
PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple pfTauDecayMode
tuple pfTauDecayModeHighEfficiency
tuple pfTauDecayModeInsideOut
tuple standardDecayModeParams

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer("PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator",
00002       standardDecayModeParams,
00003       PFTauProducer = cms.InputTag("pfRecoTauProducer"),
00004 )

Definition at line 28 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer("PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator",
00002     standardDecayModeParams,
00003     PFTauProducer = cms.InputTag("pfRecoTauProducerHighEfficiency"),
00004 )

Definition at line 32 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer("PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator",
00002     standardDecayModeParams,
00003     PFTauProducer = cms.InputTag("pfRecoTauProducerInsideOut"),
00004 )

Definition at line 36 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.PSet(
00002     maxPiZeroMass               = cms.double(0.2),  # Max mass of photon pairs that can be merged into a pi0
00003     refitTracks                 = cms.bool(False),  # Fit vertex for 3-prongs? (Not available on AOD data)
00004     mergeLowPtPhotonsFirst      = cms.bool(True),   # as opposed to highest pt first (only when mergeByBestMatch = false)
00005     mergeByBestMatch            = cms.bool(True),   # Compare each candidate pair of photons and merge the best one
00006     setMergedPi0Mass            = cms.bool(True),   # Set mass for merged photons?
00007     setChargedPionMass          = cms.bool(True),   # Set tracks mass to M_pi+?
00008     setPi0Mass                  = cms.bool(True),   # Set unmerged photons to M_pi0?
00009     filterPhotons               = cms.bool(True),   # Remove unmerged/merged gammas by the following two criteria:
00010     minPtFractionSinglePhotons  = cms.double(0.10), # Minimum pt fraction for unmerged photons to be included
00011     minPtFractionPiZeroes       = cms.double(0.15), # Minimum pt fraction for merged photons to be included
00012     maxPhotonsToMerge           = cms.uint32(2),    # Number of photons that can be put in a candidate pi0
00013     filterTwoProngs             = cms.bool(True),   # Filter two prongs
00014     minPtFractionForSecondProng = cms.double(0.1),  # second prong pt/lead track pt fraction when filterTwoProngs == True
00015     maxDistance                 = cms.double(0.01), # passed to vertex fitter when refitTracks is true
00016     maxNbrOfIterations          = cms.int32(10)     # passed to vertex fitter when refitTracks is true
00017 )

Definition at line 10 of file