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StackingAction Class Reference

#include <StackingAction.h>

Inheritance diagram for StackingAction:

Public Member Functions

virtual G4ClassificationOfNewTrack ClassifyNewTrack (const G4Track *aTrack)
virtual void NewStage ()
virtual void PrepareNewEvent ()
 StackingAction (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~StackingAction ()

Private Member Functions

void initPointer ()
int isItFromPrimary (const G4Track &, int) const
bool isItLongLived (const G4Track *) const
int isItPrimaryDecayProductOrConversion (const G4Track *, const G4Track &) const
bool isThisVolume (const G4VTouchable *, std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > &) const

Private Attributes

std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > calo
bool killDeltaRay
bool killHeavy
bool killInCalo
bool killInCaloEfH
double kmaxIon
double kmaxNeutron
double kmaxProton
std::vector< std::string > maxTimeNames
std::vector< G4Region * > maxTimeRegions
double maxTrackTime
std::vector< double > maxTrackTimes
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > muon
bool nRRactive
double nRusRoBeam
double nRusRoCastor
double nRusRoEcal
double nRusRoEnerLim
double nRusRoHcal
double nRusRoMuonIron
double nRusRoPreShower
double nRusRoQuad
double nRusRoWorld
bool pRRactive
double pRusRoBeam
double pRusRoCastor
double pRusRoEcal
double pRusRoEnerLim
double pRusRoHcal
double pRusRoMuonIron
double pRusRoPreShower
double pRusRoQuad
double pRusRoWorld
G4Region * regionBeamPipeOut
G4Region * regionCastor
G4Region * regionEcal
G4Region * regionHcal
G4Region * regionMuonIron
G4Region * regionPreShower
G4Region * regionQuad
G4Region * regionWorld
bool saveFirstSecondary
bool savePDandCinCalo
bool savePDandCinMuon
bool savePDandCinTracker
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > tracker
bool trackNeutrino

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file StackingAction.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StackingAction::StackingAction ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)

Definition at line 19 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::exists(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, initPointer(), killDeltaRay, killHeavy, killInCalo, killInCaloEfH, kmaxIon, kmaxNeutron, kmaxProton, maxTimeNames, maxTrackTime, maxTrackTimes, nRRactive, nRusRoBeam, nRusRoCastor, nRusRoEcal, nRusRoEnerLim, nRusRoHcal, nRusRoMuonIron, nRusRoPreShower, nRusRoQuad, nRusRoWorld, pRRactive, pRusRoBeam, pRusRoCastor, pRusRoEcal, pRusRoEnerLim, pRusRoHcal, pRusRoMuonIron, pRusRoPreShower, pRusRoQuad, pRusRoWorld, regionBeamPipeOut, regionCastor, regionEcal, regionHcal, regionMuonIron, regionPreShower, regionQuad, saveFirstSecondary, savePDandCinCalo, savePDandCinMuon, savePDandCinTracker, and trackNeutrino.

