h | |
H130GGgluonfusion_13TeV_cfi | |
H130GGgluonfusion_14TeV_cfi | |
H130GGgluonfusion_7TeV_cfi | |
H130GGgluonfusion_8TeV_cfi | |
H130GGgluonfusion_cfi | |
H165WW2L_7TeV_cfi | |
H165WW2L_8TeV_cfi | |
H165WW2L_cfi | |
H165WW2L_Tauola_7TeV_cfi | |
H165WW2L_Tauola_8TeV_cfi | |
H165WW2L_Tauola_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_7TeV_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_8TeV_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_Tauola_13TeV_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_Tauola_14TeV_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_Tauola_7TeV_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_Tauola_8TeV_cfi | |
H200ChargedTaus_Tauola_cfi | |
H200ZZ4L_7TeV_cfi | |
H200ZZ4L_8TeV_cfi | |
H200ZZ4L_cfi | |
H200ZZ4L_Tauola_7TeV_cfi | |
H200ZZ4L_Tauola_8TeV_cfi | |
H200ZZ4L_Tauola_cfi | |
h2_mapping_cfi | |
h2TB2006GeometryXML_cfi | |
h4_mapping_cfi | |
h4l_cff | |
h4TB2006GeometryXML_cfi | |
Hadronizer_Et20ExclTuneZ2_7TeV_alpgen_tauola_cff | |
Hadronizer_Et20ExclTuneZ2star_8TeV_alpgen_tauola_cff | |
Hadronizer_Et20MatchTuneD6T_7TeV_alpgen_cff | |
Hadronizer_Et48ExclTuneZ2_7TeV_alpgen_tauola_cff | |
Hadronizer_Et48ExclTuneZ2star_8TeV_alpgen_tauola_cff | |
Hadronizer_Et48MatchTuneD6T_7TeV_alpgen_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTune4C_7TeV_madgraph_pythia8_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTune4C_8TeV_madgraph_pythia8_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTuneD6T_7TeV_madgraph_tauola_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTuneZ2_7TeV_madgraph_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTuneZ2_7TeV_madgraph_tauola_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTuneZ2star_8TeV_madgraph_cff | |
Hadronizer_MgmMatchTuneZ2star_8TeV_madgraph_tauola_cff | |
HARDCOL_JGJ_pt_40_10TeV_filter_cff | |
hardwired_conditions_cfi | |
Harvesting_cff | |
HarvestingCosmics_cff | |
HarvestingHeavyIons_cff | |
HarvestingHI_cff | |
harvestRelVal | |
HBHEIsolatedNoiseReflagger_cfi | |
HBHENoiseFilter_cfi | |
HBHENoiseFilterResultProducer_cfi | |
HBHEUpgradeReconstructor_cfi | |
hbho_ring12_tb04_cfi | |
HCAL | |
hcal | |
hcal-layouts | |
Hcal_Conditions_forGlobalTag_cff | |
hcal_dqm_client_fileT0_cff | |
hcal_dqm_source_fileT0_cff | |
hcal_dqm_source_fileT0_HeavyIons_cff | |
hcal_dqm_sourceclient-file_cfg | |
hcal_dqm_sourceclient-playback_cfg | |
hcal_ecal_HSCP_cfg | |
Hcal_FakeConditions_cff | |
Hcal_FrontierConditions_cff | |
Hcal_FrontierConditions_DevDB_cff | |
Hcal_FrontierConditions_IntDB_cff | |
HCAL_HLX::TCPReceiver | |
HCAL_HLX::TimeStamp | |
hcal_impl | |
hcal_impl::LessByDcsId | |
hcal_impl::LessById | |
hcal_impl::LessByTrigId | |
hcal_timing_source_file_cfg | |
hcal_timing_source_playback_cfg | |
HcalBaseDQMonitor_cfi | |
HcalBeamMonitor_cfi | |
HcalCalibFEDSelector_cfi | |
hcalCalibrationsMTCC2_cfi | |
hcalCalibrationsMTCC2_orcon_cfi | |
HcalCalibTasksOnline_cff | |
HcalCalibTypeFilter_cfi | |
HcalCaloFlagLabels | |
HcalCoarsePedestalMonitor_cfi | |
HcalCondXML | |
HCalCustoms | |
HcalDAQInfo_cfi | |
HcalDataCertification_cfi | |
HcalDataFrameFilter_impl | |
HcalDataIntegrityTask_cfi | |
HcalDbHardcode | |
HcalDbOmds | |
HcalDbXml | IOfor XML instances of Hcal Calibrations |
HcalDCSInfo_cfi | |
HcalDDDGeometry_cfi | |
HcalDeadCellMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDetDiagLEDMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDetDiagNoiseMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDetDiagPedestalMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDetDiagTimingMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDigiAnalyzerImpl | |
HcalDigiMonitor_cfi | |
HcalDigiParam_cfi | |
hcalDigis_cfi | |
HcalDigisClient_cfi | |
hcalDigiSequence_cff | |
hcalDigisNoSuppression_cfi | |
HcalDigisParam_cfi | |
HcalDigisPlusRecHits_cff | |
HcalDigisPostProcessor_cff | |
hcalDigisRealistic_cfi | |
hcalDigisValidationSequence_cff | |
hcalDigitizer_cfi | |
HcalDigitizerImpl | |
HcalDigiToRaw_cfi | |
HcalDQMOfflinePostProcessor_cff | |
HcalDQMOfflineSequence_cff | |
HcalEmptyEventFilter_cfi | |
hcalforwardshower_cfi | |
hcalforwardshowerLong_cfi | |
HcalGeometry_cfi | |
HcalGeometryDBReader_cfi | |
HcalGeometryDBWriter_cfi | |
hcalGlobalReco_cff | |
HcalHaloData_cfi | |
HcalHardcodeGeometry_cfi | |
HCALHighEnergy_cfg | |
HCALHighEnergyCombinedPath_cff | |
HCALHighEnergyFilter_cfi | |
HCALHighEnergyHLTPath_cfi | |
HCALHighEnergyHPDFilter_cfi | |
HcalHistogramRawToDigi_cfi | |
HcalHitAnalyzerImpl | |
HcalHitReconstructor_hbhe_cfi | |
HcalHitReconstructor_hf_cfi | |
HcalHitReconstructor_ho_cfi | |
HcalHitReconstructor_zdc_cfi | |
HcalHitSelection_cfi | |
HcalHitValidation_cfi | |
HcalHotCellMonitor_cfi | |
HcalHPDFilter_cfg | |
hcalLaserBadEvents_2011 | |
hcallasereventfilter2012_cff | |
hcallasereventfilter2012_cfi | |
hcalLaserEventFilter_cfi | |
HcalLaserEventFilterProducer_cff | |
HcalLaserEventFilterProducer_cfi | |
hcallaserFilterFromTriggerResult_cff | |
hcallaserhbhefilter2012_cfi | |
hcallaserhbhehffilter2012_cff | |
hcallaserhbhehffilter2012_cfi | |
hcallaserhffilter2012_cfi | |
hcalLocalReco_cff | |
hcalLocalRecoNZS_cff | |
HcalLSbyLSMonitor_cfi | |
hcalminbiasHLT_cfi | |
HcalMonitorClient_cfi | |
HcalMonitorClient_live_cfi | |
HcalMonitorModule_cfi | |
HcalMonitorTasks_cfi | |
hcalnoiseinfoproducer_cfi | |
HcalNoiseMonitor_cfi | |
HcalNoiseRatesClient_cfi | |
HcalNoiseRatesParam_cfi | |
HcalNominalCoderTemplate | |
HcalNZSMonitor_cfi | |
HcalObjRepresent | |
HcalObjRepresent::ADataRepr | |
hcalOnlyGeometryXML_cfi | |
hcalOnlyHFLibraryXML_cfi | |
hcalOnlyHFParametrizeXML_cfi | |
HcalPatternSource_cfi | |
HcalRawDataMonitor_cfi | |
HcalRawToDigi_cfi | |
hcalRecAlgoESProd_cfi | |
HcalRecHitMonitor_cfi | |
HcalRecHitParam_cfi | |
HcalRecHitsClient_cfi | |
HcalRecHitsCustom_cff | |
HcalRecHitsDQMClient_cfi | |
hcalRecHitsPostProcessor_cff | |
hcalRecHitsValidationSequence_cff | |
HcalRelabel_cfi | |
HcalResponse_cfi | |
HcalSaturation | |
hcalSimHitsClient_cfi | |
HcalSimHitStudy_cfi | |
hcalSimParameters_cfi | |
HcalSimpleRecAlgoImpl | |
HcalSimpleReconstructor_hbhe_cfi | |
HcalSimpleReconstructor_hf_cfi | |
HcalSimpleReconstructor_ho_cfi | |
HcalSimpleReconstructor_zdc_cfi | |
hcalSimValid_cff | |
hcalSLHCTopologyConstants_cfi | |
HcalTasksOffline_cff | |
HcalTasksOnline_cff | |
hcaltb | |
hcaltb::ClassicQADCDataFormat | |
hcaltb::ClassicTDCDataFormat | |
hcaltb::CombinedTDCQDCDataFormat | |
hcaltb::HcalTBQADCUnpacker | |
HcalTBQADCUnpacker | |
hcaltb::HcalTBSlowDataUnpacker | Unpacks "SlowData" packages used for SiPM calibration and other purposes inHCALLocal DAQ |
HcalTBSlowDataUnpacker | Unpacks "SlowData" packages used for SiPM calibration and other purposes inHCALLocal DAQ |
hcaltb::HcalTBSourcePositionDataUnpacker | |
HcalTBSourcePositionDataUnpacker | |
hcaltb::HcalTBTDCUnpacker | |
HcalTBTDCUnpacker | |
hcaltb::HcalTBTDCUnpacker::Hit | |
Hit | |
hcaltb::HcalTBTDCUnpacker::WireChamberRecoData | |
hcaltb::HcalTBTriggerDataUnpacker | |
HcalTBTriggerDataUnpacker | |
hcaltbfilter_beam_cfi | |
HcalTBObjectUnpacker_Normal_cfi | |
HcalTBObjectUnpacker_SourceCal_cfi | |
HcalTBSource_cfi | |
HcalTBWriter_cfi | |
HcalTimingCorrector_impl | |
HcalTimingModule_cfi | |
HcalTopology_cfi | |
hcalTopologyConstants_cfi | |
HcalTopologyMode | |
hcaltpdigi_cff | |
hcaltpdigi_cfi | |
HcalTrigPrimMonitor_cfi | |
HcalTrigTowerGeometry_cfi | |
hcalTTPDigis_cff | |
hcalTTPDigis_cfi | |
hcalTTPRecord_cfi | |
HcalUnpacker_impl | |
hcalUnsuppressedDigis_cfi | |
HDQMDatabaseProducer | |
HDQMDatabaseProducerConfiguration | |
HDQMDatabaseProducerConfiguration::HDQMDatabaseProducerConfiguration | |
HDQMDatabaseProducerConfiguration | |
HDQMUtil | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_AODSIM_cff | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_EventContent_cff | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_Filter_cfi | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_HLTPaths_cfi | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_OutputModule_cff | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_RECOSIM_cff | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_Sequences_cff | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNu_SkimPaths_cff | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNuOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
heavyChHiggsToTauNuOutputModuleRECOSIM_cfi | |
HeavyFlavorAnalysis_cff | |
HeavyFlavorAnalysis_EventContent_cff | |
HeavyFlavorAnalysis_OutputModules_cff | |
HeavyFlavorAnalysis_SkimPaths_cff | |
heavyFlavorValidation_cfi | |
heavyFlavorValidationHarvesting_cfi | |
heavyFlavorValidationHarvestingSequence_cff | |
heavyFlavorValidationSequence_cff | |
HeavyIon_cff | |
heavyIonJets_cff | |
