Classes | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

FastTimerService Class Reference

#include <FastTimerService.h>

List of all members.


struct  ModuleInfo
class  ModuleMap
struct  PathInfo
class  PathMap

Public Member Functions

double currentEventTime () const
double currentModuleTime () const
double currentPathTime () const
 FastTimerService (const edm::ParameterSet &, edm::ActivityRegistry &)
double queryEndPathsTime () const
double queryEventTime () const
double queryModuleTime (const edm::ModuleDescription &) const
double queryPathActiveTime (const std::string &) const
double queryPathsTime () const
double queryPathTotalTime (const std::string &) const
double querySourceTime () const
void setNumberOfProcesses (unsigned int)
 ~FastTimerService ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)

Private Member Functions

void fillPathMap (std::string const &name, std::vector< std::string > const &modules)
edm::ModuleDescription const * findModuleDescription (const std::string &module) const
void gettime (struct timespec &stamp) const
void postBeginJob ()
void postEndJob ()
void postModule (edm::ModuleDescription const &)
void postProcessEvent (edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &)
void postProcessPath (std::string const &, edm::HLTPathStatus const &)
void postSource ()
void preModule (edm::ModuleDescription const &)
void preModuleBeginJob (edm::ModuleDescription const &)
void prePathBeginRun (std::string const &)
void preProcessEvent (edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const &)
void preProcessPath (std::string const &)
void preSource ()
void reset ()
void start (std::pair< struct timespec, struct timespec > &times) const
void stop (std::pair< struct timespec, struct timespec > &times) const

Static Private Member Functions

static double delta (const struct timespec &first, const struct timespec &second)
static double delta (const std::pair< struct timespec, struct timespec > &times)

Private Attributes

double m_all_endpaths
double m_all_paths
std::vector< ModuleInfo * > m_cache_modules
std::vector< PathInfo * > m_cache_paths
TH1F * m_dqm_all_endpaths
TH1F * m_dqm_all_paths
TProfile * m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_byls_all_paths
TProfile * m_dqm_byls_event
TProfile * m_dqm_byls_interpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_byls_source
TProfile * m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths
TProfile * m_dqm_byluminosity_event
TProfile * m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_byluminosity_source
TH1F * m_dqm_event
const double m_dqm_eventtime_range
const double m_dqm_eventtime_resolution
TH1F * m_dqm_interpaths
const uint32_t m_dqm_ls_range
const double m_dqm_luminosity_range
const double m_dqm_luminosity_resolution
const double m_dqm_moduletime_range
const double m_dqm_moduletime_resolution
TH1F * m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths
TH1F * m_dqm_nproc_all_paths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byls_event
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byls_source
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source
TH1F * m_dqm_nproc_event
TH1F * m_dqm_nproc_interpaths
TH1F * m_dqm_nproc_source
const std::string m_dqm_path
TProfile * m_dqm_paths_active_time
TProfile * m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time
TProfile * m_dqm_paths_interpaths
TProfile * m_dqm_paths_total_time
const double m_dqm_pathtime_range
const double m_dqm_pathtime_resolution
TH1F * m_dqm_source
const bool m_enable_dqm
const bool m_enable_dqm_byls
const bool m_enable_dqm_byluminosity
const bool m_enable_dqm_bymodule
const bool m_enable_dqm_bynproc
const bool m_enable_dqm_bypath_active
const bool m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters
const bool m_enable_dqm_bypath_details
const bool m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive
const bool m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead
const bool m_enable_dqm_bypath_total
const bool m_enable_dqm_summary
bool m_enable_timing_exclusive
bool m_enable_timing_modules
bool m_enable_timing_paths
const bool m_enable_timing_summary
double m_event
std::string const * m_first_endpath
std::string const * m_first_path
double m_interpaths
bool m_is_cpu_bound
bool m_is_first_module
std::string const * m_last_endpath
std::string const * m_last_path
const edm::InputTag m_luminosity_label
ModuleMap< ModuleInfom_modules
bool m_nproc_enabled
PathMap< PathInfom_paths
const bool m_skip_first_path
double m_source
double m_summary_all_endpaths
double m_summary_all_paths
double m_summary_event
unsigned int m_summary_events
double m_summary_interpaths
double m_summary_source
const std::vector< unsigned int > m_supported_processes
std::pair< struct timespec,
struct timespec > 
std::pair< struct timespec,
struct timespec > 
struct timespec m_timer_first_module
const clockid_t m_timer_id
std::pair< struct timespec,
struct timespec > 
std::pair< struct timespec,
struct timespec > 
std::pair< struct timespec,
struct timespec > 
std::pair< struct timespec,
struct timespec > 

Detailed Description

Definition at line 84 of file FastTimerService.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FastTimerService::FastTimerService ( const edm::ParameterSet config,
edm::ActivityRegistry registry 

Definition at line 59 of file

References m_enable_dqm_bymodule, m_enable_dqm_bypath_active, m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters, m_enable_dqm_bypath_details, m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive, m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead, m_enable_dqm_bypath_total, m_enable_timing_exclusive, m_enable_timing_modules, m_enable_timing_paths, postBeginJob(), postEndJob(), postModule(), postProcessEvent(), postProcessPath(), postSource(), preModule(), preModuleBeginJob(), prePathBeginRun(), preProcessEvent(), preProcessPath(), preSource(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPostBeginJob(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPostEndJob(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPostModule(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPostProcessEvent(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPostProcessPath(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPostSource(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPreModule(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPreModuleBeginJob(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPrePathBeginRun(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPreProcessEvent(), edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPreProcessPath(), and edm::ActivityRegistry::watchPreSource().

  // configuration
  m_timer_id(                    config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "useRealTimeClock"         ) ? CLOCK_REALTIME : CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID),
  m_is_cpu_bound(                false ),
  m_enable_timing_paths(         config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableTimingPaths"        ) ),
  m_enable_timing_modules(       config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableTimingModules"      ) ),
  m_enable_timing_exclusive(     config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableTimingExclusive"    ) ),
  m_enable_timing_summary(       config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableTimingSummary"      ) ),
  m_skip_first_path(             config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "skipFirstPath"            ) ),
  // dqm configuration
  m_enable_dqm(                  config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQM"                ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bypath_active(    config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyPathActive"    ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bypath_total(     config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyPathTotal"     ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead(  config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyPathOverhead"  ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bypath_details(   config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyPathDetails"   ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters(  config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyPathCounters"  ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive( config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyPathExclusive" ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_bymodule(         config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyModule"        ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_summary(          config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMSummary"         ) ),
  m_enable_dqm_byluminosity(     config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyLuminosity"    ) ),   
  m_enable_dqm_byls(             config.existsAs<bool>("enableDQMbyLumiSection", false) ? 
                                    config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableDQMbyLumiSection") : 
                                    ( edm::LogWarning("Configuration") << "enableDQMbyLumi is deprecated, please use enableDQMbyLumiSection instead", config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableDQMbyLumi") ) 
  m_enable_dqm_bynproc(          config.getUntrackedParameter<bool>(     "enableDQMbyProcesses"     ) ),
  m_nproc_enabled(               false ),
  m_dqm_eventtime_range(         config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmTimeRange"             ) ),            // ms
  m_dqm_eventtime_resolution(    config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmTimeResolution"        ) ),            // ms
  m_dqm_pathtime_range(          config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmPathTimeRange"         ) ),            // ms
  m_dqm_pathtime_resolution(     config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmPathTimeResolution"    ) ),            // ms
  m_dqm_moduletime_range(        config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmModuleTimeRange"       ) ),            // ms
  m_dqm_moduletime_resolution(   config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmModuleTimeResolution"  ) ),            // ms
  m_dqm_luminosity_range(        config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmLuminosityRange"       ) / 1.e30),     // cm-2 s-1
  m_dqm_luminosity_resolution(   config.getUntrackedParameter<double>(   "dqmLuminosityResolution"  ) / 1.e30),     // cm-2 s-1
  m_dqm_ls_range(                config.getUntrackedParameter<uint32_t>( "dqmLumiSectionsRange"     ) ),            // lumisections
  m_dqm_path(                    config.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("dqmPath" ) ),
  m_luminosity_label(            config.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("luminosityProduct") ),                // SCAL unpacker
  m_supported_processes(         config.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<unsigned int> >("supportedProcesses") ),  // 8, 24, 32
  // caching
  m_first_path(0),          // these are initialized at prePathBeginRun(),
  m_last_path(0),           // to make sure we cache the correct pointers
  // per-event accounting
  // per-job summary
  // DQM - these are initialized at postBeginJob(), to make sure the DQM service has been loaded
  // event summary plots
  // event summary plots - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
  // plots by path
  // plots per lumisection
  // plots per lumisection - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
  // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity
  // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
  // per-path and per-module accounting
  // enable timers if required by DQM plots
  m_enable_timing_paths     = m_enable_timing_paths     or m_enable_dqm_bypath_active or m_enable_dqm_bypath_total or m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead or m_enable_dqm_bypath_details or m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters or m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive;
  m_enable_timing_modules   = m_enable_timing_modules   or m_enable_dqm_bymodule      or m_enable_dqm_bypath_total or m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead or m_enable_dqm_bypath_details or m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters or m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive;
  m_enable_timing_exclusive = m_enable_timing_exclusive or m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive;

