForPlot << "] " << endl;
7091  }
7092  } // end of if( read_histo[i0DeeEcha] > 0 )
7093  } // end of if( SC_in_DS >= 1 && SC_in_DS <= fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(DataSector) )
7094  else
7095  {
7096  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> SC_in_DS = " << SC_in_DS
7097  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [1,"
7098  << fEcalNumbering->GetMaxSCInDS(DataSector) << "] "
7099  << ", DataSector = " << DataSector
7100  << ", n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
7101  << ", n1SCEcha = " << n1SCEcha
7102  << ", i0DeeEcha = " << i0DeeEcha
7103  << endl;
7104  }
7105  } // end of if( DataSector >= 1 && DataSector <= 9 )
7106  else
7107  {
7108  if( DataSector != 0 )
7109  {
7110  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> DataSector = " << DataSector
7111  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [1,9] "
7112  << ", n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
7113  << ", n1SCEcha = " << n1SCEcha
7114  << ", i0DeeEcha = " << i0DeeEcha
7115  << endl;
7116  }
7117  }
7118  } // end of if( n1DeeSCEcna >= 1 && n1DeeSCEcna <= fEcal->MaxSCEcnaInDee() )
7119  else
7120  {
7121  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> n1DeeSCEcna = " << n1DeeSCEcna
7122  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [1,"<< fEcal->MaxSCEcnaInDee() << "] "
7123  << ", n1SCEcha = " << n1SCEcha
7124  << ", i0DeeEcha = " << i0DeeEcha
7125  << endl;
7126  }
7127  } // end of if(n1SCEcha >= 1 && n1SCEcha <= fEcal->MaxCrysInSC() )
7128  else
7129  {
7130  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> <EE> n1SCEcha = " << n1SCEcha
7131  << ". OUT OF RANGE ( range = [1,"<< fEcal->MaxCrysInSC() << "] "
7132  << ", i0DeeEcha = " << i0DeeEcha
7133  << endl;
7134  }
7135  }
7136  } // end of if( OKPlot == 1 && opt_plot != "ASCII" )
7137  } // end of if(fFlagSubDet == "EE")
7138  } // end of if(ok_view_histo == kTRUE)
7139  else
7140  {
7141  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
7142  << " ok_view_histo != kTRUE " << fTTBELL << endl;
7143  }
7144  } // end of if(fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE)
7145  else
7146  {
7147  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
7149  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
7150  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
7151  }
7152  } // end of if(fFapStexNumber > 0)
7153  } // end of if( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampGlobal" || HistoType == "SampProj" )
7154  else
7155  {
7156  //--------------------------------------------------------------------- not Global-Proj Histo
7157  if( (fFapStexNumber > 0) && (fFapStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxStexInStas()) )
7158  {
7159  Bool_t OKFileExists = kFALSE;
7161  if( !(arg_AlreadyRead > 1) )
7162  {
7168  OKFileExists = fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile();
7169  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE ){fFapNbOfEvts = fMyRootFile->GetNumberOfEvents(fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapStexNumber);}
7170  }
7171  else
7172  {
7173  OKFileExists = kTRUE;
7174  }
7176  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE ) // (ViewHisto, not Global-Proj)
7177  {
7178  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
7180  for(Int_t i=0; i<SizeForPlot; i++){histo_for_plot[i]=(Double_t)0;}
7182  histo_for_plot = GetHistoValues(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, fMyRootFile, HistoCode.Data(),
7183  SizeForPlot, SizeForRead,
7184  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample, i_data_exist);
7191  if( i_data_exist > 0 ){OKPlot = 1;}
7192  }
7193  else
7194  {
7195  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
7196  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
7197  }
7198  }
7199  else
7200  {
7201  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data()
7202  << " = " << fFapStexNumber << ". Out of range (range = [1,"
7203  << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "]) " << fTTBELL << endl;
7204  }
7205  }
7207  //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOT accepted
7209  if( ( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ||
7210  HistoType == "SampGlobal" || HistoType == "SampProj" ||
7211  HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" ) ||
7212  ( !( HistoType == "Global" || HistoType == "Proj" ||
7213  HistoType == "SampGlobal" || HistoType == "SampProj" ||
7214  HistoType == "H1Basic" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" ) &&
7215  ( (fFapStexNumber > 0) && (fFapStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxStexInStas()) ) ) )
7216  {
7217  if( opt_plot != "ASCII" )
7218  {
7219  if( OKPlot > 0 )
7220  {
7221  //... Ymin and ymax default values will be taken if fFlagUserHistoMin/Max = "OFF"
7222  // and if "Free" for "SAME" and "SAME n" options
7223  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && ( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 || arg_AlreadyRead == 1 ) ) ||
7224  (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
7225  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
7226  {
7227  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
7228  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
7229  }
7231  //==== H I S T O P R O J X I N F / X S U P M A N A G E M E N T ======== (ViewHisto)
7232  //
7233  // must be done before booking because of the x <-> y permutation in case of "Proj"
7234  //
7235  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7236  //
7237  // CASE: HistoType == "Proj" OR HistoType == "SampProj"
7238  //
7239  // Xinf and Xsup must be calculated from ymin and ymax
7240  // of the direct ("Global") histo
7241  //
7242  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7243  if( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" )
7244  {
7245  TString HistoCodi = HistoCode; // HistoCodi = direct histo
7247  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_NOE_ChNb";}
7248  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_Ped_ChNb";}
7249  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_TNo_ChNb";}
7250  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_MCs_ChNb";}
7251  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_LFN_ChNb";}
7252  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_HFN_ChNb";}
7253  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_SCs_ChNb";}
7254  if( HistoCode == "D_MSp_SpDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_MSp_SpNb";}
7255  if( HistoCode == "D_SSp_SpDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_SSp_SpNb";}
7256  if( HistoCode == "D_Adc_EvDs" ){HistoCodi = "D_Adc_EvNb";}
7258  TString TitleHisto = ";";
7259  if( opt_plot != fSameOnePlot )
7260  {TitleHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetQuantityName(HistoCodi);}
7262  if( fUserHistoMin >= fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
7264  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewHisto)
7265  //
7266  // fOnlyOnePlot => compute Xinf and Xsup at each time
7267  // fSeveralPlot => compute Xinf and Xsup once when flag = "Free" for each HistoCode
7268  // fSameOnePlot => compute Xinf and Xsup once
7269  //
7270  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7271  if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot && ( arg_AlreadyRead == 0 || arg_AlreadyRead == 1 ) ) ||
7272  (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, fSeveralPlot) == "Free" ) ||
7273  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, fSameOnePlot) == "Free" ) )
7274  {
7275  Double_t XinfProj =(Double_t)0;
7276  Double_t XsupProj =(Double_t)0;
7278  //...................................................................... (ViewHisto)
7279  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" || fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
7280  {
7281  Int_t HisSiza = GetHistoSize(HistoCodi.Data(), "plot");
7282  Int_t ReadHisSiza = HisSiza;
7283  //.............................. prepa direct histogram booking (ViewHisto)
7284  Axis_t xinf_hisa = GetHistoXinf(HistoCodi.Data(), HisSiza, opt_plot);
7285  Axis_t xsup_hisa = GetHistoXsup(HistoCodi.Data(), HisSiza, opt_plot);
7286  Int_t nb_binxa = GetHistoNumberOfBins(HistoCodi.Data(), HisSiza);
7287  //.............................. direct ("Global") histogram booking (ViewHisto)
7288  TH1D* h_hisa =
7289  new TH1D("histoa", TitleHisto.Data(), nb_binxa, xinf_hisa, xsup_hisa); fCnewRoot++;
7290  h_hisa->Reset();
7291  //.... direct histogram filling to get its ymin (=> xminProj) and ymax (=> xmaxProj)
7292  FillHisto(h_hisa, histo_for_plot, HistoCodi.Data(), ReadHisSiza);
7293  //... Get direct histo ymin and/or ymax and keep them as xinf and xsup
7294  // in memo for the plotted histo
7295  XinfProj = fUserHistoMin;
7296  XsupProj = fUserHistoMax;
7297  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" ){XinfProj = h_hisa->GetMinimum();}
7298  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" ){XsupProj = h_hisa->GetMaximum();}
7299  XsupProj += (XsupProj-XinfProj)*fCnaParHistos->GetMarginAutoMinMax(); // to see the last bin
7300  h_hisa->Delete(); h_hisa = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
7301  } // end of if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" || fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
7302  else
7303  {
7304  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "OFF" )
7305  {
7306  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(),
7307  fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
7308  XinfProj = GetYminValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
7309  }
7311  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "OFF" )
7312  {
7313  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(),
7314  fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
7315  XsupProj = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
7316  }
7317  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" ){XinfProj = fUserHistoMin;}
7318  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" ){XsupProj = fUserHistoMax;}
7319  }
7321  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
7322  {
7323  SetXinfMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), XinfProj);
7324  SetXsupMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), XsupProj);
7325  }
7326  else
7327  {
7328  SetXinfMemoFromValue(XinfProj);
7329  SetXsupMemoFromValue(XsupProj);
7330  }
7331  } // end of if( (opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot) ||
7332  // (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
7333  // (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
7334  } // end of if( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj" )
7336  //=============== H I S T O B O O K I N G A N D F I L L I N G ======== (ViewHisto)
7337  //.............................. prepa histogram booking (ViewHisto)
7339  //.......... Set number of bins: forcing to fNbBinsProj if "HistoType" == "Proj"
7340  Int_t xNbBins = GetHistoNumberOfBins(HistoCode.Data(), SizeForPlot);
7342  Double_t cXinf = (Double_t)0.;
7343  Double_t cXsup = (Double_t)0.;
7345  //.......... Set Xinf and Xsup at each time because of simultaneous SAME options
7346  if( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" || HistoType == "H1BasicProj")
7347  {
7348  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot || opt_plot == fSeveralPlot )
7349  {
7350  cXinf = GetXinfValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
7351  cXsup = GetXsupValueFromMemo(HistoCode.Data());
7352  }
7353  else
7354  {
7355  cXinf = GetXinfValueFromMemo();
7356  cXsup = GetXsupValueFromMemo();
7357  }
7358  }
7359  else
7360  {
7361  cXinf = GetHistoXinf(HistoCode.Data(), SizeForPlot, opt_plot);
7362  cXsup = GetHistoXsup(HistoCode.Data(), SizeForPlot, opt_plot);
7363  }
7365  //.............................. histogram booking (ViewHisto)
7366  Axis_t xinf_his = cXinf; // ancillary variables since no const in arguments of TH1D
7367  Axis_t xsup_his = cXsup;
7368  Int_t nb_binx = xNbBins;
7370  TString TitleHisto = ";";
7371  if( opt_plot != fSameOnePlot )
7372  {TitleHisto = fCnaParHistos->GetQuantityName(HistoCode.Data());}
7373  TH1D* h_his0 = new TH1D("histo", TitleHisto.Data(), nb_binx, xinf_his, xsup_his); fCnewRoot++;
7374  h_his0->Reset();
7375  //............................... histogram filling
7376  FillHisto(h_his0, histo_for_plot, HistoCode.Data(), SizeForPlot);
7378  //=============== H I S T O Y M I N / Y M A X M A N A G E M E N T =========== (ViewHisto)
7379  if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot ||
7380  (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
7381  (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
7382  {
7383  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot ){fHistoCodeFirst = HistoCode;} // registration of first HistoCode
7384  //................................. Automatic min and/or max for other options than "Proj"
7385  if( HistoType != "Proj" && HistoType != "SampProj" && HistoType != "H1BasicProj" )
7386  {
7387  if( fUserHistoMin >= fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
7388  //................................. user's min and/or max
7389  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
7390  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
7391  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
7392  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
7393  //................................. automatic min and/or max
7394  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
7395  {
7396  //.............. no bottom margin if ymin = 0
7397  Double_t ymin = GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(h_his0, (Double_t)0.);
7398  if( ymin != (Double_t)0. )
7399  {ymin =
7401  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(),ymin);
7402  fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";
7403  }
7404  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
7405  {
7406  Double_t ymax =
7408  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(),ymax);
7409  fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
7410  }
7411  //................................. Set YMin and YMax of histo (ViewHisto)
7412  SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(HistoCode);
7413  SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(HistoCode);
7414  } // end of if( HistoType != "Proj" && HistoType != "SampProj" && HistoType != "H1BasicProj" )
7416  //.......... Find maximum in case of Proj (LIN scale only) // PS: EvolProj => in ViewHistime
7417  if( ( HistoType == "Proj" || HistoType == "SampProj" ||
7418  HistoType == "H1BasicProj" ) && fFlagScaleY == "LIN" )
7419  {
7421  (HistoCode.Data(),
7423  }
7424  } // end of if( opt_plot == fOnlyOnePlot ||
7425  // (opt_plot == fSeveralPlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") ||
7426  // (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Free") )
7428  //--- Set ymin and ymax to the first HistoCode values for option SAME n
7429  if( opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy" )
7430  {
7431  Double_t ymin = GetYminValueFromMemo(fHistoCodeFirst.Data());
7432  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), ymin);
7434  Double_t ymax = GetYmaxValueFromMemo(fHistoCodeFirst.Data());
7435  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), ymax);
7436  }
7438  //... histogram set ymin and ymax and consequently margin at top of the plot
7439  Int_t xFlagAutoYsupMargin = SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(h_his0, HistoCode);
7441  //==================================== P L O T ============================== (ViewHisto)
7442  HistoPlot(h_his0, SizeForPlot, xinf_his, xsup_his,
7443  HistoCode.Data(), HistoType.Data(),
7444  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, i0Sample,
7445  opt_scale_x, opt_scale_y, opt_plot, arg_AlreadyRead,
7446  xFlagAutoYsupMargin);
7447  h_his0->Delete(); h_his0 = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
7448  //===========================================================================
7450  //--- Recover ymin and ymax from user's values in option SAME n
7451  if( (opt_plot == fSameOnePlot && GetMemoFlag(HistoCode, opt_plot) == "Busy") )
7452  {
7453  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin);
7454  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax);
7455  }
7456  } // end of if( OKPlot > 0 )
7457  else
7458  {
7459  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto(...)> Histo not available."
7460  << fTTBELL << endl;
7461  }
7462  }
7463  }
7464  } // end of if( OKHisto == 1 )
7466 } // end of ViewHisto(...)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
TString fSameOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:629
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TVectorD ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxCrysEcnaInDee()
Int_t GetHistoNumberOfBins(const TString &, const Int_t &)
TString fFlagScaleX
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:437
TString GetMemoFlag(const TString &)
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
void SetNbBinsMemo(const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
TString GetXVarFromMemo(const TString &, const TString &)
void SetXsupMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Double_t GetXinfValueFromMemo()
TString GetYVarFromMemo(const TString &, const TString &)
Bool_t GetOkViewHisto(TEcnaRead *, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TVirtualPad * ActivePad(const TString &, const TString &)
Double_t GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(TH1D *, const Double_t)
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fHistoCodeFirst
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:538
Double_t GetXsupValueFromMemo()
TString GetStartDate()
TString GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
void ReInitCanvas(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLogx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t Get1SCEchaFrom0DeeEcha(const Int_t &)
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
TVectorD ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &)
time_t GetStopTime()
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
void SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(const TString &)
TString GetXVarHisto(const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
void FillHisto(TH1D *, const TVectorD &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
void WriteHistoAscii(const TString &, const Int_t &, const TVectorD &)
TVectorD ReadAverageTotalNoise(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagColPal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:439
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TH1D *, const TString &)
Double_t GetYmaxValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLinx
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Double_t GetYminValueFromMemo(const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
time_t fStopTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
void HistoPlot(TH1D *, const Int_t &, const Axis_t &, const Axis_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fSeveralPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:628
TVectorD GetHistoValues(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, TEcnaRead *, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, Int_t &)
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
void SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(const TString &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
Double_t GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(TH1D *, const Double_t)
TString GetQuantityName(const TString &)
Int_t fOptScaleLiny
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
void SetXinfMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
Int_t GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TVectorD ReadAveragePedestals(const Int_t &)
TString GetStopDate()
TString GetHistoType(const TString &)
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
void PrintNoComment()
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t MaxSCEcnaInDee()
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t GetDSFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Axis_t GetHistoXsup(const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagScaleY
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:438
TString GetYVarHisto(const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t GetMaxSCInDS(const Int_t &)
void SetXVarMemo(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
Int_t GetSCOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetColorPalette(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TVectorD ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
Int_t MaxSCForConsInDee()
Int_t fOptScaleLogy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:448
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Int_t GetDSOffset(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetSCType(const Int_t &)
TString GetRunType()
Int_t GetNbBinsFromMemo(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxCrysInSC()
Double_t GetMarginAutoMinMax()
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
TString fOnlyOnePlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:627
tuple cout
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
void SetYVarMemo(const TString &, const TString &, const TString &)
int ism(int ieta, int iphi)
Axis_t GetHistoXinf(const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TVectorD ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
Int_t GetHistoSize(const TString &, const TString &)
Int_t fPlotAllXtalsInStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:631
TVectorD ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
time_t GetStartTime()
time_t fStartTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix ( const TMatrixD &  arg_read_matrix,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  StexStin_A,
const Int_t &  StexStin_B,
const Int_t &  MatrixBinIndex,
const TString &  CorOrCov,
const TString &  BetweenWhat,
const TString &  PlotOption 

Definition at line 1414 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, and j.

