Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

gen::Pythia6Hadronizer Class Reference

#include <Pythia6Hadronizer.h>

Inheritance diagram for gen::Pythia6Hadronizer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const char * classname () const
bool decay ()
bool declareSpecialSettings (const std::vector< std::string > &)
bool declareStableParticles (const std::vector< int > &)
void finalizeEvent ()
bool generatePartonsAndHadronize ()
bool hadronize ()
bool initializeForExternalPartons ()
bool initializeForInternalPartons ()
 Pythia6Hadronizer (edm::ParameterSet const &ps)
bool readSettings (int)
bool residualDecay ()
void statistics ()
 ~Pythia6Hadronizer ()

Static Public Member Functions

static JetMatchinggetJetMatching ()

Private Types

enum  {
  PP, PPbar, ElectronPositron, ElectronProton,

Private Member Functions

void fillTmpStorage ()
void flushTmpStorage ()
void imposeProperTime ()

Private Attributes

double fBeam1PZ
double fBeam2PZ
double fCOMEnergy
bool fConvertToPDG
bool fDisplayPythiaBanner
bool fDisplayPythiaCards
bool fGluinoHadronsEnabled
bool fHepMCVerbosity
bool fImposeProperTime
int fInitialState
unsigned int fMaxEventsToPrint
unsigned int fPythiaListVerbosity
bool fStopHadronsEnabled

Static Private Attributes

static JetMatchingfJetMatching = 0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [private]

Definition at line 80 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::Pythia6Hadronizer ( edm::ParameterSet const &  ps)

Definition at line 97 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), edm::errors::Configuration, gather_cfg::cout, SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(), ElectronPositron, ElectronProton, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), fBeam1PZ, fBeam2PZ, fConvertToPDG, fDisplayPythiaBanner, fDisplayPythiaCards, fGluinoHadronsEnabled, fImposeProperTime, fInitialState, fJetMatching, flushTmpStorage(), fStopHadronsEnabled, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), PositronProton, PP, and PPbar.

   : BaseHadronizer(ps),
     fPy6Service( new Pythia6ServiceWithCallback(ps) ), // this will store py6 params for further settings
     fMaxEventsToPrint(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEventsToPrint", 0)),
     fPythiaListVerbosity(ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("pythiaPylistVerbosity", 0)),

   // J.Y.: the following 3 parameters are hacked "for a reason"
   if ( ps.exists( "PPbarInitialState" ) )
      if ( fInitialState == PP )
         fInitialState = PPbar;
         << "Pythia6 will be initialized for PROTON-ANTIPROTON INITIAL STATE. "
         << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Pythia6 will be initialized for PROTON-ANTIPROTON INITIAL STATE." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         // probably need to throw on attempt to override ?
   else if ( ps.exists( "ElectronPositronInitialState" ) )
      if ( fInitialState == PP )
         fInitialState = ElectronPositron;
         << "Pythia6 will be initialized for ELECTRON-POSITRON INITIAL STATE. "
         << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Pythia6 will be initialized for ELECTRON-POSITRON INITIAL STATE." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         // probably need to throw on attempt to override ?
   else if ( ps.exists( "ElectronProtonInitialState" ) )
      if ( fInitialState == PP )
         fInitialState = ElectronProton;         
         fBeam1PZ = (ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ElectronProtonInitialState")).getParameter<double>("electronMomentum");
         fBeam2PZ = (ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ElectronProtonInitialState")).getParameter<double>("protonMomentum");
         << "Pythia6 will be initialized for ELECTRON-PROTON INITIAL STATE. "
         << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Pythia6 will be initialized for ELECTRON-PROTON INITIAL STATE." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         // probably need to throw on attempt to override ?
   else if ( ps.exists( "PositronProtonInitialState" ) )
      if ( fInitialState == PP )
         fInitialState = PositronProton;         
         fBeam1PZ = (ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ElectronProtonInitialState")).getParameter<double>("positronMomentum");
         fBeam2PZ = (ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ElectronProtonInitialState")).getParameter<double>("protonMomentum");
         << "Pythia6 will be initialized for POSITRON-PROTON INITIAL STATE. "
         << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "Pythia6 will be initialized for POSITRON-PROTON INITIAL STATE." << std::endl;
         std::cout << "This is a user-request change from the DEFAULT PROTON-PROTON initial state." << std::endl;
         // throw on unknown initial state !
         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration,"Pythia6Interface") 
             <<" UNKNOWN INITIAL STATE. \n The allowed initial states are: PP, PPbar, ElectronPositron, ElectronProton, and PositronProton \n";
   // J.Y.: the following 4 params are "hacked", in the sense 
   // that they're tracked but get in optionally;
   // this will be fixed once we update all applications

