![]() |
![]() |
Functions | |
def | addDiMuonTriggers |
def | addL1UserData |
Define a generic function, so that it can be used with existing PAT muons. | |
def | addMCinfo |
def | addPreselection |
def | changeRecoMuonInput |
def | changeTriggerProcessName |
def | switchOffAmbiguityResolution |
def | useExistingPATMuons |
def | useL1MatchingWindowForSinglets |
Variables | |
tuple | muonMatchHLTCtfTrack = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltMuTrackJpsiCtfTrackCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
tuple | muonMatchHLTCtfTrack2 = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltMuTrackJpsiEffCtfTrackCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
tuple | muonMatchHLTL1 = muonMatchL1.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltL1extraParticles")')) |
Single Mu L1. | |
tuple | muonMatchHLTL2 = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltL2MuonCandidates")'), maxDeltaR = 0.3, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
tuple | muonMatchHLTL3 = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltL3MuonCandidates")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
tuple | muonMatchHLTL3T = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltGlbTrkMuonCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
tuple | muonMatchHLTTrackMu = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltMuTkMuJpsiTrackerMuonCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
tuple | muonMatchL1 |
tuple | muonTriggerMatchHLT |
==== Then perform a match for all HLT triggers of interest | |
tuple | patMuonsWithoutTrigger |
tuple | patMuonsWithTrigger |
==== Embed ==== | |
tuple | patMuonsWithTriggerSequence |
tuple | patTrigger |
tuple | patTriggerMatchers1Mu |
list | patTriggerMatchers1MuInputTags |
tuple | patTriggerMatchers2Mu |
list | patTriggerMatchers2MuInputTags |
tuple | patTriggerMatching |
==== Trigger Sequence ==== |
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::addDiMuonTriggers | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 201 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00201 : 00202 print "[MuonAnalysis.MuonAssociators.patMuonsWithTrigger_cff] Di-muon triggers are already enabled by default" 00203
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::addL1UserData | ( | patMuonProducer, | |
l1ModuleLabel = "muonL1Info" |
) |
Define a generic function, so that it can be used with existing PAT muons.
Definition at line 45 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00045 : 00046 "Load variables inside PAT muon, from module <l1ModuleLabel> that you must run before it" 00047 patMuonProducer.userData.userInts.src += [ 00048 cms.InputTag(l1ModuleLabel, "quality"), # will be -999 in case of no match 00049 ] 00050 patMuonProducer.userData.userFloats.src += [ 00051 cms.InputTag(l1ModuleLabel, "deltaR"), # will be 999 in case of no match 00052 ] 00053 patMuonProducer.userData.userCands.src += [ 00054 cms.InputTag(l1ModuleLabel) 00055 ] 00056
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::addMCinfo | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 193 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00193 : 00194 "Add MC matching information to the muons" 00195 process.load("PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.mcMatchLayer0.muonMatch_cfi") 00196 process.patMuonsWithTriggerSequence.replace(process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger, process.muonMatch + process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger) 00197 process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger.addGenMatch = True 00198 process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger.embedGenMatch = True 00199 process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger.genParticleMatch = 'muonMatch' 00200
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::addPreselection | ( | process, | |
cut | |||
) |
