Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

MuonIsolationDQM Class Reference

#include <MuonIsolationDQM.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonIsolationDQM:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MuonIsolationDQM (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~MuonIsolationDQM ()

Private Types

typedef edm::Handle
< reco::IsoDepositMap
typedef const reco::IsoDeposit MuIsoDepRef
typedef edm::RefToBase
< reco::Muon
typedef edm::View< reco::Muon >

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob (void)
virtual void endJob ()
void FillHistos (int)
void FillNVtxHistos (int)
int GetNVtxBin (int)
TH1 * GetTH1FromMonitorElement (MonitorElement *me)
void InitHistos ()
void InitStatics ()
void NormalizeHistos ()
void RecordData (MuonIterator muon)

Private Attributes

std::vector< std::string > axis_titles
std::vector< std::string > axis_titles_NVtxs
std::string dirName
edm::InputTag ecalIsoDeposit_Tag
std::vector< MonitorElement * > h_1D
std::vector< MonitorElement * > h_1D_NVTX
std::vector< MonitorElement * > h_2D
edm::InputTag hcalIsoDeposit_Tag
edm::InputTag hoIsoDeposit_Tag
std::vector< int > isContinuous
double L_BIN_WIDTH
std::vector< std::string > main_titles
std::vector< std::string > main_titles_NVtxs
edm::InputTag Muon_Tag
std::vector< std::string > names
std::vector< std::string > names_2D
std::vector< std::string > names_NVtxs
int nEvents
int nGLBMuons
int nSTAMuons
int nTRKMuons
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
bool requireGLBMuon
bool requireSTAMuon
bool requireTRKMuon
std::string rootfilename
double S_BIN_WIDTH
double theData [NUM_VARS]
double theData2D [NUM_VARS_2D]
double theDataNVtx [NUM_VARS_NVTX]
int theMuonData
edm::InputTag theVertexCollectionLabel
std::string title_cone
std::string title_sam
std::vector< std::string > titles_2D
edm::InputTag tkIsoDeposit_Tag

Static Private Attributes

static const int NUM_VARS = 48
static const int NUM_VARS_2D = 10
static const int NUM_VARS_NVTX = 6

Detailed Description

Definition at line 56 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 60 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 61 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 59 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

typedef edm::View<reco::Muon>::const_iterator MuonIsolationDQM::MuonIterator [private]

Definition at line 58 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum [private]

Definition at line 158 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonIsolationDQM::MuonIsolationDQM ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 58 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, TrackerOfflineValidation_Dqm_cff::dirName, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), nEvents, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << " Initialise Constructor " << endl;
  requireSTAMuon = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("requireSTAMuon");
  requireTRKMuon = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("requireTRKMuon");
  requireGLBMuon = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("requireGLBMuon");
  dirName = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("directory");
  //--------Initialize tags-------
  Muon_Tag                 = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("Global_Muon_Label");
  theVertexCollectionLabel = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("vertexLabel");
  //-------Initialize Counterse----------------
  nEvents = 0;
  nSTAMuons = 0;   
  nTRKMuons = 0;
  nGLBMuons = 0;
  //Set up DAQ
  dbe = 0;
  dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
  //------"allocate" space for the data vectors-------

MuonIsolationDQM::~MuonIsolationDQM ( )

Definition at line 95 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "Calling destructor" << endl;
  //Deallocate memory

Member Function Documentation

void MuonIsolationDQM::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 523 of file

References TrackerOfflineValidation_Dqm_cff::dirName, edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), metsig::muon, nEvents, edm::Handle< T >::product(), and v.

  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "\nInvestigating event #" << nEvents<<"\n";
  // Get Muon Collection 
  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Muon> > muonsHandle; // 
  iEvent.getByLabel(Muon_Tag, muonsHandle);
  //Fill event entry in histogram of number of muons
  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "Number of Muons: " << muonsHandle->size();
  theMuonData = muonsHandle->size();
  //Get Vertex Information
  int _numPV = 0;
  edm::Handle<reco::VertexCollection> vertexHandle;
  iEvent.getByLabel(theVertexCollectionLabel, vertexHandle);

  if (vertexHandle.isValid()){
    reco::VertexCollection vertex = *(vertexHandle.product());
    for (reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v = vertex.begin(); v!=vertex.end(); ++v){
      if (v->isFake())         continue;
      if (v->ndof() < 4)       continue;
      if (fabs(v->z()) > 24.0) continue;

  //Fill historgams concerning muon isolation 
  uint iMuon=0;
  for (MuonIterator muon = muonsHandle->begin(); muon != muonsHandle->end(); ++muon, ++iMuon ) {
    //    ++nMuons;
    if (requireSTAMuon && muon->isStandAloneMuon()) {
    else if (requireTRKMuon && muon->isTrackerMuon()) {
    else if (requireGLBMuon && muon->isGlobalMuon()) {
void MuonIsolationDQM::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 678 of file

References TrackerOfflineValidation_Dqm_cff::dirName.

