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RecoTauValidation_cfi Namespace Reference


class  ApplyFunctionToSequence
 The plotting of HPS Efficiencies. More...


def ConvertDrawJobToLegacyCompare
def MakeLabeler
def RemoveComparisonPlotCommands
def SetBaseDirectory
def setBinning
def SetCompareToLegacyProductNames
def SetLogScale
def SetPlotDirectory
def SetPlotOnlyStepByStep
def SetReferenceFileToPlot
def SetSmartLogScale
def SetTestAndReferenceLabels
def SetTestFileToPlot
def setTrigger
def SetValidationExtention
def SetYmodulesToLog
def TranslateToLegacyProdNames


tuple denominator = cms.InputTag("kinematicSelectedTauValDenominator")
tuple discriminators
list drawOptModifiers = [['eff_overlay01',['markerColor','lineColor'],[1,1]],['eff_overlay02',['markerColor','lineColor'],[2,2]],['eff_overlay03',['markerColor','lineColor'],[3,3]],['eff_overlay04',['markerColor','lineColor'],[4,4]],['eff_overlay05',['markerColor','lineColor'],[6,6]],['eff_overlay06',['markerColor','lineColor'],[5,5]],['eff_overlay07',['markerColor','lineColor'],[7,7]],['eff_overlay08',['markerColor','lineColor'],[28,28]],['eff_overlay09',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[2,2,29]],['eff_overlay010',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[4,4,29]],['eff_overlay011',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[6,6,29]]]
tuple drawOptStuff
tuple ExtensionName = cms.string("")
 GenericTriggerSelection = GenericTriggerSelectionParameters,
tuple GenericTriggerSelectionParameters
tuple kinematicSelectedTauValDenominatorCut = cms.string('pt > 5. && abs(eta) < 2.5')
list legModifiers = [['efficiency',['posY','sizeY'],[0.72,0.17]],['efficiency_overlay',['posY','sizeY'],[0.66,0.23]]]
tuple legStuff
tuple loadTau
tuple plotNamesToNormalize = cms.vstring('*_pTRatio_*','*_Size_*','*_SumPt_*','*_dRTauRefJet*')
 Normalizes All the histograms. More...
tuple plotPset = Utils.SetPlotSequence(proc.TauValNumeratorAndDenominator)
 plots = plotPset
tuple proc = cms.Process('helper')
tuple reference = cms.string('*_pTRatio_allHadronic')
tuple standardCompareTestAndReference
tuple standardDrawingStuff
tuple StandardMatchingParameters
tuple TauProducer = cms.InputTag('')
tuple xAxisStuff
list xModifiers = [['pt',['xAxisTitle'],['P_{T} / GeV']],['eta',['xAxisTitle'],['#eta']],['phi',['xAxisTitle'],['#phi']],['pileup',['xAxisTitle'],['# of Reco Vertices']]]
tuple yAxisStuff
list yModifiers = [['efficiency',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['linear','#varepsilon']],['fakeRate',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['log','Fake rate']]]

Function Documentation

def RecoTauValidation_cfi.ConvertDrawJobToLegacyCompare (   input)
Converts a draw job defined to compare 31X named PFTau validtion efficiencies
    to comapre a 31X to a 22X named validation 

Definition at line 406 of file

References TranslateToLegacyProdNames().

408  """ Converts a draw job defined to compare 31X named PFTau validtion efficiencies
409  to comapre a 31X to a 22X named validation """
410  # get the list of drawjobs { name : copyOfPSet }
411  if not hasattr(input, "drawJobs"):
412  return
413  myDrawJobs = input.drawJobs.parameters_()
414  for drawJobName, drawJobData in myDrawJobs.iteritems():
415  print drawJobData
416  if not drawJobData.plots.pythonTypeName() == "cms.PSet":
417  continue
418  pSetToInsert = cms.PSet(
419  standardEfficiencyParameters,
420  plots = cms.VPSet(
421  # test plot w/ modern names
422  cms.PSet(
423  dqmMonitorElements = drawJobData.plots.dqmMonitorElements,
424  process = cms.string('test'),
425  drawOptionEntry = cms.string('eff_overlay01'),
426  legendEntry = cms.string(input.processes.test.legendEntry.value())
427  ),
428  # ref plot w/ vintage name
429  cms.PSet(
430  # translate the name
431  dqmMonitorElements = cms.vstring(TranslateToLegacyProdNames(drawJobData.plots.dqmMonitorElements.value()[0])),
432  process = cms.string('reference'),
433  drawOptionEntry = cms.string('eff_overlay02'),
434  legendEntry = cms.string(input.processes.reference.legendEntry.value())
435  )
436  )
437  )
438  input.drawJobs.__setattr__(drawJobName, pSetToInsert)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.MakeLabeler (   TestLabel,

Definition at line 439 of file

Referenced by SetTestAndReferenceLabels().