  registry.watchPreModuleBeginJob( this, & FastTimerService::preModuleBeginJob );
  registry.watchPostBeginJob(      this, & FastTimerService::postBeginJob );
  registry.watchPostEndJob(        this, & FastTimerService::postEndJob );
  registry.watchPrePathBeginRun(   this, & FastTimerService::prePathBeginRun) ;
  registry.watchPreProcessEvent(   this, & FastTimerService::preProcessEvent );
  registry.watchPostProcessEvent(  this, & FastTimerService::postProcessEvent );
  registry.watchPreSource(         this, & FastTimerService::preSource );
  registry.watchPostSource(        this, & FastTimerService::postSource );
  // watch per-path events
  registry.watchPreProcessPath(    this, & FastTimerService::preProcessPath );
  registry.watchPostProcessPath(   this, & FastTimerService::postProcessPath );
  // watch per-module events if enabled
  if (m_enable_timing_modules) {
    registry.watchPreModule(         this, & FastTimerService::preModule );
    registry.watchPostModule(        this, & FastTimerService::postModule );

#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined (__MACH__)
  host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &m_clock_port);
#endif // defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)
FastTimerService::~FastTimerService ( )

Definition at line 193 of file

#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined (__MACH__)
  mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), m_clock_port);
#endif // defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)

Member Function Documentation

double FastTimerService::currentEventTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1183 of file

References delta(), gettime(), and m_timer_event.

Referenced by FastTimerFilter::filter().

  struct timespec now;
  return delta(m_timer_event.first, now);
double FastTimerService::currentModuleTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1169 of file

References delta(), gettime(), and m_timer_module.

  struct timespec now;
  return delta(m_timer_module.first, now);
double FastTimerService::currentPathTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1176 of file

References delta(), gettime(), and m_timer_path.

Referenced by FastTimerFilter::filter().

  struct timespec now;
  return delta(m_timer_path.first, now);
static double FastTimerService::delta ( const struct timespec &  first,
const struct timespec &  second 
) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 424 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by currentEventTime(), currentModuleTime(), currentPathTime(), delta(), postModule(), postProcessEvent(), postProcessPath(), postSource(), and preProcessPath().

    if (second.tv_nsec > first.tv_nsec)
      return (double) (second.tv_sec - first.tv_sec) + (double) (second.tv_nsec - first.tv_nsec) / (double) 1e9;
      return (double) (second.tv_sec - first.tv_sec) - (double) (first.tv_nsec - second.tv_nsec) / (double) 1e9;
static double FastTimerService::delta ( const std::pair< struct timespec, struct timespec > &  times) [inline, static, private]

Definition at line 433 of file FastTimerService.h.

References delta().

    return delta(times.first, times.second);
void FastTimerService::fillDescriptions ( edm::ConfigurationDescriptions descriptions) [static]

Definition at line 1243 of file

References edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::add(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::addNode(), edm::ParameterSetDescription::addUntracked(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

  edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "useRealTimeClock",         true);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableTimingPaths",        true);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableTimingModules",      true);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableTimingExclusive",    false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableTimingSummary",      false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "skipFirstPath",            false), 
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQM",                true);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyPathActive",    false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyPathTotal",     true);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyPathOverhead",  false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyPathDetails",   false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyPathCounters",  true);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyPathExclusive", false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyModule",        false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMSummary",         false);
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyLuminosity",    false);
    edm::ParameterDescription<bool>(   "enableDQMbyLumiSection", false, false) or
    edm::ParameterDescription<bool>(   "enableDQMbyLumi",        false, false)
  desc.addUntracked<bool>(   "enableDQMbyProcesses",     false);
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmTimeRange",             1000. );   // ms
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmTimeResolution",           5. );   // ms
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmPathTimeRange",          100. );   // ms
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmPathTimeResolution",       0.5);   // ms
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmModuleTimeRange",         40. );   // ms
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmModuleTimeResolution",     0.2);   // ms
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmLuminosityRange",      1.e34  );   // cm-2 s-1
  desc.addUntracked<double>( "dqmLuminosityResolution", 1.e31  );   // cm-2 s-1
  desc.addUntracked<uint32_t>( "dqmLumiSectionsRange",   2500  );   // ~ 16 hours
  desc.addUntracked<std::string>(   "dqmPath",           "HLT/TimerService");
  desc.addUntracked<edm::InputTag>( "luminosityProduct", edm::InputTag("hltScalersRawToDigi"));
  desc.addUntracked<std::vector<unsigned int> >("supportedProcesses", { 8, 24, 32 });
  descriptions.add("FastTimerService", desc);
void FastTimerService::fillPathMap ( std::string const &  name,
std::vector< std::string > const &  modules 
) [private]

Definition at line 1145 of file

References findModuleDescription(), m_modules, m_paths, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, and fetchall_from_DQM_v2::pool.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

  std::vector<ModuleInfo *> & pathmap = m_paths[name].modules;
  pathmap.reserve( modules.size() );
  std::tr1::unordered_set<edm::ModuleDescription const *> pool;        // keep track of inserted modules
  for (auto const & module: modules) {
    edm::ModuleDescription const * md = findModuleDescription(module);
    if (md == 0) {
      // no matching module was found
      pathmap.push_back( 0 );
    } else if (pool.insert(md).second) {
      // new module
      pathmap.push_back( & m_modules[md] );
    } else {
      // duplicate module
      pathmap.push_back( 0 );
edm::ModuleDescription const * FastTimerService::findModuleDescription ( const std::string &  module) const [private]

Definition at line 1122 of file

References diffTwoXMLs::label, m_modules, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and filterCSVwithJSON::target.

Referenced by fillPathMap().

  // no descriptions are associated to an empty label
  if (label.empty())
    return 0;

  // fix the name of negated or ignored modules
  std::string const & target = (label[0] == '!' or label[0] == '-') ? label.substr(1) : label;

  for (auto const & keyval: m_modules) {
    if (keyval.first == 0) {
      // this should never happen, but it would cause a segmentation fault to insert a null pointer in the path map, se we explicitly check for it and skip it
      edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "FastTimerService::findModuleDescription: invalid entry detected in ModuleMap<ModuleInfo> m_modules, skipping";
    if (keyval.first->moduleLabel() == target) {
      return keyval.first;
  // not found
  return 0;
void FastTimerService::gettime ( struct timespec &  stamp) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 398 of file FastTimerService.h.

References m_timer_id.

Referenced by currentEventTime(), currentModuleTime(), currentPathTime(), start(), and stop().

