Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

HDShower Class Reference

#include <HDShower.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::pair< XYZPoint,
double > 
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, double > 
typedef Steps::const_iterator step_iterator
typedef std::vector< StepSteps
typedef math::XYZVector XYZPoint

Public Member Functions

bool compute ()
 Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.
int getmip ()
 HDShower (const RandomEngine *engine, HDShowerParametrization *myParam, EcalHitMaker *myGrid, HcalHitMaker *myHcalHitMaker, int onECAL, double epart, DQMStore *const dbeIn)
virtual ~HDShower ()

Private Member Functions

double gam (double x, double a) const
int indexFinder (double x, const std::vector< double > &Fhist)
void makeSteps (int nsteps)
double transProb (double factor, double R, double r)

Private Attributes

double aloge
double alpEM
double alpHD
double balanceEH
double betEM
double betHD
double criticalEnergy
double depthECAL
double depthGAP
double depthGAPx0
double depthHCAL
double depthStart
double depthStep
double depthToHCAL
std::vector< int > detector
double e
double eSpotSize
std::vector< double > eStep
double hcalDepthFactor
int infinity
double lambdaEM
double lambdaHD
std::vector< double > lamcurr
std::vector< double > lamdepth
std::vector< double > lamstep
std::vector< double > lamtotal
int lossesOpt
double maxTRfactor
int mip
int nDepthSteps
std::vector< int > nspots
int nTRsteps
int onEcal
double part
const RandomEnginerandom
std::vector< double > rlamStep
double tgamEM
double tgamHD
const ECALPropertiestheECALproperties
const HCALPropertiestheHCALproperties
double theR1
double theR2
double theR3
double transFactor
double transParam
std::vector< double > x0curr
std::vector< double > x0depth
double x0EM
double x0HD

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file HDShower.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<XYZPoint,double> HDShower::Spot

Definition at line 30 of file HDShower.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int, double> HDShower::Step

Definition at line 31 of file HDShower.h.

typedef Steps::const_iterator HDShower::step_iterator

Definition at line 33 of file HDShower.h.

typedef std::vector<Step> HDShower::Steps

Definition at line 32 of file HDShower.h.

Definition at line 28 of file HDShower.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HDShower::HDShower ( const RandomEngine engine,
HDShowerParametrization myParam,
EcalHitMaker myGrid,
HcalHitMaker myHcalHitMaker,
int  onECAL,
double  epart,
DQMStore *const  dbeIn 

Definition at line 33 of file

References aloge, HDShowerParametrization::alpe1(), HDShowerParametrization::alpe2(), alpEM, HDShowerParametrization::alph1(), HDShowerParametrization::alph2(), alpHD, balanceEH, HDShowerParametrization::bete1(), HDShowerParametrization::bete2(), betEM, HDShowerParametrization::beth1(), HDShowerParametrization::beth2(), betHD, DQMStore::cd(), criticalEnergy, dbe, debug, depthECAL, depthGAP, depthGAPx0, depthHCAL, depthStart, depthStep, depthToHCAL, detector, e, HDShowerParametrization::e1(), HDShowerParametrization::e2(), EcalHitMaker::ecalHcalGapTotalL0(), EcalHitMaker::ecalHcalGapTotalX0(), HDShowerParametrization::ecalProperties(), EcalHitMaker::ecalTotalL0(), HDShowerParametrization::emax(), HDShowerParametrization::emid(), HDShowerParametrization::emin(), eSpotSize, MonitorElement::Fill(), RandomEngine::flatShoot(), DQMStore::get(), HSParameters::getHDbalanceEH(), HSParameters::getHDcriticalEnergy(), HSParameters::getHDdepthStep(), HSParameters::getHDeSpotSize(), HSParameters::getHDhcalDepthFactor(), HSParameters::getHDlossesOpt(), HSParameters::getHDmaxTRfactor(), HSParameters::getHDnDepthSteps(), HSParameters::getHDnTRsteps(), HSParameters::getHDtransParam(), hcalDepthFactor, HDShowerParametrization::hcalProperties(), EcalHitMaker::hcalTotalL0(), HDShowerParametrization::hsParameters(), i, HCALProperties::interactionLength(), ECALProperties::interactionLength(), lambdaEM, lambdaHD, lamcurr, lamdepth, lamstep, lamtotal, create_public_lumi_plots::log, lossesOpt, makeSteps(), maxDepth, maxTRfactor, mip, nDepthSteps, nTRsteps, onEcal, HDShowerParametrization::part1(), HDShowerParametrization::part2(), HDShowerParametrization::r1(), HDShowerParametrization::r2(), HDShowerParametrization::r3(), ECALProperties::radLenIncm(), HCALProperties::radLenIncm(), random, HDShowerParametrization::setCase(), tgamEM, tgamHD, theECALproperties, theGrid, theHCALproperties, theParam, theR1, theR2, theR3, transFactor, transParam, x0curr, x0depth, x0EM, and x0HD.

