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1 //
2 // $Id:,v 1.14 2012/10/04 20:26:10 vadler Exp $
3 //
16 #include <vector>
21 // Constants' definitions
22 static const bool useL1EventSetup( true );
23 static const bool useL1GtTriggerMenuLite( false );
28  : watchDB_( 0 )
29  , hltConfigInit_( false )
30  , andOr_( false )
31  , dbLabel_( "" )
32  , verbose_( 0 )
33  , andOrDcs_( false )
34  , errorReplyDcs_( false )
35  , andOrGt_( false )
36  , gtInputTag_( "" )
37  , gtEvmInputTag_( "" )
38  , gtDBKey_( "" )
39  , errorReplyGt_( false )
40  , andOrL1_( false )
41  , l1BeforeMask_( true )
42  , l1DBKey_( "" )
43  , errorReplyL1_( false )
44  , andOrHlt_( false )
45  , hltDBKey_( "" )
46  , errorReplyHlt_( false )
47  , on_( true )
48  , onDcs_( true )
49  , onGt_( true )
50  , onL1_( true )
51  , onHlt_( true )
52  , configError_( "CONFIG_ERROR" )
53  , emptyKeyError_( "EMPTY_KEY_ERROR" )
54 {
56  // General switch(es)
57  if ( config.exists( "andOr" ) ) {
58  andOr_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "andOr" );
59  if ( config.exists( "verbosityLevel" ) ) verbose_ = config.getParameter< unsigned >( "verbosityLevel" );
60  } else {
61  on_ = false;
62  onDcs_ = false;
63  onGt_ = false;
64  onL1_ = false;
65  onHlt_ = false;
66  }
68  if ( on_ ) {
69  if ( config.exists( "andOrDcs" ) ) {
70  andOrDcs_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "andOrDcs" );
71  dcsInputTag_ = config.getParameter< edm::InputTag >( "dcsInputTag" );
72  dcsPartitions_ = config.getParameter< std::vector< int > >( "dcsPartitions" );
73  errorReplyDcs_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "errorReplyDcs" );
74  } else {
75  onDcs_ = false;
76  }
77  if ( config.exists( "andOrGt" ) ) {
78  andOrGt_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "andOrGt" );
79  gtInputTag_ = config.getParameter< edm::InputTag >( "gtInputTag" );
80  gtLogicalExpressions_ = config.getParameter< std::vector< std::string > >( "gtStatusBits" );
81  errorReplyGt_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "errorReplyGt" );
82  if ( config.exists( "gtEvmInputTag" ) ) gtEvmInputTag_ = config.getParameter< edm::InputTag >( "gtEvmInputTag" );
83  if ( config.exists( "gtDBKey" ) ) gtDBKey_ = config.getParameter< std::string >( "gtDBKey" );
84  } else {
85  onGt_ = false;
86  }
87  if ( config.exists( "andOrL1" ) ) {
88  andOrL1_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "andOrL1" );
89  l1LogicalExpressionsCache_ = config.getParameter< std::vector< std::string > >( "l1Algorithms" );
90  errorReplyL1_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "errorReplyL1" );
91  if ( config.exists( "l1DBKey" ) ) l1DBKey_ = config.getParameter< std::string >( "l1DBKey" );
92  if ( config.exists( "l1BeforeMask" ) ) l1BeforeMask_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "l1BeforeMask" );
93  } else {
94  onL1_ = false;
95  }
96  if ( config.exists( "andOrHlt" ) ) {
97  andOrHlt_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "andOrHlt" );
98  hltInputTag_ = config.getParameter< edm::InputTag >( "hltInputTag" );
99  hltLogicalExpressionsCache_ = config.getParameter< std::vector< std::string > >( "hltPaths" );
100  errorReplyHlt_ = config.getParameter< bool >( "errorReplyHlt" );
101  if ( config.exists( "hltDBKey" ) ) hltDBKey_ = config.getParameter< std::string >( "hltDBKey" );
102  } else {
103  onHlt_ = false;
104  }
105  if ( ! onDcs_ && ! onGt_ && ! onL1_ && ! onHlt_ ) on_ = false;
106  else {
107  if ( config.exists( "dbLabel" ) ) dbLabel_ = config.getParameter< std::string >( "dbLabel" );
109  }
110  }
112 }
117 {
119  if ( on_ ) delete watchDB_;
121 }
126 {
128  if ( watchDB_->check( setup ) ) {
129  if ( onGt_ && gtDBKey_.size() > 0 ) {
130  const std::vector< std::string > exprs( expressionsFromDB( gtDBKey_, setup ) );
131  if ( exprs.empty() || 0 ) != configError_ ) gtLogicalExpressions_ = exprs;
132  }
133  if ( onL1_ && l1DBKey_.size() > 0 ) {
134  const std::vector< std::string > exprs( expressionsFromDB( l1DBKey_, setup ) );