1418 {
1419  //Plot correlation or covariance matrix between samples or channels or Stins
1421  if( (fFapStexNumber > 0) && (fFapStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxStexInStas()) )
1422  {
1423  Bool_t OKArray = kFALSE;
1424  Bool_t OKData = kFALSE;
1425  TVectorD vStin(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
1427  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
1428  {
1434  OKArray = fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile();
1435  if( OKArray == kTRUE )
1436  {
1438  TString fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
1439  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
1440  // << fp_name_short << endl;
1441  //...................................................................... (ViewMatrix)
1442  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vStin(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
1449  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){OKData = kTRUE;}
1450  }
1452  }
1453  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
1454  {
1455  OKArray = kTRUE;
1456  OKData = kTRUE;
1457  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
1458  {
1459  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vStin(i)=i;}
1460  }
1461  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
1462  {
1463  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
1464  {vStin(i)= fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, (Int_t)vStin(i));}
1465  }
1466  }
1468  if ( OKArray == kTRUE ) // (ViewMatrix)
1469  {
1470  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
1472  if( OKData == kTRUE )
1473  {
1474  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
1476  Int_t Stin_X_ok = 0;
1477  Int_t Stin_Y_ok = 0;
1479  if( (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins) || (BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) )
1480  {Stin_X_ok = 1; Stin_Y_ok = 1;}
1481  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples )
1482  {Stin_Y_ok = 1;}
1484  for (Int_t index_Stin = 0; index_Stin < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin++)
1485  {
1486  if ( vStin(index_Stin) == StexStin_A ){Stin_X_ok = 1;}
1487  if ( vStin(index_Stin) == StexStin_B ){Stin_Y_ok = 1;}
1488  }
1489  //................................................................. (ViewMatrix)
1490  if( Stin_X_ok == 1 && Stin_Y_ok == 1 )
1491  {
1492  Int_t MatSize = -1;
1493  Int_t ReadMatSize = -1;
1494  Int_t i0StinEcha = -1;
1496  //-------------------------- Set values of ReadMatSize, MatSize, i0StinEcha
1497  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples )
1498  {ReadMatSize = fFapNbOfSamples; MatSize = fEcal->MaxSampADC(); i0StinEcha=(Int_t)MatrixBinIndex;}
1500  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels )
1501  {ReadMatSize = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); MatSize = fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); /*i0Sample=MatrixBinIndex;*/}
1503  if( (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins) || (BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) )
1504  {ReadMatSize = fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); MatSize = fEcal->MaxStinInStex();}
1506  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewMatrix)
1507  if( ( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins ) ||
1508  ( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels
1509  /* && (i0Sample >= 0) && (i0Sample < fFapNbOfSamples ) */ ) ||
1510  ( (BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples) && (i0StinEcha >= 0) && (i0StinEcha < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()) ) )
1511  {
1512  TMatrixD read_matrix(ReadMatSize, ReadMatSize);
1513  for(Int_t i=0; i-ReadMatSize<0; i++)
1514  {for(Int_t j=0; j-ReadMatSize<0; j++){read_matrix(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}}
1516  Bool_t OKData = kFALSE;
1517  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
1518  {
1519  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples && CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
1520  {read_matrix =
1521  fMyRootFile->ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, ReadMatSize);}
1523  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1524  {read_matrix =
1525  fMyRootFile->ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, ReadMatSize);}
1527  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels && CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
1528  {read_matrix =
1529  fMyRootFile->ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(StexStin_A, StexStin_B, ReadMatSize);}
1531  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1532  {read_matrix =
1533  fMyRootFile->ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(StexStin_A, StexStin_B, ReadMatSize);}
1535  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels && CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
1536  {read_matrix =
1537  fMyRootFile->ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(StexStin_A, StexStin_B, ReadMatSize);}
1539  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1540  {read_matrix =
1541  fMyRootFile->ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(StexStin_A, StexStin_B, ReadMatSize);}
1543  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1544  {read_matrix =
1547  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1548  {read_matrix =
1550  }
1552  OKData = fMyRootFile->DataExist();
1553  }
1554  else
1555  {
1556  read_matrix = arg_read_matrix;
1557  OKData = kTRUE;
1558  }
1559  //.......................................................... (ViewMatrix)
1560  if( OKData == kTRUE )
1561  {
1562  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
1564  if( PlotOption == "ASCII" )
1565  {
1566  WriteMatrixAscii(BetweenWhat, CorOrCov,
1567  StexStin_A, MatrixBinIndex, ReadMatSize, read_matrix);
1568  }
1569  else
1570  {
1571  //......................... matrix title (ViewMatrix)
1572  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
1574  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples && CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
1575  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Covariance(Sample, Sample')");}
1576  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1577  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Correlation(Sample, Sample')");}
1579  if(fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
1580  {
1581  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1582  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit,
1583  "Mean LF |Cor(Xtal,Xtal')| for each (Tower,Tower')");}
1584  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1585  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit,
1586  "Mean HF |Cor(Xtal,Xtal')| for each (Tower,Tower')");}
1587  }
1588  if(fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
1589  {
1590  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1591  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit,
1592  "Mean LF |Cor(Xtal,Xtal')| for each (SC,SC')");}
1593  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1594  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit,
1595  "Mean HF |Cor(Xtal,Xtal')| for each (SC,SC')");}
1596  }
1598  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1599  {
1600  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
1601  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "LF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') matrix elts for (Tow,Tow')");}
1602  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
1603  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "LF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') matrix elts for (SC,SC')");}
1604  }
1605  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1606  {
1607  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
1608  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "HF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') matrix elts for (Tow,Tow')");}
1609  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
1610  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "LF Cor(Xtal,Xtal') matrix elts for (SC,SC')");}
1611  }
1613  //................................. Axis parameters (ViewMatrix)
1614  TString axis_x_var_name;
1615  TString axis_y_var_name;
1617  char* f_in_axis_x = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
1618  char* f_in_axis_y = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
1620  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins )
1621  {
1622  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
1623  {sprintf(f_in_axis_x, " %s number ", fFapStinName.Data());}
1624  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
1625  {sprintf(f_in_axis_x, " %s number for construction ", fFapStinName.Data());}
1627  axis_x_var_name = f_in_axis_x; axis_y_var_name = f_in_axis_x;
1628  }
1629  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
1630  {
1631  axis_x_var_name = " Sample "; axis_y_var_name = " Sample ";
1632  }
1633  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels ){
1634  sprintf(f_in_axis_x, " Crystal %s %d ", fFapStinName.Data(), StexStin_A);
1635  sprintf(f_in_axis_y, " Crystal %s %d ", fFapStinName.Data(),StexStin_B);
1636  axis_x_var_name = f_in_axis_x; axis_y_var_name = f_in_axis_y;}
1638  Int_t nb_binx = MatSize;
1639  Int_t nb_biny = MatSize;
1640  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
1641  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)MatSize;
1642  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
1643  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)MatSize;
1645  if( (fFlagSubDet == "EE") &&
1646  (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) )
1647  {
1648  if( fFapStexNumber == 1 || fFapStexNumber == 3 )
1649  {
1650  xinf_bid += fEcal->MaxStinInStex();
1651  xsup_bid += fEcal->MaxStinInStex();
1652  yinf_bid += fEcal->MaxStinInStex();
1653  ysup_bid += fEcal->MaxStinInStex();
1654  }
1655  }
1656  //................................................... histogram booking (ViewMatrix)
1657  TH2D* h_fbid0 = new TH2D("bidim", f_in_mat_tit,
1658  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
1659  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
1660  h_fbid0->Reset();
1662  h_fbid0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
1663  h_fbid0->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
1665  //------------------------------------------------ F I L L H I S T O (ViewMatrix)
1666  if( (fFlagSubDet == "EE") &&
1667  (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) )
1668  {
1669  for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < ReadMatSize ; i++)
1670  {
1671  for(Int_t j = 0 ; j < ReadMatSize ; j++)
1672  {
1673  Int_t ip = i+1;
1674  Double_t xi_bid =
1676  Int_t jp = j+1;
1677  Double_t xj_bid =
1679  if( xi_bid > 0 && xj_bid > 0 )
1680  {
1681  Int_t xi_bid_m = xi_bid-1;
1682  Int_t xj_bid_m = xj_bid-1;
1683  h_fbid0->Fill(xi_bid_m, xj_bid_m, read_matrix(i,j));
1684  }
1685  }
1686  }
1687  }
1688  else
1689  {
1690  for(Int_t i = 0 ; i - ReadMatSize < 0 ; i++)
1691  {
1692  Double_t xi = (Double_t)i;
1693  for(Int_t j = 0 ; j < ReadMatSize ; j++)
1694  {
1695  Double_t xj = (Double_t)j;
1696  Double_t mat_val = (Double_t)read_matrix(i,j);
1697  h_fbid0->Fill(xi, xj, (Double_t)mat_val);
1698  }
1699  }
1700  }
1701  //--------------- H I S T O M I N / M A X M A N A G E M E N T (ViewMatrix)
1703  //................................ Put histo min max values
1704  TString quantity_code = "D_MCs_ChNb";
1705  if ( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1706  {
1707  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples ){quantity_code = "D_MCs_ChNb";}
1709  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels ){quantity_code = "H2LFccMosMatrix";}
1710  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels ){quantity_code = "H2HFccMosMatrix";}
1712  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins ){quantity_code = "H2LFccMosMatrix";}
1713  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins ){quantity_code = "H2HFccMosMatrix";}
1714  }
1715  if( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix ){quantity_code = "H2HFccMosMatrix";}
1716  //.......... default if flag not set to "ON"
1717  SetYminMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(quantity_code));
1718  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(quantity_code));
1720  if( fUserHistoMin == fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
1721  //................................. User's min and/or max (ViewMatrix)
1722  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
1723  {SetYminMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
1724  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
1725  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
1726  //................................. automatic min and/or max
1727  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
1728  {SetYminMemoFromValue(quantity_code, h_fbid0->GetMinimum()); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
1729  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
1730  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(quantity_code, h_fbid0->GetMaximum()); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
1731  //...................................... histo set ymin and ymax (ViewMatrix)
1732  if( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
1733  {
1734  if(BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
1735  {SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_fbid0, "D_MCs_ChNb");}
1736  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels )
1737  {SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_fbid0, "H2LFccMosMatrix");}
1738  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels )
1739  {SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_fbid0, "H2HFccMosMatrix");}
1740  //************************** A GARDER EN RESERVE ******************************
1741  //............. special contour level for correlations (square root wise scale)
1742  // Int_t nb_niv = 9;
1743  // Double_t* cont_niv = new Double_t[nb_niv]; fCnew++;
1744  // SqrtContourLevels(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
1745  // h_fbid0->SetContour(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
1746  // delete [] cont_niv; fCdelete++;
1747  //******************************** (FIN RESERVE) ******************************
1748  }
1749  if( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
1750  {
1751  if (BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
1752  {SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo("D_TNo_ChNb"); // covariance => same level as sigmas
1753  SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo("D_TNo_ChNb");
1754  SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_fbid0, "D_TNo_ChNb");}
1755  if ( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins ||
1756  BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels )
1757  {SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_fbid0, "H2HFccMosMatrix");}
1758  }
1760  // ----------------------------------------------- P L O T S (ViewMatrix)
1761  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
1762  //...................... Taille/format canvas
1763  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
1764  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
1766  //............................. options generales
1767  TString HistoType;
1768  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
1769  HistoType.Resize(MaxCar);
1770  HistoType = "(no quantity type info)";
1772  if (PlotOption == "COLZ" ){HistoType = "colz";}
1773  if (PlotOption == "BOX" ){HistoType = "colz";}
1774  if (PlotOption == "TEXT" ){HistoType = "colz";}
1775  if (PlotOption == "CONTZ" ){HistoType = "colz";}
1776  if (PlotOption == "LEGO2Z"){HistoType = "lego";}
1777  if (PlotOption == "SURF1Z"){HistoType = "surf";}
1778  if (PlotOption == "SURF2Z"){HistoType = "surf";}
1779  if (PlotOption == "SURF3Z"){HistoType = "surf";}
1780  if (PlotOption == "SURF4" ){HistoType = "surf";}
1782  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
1783  {
1785  SetAllPavesViewMatrix(BetweenWhat.Data(), StexStin_A, StexStin_B, i0StinEcha);
1786  }
1787  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
1788  {
1791  SetAllPavesViewMatrix(BetweenWhat.Data(), StexStin_A, StexStin_B, i0StinEcha);
1792  }
1794  //---------------------------------------- Canvas name (ViewMatrix)
1795  TString name_cov_cor;
1796  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
1797  name_cov_cor.Resize(MaxCar);
1798  name_cov_cor = "?";
1799  if( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix){name_cov_cor = "Covariance";}
1800  if( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix){name_cov_cor = "Correlation";}
1802  TString name_chan_samp;
1803  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
1804  name_chan_samp.Resize(MaxCar);
1805  name_chan_samp = "?";
1807  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins ){name_chan_samp = "LFccMos";}
1808  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins ){name_chan_samp = "HFccMos"; }
1810  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels ){name_chan_samp = "LF_cc";}
1811  if( BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels ){name_chan_samp = "HF_cc";}
1813  if(BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
1814  {
1815  name_chan_samp = "Between_Samples"; // MatrixBinIndex = i0StinEcha
1816  }
1818  TString name_visu;
1819  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
1820  name_visu.Resize(MaxCar);
1821  name_visu = "?";
1823  name_visu = PlotOption;
1825  if( (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins) || (BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) ){
1826  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%s",
1827  name_cov_cor.Data(), name_chan_samp.Data(),
1830  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber,
1831  name_visu.Data());}
1833  if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels ){
1834  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%sX%d_%sY%d_%s",
1835  name_cov_cor.Data(), name_chan_samp.Data(),
1838  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber,
1839  fFapStexName.Data(), StexStin_A, fFapStexName.Data(), StexStin_B,
1840  name_visu.Data());}
1842  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples ){
1843  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%sX%d_%sY%d_ElecChannel_%d_%s",
1844  name_cov_cor.Data(), name_chan_samp.Data(),
1847  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber,
1848  fFapStexName.Data(), StexStin_A, fFapStexName.Data(), StexStin_B,
1849  MatrixBinIndex,
1850  name_visu.Data());}
1852  //---------------------------------------------------------- (ViewMatrix)
1854  SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_fbid0, HistoType);
1855  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w , canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
1856  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
1858  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> "
1859  // << fCurrentCanvasName << endl;
1860  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> fCurrentCanvas = " << fCurrentCanvas << endl;
1862  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
1864  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
1865  fPavComStex->Draw();
1867  if(BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels)
1868  {fPavComStin->Draw();}
1869  if(BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
1870  {fPavComStin->Draw(); fPavComXtal->Draw();}
1872  fPavComAnaRun->Draw();
1873  fPavComNbOfEvts->Draw();
1875  Double_t x_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
1876  Double_t y_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
1877  MainCanvas->Divide(1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
1878  gPad->cd(1);
1880  //---------------------------------------------------------- (ViewMatrix)
1881  Int_t logy = 0;
1882  gPad->SetLogy(logy);
1883  if( (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins) ||
1884  (BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) ){gPad->SetGrid(1,1);}
1885  h_fbid0->DrawCopy(PlotOption);
1886  h_fbid0->SetStats((Bool_t)1);
1887  gPad->Update();
1888  h_fbid0->Delete(); h_fbid0 = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
1890  //MainCanvas->Delete(); fCdeleteRoot++;
1891  delete [] f_in_axis_x; f_in_axis_x = 0; fCdelete++;
1892  delete [] f_in_axis_y; f_in_axis_y = 0; fCdelete++;
1893  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
1894  }
1895  } // end of if ( OKData == kTRUE )
1896  else
1897  {
1898  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
1899  }
1900  } // end of if ((BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenStins) || (BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenStins) ) ||
1901  //( (BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples) && (i0StinEcha>= 0) && (i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin())) ||
1902  //( (BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels)
1903  // /* && (i0Sample >= 0) && (i0Sample < fFapNbOfSamples ) */ ) )
1904  else
1905  {
1906  if(BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples)
1907  {
1908  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* ==> Wrong channel number in "
1909  << fFapStinName.Data() << ". Value = "
1910  << i0StinEcha << " (required range: [0, "
1911  << fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()-1 << "] )"
1912  << fTTBELL << endl;
1913  }
1915  // if( BetweenWhat == fLFBetweenChannels || BetweenWhat == fHFBetweenChannels )
1916  // {
1917  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* ==> Wrong sample index. Value = "
1918  // << i0Sample << " (required range: [0, "
1919  // << fFapNbOfSamples-1 << "] )"
1920  // << fTTBELL << endl;
1921  //}
1922  }
1923  }
1924  else // else of the if ( Stin_X_ok ==1 && Stin_Y_ok ==1 )
1925  {
1926  //---------------------------------------------------------- (ViewMatrix)
1927  if ( Stin_X_ok != 1 )
1928  {
1929  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
1930  {
1931  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
1932  << fFapStinName.Data() << " "
1933  << StexStin_A << ", "
1934  << fFapStinName.Data() << " not found. Available numbers = ";
1935  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
1936  {
1937  if( vStin(i) > 0 )
1938  {
1939  cout << vStin(i) << ", ";
1940  }
1941  }
1942  }
1944  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
1945  {
1946  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
1947  << fFapStinName.Data() << " "
1949  << fFapStinName.Data() << " not found. Available numbers = ";
1950  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
1951  {
1952  if( vStin(i) > 0 )
1953  {
1954  cout << fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, (Int_t)vStin(i)) << ", ";
1955  }
1956  }
1957  }
1958  cout << fTTBELL << endl;
1959  }
1960  if ( Stin_Y_ok != 1 )
1961  {
1963  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
1964  {
1965  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
1966  << fFapStinName.Data() << " "
1967  << StexStin_B << ", "
1968  << fFapStinName.Data() << " not found. Available numbers = ";
1969  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
1970  {
1971  if( vStin(i) > 0 )
1972  {
1973  cout << vStin(i) << ", ";
1974  }
1975  }
1976  }
1978  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
1979  {
1980  cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
1981  << fFapStinName.Data() << " "
1983  << fFapStinName.Data() << " not found. Available numbers = ";
1984  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
1985  {
1986  if( vStin(i) > 0 )
1987  {
1988  cout << fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, (Int_t)vStin(i)) << ", ";
1989  }
1990  }
1991  }
1992  cout << fTTBELL << endl;
1993  }
1994  }
1995  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
1996  else
1997  {
1998  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
1999  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
2000  << " Histo not available." << fTTBELL << endl;
2001  fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";
2002  fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";
2003  }
2004  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
2005  else
2006  {
2007  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
2008  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
2009  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
2010  }
2011  } // ---- end of if( (fFapStexNumber > 0) && (fFapStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxStexInStas()) ) -----
2012  else
2013  {
2014  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data()
2015  << " = " << fFapStexNumber << ". Out of range (range = [1,"
2016  << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "]) " << fTTBELL << endl;
2017  }
2018 } // end of ViewMatrix(...)
TString fFapStexType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:406
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TString GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fCorrelationMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
TMatrixD ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetSMHalfBarrel(const Int_t &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
TString GetEEDeeType(const Int_t &)
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxStinInStex()
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fCovarianceMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
void SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(const TString &)
TString fBetweenSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:452
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(const Int_t &)
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(const Int_t &)
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComXtal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:618
TVectorD ReadStinNumbers(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TString fHFBetweenStins
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:454
void SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(const TString &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
int j
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TString GetStopDate()
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
TMatrixD ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void SetAllPavesViewMatrix(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TString fLFBetweenChannels
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:453
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TString GetRunType()
Int_t MaxSampADC()
TString fHFBetweenChannels
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:453
TString fLFBetweenStins
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:454
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
TMatrixD ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
TString fFapStexBarrel
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:405
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
TMatrixD ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TString fFapStinQuadType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:408
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
void WriteMatrixAscii(const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TMatrixD &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::ViewSCGrid ( const Int_t &  DeeNumber,
const Int_t &  n1DeeSCEcna,
const Int_t &  MatSize,
const Int_t &  size_IX,
const Int_t &  size_IY,
const TString &  chopt 