heavyIonMuons_cff | |
heavyIonPatCandidates_cff | |
heavyIonPhotons_cff | |
heavyIonProducer_cfi | |
heavyIonTools | |
heavyIonTools::ConfigureHeavyIons | |
heavyIonTools::DisbaleMonteCarloDeps | |
heavyIonTools::ProductionDefaults | |
heavyIonTools::SelectionDefaults | |
hectorParameter_cfi | |
HectorTransport_cfi | |
HectorTransportZDC_cfi | |
helper | |
helper::BFieldIsolationAlgorithmSetup | |
helper::CandDecayStoreManager | |
helper::ClusterStorer | |
helper::ClusterStorer::ClusterHitRecord | A struct for clusters associated to hits |
helper::CollectionFilter | |
helper::CollectionFilter< C, S, MinNumberSelector > | |
helper::CollectionFilterTrait | |
helper::CollectionFilterTrait< C, AnySelector, N > | |
helper::CollectionSizeFilter | |
helper::CollectionStoreManager | |
helper::GetDetId | |
helper::GsfElectronCollectionStoreManager | |
helper::GsfElectronSelectorBase | |
helper::IsolationAlgorithmSetup | |
helper::IsolationAlgorithmSetup< CalIsolationAlgo< T1, C2 > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::OwnVector< T > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::PtrVector< T > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::IteratorToObjectConverter< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::MasterCollection | |
helper::MasterCollection< edm::View< T > > | |
helper::MuonCollectionStoreManager | |
helper::MuonSelectorBase | |
helper::NullIsolationAlgorithmSetup | |
helper::NullPostProcessor | |
helper::ObjectSelectorBase | |
helper::Parser | |
helper::PhotonCollectionStoreManager | |
helper::PhotonSelectorBase | |
helper::ScannerBase | |
helper::SelectCode | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefProd< K >, C > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefToBaseProd< T >, C > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::SelectedOutputCollectionTrait< edm::View< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefProd< K >, C >, edm::RefVector< K > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefProd< K >, C >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefToBaseProd< T >, C >, edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::AssociationVector< edm::RefToBaseProd< T >, C >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T >, edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefVector< C >, edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::RefVector< C >, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::View< T >, edm::PtrVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< edm::View< T >, edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< InputCollection, edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::SelectionAdderTrait< InputCollection, std::vector< const T * > > | |
helper::SelectionCopyAdder | |
helper::SelectionFirstPointerAdder | |
helper::SelectionFirstRefAdder | |
helper::SelectionPointerAdder | |
helper::SelectionPointerDerefAdder | |
helper::SelectionPtrViewAdder | |
helper::SelectionRefAdder | |
helper::SelectionRefViewAdder | |
helper::SimpleJetTrackAssociator | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::AssociationVector< R, C > > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::PtrVector< T > > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::RefToBaseVector< T > > | |
helper::StoreContainerTrait< edm::RefVector< C > > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::CandidateCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::GsfElectronCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::MuonCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::PhotonCollection > | |
helper::StoreManagerTrait< reco::TrackCollection > | |
helper::TrackCollectionStoreManager | Class to manage copying of RecHits and Clusters from Tracks |
helper::TrackSelectorBase | |
helperFunctions | |
helpers | |
helpers::CloneSequenceVisitor | |
helpers::CompositeCandidateMaker | |
helpers::CompositePtrCandidateMaker | |
helpers::GatherAllModulesVisitor | |
helpers::MassSearchParamVisitor | |
helpers::MassSearchReplaceAnyInputTagVisitor | |
helpers::MassSearchReplaceParamVisitor | |
helpers::MCTruthPairSelector | |
helpers::NamedCompositeCandidateMaker | |
helpers::TestModuleCommand | |
hemisphereProducer_cfi | |
HepMC | |
hepmc_rootio | |
HepMCCopy_cfi | |
HepMCValidationHelper | |
HepPDT | |
herwigDefaults_cff | |
HerwigMaxPtPartonFilter_cfi | |
HerwigppDefaults_cfi | |
HerwigppUE_7_2_cfi | |
HerwigppUE_EE_2_cfi | |
HerwigppUE_EE_3C_cfi | |
HerwigppUE_EE_3M_cfi | |
HerwigppUE_MU900_2_cfi | |
HerwigUECTEQ66Settings_cfi | |
HerwigUEMRSTMLOSettings_cfi | |
HerwigUESettings_cfi | |
herwigValidation_cff | |
hf_egamma | |
hfClusterShapes_cfi | |
hfCoincFilter_cff | |
hfEMClusteringSequence_cff | |
HFPMTHitAnalyzer_cfi | |
hfRecoEcalCandidate_cfi | |
HFTimingTrust | |
HFUpgradeReconstructor_cfi | |
hi | |
HI_DiJetSkim_cff | |
HI_HLTAnalyser_cff | |
HI_HLTopen_cff | |
HI_PhotonSkim_cff | |
HI_ZMMSkim_cff | |
hiBasicGenTest_cfi | |
HiBiasedCentrality_cfi | |
HICaloCompatibleTracks_cff | |
HICaloCompatibleTracks_cfi | |
HiCaloIsolation_cff | |
HiCaloJetParameters_cff | |
HiCentrality_cfi | |
HICkfTrackCandidates_cff | |
HiCoreTools | |
HiCoreTools::AddCleaning | |
HiCoreTools::RemoveAllPATObjectsBut | |
HiCoreTools::RemoveCleaning | |
HiCoreTools::RemoveMCMatching | |
HiCoreTools::RemoveSpecificPATObjects | |
HiCoreTools::RestrictInputToAOD | |
HiCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClusters_cfi | |
HiCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClusters_cfi | |
hiEcalSpikeFilter_cfi | |
HiEgamma_cff | |
HiEgammaIsolation_cff | |
HiElectronSequence_cff | |
HiEventMixing_cff | |
HiEvtPlane_cfi | |
hievtplaneflatcalib_cfi | |
hievtplaneflatproducer_cfi | |
HiGenCleaner_cff | |
HiGenJets_cff | |
HiGenParticles_cfi | |
HiggsAnalysis_cff | |
HiggsAnalysis_EventContent_cff | |
HiggsAnalysis_OutputModules_cff | |
HiggsAnalysis_SkimPaths_cff | |
HiggsDQM_cfi | |
higgsTo2Gamma_AODSIM_cff | |
higgsTo2Gamma_EventContent_cff | |
higgsTo2Gamma_Filter_cfi | |
higgsTo2Gamma_HLTPaths_cfi | |
higgsTo2Gamma_OutputModule_cff | |
higgsTo2Gamma_RECOSIM_cff | |
higgsTo2Gamma_Sequences_cff | |
higgsTo2Gamma_SkimPaths_cff | |
higgsTo2GammaOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
higgsTo2GammaOutputModuleRECOSIM_cfi | |
higgsToInvisible_AODSIM_cff | |
higgsToInvisible_EventContent_cff | |
higgsToInvisible_HLTPaths_cfi | |
higgsToInvisible_OutputModule_cff | |
higgsToInvisible_RECOSIM_cff | |
higgsToInvisible_Sequences_cff | |
higgsToInvisible_SkimPaths_cff | |
higgsToInvisibleOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
higgsToInvisibleOutputModuleRECOSIM_cfi | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_EventContent_AODSIM_cff | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_EventContent_cff | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_EventContent_RECOSIM_cff | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_HLTPaths_cfi | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_OutputModule_cff | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_Sequences_cff | |
higgsToTauTau_LeptonTau_SkimPaths_cff | |
higgsToTauTauLeptonTauOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
higgsToTauTauLeptonTauOutputModuleRECOSIM_cfi | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_AODSIM_cff | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_EventContent_cff | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_Filter_cfi | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_HLTPaths_cfi | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_OutputModule_cff | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_RECOSIM_cff | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_Sequences_cff | |
higgsToWW2Leptons_SkimPaths_cff | |
higgsToWW2LeptonsOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
higgsToWW2LeptonsOutputModuleRECOSIM_cfi | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_AODSIM_cff | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_EventContent_cff | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_Filter_cfi | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_HLTPaths_cfi | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_OutputModule_cff | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_RECOSIM_cff | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_Sequences_cff | |
higgsToZZ4Leptons_SkimPaths_cff | |
higgsToZZ4LeptonsOutputModuleAODSIM_cfi | |
higgsToZZ4LeptonsOutputModuleRECOSIM_cfi | |
HiggsValidation_cff | |
HiggsValidation_cfi | |
highEtDQM_cfi | |
HighETPhotonsFilter_cfi | |
HighMETSkim_cff | |
highMultiplicityGenFilter_cfi | |
highPtMuonRefs_cfi | |
HighPtTracking_PbPb_cff | |
highPtTrackIsolations_cff | |
highPtTrackRefs_cfi | |
highPtTracks_cfi | |
