Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

RivetHarvesting Class Reference

#include <RivetHarvesting.h>

Inheritance diagram for RivetHarvesting:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void beginRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &)
virtual void endJob ()
virtual void endRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 RivetHarvesting (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual ~RivetHarvesting ()

Private Member Functions

std::vector< Rivet::DPSXYPoint > getDPSXYValsErrs (std::string filename, std::string path, std::string name)

Private Attributes

Rivet::AnalysisHandler _analysisHandler
std::vector< std::string > _analysisNames
std::vector< double > _crossSections
std::vector< std::string > _fileNames
edm::InputTag _hepmcCollection
bool _isFirstEvent
std::vector< double > _lumis
std::string _outFileName
std::vector< double > _sumOfWeights

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RivetHarvesting::RivetHarvesting ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)

Definition at line 27 of file

References _analysisHandler, _analysisNames, _crossSections, _fileNames, _lumis, _sumOfWeights, Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), and i.

_fileNames(pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("FilesToHarvest")),
_sumOfWeights(pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("VSumOfWeights")),
_crossSections(pset.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("VCrossSections")),
_analysisNames(pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("AnalysisNames"))

  if (_sumOfWeights.size() != _fileNames.size() ||
      _sumOfWeights.size() != _crossSections.size() ||
      _fileNames.size()    != _crossSections.size()){
    throw cms::Exception("RivetHarvesting") << "Mismatch in vector sizes: FilesToHarvest: " << _sumOfWeights.size() << ", VSumOfWeights: " << _sumOfWeights.size() << ", VCrossSections: " << _crossSections.size();  
  //get the analyses

  //go through the analyses and check those that need the cross section
  const std::set< AnaHandle, AnaHandleLess > & analyses = _analysisHandler.analyses();

  std::set< AnaHandle, AnaHandleLess >::const_iterator ibeg = analyses.begin();
  std::set< AnaHandle, AnaHandleLess >::const_iterator iend = analyses.end();
  std::set< AnaHandle, AnaHandleLess >::const_iterator iana; 
  double xsection = -1.;
  xsection = pset.getParameter<double>("CrossSection");
  for (iana = ibeg; iana != iend; ++iana){
    if ((*iana)->needsCrossSection())

  double totalSumOfWeights = _sumOfWeights[0];
  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _sumOfWeights.size(); ++i){
    totalSumOfWeights += _sumOfWeights[i]*_lumis[0]/_lumis[i];

RivetHarvesting::~RivetHarvesting ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 72 of file


Member Function Documentation

void RivetHarvesting::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 90 of file

References _analysisHandler, _analysisNames, _fileNames, _hepmcCollection, _isFirstEvent, _lumis, gather_cfg::cout, edm::Event::getByLabel(), getDPSXYValsErrs(), timingPdfMaker::histo, i, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, definitions::original, and diffTreeTool::tree.

  if (!_isFirstEvent)

  //initialize the analysis handles, all histograms are booked
  //we need at least one event to get the handler initialized
  edm::Handle<HepMCProduct> evt;
  iEvent.getByLabel(_hepmcCollection, evt);

  // get HepMC GenEvent
  const HepMC::GenEvent *myGenEvent = evt->GetEvent();
  //gain access to the histogram factory and change the histograms
  AIDA::ITree & tree = _analysisHandler.tree();".", true);

  map<string, vector<DPSXYPoint> > existingHistos;
  vector<string>::const_iterator iFile;
  vector<string>::const_iterator iFileBeg = _fileNames.begin(); 
  vector<string>::const_iterator iFileEnd = _fileNames.end();
  for (iFile = iFileBeg; iFile != iFileEnd; ++iFile) {
    map<string, vector<DPSXYPoint> > thisFileHistos = getDPSXYValsErrs(*iFile);
    map<string, vector<DPSXYPoint> >::const_iterator iMap;
    map<string, vector<DPSXYPoint> >::const_iterator iMapBeg = thisFileHistos.begin();
    map<string, vector<DPSXYPoint> >::const_iterator iMapEnd = thisFileHistos.end();
    for (iMap = iMapBeg; iMap != iMapEnd; ++iMap){
      std::cout << iMap->first << " found in the original file " << *iFile << std::endl;
      existingHistos[iMap->first] = iMap->second;
    //existingHistos.insert(existingHistos.end(), thisFileHistos.begin(), thisFileHistos.end());

