Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

CSCMotherboardME11 Class Reference

#include <CSCMotherboardME11.h>

Inheritance diagram for CSCMotherboardME11:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void clear ()
 CSCMotherboardME11 (unsigned endcap, unsigned station, unsigned sector, unsigned subsector, unsigned chamber, const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
 CSCMotherboardME11 ()
std::vector< CSCALCTDigigetALCTs1b ()
std::vector< CSCCLCTDigigetCLCTs1a ()
std::vector< CSCCLCTDigigetCLCTs1b ()
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigigetLCTs1a ()
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigigetLCTs1b ()
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigireadoutLCTs (int me1ab)
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigireadoutLCTs1a ()
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigireadoutLCTs1b ()
void run (const CSCWireDigiCollection *wiredc, const CSCComparatorDigiCollection *compdc)
void setConfigParameters (const CSCDBL1TPParameters *conf)
 ~CSCMotherboardME11 ()

Public Attributes


Private Types

enum  { ME1B = 1, ME1A = 4 }

Private Member Functions

void correlateLCTs (CSCALCTDigi bestALCT, CSCALCTDigi secondALCT, CSCCLCTDigi bestCLCT, CSCCLCTDigi secondCLCT, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct1, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct2)
void correlateLCTs (CSCALCTDigi bestALCT, CSCALCTDigi secondALCT, CSCCLCTDigi bestCLCT, CSCCLCTDigi secondCLCT, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct1, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi &lct2, int me)
bool doesALCTCrossCLCT (CSCALCTDigi &a, CSCCLCTDigi &c, int me)

Private Attributes

std::vector< CSCALCTDigialctV
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi allLCTs1a [MAX_LCT_BINS][15][2]
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi allLCTs1b [MAX_LCT_BINS][15][2]
bool clct_to_alct
std::vector< CSCCLCTDigiclctV1a
std::vector< CSCCLCTDigiclctV1b
bool disableME1a
bool drop_used_clcts
bool gangedME1a
bool match_earliest_alct_me11_only
bool match_earliest_clct_me11_only
unsigned int max_me11_lcts
int pref [MAX_LCT_BINS]
bool smartME1aME1b
unsigned int tmb_cross_bx_algo

Static Private Attributes

static const int lut_wg_vs_hs_me1a [48][2]
static const int lut_wg_vs_hs_me1ag [48][2]
static const int lut_wg_vs_hs_me1b [48][2]

Detailed Description

Extended CSCMotherboard for ME11 TMB upgrade to handle ME1b and (primarily unganged) ME1a separately

Vadim Khotilovich 12 May 2009

Based on CSCMotherboard code

2012/12/05 21:14:22

Definition at line 21 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [private]

labels for ME1a and ME1B


Definition at line 68 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

{ME1B = 1, ME1A=4};

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSCMotherboardME11::CSCMotherboardME11 ( unsigned  endcap,
unsigned  station,
unsigned  sector,
unsigned  subsector,
unsigned  chamber,
const edm::ParameterSet conf 

Normal constructor.

Definition at line 65 of file

References clct1a, clct_to_alct, disableME1a, drop_used_clcts, gangedME1a, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), CSCMotherboard::isSLHC, m, match_earliest_alct_me11_only, match_earliest_clct_me11_only, CSCMotherboard::match_trig_window_size, max_me11_lcts, pref, smartME1aME1b, and tmb_cross_bx_algo.

                CSCMotherboard(endcap, station, sector, subsector, chamber, conf)
  edm::ParameterSet commonParams = conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("commonParam");

  // special configuration parameters for ME11 treatment
  smartME1aME1b = commonParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("smartME1aME1b", true);
  disableME1a = commonParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("disableME1a", false);
  gangedME1a = commonParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("gangedME1a", false);

  if (!isSLHC) edm::LogError("L1CSCTPEmulatorConfigError")
    << "+++ Upgrade CSCMotherboardME11 constructed while isSLHC is not set! +++\n";
  if (!smartME1aME1b) edm::LogError("L1CSCTPEmulatorConfigError")
    << "+++ Upgrade CSCMotherboardME11 constructed while smartME1aME1b is not set! +++\n";

  edm::ParameterSet alctParams = conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("alctSLHC");
  edm::ParameterSet clctParams = conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("clctSLHC");
  edm::ParameterSet tmbParams = conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("tmbSLHC");

  clct1a = new CSCCathodeLCTProcessor(endcap, station, sector, subsector, chamber, clctParams, commonParams, tmbParams);

  match_earliest_alct_me11_only = tmbParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("matchEarliestAlctME11Only",true);
  match_earliest_clct_me11_only = tmbParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("matchEarliestClctME11Only",true);

