Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

AlCaECALRecHitReducer Class Reference

#include <Calibration/EcalAlCaRecoProducers/src/>

Inheritance diagram for AlCaECALRecHitReducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AlCaECALRecHitReducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 ~AlCaECALRecHitReducer ()

Private Attributes

std::string alcaBarrelHitsCollection_
std::string alcaEndcapHitsCollection_
std::string alcaPreshowerHitsCollection_
edm::InputTag ebRecHitsLabel_
edm::InputTag eeRecHitsLabel_
edm::InputTag electronLabel_
int esNcolumns_
int esNstrips_
edm::InputTag esRecHitsLabel_
int etaSize_
int minEleNumber_
double minElePt_
int phiSize_
bool selectByEleNum_
float weight_

Detailed Description

class declaration

Description: Example of a producer of AlCa electrons

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 45 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlCaECALRecHitReducer::AlCaECALRecHitReducer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]


Definition at line 31 of file

References alcaBarrelHitsCollection_, alcaEndcapHitsCollection_, ebRecHitsLabel_, eeRecHitsLabel_, electronLabel_, etaSize_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), phiSize_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and weight_.


  ebRecHitsLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("ebRecHitsLabel");
  eeRecHitsLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("eeRecHitsLabel");
  //  esRecHitsLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("esRecHitsLabel");
  electronLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("electronLabel");

  alcaBarrelHitsCollection_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("alcaBarrelHitCollection");
  alcaEndcapHitsCollection_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("alcaEndcapHitCollection");
  //  alcaPreshowerHitsCollection_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("alcaPreshowerHitCollection");
  etaSize_ = iConfig.getParameter<int> ("etaSize");
  phiSize_ = iConfig.getParameter<int> ("phiSize");
  // FIXME: minimum size of etaSize_ and phiSize_
  if ( phiSize_ % 2 == 0 ||  etaSize_ % 2 == 0)
    edm::LogError("AlCaECALRecHitReducerError") << "Size of eta/phi should be odd numbers";
  weight_= iConfig.getParameter<double> ("eventWeight");
  //  esNstrips_  = iConfig.getParameter<int> ("esNstrips");
  //  esNcolumns_ = iConfig.getParameter<int> ("esNcolumns");
  //register your products
  produces< EBRecHitCollection > (alcaBarrelHitsCollection_) ;
  produces< EERecHitCollection > (alcaEndcapHitsCollection_) ;
  //  produces< ESRecHitCollection > (alcaPreshowerHitsCollection_) ;
  produces< double > ("weight") ;
AlCaECALRecHitReducer::~AlCaECALRecHitReducer ( )

Definition at line 62 of file


Member Function Documentation

void AlCaECALRecHitReducer::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]


Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 68 of file

References alcaBarrelHitsCollection_, alcaEndcapHitsCollection_, dtNoiseDBValidation_cfg::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, ebRecHitsLabel_, EcalRecHitsCustom_cff::ecalRecHit, eeRecHitsLabel_, electronLabel_, CaloRecHit::energy(), etaSize_, funct::false, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), reco::CaloCluster::hitsAndFractions(), i, EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), max(), phiSize_, edm::Event::put(), reco::SuperCluster::seed(), reco::CaloCluster::size(), funct::true, CommonMethods::weight(), and weight_.

  using namespace edm;
  using namespace std;
  EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator recHit_itr;

  // get the ECAL geometry:
  ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle;