440 def MakeLabeler(TestLabel, ReferenceLabel):
441  def labeler(module):
442  if hasattr(module, 'processes'):
443  if module.processes.hasParameter(['test', 'legendEntry']) and module.processes.hasParameter([ 'reference', 'legendEntry']):
444  module.processes.test.legendEntry = TestLabel
445  module.processes.reference.legendEntry = ReferenceLabel
446  print "Set test label to %s and reference label to %s for plot producer %s" % (TestLabel, ReferenceLabel, module.label())
447  else:
448  print "ERROR in RecoTauValidation_cfi::MakeLabeler - trying to set test/reference label but %s does not have processes.(test/reference).legendEntry parameters!" % module.label()
449  return labeler
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.RemoveComparisonPlotCommands (   module)

Definition at line 485 of file

486 def RemoveComparisonPlotCommands(module):
487  if hasattr(module, 'drawJobs'):
488  #get draw job parameter names
489  drawJobs = module.drawJobs.parameterNames_()
490  for drawJob in drawJobs:
491  if drawJob != "TauIdEffStepByStep":
492  module.drawJobs.__delattr__(drawJob)
493  print "Removing comparison plot", drawJob
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetBaseDirectory (   Directory)

Definition at line 472 of file

Referenced by SetPlotDirectory().

473 def SetBaseDirectory(Directory):
474  def BaseDirectorizer(module):
475  newPath = Directory
476  #if module.hasParameter("outputFilePath"):
477  if hasattr(module, "outputFilePath"):
478  oldPath = module.outputFilePath.value()
479  newPath = os.path.join(newPath, oldPath)
480  if not os.path.exists(newPath):
481  os.makedirs(newPath)
482  print newPath
483  module.outputFilePath = cms.string("%s" % newPath)
484  return BaseDirectorizer
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.setBinning (   module,

Definition at line 530 of file

531 def setBinning(module,pset):
532  if module._TypedParameterizable__type == 'TauTagValidation':
533  module.histoSettings = pset
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetCompareToLegacyProductNames (   myPlottingSequence)

Definition at line 502 of file

503 def SetCompareToLegacyProductNames(myPlottingSequence):
504  myFunctor = ApplyFunctionToSequence(ConvertDrawJobToLegacyCompare)
505  myPlottingSequence.visit(myFunctor)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetLogScale (   myPlottingSequence)

Definition at line 515 of file

References SetYmodulesToLog().

516 def SetLogScale(myPlottingSequence):
518  myPlottingSequence.visit(myFunctor)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetPlotDirectory (   myPlottingSequence,

Definition at line 494 of file

References SetBaseDirectory().

495 def SetPlotDirectory(myPlottingSequence, directory):
496  myFunctor = ApplyFunctionToSequence(SetBaseDirectory(directory))
497  myPlottingSequence.visit(myFunctor)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetPlotOnlyStepByStep (   myPlottingSequence)

Definition at line 523 of file

524 def SetPlotOnlyStepByStep(myPlottingSequence):
525  myFunctor = ApplyFunctionToSequence(RemoveComparisonPlotCommands)
526  myPlottingSequence.visit(myFunctor)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetReferenceFileToPlot (   myProcess,

Definition at line 509 of file

510 def SetReferenceFileToPlot(myProcess, FileLoc):
511  if FileLoc == None:
512  del myProcess.loadTau.reference
513  else:
514  myProcess.loadTau.reference.inputFileNames = cms.vstring(FileLoc)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetSmartLogScale (   myPlottingSequence)

Definition at line 519 of file

References SetYmodulesToLog().

