Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

PreshowerPhiClusterProducer Class Reference

#include <PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for PreshowerPhiClusterProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef math::XYZPoint Point

Public Member Functions

 PreshowerPhiClusterProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es)
void set (const edm::EventSetup &es)
 ~PreshowerPhiClusterProducer ()

Private Attributes

double aEta_ [4]
double alpha0_
double alpha1_
double alpha2_
double alpha3_
std::string assocSClusterCollection_
double bEta_ [4]
edm::InputTag endcapSClusterProducer_
edm::ESHandle< ESChannelStatusesChannelStatus_
< ESEEIntercalibConstants
edm::ESHandle< ESGainesgain_
edm::ESHandle< ESMIPToGeVConstantesMIPToGeV_
< ESMissingEnergyCalibration
float esPhiClusterDeltaEta_
float esPhiClusterDeltaPhi_
double gamma0_
double gamma1_
double gamma2_
double gamma3_
double mip_
int nEvt_
std::string preshClusterCollectionX_
std::string preshClusterCollectionY_
edm::InputTag preshHitProducer_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 25 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PreshowerPhiClusterProducer::PreshowerPhiClusterProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]

Definition at line 44 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.


  // use configuration file to setup input/output collection names 
  preshHitProducer_   = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("preshRecHitProducer");
  // Name of a SuperClusterCollection to make associations:
  endcapSClusterProducer_   = ps.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapSClusterProducer");
  // Output collections:
  preshClusterCollectionX_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterCollectionX");
  preshClusterCollectionY_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("preshClusterCollectionY");
  assocSClusterCollection_ = ps.getParameter<std::string>("assocSClusterCollection");
  produces< reco::PreshowerClusterCollection >(preshClusterCollectionX_);
  produces< reco::PreshowerClusterCollection >(preshClusterCollectionY_);
  produces< reco::SuperClusterCollection >(assocSClusterCollection_);
  float esStripECut          = ps.getParameter<double>("esStripEnergyCut");
  esPhiClusterDeltaEta_      = ps.getParameter<double>("esPhiClusterDeltaEta");
  esPhiClusterDeltaPhi_      = ps.getParameter<double>("esPhiClusterDeltaPhi");

  presh_algo = new PreshowerPhiClusterAlgo(esStripECut);
PreshowerPhiClusterProducer::~PreshowerPhiClusterProducer ( )

Definition at line 69 of file

  delete presh_algo;

Member Function Documentation

void PreshowerPhiClusterProducer::produce ( edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup es 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 73 of file

References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), SiPixelRawToDigiRegional_cfi::deltaPhi, reco::deltaPhi(), alignCSCRings::e, DetId::Ecal, EcalPreshower, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), reco::CaloCluster::energy(), geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), ESCondObjectContainer< T >::getMap(), LogTrace, CommPDSkim_cfg::maxDeltaPhi, benchmark_cfg::minDeltaPhi, point, edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::PtrVector< T >::push_back(), edm::Event::put(), HI_PhotonSkim_cff::rechits, reco::PreshowerCluster::setBCRef(), reco::SuperCluster::setPreshowerEnergyPlane1(), edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size(), X, and Gflash::Z.

  edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection >   pRecHits;
  edm::Handle< reco::SuperClusterCollection > pSuperClusters;
  // get the ECAL geometry:
  edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle;
  // retrieve ES-EE intercalibration constants and channel status
  const ESChannelStatus *channelStatus = esChannelStatus_.product();
  const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *geometry = geoHandle->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalPreshower);
  const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *& geometry_p = geometry;
  // create auto_ptr to a PreshowerClusterCollection
  std::auto_ptr< reco::PreshowerClusterCollection > clusters_p1(new reco::PreshowerClusterCollection);
  std::auto_ptr< reco::PreshowerClusterCollection > clusters_p2(new reco::PreshowerClusterCollection);
  // create new collection of corrected super clusters
  std::auto_ptr< reco::SuperClusterCollection > superclusters_p(new reco::SuperClusterCollection);
  CaloSubdetectorTopology * topology_p=0;
  if (geometry)
    topology_p  = new EcalPreshowerTopology(geoHandle);
  // fetch the product (pSuperClusters)
  evt.getByLabel(endcapSClusterProducer_, pSuperClusters);   
  const reco::SuperClusterCollection* SClusts = pSuperClusters.product();
  // fetch the product (RecHits)
  evt.getByLabel( preshHitProducer_, pRecHits);
  // pointer to the object in the product
  const EcalRecHitCollection* rechits = pRecHits.product(); // EcalRecHitCollection hit_collection = *rhcHandle;
  LogTrace("EcalClusters") << "PreshowerPhiClusterProducerInfo: ### Total # of preshower RecHits: "<< rechits->size();
  // make the map of rechits:
  std::map<DetId, EcalRecHit> rechits_map;
  EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator it;
  for (it = rechits->begin(); it != rechits->end(); it++) {
    // remove bad ES rechits
    if (it->recoFlag()==1 || it->recoFlag()==14 || (it->recoFlag()<=10 && it->recoFlag()>=5)) continue;
    //Make the map of DetID, EcalRecHit pairs
    rechits_map.insert(std::make_pair(it->id(), *it));   
  // The set of used DetID's for a given event:
  std::set<DetId> used_strips;
  LogTrace("EcalClusters") << "PreshowerPhiClusterProducerInfo: ### rechits_map of size " << rechits_map.size() <<" was created!";
  reco::PreshowerClusterCollection clusters1, clusters2;   // output collection of corrected PCs
  reco::SuperClusterCollection new_SC; // output collection of corrected SCs
  //make cycle over super clusters
  reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator it_super;
  int isc  = 0;
  for (it_super=SClusts->begin();  it_super!=SClusts->end(); ++it_super) {     

    float e1     = 0;
    float e2     = 0;
    float deltaE = 0;

    reco::CaloClusterPtrVector new_BC; 
    LogTrace("EcalClusters")<< " superE = " << it_super->energy() << " superETA = " << it_super->eta() << " superPHI = " << it_super->phi() ;
    //cout<<"=== new SC ==="<<endl;
    //cout<<"superE = "<<it_super->energy()<<" superETA = "<<it_super->eta()<<" superPHI = "<<it_super->phi()<<endl;

    int nBC = 0;
    int condP1 = 1; // 0: dead channel; 1: active channel
    int condP2 = 1;
    float maxDeltaPhi = 0;
    float minDeltaPhi = 0;
    float refPhi = 0; 

    reco::CaloCluster_iterator bc_iter = it_super->clustersBegin();
    for ( ; bc_iter !=it_super->clustersEnd(); ++bc_iter) {
      if (nBC == 0) {
        refPhi = (*bc_iter)->phi();
      } else {
        if (reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi) > 0 && reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi) > maxDeltaPhi)
          maxDeltaPhi = reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi);
        if (reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi) < 0 && reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi) < minDeltaPhi)
          minDeltaPhi = reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi);
        //cout<<"delta phi : "<<reco::deltaPhi((*bc_iter)->phi(), refPhi)<<endl;
      //cout<<"BC : "<<nBC<<" "<<(*bc_iter)->energy()<<" "<<(*bc_iter)->eta()<<" "<<(*bc_iter)->phi()<<endl; 
    maxDeltaPhi += esPhiClusterDeltaPhi_;
    minDeltaPhi -= esPhiClusterDeltaPhi_;

    nBC = 0;
    for (bc_iter = it_super->clustersBegin() ; bc_iter !=it_super->clustersEnd(); ++bc_iter) {  
      if (geometry) {
        // Get strip position at intersection point of the line EE - Vertex:
        double X = (*bc_iter)->x();
        double Y = (*bc_iter)->y();
        double Z = (*bc_iter)->z();        
        const GlobalPoint point(X,Y,Z);    
        DetId tmp1 = (dynamic_cast<const EcalPreshowerGeometry*>(geometry_p))->getClosestCellInPlane(point, 1);
        DetId tmp2 = (dynamic_cast<const EcalPreshowerGeometry*>(geometry_p))->getClosestCellInPlane(point, 2);
        ESDetId strip1 = (tmp1 == DetId(0)) ? ESDetId(0) : ESDetId(tmp1);
        ESDetId strip2 = (tmp2 == DetId(0)) ? ESDetId(0) : ESDetId(tmp2);     

