Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

EcalMipGraphs Class Reference

#include <EcalMipGraphs.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalMipGraphs:
edm::EDAnalyzer edm::EDConsumerBase

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EcalMipGraphs (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~EcalMipGraphs ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void beginRun (edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
virtual void endJob ()
std::string floatToString (float num)
int getEEIndex (EcalElectronicsId elecId)
void initHists (int)
std::string intToString (int num)
TGraph * selectDigi (DetId det, int ievt)
void selectHits (edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > hits, int ievt, edm::ESHandle< CaloTopology > caloTopo)
void writeGraphs ()

Private Attributes

int abscissa [10]
TH1F * allFedsTimingHist_
TTree * canvasNames_
std::map< int, float > crysAndAmplitudesMap_
edm::InputTag EBDigis_
edm::Handle< EBDigiCollectionEBdigisHandle
edm::InputTag EBRecHitCollection_
const EcalElectronicsMappingecalElectronicsMap_
edm::InputTag EEDigis_
edm::Handle< EEDigiCollectionEEdigisHandle
edm::InputTag EERecHitCollection_
std::map< int, EcalDCCHeaderBlockFEDsAndDCCHeaders_
std::map< int, TH1F * > FEDsAndTimingHists_
TFile * file_
edm::InputTag headerProducer_
std::set< EBDetIdlistEBChannels
std::set< EEDetIdlistEEChannels
std::vector< int > maskedChannels_
std::vector< std::string > maskedEBs_
std::vector< int > maskedFEDs_
double minTimingAmp_
int naiveEvtNum_
std::vector< std::string > * names
int ordinate [10]
int runNum_
std::vector< int > seedCrys_
std::map< std::string, int > seedFrequencyMap_
int side_
double threshold_

Static Private Attributes

static edm::Service< TFileServicefileService
static float gainRatio [3] = { 1., 2. , 12. }

Detailed Description

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 62 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalMipGraphs::EcalMipGraphs ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 43 of file

References abscissa, allFedsTimingHist_, fedMap_, fileService, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, maskedChannels_, maskedEBs_, maskedFEDs_, naiveEvtNum_, and seedCrys_.

  EBRecHitCollection_ (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EcalRecHitCollectionEB")),
  EERecHitCollection_ (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EcalRecHitCollectionEE")),
  EBDigis_ (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EBDigiCollection")),
  EEDigis_ (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("EEDigiCollection")),
  headerProducer_ (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("headerProducer")),
  side_ (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("side", 3)),
  threshold_ (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("amplitudeThreshold", 12.0)),
  minTimingAmp_ (iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minimumTimingAmplitude", 0.100))
  vector<int> listDefaults;
  maskedChannels_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<vector<int> >("maskedChannels", listDefaults);
  maskedFEDs_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<vector<int> >("maskedFEDs", listDefaults);
  seedCrys_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<vector<int> >("seedCrys",vector<int>());

  vector<string> defaultMaskedEBs;
  maskedEBs_ =  iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<vector<string> >("maskedEBs",defaultMaskedEBs);
  fedMap_ = new EcalFedMap();

  string title1 = "Jitter for all FEDs";
  string name1 = "JitterAllFEDs";
  allFedsTimingHist_ = fileService->make<TH1F>(name1.c_str(),title1.c_str(),150,-7,7);
  // load up the maskedFED list with the proper FEDids
    //if "actual" EB id given, then convert to FEDid and put in listFEDs_
    if(maskedEBs_[0] != "none")
      for(vector<string>::const_iterator ebItr = maskedEBs_.begin(); ebItr != maskedEBs_.end(); ++ebItr)
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++)        
    abscissa[i] = i;
  naiveEvtNum_ = 0;

EcalMipGraphs::~EcalMipGraphs ( )

Definition at line 93 of file


Member Function Documentation

void EcalMipGraphs::analyze ( edm::Event const &  iEvent,
edm::EventSetup const &  iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 104 of file

References canvasNames_, EBDigis_, EBdigisHandle, EBRecHitCollection_, EEDigis_, EEdigisHandle, EERecHitCollection_, edm::EventID::event(), FEDsAndDCCHeaders_, fileService, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), headerProducer_, edm::EventBase::id(), listEBChannels, listEEChannels, naiveEvtNum_, names, edm::EventID::run(), runNum_, and selectHits().