HighPtTripletStep_cff | |
HighPUSkim_cff | |
HiHelperTools | |
HiHelperTools::CloneSequenceVisitor | |
HiHelperTools::GatherAllModulesVisitor | |
HiHelperTools::MassSearchParamVisitor | |
HiHelperTools::MassSearchReplaceAnyInputTagVisitor | |
HiHelperTools::MassSearchReplaceParamVisitor | |
HiHelperTools::TestModuleCommand | |
HiIslandClusteringSequence_cff | |
HiIslandSuperClusters_cfi | |
HiIsolationCommonParameters_cff | |
hiIterTracking_cff | |
Hijing_PPb_MinimumBias_cfi | |
HiL1Corrector_cff | |
himixDIGI_cff | |
hiMixedTripletStep_cff | |
himixGEN_cff | |
himixSIMExtended_cff | |
himixSIMIdeal_cff | |
hiMultiTrackSelector_cfi | |
hiMuonIterativeTk_cff | |
HIPAlignmentAlgorithm_cfi | |
HiPFJetParameters_cff | |
HIPixel3PrimTracks_cfi | |
HIPixel3ProtoTracks_cfi | |
HIPixelAdaptiveVertex_cfi | |
HIPixelClusterVertex_cfi | |
HIPixelMedianVertex_cfi | |
hiPixelPairStep_cff | |
HIPixelTrackFilter_cfi | |
HIPixelTripletSeeds_cff | |
HIPixelVertices_cff | |
HiRecoJets_cff | |
HiRecoMuon_cff | |
HiRecoPFJets_cff | |
hiRegitDetachedTripletStep_cff | |
hiRegitInitialStep_cff | |
hiRegitLowPtTripletStep_cff | |
hiRegitMixedTripletStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonDetachedTripletStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonInitialStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonLowPtTripletStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonMixedTripletStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonPixelLessStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonPixelPairStep_cff | |
HiRegitMuonTobTecStep_cff | |
hiRegitPixelPairStep_cff | |
hiRegitTracking_cff | |
HiReRecoMuon_cff | |
hiSecondPixelTripletStep_cff | |
HISelectedProtoTracks_cfi | |
HISelectedTracks_cfi | |
HISelectedVertex_cfi | |
hiSpikeCleaner_cfi | |
histoStyle | |
hitfit | |
hitfit::Base_Constrainer | Base class forconstrained fitter |
hitfit::Base_Constrainer_Args | Hold on to parameters for theBase_Constrainerclass |
hitfit::Chisq_Constrainer | Minimize asubject to a set of constraints. Based on the SQUAW algorithm |
hitfit::Chisq_Constrainer_Args | Hold on to parameters for theChisq_Constrainerclass |
hitfit::Constrained_Top | Do a constrained kinematic fitting for aevent |
hitfit::Constrained_Top_Args | Hold on to parameters for theConstrained_Topclass |
hitfit::Constrained_Z | Do a constrained kinematic fitting for aevent |
hitfit::Constrained_Z_Args | Hold on to parameters for theConstrained_Zclass |
hitfit::Constraint | Represent a mass constraint equation. Mass constraints come in two varieties, either saying that the sum of a set of labels should equal a constant: |
hitfit::Constraint_Calculator | Abstract base class for evaluating constraints. Users derive from this class and implement theeval()method |
hitfit::Constraint_Intermed | Abstract base classes for describing one side of a mass constraint |
hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Constant | Concrete class for one side of mass constraint equation of the type: |
hitfit::Constraint_Intermed_Labels | Concrete class for one side of mass constraint equation of the type: |
hitfit::Defaults | Define an interface for getting parameter settings |
hitfit::Defaults_Text | A lightweight implementation of theDefaultsinterface that uses simple ASCII text files |
hitfit::Defaults_Textrep | The internal representation for aDefaults_Textobject |
hitfit::EtaDepResElement | Represent a resolution and anrange in which the resolution is valid |
hitfit::EtaDepResolution | Hold on to-dependent resolution. This class acts as a function object and returnsVector_Resolutionas a function of. It does not assume symmetry betweenand. The interpretation ofas physicsor detectoris left to users's implementation |
hitfit::FE_Obj | Represent a single object in aFourvec_Event, this is just a dumb data container. Each object in aFourvec_Eventhas the following attributes: |
hitfit::Fit_Result | Hold the result of one kinematic fit |
hitfit::Fit_Result_Vec | Holds pointers to a set ofFit_Resultobjects, resulting from different jet permutation with some consistent selection. The results are ordered by increasingvalues. A maximum length for the list ofFit_Resultobjects may be specified; when new results, those with the largestvalue fall off the end |
hitfit::Fit_Results | Holds set(s) of results from more than one kinematic fits |
hitfit::Fourvec_Constrainer | Do a kinematic fit for a set of four-momenta, given a set of mass constraints |
hitfit::Fourvec_Constrainer_Args | Hold on to parameters for theFourvec_Constrainerclass |
hitfit::Fourvec_Constraint_Calculator | Concrete realization of theConstraint_Calculatorclass. Evaluate constraints at the point described byxandy(well-measured and poorly-measured variables, respectively). The results should be stored inF.BxandByshould be set to the gradients ofFwith respect toxandy, respectively |
hitfit::Fourvec_Event | Represent an event for kinematic fitting as a collection of four-momenta. Each object is represented as an instance ofFE_Obj. There may be an object for a neutrino. If that is the case, it is always at the end of the object list. It is not included in the count returned bynobjs(). But is is included innobjs_all() |
hitfit::Gentop_Args | Hold on to parameters for the toy event generator |
hitfit::JetTranslatorBase | Templateclass of function object to translate jet physics object to HitFit'sLepjets_Event_Jetobject. Users need to write an implementation of a template specialization of this class for their jet physics object class. Then users combine this header file and their implementation for their analysis code. With this approach, it is possible to use HitFit for different jet physics object class in different experiments |
hitfit::Lepjets_Event | Represent a simple event consisting of lepton(s) and jet(s). An instance of this class holds a list of leptons (as represented by theLepjets_Event_Lepclass) and jets (as represented byLepjets_Event_Jetclass). Also recorded are: |
hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Jet | A class to represent a jet in an instance ofLepjets_Eventclass. The class is derived from theLepjets_Event_Lepclass. In addition to the information stored inLepjets_Event_Lepclass, this class holds the following information: |
hitfit::Lepjets_Event_Lep | Represent a lepton in an instance ofLepjets_Eventclass. This class hold the following information: |
hitfit::LeptonTranslatorBase | Templateclass of function object to translate lepton physics object to HitFit'sLepjets_Event_Lepobject. Users need to write an implementation of a template specialization of this class for their lepton physics object class. Then users combine this header file and their implementation for their analysis code. With this approach, it is possible to use HitFit for different lepton physics object class in different experiments |
hitfit::METTranslatorBase | Templateclass of function object to translate missing transverse energy physics object to HitFit's Fourvec object. Users need to write an implementation of a template specialization of this class for their missing transverse energy physics object class, Then users combine this header file and their implementation for their analysis code. With this approach, it is possible to use HitFit for different missing transverse energy physics object class indifferent experiments |
hitfit::Objpair | Represent a pair of objects inPair_Table |
hitfit::Pair_Table | A lookup table to speed up constraint evaluation usingFourvec_Constrainer |
hitfit::Refcount | Simple reference-counted object |
hitfit::Resolution | Calculateand represent resolution for a physical quantity |
hitfit::Row_Vector | Row-vector class.CLHEPdoesn't have a row-vector class, so HitFit uses its own. This is only a simple wrapper around Matrix that tries to constrain the shape to a row vector. It will raise an assertion if you try to assign to it something that isn't a row vector |
hitfit::RunHitFit | Templateclass of experiment-independent interface to HitFit. This class is intended to be used inside the programming environment of a specific experiment, where each type of physics objects has its own class/type. For using HitFit with generic four-vector classes, user can't use this class and have to use theTop_Fitclass directly. The reason is: this class is designed assuming electron and muon are represented by different object type, a situation which is guaranteed to happen in any experiments. The class contains some static integer constants to limit the maximum amount of jets in an event before fitting. See the description of those constants for details. The numbers of permutations forandas a function of the number of jetsin the event for a few values of are |