Definition at line 2914 of file

References i, and j.

2917 {
2918  //Grid of one SC with axis IX and IY
2919  //.......................... lignes verticales
2920  Double_t xline = 0.;
2922  Double_t yline_bot = 0.;
2923  Double_t yline_top = (Double_t)(MatSize*size_IX);
2925  for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < size_IX ; i++)
2926  {
2927  xline = xline + (Double_t)MatSize;
2928  TLine *lin;
2929  lin = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
2930  lin->Draw();
2931  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
2932  }
2933  //............................. lignes horizontales
2934  Double_t xline_left = 0;
2935  Double_t xline_right = (Double_t)(MatSize*size_IX);
2937  Double_t yline = -(Double_t)MatSize;
2939  for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < size_IX+1 ; j++)
2940  {
2941  yline = yline + (Double_t)MatSize;
2942  TLine *lin;
2943  lin = new TLine(xline_left, yline, xline_right, yline); fCnewRoot++;
2944  lin->Draw();
2945  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
2946  }
2948  //------------------ trace axes en IX et IY --------------- ViewSCGrid
2950  //...................................................... Axe i(IX) (x bottom) (ViewSCGrid)
2952  Double_t IX_min = fEcalNumbering->GetIIXMin(n1DeeSCEcna) - 0.5;
2953  Double_t IX_max = fEcalNumbering->GetIIXMax(n1DeeSCEcna) + 0.5;
2955  Float_t axis_x_inf = 0;
2956  Float_t axis_x_sup = 0;
2957  Float_t axis_y_inf = 0;
2958  Float_t axis_y_sup = 0;
2959  Int_t axis_nb_div = 1;
2960  Double_t IX_values_min = 0;
2961  Double_t IX_values_max = 0;
2962  Option_t* axis_chopt = "CS";
2964  Float_t tit_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
2965  Float_t lab_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
2966  Float_t tic_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize();
2967  Float_t tit_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("SCx");
2968  Float_t lab_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("SCx");
2970  TString StrDee = "iIXSC";
2971  if( DeeNumber == 1 ){StrDee = "iIXDee1";}
2972  if( DeeNumber == 2 ){StrDee = "iIXDee2";}
2973  if( DeeNumber == 3 ){StrDee = "iIXDee3";}
2974  if( DeeNumber == 4 ){StrDee = "iIXDee4";}
2976  TString x_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle(StrDee.Data());
2977  TString x_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetXDirectionEE(DeeNumber);
2979  TGaxis* sup_axis_x = 0;
2981  if( DeeNumber == 1 ) // -xmin -> -xmax <=> left->right
2982  {
2983  axis_x_inf = 0; axis_y_inf = 0; axis_x_sup = size_IX*MatSize; axis_y_sup = 0;
2984  axis_nb_div = size_IX;
2985  IX_values_min = -IX_min ; IX_values_max = -IX_max; axis_chopt = "CS";
2986  }
2987  if( DeeNumber == 2 ) // xmin -> xmax <=> right->left
2988  {
2989  axis_x_inf = 0; axis_y_inf = 0; axis_x_sup = size_IX*MatSize; axis_y_sup = 0;
2990  axis_nb_div = size_IX;
2991  IX_values_min = IX_min ; IX_values_max = IX_max; axis_chopt = "CS";
2992  }
2993  if( DeeNumber == 3 ) // xmin -> xmax <=> left->right
2994  {
2995  axis_x_inf = 0; axis_y_inf = 0; axis_x_sup = size_IX*MatSize; axis_y_sup = 0;
2996  axis_nb_div = size_IX;
2997  IX_values_min = IX_min ; IX_values_max = IX_max; axis_chopt = "CS";
2998  }
2999  if( DeeNumber == 4 ) // -xmin -> -xmax <=> right->left
3000  {
3001  axis_x_inf = 0; axis_y_inf = 0; axis_x_sup = size_IX*MatSize; axis_y_sup = 0;
3002  axis_nb_div = size_IX;
3003  IX_values_min = -IX_min ; IX_values_max = -IX_max; axis_chopt = "CS";
3004  }
3006  new TF1("f1", x_direction.Data(), IX_values_min, IX_values_max); fCnewRoot++;
3007  sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( axis_x_inf, axis_y_inf, axis_x_sup, axis_y_sup,
3008  "f1", axis_nb_div, axis_chopt , 0.); fCnewRoot++;
3010  sup_axis_x->SetTitle(x_var_name);
3011  sup_axis_x->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_x);
3012  sup_axis_x->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_x);
3013  sup_axis_x->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
3014  sup_axis_x->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_x);
3015  sup_axis_x->SetTickSize(tic_siz_x); // <===== NE MARCHE QU'AVEC L'OPTION "S"
3016  sup_axis_x->Draw("SAME");
3018  //...................................................... Axe j(IY) (ViewSCGrid)
3020  Float_t tit_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
3021  Float_t lab_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
3022  Float_t tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize();
3023  Float_t tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("SCy");
3024  Float_t lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("SCy");
3026  Double_t j_IY_min = fEcalNumbering->GetJIYMin(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna) - 0.5;
3027  Double_t j_IY_max = fEcalNumbering->GetJIYMax(DeeNumber, n1DeeSCEcna) + 0.5;
3029  TString jy_var_name = GetIXIYAxisTitle("jIYSC");
3030  TString jy_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetJYDirectionEE(DeeNumber);
3032  new TF1("f2", jy_direction.Data(), j_IY_min, j_IY_max); fCnewRoot++;
3034  TGaxis* sup_axis_jy = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0.,
3035  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_IY*MatSize),
3036  "f2", size_IY, "CS", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
3038  sup_axis_jy->SetTitle(jy_var_name);
3039  sup_axis_jy->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
3040  sup_axis_jy->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
3041  sup_axis_jy->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
3042  sup_axis_jy->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
3043  sup_axis_jy->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y); // <===== NE MARCHE QU'AVEC L'OPTION "S"
3044  sup_axis_jy->Draw();
3046 } // end of ViewSCGrid
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Float_t AxisTitleOffset()
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Float_t AxisTitleSize()
Double_t GetIIXMin(const Int_t &)
TString GetXDirectionEE(const Int_t &)
Float_t AxisLabelOffset()
Double_t GetJIYMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetIIXMax(const Int_t &)
int j
Float_t AxisTickSize()
Double_t GetJIYMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetIXIYAxisTitle(const TString &)
TString GetJYDirectionEE(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Float_t AxisLabelSize()
void TEcnaHistos::ViewSMGrid ( const Int_t &  SMNumber,
const TString &  c_option 

Definition at line 3916 of file

References i, and j.