135  if ( exprs.empty() || 0 ) != configError_ ) l1LogicalExpressionsCache_ = exprs;
136  }
137  if ( onHlt_ && hltDBKey_.size() > 0 ) {
138  const std::vector< std::string > exprs( expressionsFromDB( hltDBKey_, setup ) );
139  if ( exprs.empty() || 0 ) != configError_ ) hltLogicalExpressionsCache_ = exprs;
140  }
141  }
143  // Re-initialise starting valuse before wild-card expansion
147  hltConfigInit_ = false;
148  if ( onHlt_ ) {
149  if ( hltInputTag_.process().size() == 0 ) {
150  if ( verbose_ > 0 ) edm::LogError( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "HLT TriggerResults InputTag \"" << hltInputTag_.encode() << "\" specifies no process";
151  } else {
152  bool hltChanged( false );
153  if ( ! hltConfig_.init( run, setup, hltInputTag_.process(), hltChanged ) ) {
154  if ( verbose_ > 0 ) edm::LogError( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "HLT config initialization error with process name \"" << hltInputTag_.process() << "\"";
155  } else if ( hltConfig_.size() <= 0 ) {
156  if ( verbose_ > 0 ) edm::LogError( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "HLT config size error";
157  } else hltConfigInit_ = true;
158  }
159  }
161  // Expand version wild-cards in HLT logical expressions
162  // L1
163  if ( onL1_ ) {
164  // build vector of algo names
165  l1Gt_.getL1GtRunCache( run, setup, true, false );
166  edm::ESHandle< L1GtTriggerMenu > handleL1GtTriggerMenu;
167  setup.get< L1GtTriggerMenuRcd >().get( handleL1GtTriggerMenu );
168 // L1GtTriggerMenu l1GtTriggerMenu( *handleL1GtTriggerMenu );
169  std::vector< std::string > algoNames;
170 // const AlgorithmMap l1GtPhys( l1GtTriggerMenu.gtAlgorithmMap() );
171  const AlgorithmMap l1GtPhys( handleL1GtTriggerMenu->gtAlgorithmMap() );
172  for ( CItAlgo iAlgo = l1GtPhys.begin(); iAlgo != l1GtPhys.end(); ++iAlgo ) {
173  algoNames.push_back( iAlgo->second.algoName() );
174  }
175 // const AlgorithmMap l1GtTech( l1GtTriggerMenu.gtTechnicalTriggerMap() );
176  const AlgorithmMap l1GtTech( handleL1GtTriggerMenu->gtTechnicalTriggerMap() );
177  for ( CItAlgo iAlgo = l1GtTech.begin(); iAlgo != l1GtTech.end(); ++iAlgo ) {
178  algoNames.push_back( iAlgo->second.algoName() );
179  }
180  for ( unsigned iExpr = 0; iExpr < l1LogicalExpressions_.size(); ++iExpr ) {
181  std::string l1LogicalExpression( iExpr ) );
182  L1GtLogicParser l1AlgoLogicParser( l1LogicalExpression );
183  // Loop over algorithms
184  for ( size_t iAlgo = 0; iAlgo < l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().size(); ++iAlgo ) {
185  const std::string l1AlgoName( l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iAlgo ).tokenName );
186  if ( l1AlgoName.find( '*' ) != std::string::npos ) {
187  l1LogicalExpression.replace( l1LogicalExpression.find( l1AlgoName ), l1AlgoName.size(), expandLogicalExpression( algoNames, l1AlgoName ) );
188  }
189  }
190  l1LogicalExpressions_[ iExpr ] = l1LogicalExpression;
191  }
192  }
193  // HLT
194  if ( hltConfigInit_ ) {
195  for ( unsigned iExpr = 0; iExpr < hltLogicalExpressions_.size(); ++iExpr ) {
196  std::string hltLogicalExpression( iExpr ) );
197  L1GtLogicParser hltAlgoLogicParser( hltLogicalExpression );
198  // Loop over paths
199  for ( size_t iPath = 0; iPath < hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().size(); ++iPath ) {
200  const std::string hltPathName( hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iPath ).tokenName );
201  if ( hltPathName.find( '*' ) != std::string::npos ) {
202  hltLogicalExpression.replace( hltLogicalExpression.find( hltPathName ), hltPathName.size(), expandLogicalExpression( hltConfig_.triggerNames(), hltPathName ) );
203  }
204  }
205  hltLogicalExpressions_[ iExpr ] = hltLogicalExpression;
206  }
207  }
209 }
214 {
216  if ( ! on_ ) return true;
218  // Determine decision
219  if ( andOr_ ) return ( acceptDcs( event ) || acceptGt( event ) || acceptL1( event, setup ) || acceptHlt( event ) );
220  return ( acceptDcs( event ) && acceptGt( event ) && acceptL1( event, setup ) && acceptHlt( event ) );
222 }
226 {
228  // An empty DCS partitions list acts as switch.