hitfit::Top_Decaykin | A class to hold functions to calculate kinematic quantities of interest inevents. This class has no state, only static member functions |
hitfit::Top_Fit | Handleand fit jet permutations of an event. This is the primary interface between user'sLepjets_Eventand HitFit kinematic fitting algorithm |
hitfit::Top_Fit_Args | Hold on to parameters for theTop_Fitclass |
hitfit::Vector_Resolution | Calculateand represent resolution for a vector of, pseudorapidity, and azimuthal angle. An instance of this class holds threeResolutionobjects, one each for,, and. In addition, we have a flag to indicate if the momentum resolution is inor. This flag is set by appending [/et] at the end of the string |
HITmixedPairRegGenerator_cfi | |
HitParentTest_cfi | |
HITpixelPairRegGenerator_cfi | |
HITpixelTripletRegGenerator_cfi | |
HiTrackerIsolation_cff | |
HiTrackingParticles_cff | |
HITrackingRegionProducer_cfi | |
HiTrivialCondRetriever_cfi | |
HITSiStripRoI_cfi | |
hlt | |
hlt::CPUTimer | |
hlt2jetGapFilter_cfi | |
HLT_8E33v2_cff | |
HLT_8E33v2_Famos_cff | |
HLT_DoubleEle17_SW_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoubleEle4_SW_eeRes_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoubleEle5_SW_Upsilon_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoubleEle8_SW_HT70U_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoublePhoton10_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoublePhoton22_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DoublePhoton5_CEP_L1R_v3_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_DQM_Offline_cff | |
HLT_Ele10_LW_EleId_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele10_LW_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele10_SW_EleId_HT70U_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele10_SW_HT100U_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele10_SW_HT70U_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele10_SW_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele10_SW_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele12_SW_TighterEleId_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele15_SiStrip_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele15_SW_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele17_SW_Isol_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele17_SW_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele17_SW_TighterEleIdIsol_L1R_v3_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele17_SW_TighterEleIdIsol_L1RDQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele22_SW_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele22_SW_TighterCaloIdIsol_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele22_SW_TighterEleId_L1R_v3_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Ele32_SW_TighterEleId_L1R_v2_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_ES_cff | |
HLT_FULL_cff | |
HLT_GRun_cff | |
HLT_GRun_cfg | |
HLT_GRun_Famos_cff | |
HLT_HIon_cff | |
HLT_HIPhoton15_DQM_cfi | |
hlt_jetmet_dqm_QT_fromfile_cfg | |
HLT_Photon10_Cleaned_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon10_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon110_NoHE_Cleaned_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon15_LooseEcalIso_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon15_TrackIso_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon20_Cleaned_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon20_NoHE_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon25_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon25_LooseEcalIso_TrackIso_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon30_Cleaned_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon40_CaloId_Cleaned_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon50_Cleaned_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon50_NoHE_L1R_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_Photon70_Cleaned_L1R_v1_DQM_cfi | |
HLT_PIon_cff | |
hlt_scaler_cfg | |
hltAcoFilter_cfi | |
hltak5CaloJets_cfi | |
HLTAlCaMonEcalPhiSym_cfi | |
HLTAlCaMonPi0_cfi | |
HLTAnalyser_cfi | |
hltBeamModeFilter_cfi | |
HLTBitAnalyser_cfi | |
hltBitsQualityTests_cff | |
hltCaloJetID_cfi | |
hltCaloTowerFilter_cfi | |
hltCandViewCountFilter_cfi | |
hltCandViewSelector_cfi | |
hltChargedRefCandidateProducer_cfi | |
hltCloseComponentsMergerESProducer5D_cfi | |
HltComparator_cfi | |
HltComparatorCreateWorkflow | |
HltComparatorWorkflowTemplate | |
hltConfigService_cfi | |
hltCSCAcceptBusyFilter_cfi | |
hltCSCActivityFilter_cfi | |
hltCSCOverlapFilter_cfi | |
hltCSCRing2or3Filter_cfi | |
hltDaqSource_cfi | |
hltDeDxEstimatorProducer_cfi | |
hltDisplacedmumuFilter_cfi | |
hltDisplacedmumumuFilter_cfi | |
hltDisplacedmumumuVtx_cfi | |
hltDisplacedmumuVtx_cfi | |
hltDistanceBetweenComponentsESProducer5D_cfi | |
hltDoubleExclusiveElectronFilter_cfi | |
hltDoubleExclusivePhotonFilter_cfi | |
hltDoublePhotonEtPhiFilter_cfi | |
hltDTActivityFilter_cfi | |
hltDTROMonitorFilter_cfi | |
HLTDummyCollections_cfi | |
hltDynamicPrescaler_cfi | |
HLTEcalPhiSymFilter_cfi | |
hltEcalResonanceFilter_cfi | |
hltEcalTowerFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaAllCombMassFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaBcHcalIsol_cfi | |
hltEgammaClusterShape_cfi | |
hltEgammaCombMassFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaDoubleEtFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaDoubleLegCombFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaEcalRecIsolation_cfi | |
hltEgammaElectronDetaDphi_cfi | |
hltEgammaEtFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaGenericFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter_cfi | |
hltEgammaGsfTrackVar_cfi | |
hltEgammaHcalIsol_cfi | |
hltEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional_cfi | |
hltEgammaNxNClusters_cfi | |
hltEgammaR9_cfi | |
hltEgammaR9ID_cfi | |
hltEgammaRegionalCkfTrackCandidates_cfi | |
hltEgammaRegionalCTFFinalFitWithMaterial_cfi | |
hltEgammaRegionalPixelSeedGenerator_cfi | |
hltEgammaRemoveDuplicatedSC_cfi | |
hltEgammaTriggerFilterObjectWrapper_cfi | |
hltElectronEoverpFilter_cfi | |
hltElectronGenericFilter_cfi | |
hltElectronMuonInvMassFilter_cfi | |
hltElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilter_cfi | |
hltElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional_cfi | |
hltElectronPixelMatchFilter_cfi | |
hltElectronTrackIsol_cfi | |
hltEtaPtMinCandViewSelector_cfi | |
hltEventAnalyzerAOD_cfi | |
hltEventAnalyzerRAW_cfi | |
HLTEventInfoClient_cff | |
HLTEventInfoClient_cfi | |
HLTEventNumberFilter_cfi | |
HLTFastReco_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForB_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForEgamma_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForJetMET_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForL1FastJet_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForMuon_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForPF_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForSpecial_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForTau_cff | |
HLTFastRecoForXchannel_cff | |
hltFEDSizeFilter_cfi | |
HLTFullRecoForSpecial_cff | |
HLTGeneralOffline_cfi | |
HLTGeneralOfflineClient_cff | |
HLTGeneralOfflineClient_cfi | |
HLTGeneralTracks_cfi | |
hltGetDigi_cfi | |
hltGetRaw_cfi | |
hltGlobalSumsCaloMET_cfi | |
hltGlobalSumsMET_cfi | |
HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter_cfi | |
hltHcalDoubleCone_cfi | |
hltHcalNoiseFilter_cfi | |
HLTHcalNZSFilter_cfi | |
HLTHcalPhiSymFilter_cfi | |
hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter_cfi | |
hltHcalTowerFilter_cfi | |
hltHemiDPhiFilter_cfi | |
hltHFAsymmetryFilter_cfi | |
HLTHFRecoEcalCandidate_cfi | |
hltHiggsPostProcessor_cfi | |
hltHiggsPostProcessors_cff | |
HLTHiggsPostVal_cff | |
HLTHiggsQualityTester_cfi | |
hltHiggsValidator_cfi | |
hltHighLevel_cfi | |
hltHybridSuperClusters_cfi | |
HLTInclusiveVBFClient_cfi | |
HLTInclusiveVBFSource_cfi | |
hltIslandBasicClusters_cfi | |
hltIslandSuperClusters_cfi | |
HLTIterativeTracking_cff | |
hltJetCorrectionESChain_cfi | |
hltJetL1Match_cfi | |
HLTJetMETQualityTester_cfi | |
HLTJetMETReferences_cfi | |
HLTJetMETValidation_cff | |
HLTJetMETValidation_cfg | |
hltJetVBFFilter_cfi | |
hltL1FastjetCorrectionESProducer_cfi | |
HLTL1NumberFilter_cfi | |
hltL2MuonIsolationsCR_cfi | |
HLTL3TkMuons_cfi | |
hltLevel1GTSeed_cfi | |
HLTLocalRecoDT_cff | |
HLTLocalRecoRPC_cff | |
HLTLocalRecoSiPixel_cff | |
HLTLocalRecoSiStrip_cff | |
hltLogMonitorFilter_cfi | |
hltLXXXCorrectionESProducer_cfi | |
hltmmkFilter_cfi | |
hltmmkkFilter_cfi | |
HLTMonAlCa_cff | |
HLTMonAlCaPhySim_cff | |
HLTMonAlCaPi0_cff | |
HLTMonBitSummary_cfi | |
hltMonBTag_cff | |
hltMonBTagClient_cff | |
