Public Member Functions | Properties | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

Config::Process Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __delattr__
def __init__
def __setattr__
def __setstate__
def add_
def aliases_
def analyzerNames
def analyzers_
def dumpConfig
def dumpPython
def endpaths_
def es_prefers_
def es_producers_
def es_sources_
def extend
def fillProcessDesc
def filterNames
def filters_
def globalReplace
def load
def looper_
def name_
def outputModules_
def pathNames
def paths_
def prefer
def producerNames
def producers_
def prune
def psets_
def schedule_
def sequences_
def services_
def setLooper_
def setName_
def setPartialSchedule_
def setSchedule_
def setSource_
def setStrict
def setSubProcess_
def source_
def subProcess_
def validate
def vpsets_


 aliases = property(aliases_,doc="dictionary containing the aliases for the process")
 analyzers = property(analyzers_,doc="dictionary containing the analyzers for the process")
 endpaths = property(endpaths_,doc="dictionary containing the endpaths for the process")
 es_prefers = property(es_prefers_,doc="dictionary containing the es_prefers for the process")
 es_producers = property(es_producers_,doc="dictionary containing the es_producers for the process")
 es_sources = property(es_sources_,doc="dictionary containing the es_sources for the process")
 filters = property(filters_, doc="dictionary containing the filters for the process")
 looper = property(looper_,setLooper_,doc='the main looper or None if not set')
 outputModules = property(outputModules_,doc="dictionary containing the output_modules for the process")
 paths = property(paths_,doc="dictionary containing the paths for the process")
 process = property(name_,setName_, doc="name of the process")
 producers = property(producers_,doc="dictionary containing the producers for the process")
 psets = property(psets_,doc="dictionary containing the PSets for the process")
 schedule = property(schedule_,setSchedule_,doc='the schedule or None if not set')
 sequences = property(sequences_,doc="dictionary containing the sequences for the process")
 services = property(services_,doc="dictionary containing the services for the process")
 source = property(source_,setSource_,doc='the main source or None if not set')
 subProcess = property(subProcess_,setSubProcess_,doc='the SubProcess or None if not set')
 vpsets = property(vpsets_,doc="dictionary containing the PSets for the process")

Private Member Functions

def __findFirstSequenceUsingModule
def _dumpConfigESPrefers
def _dumpConfigNamedList
def _dumpConfigOptionallyNamedList
def _dumpConfigUnnamedList
def _dumpPython
def _dumpPythonList
def _findPreferred
def _insertInto
def _insertManyInto
def _insertOneInto
def _insertPaths
def _okToPlace
def _place
def _placeAlias
def _placeAnalyzer
def _placeEndPath
def _placeESPrefer
def _placeESProducer
def _placeESSource
def _placeFilter
def _placeLooper
def _placeOutputModule
def _placePath
def _placeProducer
def _placePSet
def _placeSequence
def _placeService
def _placeSource
def _placeSubProcess
def _placeVPSet
def _pruneModules
def _replaceInSequences
def _sequencesInDependencyOrder
def _validateSequence

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Root class for a CMS configuration process

Definition at line 100 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def Config::Process::__init__ (   self,
The argument 'name' will be the name applied to this Process

Definition at line 102 of file

00103                            :
00104         """The argument 'name' will be the name applied to this Process"""
00105         self.__dict__['_Process__name'] = name
00106         if not name.isalnum():
00107             raise RuntimeError("Error: The process name is an empty string or contains non-alphanumeric characters")
00108         self.__dict__['_Process__filters'] = {}
00109         self.__dict__['_Process__producers'] = {}
00110         self.__dict__['_Process__source'] = None
00111         self.__dict__['_Process__looper'] = None
00112         self.__dict__['_Process__subProcess'] = None
00113         self.__dict__['_Process__schedule'] = None
00114         self.__dict__['_Process__analyzers'] = {}
00115         self.__dict__['_Process__outputmodules'] = {}
00116         self.__dict__['_Process__paths'] = DictTypes.SortedKeysDict()    # have to keep the order
00117         self.__dict__['_Process__endpaths'] = DictTypes.SortedKeysDict() # of definition
00118         self.__dict__['_Process__sequences'] = {}
00119         self.__dict__['_Process__services'] = {}
00120         self.__dict__['_Process__essources'] = {}
00121         self.__dict__['_Process__esproducers'] = {}
00122         self.__dict__['_Process__esprefers'] = {}
00123         self.__dict__['_Process__aliases'] = {}
00124         self.__dict__['_Process__psets']={}
00125         self.__dict__['_Process__vpsets']={}
00126         self.__dict__['_cloneToObjectDict'] = {}
00127         # policy switch to avoid object overwriting during extend/load
00128         self.__dict__['_Process__InExtendCall'] = False
00129         self.__dict__['_Process__partialschedules'] = {}
00130         self.__isStrict = False

Member Function Documentation

def Config::Process::__delattr__ (   self,

Definition at line 356 of file

00357                               :
00358         if not hasattr(self,name):
00359             raise KeyError('process does not know about '+name)
00360         elif name.startswith('_Process__'):
00361             raise ValueError('this attribute cannot be deleted')
00362         else:
00363             # we have to remove it from all dictionaries/registries
00364             dicts = [item for item in self.__dict__.values() if (type(item)==dict or type(item)==DictTypes.SortedKeysDict)]
00365             for reg in dicts:
00366                 if reg.has_key(name): del reg[name]
00367             # if it was a labelable object, the label needs to be removed
00368             obj = getattr(self,name)
00369             if isinstance(obj,_Labelable):
00370                 getattr(self,name).setLabel(None)
00371             # now remove it from the process itself
00372             try:
00373                 del self.__dict__[name]
00374             except:
00375                 pass

def Config::Process::__findFirstSequenceUsingModule (   self,
) [private]
Given a container of sequences, find the first sequence containing mod
and return the sequence. If no sequence is found, return None