  // get the headers
  // (one header for each supermodule)
  edm::Handle<EcalRawDataCollection> DCCHeaders;
  iEvent.getByLabel(headerProducer_, DCCHeaders);

  for (EcalRawDataCollection::const_iterator headerItr= DCCHeaders->begin();
                  headerItr != DCCHeaders->end (); 
    FEDsAndDCCHeaders_[headerItr->id()+600] = *headerItr;

  int ievt =;

    runNum_ =;
    canvasNames_ = fileService->make<TTree>("canvasNames","Names of written canvases");
    names = new std::vector<string>();

  //We only want the 3x3's for this event...
  Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> EBhits;
  Handle<EcalRecHitCollection> EEhits;
  ESHandle<CaloTopology> caloTopo;
  iEvent.getByLabel(EBRecHitCollection_, EBhits);
  iEvent.getByLabel(EERecHitCollection_, EEhits);
  // Now, retrieve the crystal digi from the event
  iEvent.getByLabel(EBDigis_, EBdigisHandle);
  iEvent.getByLabel(EEDigis_, EEdigisHandle);
  //LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "event " << ievt << " EBhits collection size " << EBhits->size();
  //LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "event " << ievt << " EEhits collection size " << EEhits->size();

  selectHits(EBhits, ievt, caloTopo);
  selectHits(EEhits, ievt, caloTopo);
void EcalMipGraphs::beginRun ( edm::Run const &  ,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 
) [private, virtual]
void EcalMipGraphs::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 379 of file

References canvasNames_, intToString(), maskedChannels_, maskedFEDs_, seedFrequencyMap_, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.


  string frequencies = "";
  for(std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator itr = seedFrequencyMap_.begin();
      itr != seedFrequencyMap_.end(); ++itr)
    if(itr->second > 1)
      frequencies+=" Frequency: ";
  LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "Found seeds with frequency > 1: " << "\n\n" << frequencies;
  std::string channels;
  for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator itr = maskedChannels_.begin();
      itr != maskedChannels_.end(); ++itr)
  std::string feds;
  for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator itr = maskedFEDs_.begin();
      itr != maskedFEDs_.end(); ++itr)

  LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "Masked channels are: " << channels;
  LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "Masked FEDs are: " << feds << " and that is all!";
std::string EcalMipGraphs::floatToString ( float  num) [private]

Definition at line 426 of file

Referenced by selectDigi().

    using namespace std;
    ostringstream myStream;
    myStream << num << flush;
    return(myStream.str()); //returns the string form of the stringstream object
int EcalMipGraphs::getEEIndex ( EcalElectronicsId  elecId) [private]

Definition at line 349 of file

References EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), EcalElectronicsId::stripId(), EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), and EcalElectronicsId::xtalId().

Referenced by selectDigi(), and selectHits().

  int FEDid = 600+elecId.dccId();
  return 10000*FEDid+100*elecId.towerId()+5*(elecId.stripId()-1)+elecId.xtalId();
void EcalMipGraphs::initHists ( int  FED) [private]

Definition at line 356 of file

References fedMap_, FEDsAndTimingHists_, fileService, EcalFedMap::getSliceFromFed(), and intToString().

Referenced by selectHits().

  using namespace std;
  string title1 = "Jitter for ";
  string name1 = "JitterFED";
  TH1F* timingHist = fileService->make<TH1F>(name1.c_str(),title1.c_str(),150,-7,7);
  FEDsAndTimingHists_[FED] = timingHist;
std::string EcalMipGraphs::intToString ( int  num) [private]

Definition at line 418 of file

Referenced by endJob(), initHists(), selectDigi(), and selectHits().

    using namespace std;
    ostringstream myStream;
    myStream << num << flush;
    return(myStream.str()); //returns the string form of the stringstream object
TGraph * EcalMipGraphs::selectDigi ( DetId  det,
int  ievt 
) [private]

Definition at line 152 of file

References abscissa, EcalMGPASample::adc(), crysAndAmplitudesMap_, EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), DetId::det(), EBdigisHandle, DetId::Ecal, ecalElectronicsMap_, EEdigisHandle, relval_parameters_module::energy, fedMap_, FEDsAndDCCHeaders_, fileService, floatToString(), EcalMGPASample::gainId(), ecalMGPA::gainId(), gainRatio, getEEIndex(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), EcalFedMap::getSliceFromFed(), i, intToString(), naiveEvtNum_, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, ordinate, EcalDataFrame::sample(), EcalDataFrame::size(), and indexGen::title.