   fStopHadronsEnabled = false;
   if ( ps.exists( "stopHadrons" ) )
      fStopHadronsEnabled = ps.getParameter<bool>("stopHadrons") ;

   fGluinoHadronsEnabled = false;
   if ( ps.exists( "gluinoHadrons" ) )
      fGluinoHadronsEnabled = ps.getParameter<bool>("gluinoHadrons");
   fImposeProperTime = false;
   if ( ps.exists( "imposeProperTime" ) )
      fImposeProperTime = ps.getParameter<bool>("imposeProperTime");
   fConvertToPDG = false;
   if ( ps.exists( "doPDGConvert" ) )
      fConvertToPDG = ps.getParameter<bool>("doPDGConvert");
   if ( ps.exists("jetMatching") )
      edm::ParameterSet jmParams =

      fJetMatching = JetMatching::create(jmParams).release();
   // first of all, silence Pythia6 banner printout, unless display requested
   if ( !fDisplayPythiaBanner )
      if (!call_pygive("MSTU(12)=12345")) 
         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration,"PythiaError") 
             <<" Pythia did not accept MSTU(12)=12345";
// silence printouts from PYGIVE, unless display requested
   if ( ! fDisplayPythiaCards )
      if (!call_pygive("MSTU(13)=0")) 
         throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration,"PythiaError") 
             <<" Pythia did not accept MSTU(13)=0";

   // tmp stuff to deal with EvtGen corrupting pyjets
   // NPartsBeforeDecays = 0;
gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::~Pythia6Hadronizer ( )

Definition at line 244 of file

References fJetMatching, and fPy6Service.

   if ( fPy6Service != 0 ) delete fPy6Service;
   if ( fJetMatching != 0 ) delete fJetMatching;

Member Function Documentation

const char * gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::classname ( ) const

Definition at line 1020 of file

   return "gen::Pythia6Hadronizer";
bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::decay ( )

Definition at line 547 of file

   return true;
bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::declareSpecialSettings ( const std::vector< std::string > &  settings)

Definition at line 893 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), edm::errors::Configuration, Exception, spr::find(), gen::pycomp_(), gen::pydat1_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and relativeConstraints::value.

   for ( unsigned int iss=0; iss<settings.size(); iss++ )
      if ( settings[iss].find("QED-brem-off") == std::string::npos ) continue;
      size_t fnd1 = settings[iss].find(":");
      if ( fnd1 == std::string::npos ) continue;
      std::string value = settings[iss].substr (fnd1+1);
      if ( value == "all" ) 
         call_pygive( "MSTJ(41)=3" );
         int number = atoi(value.c_str());
         int PyID = HepPID::translatePDTtoPythia( number );
         int pyCode = pycomp_( PyID );
         if ( pyCode > 0 )
            // first of all, check if mstj(39) is 0 or if we're trying to override user's setting
            // if so, throw an exception and stop, because otherwise the user will get behaviour
            // that's different from what she/he expects !
            if ( pydat1_.mstj[38] > 0 && pydat1_.mstj[38] != pyCode )
               throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration,"Pythia6Interface") 
                   << " Fatal conflict: \n mandatory internal directive to set MSTJ(39)=" << pyCode 
                   << " overrides user setting MSTJ(39)=" << pydat1_.mstj[38] << " - user will not get expected behaviour \n";         
            std::ostringstream pyCard ;
            pyCard << "MSTJ(39)=" << pyCode ;
            call_pygive( pyCard.str() );
   return true;

bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::declareStableParticles ( const std::vector< int > &  pdg)

Definition at line 871 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), i, and gen::pycomp_().