  // if true: use regular CLCT-to-ALCT matching in TMB
  // if false: do ALCT-to-CLCT matching
  clct_to_alct = tmbParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("clctToAlct",true);

  // whether to not reuse CLCTs that were used by previous matching ALCTs
  // in ALCT-to-CLCT algorithm
  drop_used_clcts = tmbParams.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("tmbDropUsedClcts",true);

  tmb_cross_bx_algo = tmbParams.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("tmbCrossBxAlgorithm");

  // maximum lcts per BX in ME11: 2, 3, 4 or 999
  max_me11_lcts = tmbParams.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("maxME11LCTs",4);

  pref[0] = match_trig_window_size/2;
  for (unsigned int m=2; m<match_trig_window_size; m+=2)
    pref[m-1] = pref[0] - m/2;
    pref[m]   = pref[0] + m/2;
CSCMotherboardME11::CSCMotherboardME11 ( )

Constructor for use during testing.

Definition at line 115 of file

References clct1a, m, CSCMotherboard::match_trig_window_size, pref, and CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::setRing().

                                       : CSCMotherboard()
  // Constructor used only for testing.

  clct1a = new CSCCathodeLCTProcessor();

  pref[0] = match_trig_window_size/2;
  for (unsigned int m=2; m<match_trig_window_size; m+=2)
    pref[m-1] = pref[0] - m/2;
    pref[m]   = pref[0] + m/2;
CSCMotherboardME11::~CSCMotherboardME11 ( )

Default destructor.

Definition at line 131 of file

References clct1a.

  if (clct1a) delete clct1a;

Member Function Documentation

void CSCMotherboardME11::clear ( void  )

Clears correlated LCT and passes clear signal on to cathode and anode LCT processors.

Reimplemented from CSCMotherboard.

Definition at line 137 of file

References allLCTs1a, allLCTs1b, clct1a, CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::clear(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::clear(), i, CSCMotherboard::match_trig_window_size, and CSCMotherboard::MAX_LCT_BINS.

Referenced by run().

  if (clct1a) clct1a->clear();
  for (int bx = 0; bx < MAX_LCT_BINS; bx++)
    for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
      for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
void CSCMotherboardME11::correlateLCTs ( CSCALCTDigi  bestALCT,
CSCALCTDigi  secondALCT,
CSCCLCTDigi  secondCLCT,
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct1,
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct2 
) [private]

Definition at line 518 of file

References CSCMotherboard::alct_trig_enable, CSCMotherboard::clct_trig_enable, CSCMotherboard::constructLCTs(), CSCALCTDigi::isValid(), CSCCLCTDigi::isValid(), CSCMotherboard::match_trig_enable, and CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::setTrknmb().

Referenced by run().

  bool anodeBestValid     = bestALCT.isValid();
  bool anodeSecondValid   = secondALCT.isValid();
  bool cathodeBestValid   = bestCLCT.isValid();
  bool cathodeSecondValid = secondCLCT.isValid();

  if (anodeBestValid && !anodeSecondValid)     secondALCT = bestALCT;
  if (!anodeBestValid && anodeSecondValid)     bestALCT   = secondALCT;
  if (cathodeBestValid && !cathodeSecondValid) secondCLCT = bestCLCT;
  if (!cathodeBestValid && cathodeSecondValid) bestCLCT   = secondCLCT;

