Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Attributes

CSCConditions Class Reference

#include <CSCConditions.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float anodeBXoffset (const CSCDetId &detId) const
 anode bx offset in bx given detId of chamber
float averageGain () const
 average gain over entire CSC system (logically const although must be cached here).
const std::bitset< 80 > & badStripWord (const CSCDetId &id) const
 bad channel words per CSCLayer - 1 bit per channel
const std::bitset< 112 > & badWireWord (const CSCDetId &id) const
float chamberTimingCorrection (const CSCDetId &detId) const
 chamber timing correction in ns given detId of chamber
int channelFromStrip (const CSCDetId &id, int geomStrip) const
 feedthrough for external access
float chipCorrection (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
 chip speed correction in ns given detId (w/layer) and strip channel
void crossTalk (const CSCDetId &id, int channel, std::vector< float > &ct) const
 fill vector (dim 4, must be allocated by caller) with crosstalk sl, il, sr, ir
float crosstalkIntercept (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel, bool leftRight) const
 crosstalk intercept for left and right
float crosstalkSlope (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel, bool leftRight) const
 crosstalk slope for left and right
 CSCConditions (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
void fillBadStripWords ()
 fill bad channel words
void fillBadWireWords ()
float gain (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
 gain per channel
float gainSigma (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
 overall calibration precision
float gasGainCorrection (const CSCDetId &detId, int strip, int wire) const
 gas gain correction as a function of detId (w/layer), strip, and wire channels
void initializeEvent (const edm::EventSetup &es)
 fetch database content via EventSetup
bool isInBadChamber (const CSCDetId &id) const
 Is the gven chamber flagged as bad?
const CSCDBNoiseMatrix::ItemnoiseMatrix (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
 raw noise matrix (unscaled short int elements)
void noiseMatrixElements (const CSCDetId &id, int channel, std::vector< float > &me) const
 fill vector (dim 12, must be allocated by caller) with noise matrix elements (scaled to float)
float pedestal (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
 static ped in ADC counts
float pedestalSigma (const CSCDetId &detId, int channel) const
 static ped rms in ADC counts
void print () const
int rawStripChannel (const CSCDetId &id, int geomChannel) const
bool readBadChambers () const
 did we request reading bad chamber info from db?
bool readBadChannels () const
 did we request reading bad channel info from db?
bool useGasGainCorrections () const
 did we request reading gas gain correction info from db?
bool useTimingCorrections () const
 did we request reading timing correction info from db?
 ~CSCConditions ()

Private Types

enum  elayers { MAX_LAYERS = 3240 }

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::bitset< 80 > > badStripWords
std::vector< std::bitset< 112 > > badWireWords
edm::ESWatcher< CSCDBGainsRcdgainsWatcher_
edm::ESHandle< CSCIndexerBaseindexer_
< CSCChannelMapperBase
bool readBadChambers_
bool readBadChannels_
float theAverageGain
edm::ESHandle< CSCBadChamberstheBadChambers
edm::ESHandle< CSCBadStripstheBadStrips
edm::ESHandle< CSCBadWirestheBadWires
< CSCChamberTimeCorrections
< CSCDBChipSpeedCorrection
edm::ESHandle< CSCDBCrosstalktheCrosstalk
edm::ESHandle< CSCDBGainstheGains
< CSCDBGasGainCorrection
edm::ESHandle< CSCDBNoiseMatrixtheNoiseMatrix
edm::ESHandle< CSCDBPedestalsthePedestals
bool useGasGainCorrections_
bool useTimingCorrections_

Detailed Description

Encapsulates a user interface into the CSC conditions

Rick Wilkinson
Tim Cox

Interfaces generally use "channels" which count from 1 and are 'geometric' i.e. in the order matching local coordinates. This is the channel labelling in CSCStripDigi (and CSCWireDigi) after internal corrections within CSCRawToDigi.

The input CSCDetId is also 'geometric channel level' i.e. ME11A has its own CSCDetId even in the ganged case,

Ganged ME1a channels are 1-16 (and unganged, of course, 1-48)

From CMSSW 61X, this class also handles separate algorithm versions for indexing the conditions data and for mapping between online and offline channel labelling.