Definition at line 345 of file

00346                                                      :
00347        """Given a container of sequences, find the first sequence containing mod
00348        and return the sequence. If no sequence is found, return None"""
00349        from FWCore.ParameterSet.SequenceTypes import ModuleNodeVisitor
00350        for sequenceable in seqs.itervalues():
00351           l = list()
00352           v = ModuleNodeVisitor(l)
00353           sequenceable.visit(v)
00354           if mod in l:
00355              return sequenceable
       return None
def Config::Process::__setattr__ (   self,

Definition at line 267 of file

00268                                     :
00269         # check if the name is well-formed (only _ and alphanumerics are allowed)
00270         if not name.replace('_','').isalnum():
00271             raise ValueError('The label '+name+' contains forbiden characters')
00273         # private variable exempt from all this
00274         if name.startswith('_Process__'):
00275             self.__dict__[name]=value
00276             return
00277         if not isinstance(value,_ConfigureComponent):
00278             raise TypeError("can only assign labels to an object which inherits from '_ConfigureComponent'\n"
00279                             +"an instance of "+str(type(value))+" will not work")
00280         if not isinstance(value,_Labelable) and not isinstance(value,Source) and not isinstance(value,Looper) and not isinstance(value,Schedule):
00281             if name == value.type_():
00282                 self.add_(value)
00283                 return
00284             else:
00285                 raise TypeError("an instance of "+str(type(value))+" can not be assigned the label '"+name+"'.\n"+
00286                                 "Please either use the label '"+value.type_()+" or use the 'add_' method instead.")
00287         #clone the item
00288         if self.__isStrict:
00289             newValue =value.copy()
00290             try:
00291               newValue._filename = value._filename
00292             except:
00293               pass
00294             value.setIsFrozen()
00295         else:
00296             newValue =value
00297         if not self._okToPlace(name, value, self.__dict__):
00298             newFile='top level config'
00299             if hasattr(value,'_filename'):
00300                newFile = value._filename
00301             oldFile='top level config'
00302             oldValue = getattr(self,name)
00303             if hasattr(oldValue,'_filename'):
00304                oldFile = oldValue._filename
00305             msg = "Trying to override definition of process."+name
00306             msg += "\n new object defined in: "+newFile
00307             msg += "\n existing object defined in: "+oldFile
00308             raise ValueError(msg)
00309         # remove the old object of the name (if there is one)
00310         if hasattr(self,name) and not (getattr(self,name)==newValue):
00311             # Compain if items in sequences from load() statements have
00312             # degeneratate names, but if the user overwrites a name in the
00313             # main config, replace it everywhere
00314             if isinstance(newValue, _Sequenceable):
00315                 if not self.__InExtendCall:
00316                    self._replaceInSequences(name, newValue)
00317                 else:
00318                    #should check to see if used in sequence before complaining
00319                    newFile='top level config'
00320                    if hasattr(value,'_filename'):
00321                       newFile = value._filename
00322                    oldFile='top level config'
00323                    oldValue = getattr(self,name)
00324                    if hasattr(oldValue,'_filename'):
00325                       oldFile = oldValue._filename
00326                    msg1 = "Trying to override definition of "+name+" while it is used by the sequence "
00327                    msg2 = "\n new object defined in: "+newFile
00328                    msg2 += "\n existing object defined in: "+oldFile
00329                    s = self.__findFirstSequenceUsingModule(self.sequences,oldValue)
00330                    if s is not None:
00331                       raise ValueError(msg1+s.label_()+msg2)
00332                    s = self.__findFirstSequenceUsingModule(self.paths,oldValue)
00333                    if s is not None:
00334                       raise ValueError(msg1+s.label_()+msg2)
00335                    s = self.__findFirstSequenceUsingModule(self.endpaths,oldValue)
00336                    if s is not None:
00337                       raise ValueError(msg1+s.label_()+msg2)
00338             self.__delattr__(name)
00339         self.__dict__[name]=newValue
00340         if isinstance(newValue,_Labelable):
00341             newValue.setLabel(name)
00342             self._cloneToObjectDict[id(value)] = newValue
00343             self._cloneToObjectDict[id(newValue)] = newValue
00344         #now put in proper bucket
def Config::Process::__setstate__ (   self,
Unpickling hook.

Since cloneToObjectDict stores a hash of objects by their
id() it needs to be updated when unpickling to use the
new object id values instantiated during the unpickle.

Definition at line 149 of file

00150                                    :
00151         """
00152         Unpickling hook.
00154         Since cloneToObjectDict stores a hash of objects by their
00155         id() it needs to be updated when unpickling to use the
00156         new object id values instantiated during the unpickle.
00158         """
00159         self.__dict__.update(pkldict)
00160         tmpDict = {}
00161         for value in self._cloneToObjectDict.values():
00162             tmpDict[id(value)] = value
00163         self.__dict__['_cloneToObjectDict'] = tmpDict

def Config::Process::_dumpConfigESPrefers (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 603 of file

00604                                            :
00605         result = ''
00606         for item in self.es_prefers_().itervalues():
00607             result +=options.indentation()+'es_prefer '+item.targetLabel_()+' = '+item.dumpConfig(options)
        return result
def Config::Process::_dumpConfigNamedList (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 525 of file

00526                                                          :
00527         returnValue = ''
00528         for name,item in items:
00529             returnValue +=options.indentation()+typeName+' '+name+' = '+item.dumpConfig(options)
        return returnValue
def Config::Process::_dumpConfigOptionallyNamedList (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 535 of file

