![]() |
![]() |
#include <BasicGenParticleValidation.h>
Definition at line 39 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
BasicGenParticleValidation::BasicGenParticleValidation | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | iPSet | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 16 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
References dbe, and cppFunctionSkipper::operator.
: _wmanager(iPSet), hepmcCollection_(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hepmcCollection")), genparticleCollection_(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genparticleCollection")), genjetCollection_(iPSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genjetsCollection")), matchPr_(iPSet.getParameter<double>("matchingPrecision")), verbosity_(iPSet.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("verbosity",0)) { dbe = 0; dbe = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->(); }
BasicGenParticleValidation::~BasicGenParticleValidation | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 28 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
void BasicGenParticleValidation::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Gathering the HepMCProduct information
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 77 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
References _wmanager, gather_cfg::cout, HLTFastRecoForTau_cff::deltaEta, eta, MonitorElement::Fill(), genJetCentral, genjetCollection_, genJetDeltaEtaMin, genJetEnergy, genJetEta, genJetMult, genJetPhi, genJetPt, genJetPto1, genJetPto10, genJetPto100, genJetTotPt, genMatched, genparticleCollection_, genParticleCandidates2GenParticles_cfi::genParticles, genPMultiplicity, edm::Event::getByLabel(), hepmcCollection_, i, j, reco::btau::jetEta, matchedResolution, matchParticles(), min, multipleMatching, nEvt, rho, verbosity_, CommonMethods::weight(), and WeightManager::weight().
{ unsigned int initSize = 1000; edm::Handle<HepMCProduct> evt; iEvent.getByLabel(hepmcCollection_, evt); //Get HepMC EVENT HepMC::GenEvent *myGenEvent = new HepMC::GenEvent(*(evt->GetEvent())); double weight = _wmanager.weight(iEvent); nEvt->Fill(0.5, weight); std::vector<const HepMC::GenParticle*> hepmcGPCollection; std::vector<int> barcodeList; hepmcGPCollection.reserve(initSize); barcodeList.reserve(initSize); //Looping through HepMC::GenParticle collection to search for status 1 particles for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator iter = myGenEvent->particles_begin(); iter != myGenEvent->particles_end(); ++iter){ if ( (*iter)->status() == 1) { hepmcGPCollection.push_back(*iter); barcodeList.push_back((*iter)->barcode()); if ( verbosity_ > 0 ) { std::cout << "HepMC " << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter)->pdg_id() << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter)->momentum().px() << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter)->momentum().py() << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter)->momentum().pz() << std::endl; } } } // Gather information on the reco::GenParticle collection edm::Handle<reco::GenParticleCollection> genParticles; iEvent.getByLabel(genparticleCollection_, genParticles ); std::vector<const reco::GenParticle*> particles; particles.reserve(initSize); for (reco::GenParticleCollection::const_iterator iter=genParticles->begin();iter!=genParticles->end();++iter){ if ( (*iter).status() == 1) { particles.push_back(&*iter); if ( verbosity_ > 0 ) { std::cout << "reco " << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter).pdgId() << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter).px() << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter).py() << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << (*iter).pz() << std::endl; } } } unsigned int nReco = particles.size(); unsigned int nHepMC = hepmcGPCollection.size(); genPMultiplicity->Fill(std::log10(nReco), weight); // Define vector containing index of hepmc corresponding to the reco::GenParticle std::vector<int> hepmcMatchIndex; hepmcMatchIndex.reserve(initSize); // Matching procedure // Check array size consistency if ( nReco != nHepMC ) { edm::LogWarning("CollectionSizeInconsistency") << "Collection size inconsistency: HepMC::GenParticle = " << nHepMC << " reco::GenParticle = " << nReco; } // Match each HepMC with a reco for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nReco; ++i ){ for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < nHepMC; ++j ){ if ( matchParticles( hepmcGPCollection[j], particles[i] ) ) { hepmcMatchIndex.push_back((int)j); if ( hepmcGPCollection[j]->momentum().rho() != 0. ) { double reso = 1.-particles[i]->p()/hepmcGPCollection[j]->momentum().rho(); if ( verbosity_ > 0 ) { std::cout << "Matching momentum: reco = " << particles[i]->p() << " HepMC = " << hepmcGPCollection[j]->momentum().rho() << " resoultion = " << reso << std::endl; } matchedResolution->Fill(std::log10(std::fabs(reso)),weight); } continue; } } } // Check unicity of matching unsigned int nMatched = hepmcMatchIndex.size(); if ( nMatched != nReco ) { edm::LogWarning("IncorrectMatching") << "Incorrect number of matched indexes: GenParticle = " << nReco << " matched indexes = " << nMatched; } genMatched->Fill(int(nReco-nMatched),weight); unsigned int nWrMatch = 0; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatched; ++i ){ for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < nMatched; ++j ){ if ( hepmcMatchIndex[i] == hepmcMatchIndex[j] ) { int theIndex = hepmcMatchIndex[i]; edm::LogWarning("DuplicatedMatching") << "Multiple matching occurencies for GenParticle barcode = " << barcodeList[theIndex]; nWrMatch++; } } } multipleMatching->Fill(int(nWrMatch),weight); // Gather information in the GenJet collection edm::Handle<reco::GenJetCollection> genJets; iEvent.getByLabel(genjetCollection_, genJets ); int nJets = 0; int nJetso1 = 0; int nJetso10 = 0; int nJetso100 = 0; int nJetsCentral = 0; double totPt = 0.; std::vector<double> jetEta; jetEta.reserve(initSize); for (reco::GenJetCollection::const_iterator iter=genJets->begin();iter!=genJets->end();++iter){ nJets++; double pt = (*iter).pt(); totPt += pt; if (pt > 1.) nJetso1++; if (pt > 10.) nJetso10++; if (pt > 100.) nJetso100++; double eta = (*iter).eta(); if ( std::fabs(eta) < 2.5 ) nJetsCentral++; jetEta.push_back(eta); genJetEnergy->Fill(std::log10((*iter).energy()),weight); genJetPt->Fill(std::log10(pt),weight); genJetEta->Fill(eta,weight); genJetPhi->Fill((*iter).phi()/CLHEP::degree,weight); } genJetMult->Fill(nJets,weight); genJetPto1->Fill(nJetso1,weight); genJetPto10->Fill(nJetso10,weight); genJetPto100->Fill(nJetso100,weight); genJetCentral->Fill(nJetsCentral,weight); genJetTotPt->Fill(std::log10(totPt),weight); double deltaEta = 999.; if ( jetEta.size() > 1 ) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jetEta.size(); i++){ for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < jetEta.size(); j++){ deltaEta = std::min(deltaEta,std::fabs(jetEta[i]-jetEta[j])); } } } genJetDeltaEtaMin->Fill(deltaEta,weight); delete myGenEvent; }//analyze
void BasicGenParticleValidation::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Setting the DQM top directories
Booking the ME's
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 30 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
References DQMStore::book1D(), dbe, genJetCentral, genJetDeltaEtaMin, genJetEnergy, genJetEta, genJetMult, genJetPhi, genJetPt, genJetPto1, genJetPto10, genJetPto100, genJetTotPt, genMatched, genPMultiplicity, matchedResolution, multipleMatching, nEvt, and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().
