Variables | |
tuple | ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPA |
tuple | ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPADCSFilter |
tuple | ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPAHLT |
tuple | seqALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPA |
00001 Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi.AlignmentTrackSelector.clone( 00002 filter = True, ##do not store empty events 00003 applyBasicCuts = True, 00004 ptMin = 2.0, ##GeV 00005 etaMin = -3.5, 00006 etaMax = 3.5, 00007 nHitMin = 0 00008 )
Definition at line 26 of file
00001 DPGAnalysis.Skims.skim_detstatus_cfi.dcsstatus.clone( 00002 DetectorType = cms.vstring('TIBTID','TOB','TECp','TECm','BPIX','FPIX', 00003 'DT0','DTp','DTm','CSCp','CSCm'), 00004 ApplyFilter = cms.bool(True), 00005 AndOr = cms.bool(True), 00006 DebugOn = cms.untracked.bool(False) 00007 )
Definition at line 17 of file
00001 HLTrigger.HLTfilters.hltHighLevel_cfi.hltHighLevel.clone( 00002 andOr = True, ## choose logical OR between Triggerbits 00003 # FIXME: eventSetupPathsKey inherited from pp version - switch to its own 'TkAlMuonIsolatedPA'??? 00004 eventSetupPathsKey = 'TkAlMuonIsolated', 00005 throw = False # tolerate triggers stated above, but not available 00006 )
Definition at line 5 of file
00001 cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPAHLT 00002 +ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPADCSFilter 00003 +ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedPA)
Definition at line 45 of file