  : theParam(myParam), 
  // To get an access to constants read in FASTCalorimeter
  //  FASTCalorimeter * myCalorimeter= FASTCalorimeter::instance();

  // Values taken from FamosGeneric/FamosCalorimeter/src/
  lossesOpt       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDlossesOpt();
  nDepthSteps     = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDnDepthSteps();
  nTRsteps        = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDnTRsteps();
  transParam      = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDtransParam();
  eSpotSize       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDeSpotSize();
  depthStep       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDdepthStep();
  criticalEnergy  = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDcriticalEnergy();
  maxTRfactor     = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDmaxTRfactor();
  balanceEH       = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDbalanceEH();
  hcalDepthFactor = myParam->hsParameters()->getHDhcalDepthFactor();

  // Special tr.size fluctuations 
  transParam *= (1. + random->flatShoot()); 

  // Special long. fluctuations
  hcalDepthFactor +=  0.05 * (2.* random->flatShoot() - 1.);

  transFactor = 1.;   // normally 1, in HF - might be smaller 
                      // to take into account
                      // a narrowness of the HF shower (Cherenkov light) 

  // simple protection ...
  if(e < 0) e = 0.;

  // Get the Famos Histos pointer
  //  myHistos = FamosHistos::instance();
  //  std::cout << " Hello FamosShower " << std::endl;
  theECALproperties = theParam->ecalProperties();
  theHCALproperties = theParam->hcalProperties();

  if (dbe) {
    if (!dbe->get("HDShower/ParticlesEnergy")) {}//std::cout << "NOT FOUND IN" << std::endl;}
    else {

  double emax = theParam->emax(); 
  double emid = theParam->emid(); 
  double emin = theParam->emin(); 
  double effective = e;

  if( e < emid ) {
    // avoid "underflow" below Emin (for parameters calculation only)
    if(e < emin) effective = emin; 
  // Avoid "overflow" beyond Emax (for parameters)
  if(effective > 0.5 * emax) {
    eSpotSize *= 2.5;
    if(effective > emax) {
      effective = emax; 
      eSpotSize *= 4.; 
      depthStep *= 2.;
      if(effective > 1000.)
      eSpotSize *= 2.; 

  if(debug == 2 )
    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") <<  " HDShower : " << std::endl 
         << "       Energy   "  <<               e << std::endl     
         << "      lossesOpt "  <<       lossesOpt << std::endl  
         << "    nDepthSteps "  <<     nDepthSteps << std::endl
         << "       nTRsteps "  <<        nTRsteps << std::endl
         << "     transParam "  <<      transParam << std::endl
         << "      eSpotSize "  <<       eSpotSize << std::endl
         << " criticalEnergy "  <<  criticalEnergy << std::endl
         << "    maxTRfactor "  <<     maxTRfactor << std::endl
         << "      balanceEH "  <<       balanceEH << std::endl
         << "hcalDepthFactor "  << hcalDepthFactor << std::endl;

  double alpEM1 = theParam->alpe1();
  double alpEM2 = theParam->alpe2();

  double betEM1 = theParam->bete1();
  double betEM2 = theParam->bete2();

  double alpHD1 = theParam->alph1();
  double alpHD2 = theParam->alph2();

  double betHD1 = theParam->beth1();
  double betHD2 = theParam->beth2();

  double part1 = theParam->part1();
  double part2 = theParam->part2();

  aloge = std::log(effective);
  double edpar = (theParam->e1() + aloge * theParam->e2()) * effective;
  double aedep = std::log(edpar);

  if(debug == 2)
    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " HDShower : " << std::endl
         << "     edpar " <<   edpar << "   aedep " << aedep << std::endl 
         << "    alpEM1 " <<  alpEM1 << std::endl  
         << "    alpEM2 " <<  alpEM2 << std::endl  
         << "    betEM1 " <<  betEM1 << std::endl  
         << "    betEM2 " <<  betEM2 << std::endl  
         << "    alpHD1 " <<  alpHD1 << std::endl  
         << "    alpHD2 " <<  alpHD2 << std::endl  
         << "    betHD1 " <<  betHD1 << std::endl  
         << "    betHD2 " <<  betHD2 << std::endl  
         << "     part1 " <<   part1 << std::endl  
         << "     part2 " <<   part2 << std::endl; 

