![]() |
![]() |
Functions | |
def | append_sample_mcrab |
def | check_dbs |
def | check_dset |
def | check_nevts_dset |
def | create_crab |
def | create_harvest |
def | create_mcrab |
def | find_dqmref |
def | get_cond_from_dsetpath |
def | get_name_from_dsetpath |
def | make_dbs_list |
def | make_dqmname |
def | make_harv_name |
def | print_def |
def | read_ds_file |
Variables | |
tuple | api = DbsApi(args) |
string | argin = '' |
dictionary | args = {} |
tuple | cmssw_ver = os.getenv('CMSSW_VERSION','NOTSET') |
string | crab_block |
do_reference = False | |
tuple | dsetpaths = list() |
string | dsfile = '' |
tuple | dslproc = open("dset_processed.txt", 'w') |
string | f_crab = 'crab.cfg' |
Create harvest.py template. | |
string | f_multi_crab = 'multicrab.cfg' |
Create harvest_n.py for individual datasets. | |
tuple | harvfilelist = list() |
Print what has been created. | |
string | input_type = '' |
tuple | is_dbs = check_dbs() |
tuple | optManager = DbsOptionParser() |
def harvestRelVal::append_sample_mcrab | ( | dsetp, | |
fout | |||
) |
Definition at line 215 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00216 : 00217 dqm = make_dqmname(dsetp) 00218 sample = get_name_from_dsetpath(dsetp) 00219 hf = make_harv_name(dsetp) 00220 if not os.path.exists(hf) : 00221 print 'problem creating multicrab, file', hf, 'does not exist' 00222 sys.exit(17) 00223 fout.write('\n\n[' + sample + ']') 00224 fout.write('\nCMSSW.pset=' + hf) 00225 fout.write('\nCMSSW.datasetpath=' + dsetp) 00226 fout.write('\nCMSSW.output_file=' + dqm) 00227 00228 dqmref = find_dqmref(dsetp); 00229 if not dqmref == 'NONE' : 00230 fout.write('\nUSER.additional_input_files=' + dqmref)
def harvestRelVal::check_dbs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 24 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::check_dset | ( | ) |
Definition at line 96 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00097 : 00098 #check cmssw consistency 00099 for s in dsetpaths: 00100 if s.find(cmssw_ver) == -1 : 00101 dsetpaths.remove(s) 00102 print 'Inconsistency found with datset and cmssw version (', cmssw_ver, ')' \ 00103 ': \t ', s, ' has been removed.' 00104 #check conditions from dsetname 00105 for s in dsetpaths[:]: #nb:need to make a copy here! 00106 cond = get_cond_from_dsetpath(s) 00107 if cond == 0 : 00108 dsetpaths.remove(s) 00109 #check list size 00110 nSamples = len(dsetpaths) 00111 if nSamples == 0 : 00112 print "Empty input list, exit." 00113 sys.exit(12) 00114 else : 00115 print 'Processing', nSamples, 'data sets.' 00116 #check event numbers 00117 nSampleEvts = list() 00118 for s in dsetpaths: 00119 nSampleEvts.append(check_nevts_dset(s)) 00120 print 'number of events per dataset:', nSampleEvts
def harvestRelVal::check_nevts_dset | ( | dset | ) |
Definition at line 29 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::create_crab | ( | ds | ) |
Definition at line 231 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::create_harvest | ( | ds | ) |
Definition at line 155 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00156 : 00157 raw_cmsdriver = "cmsDriver.py harvest -s HARVESTING:validationHarvesting --mc --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,STARTUP_30X::All --harvesting AtJobEnd --no_exec -n -1" 00158 cmsdriver = raw_cmsdriver 00159 cond = get_cond_from_dsetpath(ds) 00160 if cond == 0 : 00161 print 'unexpected problem with conditions' 00162 sys.exit(50) 00163 cmsdriver = cmsdriver.replace('30X',cond) 00164 fin_name="harvest_HARVESTING_STARTUP.py" 00165 if ds.find('IDEAL') != -1 : 00166 cmsdriver = cmsdriver.replace('STARTUP','IDEAL') 00167 fin_name = fin_name.replace('STARTUP','IDEAL') 00168 if ds.find('FastSim') != -1: 00169 cmsdriver = cmsdriver.replace('validationHarvesting','validationHarvestingFS') 00170 if ds.find('PileUp') != -1: 00171 cmsdriver = cmsdriver.replace('validationHarvesting','validationHarvestingPU') 00172 00173 #print "=>", cmsdriver, " fs?", ds.find('FastSim') 00174 if os.path.exists(fin_name) : 00175 os.system("rm " + fin_name) 00176 print "executing cmsdriver command:\n\t", cmsdriver 00177 os.system(cmsdriver) 00178 if not os.path.exists(fin_name) : 00179 print 'problem with cmsdriver file name' 00180 sys.exit(40) 00181 os.system("touch " + fin_name) 00182 hf = make_harv_name(ds) 00183 os.system('mv ' + fin_name + " " + hf) 00184 out = open(hf, 'a') 00185 out.write("\n\n##additions to cmsDriver output \n") 00186 out.write("process.dqmSaver.workflow = '" + ds + "'\n") 00187 if is_dbs : 00188 out.write("process.source.fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(\n") 00189 for afile in api.listFiles(path=ds): 00190 out.write(" '%s',\n" % afile['LogicalFileName']) 00191 out.write(")\n") 00192 00193 dqmref = find_dqmref(ds); 00194 if not dqmref == 'NONE' : 00195 out.write("process.DQMStore.referenceFileName = '" + dqmref + "'\n") 00196 out.write("process.dqmSaver.referenceHandling = 'all'\n") 00197 00198 out.close()