  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "\n#########################################\n\n"
                           << "Lets get started! " 
                           << "\n\n#########################################\n";
void MuonIsolationDQM::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 688 of file

References TrackerOfflineValidation_Dqm_cff::dirName, and nEvents.

  // check if ME still there (and not killed by MEtoEDM for memory saving)
  if( dbe )    {
    // check existence of first histo in the list
    if (! dbe->get(dirName+"/nMuons")) return;
  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "\n#########################################\n\n"
                           << "Total Number of Events: " << nEvents
                           << "\n\n#########################################\n"
                           << "\nInitializing Histograms...\n";
  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "\nIntializing Finished.  Filling...\n";
  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "\nFilled.  Saving...\n";
  //  dbe->save(rootfilename); // comment out for incorporation
  edm::LogInfo("Tutorial") << "\nSaved.  Peace, homie, I'm out.\n";
void MuonIsolationDQM::FillHistos ( int  numPV) [private]

Definition at line 750 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "FillHistos( "<< numPV <<" )"<< endl;
  int overFlowBin;
  double overFlow = 0;
  //----------Fill 1D histograms---------------
  for(int var=0; var<NUM_VARS; var++){  
    //    cd_plots[var]->Fill(theData[var]);//right now, this is a regular PDF (just like h_1D)
    if (theData[var] > param[var][2]) {
      // fill the overflow bin
      overFlowBin = (int) param[var][0] + 1;
      overFlow = GetTH1FromMonitorElement(h_1D[var])->GetBinContent(overFlowBin);
      GetTH1FromMonitorElement(h_1D[var])->SetBinContent(overFlowBin, overFlow + 1);
  }//Finish 1D
  for (int var=0; var<NUM_VARS_2D; var++){
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "FillHistos( "<< numPV <<" ): DONE"<< endl;

void MuonIsolationDQM::FillNVtxHistos ( int  PV) [private]

Definition at line 778 of file

  if (PV <  15)             {  h_1D_NVTX[0]->Fill(theDataNVtx[0]);    h_1D_NVTX[3]->Fill(theDataNVtx[3]); }
  if (PV >= 15 && PV < 30)  {  h_1D_NVTX[1]->Fill(theDataNVtx[1]);    h_1D_NVTX[4]->Fill(theDataNVtx[4]); }
  if (PV >= 30)             {  h_1D_NVTX[2]->Fill(theDataNVtx[2]);    h_1D_NVTX[5]->Fill(theDataNVtx[5]); }
int MuonIsolationDQM::GetNVtxBin ( int  ) [private]
TH1 * MuonIsolationDQM::GetTH1FromMonitorElement ( MonitorElement me) [private]

Definition at line 784 of file

References MonitorElement::getTH1().

  return me->getTH1();
void MuonIsolationDQM::InitHistos ( ) [private]

Definition at line 708 of file

References cscdqm::h::names.

  //---initialize number of muons histogram---
  h_nMuons = dbe->book1D("nMuons", title_sam + "Number of Muons", 20, 0., 20.);
  h_nMuons->setAxisTitle("Number of Muons",XAXIS);
  h_nMuons->setAxisTitle("Fraction of Events",YAXIS);
  //---Initialize 1D Histograms---
  for(int var = 0; var < NUM_VARS; var++){
    h_1D[var] = dbe->book1D(names[var], 
                            title_sam + main_titles[var] + title_cone, 
  }//Finish 1D
  //----Initialize 2D Histograms
  for (int var = 0; var<NUM_VARS_2D; var++){
    h_2D[var] = dbe->bookProfile(names_2D[var] + "_VsPV", titles_2D[var] + " Vs PV", 50, 0.5, 50.5, 20, 0.0, 20.0);
    h_2D[var]->setAxisTitle("Number of PV",            XAXIS);
    h_2D[var]->setAxisTitle(titles_2D[var] + " (GeV)" ,YAXIS);
  //-----Initialise PU-Binned histograms
  for (int var=0; var<NUM_VARS_NVTX; var++){
    h_1D_NVTX[var] = dbe->book1D(names_NVtxs[var], main_titles_NVtxs[var], 50, 0.0, 10.0);
void MuonIsolationDQM::InitStatics ( ) [private]

Definition at line 106 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and cscdqm::h::names.