   for ( unsigned int i=0; i<pdg.size(); i++ )
      int PyID = HepPID::translatePDTtoPythia( pdg[i] );
      // int PyID = pdg[i]; 
      int pyCode = pycomp_( PyID );
      if ( pyCode > 0 )
         std::ostringstream pyCard ;
         pyCard << "MDCY(" << pyCode << ",1)=0";
/* this is a test printout... 
         std::cout << "pdg= " << pdg[i] << " " << pyCard.str() << std::endl; 
         call_pygive( pyCard.str() );
   return true;
void gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::fillTmpStorage ( ) [private]

Definition at line 268 of file

References i, and gen::pyjets_local.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), and hadronize().


   pyjets_local.n = pyjets.n;
   pyjets_local.npad = pyjets.npad;
   for ( int ip=0; ip<pyjets_maxn; ip++ )
      for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
         pyjets_local.k[i][ip] = pyjets.k[i][ip];
         pyjets_local.p[i][ip] = pyjets.p[i][ip];
         pyjets_local.v[i][ip] = pyjets.v[i][ip];
   return ;

void gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::finalizeEvent ( )

Definition at line 287 of file

References abs, gen::call_pylist(), gather_cfg::cout, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), gen::BaseHadronizer::eventInfo(), fConvertToPDG, fDisplayPythiaCards, fHepMCVerbosity, lhef::LHEEvent::fillEventInfo(), lhef::LHEEvent::fillPdfInfo(), fImposeProperTime, fMaxEventsToPrint, fPythiaListVerbosity, imposeProperTime(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), pydat1, pyint1, and pypars.


   bool lhe = lheEvent() != 0;

   HepMC::PdfInfo pdf;

   // if we are in hadronizer mode, we can pass on information from
   // the LHE input
   if (lhe)
      lheEvent()->fillEventInfo( event().get() );
      lheEvent()->fillPdfInfo( &pdf );
      // filling in factorization "Q scale" now! pthat moved to binningValues()
      if ( event()->signal_process_id() <= 0) event()->set_signal_process_id( pypars.msti[0] );
      if ( event()->event_scale() <=0 )       event()->set_event_scale( pypars.pari[22] );
      if ( event()->alphaQED() <= 0)          event()->set_alphaQED( pyint1.vint[56] );
      if ( event()->alphaQCD() <= 0)          event()->set_alphaQCD( pyint1.vint[57] );
      // get pdf info directly from Pythia6 and set it up into HepMC::GenEvent
      // S. Mrenna: Prefer vint block
      if ( pdf.id1() <= 0)      pdf.set_id1([14] == 21 ? 0 :[14] );
      if ( pdf.id2() <= 0)      pdf.set_id2([15] == 21 ? 0 :[15] );
      if ( pdf.x1() <= 0)       pdf.set_x1( pyint1.vint[40] );
      if ( pdf.x2() <= 0)       pdf.set_x2( pyint1.vint[41] );
      if ( pdf.pdf1() <= 0)     pdf.set_pdf1( pyint1.vint[38] / pyint1.vint[40] );
      if ( pdf.pdf2() <= 0)     pdf.set_pdf2( pyint1.vint[39] / pyint1.vint[41] );
      if ( pdf.scalePDF() <= 0) pdf.set_scalePDF( pyint1.vint[50] );   

/* 9/9/2010 - JVY: This is the old piece of code - I can't remember why we implemented it this way.
                   However, it's causing problems with pdf1 & pdf2 when processing LHE samples,
                   specifically, because both are set to -1, it tries to fill with Py6 numbers that
                   are NOT valid/right at this point !
                   In general, for LHE/ME event processing we should implement the correct calculation
                   of the pdf's, rather than using py6 ones.

   // filling in factorization "Q scale" now! pthat moved to binningValues()