229  if ( ! onDcs_ || dcsPartitions_.empty() ) return ( ! andOr_ ); // logically neutral, depending on base logical connective
231  // Accessing the DcsStatusCollection
233  event.getByLabel( dcsInputTag_, dcsStatus );
234  if ( ! dcsStatus.isValid() ) {
235  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "DcsStatusCollection product with InputTag \"" << dcsInputTag_.encode() << "\" not in event ==> decision: " << errorReplyDcs_;
236  return errorReplyDcs_;
237  }
238  if ( ( *dcsStatus ).size() == 0 ) {
239  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "DcsStatusCollection product with InputTag \"" << dcsInputTag_.encode() << "\" empty ==> decision: " << errorReplyDcs_;
240  return errorReplyDcs_;
241  }
243  // Determine decision of DCS partition combination and return
244  if ( andOrDcs_ ) { // OR combination
245  for ( std::vector< int >::const_iterator partitionNumber = dcsPartitions_.begin(); partitionNumber != dcsPartitions_.end(); ++partitionNumber ) {
246  if ( acceptDcsPartition( dcsStatus, *partitionNumber ) ) return true;
247  }
248  return false;
249  }
250  for ( std::vector< int >::const_iterator partitionNumber = dcsPartitions_.begin(); partitionNumber != dcsPartitions_.end(); ++partitionNumber ) {
251  if ( ! acceptDcsPartition( dcsStatus, *partitionNumber ) ) return false;
252  }
253  return true;
255 }
259 {
261  // Error checks
262  switch( dcsPartition ) {
263  case DcsStatus::EBp :
264  case DcsStatus::EBm :
265  case DcsStatus::EEp :
266  case DcsStatus::EEm :
267  case DcsStatus::HBHEa :
268  case DcsStatus::HBHEb :
269  case DcsStatus::HBHEc :
270  case DcsStatus::HF :
271  case DcsStatus::HO :
272  case DcsStatus::RPC :
273  case DcsStatus::DT0 :
274  case DcsStatus::DTp :
275  case DcsStatus::DTm :
276  case DcsStatus::CSCp :
277  case DcsStatus::CSCm :
278  case DcsStatus::CASTOR:
279  case DcsStatus::TIBTID:
280  case DcsStatus::TOB :
281  case DcsStatus::TECp :
282  case DcsStatus::TECm :
283  case DcsStatus::BPIX :
284  case DcsStatus::FPIX :
285  case DcsStatus::ESp :
286  case DcsStatus::ESm :
287  break;
288  default:
289  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "DCS partition number \"" << dcsPartition << "\" does not exist ==> decision: " << errorReplyDcs_;
290  return errorReplyDcs_;
291  }
293  // Determine decision
294  return dcsStatus->at( 0 ).ready( dcsPartition );
296 }
301 {
303  // An empty GT status bits logical expressions list acts as switch.
