Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

ZdcSD Class Reference

#include <ZdcSD.h>

Inheritance diagram for ZdcSD:
CaloSD SensitiveCaloDetector Observer< const BeginOfRun * > Observer< const BeginOfEvent * > Observer< const BeginOfTrack * > Observer< const EndOfTrack * > Observer< const EndOfEvent * > SensitiveDetector

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual double getEnergyDeposit (G4Step *, edm::ParameterSet const &)
void getFromLibrary (G4Step *step)
virtual bool ProcessHits (G4Step *step, G4TouchableHistory *tHistory)
virtual uint32_t setDetUnitId (G4Step *step)
void setNumberingScheme (ZdcNumberingScheme *scheme)
 ZdcSD (G4String, const DDCompactView &, SensitiveDetectorCatalog &, edm::ParameterSet const &, const SimTrackManager *)
virtual ~ZdcSD ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initRun ()

Private Member Functions

int setTrackID (G4Step *step)

Private Attributes

< ZdcShowerLibrary::Hit
double thFibDir
bool useShowerHits
bool useShowerLibrary
int verbosity
double zdcHitEnergyCut

Detailed Description

Definition at line 14 of file ZdcSD.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ZdcSD::ZdcSD ( G4String  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
SensitiveDetectorCatalog clg,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p,
const SimTrackManager manager 

Definition at line 21 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), setNumberingScheme(), showerLibrary, useShowerHits, useShowerLibrary, verbosity, and zdcHitEnergyCut.

  CaloSD(name, cpv, clg, p, manager), numberingScheme(0) {
  edm::ParameterSet m_ZdcSD = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ZdcSD");
  useShowerLibrary = m_ZdcSD.getParameter<bool>("UseShowerLibrary");
  useShowerHits    = m_ZdcSD.getParameter<bool>("UseShowerHits");
  zdcHitEnergyCut  = m_ZdcSD.getParameter<double>("ZdcHitEnergyCut")*GeV;
  verbosity  = m_ZdcSD.getParameter<int>("Verbosity");
  int verbn  = verbosity/10;
  verbosity %= 10;
  ZdcNumberingScheme* scheme;
  scheme = new ZdcNumberingScheme(verbn);
    << "***************************************************\n"
    << "*                                                 *\n"
    << "* Constructing a ZdcSD  with name " << name <<"   *\n"
    << "*                                                 *\n"
    << "***************************************************";

     << "\nUse of shower library is set to " 
     << useShowerLibrary 
     << "\nUse of Shower hits method is set to "
     << useShowerHits;                  
     << "\nEnergy Threshold Cut set to " 
     << zdcHitEnergyCut/GeV
     <<" (GeV)";
    showerLibrary = new ZdcShowerLibrary(name, cpv, p);
ZdcSD::~ZdcSD ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 59 of file

References numberingScheme, and showerLibrary.

  if(numberingScheme) delete numberingScheme;
  if(showerLibrary)delete showerLibrary;

    <<"end of ZdcSD\n";

Member Function Documentation

double ZdcSD::getEnergyDeposit ( G4Step *  aStep,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p 
) [virtual]

Definition at line 180 of file

References a, beta, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), eta, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), funct::log(), LogDebug, max(), min, NULL, phi, pi, CaloSD::preStepPoint, alignCSCRings::r, mathSSE::sqrt(), funct::tan(), theta(), CaloSD::theTrack, and thFibDir.


  float NCherPhot = 0.;
  //std::cout<<"I go through here"<<std::endl;

  if (aStep == NULL) {
    LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit: aStep is NULL!";
    return 0;
  } else {
    // preStepPoint information
    G4SteppingControl  stepControlFlag = aStep->GetControlFlag();
    G4StepPoint*       preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
    G4VPhysicalVolume* currentPV    = preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
    G4String           nameVolume   = currentPV->GetName();

    G4ThreeVector      hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();  
    G4ThreeVector      hit_mom = preStepPoint->GetMomentumDirection();
    G4double           stepL = aStep->GetStepLength()/cm;
    G4double           beta     = preStepPoint->GetBeta();
    G4double           charge   = preStepPoint->GetCharge();

