Classes | Functions | Variables

cfg-viewer Namespace Reference


class  html
class  server
class  unscheduled
class  visitor


def computeConfigs
def doTypes
def getParameters
def getParamSeqDict
def JSONFormat
def listBase
def main


string action = "store_true"
 default = False,
tuple distBaseDirectory
tuple distBinaryBaseDirectory = os.path.join(baseDirectory,"dist")
list doesNotExist = [x for x in args if not os.path.exists(x)]
string help = "Print minimal messages to stdout"
string helper_dir = "cfgViewerJS"
tuple parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog <cfg-file> ")
tuple process = cms.Process('%(n)s')
 recurse = opts._recurse
string s = ""

Function Documentation

def cfg-viewer::computeConfigs (   args)

Definition at line 1383 of file

01384                         :
01385   pyList=[]
01386   for x in args:
01387     if(os.path.isdir(x)):
01388       # get all .py files.
01389       allItems = os.listdir(x)
01390       py = [os.path.join(x,y) for y in allItems if y.endswith(".py")]
01391       pyList.extend(computeConfigs(py))
01392       if(recurse):
01393        # print "recurse"
01394         # if we want to recurse, we look for everything
01395         dirs = []
01396         for y in os.listdir(x):
01397           path = os.path.join(x,y)
01398           if(os.path.isdir(path)):
01399             pyList.extend(computeConfigs([os.path.join(path,z)
01400                                           for z in os.listdir(path)]))
01401     elif(x.endswith(".py")):
01402       pyList.append(x)
01403   return pyList
01405 recurse=False

def cfg-viewer::doTypes (   spec,

Definition at line 1261 of file

01262                           :
01263   genericTypes[spec] = generic

def cfg-viewer::getParameters (   parameters)

Definition at line 438 of file

Referenced by LMFUnique::setByID().

00439                              :
00440   all =[]
00441   if(not parameters):
00442     return []
00443   for (name,valType) in parameters.iteritems():
00444     theT= (valType.configTypeName() if(
00445            hasattr(valType,"configTypeName")) else "").split(" ",1)[-1]
00446     temp = re.sub("<|>|'", "", str(type(valType)))
00447     generic, spec = temp.split(".")[-2:]
00448     doTypes(spec,generic)
00449     theList=[name]
00450     if(isinstance(valType,cms._Parameterizable)):
00451       theList.append(getParameters(valType.parameters_()))
00452     elif(isinstance(valType,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
00453       theList.append(listBase(valType))
00454     else:
00455       if(isinstance(valType,cms._SimpleParameterTypeBase)):
00456         value = valType.configValue()
00457       else:
00458         try:
00459           value = valType.pythonValue()
00460         except:
00461           value = valType
00462       theList.append(value) 
00463       if(theT != "double" and theT !="int" and type(valType)!= str):
00464         if(not valType.isTracked()):
00465           theList.append("untracked")
00466     theList.append(theT)
00467     all.append(theList)
00468   return all

def cfg-viewer::getParamSeqDict (   params,

Definition at line 514 of file

00515                                             :
00516   d={}
00517   d[dictFeatures[0]] = params
00518   d[dictFeatures[1]] = typ
00519   d[dictFeatures[2]] = fil
00520   d[dictFeatures[3]] = oType
00521   return d

def cfg-viewer::JSONFormat (   d)

Definition at line 1264 of file

01265                  :
01266   import json
01267   return json.dumps(d)

def cfg-viewer::listBase (   VList)

Definition at line 469 of file

00470                    :
00471   # we have a list of things.. 
00472   #loop around the list get parameters of inners.
00473   #Since ValidatingListBases "*usually* have the same types 
00474   #throughout, just test first --is this a rule?
00475   # Find out and if needed move these ifs to the loop.
00476   if(not VList):return ""
00477   first = VList[0]
00478   if(isinstance(first,cms._Parameterizable)or 
00479      isinstance(first,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
00480     anotherVList=False
00481     if(isinstance(first,cms._ValidatingListBase)):
00482       anotherVList=True
00483     outerList=[]
00484     for member in VList:
00485       if(member.hasLabel_()):
00486         name = member.label()
00487       else:
00488         name = member.configTypeName()
00489       innerList=[name]
00490       if(not anotherVList):
00491         innerList.append(getParameters(member.parameters_()))
00492       else:
00493         innerList.append(listBase(member))
00494       temp = re.sub("<|>|'", "", str(type(member)))
00495       generic, spec = temp.split(".")[-2:]
00496       doTypes(spec,generic)
00497       innerList.append(spec)
00498       outerList.append(innerList)
00499     return outerList
00500   elif(isinstance(first,cms._SimpleParameterTypeBase)):
00501     return ",".join(i.configValue() for i in VList)
00502   elif(isinstance(first,cms._ParameterTypeBase)):
00503     return ",".join(i.pythonValue() for i in VList)
00504   else:
00505     #Most things should at least be _ParameterTypeBase, adding this jic
00506     try:
00507       outcome = ",".join(str(i) for i in VList)
00508       return outcome
00509     except:
00510       return "Unknown types"
00513 dictFeatures=["Parameters", "Type", "File", "oType"]
# Used to enforce dictionary in datafiles.
def cfg-viewer::main (   args,

