![]() |
![]() |
#include <Riostream.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TKey.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TH2D.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TPaveStats.h>
#include <TText.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <TString.h>
#include <TColor.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
void | cert_plot (float threshold_pixel, float threshold, string filename, vector< string > &cert_strip, vector< string > &cert_track, vector< string > &cert_pixel, vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > &LS_strip, vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > &LS_track, vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > &LS_pixel) |
void | Cleaning (vector< int > &LSlist) |
string | ListOut (vector< int > &LSlist) |
void | ls_cert (float threshold_pixel, float threshold, string filename) |
void | ls_cert_type (string iDir, float threshold, string filename, vector< string > &cert, vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > &gLS, vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > &bLS, vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > &mLS) |
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
int | nlumis (string filename) |
string | runnum_str (string filename) |
Variables | |
int | numlumis = -1 |
void cert_plot | ( | float | threshold_pixel, |
float | threshold, | ||
string | filename, | ||
vector< string > & | cert_strip, | ||
vector< string > & | cert_track, | ||
vector< string > & | cert_pixel, | ||
vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > & | LS_strip, | ||
vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > & | LS_track, | ||
vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > & | LS_pixel | ||
) |
Definition at line 318 of file ls_cert.cc.
References create_public_lumi_plots::color, i, customizeTrackingMonitorSeedNumber::idx, diffTwoXMLs::label, nlumis(), svgfig::rgb(), runnum_str(), edm::second(), and dtDQMClient_cfg::threshold.
Referenced by ls_cert().
{ int nLumiSections = nlumis( filename ); char plottitles[200]; sprintf( plottitles , "Lumisection Certification: Run %s;Luminosity Section;" , runnum_str( filename ).c_str() ); TH2D *cert_plot = new TH2D( "cert_plot" , plottitles , nLumiSections , 1 , nLumiSections + 1 , 5 , 1 , 6 ); cert_plot->SetStats(0); char label[100]; for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( label , "SiStrip %s" , cert_strip[ityp].c_str() ); cert_plot->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel( 5 - ityp , label ); for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < LS_strip[ityp].second.size() ; idx++) if ( LS_strip[ityp].second[idx] > -1 ) cert_plot->SetBinContent(idx+1, 5 - ityp, LS_strip[ityp].second[idx]); } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 1; ityp++) { sprintf( label , "Tracking %s" , cert_track[ityp].c_str() ); cert_plot->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel( 1 - ityp , label ); for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < LS_track[ityp].second.size() ; idx++) if ( LS_track[ityp].second[idx] > -1 ) cert_plot->SetBinContent(idx+1, 1 - ityp, LS_track[ityp].second[idx]); } const Int_t colNum = 20; // defining of a new palette Int_t palette[colNum]; float rgb[colNum][3]; int col_thr = colNum * threshold; for (Int_t i=0; i<colNum; i++) { if ( i >= col_thr ) { // green rgb[i][0] = 0.00; rgb[i][1] = 0.80; rgb[i][2] = 0.00; } else { // red to yellow //yellow red rgb[i][0] = 0.80 + ( 0.98 - 0.80 ) / ( col_thr - 1 ) * i ; //0.98 0.80 rgb[i][1] = 0.00 + ( 0.79 - 0.00 ) / ( col_thr - 1 ) * i ; //0.79 0.00 rgb[i][2] = 0.00; //0.00 } palette[i] = 9001+i; TColor *color = gROOT->GetColor(9001+i); if (!color) color = new TColor(9001 + i, 0, 0, 0, ""); color->SetRGB(rgb[i][0], rgb[i][1], rgb[i][2]); } gStyle->SetPalette(colNum,palette); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TCanvas *cc = new TCanvas( "name" , "title" , 1000 , 600 ); cert_plot->Draw("colz"); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.17); string plotfilename = "Certification_run_" + runnum_str( filename ) + ".png"; cc->Print( plotfilename.c_str() ); //PIXEL plot TH2D *cert_plot_pixel = new TH2D( "cert_plot_pixel" , plottitles , nLumiSections , 1 , nLumiSections + 1 , 4 , 1 , 5 ); cert_plot_pixel->SetStats(0); for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( label , "Pixel %s" , cert_pixel[ityp].c_str() ); cert_plot_pixel->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel( 4 - ityp , label ); for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < LS_pixel[ityp].second.size() ; idx++) if ( LS_pixel[ityp].second[idx] > -1 ) cert_plot_pixel->SetBinContent(idx+1, 4 - ityp, LS_pixel[ityp].second[idx]); } int col_thr_pixel = colNum * threshold_pixel; for (Int_t i=0; i<colNum; i++) { if ( i >= col_thr_pixel ) { // green rgb[i][0] = 0.00; rgb[i][1] = 0.80; rgb[i][2] = 0.00; } else { // red to yellow //yellow red rgb[i][0] = 0.80 + ( 0.98 - 0.80 ) / ( col_thr - 1 ) * i ; //0.98 0.80 rgb[i][1] = 0.00 + ( 0.79 - 0.00 ) / ( col_thr - 1 ) * i ; //0.79 0.00 rgb[i][2] = 0.00; //0.00 } palette[i] = 10001+i; TColor *color = gROOT->GetColor(10001+i); if (!color) color = new TColor(10001 + i, 0, 0, 0, ""); color->SetRGB(rgb[i][0], rgb[i][1], rgb[i][2]); } gStyle->SetPalette(colNum,palette); gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); cert_plot_pixel->Draw("colz"); //gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.17); string plotfilename_pixel = "Certification_run_" + runnum_str( filename ) + "_pixel.png"; cc->Print( plotfilename_pixel.c_str() ); delete cc; }
void Cleaning | ( | vector< int > & | LSlist | ) |
Definition at line 498 of file ls_cert.cc.
