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11 #include <iostream>
13 /*
14  * \file
15  *
16  * $Date: 2012/11/12 23:26:19 $
17  * $Revision: 1.13 $
18  * \author J. Temple
19  * \brief Hcal DetDiagPedestal Client class
20  */
24 {
25  name_=myname; status=0;
26  needLogicalMap_=true;
27 }
30 {
31  name_=myname;
32  enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup",false);
33  debug_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("debug",0);
34  prefixME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("subSystemFolder","Hcal/");
35  if (prefixME_.substr(prefixME_.size()-1,prefixME_.size())!="/")
36  prefixME_.append("/");
37  subdir_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("DetDiagPedestalFolder","DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/"); // DetDiagPedestalMonitor_Hcal/
38  if (subdir_.size()>0 && subdir_.substr(subdir_.size()-1,subdir_.size())!="/")
39  subdir_.append("/");
40  subdir_=prefixME_+subdir_;
42  validHtmlOutput_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DetDiagPedestal_validHtmlOutput",true);
43  cloneME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("cloneME", true);
44  badChannelStatusMask_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("DetDiagPedestal_BadChannelStatusMask",
45  ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("BadChannelStatusMask",(1<<HcalChannelStatus::HcalCellDead)));
47  minerrorrate_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DetDiagPedestal_minerrorrate",
48  ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minerrorrate",0.05));
49  minevents_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("DetDiagPedestal_minevents",
50  ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("minevents",1));
51  Online_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("online",false);
53  ProblemCells=0;
55  needLogicalMap_=true;
56 }
59 {
60  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\tHcalDetDiagPedestalClient::analyze()"<<std::endl;
62 }
65 {
66  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t\tHcalDetDiagPedestalClient::calculateProblems()"<<std::endl;
67  if(!dqmStore_) return;
68  double totalevents=0;
69  int etabins=0, phibins=0, zside=0;
70  double problemvalue=0;
72  // Clear away old problems
73  if (ProblemCells!=0)
74  {
76  (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->SetMaximum(1.05);
77  (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->SetMinimum(0.);
78  }
79  for (unsigned int d=0;d<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++d)
80  {
81  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]!=0)
82  {
83  ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->Reset();
84  (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->SetMaximum(1.05);
85  (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->SetMinimum(0.);
86  }
87  }
88  enoughevents_=true;
89  // Get histograms that are used in testing
90  // currently none used,
92  std::vector<std::string> name = HcalEtaPhiHistNames();
94  // This is a sample of how to get a histogram from the task that can then be used for evaluation purposes
95  TH2F* PedestalsMissing[4];
96  TH2F* PedestalsUnstable[4];
97  TH2F* PedestalsBadMean[4];
98  TH2F* PedestalsBadRMS[4];
99  MonitorElement* me;
100  for (int i=0;i<4;++i)
101  {
102  // Assume that histograms aren't found
103  PedestalsMissing[i]=0;
104  PedestalsUnstable[i]=0;
105  PedestalsBadMean[i]=0;
106  PedestalsBadRMS[i]=0;
107  std::string s=subdir_+name[i]+" Problem Missing Channels";
108  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
109  if (me!=0) PedestalsMissing[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsMissing[i], debug_);
110  else
111  {
112  if (debug_>0)
113  std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::calcluateProblems> could not get histogram '"<<s<<"'"<<std::endl;
114  }
116  s=subdir_+name[i]+" Problem Unstable Channels";
117  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
118  if (me!=0) PedestalsUnstable[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsUnstable[i], debug_);
119  else if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::calculateProblems> could not get histogram '"<<s<<"'"<<std::endl;
120  s=subdir_+name[i]+" Problem Bad Pedestal Value";
121  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
122  if (me!=0) PedestalsBadMean[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsBadMean[i], debug_);
123  else if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::calculateProblems> could not get histogram '"<<s<<"'"<<std::endl;
124  s=subdir_+name[i]+" Problem Bad Rms Value";
125  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
126  if (me!=0) PedestalsBadRMS[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsBadRMS[i], debug_);
127  else if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::calculateProblems> could not get histogram '"<<s<<"'"<<std::endl;
128  }
130  // Because we're clearing and re-forming the problem cell histogram here, we don't need to do any cute
131  // setting of the underflow bin to 0, and we can plot results as a raw rate between 0-1.
