Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Attributes

PFMETBenchmark Class Reference

#include <PFMETBenchmark.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyse ()
void calculateQuantities (const reco::PFMETCollection &, const reco::GenParticleCollection &, const reco::CaloMETCollection &, const reco::METCollection &)
void calculateQuantities (const reco::PFMETCollection &, const reco::GenParticleCollection &, const reco::CaloMETCollection &, const reco::METCollection &, const std::vector< reco::CaloJet > &, const std::vector< reco::CaloJet > &)
float getCaloMET ()
float getCaloMEX ()
float getCaloMEY ()
float getCaloPhi ()
float getCaloSET ()
float getDeltaCaloMET ()
float getDeltaCaloPhi ()
float getDeltaCaloSET ()
float getDeltaPFMET ()
float getDeltaPFPhi ()
float getDeltaPFSET ()
float getDeltaTCMET ()
float getDeltaTCPhi ()
float getDeltaTCSET ()
float getPFMET ()
float getPFMEX ()
float getPFMEY ()
float getPFPhi ()
float getPFSET ()
float getTCMET ()
float getTCMEX ()
float getTCMEY ()
float getTCPhi ()
float getTCSET ()
float getTrueMET ()
float getTruePhi ()
float getTrueSET ()
double mpi_pi (double angle)
 PFMETBenchmark ()
void process (const reco::PFMETCollection &, const reco::GenParticleCollection &, const reco::CaloMETCollection &, const reco::METCollection &)
void setup (std::string Filename, bool debug, bool plotAgainstReco=0, std::string benchmarkLabel_="ParticleFlow", DQMStore *dbe_store=NULL)
void write ()
virtual ~PFMETBenchmark ()

Protected Attributes

bool debug_
bool plotAgainstReco_

Private Attributes

double calo_met
double calo_mex
double calo_mey
double calo_phi
double calo_set
TFile * file_
TH1F * hCaloMET
TH2F * hCaloMETvstrueMET
TH1F * hCaloMEX
TH2F * hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloMET
TH2F * hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloSET
TH1F * hDeltaCaloMET
TH2F * hDeltaCaloMETvstrueMET
TH1F * hDeltaCaloMEX
TH2F * hDeltaCaloMEXvstrueSET
TH1F * hDeltaCaloPhi
TH2F * hDeltaCaloPhivstrueMET
TH1F * hDeltaCaloSET
TH1F * hDeltaMET
TH1F * hDeltaMEX
TH2F * hDeltaPFMETvstrueMET
TH2F * hDeltaPFMEXvstrueSET
TH2F * hDeltaPFPhivstrueMET
TH1F * hDeltaPhi
TH1F * hDeltaSET
TH1F * hDeltaTCMET
TH2F * hDeltaTCMETvstrueMET
TH1F * hDeltaTCMEX
TH2F * hDeltaTCMEXvstrueSET
TH1F * hDeltaTCPhi
TH2F * hDeltaTCPhivstrueMET
TH1F * hDeltaTCSET
TH2F * hPFMETvstrueMET
TH2F * hSETvsDeltaMET
TH2F * hSETvsDeltaSET
TH2F * hTCMETvstrueMET
TH1F * hTrueMET
std::string outputFile_
TProfile * profileCaloMETvsCaloMETresp
TProfile * profileCaloSETvsCaloSETresp
TProfile * profileMETvsMETresp
TProfile * profileSETvsSETresp
TProfile * profileTCMETvsTCMETresp
TProfile * profileTCSETvsTCSETresp
double rec_met
double rec_mex
double rec_mey
double rec_phi
double rec_set
double tc_met
double tc_mex
double tc_mey
double tc_phi
double tc_set
double true_met
double true_mex
double true_mey
double true_phi
double true_set

Detailed Description

Definition at line 40 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFMETBenchmark::PFMETBenchmark ( )

Definition at line 34 of file

: file_(0) {}
PFMETBenchmark::~PFMETBenchmark ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 36 of file

References file_.

  if(file_) file_->Close();

Member Function Documentation

void PFMETBenchmark::analyse ( )

Definition at line 433 of file

Referenced by PFMETBenchmarkAnalyzer::endJob().