   if (!lhe || event()->signal_process_id() < 0) event()->set_signal_process_id( pypars.msti[0] );
   if (!lhe || event()->event_scale() < 0)       event()->set_event_scale( pypars.pari[22] );
   if (!lhe || event()->alphaQED() < 0)          event()->set_alphaQED( pyint1.vint[56] );
   if (!lhe || event()->alphaQCD() < 0)          event()->set_alphaQCD( pyint1.vint[57] );
   // get pdf info directly from Pythia6 and set it up into HepMC::GenEvent
   // S. Mrenna: Prefer vint block
   if (!lhe || pdf.id1() < 0)      pdf.set_id1([14] == 21 ? 0 :[14] );
   if (!lhe || pdf.id2() < 0)      pdf.set_id2([15] == 21 ? 0 :[15] );
   if (!lhe || pdf.x1() < 0)       pdf.set_x1( pyint1.vint[40] );
   if (!lhe || pdf.x2() < 0)       pdf.set_x2( pyint1.vint[41] );
   if (!lhe || pdf.pdf1() < 0)     pdf.set_pdf1( pyint1.vint[38] / pyint1.vint[40] );
   if (!lhe || pdf.pdf2() < 0)     pdf.set_pdf2( pyint1.vint[39] / pyint1.vint[41] );
   if (!lhe || pdf.scalePDF() < 0) pdf.set_scalePDF( pyint1.vint[50] );

   event()->set_pdf_info( pdf ) ;

   // this is "standard" Py6 event weight (corresponds to PYINT1/VINT(97)
   if (lhe && std::abs(lheRunInfo()->getHEPRUP()->IDWTUP) == 4)
     // translate mb to pb (CMS/Gen "convention" as of May 2009)
     event()->weights().push_back( pyint1.vint[96] * 1.0e9 );
     event()->weights().push_back( pyint1.vint[96] );
   // this is event weight as 1./VINT(99) (PYINT1/VINT(99) is returned by the PYEVWT) 
   event()->weights().push_back( 1./(pyint1.vint[98]) );

   // now create the GenEventInfo product from the GenEvent and fill
   // the missing pieces

   eventInfo().reset( new GenEventInfoProduct( event().get() ) );

   // in Pythia6 pthat is used to subdivide samples into different bins
   // in LHE mode the binning is done by the external ME generator
   // which is likely not pthat, so only filling it for Py6 internal mode
   if (!lhe)
     eventInfo()->setBinningValues( std::vector<double>(1, pypars.pari[16]) );

   // here we treat long-lived particles
   if ( fImposeProperTime || pydat1.mstj[21]==3 || pydat1.mstj[21]==4 ) imposeProperTime();

   // convert particle IDs Py6->PDG, if requested
   if ( fConvertToPDG ) {
      for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator part = event()->particles_begin(); 
                                               part != event()->particles_end(); ++part) {
   // service printouts, if requested
   if (fMaxEventsToPrint > 0) 
      if (fPythiaListVerbosity) call_pylist(fPythiaListVerbosity);
      if (fHepMCVerbosity) 
         std::cout << "Event process = " << pypars.msti[0] << std::endl 
              << "----------------------" << std::endl;

   // dump of all settings after all initializations
   if ( fDisplayPythiaCards ) {
     fDisplayPythiaCards = false;
     std::cout << "\n PYPARS \n" << std::endl;
     std::cout << std::setw(5) << std::fixed << "I"
               << std::setw(10) << std::fixed << "MSTP(I)"
               << std::setw(16) << std::fixed << "PARP(I)"
               << std::setw(10) << std::fixed << "MSTI(I)"
               << std::setw(16) << std::fixed << "PARI(I)" << std::endl;
     for ( unsigned int ind=0; ind < 200; ind++ ) {
       std::cout << std::setw(5) << std::fixed << ind+1
                 << std::setw(10) << std::fixed << pypars.mstp[ind]
                 << std::setw(16) << std::fixed << pypars.parp[ind]
                 << std::setw(10) << std::fixed << pypars.msti[ind]
                 << std::setw(16) << std::fixed << pypars.pari[ind] << std::endl;
void gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::flushTmpStorage ( ) [private]

Definition at line 250 of file

References i, and gen::pyjets_local.

Referenced by generatePartonsAndHadronize(), hadronize(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().


   pyjets_local.n = 0 ;
   pyjets_local.npad = 0 ;
   for ( int ip=0; ip<pyjets_maxn; ip++ )
      for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
         pyjets_local.k[i][ip] = 0;
         pyjets_local.p[i][ip] = 0.;
         pyjets_local.v[i][ip] = 0.;

bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::generatePartonsAndHadronize ( )

Definition at line 425 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), conv, gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), fGluinoHadronsEnabled, fillTmpStorage(), flushTmpStorage(), fPy6Service, fStopHadronsEnabled, gen::FortranCallback::getInstance(), gen::pyglfr_(), pyint1, gen::pystfr_(), and gen::FortranCallback::resetIterationsPerEvent().

