![]() |
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Variables | |
tuple | goldenZmumuCandidatesGe0IsoMuons |
tuple | goldenZmumuCandidatesGe2IsoMuons |
tuple | goldenZmumuFilter |
tuple | goldenZmumuSelectionSequence |
tuple | goodMuons |
tuple | goodMuonsPFIso |
tuple | goodVertex |
00001 cms.EDProducer("CandViewShallowCloneCombiner", 00002 checkCharge = cms.bool(True), 00003 # require one of the muons with pT > 20 00004 cut = cms.string('charge = 0 & max(daughter(0).pt,daughter(1).pt)>20'), 00005 decay = cms.string("goodMuons@+ goodMuons@-") 00006 )
Definition at line 28 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
00001 goldenZmumuCandidatesGe0IsoMuons.clone( 00002 decay = cms.string("goodMuonsPFIso@+ goodMuonsPFIso@-") 00003 )
Definition at line 40 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("goldenZmumuCandidatesGe0IsoMuons"), # loose selection 00003 #src = cms.InputTag("goldenZmumuCandidatesGe1IsoMuons"), # tight selection 00004 minNumber = cms.uint32(1) 00005 )
Definition at line 44 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
00001 cms.Sequence( 00002 goodVertex 00003 * patMuons 00004 * goodMuons 00005 * goodMuonsPFIso 00006 * goldenZmumuCandidatesGe0IsoMuons 00007 # * goldenZmumuCandidatesGe1IsoMuons 00008 * goldenZmumuCandidatesGe2IsoMuons 00009 * goldenZmumuFilter 00010 )
Definition at line 50 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter("PATMuonSelector", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("patMuons"), 00003 cut = cms.string( 00004 'pt > 10 && abs(eta) < 2.5 && isGlobalMuon && isTrackerMuon ' 00005 ' && innerTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidTrackerHits > 9 & innerTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidPixelHits > 0' 00006 ' && abs(dB) < 0.2 && globalTrack.normalizedChi2 < 10' 00007 ' && globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits > 0 && numberOfMatches > 1' 00008 ), 00009 filter = cms.bool(True) 00010 )
Definition at line 11 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter("PATMuonRefSelector", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("goodMuons"), 00003 cut = cms.string('(pfIsolationR04().sumChargedHadronPt - pfIsolationR04().sumPUPt)<0.1*pt'), 00004 filter = cms.bool(False) 00005 )
Definition at line 22 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
00001 cms.EDFilter("VertexSelector", 00002 src = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"), 00003 cut = cms.string("(!isFake) & ndof > 3 & abs(z) < 15 & position.Rho < 2"), 00004 filter = cms.bool(True) 00005 )
Definition at line 5 of file ZmumuStandalonSelection_cff.py.
Referenced by ConversionProducer::buildCollection().