Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

JetPartonMatcher Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for JetPartonMatcher:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 JetPartonMatcher (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~JetPartonMatcher ()

Private Member Functions

int fillAlgoritDefinition (const Jet &)
int fillPhysicsDefinition (const Jet &)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)

Private Attributes

double coneSizeToAssociate
bool doPriority
edm::InputTag m_jetsSrc
edm::InputTag m_ParticleSrc
Handle< GenParticleRefVectorparticles
bool physDefinition
vector< int > priorityList
int theHardest
int theHeaviest
int theNearest2
int theNearest3

Detailed Description

Definition at line 94 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

JetPartonMatcher::JetPartonMatcher ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig)

Definition at line 122 of file

References coneSizeToAssociate, doPriority, edm::ParameterSet::exists(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), m_jetsSrc, m_ParticleSrc, and priorityList.

    m_jetsSrc           = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jets");
    m_ParticleSrc       = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("partons");
    coneSizeToAssociate = iConfig.getParameter<double>("coneSizeToAssociate");
    if ( iConfig.exists("doPriority") ) {
      doPriority = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doPriority");
      priorityList = iConfig.getParameter<vector<int> >("priorityList");
    } else {
      doPriority = false;
JetPartonMatcher::~JetPartonMatcher ( )

Definition at line 143 of file


Member Function Documentation

int JetPartonMatcher::fillAlgoritDefinition ( const Jet theJet) [private]

Definition at line 215 of file

References abs, coneSizeToAssociate, doPriority, spr::find(), m, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), reco::Candidate::p4(), particles, reco::Candidate::pdgId(), priorityList, reco::Candidate::pt(), reco::Candidate::status(), theHardest, theHeaviest, and theNearest2.

Referenced by produce().


  int tempParticle = -1;
  int tempPartonHighestPt = -1;
  int tempNearest = -1;
  float maxPt = 0;
  float minDr = 1000;
  bool foundPriority = false;

  // Loop over the particles in question until we find a priority
  // "hit", or if we find none in the priority list (or we don't want
  // to consider priority), then loop through all particles and fill
  // standard definition. 

  // Matching:
  // 1) First try to match by hand. The "priority list" is given
  //    by the user. The algorithm finds any particles in that 
  //    "priority list" that are within the specified cone size.
  //    If it finds one, it counts the object as associating to that
  //    particle.
  //    NOTE! The objects in the priority list are given in order
  //    of priority. So if the user specifies:
  //    6, 24, 21,
  //    then it will first look for top quarks, then W bosons, then gluons.
  // 2) If no priority items are found, do the default "standard"
  //    matching. 
  for( size_t m = 0; m != particles->size() && !foundPriority; ++ m ) {
    const Candidate & aParton = *(particles->at(m).get());

    // "Priority" behavoir:
    // Associate to the first particle found in the priority list, regardless
    // of delta R. 
    if ( doPriority ) {
      int ipdgId = aParton.pdgId();
      vector<int>::const_iterator ipriority = find( priorityList.begin(), priorityList.end(), abs(ipdgId) );
      // Check to see if this particle is in our priority list
      if ( ipriority != priorityList.end() ) {
        // This particle is on our priority list. If it matches,
        // we break, since we take in order of priority, not deltaR
        double dist = DeltaR( theJet.p4(), aParton.p4() );
        if( dist <= coneSizeToAssociate ) {
          tempParticle = m;
          foundPriority = true;
    // Here we do not want to do priority matching. Ensure the "foundPriority" swtich
    // is turned off. 
    else {
      foundPriority = false;