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout<< " InitStatistics() " << endl;
  //-----------Initialize primitives-----------
  S_BIN_WIDTH = 1.0;//in GeV
  L_BIN_WIDTH = 2.0;//in GeV
  NUM_LOG_BINS = 15;
  //ratio by which each bin is wider than the last for log binning
  //i.e.  bin widths are (x), (r*x), (r^2*x), ..., (r^(nbins)*x)
  //-------Initialize Titles---------
  title_sam = "";//"[Sample b-jet events] ";
  title_cone = "";//" [in R=0.3 IsoDeposit Cone]";
  //The above two pieces of info will be printed on the title of the whole page,
  //not for each individual histogram
  //  title_cd = "C.D. of ";
  //-------"Allocate" memory for vectors
  param.resize(NUM_VARS, vector<double>(3) );


#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): vectors resized " << endl;
  //-----Titles of the plots-----------
  main_titles[0 ] = "Total Tracker Momentum, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[1 ] = "Total EM Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[2 ] = "Total Had Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[3 ] = "Total HO Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[4 ] = "Number of Tracker Tracks, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[5 ] = "Number of Jets around Muon, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[6 ] = "Tracker p_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[7 ] = "EM E_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[8 ] = "Had E_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[9 ] = "HO E_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[10] = "Average Momentum per Track, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[11] = "Weighted Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";

  main_titles[12] = "Total Tracker Momentum, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[13] = "Total EM Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[14] = "Total Had Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[15] = "Total HO Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[16] = "Number of Tracker Tracks, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[17] = "Number of Jets around Muon, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[18] = "Tracker p_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[19] = "EM E_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[20] = "Had E_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[21] = "HO E_{T} within veto cone, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[22] = "Average Momentum per Track, #Delta R = 0.5";
  main_titles[23] = "Weighted Energy, #Delta R = 0.5";

  main_titles[24 ] = "Relative Detector-Based Isolation, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[25 ] = "Relative Detector-Based Isolation, #Delta R = 0.5";

  //-----Titles of the plots-----------
  main_titles[26 ] = "Sum PF Charged Hadron Pt, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[27 ] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[28 ] = "Sum PF Photon Et, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[29 ] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt (Higher Pt threshold), #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[30 ] = "Sum PF Photon Et (Higher Pt threshold), #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[31 ] = "Sum PF Charged Particles Pt not from PV  (for Pu corrections), #Delta R = 0.3";

 //-----Titles of the plots-----------
  main_titles[32 ] = "Sum PF Charged Hadron Pt, #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[33 ] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt, #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[34 ] = "Sum PF Photon Et, #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[35 ] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt (Higher Pt threshold), #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[36 ] = "Sum PF Photon Et (Higher Pt threshold), #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[37 ] = "Sum PF Charged Particles Pt not from PV  (for Pu corrections), #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[38 ] = "Relative PF Isolation, #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[39 ] = "Relative PF Isolation, #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[40 ] = "Relative PF Isolation (Higher Pt threshold), #Delta R = 0.3";
  main_titles[41 ] = "Relative PF Isolation (Higher Pt threshold), #Delta R = 0.4";

  main_titles[42 ] = "Sum DR Isolation Profile for Charged Hadron,  #Delta R = 0.4";

  main_titles[43 ] = "Sum DR Isolation Profile for Neutral Hadron,  #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[44 ] = "Sum DR Isolation Profile for Photon,  #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[45 ] = "Mean DR Isolation Profile for Charged Hadron,  #Delta R = 0.4";

  main_titles[46 ] = "Mean DR Isolation Profile for Neutral Hadron,  #Delta R = 0.4";
  main_titles[47 ] = "Mean DR Isolation Profile for Photon,  #Delta R = 0.4";