133  for (unsigned int d=0;d<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++d)
134  {
135  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]==0) continue;
137  //totalevents=DigiPresentByDepth[d]->GetBinContent(0);
138  totalevents=0;
139  // Check underflow bins for events processed
140  if (PedestalsMissing[d]!=0) totalevents = PedestalsMissing[d]->GetBinContent(0);
141  else if (PedestalsUnstable[d]!=0) totalevents = PedestalsUnstable[d]->GetBinContent(0);
142  else if (PedestalsBadMean[d]!=0) totalevents = PedestalsBadMean[d]->GetBinContent(0);
143  else if (PedestalsBadRMS[d]!=0) totalevents = PedestalsBadRMS[d]->GetBinContent(0);
144  //if (totalevents==0 || totalevents<minevents_) continue;
146  totalevents=1; // temporary value pending removal of normalization from task
147  etabins=(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
148  phibins=(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
149  for (int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta)
150  {
151  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
152  if (ieta==-9999) continue;
153  for (int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)
154  {
155  problemvalue=0;
156  if (PedestalsMissing[d]!=0) problemvalue += PedestalsMissing[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)*1./totalevents;
157  if (PedestalsUnstable[d]!=0) problemvalue += PedestalsUnstable[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)*1./totalevents;
158  if (PedestalsBadMean[d]!=0) problemvalue += PedestalsBadMean[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)*1./totalevents;
159  if (PedestalsBadRMS[d]!=0) problemvalue += PedestalsBadRMS[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)*1./totalevents;
161  if (problemvalue==0) continue;
162  // problem value is a rate; we can normalize it here
163  problemvalue = std::min(1.,problemvalue);
165  zside=0;
166  if (isHF(eta,d+1)) // shift ieta by 1 for HF
167  ieta<0 ? zside = -1 : zside = 1;
169  // For problem cells that exceed our allowed rate,
170  // set the values to -1 if the cells are already marked in the status database
171  if (problemvalue>minerrorrate_)
172  {
173  HcalSubdetector subdet=HcalEmpty;
174  if (isHB(eta,d+1))subdet=HcalBarrel;
175  else if (isHE(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalEndcap;
176  else if (isHF(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalForward;
177  else if (isHO(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalOuter;
178  HcalDetId hcalid(subdet, ieta, phi+1, (int)(d+1));
179  if (badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end())
180  problemvalue=999;
181  }
183  ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->setBinContent(eta+1,phi+1,problemvalue);
184  if (ProblemCells!=0) ProblemCells->Fill(ieta+zside,phi+1,problemvalue);
185  } // loop on phi
186  } // loop on eta
187  } // loop on depth
189  if (ProblemCells==0)
190  {
191  if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::analyze> ProblemCells histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
192  return;
193  }
195  // Normalization of ProblemCell plot, in the case where there are errors in multiple depths
196  etabins=(ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
197  phibins=(ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
198  for (int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta)
199  {
200  for (int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)
201  {
204  }
205  }
209  return;
210 }
213 {
215  if (debug_>0)
216  {
217  std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::beginJob()> Displaying dqmStore directory structure:"<<std::endl;
219  }
220 }
224 {
225  enoughevents_=false;
226  if (!dqmStore_)
227  {
228  if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::beginRun> dqmStore does not exist!"<<std::endl;
229  return;
230  }
232  problemnames_.clear();
234  // Put the appropriate name of your problem summary here
235  ProblemCells=dqmStore_->book2D(" ProblemDetDiagPedestal",
236  " Problem DetDiagPedestal Rate for all HCAL;ieta;iphi",
237  85,-42.5,42.5,
238  72,0.5,72.5);
239  problemnames_.push_back(ProblemCells->getName());
240  if (debug_>1)
241  std::cout << "Tried to create ProblemCells Monitor Element in directory "<<subdir_<<" \t Failed? "<<(ProblemCells==0)<<std::endl;
242  dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(subdir_+"problem_DetDiagPedestal");
244  ProblemCellsByDepth->setup(dqmStore_," Problem DetDiagPedestal Rate");
245  for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++i)
246  problemnames_.push_back(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[i]->getName());
247  nevts_=0;
248 }
256 {
257  if(status&2) return true;
258  return false;
260  if (!ProblemCells)
261  {
262  if (debug_>1) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::hasErrors_Temp> ProblemCells histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
263  return false;
264  }
265  int problemcount=0;
266  int ieta=-9999;
268  for (int depth=0;depth<4; ++depth)
269  {
270  int etabins = (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
271  int phibins = (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
272  for (int hist_eta=0;hist_eta<etabins;++hist_eta)
273  {
274  for (int hist_phi=0; hist_phi<phibins;++hist_phi)
275  {
276  ieta=CalcIeta(hist_eta,depth+1);
277  if (ieta==-9999) continue;
278  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[depth]==0)
279  continue;
280  if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[depth]->getBinContent(hist_eta,hist_phi)>minerrorrate_)
281  ++problemcount;
283  } // for (int hist_phi=1;...)
284  } // for (int hist_eta=1;...)
285  } // for (int depth=0;...)
287  if (problemcount>0) return true;
288  return false;
289 }
292  if(status&1) return true;
293  return false;
294 }
299 void HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::updateChannelStatus(std::map<HcalDetId, unsigned int>& myqual)
300 {
301  // This gets called by HcalMonitorClient
302  // trigger primitives don't yet contribute to channel status (though they could...)
303  // see dead or hot cell code for an example
305 } //void HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::updateChannelStatus
307 static void printTableHeader(ofstream& file,std::string header){
308  file << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">"<< std::endl;
309  file << "<head>"<< std::endl;
310  file << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>"<< std::endl;
311  file << "<title>"<< header <<"</title>"<< std::endl;
312  file << "<style type=\"text/css\">"<< std::endl;
313  file << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"<< std::endl;
314  file << " td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }"<< std::endl;
315  file << " td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; text-align: center;}"<< std::endl;
316  file << " td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }"<< std::endl;
317  file << " td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }"<< std::endl;
318  file << " td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }"<< std::endl;
319  file << "</style>"<< std::endl;
320  file << "<body>"<< std::endl;
321  file << "<table>"<< std::endl;
322 }
324 static void printTableLine(ofstream& file,int ind,HcalDetId& detid,HcalFrontEndId& lmap_entry,HcalElectronicsId &emap_entry,std::string comment=""){
325  if(ind==0){
326  file << "<tr>";
327  file << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>" << std::endl;
328  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>" << std::endl;
329  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>" << std::endl;
330  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>"<< std::endl;
331  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>" << std::endl;
332  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>" << std::endl;
333  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>" << std::endl;
334  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
335  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>" << std::endl;
336  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>" << std::endl;
337  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>" << std::endl;
338  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>" << std::endl;
339  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>" << std::endl;
340  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>" << std::endl;
341  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>" << std::endl;
342  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>" << std::endl;
343  file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>" << std::endl;
344  if(comment[0]!=0) file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">Comment</td>" << std::endl;
345  file << "</tr>" << std::endl;
346  }
347  std::string raw_class;
348  file << "<tr>"<< std::endl;
349  if((ind%2)==1){
350  raw_class="<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
351  }else{
352  raw_class="<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
353  }
354  file << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">" << ind+1 <<"</td>"<< std::endl;
355  file << raw_class<< detid.ieta()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
356  file << raw_class<< detid.iphi()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
357  file << raw_class<< detid.depth() <<"</td>"<< std::endl;
358  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.rbx()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
359  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.rm() <<"</td>"<< std::endl;
360  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.pixel()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
361  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.rmFiber() <<"</td>"<< std::endl;
362  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.fiberChannel()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
