Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

gen::Pythia6Gun Class Reference

#include <Pythia6Gun.h>

Inheritance diagram for gen::Pythia6Gun:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper gen::Pythia6ParticleGun gen::Pythia6PartonGun gen::Pythia6EGun gen::Pythia6JetGun gen::Pythia6PtGun gen::Pythia6PtYDistGun gen::Pythia6PartonEGun gen::Pythia6PartonPtGun

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void beginJob () override
void beginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void endRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
 Pythia6Gun (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual ~Pythia6Gun ()

Protected Member Functions

HepMC::GenParticle * addAntiParticle (int &, int &, double &, double &, double &)
void attachPy6DecaysToGenEvent ()
virtual void generateEvent ()=0
void loadEvent (edm::Event &)

Protected Attributes

HepMC::GenEvent * fEvt
bool fHepMCVerbosity
int fMaxEventsToPrint
double fMaxPhi
double fMinPhi
std::vector< int > fPartIDs
int fPylistVerbosity

Detailed Description

Definition at line 32 of file Pythia6Gun.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Pythia6Gun::Pythia6Gun ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 25 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), edm::errors::Configuration, Exception, funct::false, fHepMCVerbosity, fMaxEventsToPrint, fMaxPhi, fMinPhi, fPylistVerbosity, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter().

   fPy6Service( new Pythia6Service(pset) ),
   // fPDGTable( new DefaultConfig::ParticleDataTable("PDG Table") )

   ParameterSet pgun_params = 
   // although there's the method ParameterSet::empty(),  
   // it looks like it's NOT even necessary to check if it is,
   // before trying to extract parameters - if it is empty,
   // the default values seem to be taken
   fMinPhi     = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MinPhi"); // ,-3.14159265358979323846);
   fMaxPhi     = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MaxPhi"); // , 3.14159265358979323846);
   fHepMCVerbosity   = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("pythiaHepMCVerbosity", false ) ;
   fPylistVerbosity  = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>( "pythiaPylistVerbosity", 0 ) ;
   fMaxEventsToPrint = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>( "maxEventsToPrint", 0 );

// Turn off banner printout
   if (!call_pygive("MSTU(12)=12345")) 
      throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration,"PythiaError") 
            <<" pythia did not accept MSTU(12)=12345";


Pythia6Gun::~Pythia6Gun ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 57 of file

References fPy6Service.

   if ( fPy6Service ) delete fPy6Service; 
   // note that GenEvent or any undelaying (GenVertex, GenParticle) do NOT
   // need to be cleaned, as it'll be done automatically by HepMCProduct

Member Function Documentation

HepMC::GenParticle * Pythia6Gun::addAntiParticle ( int &  ip,
int &  particleID,
double &  ee,
double &  eta,
double &  phi 
) [protected]

Definition at line 238 of file

References create_public_lumi_plots::exp, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, M_PI, gen::py1ent_(), and gen::pycomp_().

Referenced by gen::Pythia6PartonEGun::generateEvent(), gen::Pythia6EGun::generateEvent(), gen::Pythia6PtGun::generateEvent(), and gen::Pythia6PartonPtGun::generateEvent().


   if ( ip < 2 ) return 0;

// translate PDG to Py6
   int py6PID = HepPID::translatePDTtoPythia( particleID );
// Check if particle is its own anti-particle.
   int pythiaCode = pycomp_(py6PID); // this is py6 internal validity check, it takes Pythia6 pid
                                     // so actually I'll need to convert
   int has_antipart = pydat2.kchg[3-1][pythiaCode-1];
   int particleID2 = has_antipart ? -1 * particleID : particleID; // this is PDG, for HepMC::GenEvent
   int py6PID2 = has_antipart ? -1 * py6PID : py6PID;    // this py6 id, for py1ent   
   double the = 2.*atan(exp(eta));
   phi  = phi + M_PI;
   if (phi > 2.* M_PI) {phi = phi - 2.* M_PI;}         

   // copy over mass of the previous one, because then py6 will pick it up
   pyjets.p[4][ip-1] = pyjets.p[4][ip-2];

   py1ent_(ip, py6PID2, ee, the, phi);

   double px     = pyjets.p[0][ip-1]; // pt*cos(phi) ;
   double py     = pyjets.p[1][ip-1]; // pt*sin(phi) ;
   double pz     = pyjets.p[2][ip-1]; // mom*cos(the) ;
   HepMC::FourVector ap(px,py,pz,ee) ;
   HepMC::GenParticle* APart =
               new HepMC::GenParticle(ap,particleID2,1);
   APart->suggest_barcode( ip ) ;

   return APart;

void Pythia6Gun::attachPy6DecaysToGenEvent ( ) [protected]

Definition at line 103 of file

References fEvt, fPartIDs, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, and dbtoconf::parent.