3917 {
3918  //Grid of one supermodule with axis eta and phi
3920  Int_t GeoBidSizeEta = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysEtaInTow();
3921  Int_t GeoBidSizePhi = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow();
3923  if ( c_option == "corcc")
3924  {
3925  GeoBidSizeEta = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysInTow();
3926  GeoBidSizePhi = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysInTow();
3927  }
3929  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeEta;
3930  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizePhi;
3931  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3932  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeEta;
3933  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3934  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizePhi;
3936  //---------------- trace de la grille: un rectangle = une tour
3938  Int_t size_eta = fEcal->MaxCrysEtaInTow();
3939  Int_t size_phi = fEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow();
3940  if ( c_option == "corcc")
3941  {
3942  size_eta = fEcal->MaxCrysInTow();
3943  size_phi = fEcal->MaxCrysInTow();
3944  }
3945  Int_t max_x = nb_binx/size_eta;
3946  Int_t max_y = nb_biny/size_phi;
3948  //............................. lignes horizontales
3949  Double_t yline = (Double_t)yinf_bid;
3951  Double_t xline_left = (Double_t)xinf_bid;
3952  Double_t xline_right = (Double_t)xsup_bid;
3954  for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < max_y ; j++)
3955  {
3956  yline = yline + (Double_t)size_phi;
3957  TLine *lin;
3958  lin = new TLine(xline_left, yline, xline_right, yline); fCnewRoot++;
3959  lin->Draw();
3960  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
3961  }
3963  //.......................... lignes verticales
3964  Double_t xline = (Double_t)xinf_bid - (Double_t)size_eta;
3966  Double_t yline_bot = (Double_t)yinf_bid;
3967  Double_t yline_top = (Double_t)ysup_bid;
3969  Color_t coul_surligne = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
3970  Color_t coul_textmodu = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("vert36");
3972  //............................ Mj text
3973  gStyle->SetTextColor(coul_textmodu);
3974  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.075);
3976  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3978  for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < max_x ; i++)
3979  {
3980  xline = xline + (Double_t)size_eta;
3981  TLine *lin;
3982  lin = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
3984  //............. Surlignage separateur des modules
3985  if( (fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-") && (i == 4 || i == 8 || i == 12) )
3986  {lin->SetLineWidth(2); lin->SetLineColor(coul_surligne);}
3987  if( (fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB+") && (i == 5 || i == 9 || i == 13) )
3988  {lin->SetLineWidth(2); lin->SetLineColor(coul_surligne);}
3990  lin->Draw();
3991  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
3993  //............. Numeros des modules
3994  if( (fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-") && (i == 2 || i == 6 || i == 10 || i == 14) )
3995  {
3996  if( i == 2 ){sprintf( f_in, "M4");}
3997  if( i == 6 ){sprintf( f_in, "M3");}
3998  if( i == 10 ){sprintf( f_in, "M2");}
3999  if( i == 14 ){sprintf( f_in, "M1");}
4001  TText *text_num_module = new TText(xline + 1, yline_top + 1, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
4002  text_num_module->Draw();
4003  //text_num_module->Delete(); text_num_module = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
4004  }
4005  if( (fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB+") && (i == 3 || i == 7 || i == 11 || i == 15) )
4006  {
4007  if( i == 3 ){sprintf( f_in, "M1");}
4008  if( i == 7 ){sprintf( f_in, "M2");}
4009  if( i == 11 ){sprintf( f_in, "M3");}
4010  if( i == 15 ){sprintf( f_in, "M4");}
4012  TText *text_num_module = new TText(xline, yline_top + 1, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
4013  text_num_module->Draw();
4014  //text_num_module->Delete(); text_num_module = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
4015  }
4016  }
4017  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
4019  //------------------ trace axes en eta et phi --------------- ViewSMGrid
4021  Int_t MatSize = fEcal->MaxCrysEtaInTow();
4022  if ( c_option == "corcc"){MatSize = fEcal->MaxCrysInTow();}
4024  Int_t size_eta_sm = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM();
4025  Int_t size_phi_sm = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM();
4027  //...................................................... Axe i(eta) (bottom x) ViewSMGrid
4028  Double_t eta_min = fEcalNumbering->GetIEtaMin(SMNumber);
4029  Double_t eta_max = fEcalNumbering->GetIEtaMax(SMNumber);
4031  TString x_var_name = GetHocoVecoAxisTitle("ietaSM");;
4032  TString x_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetXDirectionEB(SMNumber);
4034  Float_t tit_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
4035  Float_t lab_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize("SMx");
4036  Float_t tic_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("SMx");
4037  Float_t tit_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("SMx");
4038  Float_t lab_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("SMx");
4040  new TF1("f1", x_direction.Data(), eta_min, eta_max); fCnewRoot++;
4041  TGaxis* sup_axis_x = 0;
4043  if( x_direction == "-x" ) // NEVER IN THIS CASE: xmin->xmax <=> right->left ("-x") direction
4044  {sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_eta_sm*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
4045  "f1", size_eta_sm, "SC" , 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
4047  if( x_direction == "x" ) // ALWAYS IN THIS CASE: xmin->xmax <=> left->right ("x") direction
4048  {sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_eta_sm*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
4049  "f1", size_eta_sm, "SC" , 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
4051  sup_axis_x->SetTitle(x_var_name);
4052  sup_axis_x->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_x);
4053  sup_axis_x->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_x);
4054  sup_axis_x->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
4055  sup_axis_x->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_x);
4056  sup_axis_x->SetTickSize(tic_siz_x);
4057  sup_axis_x->Draw("SAME");
4059  //...................................................... Axe phi (y) ViewSMGrid
4060  Double_t phi_min = fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMin(SMNumber);
4061  Double_t phi_max = fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMax(SMNumber);
4063  TString y_var_name = GetHocoVecoAxisTitle("phi");
4064  TString y_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetYDirectionEB(SMNumber);
4066  Float_t tit_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
4067  Float_t lab_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize("SMy");
4068  Float_t tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize("SMy");
4069  Float_t tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("SMy");
4070  Float_t lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("SMy");
4072  new TF1("f2", y_direction.Data(), phi_min, phi_max); fCnewRoot++;
4073  TGaxis* sup_axis_y = 0;
4075  if ( y_direction == "-x" ) // ALWAYS IN THIS CASE: ymin->ymax <=> top->bottom ("-x") direction
4076  {sup_axis_y = new TGaxis(-(Float_t)1.5*(Float_t)size_eta, (Float_t)0.,
4077  -(Float_t)1.5*(Float_t)size_eta, (Float_t)(size_phi_sm*MatSize),
4078  "f2", (Int_t)size_phi_sm, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
4080  if ( y_direction == "x" ) // NEVER IN THIS CASE: ymin->ymax <=> bottom->top ("x") direction
4081  {sup_axis_y = new TGaxis(-(Float_t)1.5*(Float_t)size_eta, (Float_t)0.,
4082  -(Float_t)1.5*(Float_t)size_eta, (Float_t)(size_phi_sm*MatSize),
4083  "f2", (Int_t)size_phi_sm, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
4085  sup_axis_y->SetTitle(y_var_name);
4086  sup_axis_y->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
4087  sup_axis_y->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
4088  sup_axis_y->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
4089  sup_axis_y->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
4090  sup_axis_y->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
4091  sup_axis_y->Draw("SAME");
4093  //...................................................... Axe jphi (jy) ViewSMGrid
4094  Double_t jphi_min = fEcalNumbering->GetJPhiMin(SMNumber);
4095  Double_t jphi_max = fEcalNumbering->GetJPhiMax(SMNumber);
4097  TString jy_var_name = " ";
4098  TString jy_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetJYDirectionEB(SMNumber);
4100  new TF1("f3", jy_direction.Data(), jphi_min, jphi_max); fCnewRoot++;
4101  TGaxis* sup_axis_jy = 0;
4103  //............; essai
4104  sup_axis_jy = new TGaxis((Float_t)0., (Float_t)0.,
4105  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_phi_sm*MatSize),
4106  "f3", (Int_t)size_phi_sm, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
4108  if ( jy_direction == "-x" ) // IN THIS CASE FOR EB+: ymin->ymax <=> top->bottom ("-x") direction
4109  {jy_var_name = GetEtaPhiAxisTitle("jphiSMB+");}
4111  if ( jy_direction == "x" ) // IN THIS CASE FOR EB-: ymin->ymax <=> bottom->top ("x") direction
4112  {jy_var_name = GetEtaPhiAxisTitle("jphiSMB-");}
4114  lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("SMyInEB");
4116  sup_axis_jy->SetTitle(jy_var_name);
4117  sup_axis_jy->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
4118  sup_axis_jy->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
4119  sup_axis_jy->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
4120  sup_axis_jy->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
4121  sup_axis_jy->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
4122  sup_axis_jy->Draw("SAME");
4124  //--------------------------- ViewSMGrid
4126  gStyle->SetTextColor(fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir"));
4128 } // end of ViewSMGrid
Int_t MaxCrysPhiInTow()
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Int_t MaxCrysEtaInTow()
Float_t AxisTitleOffset()
Double_t GetPhiMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetYDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
TString GetSMHalfBarrel(const Int_t &)
TString GetJYDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
Double_t GetJPhiMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Double_t GetPhiMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxTowPhiInSM()
Float_t AxisTitleSize()
TString GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(const TString &)
Float_t AxisLabelOffset()
Double_t GetJPhiMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(const TString &)
int j
Float_t AxisTickSize()
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxTowEtaInSM()
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
Int_t MaxCrysInTow()
Double_t GetIEtaMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
Double_t GetIEtaMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetXDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Float_t AxisLabelSize()
void TEcnaHistos::ViewSMTowerNumberingPad ( const Int_t &  SMNumber)

Definition at line 3782 of file

3783 {
3784  //display the tower numbering of the super-module in a Pad
3786  gStyle->SetTitleW(0.2); // taille titre histos
3787  gStyle->SetTitleH(0.07);
3789  ViewSMGrid(SMNumber, " ");
3791  Color_t couleur_rouge = fCnaParHistos->SetColorsForNumbers("lvrb_top");
3792  Color_t couleur_bleu_fonce = fCnaParHistos->SetColorsForNumbers("lvrb_bottom");
3794  //..... Ecriture des numeros de tours dans la grille..... (ViewSMTowerNumberingPad)
3796  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3797  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.075);
3799  // x_channel, y_channel: coordinates of the text "Txx"
3800  Int_t y_channel = 12;
3801  Int_t x_channel = 12;
3803  Int_t max_tow_phi = fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow();
3805  //------------------ LOOP ON THE SM_TOWER NUMBER (ViewSMTowerNumberingPad)
3807  TText *text_SMtow_num = new TText(); fCnewRoot++;
3809  for (Int_t i_SMtow = 1; i_SMtow <= fEcal->MaxTowInSM(); i_SMtow++)
3810  {
3811  if(fEcalNumbering->GetTowerLvrbType(i_SMtow) == "top")
3812  {text_SMtow_num->SetTextColor(couleur_rouge);}
3813  if(fEcalNumbering->GetTowerLvrbType(i_SMtow) == "bottom")
3814  {text_SMtow_num->SetTextColor(couleur_bleu_fonce);}
3816  //................................ x from eta
3817  Double_t x_from_eta = fEcalNumbering->GetEta(SMNumber, i_SMtow, x_channel) - (Double_t)1;
3818  if(fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-")
3819  {x_from_eta = fEcal->MaxTowEtaInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysEtaInTow() + x_from_eta + (Double_t)1;}
3821  //................................ y from phi
3822  Double_t y_from_phi = max_tow_phi - 1
3823  - (fEcalNumbering->GetPhi(SMNumber, i_SMtow, y_channel) - fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMin(SMNumber));
3824  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-")
3825  {y_from_phi = - y_from_phi + fEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM()*fEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow() - (Double_t)1;}
3827  sprintf(f_in, "%d", i_SMtow);
3828  text_SMtow_num->DrawText(x_from_eta, y_from_phi, f_in); // <=== prend du temps si on mets "T%d" dans le sprintf
3829  }
3831  text_SMtow_num->Delete(); text_SMtow_num = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3833  //.................................................... legende (ViewSMTowerNumberingPad)
3834  Double_t offset_tow_tex_eta = (Double_t)8.;
3835  Double_t offset_tow_tex_phi = (Double_t)15.;
3837  Color_t couleur_noir = fCnaParHistos->ColorDefinition("noir");
3838  Double_t x_legend = (Double_t)0.;
3839  Double_t y_legend = (Double_t)0.;
3841  Int_t ref_tower = fEcal->MaxTowInSM();
3843  //................................................. LVRB TOP (ViewSMTowerNumberingPad)
3844  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.075);
3845  gStyle->SetTextColor(couleur_rouge);
3846  x_legend = fEcalNumbering->GetEta(SMNumber, ref_tower, x_channel);
3847  y_legend = fEcalNumbering->GetPhi(SMNumber, ref_tower, y_channel) - fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMin(SMNumber);
3849  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB+" )
3850  {
3851  x_legend = x_legend + offset_tow_tex_eta;
3852  y_legend = y_legend + offset_tow_tex_phi;
3853  }
3854  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-" )
3855  {
3856  x_legend = -x_legend + offset_tow_tex_eta;
3857  y_legend = y_legend + offset_tow_tex_phi;
3858  }
3860  sprintf( f_in, "xx");
3861  TText *text_legend_rouge = new TText(x_legend, y_legend, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
3862  text_legend_rouge->Draw();
3863  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.05);
3864  x_legend = x_legend - (Double_t)3.5;
3865  y_legend = y_legend - (Double_t)2.;
3866  sprintf(f_in, " LVRB ");
3867  TText *text_legend_rouge_expl = new TText(x_legend, y_legend, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
3868  text_legend_rouge_expl->Draw();
3869  y_legend = y_legend - (Double_t)1.75;
3870  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB+" ){sprintf(f_in, " <--- ");}
3871  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-" ){sprintf(f_in, " ---> ");}
3872  TText *text_legend_rouge_expm = new TText(x_legend, y_legend, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
3873  text_legend_rouge_expm->Draw();
3874  //text_legend_rouge_expl->Delete(); text_legend_rouge_expl = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3876  //................................................. LVRB BOTTOM (ViewSMTowerNumberingPad)
3877  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.075);
3878  gStyle->SetTextColor(couleur_bleu_fonce);
3879  x_legend = fEcalNumbering->GetEta(SMNumber, ref_tower, x_channel);
3880  y_legend = fEcalNumbering->GetPhi(SMNumber, ref_tower, y_channel) - fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMin(SMNumber);
3882  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB+" )
3883  {
3884  x_legend = x_legend + offset_tow_tex_eta;
3885  y_legend = y_legend + offset_tow_tex_phi/3;
3886  }
3887  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-" )
3888  {
3889  x_legend = -x_legend + offset_tow_tex_eta;
3890  y_legend = y_legend + offset_tow_tex_phi/3;
3891  }
3893  sprintf(f_in, "xx");
3894  TText *text_legend_bleu = new TText(x_legend, y_legend, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
3895  text_legend_bleu->Draw();
3896  //text_legend_bleu->Delete(); text_legend_bleu = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3897  gStyle->SetTextSize(0.05);
3898  x_legend = x_legend - (Double_t)3.5;
3899  y_legend = y_legend - (Double_t)2.;
3900  sprintf( f_in, " LVRB ");
3901  TText *text_legend_bleu_expl = new TText(x_legend, y_legend, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
3902  text_legend_bleu_expl->Draw();
3903  y_legend = y_legend - (Double_t)1.75;
3904  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB+" ){sprintf( f_in, " ---> ");}
3905  if( fEcalNumbering->GetSMHalfBarrel(SMNumber) == "EB-" ){sprintf( f_in, " <--- ");}
3906  TText *text_legend_bleu_expm = new TText(x_legend, y_legend, f_in); fCnewRoot++;
3907  text_legend_bleu_expm->Draw();
3908  //text_legend_bleu_expl->Delete(); text_legend_bleu_expl = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3910  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
3912  gStyle->SetTextColor(couleur_noir);
3913 }
Int_t MaxCrysPhiInTow()
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxCrysEtaInTow()
Color_t SetColorsForNumbers(const TString &)
Double_t GetPhiMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetSMHalfBarrel(const Int_t &)
void ViewSMGrid(const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Int_t MaxTowPhiInSM()
TString GetTowerLvrbType(const Int_t &)
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
Int_t MaxTowEtaInSM()
Double_t GetEta(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Color_t ColorDefinition(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
Double_t GetPhi(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Int_t MaxTowInSM()
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStas ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const TString &  HistoCode 

Definition at line 4818 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, and j.