    // G4VProcess*        curprocess   = preStepPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep();
    // G4String           namePr   = preStepPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName();
    // G4LogicalVolume*   lv    = currentPV->GetLogicalVolume();
    // G4Material*        mat   = lv->GetMaterial();
    // G4double           rad   = mat->GetRadlen();

    // postStepPoint information
    G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();   
    G4VPhysicalVolume* postPV = postStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
    G4String postnameVolume = postPV->GetName();

    // theTrack information
    G4Track* theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();   
    G4String particleType = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
    G4int primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
    G4double entot = theTrack->GetTotalEnergy();
    G4ThreeVector vert_mom = theTrack->GetVertexMomentumDirection();
    G4ThreeVector localPoint = theTrack->GetTouchable()->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(hitPoint);

    // calculations
    float costheta = vert_mom.z()/sqrt(vert_mom.x()*vert_mom.x()+
    float theta = acos(std::min(std::max(costheta,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
    float eta = -log(tan(theta/2));
    float phi = -100.;
    if (vert_mom.x() != 0) phi = atan2(vert_mom.y(),vert_mom.x()); 
    if (phi < 0.) phi += twopi;

    // Get the total energy deposit
    double stepE   = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
      << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit: "
      << "  preStepPoint: " << nameVolume << "," << stepL << "," << stepE 
      << "," << beta << "," << charge << "\n"
      << "  postStepPoint: " << postnameVolume << "," << costheta << "," 
      << theta << "," << eta << "," << phi << "," << particleType << "," 
      << primaryID;

    float bThreshold = 0.67;
    if ((beta > bThreshold) && (charge != 0) && (nameVolume == "ZDC_EMFiber" || nameVolume == "ZDC_HadFiber")) {
      LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit:  pass "; 

      float nMedium = 1.4925;
      // float photEnSpectrDL = 10714.285714;
      //       photEnSpectrDL = (1./400.nm-1./700.nm)*; /* cm-1  */

      float photEnSpectrDE = 1.24;
      // E = 2pi*(1./137.)*(eV*cm/370.)/lambda = 12.389184*(eV*cm)/lambda
      // Emax = 12.389184*(eV*cm)/400nm*10-7cm/nm  = 3.01 eV
      // Emin = 12.389184*(eV*cm)/700nm*10-7cm/nm  = 1.77 eV
      // delE = Emax - Emin = 1.24 eV

      float effPMTandTransport = 0.15;

      // Check these values
      float thFullRefl = 23.;
      float thFullReflRad = thFullRefl*pi/180.;

      edm::ParameterSet m_ZdcSD = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ZdcSD");
      thFibDir  = m_ZdcSD.getParameter<double>("FiberDirection");
      //float thFibDir = 90.;
      float thFibDirRad = thFibDir*pi/180.;

      // at which theta the point is located:
      //   float th1 = hitPoint.theta();

      // theta of charged particle in LabRF(hit momentum direction):
      float costh = hit_mom.z()/sqrt(hit_mom.x()*hit_mom.x()+
      float th = acos(std::min(std::max(costh,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
      // just in case (can do both standard ranges of phi):
      if (th < 0.) th += twopi;

      // theta of cone with Cherenkov photons w.r.t.direction of charged part.:
      float costhcher =1./(nMedium*beta);
      float thcher = acos(std::min(std::max(costhcher,float(-1.)),float(1.)));

      // diff thetas of charged part. and quartz direction in LabRF:
      float DelFibPart = fabs(th - thFibDirRad);

      // define real distances:
      float d = fabs(tan(th)-tan(thFibDirRad));   