363  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.qieCard() <<"</td>"<< std::endl;
364  file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.adc()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
365  file << raw_class<< emap_entry.readoutVMECrateId()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
366  file << raw_class<< emap_entry.dccid()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
367  file << raw_class<< emap_entry.spigot()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
368  file << raw_class<< emap_entry.fiberIndex()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
369  file << raw_class<< emap_entry.htrSlot()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
370  file << raw_class<< emap_entry.htrTopBottom()<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
371  if(comment[0]!=0) file << raw_class<< comment<<"</td>"<< std::endl;
372 }
373 static void printTableTail(ofstream& file){
374  file << "</table>"<< std::endl;
375  file << "</body>"<< std::endl;
376  file << "</html>"<< std::endl;
377 }
380  std::string s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagPedestalMonitor Event Number";
381  MonitorElement *me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
382  int n=0;
383  if ( me ) {
384  s = me->valueString();
385  sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &n);
386  }
387  if(n<100) return false;
388  return true;
389 }
392 int MissingCnt=0,UnstableCnt=0,BadCnt=0;
393 int HBP[4]={0,0,0,0},HBM[4]={0,0,0,0},HEP[4]={0,0,0,0},HEM[4]={0,0,0,0},HFP[4]={0,0,0,0},HFM[4]={0,0,0,0},HO[4] ={0,0,0,0};
394 int newHBP[4]={0,0,0,0},newHBM[4]={0,0,0,0},newHEP[4]={0,0,0,0},newHEM[4]={0,0,0,0};
395 int newHFP[4]={0,0,0,0},newHFM[4]={0,0,0,0},newHO[4] ={0,0,0,0};
396  if (debug_>0) std::cout << "<HcalDetDiagPedestalClient::htmlOutput> Preparing html output ..." << std::endl;
397  if(!dqmStore_) return;
400  TH2F *Missing_val[4],*Unstable_val[4],*BadPed_val[4],*BadRMS_val[4];
401  MonitorElement* me;
404  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HB=0;
405  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HE=0;
406  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HO=0;
407  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HF=0;
408  TH1F *PedestalsAve4Simp=0;
410  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HBref=0;
411  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HEref=0;
412  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HOref=0;
413  TH1F *PedestalsAve4HFref=0;
414  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHB=0;
415  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHE=0;
416  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHO=0;
417  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHF=0;
418  TH1F *PedestalsRmsSimp=0;
420  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHBref=0;
421  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHEref=0;
422  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHOref=0;
423  TH1F *PedestalsRmsHFref=0;
425  TH2F *Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF=0;
426  TH2F *Pedestals2DRmsHO=0;
427  TH2F *Pedestals2DHBHEHF=0;
428  TH2F *Pedestals2DHO=0;
429  TH2F *Pedestals2DErrorHBHEHF=0;
430  TH2F *Pedestals2DErrorHO=0;
432  std::string s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HB Pedestal Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
433  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HB=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HB, debug_); else return;
434  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HE Pedestal Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
435  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HE=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HE, debug_); else return;
436  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Pedestal Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
437  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HO=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HO, debug_); else return;
438  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Pedestal Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
439  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HF=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HF, debug_); else return;
440  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/SIPM Pedestal Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
441  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4Simp=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4Simp, debug_); else return;
443  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HB Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
444  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HBref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HBref, debug_); else return;
445  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HE Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
446  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HEref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HEref, debug_); else return;
447  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
448  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HOref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HOref, debug_); else return;
449  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Pedestal-Reference Distribution (average over 4 caps)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
450  if(me!=0) PedestalsAve4HFref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsAve4HFref, debug_); else return;
452  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HB Pedestal RMS Distribution (individual cap)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
453  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHB=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHB, debug_); else return;
454  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HE Pedestal RMS Distribution (individual cap)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
455  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHE=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHE, debug_); else return;
456  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Pedestal RMS Distribution (individual cap)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
457  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHO=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHO, debug_); else return;
458  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Pedestal RMS Distribution (individual cap)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
459  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHF=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHF, debug_); else return;
460  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/SIPM Pedestal RMS Distribution (individual cap)"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
461  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsSimp=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsSimp, debug_); else return;
463  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HB Pedestal_rms-Reference_rms Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
464  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHBref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHBref, debug_); else return;
465  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HE Pedestal_rms-Reference_rms Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
466  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHEref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHEref, debug_); else return;
467  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Pedestal_rms-Reference_rms Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
468  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHOref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHOref, debug_); else return;
469  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Pedestal_rms-Reference_rms Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
470  if(me!=0) PedestalsRmsHFref=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, PedestalsRmsHFref, debug_); else return;
472  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHEHF pedestal mean map"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
473  if(me!=0) Pedestals2DHBHEHF=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Pedestals2DHBHEHF, debug_); else return;
474  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO pedestal mean map"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
475  if(me!=0) Pedestals2DHO=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Pedestals2DHO, debug_); else return;
476  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHEHF pedestal rms map"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
477  if(me!=0) Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF, debug_); else return;
478  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO pedestal rms map"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
479  if(me!=0) Pedestals2DRmsHO=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Pedestals2DRmsHO, debug_); else return;
480  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHEHF pedestal problems map"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
481  if(me!=0) Pedestals2DErrorHBHEHF=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Pedestals2DErrorHBHEHF, debug_); else return;
482  s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO pedestal problems map"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
483  if(me!=0) Pedestals2DErrorHO=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Pedestals2DErrorHO, debug_); else return;
486  std::vector<std::string> name = HcalEtaPhiHistNames();
487  for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
488  Missing_val[i]=Unstable_val[i]=BadPed_val[i]=BadRMS_val[i]=0;