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): main titles 1D DONE " << endl;
  titles_2D[0] = "Total Tracker Momentum, #Delta R = 0.3";
  titles_2D[1] = "Total EM Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";
  titles_2D[2] = "Total Had Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";
  titles_2D[3] = "Total HO Cal Energy, #Delta R = 0.3";
  titles_2D[4] = "Sum PF Charged Hadron Pt, #Delta R = 0.4";
  titles_2D[5] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt, #Delta R = 0.4";
  titles_2D[6] = "Sum PF Photon Et, #Delta R = 0.4";
  titles_2D[7] = "Sum PF Charged Pt Not from PV, #Delta R = 0.4";
  titles_2D[8] = "Relative Detector-Based Isolation, #Delta R = 0.4";
  titles_2D[9] = "Relative PF Isolation, #Delta R = 0.4";

  main_titles_NVtxs[0] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt, #DeltaR = 0.4 ( 0 < N_{Vtx} < 15)";
  main_titles_NVtxs[1] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt, #DeltaR = 0.4 (15 < N_{Vtx} < 30)";
  main_titles_NVtxs[2] = "Sum PF Neutral Hadron Pt, #DeltaR = 0.4 (30 < N_{Vtx})";
  main_titles_NVtxs[3] = "Sum PF Photon Et, #DeltaR = 0.4 ( 0 < N_{Vtx} < 15)";
  main_titles_NVtxs[4] = "Sum PF Photon Et, #DeltaR = 0.4 (15 < N_{Vtx} < 30)";
  main_titles_NVtxs[5] = "Sum PF Photon Et, #DeltaR = 0.4 (30 < N_{Vtx})";

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): main titles 2D DONE " << endl;
  //------Titles on the X or Y axis------------
  axis_titles[0 ] = "#Sigma p_{T}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[1 ] = "#Sigma E_{T}^{EM}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[2 ] = "#Sigma E_{T}^{Had}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[3 ] = "#Sigma E_{T}^{HO}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[4 ] = "N_{Tracks}";
  axis_titles[5 ] = "N_{Jets}";
  axis_titles[6 ] = "#Sigma p_{T,veto} (GeV)";
  axis_titles[7 ] = "#Sigma E_{T,veto}^{EM}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[8 ] = "#Sigma E_{T,veto}^{Had}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[9 ] = "#Sigma E_{T,veto}^{HO}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[10] = "#Sigma p_{T} / N_{Tracks} (GeV)";
  axis_titles[11] = "(1.5) X #Sigma E_{T}^{EM} + #Sigma E_{T}^{Had}";

  axis_titles[12] = "#Sigma p_{T}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[13] = "#Sigma E_{T}^{EM}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[14] = "#Sigma E_{T}^{Had}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[15] = "#Sigma E_{T}^{HO}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[16] = "N_{Tracks}";
  axis_titles[17] = "N_{Jets}";
  axis_titles[18] = "#Sigma p_{T,veto} (GeV)";
  axis_titles[19] = "#Sigma E_{T,veto}^{EM}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[20] = "#Sigma E_{T,veto}^{Had}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[21] = "#Sigma E_{T,veto}^{HO}   (GeV)";
  axis_titles[22] = "#Sigma p_{T} / N_{Tracks} (GeV)";
  axis_titles[23] = "(1.5) X #Sigma E_{T}^{EM} + #Sigma E_{T}^{Had}";

  axis_titles[24] = "(#Sigma Tk p_{T} + #Sigma ECAL p_{T} + #Sigma HCAL p_{T})/ Mu p_{T}  (GeV)";
  axis_titles[25] = "(#Sigma Tk p_{T} + #Sigma ECAL p_{T} + #Sigma HCAL p_{T})/ Mu p_{T}  (GeV)";

  axis_titles[26] = "#Sigma PFCharged p_{T}";
  axis_titles[27] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles[28] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
  axis_titles[29] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles[30] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
  axis_titles[31] = "#Sigma PFCharged p_{T}";

  axis_titles[32] = "#Sigma PFCharged p_{T}";
  axis_titles[33] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles[34] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
  axis_titles[35] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles[36] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
  axis_titles[37] = "#Sigma PFCharged p_{T}";

  axis_titles[38] = "(#Sigma PFCharged p_{T} + #Sigma PFNeutral p_{T} + #Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}) Mu p_{T}  (GeV)";
  axis_titles[39] = "(#Sigma PFCharged p_{T} + #Sigma PFNeutral p_{T} + #Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}) Mu p_{T}  (GeV)";
  axis_titles[40] = "(#Sigma PFCharged p_{T} + #Sigma PFNeutral p_{T} + #Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}) Mu p_{T}  (GeV)";
  axis_titles[41] = "(#Sigma PFCharged p_{T} + #Sigma PFNeutral p_{T} + #Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}) Mu p_{T}  (GeV)";