      // float a = fabs(tan(thFibDirRad)-tan(thFibDirRad+thFullReflRad));   
      // float r = fabs(tan(th)-tan(th+thcher));   
      float a = tan(thFibDirRad)+tan(fabs(thFibDirRad-thFullReflRad));   
      float r = tan(th)+tan(fabs(th-thcher));   
      // std::cout.testOut << "  d=|tan(" << th << ")-tan(" << thFibDirRad << ")| "
      //              << "=|" << tan(th) << "-" << tan(thFibDirRad) << "| = " << d;
      // std::cout.testOut << "  a=tan(" << thFibDirRad << ")=" << tan(thFibDirRad) 
      //              << " + tan(|" << thFibDirRad << " - " << thFullReflRad << "|)="
      //              << tan(fabs(thFibDirRad-thFullReflRad)) << " = " << a;
      // std::cout.testOut << "  r=tan(" << th << ")=" << tan(th) << " + tan(|" << th 
      //              << " - " << thcher << "|)=" << tan(fabs(th-thcher)) << " = " << r;

      // define losses d_qz in cone of full reflection inside quartz direction
      float d_qz = -1;
      float variant = -1;

      // if (d > (r+a))
      if (DelFibPart > (thFullReflRad + thcher) ) {
        variant = 0.; d_qz = 0.;
      } else {
        // if ((DelFibPart + thcher) < thFullReflRad )  [(d+r) < a]
        if ((th + thcher) < (thFibDirRad+thFullReflRad) && (th - thcher) > (thFibDirRad-thFullReflRad) ) {
          variant = 1.; d_qz = 1.;
        } else {
          // if ((thcher - DelFibPart ) > thFullReflRad )  [(r-d) > a]
          if ((thFibDirRad + thFullReflRad) < (th + thcher) && (thFibDirRad - thFullReflRad) > (th - thcher) ) {
            variant = 2.; d_qz = 0.;
          } else {
            // if ((thcher + DelFibPart ) > thFullReflRad && thcher < (DelFibPart+thFullReflRad) ) {  [(r+d) > a && (r-d) < a)]
            variant = 3.; // d_qz is calculated below

            // use crossed length of circles(cone projection) - dC1/dC2 : 
            float arg_arcos = 0.;
            float tan_arcos = 2.*a*d;
            if (tan_arcos != 0.) arg_arcos =(r*r-a*a-d*d)/tan_arcos; 
            // std::cout.testOut << "  d_qz: " << r << "," << a << "," << d << " " << tan_arcos << " " << arg_arcos;
            arg_arcos = fabs(arg_arcos);
            // std::cout.testOut << "," << arg_arcos;
            float th_arcos = acos(std::min(std::max(arg_arcos,float(-1.)),float(1.)));
            // std::cout.testOut << " " << th_arcos;
            d_qz = th_arcos/pi/2.;
            // std::cout.testOut << " " << d_qz;
            d_qz = fabs(d_qz);
            // std::cout.testOut << "," << d_qz;

      //  std::cout<< std::endl;

      double meanNCherPhot = 0.;
      G4int poissNCherPhot = 0;
      if (d_qz > 0) {
        meanNCherPhot = 370.*charge*charge*( 1. - 1./(nMedium*nMedium*beta*beta) ) * photEnSpectrDE * stepL;

        // dLamdX:  meanNCherPhot = (2.*pi/137.)*charge*charge* 
        //                          ( 1. - 1./(nMedium*nMedium*beta*beta) ) * photEnSpectrDL * stepL;
        poissNCherPhot = (G4int) G4Poisson(meanNCherPhot);

        if (poissNCherPhot < 0) poissNCherPhot = 0; 

        // NCherPhot = meanNCherPhot;
        NCherPhot = poissNCherPhot * effPMTandTransport * d_qz;

        << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit:  gED: "
        << stepE
        << "," << costh
        << "," << th
        << "," << costhcher
        << "," << thcher
        << "," << DelFibPart
        << "," << d
        << "," << a
        << "," << r
        << "," << hitPoint
        << "," << hit_mom
        << "," << stepControlFlag
        << "," << entot
        << "," << vert_mom
        << "," << localPoint
        << "," << charge
        << "," << beta
        << "," << stepL
        << "," << d_qz
        << "," << variant
        << "," << meanNCherPhot
        << "," << poissNCherPhot
        << "," << NCherPhot;
      // --constants-----------------
      // << "," << photEnSpectrDE
      // << "," << nMedium
      // << "," << bThreshold
      // << "," << thFibDirRad
      // << "," << thFullReflRad
      // << "," << effPMTandTransport
      // --other variables-----------
      // << "," << curprocess
      // << "," << nameProcess
      // << "," << name
      // << "," << rad
      // << "," << mat