#if defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && _POSIX_TIMERS >= 0
    clock_gettime(m_timer_id, & stamp);
// special cases which do not support _POSIX_TIMERS
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined (__MACH__)
    mach_timespec_t timespec;
    clock_get_time(m_clock_port, &timespec);
    stamp.tv_sec  = timespec.tv_sec;
    stamp.tv_nsec = timespec.tv_nsec;
#endif // defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)
#endif // defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && _POSIX_TIMERS >= 0
void FastTimerService::postBeginJob ( ) [private]

Definition at line 200 of file

References DQMStore::book1D(), DQMStore::bookProfile(), CLOCK_REALTIME, FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::dqm_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_exclusive, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_intermodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_module_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_module_counter, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_module_total, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_overhead, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_postmodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_premodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_total, fill_dups(), fillPathMap(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::findEndPath(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::findTrigPath(), diffTreeTool::format(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPath(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPathModules(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPaths(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPath(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPathModules(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPaths(), i, infinity, CPUAffinity::isCpuBound(), diffTwoXMLs::label, reco_calib_source_client_cfg::labels, m_cache_modules, m_cache_paths, m_dqm_all_endpaths, m_dqm_all_paths, m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths, m_dqm_byls_all_paths, m_dqm_byls_event, m_dqm_byls_interpaths, m_dqm_byls_source, m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths, m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths, m_dqm_byluminosity_event, m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths, m_dqm_byluminosity_source, m_dqm_event, m_dqm_eventtime_range, m_dqm_eventtime_resolution, m_dqm_interpaths, m_dqm_ls_range, m_dqm_luminosity_range, m_dqm_luminosity_resolution, m_dqm_moduletime_range, m_dqm_moduletime_resolution, m_dqm_path, m_dqm_paths_active_time, m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time, m_dqm_paths_interpaths, m_dqm_paths_total_time, m_dqm_pathtime_range, m_dqm_pathtime_resolution, m_dqm_source, m_dqms, m_enable_dqm, m_enable_dqm_byls, m_enable_dqm_byluminosity, m_enable_dqm_bymodule, m_enable_dqm_bynproc, m_enable_dqm_bypath_active, m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters, m_enable_dqm_bypath_details, m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive, m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead, m_enable_dqm_bypath_total, m_enable_dqm_summary, m_enable_timing_paths, m_is_cpu_bound, m_modules, m_paths, m_supported_processes, m_timer_id, FastTimerService::PathInfo::modules, n, cppFunctionSkipper::operator, timingPdfMaker::pathname, plotResiduals::plot(), DQMStore::setCurrentFolder(), findQualityFiles::size, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "()";

  // check if the process is bound to a single CPU.
  // otherwise, the results of the CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID timer might be inaccurate
  m_is_cpu_bound = CPUAffinity::isCpuBound();
  if ((m_timer_id != CLOCK_REALTIME) and not m_is_cpu_bound)
    // the process is NOT bound to a single CPU
    edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "this process is NOT bound to a single CPU, the results of the FastTimerService may be undefined";

  edm::service::TriggerNamesService & tns = * edm::Service<edm::service::TriggerNamesService>();
  uint32_t size_p = tns.getTrigPaths().size();
  uint32_t size_e = tns.getEndPaths().size();
  uint32_t size = size_p + size_e;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_p; ++i) {
    std::string const & label = tns.getTrigPath(i);
    m_paths[label].index = i;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_e; ++i) {
    std::string const & label = tns.getEndPath(i);
    m_paths[label].index = size_p + i;

  // cache all pathinfo objects
  for (auto & keyval: m_paths)
    m_cache_paths.push_back(& keyval.second);

  // cache all moduleinfo objects
  for (auto & keyval: m_modules)
    m_cache_modules.push_back(& keyval.second);

  // associate to each path all the modules it contains
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tns.getTrigPaths().size(); ++i)
    fillPathMap( tns.getTrigPath(i), tns.getTrigPathModules(i) );
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tns.getEndPaths().size(); ++i)
    fillPathMap( tns.getEndPath(i), tns.getEndPathModules(i) );

  if (m_enable_dqm)
    // load the DQM store
    m_dqms = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

  if (m_dqms) {
    // book MonitorElement's
    int eventbins  = (int) std::ceil(m_dqm_eventtime_range  / m_dqm_eventtime_resolution);
    int pathbins   = (int) std::ceil(m_dqm_pathtime_range   / m_dqm_pathtime_resolution);
    int modulebins = (int) std::ceil(m_dqm_moduletime_range / m_dqm_moduletime_resolution);
    int lumibins   = (int) std::ceil(m_dqm_luminosity_range / m_dqm_luminosity_resolution);

    // event summary plots
    if (m_enable_dqm_summary) {
      m_dqm_event         = m_dqms->book1D("event",        "Event processing time",    eventbins, 0., m_dqm_eventtime_range)->getTH1F();
      m_dqm_event         ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_event         ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_source        = m_dqms->book1D("source",       "Source processing time",   pathbins,  0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
      m_dqm_source        ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_source        ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_all_paths     = m_dqms->book1D("all_paths",    "Paths processing time",    eventbins, 0., m_dqm_eventtime_range)->getTH1F();
      m_dqm_all_paths     ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_all_paths     ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_all_endpaths  = m_dqms->book1D("all_endpaths", "EndPaths processing time", pathbins,  0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
      m_dqm_all_endpaths  ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_all_endpaths  ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_interpaths    = m_dqms->book1D("interpaths",   "Time spent between paths", pathbins,  0., m_dqm_eventtime_range)->getTH1F();
      m_dqm_interpaths    ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_interpaths    ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");

    // event summary plots - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    if (m_enable_dqm_summary and m_enable_dqm_bynproc) {
      TH1F * plot;
      for (int n : m_supported_processes) {
        m_dqms->setCurrentFolder( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes") % m_dqm_path % n).str() );
        plot = m_dqms->book1D("event",        "Event processing time",    eventbins, 0., m_dqm_eventtime_range)->getTH1F();
        plot->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->book1D("source",       "Source processing time",   pathbins,  0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
        plot->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->book1D("all_paths",    "Paths processing time",    eventbins, 0., m_dqm_eventtime_range)->getTH1F();
        plot->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->book1D("all_endpaths", "EndPaths processing time", pathbins,  0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
        plot->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->book1D("interpaths",   "Time spent between paths", pathbins,  0., m_dqm_eventtime_range)->getTH1F();
        plot->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");

    // plots by path
    m_dqm_paths_active_time     = m_dqms->bookProfile("paths_active_time",    "Additional time spent in each path", size, -0.5, size-0.5, pathbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_paths_active_time     ->StatOverflows(true);
    m_dqm_paths_active_time     ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
    m_dqm_paths_total_time      = m_dqms->bookProfile("paths_total_time",     "Total time spent in each path",      size, -0.5, size-0.5, pathbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_paths_total_time      ->StatOverflows(true);
    m_dqm_paths_total_time      ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
    m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time  = m_dqms->bookProfile("paths_exclusive_time", "Exclusive time spent in each path",  size, -0.5, size-0.5, pathbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time  ->StatOverflows(true);
    m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time  ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
    m_dqm_paths_interpaths      = m_dqms->bookProfile("paths_interpaths",     "Time spent between each path",       size, -0.5, size-0.5, pathbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_paths_interpaths      ->StatOverflows(true);
    m_dqm_paths_interpaths      ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_p; ++i) {
      std::string const & label = tns.getTrigPath(i);
      m_dqm_paths_active_time    ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, label.c_str());
      m_dqm_paths_total_time     ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, label.c_str());
      m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, label.c_str());
      m_dqm_paths_interpaths     ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, label.c_str());
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_e; ++i) {
      std::string const & label = tns.getEndPath(i);
      m_dqm_paths_active_time    ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + size_p + 1, label.c_str());
      m_dqm_paths_total_time     ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + size_p + 1, label.c_str());
      m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + size_p + 1, label.c_str());
      m_dqm_paths_interpaths     ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + size_p + 1, label.c_str());