304  if ( ! onGt_ || gtLogicalExpressions_.empty() ) return ( ! andOr_ ); // logically neutral, depending on base logical connective
306  // Determine decision of GT status bits logical expression combination and return
307  if ( andOrGt_ ) { // OR combination
308  for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator gtLogicalExpression = gtLogicalExpressions_.begin(); gtLogicalExpression != gtLogicalExpressions_.end(); ++gtLogicalExpression ) {
309  if ( acceptGtLogicalExpression( event, *gtLogicalExpression ) ) return true;
310  }
311  return false;
312  }
313  for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator gtLogicalExpression = gtLogicalExpressions_.begin(); gtLogicalExpression != gtLogicalExpressions_.end(); ++gtLogicalExpression ) {
314  if ( ! acceptGtLogicalExpression( event, *gtLogicalExpression ) ) return false;
315  }
316  return true;
318 }
323 {
325  // Check empty std::strings
326  if ( gtLogicalExpression.empty() ) {
327  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Empty logical expression ==> decision: " << errorReplyGt_;
328  return errorReplyGt_;
329  }
331  // Negated paths
332  bool negExpr( negate( gtLogicalExpression ) );
333  if ( negExpr && gtLogicalExpression.empty() ) {
334  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Empty (negated) logical expression ==> decision: " << errorReplyGt_;
335  return errorReplyGt_;
336  }
338  // Parse logical expression and determine GT status bit decision
339  L1GtLogicParser gtAlgoLogicParser( gtLogicalExpression );
340  // Loop over status bits
341  for ( size_t iStatusBit = 0; iStatusBit < gtAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().size(); ++iStatusBit ) {
342  const std::string gtStatusBit( gtAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iStatusBit ).tokenName );
343  // Manipulate status bit decision as stored in the parser
344  bool decision( errorReplyDcs_ );
345  // Hard-coded status bits!!!
346  if ( gtStatusBit == "PhysDecl" || gtStatusBit == "PhysicsDeclared" ) {
348  event.getByLabel( gtInputTag_, gtReadoutRecord );
349  if ( ! gtReadoutRecord.isValid() ) {
350  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord product with InputTag \"" << gtInputTag_.encode() << "\" not in event ==> decision: " << errorReplyGt_;
351  gtAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iStatusBit ).tokenResult = errorReplyDcs_;
352  continue;
353  }
354  decision = ( gtReadoutRecord->gtFdlWord().physicsDeclared() == 1 );
355  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "Stable" || gtStatusBit == "StableBeam" || gtStatusBit == "Adjust" || gtStatusBit == "Sqeeze" || gtStatusBit == "Flat" || gtStatusBit == "FlatTop" ||
356  gtStatusBit == "7TeV" || gtStatusBit == "8TeV" || gtStatusBit == "2360GeV" || gtStatusBit == "900GeV" ) {
358  event.getByLabel( gtEvmInputTag_, gtEvmReadoutRecord );
359  if ( ! gtEvmReadoutRecord.isValid() ) {
360  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "L1GlobalTriggerEvmReadoutRecord product with InputTag \"" << gtEvmInputTag_.encode() << "\" not in event ==> decision: " << errorReplyGt_;
361  gtAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iStatusBit ).tokenResult = errorReplyDcs_;
362  continue;
363  }
364  if ( gtStatusBit == "Stable" || gtStatusBit == "StableBeam" ) {
365  decision = ( gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() == 11 );
366  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "Adjust" ) {
367  decision = ( 10 <= gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() && gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() <= 11 );
368  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "Sqeeze" ) {
369  decision = ( 9 <= gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() && gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() <= 11 );
370  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "Flat" || gtStatusBit == "FlatTop" ) {
371  decision = ( 8 <= gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() && gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMode() <= 11 );
372  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "7TeV" ) {
373  decision = ( gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMomentum() == 3500 );
374  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "8TeV" ) {
375  decision = ( gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMomentum() == 4000 );
376  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "2360GeV" ) {
377  decision = ( gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMomentum() == 1180 );
378  } else if ( gtStatusBit == "900GeV" ) {
379  decision = ( gtEvmReadoutRecord->gtfeWord().beamMomentum() == 450 );
380  }
381  } else {
382  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "GT status bit \"" << gtStatusBit << "\" is not defined ==> decision: " << errorReplyGt_;
383  }
384  gtAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iStatusBit ).tokenResult = decision;
385  }
387  // Determine decision
388  const bool gtDecision( gtAlgoLogicParser.expressionResult() );
389  return negExpr ? ( ! gtDecision ) : gtDecision;
391 }
396 {
398  // An empty L1 logical expressions list acts as switch.
