11 #ifndef DT_SC_TRIG_UNIT_H
12 #define DT_SC_TRIG_UNIT_H
DTGeomSupplier * GeomSupplier(const DTTrigData *trig) const
Return the appropriate coordinate supplier.
const DTChamber * stat() const
The associated chamber.
int sector() const
Return sector number.
GlobalPoint CMSPosition(const DTTrigData *trig) const
CMS position in chamber of a trigger-data object.
int nDTTracoChip()
Number of active DTTracoChips.
const DTChambThSegm * thetaSegment(int step, int n)
Return output segments, theta view.
int nSegm(int step)
Return number of DTTSPhi segments.
int wheel() const
Return wheel number.
void setGeom(const DTChamber *stat)
Set/Update Geometry.
DTSCTrigUnit(DTChamber *stat)
void setGeom(const DTChamber *stat)
Set geometry.
DTTSTheta * TSThTrigs() const
Return the chamber Trigger Server (Theta)
const DTChambThSegm * segment(int step, unsigned n)
Return the requested DTTSTheta segment (only the first)
void dumpLUT(short int btic)
Dump the LUT for this chamber.
GlobalVector CMSDirection(const DTTrigData *trig) const
CMS direction in chamber of a trigger -data object.
DTTSPhi * TSPhTrigs() const
Return the chamber Trigger Server (Phi)
void dumpGeom() const
Dump the geometry.
LocalPoint localPosition(const DTTrigData *trig) const
Coordinate of a trigger-data object in chamber frame.
void dumpLUT(short int btic) const
Dump the Lut file.
DTBtiCard * BtiTrigs() const
Return container of BTI triggers.
virtual LocalPoint localPosition(const DTTrigData *) const =0
Local position in chamber of a trigger-data object.
const DTChambPhSegm * segment(int step, unsigned n)
Return the requested DTTSPhi segment.
GlobalVector CMSDirection(const DTTrigData *trig) const
Direction of a trigger-data object in CMS frame.
int nSegm(int step)
Return number of TStheta segments (just 1)
virtual void print(const DTTrigData *trig) const
Print a trigger-data object with also local and global position/direction.
int station() const
Return station number.
DTChamberId statId() const
Identifier of the associated chamber.
DTTracoCard * TracoTrigs() const
Return container of TRACO triggers.
int station() const
Return station number.
LocalVector localDirection(const DTTrigData *trig) const
Direction of a trigger-data object in chamber frame.
int nDTBtiChip()
Number of active DTBtiChips.
const DTChamber * stat() const
Associated chamber.
DTChamberId statId() const
Identifier of the associated chamber.
DTTrigGeom * geom() const
The associated geometry.
int wheel() const
Return wheel number.
virtual LocalVector localDirection(const DTTrigData *) const =0
Local direction in chamber of a trigger-data object.
const DTChambPhSegm * phiSegment(int step, int n)
Return output segments, phi view.
int sector() const
Return sector number.
int nPhiSegm(int step)
Number of Phi segments for a given step.
void print(DTTrigData *trig) const
Print a trigger-data object.
void setConfig(const DTConfigManager *conf)
Set configuration.
void dumpGeom() const
Dump the geometry.
int size() const
Get cache vector's size.
GlobalPoint CMSPosition(const DTTrigData *trig) const
Coordinate of a trigger-data object in CMS frame.
int nThetaSegm(int step)
Number of theta segments for a given step.