  // ALCT-CLCT matching conditions are defined by "trig_enable" configuration
  // parameters.
  if ((alct_trig_enable  && bestALCT.isValid()) ||
      (clct_trig_enable  && bestCLCT.isValid()) ||
      (match_trig_enable && bestALCT.isValid() && bestCLCT.isValid()))
    lct1 = constructLCTs(bestALCT, bestCLCT);

  if (((secondALCT != bestALCT) || (secondCLCT != bestCLCT)) &&
      ((alct_trig_enable  && secondALCT.isValid()) ||
       (clct_trig_enable  && secondCLCT.isValid()) ||
       (match_trig_enable && secondALCT.isValid() && secondCLCT.isValid())))
    lct2 = constructLCTs(secondALCT, secondCLCT);
void CSCMotherboardME11::correlateLCTs ( CSCALCTDigi  bestALCT,
CSCALCTDigi  secondALCT,
CSCCLCTDigi  secondCLCT,
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct1,
CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi lct2,
int  me 
) [private]

Definition at line 556 of file

References CSCTriggerNumbering::chamberFromTriggerLabels(), CSCALCTDigi::clear(), CSCCLCTDigi::clear(), CSCMotherboard::constructLCTs(), doesALCTCrossCLCT(), LogTrace, lumiPlot::lut, relativeConstraints::ring, CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::setTrknmb(), CSCMotherboard::theEndcap, CSCMotherboard::theSector, CSCMotherboard::theStation, CSCMotherboard::theSubsector, and CSCMotherboard::theTrigChamber.

  // assume that always anodeBestValid && cathodeBestValid
  if (secondALCT == bestALCT) secondALCT.clear();
  if (secondCLCT == bestCLCT) secondCLCT.clear();

  int ok11 = doesALCTCrossCLCT( bestALCT, bestCLCT, me);
  int ok12 = doesALCTCrossCLCT( bestALCT, secondCLCT, me);
  int ok21 = doesALCTCrossCLCT( secondALCT, bestCLCT, me);
  int ok22 = doesALCTCrossCLCT( secondALCT, secondCLCT, me);
  int code = (ok11<<3) | (ok12<<2) | (ok21<<1) | (ok22);

  int dbg=0;
  int ring = me;
  int chamb= CSCTriggerNumbering::chamberFromTriggerLabels(theSector,theSubsector, theStation, theTrigChamber);
  CSCDetId did(theEndcap, theStation, ring, chamb, 0);
  if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"debug correlateLCTs in "<<did<<std::endl
           <<"ALCT1: "<<bestALCT<<std::endl
           <<"ALCT2: "<<secondALCT<<std::endl
           <<"CLCT1: "<<bestCLCT<<std::endl
           <<"CLCT2: "<<secondCLCT<<std::endl
           <<"ok 11 12 21 22 code = "<<ok11<<" "<<ok12<<" "<<ok21<<" "<<ok22<<" "<<code<<std::endl;

  if ( code==0 ) return;

  // LUT defines correspondence between possible ok## combinations
  // and resulting lct1 and lct2
  int lut[16][2] = {
          //ok: 11 12 21 22
    {0 ,0 }, // 0  0  0  0
    {22,0 }, // 0  0  0  1
    {21,0 }, // 0  0  1  0
    {21,22}, // 0  0  1  1
    {12,0 }, // 0  1  0  0
    {12,22}, // 0  1  0  1
    {12,21}, // 0  1  1  0
    {12,21}, // 0  1  1  1
    {11,0 }, // 1  0  0  0
    {11,22}, // 1  0  0  1
    {11,21}, // 1  0  1  0
    {11,22}, // 1  0  1  1
    {11,12}, // 1  1  0  0
    {11,22}, // 1  1  0  1
    {11,12}, // 1  1  1  0
    {11,22}, // 1  1  1  1

  if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"lut 0 1 = "<<lut[code][0]<<" "<<lut[code][1]<<std::endl;

  switch (lut[code][0]) {
    case 11:
      lct1 = constructLCTs(bestALCT, bestCLCT);
    case 12:
      lct1 = constructLCTs(bestALCT, secondCLCT);
    case 21:
      lct1 = constructLCTs(secondALCT, bestCLCT);
    case 22:
      lct1 = constructLCTs(secondALCT, secondCLCT);
    default: return;  

  if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"lct1: "<<lct1<<std::endl;
  switch (lut[code][1])
    case 12:
      lct2 = constructLCTs(bestALCT, secondCLCT);
      if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"lct2: "<<lct2<<std::endl;
    case 21:
      lct2 = constructLCTs(secondALCT, bestCLCT);
      if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"lct2: "<<lct2<<std::endl;
    case 22:
      lct2 = constructLCTs(secondALCT, secondCLCT);
      if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"lct2: "<<lct2<<std::endl;
    default: return;
  if (dbg) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"out of correlateLCTs"<<std::endl;

bool CSCMotherboardME11::doesALCTCrossCLCT ( CSCALCTDigi a,
int  me 
) [private]

