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Variables | |
tuple | ZmmgCandidates |
____________________________________________________________________________ | |
tuple | ZmmgDimuonFilter |
Require at least one dimuon candidate. | |
tuple | ZmmgDimuons |
Build dimuon candidates. | |
tuple | ZmmgDimuonSequence |
Put together the dimuon sequence. | |
tuple | ZmmgFilter |
Require at least one mu-mu-gamma candidate passing the cuts. | |
tuple | ZmmgHLTFilter = copy.deepcopy(hltHighLevel) |
tuple | ZmmgLeadingMuons |
Require a harder pt cut on the leading leg. | |
tuple | ZmmgMergedSuperClusters |
____________________________________________________________________________ | |
tuple | ZmmgPhotonCandidates |
Build candidates from all the merged superclusters. | |
tuple | ZmmgPhotons |
Select photon candidates with Et > 5 GeV. | |
tuple | ZmmgPhotonSequence |
Put together the photon sequence. | |
tuple | ZmmgSequence |
tuple | ZmmgSkimSeq |
____________________________________________________________________________ | |
tuple | ZmmgTrailingMuons |
____________________________________________________________________________ |
Defines the selection sequence ZmmgSkimSeq for the Zmmg skim for the RAW-RECO event content. It also defines several other modules and sequences used: ZmmgHLTFilter ZmmgTrailingMuons ZmmgLeadingMuons ZmmgDimuons ZmmgDimuonFilter ZmmgDimuonSequence ZmmgMergedSuperClusters ZmmgPhotonCandidates ZmmgPhotons ZmmgPhotonSequence ZmmgCandidates ZmmgFilter ZmmgSequence Jan Veverka, Caltech, 5 May 2012
00001 cms.EDProducer('CandViewShallowCloneCombiner', 00002 decay = cms.string('ZmmgDimuons ZmmgPhotons'), 00003 checkCharge = cms.bool(False), 00004 cut = cms.string(''' 00005 daughter(0).daughter(1).pt + daughter(1).pt > 20 & 00006 min(deltaR(daughter(0).daughter(0).eta, 00007 daughter(0).daughter(0).phi, 00008 daughter(1).eta, 00009 daughter(1).phi), 00010 deltaR(daughter(0).daughter(1).eta, 00011 daughter(0).daughter(1).phi, 00012 daughter(1).eta, 00013 daughter(1).phi)) < 1.5 & 00014 mass + daughter(0).mass < 200 & 00015 mass > 40 00016 '''), 00017 )
Build the mu-mu-gamma filter sequence ____________________________________________________________________________ Combine dimuons and photons to mumugamma candidates requiring 1. trailing muon pt + photon et > 20 GeV 2. distance between photon and near muon deltaR < 1.5 3. sum of invariant masses of the mmg and mm systems < 200 GeV 4. invariant mass of the mmg system > 40 GeV dimuon = daughter(0) leading muon = daughter(0).daughter(0) trailing muon = daughter(0).daughter(1) photon = daughter(1)
Definition at line 131 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter('CandViewCountFilter', 00002 src = cms.InputTag('ZmmgDimuons'), 00003 minNumber = cms.uint32(1) 00004 )
Require at least one dimuon candidate.
Definition at line 69 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer('CandViewShallowCloneCombiner', 00002 decay = cms.string('ZmmgLeadingMuons@+ ZmmgTrailingMuons@-'), 00003 checkCharge = cms.bool(True), 00004 cut = cms.string('mass > 30'), 00005 )
Build dimuon candidates.
Definition at line 62 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 ZmmgTrailingMuons * 00003 ZmmgLeadingMuons * 00004 ZmmgDimuons * 00005 ZmmgDimuonFilter 00006 )
Put together the dimuon sequence.
Definition at line 75 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
tuple ZmmgSkim_cff::ZmmgFilter |
00001 cms.EDFilter('CandViewCountFilter', 00002 src = cms.InputTag('ZmmgCandidates'), 00003 minNumber = cms.uint32(1) 00004 )
Require at least one mu-mu-gamma candidate passing the cuts.
Definition at line 150 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
tuple ZmmgSkim_cff::ZmmgHLTFilter = copy.deepcopy(hltHighLevel) |
Definition at line 33 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter('MuonSelector', 00002 src = cms.InputTag('ZmmgTrailingMuons'), 00003 cut = cms.string('pt > 20'), 00004 filter = cms.bool(True) 00005 )
Require a harder pt cut on the leading leg.
Definition at line 55 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer('EgammaSuperClusterMerger', 00002 src = cms.VInputTag( 00003 cms.InputTag('correctedHybridSuperClusters'), 00004 cms.InputTag('correctedMulti5x5SuperClustersWithPreshower') 00005 ) 00006 )
Build the Supercluster/Photon Sequence ____________________________________________________________________________ Merge the barrel and endcap superclusters
Definition at line 89 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDProducer('ConcreteEcalCandidateProducer', 00002 src = cms.InputTag('ZmmgMergedSuperClusters'), 00003 particleType = cms.string('gamma') 00004 )
Build candidates from all the merged superclusters.
Definition at line 97 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter('CandViewSelector', 00002 src = cms.InputTag('ZmmgPhotonCandidates'), 00003 cut = cms.string('et > 5'), 00004 filter = cms.bool(True) 00005 )
Select photon candidates with Et > 5 GeV.
Definition at line 103 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 ZmmgMergedSuperClusters * 00003 ZmmgPhotonCandidates * 00004 ZmmgPhotons 00005 )
Put together the photon sequence.
Definition at line 110 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 ZmmgCandidates * 00003 ZmmgFilter 00004 )
Definition at line 155 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 ZmmgHLTFilter * 00003 ZmmgDimuonSequence * 00004 ZmmgPhotonSequence * 00005 ZmmgSequence 00006 )
Build the full selection sequence for the ZMuMuGammaSkim ____________________________________________________________________________
Definition at line 166 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter('MuonSelector', 00002 src = cms.InputTag('muons'), 00003 cut = cms.string('''pt > 10 && 00004 abs(eta) < 2.4 && 00005 isGlobalMuon = 1 && 00006 isTrackerMuon = 1 && 00007 abs(innerTrack().dxy)<2.0'''), 00008 filter = cms.bool(True) 00009 )
Build the Dimuon Sequence ____________________________________________________________________________ Get muons of needed quality for Z -> mumugamma
Definition at line 44 of file ZmmgSkim_cff.py.