489  std::string s=subdir_+"Plots for client/"+name[i]+" Missing channels";
490  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
491  if (me!=0) Missing_val[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Missing_val[i], debug_); else return;
492  s=subdir_+"Plots for client/"+name[i]+" Channel instability value";
493  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
494  if (me!=0) Unstable_val[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Unstable_val[i], debug_); else return;
495  s=subdir_+"Plots for client/"+name[i]+" Bad Pedestal-Ref Value";
496  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
497  if (me!=0) BadPed_val[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, BadPed_val[i], debug_); else return;
498  s=subdir_+"Plots for client/"+name[i]+" Bad Rms-ref Value";
499  me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
500  if (me!=0) BadRMS_val[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, BadRMS_val[i], debug_); else return;
501  }
502  // Calculate problems
503  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
504  int etabins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
505  int phibins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
506  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
507  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
508  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
509  HcalSubdetector subdet=HcalEmpty;
510  if(isHB(eta,d+1))subdet=HcalBarrel;
511  else if (isHE(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalEndcap;
512  else if (isHF(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalForward;
513  else if (isHO(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalOuter;
514  HcalDetId hcalid(subdet, ieta, phi+1, (int)(d+1));
515  float val=Missing_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
516  if(val!=0){
517  if(subdet==HcalBarrel){
518  if(ieta>0){ HBP[0]++;}else{ HBM[0]++;} MissingCnt++;
519  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHBP[0]++;}else{ newHBM[0]++;}}
520  }
521  if(subdet==HcalEndcap){
522  if(ieta>0){ HEP[0]++;}else{ HEM[0]++;} MissingCnt++;
523  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHEP[0]++;}else{ newHEM[0]++;}}
524  }
525  if(subdet==HcalForward){
526  if(ieta>0){ HFP[0]++;}else{ HFM[0]++;} MissingCnt++;
527  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHFP[0]++;}else{ newHFM[0]++;}}
528  }
529  if(subdet==HcalOuter){
530  HO[0]++;MissingCnt++;
531  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){newHO[0]++;}
532  }
533  }
534  val=Unstable_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
535  if(val!=0){
536  if(subdet==HcalBarrel){
537  if(ieta>0){ HBP[1]++;}else{ HBM[1]++;} UnstableCnt++;
538  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHBP[1]++;}else{ newHBM[1]++;}}
539  }
540  if(subdet==HcalEndcap){
541  if(ieta>0){ HEP[1]++;}else{ HEM[1]++;} UnstableCnt++;
542  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHEP[1]++;}else{ newHEM[1]++;}}
543  }
544  if(subdet==HcalForward){
545  if(ieta>0){ HFP[1]++;}else{ HFM[1]++;} UnstableCnt++;
546  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHFP[1]++;}else{ newHFM[1]++;}}
547  }
548  if(subdet==HcalOuter){
549  HO[1]++;UnstableCnt++;
550  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){newHO[1]++;}
551  }
552  }
553  val=BadPed_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
554  if(val!=0){
555  if(subdet==HcalBarrel){
556  if(ieta>0){ HBP[2]++;}else{ HBM[2]++;} BadCnt++;
557  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHBP[2]++;}else{ newHBM[2]++;}}
558  }
559  if(subdet==HcalEndcap){
560  if(ieta>0){ HEP[2]++;}else{ HEM[2]++;} BadCnt++;
561  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHEP[2]++;}else{ newHEM[2]++;}}
562  }
563  if(subdet==HcalForward){
564  if(ieta>0){ HFP[2]++;}else{ HFM[2]++;} BadCnt++;
565  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHFP[2]++;}else{ newHFM[2]++;}}
566  }
567  if(subdet==HcalOuter){
568  HO[2]++;BadCnt++;
569  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){newHO[2]++;}
570  }
571  }
572  val=BadRMS_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
573  if(val!=0){
574  if(subdet==HcalBarrel){
575  if(ieta>0){ HBP[3]++;}else{ HBM[3]++;} BadCnt++;
576  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHBP[3]++;}else{ newHBM[3]++;}}
577  }
578  if(subdet==HcalEndcap){
579  if(ieta>0){ HEP[3]++;}else{ HEM[3]++;} BadCnt++;
580  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHEP[3]++;}else{ newHEM[3]++;}}
581  }
582  if(subdet==HcalForward){
583  if(ieta>0){ HFP[3]++;}else{ HFM[3]++;} BadCnt++;
584  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHFP[3]++;}else{ newHFM[3]++;}}
585  }
586  if(subdet==HcalOuter){
587  HO[3]++;BadCnt++;
588  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){newHO[3]++;}
589  }
590  }
591  }
592  }
595  ofstream badMissing;
597  printTableHeader(badMissing,"Missing Channels list");
598  ofstream badUnstable;
600  printTableHeader(badUnstable,"Unstable Channels list");
601  ofstream badPedRMS;
603  printTableHeader(badPedRMS,"Missing Channels list");
605  int cnt=0;
606  if((HBP[0]+HBP[0])>0 && (HBM[0]+HBP[0])!=(1296*2)){
607  badMissing << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HB" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
608  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
609  int etabins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
610  int phibins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
611  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
612  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
613  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
614  if(!isHB(eta,d+1)) continue;
615  float val=Missing_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
616  if(val==0) continue;
617  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalBarrel,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
618  std::string s=" ";
619  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s="Known problem";}
620  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
621  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
622  printTableLine(badMissing,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
623  }
624  }
625  }
626  cnt=0;
627  if((HEP[0]+HEP[0])>0 && (HEM[0]+HEP[0])!=(1296*2)){
628  badMissing << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HE" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
629  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
630  int etabins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
631  int phibins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
632  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
633  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
634  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
635  if(!isHE(eta,d+1)) continue;
636  float val=Missing_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
637  if(val==0) continue;
638  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalEndcap,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
639  std::string s=" ";
640  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s="Known problem";}
641  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
642  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
643  printTableLine(badMissing,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
644  }
645  }
646  }
647  cnt=0;
648  if(HO[0]>0 && HO[0]!=2160){
649  badMissing << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HO" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
650  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
651  int etabins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
652  int phibins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
653  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
654  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
655  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
656  if(!isHO(eta,d+1)) continue;
657  float val=Missing_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
658  if(val==0) continue;
659  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalOuter,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
660  std::string s=" ";
661  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s="Known problem";}
662  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
663  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
664  printTableLine(badMissing,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
665  }
666  }
667  }
668  cnt=0;
669  if((HFP[0]+HFP[0])>0 && (HFM[0]+HFP[0])!=(864*2)){
670  badMissing << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HF" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
671  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
672  int etabins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
673  int phibins=Missing_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
674  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
675  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
676  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
677  if(!isHF(eta,d+1)) continue;
678  float val=Missing_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
679  if(val==0) continue;
680  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalForward,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
681  std::string s=" ";
682  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s="Known problem";}
683  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
684  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
685  printTableLine(badMissing,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
686  }
687  }
688  }
690  cnt=0;
691  if((HBP[1]+HBP[1])>0){
692  badUnstable << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HB" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
693  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