def harvestRelVal::create_mcrab | ( | set, | |
fcrab, | |||
fout | |||
) |
Definition at line 199 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00200 : 00201 out = open(fout, 'w') 00202 out.write('[MULTICRAB]') 00203 out.write('\ncfg=' + fcrab) 00204 out.write('\n\n[COMMON]') 00205 nevt = -1 00206 njob = 1 00207 out.write('\nCMSSW.total_number_of_events=' + (str)(nevt) ) 00208 out.write('\nCMSSW.number_of_jobs=' + (str)(njob) ) 00209 for s in set: 00210 append_sample_mcrab(s, out) 00211 out.close()
def harvestRelVal::find_dqmref | ( | ds | ) |
Definition at line 121 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00122 : 00123 if not do_reference : 00124 return 'NONE' 00125 cp = cmssw_ver[-1:] 00126 ip = (int)(cp) - 1 00127 ref_ver = cmssw_ver.replace(cp,str(ip)) 00128 #print "cms:", cmssw_ver, " cp:", cp, " ip:", ip, " new_ver:", ref_ver 00129 ref_dir = "/castor/cern.ch/user/n/nuno/relval/harvest/" + ref_ver + "/" 00130 ref_dsf = make_dqmname(ds.replace(cmssw_ver, ref_ver)) 00131 gls = " | grep root | grep " 00132 #to accept crab appended _1.root in file names, nd skip versions/conditions 00133 gls += ref_dsf[:-25] 00134 gls += "| awk '{print $9}' " 00135 #print "refds:", ref_dsf, " command: rfdir", ref_dir+gls 00136 command = "rfcp " + ref_dir + "`rfdir " + ref_dir + gls + "` ." 00137 #print "command:", command 00138 os.system(command) 00139 tmpfile = "ref.txt" 00140 command = "ls -rtl *" + gls + " > " + tmpfile 00141 #print "command:", command 00142 os.system(command) 00143 the_ref = 'NONE' 00144 if os.path.exists(tmpfile) : 00145 fin = open(tmpfile,'r') 00146 ref = fin.readline().replace('\n','') 00147 #print "read ref:", ref, "exists?", os.path.exists(ref) 00148 fin.close() 00149 if os.path.exists(ref) : 00150 the_ref = ref 00151 else : 00152 the_ref = 'NONE' 00153 print "Found reference file:", the_ref 00154 return the_ref
def harvestRelVal::get_cond_from_dsetpath | ( | ds | ) |
Definition at line 47 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00048 : 00049 ca = ds.split('/')[2].replace(cmssw_ver+'_','').replace('IDEAL_','').replace('STARTUP_','').replace('_FastSim','') 00050 cb = ca[:ca.find('v')-1] 00051 if cb[0].find('3') == -1 or len(cb) > 3: 00052 print "problem extracting condition for", ds, " : ", cb, '(len:',len(cb),')' 00053 if cb.find('31X') != -1: 00054 cb = '31X' 00055 elif cb.find('30X') != -1: 00056 cb = '30X' 00057 else: 00058 print "skipping", cb 00059 return 0 00060 print "condition found:", cb 00061 else : 00062 print "good condition for", ds, " : ", cb, '(len:',len(cb),')' 00063 return cb 00064
def harvestRelVal::get_name_from_dsetpath | ( | ds | ) |
Definition at line 42 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::make_dbs_list | ( | dbslf | ) |
Definition at line 65 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00066 : 00067 if not is_dbs : 00068 return 00069 flis = open(dbslf,'w') 00070 for ads in api.listDatasetPaths() : 00071 if ads.find('RelVal') != -1 \ 00072 or ads.find(cmssw_ver) != -1 \ 00073 or ads.find("/GEN-SIM") != -1 : 00074 # and ads.find("/GEN-SIM-RECO") != -1 : 00075 flis.write(ads + '\n') 00076 flis.close() 00077 print 'Generated dataset list', dbslf, 'from dbs.' 00078 #exampe: 00079 #dbs lsd --path=/RelVal*/CMSSW_3_1_0_pre5*/GEN-SIM-RECO --url=http://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch/cms_dbs_prod_global/servlet/DBSServlet > mylist.txt 00080 #dbslsd = "dbs lsd --path=/RelVal*/" + cmssw_ver + "*/GEN-SIM-RECO --url=http://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch/cms_dbs_prod_global/servlet/DBSServlet" 00081 #os.system( '`' + dbslsd + ' > ' + dbslf + '`')
def harvestRelVal::make_dqmname | ( | s | ) |
Definition at line 39 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::make_harv_name | ( | dset | ) |
Definition at line 212 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::print_def | ( | ) |
Definition at line 17 of file harvestRelVal.py.