  axis_titles[42] = "#Sigma DR PFCharged";
  axis_titles[43] = "#Sigma DR PFNeutral";
  axis_titles[44] = "#Sigma DR PFPhoton";

  axis_titles[45] = "Mean DR PFCharged";
  axis_titles[46] = "Mean DR PFNeutral";
  axis_titles[47] = "Mean DR PFPhoton";

  axis_titles_NVtxs[0] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles_NVtxs[1] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles_NVtxs[2] = "#Sigma PFNeutral p_{T}";
  axis_titles_NVtxs[3] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
  axis_titles_NVtxs[4] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
  axis_titles_NVtxs[5] = "#Sigma PFPhoton p_{T}";
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): main titles 1D DONE " << endl;
  //-----------Names given for the root file----------
  names[0 ] = "sumPt_R03";
  names[1 ] = "emEt_R03";
  names[2 ] = "hadEt_R03";
  names[3 ] = "hoEt_R03";
  names[4 ] = "nTracks_R03";
  names[5 ] = "nJets_R03";
  names[6 ] = "trackerVetoPt_R03";
  names[7 ] = "emVetoEt_R03";
  names[8 ] = "hadVetoEt_R03";
  names[9 ] = "hoVetoEt_R03";
  names[10] = "avgPt_R03";
  names[11] = "weightedEt_R03";

  names[12] = "sumPt_R05";
  names[13] = "emEt_R05";
  names[14] = "hadEt_R05";
  names[15] = "hoEt_R05";
  names[16] = "nTracks_R05";
  names[17] = "nJets_R05";
  names[18] = "trackerVetoPt_R05";
  names[19] = "emVetoEt_R05";
  names[20] = "hadVetoEt_R05";
  names[21] = "hoVetoEt_R05";
  names[22] = "avgPt_R05";
  names[23] = "weightedEt_R05";

  names[24] = "relDetIso_R03";
  names[25] = "relDetIso_R05";

  names[26] = "pfChargedPt_R03";
  names[27] = "pfNeutralPt_R03";
  names[28] = "pfPhotonPt_R03";
  names[29] = "pfNeutralPt_HT_R03";
  names[30] = "pfPhotonPt_HT_R03";
  names[31] = "pfChargedPt_PU_R03";

  names[32] = "pfChargedPt_R04";
  names[33] = "pfNeutralPt_R04";
  names[34] = "pfPhotonPt_R04";
  names[35] = "pfNeutralPt_HT_R04";
  names[36] = "pfPhotonPt_HT_R04";
  names[37] = "pfChargedPt_PU_R04";

  names[38] = "relPFIso_R03";
  names[39] = "relPFIso_R04";

  names[40] = "relPFIso_HT_R03";
  names[41] = "relPFIso_HT_R04";
  names[42] = "SumDR_PFCharged_R04";
  names[43] = "SumDR_PFNeutral_R04";
  names[44] = "SumDR_PFPhoton_R04";

  names[45] = "MeanDR_PFCharged_R04";
  names[46] = "MeanDR_PFNeutral_R04";
  names[47] = "MeanDR_PFPhoton_R04";

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): names 1D DONE " << endl;