hltMonBTagIPClient_cfi | |
hltMonBTagIPSource_cfi | |
hltMonBTagMuClient_cfi | |
hltMonBTagMuSource_cfi | |
HLTMonEleBits_cfi | |
HLTMonElectron_cff | |
HLTMonElectron_cfi | |
HLTMonHcalIsoTrack_cff | |
HLTMonHcalIsoTrack_cfi | |
HLTMonitor_cff | |
HLTMonitorClient_cff | |
HLTMonJetMETDQMSource_cff | |
HLTMonJetMETDQMSource_cfi | |
HLTMonMuon_cff | |
HLTMonMuon_cfi | |
HLTMonMuonBits_cfi | |
HLTMonMuonClient_cff | |
HLTMonMuonClient_cfi | |
HLTMonMuonDQM_cff | |
HLTMonMuonDQM_cfi | |
HLTMonOnia_cff | |
HLTMonOniaBits_cfi | |
HLTMonPhoton_cff | |
HLTMonPhotonBits_cfi | |
HLTMonSimpleBTag_cff | |
HLTMonSimpleBTag_cfi | |
HLTMonTau_cff | |
HLTMonTau_cfi | |
hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Isolated_cfi | |
hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1NonIsolated_cfi | |
HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter_cfi | |
HLTMuonIsoFilter_cfi | |
HLTMuonL1RegionalFilter_cfi | |
HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cff | |
HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi | |
HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cosmics_cff | |
hltMuonPointingFilter_cfi | |
hltMuonPostProcessor_cfi | |
hltMuonPostProcessors_cff | |
HLTMuonPostVal_cff | |
HLTMuonQualityTester_cfi | |
HLTMuonVal_cff | |
hltMuonValidator_cfi | |
hltNVFilter_cfi | |
hltOfflineReproducibility_cfi | |
HLTOniaSource_cfi | |
HLTopen_cff | |
HLTPFRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolation_cfi | |
HLTPFRecoTauQualityCuts_cfi | |
HLTPFTauSelector_cfi | |
hltPhi2METFilter_cfi | |
hltPhiJet1Jet2Filter_cfi | |
hltPhiJet1METFilter_cfi | |
hltPhiJet2METFilter_cfi | |
hltPhotonEcalIsol_cfi | |
hltPhotonTrackIsol_cfi | |
hltPhysicsDeclared_cfi | |
hltPixelActivityFilter_cfi | |
hltPixelAsymmetryFilter_cfi | |
hltPixelClusterShapeFilter_cfi | |
HLTPixelTracksProducer_cfi | |
hltPixlMBFilt_cfi | |
hltPixlMBForAlignment_cfi | |
hltPixlMBForAlignmentFilter_cfi | |
hltPMMassFilter_cfi | |
hltPrescaler_cfi | |
hltPrescaleRecorder_cfi | |
hltRapGapFilter_cfi | |
hltRecoEcalCandidate_cfi | |
HLTrigger_Datasets_GRun_cff | |
HLTrigger_Datasets_HIon_cff | |
HLTrigger_Datasets_PIon_cff | |
HLTrigger_EventContent_cff | |
hlTrigReport_cfi | |
hltRPCFilter_cfi | |
hltRPCTrigNoSyncFilter_cfi | |
HLTScalers_cfi | |
HLTScalersClient_cfi | |
HLTSeedL1LogicScalers_cfi | |
HLTSetup_cff | |
hltSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter_cfi | |
hltSummaryFilter_cfi | |
HLTSusyExoQualityTester_cfi | |
HLTtable_cff | |
HLTTauCertifier_cfi | |
HLTTauDQMOffline_cff | |
HLTTauDQMOffline_cfi | |
HLTTauPostProcessor_cfi | |
HLTTauPostValidation_cfi | |
HLTTauQualityTester_cfi | |
HLTTauQualityTests_cff | |
HLTTauQualityTests_cfi | |
HLTTauReferences_cfi | |
HLTTauValidation_cff | |
HLTTauValidation_cfi | |
HLTTopPostVal_cff | |
HLTTopQualityTester_cfi | |
hltTrackClusterRemover_cfi | |
hltTrackerHaloFilter_cfi | |
hltTrackSeedMultiplicityFilter_cfi | |
hltTrgSeedMapper | |
HLTTriggerTypeFilter_cfi | |
HLTValidation_cff | |
HLTValidationHarvest_cff | |
HLTValidationHeavyIons_cff | |
HLTValidationQT_cff | |
HLTValidationQTExample_cfi | |
hltVertexFilter_cfi | |
hltVertexFromTrackProducer_cfi | |
hltZeePMDocaFilter_cfi | |
hltZeePMMassFilter_cfi | |
hlx_dqm_sourceclient_cfi | |
hlx_dqm_sourceclient_test_cfi | |
hlx_dqm_sourceclient_vme22_cfi | |
HOSimHitStudy_cfi | |
HPSPFRecoTauProducer_cfi | |
HPSPFTaus_cff | |
hpstanc_transforms | |
HSCParticleProducer_cff | |
HSCParticleProducerFromSkim_cff | |
HSCPSelections_cff | |
HSCPTreeBuilder_cff | |
HSParameters_cfi | |
HTarget_cfi | |
HTMET_cff | |
HTMET_cfi | |
HTMLExport | |
HTMLExport::HTMLExport | |
HTMLExport | |
HTMLExport::HTMLExportStatic | |
HTMLExportStatic | |
HtrXmlPattern_cfi | |
HTTP | |
HTTP::RequestManager | |
hybrid_cmsIdealGeometryXML_cff | |
hybridClusteringSequence_cff | |
hybridSuperClusters_cfi | |
Hydjet_Quenched_B0_2760GeV_cfi | |
Hydjet_Quenched_B8_2760GeV_cfi | |
Hydjet_Quenched_MinBias_2760GeV_cfi | |
hydjetDefault_cfi | |
hydjetDefaultParameters_cff | |
HypothesisAnalyzer_cff | |
HypothesisAnalyzer_cfi | |
hcalnzs | |
hcalnzs | |
HeavyIons | |
HeavyIons | |
h | Persistable copy of Scalers L1Accept bunch crossing info |
Hadronisation | |
Header | |
Handler | |
HLTConf2DB | |
HLTConfDummy2DB | |
HLTDummy2DB | |
HLTInfo | |
HLTV32DB | |
hltinfo | |
HltEntry | |
HarmBasis3DCyl | |
h | |
HistoAxis | |
HistoND | |
HLTProcessOptions | |
Handle | |
Holder | |
helper | |
HardEventHypothesis | HardEventHypothesisis a pure virtual base class to implement a "hard" event hypothesis class |
HeavyIon | |
Hemisphere | |
HLTL1MuonMatcher | |
Hist | |
Histogram | |
Histogram2D | |
Histogram3D | |
helper | |
HelpFormatter | |
Hist | |
Hist2D | Define classes |
HistStack | |
Hist | |
Hist2D | Define classes |
HistStack | |
Handle | ##Handle |
HaloData | |
helper | |
helpers | |
helper | |
HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector | |
helper | |
hypot_f | |
helpers | |
HcalHaloData | |
HcalHaloDataProducer | |
HcalNoiseHPD | |
HcalNoiseInfoProducer | |
HcalNoiseRBX | |
HcalNoiseRBXArray | |
HFEMClusterShape | |
HFValueStruct | |
HitPattern | |
HLTTau | |
HelperElectron | |
HelperJet | |
HelperMET | |
HelperMuon | |
helper | |
Halt | |
Halted | |
Halting | |
HaltingDone | |
HandleEvent | |
HandleFiles | |
HandleLumis | |
HandleNewInputFile1 | |
HandleNewInputFile2 | |
HandleNewInputFile3 | |
HandleRuns | |
hash< edm::Ptr< reco::PFCluster > > | |
hasMemoryUsed | |
Halt | |
HaltDone | |
Halted | |
Halting | |
HSCParticleType | Define arbitration schemes |
HSCParticle | |
HSCPCaloInfo | |
HSCPDeDxInfo | |
HSCPIsolation | |
HGrid | |
HLine | |
HepMCConverter | |
HepMCTraits< HepMC::GenEvent > | |
HLTPrescaleTable | The single EDProduct containing the HLT Prescale Table |
HLTPrescaleTableCond | |
HLTReader | |
Header | |
Header | |
HTTPSClientAuthHandler | |
h | Persistable copy of onlineBeamSpotOnlinevalue |
Histo | |
HistoSet | |
h | |
h | Persistable copy of onlineDcsStatusflag values |
HashEqual | |
HashOp | |
hitLessT | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
h | |
HitCollectorForFastMeasurements | |
HitCollectorForRecHits | |
h2DSegm | |
h4DSegm | |
H4Geom | |
HadronDecayGenEvtSelector | |
HadronPhysicsCMS | |
HadronPhysicsQGSP_BERT_WP | |
HadronPhysicsQGSP_WP | |
HadronPhysicsQGSPCMS_FTFP_BERT | |
HalfHtrData | |
Halted | |
Halting | |
Handle | |
hardware_pause | |
HarvestingAnalyzer | |
HarvestingDataCertification | |
HashByDetId | |
HBAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HBAlignmentRcd | |
HBHEDataFrame | |
HBHEDigitizerTraits | |
HBHEHFLogicalMapEntry | |
HBHEHitFilter | |
HBHEHitMap | |
HBHEHitMap::twrinfo | |
HBHEHitMapOrganizer | |
HBHEIsolatedNoiseReflagger | |
HBHENoiseFilter | |
HBHENoiseFilterResultProducer | |
HBHEPulseShapeFlagSetter | |
HBHERecHit | |
HBHEStatusBitSetter | |
HBHETimeProfileStatusBitSetter | |
HBHETimeProfileStatusBitSetter::compare_digi_energy | |
HBHETimingShapedFlagSetter | |
HcalADCSaturationFlag | |
HcalAlignmentEP | |
HcalAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HcalAlignmentRcd | |
HcalAmplifier | |
HcalAssistant | |
HcalAutoPedestalValidator | |
HCALBarrelProperties | |
HcalBaseDQClient | |
HcalBaseDQMonitor | |
HcalBaseMonitor | |
HcalBaseSignalGenerator | |
HcalBeamClient | |
HcalBeamMonitor | |
HcalCableMapper | |
hcalCalib | |
HcalCalibDataFrame | |
HcalCalibDetId | |
HcalCalibFEDSelector | |
HcalCalibPeds | |
HcalCalibrationQIECoder | |
HcalCalibrationQIEData | |
HcalCalibrationQIEDataRcd | |
HcalCalibrations | |
HcalCalibrationsSet | |
HcalCalibrationsSet::CalibSetObject | |
HcalCalibrationWidths | |
HcalCalibrationWidthsSet | |
HcalCalibrationWidthsSet::CalibWidthSetObject | |
HcalCalibrator | |
HcalCalibRecHit | |
HcalCalibTypeFilter | |
HcalCaloFlagTool | Provides interpretation of flag bits with understanding of CMSSW version dependence |
HcalCaloTowerMonitor | |
HcalCastorDetId | |
HcalCellType | |
HcalCellType::HcalCell | |
HcalCell | |
HcalChannelCoder | |
HcalChannelDataXml | |
HcalChannelId | |
HcalChannelIterator | |
HcalChannelQuality | |
HcalChannelQualityHandler | |
HcalChannelQualityPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalChannelQualityRcd | |
HcalChannelQualityXml | |
HcalChannelQualityXml::_ChannelQuality | |
HcalChannelStatus | |
HcalCholeskyDecomp | |
HcalCholeskyMatrices | |
HcalCholeskyMatricesHandler | |
HcalCholeskyMatricesPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalCholeskyMatricesRcd | |
HcalCholeskyMatrix | |
HcalCoarsePedestalClient | |
HcalCoarsePedestalMonitor | |
HcalCoder | |
HcalCoderDB | |
HcalCoderDb | |
HcalCoderFactory | |
HcalCondObjectContainer | |
HcalCondObjectContainerBase | |
HCALConfigDB | Gather config data from online DB |
HcalConstantsXMLWriter | |