19  {
21  trackNeutrino = p.getParameter<bool>("TrackNeutrino");
22  killHeavy = p.getParameter<bool>("KillHeavy");
23  kmaxIon = p.getParameter<double>("IonThreshold")*MeV;
24  kmaxProton = p.getParameter<double>("ProtonThreshold")*MeV;
25  kmaxNeutron = p.getParameter<double>("NeutronThreshold")*MeV;
26  killDeltaRay = p.getParameter<bool>("KillDeltaRay");
27  maxTrackTime = p.getParameter<double>("MaxTrackTime")*ns;
28  maxTrackTimes = p.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("MaxTrackTimes");
29  for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxTrackTimes.size(); ++i) { maxTrackTimes[i] *= ns; }
30  maxTimeNames = p.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("MaxTimeNames");
31  savePDandCinTracker = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInTracker",false);
32  savePDandCinCalo = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInCalo",false);
33  savePDandCinMuon = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInMuon",false);
34  saveFirstSecondary = p.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("SaveFirstLevelSecondary",false);
35  killInCalo = false;
36  killInCaloEfH = false;
38  // Russian Roulette
39  regionEcal = 0;
40  regionHcal = 0;
41  regionQuad = 0;
42  regionMuonIron = 0;
43  regionPreShower= 0;
44  regionCastor = 0;
47  nRusRoEnerLim = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoNeutronEnergyLimit")*MeV;
48  pRusRoEnerLim = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoProtonEnergyLimit")*MeV;
50  nRusRoEcal = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoEcalNeutron");
51  nRusRoHcal = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoHcalNeutron");
52  nRusRoQuad = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoQuadNeutron");
53  nRusRoMuonIron = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoMuonIronNeutron");
54  nRusRoPreShower = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoPreShowerNeutron");
55  nRusRoCastor = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoCastorNeutron");
56  nRusRoBeam = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoBeamPipeOutNeutron");
57  nRusRoWorld = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoWorldNeutron");
59  pRusRoEcal = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoEcalProton");
60  pRusRoHcal = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoHcalProton");
61  pRusRoQuad = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoQuadProton");
62  pRusRoMuonIron = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoMuonIronProton");
63  pRusRoPreShower = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoPreShowerProton");
64  pRusRoCastor = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoCastorProton");
65  pRusRoBeam = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoBeamPipeOutProton");
66  pRusRoWorld = p.getParameter<double>("RusRoWorldProton");
68  nRRactive = false;
69  pRRactive = false;
70  if(nRusRoEcal < 1.0 || nRusRoHcal < 1.0 || nRusRoQuad < 1.0 ||
71  nRusRoMuonIron < 1.0 || nRusRoPreShower < 1.0 || nRusRoCastor < 1.0 ||
72  nRusRoBeam < 1.0 || nRusRoWorld < 1.0) { nRRactive = true; }
73  if(pRusRoEcal < 1.0 || pRusRoHcal < 1.0 || pRusRoQuad < 1.0 ||
74  pRusRoMuonIron < 1.0 || pRusRoPreShower < 1.0 || pRusRoCastor < 1.0 ||
75  pRusRoBeam < 1.0 || pRusRoWorld < 1.0) { pRRactive = true; }
77  if ( p.exists("TestKillingOptions") ) {
79  killInCalo = (p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TestKillingOptions")).getParameter<bool>("KillInCalo");
80  killInCaloEfH = (p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TestKillingOptions")).getParameter<bool>("KillInCaloEfH");
81  edm::LogWarning("SimG4CoreApplication") << " *** Activating special test killing options in StackingAction \n"
82  << " *** Kill secondaries in Calorimetetrs volume = " << killInCalo << "\n"
83  << " *** Kill electromagnetic secondaries from hadrons in Calorimeters volume = " << killInCaloEfH;
85  }
87  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "StackingAction initiated with"
88  << " flag for saving decay products in "
89  << " Tracker: " << savePDandCinTracker
90  << " in Calo: " << savePDandCinCalo
91  << " in Muon: " << savePDandCinMuon
92  << "\n saveFirstSecondary"
93  << ": " << saveFirstSecondary
94  << " Flag for tracking neutrino: "
95  << trackNeutrino << " Killing Flag "
96  << killHeavy << " protons below "
97  << kmaxProton <<" MeV, neutrons below "
98  << kmaxNeutron << " MeV and ions"
99  << " below " << kmaxIon << " MeV\n"
100  << " kill tracks with "
101  << "time larger than " << maxTrackTime
102  << " ns and kill Delta Ray flag set to "
103  << killDeltaRay;
104  for (unsigned int i=0; i<maxTrackTimes.size(); i++) {
105  maxTrackTimes[i] *= ns;
106  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "StackingAction::MaxTrackTime for "
107  << maxTimeNames[i] << " is "
108  << maxTrackTimes[i];
109  }
110  if(nRRactive) {
111  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication")
112  << "StackingAction: "
113  << "Russian Roulette for neutron Elimit(MeV)= "
114  << nRusRoEnerLim/MeV << "\n"
115  << " ECAL Prob= " << nRusRoEcal << "\n"
116  << " HCAL Prob= " << nRusRoHcal << "\n"
117  << " QUAD Prob= " << nRusRoQuad << "\n"
118  << " MuonIron Prob= " << nRusRoMuonIron << "\n"
119  << " PreShower Prob= " << nRusRoPreShower << "\n"
120  << " CASTOR Prob= " << nRusRoCastor << "\n"
121  << " BeamPipeOut Prob= " << nRusRoBeam << "\n"
122  << " World Prob= " << nRusRoWorld;
123  }
124  if(pRRactive) {
125  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication")
126  << "StackingAction: "
127  << "Russian Roulette for proton Elimit(MeV)= "
128  << pRusRoEnerLim/MeV << "\n"
129  << " ECAL Prob= " << pRusRoEcal << "\n"
130  << " HCAL Prob= " << pRusRoHcal << "\n"
131  << " QUAD Prob= " << pRusRoQuad << "\n"
132  << " MuonIron Prob= " << pRusRoMuonIron << "\n"
133  << " PreShower Prob= " << pRusRoPreShower << "\n"
134  << " CASTOR Prob= " << pRusRoCastor << "\n"
135  << " BeamPipeOut Prob= " << pRusRoBeam << "\n"
136  << " World Prob= " << pRusRoWorld;
137  }
138  initPointer();
139 }
double nRusRoPreShower
int i
std::vector< double > maxTrackTimes
G4Region * regionPreShower
G4Region * regionHcal
double nRusRoEnerLim
double pRusRoEnerLim
G4Region * regionMuonIron
G4Region * regionEcal
std::vector< std::string > maxTimeNames
double pRusRoPreShower
double nRusRoMuonIron
G4Region * regionCastor
bool savePDandCinTracker
G4Region * regionBeamPipeOut
G4Region * regionQuad
double pRusRoMuonIron
StackingAction::~StackingAction ( )