Definition at line 1406 of file

01407                                                  :
01408   dirName = "%s-cfghtml"
01409   # new dir format
01410   #  cfgViewer.html
01411   #  patTuple-html/
01412   #    lower.html
01413   #    cfgViewerHelper/
01414   #      -json files
01415   pyconfigs = computeConfigs(args) 
01416   tmpte = '<li><a href ="%(n)s">%(s)s</a></li>'
01417   lis=""
01418   found =0
01419   for x in pyconfigs:
01420     print "-----"
01421     # for every config file
01422     name = os.path.split(x)[1].replace(".py", "")
01423     dirN =  dirName%(name)
01424     # we have the dir name now we only need
01425     # now we have thedir for everything to be stored in
01426     #htmlF = opts._htmlfile
01427     #htmldir= os.path.split(htmlFile)[0]
01428     #baseDir = os.path.join(htmldir,dirN)
01429     baseDir = dirN
01430     dirCreated = False
01431     if not os.path.exists(baseDir):
01432       os.makedirs(baseDir)
01433       dirCreated = True
01434     # base Dir under where the htmlFile will be.
01435     lowerHTML = os.path.join(baseDir, htmlFile)
01436     helper = os.path.join(helperDir, "")
01437     helperdir = os.path.join(baseDir, helper, "")
01438     if not os.path.exists(helperdir):
01439       os.makedirs(helperdir)
01440     print "Calculating", x
01441     try:
01442       u = unscheduled(x, lowerHTML, quiet, helper,helperdir)
01443     except Exception as e:
01444       print "File %s is a config file but something went wrong"%(x)
01445       print "%s"%(e)
01446       continue
01447     print "Finished with", x
01448     if(not u._computed and dirCreated):
01449       # remove any directories created
01450       shutil.rmtree(baseDir)
01451       continue
01452     found +=1
01453     lis += tmpte%{"n":os.path.join(dirN,htmlFile),"s":name}
01454   with open("index.html", 'w')as f:
01455     f.write("""
01456 <!DOCTYPE html>
01457 <html>
01458   <head>
01459     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
01460     <title>cfg-browser</title>
01461   </head>
01462   <body>
01463     <h4>Configuration files:</h4>
01464     <ul>
01465       %s
01466     </ul>
01467   </body>
01468 </html>
01469     """%("".join(lis)))
01470   if(found == 0):
01471     print "Sorry, no configuration files were found."
01472     return
01473   print "Finished dealing with configuration files."
01474   server("")
01475   if(not noServer):
01476     print "-----"
01477     print "Starting the python server.."
01478     import  cfgServer
01479     cfgServer.main()

Variable Documentation

string cfg-viewer::action = "store_true"

Definition at line 1486 of file

cfg-viewer::default = False,

Definition at line 1495 of file

tuple cfg-viewer::distBaseDirectory
Initial value:
00001 os.path.abspath(
00002                       os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),".."))

Definition at line 1503 of file

tuple cfg-viewer::distBinaryBaseDirectory = os.path.join(baseDirectory,"dist")

Definition at line 1522 of file

list cfg-viewer::doesNotExist = [x for x in args if not os.path.exists(x)]

Definition at line 1527 of file

string cfg-viewer::help = "Print minimal messages to stdout"

Definition at line 1487 of file

string cfg-viewer::helper_dir = "cfgViewerJS"

Definition at line 1499 of file

tuple cfg-viewer::parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog <cfg-file> ")

Definition at line 1484 of file

tuple cfg-viewer::process = cms.Process('%(n)s')

Definition at line 1283 of file

cfg-viewer::recurse = opts._recurse

Definition at line 1526 of file

string cfg-viewer::s = ""

Definition at line 1529 of file