Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTOccupancyTest Class Reference

#include <DTOccupancyTest.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTOccupancyTest:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DTOccupancyTest (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
virtual ~DTOccupancyTest ()

Protected Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &context)
void beginJob ()
void beginLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumiSeg, edm::EventSetup const &context)
void beginRun (edm::Run const &run, edm::EventSetup const &context)
void endJob ()
void endLuminosityBlock (edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumiSeg, edm::EventSetup const &context)
 DQM Client Diagnostic.

Private Member Functions

void bookHistos (const int wheelId, std::string folder, std::string histoTag)
 book the summary histograms
std::string getMEName (std::string histoTag, const DTChamberId &chId)
 Get the ME name.
int runOccupancyTest (TH2F *histo, const DTChamberId &chId, float &chamberPercentage)
std::string topFolder () const

Private Attributes

int lsCounter
std::set< DTLayerIdmonitoredLayers
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometrymuonGeom
std::string nameMonitoredHisto
int nevents
int nMinEvts
TNtuple * ntuple
TFile * rootFile
bool runOnAllHitsOccupancies
bool runOnInTimeOccupancies
bool runOnNoiseOccupancies
bool tpMode
std::map< int, MonitorElement * > wheelHistos
bool writeRootFile

Detailed Description

* DQM Test Client

2011/06/10 13:50:12
G. Cerminara - University and INFN Torino

Definition at line 35 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTOccupancyTest::DTOccupancyTest ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 33 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and cppFunctionSkipper::operator.

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest]: Constructor";

  // Get the DQM service
  dbe = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

  lsCounter = 0;

  writeRootFile  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("writeRootFile", false);
  if(writeRootFile) {
    rootFile = new TFile("DTOccupancyTest.root","RECREATE");
    ntuple = new TNtuple("OccupancyNtuple", "OccupancyNtuple", "ls:wh:st:se:lay1MeanCell:lay1RMS:lay2MeanCell:lay2RMS:lay3MeanCell:lay3RMS:lay4MeanCell:lay4RMS:lay5MeanCell:lay5RMS:lay6MeanCell:lay6RMS:lay7MeanCell:lay7RMS:lay8MeanCell:lay8RMS:lay9MeanCell:lay9RMS:lay10MeanCell:lay10RMS:lay11MeanCell:lay11RMS:lay12MeanCell:lay12RMS");
  // switch on the mode for running on test pulses (different top folder)
  tpMode = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("testPulseMode", false);
  runOnAllHitsOccupancies =  ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runOnAllHitsOccupancies", true);
  runOnNoiseOccupancies =  ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runOnNoiseOccupancies", false);
  runOnInTimeOccupancies = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("runOnInTimeOccupancies", false);
  nMinEvts  = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("nEventsCert", 5000);

DTOccupancyTest::~DTOccupancyTest ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 60 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << " destructor called" << endl;


Member Function Documentation

void DTOccupancyTest::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup context 
) [protected, virtual]


Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 132 of file

References nevents.

//   if(nevents%1000)
//     LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest]: "<<nevents<<" events";
void DTOccupancyTest::beginJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 69 of file

References bookHistos(), nevents, and indexGen::title.

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest]: BeginJob";

  // Event counter
  nevents = 0;

  // Book the summary histos
  //   - one summary per wheel
  for(int wh = -2; wh <= 2; ++wh) { // loop over wheels
    bookHistos(wh, string("Occupancies"), "OccupancySummary");

  string title = "Occupancy Summary";
  if(tpMode) {
    title = "Test Pulse Occupancy Summary";
  //   - global summary with alarms
  summaryHisto = dbe->book2D("OccupancySummary",title.c_str(),12,1,13,5,-2,3);
  //   - global summary with percentages
  glbSummaryHisto = dbe->book2D("OccupancyGlbSummary",title.c_str(),12,1,13,5,-2,3);

  // assign the name of the input histogram
  if(runOnAllHitsOccupancies) {
    nameMonitoredHisto = "OccupancyAllHits_perCh";
  } else if(runOnNoiseOccupancies) {
    nameMonitoredHisto = "OccupancyNoise_perCh";
  } else if(runOnInTimeOccupancies) {
    nameMonitoredHisto = "OccupancyInTimeHits_perCh";
  } else { // default is AllHits histo
    nameMonitoredHisto = "OccupancyAllHits_perCh";

void DTOccupancyTest::beginLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  lumiSeg,
edm::EventSetup const &  context 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 125 of file

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") <<"[DTOccupancyTest]: Begin of LS transition";
void DTOccupancyTest::beginRun ( edm::Run const &  run,
edm::EventSetup const &  context 
) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 113 of file

References edm::EventSetup::get().