    // per-lumisection plots
    if (m_enable_dqm_byls) {
      m_dqm_byls_event        = m_dqms->bookProfile("event_byls",        "Event processing time, by LumiSection",    m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byls_event        ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byls_event        ->SetXTitle("lumisection");
      m_dqm_byls_event        ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byls_source       = m_dqms->bookProfile("source_byls",       "Source processing time, by LumiSection",   m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byls_source       ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byls_source       ->SetXTitle("lumisection");
      m_dqm_byls_source       ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byls_all_paths    = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_paths_byls",    "Paths processing time, by LumiSection",    m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byls_all_paths    ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byls_all_paths    ->SetXTitle("lumisection");
      m_dqm_byls_all_paths    ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_endpaths_byls", "EndPaths processing time, by LumiSection", m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths ->SetXTitle("lumisection");
      m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byls_interpaths   = m_dqms->bookProfile("interpaths_byls",   "Time spent between paths, by LumiSection", m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byls_interpaths   ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byls_interpaths   ->SetXTitle("lumisection");
      m_dqm_byls_interpaths   ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");

    // per-lumisection plots
    if (m_enable_dqm_byls and m_enable_dqm_bynproc) {
      TProfile * plot;
      for (int n : m_supported_processes) {
        m_dqms->setCurrentFolder( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes") % m_dqm_path % n).str() );
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("event_byls",        "Event processing time, by LumiSection",    m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("source_byls",       "Source processing time, by LumiSection",   m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_paths_byls",    "Paths processing time, by LumiSection",    m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_endpaths_byls", "EndPaths processing time, by LumiSection", m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("interpaths_byls",   "Time spent between paths, by LumiSection", m_dqm_ls_range, 0.5, m_dqm_ls_range+0.5, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");

    // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity
    if (m_enable_dqm_byluminosity) {
      m_dqm_byluminosity_event        = m_dqms->bookProfile("event_byluminosity",        "Event processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity",    lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byluminosity_event        ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_event        ->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_event        ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_source       = m_dqms->bookProfile("source_byluminosity",       "Source processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity",   lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byluminosity_source       ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_source       ->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_source       ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths    = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_paths_byluminosity",    "Paths processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity",    lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths    ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths    ->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths    ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_endpaths_byluminosity", "EndPaths processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity", lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths ->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths   = m_dqms->bookProfile("interpaths_byluminosity",   "Time spent between paths vs. instantaneous luminosity", lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
      m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths   ->StatOverflows(true);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths   ->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
      m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths   ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");

    // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity
    if (m_enable_dqm_byluminosity and m_enable_dqm_bynproc) {
      TProfile * plot;
      for (int n : m_supported_processes) {
        m_dqms->setCurrentFolder( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes") % m_dqm_path % n).str() );
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("event_byluminosity",        "Event processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity",    lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("source_byluminosity",       "Source processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity",   lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_paths_byluminosity",    "Paths processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity",    lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, eventbins, 0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("all_endpaths_byluminosity", "EndPaths processing time vs. instantaneous luminosity", lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");
        plot = m_dqms->bookProfile("interpaths_byluminosity",   "Time spent between paths vs. instantaneous luminosity", lumibins, 0., m_dqm_luminosity_range, pathbins,  0., std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), " ")->getTProfile();
        plot->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");
        plot->SetXTitle("instantaneous luminosity [10^{30} cm^{-2}s^{-1}]");

    // per-path and per-module accounting
    if (m_enable_timing_paths) {
      m_dqms->setCurrentFolder((m_dqm_path + "/Paths"));
      for (auto & keyval: m_paths) {
        std::string const & pathname = keyval.first;
        PathInfo          & pathinfo = keyval.second;

        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_active) {
          pathinfo.dqm_active       = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_active",       pathname + " active time",            pathbins, 0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_active       ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_active       ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");

        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_total) {
          pathinfo.dqm_total        = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_total",        pathname + " total time",             pathbins, 0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_total        ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_total        ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");

        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead) {
          pathinfo.dqm_premodules   = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_premodules",   pathname + " pre-modules overhead",   modulebins, 0., m_dqm_moduletime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_premodules   ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_premodules   ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
          pathinfo.dqm_intermodules = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_intermodules", pathname + " inter-modules overhead", modulebins, 0., m_dqm_moduletime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_intermodules ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_intermodules ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
          pathinfo.dqm_postmodules  = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_postmodules",  pathname + " post-modules overhead",  modulebins, 0., m_dqm_moduletime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_postmodules  ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_postmodules  ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");
          pathinfo.dqm_overhead     = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_overhead",     pathname + " overhead time",          modulebins, 0., m_dqm_moduletime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_overhead     ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_overhead     ->SetXTitle("processing time [ms]");

        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_details or m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters) {
          // book histograms for modules-in-paths statistics

          // find histograms X-axis labels
          uint32_t id;
          std::vector<std::string> const & modules = ((id = tns.findTrigPath(pathname)) != tns.getTrigPaths().size()) ? tns.getTrigPathModules(id) :
                                                     ((id = tns.findEndPath(pathname))  != tns.getEndPaths().size())  ? tns.getEndPathModules(id)  :

          static std::vector<std::string> dup;
          if (modules.size() > dup.size())
            fill_dups(dup, modules.size());

          std::vector<const char *> labels(modules.size(), nullptr);
          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i)
            labels[i] = (pathinfo.modules[i]) ? modules[i].c_str() : dup[i].c_str();
          // book counter histograms
          if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters) {
            pathinfo.dqm_module_counter = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_module_counter", pathname + " module counter", modules.size(), -0.5, modules.size() - 0.5)->getTH1F();
            // find module labels
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i) {
              pathinfo.dqm_module_counter->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel( i+1, labels[i] );
          // book detailed timing histograms
          if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_details) {
            pathinfo.dqm_module_active  = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_module_active",  pathname + " module active",  modules.size(), -0.5, modules.size() - 0.5)->getTH1F();
            pathinfo.dqm_module_active  ->SetYTitle("cumulative processing time [ms]");
            pathinfo.dqm_module_total   = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_module_total",   pathname + " module total",   modules.size(), -0.5, modules.size() - 0.5)->getTH1F();
            pathinfo.dqm_module_total   ->SetYTitle("cumulative processing time [ms]");
            // find module labels
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i) {
              pathinfo.dqm_module_active ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel( i+1, labels[i] );
              pathinfo.dqm_module_total  ->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel( i+1, labels[i] );

        // book exclusive path time histograms
        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive) {
          pathinfo.dqm_exclusive = m_dqms->book1D(pathname + "_exclusive", pathname + " exclusive time", pathbins, 0., m_dqm_pathtime_range)->getTH1F();
          pathinfo.dqm_exclusive ->StatOverflows(true);
          pathinfo.dqm_exclusive ->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");

    if (m_enable_dqm_bymodule) {
      m_dqms->setCurrentFolder((m_dqm_path + "/Modules"));
      for (auto & keyval: m_modules) {
        std::string const & label  = keyval.first->moduleLabel();
        ModuleInfo        & module = keyval.second;
        module.dqm_active = m_dqms->book1D(label, label, modulebins, 0., m_dqm_moduletime_range)->getTH1F();
        module.dqm_active->SetYTitle("processing time [ms]");

void FastTimerService::postEndJob ( ) [private]

