Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables

cms Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


class  AlCaDiJetsProducer
class  Analyzer_minbias
class  BHFilter
class  CATopJetProducer
class  CkfDebugTrackCandidateMaker
class  CkfTrackCandidateMaker
class  CkfTrackCandidateMakerBase
class  CkfTrajectoryMaker
class  ClusterizerFP420
class  ClusterMTCCFilter
class  CompareTrajChi
class  CompareTrajLay
class  CompoundJetProducer
class  CosmicTIFTrigFilter
class  CosmicTrackFinder
class  CRC32Calculator
class  Digest
class  DigitizerFP420
class  DiJetAnalyzer
class  Exception
class  FastSimDataFilter
class  GammaJetAnalysis
class  HcalConstantsASCIIWriter
class  HitReCalibrator
class  JetCorrectionProducer
class  JetVertexAssociation
struct  MD5Result
class  METProducer
class  MinBias
class  MTCCHLTrigger
class  MuonMET
class  MuonMETValueMapProducer
class  MuonTCMETValueMapProducer
class  ProducerAnalyzer
class  ReconstructerFP420
class  SimpleTrackListMerger
class  SiPixelClusterProducer
class  SiPixelDigitizer
class  SiPixelRecHitConverter
class  SubEventGenJetProducer
class  SubJetProducer
class  TECClusterFilter
class  TrackerizerFP420
class  TrackListMerger
class  TrackMTCCFilter


void Adler32 (char const *data, size_t len, uint32_t &a, uint32_t &b)
uint32_t Adler32 (char const *data, size_t len)
edm::ProductID clusterProduct (const TrackingRecHit *hit)
edm::ProductID clusterProductB (const TrackingRecHit *hit)
def cms_error
def config
def generate
bool operator!= (MD5Result const &a, MD5Result const &b)
bool operator< (MD5Result const &a, MD5Result const &b)
template<typename E , typename T >
detail::Desired< E,
< Exception, E >::value >
::type const & 
operator<< (E const &e, T const &stuff)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, Exception const &e)
template<typename E >
detail::Desired< E,
< Exception, E >::value >
::type const & 
operator<< (E const &e, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
template<typename E >
detail::Desired< E,
< Exception, E >::value >
operator<< (E &e, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
template<typename E >
detail::Desired< E,
< Exception, E >::value >
::type const & 
operator<< (E const &e, std::ostream &(*f)(std::ostream &))
template<typename E >
detail::Desired< E,
< Exception, E >::value >
operator<< (E &e, std::ostream &(*f)(std::ostream &))
template<typename E , typename T >
detail::Desired< E,
< Exception, E >::value >
operator<< (E &e, T const &stuff)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, MD5Result const &r)
bool operator== (MD5Result const &a, MD5Result const &b)
void set_to_default (MD5Result &val)
def test_cms_environment


static const char * s_hexValues = "f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff"

Detailed Description

How ParameterSets are nested inside ParameterSets The main feature is that they're made persistent using a ParameterSetID, and only reconstituted as needed, when the value_ptr = 0;

This a basic exception type expected to be thrown by developer-written code. We recommend that you use it directly. It can also be used as a base class if needed.

Each Exception is identified by a category string. This category is a short word or phrase (no spaces) that described the problem that was encountered.

Information can be added to the Exception using the stream insertion operator (as one uses cout). We recommend using it in the following manner:

Example: if ((rc=func()) < 0) { throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "I died with rc = " << rc << std::endl; }

Derived types are expected to fix the category, either by 1) passing a string literal to the base class constructor, or 2) ensuring the developer gives a category name.

Example: class InfiniteLoop : public Exception { InfiniteLoop(const std::string& msg) : Exception("InfiniteLoop",msg) { } };

ExceptionCollector is a utility class that can be used to make sure that each function or functor in a sequence of calls is invoked even if a previous function throws. Each function/functor must take no arguments and return a void. boost::bind can be used to convert a function taking arguments into a function taking no arguments. The exception strings are saved in a cms::Exception for optional rethrow.