520 def SetSmartLogScale(myPlottingSequence):
521  myFunctor = ApplyFunctionToSequence(SetYmodulesToLog(['Electron', 'Muon', 'Isolation', 'TaNC']))
522  myPlottingSequence.visit(myFunctor)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetTestAndReferenceLabels (   myPlottingSequence,

Definition at line 498 of file

References MakeLabeler().

499 def SetTestAndReferenceLabels(myPlottingSequence, TestLabel, ReferenceLabel):
500  myFunctor = ApplyFunctionToSequence(MakeLabeler(TestLabel, ReferenceLabel))
501  myPlottingSequence.visit(myFunctor)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetTestFileToPlot (   myProcess,

Definition at line 506 of file

507 def SetTestFileToPlot(myProcess, FileLoc):
508  myProcess.loadTau.test.inputFileNames = cms.vstring(FileLoc)
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.setTrigger (   module,

Definition at line 534 of file

535 def setTrigger(module,pset):
536  if hasattr(module,'_TypedParameterizable__type') and module._TypedParameterizable__type == 'TauTagValidation':
537  setattr(module,'turnOnTrigger',cms.bool(True)) #Turns on trigger (in case is off)
538  for item in pset.parameters_().items():
539  setattr(module.GenericTriggerSelection,item[0],item[1])
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetValidationExtention (   module,

Definition at line 527 of file

528 def SetValidationExtention(module, extension):
529  module.ExtensionName = module.ExtensionName.value()+extension
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.SetYmodulesToLog (   matchingNames = [])
set all modules whose name contains one of the matching names to log y scale

Definition at line 450 of file

References dir, and

Referenced by SetLogScale(), and SetSmartLogScale().

451 def SetYmodulesToLog(matchingNames = []):
452  ''' set all modules whose name contains one of the matching names to log y scale'''
453  def yLogger(module):
454  ''' set a module to use log scaling in the yAxis'''
455  if hasattr(module, 'drawJobs'):
456  print "EK DEBUG"
457  drawJobParamGetter = lambda subName : getattr(module.drawJobs, subName)
458  #for subModule in [getattr(module.drawJobs, subModuleName) for subModuleName in dir(module.drawJobs)]:
459  attrNames = dir(module.drawJobs)
460  for subModuleName, subModule in zip(attrNames, map(drawJobParamGetter, attrNames)):
461  matchedNames = [name for name in matchingNames if subModuleName.find( name) > -1] # matching sub strings
462  if len(matchingNames) == 0:
463  matchedNames = ['take','everything','and','dont','bother']
464  if hasattr(subModule, "yAxis") and len(matchedNames):
465  print "Setting drawJob: ", subModuleName, " to log scale."
466  subModule.yAxis = cms.string('fakeRate') #'fakeRate' configuration specifies the log scaling
467  if len(matchingNames) == 0:
468  module.yAxes.efficiency.maxY_log = 40
469  module.yAxes.fakeRate.maxY_log = 40
470  return yLogger
dbl *** dir
def RecoTauValidation_cfi.TranslateToLegacyProdNames (   input)

Definition at line 395 of file

Referenced by ConvertDrawJobToLegacyCompare().

396 def TranslateToLegacyProdNames(input):
397  input = re.sub('fixedConePFTauProducer', 'pfRecoTauProducer', input)
398  #fixedDiscriminationRegex = re.compile('fixedConePFTauDiscrimination( \w* )')
399  fixedDiscriminationRegex = re.compile('fixedConePFTauDiscrimination(\w*)')
400  input = fixedDiscriminationRegex.sub(r'pfRecoTauDiscrimination\1', input)
401  input = re.sub('shrinkingConePFTauProducer', 'pfRecoTauProducerHighEfficiency', input)
402  shrinkingDiscriminationRegex = re.compile('shrinkingConePFTauDiscrimination(\w*)')
403  input = shrinkingDiscriminationRegex.sub(r'pfRecoTauDiscrimination\1HighEfficiency', input)
404  return input

Variable Documentation

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.denominator = cms.InputTag("kinematicSelectedTauValDenominator")

Definition at line 74 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.discriminators
Initial value:
1 = cms.VPSet(
2  )

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by PFTau3ProngReco.PFTau3ProngReco(), PFTauPrimaryVertexProducer.PFTauPrimaryVertexProducer(), PFTauSelectorDefinition.PFTauSelectorDefinition(), and reco::tau::RecoTauDiscriminantFromDiscriminator.RecoTauDiscriminantFromDiscriminator().