Definition at line 579 of file

References CLOCK_REALTIME, edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPaths(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPaths(), diffTwoXMLs::label, m_enable_timing_modules, m_enable_timing_paths, m_enable_timing_summary, m_modules, m_paths, m_summary_all_endpaths, m_summary_all_paths, m_summary_event, m_summary_events, m_summary_interpaths, m_summary_source, m_timer_id, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, dbtoconf::out, reset(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::summary_active.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "()";

  if (m_enable_timing_summary) {
    // print a timing sumary for the whle job
    edm::service::TriggerNamesService & tns = * edm::Service<edm::service::TriggerNamesService>();

    std::ostringstream out;
    out << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
    out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ") << '\n';
    out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_summary_source       / (double) m_summary_events << "  Source"        << '\n';
    out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_summary_event        / (double) m_summary_events << "  Event"         << '\n';
    out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_summary_all_paths    / (double) m_summary_events << "  all Paths"     << '\n';
    out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_summary_all_endpaths / (double) m_summary_events << "  all EndPaths"  << '\n';
    out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_summary_interpaths   / (double) m_summary_events << "  between paths" << '\n';
    if (m_enable_timing_modules) {
      double modules_total = 0.;
      for (auto & keyval: m_modules)
        modules_total += keyval.second.summary_active;
      out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << modules_total          / (double) m_summary_events << "  all Modules"   << '\n';
    out << '\n';
    if (m_enable_timing_paths and not m_enable_timing_modules) {
      out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ")    << "     Active Path" << '\n';
      for (auto const & name: tns.getTrigPaths())
        out << "FastReport              "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_active  / (double) m_summary_events << "  "
            << name << '\n';
      out << '\n';
      out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ")    << "     Active EndPath" << '\n';
      for (auto const & name: tns.getEndPaths())
        out << "FastReport              "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_active  / (double) m_summary_events << "  "
            << name << '\n';
    } else if (m_enable_timing_paths and m_enable_timing_modules) {
      out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ")    << "     Active      Pre-    Inter- Post-mods  Overhead     Total  Path" << '\n';
      for (auto const & name: tns.getTrigPaths()) {
        out << "FastReport              "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_active        / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_premodules    / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_intermodules  / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_postmodules   / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_overhead      / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_total         / (double) m_summary_events << "  "
            << name << '\n';
      out << '\n';
      out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ")    << "     Active      Pre-    Inter- Post-mods  Overhead     Total  EndPath" << '\n';
      for (auto const & name: tns.getEndPaths()) {
        out << "FastReport              "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_active        / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_premodules    / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_intermodules  / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_postmodules   / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_overhead      / (double) m_summary_events << " "
            << std::right << std::setw(10) << m_paths[name].summary_total         / (double) m_summary_events << "  "
            << name << '\n';
    out << '\n';
    if (m_enable_timing_modules) {
      out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ")    << "     Active  Module" << '\n';
      for (auto & keyval: m_modules) {
        std::string const & label  = keyval.first->moduleLabel();
        ModuleInfo  const & module = keyval.second;
        out << "FastReport              " << std::right << std::setw(10) << module.summary_active  / (double) m_summary_events << "  " << label << '\n';
      out << "FastReport " << (m_timer_id == CLOCK_REALTIME ? "(real time) " : "(CPU time)  ")    << "     Active  Module" << '\n';
    out << '\n';
    edm::LogVerbatim("FastReport") << out.str();

  // needed for the DAQ when reconfiguring between runs
void FastTimerService::postModule ( edm::ModuleDescription const &  module) [private]

Definition at line 1095 of file

References delta(), FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::dqm_active, FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::has_just_run, m_dqms, m_enable_dqm_bymodule, m_enable_timing_modules, m_modules, m_timer_module, edm::ModuleDescription::moduleLabel(), stop(), FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::summary_active, cond::rpcobgas::time, and FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::time_active.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(" << & module << ")";

  // this is ever called only if m_enable_timing_modules = true

  // time and account each module

  ModuleMap<ModuleInfo>::iterator keyval = m_modules.find(& module);
  if (keyval != m_modules.end()) {
    double time = delta(m_timer_module);
    ModuleInfo & module = keyval->second;
    module.has_just_run    = true;
    module.time_active     = time;
    module.summary_active += time;

    if (m_dqms and m_enable_dqm_bymodule) {
      module.dqm_active->Fill(time * 1000.);
  } else {
    // should never get here
    edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "FastTimerService::postModule: unexpected module " << module.moduleLabel();
void FastTimerService::postProcessEvent ( edm::Event const &  event,
edm::EventSetup const &  setup 
) [private]

Definition at line 766 of file

References delta(), FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_exclusive, edm::Event::getByLabel(), i, FastTimerService::PathInfo::index, FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::is_exclusive, FastTimerService::PathInfo::last_run, python::rootplot::utilities::ls(), m_all_endpaths, m_all_paths, m_dqm_all_endpaths, m_dqm_all_paths, m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths, m_dqm_byls_all_paths, m_dqm_byls_event, m_dqm_byls_interpaths, m_dqm_byls_source, m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths, m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths, m_dqm_byluminosity_event, m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths, m_dqm_byluminosity_source, m_dqm_event, m_dqm_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_event, m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_source, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source, m_dqm_nproc_event, m_dqm_nproc_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_source, m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time, m_dqm_paths_interpaths, m_dqm_source, m_dqms, m_enable_dqm_byls, m_enable_dqm_byluminosity, m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive, m_enable_dqm_summary, m_enable_timing_exclusive, m_event, m_interpaths, m_luminosity_label, m_nproc_enabled, m_paths, m_source, m_summary_event, m_summary_interpaths, m_timer_event, m_timer_path, FastTimerService::PathInfo::modules, stop(), FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::time_active, and FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_overhead.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(...)";

  if (m_enable_timing_exclusive) {
    for (auto & keyval: m_paths) {
      PathInfo & pathinfo = keyval.second;
      float exclusive = pathinfo.time_overhead;

      for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= pathinfo.last_run; ++i) {
        ModuleInfo * module = pathinfo.modules[i];
        if (module == 0)
          // this is a module occurring more than once in the same path, skip it after the first occurrence
        if (module->is_exclusive)
          exclusive += module->time_active;
      m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time->Fill(pathinfo.index, exclusive * 1000.);
      if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_exclusive) {
        pathinfo.dqm_exclusive->Fill(exclusive * 1000.);

  // stop the per-event timer, and account event time
  m_event = delta(m_timer_event);
  m_summary_event += m_event;
  // the last part of inter-path overhead is the time between the end of the last (end)path and the end of the event processing
  double interpaths = delta(m_timer_path.second, m_timer_event.second);
  m_interpaths += interpaths;
  m_summary_interpaths += m_interpaths;
  if (m_dqms) {
    m_dqm_paths_interpaths->Fill(m_paths.size(), interpaths * 1000.);
    if (m_enable_dqm_summary) {
      m_dqm_event         ->Fill(m_event          * 1000.);
      m_dqm_source        ->Fill(m_source         * 1000.);
      m_dqm_all_paths     ->Fill(m_all_paths      * 1000.);
      m_dqm_all_endpaths  ->Fill(m_all_endpaths   * 1000.);
      m_dqm_interpaths    ->Fill(m_interpaths     * 1000.);

      if (m_nproc_enabled) {
        m_dqm_nproc_event         ->Fill(m_event          * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_source        ->Fill(m_source         * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_all_paths     ->Fill(m_all_paths      * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths  ->Fill(m_all_endpaths   * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_interpaths    ->Fill(m_interpaths     * 1000.);

    if (m_enable_dqm_byls) {
      unsigned int ls = event.getLuminosityBlock().luminosityBlock();
      m_dqm_byls_event        ->Fill(ls, m_event        * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byls_source       ->Fill(ls, m_source       * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byls_all_paths    ->Fill(ls, m_all_paths    * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths ->Fill(ls, m_all_endpaths * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byls_interpaths   ->Fill(ls, m_interpaths   * 1000.);
      if (m_nproc_enabled) {
        m_dqm_nproc_byls_event        ->Fill(ls, m_event        * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byls_source       ->Fill(ls, m_source       * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths    ->Fill(ls, m_all_paths    * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths ->Fill(ls, m_all_endpaths * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths   ->Fill(ls, m_interpaths   * 1000.);

    if (m_enable_dqm_byluminosity) {
      float luminosity = 0.;
      edm::Handle<LumiScalersCollection> h_luminosity;
      if (event.getByLabel(m_luminosity_label, h_luminosity) and not h_luminosity->empty())
        luminosity = h_luminosity->front().instantLumi();

      m_dqm_byluminosity_event        ->Fill(luminosity, m_event        * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_source       ->Fill(luminosity, m_source       * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths    ->Fill(luminosity, m_all_paths    * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths ->Fill(luminosity, m_all_endpaths * 1000.);
      m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths   ->Fill(luminosity, m_interpaths   * 1000.);
      if (m_nproc_enabled) {
        m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event        ->Fill(luminosity, m_event        * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source       ->Fill(luminosity, m_source       * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths    ->Fill(luminosity, m_all_paths    * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths ->Fill(luminosity, m_all_endpaths * 1000.);
        m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths   ->Fill(luminosity, m_interpaths   * 1000.);
void FastTimerService::postProcessPath ( std::string const &  path,
edm::HLTPathStatus const &  status 
) [private]