  //Define fit functions and histograms
  //TF1* func1 = new TF1("fit1", fitf, 0, 40, 4);
  //TF1* func2 = new TF1("fit2", fitf, 0, 40, 4);
  //TF1* func3 = new TF1("fit3", fitf, 0, 40, 4);
  //TF1* func4 = new TF1("fit4", fitf, 0, 40, 4);

  //fit gaussian to Delta MET corresponding to different slices in MET, store fit values (mean,sigma) in histos

  // Make the MET resolution versus SET plot
  TCanvas* canvas_MetResVsRecoSet = new TCanvas("MetResVsRecoSet", "MET Sigma vs Reco SET", 500,500);
  func1->SetParNames("Noise", "Stochastic", "Constant", "Offset");
  func1->SetParameters(10.0, 0.8, 0.1, 100.0);
  hsigmaPF->Fit("fit1", "", "", 100.0, 900.0);
  func2->SetParNames("Noise", "Stochastic", "Constant", "Offset");
  func2->SetParameters(10.0, 0.8, 0.1, 100.0);
  hsigmaCalo->Fit("fit2", "", "", 100.0, 900.0);
  func3->SetParNames("Noise", "Stochastic", "Constant", "Offset");
  func3->SetParameters(10.0, 0.8, 0.1, 100.0);
  hrmsPF->Fit("fit3", "", "", 100.0, 900.0);
  func4->SetParNames("Noise", "Stochastic", "Constant", "Offset");
  func4->SetParameters(10.0, 0.8, 0.1, 100.0);
  hrmsCalo->Fit("fit4", "", "", 100.0, 900.0);
  (hsigmaPF->GetYaxis())->SetRangeUser( 0.0, 50.0);

  // Make the SET response versus SET plot
  TCanvas* canvas_SetRespVsTrueSet = new TCanvas("SetRespVsTrueSet", "SET Response vs True SET", 500,500);
  (profileSETvsSETresp->GetYaxis())->SetRangeUser(-1.0, 1.0);

  // Make the MET response versus MET plot
  TCanvas* canvas_MetRespVsTrueMet = new TCanvas("MetRespVsTrueMet", "MET Response vs True MET", 500,500);
  (profileMETvsMETresp->GetYaxis())->SetRangeUser(-1.0, 1.0);

  //print the resulting plots to file
void PFMETBenchmark::calculateQuantities ( const reco::PFMETCollection pfMets,
const reco::GenParticleCollection genParticleList,
const reco::CaloMETCollection caloMets,
const reco::METCollection tcMets 

Definition at line 278 of file

References abs, calo_met, calo_mex, calo_mey, calo_phi, calo_set, gather_cfg::cout, debug_, eta(), i, benchmark_cfg::pdgId, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), rec_met, rec_mex, rec_phi, rec_set, mathSSE::sqrt(), ntuplemaker::status, reco::MET::sumEt(), tc_met, tc_mex, tc_mey, tc_phi, tc_set, true_met, true_mex, true_mey, true_phi, and true_set.

Referenced by process().

  const reco::PFMET&    pfm = pfMets[0];
  const reco::CaloMET&  cm  = caloMets[0];
  const reco::MET&  tcm  = tcMets[0];

  double trueMEY  = 0.0;
  double trueMEX  = 0.0;;
  true_set  = 0.0;;

  //  for( genParticle = genParticleList.begin(); genParticle != genParticleList.end(); genParticle++ )
  for( unsigned i = 0; i < genParticleList.size(); i++ ) {
    if( genParticleList[i].status() == 1 && fabs(genParticleList[i].eta()) < 5.0 ) { 
      if( std::abs(genParticleList[i].pdgId()) == 12 ||
          std::abs(genParticleList[i].pdgId()) == 14 ||
          std::abs(genParticleList[i].pdgId()) == 16 || 
          std::abs(genParticleList[i].pdgId()) < 7   || 
          std::abs(genParticleList[i].pdgId()) == 21 ) {
        trueMEX += genParticleList[i].px();
        trueMEY += genParticleList[i].py();
      } else {
        true_set += genParticleList[i].pt();
  true_mex = -trueMEX;
  true_mey = -trueMEY;
  true_met = sqrt( trueMEX*trueMEX + trueMEY*trueMEY );
  true_phi = atan2(trueMEY,trueMEX);
  rec_met  =;
  rec_mex  = pfm.px();
  rec_mex  =;
  rec_phi  = pfm.phi();
  rec_set  = pfm.sumEt();
  calo_met =;
  calo_mex = cm.px();
  calo_mey =;
  calo_phi = cm.phi();
  calo_set = cm.sumEt();
  tc_met =;
  tc_mex = tcm.px();
  tc_mey =;
  tc_phi = tcm.phi();
  tc_set = tcm.sumEt();

  if (debug_) {
    cout << "  =========PFMET  " << rec_met  << ", " << rec_phi  << endl;
    cout << "  =========trueMET " << true_met << ", " << true_phi << endl;
    cout << "  =========CaloMET " << calo_met << ", " << calo_phi << endl;
    cout << "  =========TCMET " << tc_met << ", " << tc_phi << endl;
void PFMETBenchmark::calculateQuantities ( const reco::PFMETCollection ,
const reco::GenParticleCollection ,
const reco::CaloMETCollection ,
const reco::METCollection ,
const std::vector< reco::CaloJet > &  ,
const std::vector< reco::CaloJet > &   
float PFMETBenchmark::getCaloMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_met.