Definition at line 141 of file

141 {}

Member Function Documentation

G4ClassificationOfNewTrack StackingAction::ClassifyNewTrack ( const G4Track *  aTrack)

Definition at line 143 of file

References abs, calo, isItFromPrimary(), isItLongLived(), isItPrimaryDecayProductOrConversion(), isThisVolume(), ke, killDeltaRay, killHeavy, killInCalo, killInCaloEfH, kmaxIon, kmaxNeutron, kmaxProton, LogDebug, muon, nRRactive, nRusRoBeam, nRusRoCastor, nRusRoEcal, nRusRoEnerLim, nRusRoHcal, nRusRoMuonIron, nRusRoPreShower, nRusRoQuad, nRusRoWorld, NewTrackAction::primary(), mix_2012_Summer_inTimeOnly_cff::prob, pRRactive, pRusRoBeam, pRusRoCastor, pRusRoEcal, pRusRoEnerLim, pRusRoHcal, pRusRoMuonIron, pRusRoPreShower, pRusRoQuad, pRusRoWorld, regionBeamPipeOut, regionCastor, regionEcal, regionHcal, regionMuonIron, regionPreShower, regionQuad, regionWorld, saveFirstSecondary, savePDandCinCalo, savePDandCinMuon, savePDandCinTracker, NewTrackAction::secondary(), CurrentG4Track::track(), tracker, and trackNeutrino.