  edm::ESHandle<CaloTopology> theCaloTopology;
  const CaloTopology *caloTopology = theCaloTopology.product();
  // Get GSFElectrons
  Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> pElectrons;
  iEvent.getByLabel(electronLabel_, pElectrons);
  if (!pElectrons.isValid()) {
    edm::LogError ("reading") << electronLabel_ << " not found" ; 
    //      std::cerr << "[AlCaECALRecHitReducer]" << electronLabel_ << " not found" ; 
    return ;
  const reco::GsfElectronCollection * electronCollection = 
  // get RecHits
  Handle<EBRecHitCollection> barrelRecHitsHandle;
  bool barrelIsFull = true ;
  if (!barrelRecHitsHandle.isValid()) {
    edm::LogError ("reading") << ebRecHitsLabel_ << " not found" ; 
    barrelIsFull = false ;
  const EBRecHitCollection * barrelHitsCollection = 0 ;
  if (barrelIsFull)  
    barrelHitsCollection = barrelRecHitsHandle.product () ;
  // get RecHits
  Handle<EERecHitCollection> endcapRecHitsHandle;
  bool endcapIsFull = true ;
  if (!endcapRecHitsHandle.isValid()) {
    edm::LogError ("reading") << eeRecHitsLabel_ << " not found" ; 
    endcapIsFull = false ;
  const EERecHitCollection * endcapHitsCollection = 0 ;
  if (endcapIsFull)  
    endcapHitsCollection = endcapRecHitsHandle.product () ;
  //  const EERecHitCollection * endcapHitsCollection = endcapRecHitsHandle.product();
  //   // get ES RecHits
  //   Handle<ESRecHitCollection> preshowerRecHitsHandle;
  //   bool preshowerIsFull = true ;
  //   iEvent.getByLabel(esRecHitsLabel_,preshowerRecHitsHandle);
  //   if (!preshowerRecHitsHandle.isValid()) {
  //     edm::LogError ("reading") << esRecHitsLabel_ << " not found" ; 
  //     preshowerIsFull = false ;
  //   }
  //   const ESRecHitCollection * preshowerHitsCollection = 0 ;
  //   if (preshowerIsFull)  
  //     preshowerHitsCollection = preshowerRecHitsHandle.product () ;

  //   // make a vector to store the used ES rechits:
  //   set<ESDetId> used_strips;
  //   used_strips.clear();
  //Create empty output collections
  std::auto_ptr< EBRecHitCollection > miniEBRecHitCollection (new EBRecHitCollection) ;
  std::auto_ptr< EERecHitCollection > miniEERecHitCollection (new EERecHitCollection) ;  
  //  std::auto_ptr< ESRecHitCollection > miniESRecHitCollection (new ESRecHitCollection) ;  
  std::auto_ptr< double > weight (new double(1));
  (*weight) = weight_;
  //  loop on SiStrip Electrons
  reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator eleIt;
  int nEle_EB=0;
  int nEle_EE=0;

  std::set<DetId> reducedRecHit_EBmap;
  std::set<DetId> reducedRecHit_EEmap;

  for (eleIt=electronCollection->begin(); eleIt!=electronCollection->end(); eleIt++) {
    // barrel
    const reco::SuperCluster& sc = *(eleIt->superCluster()) ;

    if (eleIt->isEB()) {

      // find the seed 
      EBDetId seed=(sc.seed()->seed());

      std::vector<DetId> recHit_window = caloTopology->getWindow(seed, phiSize_, etaSize_);
      for(unsigned int i =0; i < recHit_window.size(); i++){
#ifdef DEBUG2
        std::cout << i << "/" << recHit_window.size() << "\t" << recHit_window[i]() << std::endl;
#ifdef DEBUG2
        EBDetId ebrechit(recHit_window[i]);
        std::cout << ebrechit.ieta() << "\t" << ebrechit.iphi() << std::endl;
#ifdef DEBUG      
      // find the most energetic crystal 
      float energy_recHit_max=-999;

      if(reducedRecHit_EBmap.size() < sc.size())
        std::cerr << "[WARNING] number of recHit in selected window < RECO SC recHits!" << std::endl;

#ifndef QUICK
      const std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> > & scHits = sc.hitsAndFractions();

#ifdef DEBUG
      std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator scHit_max_itr = scHits.end();
      for(std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator scHit_itr = scHits.begin(); 
          scHit_itr != scHits.end(); scHit_itr++){
        // the map fills just one time (avoiding double insert of recHits)

#ifdef DEBUG2
        const EcalRecHit ecalRecHit = *(barrelHitsCollection->find( (*scHit_itr).first ));
        if(energy_recHit_max <{
          scHit_max_itr = scHit_itr;

