Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

DDPixBarLayerAlgo Class Reference

#include <DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DDPixBarLayerAlgo ()
void execute (DDCompactView &cpv)
void initialize (const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &vsArgs)
virtual ~DDPixBarLayerAlgo ()

Private Attributes

double coolDist
double coolDz
std::string coolMat
double coolSide
double coolThick
double coolWidth
std::string genMat
std::string idNameSpace
std::vector< std::string > ladder
std::vector< double > ladderThick
std::vector< double > ladderWidth
double layerDz
int number
double sensorEdge
std::string tubeMat

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDPixBarLayerAlgo::DDPixBarLayerAlgo ( )

Definition at line 21 of file

References LogDebug.

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") <<"DDPixBarLayerAlgo info: Creating an instance";
DDPixBarLayerAlgo::~DDPixBarLayerAlgo ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 25 of file


Member Function Documentation

void DDPixBarLayerAlgo::execute ( DDCompactView cpv)

Definition at line 69 of file

References coolDist, coolDz, coolMat, coolSide, coolThick, coolWidth, filterCSVwithJSON::copy, funct::cos(), dbl_to_string(), DDBase< N, C >::ddname(), DDrot(), DDSplit(), first, genMat, i, idNameSpace, ladder, ladderThick, ladderWidth, layerDz, LogDebug, DDName::name(), DDBase< N, C >::name(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, number, dbtoconf::parent, phi, DDCompactView::position(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, findQualityFiles::rr, edm::second(), sensorEdge, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, DDSolidFactory::trap(), tubeMat, and DDSolidFactory::tubs().


  DDName      mother = parent().name();
  const std::string &idName =;

  double dphi = CLHEP::twopi/number;
  double d2   = 0.5*coolWidth;
  double d1   = d2 - coolSide*sin(0.5*dphi);
  double x1   = (d1+d2)/(2.*sin(0.5*dphi));
  double x2   = coolDist*sin(0.5*dphi);
  double rmin = (coolDist-0.5*(d1+d2))*cos(0.5*dphi)-0.5*ladderThick[0];
  double rmax = (coolDist+0.5*(d1+d2))*cos(0.5*dphi)+0.5*ladderThick[0];
  double rmxh = rmax - 0.5*ladderThick[0] + ladderThick[1];
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: Rmin/Rmax " << rmin 
                        << ", " << rmax << " d1/d2 " << d1 << ", " << d2 
                        << " x1/x2 " << x1 << ", " << x2;

  double rtmi = rmin + 0.5*ladderThick[0] - ladderThick[1];
  double rtmx = sqrt(rmxh*rmxh+ladderWidth[1]*ladderWidth[1]);
  DDSolid solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(idName, idNameSpace),0.5*layerDz,
                                       rtmi, rtmx, 0, CLHEP::twopi);
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " 
                        << DDName(idName, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                        << genMat << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
                        << " with Rin " << rtmi << " Rout " << rtmx 
                        << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerDz;
  DDName matname(DDSplit(genMat).first, DDSplit(genMat).second);
  DDMaterial matter(matname);
  DDLogicalPart layer(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);

  double rr = 0.5*(rmax+rmin);
  double dr = 0.5*(rmax-rmin);
  double h1 = 0.5*coolSide*cos(0.5*dphi);
  std::string name = idName + "CoolTube";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::trap(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 0.5*coolDz, 0, 0,
                               h1, d2, d1, 0, h1, d2, d1, 0);
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << 
                        << " Trap made of " << tubeMat << " of dimensions " 
                        << 0.5*coolDz << ", 0, 0, " << h1 << ", " << d2 
                        << ", " << d1 << ", 0, " << h1 << ", " << d2 << ", " 
                        << d1 << ", 0";
  matter = DDMaterial(DDName(DDSplit(tubeMat).first, DDSplit(tubeMat).second));
  DDLogicalPart coolTube(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);