   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance

   // generate event with Pythia6
   if ( fStopHadronsEnabled || fGluinoHadronsEnabled )
      // call_pygive("MSTJ(1)=-1");
   if ( fStopHadronsEnabled || fGluinoHadronsEnabled )
      // call_pygive("MSTJ(1)=1");
      int ierr=0;
      if ( fStopHadronsEnabled ) 
         if ( ierr != 0 ) // skip failed events
            return false;
      if ( fGluinoHadronsEnabled ) pyglfr_();
   if ([50] != 0 ) // skip event if py6 considers it bad
      return false;
   event().reset( conv.read_next_event() );
   // this is to deal with post-gen tools & residualDecay() that may reuse PYJETS
   return true;
static JetMatching* gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::getJetMatching ( ) [inline, static]
bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::hadronize ( )

Definition at line 476 of file

References gen::JetMatching::beforeHadronisation(), gen::call_pygive(), conv, lhef::LHEEvent::count(), gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), fGluinoHadronsEnabled, fillTmpStorage(), fJetMatching, flushTmpStorage(), fPy6Service, fStopHadronsEnabled, gen::FortranCallback::getInstance(), hepeup_, lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted, lhef::LHERunInfo::kSelected, gen::BaseHadronizer::lheEvent(), HEPEUP_::nup, gen::pyglfr_(), pyint1, pypars, gen::pystfr_(), gen::FortranCallback::resetIterationsPerEvent(), gen::JetMatching::resetMatchingStatus(), and gen::FortranCallback::setLHEEvent().

   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance

   FortranCallback::getInstance()->setLHEEvent( lheEvent() );
   if ( fJetMatching )
      fJetMatching->resetMatchingStatus() ;
      fJetMatching->beforeHadronisation( lheEvent() );

   // generate event with Pythia6
   if ( fStopHadronsEnabled || fGluinoHadronsEnabled )

   if ( FortranCallback::getInstance()->getIterationsPerEvent() > 1 || 
        hepeup_.nup <= 0 || pypars.msti[0] == 1 )
      // update LHE matching statistics
      lheEvent()->count( lhef::LHERunInfo::kSelected );

      return false;

   // update LHE matching statistics
   lheEvent()->count( lhef::LHERunInfo::kAccepted );

   if ( fStopHadronsEnabled || fGluinoHadronsEnabled )
      int ierr = 0;
      if ( fStopHadronsEnabled ) 
         if ( ierr != 0 ) // skip failed events
            return false;
      if ( fGluinoHadronsEnabled ) pyglfr_();

   if ([50] != 0 ) // skip event if py6 considers it bad
      return false;
   event().reset( conv.read_next_event() );
   // this is to deal with post-gen tools and/or residualDecay(), that may reuse PYJETS
   return true;
void gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::imposeProperTime ( ) [private]

Definition at line 936 of file

References abs, gen::FortranInstance::call(), gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), fPy6Service, create_public_lumi_plots::log, gen::pycomp_(), pydat1, gen::pyr_(), mathSSE::sqrt(), lumiQTWidget::t, vbegin, vend, x, detailsBasic3DVector::y, and z.

Referenced by finalizeEvent().


   // this is practically a copy/paste of the original code by J.Alcaraz, 
   // taken directly from PythiaSource
   int dumm=0;
   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vbegin = event()->vertices_begin();
   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vend = event()->vertices_end();
   HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vitr = vbegin;
   for (; vitr != vend; ++vitr ) 
      HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pbegin = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::children);
      HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pend = (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::children);
      HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator pitr = pbegin;
      for (; pitr != pend; ++pitr) 
         if ((*pitr)->end_vertex()) continue;
         if ((*pitr)->status()!=1) continue;
         int pdgcode= abs((*pitr)->pdg_id());
         // Do nothing if the particle is not expected to decay
         if ( pydat3.mdcy[0][pycomp_(pdgcode)-1] !=1 ) continue;

