Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ShallowTrackClustersProducer Class Reference

#include <ShallowTrackClustersProducer.h>

Inheritance diagram for ShallowTrackClustersProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ShallowTrackClustersProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)

Private Member Functions

void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)

Private Attributes

std::string Prefix
std::string Suffix
edm::InputTag theClustersLabel
edm::InputTag theTracksLabel

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file ShallowTrackClustersProducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ShallowTrackClustersProducer::ShallowTrackClustersProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 27 of file

References Prefix, and Suffix.

  :  theTracksLabel( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("Tracks") ),
     theClustersLabel( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("Clusters") ),
     Suffix       ( iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("Suffix")    ),
     Prefix       ( iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("Prefix") )
  produces <std::vector<unsigned int> > ( Prefix + "trackmulti"  + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<int> >          ( Prefix + "trackindex"  + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "localtheta"  + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "localphi"    + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "localpitch"  + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "localx"      + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "localy"      + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "localz"      + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "strip"       + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "globaltheta" + Suffix );  
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "globalphi"   + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "globalx"     + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "globaly"     + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "globalz"     + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "insidistance"+ Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "covered"     + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "projwidth"   + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "BdotY"       + Suffix );

  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhlocalx"     + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhlocaly"     + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhlocalxerr"  + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhlocalyerr"  + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhglobalx"    + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhglobaly"    + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhglobalz"    + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhstrip"      + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "rhmerr"       + Suffix );   

  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "ubstrip"      + Suffix );   
  produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "ubmerr"       + Suffix );   

  produces <std::vector<float> >       ( Prefix + "driftx"        + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >       ( Prefix + "drifty"        + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >       ( Prefix + "driftz"        + Suffix );
  produces <std::vector<float> >       ( Prefix + "globalZofunitlocalY" + Suffix );            

Member Function Documentation

void ShallowTrackClustersProducer::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 72 of file

References TrajectoryMeasurement::backwardPredictedState(), heavyFlavorValidationHarvestingSequence_cff::combiner, funct::cos(), shallow::drift(), shallow::findTrackIndex(), SiStripCluster::firstStrip(), TrajectoryMeasurement::forwardPredictedState(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalDirection(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::globalPosition(), h, i, TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localError(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::localPosition(), HLT_ES_cff::magfield, shallow::make_cluster_map(), Topology::measurementError(), Trajectory::measurements(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), LocalTrajectoryError::positionError(), Prefix, edm::Event::put(), TrajectoryMeasurement::recHit(), redigi_cff::SiStripLorentzAngle, findQualityFiles::size, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), mathSSE::sqrt(), StripTopology::strip(), Suffix, GeomDet::surface(), funct::tan(), theClustersLabel, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::theta(), theTracksLabel, GeomDet::toGlobal(), toLocal(), GeomDet::toLocal(), testEve_cfg::tracks, TrajectoryMeasurement::updatedState(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), x, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), detailsBasic3DVector::y, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and z.

  shallow::CLUSTERMAP clustermap = shallow::make_cluster_map(iEvent,theClustersLabel);

  int size = clustermap.size();
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<unsigned int> > trackmulti   ( new std::vector<unsigned int>(size,    0)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<int> >          trackindex   ( new std::vector<int>         (size,   -1)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        localtheta   ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        localphi     ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        localpitch   ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        localx       ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        localy       ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        localz       ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        strip        ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        globaltheta  ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        globalphi    ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -100)   );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        globalx      ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -10000) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        globaly      ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -10000) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        globalz      ( new std::vector<float>       (size, -10000) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        insidistance ( new std::vector<float>       (size,     -1) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        projwidth    ( new std::vector<float>       (size,  -1000) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        BdotY        ( new std::vector<float>       (size,  -1000) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        covered      ( new std::vector<float>       (size,  -1000) );
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhlocalx      ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhlocaly      ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhlocalxerr   ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -1  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhlocalyerr   ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -1  ));     
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhglobalx     ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhglobaly     ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhglobalz     ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhstrip       ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  rhmerr        ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  ubstrip       ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  ubmerr        ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));   
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  driftx        ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  drifty        ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  driftz        ( new std::vector<float>(size,  -10000  ));
  std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >  globalZofunitlocalY ( new std::vector<float>(size, -1000));

  edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> theTrackerGeometry;         iSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get( theTrackerGeometry );  
  edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> magfield;                     iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(magfield);                    
  edm::ESHandle<SiStripLorentzAngle> SiStripLorentzAngle;    iSetup.get<SiStripLorentzAngleDepRcd>().get(SiStripLorentzAngle);      