list RecoTauValidation_cfi.drawOptModifiers = [['eff_overlay01',['markerColor','lineColor'],[1,1]],['eff_overlay02',['markerColor','lineColor'],[2,2]],['eff_overlay03',['markerColor','lineColor'],[3,3]],['eff_overlay04',['markerColor','lineColor'],[4,4]],['eff_overlay05',['markerColor','lineColor'],[6,6]],['eff_overlay06',['markerColor','lineColor'],[5,5]],['eff_overlay07',['markerColor','lineColor'],[7,7]],['eff_overlay08',['markerColor','lineColor'],[28,28]],['eff_overlay09',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[2,2,29]],['eff_overlay010',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[4,4,29]],['eff_overlay011',['markerColor','lineColor','markerStyle'],[6,6,29]]]

Definition at line 253 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.drawOptStuff
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  markerColor = cms.int32(1),
3  markerSize = cms.double(1.),
4  markerStyle = cms.int32(20),
5  lineColor = cms.int32(1),
6  lineStyle = cms.int32(1),
7  lineWidth = cms.int32(2),
8  drawOption = cms.string('ex0'),
9  drawOptionLegend = cms.string('p')
10 )

Definition at line 243 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.ExtensionName = cms.string("")

Definition at line 118 of file

RecoTauValidation_cfi.GenericTriggerSelection = GenericTriggerSelectionParameters,

Definition at line 117 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.GenericTriggerSelectionParameters
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  andOr = cms.bool( False ),#specifies the logical combination of the single filters' (L1, HLT and DCS) decisions at top level (True=OR)
3  dbLabel = cms.string("PFTauDQMTrigger"),#specifies the label under which the DB payload is available from the ESSource or Global Tag
4  andOrHlt = cms.bool(True),#specifies the logical combination of the single HLT paths' decisions (True=OR)
5  hltInputTag = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults::HLT"),
6  #hltDBKey = cms.string('jetmet_highptjet'),#Tag of the record in the database, where IOV-based HLT paths are found. This record overwrites the configuration parameter hltPaths
7  hltPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_IsoMu*_eta*_LooseIsoPFTau*_v*','HLT_DoubleIsoPFTau*_Trk*_eta*_v*'),#Lists logical expressions of HLT paths, which should have accepted the event (fallback in case DB unaccessible)
8  errorReplyHlt = cms.bool(False),#specifies the desired return value of the HLT filter and the single HLT path filter in case of certain errors
9  verbosityLevel = cms.uint32(0) #0: complete silence (default), needed for T0 processing;
10 )

Definition at line 103 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.kinematicSelectedTauValDenominatorCut = cms.string('pt > 5. && abs(eta) < 2.5')

Definition at line 73 of file

list RecoTauValidation_cfi.legModifiers = [['efficiency',['posY','sizeY'],[0.72,0.17]],['efficiency_overlay',['posY','sizeY'],[0.66,0.23]]]

Definition at line 241 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.legStuff
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  posX = cms.double(0.50),
3  posY = cms.double(0.72),
4  sizeX = cms.double(0.39),
5  sizeY = cms.double(0.17),
6  header = cms.string(''),
7  option = cms.string('brNDC'),
8  borderSize = cms.int32(0),
9  fillColor = cms.int32(0)
10 )

Definition at line 231 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.loadTau
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("TauDQMFileLoader",
2  test = cms.PSet(
3  #inputFileNames = cms.vstring('/afs/'),
4  inputFileNames = cms.vstring('/opt/sbg/cms/ui4_data1/dbodin/CMSSW_3_5_1/src/TauID/QCD_recoFiles/TauVal_CMSSW_3_6_0_QCD.root'),
5  scaleFactor = cms.double(1.),
6  dqmDirectory_store = cms.string('test')
7  ),
8  reference = cms.PSet(
9  inputFileNames = cms.vstring('/opt/sbg/cms/ui4_data1/dbodin/CMSSW_3_5_1/src/TauID/QCD_recoFiles/TauVal_CMSSW_3_6_0_QCD.root'),
10  scaleFactor = cms.double(1.),
11  dqmDirectory_store = cms.string('reference')
12  )
13 )

Definition at line 195 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.plotNamesToNormalize = cms.vstring('*_pTRatio_*','*_Size_*','*_SumPt_*','*_dRTauRefJet*')

Normalizes All the histograms.