HcalCorrPFCalculation | |
HcalCovarianceMatrices | |
HcalCovarianceMatricesHandler | |
HcalCovarianceMatricesPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalCovarianceMatricesRcd | |
HcalCovarianceMatrix | |
HcalDAQInfo | |
HcalDataCertification | |
HcalDataFrameFilter | |
HcalDataIntegrityTask | |
HcalDbASCIIIO | IOfor ASCII instances of Hcal Calibrations |
HcalDbHardcode | Hardcode implementation of some conditions data |
HcalDbOmds | IOfor OMDS instances of Hcal Calibrations |
HcalDbOnline | Gather conditions data from online DB |
HcalDbPoolOCCI | Gather conditions data from online DB |
HcalDbProducer | |
HcalDbRecord | |
HcalDbService | |
HcalDCCHeader | |
HcalDcsDetId | |
HcalDCSInfo | |
HcalDcsMap | |
HcalDcsMap::const_iterator | |
HcalDcsMap::Item | |
HcalDcsMapHandler | |
HcalDcsMapPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalDcsMapRcd | |
HcalDcsRcd | |
HcalDcsValue | |
HcalDcsValues | |
HcalDcsValuesHandler | |
HcalDcsValuesPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalDDDGeometry | |
HcalDDDGeometryEP | |
HcalDDDGeometryLoader | |
HcalDeadCellClient | |
HcalDeadCellMonitor | |
HcalDetDiagLaserClient | |
HcalDetDiagLaserData | |
HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor | |
HcalDetDiagLEDClient | |
HcalDetDiagLEDData | |
HcalDetDiagLEDMonitor | |
HcalDetDiagNoiseMonitor | |
HcalDetDiagNoiseMonitorClient | |
HcalDetDiagNoiseRMData | |
HcalDetDiagNoiseRMEvent | |
HcalDetDiagNoiseRMSummary | |
HcalDetDiagPedestalClient | |
HcalDetDiagPedestalData | |
HcalDetDiagPedestalMonitor | |
HcalDetDiagTimingClient | |
HcalDetDiagTimingMonitor | |
HcalDetId | |
HcalDetIdAssociator | |
HcalDigiAnalyzer | |
HcalDigiClient | |
HcalDigiMonitor | |
HcalDigiProducer | |
HcalDigisClient | |
HcalDigisClient::HistLim | |
HistLim | |
HcalDigiStatistics | |
HcalDigisValidation | |
HcalDigisValidation::HistLim | |
HistLim | |
HcalDigiTester | |
HcalDigitizer | |
HcalDigiToRaw | |
HcalDQMChannelQuality | |
HcalDQMChannelQuality::Item | |
HcalDQMDbInterface | |
HcalDTCHeader | |
HcalEEUSMonitor | |
HcalElectronicsId | Readout chain identification for Hcal [31:26] Unused (so far) [25] Trigger-chain id flag [24:20] Readout Crate Id [19] HTR FPGA selector [t/b] [18:14] HTR Slot [13:9] DCC id [8:5] Spigot [4:2] FiberIndex or SLB site [1:0] FiberChanId or SLB channel |
HcalElectronicsMap | |
HcalElectronicsMap::PrecisionItem | |
HcalElectronicsMap::TriggerItem | |
HcalElectronicsMapHandler | |
HcalElectronicsMapPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalElectronicsMapRcd | |
HcalElectronicsSelector | |
HcalElectronicsSelector::Callbacks | |
HcalElectronicsSim | |
HcalEmap | |
HcalEmap::HcalEmapRow | |
HcalEmapRow | |
HcalEmap_test | |
HcalEmptyEventFilter | |
HCALEndcapProperties | |
HcalFEDList | |
HcalFiberPattern | |
HcalFlagHFDigiTimeParam | |
HcalFlagHFDigiTimeParams | |
HcalFlagHFDigiTimeParamsHandler | |
HcalFlagHFDigiTimeParamsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalFlagHFDigiTimeParamsRcd | |
HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader | |
HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader::HBHOCellParameters | |
HBHOCellParameters | |
HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader::HECellParameters | |
HECellParameters | |
HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader::HFCellParameters | |
HFCellParameters | |
HcalForwardAnalysis | |
HcalForwardAnalysis::Photon | |
HcalForwardLibWriter | |
HcalForwardLibWriter::FileHandle | |
HCALForwardProperties | |
HcalFrontEndId | |
HcalGain | |
HcalGains | |
HcalGainsCheck | |
HcalGainsHandler | |
HcalGainsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalGainsRcd | |
HcalGainWidth | |
HcalGainWidths | |
HcalGainWidthsHandler | |
HcalGainWidthsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalGainWidthsRcd | |
HcalGenericDetId | |
HcalGeometry | |
HcalGeometryRecord | |
HcalHaloAlgo | |
HcalHardcodeCalibrations | |
HcalHardcodeGeometryEP | |
HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader | |
HcalHardwareXml | |
HcalHF_PETalgorithm | |
HcalHF_S9S1algorithm | |
HcalHFStatusBitFromDigis | |
HcalHFStatusBitFromRecHits | |
HCALHighEnergyFilter | |
HcalHistogramDigi | |
HcalHistogramRawToDigi | |
HcalHitAnalyzer | |
HcalHitCorrection | |
HcalHitFilter | |
HcalHitMaker | |
HcalHitReconstructor | |
HcalHitRelabeller | |
HcalHitSelection | |
HcalHLXMask | |
HcalHLXMaskDbInterface | |
HcalHotCellClient | |
HcalHotCellDbInterface | |
HcalHotCellMonitor | |
HcalHPDFilter | |
HcalHPDRBXMap | |
HcalHTRData | |
HcalIsoTrkAnalyzer | |
HcalL1TriggerObject | |
HcalL1TriggerObjects | |
HcalL1TriggerObjectsHandler | |
HcalL1TriggerObjectsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalL1TriggerObjectsRcd | |
HcalL1TriggerObjectsXml | |
HcalLaserClient | |
HcalLaserDigi | |
HcalLaserEventFilter | |
HcalLaserEventFilter2012 | |
HcalLaserEventFiltProducer2012 | |
HcalLaserHBHEFilter2012 | |
HcalLaserHBHEHFFilter2012 | |
HcalLaserHFFilter2012 | |
HcalLaserReco | |
HcalLaserUnpacker | |
HcalLedAnalysis | |
HcalLedAnalysis::CALIBBUNCH | |
HcalLedAnalyzer | |
HcalLEDClient | |
HcalLogicalMap | |
HcalLogicalMapGenerator | |
HcalLongRecoParam | |
HcalLongRecoParams | |
HcalLongRecoParamsHandler | |
HcalLongRecoParamsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalLongRecoParamsRcd | |
HcalLSbyLSMonitor | |
HcalLUTCorr | |
HcalLUTCorrs | |
HcalLUTCorrsHandler | |
HcalLUTCorrsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalLUTCorrsRcd | |
HcalLutGenerator | |
HcalLutManager | Various manipulations with trigger Lookup Tables |
HcalLutManager_test | |
HcalLutMetadata | |
HcalLutMetadata::NonChannelData | |
HcalLutMetadataHandler | |
HcalLutMetadataPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalLutMetadataRcd | |
HcalLutMetadatum | |
HcalLutSet | |
HcalLuttoDB | |
HcalMaterial | |
HcalMaterials | |
HcalMCParam | |
HcalMCParams | |
HcalMCParamsHandler | |
HcalMCParamsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalMCParamsRcd | |
HcalMonitorClient | |
HcalMonitorModule | |
HCALNoiseAlCaReco | |
HcalNoiseAlgo | |
HcalNoiseMonitor | |
HcalNoiseRates | |
HcalNoiseRatesClient | |
HcalNoiseStorage | |
HcalNoiseSummary | |
HcalNominalCoder | |
HcalNumberingFromDDD | |
HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID | |
HcalID | |
HcalNumberingScheme | |
HcalNZSClient | |
HcalNZSMonitor | |
HcalO2OManager | |
HCaloDetIdAssociator | |
HcalOmdsCalibrations | |
HcalOtherDetId | |
HcalPacker | |
HcalPacker::Collections | |
HcalPatternSource | |
HcalPatternXMLParser | |
HcalPatternXMLParserImpl | |
HcalPedestal | |
HcalPedestalAnalysis | |
HcalPedestalAnalyzer | |
HcalPedestalClient | |
HcalPedestalMCWidths | |
HcalPedestals | |
HcalPedestalsAnalysis | |
HcalPedestalsCheck | |
HcalPedestalsHandler | |
HcalPedestalsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalPedestalsRcd | |
HcalPedestalWidth | |
HcalPedestalWidths | |
HcalPedestalWidthsCheck | |
HcalPedestalWidthsHandler | |
HcalPedestalWidthsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalPedestalWidthsRcd | |
HcalPFCorr | |
HcalPFCorrs | |
HcalPFCorrsHandler | |
HcalPFCorrsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalPFCorrsRcd | |
HCALProperties | |
HcalPulseContainmentAlgo | |
HcalPulseContainmentCorrection | |
HcalPulseContainmentManager | |
HcalPulseContainmentManager::HcalPulseContainmentEntry | |
HcalPulseContainmentEntry | |
HcalPulseShape | |
HcalPulseShapes | |
HcalQie | |
HcalQIECaps | |
HcalQIECoder | |
HcalQIEData | |
HcalQIEDataCheck | |
HcalQIEDataHandler | |
HcalQIEDataPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalQIEDataRcd | |
HcalQIEManager | Various manipulations with QIE and QIEADC |
HcalQIESample | |
HcalQIEShape | |
HcalQLPlotAnal | |
HcalQLPlotAnalAlgos | |
HcalQLPlotHistoMgr | |
HcalRaddamData | |
HcalRawDataClient | |
HcalRawDataMonitor | |
HcalRawGain | |
HcalRawGains | |
HcalRawToDigi | |
HcalRawToDigi::Statistics | |
HcalRealisticZS | |
HcalRecAlgoESProducer | |
HCALRecHitAnalyzer | |
HcalRecHitClient | |
HcalRecHitMonitor | |
HcalRecHitRecalib | |
HcalRecHitsAnalyzer | |
HcalRecHitsClient | |
HcalRecHitsDQMClient | |
HcalRecHitsMaker | |
HcalRecHitsValidation | |
HcalRecoParam | |
HcalRecoParams | |
HcalRecoParamsHandler | |
HcalRecoParamsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalRecoParamsRcd | |
HcalRespCorr | |
HcalRespCorrs | |
HcalRespCorrsHandler | |
HcalRespCorrsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalRespCorrsRcd | |
HCALResponse | |
HCalSD | |
HcalSeverityLevelComputer | |
HcalSeverityLevelComputer::HcalSeverityDefinition | |
HcalSeverityDefinition | |
HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd | |
HcalShape | Shaper for Hcal (not for HF) |
HcalShapeIntegrator | |
HcalShapes | |