         double ctau = pydat2.pmas[3][pycomp_(pdgcode)-1];
         HepMC::FourVector mom = (*pitr)->momentum();
         HepMC::FourVector vin = (*vitr)->position();
         double x = 0.;
         double y = 0.;
         double z = 0.;
         double t = 0.;
         bool decayInRange = false;
         while (!decayInRange) 
            double unif_rand = fPy6Service->call(pyr_, &dumm);
            // Value of 0 is excluded, so following line is OK
            double proper_length = - ctau * log(unif_rand);
            double factor = proper_length/mom.m();
            x = vin.x() + factor * mom.px();
            y = vin.y() + factor *;
            z = vin.z() + factor * mom.pz();
            t = vin.t() + factor * mom.e();
            // Decay must be happen outside a cylindrical region
            if (pydat1.mstj[21]==4) {
               if (std::sqrt(x*x+y*y)>pydat1.parj[72] || fabs(z)>pydat1.parj[73]) decayInRange = true;
               // Decay must be happen outside a given sphere
               else if (pydat1.mstj[21]==3) {
                  if (std::sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)>pydat1.parj[71]) decayInRange = true;
               // Decay is always OK otherwise
               else {
                  decayInRange = true;
         HepMC::GenVertex* vdec = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(x,y,z,t));

bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::initializeForExternalPartons ( )

Definition at line 745 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), gen::Pythia6Service::closeSLHA(), fGluinoHadronsEnabled, lhef::LHERunInfo::findHeader(), fJetMatching, fPy6Service, fStopHadronsEnabled, gen::FortranCallback::getInstance(), gen::JetMatching::init(), gen::BaseHadronizer::lheRunInfo(), gen::pyglrhad_(), gen::pystrhad_(), gen::FortranCallback::setLHERunInfo(), gen::Pythia6Service::setPYUPDAParams(), and gen::Pythia6Service::setSLHAFromHeader().

   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance

   // note: CSA mode is NOT supposed to work with external partons !!!
   // fPy6Service->setGeneralParams();

   FortranCallback::getInstance()->setLHERunInfo( lheRunInfo() );

   if ( fStopHadronsEnabled )
      // overwrite mstp(111), no matter what
      call_pygive("MWID(302)=0");   // I don't know if this is specific to processing ME/LHE only,
      call_pygive("MDCY(302,1)=0"); // or this should also be the case for full event...
                                    // anyway, this comes from experience of processing MG events
   if ( fGluinoHadronsEnabled )
      // overwrite mstp(111), no matter what
   call_pyinit("USER", "", "", 0.0);


   std::vector<std::string> slha = lheRunInfo()->findHeader("slha");
   if (!slha.empty()) {
                        << "Pythia6 hadronisation found an SLHA header, "
                        << "will be passed on to Pythia." << std::endl;

   if ( fJetMatching )
      fJetMatching->init( lheRunInfo() );
// FIXME: the jet matching routine might not be interested in PS callback

   return true;
bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::initializeForInternalPartons ( )

Definition at line 799 of file

References gen::call_pygive(), gen::Pythia6Service::closeSLHA(), edm::errors::Configuration, ElectronPositron, ElectronProton, Exception, fBeam1PZ, fBeam2PZ, fCOMEnergy, fGluinoHadronsEnabled, fInitialState, fPy6Service, fStopHadronsEnabled, PositronProton, PP, PPbar, gen::pyglrhad_(), gen::pystrhad_(), and gen::Pythia6Service::setPYUPDAParams().


   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance
   if ( fStopHadronsEnabled )
      // overwrite mstp(111), no matter what
   if ( fGluinoHadronsEnabled )
      // overwrite mstp(111), no matter what