Definition at line 187 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00187 : 00188 "Add a preselection cut to the muons before matching (might be relevant, due to ambiguity resolution in trigger matching!" 00189 process.patMuonsWithoutTriggerUnfiltered = process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger.clone() 00190 process.globalReplace('patMuonsWithoutTrigger', cms.EDFilter("PATMuonSelector", src = cms.InputTag('patMuonsWithoutTriggerUnfiltered'), cut = cms.string(cut))) 00191 process.patMuonsWithTriggerSequence.replace(process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger, process.patMuonsWithoutTriggerUnfiltered * process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger) 00192
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::changeRecoMuonInput | ( | process, | |
recoMuonCollectionTag, | |||
oldRecoMuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag("muons") |
) |
Definition at line 171 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00171 : 00172 "Use a different input collection of reco muons" 00173 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.tools.helpers import massSearchReplaceAnyInputTag 00174 massSearchReplaceAnyInputTag(process.patMuonsWithTriggerSequence, oldRecoMuonCollectionTag, recoMuonCollectionTag) 00175
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::changeTriggerProcessName | ( | process, | |
triggerProcessName, | |||
oldProcessName = "HLT" |
) |
Definition at line 167 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00167 : 00168 "Change the process name under which the trigger was run" 00169 patTriggerFull.processName = triggerProcessName 00170
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::switchOffAmbiguityResolution | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 159 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00159 : 00160 "Switch off ambiguity resolution: allow multiple reco muons to match to the same trigger muon" 00161 process.muonMatchHLTL1.resolveAmbiguities = False 00162 process.muonMatchHLTL2.resolveAmbiguities = False 00163 process.muonMatchHLTL3.resolveAmbiguities = False 00164 process.muonMatchHLTCtfTrack.resolveAmbiguities = False 00165 process.muonMatchHLTTrackMu.resolveAmbiguities = False 00166
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::useExistingPATMuons | ( | process, | |
newPatMuonTag, | |||
addL1Info = False |
) |
Definition at line 176 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00176 : 00177 "Start from existing pat muons instead of producing them" 00178 process.patMuonsWithTriggerSequence.remove(process.patMuonsWithoutTrigger) 00179 process.patMuonsWithTriggerSequence.remove(process.muonL1Info) 00180 process.patMuonsWithTrigger.src = newPatMuonTag 00181 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.tools.helpers import massSearchReplaceAnyInputTag 00182 massSearchReplaceAnyInputTag(process.patMuonsWithTriggerSequence, cms.InputTag('patMuonsWithoutTrigger'), newPatMuonTag) 00183 if addL1Info: 00184 process.muonL1Info.src = newPatMuonTag.muonSource 00185 addL1UserData(getattr(process,newPatMuonTag.moduleLabel), 'muonL1Info') 00186
def patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::useL1MatchingWindowForSinglets | ( | process | ) |
Definition at line 204 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00204 : 00205 "Change the L1 trigger matching window to be suitable also for CSC single triggers" 00206 if hasattr(process, 'muonL1Info'): 00207 process.muonL1Info.maxDeltaR = 0.3 #Changed accordingly to Zoltan tuning. It was: 1.2 00208 process.muonL1Info.maxDeltaEta = 0.2 00209 process.muonL1Info.fallbackToME1 = True 00210 if hasattr(process, 'muonMatchHLTL1'): 00211 process.muonMatchHLTL1.maxDeltaR = 0.3 #Changed accordingly to Zoltan tuning. It was: 1.2 00212 process.muonMatchHLTL1.maxDeltaEta = 0.2 00213 process.muonMatchHLTL1.fallbackToME1 = True 00214 00215
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTCtfTrack = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltMuTrackJpsiCtfTrackCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
Definition at line 105 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTCtfTrack2 = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltMuTrackJpsiEffCtfTrackCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
Definition at line 106 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTL1 = muonMatchL1.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltL1extraParticles")')) |
Single Mu L1.