  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Track> > tracks;               iEvent.getByLabel(theTracksLabel, tracks);   
  edm::Handle<TrajTrackAssociationCollection> associations;  iEvent.getByLabel(theTracksLabel, associations);

  TrajectoryStateCombiner combiner;

  for( TrajTrackAssociationCollection::const_iterator association = associations->begin(); 
       association != associations->end(); association++) {
    const Trajectory*  traj  = association->key.get();
    const reco::Track* track = association->val.get();

    BOOST_FOREACH( const TrajectoryMeasurement measurement, traj->measurements() ) {
      const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos = measurement.updatedState();
      const TrajectoryStateOnSurface unbiased = combiner(measurement.forwardPredictedState(), measurement.backwardPredictedState());

      const TrackingRecHit*         hit        = measurement.recHit()->hit();
      const SiStripRecHit1D*        hit1D      = dynamic_cast<const SiStripRecHit1D*>(hit);
      const SiStripRecHit2D*        hit2D      = dynamic_cast<const SiStripRecHit2D*>(hit);
      const SiStripMatchedRecHit2D* matchedhit = dynamic_cast<const SiStripMatchedRecHit2D*>(hit);

      for(unsigned h=0; h<2; h++) {
        const SiStripCluster* cluster_ptr;
        if(!matchedhit && h==1) continue; else 
        if( matchedhit && h==0) cluster_ptr = &matchedhit->monoCluster(); else 
        if( matchedhit && h==1) cluster_ptr = &matchedhit->stereoCluster(); else 
        if(hit2D) cluster_ptr = (hit2D->cluster()).get(); else 
        if(hit1D) cluster_ptr = (hit1D->cluster()).get(); 
        else continue;

        shallow::CLUSTERMAP::const_iterator cluster = clustermap.find( std::make_pair( hit->geographicalId().rawId(), cluster_ptr->firstStrip() ));
        if(cluster == clustermap.end() ) throw cms::Exception("Logic Error") << "Cluster not found: this could be a configuration error" << std::endl;
        unsigned i = cluster->second;
        if( 0 == (trackmulti->at(i))++ ) {
          const StripGeomDetUnit* theStripDet = dynamic_cast<const StripGeomDetUnit*>( theTrackerGeometry->idToDet( hit->geographicalId() ) );
          LocalVector drift = shallow::drift( theStripDet, *magfield, *SiStripLorentzAngle);
          trackindex->at(i)   = shallow::findTrackIndex(tracks, track); 
          localtheta->at(i)   = (theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalDirection())).theta(); 
          localphi->at(i)     = (theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalDirection())).phi();   
          localpitch->at(i)   = (theStripDet->specificTopology()).localPitch(theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalPosition())); 
          localx->at(i)       = (theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalPosition())).x();    
          localy->at(i)       = (theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalPosition())).y();    
          localz->at(i)       = (theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalPosition())).z();    
          strip->at(i)        = (theStripDet->specificTopology()).strip(theStripDet->toLocal(tsos.globalPosition()));
          globaltheta->at(i)  = tsos.globalDirection().theta();                       
          globalphi->at(i)    = tsos.globalDirection().phi();                         
          globalx->at(i)      = tsos.globalPosition().x();                            
          globaly->at(i)      = tsos.globalPosition().y();                            
          globalz->at(i)      = tsos.globalPosition().z();                            
          insidistance->at(i) = 1./fabs(cos(localtheta->at(i)));                      
          projwidth->at(i)    = tan(localtheta->at(i))*cos(localphi->at(i));         
          BdotY->at(i)        = (theStripDet->surface()).toLocal( magfield->inTesla(theStripDet->surface().position())).y();
          covered->at(i)      = drift.z()/localpitch->at(i) * fabs(projwidth->at(i) - drift.x()/drift.z());
          rhlocalx->at(i)     = hit->localPosition().x();
          rhlocaly->at(i)     = hit->localPosition().y();
          rhlocalxerr->at(i)  = sqrt(hit->localPositionError().xx());
          rhlocalyerr->at(i)  = sqrt(hit->localPositionError().yy());
          rhglobalx->at(i)    = theStripDet->toGlobal(hit->localPosition()).x();
          rhglobaly->at(i)    = theStripDet->toGlobal(hit->localPosition()).y();
          rhglobalz->at(i)    = theStripDet->toGlobal(hit->localPosition()).z();
          rhstrip->at(i)      = theStripDet->specificTopology().strip(hit->localPosition());
          rhmerr->at(i)       = sqrt(theStripDet->specificTopology().measurementError(hit->localPosition(), hit->localPositionError()).uu());
          ubstrip->at(i)      = theStripDet->specificTopology().strip(unbiased.localPosition());
          ubmerr->at(i)       = sqrt(theStripDet->specificTopology().measurementError(unbiased.localPosition(), unbiased.localError().positionError()).uu());
          driftx->at(i)       = drift.x();
          drifty->at(i)       = drift.y();
          driftz->at(i)       = drift.z();
          globalZofunitlocalY->at(i) = (theStripDet->toGlobal(LocalVector(0,1,0))).z();