00536                                                                    :
00537         returnValue = ''
00538         for name,item in items:
00539             if name == item.type_():
00540                 name = ''
00541             returnValue +=options.indentation()+typeName+' '+name+' = '+item.dumpConfig(options)
        return returnValue
def Config::Process::_dumpConfigUnnamedList (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 530 of file

00531                                                            :
00532         returnValue = ''
00533         for name,item in items:
00534             returnValue +=options.indentation()+typeName+' = '+item.dumpConfig(options)
        return returnValue
def Config::Process::_dumpPython (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 657 of file

00658                                      :
00659         result = ''
00660         for name, value in d.iteritems():
00661            result += value.dumpPythonAs(name,options)+'\n'
        return result
def Config::Process::_dumpPythonList (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 608 of file

00609                                          :
00610         returnValue = ''
00611         if isinstance(d, DictTypes.SortedKeysDict):
00612             for name,item in d.items():
00613                 returnValue +='process.'+name+' = '+item.dumpPython(options)+'\n\n'
00614         else:
00615             for name,item in sorted(d.items()):
00616                 returnValue +='process.'+name+' = '+item.dumpPython(options)+'\n\n'
        return returnValue
def Config::Process::_findPreferred (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 896 of file

00897                                                      :
00898         # is esname a name in the dictionary?
00899         if esname in d:
00900             typ = d[esname].type_()
00901             if typ == esname:
00902                 self.__setattr__( esname+"_prefer", ESPrefer(typ,*args,**kargs) )
00903             else:
00904                 self.__setattr__( esname+"_prefer", ESPrefer(typ, esname,*args,**kargs) )
00905             return True
00906         else:
00907             # maybe it's an unnamed ESModule?
00908             found = False
00909             for name, value in d.iteritems():
00910                if value.type_() == esname:
00911                   if found:
00912                       raise RuntimeError("More than one ES module for "+esname)
00913                   found = True
00914                   self.__setattr__(esname+"_prefer",  ESPrefer(d[esname].type_()) )
00915             return found

def Config::Process::_insertInto (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 706 of file

00707                                                  :
00708         for name,value in itemDict.iteritems():
            value.insertInto(parameterSet, name)
def Config::Process::_insertManyInto (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 716 of file

00717                                                                      :
00718         l = []
00719         for name,value in itemDict.iteritems():
00720           newLabel = value.nameInProcessDesc_(name)
00721           l.append(newLabel)
00722           value.insertInto(parameterSet, name)
00723         # alphabetical order is easier to compare with old language
00724         l.sort()
        parameterSet.addVString(tracked, label, l)
def Config::Process::_insertOneInto (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 709 of file

00710                                                                 :
00711         vitems = []
00712         if not item == None:
00713             newlabel = item.nameInProcessDesc_(label)
00714             vitems = [newlabel]
00715             item.insertInto(parameterSet, newlabel)
        parameterSet.addVString(tracked, label, vitems)
def Config::Process::_insertPaths (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 725 of file

00726                                        :
00727         scheduledPaths = []
00728         triggerPaths = []
00729         endpaths = []
00730         if self.schedule_() == None:
00731             # make one from triggerpaths & endpaths
00732             for name,value in self.paths_().iteritems():
00733                 scheduledPaths.append(name)
00734                 triggerPaths.append(name)
00735             for name,value in self.endpaths_().iteritems():
00736                 scheduledPaths.append(name)
00737                 endpaths.append(name)
00738         else:
00739             for path in self.schedule_():
00740                pathname = path.label_()
00741                scheduledPaths.append(pathname)
00742                if self.endpaths_().has_key(pathname):
00743                    endpaths.append(pathname)
00744                else:
00745                    triggerPaths.append(pathname)
00746         processPSet.addVString(True, "@end_paths", endpaths)
00747         processPSet.addVString(True, "@paths", scheduledPaths)
00748         # trigger_paths are a little different
00749         p = processPSet.newPSet()
00750         p.addVString(True, "@trigger_paths", triggerPaths)
00751         processPSet.addPSet(True, "@trigger_paths", p)
00752         # add all these paths
00753         pathValidator = PathValidator()
00754         endpathValidator = EndPathValidator()
00755         for triggername in triggerPaths:
00756             #self.paths_()[triggername].insertInto(processPSet, triggername, self.sequences_())
00757             pathValidator.setLabel(triggername)
00758             self.paths_()[triggername].visit(pathValidator)
00759             self.paths_()[triggername].insertInto(processPSet, triggername, self.__dict__)
00760         for endpathname in endpaths:
00761             #self.endpaths_()[endpathname].insertInto(processPSet, endpathname, self.sequences_())
00762             endpathValidator.setLabel(endpathname)
00763             self.endpaths_()[endpathname].visit(endpathValidator)
00764             self.endpaths_()[endpathname].insertInto(processPSet, endpathname, self.__dict__)
00765         processPSet.addVString(False, "@filters_on_endpaths", endpathValidator.filtersOnEndpaths)

def Config::Process::_okToPlace (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 391 of file

00392                                       :
00393         if not self.__InExtendCall:
00394             # if going
00395             return True
00396         elif not self.__isStrict:
00397             return True
00398         elif name in d:
00399             # if there's an old copy, and the new one
00400             # hasn't been modified, we're done.  Still
00401             # not quite safe if something has been defined twice.
00402             #  Need to add checks
00403             if mod._isModified:
00404                 if d[name]._isModified:
00405                     return False
00406                 else:
00407                     return True
00408             else:
00409                 return True
00410         else:
00411             return True

def Config::Process::_place (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 412 of file