Definition at line 485 of file

References gangedME1a, CSCCLCTDigi::getKeyStrip(), CSCALCTDigi::getKeyWG(), CSCALCTDigi::isValid(), CSCCLCTDigi::isValid(), lut_wg_vs_hs_me1a, lut_wg_vs_hs_me1ag, lut_wg_vs_hs_me1b, ME1A, ME1B, and CSCMotherboard::theEndcap.

Referenced by correlateLCTs().

  if ( !c.isValid() || !a.isValid() ) return false;
  int key_hs = c.getKeyStrip();
  int key_wg = a.getKeyWG();
  if ( me == ME1A )
    if ( !gangedME1a )
      // wrap around ME11 HS number for -z endcap
      if (theEndcap==2) key_hs = 95 - key_hs;
      if ( key_hs >= lut_wg_vs_hs_me1a[key_wg][0] && 
           key_hs <= lut_wg_vs_hs_me1a[key_wg][1]    ) return true;
      return false;
      if (theEndcap==2) key_hs = 31 - key_hs;
      if ( key_hs >= lut_wg_vs_hs_me1ag[key_wg][0] &&
           key_hs <= lut_wg_vs_hs_me1ag[key_wg][1]    ) return true;
      return false;
  if ( me == ME1B)
    if (theEndcap==2) key_hs = 127 - key_hs;
    if ( key_hs >= lut_wg_vs_hs_me1b[key_wg][0] && 
         key_hs <= lut_wg_vs_hs_me1b[key_wg][1]      ) return true;
  return false;
std::vector<CSCALCTDigi> CSCMotherboardME11::getALCTs1b ( ) [inline]

Returns vectors of found ALCTs in ME1a and ME1b, if any.

Definition at line 45 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

References alctV.

{return alctV;}
std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> CSCMotherboardME11::getCLCTs1a ( ) [inline]

Returns vectors of found CLCTs in ME1a and ME1b, if any.

Definition at line 48 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

References clctV1a.

{return clctV1a;}
std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> CSCMotherboardME11::getCLCTs1b ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

References clctV1b.

{return clctV1b;}
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CSCMotherboardME11::getLCTs1a ( )

Returns vectors of found correlated LCTs in ME1a and ME1b, if any.

Definition at line 469 of file

References allLCTs1a, disableME1a, i, CSCMotherboard::match_trig_window_size, CSCMotherboard::MAX_LCT_BINS, and CSCMotherboard::mpc_block_me1a.

Referenced by readoutLCTs().

  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> tmpV;
  // disabled ME1a
  if (mpc_block_me1a || disableME1a) return tmpV;

  // Report all LCTs found.
  for (int bx = 0; bx < MAX_LCT_BINS; bx++)
    for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++) 
      for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
        if (allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i].isValid())  tmpV.push_back(allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i]);
  return tmpV;
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CSCMotherboardME11::getLCTs1b ( )

Definition at line 457 of file

References allLCTs1b, i, CSCMotherboard::match_trig_window_size, and CSCMotherboard::MAX_LCT_BINS.

Referenced by readoutLCTs().

  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> tmpV;

  for (int bx = 0; bx < MAX_LCT_BINS; bx++) 
    for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
      for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
        if (allLCTs1b[bx][mbx][i].isValid()) tmpV.push_back(allLCTs1b[bx][mbx][i]);
  return tmpV;
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CSCMotherboardME11::readoutLCTs ( int  me1ab)

Definition at line 408 of file

References CSCMotherboard::early_tbins, getLCTs1a(), getLCTs1b(), ME1A, ME1B, CSCMotherboard::readout_earliest_2, and CSCMotherboard::tmb_l1a_window_size.