399  if ( ! onL1_ || l1LogicalExpressions_.empty() ) return ( ! andOr_ ); // logically neutral, depending on base logical connective
401  // Getting the L1 event setup
402  l1Gt_.getL1GtRunCache( event, setup, useL1EventSetup, useL1GtTriggerMenuLite ); // FIXME This can possibly go to initRun()
404  // Determine decision of L1 logical expression combination and return
405  if ( andOrL1_ ) { // OR combination
406  for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator l1LogicalExpression = l1LogicalExpressions_.begin(); l1LogicalExpression != l1LogicalExpressions_.end(); ++l1LogicalExpression ) {
407  if ( acceptL1LogicalExpression( event, *l1LogicalExpression ) ) return true;
408  }
409  return false;
410  }
411  for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator l1LogicalExpression = l1LogicalExpressions_.begin(); l1LogicalExpression != l1LogicalExpressions_.end(); ++l1LogicalExpression ) {
412  if ( ! acceptL1LogicalExpression( event, *l1LogicalExpression ) ) return false;
413  }
414  return true;
416 }
421 {
423  // Check empty std::strings
424  if ( l1LogicalExpression.empty() ) {
425  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Empty logical expression ==> decision: " << errorReplyL1_;
426  return errorReplyL1_;
427  }
429  // Negated logical expression
430  bool negExpr( negate( l1LogicalExpression ) );
431  if ( negExpr && l1LogicalExpression.empty() ) {
432  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Empty (negated) logical expression ==> decision: " << errorReplyL1_;
433  return errorReplyL1_;
434  }
436  // Parse logical expression and determine L1 decision
437  L1GtLogicParser l1AlgoLogicParser( l1LogicalExpression );
438  // Loop over algorithms
439  for ( size_t iAlgorithm = 0; iAlgorithm < l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().size(); ++iAlgorithm ) {
440  const std::string l1AlgoName( l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iAlgorithm ).tokenName );
441  int error( -1 );
442  const bool decision( l1BeforeMask_ ? l1Gt_.decisionBeforeMask( event, l1AlgoName, error ) : l1Gt_.decisionAfterMask( event, l1AlgoName, error ) );
443  // Error checks
444  if ( error != 0 ) {
445  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) {
446  if ( error == 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "L1 algorithm \"" << l1AlgoName << "\" does not exist in the L1 menu ==> decision: " << errorReplyL1_;
447  else edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "L1 algorithm \"" << l1AlgoName << "\" received error code " << error << " from L1GtUtils::decisionBeforeMask ==> decision: " << errorReplyL1_;
448  }
449  l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iAlgorithm ).tokenResult = errorReplyL1_;
450  continue;
451  }
452  // Manipulate algo decision as stored in the parser
453  l1AlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iAlgorithm ).tokenResult = decision;
454  }
456  // Return decision
457  const bool l1Decision( l1AlgoLogicParser.expressionResult() );
458  return negExpr ? ( ! l1Decision ) : l1Decision;
460 }
465 {
467  // An empty HLT logical expressions list acts as switch.