Definition at line 46 of file CSCConditions.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CSCConditions::elayers [private]

Definition at line 162 of file CSCConditions.h.

{ MAX_LAYERS = 3240 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSCConditions::CSCConditions ( const edm::ParameterSet ps) [explicit]

Definition at line 36 of file

References badStripWords, badWireWords, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), MAX_LAYERS, readBadChambers_, readBadChannels_, useGasGainCorrections_, and useTimingCorrections_.

: theGains(), theCrosstalk(), thePedestals(), theNoiseMatrix(),
  theBadStrips(), theBadWires(), theBadChambers(),
  theChipCorrections(), theChamberTimingCorrections(), theGasGainCorrections(),
  indexer_(0), mapper_(0),
  readBadChannels_(false), readBadChambers_(false),
  useTimingCorrections_(false), useGasGainCorrections_(false), theAverageGain( -1.0 )
  readBadChannels_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("readBadChannels");
  readBadChambers_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("readBadChambers");
  useTimingCorrections_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("CSCUseTimingCorrections");
  useGasGainCorrections_ = ps.getParameter<bool>("CSCUseGasGainCorrections");

  // set size to hold all layers, using enum defined in .h
  badStripWords.resize( MAX_LAYERS, 0 );
  badWireWords.resize( MAX_LAYERS, 0 );
CSCConditions::~CSCConditions ( )

Definition at line 55 of file


Member Function Documentation

float CSCConditions::anodeBXoffset ( const CSCDetId detId) const

anode bx offset in bx given detId of chamber

Definition at line 304 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, theChamberTimingCorrections, and useTimingCorrections().

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::anodeBXoffset().

  if ( useTimingCorrections() ){
    CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
    int index = indexer_->chamberIndex(idraw) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
    return float ( theChamberTimingCorrections->item(index).anode_bx_offset*1./theChamberTimingCorrections->precision() );
    return 0;
float CSCConditions::averageGain ( ) const

average gain over entire CSC system (logically const although must be cached here).

Return average strip gain for full CSC system. Lazy evaluation. Restrict averaging to gains between 5 and 10, and require average is between 6 or 9 otherwise fix it to 7.5. These values came from Dominique and Stan,

Definition at line 335 of file

References theAverageGain, and theGains.

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::averageGain().


  const float loEdge = 5.0; // consider gains above this
  const float hiEdge = 10.0; // consider gains below this
  const float loLimit = 6.0; // lowest acceptable average gain
  const float hiLimit = 9.0; // highest acceptable average gain
  const float expectedAverage = 7.5; // default average gain

  if ( theAverageGain > 0. ) return theAverageGain; // only recalculate if necessary

  int  n_strip   = 0;
  float gain_tot = 0.;

  CSCDBGains::GainContainer::const_iterator it;
  for ( it=theGains->gains.begin(); it!=theGains->gains.end(); ++it ) {
    float the_gain = float( it->gain_slope )/theGains->scale();
    if (the_gain > loEdge && the_gain < hiEdge ) {
      gain_tot += the_gain;

  // Average gain
  if ( n_strip > 0 ) {
    theAverageGain = gain_tot / n_strip;

  // Average gain has been around 7.5 in real data
  if ( theAverageGain < loLimit || theAverageGain > hiLimit ) {
    //    LogTrace("CSC") << "Average CSC strip gain = "
    //                    << theAverageGain << "  is reset to expected value " << expectedAverage;
    theAverageGain = expectedAverage;

  return theAverageGain;
const std::bitset< 80 > & CSCConditions::badStripWord ( const CSCDetId id) const

bad channel words per CSCLayer - 1 bit per channel

Definition at line 316 of file

References badStripWords, indexer_, and mapper_.

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::badStrip().


  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  return badStripWords[indexer_->layerIndex(idraw) - 1];
const std::bitset< 112 > & CSCConditions::badWireWord ( const CSCDetId id) const

Definition at line 323 of file

References badWireWords, indexer_, and mapper_.

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::badWireWord().


  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  return badWireWords[indexer_->layerIndex(idraw) - 1];
float CSCConditions::chamberTimingCorrection ( const CSCDetId detId) const

chamber timing correction in ns given detId of chamber

Definition at line 289 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, theChamberTimingCorrections, and useTimingCorrections().