  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> tmpV;

  // The start time of the L1A*LCT coincidence window should be related
  // to the fifo_pretrig parameter, but I am not completely sure how.
  // Just choose it such that the window is centered at bx=7.  This may
  // need further tweaking if the value of tmb_l1a_window_size changes.
  //static int early_tbins = 4;
  // The number of LCT bins in the read-out is given by the
  // tmb_l1a_window_size parameter, forced to be odd
  static int lct_bins   = 
    (tmb_l1a_window_size % 2 == 0) ? tmb_l1a_window_size + 1 : tmb_l1a_window_size;
  static int late_tbins = early_tbins + lct_bins;

  // Start from the vector of all found correlated LCTs and select
  // those within the LCT*L1A coincidence window.
  int bx_readout = -1;
  std::vector<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi> all_lcts;
  if (me1ab == ME1A) all_lcts = getLCTs1a();
  if (me1ab == ME1B) all_lcts = getLCTs1b();
  std::vector <CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi>::const_iterator plct = all_lcts.begin();
  for (; plct != all_lcts.end(); plct++)
    if (!plct->isValid()) continue;

    int bx = (*plct).getBX();
    // Skip LCTs found too early relative to L1Accept.
    if (bx <= early_tbins) continue;

    // Skip LCTs found too late relative to L1Accept.
    if (bx > late_tbins) continue;

    // If (readout_earliest_2) take only LCTs in the earliest bx in the read-out window:
    // in digi->raw step, LCTs have to be packed into the TMB header, and
    // currently there is room just for two.
    if (readout_earliest_2 && (bx_readout == -1 || bx == bx_readout) )
      if (bx_readout == -1) bx_readout = bx;
    else tmpV.push_back(*plct);
  return tmpV;
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CSCMotherboardME11::readoutLCTs1a ( )

Definition at line 393 of file

References ME1A, and CSCMotherboard::readoutLCTs().

Referenced by CSCTriggerPrimitivesBuilder::build().

  return readoutLCTs(ME1A);
std::vector< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi > CSCMotherboardME11::readoutLCTs1b ( )

Definition at line 399 of file

References ME1B, and CSCMotherboard::readoutLCTs().

Referenced by CSCTriggerPrimitivesBuilder::build().

  return readoutLCTs(ME1B);
void CSCMotherboardME11::run ( const CSCWireDigiCollection wiredc,
const CSCComparatorDigiCollection compdc 

Run function for normal usage. Runs cathode and anode LCT processors, takes results and correlates into CorrelatedLCT.

Reimplemented from CSCMotherboard.

Definition at line 164 of file

References CSCMotherboard::alct, alctV, allLCTs1a, allLCTs1b, b, CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::bestALCT, CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::bestCLCT, CSCMotherboard::clct, clct1a, clct_to_alct, clctV1a, clctV1b, clear(), CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi::clear(), correlateLCTs(), CSCMotherboard::drop_used_alcts, drop_used_clcts, i, CSCMotherboard::infoV, CSCALCTDigi::isValid(), CSCCLCTDigi::isValid(), LogDebug, LogTrace, match_earliest_alct_me11_only, match_earliest_clct_me11_only, CSCMotherboard::match_trig_window_size, CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::MAX_ALCT_BINS, CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::MAX_CLCT_BINS, CSCMotherboard::MAX_LCT_BINS, max_me11_lcts, ME1A, ME1B, pref, CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::run(), CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::run(), CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::secondALCT, CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::secondCLCT, smartME1aME1b, and tmb_cross_bx_algo.

Referenced by CSCTriggerPrimitivesBuilder::build().

  if (!( alct && clct &&  clct1a && smartME1aME1b))
    if (infoV >= 0) edm::LogError("L1CSCTPEmulatorSetupError")
      << "+++ run() called for non-existing ALCT/CLCT processor! +++ \n";

  alctV = alct->run(wiredc); // run anodeLCT
  clctV1b = clct->run(compdc); // run cathodeLCT in ME1/b
  clctV1a = clct1a->run(compdc); // run cathodeLCT in ME1/a