  names_2D[0] = "SumPt_R03"         ;
  names_2D[1] = "emEt_R03"          ;
  names_2D[2] = "hadEt_R03"         ;
  names_2D[3] = "hoEt_R03"          ;
  names_2D[4] = "pfChargedPt_R04"   ;
  names_2D[5] = "pfNeutralPt_R04"   ;
  names_2D[6] = "pfPhotonPt_R04"    ;
  names_2D[7] = "pfChargedPUPt_R04" ;
  names_2D[8] = "relDetIso_R03"     ;
  names_2D[9] = "relPFIso_R04"      ;
#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): names 2D DONE " << endl;
  names_NVtxs[0] = "pfNeutralPt_R04_PV0to15";
  names_NVtxs[1] = "pfNeutralPt_R04_PV15to30";
  names_NVtxs[2] = "pfNeutralPt_R04_PV30toInf";
  names_NVtxs[3] = "pfPhotonPt_R04_PV0to15";
  names_NVtxs[4] = "pfPhotonPt_R04_PV15to30";
  names_NVtxs[5] = "pfPhotonPt_R04_PV30toInf";
  //----------Parameters for binning of histograms---------
  //param[var][0] is the number of bins
  //param[var][1] is the low edge of the low bin
  //param[var][2] is the high edge of the high bin
  // maximum value------,
  //                    |
  //                    V                  
  param[0 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[0 ][1]=  0.0; param[0 ][2]= param[0 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[1 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[1 ][1]=  0.0; param[1 ][2]= param[1 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[2 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[2 ][1]=  0.0; param[2 ][2]= param[2 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[3 ][0]=                       20; param[3 ][1]=  0.0; param[3 ][2]=                      2.0;
  param[4 ][0]=                       16; param[4 ][1]= -0.5; param[4 ][2]=         param[4 ][0]-0.5;
  param[5 ][0]=                        4; param[5 ][1]= -0.5; param[5 ][2]=         param[5 ][0]-0.5;
  param[6 ][0]= (int)( 40.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[6 ][1]=  0.0; param[6 ][2]= param[6 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[7 ][0]=                       20; param[7 ][1]=  0.0; param[7 ][2]=                     10.0;
  param[8 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[8 ][1]=  0.0; param[8 ][2]= param[8 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[9 ][0]=                       20; param[9 ][1]=  0.0; param[9 ][2]=                      5.0;
  param[10][0]= (int)( 15.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[10][1]=  0.0; param[10][2]= param[10][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[11][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[11][1]=  0.0; param[11][2]= param[11][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;

  param[12][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[12][1]=  0.0; param[12][2]= param[12][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[13][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[13][1]=  0.0; param[13][2]= param[13][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[14][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[14][1]=  0.0; param[14][2]= param[14][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[15][0]=                       20; param[15][1]=  0.0; param[15][2]=                      2.0;
  param[16][0]=                       16; param[16][1]= -0.5; param[16][2]=         param[16][0]-0.5;
  param[17][0]=                        4; param[17][1]= -0.5; param[17][2]=         param[17][0]-0.5;
  param[18][0]= (int)( 40.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[18][1]=  0.0; param[18][2]= param[18][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[19][0]=                       20; param[19][1]=  0.0; param[19][2]=                     10.0;
  param[20][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[20][1]=  0.0; param[20][2]= param[20][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[21][0]=                       20; param[21][1]=  0.0; param[21][2]=                      5.0;
  param[22][0]= (int)( 15.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[22][1]=  0.0; param[22][2]= param[22][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[23][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[23][1]=  0.0; param[23][2]= param[23][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;

  param[24][0]= 50; param[24][1]=  0.0; param[24][2]= 1.0;
  param[25][0]= 50; param[25][1]=  0.0; param[25][2]= 1.0;

  param[26 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[26 ][1]=  0.0; param[26 ][2]= param[26 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[27 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[27 ][1]=  0.0; param[27 ][2]= param[27 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[28 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[28 ][1]=  0.0; param[28 ][2]= param[28 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[29 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[29 ][1]=  0.0; param[29 ][2]= param[29 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[30 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[30 ][1]=  0.0; param[30 ][2]= param[30 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[31 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[31 ][1]=  0.0; param[31 ][2]= param[31 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;

  param[32 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[32 ][1]=  0.0; param[32 ][2]= param[32 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[33 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[33 ][1]=  0.0; param[33 ][2]= param[33 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[34 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[34 ][1]=  0.0; param[34 ][2]= param[34 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[35 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[35 ][1]=  0.0; param[35 ][2]= param[35 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[36 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[36 ][1]=  0.0; param[36 ][2]= param[36 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;
  param[37 ][0]= (int)( 20.0/S_BIN_WIDTH); param[37 ][1]=  0.0; param[37 ][2]= param[37 ][0]*S_BIN_WIDTH;

  param[38][0]= 50; param[38][1]=  0.0; param[38][2]= 1.0;
  param[39][0]= 50; param[39][1]=  0.0; param[39][2]= 1.0;

  param[40][0]= 50; param[40][1]=  0.0; param[40][2]= 1.0;
  param[41][0]= 50; param[41][1]=  0.0; param[41][2]= 1.0;

  param[42][0]= 50; param[42][1]=  0.0; param[42][2]= 5;
  param[43][0]= 50; param[43][1]=  0.0; param[43][2]= 5;
  param[44][0]= 50; param[44][1]=  0.0; param[44][2]= 5;

  param[45][0]= 50; param[45][1]=  0.0; param[45][2]= 0.4;
  param[46][0]= 50; param[46][1]=  0.0; param[46][2]= 0.4;
  param[47][0]= 50; param[47][1]=  0.0; param[47][2]= 0.4;