{ if(dbe){ dbe->setCurrentFolder("Generator/GenParticles"); // Number of analyzed events nEvt = dbe->book1D("nEvt", "n analyzed Events", 1, 0., 1.); genPMultiplicity = dbe->book1D("genPMultiplicty", "Log(No. all GenParticles)", 50, -1, 5); //Log //difference in HepMC and reco multiplicity genMatched = dbe->book1D("genMatched", "Difference reco - matched", 50, -25, 25); //multiple matching multipleMatching = dbe->book1D("multipleMatching", "multiple reco HepMC matching", 50, 0, 50); //momentum difference of matched particles matchedResolution = dbe->book1D("matchedResolution", "log10(momentum difference of matched particles)", 70, -10., -3.); // GenJet general distributions genJetMult = dbe->book1D("genJetMult", "GenJet multiplicity", 50, 0, 50); genJetEnergy = dbe->book1D("genJetEnergy", "Log10(GenJet energy)", 60, -1, 5); genJetPt = dbe->book1D("genJetPt", "Log10(GenJet pt)", 60, -1, 5); genJetEta = dbe->book1D("genJetEta", "GenJet eta", 220, -11, 11); genJetPhi = dbe->book1D("genJetPhi", "GenJet phi", 360, -180, 180); genJetDeltaEtaMin = dbe->book1D("genJetDeltaEtaMin", "GenJet minimum rapidity gap", 30, 0, 30); genJetPto1 = dbe->book1D("genJetPto1", "GenJet multiplicity above 1 GeV", 50, 0, 50); genJetPto10 = dbe->book1D("genJetPto10", "GenJet multiplicity above 10 GeV", 50, 0, 50); genJetPto100 = dbe->book1D("genJetPto100", "GenJet multiplicity above 100 GeV", 50, 0, 50); genJetCentral = dbe->book1D("genJetCentral", "GenJet multiplicity |eta|.lt.2.5", 50, 0, 50); genJetTotPt = dbe->book1D("genJetTotPt", "Log10(GenJet total pt)", 100, -5, 5); } return; }
void BasicGenParticleValidation::beginRun | ( | const edm::Run & | iRun, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Get PDT Table
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 70 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
References fPDGTable, and edm::EventSetup::getData().
void BasicGenParticleValidation::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 69 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
void BasicGenParticleValidation::endRun | ( | const edm::Run & | iRun, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 76 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
bool BasicGenParticleValidation::matchParticles | ( | const HepMC::GenParticle *& | hepmcP, |
const reco::GenParticle *& | recoP | ||
) |
Definition at line 237 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.cc.
References matchPr_, reco::LeafCandidate::pdgId(), reco::LeafCandidate::px(), reco::LeafCandidate::py(), reco::LeafCandidate::pz(), and evf::utils::state.
Referenced by analyze().
{ bool state = false; if ( hepmcP->pdg_id() != recoP->pdgId() ) return state; if ( std::fabs(hepmcP->momentum().px()-recoP->px()) < std::fabs(matchPr_*hepmcP->momentum().px()) && std::fabs(hepmcP->momentum().py()-recoP->py()) < std::fabs(matchPr_*hepmcP->momentum().py()) && std::fabs(hepmcP->momentum().pz()-recoP->pz()) < std::fabs(matchPr_*hepmcP->momentum().pz())) { state = true; } return state; }
Definition at line 54 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze().
DQMStore* BasicGenParticleValidation::dbe [private] |
ME's "container".
Definition at line 67 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by BasicGenParticleValidation(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 90 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 58 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 85 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 81 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 83 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 80 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 84 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 82 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 87 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 88 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 89 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 92 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 74 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 57 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 73 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
Definition at line 56 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze().
Definition at line 76 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
double BasicGenParticleValidation::matchPr_ [private] |
Definition at line 59 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by matchParticles().
Definition at line 75 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
MonitorElement* BasicGenParticleValidation::nEvt [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
unsigned int BasicGenParticleValidation::verbosity_ [private] |
Definition at line 61 of file BasicGenParticleValidation.h.
Referenced by analyze().