694  int etabins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
695  int phibins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
696  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
697  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
698  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
699  if(!isHB(eta,d+1)) continue;
700  float val=Unstable_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
701  if(val==0) continue;
702  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalBarrel,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
703  char comment[100]; sprintf(comment,"Missing in %.3f%% of events\n",(1.0-val)*100.0);
705  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
706  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
707  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
708  printTableLine(badUnstable,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
709  }
710  }
711  }
712  cnt=0;
713  if((HEP[1]+HEP[1])>0){
714  badUnstable << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HE" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
715  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
716  int etabins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
717  int phibins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
718  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
719  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
720  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
721  if(!isHE(eta,d+1)) continue;
722  float val=Unstable_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
723  if(val==0) continue;
724  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalEndcap,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
725  char comment[100]; sprintf(comment,"Missing in %.3f%% of events\n",(1.0-val)*100.0);
727  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
728  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
729  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
730  printTableLine(badUnstable,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
731  }
732  }
733  }
734  cnt=0;
735  if(HO[1]>0){
736  badUnstable << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HO" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
737  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
738  int etabins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
739  int phibins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
740  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
741  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
742  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
743  if(!isHO(eta,d+1)) continue;
744  float val=Unstable_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
745  if(val==0) continue;
746  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalOuter,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
747  char comment[100]; sprintf(comment,"Missing in %.3f%% of events\n",(1.0-val)*100.0);
749  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
750  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
751  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
752  printTableLine(badUnstable,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
753  }
754  }
755  }
756  cnt=0;
757  if((HFP[1]+HFP[1])>0){
758  badUnstable << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HF" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
759  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
760  int etabins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
761  int phibins=Unstable_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
762  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
763  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
764  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
765  if(!isHF(eta,d+1)) continue;
766  float val=Unstable_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
767  if(val==0) continue;
768  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalForward,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
769  char comment[100]; sprintf(comment,"Missing in %.3f%% of events\n",(1.0-val)*100.0);
771  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
772  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
773  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
774  printTableLine(badUnstable,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
775  }
776  }
777  }
779  cnt=0;
780  if((HBP[2]+HBP[2]+HBP[3]+HBP[3])>0){
781  badPedRMS << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HB" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
782  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
783  int etabins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
784  int phibins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
785  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
786  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
787  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
788  if(!isHB(eta,d+1)) continue;
789  float val1=BadPed_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
790  float val2=BadRMS_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
791  if(val1==0 && val2==0) continue;
792  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalBarrel,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
793  char comment[100];
794  if(val1!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f",val1);
795  if(val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Rms-Ref=%.2f",val2);
796  if(val1!=0 && val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f,Rms-Ref=%.2f",val1,val2);
798  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
799  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
800  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
801  printTableLine(badPedRMS,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
802  }
803  }
804  }
805  cnt=0;
806  if((HEP[2]+HEP[2]+HEP[3]+HEP[3])>0){
807  badPedRMS << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HE" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
808  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
809  int etabins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
810  int phibins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
811  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
812  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
813  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
814  if(!isHE(eta,d+1)) continue;
815  float val1=BadPed_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
816  float val2=BadRMS_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
817  if(val1==0 && val2==0) continue;
818  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalEndcap,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
819  char comment[100];
820  if(val1!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f",val1);
821  if(val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Rms-Ref=%.2f",val2);
822  if(val1!=0 && val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f,Rms-Ref=%.2f",val1,val2);
824  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
825  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
826  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
827  printTableLine(badPedRMS,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
828  }
829  }
830  }
831  cnt=0;
832  if((HO[2]+HO[3])>0){
833  badPedRMS << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HO" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
834  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
835  int etabins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
836  int phibins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
837  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
838  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
839  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
840  if(!isHO(eta,d+1)) continue;
841  float val1=BadPed_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
842  float val2=BadRMS_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
843  if(val1==0 && val2==0) continue;
844  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalOuter,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
845  char comment[100];
846  if(val1!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f",val1);
847  if(val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Rms-Ref=%.2f",val2);
848  if(val1!=0 && val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f,Rms-Ref=%.2f",val1,val2);
850  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
851  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
852  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
853  printTableLine(badPedRMS,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
854  }
855  }
856  }
857  cnt=0;
858  if((HFP[2]+HFP[2]+HFP[3]+HFP[3])>0){
859  badPedRMS << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HF" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << std::endl;
860  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
861  int etabins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
862  int phibins=BadPed_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
863  for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
864  int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
865  if(ieta==-9999) continue;
866  if(!isHF(eta,d+1)) continue;
867  float val1=BadPed_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
868  float val2=BadRMS_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
869  if(val1==0 && val2==0) continue;
870  HcalDetId hcalid(HcalForward,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
871  char comment[100];
872  if(val1!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f",val1);
873  if(val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Rms-Ref=%.2f",val2);
874  if(val1!=0 && val2!=0) sprintf(comment,"Ped-Ref=%.2f,Rms-Ref=%.2f",val1,val2);