  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest]: BeginRun";

  // Get the geometry

void DTOccupancyTest::bookHistos ( const int  wheelId,
std::string  folder,
std::string  histoTag 
) [private]

book the summary histograms

void DTOccupancyTest::endJob ( void  ) [protected, virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 222 of file


  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest] endjob called!";
  if(writeRootFile) {
void DTOccupancyTest::endLuminosityBlock ( edm::LuminosityBlock const &  lumiSeg,
edm::EventSetup const &  context 
) [protected, virtual]

DQM Client Diagnostic.

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 141 of file

References chambers, MonitorElement::getFloatValue(), MonitorElement::getTH2F(), timingPdfMaker::histo, query::result, DTChamberId::sector(), DTChamberId::station(), and DTChamberId::wheel().

  LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest")
    <<"[DTOccupancyTest]: End of LS transition, performing the DQM client operation";

  // Reset the global summary

  // Get all the DT chambers
  vector<DTChamber*> chambers = muonGeom->chambers();

  for(vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator chamber = chambers.begin();
      chamber != chambers.end(); ++chamber) {  // Loop over all chambers
    DTChamberId chId = (*chamber)->id();

    MonitorElement * chamberOccupancyHisto = dbe->get(getMEName(nameMonitoredHisto, chId));     

    // Run the tests on the plot for the various granularities
    if(chamberOccupancyHisto != 0) {
      // Get the 2D histo
      TH2F* histo = chamberOccupancyHisto->getTH2F();
      float chamberPercentage = 1.;
      int result = runOccupancyTest(histo, chId, chamberPercentage);
      int sector = chId.sector();

      if(sector == 13) {
        sector = 4;
        float resultSect4 = wheelHistos[chId.wheel()]->getBinContent(sector, chId.station());
        if(resultSect4 > result) {
          result = (int)resultSect4;
      } else if(sector == 14) {
        sector = 10;
        float resultSect10 = wheelHistos[chId.wheel()]->getBinContent(sector, chId.station());
        if(resultSect10 > result) {
          result = (int)resultSect10;
      // the 2 MB4 of Sect 4 and 10 count as half a chamber
      if((sector == 4 || sector == 10) && chId.station() == 4) 
        chamberPercentage = chamberPercentage/2.;

      wheelHistos[chId.wheel()]->setBinContent(sector, chId.station(),result);
      if(result > summaryHisto->getBinContent(sector, chId.wheel()+3)) {
        summaryHisto->setBinContent(sector, chId.wheel()+3, result);
      glbSummaryHisto->Fill(sector, chId.wheel(), chamberPercentage*1./4.);
    } else {
      LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest] ME: "
                                      << getMEName(nameMonitoredHisto, chId) << " not found!" << endl;


  string nEvtsName = "DT/EventInfo/Counters/nProcessedEventsDigi";
  MonitorElement * meProcEvts = dbe->get(nEvtsName);

  if (meProcEvts) {
    int nProcEvts = meProcEvts->getFloatValue();
    glbSummaryHisto->setEntries(nProcEvts < nMinEvts ? 10. : nProcEvts);
    summaryHisto->setEntries(nProcEvts < nMinEvts ? 10. : nProcEvts);
  } else {
    glbSummaryHisto->setEntries(nMinEvts +1);
    summaryHisto->setEntries(nMinEvts + 1);
    LogVerbatim ("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "[DTOccupancyTest] ME: "
                       <<  nEvtsName << " not found!" << endl;

  // Fill the global summary
  // Check for entire sectors off and report them on the global summary

  if(writeRootFile) ntuple->AutoSave("SaveSelf");

std::string DTOccupancyTest::getMEName ( std::string  histoTag,
const DTChamberId chId 
) [private]

Get the ME name.