143  {
145  // G4 interface part
146  G4ClassificationOfNewTrack classification = fUrgent;
147  int flag = 0;
149  NewTrackAction newTA;
150  if (aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()==0 || aTrack->GetParentID()==0) {
151  /*
152  std::cout << "StackingAction: primary weight= "
153  << aTrack->GetWeight() << " "
154  << aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
155  << " " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy()
156  << " Id=" << aTrack->GetTrackID()
157  << " trackInfo " << aTrack->GetUserInformation()
158  << std::endl;
159  */
160  newTA.primary(aTrack);
161  /*
162  if (!trackNeutrino) {
163  int pdg = std::abs(aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding());
164  if (pdg == 12 || pdg == 14 || pdg == 16 || pdg == 18) {
165  classification = fKill;
166  }
167  }
168  */
169  } else if (aTrack->GetTouchable() == 0) {
170  edm::LogError("SimG4CoreApplication")
171  << "StackingAction: no touchable for track " << aTrack->GetTrackID()
172  << " from " << aTrack->GetParentID()
173  << " with PDG code " << aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
174  classification = fKill;
175  } else {
176  const G4Track * mother = CurrentG4Track::track();
177  int pdg = aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
178  if ((savePDandCinTracker && isThisVolume(aTrack->GetTouchable(),tracker))||
179  (savePDandCinCalo && isThisVolume(aTrack->GetTouchable(),calo)) ||
180  (savePDandCinMuon && isThisVolume(aTrack->GetTouchable(),muon)))
181  flag = isItPrimaryDecayProductOrConversion(aTrack, *mother);
182  if (saveFirstSecondary) flag = isItFromPrimary(*mother, flag);
183  newTA.secondary(aTrack, *mother, flag);
185  if (aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill) classification = fKill;
186  if (killHeavy && classification != fKill) {
187  double ke = aTrack->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
188  if (((pdg/1000000000 == 1) && (((pdg/10000)%100) > 0) &&
189  (((pdg/10)%100) > 0) && (ke<kmaxIon)) ||
190  ((pdg == 2212) && (ke < kmaxProton)) ||
191  ((pdg == 2112) && (ke < kmaxNeutron))) classification = fKill;
192  }
193  if (!trackNeutrino && classification != fKill) {
194  if (pdg == 12 || pdg == 14 || pdg == 16 || pdg == 18)
195  classification = fKill;
196  }
197  if (isItLongLived(aTrack)) classification = fKill;
198  if (killDeltaRay) {
199  if (aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessType() == fElectromagnetic &&
200  aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType() == fIonisation)
201  classification = fKill;
202  }
203  if (killInCalo && classification != fKill) {
204  if ( isThisVolume(aTrack->GetTouchable(),calo)) {
205  classification = fKill;
206  }
207  }
208  if (killInCaloEfH && classification != fKill) {
209  int pdgMother = mother->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
210  if ( (pdg == 22 || std::abs(pdg) == 11) &&
211  (std::abs(pdgMother) < 11 || std::abs(pdgMother) > 17) &&
212  pdgMother != 22 ) {
213  if ( isThisVolume(aTrack->GetTouchable(),calo)) {
214  classification = fKill;
215  }
216  }
217  }
218  // Russian roulette
219  if(classification != fKill && (2112 == pdg || 2212 == pdg)) {
220  double currentWeight = aTrack->GetWeight();
221  if(1.0 >= currentWeight) {
222  double prob = 1.0;
223  double elim = 0.0;
224  if(nRRactive && pdg == 2112) {
225  elim = nRusRoEnerLim;
226  G4Region* reg = aTrack->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion();
227  if(reg == regionEcal) { prob = nRusRoEcal; }
228  else if(reg == regionHcal) { prob = nRusRoHcal; }
229  else if(reg == regionQuad) { prob = nRusRoQuad; }
