Classes | Functions

/afs/ File Reference

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "VertexTracker.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  PathTracker
class  Reader


static bool idComp (unsigned int id, const VertexSet::const_iterator &b)
static bool idSort (const VertexSet::const_iterator &a, const VertexSet::const_iterator &b)
std::string make_name (Dl_info const &info, void *where, std::string const &prefix)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ost, const PathTracker &a)
static bool pathSort (const PathSet::const_iterator &a, const PathSet::const_iterator &b)
static bool symSort (const VertexSet::const_iterator &a, const VertexSet::const_iterator &b)
void verifyFile (std::ostream &ost, const std::string &name)
void writeProfileData (int fd, const std::string &prefix)
void writeProfileDataC (int fd, const std::string &prefix)

Function Documentation

static bool idComp ( unsigned int  id,
const VertexSet::const_iterator &  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 84 of file

Referenced by writeProfileData().

  return id < b->id_;
static bool idSort ( const VertexSet::const_iterator &  a,
const VertexSet::const_iterator &  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 78 of file

Referenced by writeProfileData().

  return a->id_ < b->id_;
std::string make_name ( Dl_info const &  info,
void *  where,
std::string const &  prefix 

Definition at line 144 of file

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by writeProfileData().

  std::string object_name;
  if (info.dli_fname == 0 || info.dli_fname[0] == 0x0) {
      std::ostringstream oss;
      oss << "no_object_" << where;
      return oss.str();
  if (info.dli_saddr) return info.dli_sname;
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << prefix << where;
  return oss.str();
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  ost,
const PathTracker a 

Definition at line 51 of file

References alignCSCRings::e, i, PathTracker::id_, PathTracker::total_, and PathTracker::tree_.

  ost << a.id_ << " " << a.total_ << " ";
  ULVec::const_iterator i(a.tree_.begin()),e(a.tree_.end());
  while(i!=e) { ost << (unsigned int)*i << " "; ++i; }
  return ost;
static bool pathSort ( const PathSet::const_iterator &  a,
const PathSet::const_iterator &  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 90 of file

Referenced by writeProfileData().

  return a->total_ < b->total_;
static bool symSort ( const VertexSet::const_iterator &  a,
const VertexSet::const_iterator &  b 
) [static]

Definition at line 72 of file

Referenced by writeProfileData().

  return a->total_as_leaf_ < b->total_as_leaf_;
void verifyFile ( std::ostream &  ost,
const std::string &  name 

Definition at line 61 of file

References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr.

Referenced by writeProfileData().

  if(!ost) {
      std::cerr << "cannot open output file " << name << std::endl;
      throw std::runtime_error("failed to open output file");
void writeProfileData ( int  fd,
const std::string &  prefix 

Definition at line 159 of file

References Sym::addr_, trackerHits::c, alignCSCRings::e, Sym::id_, idComp(), idSort(), info, Sym::library_, make_name(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, Sym::name_, Sym::next_id_, Reader::nextSample(), pathSort(), alignCSCRings::r, python::multivaluedict::sort(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, symSort(), pileupDistInMC::total, PathTracker::tree_, findQualityFiles::v, relativeConstraints::value, and verifyFile().

Referenced by writeProfileDataC().

  std::string output_tree(prefix+"_paths");
  std::string output_names(prefix+"_names");
  std::string output_totals(prefix+"_totals");

  std::ofstream nost(output_names.c_str());
  std::ofstream tost(output_tree.c_str());
  std::ofstream sost(output_totals.c_str());


  VertexSet symset;
  PathSet pathset;
  std::pair<VertexSet::iterator,bool> irc,prev_irc;
  std::pair<PathSet::iterator,bool> prc;

  VoidVec v;
  int len=0;
  int total=0;
  int total_failed=0;
  int total_missing=0;
  //  int failure_count=0;
  Sym last_none_entry;
  Sym last_good_entry;
  Reader r(fd);
  std::string unk("unknown_name");

  while (r.nextSample(v)) {
      PathTracker ptrack;
      len = v.size();
      if(len==0) continue; // should never happen!
      VoidVec::reverse_iterator c(v.rbegin()),e(v.rend());
      bool first_pass=true;

      while(c != e) {
          Sym::address_type value = reinterpret_cast<Sym::address_type>(*c);

          const Sym* entry = 0;
          Dl_info info;
          void* addr = static_cast<void*>(value);

          if(dladdr(addr,&info) != 0) {
              std::string name = make_name(info, addr, "unknown_");

              last_good_entry.name_    = name;
              last_good_entry.library_ = info.dli_fname;
              last_good_entry.id_      = 0;
              void* function_address = info.dli_saddr;