HcalSignalGenerator | |
HcalSimHitsClient | |
HcalSimHitStudy | |
HcalSimHitsValidation | |
HcalSimParameterMap | |
HcalSimParameters | |
HcalSimpleAmplitudeZS | |
HcalSimpleRealisticZS | |
HcalSimpleRecAlgo | |
HcalSimpleReconstructor | |
HcalSiPM | A general implementation for the response of a SiPM |
HcalSiPMHitResponse | |
HcalSiPMRecovery | |
HcalSiPMShape | |
HcalSourcePositionData | |
HcalSubdetDigiMonitor | |
HcalSubdetDigiMonitor::HistLim | |
HistLim | |
HcalSummaryClient | |
HcalTB02Analysis | |
HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme | |
HcalTB02Histo | |
HcalTB02HistoClass | |
HcalTB02NumberingScheme | |
HcalTB02SD | |
HcalTB02XtalNumberingScheme | |
HcalTB04Analysis | |
HcalTB04Histo | |
HcalTB04XtalNumberingScheme | |
HcalTB06Analysis | |
HcalTB06BeamSD | |
HcalTB06Histo | |
HcalTBBeamCounters | |
HcalTBDigiProducer | |
HcalTBEventPosition | |
HcalTBNumberingScheme | |
HcalTBObjectUnpacker | |
HcalTBParticleId | |
HcalTBRunData | |
HcalTBSimParameterMap | |
HcalTBSource | |
HcalTBTiming | |
HcalTBTriggerData | |
HcalTBTriggerFilter | |
HcalTBWriter | |
HcalTDC | |
HcalTDCParameters | |
HcalTDCReco | |
HcalTestAnalysis | |
HcalTestHistoClass | |
HcalTestHistoClass::Hit | |
Hit | |
HcalTestHistoClass::Layer | |
HcalTestHistoClass::QIE | |
HcalTestHistoManager | |
HcalTestHitGenerator | |
HcalTestNumbering | |
HcalTestNumberingScheme | |
HcalText2DetIdConverter | |
HcalTextCalibrations | |
HcalTimeCorr | |
HcalTimeCorrs | |
HcalTimeCorrsHandler | |
HcalTimeCorrsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalTimeCorrsRcd | |
HcalTimeSlew | |
HcalTimeSlewSim | |
HcalTimingCorrector | |
HcalTimingMonitorModule | |
HcalTimingParam | |
HcalTimingParams | |
HcalTimingParamsHandler | |
HcalTimingParamsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalTimingParamsRcd | |
HcalTopology | |
HcalTopologyIdealEP | |
HcalTopologyIdealEP::RingSegmentation | |
HcalTopologyRestrictionParser | |
HcalTPGCoder | |
HcalTPGCoderULUT | |
HcalTPGCompressor | |
HcalTPGRecord | |
HcalTPGScale | |
HcalTriggerKey | |
HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo | |
HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi | |
HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample | |
HcalTrigPrimClient | |
HcalTrigPrimDigiProducer | |
HcalTrigPrimMonitor | |
HcalTrigTowerDetId | |
HcalTrigTowerGeometry | |
HcalTrigTowerGeometryESProducer | |
HcalTTPDigi | |
HcalTTPDigiProducer | |
HcalTTPTriggerRecord | |
HcalTTPUnpacker | |
HcaluLUTTPGCoder | |
HcalUnpacker | |
HcalUnpacker::Collections | |
HcalUnpackerReport | |
HcalUpgradeDataFrame | |
HcalUpgradeDigitizerTraits | |
HcalUpgradeQIESample | |
HcalUtilsClient | |
HcalValidationCorr | |
HcalValidationCorrs | |
HcalValidationCorrsHandler | |
HcalValidationCorrsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalValidationCorrsRcd | |
HcalVisualSelector | |
HcalVisualSelector::Callbacks | |
HcalZDCDetId | |
HcalZDCMonitor | |
HcalZeroSuppessionAlgo | |
HcalZeroSuppressionAlgo | |
HcalZSAlgoEnergy | |
HcalZSAlgoRealistic | |
HcalZSThreshold | |
HcalZSThresholds | |
HcalZSThresholdsHandler | |
HcalZSThresholdsPopConAnalyzer | |
HcalZSThresholdsRcd | |
HCovarianceVSParts | |
HCovarianceVSxy | |
HDelta | |
HDetIdAssociator | |
HDigiFP420 | |
HDQMfitUtilities | |
HDQMInspector | |
HDQMInspector::DetIdItemList | |
HDQMInspectorConfigBase | |
HDQMInspectorConfigSiPixel | |
HDQMInspectorConfigSiStrip | |
HDQMInspectorConfigTracking | |
HDQMSummary | |
HDQMSummary::DetRegistry | |
HDQMSummary::StrictWeakOrdering | |
HDQMSummaryRcd | |
HDRShower | |
HDShower | |
HDShowerParametrization | |
Header | |
HeaderView | |
HEAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HEAlignmentRcd | |
HeavyChHiggsToTauNuSkim | |
HeavyFlavorHarvesting | |
HeavyFlavorValidation | |
HeavyIonRcd | |
HeavyIonRPRcd | |
HEcalDetIdAssociator | |
Hector | |
HectorProducer | |
HEDarkening | |
HEff1DHit | |
HEff2DHit | |
HEff4DHit | A set of histograms for efficiency 4D RecHits |
HelixBarrelCylinderCrossing | |
HelixBarrelPlaneCrossing2OrderLocal | |
HelixLineExtrapolation | |
HelixPlaneCrossing | |
HelpertRecHit2DLocalPos | |
HemisphereAlgo | |
HepLine3D | |
HepMCCopy | |
HepMCEventWriter | |
HepMCFileReader | |
HepMCParticle | |
HepMCProduct | |
HepPDTESSource | |
HepRotOutput | C++ functors for output and conversion ofCLHEPandROOT::Math |
HEPTopTagger | |
HEPTopTaggerStructure | |
HERecalibration | |
Herwig6Filter | |
Herwig6Hadronizer | |
HerwigMaxPtPartonFilter | |
HFAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HFAlignmentRcd | |
HFChamberSD | |
HFCherenkov | |
HFClusterAlgo | |
HFClusterAlgo::HFCompleteHit | |
HFCompleteHit | |
HFDarkening | |
HFDataFrame | |
HFDigitizerTraits | |
HFEMClusterProducer | |
HFFibre | |
HFFibreFiducial | |
HFFilter | |
HFGflash | |
HFGflash::Hit | |
Hit | |
HFHitFilter | |
HFLightCal | |
HFLightCalRand | |
HFPreLightCal | |
HFRecalibration | |
HFRecHit | |
HFRecoEcalCandidateAlgo | |
HFRecoEcalCandidateProducer | |
HFRecoEcalCandidateProducers | |
HFRecoEcalCandidateProducers::h | |
h | |
HFShape | Shaper for HF |
HFShower | |
HFShower::Hit | |
Hit | |
HFShowerFibreBundle | |
HFShowerG4Hit | |
HFShowerLibrary | |
HFShowerLibrary::Hit | |
Hit | |
HFShowerLibraryEventInfo | |
HFShowerParam | |
HFShowerParam::Hit | |
Hit | |
HFShowerPhoton | |
HFShowerPMT | |
HFSimParameters | |
HFTimingTrustFlag | |
HFunctionResolution | |
HFunctionResolutionVarianceCheck | |
HFWedgeSD | |
HHcalDetIdAssociator | |
HiBasicGenTest | |
HIBestVertexProducer | |
HiBremRecoveryClusterAlgo | |
HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector | |
HICaloUtil | |
HiCentralityBiasFilter | |
HiEgammaIsolationProducer | |
HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker | |
HiEgammaSCEnergyCorrectionAlgo | |
HiEvtPlaneFlatCalib | |
HiEvtPlaneFlatProducer | |
HiEvtPlaneFlatten | |
HiGammaJetSignalDef | |
HiGenCleaner | |
HiGenEvtSelectorFactory | |
HiggsDQM | |
HiggsTo2GammaSkim | |
HiggsToWW2LeptonsSkim | |
HiggsToZZ4LeptonsPreFilter | |
HiggsToZZ4LeptonsSkim | |
HiggsToZZ4LeptonsSkimEff | |
HiggsValidation | |
HiggsValidation::MonitoredDecays | |
HigherInnerHit | |
higherTwoBodyDecayPt | |
HighETPhotonsFilter | |
HighETPhotonsFilterAlgo | |
HighMultiplicityGenFilter | |
HighPtTrackEcalDetIdProducer | |
HiL1Subtractor | |
HiMixingModule | |
HIMuonTrackingRegionProducer | |
hinfo | |
HIPAlignmentAlgorithm | |
HiPhotonType | |
HIPixelClusterVtxProducer | |
HIPixelClusterVtxProducer::VertexHit | |
HIPixelMedianVtxProducer | |
HIPixelTrackFilter | |
HIProtoTrackFilter | |
HIProtoTrackSelector | |
HIPUserVariables | |
HIPUserVariablesIORoot | |
HiSpikeCleaner | |
HistLim | |
HistoAnalyzer | |
HistoCompare | |
HistoData | |
HistoDef | |
HistoDimensions | |
HistogramGenerator | |
HistogramProbabilityEstimator | |
Histograms | |
HistoManager | |
HistoParams | |
HistoParams< TH2F > | |
HistoParams< TProfile2D > | |
HistoProviderDQM | |
HistoryBase | Base class to all the history types |
HistoryGetterBase | |
Histos | |
HistoShifter | |
HiSuperClusterProducer | |
Hit | |
hit | |
HitComparator | |
HitComparatorByRadius | |
HitDigitizerFP420 | |
HitDoublets | |
HitEff | |
HitInfo | |
HitLessByRadius | |
HitPairGenerator | |
HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair | |
HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPairForPhotonConversion | |
HitPixelLayersTPSelector | |
HitQuadrupletGeneratorFromLayerPairForPhotonConversion | |
HITrackFilterForPVFinding | |
HITrackingRegionForPrimaryVtxProducer | |
HITrackingRegionProducer | |
HITRegionalPixelSeedGenerator | |
HiTrivialConditionRetriever | |
HitRZCompatibility | |
HitRZConstraint | |
HITSiStripRawToClustersRoI | |
HitTripletGenerator | |
HitTripletGeneratorFromPairAndLayers | |
HLikelihoodVSPart | |
HLT1GlobalSums | |
HLT2jetGapFilter | |
HLTAcoFilter | |
HLTAlCa | |
HLTAlCaMonEcalPhiSym | |
HLTAlCaMonPi0 | |
HLTAlphaTFilter | |
HLTAnalyzer | |
HLTBeamModeFilter | |
HLTBitAnalyzer | |
HLTBitComputer | |
HLTBitVariable | |
HLTBJet | |
HLTBool | |
HLTCaloJetIDProducer | |
HLTCaloTowerFilter | |
HLTCollectionProducer | |
HltComparator | |
HLTConfigCounter | |
HLTConfigData | |
HLTConfigProvider | |
HLTConfigProvider::HLTConfigCounterSentry | |
HLTConfigCounterSentry | |
HLTCountNumberOfObject | |
HLTCSCAcceptBusyFilter | |
HLTCSCActivityFilter | |
HLTCSCOverlapFilter | |
HLTCSCRing2or3Filter | |
HLTDeDxFilter | |
HLTDiJetAveFilter | |
HLTDiMuonGlbTrkFilter | |
HLTDisplacedEgammaFilter | |
HLTDisplacedmumuFilter | |
HLTDisplacedmumumuFilter | |
HLTDisplacedmumumuVtxProducer | |
HLTDisplacedmumumuVtxProducer_h | |
HLTDisplacedmumuVtxProducer | |
HLTDisplacedmumuVtxProducer_h | |
HLTDoublet | |
HLTDoubletDZ | |
HLTDTActivityFilter | |
HLTDTROMonitorFilter | |
HLTDTROMonitorFilter::h | |
