j2tParametersCALO_cfi | |
j2tParametersVX_cfi | |
jetBenchmarkGeneric_cff | |
jetBProbabilityBJetTags_cfi | |
jetBProbabilityComputer_cfi | |
JetChargeProducer_cfi | |
jetCleaner_cfi | |
JetComb | |
JetCorrectionCondDB_cff | |
JetCorrectionProducers_cff | |
JetCorrectionProducersAllAlgos_cff | |
jetCorrections_cff | |
JetCorrectionServices_AK5CHS_cff | |
JetCorrectionServices_cff | |
JetCorrectionServicesAllAlgos_cff | |
jetCorrFactors_cfi | |
jetCountFilter_cfi | |
jetDQMConfig_cff | |
JetEnergyShift_cfi | |
jetExtractorBlock_cff | |
jetfilter_cfi | |
jetFlavourId_cff | |
jetIDFailureFilter_cfi | |
JetIDParams_cfi | |
JetIDProducers_cff | |
jetIDSelector_cfi | |
JetMaker | Make Jets from protoobjects |
jetMatch_cfi | |
JetMCTagUtils | |
jetmet_cfg | |
JetMETAnalysis_cff | |
JetMETAnalysis_EventContent_cff | |
JetMETAnalysis_OutputModules_cff | |
JetMETAnalysis_SkimPaths_cff | |
jetMETAnalyzer_cff | |
jetMETAnalyzer_cfi | |
jetMETAnalyzerCosmic_cff | |
jetMETCorrections_cff | |
jetMETDQMCleanup_cff | |
jetmetDQMConsumer_cfi | |
jetMETDQMOfflineClient_cfi | |
jetMETDQMOfflineSource_cff | |
jetMETDQMOfflineSourceCosmic_cff | |
jetMETDQMOfflineSourceCosmicMC_cff | |
jetMETDQMOfflineSourceHI_cff | |
jetMETDQMOfflineSourceHIMC_cff | |
jetMETDQMOfflineSourceMC_cff | |
JetMETHLTOfflineAnalyzer_cff | |
JetMETHLTOfflineClient_cfi | |
JetMETHLTOfflineSource_cfi | |
JetMETPostProcessor_cff | |
JetPartonCorrections_cff | |
JetPartonNamespace | |
JetPartonNamespace::JetPartonCalibrationParameterSet | |
JetPartonCalibrationParameterSet | |
JetPartonNamespace::ParametrizationJetParton | |
JetPartonNamespace::UserPartonMixture | |
JetPDSkim_cfg | |
jetPlusTrack_cff | |
JetPlusTrackCorrections_cff | |
JetPlusTrackCorrections_cfi | |
JetPlusTrackCorrectionsAA_cff | |
jetProbabilityBJetTags_cfi | |
jetProbabilityComputer_cfi | |
jetProducer_cff | |
jetProducer_cfi | |
jetProducers_validation_cfg | |
JetReco | |
JetReco::CorrectedIndexedCandidate | |
JetReco::IndexedCandidate | |
jetSelector_cfi | |
jetSkim_cff | |
jetTagRecord_cfi | |
jetTools | |
jetTools::AddJetCollection | |
jetTools::AddJetID | |
jetTools::SetTagInfos | |
jetTools::SwitchJetCollection | |
jetTracksCharge_cff | |
JetValidation_cff | |
JetValidation_cfi | |
JetValidationHeavyIons_cff | |
jetVertexChecker_cfi | |
JetVetoedTracksAssociator_cfi | |
Jpsi_EXTRAS_cff | |
JpsiEE_Pt_0_20_7TeV_cfi | |
JpsiEE_Pt_0_20_8TeV_cfi | |
JpsiEE_Pt_0_20_cfi | |
JpsiEE_Pt_20_inf_7TeV_cfi | |
JpsiEE_Pt_20_inf_8TeV_cfi | |
JpsiEE_Pt_20_inf_cfi | |
JpsiMM_13TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_14TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_7TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_8TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_cfi | |
JpsiMM_filt_cfi | |
JpsiMM_Pt_0_20_7TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_Pt_0_20_8TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_Pt_0_20_cfi | |
JpsiMM_Pt_20_inf_7TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_Pt_20_inf_8TeV_cfi | |
JpsiMM_Pt_20_inf_cfi | |
jpsiMuMuTrigSettings_cff | |
jpsiToMuMu_EventContent_cff | |
jpsiToMuMu_HLTPath_cfi | |
jpsiToMuMu_SkimPath_cff | |
jpsiToMuMuOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
jpt | |
jpt::Efficiency | Generic container class |
jpt::JetTracks | Tracks associated to jets that are in-cone at Vertex and CaloFace |
JetTracks | Tracks associated to jets that are in-cone at Vertex and CaloFace |
jpt::Map | Container class for response & efficiency maps |