  //--------------Is the variable continuous (i.e. non-integer)?-------------
  //---------(Log binning will only be used for continuous variables)--------
  isContinuous[0 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[1 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[2 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[3 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[4 ] = 0;
  isContinuous[5 ] = 0;
  isContinuous[6 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[7 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[8 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[9 ] = 1;
  isContinuous[10] = 1;
  isContinuous[11] = 1;

  isContinuous[12] = 1;
  isContinuous[13] = 1;
  isContinuous[14] = 1;
  isContinuous[15] = 1;
  isContinuous[16] = 0;
  isContinuous[17] = 0;
  isContinuous[18] = 1;
  isContinuous[19] = 1;
  isContinuous[20] = 1;
  isContinuous[21] = 1;
  isContinuous[22] = 1;
  isContinuous[23] = 1;

  isContinuous[24] = 1;
  isContinuous[25] = 1;
  isContinuous[26] = 1;
  isContinuous[27] = 1;
  isContinuous[28] = 1;
  isContinuous[29] = 1;
  isContinuous[30] = 1;
  isContinuous[31] = 1;
  isContinuous[32] = 1;
  isContinuous[33] = 1;
  isContinuous[34] = 1;
  isContinuous[35] = 1;
  isContinuous[36] = 1;
  isContinuous[37] = 1;
  isContinuous[38] = 1;
  isContinuous[39] = 1;
  isContinuous[40] = 1;
  isContinuous[41] = 1;
  isContinuous[42] = 1;
  isContinuous[43] = 1;
  isContinuous[44] = 1;
  isContinuous[45] = 1;
  isContinuous[46] = 1;
  isContinuous[47] = 1;

#ifdef DEBUG
  cout << "InitStatistics(): DONE " << endl;
void MuonIsolationDQM::NormalizeHistos ( ) [private]

Definition at line 743 of file

References python::tagInventory::entries.

  for(int var=0; var<NUM_VARS; var++){   
    double entries = GetTH1FromMonitorElement(h_1D[var])->GetEntries();
void MuonIsolationDQM::RecordData ( MuonIterator  muon) [private]

Definition at line 579 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "RecordData()" << endl;
  float MuPt = muon->pt();
  theData[0] = muon->isolationR03().sumPt;
  theData[1] = muon->isolationR03().emEt;
  theData[2] = muon->isolationR03().hadEt;
  theData[3] = muon->isolationR03().hoEt;

  theData[4] = muon->isolationR03().nTracks;
  theData[5] = muon->isolationR03().nJets;
  theData[6] = muon->isolationR03().trackerVetoPt;
  theData[7] = muon->isolationR03().emVetoEt;
  theData[8] = muon->isolationR03().hadVetoEt;
  theData[9] = muon->isolationR03().hoVetoEt;
  // make sure nTracks != 0 before filling this one
  if (theData[4] != 0) theData[10] = (double)theData[0] / (double)theData[4];
  else theData[10] = -99;

  theData[11] = 1.5 * theData[1] + theData[2];

  theData[12] = muon->isolationR05().sumPt;
  theData[13] = muon->isolationR05().emEt;
  theData[14] = muon->isolationR05().hadEt;
  theData[15] = muon->isolationR05().hoEt;

  theData[16] = muon->isolationR05().nTracks;
  theData[17] = muon->isolationR05().nJets;
  theData[18] = muon->isolationR05().trackerVetoPt;
  theData[19] = muon->isolationR05().emVetoEt;
  theData[20] = muon->isolationR05().hadVetoEt;
  theData[21] = muon->isolationR05().hoVetoEt;