  // private members to set
  theR1  = theParam->r1();
  theR2  = theParam->r2();
  theR3  = theParam->r3();

  alpEM  = alpEM1 + alpEM2 * aedep;
  tgamEM = tgamma(alpEM);
  betEM  = betEM1 - betEM2 * aedep;
  alpHD  = alpHD1 + alpHD2 * aedep;
  tgamHD = tgamma(alpHD);
  betHD  = betHD1 - betHD2 * aedep;
  part   = part1  -  part2 * aedep;
  if(part > 1.) part = 1.;          // protection - just in case of 

  if(debug  == 2 )
    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " HDShower : " << std::endl 
         << "    alpEM " <<  alpEM << std::endl  
         << "   tgamEM " << tgamEM << std::endl
         << "    betEM " <<  betEM << std::endl
         << "    alpHD " <<  alpHD << std::endl
         << "   tgamHD " << tgamHD << std::endl
         << "    betHD " <<  betHD << std::endl
         << "     part " <<   part << std::endl;

    lambdaEM = theParam->ecalProperties()->interactionLength();
    x0EM     = theParam->ecalProperties()->radLenIncm();
  else {
    lambdaEM = 0.;
    x0EM     = 0.;
  lambdaHD = theParam->hcalProperties()->interactionLength();
  x0HD     = theParam->hcalProperties()->radLenIncm();

  if(debug == 2)
    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " HDShower e " << e        << std::endl
         << "          x0EM = " << x0EM     << std::endl 
         << "          x0HD = " << x0HD     << std::endl 
         << "         lamEM = " << lambdaEM << std::endl
         << "         lamHD = " << lambdaHD << std::endl;

  // Starting point of the shower
  // try first with ECAL lambda  

  double sum1   = 0.;  // lambda path from the ECAL/HF entrance;  
  double sum2   = 0.;  // lambda path from the interaction point;
  double sum3   = 0.;  // x0     path from the interaction point;
  int  nsteps   = 0;   // full number of longitudinal steps (counter);

  int nmoresteps;      // how many longitudinal steps in addition to 
                       // one (if interaction happens there) in ECAL

  mip = 1;             // just to initiate particle as MIP in ECAL    

  if(e < criticalEnergy ) nmoresteps = 1;  
  else                    nmoresteps = nDepthSteps;
  depthECAL  = 0.;
  depthGAP   = 0.;
  depthGAPx0 = 0.; 
  if(onECAL ) {
    depthECAL  = theGrid->ecalTotalL0();         // ECAL depth segment
        //depthECAL  = theGrid->ecalTotalL0() + theGrid->ps1TotalL0() + theGrid->ps2TotalL0() + theGrid->ps2eeTotalL0(); //TEST: include preshower
    depthGAP   = theGrid->ecalHcalGapTotalL0();  // GAP  depth segment
    depthGAPx0 = theGrid->ecalHcalGapTotalX0();  // GAP  depth x0
  depthHCAL   = theGrid->hcalTotalL0();    // HCAL depth segment
  depthToHCAL = depthECAL + depthGAP;    

  // Depth simulation & various protections, among them
  // if too deep - get flat random in the allowed region
  // if no HCAL material behind - force to deposit in ECAL
  double maxDepth    = depthToHCAL + depthHCAL - 1.1 * depthStep;
  double depthStart  = std::log(1./random->flatShoot()); // starting point lambda unts

  if(e < emin) {
    if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : e <emin ->  depthStart = 0" << std::endl; 
    depthStart = 0.;
  if(depthStart > maxDepth) {
    if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : depthStart too big ...   = " << depthStart << std::endl;     
    depthStart = maxDepth *  random->flatShoot();
    if(depthStart < 0.) depthStart = 0.;
    if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : depthStart re-calculated = " << depthStart << std::endl; 
  if(onECAL && e < emid) {
    if(depthECAL > depthStep && (depthECAL - depthStart)/depthECAL > 0.2) {
      depthStart = 0.5 * depthECAL * random->flatShoot();
      if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : small energy, " << " depthStart reduced to = " << depthStart << std::endl; 

  if(depthHCAL < depthStep) {
    if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : depthHCAL  too small ... = " << depthHCAL << " depthStart -> forced to 0 !!!" << std::endl;
    depthStart = 0.;    
    nmoresteps = 0;
    if(depthECAL < depthStep) {
      nsteps = -1;
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : too small ECAL and HCAL depths - " << " particle is lost !!! " << std::endl; 

