AlgoCheck | Base class for generated checking code for algorithm parameters |
AlignmentIORootBase | Base class for ROOT-based I/O of Alignment parameters etc |
AlignmentUserVariables | (Abstract) Base class for alignment algorithm user variables |
btag::Matching< Delta >::AlwaysTrue | |
BackgroundEstimator | |
BackgroundFunction | |
backgroundFunctionBase | |
backgroundFunctionType1 | Linear |
backgroundFunctionType10 | |
backgroundFunctionType2 | Exponential |
backgroundFunctionType4 | Exponential with eta dependence |
backgroundFunctionType5 | Linear with eta dependence |
backgroundFunctionType6 | Exponential binned in eta |
backgroundFunctionType7 | Exponential binned in eta, much finer binning then type6 |
backgroundFunctionType8 | |
backgroundFunctionType9 | |
BackgroundHandler | |
BackToBackKinematicConstraint | |
BackTrace | |
BadChamber | |
BadChamber | |
BadChannel | |
BadChannel | |
BadComponent | |
BadComponentStrictWeakOrdering | |
BadComponentStrictWeakOrdering | |
BadStripBlock | |
BadStripCuts | |
Balance | |
Bar | |
BareRootProductGetter | |
BarrelDetLayer | |
BarrelMeasurementEstimator | |
base | |
base | |
Base | |
base64_decode_context | |
hitfit::Base_Constrainer | Base class for constrained fitter |
Base_Constrainer_Args | Hold on to parameters for the Base_Constrainer class |
BaseBinFinder< T > | |
BaseBTagPlotter | |
BaseBU | |
BaseCkfTrajectoryBuilder | |
BaseClassTrait< LesHouchesInterface, 1 > | |
BaseClassTrait< RandomEngineGlue, 1 > | |
BaseCrystal | |
BaseDeDxEstimator | |
BaseEvent< T > | |
BaseEvtVtxGenerator | |
BaseFlatGunProducer | |
BaseFU | |
BaseFunction | |
BaseGenexception | |
BaseGeomException | |
BaseHadronizer | |
BaseHiGenEvtSelector | |
BaseHistoParams | |
BaseKeyed | |
BaseMET | |
BaseMETv0 | |
BaseMonitor | |
BaseNumericalRandomGenerator | |
BaseParticlePropagator | |
BasePayloadProxy | |
BaseRawParticleFilter | |
BaseSiTrackerRecHit2DLocalPos | |
BaseTagInfo | |
BaseTagInfoPlotter | |
BaseTau | |
BaseTauTagInfo | |
BaseTrackerRecHit | |
BaseTreeFiller | |
BaseValueExtractor< T > | |
BaseWithDict | |
Basic2DVector< T > | |
Basic3DVector< T > | |
Basic3DVector< long double > | |
basic_imemstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_izstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_izstreambase< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_izstreambuf< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_omemstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_ozstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_ozstreambase< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
basic_ozstreambuf< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t > | |
BasicAnalyzer | Abstract base class for FWLite and EDM friendly analyzers |
BasicAnalyzer | |
BasicCluster | |
BasicConvTrait< A, A > | |
BasicConvTrait< double, double > | |
BasicConvTrait< double, float > | |
BasicConvTrait< double, int > | |
BasicConvTrait< float, double > | |
BasicConvTrait< float, int > | |
BasicConvTrait< int, double > | |
BasicConvTrait< int, float > | |
BasicConvTrait< int, int > | |
BasicFilter | Abstract base class for FWLite and EDM friendly analyzers |
BasicFilter | |
BasicGenParticleValidation | |
BasicGhostTrackState | |
BasicHandle | |
BasicHepMCValidation | |
BasicJet | Jets made from CaloTowers |
BasicJet | |
BasicJetSort | |
BasicJetSys | |
BasicMultiVertexState | |
BasicMuonAnalyzer | Example class that can be used both within FWLite and within the full framework |
BasicReferenceCounted | |
BasicSingleVertexState | |
BasicTrajectoryState | |
BasicTransientTrack | |
BasicVertexState | |
Basis | |
batchRender | |
bcolors | |
bcolors | |
BCoptions | |
BCToEFilter | |
BCToEFilterAlgo | |
BCycl< T > | |
BCylParam< T > | |
BdecayFilter | |
Bdu | |
BeamConditionsMonitor | |
BeamConfiguration | |
BeamFitter | |
BeamHaloAnalyzer | |
BeamHaloNavigationSchool | |
BeamHaloPairGenerator | |
BeamHaloProducer | |