00413                                   :
00414         if self._okToPlace(name, mod, d):
00415             if self.__isStrict and isinstance(mod, _ModuleSequenceType):
00416                 d[name] = mod._postProcessFixup(self._cloneToObjectDict)
00417             else:
00418                 d[name] = mod
00419             if isinstance(mod,_Labelable):
def Config::Process::_placeAlias (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 451 of file

00452                                   :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__aliases)
def Config::Process::_placeAnalyzer (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 426 of file

00427                                      :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__analyzers)
def Config::Process::_placeEndPath (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 435 of file

00436                                     :
00437         self._validateSequence(mod, name)
00438         try:
00439             self._place(name, mod, self.__endpaths)
00440         except ModuleCloneError, msg:
00441             context = format_outerframe(4)
            raise Exception("%sThe module %s in endpath %s is unknown to the process %s." %(context, msg, name, self._Process__name))
def Config::Process::_placeESPrefer (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 447 of file

00448                                      :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__esprefers)
def Config::Process::_placeESProducer (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 445 of file

00446                                        :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__esproducers)
def Config::Process::_placeESSource (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 449 of file

00450                                      :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__essources)
def Config::Process::_placeFilter (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 424 of file

00425                                    :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__filters)
def Config::Process::_placeLooper (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 465 of file

00466                                    :
00467         if name != 'looper':
00468             raise ValueError("The label '"+name+"' can not be used for a Looper.  Only 'looper' is allowed.")
00469         self.__dict__['_Process__looper'] = mod
        self.__dict__[mod.type_()] = mod
def Config::Process::_placeOutputModule (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 420 of file

00421                                          :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__outputmodules)
def Config::Process::_placePath (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 428 of file

00429                                  :
00430         self._validateSequence(mod, name)
00431         try:
00432             self._place(name, mod, self.__paths)
00433         except ModuleCloneError, msg:
00434             context = format_outerframe(4)
            raise Exception("%sThe module %s in path %s is unknown to the process %s." %(context, msg, name, self._Process__name))
def Config::Process::_placeProducer (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 422 of file

00423                                      :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__producers)
def Config::Process::_placePSet (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 453 of file

00454                                  :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__psets)
def Config::Process::_placeSequence (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 442 of file

00443                                      :
00444         self._validateSequence(mod, name)
        self._place(name, mod, self.__sequences)
def Config::Process::_placeService (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 475 of file

00476                                         :
00477         self._place(typeName, mod, self.__services)
def Config::Process::_placeSource (   self,
) [private]
Allow the source to be referenced by 'source' or by type name

Definition at line 457 of file

00458                                    :
00459         """Allow the source to be referenced by 'source' or by type name"""
00460         if name != 'source':
00461             raise ValueError("The label '"+name+"' can not be used for a Source.  Only 'source' is allowed.")
00462         if self.__dict__['_Process__source'] is not None :
00463             del self.__dict__[self.__dict__['_Process__source'].type_()]
00464         self.__dict__['_Process__source'] = mod
        self.__dict__[mod.type_()] = mod
def Config::Process::_placeSubProcess (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 470 of file

00471                                        :
00472         if name != 'subProcess':
00473             raise ValueError("The label '"+name+"' can not be used for a SubProcess.  Only 'subProcess' is allowed.")
00474         self.__dict__['_Process__subProcess'] = mod
        self.__dict__[mod.type_()] = mod
def Config::Process::_placeVPSet (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 455 of file

00456                                   :
        self._place(name, mod, self.__vpsets)
def Config::Process::_pruneModules (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 819 of file

00820                                               :
00821         moduleNames = set(d.keys())
00822         junk = moduleNames - scheduledNames
00823         for name in junk:
00824             delattr(self, name)
00825         return junk

def Config::Process::_replaceInSequences (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 691 of file

00692                                              :
00693         old = getattr(self,label)
00694         #TODO - replace by iterator concatenation
00695         for sequenceable in self.sequences.itervalues():
00696             sequenceable.replace(old,new)
00697         for sequenceable in self.paths.itervalues():
00698             sequenceable.replace(old,new)
00699         for sequenceable in self.endpaths.itervalues():
def Config::Process::_sequencesInDependencyOrder (   self) [private]

Definition at line 625 of file

00626                                          :
00627         #for each sequence, see what other sequences it depends upon
00628         returnValue=DictTypes.SortedKeysDict()
00629         dependencies = {}
00630         for label,seq in self.sequences.iteritems():
00631             d = []
00632             v = SequenceVisitor(d)
00633             seq.visit(v)
00634             dependencies[label]=[dep.label_() for dep in d if dep.hasLabel_()]
00635         resolvedDependencies=True
00636         #keep looping until we can no longer get rid of all dependencies
00637         # if that happens it means we have circular dependencies
00638         iterCount = 0
00639         while resolvedDependencies:
00640             iterCount += 1
00641             resolvedDependencies = (0 != len(dependencies))
00642             oldDeps = dict(dependencies)
00643             for label,deps in oldDeps.iteritems():
00644                 # don't try too hard
00645                 if len(deps)==0 or iterCount > 100:
00646                     iterCount = 0
00647                     resolvedDependencies=True
00648                     returnValue[label]=self.sequences[label]
00649                     #remove this as a dependency for all other sequences
00650                     del dependencies[label]
00651                     for lb2,deps2 in dependencies.iteritems():
00652                         while deps2.count(label):
00653                             deps2.remove(label)
00654         if len(dependencies):
00655             raise RuntimeError("circular sequence dependency discovered \n"+
00656                                ",".join([label for label,junk in dependencies.iteritems()]))
        return returnValue
def Config::Process::_validateSequence (   self,
) [private]

