52 unsigned phi,
unsigned eta,
unsigned pt,
unsigned charge,
53 unsigned ch_valid,
unsigned finehalo,
unsigned quality,
int bx) :
54 m_bx(bx), m_dataWord(0) {
81 "L1MuRegionalCand::phiValue requested physical value is invalid";
89 "L1MuRegionalCand::etaValue requested physical value is invalid";
97 "L1MuRegionalCand::ptValue requested physical value is invalid";
108 << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed | ios::right | ios::adjustfield)
109 <<
"pt(index) = " << setw(2) << setprecision(1) <<
pt_packed() <<
" "
111 <<
"eta(index) = " << setw(2) <<
eta_packed() <<
" "
112 <<
"phi(index) = " << setw(3) <<
phi_packed() <<
" "
113 <<
"quality = " << setw(1) <<
quality() <<
" "
114 <<
"charge_valid = " << setw(1) <<
chargeValid() <<
" "
115 <<
"fine_halo = " << setw(1) <<
isFineHalo() <<
" "
116 <<
"bx = " << setw(3) <<
bx() <<
" "
117 <<
"type_idx = " << setw(1) <<
120 << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::fixed | ios::right | ios::adjustfield)
121 <<
"pt = " << setw(5) << setprecision(1) <<
ptValue() <<
" GeV "
123 <<
"eta = " << setw(6) << setprecision(3) <<
etaValue() <<
" "
124 <<
"phi = " << setw(5) << setprecision(3) <<
phiValue() <<
" rad "
125 <<
"quality = " << setw(1) <<
quality() <<
" "
126 <<
"charge_valid = " << setw(1) <<
chargeValid() <<
" "
127 <<
"fine_halo = " << setw(1) <<
isFineHalo() <<
" "
128 <<
"bx = " << setw(3) <<
bx() <<
" "
129 <<
"type_idx = " << setw(1) <<
136 unsigned mask = ( (1 <<
count) - 1 ) <<
142 <<
"L1MuRegionalCand::writeDataField(): value " << value
143 <<
" out of range for data field with bit width " <<
145 unsigned mask = ( (1 <<
count) - 1 ) <<
void writeDataField(unsigned start, unsigned count, unsigned value)
tuple start
Check for commandline option errors.
virtual void print() const
print candidate
float etaValue() const
get eta-value of muon candidate
virtual bool empty() const
return empty flag
L1MuRegionalCand(unsigned dataword=0, int bx=0)
constructor from data word
void setChargeValidPacked(unsigned valid)
Set Charge Valid.
bool isFineHalo() const
is it fine (DT) / halo (CSC) ?
float ptValue() const
get pt-value of muon candidate in GeV
unsigned readDataField(unsigned start, unsigned count) const
static const float m_invalidValue
unsigned eta_packed() const
return eta packed as in hardware
void setType(unsigned type)
Set Type: 0 DT, 1 bRPC, 2 CSC, 3 fRPC.
float phiValue() const
get phi-value of muon candidate in radians (low edge of bin)
void setChargePacked(unsigned ch)
Set Charge (0=pos, 1=neg)
void setPtPacked(unsigned pt)
Set Pt: 0..31.
bool chargeValid() const
is the charge valid ?
unsigned int quality() const
return quality
void setPhiPacked(unsigned phi)
Set Phi: 0..143.
int bx() const
return bunch crossing identifier
void setQualityPacked(unsigned qual)
Set Quality: 0..7.
void setEtaPacked(unsigned eta)
Set Eta: 6-bit code.
virtual void reset()
void setFineHaloPacked(unsigned fh)
Set Fine / Halo.
unsigned pt_packed() const
return pt packed as in hardware
unsigned type_idx() const
return type: 0 DT, 1 bRPC, 2 CSC, 3 fRPC
int chargeValue() const
get charge
unsigned phi_packed() const
return phi packed as in hardware