BeamHaloPropagator | |
BeamHaloPropagatorESProducer | |
BeamHaloSummary | |
BeamHaloSummaryProducer | |
BeamMonitor | |
BeamMonitorBx | |
BeamProfile2DB | |
BeamProfileVtxGenerator | |
BeamSplash | |
BeamSpot | |
BeamSpotObj::BeamSpot | |
BeamSpot | |
BeamSpotAlignmentDerivatives | |
BeamSpotAlignmentParameters | |
BeamSpotAnalyzer | |
BeamSpotFakeConditions | |
BeamSpotFitPVData | |
BeamSpotFromDB | |
BeamSpotFromSimProducer | |
BeamSpotGeomDet | |
BeamSpotObjects | |
BeamSpotObjectsRcd | |
BeamSpotOnline | |
BeamSpotOnlineProducer | |
BeamSpotOnlineRaw_v4 | |
BeamSpotProblemMonitor | |
BeamSpotProducer | |
BeamSpotSingleAccessor | |
BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit | |
BeamSpotTreeData | |
BeamSpotWrite2DB | |
BeamTrack | Class to hold track information |
BeautifulSOAP | |
BeautifulSoup::BeautifulSOAP | |
BeautifulSoup | |
BeautifulSoup::BeautifulSoup | |
BeautifulStoneSoup | |
BeautifulSoup::BeautifulStoneSoup | |
BeginOfEvent | |
BeginOfJob | |
BeginOfRun | |
BeginOfTrack | |
BeginOfTrackCounter | |
BeginOfTrackCounter | |
benchmark | |
Benchmark | Abstract base class |
BenchmarkAnalyzer | Abtract base class for benchmark analyzers |
BenchmarkTree | |
BenchmarkTreeEntry | |
bestPVselector< T1 > | |
BetaBoostEvtVtxGenerator | |
BetaCalculatorECAL | |
BetaCalculatorMUON | |
BetaCalculatorRPC | |
BetaCalculatorTK | |
BetafuncEvtVtxGenerator | |
BetaFuncPrimaryVertexGenerator | |
BetterConfigParser | --- Classes ---############################ |
BFieldIsolationAlgorithmSetup< Alg > | |
BFit | |
BFit3D | |
BFreeBox_t | |
BHFilter | |
Bias | |
big | |
bigEntry | Inline class bigEntry |
big::bigEntry | Inline class bigEntry |
BigEventsDebugger< T > | |
bigHeader | |
big::bigHeader | |
bigStore | |
big::bigStore | |
binary32 | |
binary_function | |
binary_ifstream | |
binary_ifstream_error | |
binary_ofstream | |
binary_ofstream_error | |
BinaryOperator | |
BinData | |
binningEntryType | |
binningEntryType | |
binningEntryType | |
BinningPointByMap | |
BinningVariables | |
BinomialInterval | |
BinomialNoncentralInterval< Sorter > | |
BinomialProbability | |
BinomialProbHelper | |
BinOp< A, Operation, B > | |
BinToBin | |
BinToBin1percent | |
BinValues | |
bistream_iterator< T > | |
BitArray< N > | |
bitObj | |
BitSet | A compact container for storing single bits |
BjetAnalysis | |
bJetSelector | |
bJetSelector | |
BladeShapeBuilderFromDet | |
bLayer | |
BlobComplex | |
BlobComplexContent | |
BlobComplexData | |
BlobComplexObjects | |
BlobMapping | |
BlobNoises | |
BlobPedestals | |
BlobReader | |
BlobStreamer | |
BlobStreamingService | |
BlobUpdater | |
BlobWriter | |
BlobWriterBase | |
Block | |
BlockWipedAllocator::Block | |
Block | |
BlockFormatter | |
BlockSolver | Solves at best the matrix invertion for calibration |
BlockWipedAllocated< T > | |
BlockWipedAllocator | |
BlockWipedAllocatorService | |
BlockWipedPool | |
BlockWipedPoolAllocated | |
BMixingModule | |
BMixingModule | |
Book | |
bool | |
BoolCache | |
BoolCache | |
BooleanSolid | |
BoostedTopProducer | |
Booster | |
boostFuture | |
boostTypeObj | |
bostream_iterator< T > | |
BouncingBar | |
BoundaryInformation | |
BoundaryPlane | |
BoundarySurface | |
BoundCylinder | |
BoundDisk | |
BoundingBox | |
BoundingBox | |
BoundPlane | |
Bounds | |
BoundSurface | |
BoundVolume | |
BowedSurfaceAlignmentDerivatives | |
BowedSurfaceAlignmentParameters | |
BowedSurfaceDeformation | |
Box | |
BoxND< Numeric > | |
BoxNDScanner< Numeric > | |
BPhysicsOniaDQM | |
bqueue< T > | |
BranchChildren | |
BranchConnector | |
BranchDescription | |
BranchDescriptionIndex | |
BranchID | |
BranchIDListHelper | |
BranchingRatios | |
BranchKey | |
BranchMapper | |
BranchMapReader | |
BranchMapReader | |
BranchToClass | |
BreitWigner | |
BremRecoveryClusterAlgo | |
BremRecoveryPhiRoadAlgo | |
BremsstrahlungSimulator | |
BrlHit | |
bRod | |
BscAnalysisHistManager | |
BscG4Hit | |
BscNumberingScheme | |
BscSD | |
BscTest | |