References asciidump::at.
Referenced by ls_cert_type().
{ if ( LSlist.size() == 0 ) return; //cleaning: keep only 1st and last lumisection in the range int refLS = LSlist[0]; for (unsigned int at = 1; at < LSlist.size() - 1; at++) { //delete LSnums in between a single continuous range if ( refLS + 1 == LSlist[at] && LSlist[at] + 1 == LSlist[at+1] ) { refLS = LSlist[at]; LSlist[at] = -1; } else { refLS = LSlist[at]; } } }
string ListOut | ( | vector< int > & | LSlist | ) |
Definition at line 521 of file ls_cert.cc.
References asciidump::at.
Referenced by ls_cert_type(), and lsbs_cert().
{ string strout = ""; bool rangeset = false; for (unsigned int at = 0; at < LSlist.size(); at++) { if ( LSlist[at] != -1 ) { if ( at > 0 && LSlist[at-1] != -1 ) strout += ","; stringstream lsnum; lsnum << LSlist[at]; strout += lsnum.str(); rangeset = false; } if ( LSlist[at] == -1 && !rangeset ) { strout += "-"; rangeset = true; } } return strout; }
void ls_cert | ( | float | threshold_pixel, |
float | threshold, | ||
string | filename | ||
) |
Definition at line 56 of file ls_cert.cc.
References cert_plot(), gather_cfg::cout, first, geometryCSVtoXML::line, ls_cert_type(), prof2calltree::namefile, numlumis, EdgesToViz::outfile, and runnum_str().
Referenced by main().
{ void ls_cert_type ( string iDir , float threshold , string filename , vector <string>& , vector<pair<string,vector<float> > >& , vector<pair<string,vector<float> > >& , vector<pair<string,vector<float> > >& ); void cert_plot ( float threshold_pixel , float threshold , string filename , vector <string>& , vector <string>& , vector <string>& , vector<pair<string,vector<float> > >& , vector<pair<string,vector<float> > >& , vector<pair<string,vector<float> > >& ); //presets numlumis = -1; //certifications vector <string> cert_strip; vector <string> cert_track; vector <string> cert_pixel; //good lumisections vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > gLS_strip; vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > gLS_track; vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > gLS_pixel; //bad lumisections vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > bLS_strip; vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > bLS_track; vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > bLS_pixel; //missing lumisections vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > mLS_strip; vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > mLS_track; vector < pair < string,vector <float> > > mLS_pixel; ls_cert_type( "SiStrip" , threshold , filename , cert_strip , gLS_strip , bLS_strip , mLS_strip ); ls_cert_type( "Tracking" , threshold , filename , cert_track , gLS_track , bLS_track , mLS_track ); ls_cert_type( "Pixel" , threshold_pixel , filename , cert_pixel , gLS_pixel , bLS_pixel , mLS_pixel ); ofstream outfile; string namefile = "Certification_run_" + runnum_str( filename ) + ".txt"; outfile.open(namefile.c_str()); outfile << "Lumisection Certification (GOOD: >= " << threshold_pixel << " [Pixel]; >= " << threshold << " [SiStrip,Tracking] " << ", otherwise BAD):" << endl << endl; outfile << "GOOD Lumisections:" << endl; char line[200]; for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " Pixel %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_pixel[ityp].c_str() , gLS_pixel[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " SiStrip %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_strip[ityp].c_str() , gLS_strip[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 1; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " Tracking %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_track[ityp].c_str() , gLS_track[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } outfile << "\nBAD Lumisections:" << endl; for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " Pixel %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_pixel[ityp].c_str() , bLS_pixel[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " SiStrip %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_strip[ityp].c_str() , bLS_strip[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 1; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " Tracking %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_track[ityp].c_str() , bLS_track[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } outfile << "\nMISSING Lumisections:" << endl; for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " Pixel %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_pixel[ityp].c_str() , mLS_pixel[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 4; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " SiStrip %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_strip[ityp].c_str() , mLS_strip[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } for (int ityp = 0; ityp < 1; ityp++) { sprintf( line, " Tracking %*sSummary: %s" , 13 , cert_track[ityp].c_str() , mLS_track[ityp].first.c_str() ); outfile << line << endl; } outfile.close(); std::cout << "Lumisection Certification summary saved in " << namefile << std::endl; cert_plot ( threshold_pixel , threshold , filename , cert_strip , cert_track , cert_pixel , gLS_strip , gLS_track , gLS_pixel ); }
void ls_cert_type | ( | string | iDir, |
float | threshold, | ||
string | filename, | ||
vector< string > & | cert, | ||
vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > & | gLS, | ||
vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > & | bLS, | ||
vector< pair< string, vector< float > > > & | mLS | ||
) |
Definition at line 152 of file ls_cert.cc.