Referenced by selectHits().

  int emptyY[10];
  for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
    emptyY[i] = 0;
  TGraph* emptyGraph = fileService->make<TGraph>(10, abscissa, emptyY);
  emptyGraph->SetTitle("NOT ECAL");
  //If the DetId is not from Ecal, return
  if(thisDet.det() != DetId::Ecal)
    return emptyGraph;
  emptyGraph->SetTitle("NO DIGIS");
  //find digi we need  -- can't get find() to work; need DataFrame(DetId det) to work? 
  EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_->getElectronicsId(thisDet);
  int FEDid = 600+elecId.dccId();
  bool isBarrel = true;
  if(FEDid < 610 || FEDid > 645)
    isBarrel = false;
  int cryIndex = isBarrel ? ((EBDetId)thisDet).hashedIndex() : getEEIndex(elecId);
  int ic = isBarrel ? ((EBDetId)thisDet).ic() : cryIndex;

  string sliceName = fedMap_->getSliceFromFed(FEDid);
  EcalDataFrame df;
    EBDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = EBdigisHandle->begin();
    while(digiItr != EBdigisHandle->end() && ((*digiItr).id() != (EBDetId)thisDet))
      //LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "Cannot find digi for ic:" << ic
      //  << " FED:" << FEDid << " evt:" << naiveEvtNum_;
      return emptyGraph;
      df = *digiItr;
    EEDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = EEdigisHandle->begin();
    while(digiItr != EEdigisHandle->end() && ((*digiItr).id() != (EEDetId)thisDet))
      //LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "Cannot find digi for ic:" << ic
      //  << " FED:" << FEDid << " evt:" << naiveEvtNum_;
      return emptyGraph;
    else df = *digiItr;

  int gainId = FEDsAndDCCHeaders_[FEDid].getMgpaGain();
  int gainHuman;
  if      (gainId ==1) gainHuman =12;
  else if (gainId ==2) gainHuman =6;
  else if (gainId ==3) gainHuman =1;
  else                 gainHuman =-1; 

  double pedestal = 200;

  emptyGraph->SetTitle("FIRST TWO SAMPLES NOT GAIN12");
  if(df.sample(0).gainId()!=1 || df.sample(1).gainId()!=1) return emptyGraph; //goes to the next digi
  else {
    ordinate[0] = df.sample(0).adc();
    ordinate[1] = df.sample(1).adc();
    pedestal = (double)(ordinate[0]+ordinate[1])/(double)2;

  for (int i=0; i < df.size(); ++i ) {
    if (df.sample(i).gainId() != 0)
      ordinate[i] = (int)(pedestal+(df.sample(i).adc()-pedestal)*gainRatio[df.sample(i).gainId()-1]);
      ordinate[i] = 49152; //Saturation of gain1 

  TGraph* oneGraph = fileService->make<TGraph>(10, abscissa, ordinate);
  string name = "Graph_ev" + intToString(naiveEvtNum_) + "_ic" + intToString(ic)
    + "_FED" + intToString(FEDid);
  string gainString = (gainId==1) ? "Free" : intToString(gainHuman);
  string title = "Event" + intToString(naiveEvtNum_) + "_lv1a" + intToString(ievt) +
    "_ic" + intToString(ic) + "_" + sliceName + "_gain" + gainString;
  float energy = 0;
  map<int,float>::const_iterator itr;
  itr = crysAndAmplitudesMap_.find(cryIndex);
    //edm::LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs")<< "itr->second(ampli)="<< itr->second;
    energy = (float) itr->second;
  //edm::LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "cry " << ic << "not found in ampMap";


  return oneGraph;
void EcalMipGraphs::selectHits ( edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection hits,
int  ievt,
edm::ESHandle< CaloTopology caloTopo 
) [private]

Definition at line 260 of file

References allFedsTimingHist_, timingPdfMaker::can, crysAndAmplitudesMap_, EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), ecalElectronicsMap_, CaloRecHit::energy(), FEDsAndTimingHists_, spr::find(), getEEIndex(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), i, EcalRecHit::id(), initHists(), intToString(), j, maskedChannels_, maskedFEDs_, minTimingAmp_, naiveEvtNum_, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, names, query::result, seedCrys_, seedFrequencyMap_, selectDigi(), side_, threshold_, CaloRecHit::time(), and indexGen::title.