Here is an example:

ExceptionCollector c("initialMessage");, myClassPtr));, myClassPtr, myArgPtr));, myArgPtr)); if (c.hasThrown()) c.rethrow();

This insures that all three functions will be called before any exception is thrown. --------------------------------------------------------------- Description: see SiPixelClusterProducer.h Author: P. Maksimovic (porting from original ORCA version) History: Oct 14, 2005, initial version Get rid of the noiseVector. d.k. 28/3/06 Implementation of the DetSetVector container. V.Chiochia, May 06 SiPixelClusterCollection typedef of DetSetVector V.Chiochia, June 06 Introduce the DetSet local container (cache) for speed. d.k. 05/07


Function Documentation

void cms::Adler32 ( char const *  data,
size_t  len,
uint32_t &  a,
uint32_t &  b 

Definition at line 11 of file

References a, compareJSON::const, data, and MOD_ADLER.

Referenced by Adler32(), stor::FileHandler::checkAdler32(), edm::StreamDQMDeserializer::deserializeDQMEvent(), edm::StreamerInputSource::deserializeEvent(), edm::StreamerInputSource::deserializeRegistry(), FRDEventFileWriter::doOutputEvent(), FRDEventFileWriter::doOutputEventFragment(), edm::StreamDQMSerializer::serializeDQMEvent(), edm::StreamSerializer::serializeEvent(), edm::StreamSerializer::serializeRegistry(), and OutputFile::write().

   /* data: Pointer to the data to be summed; len is in bytes */
    #define MOD_ADLER 65521
    unsigned char const* ptr = static_cast<unsigned char const*>(static_cast<void const*>(data));
    while (len > 0) {
      size_t tlen = (len > 5552 ? 5552 : len);
      len -= tlen;
      do {
        a += *ptr++;
        b += a;
      } while (--tlen);
      a %= MOD_ADLER;
      b %= MOD_ADLER;
    #undef MOD_ADLER
uint32_t cms::Adler32 ( char const *  data,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 33 of file

References a, Adler32(), and b.

   /* data: Pointer to the data to be summed; len is in bytes */
    uint32_t a = 1, b = 0;
    Adler32(data, len, a, b);
    return (b << 16) | a;
edm::ProductID cms::clusterProduct ( const TrackingRecHit hit)

Definition at line 46 of file

References cond::rpcobgas::detid, Exception, TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), edm::ProductID::id(), ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D::originalHit(), PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel, PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap, and DetId::subdetId().

Referenced by cms::SimpleTrackListMerger::produce().

    edm::ProductID pID;
    //cast it into the proper class     and find productID
    DetId detid = hit->geographicalId(); 
    uint32_t subdet = detid.subdetId();
    if ((subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel) || (subdet == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap)) {
      pID=reinterpret_cast<const SiPixelRecHit *>(hit)->cluster().id();
    } else {
      const std::type_info &type = typeid(*hit);
      if (type == typeid(SiStripRecHit2D)) {
        pID=reinterpret_cast<const SiStripRecHit2D *>(hit)->cluster().id();
      } else if (type == typeid(SiStripRecHit1D)) {
        pID=reinterpret_cast<const SiStripRecHit1D *>(hit)->cluster().id();     
      } else if (type == typeid(SiStripMatchedRecHit2D)) {
        const SiStripMatchedRecHit2D *mhit = reinterpret_cast<const SiStripMatchedRecHit2D *>(hit);
      } else if (type == typeid(ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D)) {
        const ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D *phit = reinterpret_cast<const ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D *>(hit);
      } else throw cms::Exception("Unknown RecHit Type") << "RecHit of type " << << " not supported. (use c++filt to demangle the name)";
    return pID;}
edm::ProductID cms::clusterProductB ( const TrackingRecHit hit)

Definition at line 104 of file

Referenced by cms::TrackListMerger::produce().

    return reinterpret_cast<const BaseTrackerRecHit *>(hit)->firstClusterRef().id();
def cms::cms_error ( )