Definition at line 101 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTL2 = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltL2MuonCandidates")'), maxDeltaR = 0.3, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
Definition at line 102 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTL3 = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltL3MuonCandidates")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
Definition at line 103 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTL3T = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltGlbTrkMuonCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
Definition at line 104 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
tuple patMuonsWithTrigger_cff::muonMatchHLTTrackMu = muonTriggerMatchHLT.clone(matchedCuts = cms.string('coll("hltMuTkMuJpsiTrackerMuonCands")'), maxDeltaR = 0.1, maxDPtRel = 10.0) |
Definition at line 107 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 muonHLTL1Match.clone( 00002 src = muonTriggerMatchHLT.src, 00003 matched = muonTriggerMatchHLT.matched, 00004 )
Definition at line 95 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer( "PATTriggerMatcherDRDPtLessByR", 00002 src = cms.InputTag( "patMuonsWithoutTrigger" ), 00003 matched = cms.InputTag( "patTrigger" ), 00004 matchedCuts = cms.string(""), 00005 # andOr = cms.bool( False ), 00006 # filterIdsEnum = cms.vstring( '*' ), 00007 # filterIds = cms.vint32( 0 ), 00008 # filterLabels = cms.vstring( '*' ), 00009 # pathNames = cms.vstring( '*' ), 00010 # collectionTags = cms.vstring( '*' ), 00011 maxDPtRel = cms.double( 0.5 ), 00012 maxDeltaR = cms.double( 0.5 ), 00013 resolveAmbiguities = cms.bool( True ), 00014 resolveByMatchQuality = cms.bool( True ) #change with respect to previous tag 00015 )
==== Then perform a match for all HLT triggers of interest
Definition at line 77 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.producersLayer1.muonProducer_cfi.patMuons.clone( 00002 muonSource = 'muons', 00003 # embed the tracks, so we don't have to carry them around 00004 embedTrack = True, 00005 embedCombinedMuon = True, 00006 embedStandAloneMuon = True, 00007 embedPFCandidate = False, 00008 embedCaloMETMuonCorrs = cms.bool(False), 00009 embedTcMETMuonCorrs = cms.bool(False), 00010 # then switch off some features we don't need 00011 #addTeVRefits = False, ## <<--- this doesn't work. PAT bug ?? 00012 embedPickyMuon = False, 00013 embedTpfmsMuon = False, 00014 userIsolation = cms.PSet(), # no extra isolation beyond what's in reco::Muon itself 00015 isoDeposits = cms.PSet(), # no heavy isodeposits 00016 addGenMatch = False, # no mc: T&P doesn't take it from here anyway. 00017 )
Definition at line 12 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer( "PATTriggerMatchMuonEmbedder", 00002 src = cms.InputTag( "patMuonsWithoutTrigger" ), 00003 matches = cms.VInputTag() 00004 )
==== Embed ====
Definition at line 135 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 muonL1Info * 00003 patMuonsWithoutTrigger * 00004 patTriggerMatching 00005 )
Definition at line 151 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter("PATTriggerObjectStandAloneSelector", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("patTriggerFull"), 00003 cut = cms.string('coll("hltL1extraParticles") || coll("hltL2MuonCandidates") || coll("hltL3MuonCandidates") || coll("hltGlbTrkMuonCands") || coll("hltMuTrackJpsiCtfTrackCands") || coll("hltMuTrackJpsiEffCtfTrackCands") || coll("hltMuTkMuJpsiTrackerMuonCands")'), 00004 )
Definition at line 71 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 muonMatchHLTL1 + 00003 muonMatchHLTL2 + 00004 muonMatchHLTL3 + 00005 muonMatchHLTL3T 00006 )
Definition at line 109 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 [ 00002 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTL1','propagatedReco'), # fake, will match if and only if he muon did propagate to station 2 00003 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTL1'), 00004 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTL2'), 00005 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTL3'), 00006 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTL3T'), 00007 ]
Definition at line 115 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 muonMatchHLTCtfTrack + 00003 muonMatchHLTCtfTrack2 + 00004 muonMatchHLTTrackMu 00005 )
Definition at line 123 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 [ 00002 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTCtfTrack'), 00003 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTCtfTrack2'), 00004 cms.InputTag('muonMatchHLTTrackMu'), 00005 ]
Definition at line 128 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 patTriggerFull * patTrigger * 00003 patTriggerMatchers1Mu * 00004 patTriggerMatchers2Mu * 00005 patMuonsWithTrigger 00006 )
==== Trigger Sequence ====
Definition at line 144 of file patMuonsWithTrigger_cff.py.