    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower  depths(lam) - "  << std::endl 
         << "          ECAL = " << depthECAL  << std::endl
         << "           GAP = " << depthGAP   << std::endl
         << "          HCAL = " << depthHCAL  << std::endl
         << "  starting point = " << depthStart << std::endl; 

  if( onEcal ) {
    if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : onECAL" << std::endl;
    if(depthStart < depthECAL) {
      if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : depthStart < depthECAL" << std::endl;
      if(depthECAL > depthStep && (depthECAL - depthStart)/depthECAL > 0.1) {
            if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : enough space to make ECAL step" << std::endl;
            //  ECAL - one step
            sum1   += depthECAL;             // at the end of step
            sum2   += depthECAL-depthStart; 
            sum3   += sum2 * lambdaEM / x0EM;
            mip = 0;    
            if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : " << " in ECAL sum1, sum2 " << sum1 << " " << sum2 << std::endl;
            // Gap - no additional step after ECAL
            // just move further to HCAL over the gap
            sum1   += depthGAP;          
            sum2   += depthGAP; 
            sum3   += depthGAPx0;
      else { // Just shift starting point to HCAL
            //  cout << " FamosHDShower : not enough space to make ECAL step" << std::endl;
            if(debug)  LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : goto HCAL" << std::endl;

            depthStart = depthToHCAL;
            sum1 += depthStart;     
    else { // GAP or HCAL         
      if(depthStart >= depthECAL &&  depthStart < depthToHCAL ) {
        depthStart = depthToHCAL; // just a shift to HCAL for simplicity
      sum1 += depthStart;
      if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : goto HCAL" << std::endl;
  else {   // Forward 
    if(debug)  LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower : forward" << std::endl;
    sum1 += depthStart;
    transFactor = 0.5;   // makes narower tresverse size of shower     
  for (int i = 0; i < nmoresteps ; i++) {
    sum1 += depthStep;
    if (sum1 > (depthECAL + depthGAP + depthHCAL)) break; 
    sum2 += depthStep;
    sum3 += sum2 * lambdaHD / x0HD;

  // Make fractions of energy and transverse radii at each step 

  if(nsteps > 0) { makeSteps(nsteps); }

virtual HDShower::~HDShower ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 45 of file HDShower.h.


Member Function Documentation

bool HDShower::compute ( )

Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.

Definition at line 461 of file

References EcalHitMaker::addHit(), HcalHitMaker::addHit(), DQMStore::cd(), prof2calltree::count, gather_cfg::cout, dbe, debug, depthToHCAL, detector, dt, e, patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff::ecal, eStep, MonitorElement::Fill(), RandomEngine::flatShoot(), DQMStore::get(), EcalHitMaker::getPads(), hcalDepthFactor, i, getHLTprescales::index, indexFinder(), EcalCondDB::inf, infinity, j, lamstep, lamtotal, lossesOpt, M_PI, maxTRfactor, nspots, nTRsteps, phi, mix_2012_Summer_inTimeOnly_cff::prob, CosmicsPD_Skims::radius, random, query::result, rlamStep, HcalHitMaker::setDepth(), HcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), EcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), ntuplemaker::status, theGrid, theHcalHitMaker, and transProb().

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

  //  TimeMe theT("FamosHDShower::compute");

  bool status = false;
  int numLongit = eStep.size();
    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - " 
            << " N_long.steps required : " << numLongit << std::endl;

  if(numLongit > 0) {

    status = true;    
    // Prepare the trsanverse probability function
    std::vector<double> Fhist;
    std::vector<double> rhist; 
    for (int j = 0; j < nTRsteps + 1; j++) {
      rhist.push_back(maxTRfactor * j / nTRsteps );  
      if(debug == 3) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << "indexFinder - i, Fhist[i] = " << j << " " << Fhist[j] << std::endl;
    // Longitudinal steps
    for (int i = 0; i < numLongit ; i++) {
      double currentDepthL0 = lamtotal[i] - 0.5 * lamstep[i];
      // vary the longitudinal profile if needed
      if(detector[i] != 1) currentDepthL0 *= hcalDepthFactor;                     
      if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - detector = " << detector[i] << "  currentDepthL0 = " << currentDepthL0 << std::endl;
      double maxTRsize   = maxTRfactor * rlamStep[i];     // in lambda units
      double rbinsize    = maxTRsize / nTRsteps; 
      double espot       = eStep[i] / (double)nspots[i];  // re-adjust espot

