Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo Class Reference

#include <DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo ()
void execute (DDCompactView &cpv)
void initialize (const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &vsArgs)
virtual ~DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo ()

Private Attributes

double activeWidth
double coolDz
std::string coolMat
int coolNumber
double coolSide
double coolThick
double coolWidth
double coolZ
double hybridThick
std::string idNameSpace
std::string ladderNameDown
std::string ladderNameUp
double ladderThick
double ladderWidth
double layerDz
double layout
double module_offset
double moduleRadius
int number
double sensorEdge
std::string tubeMat
std::string VolumeMaterial

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo ( )

Definition at line 23 of file

References LogDebug.

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") <<"DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo info: Creating an instance";
DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::~DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 29 of file


Member Function Documentation

void DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::execute ( DDCompactView cpv)

Definition at line 86 of file

References activeWidth, coolDz, coolMat, coolNumber, coolSide, coolThick, coolWidth, coolZ, funct::cos(), gather_cfg::cout, dbl_to_string(), DDBase< N, C >::ddname(), DDrot(), DDSplit(), Exception, first, hybridThick, i, idNameSpace, ladderNameDown, ladderNameUp, ladderThick, ladderWidth, layerDz, layout, LogDebug, module_offset, moduleRadius, DDName::name(), DDBase< N, C >::name(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, number, dbtoconf::parent, phi, DDCompactView::position(), diffTwoXMLs::r1, diffTwoXMLs::r2, CosmicsPD_Skims::radius, makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, edm::second(), funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, funct::tan(), DDSolidFactory::trap(), tubeMat, DDSolidFactory::tubs(), and VolumeMaterial.

  if ((number%2==1)&&(layout==1)) { 
        std::cout << "\nAsking for an invalid layout ... Adjusting the number of ladders to compensate.\n";
  // Keep a running tally to check that there are no phi gaps.
  double phi_coverage = 0.0;            // Running total of Phi coverage
  bool covered=0;                       // Set to 1 when there is at least 2Pi of coverage in phi
  double dphi = CLHEP::twopi/number;            // Phi difference between successive ladders
  double phi_offset = module_offset;    // Phi rotation of the ladders
  double radius_offset = 0.0;           // Distance from <R> that the stacks are shifted in or out
  double deltaX, deltaY;                // Offset to correct for ladder thickness
  double deltaX2, deltaY2;              // Offset for cooling tube 2
  double r_vol_inner = 0.0;             // Define the cylinder that the stacks are in
  double r_vol_outer = 0.0;             // 
  double phi_coverage_pinn =0.0;        // phi coverage, phi_coverage_pinn = phi_left + phi_right
  double phi_left    = 0.0;             // 
  double phi_right   = 0.0;             //

  // Set parameters for the Phi Rotated Stacks as default
  double d1 = (ladderThick)*tan(phi_offset);
  double d2 = (ladderThick)/cos(phi_offset);
  double d3 = (moduleRadius+d2);
  double d4 = ((activeWidth/2.0)-d1);
  double r_right = sqrt( d3*d3 + d4*d4 + 2*d3*d4*sin(phi_offset)) ;     // Radius of the outer edge of the active area
  phi_right=acos(       (r_right*r_right + d3*d3 - d4*d4)/
  double d5 = sqrt(d1*d1+d2*d2);
  double d6 = (moduleRadius-d5);
  double r_left = sqrt ( d4*d4 + d6*d6 - 2*d4*d6*sin(phi_offset) ) ;     // Radius of the inner edge of the active area
  phi_left=acos(        (r_left*r_left + d6*d6 - d4*d4)/
  if (r_right> r_left ) {r_vol_outer=r_right;r_vol_inner=r_left;}
  if (r_left > r_right) {r_vol_outer=r_left;r_vol_inner=r_right;}