    } else {
      // determine failure mode: beta, charge, and/or nameVolume
      if (beta <= bThreshold)
          << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit: fail beta=" << beta;
      if (charge == 0)
          << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit: fail charge=0";
      if ( !(nameVolume == "ZDC_EMFiber" || nameVolume == "ZDC_HadFiber") )
          << "ZdcSD::  getEnergyDeposit: fail nv=" << nameVolume;

    return NCherPhot;
void ZdcSD::getFromLibrary ( G4Step *  step)

Definition at line 96 of file

References CaloSD::createNewHit(), CaloSD::currentHit, CaloSD::currentID, CaloSD::edepositEM, CaloSD::edepositHAD, CaloSD::entranceLocal, CaloSD::entrancePoint, CaloG4Hit::getEM(), CaloG4Hit::getEntryLocal(), CaloG4Hit::getHadr(), ZdcShowerLibrary::getHits(), CaloG4Hit::getIncidentEnergy(), CaloG4Hit::getTrackID(), CaloG4Hit::getUnitID(), GetVolume(), hits, i, LogDebug, convertSQLiteXML::ok, CaloSD::posGlobal, CaloSD::preStepPoint, CaloSD::previousID, CaloSD::resetForNewPrimary(), CaloHitID::setID(), CaloG4Hit::setIncidentEnergy(), setTrackID(), showerLibrary, CaloSD::theTrack, cond::rpcobgas::time, CaloSD::updateHit(), and zdcHitEnergyCut.

Referenced by ProcessHits().

  bool ok = true;

  preStepPoint  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint(); 
  theTrack      = aStep->GetTrack();   

  double etrack    = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
  int primaryID = setTrackID(aStep);  


    if (etrack >= zdcHitEnergyCut) {
    primaryID    = theTrack->GetTrackID();
    } else {
    primaryID    = theTrack->GetParentID();
    if (primaryID == 0) primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
  // Reset entry point for new primary
  posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
  resetForNewPrimary(posGlobal, etrack);

  if (etrack >= zdcHitEnergyCut){
    // create hits only if above threshold

      <<"----------------New track------------------------------\n"
      <<"Incident EnergyTrack: "<<etrack<< " MeV \n"
      <<"Zdc Cut Energy for Hits: "<<zdcHitEnergyCut<<" MeV \n"
      << "ZdcSD::getFromLibrary " <<hits.size() <<" hits for "
      << GetName() << " of " << primaryID << " with " 
      << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << " of " 
      << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()<< " MeV\n"; 
    hits.swap(showerLibrary->getHits(aStep, ok));    
  entrancePoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hits.size(); i++) {
    posGlobal           = hits[i].position;
    entranceLocal       = hits[i].entryLocal;
    double time         = hits[i].time;
    unsigned int unitID = hits[i].detID;
    edepositHAD         = hits[i].DeHad;
    edepositEM          = hits[i].DeEM;
    currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID);
    // check if it is in the same unit and timeslice as the previous on    
    if (currentID == previousID) {
    } else {
      currentHit = createNewHit();
    //  currentHit->setPosition(hitPoint.x(),hitPoint.y(),hitPoint.z());
    //  currentHit->setEM(eEM);
    //   currentHit->setHadr(eHAD);
    //  currentHit->setEntryLocal(hitEntry.x(),hitEntry.y(),hitEntry.z());
    LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "ZdcSD: Final Hit number:"<<i<<"-->"
                           <<"New HitID: "<<currentHit->getUnitID()
                           <<" New Hit trackID: "<<currentHit->getTrackID()
                           <<" New EM Energy: "<<currentHit->getEM()/GeV
                           <<" New HAD Energy: "<<currentHit->getHadr()/GeV
                           <<" New HitEntryPoint: "<<currentHit->getEntryLocal()
                           <<" New IncidentEnergy: "<<currentHit->getIncidentEnergy()/GeV
                           <<" New HitPosition: "<<posGlobal;
  //Now kill the current track
  if (ok) {
    G4TrackVector tv = *(aStep->GetSecondary());
    for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<tv.size(); kk++) {
      if (tv[kk]->GetVolume() == preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume())
void ZdcSD::initRun ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from CaloSD.