      if(espot > 2. || espot < 0. ) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - unphysical espot = " << espot << std::endl;

      int ecal = 0;
      if(detector[i] != 1) { 
            bool setHDdepth = theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(currentDepthL0);
            if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - status of " << " theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(currentDepthL0) is " 
                                        << setHDdepth << std::endl;
            if(!setHDdepth) {
              currentDepthL0 -= lamstep[i];
              setHDdepth =  theHcalHitMaker->setDepth(currentDepthL0);
                if(!setHDdepth) continue;

            //fill hcal longitudinal distribution histogram
        if (dbe) {
              if (!dbe->get("HDShower/LongitudinalShapeHCAL")) {}//std::cout << "NOT FOUND IN" << std::endl;}
              else {
                //bins of 0.1 L0
                double dt = 0.1;
                // eStep is a real energy - scale by particle energy e
                        // subtract distance to hcal from current depth
                dbe->get("HDShower/LongitudinalShapeHCAL")->Fill(currentDepthL0 - depthToHCAL, 1/e*eStep[i]/dt);
      else {
            ecal = 1;
            bool status = theGrid->getPads(currentDepthL0);   
            if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - status of Grid = " << status << std::endl;
        if(!status) continue; 

        int ntry = nspots[i] * 10;  
        if( ntry >= infinity ) {  // use max allowed in case of too many spots
              nspots[i] = 0.5 * infinity;  
              espot *= 0.1 * (double)ntry / double(nspots[i]);
            else {
              espot *= 0.1;  // fine-grain energy spots in ECAL
                         // to avoid false ECAL clustering 
          nspots[i] = ntry;

            //fill ecal longitudinal distribution histogram
        if (dbe) {
              if (!dbe->get("HDShower/LongitudinalShapeECAL")) {}//std::cout << "NOT FOUND IN" << std::endl;}
              else {
                //bins of 0.1 L0
                double dt = 0.1;
                // eStep is a real energy - scale by particle energy e
                dbe->get("HDShower/LongitudinalShapeECAL")->Fill(currentDepthL0, 1/e*eStep[i]/dt);
      // Transverse distribition
      int nok   = 0;                          // counter of OK  
      int count = 0;
      int inf   = infinity;
      if(lossesOpt) inf = nspots[i];          // if losses are enabled, otherwise
      // only OK points are counted ...
      if(nspots[i] > inf ) std::cout << " FamosHDShower::compute - at long.step " << i << "  too many spots required : "  <<  nspots[i] << " !!! " << std::endl;

      for (int j = 0; j < inf; j++) {
            if(nok == nspots[i]) break;
            count ++;
            double prob   = random->flatShoot();
            int index     = indexFinder(prob,Fhist);
            double radius = rlamStep[i] * rhist[index] + random->flatShoot() * rbinsize; // in-bin  
            double phi = 2.*M_PI*random->flatShoot();
            if(debug == 2)  LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << std::endl << " FamosHDShower::compute " << " r = " << radius 
                                                << "    phi = " << phi << std::endl;
            bool result;
            if(ecal) {
              result = theGrid->addHit(radius,phi,0);
              if(debug == 2) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - " << " theGrid->addHit result = " << result << std::endl;
                  //fill ecal transverse distribution histogram
          if (dbe) {
                if (!dbe->get("HDShower/TransverseShapeECAL")) {}//std::cout << "NOT FOUND IN" << std::endl;}
                else {
                      double drho = 0.1;
                      // espot is a real energy - scale by particle energy
            else {
              result = theHcalHitMaker->addHit(radius,phi,0); 
              if(debug == 2) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute - " << " theHcalHitMaker->addHit result = " << result << std::endl;
                  //fill hcal transverse distribution histogram
          if (dbe) {
                if (!dbe->get("HDShower/TransverseShapeHCAL")) {}//std::cout << "NOT FOUND IN" << std::endl;}
                else {
                      double drho = 0.1;
                      // espot is a real energy - scale by particle energy
                if(result) nok ++; 

      } // end of tranverse simulation
      if(count == infinity) { 
            if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::compute " << " maximum number of" 
                                        << " transverse points " << count << " is used !!!" << std::endl; 

      if(debug) LogInfo("FastCalorimetry")  << " FamosHDShower::compute " << " long.step No." 
                                << i << "   Ntry, Nok = " << count << " " << nok << std::endl; 
    } // end of longitudinal steps
  } // end of no steps

  return status;

double HDShower::gam ( double  x,
double  a 
) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 53 of file HDShower.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::exp, and funct::pow().