jpt::Map::Element | |
jpt::MatchedTracks | Particles matched to tracks that are in/in, in/out, out/in at Vertex and CaloFace |
jptDQMConfig_cff | |
jptJetAnalysis | |
jptJetAnalysis::StripSignalOverNoiseCalculator | |
jptJetAnalysis::TrackPropagatorToCalo | |
jptJetBenchmarkGeneric_cfi | |
JPTRecoTauProducer_cff | |
Json | JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) |
Json::BatchAllocator | |
Json::BatchAllocator::BatchInfo | |
Json::FastWriter | Outputs aValueinJSONformat without formatting (not human friendly) |
Json::Features | Configuration passed to reader and writer. This configuration object can be used to force theReaderorWriterto behave in a standard conforming way |
Json::Path | Experimental and untested: represents a "path" to access a node |
Json::PathArgument | Experimental and untested: represents an element of the "path" to access a node |
Json::Reader | Unserialize aJSONdocument into aValue |
Json::Reader::ErrorInfo | |
Json::Reader::Token | |
Json::StaticString | Lightweight wrapper to tag static string |
Json::StyledStreamWriter | Writes aValueinJSONformat in a human friendly way, to a stream rather than to a string |
Json::StyledWriter | Writes aValueinJSONformat in a human friendly way |
Json::Value | Represents aJSONvalue |
Json::Value::CommentInfo | |
Json::Value::CZString | |
Json::Value::ValueHolder | |
Json::ValueAllocator | Experimental do not use: Allocator to customize member name and string value memory management done byValue |
Json::ValueConstIterator | Const iterator for object and array value |
Json::ValueIterator | Iteratorfor object and array value |
Json::ValueIteratorBase | Base class forValueiterators |
Json::Writer | Abstract class for writers |
jsoncollector | |
jsoncollector::DataPoint | |
jsoncollector::DataPointDefinition | |
jsoncollector::DataPointMonitor | |
jsoncollector::DoubleJ | |
jsoncollector::FastMonitor | |
jsoncollector::FileIO | |
jsoncollector::IntJ | |
jsoncollector::JsonMonitorable | |
JsonMonitorable | |
jsoncollector::JsonSerializable | |
JsonSerializable | |
jsoncollector::JSONSerializer | |
JSONSerializer | |
jsoncollector::LegendItem | |
jsoncollector::ObjectMerger | |
jsoncollector::Operations | |
jsoncollector::StringJ | |
jsoncollector::Utils | |
JSONExport | |
JSONExport::JsonExport | |
JsonExport | |
JustL1Validation_cff | |
jvcParameters_cfi | |
JetClustering | |
Jet | |
JetInput | |
JetMatching | |
JetPartonMatch | |
JetMatchingMLM | |
JetExtractor | |
Jet | Analysis-level calorimeter jet class |
JetCorrFactors | Class for the storage of jet correction factors |
JetCorrFactorsProducer | Produces a ValueMap betweenJetCorrFactorsand the to the originating reco jets |
JetSelection | |
JetSelector | Selects good Jets |
JetIDHelper | |
JetMuonHitsIDHelper | |
JetExtendedAssociation | |
JetExtendedData | |
JetFloatAssociation | |
JetTracksAssociation | |
JetFlavourIdentifier | |
Jet | Base class for all types of Jets |
JetCrystalsAssociation | |
JetFlavour | |
JetFlavourInfo | Class storing the jet flavour information |
JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection | |
JetFlavourMatchingCollection | |
JetID | JetID object |
JetMatchedPartonsCollection | |
JetPiZeroAssociation | |
JetSignalVertexCompatibilityAlgo | |
JetTagInfo | |
JetTrackMatch | Association between Jets from jet collection and tracks from track collection |
JPTJet | Jets made from CaloJets corrected for ZSP and tracks |
JTATagInfo | |