   if ( fInitialState == PP ) // default
      call_pyinit("CMS", "p", "p", fCOMEnergy);
   else if ( fInitialState == PPbar )
      call_pyinit( "CMS", "p", "pbar", fCOMEnergy);
   else if ( fInitialState == ElectronPositron )
      call_pyinit( "CMS", "e+", "e-", fCOMEnergy );
   else if ( fInitialState == ElectronProton)
      // set p(1,i) & p(2,i) for the beams in pyjets !
      pyjets.p[0][0] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[1][0] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[2][0] = fBeam1PZ;
      pyjets.p[0][1] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[1][1] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[2][1] = fBeam2PZ;
      // call "3mon" frame & 0.0 win
      call_pyinit( "3mom", "e-", "p", 0.0 );
   else if ( fInitialState == PositronProton)
      // set p(1,i) & p(2,i) for the beams in pyjets !
      pyjets.p[0][0] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[1][0] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[2][0] = fBeam1PZ;
      pyjets.p[0][1] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[1][1] = 0.;
      pyjets.p[2][1] = fBeam2PZ;
      // call "3mon" frame & 0.0 win
      call_pyinit( "3mom", "e+", "p", 0.0 );
      // throw on unknown initial state !
      throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration,"Pythia6Interface") 
             <<" UNKNOWN INITIAL STATE. \n The allowed initial states are: PP, PPbar, ElectronPositron, ElectronProton, and PositronProton \n";

   return true;
bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::readSettings ( int  key)

Definition at line 732 of file

References fPy6Service, gen::Pythia6Service::setCSAParams(), gen::Pythia6Service::setGeneralParams(), and gen::Pythia6Service::setSLHAParams().


   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance
   if ( key == 0 ) fPy6Service->setCSAParams();

   return true;

bool gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::residualDecay ( )

Definition at line 552 of file

References gen::BaseHadronizer::event(), fPy6Service, configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, i, dbtoconf::parent, gen::pycomp_(), gen::pydecy_(), gen::pyjets_local, and ntuplemaker::status.

   // event().get()->print();
   Pythia6Service::InstanceWrapper guard(fPy6Service);  // grab Py6 instance
   // int nDocLines = pypars.msti[3];
   int NPartsBeforeDecays = pyjets_local.n ;
   int NPartsAfterDecays = event().get()->particles_size();
   int barcode = NPartsAfterDecays;
   // JVY: well, in principle, it's not a 100% fair to go up to NPartsBeforeDecays,
   // because Photos will attach gamma's to existing vertexes, i.e. in the middle
   // of the event rather than at the end; but this will only shift poiters down,
   // so we'll be going again over a few "original" particle...
   // in the alternative, we may go all the way up to the beginning of the event
   // and re-check if anything remains to decay, that's fine even if it'll take
   // some extra CPU...
   for ( int ipart=NPartsAfterDecays; ipart>NPartsBeforeDecays; ipart-- )
      HepMC::GenParticle* part = event().get()->barcode_to_particle( ipart );
      int status = part->status();
      if ( status != 1 ) continue; // check only "stable" particles, 
                                   // as some undecayed may still be marked as such
      int pdgid  = part->pdg_id();
      int py6ptr = pycomp_( pdgid );
      if ( pydat3.mdcy[0][py6ptr-1] != 1 ) continue; // particle is not expected to decay
      int py6id = HepPID::translatePDTtoPythia( pdgid );
      // first, will need to zero out, then fill up PYJETS
      // I better do it directly (by hands) rather than via py1ent 
      // - to avoid (additional) mass smearing
      if ( part->momentum().t() <= part->generated_mass() )
         continue ; // e==m --> 0-momentum, nothing to decay...
         pyjets.n = 0;
         for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
            pyjets.k[i][0] = 0;
            pyjets.p[i][0] = 0.;
            pyjets.v[i][0] = 0.;
         pyjets.k[0][0] = 1;
         pyjets.k[1][0] = py6id;
         pyjets.p[4][0] = part->generated_mass();
         pyjets.p[3][0] = part->momentum().t();
         pyjets.p[0][0] = part->momentum().x();
         pyjets.p[1][0] = part->momentum().y();
         pyjets.p[2][0] = part->momentum().z();
         HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vtx = part->production_vertex();
         if ( !prod_vtx ) continue; // in principle, should never happen but...
         pyjets.v[0][0] = prod_vtx->position().x();
         pyjets.v[1][0] = prod_vtx->position().y();
         pyjets.v[2][0] = prod_vtx->position().z();
         pyjets.v[3][0] = prod_vtx->position().t();
         pyjets.v[4][0] = 0.;
         pyjets.n = 1;
         pyjets.npad = pyjets_local.npad;
      // now call Py6 decay routine
      int parent = 1; // since we always pass to Py6 a single particle
      pydecy_( parent );
      // now attach decay products to mother
      for ( int iprt1=1; iprt1<pyjets.n; iprt1++ )
         part->set_status( 2 );
         HepMC::GenVertex* DecVtx = new HepMC::GenVertex( HepMC::FourVector(pyjets.v[0][iprt1],
                                                                            pyjets.v[3][iprt1]) );
         DecVtx->add_particle_in( part ); // this will cleanup end_vertex if exists, replace with the new one
                                          // I presume (vtx) barcode will be given automatically
         HepMC::FourVector  pmom(pyjets.p[0][iprt1],pyjets.p[1][iprt1],
                                 pyjets.p[2][iprt1],pyjets.p[3][iprt1] );
         int dstatus = 0;
         if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 1 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 10 )  
               dstatus = 1;
         else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 11 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 20 ) 
               dstatus = 2;
         else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 21 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 30 ) 
               dstatus = 3;
         else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt1] >= 31 && pyjets.k[0][iprt1] <= 100 )
               dstatus = pyjets.k[0][iprt1];
         HepMC::GenParticle* daughter = new HepMC::GenParticle(pmom,
                                        HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT( pyjets.k[1][iprt1] ),
         daughter->suggest_barcode( barcode ); 
         DecVtx->add_particle_out( daughter );