  //int n_clct_a=0, n_clct_b=0;
  //if (clct1a->bestCLCT[6].isValid() && clct1a->bestCLCT[6].getBX()==6) n_clct_a++;
  //if (clct1a->secondCLCT[6].isValid() && clct1a->secondCLCT[6].getBX()==6) n_clct_a++;

  int used_alct_mask[20], used_alct_mask_1a[20];
  int used_clct_mask[20], used_clct_mask_1a[20];
  for (int b=0;b<20;b++)
    used_alct_mask[b] = used_alct_mask_1a[b] = used_clct_mask[b] = used_clct_mask_1a[b] = 0;

  // CLCT-centric CLCT-to-ALCT matching
  if (clct_to_alct) for (int bx_clct = 0; bx_clct < CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::MAX_CLCT_BINS; bx_clct++)
    // matching in ME1b
    if (clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].isValid())
      int bx_alct_start = bx_clct - match_trig_window_size/2;
      int bx_alct_stop  = bx_clct + match_trig_window_size/2;
      for (int bx_alct = bx_alct_start; bx_alct <= bx_alct_stop; bx_alct++)
        if (bx_alct < 0 || bx_alct >= CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::MAX_ALCT_BINS) continue;
        if (drop_used_alcts && used_alct_mask[bx_alct]) continue;
        if (alct->bestALCT[bx_alct].isValid())
          if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCMotherboard")
            << "Successful CLCT-ALCT match in ME1b: bx_clct = " << bx_clct
            << "; match window: [" << bx_alct_start << "; " << bx_alct_stop
            << "]; bx_alct = " << bx_alct;
          int mbx = bx_alct_stop - bx_alct;
          correlateLCTs(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct],
                        clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
                        allLCTs1b[bx_alct][mbx][0], allLCTs1b[bx_alct][mbx][1], ME1B);
          if (allLCTs1b[bx_alct][mbx][0].isValid())
            used_alct_mask[bx_alct] += 1;
            if (match_earliest_alct_me11_only) break;
      // Do not report CLCT-only LCT for ME1b
    // matching in ME1a
    if (clct1a->bestCLCT[bx_clct].isValid())
      int bx_alct_start = bx_clct - match_trig_window_size/2;
      int bx_alct_stop  = bx_clct + match_trig_window_size/2;
      for (int bx_alct = bx_alct_start; bx_alct <= bx_alct_stop; bx_alct++)
        if (bx_alct < 0 || bx_alct >= CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::MAX_ALCT_BINS) continue;
        if (drop_used_alcts && used_alct_mask_1a[bx_alct]) continue;
        if (alct->bestALCT[bx_alct].isValid())
          if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCMotherboard")
            << "Successful CLCT-ALCT match in ME1a: bx_clct = " << bx_clct
            << "; match window: [" << bx_alct_start << "; " << bx_alct_stop
            << "]; bx_alct = " << bx_alct;
          int mbx = bx_alct_stop - bx_alct;
          correlateLCTs(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct],
                        clct1a->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct1a->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
                        allLCTs1a[bx_alct][mbx][0], allLCTs1a[bx_alct][mbx][1], ME1A);
          if (allLCTs1a[bx_alct][mbx][0].isValid())
            used_alct_mask_1a[bx_alct] += 1;
            if (match_earliest_alct_me11_only) break;
      // Do not report CLCT-only LCT for ME1b
    // Do not attempt to make ALCT-only LCT for ME1b
  } // end of CLCT-centric matching

  // ALCT-centric ALCT-to-CLCT matching
  else for (int bx_alct = 0; bx_alct < CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::MAX_ALCT_BINS; bx_alct++)
    if (alct->bestALCT[bx_alct].isValid())
      int bx_clct_start = bx_alct - match_trig_window_size/2;
      int bx_clct_stop  = bx_alct + match_trig_window_size/2;
      // matching in ME1b
      for (int bx_clct = bx_clct_start; bx_clct <= bx_clct_stop; bx_clct++)
        if (bx_clct < 0 || bx_clct >= CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::MAX_CLCT_BINS) continue;
        if (drop_used_clcts && used_clct_mask[bx_clct]) continue;
        if (clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct].isValid())
          if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCMotherboard")
            << "Successful ALCT-CLCT match in ME1b: bx_alct = " << bx_alct
            << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop
            << "]; bx_clct = " << bx_clct;
          int mbx = bx_clct-bx_clct_start;
          correlateLCTs(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct],
                        clct->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
                        allLCTs1b[bx_alct][mbx][0], allLCTs1b[bx_alct][mbx][1], ME1B);
          if (allLCTs1b[bx_alct][mbx][0].isValid())
            used_clct_mask[bx_clct] += 1;
            if (match_earliest_clct_me11_only) break;