468  if ( ! onHlt_ || hltLogicalExpressions_.empty() ) return ( ! andOr_ ); // logically neutral, depending on base logical connective
470  // Checking the HLT configuration,
471  if ( ! hltConfigInit_ ) {
472  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "HLT config error ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
473  return errorReplyHlt_;
474  }
476  // Accessing the TriggerResults
477  edm::Handle< edm::TriggerResults > hltTriggerResults;
478  event.getByLabel( hltInputTag_, hltTriggerResults );
479  if ( ! hltTriggerResults.isValid() ) {
480  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "TriggerResults product with InputTag \"" << hltInputTag_.encode() << "\" not in event ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
481  return errorReplyHlt_;
482  }
483  if ( ( *hltTriggerResults ).size() == 0 ) {
484  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "TriggerResults product with InputTag \"" << hltInputTag_.encode() << "\" empty ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
485  return errorReplyDcs_;
486  }
488  // Determine decision of HLT logical expression combination and return
489  if ( andOrHlt_ ) { // OR combination
490  for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator hltLogicalExpression = hltLogicalExpressions_.begin(); hltLogicalExpression != hltLogicalExpressions_.end(); ++hltLogicalExpression ) {
491  if ( acceptHltLogicalExpression( hltTriggerResults, *hltLogicalExpression ) ) return true;
492  }
493  return false;
494  }
495  for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator hltLogicalExpression = hltLogicalExpressions_.begin(); hltLogicalExpression != hltLogicalExpressions_.end(); ++hltLogicalExpression ) {
496  if ( ! acceptHltLogicalExpression( hltTriggerResults, *hltLogicalExpression ) ) return false;
497  }
498  return true;
500 }
505 {
507  // Check empty std::strings
508  if ( hltLogicalExpression.empty() ) {
509  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Empty logical expression ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
510  return errorReplyHlt_;
511  }
513  // Negated paths
514  bool negExpr( negate( hltLogicalExpression ) );
515  if ( negExpr && hltLogicalExpression.empty() ) {
516  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Empty (negated) logical expression ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
517  return errorReplyHlt_;
518  }
520  // Parse logical expression and determine HLT decision
521  L1GtLogicParser hltAlgoLogicParser( hltLogicalExpression );
522  // Loop over paths
523  for ( size_t iPath = 0; iPath < hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().size(); ++iPath ) {
524  const std::string hltPathName( hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iPath ).tokenName );
525  const unsigned indexPath( hltConfig_.triggerIndex( hltPathName ) );
526  // Further error checks
527  if ( indexPath == hltConfig_.size() ) {
528  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "HLT path \"" << hltPathName << "\" is not found in process " << hltInputTag_.process() << " ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
529  hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iPath ).tokenResult = errorReplyHlt_;
530  continue;
531  }
532  if ( hltTriggerResults->error( indexPath ) ) {
533  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "HLT path \"" << hltPathName << "\" in error ==> decision: " << errorReplyHlt_;
534  hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iPath ).tokenResult = errorReplyHlt_;
535  continue;
536  }
537  // Manipulate algo decision as stored in the parser
538  const bool decision( hltTriggerResults->accept( indexPath ) );
539  hltAlgoLogicParser.operandTokenVector().at( iPath ).tokenResult = decision;
540  }
542  // Determine decision
543  const bool hltDecision( hltAlgoLogicParser.expressionResult() );
544  return negExpr ? ( ! hltDecision ) : hltDecision;
546 }
551 std::string GenericTriggerEventFlag::expandLogicalExpression( const std::vector< std::string > & targets, const std::string & expr, bool useAnd ) const
552 {
554  // Find matching entries in the menu
555  std::vector< std::string > matched;
556  const std::string versionWildcard( "_v*" );
557  if ( expr.substr( expr.size() - versionWildcard.size() ) == versionWildcard ) {
558  const std::string exprBase( expr.substr( 0, expr.size() - versionWildcard.size() ) );
559  matched = hltConfig_.restoreVersion( targets, exprBase );
560  } else {
561  matched = hltConfig_.matched( targets, expr );
562  }
564  // Return input, if no match is found
565  if ( matched.empty() ) {
566  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Logical expression: \"" << expr << "\" could not be resolved";
567  return expr;
568  }
570  // Compose logical expression
571  std::string expanded( "(" );
572  for ( unsigned iVers = 0; iVers < matched.size(); ++iVers ) {
573  if ( iVers > 0 ) expanded.append( useAnd ? " AND " : " OR " );
574  expanded.append( iVers ) );
575  }
576  expanded.append( ")" );
577  if ( verbose_ > 1 ) edm::LogInfo( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Logical expression: \"" << expr << "\"\n"
578  << " --> expanded to \"" << expanded << "\"";
580  return expanded;
582 }
588 {
590  bool negate( false );
591  if ( 0 ) == '~' ) {
592  negate = true;
593  word.erase( 0, 1 );
594  }
595  return negate;
597 }
603 {
605  if ( key.size() == 0 ) return std::vector< std::string >( 1, emptyKeyError_ );
606  edm::ESHandle< AlCaRecoTriggerBits > logicalExpressions;
607  std::vector< edm::eventsetup::DataKey > labels;
608  setup.get< AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcd >().fillRegisteredDataKeys( labels );
609  std::vector< edm::eventsetup::DataKey >::const_iterator iKey = labels.begin();
610  while ( iKey != labels.end() && iKey->name().value() != dbLabel_ ) ++iKey;
611  if ( iKey == labels.end() ) {
612  if ( verbose_ > 0 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "Label " << dbLabel_ << " not found in DB for 'AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcd'";
613  return std::vector< std::string >( 1, configError_ );
614  }
615  setup.get< AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcd >().get( dbLabel_, logicalExpressions );
616  const std::map< std::string, std::string > & expressionMap = logicalExpressions->m_alcarecoToTrig;
617  std::map< std::string, std::string >::const_iterator listIter = expressionMap.find( key );
618  if ( listIter == expressionMap.end() ) {
619  if ( verbose_ > 0 ) edm::LogWarning( "GenericTriggerEventFlag" ) << "No logical expressions found under key " << key << " in 'AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcd'";
620  return std::vector< std::string >( 1, configError_ );
621  }
622  return logicalExpressions->decompose( listIter->second );
624 }
unsigned int size() const
number of trigger paths in trigger table
bool negate(std::string &word) const
Checks for negated words.