230  else if(reg == regionMuonIron) { prob = nRusRoMuonIron; }
231  else if(reg == regionPreShower) { prob = nRusRoPreShower; }
232  else if(reg == regionCastor) { prob = nRusRoCastor; }
233  else if(reg == regionBeamPipeOut) { prob = nRusRoBeam; }
234  else if(reg == regionWorld) { prob = nRusRoWorld; }
235  } else if(pRRactive && pdg == 2212) {
236  elim = pRusRoEnerLim;
237  G4Region* reg = aTrack->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion();
238  if(reg == regionEcal) { prob = pRusRoEcal; }
239  else if(reg == regionHcal) { prob = pRusRoHcal; }
240  else if(reg == regionQuad) { prob = pRusRoQuad; }
241  else if(reg == regionMuonIron) { prob = pRusRoMuonIron; }
242  else if(reg == regionPreShower) { prob = pRusRoPreShower; }
243  else if(reg == regionCastor) { prob = pRusRoCastor; }
244  else if(reg == regionBeamPipeOut) { prob = pRusRoBeam; }
245  else if(reg == regionWorld) { prob = pRusRoWorld; }
246  }
247  if(prob < 1.0 && aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() < elim) {
248  if(G4UniformRand() < prob) {
249  const_cast<G4Track*>(aTrack)->SetWeight(currentWeight/prob);
250  } else {
251  classification = fKill;
252  }
253  }
254  }
255  }
256  /*
257  double wt2 = aTrack->GetWeight();
258  if(wt2 != 1.0) {
259  G4Region* reg = aTrack->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion();
260  std::cout << "StackingAction: weight= " << wt2 << " "
261  << aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
262  << " " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy()
263  << " Id=" << aTrack->GetTrackID()
264  << " IdP=" << aTrack->GetParentID();
265  const G4VProcess* pr = aTrack->GetCreatorProcess();
266  if(pr) std::cout << " from " << pr->GetProcessName();
267  if(reg) std::cout << " in " << reg->GetName()
268  << " trackInfo " << aTrack->GetUserInformation();
269  std::cout << std::endl;
270  }
271  */
272 #ifdef DebugLog
273  LogDebug("SimG4CoreApplication") << "StackingAction:Classify Track "
274  << aTrack->GetTrackID() << " Parent "
275  << aTrack->GetParentID() << " Type "
276  << aTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
277  << " K.E. " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV
278  << " MeV from process/subprocess "
279  << aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessType() << "|"
280  << aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType()
281  << " as " << classification << " Flag " << flag;
282 #endif
283  }
284  return classification;
285 }
#define LogDebug(id)
void primary(const G4Track *aSecondary) const
double nRusRoPreShower
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > tracker
long int flag
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:47
G4Region * regionPreShower
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
G4Region * regionHcal
double nRusRoEnerLim
double pRusRoEnerLim
G4Region * regionMuonIron
G4Region * regionEcal
int isItPrimaryDecayProductOrConversion(const G4Track *, const G4Track &) const
double pRusRoPreShower
void secondary(const G4Track *aSecondary, const G4Track &mother, int) const
double nRusRoMuonIron
G4Region * regionCastor
G4Region * regionWorld
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > calo
int ke
bool savePDandCinTracker
G4Region * regionBeamPipeOut
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > muon
bool isThisVolume(const G4VTouchable *, std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > &) const
G4Region * regionQuad
int isItFromPrimary(const G4Track &, int) const
double pRusRoMuonIron
bool isItLongLived(const G4Track *) const
static const G4Track * track()
void StackingAction::initPointer ( )