  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iAna = _analysisNames.begin(); iAna != _analysisNames.end(); ++iAna){
    std::vector<std::string> listOfNames = tree.listObjectNames("./"+(*iAna), true);
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iNameBeg = listOfNames.begin();
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iNameEnd = listOfNames.end();
    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iName = iNameBeg; iName != iNameEnd; ++iName ){
      AIDA::IManagedObject * iObj = tree.find(*iName);
      if (!iObj){
        std::cout << *iName << " not found; SKIPPING!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << *iName << " FOUND!" << std::endl;
      vector<string>::const_iterator iFile;
      vector<string>::const_iterator iFileBeg = _fileNames.begin(); 
      vector<string>::const_iterator iFileEnd = _fileNames.end();
      AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo = dynamic_cast<AIDA::IHistogram1D*>(iObj); 
      AIDA::IProfile1D*   prof  = dynamic_cast<AIDA::IProfile1D*>(iObj);
      string tmpdir = "/tmpdir";
      unsigned int ifc = 0;
      for (iFile = iFileBeg; iFile != iFileEnd; ++iFile) {
        std::cout << "opening file " << *iFile << std::endl;
        string name = *iName;
        string tostrip = *iAna+'/';
        cout << name << endl;
        vector<DPSXYPoint> original = getDPSXYValsErrs(*iFile, *iAna, name);
        if (histo){
          const string tmppath = tmpdir + "/" + name;
          cout << tmppath << endl;
          IHistogram1D* tmphisto = _analysisHandler.histogramFactory().createCopy(tmppath, *histo);
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < original.size(); ++i){
            tmphisto->fill(original[i].xval, original[i].yval);
          //iObj = new AIDA::IHistogram1D(*(_analysisHandler.histogramFactory().add(*iName, *histo, *tmphisto)));
          //delete tmphisto;
        } else if (prof) {
          std::cout << *iName << "is a profile, doing nothing " << std::endl;
        } else {
          std::cout << *iName << " is neither a IHistogram1D neither a IProfile1D. Doing nothing with it." << std::endl;
      cout << iObj << endl;
  }".", true);

  _isFirstEvent = false;
void RivetHarvesting::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 75 of file

References cmsDownloadME::cmsswbase, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  //set the environment, very ugly but rivet is monolithic when it comes to paths
  char * cmsswbase    = getenv("CMSSW_BASE");
  char * cmsswrelease = getenv("CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE");
  std::string rivetref, rivetinfo;
  rivetref = "RIVET_REF_PATH=" + string(cmsswbase) + "/src/GeneratorInterface/RivetInterface/data:" + string(cmsswrelease) + "/src/GeneratorInterface/RivetInterface/data";
  rivetinfo = "RIVET_INFO_PATH=" + string(cmsswbase) + "/src/GeneratorInterface/RivetInterface/data:" + string(cmsswrelease) + "/src/GeneratorInterface/RivetInterface/data";
void RivetHarvesting::beginRun ( const edm::Run iRun,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 86 of file

void RivetHarvesting::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 186 of file

References _analysisHandler, and _outFileName.

void RivetHarvesting::endRun ( const edm::Run iRun,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 182 of file

vector< DPSXYPoint > RivetHarvesting::getDPSXYValsErrs ( std::string  filename,
std::string  path,
std::string  name 
) [private]

Check path to make sure that this is a reference histogram.

Definition at line 191 of file

References TiXmlElement::Attribute(), dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, asciidump::doc, alignCSCRings::e, TiXmlDocument::Error(), TiXmlDocument::ErrorDesc(), exception, Exception, lut2db_cfg::filename, TiXmlNode::FirstChild(), TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(), TiXmlNode::NextSibling(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, TiXmlElement::ToElement(), TiXmlNode::ToElement(), and TiXmlNode::Value().

Referenced by analyze().