  //std::cout << "\nDetermining the radii, r_in="<<r_vol_inner   <<" mod_R="<<moduleRadius<<" r_out="<<r_vol_outer;
  // Set parameters if High-Low Stacks are requested
  if(layout) {
    phi_offset = 0.0;
    phi_coverage_pinn = 0.0; // Determin for each ladder when placed
    double R_Curvature = ((4*moduleRadius*moduleRadius)+(ladderWidth*ladderWidth/4))/(4*moduleRadius);  // The radius of the ends of the inner stack
    double r2 = (R_Curvature+ladderThick);
    double r1 = sqrt((R_Curvature*R_Curvature)-(ladderWidth*ladderWidth/4.0))-(ladderThick);

    radius_offset = (r1-r2)/2.0;
    r_vol_inner = r1-(ladderThick);
    r_vol_outer = sqrt((ladderWidth*ladderWidth/4.0)+((r2+ladderThick)*(r2+ladderThick)));
    // phi_left and phi_right depend on R so they will be determined later
    // std::cout << "\nDetermining the radii, r_in="<<r_vol_inner   <<" r1="<<r1<< " R_c="<<R_Curvature<<" r2="<<r2<<" r_out="<<r_vol_outer;

  double r_vol_innerT;
  if(r_vol_inner>r_vol_outer) {

  std::string name;

  int component_copy_no=1;
  double phi0 = 90*CLHEP::deg;
  double phi =0*CLHEP::deg;
  double phix=0*CLHEP::deg;
  double phiy=0*CLHEP::deg;
  DDTranslation tran;
  DDRotation rot;

  //std::cout << "\nDDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: r_mid_L_inner/r_mid_L_outer " << r_vol_inner << ", " << r_vol_outer ;
  //<< " d1/d2 " << d1 << ", " << d2 
  //<< " x1/x2 " << x1 << ", " << x2;

// Define the volume in which the layer exists

  DDName mother = parent().name();
  std::string idName = DDSplit(mother).first;

  DDSolid solid = DDSolidFactory::tubs(DDName(idName, idNameSpace), 0.5*layerDz, r_vol_inner, r_vol_outer, 0, CLHEP::twopi);

  DDName matname(DDSplit(VolumeMaterial).first, DDSplit(VolumeMaterial).second);
  DDMaterial matter(matname);
  DDLogicalPart layer(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " 
                        << DDName(idName, idNameSpace) << " Tubs made of " 
                        << VolumeMaterial << " from 0 to " << CLHEP::twopi/CLHEP::deg 
                        << " with Rin " << r_vol_inner << " Rout " << r_vol_outer 
                        << " ZHalf " << 0.5*layerDz;

// Define the cool tube

  name = idName + "CoolTube";
  solid = DDSolidFactory::trap(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 0.5*coolDz, 0, 0, coolWidth/2, coolSide/2, coolSide/2, 0, coolWidth/2, coolSide/2, coolSide/2, 0);

  matter = DDMaterial(DDName(DDSplit(tubeMat).first, DDSplit(tubeMat).second));
  DDLogicalPart coolTube(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                        << " Trap made of " << tubeMat << " of dimensions " 
                        << 0.5*coolDz << ", 0, 0, " << coolWidth/2 << ", " << coolSide/2 
                        << ", " << coolSide/2 << ", 0, " << coolWidth/2 << ", " << coolSide/2 << ", " 
                        << coolSide/2 << ", 0";

// Define the coolant within the cool tube = same as cooltube - wall thickness

  name = idName + "Coolant";

  solid = DDSolidFactory::trap(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 0.5*coolDz, 0, 0, coolWidth/2-coolThick, coolSide/2-coolThick, coolSide/2-coolThick, 0, coolWidth/2-coolThick, coolSide/2-coolThick, coolSide/2-coolThick, 0);
  matter = DDMaterial(DDName(DDSplit(coolMat).first, DDSplit(coolMat).second));
  DDLogicalPart cool(solid.ddname(), matter, solid);

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                        << " Trap made of " << tubeMat << " of dimensions " 
                        << 0.5*coolDz << ", 0, 0, " << coolWidth/2-coolThick << ", " << coolSide/2-coolThick 
                        << ", " << coolSide/2-coolThick << ", 0, " << coolWidth/2-coolThick << ", " << coolSide/2-coolThick << ", " 
                        << coolSide/2-coolThick << ", 0";

// Put coolant in the cool tube

  cpv.position (cool, coolTube, 1, DDTranslation(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), DDRotation());

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                        << " number 1 positioned in " << 
                        << " at (0,0,0) with no rotation";

// Define the ladder

  DDName ladderFullUp(DDSplit(ladderNameUp).first, DDSplit(ladderNameUp).second);
  DDName ladderFullDown(DDSplit(ladderNameDown).first, DDSplit(ladderNameDown).second);