              // If we find the address of this function, we make  a
              // unique VertexTracker for that function. If not,  we
              // make a unique VertexTracker for this exact address.
              last_good_entry.addr_  =   
                function_address ? function_address : value;

              entry = &last_good_entry;
          } else { // dladdr has failed
                std::cerr << "sample " << total
                   << ": dladdr failed for address: " << *c
                   << std::endl;
              std::ostringstream oss;
              oss << "lookup_failure_" << addr;
              last_none_entry.name_    = oss.str();
              last_none_entry.library_ = "unknown";
              last_none_entry.id_      = Sym::next_id_++;
              last_none_entry.addr_    = value;

              entry = &last_none_entry;

          irc = symset.insert(VertexTracker(*entry));
          if(irc.second) {

          if(!first_pass) ++prev_irc.first->edges_[irc.first->id_];
          else first_pass=false;

          prev_irc = irc;

      prc = pathset.insert(ptrack);
      if(prc.second) {

  // ------------------ copy the vertices for sorting and searching ------

  int setsize = symset.size();
  int edgesize = 0;
  Viter vsyms;

  //cout << "------ symset -----" << std::endl;
  VertexSet::const_iterator isym(symset.begin()),esym(symset.end());
  while(isym!=esym) {
      //cout << "     " << *isym << std::endl;

  // ------ calculate samples for parents and percentages in vertices ------

  std::sort(vsyms.begin(), vsyms.end(), idSort);
  //Viter::iterator Vib(vsyms.begin()),Vie(vsyms.end());
  //std::cout << "sorted table --------------" << std::endl;
  //while(Vib!=Vie) { std::cout << "    " << *(*Vib) << std::endl; ++Vib; }

  PathSet::const_iterator pat_it_beg(pathset.begin()),

  while(pat_it_beg!=pat_it_end) {
      // get set of unique IDs from the path
      ULVec pathcopy(pat_it_beg->tree_);
      std::sort(pathcopy.begin(), pathcopy.end());
      ULVec::iterator iter = unique(pathcopy.begin(),pathcopy.end());
      ULVec::iterator cop_beg(pathcopy.begin());
      //cout << "length of unique = " << distance(cop_beg,iter) << std::endl;
      while(cop_beg!=iter) {
          //cout << "  entry " << *cop_beg << std::endl;
          Viter::iterator sym_iter = upper_bound(vsyms.begin(),vsyms.end(),
          if(sym_iter==vsyms.begin()) {
              std::cerr << "found a missing sym entry for address " << *cop_beg
                   << std::endl;
          } else {
              //cout << " symiter " << *(*sym_iter) << std::endl;


  VertexSet::iterator ver_iter(symset.begin()),ver_iter_end(symset.end());
  float ftotal = (total != 0 ? (float)total : 1.0); // Avoids possible divide by zero.
  while(ver_iter != ver_iter_end) {
      ver_iter->percent_leaf_ = (float)ver_iter->total_as_leaf_ / ftotal;
      ver_iter->percent_path_ = (float)ver_iter->in_path_ / ftotal;

  // -------------- write out the vertices ----------------

  std::sort(vsyms.begin(), vsyms.end(), symSort);
  Viter::reverse_iterator vvi(vsyms.rbegin()),vve(vsyms.rend());
  while(vvi != vve) {
      nost << *(*vvi) << "\n";

  // --------------- write out the paths ------------------ 

  int pathsize = pathset.size();
  Piter vpaths;

  PathSet::const_iterator ipath(pathset.begin()),epath(pathset.end());
  while(ipath != epath) {


  Piter::reverse_iterator ppi(vpaths.rbegin()),ppe(vpaths.rend());
  while(ppi != ppe) {
      tost << *(*ppi) << "\n";

  // ------------ totals --------------------
  sost << "total_samples " << total << "\n"
       << "total_functions " << setsize << "\n"
       << "total_paths " << pathsize << "\n"
       << "total_edges " << edgesize << std::endl
       << "total_failed_lookups " << total_failed << std::endl
       << "total_missing_sym_entries " << total_missing << std::endl;

void writeProfileDataC ( int  fd,
const std::string &  prefix 

Definition at line 365 of file

References writeProfileData().