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::chamberTimingCorrection().

  if ( useTimingCorrections() ){
    CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
    int index = indexer_->chamberIndex(idraw) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
    return float (
                   + theChamberTimingCorrections->item(index).cfeb_timing_corr*1./theChamberTimingCorrections->precision()
                   + (theChamberTimingCorrections->item(index).cfeb_cable_delay*25. )
    return 0;
int CSCConditions::channelFromStrip ( const CSCDetId id,
int  geomStrip 
) const
float CSCConditions::chipCorrection ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel 
) const

chip speed correction in ns given detId (w/layer) and strip channel

Definition at line 276 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, theChipCorrections, and useTimingCorrections().

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::chipCorrection().

  if ( useTimingCorrections() ){
    CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
    int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel);
    int ichip       = indexer_->chipIndex(iraw); // converts 1-80 to 1-5 (chip#, CFEB#)
    int index       = indexer_->chipIndex(idraw, ichip) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
    return float ( theChipCorrections->value(index) )/theChipCorrections->scale();
    return 0;
void CSCConditions::crossTalk ( const CSCDetId id,
int  channel,
std::vector< float > &  ct 
) const

fill vector (dim 4, must be allocated by caller) with crosstalk sl, il, sr, ir

Definition at line 264 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and theCrosstalk.

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::crossTalk().

  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!

  ct[0] = float ( theCrosstalk->lslope(index) )/theCrosstalk->sscale();
  ct[1] = float ( theCrosstalk->linter(index) )/theCrosstalk->iscale();
  ct[2] = float ( theCrosstalk->rslope(index) )/theCrosstalk->sscale();
  ct[3] = float ( theCrosstalk->rinter(index) )/theCrosstalk->iscale();
float CSCConditions::crosstalkIntercept ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel,
bool  leftRight 
) const

crosstalk intercept for left and right

Definition at line 212 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and theCrosstalk.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::crosstalk().

  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
  // resistive fraction is at the peak, where t=0
  return leftRight ? float ( theCrosstalk->rinter(index) )/theCrosstalk->iscale()
                   : float ( theCrosstalk->linter(index) )/theCrosstalk->iscale() ;
float CSCConditions::crosstalkSlope ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel,
bool  leftRight 
) const

crosstalk slope for left and right

Definition at line 224 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and theCrosstalk.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::crosstalk().

  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
  // resistive fraction is at the peak, where t=0
  return leftRight ? float ( theCrosstalk->rslope(index) )/theCrosstalk->sscale()
                   : float ( theCrosstalk->lslope(index) )/theCrosstalk->sscale() ;
void CSCConditions::fillBadStripWords ( )

fill bad channel words

Definition at line 111 of file

References badStripWords, Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, i, indexer_, j, MAX_LAYERS, readBadChannels(), relativeConstraints::ring, dqm_diff::start, relativeConstraints::station, and theBadStrips.

Referenced by initializeEvent().


  // reset existing values
  badStripWords.assign( MAX_LAYERS, 0 );
  if ( readBadChannels() ) {
    // unpack what we've read from theBadStrips

    // chambers is a vector<BadChamber>
    // channels is a vector<BadChannel>
    // Each BadChamber contains its index (1-468 or 540 w. ME42), the no. of bad channels,
    // and the index within vector<BadChannel> where this chamber's bad channels start.

    for ( size_t i=0; i<theBadStrips->chambers.size(); ++i ) { // loop over bad chambers
      int indexc = theBadStrips->chambers[i].chamber_index;
      int start =  theBadStrips->chambers[i].pointer;  // where this chamber's bad channels start in vector<BadChannel>
      int nbad  =  theBadStrips->chambers[i].bad_channels;

      CSCDetId id = indexer_->detIdFromChamberIndex( indexc ); // We need this to build layer index (1-2808)

      for ( int j=start-1; j<start-1+nbad; ++j ) { // bad channels in this chamber
        short lay  = theBadStrips->channels[j].layer;    // value 1-6
        short chan = theBadStrips->channels[j].channel;  // value 1-80
    //    short f1 = theBadStrips->channels[j].flag1;
    //    short f2 = theBadStrips->channels[j].flag2;
    //    short f3 = theBadStrips->channels[j].flag3;
        int indexl = indexer_->layerIndex( id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), lay );
        badStripWords[indexl-1].set( chan-1, 1 ); // set bit 0-79 in 80-bit bitset representing this layer
      } // j
    } // i

void CSCConditions::fillBadWireWords ( )

Definition at line 145 of file

References badWireWords, Reference_intrackfit_cff::endcap, i, indexer_, j, MAX_LAYERS, readBadChannels(), relativeConstraints::ring, dqm_diff::start, relativeConstraints::station, and theBadWires.