Referenced by produce().


   for ( int iprt=fPartIDs.size(); iprt<pyjets.n; iprt++ ) // the pointer is shifted by -1, c++ style
      int parent = pyjets.k[2][iprt];
      if ( parent != 0 )
         // pull up parent particle
         HepMC::GenParticle* parentPart = fEvt->barcode_to_particle( parent );
         parentPart->set_status( 2 ); // reset status, to mark that it's decayed
         HepMC::GenVertex* DecVtx = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(pyjets.v[0][iprt],
         DecVtx->add_particle_in( parentPart ); // this will cleanup end_vertex if exists,
                                                // and replace with the new one
                                                // I presume barcode will be given automatically
         HepMC::FourVector  pmom(pyjets.p[0][iprt],pyjets.p[1][iprt],
                                 pyjets.p[2][iprt],pyjets.p[3][iprt] );
         int dstatus = 0;
         if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt] >= 1 && pyjets.k[0][iprt] <= 10 )  
            dstatus = 1;
         else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt] >= 11 && pyjets.k[0][iprt] <= 20 ) 
            dstatus = 2;
         else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt] >= 21 && pyjets.k[0][iprt] <= 30 ) 
            dstatus = 3;
         else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt] >= 31 && pyjets.k[0][iprt] <= 100 )
            dstatus = pyjets.k[0][iprt];
         HepMC::GenParticle* daughter = 
            new HepMC::GenParticle(pmom,
                                   HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT( pyjets.k[1][iprt] ),
         daughter->suggest_barcode( iprt+1 );
         DecVtx->add_particle_out( daughter );
         // give particle barcode as well !

         int iprt1;
         for ( iprt1=iprt+1; iprt1<pyjets.n; iprt1++ ) // the pointer is shifted by -1, c++ style
            if ( pyjets.k[2][iprt1] != parent ) break; // another parent particle, break the loop

            HepMC::FourVector  pmomN(pyjets.p[0][iprt1],pyjets.p[1][iprt1],
                                     pyjets.p[2][iprt1],pyjets.p[3][iprt1] );

            dstatus = 0;
            if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 1 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 10 )  
               dstatus = 1;
            else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 11 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 20 ) 
               dstatus = 2;
            else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 21 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 30 ) 
               dstatus = 3;
            else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 31 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 100 )
               dstatus = pyjets.k[0][iprt1];
            HepMC::GenParticle* daughterN = 
               new HepMC::GenParticle(pmomN,
                                      HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT( pyjets.k[1][iprt1] ),
            daughterN->suggest_barcode( iprt1+1 );
            DecVtx->add_particle_out( daughterN );           
         iprt = iprt1-1; // reset counter such that it doesn't go over the same child more than once
                         // don't forget to offset back into c++ counting, as it's already +1 forward

         fEvt->add_vertex( DecVtx );



void Pythia6Gun::beginJob ( void  ) [override, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 67 of file

   // es.getData( fPDGTable ) ;
   return ;

void Pythia6Gun::beginRun ( edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &  es 
) [override, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 74 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), gather_cfg::cout, fPy6Service, gen::Pythia6Service::setCSAParams(), gen::Pythia6Service::setGeneralParams(), and gen::Pythia6Service::setSLHAParams().

   assert ( fPy6Service ) ;

   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance

   call_pyinit("NONE", "", "", 0.0);
   std::cout << " FYI: MSTU(10)=1 is ENFORCED in Py6-PGuns, for technical reasons"
             << std::endl;
void Pythia6Gun::endRun ( edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &  es 
) [override, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 93 of file

   // here put in GenRunInfoProduct
virtual void gen::Pythia6Gun::generateEvent ( ) [protected, pure virtual]
void Pythia6Gun::loadEvent ( edm::Event evt) [protected]

Definition at line 224 of file

References fEvt, and edm::Event::put().

Referenced by produce().


   std::auto_ptr<HepMCProduct> bare_product(new HepMCProduct());  
   if(fEvt)  bare_product->addHepMCData( fEvt );



void Pythia6Gun::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup  
) [override, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 197 of file

References attachPy6DecaysToGenEvent(), gen::call_pylist(), edm::EventID::event(), fEvt, fHepMCVerbosity, fMaxEventsToPrint, fPylistVerbosity, generateEvent(), edm::EventBase::id(), loadEvent(), and pypars.


   generateEvent() ;
   fEvt->set_event_number( ;
   fEvt->set_signal_process_id(pypars.msti[0]) ;  


   int evtN =;
   if ( evtN <= fMaxEventsToPrint )
      if ( fPylistVerbosity )
      if ( fHepMCVerbosity )
         if ( fEvt ) fEvt->print();
   loadEvent( evt );

Member Data Documentation

HepMC::GenEvent* gen::Pythia6Gun::fEvt [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file Pythia6Gun.h.

Referenced by produce(), and Pythia6Gun().

Definition at line 70 of file Pythia6Gun.h.

Referenced by produce(), and Pythia6Gun().

double gen::Pythia6Gun::fMaxPhi [protected]
double gen::Pythia6Gun::fMinPhi [protected]
std::vector<int> gen::Pythia6Gun::fPartIDs [protected]

Reimplemented in gen::Pythia6ParticleGun.

Definition at line 55 of file Pythia6Gun.h.

Referenced by attachPy6DecaysToGenEvent().

Definition at line 69 of file Pythia6Gun.h.

Referenced by produce(), and Pythia6Gun().