      // matching in ME1a
      for (int bx_clct = bx_clct_start; bx_clct <= bx_clct_stop; bx_clct++)
        if (bx_clct < 0 || bx_clct >= CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::MAX_CLCT_BINS) continue;
        if (drop_used_clcts && used_clct_mask_1a[bx_clct]) continue;
        if (clct1a->bestCLCT[bx_clct].isValid())
          if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCMotherboard")
            << "Successful ALCT-CLCT match in ME1a: bx_alct = " << bx_alct
            << "; match window: [" << bx_clct_start << "; " << bx_clct_stop
            << "]; bx_clct = " << bx_clct;
          int mbx = bx_clct-bx_clct_start;
          correlateLCTs(alct->bestALCT[bx_alct], alct->secondALCT[bx_alct],
                        clct1a->bestCLCT[bx_clct], clct1a->secondCLCT[bx_clct],
                        allLCTs1a[bx_alct][mbx][0], allLCTs1a[bx_alct][mbx][1], ME1A);
          if (allLCTs1a[bx_alct][mbx][0].isValid())
            used_clct_mask_1a[bx_clct] += 1;
            if (match_earliest_clct_me11_only) break;
  } // end of ALCT-centric matching

  // reduction of nLCTs per each BX
  for (int bx = 0; bx < MAX_LCT_BINS; bx++)
    // counting
    unsigned int n1a=0, n1b=0;
    for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
      for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
        int cbx = bx + mbx - match_trig_window_size/2;
        if (allLCTs1b[bx][mbx][i].isValid())
          if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") << "1b LCT"<<i+1<<" "<<bx<<"/"<<cbx<<": "<<allLCTs1b[bx][mbx][i];
        if (allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i].isValid())
          if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") << "1a LCT"<<i+1<<" "<<bx<<"/"<<cbx<<": "<<allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i];
    if (infoV > 0 && n1a+n1b>0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") <<"bx "<<bx<<" nLCT:"<<n1a<<" "<<n1b<<" "<<n1a+n1b;

    // some simple cross-bx sorting algorithms
    if (tmb_cross_bx_algo == 1 && (n1a>2 || n1b>2) )
      n1a=0, n1b=0;
      for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
        for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
          if (allLCTs1b[bx][pref[mbx]][i].isValid())
            if (n1b>2) allLCTs1b[bx][pref[mbx]][i].clear();
          if (allLCTs1a[bx][pref[mbx]][i].isValid())
            if (n1a>2) allLCTs1a[bx][pref[mbx]][i].clear();

      if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") <<"After x-bx sorting:";
      n1a=0, n1b=0;
      for (unsigned int mbx = 0; mbx < match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
        for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
          int cbx = bx + mbx - match_trig_window_size/2;
          if (allLCTs1b[bx][mbx][i].isValid())
            if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") << "1b LCT"<<i+1<<" "<<bx<<"/"<<cbx<<": "<<allLCTs1b[bx][mbx][i];
          if (allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i].isValid())
            if (infoV > 0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") << "1a LCT"<<i+1<<" "<<bx<<"/"<<cbx<<": "<<allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i];
      if (infoV > 0 && n1a+n1b>0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") <<"bx "<<bx<<" nnLCT:"<<n1a<<" "<<n1b<<" "<<n1a+n1b;
    } // x-bx sorting

    // Maximum 2 or 3 per whole ME11 per BX case:
    // (supposedly, now we should have max 2 per bx in each 1a and 1b)
    if ( n1a+n1b > max_me11_lcts )
      // do it simple so far: take all low eta 1/b stubs
      unsigned int nLCT=n1b;
      // right now nLCT<=2; cut 1a if necessary
      for (unsigned int mbx=0; mbx<match_trig_window_size; mbx++)
        for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
          if (allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i].isValid()) {
            if (nLCT>max_me11_lcts) allLCTs1a[bx][mbx][i].clear();
            else n1a++;
      if (infoV > 0 && nLCT>0) LogDebug("CSCMotherboard") <<"bx "<<bx<<" nnnLCT:"<<n1a<<" "<<n1b<<" "<<n1a+n1b;
  }// reduction per bx