Definition at line 943 of file

References abs, edm::HLTPathStatus::accept(), cond::rpcobimon::current, delta(), FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_intermodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_module_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_module_counter, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_module_total, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_overhead, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_postmodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_premodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::dqm_total, alignCSCRings::e, FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::has_just_run, i, edm::HLTPathStatus::index(), FastTimerService::PathInfo::index, inter, FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::is_exclusive, FastTimerService::PathInfo::last_run, m_all_endpaths, m_all_paths, m_current_path, m_dqm_paths_active_time, m_dqm_paths_total_time, m_dqms, m_enable_dqm_bypath_active, m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters, m_enable_dqm_bypath_details, m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead, m_enable_dqm_bypath_total, m_enable_timing_modules, m_enable_timing_paths, m_is_first_module, m_last_endpath, m_last_path, m_summary_all_endpaths, m_summary_all_paths, m_timer_endpaths, m_timer_first_module, m_timer_module, m_timer_path, m_timer_paths, FastTimerService::PathInfo::modules, stop(), FastTimerService::PathInfo::summary_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::summary_intermodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::summary_overhead, FastTimerService::PathInfo::summary_postmodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::summary_premodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::summary_total, FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::time_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_active, FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_intermodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_overhead, FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_postmodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_premodules, FastTimerService::PathInfo::time_total, and pileupDistInMC::total.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(" << path << ", ...)";

  // time each (end)path

  double active = delta(m_timer_path);

  // if enabled, account each (end)path
  if (m_enable_timing_paths) {

    PathInfo & pathinfo = * m_current_path;
    pathinfo.time_active = active;
    pathinfo.summary_active += active;

    if (m_dqms) {
      m_dqm_paths_active_time->Fill(pathinfo.index, active * 1000.);
      if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_active) {
        pathinfo.dqm_active->Fill(active * 1000.);

    // measure the time spent between the execution of the last module and the end of the path
    if (m_enable_timing_modules) {
      double pre      = 0.;                 // time spent before the first active module
      double inter    = 0.;                 // time spent between active modules
      double post     = 0.;                 // time spent after the last active module
      double overhead = 0.;                 // time spent before, between, or after modules
      double current  = 0.;                 // time spent in modules active in the current path
      double total    = active;             // total per-path time, including modules already run as part of other paths

      // implementation note:
      // "active"   has already measured all the time spent in this path
      // "current"  will be the sum of the time spent inside each module while running this path, so that
      // "overhead" will be active - current
      // "total"    will be active + the sum of the time spent in non-active modules

      uint32_t last_run = status.index();     // index of the last module run in this path
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= last_run; ++i) {
        ModuleInfo * module = pathinfo.modules[i];

        // fill counter histograms - also for duplicate modules, to properly extract rejection information
        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters) {
        if (module == 0)
          // this is a module occurring more than once in the same path, skip it after the first occurrence

        if (module->has_just_run) {
          current += module->time_active;
          module->is_exclusive = true;
        } else {
          total   += module->time_active;
          module->is_exclusive = false;

        // fill detailed timing histograms
        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_details) {
          // fill the total time for all non-duplicate modules
          pathinfo.dqm_module_total->Fill(i, module->time_active * 1000.);
          if (module->has_just_run) {
            // fill the active time only for module actually running in this path
            pathinfo.dqm_module_active->Fill(i, module->time_active * 1000.);


      if (status.accept())
        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_counters) {

      if (m_is_first_module) {
        // no modules were active during this path, account all the time as overhead
        pre      = 0.;
        inter    = 0.;
        post     = active;
        overhead = active;
      } else {
        // extract overhead information
        pre      = delta(m_timer_path.first,    m_timer_first_module);
        post     = delta(m_timer_module.second, m_timer_path.second);
        inter    = active - pre - current - post;
        // take care of numeric precision and rounding errors - the timer is less precise than nanosecond resolution
        if (std::abs(inter) < 1e-9)
          inter = 0.;
        overhead = active - current;
        // take care of numeric precision and rounding errors - the timer is less precise than nanosecond resolution
        if (std::abs(overhead) < 1e-9)
          overhead = 0.;

      pathinfo.time_premodules       = pre;
      pathinfo.time_intermodules     = inter;
      pathinfo.time_postmodules      = post;
      pathinfo.time_overhead         = overhead;
      pathinfo.time_total            = total;
      pathinfo.summary_premodules   += pre;
      pathinfo.summary_intermodules += inter;
      pathinfo.summary_postmodules  += post;
      pathinfo.summary_overhead     += overhead;
      pathinfo.summary_total        += total;
      pathinfo.last_run              = last_run;
      if (m_dqms) {
        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_overhead) {
          pathinfo.dqm_premodules  ->Fill(pre      * 1000.);
          pathinfo.dqm_intermodules->Fill(inter    * 1000.);
          pathinfo.dqm_postmodules ->Fill(post     * 1000.);
          pathinfo.dqm_overhead    ->Fill(overhead * 1000.);
        m_dqm_paths_total_time->Fill(pathinfo.index, total * 1000.);
        if (m_enable_dqm_bypath_total) {
          pathinfo.dqm_total       ->Fill(total    * 1000.);

  if (& path == m_last_path) {
    // this is the last path, stop and account the "all paths" counter
    m_timer_paths.second = m_timer_path.second;
    m_all_paths = delta(m_timer_paths);
    m_summary_all_paths += m_all_paths;
  } else if (& path == m_last_endpath) {
    // this is the last endpath, stop and account the "all endpaths" counter
    m_timer_endpaths.second = m_timer_path.second;
    m_all_endpaths = delta(m_timer_endpaths);
    m_summary_all_endpaths += m_all_endpaths;

void FastTimerService::postSource ( ) [private]

Definition at line 868 of file

References delta(), m_source, m_summary_source, m_timer_source, and stop().

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "()";

  m_source = delta(m_timer_source);
  m_summary_source += m_source;
void FastTimerService::preModule ( edm::ModuleDescription const &  module) [private]

Definition at line 1078 of file

References m_enable_timing_modules, m_is_first_module, m_timer_first_module, m_timer_module, and start().

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(" << & module << ")";

  // this is ever called only if m_enable_timing_modules = true

  // time each module

  if (m_is_first_module) {
    m_is_first_module = false;

    // measure the time spent between the beginning of the path and the execution of the first module
    m_timer_first_module = m_timer_module.first;
void FastTimerService::preModuleBeginJob ( edm::ModuleDescription const &  module) [private]

Definition at line 729 of file

References m_modules, and python::rootplot::argparse::module.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(" << & module << ")";
  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << "module " << module.moduleLabel() << " @ " << & module;

  // allocate a counter for each module
  m_modules[& module];
void FastTimerService::prePathBeginRun ( std::string const &  path) [private]

Definition at line 876 of file

References edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPaths(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPaths(), m_first_endpath, m_first_path, m_last_endpath, m_last_path, and m_skip_first_path.