Definition at line 177 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.plotPset = Utils.SetPlotSequence(proc.TauValNumeratorAndDenominator)

Definition at line 162 of file

Referenced by ConfigurableAnalysis.ConfigurableAnalysis(), and PlottingDevice.PlottingDevice().

RecoTauValidation_cfi.plots = plotPset

Definition at line 165 of file

Referenced by PatTrackAnalyzer.analyze(), PatBJetTagAnalyzer.beginJob(), PatTrackAnalyzer.beginJob(), PatBJetTrackAnalyzer.beginJob(), PatBJetVertexAnalyzer.beginJob(), L1TEfficiency_Harvesting.L1TEfficiency_Harvesting(), FastTimerService.preStreamBeginRun(), FastTimerService::StreamData.reset(), TauDQMHistEffProducer.TauDQMHistEffProducer(), and TauDQMHistPlotter.TauDQMHistPlotter().

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.proc = cms.Process('helper')

Definition at line 88 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.reference = cms.string('*_pTRatio_allHadronic')

Definition at line 178 of file

Referenced by, HDQMInspector.createTrend(), MuonAlignmentFromReference.initialize(), HDQMInspector.InitializeIOVList(), writeCalibTxt(), and writeCMSSWCoeff().

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.standardCompareTestAndReference
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  processes = cms.PSet(
3  test = cms.PSet(
4  dqmDirectory = cms.string('test'),
5  legendEntry = cms.string('no test label'),
6  type = cms.string('smMC') # Data/smMC/bsmMC/smSumMC
7  ),
8  reference = cms.PSet(
9  dqmDirectory = cms.string('reference'),
10  legendEntry = cms.string('no ref label'),
11  type = cms.string('smMC') # Data/smMC/bsmMC/smSumMC
12  )
13  ),
14 )

Definition at line 315 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.standardDrawingStuff

Definition at line 255 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.StandardMatchingParameters
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  DataType = cms.string('Leptons'),
3  MatchDeltaR_Leptons = cms.double(0.15),
4  MatchDeltaR_Jets = cms.double(0.3),
5  SaveOutputHistograms = cms.bool(False), #TRUE FOR TEST ONLY
6  #RefCollection = cms.InputTag("TauGenJetProducer","selectedGenTauDecaysToHadronsPt5Cumulative"),
7  RefCollection = denominator,
8  TauPtCut = cms.double(0.), #almost deprecated, since recoCuts provides more flexibility
9  recoCuts = cms.string(''), #filter reconstructed candidates. leave this empty to select all. or use sth like: pt > 20 & abs(eta) < 2.3
10  genCuts = cms.string(''), #filter generated candidates. leave this empty to select all. or use sth like: pt > 20 & abs(eta) < 2.3
11  chainCuts = cms.bool(False) #Decide whether to chain discriminators or not
12 )

Definition at line 90 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.TauProducer = cms.InputTag('')

Definition at line 119 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.xAxisStuff
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  xAxisTitle = cms.string('P_{T} / GeV'),
3  xAxisTitleOffset = cms.double(0.9),
4  xAxisTitleSize = cms.double(0.05)
5 )

Definition at line 212 of file

list RecoTauValidation_cfi.xModifiers = [['pt',['xAxisTitle'],['P_{T} / GeV']],['eta',['xAxisTitle'],['#eta']],['phi',['xAxisTitle'],['#phi']],['pileup',['xAxisTitle'],['# of Reco Vertices']]]

Definition at line 217 of file

tuple RecoTauValidation_cfi.yAxisStuff
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  yScale = cms.string('linear'), # linear/log
3  minY_linear = cms.double(0.),
4  maxY_linear = cms.double(1.6),
5  minY_log = cms.double(0.001),
6  maxY_log = cms.double(1.8),
7  yAxisTitle = cms.string('#varepsilon'),
8  yAxisTitleOffset = cms.double(1.1),
9  yAxisTitleSize = cms.double(0.05)
10 )

Definition at line 219 of file

list RecoTauValidation_cfi.yModifiers = [['efficiency',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['linear','#varepsilon']],['fakeRate',['yScale','yAxisTitle'],['log','Fake rate']]]

Definition at line 229 of file