    // Open AIDA XML file
    TiXmlDocument doc(filename);
    if (doc.Error()) {
      string err = "Error in " + string(doc.Value());
      err += ": " + string(doc.ErrorDesc());
      cerr << err << endl;
      throw cms::Exception("RivetHarvesting") << "Cannot open " << filename;

    // Return value, to be populated
    vector<DPSXYPoint> rtn;

    try {
      // Walk down tree to get to the <paper> element
      const TiXmlNode* aidaN = doc.FirstChild("aida");
      if (!aidaN) throw cms::Exception("RivetHarvesting") << "Couldn't get <aida> root element";
      for (const TiXmlNode* dpsN = aidaN->FirstChild("dataPointSet"); dpsN; dpsN = dpsN->NextSibling()) {
        const TiXmlElement* dpsE = dpsN->ToElement();
        const string plotname = dpsE->Attribute("name");
        const string plotpath = dpsE->Attribute("path");
        if (plotpath != path && plotname != name)
        //if (plotpath.find("/REF") != 0) {
        //  cerr << "Skipping non-reference histogram " << plotname << endl;
        //  continue;

        vector<DPSXYPoint> points;
        for (const TiXmlNode* dpN = dpsN->FirstChild("dataPoint"); dpN; dpN = dpN->NextSibling()) {
          const TiXmlNode* xMeasN = dpN->FirstChild("measurement");
          const TiXmlNode* yMeasN = xMeasN->NextSibling();
          if (xMeasN && yMeasN)  {
            const TiXmlElement* xMeasE = xMeasN->ToElement();
            const TiXmlElement* yMeasE = yMeasN->ToElement();
            const string xcentreStr   = xMeasE->Attribute("value");
            const string xerrplusStr  = xMeasE->Attribute("errorPlus");
            const string xerrminusStr = xMeasE->Attribute("errorMinus");
            const string ycentreStr   = yMeasE->Attribute("value");
            const string yerrplusStr  = yMeasE->Attribute("errorPlus");
            const string yerrminusStr = yMeasE->Attribute("errorMinus");
            //if (!centreStr) throw Error("Couldn't get a valid bin centre");
            //if (!errplusStr) throw Error("Couldn't get a valid bin err+");
            //if (!errminusStr) throw Error("Couldn't get a valid bin err-");
            istringstream xssC(xcentreStr);
            istringstream xssP(xerrplusStr);
            istringstream xssM(xerrminusStr);
            istringstream yssC(ycentreStr);
            istringstream yssP(yerrplusStr);
            istringstream yssM(yerrminusStr);
            double xcentre, xerrplus, xerrminus, ycentre, yerrplus, yerrminus;
            xssC >> xcentre; xssP >> xerrplus; xssM >> xerrminus;
            yssC >> ycentre; yssP >> yerrplus; yssM >> yerrminus;
            //cout << "  " << centre << " + " << errplus << " - " << errminus << endl;
            DPSXYPoint pt(xcentre, xerrminus, xerrplus, ycentre, yerrminus, yerrplus);
          } else {
            cerr << "Couldn't get <measurement> tag" << endl;

        return points;

    // Write out the error
    catch (std::exception& e) {
      cerr << e.what() << endl;

    throw cms::Exception("RivetHarvesting") << "could not find " << path << "/" << name << " in file " << filename;
    return rtn;

Member Data Documentation

Rivet::AnalysisHandler RivetHarvesting::_analysisHandler [private]

Definition at line 39 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and RivetHarvesting().

std::vector<std::string> RivetHarvesting::_analysisNames [private]

Definition at line 47 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and RivetHarvesting().

std::vector<double> RivetHarvesting::_crossSections [private]

Definition at line 42 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by RivetHarvesting().

std::vector<std::string> RivetHarvesting::_fileNames [private]

Definition at line 40 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and RivetHarvesting().

Definition at line 46 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 45 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::vector<double> RivetHarvesting::_lumis [private]

Definition at line 43 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and RivetHarvesting().

std::string RivetHarvesting::_outFileName [private]

Definition at line 44 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by endJob().

std::vector<double> RivetHarvesting::_sumOfWeights [private]

Definition at line 41 of file RivetHarvesting.h.

Referenced by RivetHarvesting().