  name = idName + "Coolant";
  h1  -= coolThick;
  d1  -= coolThick;
  d2  -= coolThick;
  solid = DDSolidFactory::trap(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 0.5*coolDz, 0, 0,
                               h1, d2, d1, 0, h1, d2, d1, 0);
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << 
                        << " Trap made of " << coolMat << " of dimensions " 
                        << 0.5*coolDz << ", 0, 0, " << h1 << ", " << d2
                        << ", " << d1 << ", 0, " << h1 << ", " << d2 << ", " 
                        << d1 << ", 0";
  matter = DDMaterial(DDName(DDSplit(coolMat).first, DDSplit(coolMat).second));
  DDLogicalPart cool(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);
 cpv.position(cool, coolTube, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << 
                        << " number 1 positioned in " << 
                        << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";

  DDName ladderFull(DDSplit(ladder[0]).first, DDSplit(ladder[0]).second);
  DDName ladderHalf(DDSplit(ladder[1]).first, DDSplit(ladder[1]).second);

  int nphi=number/2, copy=1, iup=-1;
  double phi0 = 90*CLHEP::deg;
  for (int i=0; i<number; i++) {
    double phi = phi0 + i*dphi;
    double phix, phiy, rrr, xx;
    std::string rots;
    DDTranslation tran;
    DDRotation rot;
    if (i == 0 || i == nphi) {
      rrr  = rr + dr + 0.5*(ladderThick[1]-ladderThick[0]);
      xx   = (0.5*ladderWidth[1] - sensorEdge) * sin(phi);
      tran = DDTranslation(xx, rrr*sin(phi), 0);
      rots = idName + dbl_to_string(copy);
      phix = phi-90*CLHEP::deg;
      phiy = 90*CLHEP::deg+phix;
      LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
                            << "rotation: " << rots << "\t90., " 
                            << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," << phiy/CLHEP::deg 
                            << ", 0, 0";
      rot = DDrot(DDName(rots,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg,
                  phiy, 0.,0.);
     cpv.position(ladderHalf, layer, copy, tran, rot);
      LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << ladderHalf 
                            << " number " << copy << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << tran << " with " 
                            << rot;
      iup  = -1;
      rrr  = rr - dr - 0.5*(ladderThick[1]-ladderThick[0]);
      tran = DDTranslation(-xx, rrr*sin(phi), 0);
      rots = idName + dbl_to_string(copy);
      phix = phi+90*CLHEP::deg;
      phiy = 90*CLHEP::deg+phix;
      LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
                            << "rotation: " << rots << "\t90., " 
                            << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," << phiy/CLHEP::deg 
                            << ", 0, 0";
      rot = DDrot(DDName(rots,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg,
                  phiy, 0.,0.);
     cpv.position(ladderHalf, layer, copy, tran, rot);
      LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << ladderHalf 
                            << " number " << copy << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << tran << " with " 
                            << rot;
    } else {
      iup  =-iup;
      rrr  = rr + iup*dr;
      tran = DDTranslation(rrr*cos(phi), rrr*sin(phi), 0);
      rots = idName + dbl_to_string(copy);
      if (iup > 0) phix = phi-90*CLHEP::deg;
      else         phix = phi+90*CLHEP::deg;
      phiy = phix+90.*CLHEP::deg;
      LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
                            << "rotation: " << rots << "\t90., " 
                            << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," << phiy/CLHEP::deg 
                            << ", 0, 0";
      rot = DDrot(DDName(rots,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg,
                  phiy, 0.,0.);
     cpv.position(ladderFull, layer, copy, tran, rot);
      LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << ladderFull 
                            << " number " << copy << " positioned in " 
                            << << " at " << tran << " with " 
                            << rot;
    rrr  = coolDist*cos(0.5*dphi);
    tran = DDTranslation(rrr*cos(phi)-x2*sin(phi), 
                         rrr*sin(phi)+x2*cos(phi), 0);
    rots = idName + dbl_to_string(i+100);
    phix = phi+0.5*dphi;
    if (iup > 0) phix += 180*CLHEP::deg;
    phiy = phix+90.*CLHEP::deg;
    LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: Creating a new "
                          << "rotation: " << rots << "\t90., " 
                          << phix/CLHEP::deg << ", 90.," << phiy/CLHEP::deg 
                          << ", 0, 0";
    rot = DDrot(DDName(rots,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg,
                phiy, 0.,0.);
   cpv.position(coolTube, layer, i+1, tran, rot);
    LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo test: " << 
                          << " number " << i+1 << " positioned in " 
                          << << " at " << tran << " with "<< rot;
void DDPixBarLayerAlgo::initialize ( const DDNumericArguments nArgs,
const DDVectorArguments vArgs,
const DDMapArguments mArgs,
const DDStringArguments sArgs,
const DDStringVectorArguments vsArgs 