Definition at line 617 of file

00618                                                 :
00619         # See if every module has been inserted into the process
00620         try:
00621             l = set()
00622             nameVisitor = NodeNameVisitor(l)
00623             sequence.visit(nameVisitor)
00624         except:
            raise RuntimeError("An entry in sequence "+label + ' has no label')
def Config::Process::add_ (   self,
Allows addition of components which do not have to have a label, e.g. Services

Definition at line 376 of file

00377                         :
00378         """Allows addition of components which do not have to have a label, e.g. Services"""
00379         if not isinstance(value,_ConfigureComponent):
00380             raise TypeError
00381         if not isinstance(value,_Unlabelable):
00382             raise TypeError
00383         #clone the item
00384         #clone the item
00385         if self.__isStrict:
00386             newValue =value.copy()
00387             value.setIsFrozen()
00388         else:
00389             newValue =value
00390         newValue._place('',self)

def Config::Process::aliases_ (   self)
returns a dict of the aliases that have been added to the Process

Definition at line 255 of file

00256                       :
00257         """returns a dict of the aliases that have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__aliases)
def Config::Process::analyzerNames (   self)
Returns a string containing all the EDAnalyzer labels separated by a blank

Definition at line 139 of file

00140                            :
00141         """Returns a string containing all the EDAnalyzer labels separated by a blank"""
        return ' '.join(self.analyzers_().keys())
def Config::Process::analyzers_ (   self)
returns a dict of the analyzers which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 199 of file

00200                         :
00201         """returns a dict of the analyzers which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__analyzers)
def Config::Process::dumpConfig (   self,
  options = PrintOptions() 
return a string containing the equivalent process defined using the old configuration language

Definition at line 542 of file

00543                                                 :
00544         """return a string containing the equivalent process defined using the old configuration language"""
00545         config = "process "+self.__name+" = {\n"
00546         options.indent()
00547         if self.source_():
00548             config += options.indentation()+"source = "+self.source_().dumpConfig(options)
00549         if self.looper_():
00550             config += options.indentation()+"looper = "+self.looper_().dumpConfig(options)
00551         if self.subProcess_():
00552             config += options.indentation()+"subProcess = "+self.subProcess_().dumpConfig(options)
00554         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.producers_().iteritems(),
00555                                   'module',
00556                                   options)
00557         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.filters_().iteritems(),
00558                                   'module',
00559                                   options)
00560         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.analyzers_().iteritems(),
00561                                   'module',
00562                                   options)
00563         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.outputModules_().iteritems(),
00564                                   'module',
00565                                   options)
00566         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.sequences_().iteritems(),
00567                                   'sequence',
00568                                   options)
00569         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.paths_().iteritems(),
00570                                   'path',
00571                                   options)
00572         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.endpaths_().iteritems(),
00573                                   'endpath',
00574                                   options)
00575         config+=self._dumpConfigUnnamedList(self.services_().iteritems(),
00576                                   'service',
00577                                   options)
00578         config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.aliases_().iteritems(),
00579                                   'alias',
00580                                   options)
00581         config+=self._dumpConfigOptionallyNamedList(
00582             self.es_producers_().iteritems(),
00583             'es_module',
00584             options)
00585         config+=self._dumpConfigOptionallyNamedList(
00586             self.es_sources_().iteritems(),
00587             'es_source',
00588             options)
00589         config += self._dumpConfigESPrefers(options)
00590         for name,item in self.psets.iteritems():
00591             config +=options.indentation()+item.configTypeName()+' '+name+' = '+item.configValue(options)
00592         for name,item in self.vpsets.iteritems():
00593             config +=options.indentation()+'VPSet '+name+' = '+item.configValue(options)
00594         if self.schedule:
00595             pathNames = [p.label_() for p in self.schedule]
00596             config +=options.indentation()+'schedule = {'+','.join(pathNames)+'}\n'
00598 #        config+=self._dumpConfigNamedList(self.vpsets.iteritems(),
00599 #                                  'VPSet',
00600 #                                  options)
00601         config += "}\n"
00602         options.unindent()
        return config
def Config::Process::dumpPython (   self,
  options = PrintOptions() 
return a string containing the equivalent process defined using python

Definition at line 662 of file

00663                                                 :
00664         """return a string containing the equivalent process defined using python"""
00665         result = "import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\n"
00666         result += "process = cms.Process(\""+self.__name+"\")\n\n"
00667         if self.source_():
00668             result += "process.source = "+self.source_().dumpPython(options)
00669         if self.looper_():
00670             result += "process.looper = "+self.looper_().dumpPython()
00671         if self.subProcess_():
00672             result += self.subProcess_().dumpPython(options)
00673         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.producers_(), options)
00674         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.filters_() , options)
00675         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.analyzers_(), options)
00676         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.outputModules_(), options)
00677         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self._sequencesInDependencyOrder(), options)
00678         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.paths_(), options)
00679         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.endpaths_(), options)
00680         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.services_(), options)
00681         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.es_producers_(), options)
00682         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.es_sources_(), options)
00683         result+=self._dumpPython(self.es_prefers_(), options)
00684         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.aliases_(), options)
00685         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.psets, options)
00686         result+=self._dumpPythonList(self.vpsets, options)
00687         if self.schedule:
00688             pathNames = ['process.'+p.label_() for p in self.schedule]
00689             result +='process.schedule = cms.Schedule(*[ ' + ', '.join(pathNames) + ' ])\n'
        return result
def Config::Process::endpaths_ (   self)
returns a dict of the endpaths which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 211 of file

00212                        :
00213         """returns a dict of the endpaths which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.SortedAndFixedKeysDict(self.__endpaths)
def Config::Process::es_prefers_ (   self)
returns a dict of the es_prefers which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 251 of file