  // make sure nTracks != 0 before filling this one
  if (theData[16] != 0) theData[22] = (double)theData[12] / (double)theData[16];
  else theData[22] = -99;

  theData[23] = 1.5 * theData[13] + theData[14];

  theData[24] = (theData[0]+theData[1]+theData[2]) / MuPt; 
  theData[25] = (theData[12]+theData[13]+theData[14]) / MuPt; 

  theData[26] = muon->pfIsolationR03().sumChargedHadronPt;
  theData[27] = muon->pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEt;
  theData[28] = muon->pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEt; 
  theData[29] = muon->pfIsolationR03().sumNeutralHadronEtHighThreshold;
  theData[30] = muon->pfIsolationR03().sumPhotonEtHighThreshold; 
  theData[31] = muon->pfIsolationR03().sumPUPt;
  theData[32] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt;
  theData[33] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
  theData[34] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt; 
  theData[35] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEtHighThreshold;
  theData[36] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEtHighThreshold; 
  theData[37] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt;

  theData[38] = (theData[26] + theData[27] + theData[28]) / MuPt;
  theData[39] = (theData[32] + theData[33] + theData[34]) / MuPt;

  theData[40] = (theData[26] + theData[29] + theData[30]) / MuPt;
  theData[41] = (theData[32] + theData[35] + theData[36]) / MuPt;
  theData[42] = muon->pfSumDRIsoProfileR04().sumChargedHadronPt;
  theData[43] = muon->pfSumDRIsoProfileR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
  theData[44] = muon->pfSumDRIsoProfileR04().sumPhotonEt;
  theData[45] = muon->pfMeanDRIsoProfileR04().sumChargedHadronPt;
  theData[46] = muon->pfMeanDRIsoProfileR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
  theData[47] = muon->pfMeanDRIsoProfileR04().sumPhotonEt;

  //--------------Filling the 2D Histos Data -------- //
  theData2D[0] = muon->isolationR03().sumPt; 
  theData2D[1] = muon->isolationR03().emEt;
  theData2D[2] = muon->isolationR03().hadEt;
  theData2D[3] = muon->isolationR03().hoEt;
  theData2D[4] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt;
  theData2D[5] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
  theData2D[6] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt;
  theData2D[7] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt;
  theData2D[8] = theData2D[0] + theData2D[1] + theData2D[2] + theData2D[3] / MuPt; //Det RelIso;
  theData2D[9] = theData2D[4] + theData2D[5] + theData2D[6]                / MuPt; //PF  RelIso;

  //-----------Filling the NVTX 1D HISTOS DATA ------------- // 
  theDataNVtx[0] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumNeutralHadronEt;
  theDataNVtx[1] = theDataNVtx[0];
  theDataNVtx[2] = theDataNVtx[0];
  theDataNVtx[3] = muon->pfIsolationR04().sumPhotonEt;
  theDataNVtx[4] = theDataNVtx[3];
  theDataNVtx[5] = theDataNVtx[3];

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::axis_titles [private]

Definition at line 121 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::axis_titles_NVtxs [private]

Definition at line 131 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 135 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::string MuonIsolationDQM::dirName [private]

Definition at line 99 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 92 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<MonitorElement*> MuonIsolationDQM::h_1D [private]

Definition at line 145 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 147 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<MonitorElement*> MuonIsolationDQM::h_2D [private]

Definition at line 146 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 144 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 91 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 93 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<int> MuonIsolationDQM::isContinuous [private]

Definition at line 124 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 107 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 109 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 111 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::main_titles [private]

Definition at line 120 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::main_titles_NVtxs [private]

Definition at line 129 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 89 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::names [private]

Definition at line 122 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::names_2D [private]

Definition at line 127 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::names_NVtxs [private]

Definition at line 130 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 152 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 154 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 153 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 155 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 110 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

const int MuonIsolationDQM::NUM_VARS = 48 [static, private]

Definition at line 103 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

const int MuonIsolationDQM::NUM_VARS_2D = 10 [static, private]

Definition at line 104 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

const int MuonIsolationDQM::NUM_VARS_NVTX = 6 [static, private]

Definition at line 105 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector< std::vector<double> > MuonIsolationDQM::param [private]

Definition at line 123 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 112 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 113 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 114 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::string MuonIsolationDQM::rootfilename [private]

Definition at line 97 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 108 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 139 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 140 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 141 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 138 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 94 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::string MuonIsolationDQM::title_cone [private]

Definition at line 117 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::string MuonIsolationDQM::title_sam [private]

Definition at line 116 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

std::vector<std::string> MuonIsolationDQM::titles_2D [private]

Definition at line 126 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.

Definition at line 90 of file MuonIsolationDQM.h.