// Iterate over the number of modules

  for (int i=0; i<number; i++) {
    double phi_coverage_i=0.0;
    // First the modules
    phi = phi0 + i*dphi;
    phix = phi + (90*CLHEP::deg) - phi_offset ;
    phiy = phix + (90*CLHEP::deg) ;

    deltaX= 0.5*ladderThick*cos(phi-phi_offset);
    deltaY= 0.5*ladderThick*sin(phi-phi_offset);

    double radius;
    if((i%2)==0) radius=moduleRadius-radius_offset;
    else radius=moduleRadius+radius_offset;

    //inner layer of stack
    tran = DDTranslation(radius*cos(phi)-deltaX, radius*sin(phi)-deltaY, 0);
    name = idName + dbl_to_string(component_copy_no);
    rot = DDrot(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg, phiy, 0.,0.);

    cpv.position (ladderFullDown, layer, component_copy_no, tran, rot);

    LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << ladderFullDown 
                            << " number " << component_copy_no
                            << " positioned in " <<
                            << " at " << tran
                            << " with " << rot;

    //outer layer of stack
    tran = DDTranslation(radius*cos(phi)+deltaX, radius*sin(phi)+deltaY, 0);
    name = idName + dbl_to_string(component_copy_no);
    rot = DDrot(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg, phiy, 0.,0.);

    cpv.position (ladderFullUp, layer, component_copy_no, tran, rot);

    LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << ladderFullUp 
                            << " number " << component_copy_no
                            << " positioned in " <<
                            << " at " << tran
                            << " with " << rot;
    // Running total of phi coverage
    if(layout) {

    phi_coverage += phi_coverage_i;
    //std::cout<<"\nLooking at phi = "<< phi<<"\tNumber "<<component_copy_no-1<<"\t with "<<phi_coverage_i<<"\trad of coverage for a total coverage of "<<phi_coverage;
    if (phi_coverage>CLHEP::twopi&&covered==0) {
       //std::cout<<"\nPhi coverage is achieved after "<<(component_copy_no-1)/2.0<<" ladders for R="<<radius/10.0<<" cm.\t and "<<number<<" ladders were asked for";

  //std::cout<<"\nLayer covered "<<phi_coverage<<" radians in phi.   (2Pi="<<CLHEP::twopi<<")";
  if (phi_coverage<CLHEP::twopi) { throw cms::Exception("DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo")
      <<"\nAsking for a Geometry with gaps in phi.\n";}

// Iterate over the number of ladders (now 2 cooltubes per ladder)

  DDTranslation tran2;
  double coolOffset = 0.5*ladderWidth - hybridThick - 0.5*coolSide;
  double coolOffset2 = -0.5*ladderWidth + 0.5*coolSide;

  for (int i=0; i<number; i++) {
    phi = phi0 + i*dphi;
    phix = phi + (90*CLHEP::deg) - phi_offset;
    phiy = phix + (90*CLHEP::deg) ;

    deltaX= coolOffset*cos(90*CLHEP::deg-phi+phi_offset);
    deltaY= coolOffset*sin(90*CLHEP::deg-phi+phi_offset);
    deltaX2= coolOffset2*cos(90*CLHEP::deg-phi+phi_offset);
    deltaY2= coolOffset2*sin(90*CLHEP::deg-phi+phi_offset);

    double radius;              
    if((i%2)==0) radius=moduleRadius-radius_offset;
    else radius=moduleRadius+radius_offset;

    tran = DDTranslation(radius*cos(phi)-deltaX, radius*sin(phi)+deltaY, coolZ);
    tran2 = DDTranslation(radius*cos(phi)-deltaX2, radius*sin(phi)+deltaY2, coolZ);

    name = idName + "xxx"+dbl_to_string(i+10000);

    rot = DDrot(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg, phiy, 0.,0.);
    cpv.position (coolTube, layer, i*2+1, tran, rot);
    LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                          << " number " << i*2+1 << " positioned in " 
                          << << " at " << tran << " with "<< rot;
    cpv.position (coolTube, layer, i*2+2, tran2, rot);
    LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                          << " number " << i*2+2 << " positioned in " 
                          << << " at " << tran2 << " with "<< rot;
     // check if ring layer and need cooling tubes on both sides
    if(coolNumber == 2) {
       tran = DDTranslation(radius*cos(phi)-deltaX, radius*sin(phi)+deltaY, -coolZ);
       tran2 = DDTranslation(radius*cos(phi)-deltaX2, radius*sin(phi)+deltaY2, -coolZ);