00252                          :
00253         """returns a dict of the es_prefers which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__esprefers)
def Config::Process::es_producers_ (   self)
returns a dict of the esproducers which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 243 of file

00244                            :
00245         """returns a dict of the esproducers which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__esproducers)
def Config::Process::es_sources_ (   self)
returns a the es_sources which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 247 of file

00248                          :
00249         """returns a the es_sources which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__essources)
def Config::Process::extend (   self,
  items = () 
Look in other and find types which we can use

Definition at line 482 of file

00483                                    :
00484         """Look in other and find types which we can use"""
00485         # enable explicit check to avoid overwriting of existing objects
00486         self.__dict__['_Process__InExtendCall'] = True
00488         seqs = dict()
00489         labelled = dict()
00490         for name in dir(other):
00491             #'from XX import *' ignores these, and so should we.
00492             if name.startswith('_'):
00493                 continue
00494             item = getattr(other,name)
00495             if name == "source" or name == "looper" or name == "subProcess":
00496                 self.__setattr__(name,item)
00497             elif isinstance(item,_ModuleSequenceType):
00498                 seqs[name]=item
00499             elif isinstance(item,_Labelable):
00500                 self.__setattr__(name,item)
00501                 labelled[name]=item
00502                 try:
00503                     item.label_()
00504                 except:
00505                     item.setLabel(name)
00506                 continue
00507             elif isinstance(item,Schedule):
00508                 self.__setattr__(name,item)
00509             elif isinstance(item,_Unlabelable):
00510                 self.add_(item)
00512         #now create a sequence which uses the newly made items
00513         for name in seqs.iterkeys():
00514             seq = seqs[name]
00515             #newSeq = seq.copy()
00516             #
00517             if id(seq) not in self._cloneToObjectDict:
00518                 self.__setattr__(name,seq)
00519             else:
00520                 newSeq = self._cloneToObjectDict[id(seq)]
00521                 self.__dict__[name]=newSeq
00522                 newSeq.setLabel(name)
00523                 #now put in proper bucket
00524                 newSeq._place(name,self)
        self.__dict__['_Process__InExtendCall'] = False
def Config::Process::fillProcessDesc (   self,
Used by the framework to convert python to C++ objects

Definition at line 826 of file

00827                                           :
00828         """Used by the framework to convert python to C++ objects"""
00829         class ServiceInjectorAdaptor(object):
00830             def __init__(self,ppset,thelist):
00831                 self.__thelist = thelist
00832                 self.__processPSet = ppset
00833             def addService(self,pset):
00834                 self.__thelist.append(pset)
00835             def newPSet(self):
00836                 return self.__processPSet.newPSet()
00837         self.validate()
00838         processPSet.addString(True, "@process_name", self.name_())
00839         all_modules = self.producers_().copy()
00840         all_modules.update(self.filters_())
00841         all_modules.update(self.analyzers_())
00842         all_modules.update(self.outputModules_())
00843         self._insertInto(processPSet, self.psets_())
00844         self._insertInto(processPSet, self.vpsets_())
00845         self._insertManyInto(processPSet, "@all_modules", all_modules, True)
00846         self._insertOneInto(processPSet,  "@all_sources", self.source_(), True)
00847         self._insertOneInto(processPSet,  "@all_loopers", self.looper_(), True)
00848         self._insertOneInto(processPSet,  "@all_subprocesses", self.subProcess_(), False)
00849         self._insertManyInto(processPSet, "@all_esmodules", self.es_producers_(), True)
00850         self._insertManyInto(processPSet, "@all_essources", self.es_sources_(), True)
00851         self._insertManyInto(processPSet, "@all_esprefers", self.es_prefers_(), True)
00852         self._insertManyInto(processPSet, "@all_aliases", self.aliases_(), True)
00853         self._insertPaths(processPSet)
00854         #handle services differently
00855         services = []
00856         for n in self.services_():
00857              getattr(self,n).insertInto(ServiceInjectorAdaptor(processPSet,services))
00858         processPSet.addVPSet(False,"services",services)
00859         return processPSet

def Config::Process::filterNames (   self)
Returns a string containing all the EDFilter labels separated by a blank

Definition at line 142 of file

00143                          :
00144         """Returns a string containing all the EDFilter labels separated by a blank"""
        return ' '.join(self.filters_().keys())
def Config::Process::filters_ (   self)
returns a dict of the filters which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 166 of file

00167                       :
00168         """returns a dict of the filters which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__filters)
def Config::Process::globalReplace (   self,
Replace the item with label 'label' by object 'new' in the process and all sequences/paths

Definition at line 700 of file

00701                                      :
00702         """ Replace the item with label 'label' by object 'new' in the process and all sequences/paths"""
00703         if not hasattr(self,label):
00704             raise LookupError("process has no item of label "+label)
00705         self._replaceInSequences(label, new)
def Config::Process::load (   self,

Definition at line 478 of file

00479                               :
00480         moduleName = moduleName.replace("/",".")
00481         module = __import__(moduleName)
def Config::Process::looper_ (   self)
returns the looper which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added

Definition at line 187 of file

00188                      :
00189         """returns the looper which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added"""
        return self.__looper
def Config::Process::name_ (   self)

Definition at line 170 of file

00171                    :
        return self.__name
def Config::Process::outputModules_ (   self)
returns a dict of the output modules which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 203 of file

00204                             :
00205         """returns a dict of the output modules which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__outputmodules)
def Config::Process::pathNames (   self)
Returns a string containing all the Path names separated by a blank

Definition at line 145 of file

00146                        :
00147         """Returns a string containing all the Path names separated by a blank"""
00148         return ' '.join(self.paths_().keys())

def Config::Process::paths_ (   self)
returns a dict of the paths which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 207 of file