4820 {
4821 // (Hoco, Veco) matrices for all the Stex's of a Stas
4823  //......................... matrix title
4824  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
4826  if (HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Number of Events");}
4827  if (HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Pedestals");}
4828  if (HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Total noise");}
4829  if (HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Mean cor(s,s')");}
4830  if (HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Low frequency noise");}
4831  if (HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "High frequency noise");}
4832  if (HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Sigma of cor(s,s')");}
4834  //.... Axis parameters: *** WARNING *** EB ===> x (Bid Hoco) = phi (StinVeco), y (Bid Veco) = eta (StinHoco)
4835  Int_t GeoBidSizeHoco = fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStas();
4836  Int_t GeoBidSizeVeco = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStas();
4838  Int_t vertic_empty_strips = 3;
4839  Int_t vertic_empty_strip_1 = 1;
4841  if ( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
4842  {
4843  // for empty vertical strips: before EE-, between EE- and EE+, after EE+ on plot
4844  GeoBidSizeHoco = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStas() + vertic_empty_strips;
4845  GeoBidSizeVeco = fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStas();
4846  }
4848  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeHoco;
4849  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizeVeco;
4850  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
4851  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeHoco;
4852  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
4853  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeVeco;
4855  TString axis_x_var_name = " #Hoco ";
4856  TString axis_y_var_name = " #varVeco ";
4858  //............. matrices reading and histogram filling (ViewStas)
4860  TH2D* h_geo_bid = new TH2D("geobidim_ViewStas", f_in_mat_tit,
4861  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
4862  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
4863  h_geo_bid->Reset();
4865  Int_t CounterExistingFile = 0;
4866  Int_t CounterDataExist = 0;
4868  Int_t* xFapNbOfEvts = new Int_t[fEcal->MaxStexInStas()]; fCnew++;
4869  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); i++){xFapNbOfEvts[i]=0;}
4871  //Int_t* NOFE_int = new Int_t[fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex()]; fCnew++;
4873  //......................................................................... (ViewStas)
4874  for(Int_t iStasStex=0; iStasStex<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); iStasStex++)
4875  {
4876  TVectorD partial_histp(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
4877  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){partial_histp(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
4879  Bool_t OKFileExists = kFALSE;
4880  Bool_t OKDataExist = kFALSE;
4882  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
4883  {
4885  Int_t n1StasStex = iStasStex+1;
4889  n1StasStex, fCfgResultsRootFilePath.Data());
4891  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ){OKFileExists = kTRUE;} // (ViewStas)
4893  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE )
4894  {
4895  xFapNbOfEvts[iStasStex] = fMyRootFile->GetNumberOfEvents(fFapReqNbOfEvts, n1StasStex);
4896  TString fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
4897  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
4898  // << fp_name_short << endl;
4900  //....................... search for first and last dates
4901  if( iStasStex == 0 )
4902  {
4907  }
4909  time_t xStartTime = fMyRootFile->GetStartTime();
4910  time_t xStopTime = fMyRootFile->GetStopTime();
4911  TString xStartDate = fMyRootFile->GetStartDate();
4912  TString xStopDate = fMyRootFile->GetStopDate();
4914  if( xStartTime < fStartTime ){fStartTime = xStartTime; fStartDate = xStartDate;}
4915  if( xStopTime > fStopTime ){fStopTime = xStopTime; fStopDate = xStopDate;}
4919  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- file reading (ViewStas)
4920  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){
4922  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){
4924  if (HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){
4926  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){
4928  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){
4930  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){
4932  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){
4935  if ( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){OKDataExist = kTRUE;}
4936  }
4937  else
4938  {
4939  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
4940  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
4941  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
4942  }
4943  }
4945  if( arg_AlreadyRead == 1 )
4946  {
4947  OKDataExist = kTRUE;
4948  for(Int_t i0Stin=0; i0Stin<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0Stin++)
4949  {
4950  partial_histp(i0Stin) = arg_read_histo(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex()*iStasStex+i0Stin);
4951  }
4952  }
4954  if( OKDataExist == kTRUE)
4955  {
4956  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
4957  CounterExistingFile++;
4959  //................................................................. (ViewStas)
4960  TMatrixD read_matrix(nb_binx, nb_biny);
4961  for(Int_t i=0; i<nb_binx; i++)
4962  {for(Int_t j=0; j<nb_biny; j++){read_matrix(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}}
4964  if ( OKDataExist == kTRUE )
4965  {
4966  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
4967  CounterDataExist++;
4969  for(Int_t i0StexStinEcna=0; i0StexStinEcna<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0StexStinEcna++)
4970  {
4971  //-------------------------------------- Geographical bidim filling (ViewStas)
4972  Int_t i_xgeo = GetXStinInStas(iStasStex, i0StexStinEcna, vertic_empty_strip_1);
4973  Int_t i_ygeo = GetYStinInStas(iStasStex, i0StexStinEcna);
4975  if(i_xgeo >=0 && i_xgeo < nb_binx && i_ygeo >=0 && i_ygeo < nb_biny)
4976  {
4977  Int_t n1StexStinEcna = i0StexStinEcna+1;
4979  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" )
4980  {
4981  read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo) = partial_histp(i0StexStinEcna);
4982  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)i_ygeo,
4983  (Double_t)read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo));
4984  }
4986  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
4987  {
4988  //---------------------> do not draw bin for SCEcna = 10 or 11 (ViewStas)
4989  if( !( (n1StexStinEcna == 10 || n1StexStinEcna == 11 ||
4990  n1StexStinEcna == 29 || n1StexStinEcna == 32) ) )
4991  {
4992  read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo) = partial_histp(i0StexStinEcna);
4993  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)i_ygeo,
4994  (Double_t)read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo));
4995  }
4996  if( n1StexStinEcna == 29 )
4997  {
4998  //----------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewStas)
4999  // Average on SCEcna 29 (x1+x2+x3+x6+x7) and SCEcna 10: (x11)
5000  // (x = Xtal# in SC; see CMS NOTE 2006/027, p.10)
5001  //
5002  // (x1+x2+x3+x6+x7)/5 = partial_histp(29-1) ; x11 = partial_histp(10-1)
5003  //
5004  // => (x1+x2+x3+x6+x7+x11)/6 = partial_histp(29-1)*5/6 + partial_histp(10-1)/6
5005  //
5006  // // except for "D_NOE_ChNb" because average done in ReadAverageNumberOfEvents
5007  // // (no averaged NbOfEvts in root file)
5008  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5009  read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo) =
5010  partial_histp(i0StexStinEcna)*(Double_t)(5./6.) + partial_histp(9)/(Double_t)6.;
5011  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)i_ygeo,
5012  (Double_t)read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo));
5013  }
5014  //if( n1StexStinEcna == 32 && HistoCode != "D_NOE_ChNb" ) (ViewStas)
5015  if( n1StexStinEcna == 32 )
5016  {
5017  //---- same as previous case: replace SCEcna 29 by 32 AND SCEcna 10 by 11
5018  //----> (x1+x2+x3+x6+x7+x11)/6 = partial_histp(32-1)*5/6 + partial_histp(11-1)/6
5019  read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo) =
5020  partial_histp(i0StexStinEcna)*(Double_t)(5./6.) + partial_histp(10)/(Double_t)6.;
5021  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)i_ygeo,
5022  (Double_t)read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo));
5023  }
5024  } // end of if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
5025  } // end of if(i_xgeo >=0 && i_xgeo < nb_binx && i_ygeo >=0 && i_ygeo < nb_biny)
5026  } // end of for(Int_t i0StexStinEcna=0; i0StexStinEcna<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0StexStinEcna++)
5027  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
5028  else
5029  {
5030  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
5032  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(...)> "
5033  << " Data not available for " << fFapStexName << " " << iStasStex+1
5034  << " (Quantity not present in the ROOT file)" << fTTBELL << endl;
5035  }
5036  } // end of if( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) (ViewStas)
5037  else
5038  {
5039  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
5041  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(...)> "
5042  << " Data not available for " << fFapStexName << " " << iStasStex+1
5043  << " (ROOT file not found)" << fTTBELL << endl;
5044  }
5046  if( fFapNbOfEvts <= xFapNbOfEvts[iStasStex] ){fFapNbOfEvts = xFapNbOfEvts[iStasStex];}
5048  } // end of for(Int_t iStasStex=0; iStasStex<fEcal->MaxStexInStas(); iStasStex++)
5050  //delete [] NOFE_int; NOFE_int = 0; fCdelete++;
5051  delete [] xFapNbOfEvts; xFapNbOfEvts = 0; fCdelete++;
5053  if( CounterExistingFile > 0 && CounterDataExist > 0 )
5054  {
5055  //=============== H I S T O M I N / M A X M A N A G E M E N T ============ (ViewStas)
5056  //................................ Put histo min max values
5057  //.......... default if flag not set to "ON"
5058  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
5059  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
5061  if( fUserHistoMin == fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
5062  //.......... user's value if flag set to "ON"
5063  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
5064  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
5065  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
5066  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
5067  //................................. automatic min and/or max
5068  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
5069  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), h_geo_bid->GetMinimum()); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
5070  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
5071  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), h_geo_bid->GetMaximum()); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
5072  //...................................... histo set ymin and ymax
5073  SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, HistoCode);
5075  // ************************** A GARDER EN RESERVE *******************************
5076  //............. special contour level for correlations (square root wise scale)
5077  //if ( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" )
5078  //{
5079  // Int_t nb_niv = 9;
5080  // Double_t* cont_niv = new Double_t[nb_niv]; fCnew++;
5081  // SqrtContourLevels(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
5082  // h_geo_bid->SetContour(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
5083  // delete [] cont_niv; fCdelete++;
5084  //}
5085  // ******************************** (FIN RESERVE) *******************************
5087  // =================================== P L O T S ======================== (ViewStas)
5089  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
5091  //...................... Taille/format canvas
5092  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
5093  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
5095  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
5096  {canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("phietaEB");
5097  canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("phietaEB");}
5098  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
5099  {canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("IYIXEE");
5100  canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("IYIXEE");}
5102  //............................................... paves commentaires (ViewStas)
5105  //------------------------------------ Canvas name ----------------- (ViewStas)
5106  TString name_cov_cor;
5107  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
5108  name_cov_cor.Resize(MaxCar);
5109  name_cov_cor = "?";
5111  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Number_of_Events";}
5112  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Pedestals";}
5113  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Total_noise";}
5114  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Mean_Corss";}
5115  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Low_Fq_Noise";}
5116  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "High_Fq_Noise";}
5117  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Sigma_Corss";}
5119  TString name_visu;
5120  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
5121  name_visu.Resize(MaxCar);
5122  name_visu = "colz";
5124  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%s_%s_HocoVeco_R%d",
5125  name_cov_cor.Data(), fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber,
5127  name_visu.Data(), arg_AlreadyRead);
5129  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stas2DEB");}
5130  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stas2DEE");}
5132  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
5133  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
5135  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewStas(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << f_in << endl;
5137  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
5139  //------------------------ Canvas draw and update ------------ (ViewStas)
5140  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
5142  fPavComStas->Draw();
5143  fPavComAnaRun->Draw();
5144  fPavComNbOfEvts->Draw();
5146  //----------------------------------------------------------- pad margins
5147  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
5148  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_left_box") + 0.005;
5149  Double_t x_margin = x_low;
5150  Double_t y_margin = y_low;
5151  MainCanvas->Divide( 1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
5152  // Divide(nx, ny, x_margin, y_margin, color);
5153  gPad->cd(1);
5154  //........................... specific EE
5155  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){
5156  Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
5157  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_EE") - 0.005;
5158  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = gPad;
5159  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);}
5161  //------------------------------------------------------------
5162  h_geo_bid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
5163  h_geo_bid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
5165  h_geo_bid->DrawCopy("COLZ");
5167  // trace de la grille ---------------- (ViewStas)
5168  ViewStasGrid(vertic_empty_strips);
5169  gPad->Draw();
5170  gPad->Update();
5172  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
5173  }
5174  //..................... retour aux options standard
5176  Bool_t b_true = 1;
5177  h_geo_bid->SetStats(b_true);
5178  h_geo_bid->Delete(); h_geo_bid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
5180  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
5182 } // end of ViewStas(...)
int i
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TVectorD ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:615
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t GetYStinInStas(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
Int_t MaxStinHocoInStas()
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
TVectorD ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &)
time_t GetStopTime()
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
TVectorD ReadAverageTotalNoise(const Int_t &)
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
time_t fStopTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
Int_t MaxStinVecoInStas()
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
int j
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TVectorD ReadAveragePedestals(const Int_t &)
TString GetStopDate()
void SetAllPavesViewStas()
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void PrintNoComment()
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Bool_t DataExist()
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
TVectorD ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TString GetRunType()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t GetXStinInStas(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
Double_t BoxRightX(const TString &)
Double_t BoxBottomY(const TString &)
void ViewStasGrid(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TVectorD ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TVectorD ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
time_t GetStartTime()
time_t fStartTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStasGrid ( const Int_t &  vertic_empty_strips)

Definition at line 5267 of file

5268 {
5269  //Grid of Stas with axis Hoco and Veco
5271  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB"){ViewEBGrid();}
5272  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE"){ViewEEGrid(vertic_empty_strips);}
5274 } // end of ViewStasGrid
void ViewEBGrid()
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void ViewEEGrid(const Int_t &)
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStex ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const TString &  HistoCode 

Definition at line 3062 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, and j.

3064 {
3065 // (Hoco, Veco) matrices for all the Stins of a Stex
3067  Bool_t OKFileExists = kFALSE;
3068  Bool_t OKData = kFALSE;
3070  Int_t n1StexStin = -1;
3072  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
3073  {
3080  if( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ){OKFileExists = kTRUE;}
3082  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE )
3083  {
3085  TString fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
3086  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
3087  // << fp_name_short << endl;
3092  }
3093  }
3094  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
3095  {
3096  OKFileExists = kTRUE;
3097  }
3099  if( OKFileExists == kTRUE )
3100  {
3101  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
3103  //......................... matrix title (ViewStex)
3104  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3105  sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "?");
3107  if (HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Number of events");}
3108  if (HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Pedestals");}
3109  if (HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Total noise");}
3110  if (HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Mean cor(s,s')");}
3111  if (HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Low frequency noise");}
3112  if (HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "High frequency noise");}
3113  if (HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb") {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Sigma of cor(s,s')");}
3115  //................................. Axis parameters
3116  Int_t GeoBidSizeHoco = fEcal->MaxStinHocoInStex()*fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin();
3117  Int_t GeoBidSizeVeco = fEcal->MaxStinVecoInStex()*fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin();
3119  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSizeHoco;
3120  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSizeVeco;
3121  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3122  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeHoco;
3123  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
3124  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSizeVeco;
3126  TString axis_x_var_name = " #Hoco ";
3127  TString axis_y_var_name = " #Veco ";
3129  //............. matrices reading and histogram filling (ViewStex)
3131  TH2D* h_geo_bid = new TH2D("geobidim_ViewStex", f_in_mat_tit,
3132  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
3133  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
3135  h_geo_bid->Reset();
3137  //............................................... 1D histo reading (ViewStex)
3138  TVectorD partial_histp(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());
3139  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex(); i++){partial_histp(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
3141  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
3142  {
3143  if (HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb" ){partial_histp = fMyRootFile->ReadNumberOfEvents(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());}
3144  if (HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb" ){
3145  partial_histp = fMyRootFile->ReadPedestals(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());}
3146  if (HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb" ){
3147  partial_histp = fMyRootFile->ReadTotalNoise(fEcal->MaxCrysEcnaInStex());}
3148  if (HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" ){
3150  if (HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb" ){
3152  if (HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb" ){
3154  if (HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb" ){
3157  OKData = fMyRootFile->DataExist();
3158  }
3160  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
3161  {
3162  partial_histp = arg_read_histo;
3163  OKData = kTRUE;
3164  }
3166  //------------------------------- Build 2D matrix to be ploted from 1D read histo (ViewStex)
3167  TMatrixD read_matrix(nb_binx, nb_biny);
3168  for(Int_t i=0; i<nb_binx; i++)
3169  {for(Int_t j=0; j<nb_biny; j++){read_matrix(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}}
3171  if ( OKData == kTRUE )
3172  {
3173  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
3175  for(Int_t i0StexStinEcna=0; i0StexStinEcna<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i0StexStinEcna++)
3176  {
3177  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
3178  {n1StexStin = fMyRootFile->GetStexStinFromIndex(i0StexStinEcna);}
3179  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
3180  {n1StexStin = i0StexStinEcna+1;}
3182  if (n1StexStin != -1)
3183  {
3184  //------------------ Geographical bidim filling (ViewStex)
3185  for(Int_t i0StinEcha=0; i0StinEcha<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0StinEcha++)
3186  {
3187  Int_t iStexEcha = (n1StexStin-1)*fEcal->MaxCrysInStin() + i0StinEcha;
3188  Int_t i_xgeo = GetXCrysInStex(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha);
3189  Int_t i_ygeo = GetYCrysInStex(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha);
3191  if(i_xgeo >=0 && i_xgeo < nb_binx && i_ygeo >=0 && i_ygeo < nb_biny)
3192  {
3193  read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo) = partial_histp(iStexEcha);
3194  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)i_ygeo,
3195  (Double_t)read_matrix(i_xgeo, i_ygeo));
3196  }
3197  }
3198  }
3199  }
3201  //=============== H I S T O M I N / M A X M A N A G E M E N T ============ (ViewStex)
3203  //................................ Put histo min max values
3204  //.......... default if flag not set to "ON"
3205  SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
3206  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(HistoCode.Data()));
3208  if( fUserHistoMin == fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
3209  //.......... user's value if flag set to "ON"
3210  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
3211  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
3212  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
3213  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
3214  //................................. automatic min and/or max
3215  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
3216  {SetYminMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), h_geo_bid->GetMinimum()); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
3217  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
3218  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(HistoCode.Data(), h_geo_bid->GetMaximum()); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
3219  //...................................... histo set ymin and ymax
3220  SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, HistoCode);
3222  // ************************** A GARDER EN RESERVE *******************************
3223  //............. special contour level for correlations (square root wise scale)
3224  //if ( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb" )
3225  //{
3226  // Int_t nb_niv = 9;
3227  // Double_t* cont_niv = new Double_t[nb_niv]; fCnew++;
3228  // SqrtContourLevels(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
3229  // h_geo_bid->SetContour(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
3230  // delete [] cont_niv; fCdelete++;
3231  //}
3232  // ******************************** (FIN RESERVE) *******************************
3234  // =================================== P L O T S ======================== (ViewStex)
3236  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
3238  //...................... Taille/format canvas
3239  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
3240  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
3242  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB")
3243  {canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("etaphiSM");
3244  canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("etaphiSM");}
3245  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE")
3246  {canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("IXIYDee");
3247  canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("IXIYDee");}
3249  //............................................... paves commentaires (ViewStex)
3252  //------------------------------------ Canvas name ----------------- (ViewStex)
3253  TString name_cov_cor;
3254  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
3255  name_cov_cor.Resize(MaxCar);
3256  name_cov_cor = "?";
3258  if( HistoCode == "D_NOE_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Nb_Of_D_Adc_EvDs";}
3259  if( HistoCode == "D_Ped_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Pedestals";}
3260  if( HistoCode == "D_TNo_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Total_noise";}
3261  if( HistoCode == "D_MCs_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Mean_Corss";}
3262  if( HistoCode == "D_LFN_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Low_Fq_Noise";}
3263  if( HistoCode == "D_HFN_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "High_Fq_Noise";}
3264  if( HistoCode == "D_SCs_ChNb"){name_cov_cor = "Sigma_Corss";}
3266  TString name_visu;
3267  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
3268  name_visu.Resize(MaxCar);
3269  name_visu = "colz";
3271  TString flag_already_read;
3272  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
3273  flag_already_read.Resize(MaxCar);
3274  flag_already_read = "?";
3275  sprintf(f_in,"M%d", arg_AlreadyRead); flag_already_read = f_in;
3277  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%s_HocoVeco_R%s",
3278  name_cov_cor.Data(), fFapAnaType.Data(), fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber,
3280  name_visu.Data(), flag_already_read.Data());
3282  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stex2DEB");}
3283  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" ){SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stex2DEE");}
3285  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
3286  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
3288  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << f_in << endl;
3290  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
3292  //------------------------ Canvas draw and update ------------ (ViewStex)
3293  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
3294  fPavComStex->Draw();
3295  fPavComAnaRun->Draw();
3296  fPavComNbOfEvts->Draw();
3298  //----------------------------------------------------------- pad margins
3299  Double_t x_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
3300  Double_t y_low = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_left_box") + 0.005;
3301  Double_t x_margin = x_low;
3302  Double_t y_margin = y_low;
3303  MainCanvas->Divide( 1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
3304  // Divide(nx, ny, x_margin, y_margin, color);
3305  gPad->cd(1);
3306  //........................... specific EE
3307  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
3308  {Double_t x_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxRightX("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
3309  Double_t y_up = fCnaParHistos->BoxBottomY("top_left_box_Dee") - 0.005;
3310  TVirtualPad* main_subpad = gPad;
3311  main_subpad->SetPad(x_low, y_low, x_up, y_up);}
3313  //------------------------------------------------------------
3314  h_geo_bid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axis_x_var_name);
3315  h_geo_bid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(axis_y_var_name);
3317  h_geo_bid->DrawCopy("COLZ");
3319  // trace de la grille: un rectangle = une tour ou un SC ---------------- (ViewStex)
3321  gPad->Draw();
3322  gPad->Update();
3324  //..................... retour aux options standard
3325  Bool_t b_true = 1;
3326  h_geo_bid->SetStats(b_true);
3327  h_geo_bid->Delete(); h_geo_bid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
3329  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
3330  } // end of if OKData == kTRUE )
3331  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
3332  } // end of if OKFileExists == kTRUE )
3333  else
3334  {
3335  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
3337  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStex(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
3338  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
3339  }
3340 } // end of ViewStex(...)
int i
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TVectorD ReadLowFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t MaxCrysVecoInStin()
Int_t MaxStinVecoInStex()
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
void SetAllPavesViewStex(const TString &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
TVectorD ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
void ViewStexGrid(const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
Int_t GetStexStinFromIndex(const Int_t &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
int j
TVectorD ReadTotalNoise(const Int_t &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TString GetStopDate()
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
TVectorD ReadPedestals(const Int_t &)
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t GetXCrysInStex(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadHighFrequencyNoise(const Int_t &)
Int_t GetYCrysInStex(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t MaxCrysEcnaInStex()
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TString GetRunType()
Int_t MaxCrysHocoInStin()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
TVectorD ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &)
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
Double_t BoxRightX(const TString &)
Int_t MaxStinHocoInStex()
Double_t BoxBottomY(const TString &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TVectorD ReadNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStexGrid ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const TString &  c_option 