  iEvent.put(trackmulti,  Prefix + "trackmulti"  + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(trackindex,  Prefix + "trackindex"  + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(localtheta,  Prefix + "localtheta"  + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(localphi,    Prefix + "localphi"    + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(localpitch,  Prefix + "localpitch"  + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(localx,      Prefix + "localx"      + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(localy,      Prefix + "localy"      + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(localz,      Prefix + "localz"      + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(strip,       Prefix + "strip"       + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(globaltheta, Prefix + "globaltheta" + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(globalphi,   Prefix + "globalphi"   + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(globalx,     Prefix + "globalx"     + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(globaly,     Prefix + "globaly"     + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(globalz,     Prefix + "globalz"     + Suffix );  
  iEvent.put(insidistance,Prefix + "insidistance"+ Suffix );
  iEvent.put(covered,     Prefix + "covered"     + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(projwidth,   Prefix + "projwidth"   + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(BdotY,       Prefix + "BdotY"       + Suffix );
  iEvent.put(rhlocalx,    Prefix + "rhlocalx"    + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhlocaly,    Prefix + "rhlocaly"    + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhlocalxerr, Prefix + "rhlocalxerr" + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhlocalyerr, Prefix + "rhlocalyerr" + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhglobalx,   Prefix + "rhglobalx"   + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhglobaly,   Prefix + "rhglobaly"   + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhglobalz,   Prefix + "rhglobalz"   + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhstrip,     Prefix + "rhstrip"     + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(rhmerr,      Prefix + "rhmerr"      + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(ubstrip,     Prefix + "ubstrip"     + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put(ubmerr,      Prefix + "ubmerr"      + Suffix );   
  iEvent.put( driftx,     Prefix + "driftx"      + Suffix );
  iEvent.put( drifty,     Prefix + "drifty"      + Suffix );
  iEvent.put( driftz,     Prefix + "driftz"      + Suffix );
  iEvent.put( globalZofunitlocalY, Prefix + "globalZofunitlocalY" + Suffix );

Member Data Documentation

std::string ShallowTrackClustersProducer::Prefix [private]

Definition at line 15 of file ShallowTrackClustersProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), and ShallowTrackClustersProducer().

std::string ShallowTrackClustersProducer::Suffix [private]

Definition at line 14 of file ShallowTrackClustersProducer.h.

Referenced by produce(), and ShallowTrackClustersProducer().

Definition at line 13 of file ShallowTrackClustersProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 12 of file ShallowTrackClustersProducer.h.

Referenced by produce().