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
const bool decisionAfterMask(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
return decision after trigger mask for a given algorithm or technical trigger
std::vector< int > dcsPartitions_
static const std::vector< std::string > matched(const std::vector< std::string > &inputs, const std::string &pattern)
regexp processing
static const bool useL1GtTriggerMenuLite(false)
std::map< std::string, L1GtAlgorithm > AlgorithmMap
map containing the algorithms
std::vector< std::string > gtLogicalExpressions_
std::vector< std::string > hltLogicalExpressions_
const std::vector< std::string > & triggerNames() const
names of trigger paths
bool exists(std::string const &parameterName) const
checks if a parameter exists
std::string encode() const
const bool decisionBeforeMask(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
return decision before trigger mask for a given algorithm or technical trigger
std::vector< std::string > l1LogicalExpressionsCache_
bool acceptHlt(const edm::Event &event)
Was this event accepted by the configured HLT logical expression combination?
AlgorithmMap::const_iterator CItAlgo
iterators through map containing the algorithms
bool acceptDcsPartition(const edm::Handle< DcsStatusCollection > &dcsStatus, int dcsPartition) const
unsigned int triggerIndex(const std::string &triggerName) const
slot position of trigger path in trigger table (0 to size-1)
std::vector< std::string > expressionsFromDB(const std::string &key, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Reads and returns logical expressions from DB.
std::vector< OperandToken > & operandTokenVector()
return the vector of operand tokens
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
To be called from analyze/filter() methods.
bool acceptGtLogicalExpression(const edm::Event &event, std::string gtLogicalExpression)
Does this event fulfill this particular GT status bits&#39; logical expression?
bool acceptL1LogicalExpression(const edm::Event &event, std::string l1LogicalExpression)
Was this event accepted by this particular L1 algorithms&#39; logical expression?
GenericTriggerEventFlag(const edm::ParameterSet &config)
To be called from the ED module&#39;s c&#39;tor.
To be called from d&#39;tors by &#39;delete&#39;.
static const bool useL1EventSetup(true)
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
void getL1GtRunCache(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &, const bool, const bool, const edm::InputTag &)
get all the run-constant quantities for L1 trigger and cache them
edm::ESWatcher< AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcd > * watchDB_
bool acceptDcs(const edm::Event &event)
std::vector< std::string > hltLogicalExpressionsCache_
static const std::vector< std::string > restoreVersion(const std::vector< std::string > &inputs, const std::string &trigger)
bool init(const edm::Run &iRun, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const std::string &processName, bool &changed)
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:55
std::vector< std::string > l1LogicalExpressions_
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
Definition: ESWatcher.h:59
std::string const & process() const
Definition: InputTag.h:46
list key
void initRun(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
To be called from beginRun() methods.
std::string expandLogicalExpression(const std::vector< std::string > &target, const std::string &expr, bool useAnd=false) const
Expand wild-carded logical expressions, giving version postfixes priority.
void setup(std::vector< TH2F > &depth, std::string name, std::string units="")
Definition: Run.h:36
bool acceptHltLogicalExpression(const edm::Handle< edm::TriggerResults > &hltTriggerResults, std::string hltLogicalExpression) const
Was this event accepted by this particular HLT paths&#39; logical expression?
bool acceptL1(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Was this event accepted by the configured L1 logical expression combination?
virtual const bool expressionResult() const
bool acceptGt(const edm::Event &event)
Does this event fulfill the configured GT status logical expression combination?