Definition at line 51 of file

00052                :
00053     "Standard CMS error message"
00054     msg  = "\nPackages must be created in a 'subsystem'."
00055     msg += "\nPlease set your CMSSW environment and go to $CMSSW_BASE/src"
00056     msg += "\nCreate or choose directory from there and then "
00057     msg += "\nrun the script from that directory"
00058     return msg

def cms::config (   tmpl,

Definition at line 17 of file

00018                                     :
00019     "Parse input arguments to mk-script"
00020     kwds  = {'author': '', 'tmpl': tmpl,
00021              'args': {}, 'debug': False, 'tmpl_dir': tmpl_dir}
00022     etags = []
00023     if  len(sys.argv) >= 2: # user give us arguments
00024         if  sys.argv[1] in ['-h', '--help', '-help']:
00025             print pkg_help
00026             sys.exit(0)
00027         kwds['pname'] = sys.argv[1]
00028         for idx in xrange(2, len(sys.argv)):
00029             opt = sys.argv[idx]
00030             if  opt == '-author':
00031                 kwds['author'] = sys.argv[idx+1]
00032                 continue
00033             if  opt.find('example') != -1:
00034                 etags.append('@%s' % opt)
00035                 continue
00036             if  opt in ['-h', '--help', '-help']:
00037                 print pkg_help
00038                 sys.exit(0)
00039             if  opt == '-debug':
00040                 kwds['debug'] = True
00041                 continue
00042     elif len(sys.argv) == 1:
00043         # need to walk
00044         msg = 'Please enter %s name: ' % tmpl.lower()
00045         kwds['pname'] = raw_input(msg)
00046     else:
00047         print pkg_help
00048         sys.exit(0)
00049     kwds['tmpl_etags'] = etags
00050     return kwds

def cms::generate (   kwds)

Definition at line 87 of file

00088                   :
00089     "Run generator code based on provided set of arguments"
00090     config = dict(kwds)
00091     tmpl   = kwds.get('tmpl')
00092     stand_alone_group = ['Record', 'Skeleton']
00093     config.update({'not_in_dir': stand_alone_group})
00094     if  tmpl in stand_alone_group:
00095         whereami, ldir = test_cms_environment(tmpl)
00096         dirs = ldir.split('/')
00097         config.update({'pkgname': kwds.get('pname')})
00098         config.update({'subsystem': 'Subsystem'})
00099         config.update({'pkgname': 'Package'})
00100         if  whereami:
00101             if  len(dirs) >= 3:
00102                 config.update({'subsystem': dirs[1]})
00103                 config.update({'pkgname': dirs[2]})
00104             elif len(dirs) >= 2:
00105                 config.update({'subsystem': dirs[1]})
00106                 config.update({'pkgname': dirs[1]})
00107     else:
00108         whereami, ldir = test_cms_environment(tmpl)
00109         dirs = ldir.split('/')
00110         if  not dirs or not whereami:
00111             print cms_error()
00112             sys.exit(1)
00113         config.update({'subsystem': dirs[1]})
00114         config.update({'pkgname': kwds.get('pname')})
00115         if  whereami in ['src', 'plugins']:
00116             config.update({'tmpl_files': '.cc'})
00117             config.update({'pkgname': dirs[2]})
00118         elif whereami == 'subsystem':
00119             config.update({'tmpl_files': 'all'})
00120         else:
00121             print cms_error()
00122             sys.exit(1)
00123     obj = code_generator(config)
00124     obj.generate()
bool cms::operator!= ( MD5Result const &  a,
MD5Result const &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file Digest.h.

References b.

    return !(a==b);
bool cms::operator< ( MD5Result const &  a,
MD5Result const &  b 

Definition at line 154 of file

References cms::MD5Result::bytes.

    return std::lexicographical_compare(a.bytes, 
template<typename E , typename T >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception,E>::value>::type const& cms::operator<< ( E const &  e,
T const &  stuff 
) [inline]

Definition at line 238 of file Exception.h.

References alignCSCRings::e.

    E& ref = const_cast<E&>(e);
    ref.ost_ << stuff;
    return e;
std::ostream& cms::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
Exception const &  e 
) [inline]

Definition at line 218 of file Exception.h.