00208                     :
00209         """returns a dict of the paths which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.SortedAndFixedKeysDict(self.__paths)
def Config::Process::prefer (   self,
Prefer this ES source or producer.  The argument can
   either be an object label, e.g.,
     process.prefer(process.juicerProducer) (not supported yet)
   or a name of an ESSource or ESProducer
   or a type of unnamed ESSource or ESProducer
   In addition, you can pass as a labelled arguments the name of the Record you wish to
   prefer where the type passed is a cms.vstring and that vstring can contain the
   name of the C++ types in the Record which are being preferred, e.g.,
      #prefer all data in record 'OrangeRecord' from 'juicer'
      process.prefer("juicer", OrangeRecord=cms.vstring())
      #prefer only "Orange" data in "OrangeRecord" from "juicer"
      process.prefer("juicer", OrangeRecord=cms.vstring("Orange"))
      #prefer only "Orange" data with label "ExtraPulp" in "OrangeRecord" from "juicer"
      ESPrefer("ESJuicerProd", OrangeRecord=cms.vstring("Orange/ExtraPulp"))

Definition at line 867 of file

00868                                             :
00869         """Prefer this ES source or producer.  The argument can
00870            either be an object label, e.g.,
00871              process.prefer(process.juicerProducer) (not supported yet)
00872            or a name of an ESSource or ESProducer
00873              process.prefer("juicer")
00874            or a type of unnamed ESSource or ESProducer
00875              process.prefer("JuicerProducer")
00876            In addition, you can pass as a labelled arguments the name of the Record you wish to
00877            prefer where the type passed is a cms.vstring and that vstring can contain the
00878            name of the C++ types in the Record which are being preferred, e.g.,
00879               #prefer all data in record 'OrangeRecord' from 'juicer'
00880               process.prefer("juicer", OrangeRecord=cms.vstring())
00881            or
00882               #prefer only "Orange" data in "OrangeRecord" from "juicer"
00883               process.prefer("juicer", OrangeRecord=cms.vstring("Orange"))
00884            or
00885               #prefer only "Orange" data with label "ExtraPulp" in "OrangeRecord" from "juicer"
00886               ESPrefer("ESJuicerProd", OrangeRecord=cms.vstring("Orange/ExtraPulp"))
00887         """
00888         # see if this refers to a named ESProducer
00889         if isinstance(esmodule, ESSource) or isinstance(esmodule, ESProducer):
00890             raise RuntimeError("Syntax of process.prefer(process.esmodule) not supported yet")
00891         elif self._findPreferred(esmodule, self.es_producers_(),*args,**kargs) or \
00892                 self._findPreferred(esmodule, self.es_sources_(),*args,**kargs):
00893             pass
00894         else:
00895             raise RuntimeError("Cannot resolve prefer for "+repr(esmodule))

def Config::Process::producerNames (   self)
Returns a string containing all the EDProducer labels separated by a blank

Definition at line 136 of file

00137                            :
00138         """Returns a string containing all the EDProducer labels separated by a blank"""
        return ' '.join(self.producers_().keys())
def Config::Process::producers_ (   self)
returns a dict of the producers which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 177 of file

00178                         :
00179         """returns a dict of the producers which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__producers)
def Config::Process::prune (   self,
  verbose = False 
Remove clutter from the process which we think is unnecessary:
tracked PSets, VPSets and unused modules and sequences. If a Schedule has been set, then Paths and EndPaths
not in the schedule will also be removed, along with an modules and sequences used only by
those removed Paths and EndPaths.

Definition at line 766 of file

00767                                  :
00768         """ Remove clutter from the process which we think is unnecessary:
00769         tracked PSets, VPSets and unused modules and sequences. If a Schedule has been set, then Paths and EndPaths
00770         not in the schedule will also be removed, along with an modules and sequences used only by
00771         those removed Paths and EndPaths."""
00772         for name in self.psets_():
00773             if getattr(self,name).isTracked():
00774                 delattr(self, name)
00775         for name in self.vpsets_():
00776             delattr(self, name)
00777         #first we need to resolve any SequencePlaceholders being used
00778         for x in self.paths.itervalues():
00779             x.resolve(self.__dict__)
00780         for x in self.endpaths.itervalues():
00781             x.resolve(self.__dict__)
00782         usedModules = set()
00783         unneededPaths = set()
00784         if self.schedule_():
00785             usedModules=set(self.schedule_().moduleNames())
00786             #get rid of unused paths
00787             schedNames = set(( x.label_() for x in self.schedule_()))
00788             names = set(self.paths)
00789             names.update(set(self.endpaths))
00790             unneededPaths = names - schedNames
00791             for n in unneededPaths:
00792                 delattr(self,n)
00793         else:
00794             pths = list(self.paths.itervalues())
00795             pths.extend(self.endpaths.itervalues())
00796             temp = Schedule(*pths)
00797             usedModules=set(temp.moduleNames())
00798         unneededModules = self._pruneModules(self.producers_(), usedModules)
00799         unneededModules.update(self._pruneModules(self.filters_(), usedModules))
00800         unneededModules.update(self._pruneModules(self.analyzers_(), usedModules))
00801         #remove sequences that do not appear in remaining paths and endpaths
00802         seqs = list()
00803         sv = SequenceVisitor(seqs)
00804         for p in self.paths.itervalues():
00805             p.visit(sv)
00806         for p in self.endpaths.itervalues():
00807             p.visit(sv)
00808         keepSeqSet = set(( s for s in seqs if s.hasLabel_()))
00809         availableSeqs = set(self.sequences.itervalues())
00810         unneededSeqs = availableSeqs-keepSeqSet
00811         unneededSeqLabels = []
00812         for s in unneededSeqs:
00813             unneededSeqLabels.append(s.label_())
00814             delattr(self,s.label_())
00815         if verbose:
00816             print "prune removed the following:"
00817             print "  modules:"+",".join(unneededModules)
00818             print "  sequences:"+",".join(unneededSeqLabels)
            print "  paths/endpaths:"+",".join(unneededPaths)
def Config::Process::psets_ (   self)
returns a dict of the PSets which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 259 of file