{return calo_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getCaloMEX ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_mex, and true_mex.

{return calo_mex-true_mex;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getCaloMEY ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_mey, and true_mey.

{return calo_mey-true_mey;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getCaloPhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 79 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_phi.

{return calo_phi;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getCaloSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_set.

{return calo_set;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaCaloMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_met, and true_met.

{return calo_met - true_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaCaloPhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_phi, mpi_pi(), and true_phi.

{return mpi_pi(calo_phi - true_phi);}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaCaloSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References calo_set, and true_set.

{return calo_set - true_set;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaPFMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 86 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_met, and true_met.

{return rec_met - true_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaPFPhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References mpi_pi(), rec_phi, and true_phi.

{return mpi_pi(rec_phi - true_phi);}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaPFSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_set, and true_set.

{return rec_set - true_set;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaTCMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_met, and true_met.

{return tc_met - true_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaTCPhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References mpi_pi(), tc_phi, and true_phi.

{return mpi_pi(tc_phi - true_phi);}
float PFMETBenchmark::getDeltaTCSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_set, and true_set.

{return tc_set - true_set;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getPFMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_met.

{return rec_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getPFMEX ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_mex, and true_mex.

{return rec_mex-true_mex;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getPFMEY ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 73 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_mey, and true_mey.

{return rec_mey-true_mey;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getPFPhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 74 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_phi.

{return rec_phi;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getPFSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References rec_set.

{return rec_set;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTCMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_met.

{return tc_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTCMEX ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 82 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_mex, and true_mex.

{return tc_mex-true_mex;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTCMEY ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 83 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_mey, and true_mey.

{return tc_mey-true_mey;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTCPhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_phi.

{return tc_phi;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTCSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 85 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References tc_set.

{return tc_set;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTrueMET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References true_met.

{return true_met;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTruePhi ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References true_phi.

{return true_phi;}
float PFMETBenchmark::getTrueSET ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 70 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

References true_set.

{return true_set;}
double PFMETBenchmark::mpi_pi ( double  angle)

Definition at line 627 of file

References angle(), pi, and pi2.

Referenced by getDeltaCaloPhi(), getDeltaPFPhi(), and getDeltaTCPhi().


  const double pi = 3.14159265358979323;
  const double pi2 = pi*2.;
  while(angle>pi) angle -= pi2;
  while(angle<-pi) angle += pi2;
  return angle;

void PFMETBenchmark::process ( const reco::PFMETCollection pfMets,
const reco::GenParticleCollection genParticleList,
const reco::CaloMETCollection caloMets,
const reco::METCollection tcMets 

Definition at line 197 of file

References calculateQuantities(), calo_met, calo_mex, calo_mey, calo_phi, calo_set, gather_cfg::cout, debug_, hCaloMET, hCaloMETvstrueMET, hCaloMEX, hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloMET, hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloSET, hDeltaCaloMET, hDeltaCaloMETvstrueMET, hDeltaCaloMEX, hDeltaCaloMEXvstrueSET, hDeltaCaloPhi, hDeltaCaloPhivstrueMET, hDeltaCaloSET, hDeltaMET, hDeltaMEX, hDeltaPFMETvstrueMET, hDeltaPFMEXvstrueSET, hDeltaPFPhivstrueMET, hDeltaPhi, hDeltaSET, hDeltaTCMET, hDeltaTCMETvstrueMET, hDeltaTCMEX, hDeltaTCMEXvstrueSET, hDeltaTCPhi, hDeltaTCPhivstrueMET, hDeltaTCSET, hMEX, hPFMET, hPFMETvstrueMET, hSETvsDeltaMET, hSETvsDeltaSET, hTCMET, hTCMETvstrueMET, hTCMEX, hTCSETvsDeltaTCMET, hTCSETvsDeltaTCSET, hTrueMET, profileCaloMETvsCaloMETresp, profileCaloSETvsCaloSETresp, profileMETvsMETresp, profileSETvsSETresp, profileTCMETvsTCMETresp, profileTCSETvsTCSETresp, rec_met, rec_mex, rec_mey, rec_phi, rec_set, tc_met, tc_mex, tc_mey, tc_phi, tc_set, true_met, true_mex, true_mey, true_phi, and true_set.

