Initial value:
2 '0':[
'reco::VertexCollection ',
'Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection'] ,
3 '1':[
'reco::VertexCollection ',
'Primary vertex reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection, and imposing the offline beam spot as a constraint in the fit of the vertex position.'] ,
4 '2':[
'No documentation'] ,
5 '3':[
'No documentation'],
8 '4':[
'reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection ',
'K0S candidate collection reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection'],
9 '5':[
'reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection ',
'Lambda0 candidate collection reconstructed using the tracks taken from the generalTracks collection'],
10 '6':[
'Identical to the offlinePrimaryVertices collection.'],
11 '7':[
'Primary vertex reconstructed using the CKF tracks, taken from the ctfWithMaterialTracks collection'],
12 '8':[
'Primary vertex reconstructed using the CKF tracks, taken from the rsWithMaterialTracks collection']
Definition at line 4 of file