BSCTrigger | |
bSector | |
BSFitData | |
BSFitPVData | |
BSFitter | |
BsJpsiPhiFilter | |
bSlab | |
bsmeas | |
BSpdfsFcn | |
BSTrkParameters | |
BTagDifferentialPlot | |
BtagGsfElectronSelector | |
BTagHLTOfflineClient | |
BTagHLTOfflineSource | |
BTagPerformaceRootProducerFromSQLITE | |
BTagPerformance | |
BtagPerformance | |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerMC | |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerOnData | |
BtagPerformanceESProducer | |
BTagPerformanceRecord | |
BtagSkimLeptonJet | |
BTagSkimLeptonJet | |
BTagSkimMC | |
BTagTrackProbability2DRcd | |
BTagTrackProbability3DRcd | |
BTagValidator | |
BTaSkimLeptonJet | |
BTauGenericMVAJetTagComputerRcd | |
BU | |
Bucket | |
BUEvent | |
Buffer | |
BareRootProductGetter::Buffer | |
BUFUInterface | |
BuilderInfo | |
BuildTrackerMapPlugin | |
BuildViewer | |
BulkInsertOperation | |
BunchCrossingInfo | |
BUProxy | |
Button | |
BVector | |
BVertexFilter | |
BxDelays | |
BxNumberFilter | |
BxTiming | |
ByMultiplicityEventFilter< T > | |
ByNumOfHits | |
byPt | |
BzeroReferenceTrajectory | |
BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory | |
BeautifulSoup::CData | |
BeautifulSoup::Comment | |
btag::Matching< Delta >::Comparator< SortComparator > | |
BdecayFilter::CutStruct | |
BsJpsiPhiFilter::CutStruct | |
DDNumberingScheme | Base for user specfic numbering schemes |
DDQuery | Base class for querying for nodes in the DDExpandedView |
BeautifulSoup::Declaration | |
BlobNoises::DetRegistry | |
ora::Exception | Base exception class for the object to relational access |
backgroundFunctionBase::FunctionForIntegral | |
BeamSpotOnline::h | Persistable copy of online BeamSpotOnline value |
cscdqm::HistoDef | Abstract Base Histogram Definition |
HistoryBase | Base class to all the history types |
BeautifulSoup::HTMLParserBuilder | |
BeautifulSoup::ICantBelieveItsBeautifulSoup | |
beamvalidation::IOV | |
reco::Jet | Base class for all types of Jets |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerOnData::JetRefCompare | |
BTagPerformanceAnalyzerMC::JetRefCompare | |
L1GctJetFinderBase | Base class to allow implementation of jetFinder algorithms |
L1GctLut< NAddressBits, NDataBits > | Base class for LookUp Tables |
btag::LeptonSelector | |
BlockWipedAllocator::LocalCache | |
cscdqm::Logger | Base Logger Object (empty) |
btag::Matching< Delta >::Match | |
Book::match_name | |
btag::Matching< Delta > | |
BeautifulSoup::MinimalSoup | |
MisalignmentScenarioBuilder | Base class to build a scenario from configuration and apply to either tracker or muon |
BeautifulSoup::NavigableString | |
btau_dummy::Null | |
bookConverter::OptionParser | |
BeautifulSoup::PageElement | |
beamvalidation::ParsingError | |
BTagHLTOfflineSource::PathInfo | |
BTagHLTOfflineSource::PathInfoCollection | |
PFRecHitProducer | Base producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) |
reco::PFTrack | Base class for particle flow input reconstructed tracks and simulated particles |
Benchmark::PhaseSpace | |
BeautifulSoup::ProcessingInstruction | |
BTagSkimLeptonJet::PtSorter | |
BitArray< N >::refToBit | |
BeautifulSoup::ResultSet | |
RKDerivative< T, N > | Base class for derivative calculation |
BeautifulSoup::RobustHTMLParser | |
BeautifulSoup::RobustInsanelyWackAssHTMLParser | |
BeautifulSoup::RobustWackAssHTMLParser | |
BeautifulSoup::RobustXMLParser | |
btag::SimpleMatrix< T > | |
BeautifulSoup::SimplifyingSOAPParser | |
SiStripKey | Base utility class that identifies a position within a logical structure of the strip tracker |
BeautifulSoup::SoupStrainer | |
BlockWipedAllocator::Stat | |
BeautifulSoup::StopParsing | |
BeautifulSoup::Tag | |
TopGenEvent | Base class to hold information for reduced top generator information |
TtEvent | Base class to hold information for ttbar event interpretation |
BeautifulSoup::UnicodeDammit | |
pat::UserData | Base class for data that users can add to pat objects |