int DTOccupancyTest::runOccupancyTest ( TH2F *  histo,
const DTChamberId chId,
float &  chamberPercentage 
) [private]

Definition at line 299 of file

References DTOccupancyClusterBuilder::addPoint(), DTOccupancyCluster::averageMean(), DTOccupancyCluster::averageRMS(), DTOccupancyClusterBuilder::buildClusters(), DTOccupancyClusterBuilder::getBestCluster(), getHLTprescales::index, DTOccupancyClusterBuilder::isProblematic(), LogTrace, point, plotscripts::rms(), DTChamberId::sector(), mathSSE::sqrt(), DTChamberId::station(), makeHLTPrescaleTable::values, and DTChamberId::wheel().

  int nBinsX = histo->GetNbinsX();

  // Reset the error flags
  bool failSL = false;
  bool failLayer = false;
  bool failCells = false;

  // Check that the chamber has digis
  if(histo->Integral() == 0) {
    chamberPercentage = 0;
    return 4;

  LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "--- Occupancy test for chamber: " << chId << endl;
  // set the # of SLs
  int nSL = 3;
  if(chId.station() == 4) nSL = 2;

  float values[28];
  if(writeRootFile) {
    values[0] = lsCounter;
    values[1] = chId.wheel(); 
    values[2] = chId.station();
    values[3] = chId.sector();

  // Compute the average occupancy per layer and its RMS
  // we also look of the layer with the smallest RMS in order to find a reference value
  // for the cell occupancy 
  double totalChamberOccupp = 0;
  double squaredLayerOccupSum = 0;

  map<DTLayerId, pair<double, double> > averageCellOccupAndRMS;
  map<DTLayerId, double> layerOccupancyMap;

  int index = 3;
  for(int slay = 1; slay <= 3; ++slay) { // loop over SLs
    // Skip layer 2 on MB4
    if(chId.station() == 4 && slay == 2) {
      if(writeRootFile) {
        values[12] = -1;
        values[13] = -1; 
        values[14] = -1;
        values[15] = -1;
        values[16] = -1;
        values[17] = -1; 
        values[18] = -1;
        values[19] = -1;
      index = 19;
    // check the SL occupancy
    int binYlow = ((slay-1)*4)+1;
    int binYhigh = binYlow+3;
    double slInteg = histo->Integral(1,nBinsX,binYlow,binYhigh);
    if(slInteg == 0) {
      chamberPercentage = 1.-1./(float)nSL;
      return 3;

    for(int lay = 1; lay <= 4; ++lay) { // loop over layers
      DTLayerId layID(chId,slay,lay);

      int binY = binYlow+(lay-1);
      double layerInteg = histo->Integral(1,nBinsX,binY,binY);
      squaredLayerOccupSum += layerInteg*layerInteg;
      totalChamberOccupp+= layerInteg;

      layerOccupancyMap[layID] = layerInteg;

      // We look for the distribution of hits within the layer
      int nWires = muonGeom->layer(layID)->specificTopology().channels();
      int firstWire = muonGeom->layer(layID)->specificTopology().firstChannel();
      double layerSquaredSum = 0;
      // reset the alert bit in the plot (used by render plugins)

      for(int cell = firstWire; cell != (nWires+firstWire); ++cell) { // loop over cells
        double cellOccup = histo->GetBinContent(cell,binY);

      // compute the average cell occpuancy and RMS
      double averageCellOccup = layerInteg/nWires;
      double averageSquaredCellOccup = layerSquaredSum/nWires;
      double rmsCellOccup = sqrt(averageSquaredCellOccup - averageCellOccup*averageCellOccup);
      averageCellOccupAndRMS[layID] = make_pair(averageCellOccup, rmsCellOccup);
      LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "  " << layID
                                                        << " average cell occ.: " << averageCellOccup
                                                        << " RMS: " << rmsCellOccup << endl;
      if(writeRootFile) {
        values[index] = averageCellOccup;
        values[index] = rmsCellOccup;

  if(writeRootFile) ntuple->Fill(values);

//   double averageLayerOcc = totalChamberOccupp/(nSL*4);
//   double averageSquaredLayeroccup = squaredLayerOccupSum/(nSL*4);
//   double layerOccupRMS = sqrt(averageSquaredLayeroccup - averageLayerOcc*averageLayerOcc);

  double minCellRMS = 99999999;
  double referenceCellOccup = -1;