876  if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end()){ s+=",Known problem";}
877  HcalFrontEndId lmap_entry=logicalMap_->getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
878  HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
879  printTableLine(badPedRMS,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,s);
880  }
881  }
882  }
884  printTableTail(badMissing);
885  badMissing.close();
886  printTableTail(badUnstable);
887  badUnstable.close();
888  printTableTail(badPedRMS);
889  badPedRMS.close();
891  int ievt_ = -1,runNo=-1;
892  std::string ref_run;
893  s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagPedestalMonitor Event Number";
894  me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
895  if ( me ) {
896  s = me->valueString();
897  sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &ievt_);
898  }
899  s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagPedestalMonitor Run Number";
900  me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
901  if ( me ) {
902  s = me->valueString();
903  sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &runNo);
904  }
905  s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor Reference Run";
906  me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
907  if(me) {
908  std::string s=me->valueString();
909  char str[200];
910  sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%s", str);
911  ref_run=str;
912  }
914  gROOT->SetBatch(true);
915  gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
916  gStyle->SetPadColor(0);
917  gStyle->SetOptStat(111110);
918  gStyle->SetPalette(1);
920  TCanvas *can=new TCanvas("HcalDetDiagPedestalClient","HcalDetDiagPedestalClient",0,0,500,350);
921  can->cd();
923  ofstream htmlFile;
924  std::string outfile=htmlDir+name_+".html";
926  // html page header
927  htmlFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"> " << std::endl;
928  htmlFile << "<html> " << std::endl;
929  htmlFile << "<head> " << std::endl;
930  htmlFile << " <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\" " << std::endl;
931  htmlFile << " http-equiv=\"content-type\"> " << std::endl;
932  htmlFile << " <title>Detector Diagnostics Pedestal Monitor</title> " << std::endl;
933  htmlFile << "</head> " << std::endl;
934  htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\"> td { font-weight: bold } </style>" << std::endl;
935  htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\">"<< std::endl;
936  htmlFile << " td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF7700; text-align: center;}"<< std::endl;
937  htmlFile << " td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; text-align: center;}"<< std::endl;
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942  std::string state[4]={"<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">",
943  "<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">",
944  "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">",
945  "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">"};
946  htmlFile << "</style>"<< std::endl;
947  htmlFile << "<body> " << std::endl;
948  htmlFile << "<br> " << std::endl;
949  htmlFile << "<h2>Run:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" << std::endl;
950  htmlFile << "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span " << std::endl;
951  htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << runNo << "</span></h2>" << std::endl;
952  htmlFile << "<h2>Monitoring task:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span " << std::endl;
953  htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">Detector Diagnostics Pedestal Monitor</span></h2> " << std::endl;
954  htmlFile << "<h2>Events processed:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span " << std::endl;
955  htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << ievt_ << "</span></h2>" << std::endl;
956  htmlFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
958  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=1>" << std::endl;
959  htmlFile << "<tr>" << std::endl;
960  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">SebDet</td>" << std::endl;
961  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">Missing</td>" << std::endl;
962  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">Unstable</td>" << std::endl;
963  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">Bad |Ped-Ref|</td>" << std::endl;
964  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">Bad |Rms-Ref|</td>" << std::endl;
965  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
966  int ind1=0,ind2=0,ind3=0,ind4=0;
967  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HB+</td>" << std::endl;
968  ind1=3; if(newHBP[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHBP[0]>0 && newHBP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHBP[0]>=12 && newHBP[0]<1296) ind1=0;
969  ind2=3; if(newHBP[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHBP[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHBP[1]>21) ind2=0;
970  ind3=3; if(newHBP[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHBP[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHBP[2]>21) ind3=0;
971  ind4=3; if(newHBP[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHBP[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHBP[3]>21) ind4=0;
972  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
973  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
974  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HBP[0] <<" (1296)</td>" << std::endl;
975  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HBP[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
976  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HBP[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
977  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HBP[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
979  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
980  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HB-</td>" << std::endl;
981  ind1=3; if(newHBM[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHBM[0]>0 && newHBM[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHBM[0]>=12 && newHBM[0]<1296) ind1=0;
982  ind2=3; if(newHBM[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHBM[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHBM[1]>21) ind2=0;
983  ind3=3; if(newHBM[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHBM[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHBM[2]>21) ind3=0;
984  ind4=3; if(newHBM[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHBM[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHBM[3]>21) ind4=0;
985  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
986  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
987  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HBM[0] <<" (1296)</td>" << std::endl;
988  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HBM[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
989  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HBM[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
990  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HBM[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
992  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
993  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HE+</td>" << std::endl;
994  ind1=3; if(newHEP[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHEP[0]>0 && newHEP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHEP[0]>=12 && newHEP[0]<1296) ind1=0;
995  ind2=3; if(newHEP[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHEP[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHEP[1]>21) ind2=0;
996  ind3=3; if(newHEP[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHEP[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHEP[2]>21) ind3=0;
997  ind4=3; if(newHEP[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHEP[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHEP[3]>21) ind4=0;
998  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
999  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
1000  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HEP[0] <<" (1296)</td>" << std::endl;
1001  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HEP[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1002  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HEP[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1003  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HEP[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1005  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
1006  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HE-</td>" << std::endl;
1007  ind1=3; if(newHEM[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHEM[0]>0 && newHEM[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHEM[0]>=12 && newHEM[0]<1296) ind1=0;
1008  ind2=3; if(newHEM[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHEM[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHEM[1]>21) ind2=0;
1009  ind3=3; if(newHEM[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHEM[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHEM[2]>21) ind3=0;
1010  ind4=3; if(newHEM[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHEM[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHEM[3]>21) ind4=0;
1011  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
1012  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
1013  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HEM[0] <<" (1296)</td>" << std::endl;
1014  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HEM[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1015  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HEM[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1016  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HEM[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1018  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
