Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

MomentumKinematicConstraint Class Reference

#include <MomentumKinematicConstraint.h>

Inheritance diagram for MomentumKinematicConstraint:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

clone () const
virtual std::pair
< AlgebraicMatrix,
derivative (const AlgebraicVector &exPoint) const
virtual std::pair
< AlgebraicMatrix,
derivative (const std::vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle > &par) const
virtual AlgebraicVector deviations (int nStates) const
 MomentumKinematicConstraint (const AlgebraicVector &momentum, const AlgebraicVector &dev)
virtual int numberOfEquations () const
virtual std::pair
< AlgebraicVector,
value (const std::vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle > &par) const
virtual std::pair
< AlgebraicVector,
value (const AlgebraicVector &exPoint) const

Private Attributes

AlgebraicVector dd
AlgebraicVector mm

Detailed Description

Class constraining total 3-momentum of the particle (p_x,p_y,p_z) This constraint can not be implemented on multiple particles, without fitting the vertex. Current version supports one state refit only.

Kirill Prokofiev, October 2003 MultiState version: July 2004

Definition at line 16 of file MomentumKinematicConstraint.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MomentumKinematicConstraint::MomentumKinematicConstraint ( const AlgebraicVector momentum,
const AlgebraicVector dev 

Constructor with the 4-momentum vector as an argument

Definition at line 5 of file

References dd, and mm.

Referenced by clone().

 if((momentum.num_row() != 3) || (dev.num_row() != 3))
     throw VertexException("MomentumKinemticConstraint::Momentum or Deviation vector passed is not 3-dimensional");
 mm = momentum;
 AlgebraicVector dev_l(7,0);
 dev_l(4) = dev(1) * dev(1);
 dev_l(5) = dev(2) * dev(2);
 dev_l(6) = dev(3) * dev(3);
 dd = dev_l;

Member Function Documentation

virtual MomentumKinematicConstraint* MomentumKinematicConstraint::clone ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Clone method

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 52 of file MomentumKinematicConstraint.h.

References MomentumKinematicConstraint().

  {return new MomentumKinematicConstraint(*this);}
std::pair< AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicVector > MomentumKinematicConstraint::derivative ( const std::vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle > &  par) const [virtual]

Vector of values and matrix of derivatives calculated using current state parameters as expansion point

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 66 of file

References point.

 int nStates = par.size();
 if(nStates == 0) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Empty vector of particles passed");
 if(nStates != 1) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Multistate refit is not foreseen for this constraint");
 AlgebraicVector point = asHepVector<7>(par.front()->currentState().kinematicParameters().vector());
 AlgebraicMatrix dr(3,7,0);
 dr(1,4) = 1.;
 dr(2,5) = 1.;
 dr(3,6) = 1.;
 return std::pair<AlgebraicMatrix,AlgebraicVector>(dr,point);
std::pair< AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicVector > MomentumKinematicConstraint::derivative ( const AlgebraicVector exPoint) const [virtual]

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 35 of file

 if(exPoint.num_row() ==0 ) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::derivative requested for zero Linearization point");

//security check for extended cartesian parametrization 
 int inSize = exPoint.num_row(); 
 if((inSize%7) !=0) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::linearization point has a wrong dimension");
 int nStates = inSize/7;
 if(nStates != 1) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Multistate refit is not foreseen for this constraint"); 

 AlgebraicVector pr = exPoint;
 AlgebraicMatrix dr(3,7,0);
 dr(1,4) = 1.;
 dr(2,5) = 1.;
 dr(3,6) = 1.;
 return std::pair<AlgebraicMatrix,AlgebraicVector>(dr,pr);
AlgebraicVector MomentumKinematicConstraint::deviations ( int  nStates) const [virtual]

Returns vector of sigma squared associated to the KinematicParameters of refitted particles Initial deviations are given by user for the constraining parameters (mass, momentum components etc). In case of multiple states exactly the same values are added to every particle parameters

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 79 of file

References dd.

 if(nStates == 0) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Empty vector of particles passed");
 if(nStates != 1) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Multistate refit is not foreseen for this constraint");
 AlgebraicVector res = dd;
 return res;
int MomentumKinematicConstraint::numberOfEquations ( ) const [virtual]

Returns number of constraint equations used for fitting. Method is relevant for proper NDF calculations.

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 87 of file

{return 3;}
std::pair< AlgebraicVector, AlgebraicVector > MomentumKinematicConstraint::value ( const std::vector< RefCountedKinematicParticle > &  par) const [virtual]

Methods making value and derivative matrix using current state parameters as expansion 7-point. Constraint can be made equaly for single and multiple states

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 53 of file

References mm, and point.

 int nStates = par.size(); 
 if(nStates == 0) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Empty vector of particles passed");
 if(nStates != 1) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Multistate refit is not foreseen for this constraint");  
 AlgebraicVector point = asHepVector<7>(par.front()->currentState().kinematicParameters().vector());
 AlgebraicVector vl(3,0);
 vl(1) = point(4) - mm(1);
 vl(2) = point(5) - mm(2);
 vl(3) = point(6) - mm(3);
 return std::pair<AlgebraicVector,AlgebraicVector>(vl,point);
std::pair< AlgebraicVector, AlgebraicVector > MomentumKinematicConstraint::value ( const AlgebraicVector exPoint) const [virtual]

Vector of values and matrix of derivatives calculated at given expansion 7xNumberOfStates point

Implements KinematicConstraint.

Definition at line 18 of file

References mm.

 if(exPoint.num_row() ==0 ) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::value requested for zero Linearization point");

//security check for extended cartesian parametrization 
 int inSize = exPoint.num_row(); 
 if((inSize%7) !=0) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::linearization point has a wrong dimension");
 int nStates = inSize/7;
 if(nStates != 1) throw VertexException("MomentumKinematicConstraint::Multistate refit is not foreseen for this constraint"); 
 AlgebraicVector pr = exPoint;
 AlgebraicVector vl(3,0);
 vl(1) = pr(4) - mm(1);
 vl(2) = pr(5) - mm(2);
 vl(3) = pr(6) - mm(3);
 return std::pair<AlgebraicVector,AlgebraicVector>(vl,pr); 

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 58 of file MomentumKinematicConstraint.h.

Referenced by deviations(), and MomentumKinematicConstraint().

Definition at line 57 of file MomentumKinematicConstraint.h.

Referenced by MomentumKinematicConstraint(), and value().