  DTOccupancyClusterBuilder builder;

  // find the cell reference value
  for(map<DTLayerId, pair<double, double> >::const_iterator layAndValues = averageCellOccupAndRMS.begin();
      layAndValues != averageCellOccupAndRMS.end(); layAndValues++) {
    DTLayerId lid = (*layAndValues).first;

    double rms = (*layAndValues).second.second;
    double lOcc = layerOccupancyMap[lid]; // FIXME: useless
    double avCellOcc = (*layAndValues).second.first;
    LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "   " << lid << " tot. occ: " << lOcc
                                                      << " average cell occ: " << avCellOcc
                                                      << " RMS: " << rms << endl;

    if(avCellOcc != 0) {
      DTOccupancyPoint point(avCellOcc, rms, lid);
    } else {
      if(monitoredLayers.find(lid) == monitoredLayers.end()) monitoredLayers.insert(lid);

  referenceCellOccup = builder.getBestCluster().averageMean();
  minCellRMS = builder.getBestCluster().averageRMS();

//   set<DTLayerId> bestLayers getLayerIDs()

  double safeFactor = 3.;
//   if(minCellRMS > referenceCellOccup) safeFactor = 5;

  LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << " Reference cell occup.: " << referenceCellOccup
                                                    << " RMS: " << minCellRMS << endl;
  // Set a warning for particularly high RMS: noise can "mask" dead channels
//   bool rmsWarning = false;
//   if(layerOccupRMS > averageLayerOcc) {
//     cout << " Warning RMS is too big: monitoring all layers" << endl;
//     rmsWarning = true;
//   }  

  int nFailingSLs = 0;

  // Check the layer occupancy
  for(int slay = 1; slay <= 3; ++slay) { // loop over SLs
    // Skip layer 2 on MB4
    if(chId.station() == 4 && slay == 2) continue;

    int binYlow = ((slay-1)*4)+1;
//     int binYhigh = binYlow+3;

    int nFailingLayers = 0;

    for(int lay = 1; lay <= 4; ++lay) { // loop over layers
      DTLayerId layID(chId,slay,lay);
      int nWires = muonGeom->layer(layID)->specificTopology().channels();
      int firstWire = muonGeom->layer(layID)->specificTopology().firstChannel();
      int binY = binYlow+(lay-1);

      // compute the integral of the layer occupancy
      double layerInteg = histo->Integral(1,nBinsX,binY,binY);

      LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "     layer: " << layID << " integral: " << layerInteg << endl;

      // Check if in the list of layers which are monitored
      bool alreadyMonitored = false;
      if(monitoredLayers.find(layID) != monitoredLayers.end()) alreadyMonitored = true;

      if(layerInteg == 0) { // layer is dead (no need to go further
        LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "     fail layer: no entries" << endl;
        // Add it to the list of of monitored layers
        if(!alreadyMonitored) monitoredLayers.insert(layID);
        failLayer = true;
        // go to next layer

//       double avCellOccInLayer = averageCellOccupAndRMS[layID].first;
//       double cellOccupRMS =  averageCellOccupAndRMS[layID].second;
//       if(monitoredLayers.find(layID) != monitoredLayers.end() ||
//       layerInteg == 0 ||
//       layerInteg < (averageLayerOcc - 3*layerOccupRMS) ||
//       cellOccupRMS > avCellOccInLayer ||
//       avCellOccInLayer < referenceCellOccup/3.) { // check the layer

        if(alreadyMonitored || builder.isProblematic(layID)) { // check the layer

          // Add it to the list of of monitored layers
          if(monitoredLayers.find(layID) == monitoredLayers.end()) monitoredLayers.insert(layID);