        if (nBC == 0) {
          if (strip1 != ESDetId(0) && strip2 != ESDetId(0)) {
            ESChannelStatusMap::const_iterator status_p1 = channelStatus->getMap().find(strip1);
            ESChannelStatusMap::const_iterator status_p2 = channelStatus->getMap().find(strip2);
            if (status_p1->getStatusCode() == 1) condP1 = 0;
            if (status_p2->getStatusCode() == 1) condP2 = 0;
          } else if (strip1 == ESDetId(0)) {
            condP1 = 0;
          } else if (strip2 == ESDetId(0)) {
            condP2 = 0;
          //cout<<"starting cluster : "<<maxDeltaPhi<<" "<<minDeltaPhi<<" "<<esPhiClusterDeltaEta_<<endl;
          //cout<<"do plane 1 === "<<strip1.zside()<<" "<<strip1.plane()<<" "<<strip1.six()<<" "<<strip1.siy()<<" "<<strip1.strip()<<endl;
          // Get a vector of ES clusters (found by the PreshSeeded algorithm) associated with a given EE basic cluster.           
          reco::PreshowerCluster cl1 = presh_algo->makeOneCluster(strip1,&used_strips,&rechits_map,geometry_p,topology_p,esPhiClusterDeltaEta_,minDeltaPhi,maxDeltaPhi);   
          e1 +=;       
          //cout<<"do plane 2 === "<<strip2.zside()<<" "<<strip2.plane()<<" "<<strip2.six()<<" "<<strip2.siy()<<" "<<strip2.strip()<<endl;
          reco::PreshowerCluster cl2 = presh_algo->makeOneCluster(strip2,&used_strips,&rechits_map,geometry_p,topology_p,esPhiClusterDeltaEta_,minDeltaPhi,maxDeltaPhi); 
          e2 +=;

    }  // end of cycle over BCs

    LogTrace("EcalClusters") << " For SC #" << isc-1 << ", containing " 
                             << it_super->clustersSize()                              
                             << " basic clusters, PreshowerPhiClusterAlgo made " 
                             << clusters1.size() << " in X plane and " 
                             << clusters2.size()       
                             << " in Y plane " << " preshower clusters " ;
    // update energy of the SuperCluster    
    if(e1+e2 > 1.0e-10) {

      e1 = e1 / mip_; // GeV to #MIPs
      e2 = e2 / mip_;
      if (condP1 == 1 && condP2 == 1) {
        deltaE = gamma0_*(e1 + alpha0_*e2);       
      } else if (condP1 == 1 && condP2 == 0) {
        deltaE = gamma1_*(e1 + alpha1_*e2);       
      } else if (condP1 == 0 && condP2 == 1) {
        deltaE = gamma2_*(e1 + alpha2_*e2);       
      } else if (condP1 == 0 && condP2 == 0) {
        deltaE = gamma3_*(e1 + alpha3_*e2);       
    //corrected Energy
    float E = it_super->energy() + deltaE;
    LogTrace("EcalClusters") << " Creating corrected SC ";
    reco::SuperCluster sc(E, it_super->position(), it_super->seed(), new_BC, deltaE);
    if (condP1 == 1 && condP2 == 1) sc.setPreshowerPlanesStatus(0);
    else if (condP1 == 1 && condP2 == 0) sc.setPreshowerPlanesStatus(1);
    else if (condP1 == 0 && condP2 == 1) sc.setPreshowerPlanesStatus(2);
    else if (condP1 == 0 && condP2 == 0) sc.setPreshowerPlanesStatus(3);