JetResolutionExtractorT | |
JetResolutionExtractorT< pat::Jet > | |
JetResolutionExtractorT< reco::PFJet > | |
JetRefCompare | |
JetRefCompare | |
JetJobPSet | Class to drive the job on L1Jet |
Jet | |
JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear | |
JacobianCartesianToLocal | |
JacobianCurvilinearToCartesian | |
JacobianCurvilinearToLocal | |
JacobianLocalToCartesian | |
JacobianLocalToCurvilinear | |
JetAnalyzer | |
JetAnalyzerBase | |
JetAnaPythia | |
JetBProbabilityComputer | |
JetCalibrationParameterSetTauJet | |
JetCharge | |
JetChargeProducer | |
JetCombinatorics | |
JetConstituentSelector | |
JetCorExample | |
JetCorrectionESChain | |
JetCorrectionESProducer | |
JetCorrectionESSource | |
JetCorrectionsRecord | |
JetCorrectionUncertainty | |
JetCorrector | |
JetCorrectorDBReader | |
JetCorrectorDBWriter | |
JetCorrectorDemo | |
JetCorrectorOnTheFly | |
JetCorrectorParameters | |
JetCorrectorParameters::Definitions | |
JetCorrectorParameters::Record | |
JetCorrectorParametersCollection | |
JetCorrectorParametersRecord | |
JetCorrExtractorT | |
JetCrystalsAssociator | |
jetData | |
JetDeltaRValueMapProducer | |
JetEnergyShift | Plugin to shift the jet energy scale and recalculate theMETaccordingly |
JetExtendedAssociation | Association between jets and extended Jet information |
JetExtender | |
JetExtractor | |
JetFlavourClustering | Clusters hadrons, partons, and jet contituents to determine the jet flavour |
JetFlavourCutFilter | |
JetFlavourFilter | |
JetFloatAssociation | Association between jets and float value |
JetIDFailureFilter | |
JetIDProducer | |
JetIDSelectionFunctor | Jet selector for pat::Jets and for CaloJets |
JetIdSelector | |
JetIDStudiesSelector | |
JetMatchingHook | |
JetMatchingTools | |
JetMETAnalyzer | |
JetMETDQMDCSFilter | |
JetMETDQMOfflineClient | |
JetMETDQMPostProcessor | |
JetMETHLTOfflineClient | |
JetMETHLTOfflineSource | |
JetMETHLTOfflineSource::PathInfo | |
JetMETHLTOfflineSource::PathInfoCollection | |
JetOffsetCorrector | |
JetPartonCorrector | |
JetPartonMatcher | |
JetPartonMatching | |
JetPlotsExample | |
JetPlusTrackCorrector | Jet energy correction algorithm using tracks |
JetPlusTrackProducer | |
JetPlusTrackProducerAA | |
JetProbabilityComputer | |
JetPtAnalyzer | |
JetPtSorter | |
JetResolution | |
JetSignalVertexCompatibility | |
JetTagComputer | |
JetTagComputer::TagInfoHelper | |
JetTagComputerESProducer | |
JetTagComputerRecord | |
JetTagPlotter | |
JetTagProducer | |
JetTester | |
JetToDigiDump | |
JetTracksAssociation | Association between jets and float value |
JetTracksAssociationDR | |
JetTracksAssociationDRCalo | |
JetTracksAssociationDRVertex | |
JetTracksAssociationDRVertexAssigned | |
JetTracksAssociationExplicit | |
JetTracksAssociationXtrpCalo | |
JetTracksAssociatorAtCaloFace | |
JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex | |
JetTracksAssociatorExplicit | |
JetUtil | |
JetValidation | |
JetVertexAssociation | |
JetVertexChecker | |
JetVertexMain | |
JetVetoedTracksAssociationDRVertex | |
JetVetoedTracksAssociatorAtVertex | |
JGJFilter | |
JobReportService | |
JoinCaloTowerRefVectorsWithoutDuplicates | |
JoinCaloTowerRefVectorsWithoutDuplicates::twrrefcomp | |
JPTJetAnalyzer | JPT jet analyzer class definition |
JPTJetAnalyzer::HistogramConfig | Helper class to hold the configuration for a histogram |
JPTJetAnalyzer::TrackHistograms | Helper class for grouping histograms belowing to a set of tracks |
Jet | |
JetwithHigherPt | |
JetType | |