Referenced by analyze().

  for (EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator hitItr = hits->begin(); hitItr != hits->end(); ++hitItr)
    EcalRecHit hit = (*hitItr);
    DetId det =;
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_->getElectronicsId(det);
    int FEDid = 600+elecId.dccId();
    bool isBarrel = true;
    if(FEDid < 610 || FEDid > 645)
      isBarrel = false;
    int cryIndex = isBarrel ? ((EBDetId)det).hashedIndex() : ((EEDetId)det).hashedIndex();
    int ic = isBarrel ? ((EBDetId)det).ic() : getEEIndex(elecId);
    float ampli =;

    vector<int>::iterator result;
    result = find(maskedFEDs_.begin(), maskedFEDs_.end(), FEDid);
    if(result != maskedFEDs_.end())
      //LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "skipping uncalRecHit for FED " << FEDid << " ; amplitude " << ampli;
    result = find(maskedChannels_.begin(), maskedChannels_.end(), cryIndex);
    if  (result != maskedChannels_.end())
      //LogWarning("EcalMipGraphs") << "skipping uncalRecHit for channel: " << cryIndex << " in fed: " << FEDid << " with amplitude " << ampli ;
    bool cryIsInList = false;
    result = find(seedCrys_.begin(), seedCrys_.end(), cryIndex);
    if  (result != seedCrys_.end())
      cryIsInList = true;

    // Either we must have a user-requested cry (in which case there is no amplitude selection)
    // Or we pick all crys that pass the amplitude cut (in which case there is no fixed crystal selection)
    if(cryIsInList || (seedCrys_.empty() && ampli > threshold_))
      // We have a winner!
      crysAndAmplitudesMap_[cryIndex] = ampli;
      string name = "Event" + intToString(naiveEvtNum_) + "_ic" + intToString(ic)
        + "_FED" + intToString(FEDid);
      string title = "Digis";
      string seed = "ic" + intToString(ic) + "_FED" + intToString(FEDid);
      int freq=1;
      pair<map<string,int>::iterator,bool> pair = seedFrequencyMap_.insert(make_pair(seed,freq));
      TCanvas can(name.c_str(),title.c_str(),200,50,900,900);
      TGraph* myGraph;
      int canvasNum = 1;

      CaloNavigator<DetId> cursor = CaloNavigator<DetId>(det,caloTopo->getSubdetectorTopology(det));
      //Now put each graph in one by one
      for(int j=side_/2; j>=-side_/2; --j)
        for(int i=-side_/2; i<=side_/2; ++i)
          myGraph = selectDigi(*cursor,ievt);
    TH1F* timingHist = FEDsAndTimingHists_[FEDid];
      timingHist = FEDsAndTimingHists_[FEDid];
    if(ampli > minTimingAmp_)
void EcalMipGraphs::writeGraphs ( ) [private]

Member Data Documentation

int EcalMipGraphs::abscissa[10] [private]

Definition at line 100 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs(), and selectDigi().

Definition at line 116 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs(), and selectHits().

TTree* EcalMipGraphs::canvasNames_ [private]

Definition at line 119 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and endJob().

std::map<int,float> EcalMipGraphs::crysAndAmplitudesMap_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by selectDigi(), and selectHits().

Definition at line 85 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 89 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectDigi().

Definition at line 83 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 121 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by beginRun(), selectDigi(), and selectHits().

Definition at line 86 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 90 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectDigi().

Definition at line 84 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 120 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs(), initHists(), and selectDigi().

Definition at line 113 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectDigi().

std::map<int,TH1F*> EcalMipGraphs::FEDsAndTimingHists_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by initHists(), and selectHits().

TFile* EcalMipGraphs::file_ [private]

Definition at line 118 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Definition at line 104 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), EcalMipGraphs(), initHists(), and selectDigi().

float EcalMipGraphs::gainRatio = { 1., 2. , 12. } [static, private]

Definition at line 103 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by selectDigi().

Definition at line 87 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 97 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 98 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<int> EcalMipGraphs::maskedChannels_ [private]

Definition at line 107 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs(), endJob(), and selectHits().

std::vector<std::string> EcalMipGraphs::maskedEBs_ [private]

Definition at line 110 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs().

std::vector<int> EcalMipGraphs::maskedFEDs_ [private]

Definition at line 108 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs(), endJob(), and selectHits().

double EcalMipGraphs::minTimingAmp_ [private]

Definition at line 95 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by selectHits().

Definition at line 123 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), EcalMipGraphs(), selectDigi(), and selectHits().

std::vector<std::string>* EcalMipGraphs::names [private]

Definition at line 106 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and selectHits().

int EcalMipGraphs::ordinate[10] [private]

Definition at line 101 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by selectDigi().

int EcalMipGraphs::runNum_ [private]

Definition at line 92 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<int> EcalMipGraphs::seedCrys_ [private]

Definition at line 109 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by EcalMipGraphs(), and selectHits().

std::map<std::string,int> EcalMipGraphs::seedFrequencyMap_ [private]

Definition at line 114 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by endJob(), and selectHits().

int EcalMipGraphs::side_ [private]

Definition at line 93 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by selectHits().

double EcalMipGraphs::threshold_ [private]

Definition at line 94 of file EcalMipGraphs.h.

Referenced by selectHits().