Definition at line 3674 of file

3675 {
3676  //Grid of one Stex with axis Hoco and Veco
3678  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB"){ViewSMGrid(StexNumber, c_option);}
3679  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE"){ViewDeeGrid(StexNumber, c_option);}
3681 } // end of ViewStexGrid
void ViewSMGrid(const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void ViewDeeGrid(const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStexStinNumberingPad ( const Int_t &  StexNumber)

Definition at line 3659 of file

3660 {
3661 //display the Stin numbering of the Stex in a Pad
3663  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB"){ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(StexNumber);}
3664  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE"){ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(StexNumber);}
3665 }
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(const Int_t &)
void ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(const Int_t &)
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStin ( const Int_t &  cStexStin,
const TString &  CorOrCov 

Definition at line 2047 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, and j.

2048 {
2049  //cor(s,s') or cov(s,s') matrices for all the crystals of one given Stin. Option COLZ mandatory.
2051  // cStexStin = number for cons (in case of EE)
2052  // StexStin = ECNA number
2054  if( (fFapStexNumber > 0) && fFapStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxStexInStas() )
2055  {
2056  Int_t StexStin = cStexStin;
2057  if(fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
2058  {StexStin = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, cStexStin);}
2066  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE ) // (ViewStin)
2067  {
2068  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
2071  TString fp_name_short = fMyRootFile->GetRootFileNameShort();
2072  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(...)> Data are analyzed from file ----> "
2073  // << fp_name_short << endl;
2075  TVectorD vStin(fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex());
2076  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++){vStin(i)=(Double_t)0.;}
2079  if ( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
2080  {
2081  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
2083  Int_t Stin_ok = 0;
2084  for (Int_t index_Stin = 0; index_Stin < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); index_Stin++)
2085  {
2086  if ( vStin(index_Stin) == StexStin ){Stin_ok++;}
2087  }
2089  if( Stin_ok == 1)
2090  {
2095  //......................... matrix title (ViewStin)
2096  char* f_in_mat_tit = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2098  if ( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
2099  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Xtal's Cov(s,s') matrices in %s.",
2100  fFapStinName.Data());}
2101  if ( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
2102  {sprintf(f_in_mat_tit, "Xtal's Cor(s,s') matrices in %s.",
2103  fFapStinName.Data());}
2105  //................................. Bidim parameters
2106  Int_t GeoBidSize = fEcal->MaxSampADC()*fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin();
2107  Int_t nb_binx = GeoBidSize;
2108  Int_t nb_biny = GeoBidSize;
2109  Axis_t xinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
2110  Axis_t xsup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSize;
2111  Axis_t yinf_bid = (Axis_t)0.;
2112  Axis_t ysup_bid = (Axis_t)GeoBidSize;
2114  //--------------------------------------------------------- (ViewStin)
2115  //............. matrices reading and histogram filling
2117  TH2D* h_geo_bid = new TH2D("geobidim_ViewStin", f_in_mat_tit,
2118  nb_binx, xinf_bid, xsup_bid,
2119  nb_biny, yinf_bid, ysup_bid); fCnewRoot++;
2121  h_geo_bid->Reset();
2123  //======================================================== (ViewStin)
2125  //----------------------------------------------- Geographical bidim filling
2126  Int_t ReadMatSize = fFapNbOfSamples;
2127  Int_t MatSize = fEcal->MaxSampADC();
2128  TMatrixD read_matrix(ReadMatSize, ReadMatSize);
2129  for(Int_t i=0; i-ReadMatSize < 0; i++){for(Int_t j=0; j-ReadMatSize < 0; j++)
2130  {read_matrix(i,j)=(Double_t)0.;}}
2132  Int_t i_data_exist = 0;
2134  for(Int_t n_crys = 0; n_crys < fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); n_crys++)
2135  {
2136  if( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
2137  {read_matrix = fMyRootFile->ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(StexStin, n_crys, ReadMatSize);}
2138  if ( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
2139  {read_matrix = fMyRootFile->ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(StexStin, n_crys, ReadMatSize);}
2141  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kFALSE )
2142  {
2143  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
2144  break; // <= if no data: exiting loop over the channels
2145  }
2146  else
2147  {
2148  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
2149  i_data_exist++;
2151  for(Int_t i_samp = 0 ; i_samp < ReadMatSize ; i_samp++)
2152  {
2153  Int_t i_xgeo = GetXSampInStin(fFapStexNumber, StexStin, n_crys, i_samp);
2154  for(Int_t j_samp = 0; j_samp < ReadMatSize ; j_samp++)
2155  {
2156  Int_t j_ygeo = GetYSampInStin(fFapStexNumber,
2157  StexStin, n_crys, j_samp);
2158  h_geo_bid->Fill((Double_t)i_xgeo, (Double_t)j_ygeo,
2159  (Double_t)read_matrix(i_samp, j_samp));
2160  }
2161  }
2162  }
2163  }
2165  //=========== H I S T O M I N / M A X M A N A G E M E N T ======== (ViewStin)
2166  //................................ Put histo min max values
2167  TString quantity_code = "D_MCs_ChNb";
2168  if( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix ){quantity_code = "D_MCs_ChNb";}
2169  if( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix ){quantity_code = "H2HFccMosMatrix";}
2171  //.......... default if flag not set to "ON"
2172  SetYminMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fCnaParHistos->GetYminDefaultValue(quantity_code));
2173  SetYmaxMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fCnaParHistos->GetYmaxDefaultValue(quantity_code));
2175  if( fUserHistoMin == fUserHistoMax ){fFlagUserHistoMin = "AUTO"; fFlagUserHistoMax = "AUTO";}
2176  //.......... user's min and/or max values
2177  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "ON" )
2178  {SetYminMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fUserHistoMin); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
2179  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "ON" )
2180  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(quantity_code, fUserHistoMax); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
2181  //................................. automatic min and/or max
2182  if( fFlagUserHistoMin == "AUTO" )
2183  {SetYminMemoFromValue(quantity_code, h_geo_bid->GetMinimum()); fFlagUserHistoMin = "OFF";}
2184  if( fFlagUserHistoMax == "AUTO" )
2185  {SetYmaxMemoFromValue(quantity_code, h_geo_bid->GetMaximum()); fFlagUserHistoMax = "OFF";}
2186  //...................................... histo set ymin and ymax (ViewStin)
2187  if ( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
2188  {SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "D_MCs_ChNb");
2190  // ************************** A GARDER EN RESERVE *******************************
2191  //............. special contour level for correlations (square root wise scale)
2192  //Int_t nb_niv = 9;
2193  //Double_t* cont_niv = new Double_t[nb_niv]; fCnew++;
2194  //SqrtContourLevels(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
2195  //h_geo_bid->SetContour(nb_niv, &cont_niv[0]);
2196  //delete [] cont_niv; fCdelete++;
2197  // ******************************** (FIN RESERVE) *******************************
2198  }
2199  if ( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
2200  {SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "D_TNo_ChNb");}
2202  // =================================== P L O T S ======================== (ViewStin)
2203  if( i_data_exist > 0 )
2204  {
2205  char* f_in = new char[fgMaxCar]; fCnew++;
2207  //...................... Taille/format canvas
2208  UInt_t canv_w = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatW("petit");
2209  UInt_t canv_h = fCnaParHistos->CanvasFormatH("petit");
2211  //.................................................. paves commentaires (ViewStin)
2212  SetAllPavesViewStin(StexStin);
2214  //------------------------------------ Canvas name ----------------- (ViewStin)
2215  TString name_cov_cor;
2216  Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
2217  name_cov_cor.Resize(MaxCar);
2218  name_cov_cor = "?";
2219  if( CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix ){name_cov_cor = "CovSS_Matrices_in_";}
2220  if( CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix){name_cov_cor = "CorSS_Matrices_in_";}
2222  TString name_visu;
2223  MaxCar = fgMaxCar;
2224  name_visu.Resize(MaxCar);
2225  name_visu = "colz";
2227  sprintf(f_in, "%s_%s_%s_S1_%d_R%d_%d_%d_%s%d_%s%d_%s",
2228  name_cov_cor.Data(), fFapStinName.Data(),
2231  fFapStexName.Data(), fFapStexNumber,
2232  fFapStinName.Data(), StexStin, name_visu.Data());
2234  SetHistoPresentation((TH1D*)h_geo_bid, "Stin");
2236  TCanvas *MainCanvas = new TCanvas(f_in, f_in, canv_w, canv_h); fCnewRoot++;
2237  fCurrentCanvas = MainCanvas; fCurrentCanvasName = f_in;
2239  // cout << "*TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(...)> Plot is displayed on canvas ----> " << f_in << endl;
2241  delete [] f_in; f_in = 0; fCdelete++;
2243  //------------------------ Canvas draw and update ------------ (ViewStin)
2244  if( fPavComGeneralTitle != 0 ){fPavComGeneralTitle->Draw();}
2245  fPavComStex->Draw();
2246  fPavComStin->Draw();
2247  fPavComAnaRun->Draw();
2248  fPavComNbOfEvts->Draw();
2250  Double_t x_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxLeftX("bottom_left_box") - 0.005;
2251  Double_t y_margin = fCnaParHistos->BoxTopY("bottom_right_box") + 0.005;
2252  MainCanvas->Divide(1, 1, x_margin, y_margin);
2253  gPad->cd(1);
2255  Int_t logy = 0;
2256  gPad->SetLogy(logy);
2258  h_geo_bid->DrawCopy("COLZ");
2260  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ViewStin)
2261  Int_t size_Hoco = fEcal->MaxCrysHocoInStin();
2262  Int_t size_Veco = fEcal->MaxCrysVecoInStin();
2264  ViewStinGrid(fFapStexNumber, StexStin, MatSize, size_Hoco, size_Veco, " ");
2266  gPad->Update();
2268  h_geo_bid->SetStats((Bool_t)1);
2270  // delete MainCanvas; fCdeleteRoot++;
2271  }
2272  delete [] f_in_mat_tit; f_in_mat_tit = 0; fCdelete++;
2274  h_geo_bid->Delete(); h_geo_bid = 0; fCdeleteRoot++;
2275  }
2276  else
2277  {
2278  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
2279  << fFapStinName.Data() << " "
2280  << cStexStin << " not found."
2281  << " Available numbers = ";
2282  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fEcal->MaxStinEcnaInStex(); i++)
2283  {
2284  if( vStin(i) > 0 )
2285  {
2286  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB" ){cout << (Int_t)vStin(i) << ", ";}
2287  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
2288  {cout << fEcalNumbering->GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(fFapStexNumber, (Int_t)vStin(i)) << ", ";}
2289  }
2290  }
2291  cout << fTTBELL << endl;
2292  }
2293  } // end of if ( myRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE )
2294  else
2295  {
2296  fStatusDataExist = kFALSE;
2297  }
2298  } // end of if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
2299  else
2300  {
2301  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
2303  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(...)> *ERROR* =====> "
2304  << " ROOT file not found" << fTTBELL << endl;
2305  }
2306  }
2307  else
2308  {
2309  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::ViewStin(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data()
2310  << " = " << fFapStexNumber << ". Out of range (range = [1,"
2311  << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "]) " << fTTBELL << endl;
2312  }
2313 } // end of ViewStin(...)
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Int_t fCdeleteRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
TPaveText * fPavComAnaRun
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:619
TPaveText * fPavComStex
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:616
TString fCorrelationMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
TString fRunType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:427
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
void ViewStinGrid(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t MaxCrysVecoInStin()
TMatrixD ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fFapStinName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:411
TCanvas * fCurrentCanvas
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:774
Int_t GetNumberOfEvents(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetStartDate()
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
UInt_t CanvasFormatH(const TString &)
TPaveText * fPavComGeneralTitle
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:614
Double_t GetYminDefaultValue(const TString &)
TString GetRootFileNameShort()
Double_t BoxLeftX(const TString &)
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fCovarianceMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Double_t GetYmaxDefaultValue(const TString &)
Double_t fUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
Int_t SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(TH1D *, const TString &)
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Double_t fUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:442
UInt_t CanvasFormatW(const TString &)
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Int_t fFapNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:393
Int_t GetXSampInStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TVectorD ReadStinNumbers(const Int_t &)
TPaveText * fPavComNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:620
void SetYminMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
int j
TPaveText * fPavComStin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:617
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
TString GetStopDate()
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
Int_t fgMaxCar
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:351
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t BoxTopY(const TString &)
void SetAllPavesViewStin(const Int_t &)
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagUserHistoMin
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
Int_t GetYSampInStin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString fCurrentCanvasName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:773
Int_t fCdelete
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:357
TString GetRunType()
Int_t MaxCrysHocoInStin()
Int_t MaxSampADC()
void SetHistoPresentation(TH1D *, const TString &)
TMatrixD ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t MaxStinEcnaInStex()
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
TString fFlagUserHistoMax
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:443
void SetYmaxMemoFromValue(const TString &, const Double_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStinGrid ( const Int_t &  StexNumber,
const Int_t &  StexStin,
const Int_t &  MatSize,
const Int_t &  size_Hoco,
const Int_t &  size_Veco,
const TString &  chopt 

Definition at line 2757 of file

2761 {
2762  //Grid of one Stin with axis Hoco and Veco
2764  if( fFlagSubDet == "EB"){ViewTowerGrid(StexNumber, StexStin, MatSize,
2765  size_Hoco, size_Veco, chopt);}
2766  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE"){ViewSCGrid(StexNumber, StexStin, MatSize,
2767  size_Hoco, size_Veco, chopt);}
2769 } // end of ViewStinGrid
void ViewTowerGrid(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
void ViewSCGrid(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::ViewTowerGrid ( const Int_t &  SMNumber,
const Int_t &  n1SMTow,
const Int_t &  MatSize,
const Int_t &  size_eta,
const Int_t &  size_phi,
const TString &  chopt 

Definition at line 2777 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, i, and j.