  //if (infoV > 1) LogTrace("CSCMotherboardME11")<<"clct_count E:"<<theEndcap<<"S:"<<theStation<<"R:"<<1<<"C:"
  //  <<CSCTriggerNumbering::chamberFromTriggerLabels(theSector,theSubsector, theStation, theTrigChamber)
  //  <<"  a "<<n_clct_a<<"  b "<<n_clct_b<<"  ab "<<n_clct_a+n_clct_b;
void CSCMotherboardME11::setConfigParameters ( const CSCDBL1TPParameters conf)

Set configuration parameters obtained via EventSetup mechanism.

Reimplemented from CSCMotherboard.

Definition at line 155 of file

References CSCMotherboard::alct, CSCMotherboard::clct, clct1a, CSCCathodeLCTProcessor::setConfigParameters(), and CSCAnodeLCTProcessor::setConfigParameters().

  // No config. parameters in DB for the TMB itself yet.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<CSCALCTDigi> CSCMotherboardME11::alctV [private]

Definition at line 98 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by getALCTs1b(), and run().

CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CSCMotherboardME11::allLCTs1a[MAX_LCT_BINS][15][2] [private]

Definition at line 88 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by clear(), getLCTs1a(), and run().

CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi CSCMotherboardME11::allLCTs1b[MAX_LCT_BINS][15][2] [private]

Container for first correlated LCT in ME1a. Container for second correlated LCT in ME1a. for the case when more than 2 LCTs/BX are allowed; maximum match window = 15

Definition at line 87 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by clear(), getLCTs1b(), and run().

additional Cathode LCT processor for ME1a

Definition at line 59 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCTriggerPrimitivesBuilder::build(), clear(), CSCMotherboardME11(), run(), setConfigParameters(), and ~CSCMotherboardME11().

if true: use regular CLCT-to-ALCT matching in TMB if false: do ALCT-to-CLCT matching

Definition at line 110 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> CSCMotherboardME11::clctV1a [private]

Definition at line 100 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by getCLCTs1a(), and run().

std::vector<CSCCLCTDigi> CSCMotherboardME11::clctV1b [private]

Definition at line 99 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by getCLCTs1b(), and run().

Definition at line 75 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and getLCTs1a().

whether to not reuse CLCTs that were used by previous matching ALCTs in ALCT-to-CLCT algorithm

Definition at line 114 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

Definition at line 75 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and doesALCTCrossCLCT().

const int CSCMotherboardME11::lut_wg_vs_hs_me1a [static, private]
Initial value:
{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 95},
{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 95},
{0, 95},{0, 95},{0, 77},{0, 61},{0, 39},
{0, 22},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},
{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1} }

Definition at line 71 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by doesALCTCrossCLCT().

const int CSCMotherboardME11::lut_wg_vs_hs_me1ag [static, private]
Initial value:
{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},
{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},
{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},{0, 31},
{0, 22},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1},
{-1,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,-1} }

Definition at line 72 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by doesALCTCrossCLCT().

const int CSCMotherboardME11::lut_wg_vs_hs_me1b [static, private]
Initial value:
{100, 127},{73, 127},{47, 127},{22, 127},{0, 127},
{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},
{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},
{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},
{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},
{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},
{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 127},{0, 105},
{0, 93},{0, 78},{0, 63} }

Definition at line 70 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by doesALCTCrossCLCT().

Definition at line 105 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

Definition at line 106 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

unsigned int CSCMotherboardME11::max_me11_lcts [private]

maximum lcts per BX in ME11: 2, 3, 4 or 999

Definition at line 119 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

int CSCMotherboardME11::pref[MAX_LCT_BINS] [private]

"preferential" index array in matching window for cross-BX sorting

Definition at line 103 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

SLHC: special configuration parameters for ME11 treatment.

Definition at line 75 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().

unsigned int CSCMotherboardME11::tmb_cross_bx_algo [private]

Definition at line 116 of file CSCMotherboardME11.h.

Referenced by CSCMotherboardME11(), and run().