Definition at line 291 of file

References calo, i, killInCalo, killInCaloEfH, maxTimeNames, maxTimeRegions, maxTrackTimes, muon, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, nRusRoBeam, nRusRoCastor, nRusRoEcal, nRusRoHcal, nRusRoMuonIron, nRusRoPreShower, nRusRoQuad, nRusRoWorld, pRusRoBeam, pRusRoCastor, pRusRoEcal, pRusRoHcal, pRusRoMuonIron, pRusRoPreShower, pRusRoQuad, pRusRoWorld, regionBeamPipeOut, regionCastor, regionEcal, regionHcal, regionMuonIron, regionPreShower, regionQuad, regionWorld, savePDandCinCalo, savePDandCinMuon, savePDandCinTracker, and tracker.

Referenced by StackingAction().

291  {
293  const G4LogicalVolumeStore * lvs = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
294  if (lvs) {
295  std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator lvcite;
296  for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); lvcite++) {
297  if (savePDandCinTracker) {
298  if (strcmp("Tracker",(*lvcite)->GetName().c_str()) == 0) tracker.push_back(*lvcite);
299  if (strcmp("BEAM",(*lvcite)->GetName().substr(0,4).c_str()) == 0) tracker.push_back(*lvcite);
300  }
302  if (strcmp("CALO",(*lvcite)->GetName().c_str()) == 0) calo.push_back(*lvcite);
303  if (strcmp("VCAL",(*lvcite)->GetName().c_str()) == 0) calo.push_back(*lvcite);
304  }
305  if (savePDandCinMuon) {
306  if (strcmp("MUON",(*lvcite)->GetName().c_str()) == 0) muon.push_back(*lvcite);
307  }
308  }
309  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "# of LV for Tracker "
310  << tracker.size() << " for Calo "
311  << calo.size() << " for Muon "
312  << muon.size();
313  for (unsigned int i=0; i<tracker.size(); ++i)
314  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "Tracker vol " << i << " name "
315  << tracker[i]->GetName();
316  for (unsigned int i=0; i<calo.size(); ++i)
317  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "Calorimeter vol " <<i <<" name "
318  << calo[i]->GetName();
319  for (unsigned int i=0; i<muon.size(); ++i)
320  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "Muon vol " << i << " name "
321  << muon[i]->GetName();
322  }
324  const G4RegionStore * rs = G4RegionStore::GetInstance();
325  unsigned int num = maxTimeNames.size();
326  if (num > 0) {
327  std::vector<double> tofs;
328  if (rs) {
329  std::vector<G4Region*>::const_iterator rcite;
330  for (rcite = rs->begin(); rcite != rs->end(); rcite++) {
331  if ((nRusRoEcal < 1.0 || pRusRoEcal < 1.0) &&
332  (*rcite)->GetName() == "EcalRegion") { regionEcal = (*rcite); }
333  if ((nRusRoHcal < 1.0 || pRusRoHcal < 1.0) &&
334  (*rcite)->GetName() == "HcalRegion") { regionHcal = (*rcite); }
335  if ((nRusRoQuad < 1.0 || pRusRoQuad < 1.0) &&
336  (*rcite)->GetName() == "QuadRegion") { regionQuad = (*rcite); }
337  if ((nRusRoMuonIron < 1.0 || pRusRoMuonIron < 1.0) &&
338  (*rcite)->GetName() == "MuonIron") { regionMuonIron = (*rcite); }
339  if ((nRusRoPreShower < 1.0 || pRusRoPreShower < 1.0) &&
340  (*rcite)->GetName() == "PreshowerRegion") { regionPreShower = (*rcite); }
341  if ((nRusRoCastor < 1.0 || pRusRoCastor < 1.0) &&
342  (*rcite)->GetName() == "CastorRegion") { regionCastor = (*rcite); }
343  if ((nRusRoBeam < 1.0 || pRusRoBeam < 1.0) &&
344  (*rcite)->GetName() == "BeamPipeOutsideRegion") { regionBeamPipeOut = (*rcite); }
345  if ((nRusRoWorld < 1.0 || pRusRoWorld < 1.0) &&
346  (*rcite)->GetName() == "DefaultRegionForTheWorld") { regionWorld = (*rcite); }
347  for (unsigned int i=0; i<num; i++) {
348  if ((*rcite)->GetName() == (G4String)(maxTimeNames[i])) {
349  maxTimeRegions.push_back(*rcite);
350  tofs.push_back(maxTrackTimes[i]);
351  break;
352  }
353  }
354  if (tofs.size() == num) break;
355  }
356  }
357  for (unsigned int i=0; i<tofs.size(); i++) {
358  maxTrackTimes[i] = tofs[i];
359  G4String name = "Unknown";
360  if (maxTimeRegions[i]) name = maxTimeRegions[i]->GetName();
361  edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << name << " with pointer "
362  << maxTimeRegions[i]<<" KE cut off "
363  << maxTrackTimes[i];
364  }
365  }
366 }
double nRusRoPreShower
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > tracker
int i
std::vector< G4Region * > maxTimeRegions
std::vector< double > maxTrackTimes
G4Region * regionPreShower
G4Region * regionHcal
G4Region * regionMuonIron
G4Region * regionEcal
std::vector< std::string > maxTimeNames
double pRusRoPreShower
double nRusRoMuonIron
G4Region * regionCastor
G4Region * regionWorld
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > calo
long long int num
bool savePDandCinTracker
G4Region * regionBeamPipeOut
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > muon
G4Region * regionQuad
double pRusRoMuonIron
int StackingAction::isItFromPrimary ( const G4Track &  mother,
int  flagIn 
) const

Definition at line 397 of file

References TrackInformation::isPrimary().

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack().

397  {
399  int flag = flagIn;
400  if (flag != 1) {
401  TrackInformationExtractor extractor;
402  const TrackInformation & motherInfo(extractor(mother));
403  if (motherInfo.isPrimary()) flag = 3;
404  }
405  return flag;
406 }
long int flag
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:47
bool StackingAction::isItLongLived ( const G4Track *  aTrack) const

Definition at line 408 of file

References i, maxTimeRegions, maxTrackTime, maxTrackTimes, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack().

408  {
410  bool flag = false;
411  double time = (aTrack->GetGlobalTime())/nanosecond;
412  double tofM = maxTrackTime;
413  if (maxTimeRegions.size() > 0) {
414  G4Region* reg = aTrack->GetTouchable()->GetVolume(0)->GetLogicalVolume()->GetRegion();
415  for (unsigned int i=0; i<maxTimeRegions.size(); i++) {
416  if (reg == maxTimeRegions[i]) {
417  tofM = maxTrackTimes[i];
418  break;
419  }
420  }
421  }
422  if (time > tofM) flag = true;
423  return flag;
424 }
int i
std::vector< G4Region * > maxTimeRegions
long int flag
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:47
std::vector< double > maxTrackTimes
int StackingAction::isItPrimaryDecayProductOrConversion ( const G4Track *  aTrack,
const G4Track &  mother 
) const

Definition at line 382 of file

References TrackInformation::isPrimary().

