18 matchCandBench_(mode),
20 matchCharge_(matchCharge) {
22 setRange( 0.0, 10e10, -10.0, 10.0, -3.14, 3.14);
61 float ptmin,
float ptmax,
float etamin,
float etamax,
68 setRange( ptmin, ptmax, etamin, etamax, phimin, phimax );
90 if (etaPS.getParameter<
"switchOn")) {
91 eta_ref_ =
"eta_ref_;#eta_ref_", etaPS.getParameter<int32_t>(
92 etaPS.getParameter<
93 etaPS.getParameter<
95 if (phiPS.getParameter<
"switchOn")) {
96 phi_ref_ =
"phi_ref_;#phref_i", phiPS.getParameter<int32_t>(
97 phiPS.getParameter<
98 phiPS.getParameter<
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
void setup()
book histograms
bool createReferenceHistos_
virtual float eta() const =0
momentum pseudorapidity
void setup()
book histograms
void setup()
book histograms
virtual float phi() const =0
momentum azimuthal angle
virtual void setDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
void setParameters(float dRMax, bool matchCharge, Benchmark::Mode mode, float ptmin, float ptmax, float etamin, float etamax, float phimin, float phimax, bool refHistoFlag)
set the parameters locally
virtual float pt() const =0
transverse momentum
void setDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
set directory (to use in ROOT)
virtual ~PFCandidateMonitor()
void setParameters(Mode mode)
CandidateBenchmark candBench_
void setRange(float ptMin, float ptMax, float etaMin, float etaMax, float phiMin, float phiMax)
void fillOne(const reco::Candidate &cand)
MatchCandidateBenchmark matchCandBench_
TH1F * book1D(const char *histname, const char *title, int nbins, float xmin, float xmax)
book a 1D histogram, either with DQM or plain root.
PFCandidateMonitor(float dRMax=0.3, bool matchCharge=true, Benchmark::Mode mode=Benchmark::DEFAULT)