2781 {
2782  //Grid of one tower with axis eta and phi
2783  //.......................... lignes verticales
2784  Double_t xline = 0.;
2786  Double_t yline_bot = 0.;
2787  Double_t yline_top = (Double_t)(MatSize*size_eta);
2789  for( Int_t i = 0 ; i < size_eta ; i++)
2790  {
2791  xline = xline + (Double_t)MatSize;
2792  TLine *lin;
2793  lin = new TLine(xline, yline_bot, xline, yline_top); fCnewRoot++;
2794  lin->Draw();
2795  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
2796  }
2797  //............................. lignes horizontales
2798  Double_t xline_left = 0;
2799  Double_t xline_right = (Double_t)(MatSize*size_eta);
2801  Double_t yline = -(Double_t)MatSize;
2803  for( Int_t j = 0 ; j < size_eta+1 ; j++)
2804  {
2805  yline = yline + (Double_t)MatSize;
2806  TLine *lin;
2807  lin = new TLine(xline_left, yline, xline_right, yline); fCnewRoot++;
2808  lin->Draw();
2809  // delete lin; fCdeleteRoot++;
2810  }
2812  //------------------ trace axes en eta et phi --------------- ViewTowerGrid
2814  //...................................................... Axe i(eta) (x bottom) (ViewTowerGrid)
2816  Double_t eta_min = fEcalNumbering->GetIEtaMin(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2817  Double_t eta_max = fEcalNumbering->GetIEtaMax(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2819  TString x_var_name = GetEtaPhiAxisTitle("ietaTow");
2820  TString x_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetXDirectionEB(SMNumber);
2822  Float_t tit_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
2823  Float_t lab_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
2824  Float_t tic_siz_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize();
2825  Float_t tit_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("Towx");
2826  Float_t lab_off_x = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("Towx");
2828  new TF1("f1", x_direction.Data(), eta_min, eta_max); fCnewRoot++;
2830  TGaxis* sup_axis_x = 0;
2832  if ( x_direction == "-x" ) // NEVER IN THIS CASE: xmin->xmax <=> right->left ("-x") direction
2833  {sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( -(Float_t)MatSize, (Float_t)0, (Float_t)(size_eta*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
2834  "f1", size_eta, "BCS" , 0.); fCnewRoot++;
2835  cout << "TEcnaHistosEB::ViewTowerGrid()> non foreseen case. eta with -x direction." << fTTBELL << endl;}
2837  if ( x_direction == "x" ) // ALWAYS IN THIS CASE: xmin->xmax <=> left->right ("x") direction
2838  {sup_axis_x = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0. , (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_eta*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
2839  "f1", size_eta, "CS" , 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
2841  sup_axis_x->SetTitle(x_var_name);
2842  sup_axis_x->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_x);
2843  sup_axis_x->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_x);
2844  sup_axis_x->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_x);
2845  sup_axis_x->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_x);
2846  sup_axis_x->SetTickSize(tic_siz_x);
2847  sup_axis_x->Draw("SAME");
2849  //...................................................... Axe phi (y right) (ViewTowerGrid)
2850  Float_t tit_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleSize();
2851  Float_t lab_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelSize();
2852  Float_t tic_siz_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTickSize();
2853  Float_t tit_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisTitleOffset("Towy");
2854  Float_t lab_off_y = fCnaParHistos->AxisLabelOffset("Towy");
2856  if( chopt == "CrystalNumbering" )
2857  {
2858  Double_t phi_min = fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMin(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2859  Double_t phi_max = fEcalNumbering->GetPhiMax(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2861  TString y_var_name = GetEtaPhiAxisTitle("phi");
2862  TString y_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetYDirectionEB(SMNumber);
2864  new TF1("f2", y_direction.Data(), phi_min, phi_max); fCnewRoot++;
2865  TGaxis* sup_axis_y = 0;
2867  if ( y_direction == "-x" ) // ALWAYS IN THIS CASE: ymin->ymax <=> top->bottom ("-x") direction
2868  {sup_axis_y = new TGaxis( (Float_t)(size_eta*MatSize), (Float_t)0.,
2869  (Float_t)(size_eta*MatSize), (Float_t)(size_phi*MatSize),
2870  "f2", size_phi, "+CS", 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
2872  if ( y_direction == "x" ) // NEVER IN THIS CASE: ymin->ymax <=> bottom->top ("x") direction
2873  {sup_axis_y = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0., (Float_t) 0., (Float_t)(size_phi*MatSize),
2874  "f2", size_phi, "BCS", 0.); fCnewRoot++;}
2876  sup_axis_y->SetTitle(y_var_name);
2877  sup_axis_y->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
2878  sup_axis_y->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
2879  sup_axis_y->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
2880  sup_axis_y->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
2881  sup_axis_y->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
2882  sup_axis_y->Draw("SAME");
2883  }
2884  //...................................................... Axe j(phi) (y left) (ViewTowerGrid)
2886  Double_t j_phi_min = fEcalNumbering->GetJPhiMin(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2887  Double_t j_phi_max = fEcalNumbering->GetJPhiMax(SMNumber, n1SMTow);
2889  TString jy_var_name = GetEtaPhiAxisTitle("jphiTow");
2890  TString jy_direction = fEcalNumbering->GetJYDirectionEB(SMNumber);
2892  new TF1("f3", jy_direction.Data(), j_phi_min, j_phi_max); fCnewRoot++;
2893  TGaxis* sup_axis_jy = 0;
2895  sup_axis_jy = new TGaxis( (Float_t)0., (Float_t)0.,
2896  (Float_t)0., (Float_t)(size_phi*MatSize),
2897  "f3", size_phi, "SC", 0.); fCnewRoot++;
2899  sup_axis_jy->SetTitle(jy_var_name);
2900  sup_axis_jy->SetTitleSize(tit_siz_y);
2901  sup_axis_jy->SetTitleOffset(tit_off_y);
2902  sup_axis_jy->SetLabelSize(lab_siz_y);
2903  sup_axis_jy->SetLabelOffset(lab_off_y);
2904  sup_axis_jy->SetTickSize(tic_siz_y);
2905  sup_axis_jy->Draw("SAME");
2906 } // end of ViewTowerGrid
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Float_t AxisTitleOffset()
Double_t GetPhiMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TString GetYDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
TString GetJYDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
Double_t GetJPhiMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fCnewRoot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:358
Double_t GetPhiMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Float_t AxisTitleSize()
TString GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(const TString &)
Float_t AxisLabelOffset()
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
Double_t GetJPhiMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
int j
Float_t AxisTickSize()
Double_t GetIEtaMin(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Double_t GetIEtaMax(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
tuple cout
TString GetXDirectionEB(const Int_t &)
TEcnaParHistos * fCnaParHistos
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:368
Float_t AxisLabelSize()
void TEcnaHistos::WriteHistoAscii ( const TString &  HistoCode,
const Int_t &  HisSize,
const TVectorD &  read_histo 

Definition at line 13954 of file

13956 {
13957 // write matrix in ascii file
13964  fCnaWrite->WriteAsciiHisto(HistoCode, HisSize, read_histo);
13966 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
void RegisterFileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const time_t, const time_t)
TEcnaWrite * fCnaWrite
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:371
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
TString GetAsciiFileName()
time_t fStopTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
void WriteAsciiHisto(const TString &, const Int_t &, const TVectorD &)
TString fAsciiFileName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:420
time_t fStartTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::WriteMatrixAscii ( const TString &  BetweenWhat,
const TString &  CorOrCov,
const Int_t &  StexStinEcna,
const Int_t &  MatrixBinIndex,
const Int_t &  MatSize,
const TMatrixD &  read_matrix 

Definition at line 13929 of file

13932 {
13933 // write matrix in ascii file
13935  Int_t ChanNumber = MatrixBinIndex;
13941  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples && CorOrCov == fCorrelationMatrix )
13942  {
13943  fCnaWrite->WriteAsciiCorrelationsBetweenSamples(StexStinEcna, ChanNumber, MatSize, read_matrix);
13945  }
13947  if( BetweenWhat == fBetweenSamples && CorOrCov == fCovarianceMatrix )
13948  {
13949  fCnaWrite->WriteAsciiCovariancesBetweenSamples(StexStinEcna, ChanNumber, MatSize, read_matrix);
13951  }
13952 }
TString fStartDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fCorrelationMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
void WriteAsciiCovariancesBetweenSamples(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TMatrixD &)
void RegisterFileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const time_t, const time_t)
TEcnaWrite * fCnaWrite
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:371
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fCovarianceMatrix
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:450
TString fBetweenSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:452
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
TString GetAsciiFileName()
time_t fStopTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
TString fStopDate
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:426
TString fAsciiFileName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:420
void WriteAsciiCorrelationsBetweenSamples(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TMatrixD &)
time_t fStartTime
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:425
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  PlotOption 

Definition at line 6074 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

6077 {
6078  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
6079  {
6080  if( PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot )
6081  {
6082  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6083  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6084  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6086  Bool_t aOKData = kFALSE;
6087  TVectorD read_histo(fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6089  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
6090  {
6097  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
6098  {
6099  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
6100  read_histo = fMyRootFile->ReadSampleMeans(StexStin_A, fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6101  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;}
6102  }
6103  else
6104  {
6105  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
6106  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(...)> Data not available (ROOT file not found)." << endl;
6107  }
6108  if( fStatusFileFound == kTRUE && fStatusDataExist == kTRUE ){aOKData = kTRUE;}
6109  }
6110  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
6111  {
6112  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC(); i++){read_histo[i] = arg_read_histo[i];}
6113  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
6114  aOKData = kTRUE;
6115  }
6117  if( aOKData == kTRUE )
6118  {
6119  TVectorD read_histo_samps(fFapNbOfSamples);
6121  Int_t xAlreadyRead = 1;
6122  for( Int_t i0_stin_echa=0; i0_stin_echa<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0_stin_echa++)
6123  {
6124  if( fFapStexName == "SM" )
6125  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(...)> channel " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa << ": ";}
6126  if( fFapStexName == "Dee" )
6127  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(...)> Xtal " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa+1 << ": ";}
6129  for( Int_t i0_samp=0; i0_samp<fFapNbOfSamples; i0_samp++ )
6130  {
6131  read_histo_samps(i0_samp) = read_histo(i0_stin_echa*fFapNbOfSamples+i0_samp);
6132  cout << setprecision(4) << setw(8) << read_histo_samps(i0_samp) << ", " ;
6133  }
6134  cout << endl;
6135  ViewHisto(read_histo_samps, xAlreadyRead,
6136  StexStin_A, i0_stin_echa, fZerv, "D_MSp_SpNb", fAllXtalsInStinPlot);
6137  xAlreadyRead++;
6138  }
6139  xAlreadyRead = 0;
6140  }
6141  else
6142  {
6143  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(...)> Data not available." << endl;
6144  }
6145  }
6147  if( !(PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot) )
6148  {
6149  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6150  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6151  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6152  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fZerv, "D_MSp_SpNb", PlotOption);
6153  }
6154  }
6155  else
6156  {
6157  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data() << " number = " << fFapStexNumber
6158  << " out of range (range = [1," << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "])" << fTTBELL << endl;
6159  }
6160 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxSampADC()
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
TVectorD ReadSampleMeans(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 6071 of file

6073 {XtalSamplesEv(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, "ONLYONE");}
void XtalSamplesEv(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha,
const TString &  PlotOption 

Definition at line 6257 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and i.

6260 {
6261  if( fFapStexNumber > 0 )
6262  {
6263  if( PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot )
6264  {
6265  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6266  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6267  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6269  Bool_t aOKData = kFALSE;
6270  TVectorD read_histo(fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6272  if( arg_AlreadyRead == fTobeRead )
6273  {
6280  if ( fMyRootFile->LookAtRootFile() == kTRUE )
6281  {
6282  fStatusFileFound = kTRUE;
6283  read_histo = fMyRootFile->ReadSampleSigmas(StexStin_A, fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC());
6284  if( fMyRootFile->DataExist() == kTRUE ){fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;}
6285  }
6286  else
6287  {
6288  fStatusFileFound = kFALSE;
6289  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma(...)> Data not available (ROOT file not found)." << endl;
6290  }
6291  if( fStatusFileFound == kTRUE && fStatusDataExist == kTRUE ){aOKData = kTRUE;}
6292  }
6293  if( arg_AlreadyRead >= 1 )
6294  {
6295  for(Int_t i=0; i<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin()*fEcal->MaxSampADC(); i++){read_histo[i] = arg_read_histo[i];}
6296  fStatusDataExist = kTRUE;
6297  aOKData = kTRUE;
6298  }
6299  if( aOKData == kTRUE )
6300  {
6301  TVectorD read_histo_samps(fFapNbOfSamples);
6303  Int_t xAlreadyRead = 1;
6304  for( Int_t i0_stin_echa=0; i0_stin_echa<fEcal->MaxCrysInStin(); i0_stin_echa++)
6305  {
6306  if( fFapStexName == "SM" )
6307  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma(...)> channel " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa << ": ";}
6308  if( fFapStexName == "Dee" )
6309  {cout << "*TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma(...)> Xtal " << setw(2) << i0_stin_echa+1 << ": ";}
6311  for( Int_t i0_samp=0; i0_samp<fFapNbOfSamples; i0_samp++ )
6312  {
6313  read_histo_samps(i0_samp) = read_histo(i0_stin_echa*fFapNbOfSamples+i0_samp);
6314  cout << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << read_histo_samps(i0_samp) << ", " ;
6315  }
6316  cout << endl;
6317  ViewHisto(read_histo_samps, xAlreadyRead,
6318  StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fZerv, "D_SSp_SpNb", fAllXtalsInStinPlot);
6319  xAlreadyRead++;
6320  }
6321  xAlreadyRead = 0;
6322  }
6323  else
6324  {
6325  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma(...)> Data not available." << endl;
6326  }
6327  }
6329  if( !(PlotOption == fAllXtalsInStinPlot) )
6330  {
6331  Int_t StexStin_A = n1StexStin;
6332  if( fFlagSubDet == "EE" )
6333  {StexStin_A = fEcalNumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(fFapStexNumber, n1StexStin);}
6334  ViewHisto(fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, fZerv, "D_SSp_SpNb", PlotOption);
6335  }
6336  }
6337  else
6338  {
6339  cout << "!TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma(...)> " << fFapStexName.Data() << " number = " << fFapStexNumber
6340  << " out of range (range = [1," << fEcal->MaxStexInStas() << "])" << fTTBELL << endl;
6341  }
6342 }
TEcnaNumbering * fEcalNumbering
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:373
int i
Int_t Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
Bool_t fStatusDataExist
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:423
Int_t fFapLastReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:389
Int_t fFapStexNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:391
Int_t fFapNbOfSamples
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:386
TString fFapAnaType
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:385
TString fAllXtalsInStinPlot
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:630
Int_t fFapRunNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:387
Int_t fFapFirstReqEvtNumber
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:388
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:360
TVectorD ReadSampleSigmas(const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &)
TEcnaRead * fMyRootFile
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:376
TString fCfgResultsRootFilePath
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:417
TString fFlagSubDet
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:363
TString fFapStexName
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:410
Bool_t fStatusFileFound
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:422
void ViewHisto(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &)
void PrintNoComment()
Int_t MaxCrysInStin()
Bool_t DataExist()
Int_t MaxStexInStas()
TEcnaParEcal * fEcal
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:372
void FileParameters(const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)
Int_t MaxSampADC()
Bool_t LookAtRootFile()
tuple cout
Int_t fTobeRead
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:379
TVectorD fReadHistoDummy
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:380
Int_t fFapReqNbOfEvts
Definition: TEcnaHistos.h:390
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma ( const TVectorD &  arg_read_histo,
const Int_t &  arg_AlreadyRead,
const Int_t &  n1StexStin,
const Int_t &  i0StinEcha 