Referenced by PFMETBenchmarkAnalyzer::analyze().

  calculateQuantities(pfMets, genParticleList, caloMets, tcMets);
  if (debug_) {
    cout << "  =========PFMET  " << rec_met  << ", " << rec_phi  << endl;
    cout << "  =========GenMET " << true_met << ", " << true_phi << endl;
    cout << "  =========CaloMET " << calo_met << ", " << calo_phi << endl;
    cout << "  =========TCMET " << tc_met << ", " << tc_phi << endl;
  // fill histograms
  // delta Pt or E quantities
  // PF
  hDeltaMET->Fill( rec_met - true_met );
  hMEX->Fill( rec_mex );
  hMEX->Fill( rec_mey );
  hDeltaMEX->Fill( rec_mex - true_mex );
  hDeltaMEX->Fill( rec_mey - true_mey );
  hDeltaPhi->Fill( rec_phi - true_phi );
  hDeltaSET->Fill( rec_set - true_set );
  if( true_met > 5.0 ) hSETvsDeltaMET->Fill( rec_set, rec_met - true_met );
  else                 hSETvsDeltaMET->Fill( rec_set, rec_mex - true_mex );
  hSETvsDeltaSET->Fill( rec_set, rec_set - true_set );
  if( true_met > 5.0 ) profileMETvsMETresp->Fill(true_met, (rec_met-true_met)/true_met);
  profileSETvsSETresp->Fill(true_set, (rec_set-true_set)/true_set);

  hDeltaPFMETvstrueMET->Fill(true_met, rec_met - true_met);
  hDeltaPFPhivstrueMET->Fill(true_met, rec_phi - true_phi);
  hPFMETvstrueMET->Fill(true_met, rec_met);

  hDeltaPFMEXvstrueSET->Fill(true_set, rec_mex - true_mex);
  hDeltaPFMEXvstrueSET->Fill(true_set, rec_mey - true_mey);

  // Calo
  hDeltaCaloMET->Fill( calo_met - true_met );
  hCaloMEX->Fill( calo_mex );
  hCaloMEX->Fill( calo_mey );
  hDeltaCaloMEX->Fill( calo_mex - true_mex);
  hDeltaCaloMEX->Fill( calo_mey - true_mey);
  hDeltaCaloPhi->Fill( calo_phi - true_phi );
  hDeltaCaloSET->Fill( calo_set - true_set );
  if( true_met > 5.0 ) hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloMET->Fill( calo_set, calo_met - true_met );
  else                 hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloMET->Fill( calo_set, calo_mex - true_mex);
  hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloSET->Fill( calo_set, calo_set - true_set );
  if( true_met > 5.0 ) profileCaloMETvsCaloMETresp->Fill(true_met, (calo_met-true_met)/true_met);
  profileCaloSETvsCaloSETresp->Fill(true_set, (calo_set-true_set)/true_set);

  hDeltaCaloMETvstrueMET->Fill(true_met, calo_met - true_met);
  hDeltaCaloPhivstrueMET->Fill(true_met, calo_phi - true_phi);
  hCaloMETvstrueMET->Fill(true_met, calo_met);

  hDeltaCaloMEXvstrueSET->Fill(true_set, calo_mex - true_mex);
  hDeltaCaloMEXvstrueSET->Fill(true_set, calo_mey - true_mey);

  // TC
  hDeltaTCMET->Fill( tc_met - true_met );
  hTCMET->Fill( tc_met );
  hTCMEX->Fill( tc_mex );
  hTCMEX->Fill( tc_mey );
  hDeltaTCMEX->Fill( tc_mex - true_mex);
  hDeltaTCMEX->Fill( tc_mey - true_mey);
  hDeltaTCPhi->Fill( tc_phi - true_phi );
  hDeltaTCSET->Fill( tc_set - true_set );
  if( true_met > 5.0 ) hTCSETvsDeltaTCMET->Fill( tc_set, tc_met - true_met );
  else                 hTCSETvsDeltaTCMET->Fill( tc_set, tc_mex - true_mex);
  hTCSETvsDeltaTCSET->Fill( tc_set, tc_set - true_set );
  if( true_met > 5.0 ) profileTCMETvsTCMETresp->Fill(true_met, (tc_met-true_met)/true_met);
  profileTCSETvsTCSETresp->Fill(true_set, (tc_set-true_set)/true_set);