00260                     :
00261         """returns a dict of the PSets which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__psets)
def Config::Process::schedule_ (   self)
returns the schedule which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added

Definition at line 219 of file

00220                        :
00221         """returns the schedule which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added"""
        return self.__schedule
def Config::Process::sequences_ (   self)
returns a dict of the sequences which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 215 of file

00216                         :
00217         """returns a dict of the sequences which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__sequences)
def Config::Process::services_ (   self)
returns a dict of the services which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 239 of file

00240                        :
00241         """returns a dict of the services which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__services)
def Config::Process::setLooper_ (   self,

Definition at line 190 of file

00191                             :
def Config::Process::setName_ (   self,

Definition at line 172 of file

00173                            :
00174         if not name.isalnum():
00175             raise RuntimeError("Error: The process name is an empty string or contains non-alphanumeric characters")
        self.__dict__['_Process__name'] = name
def Config::Process::setPartialSchedule_ (   self,

Definition at line 222 of file

00223                                            :
00224         if label == "schedule":
00225             self.setSchedule_(sch)
00226         else:
            self._place(label, sch, self.__partialschedules)
def Config::Process::setSchedule_ (   self,

Definition at line 227 of file

00228                               :
00229                 # See if every module has been inserted into the process
00230         index = 0
00231         try:
00232             for p in sch:
00233                p.label_()
00234                index +=1
00235         except:
00236             raise RuntimeError("The path at index "+str(index)+" in the Schedule was not attached to the process.")
        self.__dict__['_Process__schedule'] = sch
def Config::Process::setSource_ (   self,

Definition at line 184 of file

00185                             :
def Config::Process::setStrict (   self,

Definition at line 131 of file

00132                               :
00133         self.__isStrict = value
00134         _Module.__isStrict__ = True

def Config::Process::setSubProcess_ (   self,

Definition at line 196 of file

00197                                 :
def Config::Process::source_ (   self)
returns the source which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added

Definition at line 181 of file

00182                      :
00183         """returns the source which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added"""
        return self.__source
def Config::Process::subProcess_ (   self)
returns the sub-process which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added

Definition at line 193 of file

00194                          :
00195         """returns the sub-process which has been added to the Process or None if none have been added"""
        return self.__subProcess
def Config::Process::validate (   self)

Definition at line 860 of file

00861                       :
00862         # check if there's some input
00863         # Breaks too many unit tests for now
00864         #if self.source_() == None and self.looper_() == None:
00865         #    raise RuntimeError("No input source was found for this process")
00866         pass

def Config::Process::vpsets_ (   self)
returns a dict of the VPSets which have been added to the Process

Definition at line 263 of file

00264                      :
00265         """returns a dict of the VPSets which have been added to the Process"""
        return DictTypes.FixedKeysDict(self.__vpsets)

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 102 of file

Definition at line 826 of file

Definition at line 826 of file

Property Documentation

Config::Process::aliases = property(aliases_,doc="dictionary containing the aliases for the process") [static]

Definition at line 258 of file

Config::Process::analyzers = property(analyzers_,doc="dictionary containing the analyzers for the process") [static]

Definition at line 202 of file

Config::Process::endpaths = property(endpaths_,doc="dictionary containing the endpaths for the process") [static]

Definition at line 214 of file

Config::Process::es_prefers = property(es_prefers_,doc="dictionary containing the es_prefers for the process") [static]

Definition at line 254 of file

Config::Process::es_producers = property(es_producers_,doc="dictionary containing the es_producers for the process") [static]

Definition at line 246 of file

Config::Process::es_sources = property(es_sources_,doc="dictionary containing the es_sources for the process") [static]

Definition at line 250 of file

Config::Process::filters = property(filters_, doc="dictionary containing the filters for the process") [static]

Definition at line 169 of file

Config::Process::looper = property(looper_,setLooper_,doc='the main looper or None if not set') [static]

Definition at line 192 of file

Config::Process::outputModules = property(outputModules_,doc="dictionary containing the output_modules for the process") [static]

Definition at line 206 of file

Config::Process::paths = property(paths_,doc="dictionary containing the paths for the process") [static]

Definition at line 210 of file

Config::Process::process = property(name_,setName_, doc="name of the process") [static]

Definition at line 176 of file

Config::Process::producers = property(producers_,doc="dictionary containing the producers for the process") [static]

Definition at line 180 of file

Config::Process::psets = property(psets_,doc="dictionary containing the PSets for the process") [static]

Definition at line 262 of file

Config::Process::schedule = property(schedule_,setSchedule_,doc='the schedule or None if not set') [static]

Definition at line 238 of file

Config::Process::sequences = property(sequences_,doc="dictionary containing the sequences for the process") [static]

Definition at line 218 of file

Config::Process::services = property(services_,doc="dictionary containing the services for the process") [static]

Definition at line 242 of file

Config::Process::source = property(source_,setSource_,doc='the main source or None if not set') [static]

Definition at line 186 of file

Config::Process::subProcess = property(subProcess_,setSubProcess_,doc='the SubProcess or None if not set') [static]

Definition at line 198 of file

Config::Process::vpsets = property(vpsets_,doc="dictionary containing the PSets for the process") [static]

Definition at line 266 of file