References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, Cleaning(), gather_cfg::cout, debug, dir, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, i, j, gen::k, combine::key, ListOut(), python::rootplot::utilities::ls(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, nlumis(), NULL, DTTTrigCorrFirst::run, runnum_str(), results_mgr::sflag, python::multivaluedict::sort(), HDQMDatabaseProducer::tempDir, and findQualityFiles::v.
Referenced by ls_cert().
{ void Cleaning(vector<int> &); string ListOut(vector<int> &); bool debug = false; string run = runnum_str( filename ); if (debug) std::cout << filename.c_str() << std::endl; TDirectory* topDir; vector<float> ls; TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename.c_str()); if (!file->IsOpen()) { std::cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << std::endl; return; } string dir = "DQMData/Run " + run + "/" + iDir; topDir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>( file->Get(dir.c_str())); topDir->cd(); if (debug) std::cout << topDir->GetTitle() << std::endl; // // Reading the LS directory // TIter next(topDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *key; while ( (key = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(next())) ) { string clName(key->GetClassName()); if (clName == "TDirectoryFile") { TDirectory *curr_dir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>(key->ReadObj()); string name = curr_dir->GetName(); if (name == "Run summary") continue; name = name.substr(name.find("-")+1); float temp1 = atof(name.c_str()); ls.push_back(temp1); } } sort(ls.begin(),ls.end()); int vecsize = ls.size(); // // Definition of vectors for LS certification // Float_t * lsd = new Float_t[vecsize]; Float_t ** v = new Float_t*[4]; for(int k=0;k<4;k++) { v[k] = new Float_t[vecsize]; } //string certflag[4] = {"CertificationSummary","DAQSummary","DCSSummary","reportSummary"}; //string certflagPrint[4] = {"Certification","DAQ","DCS","DQM"}; string certflag[4] = {"DAQSummary","DCSSummary","reportSummary","CertificationSummary"}; string certflagPrint[4] = {"DAQ","DCS","DQM","Certification"}; int smax = 2; if ( iDir == "SiStrip" || iDir == "Pixel" ) smax = 4; if ( iDir == "Tracking" ) { certflag[0] = "CertificationSummary"; certflagPrint[0] = "Certification"; certflag[1] = "reportSummary"; certflagPrint[1] = "DQM"; } for (int icert_type = 0; icert_type < smax; icert_type++) { cert.push_back( certflagPrint[icert_type] ); } if (debug) std::cout << gDirectory->GetName() << std::endl; for (int i=0; i < vecsize; i++){ stringstream lsdir; lsdir << dir << "/By Lumi Section " << ls[i] <<"-"<<ls[i]<<"/EventInfo"; if (debug) std::cout << lsdir.str().c_str() << std::endl; float templs = ls[i]; lsd[i] = templs; TDirectory *tempDir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>( file->Get(lsdir.str().c_str())); tempDir->cd(); int j = 0; TIter nextTemp(tempDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *keyTemp; while ( (keyTemp = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(nextTemp())) ) { float tempvalue = -1.; string classname(keyTemp->GetClassName()); if (classname=="TObjString" ){ string sflag = keyTemp->GetName(); string tempname = sflag.substr(sflag.find("f=")+2); size_t pos1 = tempname.find("<"); size_t pos2 = sflag.find_first_of(">"); string detvalue = tempname.substr(0,pos1); string typecert = sflag.substr(1,pos2-1); if (debug) std::cout << typecert.c_str() << std::endl; tempvalue = atof(detvalue.c_str()); for (j=0; j<smax; j++){ if ( strstr(typecert.c_str(),certflag[j].c_str())!