Referenced by makeSteps().

{ return pow(x,a-1.)*exp(-x); }
int HDShower::getmip ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 43 of file HDShower.h.

References mip.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::HDShowerSimulation().

{return mip;}
int HDShower::indexFinder ( double  x,
const std::vector< double > &  Fhist 
) [private]

Definition at line 636 of file

References debug, findQualityFiles::size, and relval_parameters_module::step.

Referenced by compute().

  // binary search in the vector of doubles
  int size = Fhist.size();

  int curr = size / 2;
  int step = size / 4;
  int iter;
  int prevdir = 0; 
  int actudir = 0; 

  for (iter = 0; iter < size ; iter++) {

    if( curr >= size || curr < 1 )
      LogWarning("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::indexFinder - wrong current index = " 
           << curr << " !!!" << std::endl;

    if ((x <= Fhist[curr]) && (x > Fhist[curr-1])) break;
    prevdir = actudir;
    if(x > Fhist[curr]) {actudir =  1;}
    else                {actudir = -1;}
    if(prevdir * actudir < 0) { if(step > 1) step /= 2;}
    curr += actudir * step;
    if(curr > size) curr = size;
    else { if(curr < 1) {curr = 1;}}
    if(debug == 3)
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " indexFinder - end of iter." << iter 
           << " curr, F[curr-1], F[curr] = "
           << curr << " " << Fhist[curr-1] << " " << Fhist[curr] << std::endl;

  if(debug == 3)
    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " indexFinder x = " << x << "  found index = " << curr-1
         << std::endl;

  return curr-1;
void HDShower::makeSteps ( int  nsteps) [private]

Definition at line 353 of file

References aloge, alpEM, alpHD, balanceEH, betEM, betHD, prof2calltree::count, debug, detector, e, eSpotSize, eStep, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), gam(), i, infinity, lamcurr, lamdepth, lamstep, nspots, random, rlamStep, groupFilesInBlocks::temp, tgamEM, tgamHD, theR1, theR2, theR3, transFactor, transParam, x, x0curr, x0depth, and detailsBasic3DVector::y.

Referenced by HDShower().


  double sumes = 0.;
  double sum   = 0.;
  std::vector<double> temp;

    LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::makeSteps - " 
       << " nsteps required : " << nsteps << std::endl;

  int count = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nsteps; i++) {    
    double deplam = lamdepth[i] - 0.5 * lamstep[i];
    double depx0  = x0depth[i]  - 0.5 * lamstep[i] / x0curr[i]; 
    double     x = betEM * depx0;
    double     y = betHD * deplam;
    if(debug == 2)
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::makeSteps " 
                                  << " - step " << i
                                  << "   depx0, x = " << depx0 << ", " << x 
                                  << "   deplam, y = " << deplam << ", "
                                  << y << std::endl;
    double est = (part * betEM * gam(x,alpEM) * lamcurr[i] /
                  (x0curr[i] * tgamEM) + 
                  (1.-part) * betHD * gam(y,alpHD) / tgamHD) * lamstep[i];
    // protection ...
    if(est < 0.) {
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << "*** FamosHDShower::makeSteps " << " - negative step energy !!!" 
           << std::endl;
      est = 0.;
      break ; 

    // for estimates only
    sum += est;
    int nPest = (int) (est * e / sum / eSpotSize) ;

    if(debug == 2)
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::makeSteps - nPoints estimate = " 
           <<  nPest << std::endl;

    if(nPest <= 1 && count !=0 ) break;

    // good step - to proceed

    sumes += est;
    rlamStep.push_back(transParam * (theR1 + (theR2 - theR3 * aloge))
                       * deplam * transFactor); 
    count ++;