Definition at line 27 of file

References coolDist, coolDz, coolMat, coolSide, coolThick, coolWidth, genMat, idNameSpace, ladder, ladderThick, ladderWidth, layerDz, LogDebug, DDCurrentNamespace::ns(), number, dbtoconf::parent, sensorEdge, and tubeMat.


  idNameSpace = DDCurrentNamespace::ns();
  DDName parentName = parent().name();

  genMat    = sArgs["GeneralMaterial"];
  number    = int(nArgs["Ladders"]);
  layerDz   = nArgs["LayerDz"];
  sensorEdge= nArgs["SensorEdge"];
  coolDz    = nArgs["CoolDz"];
  coolWidth = nArgs["CoolWidth"];
  coolSide  = nArgs["CoolSide"];
  coolThick = nArgs["CoolThick"];
  coolDist  = nArgs["CoolDist"];
  coolMat   = sArgs["CoolMaterial"];
  tubeMat   = sArgs["CoolTubeMaterial"];

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo debug: Parent " << parentName 
                        << " NameSpace " << idNameSpace << "\n"
                        << "\tLadders " << number << "\tGeneral Material " 
                        << genMat << "\tLength " << layerDz << "\tSensorEdge "
                        << sensorEdge << "\tSpecification of Cooling Pieces:\n"
                        << "\tLength " << coolDz << " Width " << coolWidth 
                        << " Side " << coolSide << " Thickness of Shell " 
                        << coolThick << " Radial distance " << coolDist 
                        << " Materials " << coolMat << ", " << tubeMat;

  ladder      = vsArgs["LadderName"];
  ladderWidth = vArgs["LadderWidth"];
  ladderThick = vArgs["LadderThick"];
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarLayerAlgo debug: Full Ladder " 
                        << ladder[0] << " width/thickness " << ladderWidth[0]
                        << ", " << ladderThick[0] << "\tHalf Ladder " 
                        << ladder[1] << " width/thickness " << ladderWidth[1]
                        << ", " << ladderThick[1];

Member Data Documentation

double DDPixBarLayerAlgo::coolDist [private]

Definition at line 35 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDPixBarLayerAlgo::coolDz [private]

Definition at line 31 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDPixBarLayerAlgo::coolMat [private]

Definition at line 36 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDPixBarLayerAlgo::coolSide [private]

Definition at line 33 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDPixBarLayerAlgo::coolThick [private]

Definition at line 34 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDPixBarLayerAlgo::coolWidth [private]

Definition at line 32 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDPixBarLayerAlgo::genMat [private]

Definition at line 27 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDPixBarLayerAlgo::idNameSpace [private]

Definition at line 26 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<std::string> DDPixBarLayerAlgo::ladder [private]

Definition at line 38 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDPixBarLayerAlgo::ladderThick [private]

Definition at line 40 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::vector<double> DDPixBarLayerAlgo::ladderWidth [private]

Definition at line 39 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

double DDPixBarLayerAlgo::layerDz [private]

Definition at line 29 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 28 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 30 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDPixBarLayerAlgo::tubeMat [private]

Definition at line 37 of file DDPixBarLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().