  hDeltaTCMETvstrueMET->Fill( true_met, tc_met - true_met);
  hDeltaTCPhivstrueMET->Fill( true_met, tc_phi - true_phi);
  hDeltaTCMEXvstrueSET->Fill( true_set, tc_mex - true_mex);
  hDeltaTCMEXvstrueSET->Fill( true_set, tc_mey - true_mey);
  hTCMETvstrueMET->Fill( true_met, tc_met );

void PFMETBenchmark::setup ( std::string  Filename,
bool  debug,
bool  plotAgainstReco = 0,
std::string  benchmarkLabel_ = "ParticleFlow",
DQMStore dbe_store = NULL 
void PFMETBenchmark::write ( void  )

Definition at line 40 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, dbe_, file_, outputFile_, and DQMStore::save().

Referenced by PFMETBenchmarkAnalyzer::endJob().

   // Store the DAQ Histograms 
  if (outputFile_.size() != 0) {
    if (dbe_)
    // use bare Root if no DQM (FWLite applications)
    else if (file_) {
       cout << "Benchmark output written to file " << outputFile_.c_str() << endl;
    cout << "No output file specified ("<<outputFile_<<"). Results will not be saved!" << endl;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 186 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

double PFMETBenchmark::calo_met [private]

Definition at line 173 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloMET(), getDeltaCaloMET(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::calo_mex [private]

Definition at line 174 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloMEX(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::calo_mey [private]

Definition at line 175 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloMEY(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::calo_phi [private]

Definition at line 176 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloPhi(), getDeltaCaloPhi(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::calo_set [private]

Definition at line 177 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloSET(), getDeltaCaloSET(), and process().

Definition at line 189 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by write().

bool PFMETBenchmark::debug_ [protected]

Definition at line 187 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), and process().

TFile* PFMETBenchmark::file_ [private]

Definition at line 102 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by write(), and ~PFMETBenchmark().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hCaloMET [private]

Definition at line 125 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 120 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hCaloMEX [private]

Definition at line 135 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 134 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 133 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 137 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 117 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 136 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 122 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 138 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 119 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 139 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaMET [private]

Definition at line 112 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaMEX [private]

Definition at line 111 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 116 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 123 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 118 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaPhi [private]

Definition at line 113 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaSET [private]

Definition at line 114 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaTCMET [private]

Definition at line 147 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 128 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaTCMEX [private]

Definition at line 146 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 151 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaTCPhi [private]

Definition at line 148 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 129 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hDeltaTCSET [private]

Definition at line 149 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hMEX [private]

Definition at line 110 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hPFMET [private]

Definition at line 126 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 121 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 109 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 108 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hTCMET [private]

Definition at line 127 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 152 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hTCMEX [private]

Definition at line 145 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 144 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 143 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

TH1F* PFMETBenchmark::hTrueMET [private]

Definition at line 124 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

std::string PFMETBenchmark::outputFile_ [private]

Definition at line 161 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by write().

Definition at line 188 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Definition at line 132 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 131 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 107 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 106 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 142 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

Definition at line 141 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by process().

double PFMETBenchmark::rec_met [private]

Definition at line 168 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getDeltaPFMET(), getPFMET(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::rec_mex [private]

Definition at line 169 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getPFMEX(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::rec_mey [private]

Definition at line 170 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by getPFMEY(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::rec_phi [private]

Definition at line 171 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getDeltaPFPhi(), getPFPhi(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::rec_set [private]

Definition at line 172 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getDeltaPFSET(), getPFSET(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::tc_met [private]

Definition at line 178 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getDeltaTCMET(), getTCMET(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::tc_mex [private]

Definition at line 179 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getTCMEX(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::tc_mey [private]

Definition at line 180 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getTCMEY(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::tc_phi [private]

Definition at line 181 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getDeltaTCPhi(), getTCPhi(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::tc_set [private]

Definition at line 182 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getDeltaTCSET(), getTCSET(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::true_met [private]
double PFMETBenchmark::true_mex [private]

Definition at line 165 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloMEX(), getPFMEX(), getTCMEX(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::true_mey [private]

Definition at line 166 of file PFMETBenchmark.h.

Referenced by calculateQuantities(), getCaloMEY(), getPFMEY(), getTCMEY(), and process().

double PFMETBenchmark::true_phi [private]
double PFMETBenchmark::true_set [private]