Referenced by initializeEvent().

  // reset existing values
  badWireWords.assign( MAX_LAYERS, 0 );
  if ( readBadChannels() ) {
    // unpack what we've read from theBadWires

    for ( size_t i=0; i<theBadWires->chambers.size(); ++i ) { // loop over bad chambers
      int indexc = theBadWires->chambers[i].chamber_index;
      int start =  theBadWires->chambers[i].pointer;  // where this chamber's bad channels start in vector<BadChannel>
      int nbad  =  theBadWires->chambers[i].bad_channels;

      CSCDetId id = indexer_->detIdFromChamberIndex( indexc ); // We need this to build layer index (1-2808)

      for ( int j=start-1; j<start-1+nbad; ++j ) { // bad channels in this chamber
        short lay  = theBadWires->channels[j].layer;    // value 1-6
        short chan = theBadWires->channels[j].channel;  // value 1-80
    //    short f1 = theBadWires->channels[j].flag1;
    //    short f2 = theBadWires->channels[j].flag2;
    //    short f3 = theBadWires->channels[j].flag3;
        int indexl = indexer_->layerIndex( id.endcap(), id.station(), id.ring(), id.chamber(), lay );
        badWireWords[indexl-1].set( chan-1, 1 ); // set bit 0-111 in 112-bit bitset representing this layer
      } // j
    } // i

float CSCConditions::gain ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel 
) const

gain per channel

Definition at line 183 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and theGains.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::gain(), and CSCRecoConditions::gain().

  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
  return float( theGains->gain(index) ) /theGains->scale();
float CSCConditions::gainSigma ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel 
) const [inline]

overall calibration precision

Definition at line 58 of file CSCConditions.h.

{return 0.005;}
float CSCConditions::gasGainCorrection ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  strip,
int  wire 
) const

gas gain correction as a function of detId (w/layer), strip, and wire channels

Definition at line 372 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, theGasGainCorrections, and useGasGainCorrections().

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::gasGainCorrection().

  if ( useGasGainCorrections() ){
    CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
    int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
    int index       = indexer_->gasGainIndex(idraw, iraw, iwiregroup) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
    return float ( theGasGainCorrections->value(index) );
  } else {
    return 1.;
void CSCConditions::initializeEvent ( const edm::EventSetup es)

fetch database content via EventSetup

Definition at line 57 of file

References edm::ESWatcher< T >::check(), fillBadStripWords(), fillBadWireWords(), gainsWatcher_, edm::EventSetup::get(), indexer_, mapper_, readBadChambers(), readBadChannels(), theAverageGain, theBadChambers, theBadStrips, theBadWires, theChamberTimingCorrections, theChipCorrections, theCrosstalk, theGains, theGasGainCorrections, theNoiseMatrix, thePedestals, useGasGainCorrections(), and useTimingCorrections().

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::initializeEvent(), and CSCRecoConditions::initializeEvent().

  // Algorithms
  es.get<CSCIndexerRecord>().get( indexer_ );
  es.get<CSCChannelMapperRecord>().get( mapper_ );

  // Strip gains
  es.get<CSCDBGainsRcd>().get( theGains );
  // Strip X-talk
  es.get<CSCDBCrosstalkRcd>().get( theCrosstalk );
  // Strip pedestals
  es.get<CSCDBPedestalsRcd>().get( thePedestals );
  // Strip autocorrelation noise matrix
  es.get<CSCDBNoiseMatrixRcd>().get( theNoiseMatrix );

  if ( useTimingCorrections()){
    // Buckeye chip speeds
    es.get<CSCDBChipSpeedCorrectionRcd>().get( theChipCorrections );
    // Cable lengths from chambers to peripheral crate and additional chamber level timing correction
    es.get<CSCChamberTimeCorrectionsRcd>().get( theChamberTimingCorrections );

  if ( readBadChannels() ) {
  // Bad strip channels
    es.get<CSCBadStripsRcd>().get( theBadStrips );
  // Bad wiregroup channels
    es.get<CSCBadWiresRcd>().get( theBadWires );