#ifdef DEBUG2
      // cross check, the seed should be the highest energetic crystal in the SC
      if(EBDetId(scHit_max_itr->first) != seed)
        std::cerr << "[ERROR] highest energetic crystal is not the seed of the SC" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "[DEBUG] highest energetic crystal = " << EBDetId(scHit_max_itr->first) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] seed of the SC = " << seed << std::endl;
      //                                                                   (id, phi, eta)

      if(reducedRecHit_EBmap.size() < sc.size()){
          edm::LogError("AlCaSavedRecHitsEB") << "[ERROR] ecalDrivenSeed: number of saved recHits < RECO SC recHits!: " << reducedRecHit_EBmap.size() << " < " << sc.size() << std::endl;
          edm::LogWarning("AlCaSavedRecHitsEB") << "[WARNING] trackerDrivenSeed: number of saved recHits < RECO SC recHits!: " << reducedRecHit_EBmap.size() << " < " << sc.size() << std::endl;


    } else { // endcap

      // find the seed 
      EEDetId seed=(sc.seed()->seed());

      // get detId for a window around the seed of the SC
      int sideSize = std::max(phiSize_,etaSize_);
      std::vector<DetId> recHit_window = caloTopology->getWindow(seed, sideSize, sideSize);

      // fill the recHit map with the DetId of the window
      for(std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator window_itr = recHit_window.begin(); 
          window_itr != recHit_window.end(); window_itr++){
#ifdef DEBUG
      if(reducedRecHit_EEmap.size() < sc.size())
        std::cerr << "[WARNING] number of recHit in selected window < RECO SC recHits!" << std::endl;

      const std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> > & scHits = sc.hitsAndFractions();

#ifndef QUICK
      // fill the recHit map with the DetId of the SC recHits

      for(std::vector< std::pair<DetId, float> >::const_iterator scHit_itr = scHits.begin(); 
          scHit_itr != scHits.end(); scHit_itr++){
        // the map fills just one time (avoiding double insert of recHits)


      if(reducedRecHit_EEmap.size() < sc.size()){
          edm::LogError("AlCaSavedRecHitsEE") << "[ERROR] ecalDrivenSeed: number of saved recHits < RECO SC recHits!: " << reducedRecHit_EEmap.size() << " < " << sc.size() << std::endl;
          edm::LogWarning("AlCaSavedRecHitsEE") << "[WARNING] trackerDrivenSeed: number of saved recHits < RECO SC recHits!: " << reducedRecHit_EEmap.size() << " < " << sc.size() << std::endl;


    } // end of endcap

#ifndef ALLrecHits
  for(std::set<DetId>::const_iterator itr = reducedRecHit_EBmap.begin();
      itr != reducedRecHit_EBmap.end(); itr++){
    if (barrelHitsCollection->find(*itr) != barrelHitsCollection->end())
  for(EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator recHits_itr = barrelHitsCollection->begin();
      recHits_itr != barrelHitsCollection->end();

  // fill the alcareco reduced recHit collection
  for(std::set<DetId>::const_iterator itr = reducedRecHit_EEmap.begin();
      itr != reducedRecHit_EEmap.end(); itr++){
    if (endcapHitsCollection->find(*itr) != endcapHitsCollection->end())

#ifdef DEBUG
  std::cout << "nEle_EB= " << nEle_EB << "\tnEle_EE = " << nEle_EE << std::endl;
  if(nEle_EB > 0 && miniEBRecHitCollection->size() < (unsigned int) phiSize_*etaSize_)
    edm::LogError("AlCaECALRecHitReducerError") << "Size EBRecHitCollection < " << phiSize_*etaSize_ << ": "  << miniEBRecHitCollection->size() ;

  int side = phiSize_ ;
  if (phiSize_ < etaSize_) side = etaSize_ ;

  if(nEle_EE > 0 && miniEERecHitCollection->size() < (unsigned int )side*side)
    edm::LogError("AlCaECALRecHitReducerError") << "Size EERecHitCollection < " << side*side << ": "  << miniEERecHitCollection->size() ;
  //Put selected information in the event
  iEvent.put( miniEBRecHitCollection,alcaBarrelHitsCollection_ );
  iEvent.put( miniEERecHitCollection,alcaEndcapHitsCollection_ );     
  //  iEvent.put( miniESRecHitCollection,alcaPreshowerHitsCollection_ );     
  iEvent.put( weight, "weight");     

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 83 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 84 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 85 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 79 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 80 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 82 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 90 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 89 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 81 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 86 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 93 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 94 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 87 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 92 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Definition at line 88 of file AlCaECALRecHitReducer.h.

Referenced by AlCaECALRecHitReducer(), and produce().