         int iprt2;
         for ( iprt2=iprt1+1; iprt2<pyjets.n; iprt2++ ) // the pointer is shifted by -1, c++ style
               if ( pyjets.k[2][iprt2] != parent ) 
                  parent = pyjets.k[2][iprt2];
                  break; // another parent particle; reset & break the loop
               HepMC::FourVector  pmomN(pyjets.p[0][iprt2],pyjets.p[1][iprt2],
                                        pyjets.p[2][iprt2],pyjets.p[3][iprt2] );
               dstatus = 0;
               if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 1 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 10 )  
                  dstatus = 1;
               else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 11 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 20 ) 
                  dstatus = 2;
               else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 21 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 30 ) 
                  dstatus = 3;
               else if ( pyjets.k[0][iprt2] >= 31 && pyjets.k[0][iprt2] <= 100 )
                  dstatus = pyjets.k[0][iprt2];
               HepMC::GenParticle* daughterN = new HepMC::GenParticle(pmomN,
                                               HepPID::translatePythiatoPDT( pyjets.k[1][iprt2] ),
               daughterN->suggest_barcode( barcode ); 
               DecVtx->add_particle_out( daughterN );        
         iprt1 = iprt2-1; // reset counter such that it doesn't go over the same child more than once
                          // don't forget to offset back into c++ counting, as it's already +1 forward

         event().get()->add_vertex( DecVtx );

   // now restore the very original Py6 event record 
   if ( pyjets_local.n != pyjets.n )
      // restore pyjets to its state as it was before external decays -
      // might have been jammed by action above or by py1ent calls in EvtGen
      pyjets.n = pyjets_local.n;
      pyjets.npad = pyjets_local.npad;
      for ( int ip=0; ip<pyjets_local.n; ip++ )
         for ( int i=0; i<5; i++ )
            pyjets.k[i][ip] = pyjets_local.k[i][ip];
            pyjets.p[i][ip] = pyjets_local.p[i][ip];
            pyjets.v[i][ip] = pyjets_local.v[i][ip];
   return true;
void gen::Pythia6Hadronizer::statistics ( )

Definition at line 1002 of file

References fwrapper::cs, pypars, gen::BaseHadronizer::runInfo(), and GenRunInfoProduct::setInternalXSec().


  if ( !runInfo().internalXSec() )
     // set xsec if not already done (e.g. from LHE cross section collector)
     double cs = pypars.pari[0]; // cross section in mb
     cs *= 1.0e9; // translate to pb (CMS/Gen "convention" as of May 2009)
     runInfo().setInternalXSec( cs );
// FIXME: can we get the xsec statistical error somewhere?



Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 85 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 86 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 83 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons().

Definition at line 110 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by finalizeEvent(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 96 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 97 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by finalizeEvent(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 90 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by finalizeEvent().

Definition at line 107 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by finalizeEvent(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 82 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by initializeForInternalPartons(), and Pythia6Hadronizer().

Definition at line 91 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by finalizeEvent().

Definition at line 95 of file Pythia6Hadronizer.h.

Referenced by finalizeEvent().