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(" << path << ")";

  // cache the pointers to the names of the first and last path and endpath
  edm::service::TriggerNamesService & tns = * edm::Service<edm::service::TriggerNamesService>();
  if (not m_skip_first_path and not tns.getTrigPaths().empty()) {
    if (path == tns.getTrigPaths().front())
      m_first_path = & path;
    if (path == tns.getTrigPaths().back())
      m_last_path = & path;
  else if (m_skip_first_path and tns.getTrigPaths().size() > 1) {
    if (path == tns.getTrigPaths().at(1))
      m_first_path = & path;
    if (path == tns.getTrigPaths().back())
      m_last_path = & path;
  if (not tns.getEndPaths().empty()) {
    if (path == tns.getEndPaths().front())
      m_first_endpath = & path;
    if (path == tns.getEndPaths().back())
      m_last_endpath = & path;
void FastTimerService::preProcessEvent ( edm::EventID const &  id,
edm::Timestamp const &  stamp 
) [private]

Definition at line 737 of file

References m_all_endpaths, m_all_paths, m_cache_modules, m_cache_paths, m_event, m_interpaths, m_timer_event, m_timer_path, getHLTPrescaleColumns::path, and start().

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(...)";

  // new event, reset the per-event counter

  // clear the event counters
  m_event        = 0;
  m_all_paths    = 0;
  m_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_interpaths   = 0;
  for (PathInfo * path: m_cache_paths) {
    path->time_active       = 0.;
    path->time_premodules   = 0.;
    path->time_intermodules = 0.;
    path->time_postmodules  = 0.;
    path->time_total        = 0.;
  for (ModuleInfo * module: m_cache_modules) {
    module->time_active     = 0.;
    module->has_just_run    = false;
    module->is_exclusive    = false;

  // copy the start event timestamp as the end of the previous path
  // used by the inter-path overhead measurement
  m_timer_path.second = m_timer_event.first;
void FastTimerService::preProcessPath ( std::string const &  path) [private]

Definition at line 901 of file

References delta(), FastTimerService::ModuleInfo::has_just_run, FastTimerService::PathInfo::index, m_current_path, m_dqm_paths_interpaths, m_dqms, m_enable_timing_modules, m_first_endpath, m_first_path, m_interpaths, m_is_first_module, m_paths, m_timer_endpaths, m_timer_path, m_timer_paths, FastTimerService::PathInfo::modules, getHLTPrescaleColumns::path, and start().

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "(" << path << ")";

  // prepare to measure the time spent between the beginning of the path and the execution of the first module
  m_is_first_module = true;

  PathMap<PathInfo>::iterator keyval = m_paths.find(path);
  if (keyval != m_paths.end()) {
    m_current_path = & keyval->second;

    if (m_enable_timing_modules) {
      // reset the status of this path's modules
      for (ModuleInfo * module: m_current_path->modules)
        if (module)
          module->has_just_run = false;
  } else {
    // should never get here
    m_current_path = 0;
    edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "FastTimerService::preProcessPath: unexpected path " << path;

  // time each (end)path

  if (& path == m_first_path) {
    // this is the first path, start the "all paths" counter
    m_timer_paths.first = m_timer_path.first;
  } else if (& path == m_first_endpath) {
    // this is the first endpath, start the "all paths" counter
    m_timer_endpaths.first = m_timer_path.first;

  // measure the inter-path overhead as the time elapsed since the end of preiovus path
  // (or the beginning of the event, if this is the first path - see preProcessEvent)
  double interpaths = delta(m_timer_path.second,  m_timer_path.first);
  m_interpaths += interpaths;
  if (m_dqms) {
    m_dqm_paths_interpaths->Fill(m_current_path->index, interpaths * 1000.);
void FastTimerService::preSource ( ) [private]

Definition at line 856 of file

References m_source, m_summary_events, m_timer_source, and start().

Referenced by FastTimerService().

  //edm::LogImportant("FastTimerService") << __func__ << "()";


  // clear the event counters
  m_source = 0;

  // keep track of the total number of events
double FastTimerService::queryEndPathsTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1233 of file

References m_all_endpaths.

  return m_all_endpaths;
double FastTimerService::queryEventTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1238 of file

References m_event.

  return m_event;
double FastTimerService::queryModuleTime ( const edm::ModuleDescription module) const

Definition at line 1190 of file

References m_modules, and edm::ModuleDescription::moduleLabel().

  ModuleMap<ModuleInfo>::const_iterator keyval = m_modules.find(& module);
  if (keyval != m_modules.end()) {
    return keyval->second.time_active;
  } else {
    edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "FastTimerService::postModule: unexpected module " << module.moduleLabel();
    return 0.;
double FastTimerService::queryPathActiveTime ( const std::string &  path) const

Definition at line 1201 of file

References m_paths, and getHLTPrescaleColumns::path.

  PathMap<PathInfo>::const_iterator keyval = m_paths.find(path);
  if (keyval != m_paths.end()) {
    return keyval->second.time_active;
  } else {
    edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "FastTimerService::postModule: unexpected path " << path;
    return 0.;
double FastTimerService::queryPathsTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1228 of file

References m_all_paths.

Referenced by FastTimerFilter::filter().

  return m_all_paths;
double FastTimerService::queryPathTotalTime ( const std::string &  path) const

Definition at line 1212 of file

References m_paths, and getHLTPrescaleColumns::path.

  PathMap<PathInfo>::const_iterator keyval = m_paths.find(path);
  if (keyval != m_paths.end()) {
    return keyval->second.time_total;
  } else {
    edm::LogError("FastTimerService") << "FastTimerService::postModule: unexpected path " << path;
    return 0.;
double FastTimerService::querySourceTime ( ) const

Definition at line 1223 of file

References m_source.

  return m_source;
void FastTimerService::reset ( void  ) [private]

Definition at line 656 of file

References m_all_endpaths, m_all_paths, m_cache_modules, m_cache_paths, m_current_path, m_dqm_all_endpaths, m_dqm_all_paths, m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths, m_dqm_byls_all_paths, m_dqm_byls_event, m_dqm_byls_interpaths, m_dqm_byls_source, m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths, m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths, m_dqm_byluminosity_event, m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths, m_dqm_byluminosity_source, m_dqm_event, m_dqm_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_event, m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_source, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source, m_dqm_nproc_event, m_dqm_nproc_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_source, m_dqm_paths_active_time, m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time, m_dqm_paths_interpaths, m_dqm_paths_total_time, m_dqm_source, m_dqms, m_event, m_first_endpath, m_first_path, m_interpaths, m_is_first_module, m_last_endpath, m_last_path, m_modules, m_nproc_enabled, m_paths, m_source, m_summary_all_endpaths, m_summary_all_paths, m_summary_event, m_summary_events, m_summary_interpaths, and m_summary_source.

Referenced by postEndJob().

  // transient dqm configuration
  m_nproc_enabled = false;
  // caching
  m_first_path = 0;          // these are initialized at prePathBeginRun(),
  m_last_path = 0;           // to make sure we cache the correct pointers
  m_first_endpath = 0;
  m_last_endpath = 0;
  m_is_first_module = false;
  // per-event accounting
  m_event = 0.;
  m_source = 0.;
  m_all_paths = 0.;
  m_all_endpaths = 0.;
  m_interpaths = 0.;
  // per-job summary
  m_summary_events = 0;
  m_summary_event = 0.;
  m_summary_source = 0.;
  m_summary_all_paths = 0.;
  m_summary_all_endpaths = 0.;
  m_summary_interpaths = 0.;
  // DQM - the DAQ destroys and re-creates the DQM and DQMStore services at each reconfigure, so we don't need to clean them up
  m_dqms = 0;
  // event summary plots
  m_dqm_event = 0;
  m_dqm_source = 0;
  m_dqm_all_paths = 0;
  m_dqm_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_dqm_interpaths = 0;
  // event summary plots - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
  m_dqm_nproc_event = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_source = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_all_paths = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_interpaths = 0;
  // plots by path
  m_dqm_paths_active_time = 0;
  m_dqm_paths_total_time = 0;
  m_dqm_paths_exclusive_time = 0;
  m_dqm_paths_interpaths = 0;
  // plots per lumisection
  m_dqm_byls_event = 0;
  m_dqm_byls_source = 0;
  m_dqm_byls_all_paths = 0;
  m_dqm_byls_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_dqm_byls_interpaths = 0;
  // plots per lumisection - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
  m_dqm_nproc_byls_event = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byls_source = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths = 0;
  // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity
  m_dqm_byluminosity_event = 0;
  m_dqm_byluminosity_source = 0;
  m_dqm_byluminosity_all_paths = 0;
  m_dqm_byluminosity_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_dqm_byluminosity_interpaths = 0;
  // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
  m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths = 0;
  m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths = 0;
  // per-path and per-module accounting
  m_current_path = 0;
  m_paths.clear();          // this should destroy all PathInfo objects and Reset the associated plots
  m_modules.clear();        // this should destroy all ModuleInfo objects and Reset the associated plots
void FastTimerService::setNumberOfProcesses ( unsigned int  procs)