    // Default behavior: 
    // Look for partons before the color string to associate. 
    // Do this if we don't want to do priority matching, or if
    // we didn't find a priority object. 
    if( !foundPriority && aParton.status() != 3 ) {
      double dist = DeltaR( theJet.p4(), aParton.p4() );
      if( dist <= coneSizeToAssociate ) {
        if( dist < minDr ) {
          minDr = dist;
          tempNearest = m;
        if( tempParticle == -1 && ( abs( aParton.pdgId() ) == 4 )  ) tempParticle = m;
        if(                         abs( aParton.pdgId() ) == 5    ) tempParticle = m;
        if( > maxPt ) {
          maxPt =;
          tempPartonHighestPt = m;

  if ( foundPriority ) {
    theHeaviest = tempParticle; // The priority-matched particle
    theHardest  = -1;  //  set the rest to -1
    theNearest2 = -1;  // "                  "
  } else {
    theHeaviest = tempParticle;
    theHardest  = tempPartonHighestPt;
    theNearest2 = tempNearest;
    if ( tempParticle == -1 ) tempParticle = tempPartonHighestPt;
  return tempParticle;
int JetPartonMatcher::fillPhysicsDefinition ( const Jet theJet) [private]

Definition at line 326 of file

References abs, coneSizeToAssociate, doPriority, spr::find(), reco::flavour(), m, reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), reco::Candidate::p4(), particles, reco::Candidate::pdgId(), benchmark_cfg::pdgId, priorityList, reco::Candidate::status(), theHardest, theHeaviest, theNearest2, and theNearest3.

Referenced by produce().


  float TheBiggerConeSize = 0.7; // In HepMC it's 0.3 --> it's a mistake: value has to be 0.7
  int tempParticle = -1;
  int nInTheCone = 0;
  int tempNearest = -1;
  float minDr = 1000;
  bool foundPriority = false;

  vector<const reco::Candidate *> theContaminations;

  // Loop over the particles in question until we find a priority
  // "hit", or if we find none in the priority list (or we don't want
  // to consider priority), then loop through all particles and fill
  // standard definition. 

  // Matching:
  // 1) First try to match by hand. The "priority list" is given
  //    by the user. The algorithm finds any particles in that 
  //    "priority list" that are within the specified cone size.
  //    If it finds one, it counts the object as associating to that
  //    particle.
  //    NOTE! The objects in the priority list are given in order
  //    of priority. So if the user specifies:
  //    6, 24, 21,
  //    then it will first look for top quarks, then W bosons, then gluons.
  // 2) If no priority items are found, do the default "standard"
  //    matching. 
  for( size_t m = 0; m != particles->size() && !foundPriority; ++ m ) {

    const Candidate & aParticle = *(particles->at(m).get());

    // "Priority" behavoir:
    // Associate to the first particle found in the priority list, regardless
    // of delta R. 
    if ( doPriority ) {
      int ipdgId = aParticle.pdgId();
      vector<int>::const_iterator ipriority = find( priorityList.begin(), priorityList.end(), abs(ipdgId) );
      // Check to see if this particle is in our priority list
      if ( ipriority != priorityList.end() ) {
        // This particle is on our priority list. If it matches,
        // we break, since we take in order of priority, not deltaR
        double dist = DeltaR( theJet.p4(), aParticle.p4() );
        if( dist <= coneSizeToAssociate ) {
          tempParticle = m;
          foundPriority = true;
    // Here we do not want to do priority matching. Ensure the "foundPriority" swtich
    // is turned off. 
    else {
      foundPriority = false;

    // Default behavior: 
    if ( !foundPriority ) {

      // skipping all particle but udscbg (is this correct/enough?!?!)
      bool isAParton = false;
      int flavour = abs(aParticle.pdgId());
      if(flavour == 1 || 
         flavour == 2 ||
         flavour == 3 ||
         flavour == 4 ||
         flavour == 5 ||
         flavour == 21 ) isAParton = true;
      if(!isAParton) continue;
      double dist = DeltaR( theJet.p4(), aParticle.p4() );
      if( aParticle.status() == 3 && dist < minDr ) {
        minDr = dist;
        tempNearest = m;
      if( aParticle.status() == 3 && dist <= coneSizeToAssociate ) {
        //cout << "particle in small cone=" << aParticle.pdgId() << endl;
        tempParticle = m;
      // Look for heavy partons in TheBiggerConeSize now
      if( aParticle.numberOfDaughters() > 0 && aParticle.status() != 3 ) {
        if( flavour ==  1 ||
            flavour ==  2 ||
            flavour ==  3 ||
            flavour == 21 ) continue;
        if( dist < TheBiggerConeSize ) theContaminations.push_back( &aParticle );