Definition at line 68 of file

References hits, ZdcShowerLibrary::initRun(), showerLibrary, and useShowerLibrary.

    G4ParticleTable *theParticleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
bool ZdcSD::ProcessHits ( G4Step *  step,
G4TouchableHistory *  tHistory 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented from CaloSD.

Definition at line 76 of file

References CaloSD::createNewHit(), CaloSD::currentHit, CaloSD::edepositEM, CaloSD::edepositHAD, getFromLibrary(), CaloSD::getStepInfo(), CaloSD::hitExists(), SensitiveDetector::NaNTrap(), NULL, useShowerHits, and useShowerLibrary.


  NaNTrap( aStep ) ;

  if (aStep == NULL) {
    return true;
  } else {
      if (getStepInfo(aStep)) {
        if (hitExists() == false && edepositEM+edepositHAD>0.)
          currentHit = CaloSD::createNewHit();
  return true;
uint32_t ZdcSD::setDetUnitId ( G4Step *  step) [virtual]

Implements CaloSD.

Definition at line 409 of file

References ZdcNumberingScheme::getUnitID(), and numberingScheme.

  uint32_t returnNumber = 0;
  if(numberingScheme != 0)returnNumber = numberingScheme->getUnitID(aStep);
  // edm: return (numberingScheme == 0 ? 0 : numberingScheme->getUnitID(aStep));
  return returnNumber;
void ZdcSD::setNumberingScheme ( ZdcNumberingScheme scheme)

Definition at line 416 of file

References numberingScheme.

Referenced by ZdcSD().

  if (scheme != 0) {
    edm::LogInfo("ForwardSim") << "ZdcSD: updates numbering scheme for " 
                               << GetName();
    if (numberingScheme) delete numberingScheme;
    numberingScheme = scheme;
int ZdcSD::setTrackID ( G4Step *  step) [private]

Definition at line 425 of file

References TrackInformation::getIDonCaloSurface(), LogDebug, CaloSD::preStepPoint, CaloSD::previousID, CaloSD::resetForNewPrimary(), CaloSD::theTrack, and CaloHitID::trackID().

Referenced by getFromLibrary().

  theTrack     = aStep->GetTrack();
  double etrack = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
  TrackInformation * trkInfo = (TrackInformation *)(theTrack->GetUserInformation());
  int primaryID = trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
  if (primaryID == 0) {
#ifdef DebugLog
    LogDebug("ZdcSD") << "ZdcSD: Problem with primaryID **** set by force "
                        << "to TkID **** " << theTrack->GetTrackID();
    primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
  if (primaryID != previousID.trackID())
      resetForNewPrimary(preStepPoint->GetPosition(), etrack); 
  return primaryID;

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<ZdcShowerLibrary::Hit> ZdcSD::hits [private]

Definition at line 41 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by getFromLibrary(), and initRun().

Definition at line 39 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by setDetUnitId(), setNumberingScheme(), and ~ZdcSD().

Definition at line 38 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by getFromLibrary(), initRun(), ZdcSD(), and ~ZdcSD().

double ZdcSD::thFibDir [private]

Definition at line 36 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by getEnergyDeposit().

bool ZdcSD::useShowerHits [private]

Definition at line 34 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by ProcessHits(), and ZdcSD().

bool ZdcSD::useShowerLibrary [private]

Definition at line 34 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by initRun(), ProcessHits(), and ZdcSD().

int ZdcSD::verbosity [private]

Definition at line 33 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by ZdcSD().

double ZdcSD::zdcHitEnergyCut [private]

Definition at line 37 of file ZdcSD.h.

Referenced by getFromLibrary(), and ZdcSD().