Definition at line 526 of file

References spr::find(), diffTreeTool::format(), m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_event, m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byls_source, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source, m_dqm_nproc_event, m_dqm_nproc_interpaths, m_dqm_nproc_source, m_dqm_path, m_dqms, m_enable_dqm, m_enable_dqm_bynproc, m_nproc_enabled, and m_supported_processes.

Referenced by evf::FWEPWrapper::setupFastTimerService().

  // the service is not configured to support plots by number of processes
  if (not m_enable_dqm or not m_enable_dqm_bynproc)

  // the DQM store has not been configured yet
  if (not m_dqms)

  // check if the service is configured to support this number of processes
  if (std::find(m_supported_processes.begin(), m_supported_processes.end(), procs) == m_supported_processes.end()) {
    m_nproc_enabled = false;
    // event summary plots - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    m_dqm_nproc_event                     = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_source                    = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_all_paths                 = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths              = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_interpaths                = 0;
    // plots per lumisection - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_event                = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_source               = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths            = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths         = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths           = 0;
    // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event        = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source       = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths    = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths = 0;
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths   = 0;
  } else {
    m_nproc_enabled = true;
    // event summary plots - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    m_dqm_nproc_event                     = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "event"                    ).str() )->getTH1F();
    m_dqm_nproc_source                    = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "source"                   ).str() )->getTH1F();
    m_dqm_nproc_all_paths                 = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "all_paths"                ).str() )->getTH1F();
    m_dqm_nproc_all_endpaths              = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "all_endpaths"             ).str() )->getTH1F();
    m_dqm_nproc_interpaths                = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "interpaths"               ).str() )->getTH1F();
    // plots per lumisection - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_event                = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "event_byls"               ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_source               = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "source_byls"              ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_paths            = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "all_paths_byls"           ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_all_endpaths         = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "all_endpaths_byls"        ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byls_interpaths           = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "interpaths_byls"          ).str() )->getTProfile();
    // plots vs. instantaneous luminosity - summed over nodes with the same number of processes
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_event        = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "event_byluminosity"       ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_source       = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "source_byluminosity"      ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_paths    = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "all_paths_byluminosity"   ).str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_all_endpaths = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "all_endpaths_byluminosity").str() )->getTProfile();
    m_dqm_nproc_byluminosity_interpaths   = m_dqms->get( (boost::format("%s/Running %d processes/%s") % m_dqm_path % procs % "interpaths_byluminosity"  ).str() )->getTProfile();
void FastTimerService::start ( std::pair< struct timespec, struct timespec > &  times) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 413 of file FastTimerService.h.

References gettime().

Referenced by preModule(), preProcessEvent(), preProcessPath(), and preSource().

void FastTimerService::stop ( std::pair< struct timespec, struct timespec > &  times) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 418 of file FastTimerService.h.

References gettime().

Referenced by postModule(), postProcessEvent(), postProcessPath(), and postSource().


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 382 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), preProcessEvent(), and reset().

std::vector<PathInfo *> FastTimerService::m_cache_paths [private]

Definition at line 381 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), preProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 377 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), preProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 332 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 331 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 352 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 351 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 349 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 353 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 350 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 366 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 365 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 363 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 367 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 364 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 329 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 290 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 291 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 333 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

const uint32_t FastTimerService::m_dqm_ls_range [private]

Definition at line 298 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 296 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 297 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 294 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 295 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 339 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 338 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 359 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 358 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 356 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 360 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 357 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 373 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 372 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 370 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 374 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 371 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 336 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 340 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 337 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

const std::string FastTimerService::m_dqm_path [private]

Definition at line 299 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 343 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 345 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 346 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), preProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 344 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 292 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 293 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 330 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

const bool FastTimerService::m_enable_dqm [private]

Definition at line 277 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 287 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and postProcessEvent().

Definition at line 286 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and postProcessEvent().

Definition at line 284 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postModule().

Definition at line 288 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 278 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postProcessPath().

Definition at line 282 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postProcessPath().

Definition at line 281 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postProcessPath().

Definition at line 283 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postProcessEvent().

Definition at line 280 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postProcessPath().

Definition at line 279 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), and postProcessPath().

Definition at line 285 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and postProcessEvent().

Definition at line 272 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), and postProcessEvent().

Definition at line 270 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by FastTimerService(), postBeginJob(), postEndJob(), and postProcessPath().

Definition at line 273 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob().

double FastTimerService::m_event [private]

Definition at line 311 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), preProcessEvent(), queryEventTime(), and reset().

std::string const* FastTimerService::m_first_endpath [private]

Definition at line 306 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by prePathBeginRun(), preProcessPath(), and reset().

std::string const* FastTimerService::m_first_path [private]

Definition at line 304 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by prePathBeginRun(), preProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 315 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), preProcessEvent(), preProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 269 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob().

Definition at line 308 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), preModule(), preProcessPath(), and reset().

std::string const* FastTimerService::m_last_endpath [private]

Definition at line 307 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), prePathBeginRun(), and reset().

std::string const* FastTimerService::m_last_path [private]

Definition at line 305 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), prePathBeginRun(), and reset().

Definition at line 300 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent().

Definition at line 289 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), reset(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

Definition at line 274 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by prePathBeginRun().

double FastTimerService::m_source [private]

Definition at line 312 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessEvent(), postSource(), preSource(), querySourceTime(), and reset().

Definition at line 322 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob(), postProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 321 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob(), postProcessPath(), and reset().

Definition at line 319 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

unsigned int FastTimerService::m_summary_events [private]

Definition at line 318 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob(), preSource(), and reset().

Definition at line 323 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob(), postProcessEvent(), and reset().

Definition at line 320 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postEndJob(), postSource(), and reset().

const std::vector<unsigned int> FastTimerService::m_supported_processes [private]

Definition at line 301 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postBeginJob(), and setNumberOfProcesses().

std::pair<struct timespec, struct timespec> FastTimerService::m_timer_endpaths [private]

Definition at line 389 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), and preProcessPath().

std::pair<struct timespec, struct timespec> FastTimerService::m_timer_event [private]

Definition at line 386 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by currentEventTime(), postProcessEvent(), and preProcessEvent().

struct timespec FastTimerService::m_timer_first_module [private]

Definition at line 392 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), and preModule().

Definition at line 268 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by gettime(), postBeginJob(), and postEndJob().

std::pair<struct timespec, struct timespec> FastTimerService::m_timer_module [private]

Definition at line 391 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by currentModuleTime(), postModule(), postProcessPath(), and preModule().

std::pair<struct timespec, struct timespec> FastTimerService::m_timer_path [private]
std::pair<struct timespec, struct timespec> FastTimerService::m_timer_paths [private]

Definition at line 388 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postProcessPath(), and preProcessPath().

std::pair<struct timespec, struct timespec> FastTimerService::m_timer_source [private]

Definition at line 387 of file FastTimerService.h.

Referenced by postSource(), and preSource().