References cms::Exception::explainSelf().

    ost << e.explainSelf();
    return ost;
template<typename E >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception,E>::value>::type const& cms::operator<< ( E const &  e,
std::ios_base &(*)(std::ios_base &)  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 277 of file Exception.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, and f.

    E& ref = const_cast<E&>(e);
    return e;
template<typename E >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception,E>::value>::type& cms::operator<< ( E &  e,
std::ios_base &(*)(std::ios_base &)  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 267 of file Exception.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, and f.

    return e;
template<typename E >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception,E>::value>::type const& cms::operator<< ( E const &  e,
std::ostream &(*)(std::ostream &)  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 257 of file Exception.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, and f.

    E& ref = const_cast<E&>(e);
    return e;
template<typename E >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception,E>::value>::type& cms::operator<< ( E &  e,
std::ostream &(*)(std::ostream &)  f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 248 of file Exception.h.

References alignCSCRings::e, and f.

    return e;
template<typename E , typename T >
detail::Desired<E, detail::is_derived_or_same<Exception,E>::value>::type& cms::operator<< ( E &  e,
T const &  stuff 
) [inline]

Definition at line 229 of file Exception.h.

References alignCSCRings::e.

    e.ost_ << stuff;
    return e;
std::ostream& cms::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
MD5Result const &  r 
) [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file Digest.h.

References cms::MD5Result::toString().

    os << r.toString();
    return os;
bool cms::operator== ( MD5Result const &  a,
MD5Result const &  b 

Definition at line 148 of file

References cms::MD5Result::bytes.

    return std::equal(a.bytes, a.bytes+sizeof(a.bytes), b.bytes);
void cms::set_to_default ( MD5Result &  val)

Definition at line 44 of file

References cms::MD5Result::bytes.

Referenced by cms::MD5Result::fromHexifiedString(), and cms::MD5Result::MD5Result().

    val.bytes[0] = 0xd4;
    val.bytes[1] = 0x1d;
    val.bytes[2] = 0x8c;
    val.bytes[3] = 0xd9;
    val.bytes[4] = 0x8f;
    val.bytes[5] = 0x00;
    val.bytes[6] = 0xb2;
    val.bytes[7] = 0x04;
    val.bytes[8] = 0xe9;
    val.bytes[9] = 0x80;
    val.bytes[10] = 0x09;
    val.bytes[11] = 0x98;
    val.bytes[12] = 0xec;
    val.bytes[13] = 0xf8;
    val.bytes[14] = 0x42;
    val.bytes[15] = 0x7e;
def cms::test_cms_environment (   tmpl)
Test CMS environment and requirements to run within CMSSW_BASE.
Return True if we fullfill requirements and False otherwise.

Definition at line 59 of file

00060                               :
00061     """
00062     Test CMS environment and requirements to run within CMSSW_BASE.
00063     Return True if we fullfill requirements and False otherwise.
00064     """
00065     base = os.environ.get('CMSSW_BASE', None)
00066     if  not base:
00067         return False, []
00068     cdir = os.getcwd()
00069     ldir = cdir.replace(os.path.join(base, 'src'), '')
00070     dirs = ldir.split('/')
00071     # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem area
00072     if  ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 2:
00073         return 'subsystem', ldir
00074     # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg area
00075     if  ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 3:
00076         return 'package', ldir
00077     # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg/src area
00078 #    if  ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 4 and dirs[-1] == 'src':
00079 #        return 'src', ldir
00080     # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg/plugin area
00081 #    if  ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 4 and dirs[-1] == 'plugins':
00082 #        return 'plugins', ldir
00083     # test if we're within CMSSW_BASE/src/SubSystem/Pkg/dir area
00084     if  ldir and ldir[0] == '/' and len(dirs) == 4:
00085         return dirs[-1], ldir
00086     return False, ldir

Variable Documentation

const char* cms::s_hexValues = "f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff" [static]

Definition at line 69 of file

Referenced by cms::MD5Result::toString().