=NULL) v[j][i] = tempvalue; if (debug) std::cout << "Entering value " << tempvalue << " " << v[j][i] << " for " << certflag[j].c_str() << std::endl; } j = j + 1; } } } int nLS_run = nlumis ( filename ); for (int iS = 0; iS < smax; iS++) { vector<int> goodLS; vector<int> badLS; vector<int> missingLS; vector<float> allLSthr; //loop over all available lumisections and fill good/bad lists for (int iLS = 0; iLS < vecsize; iLS++) { if ( v[iS][iLS] >= threshold ) goodLS.push_back(lsd[iLS]); else if ( v[iS][iLS] > -1 ) //protect from flagging non-tested LS as bad badLS.push_back(lsd[iLS]); } int last_idx = 0; for (int i_ls = 1; i_ls <= nLS_run; i_ls++) { for (int j = last_idx; j < vecsize; j++) { if ( lsd[j] == i_ls ) { last_idx = j+1; if ( v[iS][j] == 0 ) allLSthr.push_back(0.00001); else allLSthr.push_back(v[iS][j]); break; } if ( lsd[j] > i_ls ) { last_idx = j; missingLS.push_back(i_ls); allLSthr.push_back(-1); break; } } } Cleaning( goodLS ); Cleaning( badLS ); Cleaning( missingLS ); string goodList = ListOut( goodLS ); string badList = ListOut( badLS ); string missingList = ListOut( missingLS ); //save lumisections for this certification type gLS.push_back ( make_pair ( goodList , allLSthr ) ); bLS.push_back ( make_pair ( badList , allLSthr ) ); mLS.push_back ( make_pair ( missingList , allLSthr ) ); } }
int main | ( | int | argc, |
char * | argv[] | ||
) |
Definition at line 32 of file ls_cert.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, lut2db_cfg::filename, ls_cert(), and dtDQMClient_cfg::threshold.
{ if(argc==4) { char* cpixel = argv[1]; char* cthr = argv[2]; char* filename = argv[3]; float threshold_pixel = 0; sscanf(cpixel,"%f",&threshold_pixel); float threshold = 0; sscanf(cthr,"%f",&threshold); std::cout << "ready to run ls_cert: pixel thr " << threshold_pixel << " threshold " << threshold << " filename " << filename << std::endl; ls_cert(threshold_pixel,threshold,filename); } else {std::cout << "Too few arguments: " << argc << std::endl; return -1; } return 0; }
int nlumis | ( | string | filename | ) |
Definition at line 433 of file ls_cert.cc.
References dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, python::rootplot::utilities::ls(), numlumis, DTTTrigCorrFirst::run, runnum_str(), results_mgr::sflag, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
Referenced by cert_plot(), ls_cert_type(), and lsbs_cert().
{ if ( numlumis > -1 ) return numlumis; //TDirectory* topDir; vector<float> ls; TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename.c_str()); if (!file->IsOpen()) { std::cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << std::endl; return -1; } string run = runnum_str( filename ); //check if HIRun or pp run bool isHIRun = false; if ( filename.find ( "HIRun" ) != string::npos ) isHIRun = true; //valid up to the end of 2011 pp collisions if ( !isHIRun ) { string EventInfoDir = "DQMData/Run " + run + "/SiStrip/Run summary/EventInfo"; TDirectory *rsEventInfoDir = dynamic_cast<TDirectory*>( file->Get(EventInfoDir.c_str())); rsEventInfoDir->cd(); TIter eiKeys(rsEventInfoDir->GetListOfKeys()); TKey *eiKey; while ( (eiKey = dynamic_cast<TKey*>(eiKeys())) ) { string classname(eiKey->GetClassName()); if (classname=="TObjString" ) { string sflag = eiKey->GetName(); string tempname = sflag.substr(sflag.find("i=")+2); size_t pos1 = tempname.find("<"); size_t pos2 = sflag.find_first_of(">"); string detvalue = tempname.substr(0,pos1); string numlumisec = sflag.substr(1,pos2-1); if ( numlumisec.c_str() == (string)"iLumiSection" ) { numlumis = atoi( detvalue.c_str() ); break; } } } } else { //valid since 2011 HI running (iLumiSection variable not there anymore) string EventInfoDirHist = "DQMData/Run " + run + "/Info/Run summary/EventInfo/ProcessedLS"; TH1F* allLS = (TH1F*) file->Get( EventInfoDirHist.c_str() ); numlumis = allLS->GetEntries() - 1; delete allLS; } return numlumis; }
string runnum_str | ( | string | filename | ) |
Definition at line 493 of file ls_cert.cc.
Referenced by cert_plot(), getplot(), ls_cert(), ls_cert_type(), lsbs_cert(), and nlumis().
int numlumis = -1 |
Definition at line 26 of file ls_cert.cc.
Referenced by ls_cert(), lsbs_cert(), and nlumis().