    //@@    if( badStripsWatcher_.check( es ) ) {
    //@@    }
    //@@    if( badWiresWatcher_.check( es ) ) {
    //@    }


  // Has GainsRcd changed?
  if( gainsWatcher_.check( es ) ) { // Yes...
    theAverageGain = -1.0; // ...reset, so next access will recalculate it

  if ( readBadChambers() ) {
  // Entire bad chambers
    es.get<CSCBadChambersRcd>().get( theBadChambers );

  if ( useGasGainCorrections()){
    es.get<CSCDBGasGainCorrectionRcd>().get( theGasGainCorrections );

//  print();
bool CSCConditions::isInBadChamber ( const CSCDetId id) const

Is the gven chamber flagged as bad?

Definition at line 172 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, mapper_, readBadChambers(), and theBadChambers.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::isInBadChamber().


  if ( readBadChambers() )  {
    CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
    int index = indexer_->chamberIndex( idraw );
    return theBadChambers->isInBadChamber( index );
  else return false;
const CSCDBNoiseMatrix::Item & CSCConditions::noiseMatrix ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel 
) const

raw noise matrix (unscaled short int elements)

Definition at line 235 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and theNoiseMatrix.

Referenced by noiseMatrixElements().


  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
  return theNoiseMatrix->item(index);
void CSCConditions::noiseMatrixElements ( const CSCDetId id,
int  channel,
std::vector< float > &  me 
) const

fill vector (dim 12, must be allocated by caller) with noise matrix elements (scaled to float)

Definition at line 247 of file

References noiseMatrix(), and theNoiseMatrix.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::fetchNoisifier(), and CSCRecoConditions::noiseMatrix().

  assert(me.size() > 11 );
  const CSCDBNoiseMatrix::Item& item = noiseMatrix(id, geomChannel); // i.e. the function above
  me[0] = float ( item.elem33 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[1] = float ( item.elem34 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[2] = float ( item.elem35 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[3] = float ( item.elem44 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[4] = float ( item.elem45 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[5] = float ( item.elem46 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[6] = float ( item.elem55 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[7] = float ( item.elem56 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[8] = float ( item.elem57 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[9] = float ( item.elem66 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[10] = float ( item.elem67 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
  me[11] = float ( item.elem77 )/theNoiseMatrix->scale();
float CSCConditions::pedestal ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel 
) const

static ped in ADC counts

Definition at line 192 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and thePedestals.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::pedestal(), and CSCRecoConditions::pedestal().

  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
  return float( thePedestals->pedestal(index) )/thePedestals->scale_ped();
float CSCConditions::pedestalSigma ( const CSCDetId detId,
int  channel 
) const

static ped rms in ADC counts

Definition at line 202 of file

References getHLTprescales::index, indexer_, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), mapper_, and thePedestals.

Referenced by CSCDbStripConditions::pedestalSigma(), and CSCRecoConditions::pedestalSigma().

  CSCDetId idraw  = mapper_->rawCSCDetId( id );
  int iraw        = mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel );
  int index       = indexer_->stripChannelIndex( idraw, iraw ) - 1; // NOTE THE MINUS ONE!
  return float( thePedestals->pedestal_rms(index) )/thePedestals->scale_rms();
void CSCConditions::print ( void  ) const