//      if(layerInteg != 0) { // check # of dead cells
          int totalDeadCells = 0;
          int nDeadCellsInARow = 1;
          int nDeadCellsInARowMax = 0;
          int nCellsZeroCount = 0;
          bool previousIsDead = false;

          int interDeadCells = 0;
          for(int cell = firstWire; cell != (nWires+firstWire); ++cell) { // loop over cells
            double cellOccup = histo->GetBinContent(cell,binY);
            LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "       cell occup: " << cellOccup;
            if(cellOccup == 0 || cellOccup < (referenceCellOccup-safeFactor*sqrt(referenceCellOccup))) {
              if(cellOccup == 0) nCellsZeroCount++;
              if(previousIsDead) nDeadCellsInARow++;
              previousIsDead = true;
              interDeadCells = 0;
              LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "       below reference" << endl;
            } else {
              previousIsDead = false;

              // 3 cells not dead between a group of dead cells don't break the count
              if(interDeadCells > 3) {
                if(nDeadCellsInARow > nDeadCellsInARowMax) nDeadCellsInARowMax = nDeadCellsInARow;
                nDeadCellsInARow = 1; 
          if(nDeadCellsInARow > nDeadCellsInARowMax) nDeadCellsInARowMax = nDeadCellsInARow;
          LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "       # wires: " << nWires
                                                            << " # cells 0 count: " << nCellsZeroCount
                                                            << " # dead cells in a row: " << nDeadCellsInARowMax
                                                            << " total # of dead cells: " << totalDeadCells;

          // Count dead cells
//        if(TMath::Erf(referenceCellOccup/sqrt(referenceCellOccup)) > 2./3. &&
//           nDeadCellsInARowMax >  nWires/3.
//           && nDeadCellsInARowMax <  2*nWires/3.) {
//          cout << " -> fail cells!" << endl;

//          failCells = true;
//          histo->SetBinContent(nBinsX+1,binY,-1.);
//        } else
          if((TMath::Erfc(referenceCellOccup/sqrt(referenceCellOccup)) < 10./(double)nWires &&
              nDeadCellsInARowMax>= 10.) ||
             (TMath::Erfc(referenceCellOccup/sqrt(referenceCellOccup)) < 0.5 &&
              totalDeadCells > nWires/2.)) {
            LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << " -> fail layer!" << endl;
            failLayer = true;
          }  else if(referenceCellOccup > 10 &&
                     nCellsZeroCount > nWires/3. &&
                     (double)nCellsZeroCount/(double)nWires >
                     2.*TMath::Erfc(referenceCellOccup/sqrt(referenceCellOccup))) {
            LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << " -> would fail cells!" << endl;
            LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "  # of cells with 0 count: " << nCellsZeroCount
                                                              << " # wires: " << nWires
                                                              << "  erfc: "
                                                              <<   TMath::Erfc(referenceCellOccup/sqrt(referenceCellOccup))
                                                              << endl;
//            failCells = true;
//            histo->SetBinContent(nBinsX+1,binY,-1.);

//      } else { // all layer is dead
//        LogTrace("DTDQM|DTMonitorClient|DTOccupancyTest") << "     fail layer: no entries" << endl;
//        nFailingLayers++;
//        failLayer = true;
//        histo->SetBinContent(nBinsX+1,binY,-1.);
//      }
    // Check if the whole layer is off
    if( nFailingLayers == 4) {
      failSL = true;

  // All the chamber is off
  if(nFailingSLs == nSL) {
    chamberPercentage = 0;
    return 4;
  } else {
    chamberPercentage = 1.-(float)nFailingSLs/(float)nSL;

  // FIXME add check on cells
  if(failSL) return 3;
  if(failLayer) return 2;
  if(failCells) return 1;

  return 0;
string DTOccupancyTest::topFolder ( ) const [private]

Definition at line 610 of file

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  if(tpMode) return string("DT/10-TestPulses/");
  return string("DT/01-Digi/");

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 80 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 87 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 91 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 89 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 82 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

std::string DTOccupancyTest::nameMonitoredHisto [private]

Definition at line 102 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

int DTOccupancyTest::nevents [private]

Definition at line 78 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 92 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

TNtuple* DTOccupancyTest::ntuple [private]

Definition at line 96 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

TFile* DTOccupancyTest::rootFile [private]

Definition at line 95 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 99 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 101 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 100 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 86 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

bool DTOccupancyTest::tpMode [private]

Definition at line 97 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

std::map< int, MonitorElement* > DTOccupancyTest::wheelHistos [private]

Definition at line 85 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.

Definition at line 94 of file DTOccupancyTest.h.