  // Here's the default behavior for assignment if there is no priority. 
  if ( !foundPriority ) {
    theNearest3 = tempNearest;

    if(nInTheCone != 1) return -1; // rejected --> only one initialParton requested
    if(theContaminations.size() == 0 ) return tempParticle; //no contamination
    int initialPartonFlavour = abs( (particles->at(tempParticle).get()) ->pdgId() );

    vector<const Candidate *>::const_iterator itCont = theContaminations.begin();
    for( ; itCont != theContaminations.end(); itCont++ ) {
      int contaminatingFlavour = abs( (*itCont)->pdgId() );
      if( (*itCont)->numberOfMothers()>0 && (*itCont)->mother(0) == particles->at(tempParticle).get() ) continue; // mother is the initialParton --> OK
      if( initialPartonFlavour == 4 ) {  
        if( contaminatingFlavour == 4 ) continue; // keep association --> the initialParton is a c --> the contaminated parton is a c
        tempParticle = -1; // all the other cases reject!
        return tempParticle;
  // If there is priority, then just set the heaviest to priority, the rest are -1. 
  else {
    theHeaviest = tempParticle; // Set the heaviest to tempParticle
    theNearest2 = -1; //  Set the rest to -1
    theNearest3 = -1; // "                  "
    theHardest = -1;  // "                  "

  return tempParticle;   
void JetPartonMatcher::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iEs 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 149 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), fillAlgoritDefinition(), fillPhysicsDefinition(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), j, m, m_jetsSrc, m_ParticleSrc, particles, reco::LeafCandidate::pdgId(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), edm::Event::put(), reco::LeafCandidate::status(), theHeaviest, theNearest2, and theNearest3.

  edm::Handle <edm::View <reco::Jet> > jets_h;
  iEvent.getByLabel(m_jetsSrc,     jets_h    );
  iEvent.getByLabel(m_ParticleSrc, particles );

  edm::LogVerbatim("JetPartonMatcher") << "=== Partons size:" << particles->size();

  for( size_t m = 0; m != particles->size(); ++ m ) {
    const GenParticle & aParton = *(particles->at(m).get());
    edm::LogVerbatim("JetPartonMatcher") <<  aParton.status() << " " <<
                                             aParton.pdgId()  << " " <<
                                        << " " << 
                                             aParton.eta()    << " " <<
                                             aParton.phi()    << endl;

  auto_ptr<reco::JetMatchedPartonsCollection> jetMatchedPartons( new JetMatchedPartonsCollection(reco::JetRefBaseProd(jets_h)));
  for (size_t j = 0; j < jets_h->size(); j++) {

    const int theMappedPartonAlg = fillAlgoritDefinition( (*jets_h)[j] );
    const int theMappedPartonPhy = fillPhysicsDefinition( (*jets_h)[j] );

    GenParticleRef pHV;
    GenParticleRef pN2;
    GenParticleRef pN3;
    GenParticleRef pPH;
    GenParticleRef pAL;

    if(theHeaviest>=0)        pHV = particles->at( theHeaviest        );
    if(theNearest2>=0)        pN2 = particles->at( theNearest2        );
    if(theNearest3>=0)        pN3 = particles->at( theNearest3        );
    if(theMappedPartonPhy>=0) pPH = particles->at( theMappedPartonPhy );
    if(theMappedPartonAlg>=0) pAL = particles->at( theMappedPartonAlg );

  iEvent.put(  jetMatchedPartons );


Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by JetPartonMatcher(), and produce().

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by JetPartonMatcher(), and produce().

Definition at line 110 of file

Referenced by fillAlgoritDefinition(), fillPhysicsDefinition(), and produce().

Definition at line 114 of file

Definition at line 108 of file

Referenced by fillAlgoritDefinition(), and fillPhysicsDefinition().

Definition at line 105 of file

Referenced by fillAlgoritDefinition(), fillPhysicsDefinition(), and produce().

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by fillAlgoritDefinition(), fillPhysicsDefinition(), and produce().

Definition at line 107 of file

Referenced by fillPhysicsDefinition(), and produce().