1019  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HF+</td>" << std::endl;
1020  ind1=3; if(newHFP[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHFP[0]>0 && newHFP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHFP[0]>=12 && newHFP[0]<864) ind1=0;
1021  ind2=3; if(newHFP[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHFP[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHFP[1]>21) ind2=0;
1022  ind3=3; if(newHFP[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHFP[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHFP[2]>21) ind3=0;
1023  ind4=3; if(newHFP[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHFP[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHFP[3]>21) ind4=0;
1024  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
1025  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
1026  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HFP[0] <<" (864)</td>" << std::endl;
1027  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HFP[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1028  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HFP[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1029  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HFP[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1031  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
1032  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HF-</td>" << std::endl;
1033  ind1=3; if(newHFM[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHFM[0]>0 && newHFM[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHFM[0]>=12 && newHFM[0]<864) ind1=0;
1034  ind2=3; if(newHFM[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHFM[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHFM[1]>21) ind2=0;
1035  ind3=3; if(newHFM[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHFM[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHFM[2]>21) ind3=0;
1036  ind4=3; if(newHFM[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHFM[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHFM[3]>21) ind4=0;
1037  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
1038  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
1039  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HFM[0] <<" (864)</td>" << std::endl;
1040  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HFM[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1041  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HFM[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1042  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HFM[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1044  htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << std::endl;
1045  htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HO</td>" << std::endl;
1046  ind1=3; if(newHO[0]==0) ind1=2; if(newHO[0]>0 && newHO[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(newHO[0]>=12 && newHO[0]<2160) ind1=0;
1047  ind2=3; if(newHO[1]==0) ind2=2; if(newHO[1]>0) ind2=1; if(newHO[1]>21) ind2=0;
1048  ind3=3; if(newHO[2]==0) ind3=2; if(newHO[2]>0) ind3=1; if(newHO[2]>21) ind3=0;
1049  ind4=3; if(newHO[3]==0) ind4=2; if(newHO[3]>0) ind4=1; if(newHO[3]>21) ind4=0;
1050  if(ind1==3) ind2=ind3=ind4=3;
1051  if(ind1==0 || ind2==0 || ind3==0 || ind4==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1 || ind3==1 || ind4==1) status|=1;
1052  htmlFile << state[ind1] << HO[0] <<" (2160)</td>" << std::endl;
1053  htmlFile << state[ind2] << HO[1] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1054  htmlFile << state[ind3] << HO[2] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1055  htmlFile << state[ind4] << HO[3] <<"</td>" << std::endl;
1057  htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << std::endl;
1058  htmlFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
1060  if((MissingCnt+UnstableCnt+BadCnt)>0){
1061  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=1><tr>" << std::endl;
1062  if(MissingCnt>0) htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" << "bad_missing_table.html" <<"\">list of missing channels</a></td>";
1063  if(UnstableCnt>0) htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" << "bad_unstable_table.html" <<"\">list of unstable channels</a></td>";
1064  if(BadCnt>0) htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" << "bad_badpedrms_table.html" <<"\">list of bad pedestal/rms channels</a></td>";
1065  htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << std::endl;
1066  }
1067  can->SetGridy();
1068  can->SetGridx();
1069  can->SetLogy(0);
1074  htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">Summary plots</h2>" << std::endl;
1075  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << std::endl;
1076  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1077  Pedestals2DHBHEHF->SetStats(0);
1078  Pedestals2DHBHEHF->SetMaximum(5);
1079  Pedestals2DHBHEHF->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
1080  Pedestals2DHBHEHF->Draw("COLZ");
1081  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhehf_pedestal_map.gif").c_str());
1082  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hbhehf_pedestal_map.gif\" alt=\"hbhehf pedestal mean map\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1083  Pedestals2DHO->SetStats(0);
1084  Pedestals2DHO->SetMaximum(5);
1085  Pedestals2DHO->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
1086  Pedestals2DHO->Draw("COLZ");
1087  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_pedestal_map.gif").c_str());
1088  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_pedestal_map.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal mean map\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1089  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1091  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1092  Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF->SetStats(0);
1093  Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF->SetMaximum(2);
1094  Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
1095  Pedestals2DRmsHBHEHF->Draw("COLZ");
1096  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhehf_rms_map.gif").c_str());
1097  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hbhehf_rms_map.gif\" alt=\"hbhehf pedestal rms map\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1098  Pedestals2DRmsHO->SetStats(0);
1099  Pedestals2DRmsHO->SetMaximum(2);
1100  Pedestals2DRmsHO->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
1101  Pedestals2DRmsHO->Draw("COLZ");
1102  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_rms_map.gif").c_str());
1103  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_rms_map.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal rms map\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1104  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1106  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1107  Pedestals2DErrorHBHEHF->SetStats(0);
1108  Pedestals2DErrorHBHEHF->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
1109  Pedestals2DErrorHBHEHF->Draw("COLZ");
1110  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhehf_error_map.gif").c_str());
1111  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hbhehf_error_map.gif\" alt=\"hbhehf pedestal error map\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1112  Pedestals2DErrorHO->SetStats(0);
1113  Pedestals2DErrorHO->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
1114  Pedestals2DErrorHO->Draw("COLZ");
1115  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_error_map.gif").c_str());
1116  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_error_map.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal error map\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1117  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1118  htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
1119  htmlFile << "<hr>" << std::endl;
1122  htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">HB Pedestal plots (Reference run "<<ref_run<<")</h2>" << std::endl;
1123  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << std::endl;
1124  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1125  if(PedestalsAve4HB->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1126  PedestalsAve4HB->Draw();
1127  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hb_pedestal_distribution.gif").c_str());
1128  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hb_pedestal_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hb pedestal mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1129  if(PedestalsRmsHB->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1130  PedestalsRmsHB->Draw();
1131  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hb_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
1132  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hb_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hb pedestal rms mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1133  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1135  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1136  if(PedestalsAve4HBref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1137  PedestalsAve4HBref->Draw();
1138  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hb_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1139  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hb_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hb pedestal-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1140  if(PedestalsRmsHBref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1141  PedestalsRmsHBref->Draw();
1142  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hb_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1143  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hb_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hb pedestal rms-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1144  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1145  htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