    //cout<<"result : "<<<<" "<<it_super->energy()<<" "<<deltaE<<" "<<e1*mip_<<" "<<e2*mip_<<endl;    
  } // end of cycle over SCs
  // copy the preshower clusters into collections and put in the Event:
  clusters_p1->assign(clusters1.begin(), clusters1.end());
  clusters_p2->assign(clusters2.begin(), clusters2.end());
  // put collection of preshower clusters to the event
  evt.put( clusters_p1, preshClusterCollectionX_ );
  evt.put( clusters_p2, preshClusterCollectionY_ );
  LogTrace("EcalClusters") << "Preshower clusters added to the event" ;
  // put collection of corrected super clusters to the event
  superclusters_p->assign(new_SC.begin(), new_SC.end());
  evt.put(superclusters_p, assocSClusterCollection_);
  LogTrace("EcalClusters") << "Corrected SClusters added to the event" ;
  if (topology_p) delete topology_p;
void PreshowerPhiClusterProducer::set ( const edm::EventSetup es)

Definition at line 271 of file

References edm::EventSetup::get(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaHigh0(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaHigh1(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaHigh2(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaHigh3(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaLow0(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaLow1(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaLow2(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getAlphaLow3(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstAEta0(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstAEta1(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstAEta2(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstAEta3(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstBEta0(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstBEta1(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstBEta2(), ESMissingEnergyCalibration::getConstBEta3(), ESGain::getESGain(), ESMIPToGeVConstant::getESValueHigh(), ESMIPToGeVConstant::getESValueLow(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaHigh0(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaHigh1(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaHigh2(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaHigh3(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaLow0(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaLow1(), ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaLow2(), and ESEEIntercalibConstants::getGammaLow3().

  const ESGain *gain = esgain_.product();
  double ESGain = gain->getESGain();

  const ESMIPToGeVConstant *mipToGeV = esMIPToGeV_.product();

  mip_ = (ESGain == 1) ? mipToGeV->getESValueLow() : mipToGeV->getESValueHigh(); 


  const ESEEIntercalibConstants *esEEInterCalib = esEEInterCalib_.product();

  // both planes work
  gamma0_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getGammaLow0() : esEEInterCalib->getGammaHigh0();
  alpha0_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getAlphaLow0() : esEEInterCalib->getAlphaHigh0();

  // only first plane works 
  gamma1_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getGammaLow1() : esEEInterCalib->getGammaHigh1();
  alpha1_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getAlphaLow1() : esEEInterCalib->getAlphaHigh1();

  // only second plane works
  gamma2_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getGammaLow2() : esEEInterCalib->getGammaHigh2();
  alpha2_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getAlphaLow2() : esEEInterCalib->getAlphaHigh2();

  // both planes do not work
  gamma3_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getGammaLow3() : esEEInterCalib->getGammaHigh3();
  alpha3_ = (ESGain == 1) ? esEEInterCalib->getAlphaLow3() : esEEInterCalib->getAlphaHigh3();

  const ESMissingEnergyCalibration * esMissingECalib = esMissingECalib_.product();

  // |eta| < 1.9
  aEta_[0] = esMissingECalib->getConstAEta0();
  bEta_[0] = esMissingECalib->getConstBEta0();

  // 1.9 < |eta| < 2.1
  aEta_[1] = esMissingECalib->getConstAEta1();
  bEta_[1] = esMissingECalib->getConstBEta1();

  // 2.1 < |eta| < 2.3
  aEta_[2] = esMissingECalib->getConstAEta2();
  bEta_[2] = esMissingECalib->getConstBEta2();

  // 2.3 < |eta| < 2.5
  aEta_[3] = esMissingECalib->getConstAEta3();
  bEta_[3] = esMissingECalib->getConstBEta3();


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 63 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 59 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 60 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 61 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 62 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 47 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 64 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 40 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 53 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 51 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 49 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 50 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 52 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 70 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 71 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 55 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 56 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 57 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 58 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 54 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 36 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 66 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 43 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 44 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.

Definition at line 39 of file PreshowerPhiClusterProducer.h.