       name = idName + "xxx2"+dbl_to_string(i+10000);

       rot = DDrot(DDName(name,idNameSpace), 90*CLHEP::deg, phix, 90*CLHEP::deg, phiy, 0.,0.);
       cpv.position (coolTube, layer, number*2+i*2+1, tran, rot);
       LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                             << " number " << number*2+i*2+1 << " positioned in " 
                             << << " at " << tran << " with "<< rot;
       cpv.position (coolTube, layer, number*2+i*2+2, tran2, rot);
       LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo test: " << 
                             << " number " << number*2+i*2+2 << " positioned in " 
                             << << " at " << tran2 << " with "<< rot;

 // End algorithm
void DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::initialize ( const DDNumericArguments nArgs,
const DDVectorArguments vArgs,
const DDMapArguments mArgs,
const DDStringArguments sArgs,
const DDStringVectorArguments vsArgs 

Definition at line 33 of file

References activeWidth, coolDz, coolMat, coolNumber, coolSide, coolThick, coolWidth, coolZ, hybridThick, idNameSpace, ladderNameDown, ladderNameUp, ladderThick, ladderWidth, layerDz, layout, LogDebug, module_offset, moduleRadius, DDCurrentNamespace::ns(), number, dbtoconf::parent, sensorEdge, tubeMat, and VolumeMaterial.


// Retrieve the variables from the XML files
  idNameSpace = DDCurrentNamespace::ns();
  DDName parentName = parent().name();

  VolumeMaterial    = sArgs["VolumeMaterial"];
  number    = int(nArgs["Ladders"]);
  layerDz   = nArgs["LayerDz"];
  sensorEdge= nArgs["SensorEdge"];
  coolDz    = nArgs["CoolDz"];
  coolWidth = nArgs["CoolWidth"];
  coolSide  = nArgs["CoolSide"];
  coolThick = nArgs["CoolThick"];
  coolZ     = nArgs["CoolZ"];
  coolNumber    = int(nArgs["CoolNumber"]);
  hybridThick = nArgs["HybridThick"];
  moduleRadius  = nArgs["ModuleRadius"];
  coolMat   = sArgs["CoolMaterial"];
  tubeMat   = sArgs["CoolTubeMaterial"];
  ladderNameUp  = sArgs["LadderNameUp"];
  ladderNameDown  = sArgs["LadderNameDown"];
  ladderWidth = nArgs["LadderWidth"];
  ladderThick = nArgs["LadderThick"];
  module_offset  = nArgs["ModuleOffset"];
  layout = int(nArgs["LayoutType"]);
  activeWidth = nArgs["ActiveWidth"];

// Debug messages
  //std::cout <<"\nStack sensor with sensorEdge = "<<sensorEdge<<"\tand width = "<<activeWidth<<"\t at R = "<<moduleRadius;
  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo debug: Parent " << parentName 
                        << " NameSpace " << idNameSpace << "\n"
                        << "\tLadders " << number << "\tGeneral Material " 
                        << VolumeMaterial << "\tLength " << layerDz << "\tSensorEdge "
                        << sensorEdge << "\tSpecification of Cooling Pieces:\n"
                        << "\tLength " << coolDz << " Width " << coolWidth 
                        << " Side " << coolSide << " Thickness of Shell " 
                        << coolThick << " Radial distance " << moduleRadius 
                        << " Materials " << coolMat << ", " << tubeMat;

  LogDebug("PixelGeom") << "DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo debug: Ladder " 
                        << ladderNameUp << " width/thickness " << ladderWidth
                        << ", " << ladderThick;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 47 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 31 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

std::string DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::coolMat [private]

Definition at line 39 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 36 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 33 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 34 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 32 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 35 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 37 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 26 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 42 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 41 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 44 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 43 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 29 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 46 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 45 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 38 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 28 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 30 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by initialize().

std::string DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo::tubeMat [private]

Definition at line 40 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().

Definition at line 27 of file DDPixBarTPGStackLayerAlgo.h.

Referenced by execute(), and initialize().