  // fluctuations in ECAL and re-distribution of remaining energy in HCAL
  if(detector[0] == 1 && count > 1) {
    double oldECALenergy = temp[0];
    double oldHCALenergy = sumes - oldECALenergy ;
    double newECALenergy = 2. * sumes;
    for (int i = 0; newECALenergy > sumes && i < infinity; i++)
      newECALenergy = 2.* balanceEH * random->flatShoot() * oldECALenergy; 
    if(debug == 2)
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << "*** FamosHDShower::makeSteps " << " ECAL fraction : old/new - "
           << oldECALenergy/sumes << "/" << newECALenergy/sumes << std::endl;

    temp[0] = newECALenergy;
    double newHCALenergy = sumes - newECALenergy;
    double newHCALreweight =  newHCALenergy / oldHCALenergy;

    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
      temp[i] *= newHCALreweight;
  // final re-normalization of the energy fractions  
  for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++) {
    eStep.push_back(temp[i] * e / sumes );

       << " step " << i
       << "  det: " << detector[i]   
       << "  xO and lamdepth at the end of step = " 
       << x0depth[i] << " "  
       << lamdepth[i] << "   Estep func = " <<  eStep[i]
       << "   Rstep = " << rlamStep[i] << "  Nspots = " <<  nspots[i]
       << "  espot = " <<  eStep[i] / (double)nspots[i]
       << std::endl; 


  // The only step is in ECAL - let's make the size bigger ...  
  if(count == 1 and detector[0] == 1) rlamStep[0] *= 2.;

  if(debug) {
    if(eStep[0] > 0.95 * e && detector[0] == 1) 
      LogInfo("FastCalorimetry") << " FamosHDShower::makeSteps - " << "ECAL energy = " << eStep[0]
           << " out of total = " << e << std::endl;  

double HDShower::transProb ( double  factor,
double  R,
double  r 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 58 of file HDShower.h.

References dttmaxenums::R.

Referenced by compute().

    double fsq = factor * factor; 
    return ((fsq + 1.)/fsq) * r * r / (r*r + R*R) ; 

Member Data Documentation

double HDShower::aloge [private]

Definition at line 81 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::alpEM [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::alpHD [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::balanceEH [private]

Definition at line 124 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::betEM [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::betHD [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::criticalEnergy [private]

Definition at line 120 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

DQMStore* HDShower::dbe [private]

Definition at line 132 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

double HDShower::depthECAL [private]

Definition at line 135 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::depthGAP [private]

Definition at line 135 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::depthGAPx0 [private]

Definition at line 135 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::depthHCAL [private]

Definition at line 135 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::depthStart [private]

Definition at line 80 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::depthStep [private]

Definition at line 118 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::depthToHCAL [private]

Definition at line 135 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

std::vector<int> HDShower::detector [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::e [private]

Definition at line 103 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::eSpotSize [private]

Definition at line 116 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::eStep [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::hcalDepthFactor [private]

Definition at line 126 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

int HDShower::infinity [private]

Definition at line 88 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::lambdaEM [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::lambdaHD [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

std::vector<double> HDShower::lamcurr [private]

Definition at line 86 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::lamdepth [private]

Definition at line 86 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::lamstep [private]

Definition at line 86 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::lamtotal [private]

Definition at line 86 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

int HDShower::lossesOpt [private]

Definition at line 106 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

double HDShower::maxTRfactor [private]

Definition at line 122 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

int HDShower::mip [private]

Definition at line 100 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by getmip(), and HDShower().

int HDShower::nDepthSteps [private]

Definition at line 108 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

std::vector<int> HDShower::nspots [private]

Definition at line 83 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

int HDShower::nTRsteps [private]

Definition at line 110 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

int HDShower::onEcal [private]

Definition at line 97 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::part [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

const RandomEngine* HDShower::random [private]

Definition at line 129 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::rlamStep [private]

Definition at line 84 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::tgamEM [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::tgamHD [private]

Definition at line 76 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

Definition at line 71 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

Definition at line 91 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and HDShower().

Definition at line 94 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by compute().

Definition at line 72 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

Definition at line 68 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::theR1 [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::theR2 [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::theR3 [private]

Definition at line 75 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::transFactor [private]

Definition at line 114 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::transParam [private]

Definition at line 112 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::x0curr [private]

Definition at line 85 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

std::vector<double> HDShower::x0depth [private]

Definition at line 85 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower(), and makeSteps().

double HDShower::x0EM [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().

double HDShower::x0HD [private]

Definition at line 79 of file HDShower.h.

Referenced by HDShower().