Definition at line 6254 of file

6256 {XtalSamplesSigma(arg_read_histo, arg_AlreadyRead, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, "ONLYONE");}
void XtalSamplesSigma(const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &)

Member Data Documentation

TString TEcnaHistos::fAllXtalsInStinPlot

Definition at line 630 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fAlreadyRead

Definition at line 377 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fAsciiFileName

Definition at line 420 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fBetweenSamples

Definition at line 452 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 795 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 796 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 788 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 787 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 786 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 785 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 784 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 783 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 792 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 791 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 778 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 777 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 780 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 779 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 790 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 789 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 794 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 793 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 782 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 781 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH1SamePlus

Definition at line 776 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 801 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 807 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 800 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 806 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 799 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 805 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 797 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 803 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 802 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 808 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 798 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCanvH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 804 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 961 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 961 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 957 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 957 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 956 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 956 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 955 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 955 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 960 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 959 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 952 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 952 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 953 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 953 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 958 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 958 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 960 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 959 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 954 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 954 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH1SamePlus

Definition at line 951 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 965 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 965 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 964 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 964 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 966 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 966 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 962 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 962 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 967 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 967 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 963 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 963 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCdelete

Definition at line 357 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCdeleteRoot

Definition at line 358 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath

Definition at line 418 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCfgResultsRootFilePath

Definition at line 417 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 830 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 829 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 822 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 821 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 820 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 819 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 818 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 817 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 826 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 825 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 812 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 811 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 814 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 813 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 824 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 823 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 828 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 827 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 816 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 815 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH1SamePlus

Definition at line 810 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 835 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 841 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 834 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 840 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 833 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 839 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 831 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 837 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 836 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 842 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 832 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fClosedH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 838 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCnaCommand

Definition at line 356 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCnaError

Definition at line 356 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaParCout* TEcnaHistos::fCnaParCout

Definition at line 370 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaParHistos* TEcnaHistos::fCnaParHistos

Definition at line 368 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaParPaths* TEcnaHistos::fCnaParPaths

Definition at line 369 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaWrite* TEcnaHistos::fCnaWrite

Definition at line 371 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCnew

Definition at line 357 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fCnewRoot

Definition at line 358 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCodeEB

Definition at line 364 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCodeEE

Definition at line 365 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCorrelationMatrix

Definition at line 450 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCovarianceMatrix

Definition at line 450 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvas* TEcnaHistos::fCurrentCanvas

Definition at line 774 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCurrentCanvasName

Definition at line 773 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCurrentHistoCode

Definition at line 844 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fCurrentOptPlot

Definition at line 845 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fCurrentPad

Definition at line 847 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvDsXinf

Definition at line 506 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvDsXsup

Definition at line 507 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvDsYmax

Definition at line 577 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvDsYmin

Definition at line 576 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvNbXinf

Definition at line 508 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvNbXsup

Definition at line 509 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvNbYmax

Definition at line 579 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Adc_EvNbYmin

Definition at line 578 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 491 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 492 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 562 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 561 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 489 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 490 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 560 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_HFN_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 559 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 487 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 488 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 558 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 557 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 485 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 486 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 556 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_LFN_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 555 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 483 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 484 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 554 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 553 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 481 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 482 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 552 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MCs_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 551 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpDsXinf

Definition at line 500 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpDsXsup

Definition at line 501 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpDsYmax

Definition at line 571 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpDsYmin

Definition at line 570 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpNbXinf

Definition at line 498 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpNbXsup

Definition at line 499 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpNbYmax

Definition at line 569 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_MSp_SpNbYmin

Definition at line 568 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 471 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 472 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 542 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 541 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 469 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 470 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 540 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_NOE_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 539 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 475 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 476 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 546 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 545 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 473 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 474 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 544 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_Ped_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 543 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 495 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 496 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 566 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 565 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 493 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 494 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 564 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SCs_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 563 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpDsXinf

Definition at line 504 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpDsXsup

Definition at line 505 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpDsYmax

Definition at line 575 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpDsYmin

Definition at line 574 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpNbXinf

Definition at line 502 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpNbXsup

Definition at line 503 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpNbYmax

Definition at line 573 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_SSp_SpNbYmin

Definition at line 572 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChDsXinf

Definition at line 479 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChDsXsup

Definition at line 480 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChDsYmax

Definition at line 550 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChDsYmin

Definition at line 549 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChNbXinf

Definition at line 477 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChNbXsup

Definition at line 478 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChNbYmax

Definition at line 548 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fD_TNo_ChNbYmin

Definition at line 547 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaParEcal* TEcnaHistos::fEcal

Definition at line 372 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaNumbering* TEcnaHistos::fEcalNumbering

Definition at line 373 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapAnaType

Definition at line 385 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapEchaName

Definition at line 413 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapFileRuns

Definition at line 397 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapFirstReqEvtNumber

Definition at line 388 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapLastReqEvtNumber

Definition at line 389 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapMaxNbOfRuns

Definition at line 395 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapNbOfEvts

Definition at line 393 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapNbOfRuns

Definition at line 396 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapNbOfSamples

Definition at line 386 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapReqNbOfEvts

Definition at line 390 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapRunNumber

Definition at line 387 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapStexBarrel

Definition at line 405 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapStexDir

Definition at line 407 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapStexName

Definition at line 410 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fFapStexNumber

Definition at line 391 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapStexType

Definition at line 406 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapStinName

Definition at line 411 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapStinQuadType

Definition at line 408 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFapXtalName

Definition at line 412 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

std::ifstream TEcnaHistos::fFcin_f

Definition at line 383 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaHeader* TEcnaHistos::fFileHeader

Definition at line 374 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagColPal

Definition at line 439 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagGeneralTitle

Definition at line 440 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagScaleX

Definition at line 437 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagScaleY

Definition at line 438 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagSubDet

Definition at line 363 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagUserHistoMax

Definition at line 443 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fFlagUserHistoMin

Definition at line 443 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fgMaxCar

Definition at line 351 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH1SameOnePlotXinf

Definition at line 466 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH1SameOnePlotXsup

Definition at line 467 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH2CorccInStinsYmax

Definition at line 611 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH2CorccInStinsYmin

Definition at line 610 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax

Definition at line 609 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin

Definition at line 608 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax

Definition at line 607 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin

Definition at line 606 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_DateXinf

Definition at line 518 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_DateXsup

Definition at line 519 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_DateYmax

Definition at line 589 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_DateYmin

Definition at line 588 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_RuDsXinf

Definition at line 531 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_RuDsXsup

Definition at line 532 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_RuDsYmax

Definition at line 602 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_HFN_RuDsYmin

Definition at line 601 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_DateXinf

Definition at line 516 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_DateXsup

Definition at line 517 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_DateYmax

Definition at line 587 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_DateYmin

Definition at line 586 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_RuDsXinf

Definition at line 529 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_RuDsXsup

Definition at line 530 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_RuDsYmax

Definition at line 600 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_LFN_RuDsYmin

Definition at line 599 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_DateXinf

Definition at line 514 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_DateXsup

Definition at line 515 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_DateYmax

Definition at line 585 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_DateYmin

Definition at line 584 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_RuDsXinf

Definition at line 527 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_RuDsXsup

Definition at line 528 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_RuDsYmax

Definition at line 598 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_MCs_RuDsYmin

Definition at line 597 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_DateXinf

Definition at line 510 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_DateXsup

Definition at line 511 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_DateYmax

Definition at line 581 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_DateYmin

Definition at line 580 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_RuDsXinf

Definition at line 523 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_RuDsXsup

Definition at line 524 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_RuDsYmax

Definition at line 594 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_Ped_RuDsYmin

Definition at line 593 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_DateXinf

Definition at line 520 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_DateXsup

Definition at line 521 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_DateYmax

Definition at line 591 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_DateYmin

Definition at line 590 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_RuDsXinf

Definition at line 533 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_RuDsXsup

Definition at line 534 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_RuDsYmax

Definition at line 604 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_SCs_RuDsYmin

Definition at line 603 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_DateXinf

Definition at line 512 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_DateXsup

Definition at line 513 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_DateYmax

Definition at line 583 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_DateYmin

Definition at line 582 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_RuDsXinf

Definition at line 525 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Axis_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_RuDsXsup

Definition at line 526 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_RuDsYmax

Definition at line 596 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fH_TNo_RuDsYmin

Definition at line 595 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fHFBetweenChannels

Definition at line 453 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fHFBetweenStins

Definition at line 454 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fHistoCodeFirst

Definition at line 538 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 936 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 937 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 929 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 928 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 927 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 926 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 925 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 924 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 933 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 932 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 919 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 918 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 921 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 920 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 931 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 930 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 935 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 934 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 923 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 922 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH1SamePlus

Definition at line 917 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 942 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 948 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 941 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 947 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 940 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 946 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 938 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 944 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 943 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 949 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 939 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TCanvasImp* TEcnaHistos::fImpH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 945 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fLFBetweenChannels

Definition at line 453 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fLFBetweenStins

Definition at line 454 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoAlreadyRead

Definition at line 378 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 661 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 661 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 657 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 657 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 656 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 656 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 655 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 655 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 660 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 659 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 652 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 652 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 653 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 653 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 658 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 658 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 660 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 659 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 654 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 654 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH1SamePlus

Definition at line 651 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 665 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 665 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 664 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 664 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 666 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 666 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 662 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 662 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 667 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 667 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 663 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 663 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 643 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 643 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 639 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 639 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 638 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 638 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 637 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 637 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 642 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 641 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 634 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 634 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 635 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 635 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 640 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 640 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 642 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 641 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 636 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 636 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH1SamePlus

Definition at line 633 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 647 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 647 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 646 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 646 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 648 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 648 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 644 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 644 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 649 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 649 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 645 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 645 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TEcnaRead* TEcnaHistos::fMyRootFile

Definition at line 376 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fMyRootFileName

Definition at line 415 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 758 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 759 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 751 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 750 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 749 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 748 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 747 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 746 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 755 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 754 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 741 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 740 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 743 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 742 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 753 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 752 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 757 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 756 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 745 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 744 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus

Definition at line 739 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 764 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 770 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 763 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 769 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 762 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 768 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 760 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 766 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 765 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 771 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 761 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 767 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbBinsProj

Definition at line 669 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfExistingRuns

Definition at line 400 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 970 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 972 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 970 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 972 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 969 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 971 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 969 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 971 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 970 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 972 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 969 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 971 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fOnlyOnePlot

Definition at line 627 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptScaleLinx

Definition at line 448 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptScaleLiny

Definition at line 448 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptScaleLogx

Definition at line 448 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptScaleLogy

Definition at line 448 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptVisColz

Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptVisLego

Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptVisLine

Definition at line 446 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptVisPolm

Definition at line 446 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptVisSurf1

Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fOptVisSurf4

Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 868 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 869 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 861 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 860 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 859 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 858 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 857 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 856 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 865 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 864 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 851 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 850 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 853 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 852 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 863 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 862 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 867 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 866 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 855 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 854 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH1SamePlus

Definition at line 849 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 874 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 880 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 873 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 879 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 872 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 878 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 870 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 876 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 875 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 881 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 871 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVirtualPad* TEcnaHistos::fPadH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 877 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComAnaRun

Definition at line 619 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComCxyz

Definition at line 623 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna

Definition at line 625 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComEvolRuns

Definition at line 624 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComGeneralTitle

Definition at line 614 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComLVRB

Definition at line 622 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComNbOfEvts

Definition at line 620 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComSeveralChanging

Definition at line 621 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComStas

Definition at line 615 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComStex

Definition at line 616 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComStin

Definition at line 617 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavComXtal

Definition at line 618 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 902 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 903 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 895 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 894 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 893 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 892 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 891 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 890 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 899 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 898 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 885 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 884 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 887 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 886 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 897 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 896 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 901 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 900 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 889 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 888 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH1SamePlus

Definition at line 883 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 908 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 914 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 907 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 913 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 906 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 912 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 904 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 910 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 909 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 915 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 905 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TPaveText* TEcnaHistos::fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 911 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fPlotAllXtalsInStin

Definition at line 631 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TVectorD TEcnaHistos::fReadHistoDummy

Definition at line 380 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TMatrixD TEcnaHistos::fReadMatrixDummy

Definition at line 381 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fRunType

Definition at line 427 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fSameOnePlot

Definition at line 629 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fSeveralPlot

Definition at line 628 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fStartDate

Definition at line 426 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fStartEvolDate

Definition at line 403 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fStartEvolRun

Definition at line 399 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

time_t TEcnaHistos::fStartEvolTime

Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

time_t TEcnaHistos::fStartTime

Definition at line 425 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fStatusDataExist

Definition at line 423 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Bool_t TEcnaHistos::fStatusFileFound

Definition at line 422 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fStinSizeInCrystals

Definition at line 435 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fStopDate

Definition at line 426 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fStopEvolDate

Definition at line 403 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fStopEvolRun

Definition at line 399 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

time_t TEcnaHistos::fStopEvolTime

Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

time_t TEcnaHistos::fStopTime

Definition at line 425 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString* TEcnaHistos::fT1DAnaType

Definition at line 429 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString* TEcnaHistos::fT1DHistoryRunListFilePath

Definition at line 433 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString* TEcnaHistos::fT1DResultsRootFilePath

Definition at line 432 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t* TEcnaHistos::fT1DRunNumber

Definition at line 430 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fTextBorderSize

Definition at line 459 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fTextPaveAlign

Definition at line 456 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fTextPaveFont

Definition at line 457 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Float_t TEcnaHistos::fTextPaveSize

Definition at line 458 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fTobeRead

Definition at line 379 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fTTBELL

Definition at line 360 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fUnev

Definition at line 353 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fUserHistoMax

Definition at line 442 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fUserHistoMin

Definition at line 442 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fXinf

Definition at line 461 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fXinfProj

Definition at line 463 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 690 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 691 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 683 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 682 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 681 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 680 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 679 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 678 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 687 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 686 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 673 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 672 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 675 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 674 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 685 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 684 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 689 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 688 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 677 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 676 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH1SamePlus

Definition at line 671 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 696 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 702 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 695 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 701 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 694 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 700 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 692 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 698 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 697 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 703 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 693 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 699 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fXsup

Definition at line 461 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fXsupProj

Definition at line 463 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fYinf

Definition at line 461 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs

Definition at line 724 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb

Definition at line 725 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs

Definition at line 717 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb

Definition at line 716 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs

Definition at line 715 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb

Definition at line 714 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs

Definition at line 713 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb

Definition at line 712 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs

Definition at line 721 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb

Definition at line 720 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs

Definition at line 707 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb

Definition at line 706 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs

Definition at line 709 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb

Definition at line 708 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs

Definition at line 719 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb

Definition at line 718 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs

Definition at line 723 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb

Definition at line 722 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs

Definition at line 711 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb

Definition at line 710 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH1SamePlus

Definition at line 705 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_HFN_Date

Definition at line 730 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs

Definition at line 736 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_LFN_Date

Definition at line 729 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs

Definition at line 735 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_MCs_Date

Definition at line 728 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs

Definition at line 734 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_Ped_Date

Definition at line 726 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs

Definition at line 732 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_SCs_Date

Definition at line 731 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs

Definition at line 737 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_TNo_Date

Definition at line 727 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

TString TEcnaHistos::fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs

Definition at line 733 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Double_t TEcnaHistos::fYsup

Definition at line 461 of file TEcnaHistos.h.

Int_t TEcnaHistos::fZerv

Definition at line 352 of file TEcnaHistos.h.