h | |
HLTDummyCollections | |
HLTDynamicPrescaler | |
HLTEcalIsolationFilter | |
HLTEcalPhiSymFilter | |
HLTEcalResonanceFilter | |
HLTEcalTowerFilter | |
HLTEffCalculator | |
HLTEgamma | |
HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron | |
HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton | |
HLTEgammaAllCombMassFilter | |
HLTEgammaCaloIsolFilterPairs | |
HLTEgammaCombMassFilter | |
HLTEgammaDoubleEtDeltaPhiFilter | |
HLTEgammaDoubleEtFilter | |
HLTEgammaDoubleEtPhiFilter | |
HLTEgammaDoubleLegCombFilter | |
HLTEgammaEtFilter | |
HLTEgammaEtFilterPairs | |
HLTEgammaGenericFilter | |
HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticEtaFilter | |
HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter | |
HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterPairs | |
HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional | |
HLTEgammaTriggerFilterObjectWrapper | |
HLTElectronEoverpFilterRegional | |
HLTElectronEtFilter | |
HLTElectronGenericFilter | |
HLTElectronMuonInvMassFilter | |
HLTElectronOneOEMinusOneOPFilterRegional | |
HLTElectronPFMTFilter | |
HLTElectronPixelMatchFilter | |
HLTEventAnalyzerAOD | |
HLTEventAnalyzerRAW | |
HLTEventInfoClient | |
HLTEventNumberFilter | |
HLTEventSelector | |
HLTExclDiJetFilter | |
HLTFatJetMassFilter | |
HLTFEDSizeFilter | |
HLTFiltCand | |
HLTFilter | |
HLTForwardBackwardJetsFilter | |
HLTGetDigi | |
HLTGetRaw | |
HLTGlobalSums | |
HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter | |
HLTHcalLaserFilter | |
HLTHcalMETNoiseCleaner | |
HLTHcalMETNoiseCleaner::noisedatacomp | |
HLTHcalMETNoiseFilter | |
HLTHcalMETNoiseFilter::noisedatacomp | |
HLTHcalNoiseCleaner | |
HLTHcalNoiseFilter | |
HLTHcalNZSFilter | |
HLTHcalPhiSymFilter | |
HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter | |
HLTHcalTowerFilter | |
HLTHcalTowerNoiseCleaner | |
HLTHcalTowerNoiseCleaner::noisedatacomp | |
HLTHeavyIon | |
HLTHemiDPhiFilter | |
HLTHFAsymmetryFilter | |
HLTHFRecoEcalCandidateProducer | |
HLTHiggsPlotter | |
HLTHiggsSubAnalysis | |
HLTHiggsValidator | |
HLTHighLevel | |
HLTHPDFilter | |
HLTHtMhtFilter | |
HLTHtMhtProducer | |
HLTInclusiveVBFClient | |
HLTInclusiveVBFSource | |
HLTInclusiveVBFSource::PathInfo | |
HLTInclusiveVBFSource::PathInfoCollection | |
HLTInfo | |
HLTInspect | |
HLTJetCollectionsFilter | |
HLTJetCollectionsForElePlusJets | |
HLTJetCollectionsForLeptonPlusJets | |
HLTJetCollectionsVBFFilter | |
HLTJetCollForElePlusJets | |
HLTJetL1MatchProducer | |
HLTJetMETDQMSource | |
HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfo | |
HLTJetMETDQMSource::PathInfoCollection | |
HLTJetMETValidation | |
HLTJetPairDzMatchFilter | |
HLTJets | |
HLTJetSortedVBFFilter | |
HLTJetTag | |
HLTJetVBFFilter | |
HLTL1NumberFilter | |
HLTLevel1Activity | |
HLTLevel1GTSeed | |
HLTLevel1Pattern | |
HLTLogMonitorFilter | |
HLTLogMonitorFilter::CategoryEntry | |
HLTMCtruth | |
HLTMhtFilter | |
HLTMhtHtFilter | |
HLTMhtProducer | |
HLTmmkFilter | |
HLTmmkkFilter | |
HLTMon | |
HLTMonBitSummary | |
HLTMonBTagClient | |
HLTMonBTagIPSource | |
HLTMonBTagMuSource | |
HLTMonElectron | |
HLTMonElectronConsumer | |
HLTMonHcalIsoTrack | |
HLTMonMuonClient | |
HLTMonoJetFilter | |
HLTMonPhotonClient | |
HLTMonPhotonSource | |
HLTMonSimpleBTag | |
HLTMonSimpleBTag::PathInfo | |
HLTMonSimpleBTag::PathInfoCollection | |
HLTMuon | |
HLTMuonCertSummary | |
HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter | |
HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter | |
HLTMuonIsoFilter | |
HLTMuonL1Filter | |
HLTMuonL1RegionalFilter | |
HLTMuonL1toL3TkPreFilter | |
HLTMuonL2PreFilter | |
HLTMuonL2ToL1Map | |
HLTMuonL3PreFilter | |
HLTMuonMatchAndPlot | |
HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer | |
HLTMuonPlotter | |
HLTMuonPlotter::matchesByDescendingPt | |
HLTMuonPlotter::MatchStruct | |
HLTMuonPointingFilter | |
HLTMuonPtFilter | |
HLTMuonTrackMassFilter | |
HLTMuonTrimuonL3Filter | |
HLTMuonValidator | |
HLTMuonValidator::matchesByDescendingPt | |
HLTMuonValidator::MatchStruct | |
HLTNVFilter | |
HLTOfflineReproducibility | |
HLTOniaSource | |
HLTOverallSummary | |
HLTPerformanceInfo | |
HLTPerformanceInfo::Module | |
HLTPerformanceInfo::Path | |
hltPerPathInfo | |
HLTPFEnergyFractionsFilter | |
HLTPFJetIDProducer | |
HLTPFTauPairLeadTrackDzMatchFilter | |
HLTPhi2METFilter | |
HLTPhysicsDeclared | |
HLTPixelActivityFilter | |
HLTPixelAsymmetryFilter | |
HLTPixelClusterShapeFilter | |
HLTPixelClusterShapeFilter::VertexHit | |
HLTPixelIsolTrackFilter | |
HLTPixlMBFilt | |
HLTPixlMBForAlignmentFilter | |
HLTPMDocaFilter | |
HLTPMMassFilter | |
HLTPrescaler | |
HLTPrescaleRecorder | |
HLTPrescaleTableRcd | |
HLTRapGapFilter | |
HLTRFilter | |
HLTRHemisphere | |
HLTrigReport | |
HLTrigReportService | |
HLTRPCFilter | |
HLTRPCTrigNoSyncFilter | |
HLTScalers | |
HLTScalersClient | |
HLTScalersClient::CountLS_t | |
HLTScalersClient::CountLSFifo_t | |
HLTSeedL1LogicScalers | |
HLTSinglet | |
HLTSingleVertexPixelTrackFilter | |
HLTSmartSinglet | |
HLTSummaryFilter | |
HltSusyExoPostProcessor | |
HLTTauCertifier | |
HLTTauDQMAutomation | |
HLTTauDQMCaloPlotter | |
HLTTauDQMCaloPlotter::SorterByPt | |
HLTTauDQMFilter | |
HLTTauDQML1Plotter | |
HLTTauDQML1Plotter::ComparePt | |
HLTTauDQMLitePathPlotter | |
HLTTauDQMLitePathPlotter::LVSorter | |
HLTTauDQMOfflineSource | |
HLTTauDQMPathPlotter | |
HLTTauDQMPlotter | |
HLTTauDQMPlotter::FilterObject | |
HLTTauDQMSummaryPlotter | |
HLTTauDQMTrkPlotter | |
HLTTauMCProducer | |
HLTTauPostProcessor | |
HLTTauProducer | |
HLTTauRefCombiner | |
HLTTauRefProducer | |
HLTTauRelvalQTester | |
HLTTRack | |
HLTTrack | |
HLTTrackClusterRemover | |
HLTTrackClusterRemover::ParamBlock | |
HLTTrackerHaloFilter | |
HLTTrackSeedMultiplicityFilter | |
HLTTrackWithHits | |
HLTTriggerTypeFilter | |
HLTVertexFilter | |
HLXMonitor | |
HMassResolutionVSPart | |
HMassVSPart | |
HMassVSPartProfile | |
HOAlignmentErrorRcd | |
HOAlignmentRcd | |
HOCalibAnalyzer | |
HOCalibVariables | |
HODataFrame | |
HODetIdAssociator | |
HODigitizerTraits | |
hodo_fibre_index | |
HodoscopeDetId | |
HoECalculator | |
HOHitFilter | |
HOHXLogicalMapEntry | |
HORecHit | |
hotNeighborParams | |
HOTriggerPrimitiveDigi | |
HOTriggerprimitiveDigi | |
HOUnrolledTP | |
HouseholderDecomposition | |
HParticle | |
HPartVSEta | |
HPartVSPhi | |
HPartVSPt | |
HPD_struct | |
HPDIonFeedbackSim | |
HPDNoiseData | |
HPDNoiseDataCatalog | |
HPDNoiseDataFrame | |
HPDNoiseGenerator | |
HPDNoiseLibraryReader | |
HPDNoiseMaker | |
HPDNoiseReader | |
HPSPFRecoTauAlgorithm | |
HPSPFRecoTauAlgorithm::HPSTauIsolationSorter | |
HPSTauIsolationSorter | |
HPSPFRecoTauAlgorithm::HPSTauPtSorter | |
HPSTauPtSorter | |
HRes1DHit | A set of histograms of residuals and pulls for 1D RecHits |
HRes2DHit | |
HRes4DHit | |
HResolution | |
HResolution1DRecHit | |
HResolutionVSPart | A set of histograms for resolution |
HSCParticleProducer | |
HSCParticleSelector | |
HSCPFilter | |
HSCPHLTFilter | |
HSCPTreeBuilder | |
HSCPValidator | |
HSMLinearizationPointFinder | |
HsmModeFinder3d | |
HSParameters | |
HT | |
HTH1D | A wrapper for the TH1D histogram to allow it to be put inside the same map as all the other classes in this file |
HTH2D | A wrapper for the TH2D histogram to allow it to be put inside the same map as all the other classes in this file |
HTimerStack | |
HTLogicalMapEntry | |
hTMaxCell | |
HTMHTAnalyzer | |
HTMLLink | |
HTProfile | A wrapper for the TProfile histogram to allow it to be put inside the same map as all the other classes in this file |
HTrack | |
HTrackAssociator | |
HTrackAssociator::HAssociatorParameters | |
HAssociatorParameters | |
HTrackDetMatchInfo | |
HTrackVariables | |
HtrXmlPattern | |
HtrXmlPatternSet | |
HtrXmlPatternTool | |
HtrXmlPatternToolParameters | |
HtrXmlPatternWriter | |
HttpStorageMaker | |
HWWFilter | |
HybridClusterAlgo | |
HybridClusterProducer | |
HydjetHadronizer | |
HypothesisAnalyzer | |
HZZ4lFilter | |
HistogramConfig | Helper class to hold the configuration for a histogram |
hfTowerSumsType | |
h | Persistable copy of L1 Trigger Rates |
h | Persistable copy of L1 Trigger Scalers |
h | Persistable copy of Level1 Trigger Rates |
h | Persistable copy of Level1 Trigger Scalers |
Header | |
HLTData | |
h | Persistable copy of HF Lumi Scalers |
HLT | |
HeaderType3 | |
Header | |
HigherR | Sort |
HCalDigi | |
HCalRecHit | |
Hit | |
Hit | |
histogram_element_t | |
histogram_t | |
HitLessPhi | |
HitWithPhi | |
HSBOut | |
h | RawDataLevel 1 Global Trigger Scalers and Lumi Scalers |
HitRecord | |
HelixRZ | |
Hit | |
HarvestingHierarchy | |
HarvestingHistos | Put here the histograms created during harvesting |
Hit | |
HypoClassKeyStringToEnum | Lightweight map for selection type string label and enum value |
Hit | |