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack().

383  {
385  int flag = 0;
386  TrackInformationExtractor extractor;
387  const TrackInformation & motherInfo(extractor(mother));
388  // Check whether mother is a primary
389  if (motherInfo.isPrimary()) {
390  if (aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessType() == fDecay) flag = 1;
391  else if (aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessType() == fElectromagnetic &&
392  aTrack->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessSubType() == fGammaConversion) flag = 2;
393  }
394  return flag;
395 }
long int flag
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:47
bool StackingAction::isThisVolume ( const G4VTouchable *  touch,
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > &  lvs 
) const

Definition at line 368 of file

References prof2calltree::count, cuy::ii, and testEve_cfg::level.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack().

369  {
371  bool flag = false;
372  if (lvs.size() > 0 && touch !=0) {
373  int level = ((touch->GetHistoryDepth())+1);
374  if (level >= 3) {
375  unsigned int ii = (unsigned int)(level - 3);
376  flag = (std::count(lvs.begin(),lvs.end(),(touch->GetVolume(ii)->GetLogicalVolume())) != 0);
377  }
378  }
379  return flag;
380 }
long int flag
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:47
int ii
tuple level
void StackingAction::NewStage ( )

Definition at line 287 of file

287 {}
void StackingAction::PrepareNewEvent ( )

Definition at line 289 of file

289 {}

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> StackingAction::calo

Definition at line 38 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and initPointer().

bool StackingAction::killDeltaRay

Definition at line 32 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::killHeavy

Definition at line 32 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::killInCalo

Definition at line 31 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::killInCaloEfH

Definition at line 31 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::kmaxIon

Definition at line 33 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::kmaxNeutron

Definition at line 33 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::kmaxProton

Definition at line 33 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

std::vector<std::string> StackingAction::maxTimeNames

Definition at line 36 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by initPointer(), and StackingAction().

std::vector<G4Region*> StackingAction::maxTimeRegions

Definition at line 37 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by initPointer(), and isItLongLived().

double StackingAction::maxTrackTime

Definition at line 34 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by isItLongLived(), and StackingAction().

std::vector<double> StackingAction::maxTrackTimes

Definition at line 35 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by initPointer(), isItLongLived(), and StackingAction().

std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> StackingAction::muon

Definition at line 38 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and initPointer().

bool StackingAction::nRRactive

Definition at line 72 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoBeam

Definition at line 67 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoCastor

Definition at line 65 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoEcal

Definition at line 55 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoEnerLim

Definition at line 51 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoHcal

Definition at line 57 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoMuonIron

Definition at line 61 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoPreShower

Definition at line 63 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoQuad

Definition at line 59 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::nRusRoWorld

Definition at line 69 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::pRRactive

Definition at line 73 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoBeam

Definition at line 68 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoCastor

Definition at line 66 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoEcal

Definition at line 56 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoEnerLim

Definition at line 52 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoHcal

Definition at line 58 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoMuonIron

Definition at line 62 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoPreShower

Definition at line 64 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoQuad

Definition at line 60 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

double StackingAction::pRusRoWorld

Definition at line 70 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionBeamPipeOut

Definition at line 47 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionCastor

Definition at line 46 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionEcal

Definition at line 41 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionHcal

Definition at line 42 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionMuonIron

Definition at line 44 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionPreShower

Definition at line 45 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionQuad

Definition at line 43 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

G4Region* StackingAction::regionWorld

Definition at line 48 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and initPointer().

bool StackingAction::saveFirstSecondary

Definition at line 30 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::savePDandCinCalo

Definition at line 29 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::savePDandCinMuon

Definition at line 30 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

bool StackingAction::savePDandCinTracker

Definition at line 29 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), initPointer(), and StackingAction().

std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*> StackingAction::tracker

Definition at line 38 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and initPointer().

bool StackingAction::trackNeutrino

Definition at line 32 of file StackingAction.h.

Referenced by ClassifyNewTrack(), and StackingAction().