1147  htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">HE Pedestal plots (Reference run "<<ref_run<<")</h2>" << std::endl;
1148  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << std::endl;
1149  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1150  if(PedestalsAve4HE->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1151  PedestalsAve4HE->Draw();
1152  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "he_pedestal_distribution.gif").c_str());
1153  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"he_pedestal_distribution.gif\" alt=\"he pedestal mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1154  if(PedestalsRmsHE->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1155  PedestalsRmsHE->Draw();
1156  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "he_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
1157  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"he_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"he pedestal rms mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1158  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1160  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1161  if(PedestalsAve4HEref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1162  PedestalsAve4HEref->Draw();
1163  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "he_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1164  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"he_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"he pedestal-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1165  if(PedestalsRmsHEref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1166  PedestalsRmsHEref->Draw();
1167  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "he_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1168  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"he_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"he pedestal rms-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1169  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1170  htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
1172  htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">HO Pedestal plots (Reference run "<<ref_run<<")</h2>" << std::endl;
1173  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << std::endl;
1174  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1175  if(PedestalsAve4HO->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1176  PedestalsAve4HO->Draw();
1177  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_pedestal_distribution.gif").c_str());
1178  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_pedestal_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1179  if(PedestalsRmsHO->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1180  PedestalsRmsHO->Draw();
1181  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
1182  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal rms mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1183  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1184  // SIMP
1185  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1186  if(PedestalsAve4Simp->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1187  PedestalsAve4Simp->Draw();
1188  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "sipm_pedestal_distribution.gif").c_str());
1189  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"sipm_pedestal_distribution.gif\" alt=\"sipm pedestal mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1190  if(PedestalsRmsSimp->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1191  PedestalsRmsSimp->Draw();
1192  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "simp_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
1193  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"simp_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"sipm pedestal rms mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1194  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1195  // SIMP
1196  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1197  if(PedestalsAve4HOref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1198  PedestalsAve4HOref->Draw();
1199  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1200  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1201  if(PedestalsRmsHOref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1202  PedestalsRmsHOref->Draw();
1203  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1204  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"ho_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho pedestal rms-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1205  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1206  htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
1209  htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">HF Pedestal plots (Reference run "<<ref_run<<")</h2>" << std::endl;
1210  htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << std::endl;
1211  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1212  if(PedestalsAve4HF->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1213  PedestalsAve4HF->Draw();
1214  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_pedestal_distribution.gif").c_str());
1215  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hf_pedestal_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf pedestal mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1216  if(PedestalsRmsHF->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1217  PedestalsRmsHF->Draw();
1218  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
1219  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hf_pedestal_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf pedestal rms mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1220  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1222  htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << std::endl;
1223  if(PedestalsAve4HFref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1224  PedestalsAve4HFref->Draw();
1225  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1226  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hf_pedestal_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf pedestal-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1227  if(PedestalsRmsHFref->GetMaximum()>0) can->SetLogy(1); else can->SetLogy(0);
1228  PedestalsRmsHFref->Draw();
1229  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif").c_str());
1230  htmlFile << "<td><img src=\"hf_pedestal_rms_ref_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf pedestal rms-reference mean\"> </td>" << std::endl;
1231  htmlFile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
1232  htmlFile << "</table>" << std::endl;
1235  htmlFile << "</body> " << std::endl;
1236  htmlFile << "</html> " << std::endl;
1237  htmlFile.close();
1238  can->Close();
1239 }
1242 {}
int fiberChannel() const
bool isHO(int etabin, int depth)
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
const std::string & getName(void) const
get name of ME
int i
MonitorElement * ProblemCells
int fiberIndex() const
get the fiber index [1-8] (which of eight fibers carried by a spigot) (valid only for non-trigger-cha...
std::string name()
void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
int pixel() const
std::vector< std::string > HcalEtaPhiHistNames()
int htrSlot() const
get the htr slot
void setup(DQMStore *&m_dbe, std::string Name, std::string Units="")
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161
bool isHE(int etabin, int depth)
T eta() const
int readoutVMECrateId() const
get the readout VME crate number
std::string rbx() const
void Fill(long long x)
int depth() const
get the tower depth
Definition: HcalDetId.h:42
list outfile
HcalElectronicsMap generateHcalElectronicsMap()
std::vector< MonitorElement * > depth
int CalcIeta(int subdet, int eta, int depth)
static void printTableTail(ofstream &file)
int htrTopBottom() const
get the htr top/bottom (1=top/0=bottom)
std::vector< std::string > problemnames_
int rm() const
EtaPhiHists * ProblemCellsByDepth
int ieta() const
get the cell ieta
Definition: HcalDetId.h:38
int dccid() const
get the (Hcal local) DCC id
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:32
MonitorElement * get(const std::string &path) const
get ME from full pathname (e.g. &quot;my/long/dir/my_histo&quot;)
bool isHB(int etabin, int depth)
int spigot() const
get the spigot (input number on DCC)
std::string valueString(void) const
const HcalFrontEndId getHcalFrontEndId(const DetId &)
int iphi() const
get the cell iphi
Definition: HcalDetId.h:40
bool isHF(int etabin, int depth)
int adc() const
std::string subdir_
std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > badstatusmap
void FillUnphysicalHEHFBins(std::vector< TH2F > &hh)
char state
double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)
std::string prefixME_
HcalLogicalMap * logicalMap_
tuple cout
static void printTableHeader(ofstream &file, std::string header)
static void printTableLine(ofstream &file, int ind, HcalDetId &detid, HcalFrontEndId &lmap_entry, HcalElectronicsId &emap_entry, std::string comment="")
void showDirStructure(void) const
int rmFiber() const
TH2F * getTH2F(void) const
void updateChannelStatus(std::map< HcalDetId, unsigned int > &myqual)
MonitorElement * book2D(const char *name, const char *title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)
Book 2D histogram.
int qieCard() const
void Reset(void)
reset ME (ie. contents, errors, etc)
Readout chain identification for Hcal [31:26] Unused (so far) [25] Trigger-chain id flag [24:20] Read...
DQMStore * dqmStore_
const DetId lookup(HcalElectronicsId fId) const
lookup the logical detid associated with the given electronics id
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
#define comment(par)
Definition: vmac.h:162