Definition at line 392 of file

  std::cout << "SIZES: GAINS: " << theGains->gains.size()
            << "   PEDESTALS: " << thePedestals->pedestals.size()
            << "   NOISES "  << theNoiseMatrix->matrix.size() << std::endl;;

  std::map< int,std::vector<CSCDBGains::Item> >::const_iterator layerGainsItr = theGains->gains.begin(),
      lastGain = theGains->gains.end();
  for( ; layerGainsItr != lastGain; ++layerGainsItr)
    std::cout << "GAIN " << layerGainsItr->first
              << " STRIPS " << layerGainsItr->second.size() << " "
              << layerGainsItr->second[0].gain_slope
              << " " << layerGainsItr->second[0].gain_intercept << std::endl;

  std::map< int,std::vector<CSCDBPedestals::Item> >::const_iterator pedestalItr = thePedestals->pedestals.begin(),
                                                                  lastPedestal = thePedestals->pedestals.end();
  for( ; pedestalItr != lastPedestal; ++pedestalItr)
    std::cout << "PEDS " << pedestalItr->first << " "
              << " STRIPS " << pedestalItr->second.size() << " ";
    for(int i = 1; i < 80; ++i)
       std::cout << pedestalItr->second[i-1].rms << " " ;
     std::cout << std::endl;

  std::map< int,std::vector<CSCDBCrosstalk::Item> >::const_iterator crosstalkItr = theCrosstalk->crosstalk.begin(),
                                                                  lastCrosstalk = theCrosstalk->crosstalk.end();
  for( ; crosstalkItr != lastCrosstalk; ++crosstalkItr)
    std::cout << "XTALKS " << crosstalkItr->first
      << " STRIPS " << crosstalkItr->second.size() << " "
     << crosstalkItr->second[5].xtalk_slope_left << " "
     << crosstalkItr->second[5].xtalk_slope_right << " "
     << crosstalkItr->second[5].xtalk_intercept_left << " "
     << crosstalkItr->second[5].xtalk_intercept_right << std::endl;
int CSCConditions::rawStripChannel ( const CSCDetId id,
int  geomChannel 
) const

Definition at line 388 of file

References mapper_.

Referenced by CSCRecoConditions::badStrip().

{ return mapper_->rawStripChannel( id, geomChannel); }
bool CSCConditions::readBadChambers ( ) const [inline]

did we request reading bad chamber info from db?

Definition at line 101 of file CSCConditions.h.

References readBadChambers_.

Referenced by initializeEvent(), and isInBadChamber().

{ return readBadChambers_; }
bool CSCConditions::readBadChannels ( ) const [inline]

did we request reading bad channel info from db?

Definition at line 98 of file CSCConditions.h.

References readBadChannels_.

Referenced by fillBadStripWords(), fillBadWireWords(), and initializeEvent().

{ return readBadChannels_; }
bool CSCConditions::useGasGainCorrections ( ) const [inline]

did we request reading gas gain correction info from db?

Definition at line 117 of file CSCConditions.h.

References useGasGainCorrections_.

Referenced by gasGainCorrection(), and initializeEvent().

bool CSCConditions::useTimingCorrections ( ) const [inline]

did we request reading timing correction info from db?

Definition at line 104 of file CSCConditions.h.

References useTimingCorrections_.

Referenced by anodeBXoffset(), chamberTimingCorrection(), chipCorrection(), and initializeEvent().

Member Data Documentation

std::vector< std::bitset<80> > CSCConditions::badStripWords [private]

Definition at line 151 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by badStripWord(), CSCConditions(), and fillBadStripWords().

std::vector< std::bitset<112> > CSCConditions::badWireWords [private]

Definition at line 152 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by badWireWord(), CSCConditions(), and fillBadWireWords().

Definition at line 156 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by initializeEvent().

Definition at line 146 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by CSCConditions(), and readBadChambers().

Definition at line 145 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by CSCConditions(), and readBadChannels().

float CSCConditions::theAverageGain [mutable, private]

Definition at line 154 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by averageGain(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 133 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by initializeEvent(), and isInBadChamber().

Definition at line 131 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by fillBadStripWords(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 132 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by fillBadWireWords(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 135 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by anodeBXoffset(), chamberTimingCorrection(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 134 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by chipCorrection(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 128 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by crossTalk(), crosstalkIntercept(), crosstalkSlope(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 127 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by averageGain(), gain(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 136 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by gasGainCorrection(), and initializeEvent().

Definition at line 130 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by initializeEvent(), noiseMatrix(), and noiseMatrixElements().

Definition at line 129 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by initializeEvent(), pedestal(), and pedestalSigma().

Definition at line 148 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by CSCConditions(), and useGasGainCorrections().

Definition at line 147 of file CSCConditions.h.

Referenced by CSCConditions(), and useTimingCorrections().