def harvestRelVal::read_ds_file | ( | ) |
Definition at line 82 of file harvestRelVal.py.
00083 : 00084 if not os.path.exists(dsfile) : 00085 print "problem reading file", dsfile 00086 sys.exit(30) 00087 fin = open(dsfile,'r') 00088 for dset in fin.readlines(): 00089 d = dset.replace('\n','') 00090 if d.find('#') == -1 : 00091 dsetpaths.append(d) 00092 else : 00093 print 'skipping:', d 00094 fin.close() 00095 print 'Using data set list in ', dsfile
tuple harvestRelVal::api = DbsApi(args) |
Definition at line 307 of file harvestRelVal.py.
list harvestRelVal::argin = '' |
Definition at line 269 of file harvestRelVal.py.
dictionary harvestRelVal::args = {} |
Definition at line 305 of file harvestRelVal.py.
Referenced by FWTabularWidget::buttonPressed(), FWTabularWidget::buttonReleased(), FWTableWidget::cellClicked(), FWTableWidget::columnClicked(), DQMGenericClient::DQMGenericClient(), DQMRivetClient::DQMRivetClient(), TempTrajectory::emplace(), cmsutils::bqueue< TrajectoryMeasurement >::emplace_back(), edm::ProcessHistory::emplace_back(), reco::findMethod(), main(), reco::parser::MethodSetter::operator()(), edm::Event::put(), raiseDQMError(), evf::FUEventProcessor::receivingAndMonitor(), FWCollectionSummaryWidget::requestForModelContextMenu(), FWTableWidget::rowClicked(), and TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer::TagProbeFitTreeAnalyzer().
tuple harvestRelVal::cmssw_ver = os.getenv('CMSSW_VERSION','NOTSET') |
Definition at line 310 of file harvestRelVal.py.
string harvestRelVal::crab_block |
00001 """ 00002 [CRAB] 00003 jobtype = cmssw 00004 scheduler = glite 00005 00006 [EDG] 00007 remove_default_blacklist=1 00008 rb = CERN 00009 00010 [USER] 00011 return_data = 1 00012 #copy_data = 1 00013 #storage_element=srm-cms.cern.ch 00014 #storage_path=/srm/managerv2?SFN=/castor/cern.ch 00015 #user_remote_dir=/user/n/nuno/test 00016 publish_data=0 00017 thresholdLevel=70 00018 eMail=nuno@cern.ch 00019 00020 [CMSSW] 00021 total_number_of_events=-1 00022 show_prod = 1 00023 number_of_jobs=1 00024 """
Definition at line 241 of file harvestRelVal.py.
harvestRelVal::do_reference = False |
Definition at line 271 of file harvestRelVal.py.
tuple harvestRelVal::dsetpaths = list() |
Definition at line 326 of file harvestRelVal.py.
string harvestRelVal::dsfile = '' |
Definition at line 270 of file harvestRelVal.py.
tuple harvestRelVal::dslproc = open("dset_processed.txt", 'w') |
Definition at line 348 of file harvestRelVal.py.
string harvestRelVal::f_crab = 'crab.cfg' |
Create harvest.py template.
Create crab.cfg template
Definition at line 358 of file harvestRelVal.py.
string harvestRelVal::f_multi_crab = 'multicrab.cfg' |
Create harvest_n.py for individual datasets.
Create multicrab.cfg
Definition at line 366 of file harvestRelVal.py.
tuple harvestRelVal::harvfilelist = list() |
Print what has been created.
Definition at line 371 of file harvestRelVal.py.
string harvestRelVal::input_type = '' |
Definition at line 268 of file harvestRelVal.py.
tuple harvestRelVal::is_dbs = check_dbs() |
Definition at line 293 of file harvestRelVal.py.
tuple harvestRelVal::optManager = DbsOptionParser() |
Definition at line 302 of file harvestRelVal.py.